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The Edinburgh Evening Courant


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The Edinburgh Evening Courant

Date of Article: 28/05/1752
Printer / Publisher: R. Fleming and Company 
Address: Edinburgh
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No Pages: 4
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T H E Edinburgh Evening Courant THURSDAY MAY 1752. " Mail from HOLLAND, LONDON GAZETTE, May 13. ROME, May 6. BY Advices from Constantinople we learn, that notwith- standing the Grand Seignor continues to persist inva- riably in thc Resolution of living in perfect Friendship with all the Christian Powers, yet he intends shortly to give Di- rections for putting the Places he possesses in Dalmatia in a proper State of Defence. The same Advices add, that the City of Constantinople is now almost as populous as it was before the late Plague, occasioned by the vast Numbers of Workmen of all Sorts who have been sent here by the Beglerbegs of the several Provinces, according to the Orders they received some Time ago from the Grand Vizier for that Purpose. COPENHAGEN, May 12. The King has caused a Placard to be published, by which his Majesty acquaints his Subjects, that his Ministers Plenipotentiary have concluded two Trea- ties of Peace, one 011 the 18th of December last with the Re- gency of Tunis, and the other on the 22d of January with the Bey of Tripoly, by which a free Navigation is secured for our Ships treading in the Mediterranean Sea. WHITEHALL EVENING POST, May 23. According to a private Letter from Bazil in Switzerland, the French have a finally encamped a considerable Body of Horse and Foot in the Neighbourhood of Besancon in Fran- che Compte; upon which the Canton of Bern has taken the Alarm, and issued the necessary Orders for encamping the like Number of Troops in their own Territories, which, as is very natural, occasions many Speculations. Last Sunday being Whitsunday departed this Life, after an Indisposition of many Months, occasioned by an infinite deal of Labour and Care in his Ministry, Christian Renatus, ( by birth Count of Zinzendorff and Pottendorff, and only Son of the prefent Ordinary of the Church, known by the Name of Unitas Fratrum) in the 25th Year of his Age. The sincere Tears of thousands, in this and other Coun- tries shed on this Occasion, will give the best Testimony of his Value. By a Letter from Ireland, we have an Account, that Or- ders have been given for searching the Houses of Roman Catholicks for Arms. A few Days since an Officer of the Army was broke, for challenging a Brother Officer, and behaving in an ungentle- man like Manner. An Example worthy of being followed! GENERAL EVENING POST, MAY 23. EXTRACT of a LETTER from AMSTERDAM, MAY 14. News have lately been here received, that the Bantams had supriz'd Batavia, and plundred some Quarters of that powerful City; but that the Troops of the Castle having fallen upon them, drove them out of the Town. We have yet no Particulars of this Affair. The Actions of the Com- pany have however fallen from 750 to 555. NAPLES, MAY 4 The Ruins of the antient City of He- raclea incessantly afford some thing new and curious. There has lately been found amongst them an Urn of three Feet and a half high, of very fine Marble, as white as Alabaster. The Delicacy of the Bas Relief together with the Simplicity of the Ornaments, proves the Antiquity of the Work, and shews it the Production of the flourishing Ages of Greece. VIENNA, May 17. The Court has received by a Courier from Madrid, the Treaty which was signed with regard to Italy, which has been communicated to the Earl of Hynd- ford. _ The Treaty of Aix la Chapelle is thereby confirm'd. in respect to what concerns the contracting Parties. The Succours which they should respectively furnish, in case of Necessity, for the Defence of those Possession, is regulated, viz. the Empress Queen, 6000 Men; the Emperor, as Grand Duk of Tuscany, 60oo Men; the King of Spain, 6000 Men; the King of the Two Sicilies, 6ooo Men; and the Infant Duke of Parma, 1600 Men. ,. RATISBON, May 22. The Affair of East Friesland makes a great Noise in the Diet; the King of Great Britain, as E- lector of Hanover, having desired that it should be taken in- to Consideration, the Diet has for some Days past proceed- ed thereupon. The Minister of Brandebourg, pretended that this Affair should have been previously communicated to him, has made a very strong Protest against the Diet's Pro- ceeding: The Consequence of this Affair fixes thc Attenti- on of the Publick. BERLIN, May 23. The King has received from his Mi- nister at Ratisbon, a circumstantial Account of the Delibera- tion which was begun there, in regard to the Affair of East- Friesland, and of the Protest which he has made upon that Subject. His Majesty has sent him fresh Orders, which can- not fail of rendering this Affair greatly interesting, and wor- thy the Attention of the Germanick Body. HANOVER, May 23. The Minister of this Electorate at Ratis- bon has sent to the Ministry an Account of what has passed in Relation to the Affair of East- Friesland, with the Protect of the Minister from Bandebourg; Whereupon Orders have been diSpatched to that Minister, how to further conduct him- self in the Pursuit of that important Affair. LONDON. From Paris we are told, that the Court has issued Orders for encamping several Regiments in Franche Compte, that they must first be exercised in the Method lately introduced, and afterwards according as the Situation of Affairs in Ger- many may require. Yesterday the India Company received Advice of the Ar- rival at Dover of the Onslow, Capt. Hinde, from Bencool- en; and thc True Briton, Cart. Bradley, and the Lord An- son, Capt. Fowles, from China. They left St. Helena tho 23d of March; when the Essex, Capt. Jackson, from China, was to sail in a few Days after for England. Some private Letters by the above Ships say, that the Dutch some time since took two Proas belonging to the English, on the Coast of Sumatra; and lately a Sloop with a Quantity of Dollars and valuable Goods on board. As that Coast is open to All, we must suppose these Fellows to be Pirates; as supe- rior Strength is the only reason they give for such Actions, and as we think our good Allies would not countenance such Proceedings. It is added, that a sufficient Number of Men are employed to repair the several Forts on that Coast belonging to the Bri- tish Settlements. The Men of War and Sloops now on the Coast of Ireland are ordered to be victualed, and to continue there till further Orders. Yesterday, at Eleven o'Clock, the Rev. Mr. Whitefield arrived in Town from the Orphan- House, South- Carolina. EDINBURGH. The following Letter containing some Particulars of - Murder of Colin Campbell of Glenure, Esq; was written by a Brother of the deceased, to a Gentleman in Aberdeen, his near Relation: TAINDROME, 18thMay 1752. " SIR, I am this far in my way to Argyleshire, to pay my last Duty to poor Glenure, who on Thursday last the 14th current was shot dead in Appin, by some of the Stew- arts, from behind a Bush, as he was riding home, near the House of Ardshiels. The Person suspected of the Murder, is one Allan Breck Stewart, a French Cadet, who was in Appin at the Time. He is about ; Foot 10 Inches high; his Face much marked with the small Pox, black bushy Hair put up in a Bag, a little in- knee'd, round shouldered, has full black Eyes, and is about thirty Years of Age. He is dressed much like a French Cadet, shabby, with an Inclina- tion to be genteel. It is possible he may disguise himself, and in all Probability endeavour to take Shipping on the North- east Coast from Aberdeen, Montrose or Dundee;. Pray be upon the out- look, and send to your Friends along the Coast- sfide, the above Description, which I hope will find . him out, tho he may assume a borrow'd Name. . All the Firth of forth is appris'd of this Matter, as is the Clyde." Sunday last died Miss Nisbet of Craigentinay, a young Lady just come of Age, and Heiress to a handsome Fortune. On Tuesday the Commission of the General Assembly sat down, and took under Consideration an Appeal by William Urquhart of Meldrum, Esq: Patron of the Parish of Cromar- ty, from a Sentence of the Synod of Ross, affirming a Judg- ment of the Presbytery of Chanonry sultaining a Call of the Parish of Cromarty to Mr. Patrick Henderson to be Minister of that Parish, and thereafter proceeding to his actual Settle- ment there; and after hearing Parties, and reasoning at great Length on the Affair, agreed without a Vote to delay the Consideration of the Merits of the Presentation and Call till their Meeting in November. And after further Reasoning, it was agreed to put the Question, Whether to proceed to consider the Conduct of the Presbytery of Chanonry in settl- ing Mr. Henderson, or delay the whole Affair; and it carri- ed, Proceed: Then another Question was agreed to be put, Reverse the said Settlement, or not, and it carried Reverse by a Majority of one Vote; whereupon the Commission re- versed the Sentence of Synod and Presbytery of Chanonry, with respect to the Settlement of Mr. Henderson at Cromar- ty, and declared it void and null, without Prejudice to the Merits of the Cause. And that Evening the Commission affirmed without a Vote, the Sentence of the Synod of Galloway, appointing the Presbytery of Wigton to proceed to the Settlement of Mr. Samuel Brown to be Minister of Kirkmabreek, according to the Rules of the Church. And Yesterday the Commission agreed, without a Vote, to ap- point a Committee to deal with all concerned, and particu- larly with the People of the Parish of Biggar, in order to bring about a peaceable Settlement for Mr. Haig to be Minister of Biggar, and report to the Commission in November. They write from Kirkaldy, that a Woman was lately ta- ken into Custody there for Child- murder, but was indulged the Use of a Bed in a private House till she recovered, and was watched by two Women, from whom she found Means to escape. High Water at LEITH, Morning. Afternoon. Tomorrow i% h l> a; of the Moon, 11H. -, 6 M. uH. 8M. Saturday 28 h, 12 43 t o Monday 30 b, 2 13 .2 ,37 MADAM LE BLANC and Madam BENAZECK are REMOVED to Monteith's Close, at Syme's Land, to keep a Boarding School and Day School, for Young Ladies, where they are taught to read Frcnch and and English, and all Sorts of Needle- work. To be SOLD at Newhails near Edinburgh., TWO SHE ASSES, just colted. Inquire for Robert Chiesly at Newhails. MARGARET ENGLISH, IN THE LAIGH SHOP ON the North- side of the Lawn mercat, directly oppo- site to the Head of Libberton's Wynd, who was well in- structed by the Miss Youngs in all the different Branches of Business, being their Apprentice five Years, sells all Sorts of Sewing, Flask and Raw Silks, English Worsteds in Shades or single Colours, Silk Snellings, Siiver and Gold Thread, Twist and Cheque for Embroidering, Gold and Silver Purle and Spangles, Paris Net, Cypress, French and Cat gutGauze, and all Sorts of Gauze and Boultings for Sewings, Window Blinds or Boulting Cloths. She works all Sorts of Gold, Silver, Silk, Worsted and Thread Fringes for all Kinds of Apparel, & c. Gold and Silver Twitchers, Paramounts, Robings, Breasts and Bibs, also Straps, Loops, Garters, Trimmings, Watch and Staff Strings, Sashes and Night Gown Belts; makes Sprigs and Flowers for Head Dress, Breast and other Ornaments, Silk and Worsted Tassels for Window Currains, Sword Knots, Chimney Lines, and Hack Beds, with many other Kinds of Work too tedious to mention. The above Goods and Work are furnished at reasonable Prices; and Customers may depend upon being very well served, and Commissions from the Country punctually an- swered. THAT the HERETORS of the Shire of HADDING- TON are to meet, on the second Tuesday of June next, in the Town- house of Haddington, to chuse two of their Number to be Overseers of the Administration of the Impost of the Two- pennies on the Pint of Ale allow- ed to the Town of Edinburgh. THE Creditors of the dcceast HENRY SINCLAIR, Writer in Edinbuigh, arc desired to give in their Grounds of Debt to Archibald Hope, Writer in Edinburgh, ' twixt and the 2oth of June next, in order that an Adju- dication for their common Behoof may be led upon Hen- ry Sinclair's heretable Subjects, as such Measure is found necessary for procuring their Payment, BRITISH LINEN OFFICE, May 18th 1752. AQUARTERLY General Court of Proprietors is to be held here, on Monday next, at Twelve o'Clock, in Terms of the Charter. THE Lands ot SCAREAW, in the Parish of Cran- shaws and Shire of Berwick,, a Stork Farm in the Neighbourhood of Byreclough, paying 40 1. Sterling of yearly Rent, with Deduction only of Minister's Stipend and Schoolmasters Salary, are to be sold by public Roup, at Edinburgh, in the End of July or Beginning of August next, to be ascertained by a future Advertisement.— For further Particulars inquire of Thomas Cockburn, Writer to the Signet, who will treat with any Person inclining to make a private Bargain. TO be sold by public Roup, upon Monday the 1st of June next, at Ten o'Clock Forenoon, at Mr. Gray's Brewar at the Back of the Canongate, a complete Set of BREWING LOOMS and UTENSILS, a Still Pot and Worm containing 14 Scots Gallons, Buts, Hogsheads, Cocks and Gantrees. Also two Shop Counters, and sixty four Gallons Geneva. Likeways Houshold Furniture of all Sorts. To continue till all be sold off. The Particulars to be seen any Time before the Roup. JUST PUBLISHED, Price- neatly bound and titled is. Printed for W. SANDS, W. GORDON, and C. WRIGHT, Edinburgh, THE YOUTH'S INSTRUCTOR. Consisting of SELECT PIECES in Prose and Verse. For SCHOOLS and PRIVATE FAMILIES. In order to the several Purposes of furnishing Entertain- ment, gratifying youthful Curiosity, instilling valuable Know- ledge, and regulating Practice, this Book contains a consi- derable Number of Moral Stories, Songs, and Fables; re- markable Pieces of Natural and Civil History; Accounts of some of the most stupenduous Works of Art; a compendi- ous History of the bible ; short Composures, by eminent Writers, relating to the fundamental Articles of Natural aud Revealed Religion, and to the principal Duties which Men owe to God, themselves, their near Relations, and Human Society in general; besides which, somcwhat is in- sertcd tending to check Cruelty, and cultivate a Tenderncss of Heart, towards even Brute Animals. There are also Prayers and Graces adapted to different Ages; and, in the End, an Alphabet of Maxims, Counsels, and Sentences, both to instruct Scholars, and to serve Matters as Subjects for forming Patterns of Writing. To make the Book more generally useful, every thing on the Head of Religion . which might seem to favour or recom- mend the distinguishing Opinions or Usages of any one De- nomination of Christians, has been carefully avoided. For rendering the Roman and Italick Characters equally fami- liar, they arc used alternately through the whole; except a little in the Conclusion, which is printed 0n the Saxon or Black EngliSh, in order to SomE Acquaintance with tHem: And that Youth might have an Opportunity of learning to read VerSe of different Kinds, as well as ProSe, Pieces writ- ten in both ways are likeways all along intermixed. THAT the MidSummer LINeN CLOTH MARKET of PERTH begins on ThurSday the 4th Day of June next, and to continue till the 14th of that Month inclu- Sive. THE Lands of COOKSPOW, with the Teinds, Modes, Woods, Orchards, and Salmon- fiShing, ly- ing near the River of Forth upon the South side, two Miles East from the Town of Stirling, all in the Parish of St. Ninians and Shire of Stirling, and consisting of three Farms, besides 31 Acres divided by several Inclo- sures and Orchards, with a convenient Mansion- house and Offices, possessed by tbe Proprietor, are to be sold by voluntary Roup, upon Wednesday the 15th pay of July 1751, . in the Laigh Coffeehouse in Edinburgh, betwixt the Hours of Four and Five Afternoon. The Lands are free of Thirlage, aud hold feu of the Heretor of Alva for Pay- ment of ten Merks Scots yearly. Tbe Progress, Rental, and Conditions of Roup, are to be seen in the Hands of William Seller Writer in Edinburgh, or with the Proprietor, who will show the Particulars at his House of Cookspow, and treat with any Perfon inclining to a private Purchase. N. B. These are about 60 Acres of Mosses upon a Clay Soil and fronting the arable Grounds, together with a little Birch Wood and old Planting, which surrounds the Orch- ards, and which are not rentaled. The Orchards contain about 400 Fruit Trees, of a large Growth, all bearing tbe best Kinds of Apples and Pears, with a Number of Plumb and Gueen Trees and the Tenants pay the whole public Burdens. BY Order of the Arbiter in the Submission between the Heirs and Creditors of David Grant of Bonhard, there is to be sold by voluntary Roup, in the Laigh Coffeehouse in Edinburgh, on Tuesday the jjth of July next, betwixt the Hours of Three and Four in the Afternoon, the Lands of POCKMILN and SPOUTWELLS, and Teinds thereof, lying in the Parish of Scoone and County of Perth j the neat free Rent of the whole is about 401. Sterling, and they are about 18ol. Scots of valued Rent; the Lands hold Feu of the Crown, and there is a commodious new- built House on the Lands of Pockmiln, pleasantly situate on the North side of the River Tay, and within two Miles of Perth ; there is a great deal of fine thriving. Planting about the House, and a Den of beautiful young Timber; the whole is to be set up at iooo l.' Sterl. The Rental, Progress, In- ventary thereof, and Conditions of Sale, are to be seen at James Hay, Clerk to the Signet, his House in the Assembly Close, Edinburgh, and Copies thereof in the Hands of John Richardson Sheriff- substitute of Perth, at his House in Perth, who will give Directions to cause show the Premis- ses to any Person who inclines to purchase. The Creditors of the said David Grant are desired, be- twixt and the said Day of Roup, to produce their Claims and Grounds of Debt in the Hands of the said James Hay, with their Oaths on the Verity thercot, ( to be taken by any Justice of the Peace or Judge ordinary of the Place) con- descending on the principal Sum, and from what Term the Annual rents are owing, or what Payments have been made of their Debts, so as the Price of the saids Lands may be immediately divided and applied for their Payment. THAT there is to be set in Tack by public Roup for the Space of 7, 14, or Years, ( as shall be agreed upon) from and after Martinmas 1753, the Lands lying near to Newhaven called TRINITY MAINS, with a con- venient Dwelling- house, Barns and Stables, belonging to the Incorporation of Shipmasters in Leith, formerly possest by' the deceast Thomas Buchan, and now by the Relict of James Rennie, mostly inclosed, and that upon Wednes- day the jd of June next, betwixt the Hours of Three and Five o'Clock Afternoon, at the Trinity- House of Leith, opposite to South Leith Church. The Articles of Roup are to be seen at the said Trinity- House, and in the Hands of Robert Innes Treasurcr. THE Creditors of the deceast RICHARD MURRAY, Merchant in Leith, are hereby desired to call for their Dividends of the Price of his Lodging on the Shore of Leith, and bygone Rents thereof, from George Tod Writer in Edinburgh, at his House on the North- side of the Street below the Nether- bow Well, any time after the first Day of June next to come, - for the said Sums bear no Annual rent after Whitsunday last. TO be sold, by Authority of an Act of Parliament, in the way of pu- blic Roup, before his Majesty's Sheriff- depute . of the County of Wigton, at Wigton the eleventh day of August next, the Lands of DRUM- BLAIR, Alticry, Chippermore, Chang Dirrie, Clantibuies, Barrachan, Drumneseat, Kildarroch, Capenoch, Clutag, Clutag Croft, Knockan, Knockefferick, Knockencurr, Dowalton, Culgarie, Cairnfield,. Cubbea and Boreland, all lying in fhe County of Wigton aforesaid, and in the Parishes of Mochrum and Kirkinner The Roup will begin at Ten o'Clock Fore- noon, and the Lands to be exposed separately, - for the Benefit of Purchas- rs. The Rental, Inventaries of the Progrefs of Writs, and Conditions of Sale, to be seen after the first of July next, in the Hands of Alexander Tait Secretary to the Edinburgh Friendly Insurance, or of Alexander MacCon- nel Town Clerk of Wigton. N B. The Lands hold almost all of them Blench, of the Crown and the Tenants generally pay the Cess AT REOCH'S LOOKING GLASS MANUFACTORY WAREHOUSE, at the Golden Chair within Carrubber's Close, a little below the Trone Church, North side of the Street, Looking Glasses of all Sorts are ready made, such as Pierre, Sconce, Chim- ney and Dressing Glasses, Coach and Chair Glasses, done to the most fashionable Taste, old Glasses silvered or framed in fashionable Frames, Sconces furnished for funerals, like- _ ways all Sorts of Cabinet and Chair Work ready made, as also House Carpenter Work performed. N. B. As the above Goods are all manufactured at said Warehouse, may depend on being the best of their Kinds, and at the very lowest Prices. Commissions from the Country will be punctually cxecutcd. NOTICe. is hereby given, that there is to be exposed to public judicial Roup and Sale, jointly or separately, within the Parliamcnt- house in Edinburgh, on Thursday the 15th Day of June next, betwixt Two and Four Afternoon, before the Lord Ordinary on the li tis for the time, the TEMEMEMTS, HOUSES, and others after mentioned, lying in Edinburgh and Canongate, which pertained to the deceast WILLIAM HUNTER, Writer in Edinburgh, viz. Hamilton's Land in the Cowgate, ' the proven free yearly Rent whereof is < 51 < 51. Item, Two Lodgings or Houses in Mary Kings Close, the proven free yearly Rent whereof is 2.0 tl. I em, A Lodging, with other three Dwelling- houses, in Todrick's Wynd, the proven free yearly Rent whereof is 19-,- 1. Item, A part of Inglis's Land, opposite to St. John's Cross, Canongate, the proven free yearly Rent whereof is 1811. all Scots Money, holding Burgage, and to be set up at eight Years Purchase. Item, Another Part of said Inglis's Land, also holding Burgage, the proven free yearly Rent whereof is 3461. Scots, to be set up at nine Years Purchase; and a Tenement of land at the Foot of the Canongate, hold- ing Feu of the good Town of Edinburgh for Payment of ii. Scots of yearly Feu- duty, the proven free yearly Rent where- of, after deducing of said Feu- duty, is 113!. Scots, to be set up at six and a half Years Purchase. The Rental and Con- ditions of Roup to be seen in the Hands of Thomas Bruce Depute- clerk of Session, and of Walter Wordie Writer in Edinburgh. be sold by public voluntary Roup, upon Monday the iyth Day of June next, in the Laigh Coffee house in Edinburgh, betwixt the Hours of Three and Five Af- ternoon, the Lands and Estate of B R O I C H, with the Teinds, paying yearly of free Rent 1737 1. 7 s. 11 d. Scots, holding Blench of a Subject, and lying about 7 Miles West of Stirling, in the Shire thereof and Parish of Kippen, bounded on the North by the River of Forth. There is a convenient newly repaired Mansion house about the Middle of the Estate, consisting of five Fire Rooms, besides Gar- rets and a vaulted Kitchcn and Cellar, and other Conve- niences, with good Offices built within these four Years, two Gardens, one upon the East and the other on the West Side of the House, both well fenced, and containing a Va- riety of Fruit Trees of the best Kinds, and both planted round with barren Trees of about 30 Years old, and a Row of Firs of about 5o Year old, an Avenue with regu- lar Planting well advanced, and other Planting round the House. There is also a pleasant Wood near the House, consisting of Oak, Elm, Ash and Birch, that may be cut within seven Years, and when fit for cutting may be sold, as it has been formerly, for about 1001. Sterl. There is a Water running through the Wood and close by the House, which emptieth itself into the Forth, as does also another Water that runs down the other Side of the House. Of the Lands in the Proprietor's own Hand, mentioned in the Rental, there are 20 Acres well disposed and fenced with Ditch and Hedge in good Order. There is also belonging to the Estate 100 Acres of Moss on the Banks of the Forth, not half a Mile from the Mansion- house, and which may be all made, and is daily making arable at a small Expence; the Proprietor has already improved Part of it into fertile arable Ground. There is on the South Side a very improv- able large Muir, with the Privilege of Lime- Craig lying al- most contiguous to it, whereby it Can be greatly improv'd. The Progress of Writs, Rental of the Lands, and Conditi- ons of Roup, to be seen in the Hands of Charles Robert- son, at the House of Mr. William Robertson Writer in the Old Assembly Close, Edinburgh. Edinburgh, Printed for R. FLEMING and Company, and sold at the second Shop below the Laigh Coffee house, opposite to the Cross, North- side of the Street} where Advertisements and Commissions are taken in TO be exposed to public Roup and Sale, by Autho- rity of the Lords of Council and Session, within the Parliament or New Session- house of Edinburgh, upon Wednesday the 17th Day of June 1752, betwixt the Hours of Two and Five in the Afternoon, before the Lord Ordi- nary on the Bills for the Time, the Superiority and Feu- duty of the Four Pound three Shilling four Penny Land of old Extent of the Lands of EASTER and WESTER GAIRBRADDS, lying in the Barony Parish of Glasgow, and Shire of Lanerk, which is to be exposed at 6591. 15 s. z d. Scots, being the Price set thereon by the Lords. The Articles and Conditions of Roup, and Progress of Writs, to be seen in the Hands of Alexander Finlayson, one of the under Clerks of Session. THAT the Lands and Estate of the deceast GEORGE WINRAM of EYMOUTH, consisting of the Lands and Barony of Eymouth, Feu- duties and Customs thereof, holding Feu of tbe Crown; the Salmon- fishing on Tweed called Streams- bank, holding formerly Ward, and now Blench of the Crown by a late Act of Parliament; and the Half of the Lands of Gunsgreen, holding Feu of Sir John Home of Renton; all lying in the Shire of Berwick; ARE to be sold by public Roup, before the Lords of Session, on Friday the 10th Day of July next, betwixt the Hours of Three and Five of the Clock Afternoon. The free Rent of Eymouth, beside the Feu- duties and the free Teind, and converting the Victual at the usual Rates of the Shire, is 1200I. us. 10d. and is valued at 23 Years Purchase; the free Teind is 88 1. 4 d. and is valued at five Years Pur- chase ; the Feu duties of the said Barony are 103 1.4s. 2 d. and the most of them are valued only at 22 Years Purchase; and the whole Value put upon the Barony, and including the Kain and Carriages thereof, is 30615 I. lis. lod. the said Fishing of Streams- bank is valued at 12oo 1. Scots in Bulk; the free Rent of Eymouth's Half of Gunsgreen, af- ter Deduction of the Feu and Teind Duties thereof, and converting the Victual at the Rates of the Shire, is 165 1. 4s. 2 d. valued at 20 Years Purchase, and makes, with the converted Prices of the Kain and Carriages thereof, 34361. 3 s. 4 d. and so the proven Value of the whole Subjects under Sale is 35: 2511. 15s. 2 d. all Scots Money. The Ar- ticles and Conditions of the Sale to be seen . in the Hands of Alexander Keith, one of the under Clerks of Session, and of James Halyburton Writer to the Signet.
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