The Edinburgh Evening Courant
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The Edinburgh Evening Courant
Date of Article: 21/11/1752
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Address: sold below Laigh Coffee house
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T H E urant TUESDAY NOVEMBER 21. 1752. A MAIL from FRANCE. GENERAL EVENING P: C) ST, NOVEMBER tg. CONSTANTINOPLE; Odtober 5. THE Grand Sigtiior having thought proper to depofe the Patriarch of the Greeks and appoint another in his Room, the People of that Perfuafion mutinied, and went in a tumultuous Manner to the Seraglio to demand their- for- mer Patriarch might be reftored to them. The Grand Sig- ivor complied with their Demand, but as the Manner in which they made it merited fomePunifhment, fome of them were taken up and hanged. ROME, October it. The Pretender arrived here on Mon day Morning from his Seat at Albano, and was introduced to an Audience of the Pope the fame Day. He had a Con- ference with his Holinefs, which lafted two Hours, and which, it's pretended, turned upon fome Difpatches which the Chevalier had received from his eldeft Son. TOULON, Odtober 2.4. The Topaz Frigate came in here the 9th inftant from a Cruize which ( lie has been making Tome Time off Sallee. Mr. de Moellen, who commanded this Frigate, and all the Officers that eat at his Table, were unhappily poifoned a Fortnight before their Arrival at this Port: Whenjthey landed, they could hardly ( land: they look- ed pale,
and wafted, and feemed to be almoft dying; and as it appears from feveral Symptoms that they mull have taken Poifon, ftndt Enquiry is making into the Caufe of their Misfortune. The Flour, and all the other Provsfion of the Ship has been examined, but the Occafion of this Fa- tality is at prefent undifcovered. One of the Officers died the 10th inflant, the Stewart and two Cooks are. fince dead, and another Officer lies at the Point of death; the Pttifer with great Difficulty was fent to his Family at Marfeilles; the Chaplain and feveral others are very ill; but from the great Care that is taken of them, it is hoped they may re- ' c- over.
LONDON. On Tuefday Night an Account arrived at the Secretary's Office, that his Grace the Duke of NewcstfUe was arrived at Calais; but that the Fubbs Yacht, which is to bring his Grace over, is a ground in fuch a Manner, that the Tide cannor fet her afloat till Sunday next. ' They write from New England, that they have Advice therefrom Rhode- 1 ( land* that a Company of Villains are lately detedted at Providence, paffing counterfeit Bills, in 1- mitation of 16 1. Bills of the lite Emifiion. Yefterday we had an Account that the Hull Merchant, Capt. Butler, who is arrived from St. Kit's, being on, Mon- day off Dover, a Boat came off to
her, in which the Capt. put his Letters which he had brought from the above Illand, in order to put in the Poll- Office to come to London; but the Boat in her Way to Doiev foundcr'd, and the Men nar- rowly cfc. iped being drowned; a Boat luckily coming by took them up. Out of C00 Letters they had from the Ship, there was not above 30 fared. We are affured by Mr. de la Condaminc, who made a Voyage into the, Levant about twenty Yeats ago, that the Turks have difcovere'd a rich Mine not far from the Ruins of Old Troy, which is wrought at prefent to great Advan- tage; and he was informed that they have aifo feveral other Silver
Mines in different Parts of Alia Minor, chiefly under the Diredion of I alian Ren'egadoes. The Weazel Man of War, arrived at Lisbon from New- foundland, is appointed a Station Ship for the Mediterranean. GLOUCESTER, November ri. We hear from CrofFara in Wiltfhire, that within this Week, one Sarah Jarvis of • that Place, aged 105, has cut five Teeth; and, which is further remarkable, they fay ( lie has a new Set of Toes, , her former ones having rotted off above iixteen Years ago; and that vafl Numbers of People from the neighbouring Villages daily refer* • fee ker. From the - CT. JAMES'S EVENISG POs T. TURIN, Otft. 16,
The King has by Edidt forbid all Per- fons from making any Donation whatever, of Lands or Im- moveables, to Monafteries, all fuch Donations to be voidj. likeways all Lands and immoveables given or bequethed to Ecclefiaftical Communities Avail be fubjedl to the fame Taxes as when in private Hands. HAGUE, Nov. 9. The Free Port Party gets ground dai- ly ; the Province of Holland is entirely for it, and alledges, that her Commerce requires it, and that Zealand clandes- tinely carries on a Kind of free Port befides that, notwfth- fhnding a neceffary Refolution of the States Generalfome Time fince, againft admitting any Goods of
the SwediPn Company into the Ports of the Republick; Zealand have not oniy admitted that Company's Ships, but had even bought and fold their Goods to the very great Prejudice of the fair Merchant, and the Commerce of the Republic. LONDON. Our Merchants have Advicefrom Jamaica, that great En- couragement is given there for an Eftablifhment of Commerce with the Mufqueto Shore, from which great Advantages are propofed to the faid Ifland. Preparations are making at Portfmouth, Plymouth, Do- ver, foY " embarking Troops in order the better to fecure our Settlements in the Weft Indies. BILMINGHAM, Nov. 13. On
Tuefday was brought to this Town, in his Way to Worcefter, where he is to be tried by a Court Martial, George Anderfon late Prfoner in the Caftle of Edinburgh, under the Name of Charles Dou- glafs, a Diferter from Sir John Ligonier's Regiment of Dra- . goons, who is charged with leaving inlifted Men in Scotland tor the Service of the French King. ( Reft of the Infpedtor muft be poftpofi'd till Thurfday. EDINBURGH. The following is an Extradt of a Letter from Inverary, anent the Execution of James Stewart at Ballichelifh, on the 8th Current, The Command of Soldiers efcorting the Prifoner, came to the North- fide of the Ferry upon
the Evening of the 7th. but it blew fo hard they could not crofs till the Morning of the 8th. The Prifoner was attended by Mr. William Caskill Minifterof Kiimai e and Mr. Couper Minifter at Fort- Willi- am and a few of his Friends. A little after iz they got to the Place of Execution, where was eredted a fmall Tent that contain'd the two Minifters and the Prifoner; and after a fhort Prayer by one of the Minifters, the Prifoner produced three Copies of a Speech, oneof whi ch he gave to the She, r. ft Subft. tute of Argyle Shire, another to Captain Welch the Commanding Officer, and asked Leave to read the third Copy ; which being granted, he
with an audible and diftindt Voice, read. a very extraordinary Speech, and when he had done reading, gave the third Copy to Mr. Douglas She- - riff Subllitu. e of invertiefs. Then the Sheriff Subftitute of ,' Argyle Shire, told the Prifoner that he was greatly furpris'd fj at fuch a Speech from one in his Situation, and tho' it was. .. not his purpofe to make any Obfervations upon what he hai ; l. fead as the Time was fo fhort; yet he could not help notic,-_ 1
ing that there were feveral things aiTertedinthe Speech which he knew to be falfe; that he would only mention one Inftance, viz. his Lawyers beingtwiceinterruptedbyfome of the Jury, after the Proof was clos'd; that the real Fad was, that one of the Jury did defire his Lawyer to be as ( hort as poflible, as the Trial had lafted fo long; that immediately othertvyo of the Jury got up, and in place of interrupting, deli red him to go on, ' and that he would be heard with the greateft Pa- tience. Charles " Stewart'Writer in Bannavie, who was one of the Friends that attended the Prifoner, and was prefent at the Trial, ( without being asked)
owned that what the She- riff- fubftitute had faid was the true State of the Fa eft, upon which thePrifoner faid he underftood it otlierways, and was forry if he hadaflert d any thing that was not true: Upon this the Prifoner kneeled and read a very long written Prayer, and then the other Minifter fangPfalms and prayed. The Prifoner took Leave of his Friends, mounted the Lad- der with great Composure and Refoliution, and read a ( hort. written Prayer with an audible Voice. The Storm was fo great all thw Time, that it was'with tiie iitmoft Difficulty one could ( land upon the Hill, and it was near five before the Body was hung in Chains.,
There were a great Num- ber of the Country People prefent; and fixteen. Men of the Command in Appin are ftaiioaed at Balkchdifb to prevent the Gtboet's i eing cut down. We are told, that about two Weeks ago,, a large open. Boat:,, with z. z Perfons on Beard, was loft at Maehrimore, near the I. fland of Sana; and all on board' perifti. ed On Wednefdayv Mr. John Glasford, Merchant in. Ghfgow, was married here to Mifs Ann Nisber, Daughter to the de- ceaft Sir John N'isbctof Dean,, a young Lady of great Virtue and M eri. t. On taturda. y and Yeflerday Morning two Troops of Gen., Bland's Dragoons paffed through this City,, in
their Way to Cor, per of Fife,. St. Andrews, & c.. where we hear, they are to Winter / Laft Week died near Sanghton- 1*!!, in. the; Ne. ighbourhood of this City Janet Key aged, i rz Years. We are affured, that on Friday next Signor PASQUALI, for the fjrlt. Time, will con dud the Mafic in the Concer - liall, and alio play a grand Concerto for the Violin Solo. be- tween the Ads. Arrived at Leith, the Wilmington, Hugh Walker, from. North Carolina with Pitch ajrd Tar; the. Neptune,. John. Pearfon, from Hull with Peafe, Flax and; Tar; and the Mat- tie and Sarah,. John Clifton, with Oats. THIS DAY PS PUBLISHED, By G. HAMILTON, and J.
BALFOUR., and fold by them and. the other Book.' ellers in Edinburgh, Price neatly bound one Guinea, MEDICAL ESSAYS and. OBSERVATIONS, publiflbed. by a Society in Edinbnrgh, in 6- vols. The Fourth Edition. Revis-' d and enlarged by the Authors.. Where alfo may. be had, An F. flay on the Vital ai d other Involuntary Motions of Animals. By Robert Whyit, M. D. Pricc 5 s. An Inquiry howfar the Viral and other involuntary Motions of the more p. erfed Animals can be accounted for inde- pendent of the Brain. By Thomas Sindon, M. D. Price 4 s„. A11 Eftay. on the Virtues of Lime water in the Cure of the- Srone". By Robert
Whyt- t, M. D. F. R. S- - To which is added, the Cafe of the Hon. Horatio Walpole, written by himfelft Price bound i s. ftitch'd i s. 6 d. A Diilertation on Quick- lime, and Lime- water. By Charlej Alfton, M. D. Price 1 s. Index Medicamentor. urn fimpliciuni triplex, a Garolo Ah lion. Pricc 2 s. Lommii Obfermiohes nsedicinales, cditio caftigatifl. Price 3 s- Sydcnhamii Proceffos integri in Morbis, Editio elcgans, jjrice asf. JOHN GRIEVE, Merchant, oppofite to the upper End of theLuckenbooths, Edinburgh, has lately brought home, from London, a neat ASSORTMENT of the following GOODS: Broad Cloths, German Serges, Fri- zes, Hair
and Worfted Plulhes, plain and flower'ii Cotton Velvets, Choice of printed Cotton of the neweft Pattern, plain and check'd Poplincs, figur'd and plain Demitrhrs,. black Bombazeens and Alapines, Camblets, Mankies, Du- rants, Temmies of all Colours, Choice of Rofetta, Satia and Tartan Silk Plaids, black and colour'd Velvets, choice Ribbons, flower'd, ftript and plain Flannels, Mens and Wonaens Hats, Choice of plain and figur'd black Silks for Capuchines, Men and Womens Stockings, with feveral o- ther Goods necelfary for Men and Womens Apparel, all fold at very reafonable Rates. ON Monday the nth of December, will begin
to be fold for ready Money only, the loweft Price mark- ed in the Catalogue, at the Audion- houfe in Writers Court, 2d Storey below Mr. Wilfon's Vintner, a COLLECTION of CURIOUS and VALUABLE BOOKS, in lundiy Lan- guages and Sciences, being the Library of Sir John Hou- flon. Bart, deccaft. The Sale will cont nue till the firft of January. Catalogues may be had at the Shops of J. Traill, J. Yatr, and J. Brown, Bookfellers in the Parliament Clofe. i~~ 0 be rou. pt, in the Weft Entry of James's Court., E- diaburgn, the 24th inftant, foriy eight Firkins, belt Kind of ENGLISH BU ITER, juft. now come home, and to> fae ( ct up at
prime Coft, and whatever Quantity the Com- pany pleafes to have fet up may have it done, in order that- private Families may be ( erved. at the beft and eafieft Rate, for ready Money, till all is fold. JUST IMPORTED, BY JOHN RUTHERFORD and COMPANY Mer- chants in Cape- Fare, North Carolina, in the Snow Wilmington, a Parcel of Tar, Pitch and Turpentine, which is to be fold at their Cellars in Lcith, on the fame Terms with the Cargo imported by the Snow Grenadier former- ly advertifed. The above Snow WILMINGTON, New Eng- land built, Burthen ijoTons, 18 Months old, with all her Tackle and Boats, as, fhe prefently
lyes in the Harbour of Leith, is to be fold by public Roup, within Fo: th's Coffee* houfe, Leith, on Monday the 4th December next, betwixt the Hours of three and four in the Afternoon. The Ship's Inventary and Conditions of Sale to be fecn in the Hands of William Bell Wine Cooper in Leith, who will treat with, any Pcrfon for a private Purehale, before tbe Day of Sale- Mr. Rutherford and Company having ereded a Dock at; £ pe- F- are, will contrad for building Ships o£ any Diuicn- lions, at fixed Rates. ALETTER, fign'd TRUSTY, dated from Edinburgh, J^ th October laft, and addrefled to a Gentleman at London-, mentioning the
Difcovery of a Fraud in a valuable Branch of oui Trade, grtatly prejudicial to the Honour and Intereft of- this Country, has been received, and for which: Difcovery the Writer of the Letter deferves the greatcft Thanks. The Contents having be n communicated to his Correfpondcnt here, he gives all the Attention to it that the Importance of the Subjed defcrves, but wants to have a Condefccndcncc of Fads, the Time and.. Place when and:, where committed', the Witneffcs Names and Defignations, by which thefe Fads arid Circumfiances can be proved, thefe being neceflary to be know. n before a Profecution can be made with
Succefs againft the Perfon named in faid Letter, as the clucf Adot in that fcandalous and difgracc- fttl Fraud, fo as he and his Accomplice* may be brought* to fuch Puniflfcncm as they defer ve: ' Tis therefore rcquclt- cd', that the Writer of the above. faid Letter,, or any other, that can make fuch Condefcendcnccs as. are neceflkrily want- ed, may feudi them in; to Mi. William Rurhven, Secretary to the Tradecs for the Manufactories j. which Gondefcen* dences, whether figned or not, wilt be thankfully receiv- ed, and carefully delivered to the Perfon employed fc; sartying on this Profecucion*.
THIS DAY IS PUBLISHED, ACATALOGUE of valuable BOOKS, in moft Languages and Faculties, which are to be expofed by way of Sale, ( the lowcft Price being marked at each Book) at the Shop of G, H AMILTON and J. BALFOUR, upon Tuefday the 28th ot November 1751, where Cata- logues may be nad, and by whom Commiffions will be carefully executed. The Books are generally in fine Condition, and will be fold only for ready Money. Thofe who commiffion or demand a Book firft are al- ways preferred. Among the Colleftion are thcfc following: FOLIO. Ariftophanis Comtediw, Kufteri. Basket's Imperial Bible, 2 vols.
Suidie Lcxicon, Kufteri, 3 vols. Hiftoriie Byzantinaefcriptores, 24 v. Dion Caifins, Philoltratus, Paufa- Rvmer's Fcedcra, complete,. 10 v. nias, Strabo, 2 v. Julius Pollux, Dili. He Moreri, edit, meill. 8 v. 2 v. Plutarch. 2 vols. Thucydi- Dirt. Francois, par Richelet, edit, des, Herodotus, Demofthcnes, mcillieur, 3 vols. Appian, Lycophron, Philo ju- Dc Lille's Atlas, beft Edition. d.- eus, 2 v. Jorephus, 2 v.' Cle- Danville's Atlas of China. mens Alexandrinus, 2 v. Juftin The Ruffian Atlas, coloured and Mart. Teft. Gr. Kufteri, Trommii • plain. Coneordantia?, 2 v. & c. Sec. bell Frix's Pvlaps of Flanders, bell Edit. Editions. Bower's Alias, 68 Maps.
BlsnchiniEvangelioruin quadruplex, Moll's Atlas. 4 Thee. tram Brafcantise, 4 vols. Plinii Hift. Nat. Hardfciiri, 3V. i. P. L'anfiteatro di Flavio. Stephani Thefaurus, 4 vols. Anderfon diplomat;! Scotia;. Ainlworth's Dictiona y. 2 vols. Vettres areus Auguftorum, a fine Pappas Alexandrinus. Copy. Journals of fhe Houfe of Com- Alberti della Architettura, See. See. mon;-, 10 vols. Palladio's Architecture by Ware, Codex Theodofianus, 6 vols. Cole and Leoni. State Trials, 8 vols. Trefor de l'Antiquitc de Couronne PandeCbe Florentine, 5 vols. de Franco, 2 vols. A large ColleCEion of Engiifh Law. The Mills and Sluices of Holland. A complete
ColleCL of Scotch Law. Delcript. de l'Hotel des Invalides. QJJ A R T O. Hamilton,. Pozzo et Coartonne's Oeuvres de Rollin, 8 vols. PerfpeCfive. Hift. dc Naples, par Ciannonir4v. Lord Burlington's Palladio, a fine Hift. de Dc Thou, 11 vols. Copy, bound and gilt in RullTa Memoires de Conde, 5 vols. Leather. Meiwoires de Sully, 3 vols. Pierres dc Cabinet de Roi par Mar- Hift. de Polybe, par Folard, 6 v. celli, 2 vols. Hift. des Decouvertes de Portugais, M'e'dailles de la Reine Chriftine. 2 vols. Romanum Mufaium, Mich. Angelo-, Moeurs de Sauvages, 2 vols. 2 vols. Hiftoire de la Marine, 2 vols. L* Architecture, Pel n tare, & c. de la
Oeuvres < fe Toureill, 2 vols. " Ville dc Afnfterdam. Images des Hcros, par Canini." Dempfterus de Etruria regati, 2 v. Les Oeuvrea. de Doiieau, 2 vols. Churchill's Voyages, 6- vols. Avantures dc Telemaquc. Harris's Voyages, 2 vols. Hill, de Cyprc & Jeruiaicm, 2 vols. Voyages from the Harlcian Library, La Gierufalemme di Tafib, 2 vols. 2 vols. A very large Collection of the beft B. cvai's Travels, 2 vol's. Editions of the 4t(*' CIaffics, fine- 1 • Guillim's Heraldry,, beft Ediliorv- 1- y bound. Supplement to Montfaucon's Anti- Bernoulli opera, 4 vols. quirics, ^ vols. Acfa P, ctrcpolitana, r I- vols. Mariana- Hift. Hilpaniir, 4 vols, H. ft*. tfe
i'Ac'adamie de Berlin, 5 v. Rerum Germ-.. Script. 3 vols. Phi- jofoph. TranfaChons, 5 volsf. Duglofli Hift. Polonica,. 2 vols. Smith's Opt cs, 2 vols. Traitc dc la Policc,. par Efclamere, Rutherforth's- Nat. Philofophy, 2v.. 4 vols. Kill, dc Cabinet dc Roi, 3 v. Rapin, Tind'al and'Ralph's Hift'. of Saimdelfon's Algebra, 2 vols.. England. Euleri opera. Carte's Duke of Ormond, 3- v. I. P. Heineccii opera', 8 vols. Salmon's Modern Hift. 3 . vols. O C T A V O. Brandt's Hift. of the Reform. 4 v. Univcrfal Hifhory, 20 vols. Clarendon's Hiftory, 3 vols. Debates in Parliament, beft Edit- Ogilbic's Embafl". ^ ind Voyages, 6 v. 22 vols. The Works of K.
Charles,, larg. P. Parliamentary Hiftory, 8 vols. Locke's Works,. 3 vols.. Speitvt6r, 8 vols, beft Edition. Temple's Works, 2 vols. A large Collection of the variorum"* Chambers's Dictionary, 2 vols.. Clallics. Cbetlogon's Dictionary, 2 vols- Hiftoirc et Mem. de r'Academie des. General Dictionary, jo vols- Sciences, complete, 83 vols. Bayle's Dictionary, 5 vols. Canfcs celt- bres & intereTanhs', 2 3V. Caln. et's Dictionary, 3 vol?.. Oeuvres de S. Pierre, r./ vols.. Hoffmanni Lexicon, 4 vols. ANY GENTLEMAN intending to go to LO NDO If ill a POST- CHAISE, rn the . Beginning of De- cember, may hear of a Companion by inquiring at the
Shop of John TrailL By Order of the Honourable the Maglfiratts of Edinburgh, WHEREAS, on Sunday laft, at difmifting the New- Church from the Afternoon Service, a Fellow, who calls himfclf ALEXANDER WHI TE, was detefled in pick, ing a Gentleman's Pocket of his Handkerchief, and is now Prifoner in the City Guard, and that upon fearching his Houfe in the Weft Port, where he has lately come to re- fide, betwixt thirty and forty Pockct Napkins of different Kinds, fix Bibles, fome of them genteelly bound and guilt, feveral Snuti- boxcs, Gloves and Knives, and a blue" Silk Letter cafe, with three Divifions, were found, and are now
in the Clerk's Hands. Thefc are therefore giving Notice, that any Perfon from whom any of the Particulars above- mentioned have been lloln, may fee them in the Lai" b Councii houfe, and it is defired they will call without Lois of Time. YESTERDAY 20th Novem. began, and now continues to be fold by AUCTION, by John Yair Bookfcller in Edinburgh, the entire L I B R A R Y of the deceafed JOHN MITCHEL Doftor of Medicine, in the Houfc the firft Story of the Timber Land to the Fore ftrcet, Back of the Cro's- well, Edinburgh. Catalogues to be had at the Shop? of Meffrs. Kincaid, Hamilton, Sands, Yair, and o- tber Bo kfcllers in
Edinburgh, by whom CommiHions from Gentlemen in the Country, or who cannot attend, will bc carefully execute. N. B. As the whole Library are to be fold off, they will be entered at the Plcafure of the Company. 1- HERE is a Parcel of NEW MILK YORKSHIRE CHEESE, ( little inferior in Quality to Chelbire) juft imported, and configned to THOMAS WALKER, to be fold at his Houfe at the Head of the Broad Wyyd, Leith, at Three pence per lib. in fingtc Cheefes, for ready Money. Allowance to be given to Shop- keepers and others who will take a Quantity. ' HAT Upon Monday the nth of December next N. S. betwixt the Hours of
Three and Five After- noon, within the Laigh Coffeehoufe, Edinburgh, arc to be expofed' to^ Sale try voluntary Roup, jointly or feparately, as Purchasers incline, the LANDS following, viz. Thc WESTER DULLATUR, paying of yearly Rent 200 1. in Money, 4 Bolls Bear, f Boil Oats, 20 Loads Peat's, and 20 Hens. Item, The Middle Dullatur, zy8 1. ffs. in Mo- ney, 4 Bolls Bear, 1 Bolls Oats, and zo Hens. Irern. The Glenhcad of Dullatur, 7? 1- in Money, 1 Ifoll Bear, 1 Boll Oats, and eight Hens. Item, The Doghillock of Dullatur, 72 1. 8 s. in Money, 1 Firlots Oats, and 8 Hens. Item, The Wefter- woods, jtfjl. 7*- in Money, n Boils Bear, 2
Boi'i- 2 Firlots Oats, 24 Loads Peats, and 40 Hens. Item, Drum-- eape, 54 1. 4s. r Firlots Oats, and 6 Hens. Item, M'uir- head, 1001. 1 Boll Oats, and 12 Hens. Tiie whole rore- faid Land's lye in the Lordfiiip of Cumbernanld, Parilb of Eafter Lenzic, and Shire of Dumbarton, and ftyld feu of the Family of Wigton for Payment of a ( mall Feu- dury. The Viftu- al Rent is converted at 100I. perChalder, the Hens at < Sd. and the Peats at 4 d. per Load. The original Charter and other Titles of die ( aid Lands, and Articles of Sale, arc to be feen in the Hands of Hugh M'ofman Writer in Edinburgh, at his Houfc Foot of Forreftcr's Wynd-. N. B.
The Tacks of the Wcftcr Dullacur, and Part of the Weftcr woods, both expire at Martinmas 1754:, when the former pays 661, tjs. 4 d. and the latter 27 1. of advanced Rents. There is alfo Abundance of Lime ftone in the Ground, and Coal within two Miles. r- 1 H E General Meeting of the Eaft Lothian and Mcrrst I WHALE FISHING COMPANY, held at Dunbar ore rbe fir ft Dtiy of September laft Old Stile, unanimoufly a- greed to augment rhcir prclcnt Capital to the Sum- of Twelve Ihouland Pounds Sterling, by opening a new" Sabfcription from the fix ft Day of A'uguft laft to Candlemas- nexc 175 j. Subfcripnons are taken at the
Company's. Of' fice in Dunbar,, and at Mcflrs. Janus Mansfkld'and Coils>- pan^ Merchants in Edinburgh,-
WHEREAS by the Propofa's for carrying on the munded IMPROVEMENTS in tb. s CITY, pubuflfed in confequence of a Recommendation from the laif General Convention of the Royal Burrows, TEN DIRECTORS are to be cholen by and from amonglt th Suolcribers of Five Pounds Sterling and upwards, . on W^ dnelday the zzd November currentj The. e aie the: e- fore to give Notue, that the D. re& ors already cbolen by the other Societies w. il attend, in the Laigh Couiicil- houic of Edinburgh, 011 that Day, from Twelve to IWJ Aiter- roon, in order to receive trom .. he. e Sublcribers Lifts of the ten Perfons they intend Ihould be in
the Direction, and thereafter will make the Scruiny, and declare on whjm the Choice has fallen. To avoid Miltakes, it is dehrcd, th^ t every Voter will fublcribe his Lift. WHereas SIGN OR PASQUALI has heard, that it has been otten inquiied, whether he and his Bro- ther are willing to take any Scholars tins Winter, and on what Terms; This is to inform the Public, that he will teac.) ( at his own Lodgings) on luch Terms as are ufual in this Country, the following Branches ot Mulic, viz. The Art ot SINGING; Playing on the VIOLIN; Play- ing the Thorough Bale and Leflons on the HARPSI- CHORD, and his Brother Playing on the
VIOL1NCELLO. He lodges at Mr. Couftin s in Shoemakers Land, facing the Eari of Murray's in the Canongate; where Letters and written MefTages will be pun& uaily anfwered. At the fame Place may be had, fome few remaining Co- pies of his printed MUSIC, i. e. Twelve Englifh SuNuS in ircore, Twelve OVERTURES in Parts, and Six SOLOS for tire Violin and Harplichord or Violincelio. As like- ways fome Cremona and other good FIDDLES. N. B. If there fhould be any poor Gnl, w. th an extra- ordinary good ltrong Voice, willing to be inltru& ed in Singing, and not able to atford the Charges, by califng at Mris. CoulHn's, as
above, if her Voice be approved of, will hear of fomething much to her Advantage. FOR JAMAICA. THAT the Ship BECKFORD, Captain David Rofs Commander, is now ready to take in Goods for JAMAICA, and will fail from Leith for Kingfton and Savannah laMer the ill of December next, Wind and Wea- ther ferving. Any who have a- mind to. ( hip Goods, or to take Palfage in laid Ship, may apply to Scott and Stewart ^ Merchants in Edinburgh, or to Capt. Rols, who will be got Notice of at the Ship. N. B. Tradefmen, fuch as Mill Wrights, Joiners, Cou- pers, Taylors, Bricklayers, Biackfmiths, Gardeners, or able bodied Labourers,
that have a- mind to go there will meet with ( uitable Encouragement, by applying to Walter Ain- fley, at his Houic in the Covenant Clolc, Edinburgh, who will engage with them. I^ HAT upon the 14th Day of November inftant, betwixt the Hours of Three and Four of the Clock in Afternoon, within John's Colfeehoufe in Edinburgh, there is to be expofed to voluntary Roup and Sale, by Ol- der of the Tr .. flees of the deceaft Sir John Schaw of Greenock, Baronet, the Lands of MILLIGS and others, lying in the Parifh of Row, Regality of Lennox and Shire of Dumbarton. For further Particulars inquire ac Mr. Ro- bert Dalrymple Writer to
the Signet, or Mr. Charles Brown Writer in Edinburgh, in whofe Hands the Articles and Con- ditions of Roup are to be feen, and the Progrefs of Writs in the Hands of the faid Mr. Dalrymple. TO be fold by voluntary Sale, the Lands and Eftate of GLENCARNOCK, lying in the Parifh of Balquhiddcr and Sheriffdom of Perth. Inquire fori articn lars at the Proprietor at Glencarnock, or William Frafer junior Writer to the Signet at Edinburgh. THAT the Eftate and Barony of WYLIECLOUGH, lying 111 the Parifh of Coidftrcam and Sheriffdom of Berwick, is to be fold to any who incline to pUrchafe tne lame from James Lambron of Whitehatt,
and Mr. John Hudion at Feiin^ lhore, both in the Bifhoprick of Durham. Tne Lands cf Wyi- eclough, Weft. mains, Mill and Mill Lands, with Ba'ai. tync's Land, and Houfe and Garden in Coidltream, well innate, being now in the Pclltffian of Niman Jaffrey, Archibald Stewart, George Kinghcm and William fayior. There is upon the Corners of thefe Lands Marl of the beft Kind, Coal and Lime within five Miles; and the laid Grounds confifl of about 4C0 Acres, of the beft Quality, being free of either Mofs, Muir, or walte Ground, and vveil iuuate for Markets, being within eight Miles of Berwick, live Miles ofDunfe, and five Miles from Ke. lo,
and one Mile from Ccldftream. Apply to Mr. John Dingwall Writer in Edinburgh, or Mr. Thomas Smith of Bitlefton, who will attend at the Red Lion in Wooler in N01 thumberland every Thurfday for 3 Weeks, and treat about the fame. U N. B. Mr. Ninian Jaflrey at Coldftream will fhow theLands. 1"" HAT npon tbe 7th December next, there is to be expoled to a judicial Roup and Sale, within the Parliament or New Seflion- houfe of Edinburgh, by Au- thority of the Lords, the Three Mcrk Land of DRUM- STENCH ALL, with the Pertinents, lying within the Parifh of Colvend and Stewartry of Kirkcudbright, the yearly free Rent whereof, after
deducing the Feu duty and a fifih Part for Teind, to which the Hetetor has no Right, amounts to 14I. $ s. < Sd. 1 t- izths Sterl. which is to be ex- poled at 341!. 13 s. 10 d. being 24 Years Purchafe, and the Privilege of purchafirfg the Teinds, to be expoled at jil. 8s. 4d. f jnhs, being five Years Purchafe of the free Teind : The Lands hold Feu of the Vifcount of Stormont, for Payment ot a Feu duty of 8s. 7 d. 8- xzths, are reckon- ed very improvable, not having been raifed or managed to any Advantage for thefe many Years, arc of a confider- able Extent, and there are no fuofifting Tacks thereon,- the Lords having reduced a Tack of
the whole which was cur- rent for many Years. The State of the Rental, Progrels of Writs, See. to be feen in the Hands of John White one of the Deputy Clerks of Seflion, or John Syme Writer to the Signet at his Houfe Wardrop's Court. IHAT the Roup of TIMBER at BARN TON, formerly advertiled, is adjourned to Monday the 17th of November inftant, at Ten o'Ciock. There is a Coach and Chaife alfo to be fold. At the fame Time and Place, the Parks cf Barnton, con- fifting ot" about 128 Acres or thereby, great Part of which have been for many Years in Grafs, are to be let by public Roup, and that altogether or in Parcels as
Offers appear, to be plowed lor a Term of Years, and afterwards laid down in Grafs, in the Manner and under the Conditions meniioned in the Articles of Roup, which are to be leen in the Hands of Mr. Peter Edgar at Marchfield. T HAT the Lands and Eftate of CARPOW, and Salmon I Filhings, lying in the Parifh of Abernethy and Shire of Perth, pleafantly fituated on the South Banks of the Ri- ver ofTay, holden of the Duke of Douglas for Payment of 10 1. Scots of Feu duty, are to be expofed to Sale by pu- blic Roup, within the Exchange Coffee houfe in Edinburgh, on Thurfday the 23d Day of November inft. betwixt the Hours of
Three and Five Afternoon. The Lands, befides what the Herctor poflelies, and which fows about 30 Bolls ofVi& ual, pay 32 Bolls Wheat, 74 Bolls Bear, and 121 Bolls Seed Oats, and 256 1. Scots of Money. The Fifhings pay yearly 241 1. < S d. 8d. For further Particulars inquire at John Haliburton Merchant in Dundee, Peter Duncan Writer in Perth, and Alexander Ornie Writer in Edinburgh. Edinburgh, Printed for R. FLEMING and Company, and lold the fir ft fore Stair below the Laigh Coffee haufe, oppofire co the Crols, North- fide of the Street; where Adverciiemtnts and Commifiions are taken in