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The General Evening Post (London)


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The General Evening Post (London)

Date of Article: 25/11/1755
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Address: Ave-Mary-Lane, London
Volume Number:     Issue Number: 3419
No Pages: 4
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Genera! Evening ( L O N D O N.) No. 341^. From SATURDAY November 22, to TUESDAY November 25, 1755- Frtm tbe LONDON GAZETTE, Cbnftjvtinople, October 16. , pafcha Echim Oglu, who was lately in the high Poft of Vizir, and exiled to Cyprus, is order' 4 from thence to Gallipoly, with an Intent, it is affured, to confer on him the Pafcbalyck of Tricalia, arid to join there- with that i> f Janina. The Jan^ fc* Aga was Yefterday depoMC and exiled. Be is fucceeded by the CtJtil Cheaia « y or Lieutenant Gene- ral of that Body. Rome Oa. 15. The Magiftrate of Health, on Notice th. itwhe Prague makes great Havock inAlbani, hastfenr circular Orders to all the Ports of the Ecclefi- aftical State to fuSjeft all Veffels from the Levant to 14 Days Quarantine. Yefterday arrived a Mail from FRANCE. Peterjburgh, 0£ f. 25. Letters from Perfia advife that on the 7th of June there happened a moft dread- ful Earthquake at Cachan, by which fix hundred Houfes were thrown down, and twelve hundred of the Inhabitants buried in their Ruins. The Caravan- fa ra of the City, one of theffneft in Perfia, being all of Marble, received conftderable Damage on this Occafion. Genoa, OH. 28. The Government continues tc make fuch Difpofitions in all Places iltuated along the Weftern Riviera, as if we were at the Eve of being attacked by fome formidable Power. Turin, Nov. 2. His Sardinian Majefty, ift Con- fequence of fome late Advices from Vienna, has given Orders for making feveral additional Works to moft of the fortifications and Fortreflls in Pied- mont, Montfprrat, and the Milaneze; and at the fame Time for ere& ing and charging feveral new Magazines with large provifion il Quantities of mili- tary Stores Paris A- la main, Nov 17. About Six o'Clock this Marring the Daupbinels was brought to Bed of a Prince It's ( sported here, that there hrs been a frefh Aftion in Amerca, wherein our Troo s had gained the Ad vantage. We impatiently expedt a Confir- mation of this News. An Arret of the Parliament has been publifhed, whereby all Mountebanks, Soldiers* and Barbers, are for Ridden to fell Drugs, or to undertake the Cure of any Diforders. ~ C O U N T~ R Y NEWS. Cambridge, Nov. 22. Lift Monday Night by the Violence of the Wind feveral large Trees belonging to Jefus College were torn up by the Roots; and the Steeple of St. Andrew's Church in this Town was greatly damaged. Briftol, Nov. 22. Thurfday laft was committed to Newgate Edmund Sanfum, Conftable, and David Lewis, Abraham Curry, John Griffiths, Thomas Williams, Richard Payne, and John Packer, Watch- men of St. Nicholas' Ward in this City ( appointed under the late A£ t of Parliament) for the Wilful Murder of Mary Wheeler. The fame Day the Co- roner's Inqueft fat on her Body, and unanimoufly brought in their Verdift Wilful Murder, it appearing by clear Proof on Oath, that under Pretence of taking her up, and carrying her to Bridewell, for being found wandering and mifbehaving herfelf, they knocked her down feveral times with their Staves, and, after many other Adls of Cruelty, ftrangled her with a Handkerchief, pretending to bind her there- with on fome Trucks, in order the more fafely to convey her to Prilon ; notwithftanding fome Gen- ilemen that happened to oafs by sr. d heard her Out- cries, £ 3rneft! y intreated them to behave towards her with more Humanity ; but they anfwered they had fufiicient Authority for what they did. SHIP NEWS. Plymouth, Nov. 18. The Sheernefs and Savage Sloops have brought in a large Ship from St. Do- mingo, with Sugar, Coffee, Indigo, and Cotton. She was intended lot Nantz. Deal, Nov. 23. Put back his Majefty's Ships Stir- ling- cattle, Roebuck, Centaur, Queenborough, and Maryland- Planter Armed Ship; Difpatch, Cruifer, and Swift Sloops. Arrived his M. vjefty's Ship the Ids Came down St. John, Thwaits, for Jamaica; the , King, for Gibraltar; and Nancy, Fining- ly, for Falmouth ; and remain with the Oxford, Vice- Admiral Smith, the Lys, Greyhound, Brilliant, and Roehampton ; Peggy, and Hazard Sloops, Dutch and Outward- bound. Arrived the Prince of Wales, Jub- ber, from Antigua ; the Anne, Howfon, and Difpatch, Bowman, from Malaga. Wind W. S. W. blows frelh. ^ The Elizabeth, Stewart; , ! Setrern, Rawiings, from Maryfe Farleigh, and -. arrived in ths Downs. William and Mary, Southcotf, and Charming Moliy:,- — 1 from Malaga, at BriftgL Rebecca, Low the r, from Philadelphia, Coik. Antigua Packet, Jack, from Oporto, at Dover, Dolly , Cole, from Meffina, at ditto. Dolphin, Bearly, from Seville, at ditto. Ceres, Tilfon, from Malaga, in the Riven. Brothers Adventure, —-, and Falmouth, Ander- fon, from Virginia, at Glafgow. Sarah, White, from Maryland, at Dover. Greyhound, Turner, and Thames, Saunders, both from Turkey, at Gibraltar. Fame, Seamour, from Cadiz, at New- York. Mediterranean, Pennell, from Leghorn, at Dover. Sufannah, Mackey, from Honduras, at Briltol. LONDON. TFhitehall, Nov. 22. The King has been pleafed to-^ appoint the Right Hon. Sir George Lyttehon, Bart, to be one of the Comrnliiioners of the Trea- fury, and Chancellor and' Xjn& St Treafurer of his Majefty's Exchequer, in the room of ths Right Hon. Henry Legge. Lord Vifcount Birringfon to be Secretary at War, in the room of the Right Hon. Henry Fox. And Sir Thomas Robinfon to be Keeper of the Great Wardrobe, in the room of Lord Barringion. Yefterday Advice came by the Way of Paris, that a rnoft dreadful Earthquake happe ned at Lifbon in the Night of the ift inft ( the Time that the Waters were fo much agitated here, and in many other Places); that the Earth opened, and fwallowed up great Numbers of Houfes, and Flames iffuing at the fame Time, fet on fire thofe that ftood ; that two 1 Thirds of that great City were deftroyerf, and j 100.000 Lives loft ; that the Spanifh Ambaffador and his Family were fwallowed up ; that tbe King was obliged to run out in his Shift, and fat in it without any other Cloathing for three flours in his Coach ; and that the reft of the Royal Family efcaped juft Time enough to fave their Lives ; tbe Palace, Cuftom- Houfe, See. being entirely deftroyed : and the Goods in all the Warehoufes towaids the Watet- fide are utterly fpoiled or loft. The Courier that brought this News to Paris fet oa/ the 4th in the Morning, when Part of the City waf ftill burning. The Paris Letters ' ilcewife fay, '. httf ' this Calamity was partly felt at Cadiz the fame Day, by a { r( 14nn&, and prodigious Swell of the Sea, which laid three Fourths of the City under Wat r ; but they had no Earthquake. A Ship that was forty Leagues from the Coaft felt an extraordinary Agitation in the Sea Capt. Beezeley, arrived in the River from Sev lie, brings Advice that the Earthquake at Lifbon was felt at the fame time at Seville, whereby ihe Cathedral Church and many other public and private Buildings were deftroyed, and all the Ships in the River drove afhore. We hear that the Merchants in the Portugal Trtde will petition the Lords of the Adinualty to poftpone the Departure of the Convoy defign'd for Lifbon, On Friday laft Admiral Weft came into Plymouth, with five Men of War under his Command. There are now lying in Plymouth Sound thirteen Ships of the Line. By the laft Letters from Plymouth it appears that the Efperance, taken by the Oiford Man of War, was not going from Rochefort to Breft, ( as men- tioned in former Advices) but was an old Hofpital Ship, homeward- bound from Louifbourg : As to the Engagement between them, it lafted five Giaffes, during which the Sea ran fo high, that neither of them could make ufe of their lower Tier of Guns. After the Efperance ftruck, Ihe was fo Ihattered and leaky, that fhe made three Feet Water in an Hour; upon which the Men were taken out of her, and fhe was fet on fire. His Majefty's Ship Revenge ( after being feventeen Days at Sea) was drove intoTorbay the 16th inftant, having loft her Main- Maft, and greatly damaged her Rudder. TheTpfwich proceeded with the two India- men under her Convoy. The Revenge has feveral French Prifoners on board, and the La Lucie, from Martinico, taken by her, has put inio Plymouth. The Alexander, M'Keon, is loft on Ifla in Scotland. The Myrtiila, from Lifbon, for Briftol, is loft off the Land's End. A Brigantine called the Ladana Charlotte, of Stockholm, whereof Sebaftian Badendyk was Mafter, Burthen 120 Tons, was on the 16th inftant > irove on Shore about Half a Mile to the Weftwaid of the Port of Haftings, by Strefs of Weather, where fhe now lies. The William and Mary Bilander, of Limington in Hampfhire, John Skull Mafter, Bun en 140 Tons, laden with Whaat, and bound from London for Liverpool, on the 4th inft. ran upon the L dge rear Preftholm ! fl nd, where Ihe ftruck, and then run for Conway Harbour, and on the yth ftruck upon the Sands on ihat Bar, and w< ts loft, with all her Cargo ; and the Crew wish gteat Difficulty fared their Lives, We hear the Right Hon. the Earl of Buckingham- fnire, Lord Lieutenant and Cuftos Rotulorum of th ® County of Norfolk, has given Orders for the Militi* to be raifed in that County. And ' Tis thought that all the Counties which border on the Sea Coafts will alfo have Orders for the raiting their Militia direftly. '' We hear that Capt John Barker is appointed C « p- tain of the Newark Man of War in the room of Capf. James Young, preferred. Friday laft the Hon. Henry Digby, Efq; was elefled Member of Parliament for Lugerfhall in Wilts James. Peachy, Efq; is elected Member of ParHa « ment for Seaford in SulTex, in the room of William Hav, Efq; deceasM. The Right Hon Lord Vifcount Barrington will be elected, without Oppofition, Member cf Parliament for Plymouth. As will Thomas Grofvenor, Efq; for the City of Chefter, in the room of Sir Robeit Grofvenor, Bart, his Father, deceafed. Saturday , Peter I^ udlow, Efq; killed his MajeftyV Hand on being created a Peer of Ireland, by the" Style and Title of Lord Ludlow of Ardfalla. It is daily t xpefled that a Patent will pafs the Seals for creating the Right Hon. Horatio Walpolea Peer of this Realm ; and we hear that Edward Bacon, Efq; Recorder of Norwich, will offer himfelf a Can- didate for that City. We hear from Glafgow, that fome Fellows have been detected there in coining of Money, and one of them apprehended with the Inftrunnents for coining about him, who was immediately committed to Pri- fon. Laft Thurfday Morning Ifabella Buckham, a Pa- tient in St. Bartholomew's Hofpital, being fufpe& ed of having been delivered of a Child, the Vault wa » fearchsd, and a new- born Male Infant was found. The Coroner's Jury was fummoned to meet upon that Account on Friday Evening, who brought in their Verdi£ t Wilful Murder, whereupon the Co- toner committed her to Newgate. She lately lived as a Servant near Gofwell- Street, and lays the Child to a Coachman, who would have married her, but ihe refufed. Laft Friday Night a French Officer, on Parole, was committed to St. Martin's Roundhoufe for ( hoot- ing at a Woman in the Strand, whom he has wounded in fuch a Manner that her Life is in great Danger. Saturday laft was committed to the New Gaol, Southward, by William Clarke, Efq; Walter Dixon, charged on tbe Oaths of William Davidfon, and others, with violently affaulting and wounding An- thony How, by giving him a Blow with a Stick on the left Temple, of which Wound he languifhei fourteen Days, and then expired, in St. Thomas's Hofpital. On Tuefday Evening laft, about Seven o'Clock, a fingle Highwayman robb'd a Coach going to Hack- ney, near Cambridge- Heath ; and another was robb'd on " Wednefday Evening about the fame Place. On Friday the Ludy of George Onflow, Efq; Son to the Right Hon. the Speaker of the Houfe of Com- mons, vas fafely delivered of a Son at his. Houfe in Soho- Square. On S iturday Morning laft . the Lady of William D; ake, Efq; Member of Parliament for Agmondelham in Bucks, was brought to Bed of a Son at his Houfe in Hill Street. Yefterday Morning died, univerfally lamented, Mr. Samuel Birt, an eminent Bookfeller in Aveiaary- Lane ; in which Bufinefs he acquired a plentiful Fortune with an unblemilhed Chara& er. fie WAS a tiu'y worthy, honeft Man 5 ready to do every good Office that lay in'his Power ; and fo remarkably in- oftenfive to all » that he never made any Man hii Enemy. ' John Grefwold, of Ewerly in the County of, Lin- coln, Hulbandman, Was in July Iaft feized with t violent Fever, which increafed to that Degree that he was given over by the Apothecary, and thfy ex- pected every Minute that he would die, when Mrs. Gunnell, Wife or the Rev Mr. Gunnel!, of Sleaford, being informed of his Cafe, and of the diftteffed Condition of his Wife a, id fix Children, went to fee: him, and with Difficulty caufed Sm to fwallpw one Paper of Dr. James's Powder that is fold at Mr. Newberv's in St. Paul's Church Yard, which in 4 few Hours began to operste, and he j> rew better, By repeating the fame Medicine feveraLTunes, there came from him ( even very large Worms, and h< mended every Dav, ar, d perfe£ tly recovered. B A N K R U P T S. . Ifaac Ellis, late ef Wakefield in Yo/ kfhire, Cha; man. Eaft- India- Houfe, Nov. it, » 7{ j. THE Court 01 Directors of the United Company of Merchants of En; land, trading to the Eaft- Indies, do hereby give Notice, hat a General Court of the faid Company will be hel- at their Houfe i; i Leadcnhall- Street, • Lor i n, an Wednefday the 26' h Dayjof this Injiant Nov em - b t at E - vet: in the Forenoon, to cor. fider of reducing the Div: d- nd payable cn the Capita! Stock of the Company, from and tier Chnftmas next, Old Stile, it being required by be zqtb B e- L iva, that no Alteration ( hall be made tbtreir. voithiui fitjb giving Six' Montfs Publick Notice th ; eof. WHEREAS a Warrant has been granted bv Mr. Juitice Fieiding agamft Jeremiah- Jefle Boreham, alias Jeile Boeiinf, alias ' Jeffs Borehrn, upon Sufpicion 6f robbing Mr. Myonnet. Whoever apprehends the faid Boreham, fo that he m r; be brought to fuftice, fhall be paid immediately upon his Commitment the Sutp'of 25I. by Mr. Dod, Attorney at Law, in Threadneedle- Street ; over and above 10 per Cent, upon the Mo- ney and Goods' itolen from Mr. Myonett, which ( hall be re- covered. N. B. The faid Boreham is about twenty- two Years of Age, of a middling Stature, rather tail than ( hort, thin, ftraight, and gen- teeliy made, but. ftoopmg in his Gate makes him appear round- fhoui'ered, his. Lfg9 and . Thighs are long, and he has a remarka- ble ] rrk in his Wa':-, his Eyes are black, his Face fomewhat pitted with thfrSrrtin- r'Ax, rather- pile tlvm frefh- coloured, with a dark Mark on one Side of his Keck refeaibhng Dirt: He did wear his own fJ^ ir tree behind,- which probacy may be fince cut off : Some- times he wore ^' r uftian Frock lapelltd ; at other Times a blolfom- colopred Coat rhuch faded, but is fuppofed to be now in deep Mourning for his- Mother. The faid- BorehaWuiis . bpni at CaHle- Hedingham in Elfex r Some Time ago he lived at Mr. Evatt's, a 1 Upholder, in Covent- Garden j afterwards with Mr. Jones, Auctioneer; and- lately with Mr. Sampfen, Upholder, in Conduit- Sjreet. , WESTMINSTLlTiliObGE OFFICE, November 18, 1755. To be Lett on Jbeaies, For a Term of Seventy two Years, FIVE feveral Pieces of Ground, belonging to the Commifhoners of Weftmin : er- Bridge, which adjoin to he New- Road, leading from the faid Bridge into Surry, viz. One Pieie. of Ground, fituate on the North Side of the faid New Road, containing in. Front or Length, from the Eaft End of another Piece of Groynd . there, now let to Mr. John Lambart, to the Weft- End of the Stone- Bridge, on the fame Side of the faid Road, 360 Feet, and in Depth from South to- North thirty- fix Feet. Another Piece, or Slip of Ground, fituate on - the faid North- Side of the fame Road, containing in Front or Length, from the Ea'. l- End of the faid Stone- Bridge, to the Eaft- End of a Houfe known by the Sign of the Horfe and Groom, at the Corner of Lamberh- Marfh, 195 Feet, and in Depth from South to North, twelve Feec, Another Piece of Ground, fituate on the South- Side of the faid New- i< oSd, containing in Front or Length, from the Eaft- End of the Stone- J3; e5ge, wm- ihadjj'ns to the Narro v Wall there, to the Weit- End' of another Stone'- Widge 111 the faid South- Side of the fame Road, 689 Feet, and in depth from North to South, twelve Feet, i' Awitl. ef. Piece of Ground, fituale on the faid South- Side of the fame Road, containing in Front or Length, from the Eait- End of the faid Jail- mentioned ' Stone- Bridge,- to a Houfe known by the Sign of rrte tfo" re anfl! Crown, at the'Corner of Lambetii- Marfli, 196 ftfet', and in Depth, from North to South, twelve Feet. And another" Piece e£ Ground, fituate on the Weft- Side of Part of the> fmd N « w- § . eid* ' extending. Southwards from Lambeth- Lane, to the ! vof'th'- Si£ e of an'other Road that leadefli to Lambeth Church, and copt. injng in Length 784. Feet, and ill Depth from Eaft to Weii. for'ty- t'hree Feet. Aud. aoy Perfoi) or Perfons willing .- to treat for the faid feveral Pieces of Ground, or any of them, may fend Propofals for tliofe Purppfes,_ fealed up, to the faid Commiffioners Office, in Abing- don- Street, Weftminfter, on Tuefday the 13th Day of January next, between the Hours of Ten and Twelve in the Forenoon. —"*'•'.. . To be~ LETT, And entered upon at Lady- Day next, ALL that ancient, commodious, and well- accuftomed Inn, known by the Sign of the King's- Arms in the Borough and Market- Town of Camelford, in Cornwall, fituate in the great Poft and Coach Road from London to Fal- nioifth, with convenient Stables, and Ground thereunto adjoining, now in the PoITefiion of Jonathan Rundel. Any,- Perfon inclinable to treat may apply to Mr. Hargrave, Merchantin Lopdon ; Mr. Gifford in Exon ;.. o. r Mr. John Mal- let, . the Owner, at Camelford. Great Encouragement will be giveh ta the Taker. • ' ' • Exon, November IO, 1755. NOTICE is hereby given, That on Thurfday the nth Day of December next, by Three of the Clock in the Afternoon, will' be fold at Swales Coffee- Houfe, in the City of Exeter, either together or in Lots, ABO U'T Three Tons' and a Half of J~\ WHALEBONE, thr'ej Tons of which is from Six Feet and a Half- to TeniF- eet ' artd a- Half in Length, and is the Merchantable Bone of Five Filh and a Quarter; and the other half Ton is the lhort Bpne of the faid Fifti, and of another fmall Fifh. All lately imported by, the, LOYAL, CLUB belonging to the Exeter Whale- Fifhery Company. And likewife fo much of the Oil of the faid Fifh as at that Time remains undifpofed of, will alfo then be fold. In - the mean Time Application may be made to Matthew Lee, E%; Tieafujer, to Mr. Thomas Colemijn in Topfhamy, where the Bene may be jVieyed, or to_ Thomas Stokes, Clerk 10 the Com pany in Ejt. eter. . '" To be SOLD, ' to the higheft Bidders, By the Affignee, tinder a Commiffion of Bankrupt, awarded againit Robert Lucas, at the following Times and Places. AFreehold Houfe, and feveral Parcels of Grouhd to the fame belonging, fituate at Fenftanton, in the County ' of Huntingdon. Alto a Copyhold Ffoufe, with a fmaN. plat of Ground, and fome Common Right thereto belong- ing, fituate in the Manor of Houghton cum Witton, in the fame Cfounty ; thefe Were late the F. flates of the faid Bankrupt, and will be fold fepatatelyj » t the Crown Inn'in St. Ives, in the fame County, on Monday the 15th of December next, at Two in the Afternoon. . And on the iSth of December next, at Two in the Afternoon, will be fold at the George Inn in Yarm, in Yoiklhire, A new- eiefted FlOur- Mill, having two Pair of French Stones, with Gra- * aiies, and all proper Cortveniendes for Bolting and Dieffing of Flour, fituate. on the River Leaven, near the Riyer Teafie, between Stockton and Yarm afprefaid, in a good Corn Country, and nigh feveral Market- Towns ; Boats nja/ be Navigated to the faid " Mill at Spring- Tide?: This Mill, with a Parcel of Ground ad- joining, are held under a Leafe lately granted to the Bankrupt, . wherein above forty Years are yet to come. # Enquire of Mr. Stephenfon, an Attorney in St, Ives; or of \ Mr, Burton, in Yarm aforefaid. Wo - tie SD % SD,. At Leexe- Park near Chelmsford, in Effex, E^ AT DOES, full- aged, at a Guinea a- Piece, for ready Money. Enquire of the Keeper. % o be ^ i! D IL 2), 7 And entered upon at Lady Day next, at Swepflone, in the County of Leicejler, rHE Eftate late of Thomas Muxloe, Efq; ( being Freehold) confifting of a large Manfion- Houfe, with with Barns, Stables, Coach- Houfe.^ ad Gardens; together with near 180 Acres of inclofed PaftureT^ id, great Part whereof is con- tiguous to the faid Manfion- Houfe ; and alfo a perpetual Annuity of 3 1. the whole being of the yearly Value of 180 1. and upwards. Enquire of Mr. Devon, at No. 17, in Clement's- Inn, London ; Mr. Jofeph Boyer, of Loughborough, in the faid County of Lei- cefter ; Mr. Jofeph Wilks, of Overfeal in the fame County ; or of Mr. Thomas Clare, of Atherftone, in the County of Warwick. " BOOKS now on SALE, at Tunbridge-( Veils. SEVERAL entire Libraries and Parcels of Books, confifling of many Thoufand Volumes, lately purchafed ; moft of which are in elegant Condition ; began felling this Day, and will be continued on Sale during the Winter. By EDMUND' BAKER, Bookfeller. Catalogues, with the loweft Price, mark'd to every Book, may be had Gratis, of Mr. Beecraft in Lombard- Street, Mr. Owen at Temple- Bar, the Bookfeilers of Oxford, Cambridge, and moft of the great Towns in England, of all the Bookfellers in Kent and SufTex, and at the Place of Sale. Lately imported from Rome, In One large Volume, Quarto, Price 10 s. 6 d. few'd, a few Copies of a Eook, entitled, CRITERIUM Novorum Syftematum Philofophiie, per deodecim Demonftrationes quas ab illuftri- oribus Europas Academiis redeuntes incolumes Sanilifiimo Pairi BENEDICTO XIV. Pont. Opt. Max. Humillime. Syftit D. CA- M1LLUS DURANTES, C. R. Soid by S. Bladon, in Eater- nofter- row. Latey publifhed, ( Price 1 1. 10 s. in Sheets ) THE Fourth Volume of Mr. CARTE's GENERAL HISTORY of ENGLAND. Printed for W. RufTel, at Horace's Head, without Temple- Bar. This Day were publifhed, In ONE VOLUME, OCTAVO, ( Price 4 s. 6 d. bound ) SIX DISSERTATIONS on different SUBJECTS. By JOHN JORTI N, D. D. Re£ lor of St. Dunftan in the Eaft.. Printed for J. Whifton ane B. White, in Fleet- Street. tVbere may be bad, by tht fame Author, Price 4 1. I. Seven Difcourfes concerning the Truth of the CHRISTIAN RELIGION. 3d Edition correfled. II. Remarks on Ecclefiaftical Hiflory. Vol. zi, and 3d, to compleat Sets. " This Day was publifbed, ( Price bound 2 s. or zo s. a Dozen, to well- difpofed Perfons who incline to give them away) The SECOND EDITION of A GOLDEN TREASURY for the JT\ CHILDREN of GOD, whofe Treafure is in Heaven ; confifting of fele£ t Texts of the Bible, with pra& ical Obfervations in Profe and Verfe, for every Day in the Year. Wriiten by C. H, v. BOGATZKY. With a Preface of the Author, on the Right Ufe of this Book. And now for its great Ufefulnefs tranflated from the German into Englilh. , << v/ here your Treafure is, there will your Heart be alfo." Matth. vi. zi. Printed for A. Linde, in Catherine- Street, in the Strand ; and T. Field, at the Wheat- Sheaf, the Corner of Paternofler- row, Cheaplide. Next Monday will be publifb'd, In Two Volumes, [ Price 12 s J ( Tranflated into Englifli, with Notes Critical and Explanatory) " FABIUS QUINCTILIANUS his INSTITUTES of ELOQUENCE : or, The Art of Speaking in Publick, in every Charadter and Capacity, By WILLIAM GUTHRIE, Efq; Quot Ofhci. i Oratoris, tot funt Genera dicendi. Cicero. Printed for T. Waller, oppofite Fetter- lane, Fleet ftreet. Where may be had, tranflated by the fame Hand, CICERO'S ORATIONS, and his other Pieces. In 8 Volumes. Price 2 1. 2 s. Th. i Day vcas fublilb'tt, fPrice 1 s. 6 d.) THE DEVIL upon CRUTCHES in; ENGLAND : or, NIGHT SCENES in LONDON. A Satirical Work. Written upon the Plan of the celebrated DIABLE BOITEUX, of Monf. Le Sage. By a Gentleman of Oxford. " O Proceres, Cenfore Opus eft an Harufpice Nobis." Printed for Philip Hodges, at the Globe in Great Turnftile, Ho'lborn. Where may be had, Money for any Library or Parcel of Books. This Day was publstfd, In ONE VO L U M E, OCTAV o, A New Edition, To which is now firft added, An Alphabetical Lift of all the Counties, Cities, and Boroughs; ( hewing the Time they firft began to fend - Members ; their Rights of Elefiion as fettled by the Houfe ; and an Account of ali the controverted Elections from the Year 1624, to the End of the iaft Parliament, THE BRITISH PARLIAMENTARY REGISTER. Containing, I. A Lift of all the Parliaments, with the feveral Alterations which have happened by Deaths, Preferments, and undue Elec- tions, from the Union to the End of the'ioth and laft Parliament. II. An Account of the Petitioners, whofe Petitions have been unfuccefsful, as well as thofe who fucceeded. III. An Alphabetical Lift of all the Members, and their Coun- try Seats ; fhewing the feveral Counties, Cities or Boroughs, which they have reprefented. IV. The Heads of the Statutes now in Force concerning EleiSions. V. A Lift- of the Scots Peers returned to the Englifh Parlia- ment fince the Union. Printed for T. ASTI. EY; And fold by R. Baldwin, at the Rofe in Paternofler- row. N. B. Thofe who purchafed the above Book, when firft pub- lifhed, may have the Additional Part Angle. Price 1 s. A fUs Day was publijhed, In TWO VOLUMES, Folio, Compleat, Illuftrated with M A P S,' on twenty- four Copper- Plates, ( Price 4 1. in Sheets, or 41. 10 s. bound) Mr. POSTLETH& ATT's UNIVERSAL DICTIONARY O F TRADE and COMMERCE. Printed for John Knapton, in Ludgate- Street. Gentlemen who want any Numbers to compleat their Sets, are defired to order them as foon as pofiible. This Day was publifhed, ( Price Six- pence) A N Epiftle from Mr. THEOPHILUS l\ CIBBER to DAVID GARRICK, Efq; To which is prefixed, Some Occafional VERSES, PETITIONS, & c, ' Lowlinefs is young Ambition's Ladder, * Whereto the Climber upwards turns his Face j * But when he once attains the upmoft Round, ' He then unto the Ladder turns his Back, ' Looks in the Clouds, fcorning the bafe Degrees • By which he did afeend. Shakefpeare. ' Let them not fay in their Hearts, ah, fo we would have it s • Let them not fay, we have fwallowed him up.' Pfal. xxxv. V. 15. Printed for R. Griffiths, in Pater- nofter- row. This Day was publifhed, ( Price 5 s.) Particular Relation of the dreadful Earth- quake which happened at LIMA, the Capital of PERU, and the neighbouring Port of CALLAO : With an Account like- wife of every Thing material that palled there afterwards. Pub- liflied at Lima by Command of the Viceroy, and tranflated from the original Spanifh, by a Gentleman who refided many Years in thofe Countries. To which are added, a Defcription of Callao and Lima, before their Deftruftion ; of the Kingdom of Peru, with its Inhabitants ; fetting forth their Manners, Cuiloms, Religion, Government, Commerce, & c. A Map of the Country about Lima, a Plan of the City itfelf; others of the Road and Town of Callao; Cuts of the Natives, drawn on the Spot • and a full Ac- count of the Deftruifion of Port Royal in Jamaica. Sold by J. Robinfon, at the Golden- Lion in Ludgate- Street. This Day was pub'fh'd, Recommended by feveral eminent tVLaflers, The NINTH EDITION, accurately Revifed, Cor. efted, and Improved, being a Compleat Book on the Subject, ARITHMETICS both in the THORY and PRACTICE, msde plain an-! eafy in all the Common and Ufeful Rules, both in Whole Numbers and Fraftions, Vulgar, and Decimal, Alfo Intereft Simple and Compound, and Annuities. Likewife Extradlion of the Square and Cube Roots. As alfo the Tables and Conftru£ lion of Logarithms, with their Ufe in Arith- metick, and Compound Intereft. Together with Arithmetical and Geometrical Progreffion, and the Combination and Eleftion, Per- mutation, and Compofition of Numbers and Quantities. With the Addition of feveral Algebraical Queftions. The like not extant By JOHN HI L L, Gent. Printed for R. Ware, J. Knapton, T. Longman, C. Hitch and L. Hawes, J. Hodges. J. and J. Rivington, f. Ward, and M. Cooper. This Day was publifbed, ( Price 1 s. bound) ( Very neceflary for. all who would attain to a true Knowledge of the Engiilh Language) AGuide to the Englilh Pronunciation and Orthography: In Eafy Verfe. By which All wlio can Read may learn to fpeak and write Englifh, as corredtly as thofe who have had a liberal Education. To which is added, An Alphabetical Colleftion ( with the Meaning) of One Thon- fand Words nearly alike in Sound, but different in Senfe and Spel- ling. Alfo, An Explanation of Abbreviations, Notes of Refe- rence, and other Marks that often occur 111 Writing. By SAMUEL HAMMOND, Majler of the Bluecoat School in Nottingham. Recommended by feveral eminent Schoolmalters and other Inge- nious Perfons. Printed for T. Field, at the Wheatlheaf, the Corner of Pater- nofter- row, Cheapfide : . And fold by the Author at Nottingliam. This Day was publifhed, With the Arms of all the Peers of Great- Britain and Ireland beautifully engraved by T. JEFFERIES, Geographer to his Royal Highnefs the Prince of WALES. The FIFTH EDITION, for the Year 1756, of ACOMPANION to the ALMANAC : Containing correft Lifts of the Peers of Great- Britain and Ireland, and of the Britifli Houfe of Commons, with tile Places they hold under the Government, and their Places of Refidence- Lifts of the Great Officers of State, Officers of the Houffiold to his Majefty, the Prince, the Princefs Dowager, the Duke, and ali the Royal Family; of the Officers belonging to_ all the Public Offices in England, with their Duty, Bufinefs, and Salaries - Lifts of the Army and Navy ; of all the trading Companies* Public Societies and Charities, with an Account of their firft In- ftitutions; a new Table of the different Weights of all the trading Cities of Europe Printed for T. JefEerys at Charing Crofs ; J. Payne in Pater- nofter- row ; W. Clarke* behind the Exchange; Turner in Jermyn- ftrest, St. James's ; and Tovcy in Weftminller- Hali. This Day was publijhzd, In FOUR VOLUMES, OCTAVO, ( Price i 1. 4 s. bound) ( With correfl Maps of Judea and Jerufalem, Plans of Solomon's Temple, and feveral other Cofper- Phtei) THE Works of FLAVIUS JOSEPHUS, the JEWISH HISTORIAN. Tranflated from the Original Greek according to HAVERCAMr's accurate Edition. With the NOTES of RELAND, CELLAR1US, Dean ALDRICH, and Dr. BERNARD ; None of which are in any other Tranflation. With new Obfervations, Contents, parallel Texts of Scripture, and compleat Indexes. Alfo the true Chronology adjufted in the Margin. And an exaift Account of the Jewiih Coins, Weights, and Meafures. By WILLIAM W H I S T O N, M A. The SECOND EDITION, correiled. Printed for D. Browne, without Temple- Bar; A. Millar, in the Strand ; J. Whifton and B. White, in Fleet- Street ; and fold by S. Bladon, in Pater- nofter- Row. Where may be had, The fame Work in One Volume, Folio, printed on a fine Paper, Price I 1, JO s. and Two Volumes, Folio, Royal Paper, Price al. as. This Day was publijhed, ( In FIVE VOLUMES) The CONTINUATION of the PARLIAMENTARY, or CONSTITUTIONAL, HISTORY of ENGLAND, From tile Battle Nafeby, in 1645, where the Thirteenth Vo- lume ends, to the Beheading of the King, the DilTold'tion of the Houfe of Lords, and the Aboliilling of Monarchy; when the Houfe of Commons voted themfefves to be the Sole Legiflative Power of the Nation, Faithfully extracted from the JOURNALS of PARLIAMENT, and other undoubted AUTHORITIES. By the fame HANDS as the firit Thirteen Volumes. London: Printed for W. SA BY, at the Ship, in Fleet- Street. Where may be had the former Volumes. The remaining Volumes ( wlficli will bring tire Work down to the Reftorntion) are in the Prefs, and will be publuhed with all due Expedition. At the fame Place may be had, Sir JOHN STRANGE's REPORTS. Two Volumes, Folio, fries Three Guineas. This Day was ublfhed, In Two POCKET VOLUMES, T Price S x Shillings boui. dj THE CONNOISSEUR. By Mr. TOWN, Critick and Cenfor - General. . " Non de Villis Domibufve alienis " Nec male necne Lepos faltet j fed quod magis ad oos " Pertinet & rel'cire malum eft, agitamus." Hor. Who better knows to build, and who to dance, Or this from Italy, or that from France, Our Conno. iTeur w 11 ne^ er pretend to fcan, But point the Follies of Mankind to Man ; Th* important Knowledge of ourfelves explain, Which, not to know, all Knowledge is but vain. Printed for R. Baldwin, in Pater- nofter- Row. N. B-. In thii Edition the Papers are revifed and corrected : The Mottas and Quotations are tranflated, and adapted to modern Man- ners, in a new ' 1 alte, by the duthori. A copious Contents is pre- fixed to each Volume. (£ f » Number XCV. of the CONNOISSEUR, in Folio, was pubhflied on Thur day, Price Two- Pence. T » he continued every Thurfday — The Firft Volume, or any odd Numbers, may at prefent be had. This U^ y wu yii- ujrjii. In a neat POCKET' VOLUME, ( Price boynd is. 6 d, or 2 s. in Calf) The THIRD EDITION, carefully revifed, with Additions, of A LAW GRAMMAR; or. Rudiments of the LAW: Compiled from the Grounds, Principles, Maxims, Terms, . Words of Art, Rules, and Moot- Points pf our Law, in a new, eafy, and very concife Method. For the particular inllruaion r: all young Gentlemen, either at Schools, Colleges, or the Univcrfities, or if privately educated, Attorneys Clerks, and other Pe. lons j whereby they will acquire a great deal more ufeful Law- Learning than by any of the Books vet publifhed. By G. J A COB, Gent. Author of the New Law- Dictionary In the Savoy : Printe- I by Henry Lintot, for John Ward, at the King's- Arms, in Corn'nil. Where may be had, by the fame Au'hor, The General Laws of Eftates; or, Freeholders Companion. In One Vol. 8vo. Price bound 5 s. __________ This Day was publijhed, For the USE of SCHOOLS, The Fourth Edition, in One Volume, OCtavo, ( Price Six Shillings ) OVID's METAMORPHOSES. In FIFTEEN BOOKS. With the Arguments and Notes of JOHN MINELLIUS, Tranflated into ENGLISH. To which is, Marginally added, A PROSE TRANSLATION ; viz. The very Words of OVID, digefted into the proper Order of Conftruing ; by the Affiftance of which young Scholars, of but a very fmall Acquaintance with the Rules of Grammar, may be enabled of themfelves, with Eafe and Pleafure, . to learn their Lefl'ons without Interruption to the Teacher. By N A T H A N BAILEY, Author of the JJniverfal Etymological Englijh DICTIONARY. Printed for W. Innys and J. Richardfon, R. Ware, C. Kitch and. L. Hawes, J. Hodges, f. and J. Rivington, R. Baldwin, J. Ward, W. Johnfton, M. and T. Longman, and P. Davey and B. Law. This Day were publijhed, THE EXETER POCKET JOURNAL: or, Weft- Country GENTLEMAN and TRA ESMAN't MEMORANDUM- BOOK, for the Year of our L- rd 175 . Of general Ufe to ail Perfons, but mare tfpacially to ihe Inha- bitants cf, or thofe who have Dealings or Commtrce in, the Weftern Counties. CONTAINING, I. The proper Heads for a Weekly Account throughout the Year, ruled with convenient t olumns forReceipts and ayments, and Parti- tions for daily Memorandums of Bufinefs done, and Appointments of what is to be done, either in Bufinefs or Pie. fure II. Tables of Foreign Gold, Foreign Coins, imple Intereft at all Rates, Valuation of Annuities : or Years certain, and other ufeful Tables. III. An Account cf the Sun H e- Cffice for Infuiance, and its Premiums, and of the Tranter Days and payments at the Bar. k, and South- Sea and Eaft- mdia Houfes IV. I he Regal Table fr m ' he Conqucft ; l ifts of Rifhops of Devonfhire and Cornwall, b th before and fince their Unii n in one Diocefe— Alfo cf the Members of r. v liament for thofe Counties, and for the Ciiy of Exeter from the Keltoration to th s Time ; of the Mayors of the faid ( ity, and Sheriff., thereof, as well as of the Counties of Devon and lornw, II, for twen. y Yeari la it paft. V. Accounts ai ihe Poll- Roads from Exeter, Raes ot oftage Coafting- Ships between Exmer and L- jndon with the Names of 1 lie Owners, and at. what Wh; rfs ihey unlo- d ; Stage- Coaches, ; ye- Coaches, Poft- Cha fes, Saddle Hoifes, and Carr ers, nh the Places where they put up, and at what Time they fet out fn m, or arrive in, 1 xeier, i. ondcn, & c. the fei. ral Great Reads leading fiom Exeter, & c. wiih ihe Diftarces between Town and Town, & c and - tile Gentlemersi Seats in or near the f. me, and on which Side of the Roads they lie, and in what arifhes & c VI A morecoireft Account than has bten hitherto publifhed cf the Fairs in Devor. fhne ard Corn all, fhe • ing on what Days th y have been held fince ihe Al eration of the Stile, according to the { left information thereof - h. it could be pi cured. ( T b. ont n e- An: ual y ) Printed . for B I turn, o kfiller, in St teter's Church- yard, txsn j and Old by iVieff. Davey and Law, in Ave- mary lane. this Day was published, In TWO POCKET VOLUMES, Interfperfed with the various Fortunes of certain noble Perfonages deeply concerned in the Northern Com- motions in the Year 171 J, T H E LIFE and ADVENTURES JAMES RAMBLE, Efq; Written by HIMSELF. Printed for R. Baldwin, at the Rofe, in Pater- nofter- Row. bis Day was publy& ed, ACATALOGUE of the Libraries of Aindry learned and eminent Perfons, purchafed by the late Mr. CHARLES DAVIS, Bookfeller in Holborn ; Conlifting of upwards of Twenty Thouland Volumes, of the moft fcarce and valuable Books, in the different Sciences and Languages ; many of them bound in Morocco, Rufiia and other elegant Bindings. Which will begin to be fold, at his late Dwelling- Houfe, againft Gray's- Inn- Gate, Holborn, at a very low Rate, ( the Price of each Article printed in the Catalogue) on Thurfday the 10th Inftant, and continue on Saie until the 24th of December next, ana no longer. CATALOGUES axe delivered by MefT. Chappelle in Grofvenor- Stieet; Woodfall at Charing- Crofs ; Erackftone at the Royal- Exchange ; the Bookfellers of Oxford and Cambridge, and moft of the noted Market- Towns in England : And by Lockyer Davis and Charles Reymers, at the Place of Sale ; by whom the Bufi- nefs is continued. This Day were pubiijhed, DISCOURSES touching the Antiquity of the HE BREW T ONGUE and Charaaers. By T H O M A S S H A R P E, D. D. Archdeacon of Northumberland) and Prebendary of Durham, Printed for John Knapton, in Ludgate- ftreet. Where may be had by the fame Author, Mr. Hutcliinfon's Expofition of Cherubim, and his Hypothefis concerning them, examined,' in three Difcourfes, wherein alfo what hath been advanced by fome late Writers in fupport of this Doit rule is occafionally confid. red. Two Differtations oh the Etymology and Scripture Meaning of the Words ElobM and Beritb, 8vo. Price 2s. 6d. A Review and Defence of the Two Diflertations, & rc. In two Parts, Price 2 s 6 d. The Rubric of the Common Prayer and Canons of the'Church of England, fo far as they relate to the Parochial Clergy, confidered 8vo. Price 4s 6d. , ' iVow put/ hjhed, With the KING's Royal LICENCE, A NEW EDITION of MACAU LAY's SHORT- HAND. The Characters to be get by heart are but very few, which may be quickly and eafily attained, as is evident by feveral Chil- dren, who, when under ten Years old, learn'd this Art by the Book alpne, without the Help of a Matter. By this Method Words in general may be wrote in lefs Time than fingle Letters in the common Way of Wiiting ; which renders it very ufeful in taking down Sermons, Speeches, Tryals, and Debates, as welt as Variety of other Things, which require great Difpatch. Printed for Aulay Macaulay, the Author, and fold by him in St. Anne's Square, Manchefter ; from which Place a quick Con- veyance, at an eafy Fxpence, may be had, by applying to thofe Shopkeepers that have Goods from thence. N. B. Good Profit is allowed to thofe that fell them, with twelve Months Crei it. This Day -^ a pu 7ujh a, In ONE VOLUME, Quarto, The SECOND EDITION, greatly Improved and Enlarged, of ATreatife of VENEREAL DISEASES. In NINE BOOKS. Containing an Account of the Origin, Propagation, and Contagion * of this Diftemper : As alfo of the Nature, Caufc, and Cure of all Venereal Diforders, whether Local or Univerfal. Together with A fhort AWrafl of the Lives of the Authors who have wrote on tliofe Difeafes, and a Lift of their Works. By J U H N AS T R U C, Phyftcian to his prefent Majefty the King of France, Tranfiated from the Original Latin by W. BARROWBY, M. B. Late Phyfician to St. Bartholomew's Hofpital. Printed for W. Innys and J. Richardfon, J. Clarke, R. Manby, H. S. Cox, L. Davis and C. Reymers. This Day was puoitfhed, / Price bound 7 s. 6 < J. 1 The FIFTH EDITION, very much improved and enlarged, being brought down to the prefent Time, and is now the molt com- pleat and perfeft Work of the Size and Price, THE IRISH COMPENDIUM; or, RUDIMENTS of H O N O U R. Containing the Defcent, Marriatte, Iffue, Titles, Pofts and Seats of all the Nobility" of IRELAND. With their Arms, Crefirs, Supporters, Mottos, and Parliament Robes, exaftly engraved on COPPER- PLATES. Printed for C. Hitch and L. Hawes, T. Aftley, R. Baldwin, S. Crowder and H. Woodgate, in Pater- nofter- row ; J. Hodges, on Londcti- Bridge ; and A. Millar, in the Strand. Of whom may be had, 1. The BRITISH COMPENDIUM. In Three Vols. The Tenth Edition greatly enlarged and Improved. Price 12 s. 6 d. 2. The SCOTCH COMPENDIUM. The Fifth Edition, cor- rected. Price / s. 6 d. " supplement. LONDON, November 25. Notwithftanding the prefent moderate, humane, polite, and generous Behaviour of the French to the Englifh, ( which they fcem to take great Pains to perfuade the World of) we are informed, from good Authoiity, that the Inttru& ions intercepted by Adm. Bofcawen breathed nothing bur Blood and Slaughter, and that in the defigned Attack upon Halifax no Quarter was to be given to Man, Woman, or Child ! ' Tis faid that a Jew Merchant of this City has fuftained ioo, cool. Damage by the Earthquake at Lifbon. Extrhtt of a Letter from Portfmmth, dated Nov. i 4. " Saturday Admiral Byng returned from his Cruize to Spithead. The Efpefance, taken by the Oriord, had tweltfe Feet Water in her Hold, and was in Danger of finking ; the Admiral, therefore, ordered her to be burnt. " I he Ipfwich went a hundred Leagues to the Weftward with the two India Ships, antl is returned in a leaky Condition. By a Veficl which fhe met at Sej they were informed, that on the iff inftant an Earthquake happened at Lifbon, which had levelled the Paiace, almoft ruined the whole City, and killed a gieat Number of People. " We have h.. d exceflive bad Weather here for many Days paft. Laft Night a French Ship with Fifh, making for the Harbour under a double- reef'd Forefdil, was forced on South Sea Beach ; but as the Weather is a little more moderate, ' tis hoped fhe will be got off again." At a Court of Common- Councif held this Day, a Motion was made to petition the Parliament tor a General National Militia; and the Queftion being put, the Majority was declared for the Queftion; but a Divifion being moved for, there appeared to be For the Queftion 66, Againft it 86. The Lucks, Richardfon, and Ann, Hamilton, from Maryland, and Scipio, Farquh. tr, from Ma- deira, are arrived in the Downs. This Morning, by the Violence of the Wind, a Bomb Boat overfet near Cherry- Garden Stairs, and the IVIan in her was drowned This Morning was married, at St. Mary Msgda- len's Church, Old Filh- Street, Mr. John Peirion, Mercer, of York, to Mifs Lucy Reynolds, ( Daughter of the late Colonel Reynolds} a very agreeable young Lady, with a Fortune of 3000 1 A SONG for His Majefty's Birth- Day 1755. ( Compofed by a Gentleman of Worcef+ er, and fung after Di nner, at a nunietouc Meeting ofGentlemen and Clergy, at the Talbot in that City.) BRITONS! be loyal now, Join to give Glory to GEORGE, your great King : With grateful Hearts to day Let all their Homage pay. And none refufe to fay Long live the King. Great is the Hero's'Fame ; Hear with his god like Natne All Europe ling : Nations remote rev re, While of his F me they hear, ( To all his People dear) Great- Britain's King. Let France InvafiOns plot ; Tell her we value not French Gafconade : GE ORGE, who commands the Sea, GEORGE will now let us fee, Spite of her Bo& ftmg, fhe Dare not invade. Then let the Glafs go round, While Songs o . raile r^ found To his great Name : To him all Praife belongs, He claims our loudeft Songs, And with ten thoufand Tongues We'll fhout his Fame Thus Albion's Sons fliall fing, While all her Shores fhall ling Long live the King : Echo fhall waft the Sound To all her Navies round, And Seas and Skies refound Long live the King. THE Gentlemen concerned in the Lifbon Trade are defired to meet To morrow Morning, at Ten o'Clock, at John's Coffee- Houfe in Swkhin's Alley, on fpecial Affairs. Portfmouth, Nov. 20, Laft Tuefday Mr. Edward Skeat, one of the LjnJwaiters at this Port, was married to Mifs Sally Baxter, a young Lady endowed with every Qualification to render the Marriage- State happy. Deal, Nov• 24. Wind W. S. W. Remain h's Majefty's Ships Oxford, Vice- Admiral Smith ; Stir- ling Caftle, Lys, Ifis, Roebuck, Centaur, Queen- borough, Greyhound, Brilliant, R. ehampfon, and Maryland Planter armed Ships ; the Cruizer, Peggy, Difpatch, Hazard, and Swift Sloops, out ward- bound Ships, and two Dutch Eaft- India Ships, as per laft. Wheat 20 to' 15 s. per Quarter) Barley it to 15s. ditto Pale Malt — — 20 to 22 s ditto Brown Malt — — 17 to 19 s. ditto Peafe —— 16 to lS s. ditto Boilers , 20 to 12 s. ditto Oats —— 9 to 12 s. ditto Beans • 14 to 16 s. ditto Tares — 13 to 17 s. ditto Rye 16 to 19 s. ditto Bank- Stock, 121. India Ditto, 152. South- Sea Ditto, 104 3- qrs. a 105-. Ditto Old Annuities, 1 iiub. 91. D tto 2 Sub. 89 1 - half. Ditto New, 1 Su . 92. Ditto z Sub. 91. Three (- half per Ccn>. Bank An- nuities, r Sub. 91. Ditto 2 Sub. 90 Ditto India Annuities, 89. i'hr*. p « Cent. Bank Annuities, 91 i- qr. Ditto 1751, 91. Ditto India Annunies, 89. Bank Circulation . India Bonds 11. 6 s. 87 s. Prem. This Day was ( Pablifb'd, Elegantly printed on Superfine Writing- Paper, ( Price One Shilling and Six- pence) Neatly bound, with Pockets for Notes, or Letters, BALDWIN'S, DAILY JOURNAL, O R, Gentleman's and' Tradejman's COMPLETE Annual ACCOMPt- BOOK for the POCKET or DESK; To which is prefixed, A new and ufeful Index to the Year 1756, being Biflfcxtite or Leap- Year, the 19th of the Reign of King GEORGE II. and the 5th of the New Style ufed in Great- Britain. In the Order of Time throughout the Year. So contrived as to anfwer every Man's Purpofe, and to enable him, with the greateft Eafe, to keep a regular and exaft Account of all Monies received; pa « l, lent, or expended} where, of, and to whom, every Day of tha Week throughout the Year ; with a blank Space oppofite each Day for all Appointments or Engage- ments, and a diftiaft Weekly Oolumn for mifcellaneous Memo- randums and Obfervations. And at the End are printed many ufefut Things for the Pocket. In which, among many other new and daily ufefal Particulars, are now firft added, A CHRONOLOGICAL HISTORY of the WORLD, frem the Creation to tiie Year of Chrift 1755 ; and the ATTORNEY'S and SOLICITOR'S Table for the Year 1756. Printed only for R. Baldwin, at the Rofe in Pater- nofter- row. Eg ea- tful to afk for Baldwin's DAILY JOURNAL, and fee that bit Name only be at tbe Bottom of the Title, by ivbitb you may be eertum of tbe R'gkt. Some Modeft People having for tbe enfuing Tear added tbe Title of Dai'y Journal to anttler Memorandum- 809k, tbe more nearly to imitate and fafi it on tbt Publick for tbe ORIGINAL, makei this Caution 10 tbe Buyer abfolutel. necrffary. This Day was publifh'd, ( Price 6 d.) With His MAJESTY'S Royal Licence. ( To be continued Weekly without Interaiiflion) NUMBER VI. ot IOGRAPHIA BRITANNICA: or, The Lives of the mot eminent Perfons whi have fiou- rilhed in GREAT- BRITAIN and IRELAND, trom the earliert Ages down to the prefent Tunes : Collet! ed irom the beft Autho- rities, both Printed and Manufcript. Being a Supplement to Mr. BAYLE's Hiftorical and Critical DICTIONARY. The Approbation which this Work has already met with from fever al eminent and learned Perfons, the particular Recom- mendation of Gilbert Weft, Efq; in his Poem on Education, and the Encouragement received from the Publick, have induced the Proprietors to publifti it again Weekly i And they take this Op- portunity to allure their Subfcribers, that the Whole is in great i orwardnefs, and will be compleatod without Interruption. • Subfcriptions are taken in, and Propofais delivered gratis by the following Proprietors ; W, Innys and J. Riehardfon, W. Meadows, J. Walthoe, S, Birt, T. Ofborne and J. Shipton, D. Browne, C.' Hiteh and I,. Hawes, R. Manby, C. Bathuift, J. and It. Tonfon and S. Draper, f, and J. Rivington, H. S. Cox, J. Rcbinfon, L. Davis and C. Reymers, J. Ward, M. and T. Long- man, M. Cooper, and H. Whitridge, at the Royal Exchange. Of whom the Three Volumes already publilhed may be had. Note, The four th Volume will be pubiilhed in April next, and * the fifth Volume is in great forwardr. efs. For the Ornamenting and Illuftrating OF THE HOLY BIBLE, Saturday Fortnight was publijhed, Price only Three . pence . inched in blue Paper, No. VIIL Fiift, reprefeniing Elan follint his Birthright; and jd, Jacob getting the Bulling. A COMPLEAT SET Fine COPPER- PLATE CUTS; EXHIBITING, In a very Striking and Beautiful Manner, The MOST RrMAiXAur SCRIPTURE HISTORIES; And alfo Views of the Tabernacle of Mofes, tha magnificent Temple of Solomon, tha various Altars and Utenfels made ufe of in thu Jewifti Sacrifices, the Habits of the Prtefts, Plans of the City of Jerufalem, Maps of the Lar d of ' ar^ an, & tc. and what- ever elle may tend to illultrate the Holy Ser^ tures. The Whole making a fine Set of PRINTS verv proper for binding up with the HOLY BIBLE, or by themfelves, and more particularly with the tinder- mentioned Work ; winch are not enly a beautiful Ornament, but of great Ufe, as thev will im- print deeply upon the Mind ( efpeeially thofe of Youth) the jmoft remarkable Occurrences of Scripture Hiltory, and explain many Parts of the HOLY BIBLE. And as they will exceed in Beauty any BIBLE CUTS ever publifhcd in this Kingdom, fo will they be rendered upon fir cheaper Terms, being publilhed once E Month at the fmall Frica of T hree- Pence tor Two Foiio CUTS; being undertaken and rerdered at that cheap R, ate purpofely to oblige the Piirchafers of a Work now pub- lilhing ( by the KIJSG's LICENCE) Waoltly, at Three- Pence each Number, entitled, AN Uluftration of the Holy Scripturesj NOTES and EXPLICATIONS O N T H E Old and New Teftament, Printed in Folio, oa a large beautiful Letter, and fuperfine Paper, Which, bo fides the SACS ED TEXT, has fuch Notes and Com- ments adjoined as fully explain all the difficult PafTages therein. * t* I his Work has met with fuch extraordinary Approbation, that feveral Thcufands of them have been fold within a few Months, and the Sale ftill enereafes avery Day. N. B. Thofe who have not yet taken in the above Work, iaiafy begin with No. I. or have all the Numbers that are now publilbed, by applying to R. Goadby, in Sherborne ; R. ifaldwin, in Pater nofter- Row, Loudon; to the Boolcfellers of either of thf Univerfities; or • an} of the Printers, Bookfellers, and Newfmen, in F. nglutf, Shetland, or Ireland. Number 52 of the Work is this Day publifhed. 7his Day vsas publi/ bed, Tn a Sire fit or the Pocket, Prioe 1 s. neatly bound, With a beautiful Frontifpieee of a Gentleman drefs'd in the prefent TASTE • THE LADY'S MEMORANDUM- BOOK. Serving, Aa a compleat RECISTER of all their TRANSACTIONS, lor the YEAR 1756. Containing, I. Twent) four Country Dances, for the Year 1756. » . A Marketting- Table. j. A Table ( hewing the Value of any Number ofPortugal Pieces. 4. Fifty- two double Pages, properly difpofed to enter regularly all Engagements, Expences, and occafional Memorandums. 5 An Account cf tbe fixed and moveable Feafts and Fafts, Sec. in the Year 1756. 6. Rules for playing at Whift, Quadrille, Piquet, & c. 7. Rules relating to Bath and Tunbridge. 8. Rules of the Long Room at Scarborough. 9. The Rank and Order of Precedence, according to the feveral Degrees of Honour in Great Britain. 10. The Rules of Hackney Coachmen and Chairmen, with their Rates, according to Ai£ t of Parliament, II. Rates of Watermen. 12. A Receipt for drefling a Turtle. 13. A Receipt for a ( ham Turtle. 14. A Table of Expence by the Day Week, Month, ani) Year. Printed for R. and J. Dodfley in Pall- mall; and fold by M. Cooper, in Pater- nofter- Row. This Day was publifhed, Neatly printed in a Pocket Size on a fine Writing Paper, ruled for Accounts, Appointments, and Memorandums, with Pockets for keeping Bills and Letters. Price is. 6d. neatly bound. TH E New MEMORANDUM BOOK IMPROV'D; Or, The GENTLEMAN and TRADESMAN'S DAILY POCKET- JOURNAL, For the Year 1756. Containing. I. Fifty- two Pages for the Receipts and Expences of every Week in the Year. 11. Divifions for every Day in the Year; ufeful to enter any fu- ture Appointments or Engagements, or to fhew when any Notes or Payments will become due. III. A Table that ( hews what any Salary,' from 40,0001. a Year to One Pound a Year, comes t » for a Day. » IV. Rates of Coachmen, Chairmen, Carmen, Porters, and Wa- termen. V. Rates of Pod- Letters, Foreign and Domeftic. VI. An Account where all the Public Offices are kept. VII. The Times of the Dividends and Transfer Days at the, Bank, India, and South Sea Houfes. / VIII. The Holidays kept at all the Public Offices. To which is added, A Lift of the Counties, Boroughs, See. with the Members re- turn'd for the prefent Parliament, and their Places of Abode Difpofed in a Method more ufeful and convenient for all Sorts of Bulinefs, than any of thofe who have pretended to imitate it ; and as it was the Firft, fo it is now the beft Book of the Kind. Printed for R. Dodfley in Pall- mall; and fold by M. Cooper, C. Hitoh apd L. Hawes, in Pater- nofter Row; H. Whitridge, at the Royal Exchange ; J. and J. Rivington in St. Paul's Church- yard ; S. Birt and B. Dod in Avemary- Lane ; W. Reeve, in Fleet- fireet ; J. Robinfon, Ludgate- ftreet 4 T. Trye, in Holborn; J. Barnes in the Court of Requefts ; and G. Woodfall, at Charing Crofe. mv tjjeK ING's mtfymtv, This Day was publijhed, ( Price 6 d.) Dedicated to the Right Hon. the LORD- MAYOR, ALDERMEN, and COMMON COUNCIL, NUMBER XCIX. ( Tg be continued Weekly) Illuftrated with a Profpeft of the Parifh Churches of St. Mary Abchureh, and St. Martin Outwich in Threadneedle- Street. A NEW EDITION, With large Improvements by fewal Hands, ' jpHE HISTORY and SURVEY LONDON and WESTMINSTER, SOUTHWARK, and Places adjacent. By WILLIAM M AI TLA N D, F. R. S. Emhellifiled with One Hundred and Twenty COPPER- PLATES, finely engraved. The kind A( Tifiance of fo many eminent and learned Gentlemen, particularly the late Sir Richard Hsare, Brown Willis, Efq; Siepien- Martin Leake, Efq; Garter King at Arms, Ebenezer MufJ'A, Efq; Dr. iiircb, & c. in the Progrefs of thii Work, gives great Pleafure to the Proprietors as well as Satisfa& ion to their Subfcribers, & c. who may be allured, that it will not only be the moft complete, buf beft embelliihed HISTORY and SURVEY of LONDON ever publifhed. Printed for T. Ofborne and J. Shipton in Gray's- Inn, J. Hodges on London- Bridge, and R. Baldwin in Pater- noftei- Row ; and fold by all Bookfellers and the News- Carriers in Great- Britain and Ireland. The firft Volume may be had altogether, Price thirty Shillings in Sheets j or fush as are difpofed to take it in Numbers may begin with No. I. and have it progreffively. ' lhts Day vias publifhed In Large Odlavo, ( Price Six Shillings) Dedicated to the Society for promoting Chriftian Knowledge, The SECOND EDITION, with great Improvements, Illuftrated ivitb Twenty- fix Coffer- Plates, nearly Mgraved, ( Being a Book necefiary for all Families ; alfo for the Improvement and Inftruftion of Youth of both Sexes, in public Schools and other Places of Education) HOLY BIBLE, BOTH Old and New Teftament, Digefted, Illufrated, and Explained, By Way of QUESTION and ANSWER. In which the principal controverted Points are confidered, and the Connexion of Sacred and Profane Hiftory are preferved. Compiled chiefly from the Writi » g » of the moft eminent Hiftorians, Divines and Commentators, Printed for J. Hinton, in Newgate- Street, and J. Hodges, over- againft St. Magnus's Church, London- Bridge. This Day vyn< published. Price bound Two Shillings and Six- pence. With many Additions and Improvements not in any former Edition, and the Lifts carefully corrected at the feveral Publick Offices to this Month, THE COURT and CITY REGISTER For the Year 1756. Containing, 1. Rider's Almanack for the Year 1756. 2. New and Correct Lifts of the Lords and Commons, 3. The Court and City Regifter. 4. Lifts of the Army and Navy. Printed for J. Barnes, ( late Amey's) in the Court of Req. uefls, and at Charing Crofs; J. Brindley, J. Jolliffe, C. Hitch and L, Hawes, M. Cooper, W. and D. Baker, P. Stevens, J. Hodges, J. and J. Rivington, J. Robinfon, W. Reeve, J. Jefferies, and all Bookfellers in Town and Country. jCj » The Lifts may be had without an Almanack, Price 2s bound, or is. 6d. liitched. This Day was publifhed, with the Almanacks, ( Price only 1 s. J ( Humbly inferibed to the Royal Society) THE GENTLEMAN and LADIES PALLADIAM and DIARY, for the Year 1756 ; on a Plan entirely new ; exceeding for its Ufefulnefs and Curiofity every Thing hitherto publilhed of the Kind ; containing, befides the ufual Subjefts, many new Improvements in Science ; particu- larly, perpetual, aftronomical, and chronological Tables ; by which the Moon's Age and Place, for any Month and Day in the Year are known atSignt; and likewife the " un's Place, Time Of high Water at London- Bridge, and Moon's Rifing and Setting for the fame Time : Corre£ l Tables ( according to the Dean of Durham, the Hon. and Rev. Dr. Spencer Cowper's late Improvement in Aftron- omy, dedicated to the Right Hon. the Earl of Maeelef- field) for the Difcovery of the Longitude, reduced to Praftice by Obfervation of the Moonj according to the Method nrlt pointed out by the late celebrated Aftronomer Royal Dr. EDMUND HALLEY. Printed for Stanley Crowder and Henry Wo dg- ite, at the Gol- den Ball in Pater- nofter- Row, where Country Beokfellers, Shop- keepers, & c. may be fepplled at reafonable Rates. This Day was pubtijhed, In FOUR VOLUMES, OCTAVO, THE PEERAGE of IRELAND. CONTAINING A Genealogical Hitiory of nil the PEERS of that KINGDOM now exifting; namely, their diredt and collateral Defcents; remarkable Actions and Employments; Places of Burial and Monumental Inferiptions; with many other curious and valuable Particulars relative to the Subjeift. Together with Their Paternal COATS of ARMS, neatly engraven on Copper- Plates. Collected from the public Records, authentic Manofcripts, approved Hiltories, and perfonal Information. By Mr. LODGE. Printed for W. Johnfton, in St. Paul's Chiirc'r- Yard. This Day was putnifUd, NUMBER xcirr. Price 6 d. ( to be continued Weekly) The SIXTH EDITION, In TWO Large VOLUMES, POLIO, S T 0 SURVEY Of the CITIES of LONDON and WESTMINSTER': CONTAINING, The Original, Antiquities, Increafe, Modern Eftate, and Government of thofe Cities^ Publifhed and continued to the YEAR 1720, - By JOHN S T R Y P E, M. A. And now brought down to the prefent Time by a Careful HAND ILLU STR A. TE D With exaft MAPS of the City and Suburbs, and of all tbe Warit, and likewife of the Out- Parijhet of LONDON and WEST- MINSTER ; and many fair Prints of the moft eminent Publick Buildings, Palaces, Squares, & c. & c. A Lilt whereof is in the 1' ropofals at large, which may be had, and tile Prints themfelves feen, at the Proprietors, VV. Innys and J. Richardfon, J. and P. Knapton, S. Birt, R. Ware, T. and T, Longman, W. Meadows, J. Clarke. H. Whitridi; e, D. Browne, E. Wickfteed, H. S. Cox, J. Ward^ and C. Bathurft. Three Sheets of Lette- r- Prefs, and one Copper- Plate Print finely engraved, ( hall be publifhed every Week, Price Six- pence ftitched in a ftrong Wrapper. Subfcribers may be , ferved with the Numbers weekly at their own Houfes, by Idiving Direiftions with any of the Pro- prietors, or with the Pebiilher, C. Bathurft, at the Crofs- Keys, oppefite St. Dunftan's- Church, Fleet- Street. N. B. This is tile Book prefented by the City of London to every Alderman at his Election, ever fince it was printed in the Year 1720. In L O N G - A C R E, At Mr. BarihsWt at the ANODYNE NECKLACP., and at Mr. Bowen's at the South- G^ ic of theRoyai- Exchange, Cornhili, London, Are Sold the Famous SUGAR PLUMS, for WORMS, Twelve Pence a Dozen, or One Plum for a Penny or Three Dozen for Half a Crown. LIKEWISE, \ A/ A NODYNE NECKLACES » ^ Cji- Jfi Price 5 s. fing'e, and Aliow- f*^ ance by the Dozen to Sell agaie and Alfo the Famous Gum- opening Remedy to let out CHILDRENS TEETH without Pain. Price only 6d. with Due< 5lions; or Six Parcels for 24. 6 d. And, To prevent any Miftake, NONE of the Author's ANODYNE NECKLACES, Purging SUGAR PLUMS, and Remedies in Seciet CASES, are Sold ANY LONGER at Terr. ple- Bur. LONDON: Sold by E. SAY, in Ave- Mary- Lane, where Advertifements and Letters of Intelligence are taken in : Advertilements are alfo taken in by J. SHUCKBURGH, at the Sun, between the Temple- Gates, and by W. SAND BY, at the Ship, oppofite St.. Durban's Church* in Fleet- Street; by W. SHROPSHIRE, in New Bond- Street; and alfo by J. WARD, at die King's- Asms, the Corner of Pope's- Head- AUey, and H. WHITRIDGE, the Cornei of Caftle- Alley, in Cornhill.
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