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The London Morning Penny Post

Date of Article: 02/08/1751
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Address: near the Session-House in the Great Old-Baily, London
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The London Morning Penn From Wednefday J U L Y 31, to Friday A U G U S T Z, 175- 1. Continuation of A Narrative of the Dangers and Diftrejfes which befel I S A A C MORRIS,- and feven more of the Crew, belonging to the Wager St ore- Ship, which attended Commodore Anfon, in his Voyage to the South- Seas. E propofed to go in Search of it, which if we could find might ferve to make a Hatchet. Accordingly we furnifh'd our felves with fome raw Seal and Water, went and found the Mufeet, though above Sixty Miles. On our Return home we found feveral Qftriches Eggs, about half buried in the Sand, which was a refrefhing Meal to us ( though we never met with any of the Birds.) When we brought it home we beat half the Length of the Barrel flat with Stones, and whetted an Edge to it againft a Rock, the other Half ferved us for the Handle, and it made a tolerable Hatchet; at leaft what would have ferved inftead of one, if Providence had not foon after put an Ecd to our Deiign in the following Manner. Two Days after we had finiflied our Hatchet, it being my Turn to ftay in the Hut, my three Comrades went to a Place, which we called the Long Point in Search " of Provifions. Towards Evening I walked out to fee v i f they we're returning; when, to my Aftonifhment, I difcovered about a Dozen of Horfes galloping down the Sandy Bay towards our Hut, and, as they came nearer, I plainly faw Men on their Backs, and that they were Indians. ' Twas in vain to fly; I imagined nothing but Death approaching, and prepared to meet it with all Refolution I could mailer up. I ran towards them, and fell on my Knees, begging my Life with all the Signs of Humility I could make ; when I head a Voice faying, Don't be afrid Ifaac we are all here. This vevived me. The Indians alighted, and whilft fome were intent on examining the Hut, others flood with drawn Knives, Toady to difpatch us in cafe we made any Affiftance. When they had Satisfied their Curicfity, they gave three confufed Shouts, and immediately made us get up behind them, and carried us a few Miles in from the Sea- Shore to the S W. where were about a Dozen of their Companions, with upwards of four hundred Horfes which they had taken in Hunting. They treated us with great Humanity, killed a Horfe for us, kindled a Fire, and roafted a Part of i t ; which to us, who had been three Months eating raw Flefh, was a moft delicious Entertainment. They alfo gave each of us a Piece qf an old Blanket to cover our Nakednefs. I was in great Danger, It feems, of being left alone ; for when the Indians met with my three Comrades, they were immediately hurrying them away to their Place of Rendezvous, till, with Difficulty, they were brought to underftand by Signs, that there was one more belonging to them a little Way off; and then guided them to the Hut, where I had the Happinefs of being being taken Prifoner with them. ( To be continued. ) Since our laft arrived two Mails from France. Vienna, July 2T. On Monday laft the Emperor, accompanied by Priuce Charies of Lorrain, and attended by feveral of the principal Lords of the Court, arrived in this City ; and this Morning his Imperial Majefty fet out with the Prince his Brother, on hisReturn to Prefbourgh. In Confequence of the Scheme which is on Foot for the better Regulation of the Commerce of Hungary, Magazines are going to be ere£ tea there in divers Places, in which are to be depofited all the Surples Grain, and other unperifhable Productions of that Kingdom ; and the Duties that are to be paid upon all Corn, Wine, and Cattle, are going to be confiderably Ieffened, in order to facilitate, by that Means, the Sale of fuch Part of the Commocfities as fhall be tranfported from Hungary into the Hereditary Countries. Warfaw, July 24. We have received Adfice by an Exprefs, that Count Sapicha, Great Chancellor of Lithuania, died on the 6thlnftant at Lifowody in Podolia, in the feveitty firft Year of his Age ; by whole Deceafe Prince Czartoryfki, Vice Chancellor of Lithuania, Succeeds to that important Poft. v Bredau, July 20. Laft: Tuefday there fell in the Principality of Munfteibe g a prodigious Quantity of Hail, and fo very large fhit is has done an infinite deal of Damage to ail the Fruits of the Earth. Brujfels, Auguji 1. Publick Prayers are ordered to be • » . • in all ths Churches of this Pro/ ince for fair Weather the late high Winds and heavy Rains having done great Damage to the Corn and Fruits in this Country. Hague, AuguJl 6. The States General, upon the Recommendation of his Serene Highnefs the Prince of Orange, have appointed Prince Louis of Brunfvvick Wolfenbuttle, Field Mafter of the Armies" of this Repub! ick, to fucceed Baron Cronftiorn in the Government of Boifleduc. Paris, Auguji 2. Letters from Genoa of the 23d of laft Month import, that M. Grimaldi, who was tailed for Corfica in Quality of Commiffary General of the Republir, has obtained a Licenfe to come away from that Ifland in three Months, if he thinks proper. Hence it is fuppofed that this may be the Term allowed by his Majefty to the Senate of Genoa for determining one Way or another the Affairs of Corfica. From Amiens we have Advice, that on the 27th of laft Month they had a violent Storm, wjth Hail, Rain and Thunder : One Houfe in that Town Was fet on Fire by Lightning, and the Flames fpreading to the adjacent Houfes, twelve of them were reduced to Afhes. Some of the Hail Stones weighed near four Ounces. Paris, Auguji 6. The lad Letters from Genoa are dated the 26th of July, and bring Advice, that M. James Grimaldi was fafeiy arrived at Baftia, after being terribly tolled about in a violent Storm : They add, that he is to adt in Corfica in the double Character of Minifter Plenipotentiary and Commiflary General of the Republick ; and ' tis prefumed he is to determine the future Condition of that Ifland with M. Chavelin and the Marquis de Curzay. The King will return from Compeigne the 10th Inftant. The Dauphinefs is entered into the 9th Month of her Pregnancy, and is as well as can be expedled. If She fhould be delivered of a Prince, his Majeity's Journey to Fontainbleau will be laid alide for fome Time. Laft Monday there was a violent Hurricane, attended with Hail, Thunder and Lightning, whereby a Barn at the Village called Gros Cailloux was fet on Fire and entirely confumed, and feveral Trees were torn up by the Roots in the Wood o: Boulogne, as alfo at the Petit Cours and in the Elvfian Fields. Seme litte Damage was likewife done at Nanteuil by the Lightning, but not worth mentioning. S C O T L A N D . Edinburgh, July 26, Laft Tuefday Night the Hon. Alexander Murray, Efq; arrived here from London. Laft Monday two Soldiers at Banff, in crofling the Water, where overfet by the violence of the Current, and perifhed. Extrafl of a Letter from John Frafer, Commander of ihe Bufs Charming Molly, off the North- eud of Shetland, 7 u b 4- " Yefterday we caught 50 Barrels of Herring?, and have now in ali 112 Barrels; we expeft to have our full Cargoe foon, and to be at Montrofs to unload the fame about the latter End of this Month. Pray have every Thing in Readinefs againft our Arrival, that we may not be detained from going to Sea a fecond Voyage. There is great Agreement among us, and we all love the Fifhing well.' C O U N T R Y N E W S. Ncwcaftle, July 27. On Wednefday died Mr. Thomas Denham, formerly a common Brewer in this Town, aged 104 Years. Laft Week as Sir Henry Gray,' Bart, was fowling near Cheviot Hills, he Shot a very large Eagle, which had Seized his Dog in its Talons, and was endeavouring to carry it off, had he not put a flop to its Flight. The neighbouring People have fuffered great Damages from this Eagle among their Lambs, &: c. fome time paft, one Perfon in particular having loft Lambs to the Value of fix Pounds. Laft Week died at Kendal in Wellmoreland, Mr. John Wilfon, an eminent Botanift of that Place, Author of A Synopfts of Britijh Plants after Mr. Rays Method. GlouccJler, July 27. Oa Tuefday laft the AfTizes ended at Worcefter, which proved a Maiden one : Three were ordered for Transportation ; and a Woman, convicted of Pettit Larceny, who fell in Labour in Court, was fentenced to be whipt as Soon as her Month is up. S H I P N E W S. Deal, July 30. Came down and remains the Triton, Shirley, for Philadelphia ; and the Marmaduke, Bowman, for Lifbon. Arrived the Richmond, Price, from Calary ; Generous Friend, Cafleton, from Ivica ; and Henrietta, Hill, from Lifbon. Wuid S. E. Gravefend, July 30. Fafs'd by the Britannia, Coate?, from Peterfburgh ; Hammond, Oibprne, from Fsioe ; London Merchant, Gilby, from Dunkirk; and the Sally, Gladman, from Antigua. The Hannah, Boyack, from Lifbon, is arrived at Nova Scotia. L O N D O N . Lord Chamberlain's Office, July 29. Orders for the Change of the Mourning for his late Royal Highnefs the Prince of Wales on Sunday the fourth Day of Auguft next, viz. The Men to continue in Black, and to wear coloured Swords and Buckeis. The Ladies to wear Black Silk or Velvet, coloured Ribbons, Fans arid Tippets. r Laft Wednefday being the Birth- Day of her Royal Highnefs the Princefs Augufta, eldeft Daughter of his late Royal Highnefs the Prince of Wales, who enter'd into the 15th Year of her Age, his Majefty received the Compliments of the Nobility and Gentry at his Palace at Kenfington on that Occafion ; as did alfo her Royal Highnefs the Princefs Dowager of Wales, at Leicefter- Houfe. The Perfons of Quality talked of to have the four vacant Garters, are, his Royal Highnefs Prince Edward, the Marquis of Hartingtcn, and the Earls of Lincoln and Northumberland. On Monday his Majefty was pleafed to appoint Hugh Lee, Efq; to be a Major in Col. Churchill's Regiment of Foot, in the room of JVlajor Burd, deceafed. The fame Day his Majefty was pleafed to appoint George Ofborne, Efq; to be a Captain in the fame Regiment in the room of Major Lee. And alfo to appoint Alexander How, Efq; to be a Lieutenant in the lame Regiment in the room ot Capt. George Ofborne. i The Rev. Mr. Henry Shepherd, Chaplain to his Grace the Duke of Queenfberry, is prefented to the Living of Frifkney, in the County and Diocefe of Lincoln, worth 20 ol. per Annum. The Rev. John Noyes Jones, M. A. was a few Days Since prefented to the united Livings of Hilve, alias Culve and Strington, both in the County of Somerfet, and Diocefe of Bath and Wells, worth 180I. per Annum. On Tuefday the Rev. Mr. Archer was prefented by Lord How to the Re& ory of St. Martin's le Cray, in the County of Suffolk, worth 3001. a Year. On Tuefday his Grace the Duke of Norfolk, and the Hon. Mr. Howard, his Grace's Nephew, fet out for Briftol to make ufe of the Waters of that Place. On Wednefday Orders were fent to the General Belfour at Woolwich, to acquaint him that a Ceneral Review of the whole Train of Artillery will be made on Monday next on Carlton Houfe. The Train confifts of Bombardiers, Engineers, Gunners, Matroffes, Cadets and Pioneers, who arc all to be cloathed : at which will be prefent the Prince of Wales, Prince Edwaid, Duke of Cumberland, and moft of General Officers of the Army. There is a Talk that Admirable Hawke will foon have the Command of the Squadron of Men of War. The Europa, Kemp, arrived in the Downs from Leghorn in 36 Days, met with the Minorca, Fogeux, and Monmouth Men of War, and parted from them the 14th Inftant 20 Leagues to the Weftward ; alfo Spoke with the Porpus, Gray, from Jamaica for London, in the Chops of the Channel. On Wednesday came Advice, that the Chard, late Leech, of BFiftol, is cut off by the Negroes on the Coall of Africa, and the Mafter killed. Some of the Guard Ships are ordered into Dock, in order to be fitted for the Sea, and two forty Gun Ships at Chatham are ordered to be got ready forthwith, that they join others fitting out at Portsmouth and Plymouth. We hear that a Jager arrived on Tuefday in the River, with a Cargoe of Britifh Herrings from Shetland; and that Prefents were immediately difpatch'd by the Society to his Majefty, and his Royal Highnefs the Prince"- of Wales, Governor.. We have the Pleafure of acquainting the World, that the Report fpread of the French having taken Anamaboa, is without any Foundation ; there were indeed two French Men of War of great Force upon that Coaft in the Spring, but they were obliged to retire without doing any thing, by the chief Man of the Place, in Gratitude for the RefpeiSl and Civility fliewn to hi3 Son in England. Some private Letters from Peterfhourg advife, that the Duke of Courland died lately at the Place of his Exile, very much regretted. We learn from Amfterdafn, the Ferment raifed about the new Duty, upon Wine is very far from being fubfided, notwithibnding that the Magiftrates fpare no Pains to prevail upon the Merchants to pay that Refpe£ t to the Government that is rcquifite ts> the Welfare of the RepvV. icV. Private Letters from Amfterdam afford us a very ftrong Inftance of the Mutability of popular Affection, in the Cafe of Mr. Raapthe Glafs- man, who was efteemed the firft rate Patriot in the City about two Years ago. The People it feems, had taken fuch a Diftafte to him that about three Weeks fince, they fcattered Papers in the Streets, importing. That if any body had a mind to fee Mr. Raap hanged, he feould repair to the Dam, where his Curiofity would be fatisfied. Upon this he very prudently retired, with all Privacy imaginable, and, by the timely Interpofition of the Magiftrates, the Mob have been prevented from putting his Houfe down, which, upon his withdrawing, became the next ObjeCfc of their Refentment. By the heavy Shower of Rain that fell on Saturday laft, Rofamond's Pond in the Green Park was fo overflowed, that one of the Sluices broke, by which great Quantities of Fi( h, as Carp, Tench, & c. were drove ou; and left on the Grafs, fo that fome Perfons found an Opportunity to carry off" feveral Bafkets full, of which they made a good Market in the adjacent Streets, and « n Monday the Keepers were employed in dragging the Drains with Nets to catch the Fifh, m order to put them again into the Pond. A few Days ago Baron Newhoff^ alias Baron Stein, who made fuch a Figure foms Years ago as King Corfica, and who is now in the Rules of the King's Bench, was married to Mifs Edmonflon of Panton- lquare. On Saturday laft John Mafterfon, lately a Foremaft Man on board the Canterbury Man of War, and who loft both his Legs by a Chain- fhot in the late War, aged 2~, was married to Mrs. Read, a W i d ow at Poplar, aged 6 l , with an Ertate of Freehold in Eflex, of 120I. a Year On Saturday laft, Capt. Baker, Commander of an Indiaman lately arrived was married to Mifs Small, Daughter of the Lieutenant Governor of St. Helena, a Lady of mod inimitable Accomplifhments,. and a large Fortune. On Saturday was married John Wharton, of Lengdon in Worcefterfhire, • Efq^ to Mifs Dennis, only Daughter of Capt. Dennis. Laft Sunday died in Childbed, the Lady of Peter St. E'oy, Efq; of Doctor's Commons. On Sunday died Mr. James Tillett, commonly called Capt. T i l l e t , late Butler of Clifford's Inn. On Monday died at Iflington, Mr. John Mackereth, a Merchant at Mill- Bank. Oil Monday Morning died at his Houfe in Bond- ftreet, Charles Saumarez, Efq; a Gentleman of a very large F" ortune and Eftate. On Monday laft died at his Lodgings in Piccadilly, Mr. Ogle, one of the Clerks of the Poft- OfS. ce, and an Agent in the Army, a Gentleman of a very fair Character. Laft Wednefday the Lady of the Right Hon. the Lord Byron was fafely delivered of a Daughter, at his Lord ( hip's Seat in NottinghamfTure. We hear from Btiftol, that there is the fulleft Seafon ever known at the Hot- wells. St. Luke's Hofpital for Lunaticks being opened on Tuefday laft for the Reception of Patient's, the Governors dined together on Wednefday at Grocers Hall, on that Occafion, when his Grace the Archbifhop of Canterbury, the Lord Bifliop of Norwich, and many other Clergy, and Perfons of DiftinCtion were prefent who contributed very largely to the Promotion of this Charity the Collection then made amounting to 1219I. 18 s. befides the annual Subfcriptions. On Saturday a Servant of Mr. Caftle's in Hanover Yard, was thrown from his Horfe, by which his Skull was fra£ tured in feveral Places ; he was immediately carried to the Middlelex Hofpital. On Sunday the Son of a Farmer near Bow, was drowned; as he was bathing himfelr in a Pond near his Father's Houfe. The fame Day a Boat going for Greenwich was overfet near the Ifle of Dogs, by which Accident two Perfons were drowned. Laft Monday a Lighterman's Servant going with fome Goods down the River to be fhipp'd at Deptford, loafing his Hold of the Gar he fell backward into the River, and was drowned. Monday a Man was killed in Ratclift Highway, by fome Bricks falling on him from off a Houfe. On Monday a young Woman, by a T i l e falling from a Houfe in Holborn, had her Skull terribly fraCtured. She was immediately carried to St. Bartholomew's Hofpital, where her Skull was trepann'd, but there are very little Hopes of her Recovery. On Tuefday a Man in a Chair drove over a Child in Brewer- ftreef, who with the bruifes died in Iefs than half an Hour. The furprize this Accident occafioned, gave time for the Man to make his Efcape unknown. Laft Week the Affizes ended at Salifbury for the County of Wilts, when only one Perfon was capitally conviCted, viz. James Bryan, for ftealing Goods out of the Shop or Mr. Davis, in Salifbury, 5 were call for Tranfportion, viz. Thomas Richarbfon, a Gambler, was found guilty of defrauding James Pinker, a Farmer and Grazier, of one hundred and twenty five Pounds at pricking at. the Belt, at the Rofe and Crown Inn at Twyford, and fentenced to ft and in the Pillory the two following Market- Days at Salifbury, and a Fortnight after before the faid Rofe and Crown Inn ; to be lmprifoned till he finds two fuch Perfons as the Court fhall approve o f , to be bound in fifty Pound each for his good Behaviour, and himfelf in two hundred Pound. At the Aflizis at Buckingham, held for that County before Lord Chief Juftice Willis, and Mr. Juftice Fofter, eight Prifoners were tried, three of whom were caft for Tranfportation and five Acquitted. At the Affizss at Northampton, before Lord Chief Baron Parker and Mr. Juftice Wright, one Perfon was Capitally conviCted, viz. John Price for a Burglary. AE the Affixes at Oakham, in Rutland, which ended on Saturday, only two were tried-, and ordered to be whipped. On Saturday laft the Affiles ended at Stafford, at which David Crofsley and John Piatt for Houfe breaking, and John. Wakefield, for Horfe Sealing, removed from Warwick, was Capitally conviCted, William Lovatt, for fteaiing four Snuff- Boxes, & c. and Edward Tomlinfon fot itealing a Saddle are ordered for Tranfportation. Thomas Fofter, John Murrall, Thomas Pudlcy, Thomas Baddely, and Sarah Brookes, condemned and reprieved laft Affizes, are now ordered to be tranfported for fourteen Years. Samueil Higgins, Stephen Higgins, and Thomas Wiggin, concerncd in a Riot at Wallall the 29th of May 1749, have given Bail to appear at the King's Bench ihe firft Day of next Term. No Bill was found againft the Perfons for attempting to pull down a Meeting Houfe that was building there ;. but we hear they are to pay tbe Sum of 201. and the Building is to be ere& ed at a farther Diftance from the Church. Laft Tuefday Evening the Affizes ended at Hertford, when Edward Mead, fir a Burglary, and Thomas Colley, for the Murder of Ruth Ofborne, at Tring, receiv'd Sentence of Death. It appeared on the Trial of Col'ey, which lafted many Hours, that fome of the Neighbours thinking the De-. ceas'd was a Witch, and her Hufband John Ofborne, a Wizard,, they had it cried in three Market- Towns, that they were to be pubiickly duck'd on Monday the 22d of April laft in Tring, which brought together a Mob of 10000 People,, who went to the Workhoufe to demand the poor Wretches, and, not finding them there, pull'd down Part of the Houfe, and were going to fet Fire to what was ftanding ; but being informed that the Man and Woman were in the Veftry Room adjoining to the Church, they went there, broke it open, feiz'd and ftript them, and tied their Thumbs and Great Toes together, then tied them up in two Sheets, and carried them to Marlfton Meer, in Ihe Parifh of Tring, where the poor old Woman, aged feventy, expired by Suffocation in the Mud and Water, the Meer not being above three Feet deep. Edward Mead was reprieved before the Judge left the Town, and Thomas Colley is- ordered for Execution, purfuant to his Sentence. The Trial of Henry Worfter, indiCted for being concerned in the faid riotous Aflembly, and who was alfo in Cuftody, was put off till next Affizes. There are many more of the Perfons indiCted who ware concerned in the faid cruel Affair, and Warrants are iffued out for apprehending them. Laft Sunday Morning as Mr. Walker, a Diffenting Miriifter, Mafter of an Academy at Plaifters H « ll, in AddleScreet, was going to Kingfton, he was ftopt on Putney- Heath by two Highwaymen, who robbed him cf a Guinea and fome Silver. He had a Watch and two Rings, which they refus'd ; but they told him, they hoped he thought that he was very civilly ufed. Laft Monday Night between T e n and Eleven o'Clock, a Labourer was detected upon a Scaffold before Mr. Sheriff Scott's Houfe, ( which is now repairing) and was fent to the Poultry Compter ; and being carried the next Day before the Right Hon. the Lord Mayor, wa& committed to Bridewell. Laft Monday Night two Coaches coming from Enfield were flopped near Edmonton by two Highwaymen well mounted, who took from the Perfons therein, upwards of 5 I. On Tuefday a Woman was detected by the Tnrnkjey of the Fleet Prifon carrying fome fpirituous Liquors into that Gaol, cantrary to the ACt of Parliament, and being and being brought before SJingfby Bethel, Efq; at Guildhall, was committed to Bridewell. She is . the fixft conviCted in this City fince the ACt commenced. On Tuefday about Eight o'Clock in the Evening, a Grenadier, belonging to the fecond Regiment of Foot Guards, was committed to the Gatehoufe by Thomas Lediard, Efq; for committing a Rape on the Body of a Child not five Years old. On Tuefday a Man flood in the Pillory in Old- ftreet, for ravifhing a Girl about 7 Years old, purfuant to his Sentence at the Old Baily. Benjamin Herring is committed to the N e w Gaol, Southwark, by WilJiam Clark, Efq; for further Examination, being chaiged on Oath on Sufpicion of ftealing a Moufe- coloured Poney Horfe, about Twelve Hands, three Inches high, branded with two Letters on the Offfide. He had been endeavouring to fell him that Morning at Peckhapi, and'at feveral Places adjacent; but coming into the Borough of So. uthwark, an J offering him the^ e to Sale, to fome Connoifieurs in Horfe- FIeflr, who, from the Fellows Behaviour fufpeCt- d that the Horfe not honeftly come by, caufed him to be fecu anj committed as above, and the Horfe depofited at the Faulcon Inn in the faid Borough, till the Matter is cleared up to the Satisfaction of the faid Juftice. The Man in his Defence fays, that he formerly lived with Mr Roach, at the Lamb Inn, the Back of St. Clement's Church, and afterwards went to live with one Captain Blake, near the New- Fcreft in Hampfhire; and leaving his Service on Michaelmas- Day laft, he bought this Horfe the Monday following, at a Puhlick- Houfe not far from Limington, of one James Parnall the Younger, Son to one of the Keepers of New- Forcft^ and gave three Pounds two Shillings for him. If this fhould prove true, it will be well for him. The Weekly Bill of Mortality. DISEASES. AGED 16. Apoplexy o. Afthma 2. Childbed 2. Confumption 53. Convulfion 95. Dropfy 13/ Fever 44. Gout 1. Hooping Cough 3. M'eafles 2.' Mortification 5. Small Pox 16, Stii- Stilborn 10. Suddenly r. Teeth 12. CASUALTIES. Drowned two. Frighted one. Killed by the falling of Houfes. Overlaid one. Chriftened Males 125. Females 137. In all 262. Buried Males 141. Females 168. In all 309. Increafed in the Burials this Week n . Bank Stock, 140 I 4th a x half. India Stock, 186 a 185 1 half a 186. South Sea Stock, 115 1 half for the^ Opening. Ditto Old Annuities, firft Subfcription, 105 5 8ths a 3 4ths. Ditto feeond Subfcription, 102 I 4th. Ditto New, ift Subfcription, 103 7 8ths. Ditto 2d Subfcription, 1 0 2 1 4 t h . Bank Annuities 1746, ift Sub. Books fbut. Ditto 2d Sub. Books Ihut. Lottery 171,7, lit Sub. Books fhut. Ditto ad Sub. Books ftiut. Ditto 1747, 1748 and 1749, i f t Sub 104. Ditto Sub. 103 7 8ths. Three per Cent. Annuities, 100 1 half. Three per Cent. India Anniuties, 100 5 8ths a 3 4ths. Three I half ditto, 102 3 4ths. Bank C i r c u l a t i o n, 4 1. 12 s. 6d. Prem. India Bonds, 5I. 9. S. Prem Lottery Tickets, 11 1. 13 s. the ndy p O X Cherries, Rafberries, end all Sorts of Fruit, J- Proprietors of the Original Englifb Grape Bra IVarehoufe; the Bottom of Bartholorruw- Lane, give Notice, That that fo much ejleemerl Commodity, is flill Sold at 4 s . psr Gallon, and it/ ill continue fo till further Notice, by Meffrs. WEBB and Company. M A T T H E W W I L S O N , Clerk. At WEST's Wholefale and Retai/ e IVarehoufe, far Daffy s and his Perioral Elixir, the Golden Bell, in Bow- Church Yard, Cheapfide, London, is fold Tne Elixir Allhmaticum Mirabile : Or Wonderful PcdiorSi £• VU" H I C H gives unmediaie La( e in all Dilorders of the Breafi; it admirably allays the Tick.';:: gy that provokes frequent Coughing ; cures all Colds, Hoarier, eis, Phthyiiek, Wheezing, Ratling in the 1 hroar, or difficulty of" J .: hing ; the Hooping- Cough in Children, Stoppages at the Stomach,, and helps D geflion, Eales violent Cholicks, Rheumatick and ciatick Pains in the L'mbs, Afer Pains in Women, and all Internal Bruiies, at 1 s. 6 d. a Bottle. Alfo the Grand Specific!: Ilyftericky or, Female Pills, they remove ail ObftiutStions, and puts the Blood into a right Calculation; they alfo cure Hypochondriacal and Splcnctick D. forders in Men, and Vapours in Women. Thefe Pills has i> een expeiienced in private Pradt ce £ » r ne r 30 Years with wonderful Succefs. There is 120 Pills in a Eox, at f i. the Box, i s . 6 d. the HalfBox, and 1 s. 3 d. the Quarter Box. Stomatick Drops, at 1 s. a Bottle. Elixir Antipodagr . cum, wi ich gives immediate Eafe in the Gout or Rheumatifhi, 3 s. 6 d. per Vial. A Stcngthening F, lix; r for WeakncfTes 111 either Sex, ) s. fid. the Vi:> l. Vinum Idfericum iliat cures the Jaundice, is. 6d. the Bottle. Daffy's Elixir, is. 6 d. a Botfle, or is. 3 d. the Half Beetle. A Colmetick Liniment which takes sway all Freckles and Specks of the Skin, ana makes it foft and frnooth, zs. 6 d. the Vial. A Lotion and Ointment for the Itch, i s . Cd. each. Jofapium Nephriticum, an excei'ent Medicine for the Gravel or Stone, » s. 6 d. the Bottle. And Hungary Warer, 6d. the Bottle. The Golden » nd Plain Spirits of Scurvcy Grafts, and leveral other Medicines tedious to mention.. N. B. An Allowance to thole that Buy them to fell again. Alfo fold at the Red Tea Pot in Coventry- Court hear the Hay- Market ; Mrs. Wood, next Door to the London Apprentice, by Hoxton- Squ are. Mr. Weit cures all the various Symptoms of the Vcnerecl Difcafe Thefe Medicines will keep in any Climate. V I P E R D R O P & C O prepared as to contain all the £ native Qualities of that Crcirurc heightened. They, tho'given in a very fmall Quantity, cxiel in l ower and Efficacy aJmoit all other Medicines given in any Quantities, for the Relief and Cure of thole affliiled'with the following, and many other Difoiders, viz.. Nattnal Wealcnefe Wcakncls from Venereal Injurie?; Inability, Sterility, from, thole or other CauFes ; Waitings of Flelh ; Lowneia of Spirit,, or inrmoderate Fluxes, F. our Albus, & c. Hyltciical or Hypoco driacal Di/ orders; Pains in the Back or Kidneys ; Injuries of the Ureters, or Urethra from Stone or Gravel ; with a Multitude of other Diforters. It cheats, cn ivens, reftoies, ltrengrhen- s and invigorates to a Miracle; creates Appetite, and helps Digeftion. It is pleafant to take, even to the wcakeft and nicelt i'erfons. This Medicine is highly ferviceable in many Complaints, outwardly applied; to Wounds, Eruiles, Aches, Pains, Burns, See. It is fold only by the Proprietor, Richard Rock, at the Golden- Key on Ludgate Hill, in Phials feal'd up, with Dircftions, at 3 s, and 1 s. 6d. each .* And good A lowar. ee given to thofc who tak « a Quantity. Where yiay be had. The famous, Antivenercal Elei'. uavv, Price 6s. The Chemical Liquor fur the ltd), Price t s. 6d. a Bwle. The beft Daffcy's Eiixir, Price onlypd. a Bottle, bnd, The Tinilore tor curing the Tcottt- acli, wbitamrg the Tcci and curing the Scurvy in the Gums. L O N D O N ; Prjnftd for J . Ni c H O tsoai, near the Selfioas- Haule, io the Great Old- Bails.
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