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The London Evening-Post


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The London Evening-Post

Date of Article: 27/08/1751
Printer / Publisher: J. Meres 
Address: In the Old Baily
Volume Number:     Issue Number: 3721
No Pages: 4
Sourced from Dealer? No
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The London Evening- Port. Numb. 3721 From SATURDaY August 24, to TUESDAY August 27, yesterday arriv'd the Mail from France. Extract of a Letter from Cologn, Aug. 20. New Alteration has hap- pen'd at the Court of Bonn that makes no small Noise, which is, the Dismission of the Sieur Falckenberg. This, indeed, was foreseen by some; but it greatly surprizes those who know of what Utility his Genius has been to the Elector, in procuring that Prince Money in Times of Exigency. The Publick, in general, seems not to be concern'd at his Removal, and much less the People belonging to the Court, whose Wages, Pensions, See. he has caused to be more than once curtail'd and re- duced, to supply the Necessities of the Sovereign. This Event is a Confirmation that the Ministry is so thoroughly alter'd, that those who have been disgraced have little or no Hopes of being restored to their Em- pioyments. ' intrigues in Germany increase. The Election of a King of the Romans, which will soon be brought up- on the Carper, is the Cause thereof. Several Princes of the Germanick Body, who are not of Opinion that the Election should take Place in the Manner propos'd, are united, under Pretext of maintaining the funda- mental Constitutions of the Empire, of preventing any Deviation therefrom, and of adhering to the Tenor of the Treaty of Westphalia. A private Letter from Stockholm intimates, that there are two Parties in that Capital, one of which being much the most powerful, is accused of spread- ing false and scandalous Reports, in order to exaspe- ate the Nation against the Russians, not only in re- spect to the Fires which lately happen'd there, but also in regard to the injurious Designs of the Russian Court, and the Moderation which the Russian Minstry affects, is put on with no other View than to lull the Swedes into a Security, and prevent them from taking any vigorous Resolution at the approaching Diet. Hague, Aug. 24. There are still some Members of the State who insist upon a further Reduction of the Troops, and it is very likely that the Prince Stadtholder will have much Difficulty to ward off this Stroke, seeing he could not prevent the Province of Holland from sending home a Swiss Regiment whose Capitulation was finish'd, though their High Mightinesses have not now more than 36,000 Men in pay; but the Appropriation for Military Services falls greatly short, through the fre- quent Promotion of Officers. There is much Talk of strengthening the Alliance which has subsisted from the Origin of the Republick, between it and Great Britain : One of the Steps design'd to be taken for that Purpose is, it's said, to marry the Princess Caroline, Daughter of the Stadtholder, to the Prince of Wales. It's even assured, that this will be a Point of Deliberation of the extraordinary Assembly of the States of Holland, whose Consent and Approbation his Serene Highness will demand ; but it's believ'd they will not give it, without certain Restrictions, one of which, it's pretended, will be, that the Princess and her Consort shall be obliged to renounce, for themselves and their Descendants, all Right and Pretension, either to the Stadtholdership of Holland, or that of the Genera- lity. There will be great Debates upon this Point, wherein will be seen how much People's Sentiments are changed in three Years Time, tho' his Serene Highness has left nothing undone that might gain the Hearts of both High and Low ; but the Party of the Oligarchy is now again the strongest, and every Day gains Ground ; and that particularly appears by the Delays that are made in the re- establishing the Marine, which is in such a bad Condition, as to make one cry out, Quantum mu- tatus ab illo ! especially, When it's remember'd, that it has made Head against that of Great Britain united with that of France. Paris, Jug. 28. The Queen and the Diana arriv'd, a few Days ago, at Port l'Orient from the East- Indies: M. de la Touche is come over in the Diana, and brings a Confirmation of the Accounts we lately had by the Way of England, concerning the Successes of our Coun- trymen in India. According to the Relation which M. Dupleix has sent by the Sieur de la Touche, it ap- pears that the Nabob Narsinguen, Usurper of the King- dom of Golconda, not being dishearten'd at the Loss of Gingay, and other Repulses he had met with, assembled another powerful Army, in order to try his Fortune once more with the French ; which M. Dupleix being informed of, resolv'd to meet him at least Half- way, and therefore order'd the Sieur de la Touche to march against him from Gingy. The two Armies lay some Time four Leagues distant from one another, with a River between them which was not fordable: Bad Weather and Scar- city of Provisions also kept them inactive. At last the French decamp'd, and after a long and painful March found a Ford, cross'd the River, and came up in Sight of the Enemy. The Sieur de la Touche having made all the necessary Dispositions for an Engagement, gave the Command of the Center to M. Villeon, the Right Wing to M. Bussi, and the Left to M. Kerjean ; and on the jjth of December last gave the Signal for the Battle, which lasted four Hours, when the Enemy's Troops were broken on every Side, and fled with great Precipi- tation. While our Men were pursuing them, News was brought to M. de la TouChe that Narsinguen had been killed by two or three of his principal Officers, as fome say) and that his Nephew Moutafersingen, whom he had long kept in Confinement, was proclaim'd by the Army King of Golconda in his room; whereupon the French General order'd the Firing to cease, and imme- diately after a Herald came to our Camp from the new Nabob, or King, to acquaint M. de la Touche with his Change of Condition, and proposed Terms of Friendship and Alliance. This Victory does so much the more Honour to the French, as the Enemy were vastly superior in Number, being no less than 40,000 Foot, 45,000 Horse, and 700 Elephants, with 360 Pieces of Cannon; whereas our Army consisted of no more than 800 French Foot Soldiers, with 5oo Hoife, 3500 Cypayes, and only 20 Field Pieces. Mr. Dupleix's relation concludes with great Encomiums on the Conduct and Bravery of the Sieur de la Touche, and the other Officers that shared with him in the Glory of the Victory. _ SCOTLAND Edinburgh, aug. 9. On Monday Night last, between the Hours of Eleven and Twelve, Mrs. Margaret Home, Widow of Mr. Ninian Home, of Billy, was found at her Houfe of Linthill, near Eymouth, in her Bed, wel- tering in her Blood, her Throat cut, having several Wounds on her Hands, Face, and other Parts of her Body; and ' tis said that one Norman Ross, a Native of the Isle of Sky, her Man Servant, was the Perpetrator of this barbarous and inhuman Action. He was next Day apprehended among a Field of Corn, and brought before the Sheriff of Berwick, and on Examination he confess'd the Fact. Mrs. Home died on Friday Evening of her Wounds. A Justiciary Warrant is granted for bringing the said Ross from the Prison of Grinlay, in the Shire of Berwick, where he was committed, to this Place. Yesterday Morning died here Sir Harry Seaton, Bart. Last Thursday the City of Edinburgh's Plate was run for on the Sands of Leith, which was won by a grey Gelding belonging to the Hon. Francis Charteris, Esq; On Friday a Mare, call'd Highland Lassie, the Property of her Grace the Dutchess of Gordon, started alone for the Subscription Purse of Fifty Guineas. And on Saturday three run for the Town of Leith's Plate, and ( by some Mistake in the other two neglect- ing to turn a Post) the same was carried by a Bay ston'd Horse belonging to Mr. Charteris. After which four Horses started for a Collection of 1S 1- Sterling, 12 1. whereof was given to the first ( be- longing to John Sharp, Stabler) and 3 1. to the second. COUNTRY NEWS. Ipswich, Jug. 23. On Tuesday Nathaniel Gun, other- wise Watt Gun, a Smuggler, voluntarily surrender'd himself ( pursuant to a late Order of Council) to John Sparowe, Esq; one of his Majesty's Justices of the Peace for this County, and the same Day was committed to our Gaol. The Offence with which he is charg'd was committed in February 1746 ; since which, as we are well inform'd, he has carry'd on the Business of a Butcher at Hadleigh, with good Reputation and Suc- cess. He is said to be the first Smuggler that has sur- render'd himself in this County. Norwich, Jug. 24. Last Week the Rev. Mr. James Oldfield was instituted to the Rectory of Osmondiston, alias Scole, in Norfolk ; and at the same Time the Rev. Mr. Nicholas Wakeham was instituted to the Rectory of Brome in' Suffolk, being both presented by the Right Hon. Charles Lord Cornwallis. On Thursday last the Rev. Thomas Coxed was insti tuted to the Vicarage of Gooderston, in Norfolk, upon the Presentation of the Right Hon. the Lord Chancellor. Bristol, Aug. 24. Yesterday died, between Five and Six in the Morning, at Redland near this City, the Lady Wrey, after a lingering consumptive Illness, in which she had the Comfort however of being attended by a con- stantly affectionate Husband and a Conscience ever void of Offence.. She was the beloved Daughter and only surviving Child of John Edwards, of Highgate, Esq; and Wife of Sir Boucher Wrey, Bart. And tho' dead at the Age of Twenty- seven Years, had long enjoy'd the Sweets of a finely cultivated Understanding, and most charitable Disposition. With truly Christian Compo- sure, without a Symptom of Reluctance, she descended to her peaceful Grave ; and after having liv'd in the In- dulgence of a calm, chearful, domestick, and religious Turn of Mind, she may be truly said to have died the Death of the Righteous. On Wednesday last ended the Assizes for this City and County, when one Person receiv'd Sentence of Death, viz. Daniel Bishop, for the Murder of Winifred Jones, his Sweetheart, by violently assaulting her, and throw- ing her into the River, where she was drown'd. LONDON. We are informed that some Public spirited Members of a certain learned Body, have resolved to convert a Sum of Money given them for an annual Feast, into a PRIZE, to be bestowed on the Author of the best Dis- course on some useful Point of Enquiry in Practical Phi- losophy, that is, in the Knowledge of the Works of Nature, and how, conformable to the Divine Intention, they may be best adapted to the Good of Man. There is said to be a Scheme on Foot for redressing the Grievances complained of from the fending Felons, over into the Plantations, and, at the same Time, for render- ing them more serviceable to the Community; but in what Manner is not as yet publickly known. Some private Letters from Copenhagen mention their new Settlement on the Island of Majador, on the Coast of Africa, as the first Step towards the Execution of a new Plan, which it is thought will have a great Effect in extending the Trade of the People of Denmark. By a private Letter from Paris we hear, that one of the plodding Tribe, commonly call'd Projectors, has hit upon a Scheme that would effectually make up all Dif- ferences between the French King and his Parliament ; but he has met with the Fate of most Projectors, neither Thanks nor Reward for his Ingenuity: For having waited upon one of the Ministers, and in a few Words disclosed the Secret, which was, that seeing the Remon- strating Humour of the Parliament could not but be at- tended with some ill Consequences, as it lessen'd the Monarch in the Esteem of many of his subjects, which, of Course must needs weaken their Affection for him ; and since forty Legions were not sufficient to keep them in Awe, so as to prevent their Attendance now and then at Versailles with unwelcome Truths ; he therefore humbly proposes, that Pensions should be given to the major Part, or at least to, the leading Men among them. The Minister heard him very calmly, and dismiss'd him with this Remark on his Proposal, That simply consider'd it was unexceptionable; but an absolute Mo- narch could not in Honour stoop to it. Conclusion of YORK RACES. Last Wednesday the following Five Years old started for a new large Subscription Purse of 128 1. and up- wards, one Heat four Miles, Weight 10 Stone; Lord Portmore's Grey Horse, Skim, won easy, 1 Mr. Witty's Bay Horse, Grenadier, z Mr. Hutton's Chesnut Colt, Stripling, 3 On Thursday the following started for the Six Years old Purse, Weight 10 Stone ; Mr. Hunt's Chesnut Hoife, Jig of Jigs, I 1 j r Mr. Pulleyn's Brown Horse, Venture, | z | 2 On Friday the following Four Years old started for a new large Subscription of 128]. and upwards, Weight 9 Stone ; one two Miles Heat. Mr. Hunt's Brown Colt, Spanker, got by 7 Goliah, won easy, S Mr. Scroop's Bay Horse, Danby Cade, got ? by Cade, J Mr. Fenwick's Chesnut Colt, Bywell Ton:, o got by Cade, — } Capt. Shaftoe's Grey Colt, Young Badger, got by Badger, The following Gentlemen rode a Sweep- Stakes Match on Thursday ; Capt. Robert Shaftoe's Chesnut Horse, Capt. Jennison's Shaftoe's Bay, — Mr. Duncomb's Bay, . Mr. Crawburn's Black, Mr. Pitt's Brown, I 4 d, f dtf dtf Yefterday an Express arriv'd in Town from Good wood in Sussex, with Advice that her Grace the Dutchess of Richmond died there on Sunday last, in the Forty- fifth Year of her Age. An Express was immediately fent to Paris, to acquaint his Grace the Duke of Richmond with the Death of his Mother. Her Grace was eldest Daughter and Coheir of William Earl of Cadogan, and was married in December 1719, to his late Grace Charles Duke of Richmond, by whom her Grace had Issue ; r. Lady Georgina Carolina, born at London the 27th of March 1723, and married in May 1744 to the Right Hon. Henry Fox, Esq: ( only Brother to Stephen Lord Ilchester and Straverdale, for which Titles he is in trie Entail) now Secretary of War, and of his Majesty's Privy- Council. 2. A Son, who died immediately after his Birth at London, September " 3, 1724. 3. Lady Louisa Margaret, born at London, Nov m- ber 15, 172;, and died at Paris in 1728, his Grace in that Year taking a Tour into France. 4. Lady Anne, born the .27th of May 1726, and died the same Year in London. 5. Charles, Earl of March, born the 29th of Sep- tember 1730, and died the same Year in London. 6. Lady Emilia, born the 6th of October 1731; mar- ried the 7th of February 1746- 7, to the Right Hon. James Earl of Kildare, of the Kingdom of Ireland, and Viscount Leinster of Great Britain, "& c. 7. Charles, now Duke of Richmond, born in Lon- don the 22d of February 1734- 5. 8. Lord George Henry, born in London the 16th of November 1737. 9. Lady Margaret, born in London the 29th of No- vember 1739, and died of the Small- Pox at Goodwood, January 10, 1740- 41. 10. Lady Louisa Augusta, born in London the 24th of November 1743. 11. Lady Sarah, born in London the 14th of Febm ary 1744- 5. NORTHAMPTON RACES, 1751. WHEREAS it was advertised in our Paper last Week, that the Town Purse was to be run for On Wednesday the 18th of September next; it is thought proper to give this publick Notice, That on Thursday the 19th of the same Month will be run for, ON the New Course on Northampton- Heath, Purse of fifty Pounds, free for Hunters only, that never started for a Plate or Prize, except a Hunters Plate, and that never won any Plate or Prize; each Horse to carry 12 Stone, and to run according to Articles which shall be produced at the Time of Entrance: A Subscriber to pay one Guinea Entrance, a Non- Subscriber three Guineas, and if enter'd at the post to pay double ; the Stakes t0 be paid to the second best Horse. If but one Horse t0 start for the said purse to have 15- Guineas allow'd him, and not to run for the same. The winning Horse to pay one Guinea to the Clerk of the Course, and one Guinea more lor Trumpet, Scales, flag and ropes. The horses, & c. that run for this Purse shall enter at the Red- Lion Inn at Northampton on Saturday the 14th of the said Month, by six o'clock in the Evening. On Friday the 20th of the same Month will be run for, 0n the said Course, the Town Purse of fifty Pounds, free for such five or six Years old and aged Horses, Mares or Geld- ings, that never won above Fifty Guineas at any one Time; the five Year olds to carry ten Stone, the six eleven Stone, and the aged Horses twelve Stone, Bridle and Saddle included. Certificates of their Age to be produced under the Hands of the Breeders at the Time of Entrance; to pay five Shillings Entrance for this Purse, and three Guineas towards the next Year's Purse, or double at the post; the Stakes to the second- best Horse, and to run according to Articles; but if one Horse wins the first and second Heats, the Stakes are to be decided by a third Heat. Each winning Horse to pay to the Clerk of the Course one Guinea, and one Guinea for Trumpet, Scales, Ropes, and Flags. And if there is but one Horse enters, he is to have ten Guineas and his Entrance- Money ; and if but two Horses,' then to have five Guineas each and their Entrance ; the Remainder to go towards the next Year's Purse, and to stand at such Houses as subscribe ten Shillings and Six- pence. No less than three reputed Running Horses t0 start. And on Saturday the 21st will be run for, 0n the same Course, a Give and Take Purse of fifty Pounds, free for any Horse, Mare, or Gelding, that never won that Value ; four- teen Hands to carry nine Stone, Bridle and Saddle included ; and all under or over, Weight for Inches, according to the Rules of Horsemanship, allowing six Years old five pounds. and five Years old ten Pounds; the best of three Heats, four Miles each Heat. To enter for this and the second Day's purse, at the Black Lion Inn in Gold- Street, Northampton, 0n Fri- day before the Days of Running, between the Hours of Three ami Seven in the Afternoon; and to be subject to the same Restrictions and Entrance as above mention'd. Note, For the second and last Purses the Stakes for the second best Horse will be very handsome. The Horses are to start each Day at Eleven o'Clock in the Forenoon. No Smith to plate or shoe any Horse, & c. but such as shall subscribe ten Shillings and Six- pence one Week before the Day of Entrance. On Thursday the Gentlemens Ordinary will be at the Pea- cock, the Ladies Ordinary at the George, and the Ball at the Red Lion; . and on Friday the Gentlemens Ordinary will be at the Red Lion, the Ladies Ordinary at the Peacock, and the Ball at the George. ** No Horse, Mare or Gelding, that was the Property of Mr. Prentice, the Owner of Trimmer, or shall belong to him at the Time of these Races, shall be allow'd to start for either of these Purses. To be Run for, in the Artillery- Ground, ON Monday the 23d of September, APurse of Fifty Pounds, by any Horse, Mare or Gelding that shall be fairly under 12 Hands high, to carry six Stone; all that measure eleven Hands three Inches, or under, to carry Weight for Inches, as from twelve Hands six Stone: the best of three Heats, ten Times round each Heat, which is about three Miles three Quarters ; to pay Five Pounds Entrance or Seven at the post, and n0 less than four to start, unless three make their Entrance Twenty Pounds; if more than four start then Five Pounds to the second- best Horse, if not distanced; 110 distanced Horse intitled to start any more for this Purse ; the Distance will be twelve Score. To enter and measure at Mr. Smith's, at the said Ground, on Monday the 16th of September, at Twelve o'clock ; as soon as enter'd the Owners to send their Horses where they please till the Time of Starting, which will be about Three o'Clock on the Monday following. Any Person that intends to enter for this Purse shall have the Liberty to exercise his HORSe in the said Ground, if he Chuses so to do. N. B. The Door Six- Pence and the Gallery One Shilling each person. This is to give Notice, THAT at the particular Desire of several very large Dealers in CHEESE, a Fair will be held at Northampton the 9th of September next, ( the 8th being on Sunday) for CHEESE; and, for the better Encouragement of Dairy- Men, & c. the Corporation propoie to furnish them with Scales and Weights, and Standings 0n the Market Hill, free from all Toll or Charge. To the PUBLICK. THE Bull and Bush at North- End, near Hamp- stead, lately kept by Thomas Wright, deceas'd, is now taken and supply'd with the best Liquors ot all Sorts; as also Coffee Tea and Chocolate, good Stabling, and an Ordinary every Sunday at One o'Clock ; where all Gentlemen, Ladies, and others, who please to. favour me with their Company, may depend 0n the best Usage, by Their most obedient humble Servant, EDW. JAMES. WHEREAS Thomas Davis, alias Dunstan, a Man about 25 Years of Age, five Feet five Inches high and thin, of a fair Complexion, had 011 ail old brown patch'd Coat and a Pair of scarlet Plush Breeches, late Cook on board the Merchant Ship call'd the Thames Snow ; and Henry Armstrong, aged about 40 Years, five Feet six. Inches high well set, of a black Complexion, wears his own black Hair and is shav'd 0n the fore Part of his Head, had 0n a blue jacket and a Pair of scarlet Worstead Breeches, late a Mariner on board the Noble Anne, james Stonehouse, Master, did between the Hours of Twelve and Two o'clock in the Morning of the 19th Instant, make their Escapes out of the Custody of the Deputy Marshal of the Admiralty, near Doctors- Commons, London; whoever shall apprehend and secure the aforesaid Persons, or either of them, and give Notice thereof to Thomas Stone, in Doctors- Commons aforesaid, shall re- ceive five Guineas Reward for each of them. The said Armstrong was born at Creswell, about 12 Miles from Newcastle upon Tyne, and the said Davis serv'd his Apprenticeship to a Weaver somewhere in Spital- Fields, PJ ESSEx. At the General Quarter Session of the peace of our Sovereign Lord the King, holden by Adjournment at the Cock and Coach at Chelmsford, in and for the said County, on Friday the 2id Day of August, in the 25th year of the reign of our Sovereign Lord GEoRGE the Second, now King of Great Britain, and so forth, before Sir john Cross, Bart. Thomas Bramston, Chester Moore Hall, esqrs. Samuel Horsmanden, John Tindall, and John Shrigley, Clerks, and others their Companions, Justices of our said Sovereign Lord the King, assign'd to keep the Peace of our said Lord the King in the said County. WHEREAS this Court hath received Informa- tion that the Distemper which now rages amongst the Horned Cattle did increase, and was last Year greatly spread about this County from the holding the several Fairs, or Shews herein after mentioned, and hath great Reason to appre- hend, if the same should be permitted to he held this Year the same Mischiefs may arise as in the last; now, in Pursuance of his Majesty's Order of Council of the 22d Day of March 1747, and the several Acts ot" Parliament relating to the said Distem- per, it is order'd by this Court, That a Stop be put to the Buy- ing and Selling of any Ox, Bull, Cow, Calf, Steer or Heifer, at Waltham Abby Fair, on the 13th Day of September next ; and also at Ballindon Show, 011 the 19th Day of the same Month; and also at Braintree Fair, on the 21st Day of the same Month ; and also at Billericay Fair, 0n the 26th Day of the same Month ; and also at Brentwood fair, 011 the 4th Day of October next ; and also at Colchelter Fair, 0n the 12th Day of the same Month of October ; and also at Saffron- Walden Fair, 0n the 21st Day of the same Month of October; and also at Chelmsford Fair, 0n the 1st Day of November next ; and also at Newport pond Fair, on the 6th Day of the same Month of November: and also at Epping Fair 0n the 7th Day of the same Month of November ; and also at Har- low Fair, on the 17th Day of the same Month of November; and also at Ingatestone Fair, 0n the 20th Day of the same Month of November, or on any other subsequent Days after the said several Days or Times of holding the same respective- ly, or at any Place or Places adjacent or near unto the said se- veral and respective Places: And that a Stop be also put to the Buying and Selling of any of the said Sorts of Cattle at any other Fairs and publick Shews for the Sale of the same respec- tively within the said County, until the 27th Day of Decem- ber next ensuing. And it is further order'd by this Court, That all and every the Chief Constables of the several Divisions within which the aforemention'd Fairs were to have been held, and the se- veral Perry Constables of the respective parishes within the same, do give publick Notice thereof, and prevent the holding of such Fairs, and all other publick Places for the Sale of any of the said Sorts of Cattle . And if any Person or Persons shall presume to drive, remove, or send, or cause to be driven, re- mov'd, or sent, any such Cartte to the aforemention'd Fairs, or any of them, or to any Place or Places adjacent, or near thereunto, or to any other Fair or publick Place of Sale of Cattle, before the said 25th Day of December next turning, contrary to this Order; such Person or Persons, so offending, is or are to be carried before some neighbouring Justice, to be dealt with according to Law. By the Court, BROOKE, Deputy Clerk of the Peace. AN experienced APOTHECARY, who is | single, and past the Extravagancies of life, can be well , recommended, and would he glad to engage in a Share of partnership, on reasonable Terms, with any Gentleman of Character and Establish'd Business, in Town or Country, who may want to be eas'd of the Fatigue attending the same. Any Gentleman to whom this is agreeable may be farther ; inform'd by directing to A. B. at the King's Head Coffee- House against the Custom House. JAMES CARTER, Son of JOHN CARTER, now or late of Tressingfield in Suffolk, who inlisted at Ipswich into one of his Majesty's Regiments of Foot, in or about the Year 1741, be living, he may hear of something to his Ad- vantage, by applying to Mess. Squire and Baxter, at Furni- val's Inn, London ; or to Mr. William Toller, Attorney at Law, at Benhall in Suffolk : Or if the said James Carter be dead, any Person that can give proper Information thereof, so as his Death may be prov'd, shall receive two Guineas Re- ward by applying as above. Note, The said James Carter, if living, is about 31 Years of Age, by Trade a Cordwainer, and tis supposed he inlisted into the Regiment then Price's, and now Murray's: but ' tis gene- rally believed he was kill'd at the Battle of Culloden. Aug. 22. WHEREAS E. C of St. Ann's Soho, left his House and Family last Sunday was se'nnight, and has not since been heard of, he is earnestly desir'd, by his Friend G in long- Acre, to see him, or hear from him, as soon as possible; and he may depend upon all Things being made easy. THE next Meeting of the Subscribers for the Preservation of the GAME within the County of Sur- rey, will be held at the White- Hart in Guilford, 0n Saturday the 31st Instant, at Noon. G. G. MACMURDO, GROCER, At the Golden Sugar Loaf and Tea Cannister, the West End of St. Paul's, London, Sells for ready Money, THE best Bohea Tea, at 4s. 8d. per Pound. Very good Bohea Tea, at 4S. 61I. per Pound. Very good Green Tea, at 7 s. 10 d. per Pound. With all Sorts of fine Green, Hyson, Congou, and Souchong Teas, the best Turky Coffee, finest Vennellas and plain Cho- colate, and all other Grocery at the very lowest Prices. All Country Orders will be punctually observ'd, 0n sending the Money or a good Bill. As there was a Sale of smuggled Tea ( condemn'd) at the ex- cise Office 0n Thursday the 16th Instant, I doubt not but the Buyers thereof will sell the same as cheap, or cheaper, than the Prices mention'd above ; but the Teas I hereby and have before offer'd to Sale are such only as have been clear'd out of the East India Company's Warehouses, and are now in the Chests neat as imported. Sold by WHELER and FOX, ( For Ready Money Only J At their Warehouse in Finch Lane, VERY good Green Tea, at 5 s. <} d. per Pound. Good Bohea Tea, at 4s. yd. per Pound. The best Bohea Tea ar 4s. 70. per Pound. With all Sorts of Hyson, fine Greens, Congou and Souchong Teas, Chocolate, and Coffee, as cheap in Proportion. Shall continue to sell at One Penny a Pound less than other Adver- tisers, of the same Goodness; and the Goods to be taken out of their Packages, as clear'd out of the Company's Warehouse. N. B. Country Orders will be punctually dispatch'd by sending good Bills or the Money. To be SOLD, At Mr. TROUGHTON's, Wine- Merchant, in Brook Street, near David- Street, by Grosvenor- Square, GUERNSEY, commonly Call'd Southampton Ports, at 18s. a Dozen; Methuen Wine, little inferior to the best Burgundy, at 18s. a Dozen ; Red and White Streights Wine, at 14s. a Dozen; and other Wines at the lowelt Prices, for ready Money only; sent to any Part of the Town without Expence to the Buyer. The Bottles to be directly paid for at 2s. 6d. a Dozen ; the Money to be repaid upon their being return'd. At the same Place may likewise be had, for Mr. Troughton of Fareham, extraordinary fine pale Hampshire strong Beer, at 13I. XS. a Hogshead, and 6s. 6d. a Dozen, in any Quantity not less than three Dozen, Calk and Bottles included. Two Shillings a Dozen paid for the Bottles when return'd. N. B. A large Bottle- Rack, that will hold ten Gross of Bottles, to be sold cheap. To be LETT, and enter'd on at Michaelmas next, For a Term of Years, and not otherwise, AHouse call'd RIVER, having five Rooms on a Floor, all wainscotted, except the Garrets, and decent- ly finish'd; with two Coach- houses, and Stabling for eight Horses ; with or without sixty Acres of Meadow and Pasture 1 and round the House, or more if requir'd. The House is well furnish'd, and fit for a genteel Family, or a Sporting Gentle- man ; being close on the Side of the Wiltshire Down, four Miles from Hungerford, two from Bedwin, eight from New- bury, and eight from Andover. Enquire at the said House, or of Mr. Holworthy, at Raw- ford, near Benson in Oxfordshire. There is a Cellar full of good old Beer, and a good Stock of Firing to be Sold to the Taker, if desir'd. The House, & c. has not been built seven Years, and the Furniture is all new. This Day is publish'd, By AUTHORITY, ATREATY of Peace and Friendship, between the King of Great Britain, and the Emperor of Moroc- co: Concluded at Fez, between William Petticrew, Esq; his Britannick Majesty's Consul General, and the Alcaide Habeb Lohah Ben Hamed Limury, the Emperor of Morocco's Prime Minister, and sign'd the 15th of Rabbei the First, in 1164, which is in English Stile, the 15th of January 1750, O. S. As also the Additional Articles of Peace and Commerce, concluded and sign'd between the said two Ministers, 0n the 1st of February 1751, N. S. Printed by Edward Owen, in Warwick- lane. This Day is publish'd, Price bound 2 s. Adorn'd - with a Copper- Plate Title and Frontispiece, PUERILIA; or, Amusements for the YouNG. With a Dedication to all Masters and Governesses of Schools; and a Preface, specifying the Nature of the Work, and its Utiliry in forming young Minds, preferable to the usual Method of instructing them by Fable, & c. The Whole 011 a new Plan, adapted to the Fancies and Capa- cities of those of tender Years, and taken from their usual Di- versions and Employments; also 011 Subjects of a more ele- vated Nature. By JOHN MARCHANT, Gent. Printed for Paul Stevens at the Bible and Crown ( the Paste board Warehouse) near Stationers- Hall. Where may BE had, The Fair Moralist ; with a Looking- Glass for the Youth of both Sex. This Day is publish'd, Price 6d. To be continued Weekly, in one Volume, Folio, NUMBER XVII. of ANew and Universal DICTIONARY- of Arts and Sciences ; containing not only an Explanation of the various Terms made use of in the several Art' and Sciences - but also, whatever else is requisite to render those Branches of Learning themselves easy and familiar to the meanest Capa- cities: With an introductory Preface, tracing the Progress of Literature from the earliest Ages, and enumerating the various Improvements made therein, at different Periods of Time; ex- tracted from the best Authors, Transactions, Memoirs, & c. in several Languages ; and Illustrared with a great Number of Copper- Plates, all new engraven by the best Hands. Subscriptions are taken in by J. Hinton at the King's Arms in St. Paul's Church- Yard, and the Booksellers of Great Britain and Ireland. Where may be had, any of the preceding Numbers. N. B. Be careful to ask for the New and Universal Dictio- nary of Arts and Sciences. This Day is publish'd, ACATALOGUE of several LIBRARIES lately purchas'd; particularly of Tie Right Hon. Countess Dowager of Portland, George Proctor, Esq Counsellor at Law, The Rev. Squire Payne,' M. A. Archdeacon of Stowe, And Mr. Josiah Holder, of the Navy Office. Containing above Twelve Thousand Volumes of Choice and curious Books in various languages, and in all Branches of useful and polite Learning : Many of them on Royal Paper, and in elegant Condition. And a very good Collection of Law Books. Which will be sold very cheap, ( the Price printed in the Catalogue) this Day, the 27th Instant, and continue ' till all are Sold, By JOHN WHISTON and BENJ. WHITE, Booksellers, in Fleet- Street. • Catalogues may be had ( Price 6d.) of Mr. Merrill, at Cam- bridge ; Mr. J. Fletcher, at Oxford ; Mr. Dodsley, Pall Mall ; Mr. Strahan in Cornhill: and at all the principal Booksellers in England ; Mr. Kincaid, at Edinburgh ; and Messrs. Ewing, at Dublin. This Day is publish'd, Price is. 6d. bound, ( For the Use of SCHOOL S) i. FABLES Choisies a l'usage des Ensans; or, 1 Select Fables for the Use of Children, and other Per- sons who begin to learn the French Tongue. With an alpha- betical Index of all the Words Contain'd in the Book, wick their proper Signification in English, and their Etymology. by L. CHAMBAUD. 2. The Idioms of the French and English Languages: be- ing equally necessary to the French to learn English, and the best, if not the only Help extant to attain the Knowledge of that Tongue. By LEWIS CHAMBAUD. Price as. bound in Octavo. Printed for John Nourse, at the Lamb against Katherine- Street in. the Strand. \ I This Day is publish'd, A NEW EDITION in large TWELVES, corrected from Dr. Newton's Quarto, with Cuts design'd by Hayman, PARADISE LOST. A Poem. In Twelve Books. The Author JOHN MILTON. Printed for J. and R. Tonson and S. Draper, T. Longman, S. Birt, E Wicksted, C. Hitch, J. Hodges, H. Dod, C. Corbet, J. Brindley, J. Oswald, and J. Ward. This Day are publish'd, Price1 5s. TWENTY SERMONS UPON SOCIAL DUTIES, and other opposite Virtues. By Dr. DELANY, Dean of Down in Ireland. To which is added, An Essay towards evidencing the Divine Original of Tythes, which the Author considers as a Species of Social Duties. Printed for |. and J. Rivington, at the Bible and Crown in St. Paul's Church- yard. Where may be had, by the same Author, 1. Revelation examin'd with Candour, 2 Vols. 8vo. Pr. qs. 2. The doctrine of Abstinence from Blood desended, Price as. 6d. 3. The life of David King of Israel, 2 Vols. 8vo. Price I s. 4. Reflections 011 Polygamy. Price 2s. This day is publish'd, THE REFLECTOR: Representing Human Affairs, as they art, and may be improv'd: Under the Heads of Literature and Education, I Government and laws, Intercourse and Business, i Religion and Revelation; Veluti in Speculo. Printed for T. Longman, in Pater- noster Row. This Day are publish'd, Price 2 s. 6 d. ( By Permission . of the Lord Viscount COBHAM, to whom the Work is inscrib'd) FORTY- TWO VIEWS ( engraved by Messrs. VERTUE and VANDERGUCHT) of the Temples, and other ornamental Buildings in his Lordship's Gardens at Stow, in Buckinghamshire. Printed for B. Seeley, Bookseller, in Buckingham ; and sold by Messrs. Rivington in Sr. Paul's Church- Yard ; and by Mr. Sayer, opposite Fetter- lane, in fleet- Street, London. Where may be had, _ 1. A Dialogue; containing a Description of the said Gar- dens, together with Copies of the Inscriptions. The Third Edition. Price 6d. 2. The Views and Dialogue bound together. Pr. 4s. 6d. This Day is publish'd, Neatly printed in Octavo, dedicated to the Royal Society at London, and the Medical Society at Edinburgh ; by • whom it has been revised and approved, AN ESSAY towards a complete new System of MIDWIFRY, Theoretical and Practical. Together with the Descriptions, Causes and Methods of removing or relieving the Disorders peculiar to Pregnant and Lying- in Women, and . New- born Infants. Interspersed with several new Improvements; u hereby Women may be deliver'd, in the most dangerous Cases, with more Ease, safety, and Expe- dition, than by any other Method heretofore practised. All drawn up and illustrated with several curious Observations, and 18 Copper Plates. In Four Parts. By JOHN BURTON, M. D. Si quid novisti rectius istis, Candidus imperti; si non, his utere mecum. Hor. Printed for James Hodges, at the Looking- Glass facing St. Magnus Church, London- Bridge. This Day is publish'd, Price is. 6d. sewd, The EIGHTH EDITION, of THE TRUE AMAZONS; or, The Mo- narchy of Bees: Being a new Discovery and Improve- ment of those most wonderful Creatures; wherein is experi- mentally demonstrated, that they are all govern'd by a Queen; the amazing Beauty and Dignity of her Person ; their ex- ceeding Loyalty and unparallel'd Love to their Queen ; their Sex, Male and Female; their Manner of Breeding ; their Wars; their Enemies-, with Directions, plain and easy, how to manage them, both in Straw Hives and transparent Boxes; so that, with laying out but four or five Pounds in three or four Years, if the Summers are kind, you may get thirty or forty Pounds per Annum. Also how to make the English Wine or Mead equal, if not superior, to the best of other Wines. By JOSEPH WARDER, of Croydon, Physician. Printed for T. Longman, and T. Astley ; and sold by R. Baldwin at the Rose in Pater- noster Row. This Day is publish'd, And to be sold by the Proprietors, A. MILLAR, J. and R. TONSON, in the Strand, for 1L. 5 s. in Sheets, And to be had of all the Booksellers in Town and Country, THE WORKS of the Learned ISAAC BARROW, D. D. late Master of Trinity College, Cambridge. The FIFTH EDITION, IN three Volumes Folio, Containing in Vol. I. Thirty- two Sermons, preach'd on several Occasions; a brief Exposition of the Creed ; the lord's Prayer, Decalogue, and the Doctrine of the Sacraments ; a Treatise of the Pope's Supremacy ; and a Discourse on the Unity of the Church. Vol. II. Thirty- four Sermons, and Expositions upon all the Articles in the Apoftle's Creed. Vol. III. Forty- five Sermons 0n several Occasions. With Tables of Contents to each Volume. Being a complete Collection of all his English Works. The Whole publish'd by his Grace Dr. JOHN TILLOTSON, Late Archbishop of Canterbury. To which is prefix'd fome Account of the Life of the Author. This Day is publish'd, Neatly printed on an Elzevir Letter in Two Volumes, Price in Calf J s. 6 d. Boards and Leather on the Back ? s. ALL the HISTORIES and NOVELS written by the late Ingenious Mrs. BEHN, and published by by the late Ingenious Mrs. BEHN, and published Mr. Charles Gilden. VOL I. Containing, 1. The Life of Mrs. Helm, a. The Hiffory of Oroonoko; or, The Royal Slave. 3. The Fair Jist; or, The A- mours of Tarquin and Mi- randa. 4. The Nun; or, The Perju- red Beauty. VOL. II. Containing . Agues de Castro ; or, The Force of Love. 2. The lover's Watch ; or, The Art of making Love. . The Lady's Looking- Glass 4. The Lucky Mistake. 5. Memoirs of the Court of Bantam. 6. Adventures of the Black Lady. The Ninth Edition, corrected. Printed for Messrs. Longman, Hitch, Haws, Brindley, Hodges, Corbett, Robinson, Ward, Wren, and the Assignees of William Feales. This Day is publish'd, tn FOUR NEAT POCKET VOLUMES, Printed on a fine Dutch Paper and a neat Letter, ( Price bound in Calf 8 s. in Boards 7 s.) Adorn d with Thirty- two Copper- Plates, curiously engrav'd from the Paris Edition, THE HISTORY of the Renowned Don QUIX- OTE DE LA MANCHA. Written 111 Spauiih by Mi- guel de Servantes Saavedra. Translated by several Hands, And publish'd by the late Mr. MOTTEUX. The Eighth Edition, revised a new and corrected, rectified and fill'd up, in numberless Places, from the best Spanish Edi- tion, by Mr. OZELL; who, at the Bottom of the Pages, has likewise added ( after some few Corrections of his own, as will appear) explanatory Notes, from Jarvis, Oudin, Sobrino, Pineda, Gregorio, and the Royal Academy Dictionary ol Madrid. Printed for W. Innys, R. Ware, S. Birr, J. and P. Knapton, T. Longman, D. Browne, C. Hitch, J. Hodges, A. Millar, J. Davidson, J. Robinson, J. and J. Rivington, J. Ward, J. Jefferies, R. Baldwin and M. Cooper. This Day is publish'd, In one large Volume, Octavo, Price Six Shillings, The ELEVENTH EDITION, illustrated with Sculptures, MEDULLA HISTORIAE ANGLICANAE. The Ancient and Present State of ENGLAND. Be- ing a compendious History of all its MONARCHS from the Time of JuLIUS CaeSAR. Written by Dr. HOWELL, And continued by an IMPARTIAL HAND. Printed for W . Innys, J. and P. Knapton, S. Birt, D. Browne, T. Longman, C. Hitch, J. Hodges, S. Austen, J. and J. Ri- yington, J. Ward, and M. Cooper. This Day is publish'd, BRITANNIA ROMANA: or, The Roman Antiquities of Britain. In Three Books. 1. Contains the History of all the Roman TranfaCtions in Britain, with an Account of their Legionary and Auxiliary Forces employ'd here, and a Determination of rhe Stations per lineam valli; also a large Description of the Roman Walls, with Maps of the same, laid down from a Geometrical Survey. 2. Contains a complete ColleCtion of the Roman Inscripti0ns and Sculptures which have hitherto been discover'd in Britain, with the Letters engrav'd in their proper Shape and proporti- onate Size, and the Reading placed under each; as also an Hi- storical Account of them, with explanatory and critical Ob- servations. 3. Contains the Roman Geography of Britain, in which are given the Originals of Ptolemy, Antonini Itenerarium, the Notitia, the annonymous Ravenna's and Peutinger's Table, so far as they relate to this Island ; with particular Essays on 1 each of these ancient Authors, and the several Places in Bri- tain mention'd by them. , To which are added, A Chronological Table and Indexes to the Inscriptions and Sculptures, after the Manner of Gruter and Reinesius; also Geographical Indexes both of the Latin and English names of the Roman Places in Britain ; and a General Index to the Work. The whole illustrated with above an hundred Copple- Plates. By JOHN HORSLEY, M. A. and F. R. S. Printed for T. Longman and T. Shewell. in Pater- noster Row. N. B. There is a cOnsiderable Number of curious Inscriptions in this Collection which were never before publish'd. A few Copies are printed 0n the best superfine Dutch Writing Medium. This Day is publish'd, THESAURUS LINGUAE LATINO Compendarius; or, A compendious Dictionary of the LATIN ToNGUE. Design'd for the Use of the British Na- tions. In Three Parts. Containing, I. The English appellative Words and Forms of Expression before the latin; in which will be found some thousand English Words and Phrases, several various Senses of the same Word, and a great Number of proverbial Expressions, more than in any former Dictionary of this Kind, ail are fully en- deavour'd to be render'd in proper and classical Latin. To which are subjoin'd, 1. The proper Names of the more remarkable Places render'd into Lain. I. The Christian Names of Men and Women. II. The Latin Appellatives before the ENGLISH; in which ' are given the more certain Etymologies of rhe Latin Words, their various Senses in English ranged in their natural Order, the principal Idioms under each Sense explained and accounted for, all supported by the best Authorities of the Roman Wri- ters; with References to the particular Book, Chapter, or Verse, where the Citations may be found. III. The antient Latin Names of the more remarkable Per- sons and Places occurring in Classick Authors, with a short Account of them both Historical and Mythological; and the more modern Names of the same Places, so far as they are known, collected from their most approv'd Writers. To which are added, 1. The ROMAN KALENDAR, much fuller than any yet publish'd. 2. Their Coins, Weights and Measures. 3. A Chronology of the Roman Kings, Consuls, and more remarkable Events of that State. 4. The Notes of Abbreviation used in antient Latin Authors and Inscriptions. j. A short Dictionary of the more common Latin Words occurring in our antient Laws. 6. A general Chronology of eminent Persons and memorable Things. By ROBERT AINSWORTH. The THIRD EDITION, with Additions and Improvements. By SAMUEL PATRICK, LL. D. and Usher of the Charter- House School. Printed for W. Mount and T. Page, W. Innys, R. Ware, J. and P. Knapton, T. Cox, T. Longman, C. Hitch, A. Millar, J. Pote. J. Hodges, J. Oswald, E. Wicksteed, J. and R. Ton- son and S. Draper, J. Davidson, J. and J. Rivington, J. Ward, W. Johnson, M. Cooper, and the Executors of Mr. J. Darby. JANE BRINTON, of the Parish of St. SepulcHre maketh Oath, That she had been afflicted with the pALPI- tation of the Heart, and trembling of the nerves for a Consi- derable Time, to a very extraordinary Degree, insomuch that she was depriv'd of the Use of her limbs, and could neither walk, stand, or feed herself, notwithstanding a great many Medicines she has taken by the Advice of several able Physici- ans without any Success, and by them was look'd upon Incu- rable ; then making Use of Mr. PiTTAn's Medicine ( of Lud- gate- Hill) she recover'd, to the Surprise of all that knowS her; and in a little Time, by the Use of the said Remedy, and the blessing of God, obtain'd a perfeCt Cure. It is almost two Years that she has been cured, and has ever since enjoy'd a per- , fect State of Health. JANE BRINTON. Sworn the 22d Day of November, 1749, before me, S. PENNANT, Mayor. An Abstract of the Kings Royal Letters Patents granted to JOSEPH FRAUNCES, for the sole making and vending his FEMALE STRENGTHNING ELIXIR, GEORGE the Second, by the Grace of God, of Great Britain, France, and Ireland, King, Defender of the Faith, & c. To all to whom these Presents shall come, greeting. Whereas JosEPH FRAUNCES, of Daventry in our Coun- ty of Northampton, Apothecary, hath, by his Petition, hum- bly represented unto us, That he hath, by long Study, great Application, and at a considerable Expence, invented, com- pleated, and brought to Perfection a new Chymical Prepara- tion, which he calls by the Name of The FEMALE STRENGTHNING ELIXIR, Which is extracted from the most powerful Parts of the Mate- ria Medica, and is a most excellent and almost infallible Rem- dy for the Fluor Albus in Women and in Men, an excellent Restorative, and a most efficacious Remedy in all Seminal Weaknesses and Debility of the Genital Parts, from whatso- ever Causes arising : That, in Constitutions worn down with long and tedious Illness, it will afford great Relief, by resto- ring the lost Spring of the Solids ; and that it raises the Spirits, removes Hysterical Complaints, and gives new Life and Vi- gour to the whole Body ; as many hundreds of our SubjeCts have already happily experienc'd. Know ye therefore, that we have been graciously pleased to GRANT him, the said JOSEPH FRAUNCES, Letters Patent, under the Great Seal of Great Britain, for the sole making and vending the same. And to the End, that the said JOSEPH FRAUnces, his Assigns, & c, may enjoy the full and sole Benefit, according to our gracious Intention, we do, by these Presents, for us and our Heirs, require, and striCtly command, all and every per- fon and Persons, Bodies Politick and Corporate, and all other our Subjects whatsoever, & c. That they neither directly nor indireCtly, put in praCtise the said Invention, 0r in any- wise counterfeit, imitate, or resemble the same; or make, or cause to be made, any Addition thereto, or Substraction from the same, whereby to pretend himself or tHemselves the In- ventor or Inventors, Devisor or Devisors thereof, as they will answer their Contempt of this our Royal Command ; and fur- ther to be answerable to the said JOSEPH FRAUNCES, his Assigns, Sic. according to Law, for his or their Damage, oc- casion'd thereby. And moreover, we do, by these Presents, will and com- mand all Justices of the Peace, Mayors, SherifFs, and Bailiffs, Constables, Headboroughs, and all other Officers and Ministers whatsoever, that they, or any of them, do not in any- wise molesf, trouble, or hinder the said JOSEPH FRAUNCES, 0r his Assigns, & c. in or about the Use or Exercise of the afore- said Invention, or any thing relating thereto. In Witness Whereof we have ratifed these our Letters to be made Patent 3 witness ourself at Westminster, the 27th Day of March, in the 24th Year of Our Reign. By Writ of Privy Seal, COCKS. By Virtue of the above Patent I do appoint William and Cluer Dicey and Comp. at Dr. Bateman's Warehouse in Bow- Church- Yard, Loudon, my only wholesale Venders of this Elixir, of whom also it may be had retail, Price is. 6d. the Vial. JOSEPH FRAUNCES For the VENEREAL DISEASE. THE shorteft, safe and regular, Care this Day in the World, from the slightest infeCtion. to the most inve- terate Degree of it, by a medicine as pleasant to take, and as easy in its Operation as it is effectual for a thorough cure; so yhat the unfor- tunate Patient gets suddenly and surprizingly well, without distaste to his Palate, the least Disorder of Body, or any Confinement whatever. This is that great Remedy, now so well known and long experienced to be truly infallible, and is the Grand ANTI SIPHYLICON that Radcliffe and Garth used to say would totally extirpate the Venereal Disease from the Face of the earth, were it but universally known, , and properly taken. Fresh Infections, call'd Claps, with all their 1 Cruel attendant Symptoms, it presently cures and if taken in time, even prevents their taking Place. It is a safe, gentle, and pleasant Family Purge, even tor Children as will as grown Persons, in all Cases where Purging is necessary; nor can the deepest Scurvy, rheu- matism, Gout, evil or Leprosy, stand before it, but are pleasantly cured and thoroughly extirpated by it, as well as the highest and most inveterate State of the confirm'd Venereal disease, which, with all it, most raging Symptoms, it soon eradicate , restoring Heahh, Strength, and Vigour to the Body. Those who once take it, will never have re- course to any thing else. One Pot in most Cases, is sufficient tor a Cure, and can now be had only at Mr. Eglinton's ( Mr. Radford being de- ceas'd) at the Golden Pair of Spectacles against the east end of the New Church in the Strand, London, at 6s. a Pot, seal'd up with a look of Instructions, by which all Persons may fully understand their own Condition, and certainly know when, and when not, the vene- real Poyson is rooted out of their Bodies. Note, Ask only for a Six shilling Pot for the Scurvey. No letters answer'd unless Post- paid. The so much Fam'd Hypo DROPS, WHICH in a few Days infallibly cure HYPOCHONDRIACS MelANCHOLY in MEN, and the VAPOUrS in wOMeN, after all other Remedies have prov'd ineffectual ; and that by immediately striking at the very Root or true Cause, as well as remedying the Effects of these perplex- ing Maladies and all their Variety of Symptoms, by which they mi- mick, by turns, almost all the Diseases poor Mortals are afflicted with, and have their Rise from a depraved Appetite, vitious Ferment in the Stomach, and Indigestion of Food, whence proceed Crudities, and flatulent or windy Disorders in the first Passages, four Belch- ings, Cholick, uneasiness in the Bowels, and ill Fumes; which offend the Nerves, and, by Consent of Parts, affect the Head, and pro- duce sometimes Giddiness, dimness of Sight confused Thoughts , pertinacious Watchings, troublesome Sleep, frights, groundless Fears, and the deepest melancholy, with direful Views, and terrible Appre- hensions; at other Times Fits, Flushing Heats, Reachings, Faintness, Lowness and Sinking of Spirits, Palpitation of the Heart, Starting, Tremblings, and Twitchings in the limbs aud other Parts, with many convulsive disorders, sharp Pains, fix'd or wandering, Pains and weakness in the Back, and other, almost innumerable and grie- vous Symptoms, which miserably afflict vast Numbers 0f both Sexes. All which Symptoms, u their sharpest Paroxysms, these so much fam'd and most pleasant Drops, instantly quell, and at the same time annihilate their real Cause. Certain it is that n0 Medicine upon earth can equal them; be careful therefore to have the right Drops, which are to be had only at Mrs. Holt's, it the Cross- Keys and Star below the Royal- exchange in Cornhill, London, at 3s, c i. a Bottle, with printed directions L LONDON. Last Friday his Majesty was pleased to appoint Capt. Gisborne, Major to the Earl of Loudon's Regiment, in the Room of Major Harward, deceas'd, and Capt. Rich, on the Half- Pay, to the vacant Company in the said Regiment. Miss Powers is appointed one of the Maids of Honour to her Royal Highness the Princess Augusta. By Letters from Bengal we are inform'd, that Samuel Hyland, Esq; a very eminent Merchant, died there late- ly ; a Gentleman of most extensive Knowledge in his Business. Last Friday Night died, at his House at Dalston, Jo- nathan Collyer, Esq; one of the Directors of the South- Sea Company. • On Saturday last died, at his House in Goodman's Fields, Mr. Brett, an eminent Sugar- Baker. He hap- pen'd to walk Home from Tottenham on Sunday was se'nnight in the Rain, and not shifting his Cloaths as soon as he should, caught Cold, which bringing on a Fever occasion'd his Death. A Dispensation has pass'd the Great Seal to enable the Rev. Mr. Henry Toundrow, to hold the Rectory of Cavendish, in the County of Suffolk and Diocese of Norwich, together with the Rectory of Otton Bel- champ, in the County of Essex and Diocese of London. Last Sunday Morning, about Six o'Clock, two old Houses in Middle- Street, Cloth- Fair, West Smithfield, fell down; but as they had been uninhabited for six Months, happily no other Damage ensued. Last Saturday as one Ralph, upwards of sixty Years of Age, Labourer to Bricklayer, was cleaning a Gutter in Doctors Commons, he fell from the same, broke one of his Legs, fractur'd his Skull, and died on the Spot. Last Saturday Evening a Woman was taken out of a pond at Mary- le- bon, and carried to the Queen's Head Alehouse there, and being warm, the proper Means were used for her Recovery, but to no Purpose. She was middle- aged, was dress'd in a brown Camblet Gown, faced and robed with green Silk, and in her Pocket was found a Guinea,, four Shillings and a Half- penny. Yesterday two Soldiers were tried for Desertion, at the Judge Advocate's in Privy- Garden ; one of whom was sentenced to be shot, and the other is to be sent abroad. Last Saturday Evening Thomas Lediard, Esq; com- mitted a Girl of ten Years of Age to the Gatehouse, for being concerned in letting a Man and a Woman into a Gentleman's House in which she liv'd, to rob the said House, which they effected, and stole thereout Wearing Apparel, & c. to a considerable Value. What makes her Crime the worse is, that she was in the most wretched . Condition, was taken out of Charity, and used extreme- ly well. The Man is since apprehended, and committed to Tothill fields Bridewell. Last Saturday Night the Felons confined in the New- Gaol, Southwark, attempted a third Time to make their Escapes, but were defeated by the Vigilance of the Keeper's Servants. Notwithstanding there is a strong Watch, they found means to unscrew the Bed screws in the Beds wheie they lay, and filed them into Punches to strike out the Rivets in their Irons; they had wrench'd up two large Planks, by which they got into the Ground Floor of the Gaol, and had undermined the main Wall more than three Feet. The Execution of the five Malefactors mention'd in our former, we hear will be To- morrow se'nnight at Kennington- Common. The Order for hanging Welch and Jones in Chains was sent on. Friday Night to the New- Gaol, ordering them to be hang'd up at Brixton Causeway ( near the Wash- Way) immediately after their Execution. On Friday last, about Ten in the Morning, Thomas Colley, condemn'd for the Murder of Ruth Osborne, as a supposed Witch, receiv'd the Sacrament at Hertford, administer'd to him by the Rev. Mr. Edward Bouchier, when he sign'd a solemn Declaration of his Faith rela- ting to Witchcraft; which he desir'd might be carry'd to the Place of Execution, and was there publickly read, at his earnest Request, just before he was turn'd off, by the Rev. Mr. Randall, Minister of Tring, who attended him in his last Moments. He was escorted by 1o8 Men belonging to the Regiment of Horse Blue, with their Officers, and two Trumpets; and the Procession was slow, solemn, and moving. Friday Night he was lodg'd in St. Alban's Gaol; and at Five the next Morn- ing was put into a One- Horse Chaise, with the Execu- tioner, and came to the Place of Execution about Eleven, and after half an Hour spent in Prayer he was executed, and immediately after hung up in Chains on the same gibbet he was hang'd on. The Infatuation of the greatest Part of the People in that Part of the Country was such, that they would not be seen near the Place of Execution, insisting, that it was a hard Case to hang a Man for destroying an old wicked Weman that had done so much Damage by her Witchcraft. A very odd Accident happen'd in the Middle of Tring Town ; which was, that just as the Prisoner's Wife and Daughter were permitted to speak to him, one of the Troopers Pistols in his Holsters went off, occasion'd by his Handkerchief accidentally getting into the Holster, which he pulling out, drew the Trigger, and the Ball went into the Ground ; but no other Damage ensued than putting the Corps in some Disorder, it being at first imagined to have been fired out of a Window. last Sunday the Purser of the Norfolk, Capt. Na- thaniel Hancock, arriv'd at the India House, with News of the said Ship's Arrival off the Coast of Suffolk on Friday last, from Bencoolen. She left at St. Helena the Ilchester, Capt. Tedd, from Persia and Bombay, who was to sail in four Days after the above Ship, and the Warren, Capt. Glover, who was to sail in about eight Days. And Yesterday it was confidently reported about Change- Alley, that the new Nabob of Golconda, set up by M. Dupleix, was kill'd fome Weeks after by some Conspi- rators; whereby all the towering Projects of the French Governor- General are vanished in Smoke. It is said this Account has been brought by the Norfolk Indiaman, and it is hoped we may in a Post or two have a Confir- mation of it from France: In the mean Time it has had a very good Effect in raising drooping Stock. Last Night between Eight and Nine o'Clock the Pur- ser of the Grantham arriv'd at the East- India House, with an Account of the said Ship being safe arriv'd from China. Extract of a Letter from an Officer at St. Philips, July 14. ' On the first of May we saiL'd on board of Commo- dore Keppel's Ship for Algiers, where we staid near five Weeks, and Mr. Keppel had the Happiness of finishing the Affairs he went upon to his Satisfaction, and gave the King's Prefents. At the two publick Audiences at arriving and taking Leave, we all at- tended his Excellency the Commodore, and drink Coffee with the Dey: The other Days the Commodore went only attended by his Druggermen, and while he was employed for the publick Good, we made Excur- sions into the Country: The Turks behav'd with great Civility to us, and, notwithstanding the Num- ber of Sailors, not one Riot or Complaint happen'd during our Stay. There were 15 Spanish Officers Slaves there, and upon the Spanish Monarch's refusing to let a Turkish Officer be redeemed, and giving them- selves little Trouble about redeeming their own Offi- cers, those poor Gentlemen, who had at first been very well treated, were put to Work, and the Day we went on board were yok'd like Beasts; to Stone Carts, several of them old Captains, and one Colonel past 70.' The Marygold, Capt. Cheeseman, from Turk's- Island for South Carolina, was lately lost in her Passage; her People were all saved. The Providence, Andrews, from Bilboa bound to Chefter, was lost between Port Louis and Brest. Part of the Cargo is sav'd, but the Captain and his Brother are drown'd. ' BANKRUPT. ^ John Allen, now or late of Rotherhithe, in the County of Surrey, Timber Merchant. This Day at Noon Bank Stock was 110 Price. India Stock 187 to 186. South sea Srock no Price. Diuo Old Annuities, lii Sub. 10? 78th to 106. Ditto id Sub. 104 1 half. Ditto New, rft Sub. 110 Price. Ditto id Sub. 110 Price. Hank An- nuities 1746, lit Sub. K13 3 8ths to 1 half. Ditto id Sub. 102 t cjr. Lottery 1747, ut Sub. 110 Price. Ditto id Sub. 110 110 Price. Ditto 1747, 1748, and 1749, lit Sub. 104 3 8ths to r qr. Dicro 21I Sub. 103 1 8th. Three per Cent. Annuities, 100 3 qrs to 7 8rhs. Three per Cent. India Annuities 101 to 1 8th. Three 1 half ditto, 103 1 8ih to 1 qr. Hardt Cir- culation y 1. Prem. India Bonds 7 1. 10s. I'reni. Three per Cent. Subscription I7yi, 99 y 8ths to 3 qrs. Lottery' Tickets ill. 12 s. 6d. East- India House, 21 Aug. 1751. rH E Court of Directors of the United Company of Mer- chants of England trading to the East Indies do hereby give Notice, That the Transfer Books for the said Company's 3 f per Cent. Annuities will be shut on Friday the 6th Day of September next, at Two o'Clock, and open'd again on Wednes- day the 9th Day of October following ; And that the Dividend Warrants for the said 3 f per Cent. Annuities, due at Michaelmas next, will be deliver'd on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday in every Week, Holidays and Saturday Afternoons excepted, between the Hours of Nine and Twelve in the Forenoon, and Three and Five in ths Afternoon ; to begin on Thursday the 24th Day of October next. That the Transfer Books for the said Company's 3 per Cent. Annuities will be shut on Saturday the 7th Day of September next, at Two o'Clock, and open'd again on Thurs- day the 1 oth Day of October following. And that the Dividend Warrants for the said 3 per Cent Annuities, due at Michaelmas next, will be deliver'd on Monday, Wednesday and Friday in every Week, Holidays ex- ' cepted, between the Hours of Nine and Twelve in the Fore- noon, and Three and Five in the Afternoon, to begin on Friday the z$ th Day of October next. N. B. The possessors of the Company's mark'd Bonds and Certificates for East- India Annuities are desir'd to bring them in to be made Stock before the Shutting of the Books, as otherwise Warrants for the Dividends due thereon at Michael- mas next cannot be made out until Lady- day following. No Certificates or Permits will be taken in to be made Stock during the Time the Books are shut. This Day is publish'd, Beautifully printed in One large Volume, Quarto, AHISTORY of the MATERIA MEDICA. Containing Descriptions of all the Substances used in Medicine ; their Origin, iheir Characters when in Perfection, the Signs of their Decay, their Chymical Analysis, and an Account of their Virtues, and of the feveral Preparations from each now ufed in the Shops. By JOHN HILL, M. D. Member of the Royal Academy of Sciences at Bourdeaux. Printed for T. Longman, C. Hitch and L. Hawes, in Pater- noster Row ; A. Millar, oppolite Catherine Street in the Strand ; and J. and J. Rivington in St. Paul's Church Yard. This Day is publish'd, Price bound 6 s. The Third Edition, very carefully corrected, of HORSE- HOEING HUSBANDRY; or, An Essay on the Principles of Vegetation, and Tillage. Design'd to introduce a new Method of Culture ; whereby, the Produce of land will be increased, and the usual Expence les- sen'd. Together with accurate Descriptions and Cuts of the Instruments employ'd in it. By JETHRO TULL, Esq; Of Shalborne in Berkshire. To which is prefix'd, A new Preface by the Editors, address'd to all ' concern'd in Agriculture. Printed for A. Millar, opposite to Catherine- Street in the Strand; This Day is publish'd, . In THREE VOLUMES, OCTAVO, The FIFTH EDITION, corrected, adorn'd with Cuts, tHE RELIGIOUS PHILOSOPHER : or, The Right Use of Contemplating the Works of the Creator. I. I11 the wonderful Structure ot Animal Bodies, and in par- ticular, Man. II In the n0 less wonderful and wise Formation of Ele- ments, and their various Effects upon Animal and Vegetable Bodies: And, n III. In the most amazing Structure of the Heavens, with all their Furniture. Design'd for the Conviction of Atheists and Infidels. Throughout which, all the late Discoveries in Anatomy, Philosophy and Astronomy, together with the various Expe- riments made Use of to Illustrate the same, are most copiously handled by that learned Mathematician, Dr. Nieuwentyr. trantlated from the Original, By JOHN CHAMBERLAYNE, Esa F. R. S. Printed for M. SENEX, at the Globe in Fleet- Street; W. Innys, and T. Longman, in Pater- noster Row. this Day are publish'd, Beautifully printed on a fine Paper, and new Elzevir Letter, in Four Volumes Twelves, ( Price bound 12s.) THE WORKS of JAMES THOMSON. Printed for A. Millar, opposite to Catharine- Street in the Strand.. Where may be had, The second, third, and fourth Volumes, to compleat those Gentlemens Sets that bought the Seasons 111 Twelves, which makes the first Volume in this Size. Or the Seasons may be had alone. Price bound 3s. Where also may be had, new Editions of the following books; 1. Mr. Thomson's Work:, in 3 Vols. 8vo. Price irs. and most of his Poems, and all his Plays. 2. The Poetical Works of Mr. Mallet, in Svo. Price ys. 3. His Life ot Lord Bacon, in 81- 9. Price 3 s. 6J. 4. A Poetical Translation of Horace, in 4 Vols. nmo. by Mr. Francis. Price 12s. The same in 4 Vols 8vo. Price One Guinea; and in 1 Vols. 4m. with Cuts, Two Guineas. y. Dr. Young's Night Thoughts, in small or large 12mo. price 3s. each, and in 8vo. j s. 6. Allan Ramsay's Tea Tabic Miscellany, a Collection of Scots and English Songs, 4 \ ols. in one. Price 3 s. 7. His Poems 0n several Occasions, 1 Vols. Price 6 s. 8. Merope, a Tragedy. Acted with great Applause, Price 1 s. 6d. 9- Comus, a Mask. ACted at both Theatres with great Applause. Price 1 s. 10. A Poetical Translation of Persius, with his Life an- nex'd. Price 3 s. n. Lord Bolingbroke's Letters, in 8vo. Price 4s. and in 12mo. 3 s. 12. Essays, Moral, Political and Philosophical, by David Hume, Esq; in 2 Vols. Price 6s. H POSTSCRIPT. This Day arriv'd tbe Mail from Holland- Petersbourg, aug. 10. IT is currently reported, that Orders have been sent to the Governors of Riga, Revel and other Fron- tier Towns, to receive in the most civil Manner all Foreign Officers that may come to them, if they shew any Inclination to enter into the Empress's Service. Petersburg, Aug. 15. The 8th Instant an unlucky Af- fair happen'd between the Body of Cadets and the Guard posted on the Bridge of the Neva. Two of the Cadets going over the Bridge, the Guard demanded of them the Toll paid by all Foot Passengers; to which they made Answer, that the Cadets were utter Strangers to such Tax, and did not mean to pay it. Upon their Re- fusal they were taken into Cuftody ; but the News had no sooner reach'd the Cadets Hotel or College, than these boiling Youths, who are of the best Families in the Em- pire, ran to Arms, and came with all Speed to the Bridge, to release their two Comrades! They charg'd the Guards so vigorously, that they would certainly have put them to Flight, had it not been for a Rein- forcement that came up from the Admiralty; but this Reinforcement, far from daunting the Cadets, rather whetted their Courage, they attack'd the Corps sent from the Admiralty with the same Intrepedity that they had done the Bridge Guard ;. the Engagement was pretty sharp, but the Cadets at last gave Way to their Antago- nists Superiority. No Lives were lost in this bloody Fray, but a great Number wounded on both Sides. Some Soldiers have been confined for this Affair, and such of the Cadets as were most forward to set bad Ex- ample, have also been put under Arrest. Hambourg, Aug. 27. By the last Letters from Con- stantinople, we hear the Pestilenee rages there to such a Degree, that it daily sweeps away upwards of icoo Souls. Berlin, Aug. 28. The 25th Instant, at Six in the Morning, the King, accompanied by the Prince of Prus- sia, set out for Silesia, and in the Afternoon his Ma- jesty was follow'd by the Princes Henry and Ferdinand, Field Marshal Prince Leopold of Anhalt Dessau, the Duke of Brunswick- Bevern, Governor of Stetin, Lieu- tenant General Prince Maurice of Anhalt Dessau, and many other great Officers. The Troops in Silesia are to form a Camp at Neustadt. Before the King set out he appointed Lord Marshal, Brother of Field- Marshal Keith, his Minister Plenipo- tentiary to the Court of France, with a Salary of 10,000 Crowns, besides 6000 for Travelling Charges : His Ma- jesty has also created him a Knight of the Order of the Black Eagle ; and this Day he sets out for Paris. Amsterdam, Sept. 3. We have receiv'd Letters from dif- ferent Hands which all agree that the Emperor of Mo- rocco has ceded to the King of Denmark the Ports of Saffia and Santa Croce, for ihe Sum of 70,090 Ducats, besides a Retribution of divers Kinds of Warlike Stores, pursuaut to a Treaty concluded between them ; the Par- ticulars of which are daily expeded. LONDON: Printed BY J. MERES, in the Old Baily, where Advertisements are taken in.
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