The Evening Advertiser
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Volume Number: Issue Number: 233
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The Evening Advertiser
Date of Article: 26/08/1755
Printer / Publisher: J. Payne
Address: Pope's-Head, Pater-noster Row, near St. Paul's
Volume Number: Issue Number: 233
No Pages: 4
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The Evening Advertiser No. 233 THE Ramezan is finished with great or- der and tranquility, and was succeeded by the Bairam, at which time it was usual, in the late reign, to exhibit shews and spectacles to the people ; but this prince doth not think proper to imitate it; probably to prevent the pro- digious eoncourse of people which assemble on that oc- casion. A very great and considerable fire happened on the first night of Bairam, between the loth and nth, near the Seraglio; it burnt for thirteen hours successively, and did incredible damage. The Grand Seignior and all the ministers attended with great assiduity. Many large
seraglio's are burnt down. Yesterday severable consider- able changes were made in the subordinate posts of the ministry ; the secretary to the janizaries; first commissary of the arsenal; Kadiliskeer of Romelia; Lieutenant- General of the Spahys, with several other inferior offi- cers, were all deposed : The latter is succeeded by Sadick Aga, the late great Master of the Horse. . Rome, Aug 8. A late cabal among the jesuits here had nearly proved fatal to an holy father of that order, had not his Holiness, the Pope, opportunely interested himself in his behalf. It appears this good brother, tho' an unworthy member of such a college,
by an exemplary life of virtue and piety, had become the favourite con- fessor of many of the first families of Rome; in the ex- ercise of which his duty, it has been discovered, that more than once, he had influenced his dying penitents to lay aside their thoughts of bestowing any gift, by way of gratuity, to the society of which he was a member. This singular practice had much incensed his colleagues, and indeed the whole order, against him; but on a late disappointment at the decease of a rich dowager, from whom the college had great expedtations, they could no longer bear to look on the object of their resentment with
impunity; when accordingly the good father dis- appeared. On the timely information, however, of some of his friends to the Pope, his Holiness demanded him of his principal, and not only released him from his confinement, but, by otherwise disposing of him, has rendered him exempt from the orders of his college. This case is not a singular one. being similar to the well- known story of Father Gracili. Hague, Aug. 14. The proposal which has been for some time past laid before the several states of the pro- vinces, regarding the necessary augmentation of the troops of this republick, seems now more than ever to engage their
attention. The present objection is, that the provinces are not in a situation to purchase their se- curity, in case of danger, by their own troops; and therefore, that unless such a force could be raised and maintained, as might enable it to defend itself in a man- ner independently, any pretensions thereto would be in- effectual, and the money expended thrown away. The present force of the States will be held in readiness how- ever to join the troops of their allies, in case of emer- gency, by the approach of the French troops to the- frontiers of Flanders, which is expected as a natural con- sequence of the success of the English in
America, Munich, July 30. This week arrived a Spanish Lord or perhaps a minister, charged, it is said, with a com- mission, the contents whereof is still an impenetrable se- cret to the public. If the Infant Don Lewis had quitted his red hat with a view to marry, the people would not fail to say that this gentleman comes to ask for the Infant the youngest princess of Bavaria, whom we wish the Arch- duke Joseph to have. But why should we not think that this minister is come to treat with our court concerning the arrears which Spain owes it ever since the death of Charles VII. Hague, Aug. 8. The States General are not content with
abandoning all the barrier towns except Namur. They have also resolved to evacuate the little fortress of Stevanswerth, and to raze its fortifications, which, not- withstanding the annual visitation of our commissaries, are in such a ruinous condition that it would cost too much to repair them. To this reason may be added, that it could never be made a place capable of sustaining a siege of more than three or four days. The towns of Leyden and Delft have begun to side with those who are for the augmentation in our troops. Amsterdam likewise begins to capitulate : The haughty magistrates of that city demand that the troops of
this augmentation shall be only employed in securing and de- fending the proper frontiers of the state. Paris, Aug. 17. A vessel arrived at Rochelle brings advice that the French squadron is arrived at its destina- tion, except the two ships that were taken by the English. M. de Salvert, with his division, consisting of five ships, is got into Louisburgh, and has landed there two batta- lions.; . and the Count de la Mothe is arrived at Canada, and landed four other battalions. The troops are all in good health, and desire nothing more than to be led to the enemy. Their presence has revived the courage of the people of Canada, who now
think themselves strong enough to keep possession of what the English pretend to dispute with them. Paris Alamain, Aug. 18. Lord Clare lies danger - ously ill. The Lieutenant- Criminal of Auxerre hath been ex- amined by the parliament concerning some irregular pro- ceedings in prosecutions touching refusals of the sacra- ment; and it appearing that he had defeated the proof of the fact by interrogating each evidence concerning points which some other was brought to prove, the par- liament committed him to prison. We learn from several towns in Brie that they are in- fested by a she wolf robbed by some huntsmen of her
young, which hath killed a child, and bit several per- sons. Campeigne, Aug. 1. Councils still continue very fre- quent, and fresh orders are daily issued in consequence of the measures there concerted relating to the war which we shall probably soon have with the English. The great point we labour at is the augmentation of the marine, which we propose to make much more powerful than it ever was. We are already employed in doubling the companies of the quarter- deck and poop guards [ Gardes de la Marine & du Pavilion] in the three departments of Brest, Rochefort, and Toulon, and in forming a fourth department at
Dunkirk as soon as the harbour is restored, on which they are hard at work. The King hath taken a resolution to keep constantly in that harbour ten ships of the line and fifteen or twenty frigates always ready to put to sea on the shortest notice. The four batallions with which every regiment of foot is to be reinforced, are to be taken out of the mili- tia, and new men raised to fill up the militia. The King hath taken upon himself to indemnify the Duke de Penthievre, High Admiral of France, for what the pri- vateers, to whom his Majesty gives the whole of what they take, are obliged to pay him on receiving their com- missions, and out
of all their prizes. We flatter ourselves that the towns of Nantes, St. Malo, Boulogne, Bourdeaux, Rochelle, and others on the ocean, will fit out a sufficient number of privateers to give a fatal blow to the English trade. Amsterdam, Aug. 4. A motion hath been made to fit out this winter some men of war besides those already mentioned, in order to form a squadron under the com- mand of Rear Admiral Wassenaer, that we might act with vigour againd the Algerines. Every body allows the utility of this armament, which without doubt would soon force the regency of Algiers to agree to a new trea- ty ; whereas the few ships we have
already fitted out are scarce sufficient to restrain their piracies: but the want of money in the treasury of the Admiralties hinders, and will always hinder, this project, till the provinces take a resolution to employ in it the sums which the fiftieth penny produced in the Indies. SHIP - NEWS. Deal, Aug. 23. Wind W. S. W. Remains his Ma- jesty's ship Antelope, Vice Admiral Smith, with the ships as per last. Came down the Lydia, Reeves, for Phila- delphia ; the Two Brothers, Tootmer, for Portsmouth ; the Ann and Elizabeth, Ellery, for Plymouth ; and the Jewel, Anthony, for Deal, August 24. Remain his Majesty's ships Ante- lope,
Ramillies, Windsor, Falmouth, Romney, Gibral- tar, Cruizer and Dispatch sloops, and Dutch Indiamen ; Lydia, Reeves, for Philadelphia ; Duke of Modena, Reynolds, for Cadiz; Montgomery, Paterson, for Vir- ginia ; the Queen of Portugal, Veal, for Lisbon ; the Charming Molly, Diddier, for Smyrna; Lucretia, Fle- ming, for St. Kit's; William, Reddard, for Gibraltar ; Swift, Magee, for Guiney ; Hope, Bayly, for Lanca- ster; Gloucestershire, Keir, for Bristol; Ostrich, Welch, for Falmouth ; Susannah, Hooper, and Montagu, Bos- sum, for Plymouth; the Two Brothers, Tolmer, for Portsmouth ; Anne and Elizabeth, Ellery, from Ply- mouth ;
Jewel, Anthony, for ——. Arrived the Elizabeth, Mattheson, from Jamaica; and the Industry, Wolf, from Hamburgh, for the Canaries. Wind W. Arrived, At Dover, the Swinton, Fullerton, from Jamaica ; Charming Nancy, White, from Carolina ; Molly, Sher- rard, from Nevis; Mermaid, Degan, from St. Kit's; Happy Recovery, Sutton, from Maryland ; American, Lusk, and the Bolton Galley, White, from Boston ; and the Lovely Sukey, Clemens, from Lisbon. At Bristol, True Briton, Smith, from Barbadoes; and William and Betty, Bond, from Oporto. At Margate- road, the Malaga Gaily, Cahill, from Malaga. At Dover, The Planter, Oglevie,
from Antigua. In Margate- road, the Galloway, Spencer, from Ma- ryland- At Carolina, Live Oak, Rogers, from London. In the River, Thetis, Priddie, from Smyrna. At Bristol, the Duke of Argyll, M'Neal, from St. Kit's. ( PRICE THREE HALF- PENCE.}. A M E R I C A. Boston in New England, June 12 A body of 2,500 men, under the command of our Governor, is now on it's march for the great falls of Niagara, between the lakes Erie and Ontario ; another, of 3,500 men, under the command of Gen. Johnson, is on it's march to at- tack Crown Point, but they will not be at the places of action this month or six weeks, as their marches
are very long. The Crown Point expedition is entirely at the expence of the Northern Colonies. SCOTLAND. Edinburgh, Aug. 19. On Tuesday the 7th inst. Mr. Colin Campbell, student in divinity, son to Mr. Camp- bell of Knock of Mull, was drowned in the sea at In- verary, as he was bathing himself; he was a very pro- mising young man, and was to have preached his first sermon that day before the Presbytery, in order for the ministry. IRELAND. Dublin, August 19. We hear that the Right Hon.' Luke Gardiner, Esq; hath resigned his employment as Deputy Vice Treasurer of this kingdom, on account ot his ill state of health. They
are now pulling down in Drogheda, the famous old building called the Castle of Comfort, in which the parliament sat when Poyning's act was passed. Three daughters of his Grace the late Duke of Richmond are come over with their sister the Countess of Kildare. Saturday a Dutch boat going down the river with six men on board, was overset by a squall of Wind facing Ringsend, but a boat providentially passing by took them all up alive. Tuesday was married Ralph Howard, Esq; of Skel ton, eldest fon of the late Bishop of Elphin, to Miss Forward, daughter of William Forward, Esq; Member of Parliament for St. Johnston, with a
fortune of 4001. a year. We hear that a man who came from the county of Wexford, and rode all the preceding night in order to, be in town early in the morning of the franchise day, got upon a hay rick at the inn he put up at near Butter- lane, that he might have a full view of them, but taking his place upon the hay so long before their passing, and be- ing fatigued with riding, he fell fast asleep, and never awoke till eight o'clock in the evening, when, to his no small mortification, the shew was all over. Wednesday last came on at the assizes of Mullingar, the trial of a gentleman and his servants for an assault on some of the
servants of the Right Hon. the Lord Bellfield, but the jury not agreeing to the verdict stay'd out all night, and the next day they were brought to the bounds of the county, and there discharged. LONDON. Commodore Keppel is arrived express from America and we hear that one packet brought by him has been dispatched to the Duke of Newcastle at Clermont, and another to Lord Anson at Moor- park. He has brought ad- vice of an action near the Ohio. His Majesty's servants belonging to the yachts have received orders from the board of Green cloth to go on board, in order to fall down the river to- morrow for Helvoetsluys, to
wait the arrival of his Majesty. Admiral Boscawen is shortly expected home with the largest ships of his fleet. Admiral Knowles is soon expected home from the go- vernment of Jamaica, and we hear he is intended to command a fleet in the West Indies. Some small men of war are getting ready for sea, and are destined, it is said, for the Streights. The Pearl, Capt. Ansell, arrived in the Downs from Jamaica, ran ashore off King's- down, but got off again with little damage. On Saturday last the Hunter, Golden Fleece, and a new hired tender, sailed from Iron gate with about 200 impressed men, destin'd for the ships at Chatham
and Sheerness. They write from Naples of the 22d of July, that a few days before his Grace the Duke of Bridgewater ar- rived there from Rome. Last Tuesday morning arrived in Bristol Road, the St. Andrew, Olive, from Greenland, with one sea- horse and eleven seals. On Thursday evening about a quarter past nine, a3 Miss Pritchard, who is in partnership with her sister, a haberdasher in Norris- street, St. James's market, was standing at her door, two men offered to be rude with her ; on which she endeavoured to shut the door, but they pushing with great violence against her, in the druggie she broke a pain of glass, which
has cut her main artery and muscle in a very bad manner. One Mr. Pinkston, a surgeon in St. Alban's- street was sent for as soon as possible, who says it's impossible to save her arm. The two men however unfortunately escaped it being done in so short a time no person had she happi- ness or opportunity to discover them. At the assizes at- Carlisle the master of the Peregrine sloop of war, tried for killing a man in an affray, was honourably acquitted. LONDON: From SATURDAY, August 23, to TUESDAY, August 26, 1755. The PROPRIETOR of this Paper beg leave to acquaint the PUBLIC, that Advertisements will be
advantageously printed and arranged at the moderate Price of Two Shillings, which is ONE THIRD less than is taken by any other Evening- Paper. Yesterday arrived a Mail from France. Constantinople, July 17,
On Sunday and Yesterday a great number of messen- gers were dispatched to the several ports, and also to Hanover. Saturday 7 night the assizes ended for the city and county of Bristol, when Catherine Gardner, for mur- dering her bastard child : and William Williams, found guilty of uttering and publishing several bills of pay- ment for money, received sentence of death. And on Monday Gardner was executed according to her sentence, and her body delivered to the surgeons. Williams is to be executed next Friday. On Thursday next William Smith, who was con- demned last assizes at Croydon, for felony and robbery, will
be carricd from the New- Goal, Southwark, and ex- ecuted at Kennington- common, pursuant to his sentence. On Friday night about eight o'clock, a press- gang, by the stratagem of setting two men to fight near St. Dunstan's Church in Fleet- street, raised a great mob, cf whom they carried away eleven men for the King's ser- vice. At Oxford on Thursday the following started for the Ladies plate ; Mr. Pytt's bay horse, Liberty, got by Hazard 1 l Mr. Nath. Pembroke's grey horse, Aimwell 2 2 Mr. Burborough's chesnut gelding, Patch, dis. Mr. Buckton's brown horse, Wormwood dis. At Derby on Tuesday last the following four year
olds started for 50I. B. Warren, Esqrs. chefnut colt, Careless Philip Egerton, Esqrs. bay colt, Rocket A. Curzon, Esqrs. chesnut colt Wormwood Rob. Pigot, Esqrs. bay filley, Chetwyn Rich. Middleton, Esqrs. black horse, ' Mr. Warren's horse is thought to be in a very high form ; he has refused 400 guineas for him, On Wednesday the following started for 50I. Nath. Curzon, Esqrs. bay horse, Alfred I » Sir Charles Sedley's bay horse, Sylph 2 z Ph. Egerton, Esqrs. bay horse, Atilius 3 3 Tho. Slaughter, Esqrs. chesnut horse 4 dif. At the Assizes held for Lancaster, which ended last Thursday, one Thomas Moore, otherwise
Moorefield, formerly employed as a labourer in his Majesty's Mint, was found guilty of high treason, in counterfeiting the current coin of this kingdom, and received sentence of death. And the trials of Thomas Fishwick, a ca- binet- maker, of Liverpool, who was also indicted of the same offence, and of Robin Hargreaves, indicted of misprision of high treason in counterfeiting the Portugal gold coin, were put off till next Assizes. Last Sunday night a woman was taken up for stealing a fender, and put into St. James's round house; and about two o'clock next morning she was found hanging in her garters, dead. On Monday the 18th
instant, came on at the great sessions held at Caermarthen, a cause depending between Lady Mansell, widow of the late Sir Edward Mansell, Bart, deceased, and the present Sir Edward Mansell, his heir at law. The proofs were so clear in favour of the defendant, that the Jury brought in their verdict in fa- vour of her Ladyship without going out of court. The number of foreign ships employed this year in the whale fishery at Greenland, from the several ports, was as follows, viz. Amsterdam 70, Dodrecht 2, Rotterdam 8, Schiedam 1, Krimpen 1, Alkmaar 2, Monnikendam 2, Zaandam 29, Oossaanen 2, Spanbrook 1, Middleburgh
7, Wessaanen 7 Zaandyk 2, Wormerveer 1, De Koog 4, Crommenie 1, Ihisp 1, De Ryp 6, Ulissingen 3, Groningen j, Ham- burgh 18, Altena 2,. Bremen 2, Emden 1, Gotten- burgh 1, France 2. Total 178. The ship of Capt. Taggart is arrived at Nova Scotia, with cannon and ammunition on board, in six weeks from London. MARRIAGES. Last Saturday Mr. Flower Freeman, of Whitechapel, was married to Miss Rosewell, of Rochester, an agree- able lady, with a genteel fortune. Last Saturday Samuel Welles, of High Wycomb, Esq; was married at the Temple- church to Miss Bell. Welch, niece to John Welch, Esq; of the same
place, a lady of great accomplishments, and 5000I. fortune. The same day was married at St. Martin's in the fields, Mr. James Mitchelson, jeweller in Cannon street, to Miss Sally Darby, of St. Martin's lane, daughter of the Hon. Col. Darby, an amiable young lady, with a considerable fortune. PREFERMENTS. Saturday 7- night the Rev. Mr. Robert Garnham was instituted to the rectory of Hargrave in Suffolk ; on the presentation of Mr. Thomas Underwood, of Wisbech. The Rev. the Canons of the free chapel of St. George, within his Majesty's castle of Windsor, have presented the Rev. Robert Duckworth, to the vicarage of Rislip
in the county of Middlesex, and diocese of London, vacant by the cession of the Rev. Mr. Carr, M. A. the last incumbent. CASUALTIES. Sunday morning between one and two o'clock two houses in the occupation of one Burnet, who keeps a chandler's shop in. Newtoner's- lane, Holborn, and a bar- ber next door, fell down to the ground, and as they were let out chiefly to poor people, nine persons were buried in the ruins. A woman aud a young child were found crushed to death, and carried in a shell to St. Giles's Round house ; six were sent to the Middlesex- hospital, some of whom had their limbs broke; and all of them are
so much bruised, that only two are ex- pected to recover. A poor man, upwards of eighty years old, was the last that was dug out, without any seeming hurt ; and the numerous multitude, assembled on this occasion, made a handfome collection for him, with which the old man walked off, seemingly well pleased with his good fortune. The inhabitants of the houses adjoining to those that fell down were on Sunday removing their effects, expect- ing several other houses thereabouts will soon tumble about their ears, being all old and ruinated. On Sunday in the evening as some persons who had been down the river pleasuring,
were returning, the boat overset off Greenhithe, whereby Mr. Davis, a taylor ; the owner of the boat; Mr. Broadgate, a coal- merchant; and a tobaceonist near St. Margaret's- hill, Southwark, were drowned ; a lad the gentlemen used to carry with them to attend them was taken up a fisherman. The same day a luggage boat sailing up the river was overset near Putney- bridge, occasioned by her taking too short a tack. There were five persons in her, three of whom were taken up by the gentlemen in the Albion and Antigallican cutters, and the other two were drowned. COMMITMENTS.. On Saturday Samuel Swift was committed
to Newgate, charged on oath, and an information, with breaking open diverse gentlemens houses in the country. He was brought to prison strongly guarded, having attempted to escape from the officers who had him in custody. On Wednesday last Isabel Sharp, well known by the name of Two for a shilling, a hawker of handkerchiefs about the suburbs of this metropolis, was committed to the Gatehoufe for wilful and corrupt perjury. Last night three men, a boy, and three women, were taken into cuitody at a house of ill fame, near Scroop's court, Holborn hill; one of the men, it's said is charged with killing a man about three
months since in St. Giles's. Monday a Man was committed to prison for going into a silversmith's fhop in Sydney's alley, Leicester- fields, to buy a ring, and defrauding him of several others. DEATHS. On Wednesday died at Bath, after a tedious illness, his Grace the Duke of Roxburgh. On Saturday died at Enfield, after a tedious illness, Mrs. Bedel, wife of Mr. Bedel, Clerk of the Vintners Company. On Friday last died at Low- layton, Walter Phillips, Esq; formerly a merchant of this city. On Saturday died in Lombard street, George Pownall, Esq; a gentleman of considerable fortune at Crayford in Kent. Yesterday died, at his house
at Tottenham, Mr. Good- win of the Bank. BANKRUPTS. James Dongworth, now or late of tbe parish of Al- hollows, London, currier and chapman. John Phillips, of Dark- house lane, Thames- street, London, distiller. Anicetus Thomas, of the parish of St. George Hano- ver- square, in the county of Middlesex, slater. Victualling Office, Aug. 22, 1755. THE Commissioners for victualling his Majesty's Navy hereby give Notice, that on Thursday the nth of September next, the following of his Majesty's Ships will be recalled at the Pay Office in Broad- street, and the Short- Allowance Money due to their Companies paid for the times
under- mentioned, viz. - Ships Names. Beginning, Lightning Bomb OS. 10, Enterprise BarcoLongo Nov. Terrible Bomb Rupert Nassau Duke Fireship — Of Kings, Queens, and Princes Of Nobiemen and Ambassadors. Of Gentlemen and Ladies. Of Gallants and Upstarts. Of Soldiers. Of Travellers. Of Politicians. Of Gamesters. Of Popes and Prelates Of Poets and Musicians. Of Physic and Physicians. Of Lawyers. Of Love and Lovers. And he that tells a Fool a Tale, Had need to find him Ears. Sold by W. Reeve, in Fleet- street; A. Dodd, Of Husbands and Wives. Of Women. Of Dress. Of Jesters. Of Servants. Of Fools. Of
Countrymen and Clowns, Of Thieves. Of Sharpers. Of Beggars. Of Drunkards. Of Noses, & c. Sit. This Day is published, Price Four Shillings, ( Presented to their Royal Highnesses the Prince of Wales, and the Princess Dowager, & c. & c.) POCKET MlRROR NORTH AMERICA, This is the ONLY MAP, which exhibits, at One VIEW, the European Settlements, with the Claims of the English and the FreNCH INCROACHMENTS. Sold by T. Bowles, in St. Paul's Church- yard ; J. Bowles and Son, in Cornhill; J. King, in the Poultry , J. Tinney, in Fleet street; J. Payne, in Pater- noster- row and T. Jefferys, the Corner of St. Martin's
Lane, in the Strand. GRown Gentlemen and Ladies are Taught or improved in Dancing a Minuet or Country Dances in thc modern Taste, with the greatest Privacy and Expedition, By Mr. HART, at his ACADEMY, in Essex- street in the Strand, Where there are a Number of Conveniences to forward their speedy Improvement, too tedious to mention ( but are to be met with no where else. At the same Place is likewise taught MUSIC, FENCING, the LANGUAGES, & c. The ASSEMBLIES at MARBLE- HALL, Vauxhall, are every Tuesdays and Thursdays ; and the private- praCtising Nights at ESSEX- HOUSE, Mondays,
Wednesdays, and Fridays And such whom it does not suit to Subscribe for any Time, may have Tickets at the Rate of One Guinea per Dozen, that will admit them to either Place. N. B. Marble- Hall is open every Day as a Tavern and Coffehouse, where the best of every Thing in its Kind is provided, and all Conveniences for large Companies at any Time. This Day is published, ( Price One Shilling and Six- pence) \ Large and particular PLAN of SHEG- NECTO BAY, and the circumjacent Country, with the Forts and Settlements of the French, till dispossessed by the English in June, 1755. DRAWN on the SPOT by an OFFICER.
Sold by T. Bowles, in St. Paul's Church- yard ; J. Bowles and Son, in Cornhill; J. King, in the Poultry; J. Tinney, in Fleet- street ; J. Payne, in Pater- noster- row; and T. Jefferys, the Cor- ner of St. Martin's Lane, Charing- Cross. This Day was published, A NEW EDITION in TWELVES, of THE CHRISTIAN HERO, An ARGUMENT proving, That no PRINCIPLES but those of RELIGION are sufficicnt to make a GREAT MAN. By Sir RICHARD STEELE. Printed for J. and R. Tonson, and S. Draper, in the Strand. This Day was published, A NEW EDITION, in TWELVES, of FABLES Antient and Modem transla- ted into Verse from
HoMER, OVID, BoccACE, and CHAUCER, with Original Poems. By Mr. DRYDEN Printed for J. and R. Tonson, and S, Draper, .. it strand. where may, be had, ORIGINAL POEMS and TRANSLATIONS BY JOHN DRYDEN Esq now first collected and published together. These three Volumes, with the Author's plAY'S, and Transla- tions of VIRGIL, JUVENAL, and PERSIUS, complete HIS WORKS, 12m-!. in the Strand ; E. Cooke, at the Royal- Exchange ; and by the Booksellers in Town and County « * * * i • e * * * * * * * * t * * * * * « * The Public are desired to take Notice, THAT TWELVE VOLUMEs of the MONTHLY REVIEW,
or, LITERARY JOURNAL, viz. from its Commencement in 1749, to the present Time, are now published, and may be had of R. Griffiths, Bookseller, in Pater- noster- row ; or any single Volume or Month. This Work will be continued with tlat Spirit of Freedom, and Regard to Truth and Utility, as well is Entertainment, that hath already procured it the favourable Acceptance of the Public ; which the Undertakers gratefully acknowledge, and will endeavour to pre- serve. ' What is it can make a Journal to please the present Age and ' Posterity ? — Be impartial.— You have learning and Taste. If withal you are equitable, I can promise
you a lasting Success. ' The present Age is fond of all Kinds of Literature, from the ' Mathematics to Epigrams. Every thing may have a Place in a ' Journal. Even a well- written Song is not to be despised. ' Greece, that is so proud of having given Birth to Plato, glories ' also in having produced Anacreon ; and Cicero does not make • us forget Catullus." VOLTAIRE'S Advice to a Journalist. Just published, Printed on a large Character, and good Paper, In Two Volumes Octavo, ( Price bound Ten Shillings) THIRTY- NINE SERMONS, by ( a late celebrated Preacher) JOHN COOKE, A. M. Rector of the United Parishes of St. George
the Martyr and St. Mary Magda- len, in Canterbury, and of Mersham in Kent, and one of the Six Preachers of the Cathedral Church of Canterbury: From the Ma- nuscript Copy, prepared by himself for the Press : ( there being seve- ral Copies of some of the Sermons abroad in Writing, first granted at the Request of the Countess of Coventry and other Persons of Di- stinction). On the following Heads and Occasions; viz. Of Faith. Happiness. Coming to Christ. Vanity. Righteousness, Tempe- rance, and a Judgment to come. Cleanness mistaken. God's Om- niscience. On Prayer. Of Friendship with God. The Enmity of the Devil.
Resolution in Faith and Practice. Of Proving and Per- severing. The Nature of Cleanness. Naaman's Cure. Of Vision, Revelations and Repentance. Of Zeal. The Crown of Glory, The Righteous Man's Reward. The Wicked Man's Lot. Blessed are the Meek. Mercy to the Merciful. Purity in Heart. Holding fast the Faith. Godly Fear and Obedience. Covetousness. The Sabbath. Sion preferr'd. Of Superstition. The Difficulty of Sal- vation. On St. Peter's Denial. Upon the Fifth of November; preached before the Lower House of Convocation, who requested this Sermon to be printed. Printed for Mess. Henry and Cave, at St. John's Gate.
Where may be had, Twenty DISCOURSES ( Nineteen OF them Arch- Bp. TILLOTSON'S on the most important Subjects; carefully abridged, and adapted to the meanest Capacities. By D. HENRY. Price bound' 2s. 6d. And that there will be no farther Recalls on the said Ships, unless Application is made to the Board for the said Purpose, from such Persons to whom any Money shall appear to be due on the said Head. This Day was published, ( Price One Shilling and Six pence sew'd) With a very humourous Frontispiece, THE LAUGHER; or, the ART of JESTING : Shewing every Man in his Humour, from the Throne to the
Cottage : in particular
The Exhortation from Mr. SMITH's StRMOV, preached to the Society of FREE- MASONS at Philadelphia, on Tuesday, June 24, 1755 SUFFER me now to apply what has been said, by earnestly charging every one of this audience to a conscientious observance of these duties ; for if there ever was a people, in a more peculiar manner, called to ob- serve them, we who inhabit these colonies are that peo- ple. Being yet in our infancy, and surrounded with rest- less enemies, our strength, our success, and our future glory, depend upon our trust in God, our love and una- nimity among ourselves, and obedience to that authority,
which is necessary to collect our scattered rays, and pour them, with consuming force, upon the heads of our proud foes. I shall not, at present, stay to exhort you farther to the first of these duties, trust in God. It is the business of all our preaching ; and the government of this province appeared of late so sensible of our entire dependance for victory upon the Lord of Hosts, that a day of public hu- miliation) to implore his aid and direction, was enjoin'd, in terms that might do honour to any government. On that occasion you heard how vain are all the inventions of men, when they seek not counsel of the most high. You heard how
the mighty have fallen, and how weak their boasted strength has been found, when they did not rest upon the living God. What remains then, is to charge you — and I am bound to charge you to a sovereign regard for your civil constitution, and the just authority of your King. Without this we shall be as a body without a head, our strength uncollected, and ourselves an easy prey to every invader. And surely, if it be a duty in all cases for subjeCts to honour a King, vested with legal authority, and to support him in defence of that constitution they have chosen to be governed by, how much more must this be a duty to the best of
Kings, and best of consti- tutions! A King who is the father of his people, and the first friend of Liberty ! A constitution which is found- ed on common consent, common reason, and common utility in which the governing powers so admirably controul, and are controuled by, each other, that it has all the advantages of all the simple forms, with as few of their inconveniences as can be expeCted amidst the im- perfections of things human. In a discourse calculated to render our benevolence gs difFusive as light or air, it would ill become me to run into InveCtives, even against our worst enemies. But can we look round this great
globe, and see such an immense majority of our species crouching under the galling yoke of a few human monsters; unman'd, sunk in misery and baseness, their spirits broke, and a settled gloom in their countenances; can we see this, and not adore that liberty which exalts human nature, and is productive of every moral excellence ? Can we mark the desolat- ing progress of slavery, or behold her gigantic approaches even towards ourselves — and not be alarmed and enflamed ? and not feel the spirit of the free stirring within us ? To dream of accommodations with a perfidious na- tion, by leagues or imaginary lines extended
from claim to claim along a champaign country, is the height of madness. So opposite our views, so rooted our animo- sities, that unless the boundary between us be such as nature has fixed by means of impartible mountains, seas, or lakes, one continent cannor hold us, till either one side or the other shall become sole master. Should it be our sad lot to fall under the dominion of such a haughty foe, farewel then, a long farewel to all the happiness resulting from the exercise of those virtues which I have been recommending, from the text, as the true support of society ! With regard to brotherly love, how, alas ! in such
circumstances, should we flourish, or be happy in the exercise of it? What love, what joy, or what confidence can there be, where there is no community; where the will of one is law ; where injustice and oppression are li- berty ; where to be virtuous is a crime ; where to be wise and honest are dangerous qualities ; and where mistrust, gloom, distraCtion and misery are the tempers of men ? As to piety towards God ; what rational exercise of devotion could we propose in a religion obtruded upon our consciences ? A religion that must give us dark and unfavourable notions of the deity, by making life of his holy name to justify
oppression, and sanctify unrighteous- ness! A religion, in short, that must be abhorred by men of good nature for its many cruelties ; by men of virtue for its indulgences of immorality; and by men of gravity and found phillosophy, for its absurd pageantry, and sad degeneracy from its once pure institution, by the blessed Jesus and his holy apostles ! And lastly, what joy could we look for in obedience to the King ? A King whose dominion over us would be founded in violence and blood ! whose reign would be a standing war against our souls and bodies, against heaven and earth ! Surely the most distant thoughts of these
dreadful ca- lamities would alarm every person who had not drank in the very last dregs of slavish principles; and shall not we, whose souls have been taught to exult at the sacred sound of liberty, be roused, animated and enflamed, by our present danger, to secure a treasure which includes in it almost every human felicity? Things of inferior concern may be adjusted at another season; and those who pretend to the greatest public spirit, should be the first to give a proof of it, by turning their attention to the main chance, at a juncture when our strength and success so evidently depemd on unanimity and immediate aCtion. Is
this a time for dissensions about matters of trivial moment, when the. very vitals of liberty are at- tacked, which, once lost, may never be recovered ? Is this a time to decline toils, or dangers, or expence, when all lies at stake, for which a wise man would chuse to live, or dare to die! In times past, when liberty, travelling from soil to soil, had deserted almost every corner of the world, and was prepared to bid an everlasting adieu to her last best re- treat, the British isles, our great forefathers ( whose me- mories be blest) anticipating her departure, came into these remote regions. They encountered difficulties in- numerable. They
sat down in places before untrod by the foot of any christian, fearing less from savage beasts and savage men, than from slavery, the word of savages. To preserve at least one corner of the world sacred to liberty and undefiled religion was their glorious purpose. In the mean time the storm blew over, and the sky brightened in the mother land. Liberty raised her droop- ing head, and trimmed her fading laurels Halcyon- days succeeded, and their happy influence extended even into this new world. The colonies rose and flourished. Our fathers saw it, and rejoiced They begat sons and daugh- ters, resigned the prosecution of
their plan into our hands, and departed into the mansions of rest But lo ! the storm gathers again, and fits deeper and blacker with boding aspeCt and shall we be so degenerate as to desert, the sacred trust consigned to us for the happiness of posterity ? Shall we tamely suffcr the pestilential breath of tyrants to approach this garden of our fathers, and blast the fruits of their labours ? No Ye illustrious shades, who perhaps even now are anxious for our conduCt, I pronounce, by all your glo- rious toils, that it cannot-~ must not — be ! If we are not able to make those who mourn in bonds and darkness round us, share the blest
effeCts of liberty, and diffuse it through this vast continent, we will at, least preserve this spot sacred to its exalted name ; and tyranny and in- justice shall not enter in, till the body of the last freeman hath filled up the breach Spirit of ancient Britons ! where art thou ? Into what happier region art thou fled or flying ? Return, oh return into our bosoms ! expel every narrow and grovelling sen- timent, and animate us in this glorious cause ! Where the voice of public virtue and public liberty calls, thither may we follow, whether to life or to death ! May these inestimable blessings be transmitted safe to our posterity ! and may there never
be wanting champions to vindicate them against every disturber of human kind as long as there shall be found remaining of all those who assume the distinguished name of Briton, either a tongue to speak, or a hand to aCt ! LONDON. At no accounts are yet published by authority, we can only presume to give our readers what we have collected concerning the late dreadful action in North America. General Braddock going to attack some French forts and settlements on the Ohio, they marched seven miles to meet him on a very advantageous spot of ground, and formed themselves into the shape of a horse shoe, sur- rounded
by woods, and made a terrible onset, which so dismayed our men, that we hear Sir Peter Halkett's ( late Lee's at the battle of Preston- pans) and Col. Dun- bar's regiments broke, and run away. That General Braddock ordered the officers of those corps to follow him, which they courageously did, and fought like lions, but overpowered by the immense number of French and Indians they got up into trees and flanked them on all sides, they almost all fell a sacrifice in the field of battle. General Braddock had four ( some accounts say five) horses shot under him, and himself greatly wounded; he survived three days, and ' tis said
wrote an account to his Royal Highness the Duke. His two Aid du camps, the Quarter- master General Sir James Sinclair, Sir Peter Halket, and his son, became victims to French snares, who disguised themselves like Indians, and singled out their particular man in the field of slaughter; and to add to the misfortunes of the day they became masters of our cannon, ammunition, provisions, and (' tis said) our military chest. Extract of a Letter from Will's Creek, July 10, 1755 ' Dear Sir, I send you the following melancholy ac- count. ' On the 6th of July, General Braddock near Frazers settlement, six miles to the south of Fort du
Quesne on the Monongahela river, came up with the French army of 1500 regulars and 600 irregulars drawn out of their lines, they having made choice ef a very advantageous ground, and intrenched in a masterly manner: General Braddock with Sir Peter Halket's regiment of 70o and Col. Dunbar's of 700, with 1200 Virginians, Mary- landers and Carolinians, and 100 Indians, advanced against them in the following manner j French. Before out men could get within musquet shot of the French, the Indians in ambuscade surprized our army by firing singly at the General and Other particular Of- ficers; and as soon as Colonels
Gage and Burtoh had begun the attack, which was very fierce, the Indians immediately gave the war hoop, and rising from the thickets, discovered themselves, when the advanced guard being then between three fires gave way, and was rallied by their officers, gave one fire, and then re- treated in the greatest confusion imaginable,; till they had thrown Dunbar's regiment into disorder,' their offi- cers with a great deal of trouble, after having run se- veral men through, rallied them a second time, when they stood a fire from the French, and without return- ing it retired in great disorder with Dunbar's regiment, and left their officers
a sacrifice to the enemy, and out of sixty of them but five efcaped, being either killed or wounded. The Virginians, & c. engaged afterwards closely for three hours, but were obliged to retire Ge- neral Braddock after having five horses shot under him, was wounded in the lungs, and died on the fourth day after the battle at Will's Creek. Amongst the slain are reckoned Sir Peter Halket and his two sons, Capt. Mor- ris, Capt. Cholmondley, Secretary Shirley, in all about 14 officers, and near 600 men missing; amongst the wounded are Colonel Gage and Burton mortally wound- ed Col. Sinclair and Capt. Orme. The General declar'd
that never did officers behave better, nor private men worse, this being the second time of their sacrificing their officers, being the same regiment that deserted Sir Peter at the battle of Preston- pans under Sir John Cope. Our army lost all its baggage, provisions, & c. and had these two regiments stood their ground, it would very probably have put an end to the contest in America. I am, Sir, Yours, & c.' P. S. Maj. Washington and Capt. Orme fought like heroes, and I am informed that Capt. Orme is now writing, tho' supported by two men. * They use neither drum nor trumpet, nor any kind of musical instrument in their wars; their
throats serve them on all occasions, where such are necessary. Many of them have a surprising faculty of raising their voice, not only in inarticulate sounds, but likewise to make their words understood at a great distance; and we find the same was praCtised by Homer's heroes. Thrice to its pitch his lofty voice he rears,-—. O Friend ! Ulysses' shouts invade my ears. See Colden's History of the Indian Nations The following is said to be the true account of the officers killed and wounded. Killed, Capt. Stor, of Lascelles's Capt. Cholmondely, Independent Company New York, Lieutenant Semain, Miller, Cramble, Widemar,
Brereton, Hart. of regiment. In the Virginian troops. Captain Wagener, Poulson, Peromer, Hamilton Splendorf. Stewart. Lieut. Col. Burton, Major Sparkes, Captain Dobson, Bowyer, Floyer, Boss. Independent Company of New York, Captain Yates. Lieut. Norris, Barbut, —— Walsham, —— Galdwin, —— Halhorn, Edmonston, Cope, Wounded, Dunbar, Harrison, —— Prenhort, Crow, —— Starling. In the Virginian troops, Capt. Stephens, —— Stewart,' Woodward, — Wright, Mac Neal, In Capt. Demuts't Com- pany, Lieut. Howarth, —— Grey. j 500 Regulars. 600 Irregulars. Col. Gage and Burton of Halket's Regiment. General
Braddock with Dunbar's Regiment. The Troops from Virginia, Maryland, and Carolina We have now given our Readers two accounts of this unfortunate affair, both which seem to agree as to our loss: But there are other letters, which, it is said, may be depended on, as they come from persons of veracity and character, which give a more favourable account, and say, that the artillery, baggage, and military chest were safe, being two days march behind the army. We hear that Col. Dunbar is safe, and brought the first account of the defeat. Yesterday his Royal Highness the Duke came to town, and held a council in his
apartment, which did not break up till four this morning. The yachts are ordered to sail to- morrow from Green- wich by the morning's tide, and if the wind continues, ' tis conjeCtured they will get to Helvoetsluys on Friday, and a messenger will immediately be dispatched from thence to Hanover with the account of their arrival; and his Majesty will soon after leave his German dominions, and God send him safe to England We hear that the late Sir Robert. Grosvenor, Bart. left to his eldest son the present Sir Richard, in real and personal estate, to the amount of 600,000 1. a fine estate to his second son Thomas; a large jointure to
his Lady s and 30,0001. to each of his three daughters. The pre- sent Baronet intends to reside in the winter at Millbank, and the Dowager and her daughters in Grosvenor- square. This day was married at St. Bennet's Grace- church- street, Mr. James Pearson, linen- draper in Cheapside, to Miss Polly Sharp, daughter of Mr. Sharp of Fishstreet- hill. At the same time was married Mr. Richard Sharp of Rumsey to Miss Betsy Sharp, her sister. The Chevalier has been seen lately public at the French court and the person that lately landed at Har- wich is supposed to be an agent of his; but it is hoped before this time, that he is
secured, as a printed descrip- tion of him has been lately dispersed thro' the kingdom, by means of the Excise office. SUPPLEMENT.
ADVERTISEMENT. That all Ranks of People may be easily accommodated with a SPECIMEN of THE SYSTEM of. DIVINITY AND MORALITY, Compiled from the Sermons of the most eminent Divines of the Church of England ; of which a NEW EDITION in FOUR - VOLUMES, OCTAVO, is now publishing in WEEKLY NUM- BERS, at Six- peNCE each 5 The FIRST NUMBER, contain- ing 48 full pages, may bs had for THREE HALF- PENCE only. This WORK is Revised and CorreCted By the Rev. Dr. FERDINANDO WARNER, Rector of Queenhithe ; who has added to the present Edition, Some OCCASIONAL
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This Day is published, Price bound Three Shillings, APOCKET DICTIONARY, or com- plete ENGLISH EXPOSITOR : Shewing readily the Part of Speech to which each Word belongs ; its true Meaning, when not self evident ; its various Senses, it more than one, placed in proper Order) and the Language, from whence it is derived, pointed out immediately after the Explication. Also the Technical Terms are clearly explained; every Word is so accented, that there can be no Uncertainty as to the Pronunciation : and the Names of the Cities and principal Towns, their Distance from London, their Market DAYS, and Fasts, according
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COLDEN, Esq, One of his Majestys Counsel, and Surveyor- General of New- York. To which are added, Accounts of the several other Nations of Indians in North- Ameri- ca, their Numbers, Strength, & c. and their Treaties which have been lately made with them. Printed for Lockyer Davis, at Lord Bacon's Head, in Fleet- street. Where may be had, The OCTAVO EDITION, Price bound 5s. Deafness and Hardness of Hearing, IS attended with fuch oppressive Discomfort, and continual Uneasiness of Mind, as no one can be truly sen- sible of, Who has not in some Degree experienced it himself. A Phy- sician of good Practice and
large Experience having been afflicted with almost total Deafness for near two Years, occasioned by taking Cold, and a sucCeeding Fever, and had tried all the celebrated Reme- dies advised by the best Authors, and prescribed by the greatest Men of the Facuity without Relief; at length considered with himself, that as this Melady must proceed either from a Defect or Obstruc- tion of the Auditory Nerve, a Relaxtion or Disorder of the Tym- panum, or Drum of the Ear, or from Obstructions of the Auditory passage, or of the small Glandules through which the Wax of the Ear is secerned, a Medicine calculated to open all
Obstructions, to new brace the Tympanum, or Drum of the Ear, to comfort and Strengthen all the internal Nervous Parts and Membranous Fibres, might be moft likely to accomplish a Cure; he accordingly adapted a Remedy, a peculiar Chymical Preperation, different from all he had ever heard of, or met with, which he hoped might answer the End, by continuing its Use for some Time ; but, good God ! how much, and how joyfully was he surprized, at being perfectly re. stord to as quick Hearing as ever, by only using it two or three Times. After that he experienced it on vast Numbers of People of all Ages and both Sexes, with
such happy Success as is scarcely cre- dible, though strictly true : Some deemed to be born deaf, having been perfectly cured by it in a few Days ; so that no one afflicted with Deafness, or Difficulty of Hearing, Pain or Noise in the Ears, need despair of being perfectly cured by this Great Medicine, which is to be used in Drops only, and therefore intitled Specifick Drops for Deafness, and are for the Public Good permitted to be sold only by the Gentlewoman, at the. Two Blue Posts in Haydon- Yard in the Minories, London, at three Shillings and Six- pence a Bottle, with printed Directions and Advice at large. Note, Ample
Satisfaction of the Efficacy of this Great Medicine may be had at the Place of Sale. To Persons of either SEX, Afflicted with any Species of the Palsey, or other Nervous Decays, NEVER were Nervous Diseases, Palsies and Paralytic Disorders so frequent as of late they have been ; nor have the usual Remedies been found adequate to those pertinacious Distempers. This occasioned a Physician, who has employed his Thoughts much concerning them, to adapt a Medicine, a Sovereign Elixir, peculiar to, and effectual for, the Palsey, and all other Ner- vous Complaints now reigning ; which, after he had experienced on vast
Numbers of Persons, of both Sexes, and, always, with surpri- zing Success, even so, as infallibly to cure by it the Palsey, and all Paralytic Effects and Nervous Disorders, he permitted it to be made Public for a general Good that so those labouring under these miserable Ailments, might know where to meet with a safe and most certain Cure, which it accomplishes in so short a Time, and with such Ease and Pleasure, ( a few Drops of it being a Dose, highly agreeable to the Palate, and comforting to the Stomach and Bowels) as is almost incredible to relate. But the Taking of One Bottle of it only, demonstrates its prodigious
Efficacy to every one, and the Patients soon find all Numbness, Deadness, and Shaking, or Resolution of the Nerves, as well aa all convulsive, cramp- like, or painful Contractions of them, vanish and return no more; and this, though thefe Diseases have been of many Years standing, and whether occasioned by long Illness, fast Living, hard Drinking, or any other Cause; for it performs all that can be wish'd for in Nervous Cases ; creates an Appetite, expels Wind, rectifies the Digestion, occasions laudable Chyle, attenuates the Blood and Juices, causes a free and regular Circulation of them thro' the Capillary Veflels, revives
and encreases the Spirits, warms, The most Delightful Fragrant TINCTURE for the Breath, Teeth, and Gums ; and for instantly curing the Tooth- Ach. AT once Using makes the Breath most charmingly fine, sweet and pleasant, the Teeth perfeCtly white, clean and beautiful, and is the most certain Cure for the Tooth- ach and the Scurvy in the Gums in the World. It infallibly preserves the Breath, Teeth and Gums, in their ut- most Beauty and Perfection, if they are no Ways disordered, and if they are, it immediately rectifies all their DefeCts; for the same Mi- nute it is used it makes the offensive Breath smell incomparably fine and
charming, and in a short Time so effectually cures, that a disa- greeable Breath will not return. It instantly makes the blacked and most foul Teeth extremely white and delicately beautiful ; infallibly preserves them from decay- ing, and those a little decayed, from becoming worse, cures the Toothac, in a Moment, and absolutely cures the Scurvy in the Gums, be it ever so inveterate, causing the Flesh to grow up to the Teeth a- gain when almost eaten away ; also assuredly fastens loose Teeth to Admiration. It is to be used but a few Drops at a Time, is exceeding pleasant, and leaves a very grateful aad deleCtable Flavour in the
Mouth. In a Word, for most delightfully persuming and quickly curing an ill- scented Breath, for immediately making the blacked Teeth excel- lently white, certainly fastening them when loose, effectually preserv- ing them from rotting or decaying, and infallibly curing the Toothach and the Scurvy in the Gums, it has not its Equal in the Universe, as all the Quality and principal Gentry who use it acknowledge. It h t0 be had only at Mr. Eglington's, Optician, at the Golden Pair of Spectacles, against the East End of the New Church in the Strand, London, at 3 s. 6d. . » Bottle with printed DireCtions, at large. System Hence the Sinews,
Tendons, Ligiments, and all the infeebled Parts are invigorated, the Limbs restored to their pristine Steadiness and Strength and the Palsey, and all Paralytic Disorders and Nervous Decays suddenly cured by it, to the Admiration of the Patients them- selves, and all about them. This sovereign and incomparable Elixir is now ( on Mrs. Holt's leav- ing off Trade) permitted to be sold only at Messrs. Watson's and Tateham's Hosiers and Haberdashers, at the Sign of the Lamb, six Doors from the Mansion- house in Cornhill, London, at 3s. 6d. a Bot- tle, with printed Directions at large. SUGAR PLUMS,- for WORMS, & c. TH E most
Curious Purge, for any Body Where A Fine Purge is Wanted, being as Innocent an Safe, as a Little RHUBARB, & c. B ' , B ! 2d. a Doz— Or may buy but ONE Single PLUM, for A PEN- NY, with Directions, Which is enough, to bring Away WORMS & c. from a CHILD. ' ° r' I'J' 4' ° r Half a Dozen Or, what You Please THREE Dozen for Half a Crown, To KEEP in a FAMILY. Or to give away, Or Sell Again, and Return what they do not sell. To be Had at Mr. Burchell's, At the ANODYNE NECKLACE in LONG ACRE, Next Drury- Lane, and of Mr. Bowen at the South Gate Of the Royal Exchange, Cornhill, London. ' Where are likewise
to be had the ORIGINAl AUTHOR'S ANODYNE NECK- LACES, Price 5 s. single, and Al- lowance by the Dozen to Sell again, and Also the Famous Gum opening Remedy to let CHILDRENS TEETH Prefently without Pain, and by Rubbing it's Gums, Delight the Child. There not being such Another Help for them, this Day in this World again, Easily to have their TEETH.— Price Only SIX Pence, with Directions. Or SIX Parcels for Half a Crown. AS Mr. Burchell and Mr. Bowen are the ONLY Persons that Furnish Shop- keepers and Others throughout the Kingdom with the ORIGINAL Author's ANO- DYNE NECKLACES, SUGAR
PLUMS, and Remedies in Se- cret CASES, So any Necklaces, & c. If not had from, LONG ACRE and the ROYAL EXCHANGE, Are made up in IMITATION of the Original Author's. _ Which are removed to Long Acre from Temple- Bar, Where He has no Manner of Dealings At all LONDON PRINTED FOR J. PAYNE, at Pope's- Head in Pater- noster- Row, near St. Paul's, where ADVERTISEMENTS are taken in : Likewise by j. MOORE, Printer, in Bartholomew- Lane behind the Royal Exchange.