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The Edinburgh Evening Courant

Date of Article: 02/10/1752
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T H E EdinburghEveningCourant M O N D A Y O C T O B E R 2. 1752. M i n s f r o m F R A N C E and H o i . L A N D . L O N D O N G A Z E T T E , SEPT. Z6. P E T E R S B U R G , A u g u f t 24. AFewDaysagoProfeilbr Kratzenrt. in embarked onboard a Man Jof War, in order to make fome Agronomical Obfervations in the North Sea. VIENNA, Sept. 9. According to our LAFT Advices from Conftanrinopk", - he Jsnrtf& ries infinuate their Inclinations of dep'ofing the Grand Signtor, in fuch ftrong Terras, that ' tis thought there will foon be a Revqlution in that Country. BRUSSELS, Sept. 11. We have received Advice, that Count Richecourt, Envoy Extraordinary from their Imperial Majefties to the Court of Great Britain, who, in his Journey through the Low Countries for Vienna, ftopt at Louvain, died there on Sunday laft. BERLIN, Sept. 14. The Locufts appear in vaft Flights in the Diltrift of the New Marche, where the. y have made great Devaluation, which gives the Inhabitants of this City fome Unealinefs, as they now feem making this Way, a great Number of them having appeared within thefe few Days paft at Bernau, about three Leagues from hence. G E N E R A L E V E N I N G P O S T , SEPTEMBER 26. HAMBURGH, September 15. Major Broun, of the King of Poland's Regiment of Grenadiers, arrivedhere a lew Days a<? o from Drefden, accompanied by a Lieutenant and two Subaltern Officers, to wait the Arrival of twenty tail Men, who have been engaged in Ireland for his iViajefty's Company in that P\. egiment. PARIS, September i r . The Curate of St. Peter le Puellier, of the Crty of Tours, has not yet been reinftated in his Fun £ tioris, though it ought to have been done by virtue of the Arret of the King's Council of State of the 23d of Auguft: And the three Ecclefiafticks of St. Stephen du Mont, who were condemned by an Arret ot Parliament, which the Council of State annulled, have not yet dared to appear in publick here, for fear of being infulted by the People, who have a better Opinion of the Parliament's than of the Governmen's Proceedings. L O N D O N. They write from Lisbon, that not long ago Cardinal M***, who by the Way, it is faid, will fpeedily retire from Buft nefs, received a Billet from an unknown Hand, with this Hint, If your' Eminency. would keep the Gold 111 the Kingdom, promote Induftry, and, inftead of Militia, employ Manufactures. We hear that an Application will be made nett Winter for fhortning Proceedings in Courts of Law, that the People may preferve their invaluable Privilege, 6f having all Matte. s- in Conteft determined by a Jury, without fuch an Expence and Lofs of Time, as often makes Jultice itfelf a Grievance. Yefterday a large and beautiful Ship, built for the Servicc of the Eaft'- India Company, was launch'd at Blackwall; fhe is narn'd the Harcourt, m refpeft to the Name of the Right Hon. the Earl of Harcourt; foe is ftaiioned for Goaft and Bay, and the Command given to Captain Webber. The Ships lately taken up for the African Trade, on Account of the Company trading thither, are to take on board Forces for their feveral Settlements in thofe Parts. In the late violent Weather fonv Coafting Veffels were loft pn the Coaft of Lincoln, and 4 Ships off the ifie of Wight. They write front Sr. Croix, that in July they had a violent Gale of Wind at North- Weft, which drove four large Dantfli Ships afliore, and ftaved them to Pieces; near thirty Sail- of Sloops and Brigs were alfo driven on Shore, and there was but little Liklehood of any being got off; great Numbers of Bodies were found, fome call afhore, and otheis afloar. ( I t is alfo faid, that at t'u'e Hight of tbe Gale a Fire broke out, which burst with' fcth Violence, tbat it foot! deftoy < 3 the Houfe where it began, befides fome Houfes belonging to the Negroes, and feveral Acres of Canes. WORCESTER, September 21. At our Fair, lift Tuefday, upwards of 1000 Bags of New Hops were fold, which fetch'd from about 2I. to 31. 17 s. 6 d. per Hundred; and Old Hops ( o f which - there were about 300 Bags fold) fetch'd from about i l . ys. to 4I. 12 s. 6d. per Hundred. E X T R A C T S o f L E T T E R S f r o m YARMOUTH a n d LEOSTAFF, dated September 23. We have the Mortification to fee a l the Back of our Sands lined with a Wood of French Btifles; they may already amount to 300. It is a molt heavy Complaint among all the'Fifhers, tbat the French, with their gf- at Numbers, take the beft of the Ground, and prevent our coming on it; and not content with this, theyanchorafterwards upoiuhat very Ground, • whereby our Fifhertnen are prevented from driving on it at ail. P. S. The French Buffes are of 100 Tons and upwards, and carry thitty Hands; fo that they havepooo Sailorsupon our Coaft at this prefent Time. ^ W H I T E H A L L EVENING POST, SEPT. 26. VENICE, Sep. 5. By the 1 aft Advices from Conftanrinople we are informed, that the Conduct of the new Grand Vizier is quite oppofite to that o f - hisPredecefibr; either through Policy, or l i vm his natural inclination, he appears outwardly pertedly confornj- able to the Sentiments of the Jantflaries. He advi es War, not merely with a View to keep them employed, but upon a Principle of Neceflity, in order to preferve that martial Spirit in the Nation, which might be enervated by a longer Peace. Upon this Pretence he has engaged the Grand Seignior to affemble an exraordinary Divan, to decide th s important Queftion. Nevenhelefs, as feveral Bnfhaws of diftant Provinces are to affift at this Divan, and as it'will take up a great deal of Time for them to repair toConftantinople, it is fufpe& ed that this is an Artifice of'the new Grand Vizir's.' to pacify the prefent Rage of the Janiflaries, in order afterwards to" tru-. ke it appear doubtful . what S. ep he in. ends to take. People are the more apt to lock upon this to be the . Cafe, beqaufe the Kan of the Tartars has not been invited to • this Divan, as is ufual when. the. Porte is going to declare War, " ' WA- RSAW, Sep. 2. Some Advices from the Frontiers oc Tur. ky, mention a terrible Earthquake, which has deftroyed above icoMofques, befides a much greate r Number of Houfes in different Parts of the City of Adrianople and that feveral of the Inh-.; b tanrs were burled in the Ruins. MADRID, Attjnft 30. The Court has received Advices, that the Englifli defign to fend a Squadron of Men of War to the Weft- Indies, . to proteft their Trade; upon which a Refolution is taken to fend a Squadron fufficient to defend the Guards de Coftas in the Execution of the Orders they are charged with, to prevent a clandeftine Commerce. In Cunfequence of. an Eftablifhment for a Military School for the Education of young Noblemen, it is regulated, that the Sons of Officers, who died in the . Serv . ce,. fhoulei be preferred before all others. His Majefty has already given 400,000 Piaftres, for promoting that ufeful Eftabliflaraent, L O N D 0 N. Letters from Hambouig fay, that a Sea Officer in the King © f Denmark's Service, who has made feveral Voyages to Greenland,, has communicated - his Obfervations to the Danifh Court concerning the, PradHcablenefsof the North- Weft P adage: They don't give us any Particulars of thofe Obfervations, but only fay, that theDanilh Court has refolved to make an Attempt towards finding that Paffage. T w o Men of War one of 60 and another of 40 Guns are ordered to be built at Chatham. F r o m O T H E R P A P E R S. We hear that, when the Mutiny Bill comes next under Confideration, it- will be propofed to make thofe reverend Perfons, who may in the ffricteft Senfe b. ftiled the Church Militant, ftill more ufeful and regular in their Attendance, than they are at prefent; it bein* apprehended that a little Religion would not be a mifs amongft the private Men, at lea ft would fave the Trouble of frequent Coitrc- Martials, iefT.- n the Number of- military Punifhmenfs, and reiiaer the Army more regular, and c o n f i d e n t l y more acceptable in their Quarters. EXTRACT, of A private Letter from C o t t m . Aug. 30. " Three Days ago the Troops encamped' in otir Nei'gh- • bourhood per& rjnid a grand Exercife, the Defign of which was to re prefent an innocent Appearance of a-, grand Attack, which might exhibit to the Spectators the Skill and Addrefs of the Troops in one of the principal Operations of War. But very unfortunately they adted their Part with a little too much Ardour, and inftead of the Shew o- f an Attack it proved a real One. The two Regiments of Hildbottrghaufen • and Hal'er were polled very advamageoudy upon a riling ' Ground,, of which the Regiments of the'Archduke Charles, of Neppcrg, Wolfenbuttel,. Botta, Gaifrugg, and Sincere were ordered to difpoflefs them. This they executed with a very high Proportion of Heat, and npt without an late/ mixture of Malice; for, in march ing to the Attack, fome of the Soldiers picked up little Stones, odters clapped in a handfill of Gravel, and many pulled, off their Buttons, and put them in, their Pieces, by which, upon the firft Difcharge, there were a., great many killed. This induced the- other two Regiments, or rather forced; ihem,. to aft in the fame Manner; fo that the Difpute became ferious and obftinate, infpite of all that the Generals could do to part them, which. could not be acc. omplifried, till a. heavy Shower of Rain and the coming on of Night obliged them to defift. A- Captain of the. Regiment of Neippergwas lulled,. feveral other Officers wounded, and, as yet, we have no diftindt Account of the Lofs amongft- the private Men. " - E D I N. B U R G H. Saturday laft arrived here from Carlifte, feven Companies, of Collonel Home's Regiment,, commonly called the young Buffs lately come. Over from Minorca, and this Day the . other fbree Companies of that Regiment aie. ex. petfted from Linton. The Regiment we- hear is to ly in Leith and Canon-, gate till they be re- viewed by General ChutchiU, and then, to march Northward for Perth and Stirling. This Morning five Companies of Ske'ton's Regiment quar-. feredin the Caftle, marched for Dundee, Montrofs, Ardbroth, 8< c. and are to be replaced by part of Lord'George' Beauclerk's RegimeAt. expedkd. here this Day from Haddington. Arrived at Leith,. the. Hornbeck, formerly the. Grampus,, David Rofs Commander,, from- Jamaica, with Rum,. Sugars, Mahogony,,& c.- the. Concerd,.. Daniel Maclver, from Rotterdam, with Merchant-. Goods; the- William of Lymekilns,. James. Hutton, from Berghen,. with Tar- and Deals; and the Helen of Leith, David Jamefon, . from GhriftianfapdS,, with Wine. On Thurfday the. 21ft inftant,-. the Trial of Allan Breck. Stewart, and of James Stewart in Aucharn in Duror of. A, ppin, the. firft accufed of being the adtual Murderer of Col. u Campbell of Glenure, Factor for his Majefty on the . forfeited Eftate of Ardtliici, and the laft of being acceffary to, or Art and Part of the faid Murder, came on at the Ci'rcuit Court at Inveraray, before bis Grace the Duke of Argyle Lord Juftice General, and the Lords Elchies and Kilkerran, Commiflioners of Jufticiary, when Allan Breck Stewart not appearing to ftand his Trial, was fugitate; and the Court, after hearing long Pleadings for and againft James Stewart Pantnel, by the Council on both Sides, " Found the Libel re- " ' l e v a n t to infer the Pains. of Law ; thar, Time and Place " libelled, the deceaft Colin Campbell of Glenure was mus> " dered,! and that the Pannel James Stewart was Guilty, Adtor, " or Art and Patt thereof: But allowed the Pannel to " prove, all Fadts and Circumftances that might tend to er- " culpate him;" and adjourned to Friday the n d , at Siit in the Morning; from which Time to Sunday the 24th at Seven in the Morning the Court continued fitting, before the Proof was concluded, during which Sederunt 49 Witneires were examined againft the Pannel, without his objedhng againft any one of them, and 12 VVitneffes were examined on his Exculpation, without any Objedfion on the Part of the Pr'ofecutors; after which the Evidence was fummed up by his Majefty's Advocate againft, and bv Mr. George Brown Advocate for the Panne!; and the Jury being inclofed at Seven in the Morning, fat till Twelve at Noon,, and upon the 25th returned their Verdi dt, finding unanU moufly the Pannel James Stewart Guilty, Art and Part of the Murder of Colin Campbell of Glenure: LTpon which Verdidt the Court fen. ten. ced the Pannel to be hanged upon Wednefday the 8th Day of November next ( according to the prefent Stile) on a epnfpicuous Eminence near the Place of the Murder., and adjoining to the Ferry of Ballachelifh, being the moft frequented Paffage betwixt the Countries of Appin and Lochaber, and thereafter ordained his Body to be hung in. Chai- ns at the Place of his Execution-. The Coucil for the King, and for the private Profecutor,.. ( being Janet Mackay, Daughter to the: Honourable Hugh Mackayt of Bighoufe,. Efq; and Relidl of the deceaft Colin Campbell ofGle. nute, for herfelf,_ and on behalf, of Elizabeth and Lucy Campbells " her Infant Children) were the Lord Advocate^, who attended this Circuit Court, in. Perfon,. Mr-. John Carmtchael Advocate- Depute^ Mr. Simon Frazer,. commonly called Matter of Lovat, and lately called to the Bar, Mr. James Erskine Sheriff- depute of Perthftiire, Mr. John CamphelLfhe, younger of Stonelkid, and Mr. Robert Campbell of Afiitic lli; and the Council for the Prifoner were, Mr. George Brown- Sheriff- depute, of Forfar,. Mr. Thomas Millar Stewart- depute of Kirkcudbright, Mr.- Walter Ste wart and Mr. Robert Maplntofh. Thereafter a Petition was offered. t © the Court on hehaif of Allan and Charles Stewasfs, Sens of the faid James Stewart, and alfo in- Cuftody on Sufpicrort of their Acceffion to the faid Murder, ptaying a. Warrant to give Notice to his Majefty's Advocate, to fee- a . Time for bringing on their T r i - al, as the Adt i70i.: diredts, or that they might be admitted' t o Bail.. Whereupon his- Majefty's Advocated/ or the King* and Mr. Campbell of Barcaldine for the Widow. and Chik dren o f i t h e Decaafcd, declared and figned their- Confer*,.. - that Charles- Stewart, the younger of the faid Petitioners*, might be, a. dmitted; to - Bail,,, and the Court gave Orders for that Purpofe, and ^ Vasiaat for giving Notice to bring onthe Trial of Allan, " The Elcdfion of Magiftrates came on Friday laft in Inverkeithirig,... when tlie fond, wing. Perfons weretinanimouffy eledfed into theit. feveral Stations, viz.. John Cunninghame Efq,;.. Advocate,. Provoft. Hugh Grindiftan,. and- John ICrkaldy, Bailiies, Robert Brown,. Dean o f Guild., George Killoch,,, T. rcafiir'er. A S I I T A. E E M., Sept 2.7. This Day came on - the Ele& on- i. of the Provoft, Baillies and Council, for the Year enfuing, when, the following Perfons were. elefted, viz, James Morifon, Efq; Provoft. William Mowat, " p Alexander Copland, f Baillies. John Dingwall, C Andrew Burnet, J f John Duncan, Dean of Gu'. Id. James Jopp, Treafurer. Patrick Cufhney, Mafter of Kirk and Bridge Works. John Binning, Mailer of Mortifications. James Cruikfoank jug,. Mailer of the Guild BrethrensHofp. Patrick Reid Mafter of Shore Work, John Robertfon of Pitmillan. Efq; lateProvoft,. Alex. Livingfton ofCountefw ells, Efq; lateProv. Alexander Osborn, late B. ullie, >. Counfellors. Gilbert Moir, Merchant, William Logan, Me reliant, James Mackie, Maitfter, James Nome, T a y b r , , William Stevenfon, Weaver, _ » _ T T h e above Gentlemen .". are nil well aifeited to his Maj. fty s Perfon - and Government, both in Church and State. High Water at L E I T H , Morning, Afternoon. • Tomorrow 2.6th Day of the M o o n , , i o H. 32. M. 10H. 56 M. Wednefday 27 th, < H 17 11 5* Thurfday 28th,. 12 22 12 44 ^ Tirades Counfellors. J U S T P U B L I S H E D , Price 6 d. T H E N E W C A S T L E G E N E R A L M A G A Z I N E FOR A U G U S T IFF*. Containing, t. Debates in. the Political Club, relating to the Number of Troops to be. employed in the Army. • 2. The Anfwer to the King of Pruftia's Memorial, lately delivered to the States of the Empire afTembled at Ratisbon, }. Oblerv. ations on Courts, by the Marquis © t Halifax. 4, An Account of the Foundation, with a foil Defcriptioh of the Royal Exchange in London., f. Subftance of a Letter ro the Mayor, and Corporation of Deal, in Kent, in relation to their Opinion, about the Trinity. 6. A humorous Oration, faid to be a. Taylor's firft Difeourfe after he rurn'd' Preacher. 7. A Diffcrtarion on Trade and Commerce, trauflated from the Italian. 8. An Inquiry into the Nature and Origin of Money, and the different. Ways of Exchange. 9. On Contempt, the human Species prone to it, with. Inftances of it among Beafts, Birds, Infefits, & o. 1.0. On the Ufefulnefs of Phyfic, with the Mud'able Endeavours of the Praditioners to improve tbe fame. it. A. Tahle to calr culare the Difcount of Rents, & c, in Proportion to the eleven Days taken off this Year hy- the New Stile. 12. Baraphrafe on- the xiith Chapter of Job. 13, An Eaitem T a l e ; or; an Allegory on the Innocency of human Nature, unacquainted with the Vices of the Age. 14, The Craftfman, on martial and, military Diverfions, &. c. with their Ufe and Tendency. 15- An Elfay from the Infpeftor, fhewing the many Advantages of a married State., itf. Speech, of W B— f— d, againft the Bill for prohibiting Infurances on foreign Raft, India Ships. 17. Summary of the Affairs of laft SefTions. 1.8. Quere, How a Lawier can juftify his Conduft in defending a Gaufe be knew to be. a bad one at the. Time he under? took it « . 19; Anfwer to the EfTay in our laft on the Ex* fjortation of Corn, Sec.. 20. Poetry : An Epigram oni two Ipitefift Brothers;. an Hymn ioFaftiion; the Spider ; Tomorrow-; Yefterday.; a View of Oxford. 21. The moil material News foreign ajid d o m i f t k , > Uc.. NE V S C A S T I E UPON TYNE> P r i n t e d by I. T h o m f o n and C o . and fold by Mr. Jphn Yair, and Meffrs. Kineaid and Danaldfon, Bookfellers in Edinburgh; Mr. Barry in Glafg. o w ; and by the Bookfeilers in Dnmfries, Stirling, and Aberdeen.- ST O L E N out of an Inelofure in the Multerhoufehiir, oft the Night betwixt Saturday the 30th of September and Sabbath the firft of Oftober, a B A Y G E L D I N G , belonging to James Hog Merchant in Edinburgh, betwixt 14 and 1 j Hands high, with a white Snip or Streak from his Brow down his Nofe to his upper Lip where it ends in a yellow Sting, his two hinder Feet are both white from his Ancle to his Hoof, but there is moft white upon the Outfide of his near hind Foot, his Mane and Tail are of a dark brown almoft inclining to black, and there is fome f ew white or grey Hairs appearing among the brown thro* the moft of his Body. Any who knows, or can give Notice of the Horfe to the faid James Hog, or the Publi& ei of this Paper, fhall be handfomcly rewarded. W Hereas H A M I L T O N and B R U C E , Merchants in the Weft bow, Edinburgh, have ready for SaV, a eonffaerablc Quantity of the belt W H A L E O I L , lately brought home by the Ships of this Place from Greenland. They propofe, in order to promote the Sale of this new Branch of Trade at Edinburgh, to fsll it off at the London Prices, in YVholefale or Retail. As all who have feen' the Oil allow it to. be of a Quality greatly fuperior to whar is ordinarily fhipt from London, it is hoped., that while Merchants can be leived with this Commodity at home, free from any Mixture, they will have no Reafon to repent the not importing it trom diftant Parts, to their own Lofs and the Damage of their Country; and whoever purchafes a Quantity to be fliipt Coaftways, fhall have ic put 011 board free o<" Shipping Charges. N- B. They alfo fell, at their. Warchoufe, all Kinds o£ Leather, at the loweft Rates., TH E R E IS W A N T E D , T O G E T I N T A C K by A Company, a Farm, or feveral Farms of Land, lying contiguous to one another,, and. within fix Miles of Linlithgow, the third Part thereof being at Icaft of a fertile Soil, fit for carrying. Crops of Wheat, Hemp, Roots,, and Grafs Seeds, and Part or all at them convenient for in'clofing. Whoever has fuch are defired to fend an exaft Account of the Name of the Farm or Farms, the particular Rent and'Burdens thereof, the Names- of the .. laft otv prefent Poffcffor?, and the, Parifh, where they lye, to ths- Bublifher of, this Paper.. JA M E S H. A L L Merchant in Haddington, having with* in thele three Weeks- died fuddenly, and left fome Merchant. Goods, moftly. Hard Ware, which being perifhablcand in hazard of, Embezlementi they are> fccured by Warrant of the Magiftrates of Haddington,, for- the Behoof of all the Creditors of the faid James Hall, and; thefe Merchant Goods are to be expofed to Sale by publick Roup, upon the tenth Day, o f O& ober 175: 2, New Stile, for the Benefit of all concerned ; Therefore all the- Credirocs- a£ V the faid James- Hall, are defircd, by themfelves; or. Perfons duly, authorised by them; to meet'at Haddington; in the Houfe of Mrs. Ainftie, upon Monday the fifteenth' Day of the faid Month of O & o b e r j ' i n order- to concert- Meafures for a Dividend of the Proceeds of. the faid Roup.. THE Ship DUKE O P CUMBERLAND, Tames Dunlop.- Maftcr, lying in. the Harbour ofPort- Glafgow; will be ready- to take; ir> Goods for James R'iverin Virginia th'c zoth of Oftober; and clear to fails the 1 ft of; November-. Any Perfon that defigns to fhlp Goods in fa'id Ship- are d- ea fired : to . apply to Alexander Speir Merchant in Glafgowj, who- Wiil agree with them,. WR I T I N G , ARITHMETIC and BOOK KEEPING taught in tbe Newelt Method by W I L L I AM R O B S O N , in the firft fore Stair above the Guard, third Door, on the South Side of the Street, Edinburgh. Such as defire to have a private Hour at their own Lodgings, fhall be punctually attended. N. B. He hath given fufficient Satisfaction already to thofe who have employed him. W' H E R E A S , notwithftanding of a former Advertifement, very few of thofe that are. Debitors to the deceaft J A M E S N A P I E R , late Merchant in Edinburgh, have either paid or conflitute their Accompts: T H I S is therefore intimating to all who are Debitors to the ( aid James Napier, that Patrick Bowie, Merchant in Edinburgh, is ( ufficiently authortfed and empowered to receive and difcharge thefe Debts; atid unlefs they are now paid in to him, or conftitute by Bills at a ( hort Date, the more difagreeable Method will be taken without further Notice. WHEREAS the Alteration of the Kaiendar takes Place this Year, and, by an A f t paffed laftSeffion of Parliament, Fairs are to be holden on their natural Days ; thefe are to advertife, that the F A I R ufually holden at C O L - L I N G S B U R G H in Fife on the 4th Day of Oftober, • will be bolden for this Year, and the future, on the fecond Friday of Oftober ; and the Fair holden at ( aid Place on the firft Friday of June will be holden for the future on the fecond Friday of faid Month. TH A T the Parks of M Y R E T O N , in the County of Wigton, are to be fet in Tack, in whole or in Parcels, for luch Term of Years as can be agreed upon, by way of public Roup, at Myreton, the 3d Day of October inft. Perfcns who incline to take the fame may commune with Alexander MacConnel Town Clerk of Wigton, or the Proprietor, who will inform them of the Conditions.—- And on the 4th and 5th Days of faid Month, are to be fold, at the faid Place, lortie Milk Cows, and other Cattle, with fome Horfes, all good in their Kind, particularly fome young Cattle remarkably fo. THE good Ship THE LEITH GALLEY, about 230 Tons Burthen, Bofton built, and four Years old, • with all her Pertinents, as ( be no w lyes in the Harbour of Leith, is" to be expofed to publick Roup in Forth's Cofteelioule, Leith, on Wednefday the 4th of Oftober inft. betwixt Three and Four o'Clock Afternoon. The Inventary and Conditions of Sale are to be fecn at the faid Cotfee- houfe, cr in the Hands ot Robert M'Cleilan Merchant in Leith. EXCHEQUER CHAMBER, Edinburgh, 20th July 1752. T HAT the S U P E R 1 O R I T I E S of the Lands of Balmoor, My- refide, Faicbills, Burthlaw, T w o Part Land of Thunderron, and Strathloch, lying in the Shire o f Aberdeen, lately belonging to George late Earl of Marifhal, and now. to his Mrjefty, are all to be expofed to Sale, in the Court of Exchequer at Edinburgh, upon Friday ' he 24th Day of November next, at Twelve o'Clock at Noon. By Order of the Barons, D. MONCREIFFE, D. K. R. THAT there is to be rouped, at Melvii- houfe in Fife- ( hire, on Friday the 13th of Ofiober inft. New Stiie, a confiderable Quantity of large fat O X E N , fat HIGHLAND S T O T S and C O w S , large young Oxen ready for Draught, bulled Milk Cows, and Queys of a large Kind, Draught Horfes, and fome Mares of' the Coach Kind for a Breed. TO be ( old by public voluntary Roup, within the Houfe of Mark MacCune Vintner in Dumfries, upon Thurfday the 8th of November next, betwixt the Hours of Twelve and T w o Afternoon, the Lands of B A L T E R - S A N , lying within the Parifli of Holywood, and Shire of Dumfries-, holding Blench of the Crown, the free Rent whereof is above 800 Merks. The Progrefs of Writs and Condiiicns of Sale to be leen in the Hands of Andrew Alves Writer to the Signet, and ol John Clark Writer in Dumfries. Any Perfon inclining to purchafe before the Day of Roup may apply to the laid Andrew Alves, or John Clark. TO be fold by voluntary Roup, within John's Coffeehoufe in Edinburgh, upon Tue( day the loth Day of Oftober inftant, betwixt the Hours of Three and Four Afternoon, the Lands of M O S S F E N N A N and Lands of L O G A N , lying within the Pari( h of Glenvvholme and Sheriffdom of Peebles, holding Feu of the Family of Wigton for Payment of 14!. Scots iof Feu- duty. The Rental of faids Lands' is 1900 Merks, from which the Mini- j Iter's Stipend, Schooltr. after's Salary and Feu duty to be deduced. The Progrefs of Writs and Conditions of Roup to be leen in the Hands of James Nafmyth Writer, at his Houie in the Mint, alias Grey's Clofe, any time before the Roup. EXCHEQUER CHAMBER, 21ft July 1752. WHEREAS feveral o f the late Sheriffs, Burghs, Chamberlains, Feuars, and ValTals to the Crown, have f o r many Years ncglefted to make Payment of what they are indebted to the Crown on the Head of C R O W N R E N T S , by which Means they are run iuto veiy great Arrears; His Majefty, out of his great Grace and Favour,- has, by his Privy Seal, dated at Herenhaufen, the 2 ° t ' 1 J u ne l i t Ju y laft been gracioufly pleafed to fignify to the Right Hon. the Lord Chief Baron and the reft o f the Barons of hi., Majefty's Court of Exchequer, that it is his Royal Will and Pieafure, to dilcharge all Non accomptants of their Attears, on Payment of One- fifth of what they are fo indebted, 011 or before the firft Day of Martinmas Term, being the 14th of November next;' with this exprefs Condit on and Stipulation, that they ( hall pay regularly in all Time coming; and whoever ( hall negleft to ( pay in their Money on or before the faid 14th Day of November next, will be excluded from the Benefit of this Compofition, and Procefs will then iifue to compel Payment of their whole Arrears Therefore the Right Hon. the Lord Chief Baron, and the reft of the Barons of his Majefty's Court of Exchequer, have ordered, that this public Intimation ( hall be made, in order that all Perfons concerned may be informed of the Grace and Favour his Majefty intends for all Non accomptants to the Crown. By Order of the Barons, D. MONCREIFFE D. K. R. Edinburgh, Printed for R. F L E M I N G and Company, and { old the firft fore Stair below the Laigh Coffee houfe, oppofire to the Crofs, North- fide of the Street; where Advertifements and Commiffions are taken in
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