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The General Evening Post (London)


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The General Evening Post (London)

Date of Article: 18/11/1755
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Address: Ave-Mary-Lane, London
Volume Number:     Issue Number: 3416
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NO. 3416. ( L O N D From S A T U R D A Y November 15, to T U E _ S D A Y November 18, 175- 5. Fnm tht L O N D O N G A Z E T T E . Brujfcls, November 7. E are informed that the French have lately removed from Arras and Cambray, to the Arfenal at Douay, Part of the Cannon and Military Stores belonging to thofe two Places; and that they have preffed all the Blackfmiths in thofe Quarters, and fent them to Dauay, • where they are to be employedin preparing Carriages, & c. for the Artillery. Since our lafl arrived the Mails from France and Holland. Modena, Oft. 23. Letters from Gratz in Stira inform us they had advice from Dalmatiathat an Army of 50,000 Turks had advanced to the Mountains inhabited by the Montenegrins, which join to the Ottoman Territories on one Side and to thofe of Venice on the other. The Montenegrins are a free People, absolutely independent on any Power whatever, who being accuftomed to live in the Mountains, have fcarce any Laws but thofe of Nature, and are extremly warlike. Their averfton to Slavery makes them fhun all Correfpcndence with the Turks, and incline rather to the Venetians. What the real Defign of the Turk's March may be we have not learnt. Some private Advices from Venice confirm thofe from Gratz ; and add that this important Step of the Ottoman Court had made a very deep Impreffion on the SeBa e ; which, tho' the laft D'fpatches rrom its Baily at Conftantinople gave no Reafon for taking Umbrage at the Defigns of the Porte, is taking every Precaution that fuch a Conjun& ure requires ; and hath fent Expreffe to Vienna, Warfaw, and Petersburgh, with Advice ot this Motion of the Turk . that the neceffary Meafurss may be concerted for maintaini n g the public Tranquility in cafe the Infidels really intend to difturh i< Tho' after all it is generally thought that the new Miniftry of Constantinople have fcarce had Time to form any ugulat Syftem. Rome, Oft 23. The Eledtor of Cologn, who propofed tt fpend the Autumn at Albino, returned f r o a t thence unexpe& ed ih;. , . y be'; re Y e f t e r - ' - ,, and, having taken Leave of the Pope, fet out this Morning for Venice, from whence he intends to return to his Ele£ toral Dominions, taking the Court of Munich in his Way. His fudden Departure makes it prefumed that fome important Affairs require his Prefence in Germany. Leghorn, 08. 21. The Algerines hrving lately fhewn an Inclination to make Peace with the Regency of Tufcany, M. Sani was fent to Algiers to know their Conditions, which were, io furnifh yearly ihe fame warlike Stores, Rigging, and Prefents, as the Kings of Sweden and Denmark. Thefe Conditions appearing too burthenfome to be accepted immediately, the Regency will take Time to confider of them. According to other Advices from Algiers, they begin to be fo much out of Humour at their bad Succefs in the War, that fome Members of the Divan and of the Militia have openly propofed renewing the Peace with the Dutch. Placentia, Oft. 16. The Waters of the Po, the Gravelon, and the Tiicino, have overflowed their Banks, and form a kind of Sea fix or feven Miles broad in this Neighbourhood. This Inundation has made terrible Devaftations : in one Houfe only, fourteen Perfons have been drowned ; and from the Walls of this City we fee the Carcaffes of Men and Cattle floating, befides a great Quantity of Houfhold Furniture. Two Houfes belonging to the Marquis Arcelli have been confiderably damaged, and all the Goods fpoiled. In fine, we fee nothing but Calamities all around us. Hamburgh, Oft- 30. The French Brief Enquiry into the Limits of Acadia, Sic. is publifhcd here in French and G e n n a n ; at Copenhagan it hath come abroad in French and Danith, and at Stockholm in French and Swedifh. Hamburgh, Nov. 4. Laft Saturday between Eleven and Twelve o'Clock at Noon, when the Wind was at Eaft, and the Air quite calm, an extraordinary Agitation of the Water was obferved at Lubec, particularly in the Trave, where the Veffels were put in Motion by j*, but received no Damage. Francfort, Nov. 3. It is again rumoured that Great- Britain hath taken into its Pay 3000 of the - T r o o p s of Wurtzbourg, which, as well ss thofe of Heffe- Caffell, are ordered to ho'd themfelves in Readinefs to march. Paris, Nov, 3. We no longer place any Hopes in ' Negotiation, The Bfeft Squadron will put t o Sea jn eight or ten. Pays,- and; the T o u l o n Squadron on* Wednefday. Letters pf Marque . will. alio . be iiTucti . i aa fhort Time. All the Officers belonging to the Hotel des Invalids that are capable of Service are to be employed again. Paris, Nov 5. Orders are fent to the feveral Yards to build Eighteen Men of War ; and Funds are already provided for defraying this Expence. We fhall fend Eighty Men of War to Sea next Spring ; the Attention of the Miniftry being chitfly employed about our Marine, in order to make head againft the Englifh, whofe beft Buckler is their Navy. They ftill talk of a Marriage, under favour whereof an Event which hath for fome time fixed the Attention of Europe will take place. Two able Minifters are, it is faid, fuccefsfully employed about it, If this Alliance fhould be actually made, a new and very different Syftem will be off- red to the Confiderationr of our Politicians, cfpecialfy if, as is confidtn ly reported, one of the greateft Princes in this Part <, f the World abdicate his Crown, to pafs the Remainder of his Days in Retirement. A M E R T ~ C ~ Let tir from a Merchant at Bo ft on in New England. " On the 17th of September Governor Shirley embarked a Train of Artillery, and every Neceffary for a Siege, on board the four Men of War lately built on the Lake Ontario ; and on the 20th he depar:-- d from our Fort of Ofwego, on that Lake, with 2200 effective Men, and 400 Indians, to attack the French Fort Frontin ac, fit ated at the Entrance of he Lakts Ontario. General Johnfon is recovered of his VVoutid.--: his Army confifted of 7000 Men, befides Indians, r n the azd or Se,> terD£ » : r, and on the 26th he was 9000 ftrong, exe'ufive of the Indians. Subfcriptions ire making through all our Provinces for Refrdh Dents to fend to his Army, fuch as Droves of Cattle, Hogs, Sheep, Vegetables of all Kinds, Shoes, Si tickings, Sic. On the 29th'of September the fiift Divifion of his Army, conlifting of 3000 Men, wert; o march, in order to inveft Crown- Pnint, which is garrifoned by 500 Soldiers within the Walls, and 2250 betides Indians without the Walls, intrenched and fortified io the Chin. S C 7 T r7~ A N D. Edinburgh, Nov. 11. We hear from Falkirk, that on Wednt( day laft, « he Tide rofe fo high in the River Carron, that it overflowed its Banks, laid many Acres of fine Arable Land under Water, and broke down a very ftrong Da, a he.,;/, v h - . , : ' r , v-' before be* n down, either with Speat or Tivc, in Ihe Memory of Man. Laft Week died the Rev. Mr. George Giliefpie, Minifter of the Gofpel at Strarniglo, in which Parifh he has difcharged his Office for the Space of almoft Sixty Years. C 6 U N F R Y N E W S. Plymouth, Nov. 1 r. Laft Sunday died, and this Evening was buried in the Military W a y , Thomas Marfhal, a Drummer, a g d 105. He was a Drummer at Tangier in the Reign of King Charles the Second, when General Kirk commanded there. He gave out that he had been ninety Years in the Service, and was the firft Man who beat the Grenadiers March. Port/ mouth, Nov., 14 A Court Martial is n ow fitting upon the Lieutenant, who forpe Months ago ordered a Volley of Small Shot to be fired into a Ship from Leghorn, to bring her to, by which Means three Men were killed. Yarmouth, Nov. 12. The Elizabeth, Capt. Morris, from this Place for Scotland, is loft near Clay. The Captain is drowned. Norwich, Nov 15. Sunday Mr. Thomas Troughton, an eminent Woolcomber, was married to Mifs Ganning, Daughter of Mr. Nicholas Ganning, an eminent Holler. Cambridge, Nov. 15. On Thurfday laft the Living of Felmcriham cum Pavenham in Bedford/ hire, belonging to Trinity Colh ge, was by the Mafier and Fellows given to the Rev. Mr. John Flutchinfon, Fellow of the faid College, worth 120I. per Annum. Laft W. etk died the Rev. Mr Hinxman, poffefs'd of the Livings of Gazely and Kempher near Newmarket in the County of Suffolk. The Livings are in the Gift of Trinity- Hall in this Univerfity. On Wednefday Morning laft a moft melancholy Accident happened in this T o w n ; Mrs. Bofton, relidt of the late Mr. Alderman Bofton, who formerly kept the Rofe Tavern in this T o w n , was found dead in her Bed, by the ceiling of the Room falling on the Bed- Tefter, and breaking it down upon her, fhe being in the 80th Year of her Age, and not able to extricate herfeji from fo maffy a buthen, wa$ Crufhed to Death. S H I P^ N E W S . Deal, Nov. 16. Came down the Rebecca and Sufarjna, Nicholfon, for Barbadoen ; and failed with his Majefty's Sloop Swift to the Weft ward ; and the Grarthda Sloop to the Northwaid Arrived the Bafnet, Leflte, from An igua ; Sifters, Pitts, from | Barbados; and Portland, Cowan, from Jamaica. Wind N. W . < The Twogood, Smith, from Jamaica, is arrived in the DqWns. Hawk, Campbell, from Honduras, in ditto. Marlborough, Joy, from Philadelphia, in ditto. Nancy, Lewis, from the Leeward Iflands, at Briftol. Retfey, M'Taggart, from Jamaica, at ditto. Betty, Broke, from Maryland, at Dover. Halifax, Hare, from Virginia, at ditto. T w o Sifters, Wilfon, from Jamaica, at ditto. Induftry, Warden, from St Kiu's, at Glafgow. Hop fon, Whitwood, from VVaterford, at Halifair. Truelove, Keay, and Marquis of Carnarvati, Marram, from London, at Antigua. Fame, Joad, from Maryland, in the Downs. Providence, Mtlner, from Gottenburg, at Yarmouth. L O N D O N . St James's, Nov. 14. This Day the Right Hon; Sir Thomas Robinfon having refigned the Seals into the King's Hands, his Majefty Was pleafed to appoint the Right Hon. Henry Fox to be one of his Majefty's Principal Secretaries of S'ate. Claudius Arsyand and Henry D ' g b y , Efqrs ate appointed Under Secretaries to the Right Hon. Henry Fox, Efq; On Saturday the, Right Hon. the Speaker of the Houfe of Commons, and ihat Houfe, waited on his Majefty at St, James's with their Addrefs, arid received a rnoft gracious Anfwer. We are credibly informed that the Merchants of France have preftnted to their Monarch a Petition, letting forth that the great Number of their Ships taken by the Englifh had reduced ihem to the Brink of a general Bankruptcy ; and humbly praying fufch Relief as to his Majefty in his great Goodnefs fhould feem moft meet: that is, in other Words, begging Peace for God's Sake. To which fhe King made Anfwer, That he was extremely fenfibie of thtir Hardfnips. but defired them to have Patience a little longer till the Meeting of the Btitifh Parliament, for that there were fuch Uiffentions among the Members thereof, as would enable him to make them ( the Merchants) a fpeedy and ample Amends. [ Voltaire tells us ( Siecle de Louis xiv. cap. 17) that the French King fent over to England 250,000 I. Sterling, in order to make a Pirty to oppofe King William's engaging in a War againft France, at the Death of Charles If. uf Spain, to procure fufieieiM Security to the King of England and the States- General for the Navigation and Commerce of their Subjediis. and to prevent an Union of the two Monarchies of France and Spain ; and that even after the Quadruple Alliance wa- figned, his Moft Chriftian M^ jefty, trufting to the Div'ifions which his Money would raife ih England, ceiViftfd his Enemies. As the farhe Arts have peril- r? » been tried now, what Satisfaction mufi the AcJ-' if: > of the two Houfes give to every honeft Briton ! Yefterday in the Afternoon cam? Advice that Capt. Stevens, in his Majefty's Ship the Orfprd, fell in with the Efperance, a French Man of War of 74. Guns, which was going from Rocheforc to Breft, and after a fhort Engagement took her, and has fenC her to Plymouth On Saturday the Lys Man of War, taken f , om the French by Admiral BofCawen's Squadron, arrived in the Downs frorn Nov., Scotia. Yefterday Morni ng an Exprefs arri ed a£ the Admiralty with Adv. cc that Admiral Moftyn was come to Portfmouth from Halifax, with nine Sail of Men of War, and that he parted with Admiral Bofcawen on the 29th paft, in a Gale of Wind. There are feven Men of War left behind to continue block ng up Louifbourg. Yefterday his Majefty's Ship Jerfey, of 60 Guns, was put into Commiffion, and the Command given to Sir William Burnaby. It's faid the Government Will take into Pay a r o n - fiderable Number of Merchant- Ships for the Protection of the Coafts. The Officers of his Majefty's Ordnance have offered Rewards for the Difcovery of Fire- Arms concealed in any Part of Great- Britain. By private Letters from France we learn that the laft India Ship which arrived at Port l'Orient from Chandernagor, brought Advice that the new Emperor of Mogul, who was placed on the Throne by a Revolution of which we gave an Account about A Year ago, not having kept his Promife to pay the Marattes twenty- four Millions of Pagodo's ( about two Millions Sterling) has been aflaflin i. ed by them, and a Child of feven Years of Age placcd in his ftead. Four of the Marattes have taken upon them to be his Minifters and Regents, and grievoufly diftrefs tbe People to raife the twenty- four Millions ; fo that this Empire, which was formerly fo rich and flouriftitng, is how torn and diftra'& cd by fevefal different Factions All rhe petty Kings or Nabobs who were Tributaries to it have fhaken off its Yoke, and fet up for fovereign independent Prince*, » > » 7 5 T h e N a n c y , Reigli, boimd to Barcelena, is afhore near St Vl. iurs, and '. is feared will fie loft. T h e Preficient and Fellows of T r i n i t y - C o l l e g e, Oxford, have prtfented the Rev. Mr. Burrough, F e l l ow of the f i id College, to the Living of Much- Waltham in Eflex, worth 200 1. per A n n u m , vacant by the Death of the Rev. Mr. Seely. T h e y write from D u b in, that laft Wednefday fe'- might the fine Cafile of S; r John Bingham was burnt tQthe G r o u n d , and all the Furniture, Pictures, Plate, & c. confum'd, to the Amount of 50000 1. It was o w i n g to fome live Coals falling o n the Floor of a Room which was airing. O n Saturday N i g h t , aboat Eleven o ' C l o c k , a Fire broke out in the upper Pait of the Houfe of Mr. Godfrey, a C o l o u r m m , near Norton Falgate, which coijfumed the fame, and three Children were unfortunately burnt to Death. For near two Hours t burnt with great V i o l e n c e , but the adjacent Houfes were preferved by ftrong Party- Walls. Sunday Morning, about Seven o'Clock. a Fire broke out in t h e S t i b l e s o f Mr. Mdner ( occafioned by the Careleifpefs of a Servant) in White Hart Yard, Fitrfbury, which were confumed, with the White- Hart Alehoufe adjoining ; and an antient Man knd feven Hotfes were burnt. O. i Saturday hft a Warrant to detain Richard Jefferies and Elizabeth D o v e , a'ias Harnes, was fent down t o N e w Prifon, by J o h n Fielding and Saunders W e l c h, Efqrs. the faid JefFeries and Dove being charged upon the Oaths of three Witneffes with cruelly beating and bruiting Elizabeth J< fferies on the 16th of October h i t , of which bruifes fhe languifhed until the 5th of November, sird then died. Yeft.- rdav Morning early the Body of a Man was found in a'Vault in Portugal- Street, Lincoln's- Inn- Fields. 11.- had neither Coat, Waiftcoat, Wig or Hat on ; his Bowels hung out of a W o u n d mide in his Belly, and he had alfo a W o u n d on his Head. Several Perfor s were taken up on Sufp cion, an< f carried before Mr. Fielding and Mr. W e l c h , and after an Examination which lafted moft Part of the D a y , it appeared very clear to thofe Magiftratcs" ( hat this F a i t was committed by himfelf, it being proved that he had acted like a Madman all that D,. y. His Name was Francis FJemming, and he was lately C o o k to the Captain of an Indinnan. T h e Tragedy of the Revenge is in Rehearfd at the Theatre in Covent Garden, in which the Part of Zanga will be attempted by the Gentleman who appeared in ths Character of Ofman in the P l i y of Zara, and will be performed fome Day this Week. As are alio the Tragedies of King Lear and Alexander the Great, revis'd and altei'd, in which the Parts of Lear and Alexander will be play'd by Mr. Barry. On Fr'day Night died, at Sydenham, John Parker, , Efq; Deputy to the Right Hon. the Farl of Macclesfield, one of the Tellers of the Exchequer; and his Lordfhip h is appointed Frederick- Atherton Hindley, Efq; one of the Clerks in the faid O f f i c e , to fucceed h im as Deputy. B A N K R U P T S . Jonathan Cooper, of Wheutftone in Middiefcx, Cow- Jobber. Eaft- India- Houfe, Nov. 12, 1755. TH E Court of Direitoi s of the United Company of Merchant: if England, trading to the Eaft- Indies, do hereby give Notice, That a General Court of the faid Company ' will he held at their Houfe in headenhall- Street, London, on li'ednrfday the z6' h Day of this In ft ant November, at Eleven in the Forenoon, to conftdir of reducing the Dividend payable in the Capital Stock of the Company, from and after Chrijlmas ntx', Old Stile, it being required by the 29 th B\ e- La- w, thut no Alteration Ikall be made therein without firjl giving Six Months Fublick Notice thereof. A D V E R T I S E M E N T . CHARLES CLAVEY, Linnen- Draper, in Newgate- Street, is removed from the Artichoke, to the Crown and Key oppofito Ivy- lane, ( late Meff. Coe and Glover's) in the fame Street, where the Bufinefs is now carried on in Partner/ hip with John Rawlinfon ; this Method is therefore taken for the Information of their own, as alfo for the Friends and Cuftoiriers of the faid Maff. Coe and Glover, th it by Addrefs to us as above, they may depend oil being punctually, and well ferved, and their Favours gratefully and ( July efteemed, by CHARLES CLAVF. Y, and JOHN RAWL1NSON. WHEREAS a Warrant has been granted by Mr. Juftice Fielding againft Jeremiah- Jeffe Boreham, alias Jefle Boehm, alias Jeffe Eoreiini, upon Sufpicion of robbing Mr. Myonnet. Wlioever apprehends the faid Boreham, fo that he may be brought to Juftice, ( hall be p^ d immediately upon his Commitment the Sum of 251. by Mr. Dod, Attorney at Law, in Threadneedle- Street. N. B. Tlie faid Boreham is about twenty- two Years- of Age, of a middling Stature, rather tall than fhort, thin, flraiglit, and genteelly made, but ftooping in his Gate makes him appear roundfliouldered, his Legs and Thighs are long, and he has a remarkable Jerk in his Walk, his Eyes are black, his Face fomevvhat pitted with the Small- Fox, rather pale than frefh- coloured, with .1 dark Mark on one Side of his Neck refcmbling Dirt: He did wear his own Hair tied behind, which probably may be fince cut off: Sometimes he wore f Fuflian Frock lapelled ; at other Times a bloffomcoloured Coat much faded, but is fuppofed to be now in deep Mourning for his Mother. The faid Boreham was born at Caftle- Htdingliam in Effex : Some Time ago he lived at Mr. Evatt't, an Upholder, in Covent- Garden ; afterwards with Mr. Jones, Auctioneer; and lately with Mr. Sampfon, Upholder, in Conduit- Street. THE Subfcribers to Mr. BLACKLOCK's POEMS, who have not yet fent in their Names or Money to R. and J . Dodfley in Pall- mall, are requeued to da it before the Middle of January, that their Names may be inferted in the Lift of Subfcribers, a » the Book will be publifhed the latter End of ( hat Month. L I N C O L N S H I R E . 1 X 7 H E R E A S by a Verdidt of Mr. William V V Gee, and other his Jurors, ( being all dilinterefted Perfons) delivered up at a Ccurt of Sewers, held at Bofton, the 12th Day of November, 175; it is prefented, That the Surveyor of the Soke of Builingbrook, did laft Year enlarge Weft- Houfe- Dike, and Running- Dike, and did alfo take away twenty Feet of Mill- Drain Bank, and that, by Means thereof, the Waters defcending from the Sokes of Horncaftle and Bullingbrook, will, in wet Seafons, be brought down to Maud- Foiters Gowt, in fuch manner as wiU be greatly? prejudicial to the Lands, having legal Right to drain through tlie faid Gowt. And the faid Jurors hav- / ing thereupon prefented, giat the faid Mill- Drain Bank fliould be made up at the Eaft AiUPof the faid Weft- Houfe Dike, Notice is hereby Given, by Order of the faid Court, That a Court of Sewers is appointed to be holden at the Guildhall at Bofton, on Monday tbe firft Day of December next, at Ten o'Clock in the Forenoon, to contider of an Order, or Law, to be made in pursuance of the VerdiCI aforefaid, when all Perfons affeifted by the faid Vcrdidt are defired to attend, in order to approve, or make their Objections as they fhall fee Caufe. Exon, November to, 1755. N O T I C E is hereby given. That on Thurfda/ the n t h Day of December next, by Three of the Clock in the Afternoon, will be fold at Swales Coffee- Houfe, in the City of Exeter, either together or in Lots, AB O U T Three Tons and a Half of WHALEBONE, three Tons of which is from Six Feet and a Half to Ten, Feet and a Half in Length, and is the Merchantable Bone of Five Fifh and a Quarter j and the other half Ton is the fhort Bone of the faid Fifh, and of another fmall Fiih. All lately imported by the LOYAL CLUB belonging to the Exeter Whale - Fithery Company. And likewife fo much of the Oil of the faid Fifh as at that Time remains undifpefed of, will alfo then be fold. In the mean Time Application may be made to Matthew Lee, Efq; Treafurer, to Mr. Thomas Coleman in Topfham, where the Bone may be viewed, or to Thomas Stokes, Clerk to the Company in Exeter. Lie f S S D % S), And entered upon at ' ady Day next, at Siuepjlone, in the County of Leicejler, THE Eftate late oi Thomas Muxloe, Efq; ( being Freehold) confifting of a large Manfion- Houfe, with Barns, Stables, Coach- Houfe, and Gardens ; together with near 180 Acres of inclofed Pafture Land, great Part whereof is contiguous to the faid Manfion- Houfe ; and alfo a perpetual Annuity of 3 1. the whole being of the yearly Valutrof 180 1. and upwards. Enquire of Mr. Devon, at No. 17, in Clement's- Inn,' London ; Mr. Jofepli Boyer, of Loughborough, in the faid County of Leicefter ; Mr. J feph Wilks, of Over ft a I in the fame County ; or of Mr. Thomas Clare, of Atiierftone, in the County of Warwick. ~~ To' be'S OL D, to"' the befi Bidder, Together or in Parcels, On Monday the 8th Day of December next, between the Hours of Three and Six in the Afternoon of the fame Day, at the Houfe of Mr. Haines, being ths Crown- Inn in Bifhops Waltham, AFARM, lying at Hoe, within one Mile of Bifhops Waitham, in the County of Southampton, now let to Mi. George Marfhall : Confifting of a goood Dwelling- Houfe, one Barn, one Stable, and other convenient Outhoufes, one Garden, one Orchard, and twenty Acres of Arable and Pafture Land, with a Right of Common, without Number, in Waltham Chafe. Alfo a Meffuage or Tenement, and Brick- kiln, near the Town cf Bifhops Waltham aforefaid, call'd Coppice- Hill, with a Barn, Stable, and other convenient Outhoufes; a Garden, and large Yard, and about three Acres of Land, in the Poffeffion of Mr. John Dipnal. Thefe are Copyhold Eftates of Inheritance, held of the Manor of Bifhops Waltham. Timber free, and very fmall certain Fines are paid on Adqaiijion. Note, There is *' grea » ^ uaiitity of young Timber growing on the above Eftates. For further Particulars enquire of Mr. James Serle, Attorney at Law, at Winchefter ; or of Mr. George Jackfon, Attorney at Law, at New Alresford. ' 7 a be peremptorily H O L D, T o the beft Bidder, On Wednefday the 3d of December next, between the Hours of Twelve and Three in the Afternoon, at the White- Lyon Inn in Cardiff in the County of Glamorgan, AFreehold Eftate, called Kamain, of the yearly Value of 80I. Confifting of 126 Acres of Arable, Meadow, and Pafture Land contiguous, in a Hedge, and in good Condition, with a handfome and commodious new- built Houfe, a Barn, Stable, Cowhoufe, Gardens, Orchards, and other Conveniencies 1 The whole in exceeding good Repair, with 1000 young Oaks and other young Trees growing upon i t ; pleafantly fituated in the Vale of Glamorgan, extraparocliial, and free from Tithes, within fix Miles of Car^ irf, fix ot Lantriffent, three of Cowbridge, and within about two Miles of fhe Port of Aberthaw. For further Particulars enqu'ue of Grant Gibbon, of Cowbridge, Efqj or Mr. Henry LleweUn, or Mr. George Watkir. s, of Cardiff aforefaid. N O T I C E is hereby Given, T h a t on Tuefday the 25th of this Inftant November, by One o ' C l o c k in the Afternoon, ASurvey will be held at the Houfe of the Widow Blackler, at Bow- Bridge, i^ tfar Totnefs, in Dtvonfhire, for the Sale of the Fee- Simple and Inheritance of the Manor and Lordfhip of Afhprington, and of feveral Eftates and Tenements, lately purchafed, in and adjoining to the fame ; together with or without the Advowfon and Right of Patronage to the Parifii Church of Afliprington aforefaid, whereon the prefent IncuniSent is near Eighty, worth about. 240 1. a Year : The faid Manor and Lands confift of fixty Tenements ( befides Cottages) whereof fome are in Dtmefne, and the reft leafed out for Years, determinable on a Life or Lives. The Conventionary Rents of the Whole are upwards of 30 I. a Year, ( befides the Chief Rents, amounting to about 4 I. per Ann) and tho yearly Value of the Whole ( exclufive of the Advowfon) is upwards of 750 1. a Year. All which Prerpifes aforefaid, lie in a very good Country, pleafantly fituated on the River Dart, ( wherein there is a very fine Fifhery, belonging to the faid Manor, where great Quantities of Salmon, Trout, and other Fifh are taken every Seafon) confifting of very good I. and, ( the Orchards making the beft of Cyder) and are very near to Lime add other Dreffing, which may be brought by Water Carriage ; about two Miles from Totnefs, eight from Newton, feven from Dartmouth, and about the fame Diftance from Paington and Torbay. For further Information ( in the mean Time) Application may fce made to Mr. Marfh, in Cary- Street j or Mr. Henrijques, at New- Inn, London ; Mr. Norfworthy, in Totnefs ; or Mr. Penfrsund, in Dartmouth j of whom Surveys may be had, or a Survey may be feen at all the Coffee- Houfes in Exeter and Plymouth, and at the Place of Sale. At this Survey, if the f « id Premifes cannot be ( Lid alltogether, the fame will be difpofed « f in Parts and Parcels, and, in that Cafe, the Advowfon, or next Prefentation, may . be purchafed by itfelf, or together with any Part or Parcel of the faid Premifes, as a Purchafer may be inclised. QTo he fe> £ D % . At Leeze- Park, near Chelmsford, in h f f c x , FA T D O E S , full- aged, at a Guinea a- Piece, for ready Money. Enquire of the Keeper. To be SOLD, to the higheft Bidders* By the Alfignee, under a Commiflion of Bankrupt, awarded againft Robert Lucas, at the following Times and Places. AFreehold Houfe, and feveral Parcels of Ground to the fame belonging, fituate at Fenftanton, in the County of Huntingdon. Alfa a Copyhold Houfe, with a fmall Plat of Ground, and fome Common Right thereto belonging, fituate in the Manor of Houghton cum Witton, in the fame County ; thefe were late the Eftates of the faid Bankrupt, and will be fold feparate/ iy, at the Crown Inn in St. Ives, in the fame County, on Monday the 15th of December next, at Two in the Afternoon. And on the 18th of December next, at Two in the Afternoon, will be fold at the George Inn in Yarm, in Yorkfhi're, A newerefted Flour- Mill, having two Pair of French Stones, with Granaries, and all proper Conveniencies for Bolting and Dreiiing of Fiour, fituate on the River Leaven, near the River Teafe, between Stockton and Yarm aforefaid, in a good Corn Country, and nigh feveral Market- Towns ; Boats may be Navigated to the faifl Mill at Spring- Tides : This Mill, with a Parcel of Ground adjoining, are held under a Leafe lately granted to the Bankrupt, where. n above forty Years are yet to t ome. Enquire of Mr. Stephenfon, an Attorney in St. Ives; or of Mr. Burton, in Yarm aforefaid. N E W M U S l" C K. ~ This Day was publiflxd, SI X Sets of LefTons for rhe Ilarpfichord, Compofed by Mr, Smith, Author of the Fairies, Op. 3. Pr. b%. Printed for J. Walfh, in Cather ne- Street in the Strand. Of whom may be had, 1. Six Grand Concertos for Violins, in Seven Parts, By Sig. Ricciotti. 2. St. Martini's Overtures and Concerto's, Op. S. Twelve Sonates for Violins, Op. 3. And twelve Solos far a German Flute. 3. Ruge's Duets, Sonatas, Solos, and fix Concertos for German Flutes and Violins. 4. Artie's Six Cantatas. Britannia, a Mafic. And Six Books of Select Sor. gr. 5. Handel's Songs, felecled from all his Oratorios, for the Barpfich © rd and Voice, In three Vols. Juft' publifhed. Minuets, and twenty- four Country Dances for 175* 5. Each6d. This L) jy was ptil'hjbed, No. I. Price Two- pence, The S E C O N D E D I T I O N of AP A P E R call'd The O L D MAID. By MARY SINOLETON, Spinfter. Containing One Sheet and a Half, to be continued every Saturday. But earthlier happy is the Rofe diftili'd, Than that, which withering on the Virgin Thorn, Grows, lives, and dies, in Tingle Bleffednefs. Midfummer Night's Dream. Printed for A. Millar in the Strand, and fold by S. Bladon, in Pater- nofter- row. This Dry was publifhed, l a O N E . V O L U M E , _ F O L I O, ( Price One Guinea in Sheets) . . Adorned with a Head of Prince Cantemir ; a Plan of Constantinople ; and twenty- two Heads of the Turkifh Emperors. Engraved from the Originals. THE Hiftory of the Growth and Decay of the OTHMAK EMPIRE. In Two Parts. PART I. Containing the Growth of the Othman Empire, froni the Reign of Othman the Founder, to the Reign of Mahomet IV, that is from the Year 1300, to the Siege of Vienna' 111 1683. PART II. Containing the Hiftory of the Decay of the Othman Empire, from the Reign of Mahomet IV. to the Reign of Ahmed III. Being the Hiftory of the Authors own Times. By D E M EWTrittRen IoUrigiSna lly iCn LAatiNn T E M I R , Late Prince of Moldavia. Translated into Englifh from the- Author's own Manufcripts. By N. T I N D A L, M. A. Vicar of Great Waltham in Effex. Printed for A. Mi'lar, in the Strand. This Day was publifhed, By THOMAS LEGG, at the Gazette, oppofite St. Dunftan's- Church, Fleet- Street ; and fold at all the Bookfellers ani Pamphlet Shops in London and Weftminfter. ( Price One Shilling) LONDON PROTECTED or, The city and Liberties Secured. Shewing the Neceffity of having a well- regulated and able- bodied Nightly Watch, for the Prefervation of the Lives and Fortunes of its Inhabitants in general. With a Method to effeft it, by appointing the Trained Bands of thii City to do a Nightly Duty. Alfo the Night- Duty, as it was performed by Order of the Court oi Lieutenancy, during the Time of the late unuatural Rebellion. To which is added, The Hift iry of the Hon. the Artillery Company, from the Reign of King Henry VIII. to the prefent Time. With the Eftabiifhment and prefent St » te of the Hon. Companies of Cripplegate, Southwark, and Haiioverian Granadiers ; their prefent Commanders ; and fome Account of thofe of St. Clements and Whitechapel. To the Whole is prefixed, A fhort Narrative of the Loyal Body of Blue Firfileers, raifed ia the late Rebellion, for the Defence of bis Majefty's Royal Ferfoa and Government. Moft hurably inferibed to the Rt Hon, SLINGSBY BETHELL, Efq; Lord- Mayor, the Aldermen, Sheriffs, and other Knights and Centlemen of his Majefty's Courts of Lieutenancy, the Officers of the Trained Bands, and the Houfe- Keepers in General of this opulent City. By a Member of the Hon. ARTILLERY COMPANY, Saturday next will be publifh'd, ( Price Six- pence) Number CLX. being Number 76 of the 2d Volamc » Which completes the Work, M r . P O S T L E T H W A T T ' s U N I V E R S A L D I C T I O N A RY O F T R A D E and C O M M E R C E . In this Dictionary is contained a compleat Body of Geography of tbe whole World, engraved on twenty- three Sheets. Printed for John Knapton, in Ludgatc- Street. Where may be had, This Work compleat, in Two Volumes, Folip, price 41. ia Sheets. • „ * Gentlemen who want any odd Numbers to compleat their' 3et » , ars defired to order them as foon as poffible. This Day was puhlifhed, ( Pries i s. oil large Paper is. 6 d) TH E O X F O R D A L M A N A C K, for 1756. Enibelhlhed with a Perfpeftive View of the Garden Front of Trinity- College, and the Portrait of Sir THO. POPE, the Founder. Beautifully engraved by Mr. Green. Sold by Robert Sayer, Oppofite Fetter- Lane, Fleet- ftreet. This Day was jmbli/ h'd, Ia One Volume, Twelves, ( Price 3 s. bound) ( Adorned with a curious Frontifpiece) T h e T H I R D E D I T I O N of TH E C E N T A U R NOT FABULOUS. In Six Letters to a Friend, on the Life in Vogue. Dotb be not fptak Ptrabkt ? Ezlk. Printed for A. Millar, in the Strand ; and R. and J. Dodiley, in Hall- mall. Of whom may be had, I . The fame Book on a larger Letter, price 5 s.. bound. jt. The Complaint ; or, Night Thoughts, 8vo. pr. 5 s. bound. 3. Ditto, either in large pr fmall Twelves, pr. 3 s. bound. This Day were publijhed, I n O N E V O L U M E , O C T A V O, ( Price 4. s. 6 6. bound ) SIX D I S S E R T A T I O N S on different SUBJECTS. By J O H N J O R T I N, D. D. Reft or of St. Dunftan in the Eafl. Printed for J. Whifton and B. White, in Fleet- Street. Where may be bad, by tie fame Author, Price 4 » . I. Seven Difcoarfes concerning the Truth of the CHRISTIAN RELIGION. 3d Edition corre£ ted. I I . Remarks on Ecclefiaftical Hiftory. Vol. zi, and 3d, to compleat Set• sf. his Day was publtfb'd, . A N E W E D I T I O N of TH E Firft and Second L E T T E R to the PEOPLE of ENGLAND. Printed for J. Scott, at the Black- Swan, in Pater- nofter- Row. This Day was pubiifhed, ( Price One Shilling) N E P I S T L E to Dr. THOMPSON, Sed quia mente minus validus, quam corpore toto, Nil audire velim, nil difcere, quod levet jegrum. Fidis offqndar medicis HOR. By Mr. W H I T E H E A D . Printed for W. Owen, at Homer's Head, near Tem)> le- Bar. This Day was pubhjhca N E V O L U M E , OCTAVO, ( Price 6 s. bound) Cum Praefatione Alex/ tndri Monro, Senior. C> EORGII MARTINII, M. D. in Barf tholomtei Euftachii Tabulas Anatomicas Commentaria. Oportet auicm neque recentiores viros in his fraudere, qua vel tepercrtiat vel redte fecuti l e n t ; et tamen ea, qua apud antiaquiores aliquos pofita funt, authoribus fuis redoiere. n Celf. Medicin. it. 14. Suarr. cuique laudem, laborum premium, et relinqutmus libenter. et concedimus cumulate, et deferimus liberSliter. Scalig. de fubtil. ad Cardan, cix. p. 536. Printed for A. Millar, in the Strand. __ This Day was publifhed, ( In Two Volumes, Price 6 s. bound.) THE Hiftory of LAVINIA RAWLINS. A Work very pioper to be perufed by all young LADIES, as a cautionary Direflion for avoiding thofe Miferies, for the molt Part, Attendant on fuch of the Female World, as place too Implicit a Confidence on the Profeffions of Men. Publilhed from rhe Genuine Papers themfelves, under the Infpeffion of the aforefaid Lady, by the Rev. Mr. G. D. Reflor of F— m, in Lancafhire. Printed for the Editor ; and fold by W. Owen, at Temple- Bar. On Tuefday the x$ th will be publifhed, I n T w o P O C K E T V O L U M E S, A / » O [ Price S< x Shillings bound ] TH E C O N N O I S S E U R . By Mr. T O W N , Critick and Cenfor - General. - " Non de Villis Domibufve alienis " Nec male necne Lepos l'altet j fed quod magis ad .". OS " Pertinet & nefcire malum eft, agitamus." Hor. Who better knows to build, and who to dance, Or this from Italy, or that from France, Our Connoiffeur will ne'er pretend to fcan, But point the Follies of Mankind to Man ; Th' important Knowledge of ourfelves explain, Which, not to know, all Knowledge is but vain. Printed for R. Baldwin, in Pater- nofter- Row. N. B. In this Edition the Papers are revifed and correfled : The Motto I and gustations are tranllated, and adapted to modern Manners, in a new Tafte, by the Authors. A copious Contents is prefixed to each Volume. Number XCIV. of the CONNOISSEUR, in Folio, was publifhed on Thurfday laft, Price Two- Pence. To be continued tvery Thurfday. — The Firft Volume, or any odd Numbers, may at prefent be had. This Day was - published, Never before printed, In O N E V O L U M E , O C T A V o , ( Price bound 5 s . ) TW E N T Y S E R M O N S on the f o l l o w i ng Suhjefts, viz. Of God Incomprehenfible. Of the Being and Attributes of God. Of our Being in God. Of the Sovereignty of God. 6. Of the Divine Providence. Of the Beauty of Cod's Works. S. Of the Reafons of Good and Evil. 9. Of fulfilling the Righteouf- Btfs of the Law. jo. God is Love, I t . Of God's Love in our Redemption, t j . Of theUniverfalityof Chrift's Redemptisn. 13, 14. Of Happinefs. 15. Of the Government of our Thoughts and PalTions. 16. Of the Government of our PalTions. 17. Of Charity. 18. Of doing to others what we would have done to ourfelves, 19. Of Righteoufnefs. Of the Origin of Evil. This Day was publijhed., ( I n F I V E V O L U M E S) T h e C O N T I N U A T I O N of the PARLIAMENTARY, or CONSTITUTIONAL, H I S T O R Y of E N G L A N D , From the' Battle of Nafeby, in 1645, where the Thirteenth Volume ends, to the Beheading of the King, the Diffolution of the Houfe of Lords, and the Abolilhinp of Monarchy ; when the Houfe of Commons voted themfelves to be the Sole Legiflative Power of the Nation. Faithfully extracted from the JO\„ e AL « of PARLIAMENT, and other undoubted ^ T H O M T I E S. By the fame HANDS HS the rirft T W t e e n Volumes. London: Printed for. W. SAKDBY, at T.> 3 Ship, in Fleet- Street. Where may be had the frtrmet Volumes. The remaining Volumes ( which will bring the Work down to the Reftoration) are in the Prefs, and will be publilhed with all due Expedition. At the fame Place may be had, Sir JOHN STRANGE's REPORTS. Two Volumes, Folio. Prise Three Guineas. This Day was publifhed, AC A T A L O G U E of the Libraries of fundry learned and eminent Perfons, purchafed by the late Mr. CHARLES DAVIS, Bookfeller in Holborn ; Coniifting of upwards of Twenty Thoufand Volumes, of the moft fcarce and valuable Books, in the different Sciences and Languages ; many of them bound in Morocco, Ruflia and other elegant Bindings. Which will begin to be fold, at his late DweHing- Hotife, againft Gray's- Inn- Gate, Holborn, at a very low Rate, ( the Price of each Article printed in the Catalogue) on Thurfday the idih Inftanr, and continue on Sale until the 14th of December next, ana no longer. CATALOGUES are delivered by Meff. Chappelle in Grofvenor- Stieet; Woodfall at Charing- Crofs ; Brackftone at the Royal- Exchange ; the Bockfellers of Oxford and Cambridge, and moft of the noted Market- Towns in England : And by Lockyer Davis and Charles Reymers, at the Place of Sale ; by whom the Bufinefs is continued. This Day was pabtifbed, N e a t l y printed in a P O C K E T V O L U M E, TH E DRUGGIST'S G U I D E , and the Pbyfi iatt and Apothecary's TABLE- BOOK : Being a compleat Account of all Drugs, in alphabetical Order. 1. What they are. S H E W I N G , 2. Whence brought. 3. Their Defcription. 4. What Plants, Animals, or Minerals produce them. 5. Their Virtues. I 6. The Difeafes they cure. 7. The Dofe of each. S. The Manner in which they are" Seft kept. And, 9. How beft given. 20 By C H R I S T O P H E R HUSSEYi D. D. Reltor of Alhallows the Great in Thames- Street, and Chaplain to his Grace the Duke of Dor fet. Piinted for John Ward, at the Kings- Arras, in Cornhill, oppofite the Royal Exchange. Where may be had, by the fame Author, Twelve Sermons on various Subjefls. Price bound 3 s, 6 A. Alio the Dofes of the more powerful in the principal Compofitions, and the Preparations made from them in the Shops. A Work neceffary for all Students in Phyfick and Surgery, and ufeful to the moft eftablifhed Pra& itioners. Tranfcribed from the Author's Leftures on the Materia Medica, preparatory to thofe on the Power of Medicine ; and accommodated by the Tranflator to an Englilh Reader. An Edition of this Work will fpeedily be publifiied in the Original Latin. Printed for the Author ; and fold by J. Hodges, facing St. Magnus Church, London- Bridge. Now publtfhed, W i t h the K I N G ' s Royal L I C E N C E, A N E W E D I T I O N of M A C A U L A Y ' s SHORT- HAND. The Charafters to be got by heart are but very few, which may be quickly and eafily attained, is evident by feveral Children, who, when under ten Years old, learn'd this Art by the Book alone, without the Help of a Mafter. By this Method Words in general may be wrote in lefs Time than fingle Letters in the common Way of Writing ; which renders it very ufeful in taking down Sermons, speeches, Tryals, and Debates, as well as Variety of other Things, which require great Difpatch. Printed for Aulay Macaulay, the Author, and fold by him in St. Anne's- Square, Manchefter ; from which Place a quick Conveyance, at an eafy Expence, may be had, by applying to thofe Shopkeepers that have Goods from thence. N. B. Good Profit is allowed to thofe that fell them, with twelve Months Credit. T U T P l l m E ' ~ N T. This Day arrived a Mail from HOLLAND. Algiers, Ofiober 12. Some of the Militia having occafioned a Commotion laft Night, which the Dey fearing might be a Prelude to a Mutiny, he caufed the Seditious to be arretted this Morning, and three of them were immediately impaled, ( Stakes driven thro' their Bodies) and the reit puniflied with the Baftinado. Milan, OSl. 28. The Court of Vienna has fent Orders for repairing the Fortifications of Mantua. Vienna, Nov. 3. Laft Night the Emprefs was brought to- bed of an Archdutchefs, who was baptixed to day and named Maria- Antonetta- Anna- Jofepha- Johanna, the Archduke Jofeph and the Archdutchefs Mary- Anne anfwering at the Font for the K i n g and Queen of Portugal. Munich, Nov. 2. M. Van- Eyck, Minifter from the Cardinal- Bilhop of Liege at the Court of France, is juft arrived here from Paris, faid to be charged with a very important Commiflion. Paris, Nov. 7. The internal Tranquillity of the Kingdom being highly neceflary at this Juncture, his Majefty has fignified his Delire that all Difputes between the Clergy and Parliament may fubfide. L O N D O N , November 18. Ext raff of a Letter from P or tfmouthy dated Nov. 17. " Yefterday arrived at Spithead the Admirals Bofcawen, M o f t y n , and Holbourne, with the greateft Part of his Majefty's Ships which went hence under their refpe& ive Commands. The reft of the Ships ( except four which were left at Halifax) are hourly expected, with the Lys. The cither French Ship, the A l c j d e , is at Spithead. The Fleet was feparated 6h ( he 28th part by a Violent G a l e of W i n d . Th « Chevalier Hocquart, who commanded the Alcide. is on board ihe Torbay, the Ship in which is the Flag ot Admiral Bofcawen, by w h om he has been thrice taken. The French Officers and Sailors are brought home in this Fleet " T h e French Man of War taken by theOrford had 450 M e n on board, 270 of which were either killed or wounded in the Engagement. A Dutch Ship, called the Ryberg, bound from Sweden for France, laden with Guns, puffed the Sound on the 30th of Oiftober. A large Ship, bound from Sweden to Lifbon, ran afhore near Portland, but is got off again. She mounts 20 Guns, and is capable of mounting 40, fuppofed to be a Ship in the Service of • the FreVcii. Sunday Night drove on Shore near Sandwich Flats, a Ship laden with Ballaft, Name unknown. T h e Catherine, Capt. H o w , is loft in her Paflags from Virginia to South- Carolina. Letters from South- Carolina of the 3d of October advife, that a Sloop on the Coaft of Gambia, ready to fail with a Cargo of Slaves for the Welt Indies, had been cut off by the Negroes. Laft Sunday, at a full Veftrv of the Inhabitants of Clapham in Surry, the Rev. Mr Adlon, who keeps a School there, was unanimoufly chofen Leflurer of that Parifh, in the room of the Rev. Mr. Brady, who lately refigned. T h e exceflive Rains have raifed ( he Wafers fo high in South Wales, that the Roads below U f e in Glamorganfhire are hardly paffable. Laft Saturday Evening, foon after Five o'Clock-, t w o Gentlemen were robbed Of their M o n e y by a fingle Highwayman, between the three and four Mile Stone on the Road to C'apham He bshaved with much Civility, and faid he was an unfortunate young Fellovv, unufed to that Way of Life, and driven to it through Neceifity. ' Tis pretty remarkable that this Robbery was committed by Day- light, f o o n i f t e r the W a t c h was fei, which the Inhabitants of Clapham fupport by a Subfcription, in order to fecure themfelves f r om any Attempts of that Nature ; and yet this Fact was committed fo near t w o of them, that one of ' hem called out to his Partner there is a Highwayman, to which the other replied, " Aye, he is juft g o n e b y , " without offering at any Attempt t o ftop him : Tho' they had the Impudence to give out that they had mauled tbe D o g , as they termed it. A11J much about the fame T i m e a Woman who fold F o w l s , & c. in the neighbouring Villages, was ftopt near the fame Spot by a Footpad, and robbed of ail the Money fhe had taken, that Day and two Pounds of Butter. Yefterday died at N e w i n g t o n Mr. Peter Auftin, aG< nt! em< in of confiderablc Fortune in the public Funds. A T i e a t y of Marriage is on foot bstween Sir Hanfon Berney, of Kirby in Norfolk, Bart, and Mifs W o o l l b a l l , of Waltbamftovv in Effex, a Lady of great Accomplifhmenrs and large Fortune. On Sunday Jame; W r i g h ' , Efq; was married to Mifs Lydia Vetden, of Leadenhall- Stiver. Dartmouth, Nov. ' 4 Yeiierday was mirried Arthur Holdfworth, Efq; his Majefty's Governor of the Caftle of Dartmouth, to Mifs Taylor of D e n - bury ; an agreeable, fprightly, and well- accomplifh'd young Lady. Both eminently endowed with every T h i n g neceffary to fupport the D i g n i t y of the Marriage State, and render its Felicity truly complete. W h e n with good Senfe, good Nature is combin'd ; W h e n Reafon guides, and Virtue forms the Mind ; W h e n Hearts, undrawn by fordid Mammon's Handf U n i i e fincere, in Hymen's facred Band ; Secure, each Bofom glows with mutca; Love, And reprefents the Harmony above. In vain muft Happinefs be fought for here, Cou'd two, fo bleft, not live a happy Pair ! ExtraEl of a Letter from. Swartfea, Nov. 8- " This Day W e e k , about three Quarters paft Six in the Evening, a Mile and half up the River, after t w o Hours Ebb, a large Head of Water tulhed up with a great N o i f e , floated two large Veffels, broke their Stern- Moorings, and hove them acrofs the River, and it was with great Difficulty they were prevented from overfetting. It fell almoft as fudden, for in ten Minutes there was no Appearance left of more Water than ufual at that T i m e of T i d e . Nothing extraordinary was obferved lower down the River, nor any Shock upon the Land. A Veffel arrived fince from Hayl in Cornwall brings an A c - count, that the fame D a y , about Four in the Afternoon, they had three Heads of Water, one after the other ; and at St. Ive's, a f ew Miles diftant, a Veffel that was near dry was floated off fome Diftance from the Place. Deal, Nov. 17. Wind S. W . blows frefh. Remain his Majefty's Ships, Sloops, and outwardbound Ships, and D u t c h Eaft- Tndia Ships as per laft. Arrived the Roehefter, Halcrow, from O p o r t o ; the Hynd Gaily, Marlow, from Jamaica ; and Unity, Holland, from Virginia, at Dover. Bank- Stock, 120. India Diito, r<;< 5 1 4th. South- Sea D i t t o , 103 3- 4ths. Ditto Old Annuities, 1 Sub. 91 1.4th. Ditto Sub. 89 3 qrs, Dittc, N t w , 1 Sub. 92. Ditto 2d Sub. 91. Three i- ha! f per Cent. Bank Annuities, 1 Sub. 90 7- Sths. Ditto 2 Sub. 89 7- Sths. Ditto India Annuities, 88 3 qrs a 89. Thrt « pet Cent. Bank Annuities, 91 i- half. D> tto 1751, 91. Ditto India Annuities, 88- 3 - q r s a Sp India H| nds 11 6 3, a 7 s. B A L D W I N ' * D A I L Y J O U R N A L* o R, Gentleman'' s and Trtidefnian's C O M P L E T E A n n u a l A C C O M P T - B O O K for the P O C K E T or D F. S K ; JVat this Day ptfblijhe/ L Price i s. 6 d. neatly bound, With a new and ufeful Index to ' he Year 1756, hrting Biflextile or Leap- Year, the 2 9 t h of the Reign of King GEORGE II. and the 5th ot the Hew Style ufed : n Great- Britain. In the Order of Time throughout the Year. So contrived as to anfwer every Man's Purpofe, and to enable him, with the greareft Eafe, to keep a regular and exadl Account of all Monies received, paid, lent, or expanded; where,, of, and to whom, every Day of the Week throughout the Year j with a blank Space oppofite each Day for all Appointments or Engagements, and a difiindt Weekly Column for mifcellaneou3 Memorandums and Obfeiiations. And at the End are printed many ufeful Things for the Pocket. In which, among many other new and diily ufeful Particulars, are now firft added, A CHRONOLOGICAL HISTORY of the WORLD, from the Creation to the Year of Chrift 1755 ; and the ATTORNEY'S and SOLICITOR'S Table for the Year 1756. Printed only for R. Baldwin, at the, Ptofe in Pater- ncfter- row. Bt careful to aft for Baldwin's DAILY JOURNAL, and fee that bit Name only be at tbe Bottom of tbe Title, by rvbiib you may be certain of tbe Right. Some Modell People having for tbe enfuing Year added tbe Title ef Daily Journal to another Memorandum- Book, the more nearly to imitate and pafs it on tbt Fublici for tbe ORIGINAL, makes tbii Caution to tbe Buyer abfo/ utelj necfjfary. Ihis Day was publtfbed, In a Size fit tor the Pocket, Prioe 1 s. neatly bound, With a beautiful Frontifpiece of a Gentleman drefs'd in the prefent TASTE • TH E LADY'S M E M O R A N D U M - BOOK. Serving, As a compleat P. EGISTER of all their TRANSACTIONS, For the Y E A R 1756. Containing, j . Twenty- four Country Dances, for the Year 175.6. 2. A Marketting- Table. 3. A Table fliewing the Vaftie of any Number of Portugal Pieces. 4. Fifty- two double Pa^ es, properly difpofed to enter regularly ali Engagements, Expences, and occafioiw! Memorandums. 5. /\ n Account cf the fixed arid moveable Fcafts and Falls, Sec. in the Year 1756. 6. Rules foi playing at Wliift, Quadrille, Piquet, 7.. Rules relating to Bath and iunbridge. . Rules of the I- ong Room at Scarborough. 9. The Rank and Order of Precedence, according to the feveral Agrees of Honour in Great Britain. 10. The Rules of Hackney Coachmen and Chairmen, with their Rates, according to Adlof Parliament. 11. Rates of Watermen. i l . A Receipt for dreffing a Turtle. 1 A Receipt for a. fham Turtle. 74. A Table of Expenee by the Day Week, Month,, and Year. Printed for Cooper, in Pa tRer.- naonfdf eJr„- RDowod. lfey ia Pall- mall; and fold by M. 1 his Day was publifhed, Witli feveral Additions and Amendments, beautifully printed' on a fuperfine Writing Taper, with Pockets for Notes, Letters, See. " ( Price, neatly bound, 1 s. 6 d.) Inscribed to Stephen Theodore JanJJin, Efqj late L o rd M a y o r of the Crty of L o n d o n, S H E E P E Y ' s Gentleman's and Tradefwan\ POCKET ASSISTANT, or DAILY JOURNAL, for tbe Year of our Lord 1756 s Univerfsliy appioved of, and allowec. to be r. icre ufeful and convenient than any extant. To which is now added, amongft many other Particulars, 1. Advice to Travellers ; containing feveral very good Receipts for rhe Cure of Difeafes incident to Horfes ; with Directions how to manage them on a Journey, and at all other Times. à. The Rules of Hackney Coachmen and Chairmen, with their Rates, according to Adt of Parliament, hitherto miftaken.. 3. The Prices of the different Works of Bricklayers, Mafons, Carpenters, Joiners, Carvers, Plumbers, SJate'rs, Painters, Plaifrerers, Paviours, and Smiths. 4.: Exadt Account ef the Pott- Office, with the late Alterations for America. 5. A Table of equal and Mean Time, according to the New Stile. á. A Table, fliewing at one View, the Times of High Water at London- Bridge, Morning and Evening every Day in the Year. 7. A Poetical Illuftration of Time's Progrefs thro'the four Seafons, and twelve Months of the Year.. 8. A fliort but concife Defcription of England, and the B;- Ihopricks thereof, Arc. Sec. & c. Printed for the Editor, M. Shcepey, in London- Street, Fencharch- Strest ; P. Stevens, facing Stationers- Hail; and S. Crowder and H. Woodgate, at the Golden Ball, in Pater- nofter- row. As there are feveral Books of this Kind, this compared with any of the Others, ' tis prefumed the Buyers will judge for themfelves. This Day was publijhed, ( Price 6 d.) ( According to Adt of Parliament) NUMBER VII. ( to be continued Weekly) of New N A V A L H I S T O R Y ; or, Compleat VIEW cf the B R I T I S H MARINE. In which the ROYAL NAVY and the MERCHANT'S SERVICE arc traced through all their Periods and different Branches. With the Lives of the ADMIRALS and NAVIGATORS who have honoured this Nation, and diftinguiihed themfelves by their Courage, Contiudt, Vidtories, and Difcoveries ; including the mofl confiderable Naval Expeditions and Sea Fights. The Laws and Regulations for the Government and Oeconomy of the Navy, and the Royal Yards and Docks in tins Kingdom. And an Abftradt of the La'/ fs now in Force for regulating our Trade and Commerce. Printed for J. Scott, at the Black Swan in Pater- nofler- Row; and fold by the principal Bookfellers in Town and Country j of , whom Propofals, with a Specimen annexed, may be had. N. B. No. r, z, 3, 4, and 5, contains the Naval Affairs, from the e. irlieft Account of Time to the Norman Conquefl; the Sovereignty and Dominion ofthe Seas afTerted ; the Right and Dignity of the Britifh Flag vindicated ; the State and Power of the Britifh Admiralty ; the Laws and Cuttcms of the Seas ; the Regulations and Inflrudtions for every Officer in the RoyaJ Navy ; the Duty of Officers in the feveral Royal Yards and Docks ; the Number, Quality, and Charge of building the prefent NaVy ; Lifts of all the High Admirals and Commiflioners; the Naval Hiftory from William the Conqueror to Henry I I. This Day WAS publifi. HTI Price bound Two Shillings and Sbt1jfcftce. With many Additions and Improvements not In any former Edition, and the Lifts carefully corrected at the feveral Publick Offices to this Month. TH E COURT and CITY REGISTER f o r the Yeir 1756. Containing, i . Rider's Almanack for the Year 1756. 1. New and Corredt f- ifs. of the Lords and Commons, See. 3. The Court and City Regifter. 4. Lifts of the Army and Navy. Printed for J. Barnes, ( late Amey's) in tbe Court of Requefts, and at Cjiaring Crofs ; J. Brindley, J. Jolliffe, Hitch and L, Hawes, M-. Cooper, W-. and D. Baker , P. Stevens, J. Hodges, J. » nd J. Rivi'ngton, J. Robinfon, W. Reeve, J. Jefferies, and all Bookfallers in Town and Country. The Lifts may be had without an Almanack, Price 2S bound, or 1 s. 6 d. ditched. In a few Days will be publifhed, With the Arms of all the. Peers of Great- Britain and I re! an-?, beautifully engraved by T. JEFFERIES, Geographer to his Royal Highnefs the Prince of WALES. The FIFTH EDITION, for the Year 1756, of COMPANION to the ALMANAC : Containing corredt Lifts of the Peers of Great- Britain and Ireland, and of the Britifh Houfe of Commons, with the Places they hold under the Government, and their Places of Refidence ; Lifts of the Great Officers of State, Officers of the Houfhold to his- Majefty, the Prince, the Princefs Dowager, the Duke, and ail the Royal Family; of the Officers belonging to all the Public Offices in England, witii their Duty, Bufmefs, and Salaries ; Lifts of the Army and Navy j of all the trading Companies, Public Societies and Charities, with an Account of their firft inftitutions ; a new Table of the different Weights of all the trading Cities of Europe. At the ReajieJl of feveral Ladies eminent for thtir ( jEconomp This Day was pubhfhed, ( Price i s) Neatly bound, with Pockets for Notes and Letters, and adorned with a Frontifpiece of a Lady, drefs'd in the prefent Fafliion. TH E LADY'S C O M P L E T E POCKET" BOOK. For the Year of our Lord 1756. C O N T A I N I N G , I.. A Memorandum Book for every Day, Week, and Month in tbe Year, fo difpoftd as to flievv at one View, a whole Week's Account of what has been Received, Paid, Lent, or Expended, what Appointments,. Engagements, or Vifits ha. ve been made, received, 01- paid, and other occafional Memorandums of Bufinefs, See. It. An Account of tbe Fe^ fts and Fafts, fixed and moveable ; Holidays, and other !£ r; V !; vi6le Days in the Year 1756,. III. The Female Chronologer, or fuccindl Account of certain illuftrious Ladies who have diftingui/ hed themfelves for the Honour of their Sex. IV. Of Rank and Precedence, and how to addrefs Perfons of Diftindtion. Rules and Rates of Coachmen, Chairmen, and Watermen. Bill of Fare for every Seafon of the Year. Terms. in Cookery explained. Diredtions for Marketting, Ready MefJfcs for Supper, . Sec. V. Laws bf the Game of Whift and Quadrille, and Rules for playing Rules relating to Bath and Tunbridge, and Long Room at Scarborough. VI. Tables for Marketting and Expences of Wages, by the Day, V/.-.- it, Month, and Year. Diredtions for dancing twenty- four new. Country Dances for the Year 1756.; with other Particulars, very ufeful for the Pocket of the Fair Sex. [ To be continued every Year. J Printed for J . NewbcCryh, uract h- thYea rBdi. b le and. Sun in St. Paul's 1 his Dcy v is p'lrblijhed, with the Almanacks, ? « ( Price oirly 1 Si) ( Humbly inferibed to the Royal Society) T H E G E N T L E M A N and LADIES PALLADIAM and DIARY, for the Year 1756 ; on a Plan entirely new ; exceeding for its Ufefulnefs and Curiofity every Thing hitherto publifhed of the Kind ; containing; befides the ufuaf Subjedls, many new Improvements in Science ; particularly, perpetual, aftronomical, and chronological Tables ; by which the Moon's Age and Place, for any Month and Day 111 the Year are known at Sight; and likewife the Sun's Place, Time of high Water at London- Bridge, and Moon's Riling and Setting for the fameTime : Corredt Tables ( according to the Dean of Durham, the Hon. and Rev. Dr. Spencer Cowper's late Improvement in Afttonomy, dedicated to the Right Hon. the Earl of Maccleffield) for the Difcovery of the Longitude, reduced to Pradlice by Obfervation of the Moon, according to- the Method firft pointed out by the late celebrated Aftronomer Royal Dr. E D M U ND HALLEY. Printed for Stanley Crowder and Henry Woodgate, at the Golden Ball in Pater- nofter- ftow, where Country Biiokfellers, Shopkeepers, Sec. may be fi- ipplied at reafonable Rates, ' J t y fytK l H G ' s ^ J m ^ t p T This Day was publijhed, ( Price 6 d.) Dedicated to the liight Hon. the LORD- MAYOR, ALDERMEN, and COMMON COUNCIL, N U M B E R XCVIII. ( To be continued Weekly) A N E W E D I T I O N, Wiih large Improvements by feveral Hands, / w J p H E H I S T O R Y and S U R V E Y L O N D O N and W E S T M I N S T E R , S O U T H W A R K , and Places adjacent. By W I L L I A M MAI TLA N D, F. R. S. Embelliflied with One Hundred and Twenty COPPER- PLATES, finely engraved. The kind AfTiftance of fo many eminent and learned Gentlemen, particularly the late Sir Richard Hoare, Brtnen Willis, Efq; Sttpbeir- Martin Leake, Efq; Carter King at Arms, Ebenezer Muffci, Efqj Dr. Birch. Sec. in the Progrefs of this Work, gives great Pleafure to the Proprietors as well as Satisfadlion to their Subfcribers, Sec. who may be affined, that it will not only be the moft complete, but beft embellifhed HISTORY and SURVEY of LONDON ever publiflied. Printed for T. Ofborne and J. Shipton in Cray's- Inn, J. Hodges on LorxJon- Bridge, and R. Baldwin in Pater- nofter- Row ; and fold by all Bookfellers and the News- Carriers in Groat- Britain and Ireland. The firft Volume may be had altogether, Price thirty Shillings in Sheets; or fuch as are difpofed to take it in Numbers may begin with No. I. and have it progreffively. This Day was puMifhedy Neatly printed in a Pocket Sitte on a fine Writing Paper, ruled for Accounts, Appointments, and Memorandums, with Pockets ter keeping Bills and Letters. Price i s . 6d. neatly bound. TH E New MEMORANDUM BOOK I M P R O V ' D ; Or, The GENTLEMAN and TRADESMAN'S DAILY POCKETJ O U R N A L, For the Year 1756. Containing. I. Fifty- two Pages for the Receipts and Expences oT every Week in the Year. IL Divifions for every Day in the Year; ufeful to enter any future Appointments or Engagements, or to fhfew when any Notes of Payments will become due. HI. A Table that ffiews what any Salary,[ from 40,000 1. a Yea? to One Pound a Year, comes to for a Day. l y . Rates of Coachmen, Chairmen, Carmen, Porters, and Watermen. V. Rates , of Poll- Letters, Foreign and Domeflic. VI. An Account where all the Public Offices are kept. VII. The Times of the Dividends and Transfer Days at the Bank, India, and South Sea Houfes. VIII. The Holidays kept at all the Public Offices. To which is added, A Lift of die Counties, Borcjughs, Sec. with the Members return'd for the " prefent Parliament, and their Places of Abode Difpofsd in a Method more ufeful and convenient for all Sorts of Bufinefs, than any of tliofe who have pretended to imitate it ; and as it was the Firft, fo it is now the beft Book of the Kind. Printed for R. Dot!( ley in Pall- mall; and fold by M. Cooper, C. Hitch arid L. Hawes, in Pater- nofter Row; U. Whitridge, at the R0y. 1l Exchange; J. and J. Rivington in St. Paul's Church- yard * S. Birt and B. Dod in Avemary- Lane ; W. Reeve, in Fleet- ftreet j. J. Robinfon, Ludgate- flreet; T. Tryt', in Holborn ; J. Barnes in. the Court of Requefts ; and G. Woodfall, at Charing Crofs. For the Ornamenting and Illuftrating O F 1 11 E H O L Y B I B L E, Lafl Saturday fe'nnight tvas publifhsd, Price only Three pence lurched io blue Paper, No. VIII. Firft, repralemiftg Efan fellin; his Birthright; and id, Jacob getting the Wetting. A C O M P L E A T S ET Fine COPPER- PLATE CUTS; Z K H I B I T S K C , In a very Striking and Bectitiful Manner, T h e M O S T R E M A R K A B LE SCRIPTURE HISTORIES; And alfo Views of the Tabernacle of Mafes, the mag'- iificen. ® Temple of Solomon, the various Altars and Uienfels made ufoot in the Jewifli Sacrifices, the Habitsof the Prietts, Plans of the City of Jerufalem, Maps of the Lard of Canaan, & tc. and whatever elfe may tend to iHudrate the Holy Scriptures. The Whole making a fine Set of P R I N T S very proper for binding up with the HOLY BIBLE, or by themfelves, and more pirticularly with the under- mentioned Work; which are not enly a beautiful Ornament, but of great Ufe, as the will imprint deeply upon the Mind ( efpecially thofe of Youth) the moft remarkable Occurrences of Scripture Hiftory, and explain many Parts of the Hot.- A B I B L E . And as they will exceed ia Beauty any BIBLE CUTS ever publifhcd in this Kingdom, fo will they be rendered upon far cheaper Terms, being publ. lhed - once s Month at the fmall Price of Three- Punce tor Two Fot. 10 C u j s ; being undertaken and rendered at that cheap Rate purpofely to oblige the Purchafers of a Work now publiihing ( by the KlfiG's LICENCE) Weakly, at Three- Pen: e each Number, entitled, A N Illuftration of the Holy Scriptures, BY NOTES and EXPLICATIONS O N T BE Old and New Teftament? Printed in. Folio, on a large beautiful Letter, and fupeifitie Paper, Which, bafides tho S A C K E D T E X T , Mas fuch Notes and Comments adjoined as fully explain all the difficult PafTages therein. This Work has met with fuch extraordinary Approbation, that ftveral Thoufands of them have been fold within a few- Months, and the Sale ffill encreafos atery'Day. N. K. Thofe who have not- yet takin in the above Work, may begin with No I.. or have all the Numbers that are now publiftifcd, by applying to R. Goad by, in Sherborne ; R. Baldwin, in Pater noftsr- Row, London ; to the Bookfellers of either of rhe Univerfities i or to any of the Printers, Bookfellers, and Newfmen, 111 England, Scotland, or Ireland. Number 51 of the Work if this Day publifhed. I n L O N G - A C R E , ~ At Mr. Burchel? s at the ANODYNE NECKLACE, and at Mr. Bowtnrs at the South- Gate of the Royal- Exchange, Cornhill, London, Are Sold the Famous S U G A R P L U M S , for W O R M S , Twelve Pence a Dozen, or One Plum for a Penny or Three Doaen for Half a Crown. L I K E W I S E , t ^ A NODYNE NECKLACES JTx Price 5 s. fxngle, and AUowk'V, ance by the Dozen to Sell again V arid Alfo the Famous Gum- opening Z » Remedy to let out £? C H I L D R E N S T E E TH without Pain. Price oiily 6 d. with Dfreftions j or Sia Parcels for z- s. 6 d, And, To prevent any Miftake, NONE of th « Author's ANODYNE NECKLACES, Purgi*, SUGAR PLUMS, and Remedies in Secret CASES' are Sold ANY LONGER at Temple- Bar. L O N D O N taken Sold by E. S A Y , in Ave- Mary- Lane, where Advertifements and Letters of Intelligence are taken in • Adrertifements; are alfo cen in by J . SHUCKBURGH, at th^ Sun, between the Temple- Gates, and by W. SANDBY, at the Ship, oppofite St. Dunftan's Church, Fleet- Street; bj W. S H R O P S H I R E in New Bond- Street; and alfo by J. WARD, at the King's- Arms, the- Corner of Pope's- Head- Alley and H. WHITRIDGE, the Cornei of Caftie- Alley, in Cornhill, ?
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