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The London Evening-Post


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The London Evening-Post

Date of Article: 16/04/1751
Printer / Publisher: J. Meres 
Address: In the Old Baily
Volume Number:     Issue Number: 3664
No Pages: 4
Sourced from Dealer? No
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The London Evening Post. Numb. 3664 From SATURDAY April 13, to TUESDAY April 16, 1751. Yestersday arriv'd the Mails from France and Holland. Leghorn, April 8. H E last Advices from Corsica import, that the Differences which have happened between some of the Pieves in that Island, are like to be attended with bad Consequences to the publick Tranquility : There has been a very sharp Ren- counter between the Inhabi- tants of Cassinea, assisted by the People of Taragna, and the Inhabitants of the Pieve of Moriani, which ended to the Disadvantage of the latter, who were repulsed wiih great Loss. But as the Marquis de Curzay, the French General, is gone to make Enquiry on the Spot into the Causes of this Fray, it is hoped he will find Means to reconcile the Combatants. Vienna, April to. The Elector Palatine has sent a Me- morial to this Court of the Demands which he has upon it for Contributions of Provisions and Forage, which the Imperial Troops exacted upon his Territories during the last War, for quartering in them, and for Damages his Subjects sustained thereby all which amount to a considerable Sum. Pains are actually taken to examine the Validity of these Pretentions. Paris, April 18. The News of the Court's going into Mourning last Saturday for the Death of the Prince of Wales was premature: Some Difficulties have occurred in this Matter, which must be previously adjusted. The Earl of Albemarle has already had several Conferences with the Marquis de Puysieux about it. IRELAND. Dublin, April 6, His Grace the Archbishop of Dublin has given the Prebend in St. Patrick's Cathedral, void by the Death of the late Mr. Chamberlaine, to the Rev, Mr. Lyon, Rector of Bray. Last Wednesday died the Right Hon. the Lady Dowager Donerayle, Relict of the late Arthur Mohun St. Leger, Viscount Donerayle, in the County of Cork, and Baron Kilmaiden, in the County of Waterford. Her Ladyship was Sister to the Right Hon. the Lord Vis- count Mazareene. The same Day died, in a very advanced Age, at his House; in Bolton Street, Mr. Francis Lynch, one of the most eminent Merchants of his Time, who retired from the Fatigue of Business some Years since. The same Day his Majesty's Plate was run for at the Currah, which was won by Sir Ralph Gore's Mare, Sportly; and the Match on Thursday by Sir Ralph's Grey Mare. Dublin, April 9. A few Days ago John Grady, Esq; of the County of Limerick, was married to the Hon. Miss de Courcy, eldest Daughter of the Lord Kinsale, SCOTLAND. Edinburgh, April 9. Mr. Merrilies, and the Company that went in quest of him, arrived on Saturday Night ; and yet this Affair is not quite free of Mysteries: He has made the following Declaration before the Magistrates of this City, of his late Treatment, which, we are told, appears to be genuine, and agrees with most of the Par- ticulars in our last. He says he was carried off from the Sands of Leith by four Persons, whom he took to be Englishmen ; that, two Days after, they robb'd him of his Money ; that after they left him near York, a Man he had not seen before, carried him to a House, and shut him up in close Confinement in a Room ; after which three Men came, one of them under the Character of a Justice of Peace, and the other two of Merchants, who obliged him to kneel, and swear, in a most solemn Manner, never to reveal what had happpn'd to him ; that, during his Confinement, one, who call'd himself Robertson, frequently attended him ; that the said Ro- bertson pawn'd his Watch, Coat, for two Guineas, leaving the following Direction on the Bundle with his Cloaths, To Andrew Robertson, at the Bird and Bush, New- castle, ' till called for and that they importuned him seve- ral Times to indent for Jamaica, which he would not consent to. : COUNTRY NE \ VS. Bristol, April i 3. Letters this Week from Barbadoes advise, that there lud been a great Drought in that Island, insomuch that they had . ot been favour'd with one Shower of Rain for almost three Months, which had destroy'd their Crops of Sugar. And that, as this Drought had reach'd most of the other Islands in the West- Indies, the Ships would be obliged to wait ' till the next Crop for their Lading. Saturday last the Assizes ended at Taunton, ( which held from Monday, and the greatest Number of Priso- ners known in the Memory of Man) when eight Per- sons received Sentence of Death, viz. Samuel Pitman, Jesse Pitman, Joseph Applebee, Benjamin Priscomb, and John Pointing, convicted severally of Horse stealing ; Thomas Bridges and William Furge for Burglary ; and William White for stealing two Oxen, Richard Day, who was convicted last Assizes for Horse stealing, pleaded his Majesty's Pardon, on C0n- dition of Transportation for fourteen years LONDON. Last Saturday Morning, at Half an Hour after One o'Clock, the Bowels of his late Royal Highness which, in an Urn cover'd with Crimson Velvet, were brought from Leicester- House in a Coach and Six to the Prince's Cham- ber, were from thence carried by four Yeomen to Henry the Seventh's Chapel, attended by the Dukes of Chandos and Queensberry, the Earl of Middlesex, the Lord North and Guildford, Sir John Rushout, Bart. George Dod- dington, Henry Drax, and John Evelyn, Esqrs. and there interr'd, in the Vault in which the Royal Corpse was, exactly at Nine o'Clock the same Night, deposited The Procession began at Half an Hour after Eight at Night, and passed through the Old Palace Yard to the South- East Door of Westminfter- Abbey, and so directly to the Steps leading to Henry the Seventh's Chapel. The Ceremonial was as follows : Knight Marshal's Men with black Staves, Two and Two. Gentlemen Servants to his Royal Highness, Two and Two, viz. Pages of the Presence. Gentlemen Ushers, Quarter Waiters, Two and Two Pages of Honour. Gentlemen Ushers, Daily Waiters, phyfieians, Dr. Wilmot, and Dr. Lee, , Houshold Chaplains, Clerk of the Closet, Rev. Dr. Ayscough. Equerries, Two and Two. Clerks of the Houshold or Greencloth, James Douglass, Esq; and Sir John Cust, Bart, Master of the Houshold, Lord Gage. Solicitor General, Auditor, and Attorney General. Paul Joddrell, Esq; Charles Montague, Esq; Hon, Henry Bathurst, Esq; Secretary, Henry Drax, Esq; , Comptroller and Treasurer to his Royal Highness. Robert Nugent, Esq-, and the Earl of Scarborough, with their white Staves. Steward and Chamberlain to his Royal Highness, with their white Staves. Chancellor to his Royal Highness, Sir Thomas Bootle. An Officer of Arms, The Master of the Horse to his Royal Highness, Earl of Middlesex. A Gentleman Ufher { Clarencieux King at Arms, Stephen Martin Leake, Esq; } ,, bearing the Coronet upon a black Velvet Cushion. A Gentleman Usher. Supporters of the Pall, Earl of PORTMORE, Earl FITZWiLLiAMS, Earl of BRISTol, The Body, Covered with a Black Velvet Pall, adorned with Eight Escutcheons, and under a Canopy of Black Velvet, borne by Eight of his Royal High- ness's Gen- tlemen. Supporters of the Pall, Earl of MACCLESFIELD, Earl of STANHOPE, Earl of JERSEY. hi o • a " a. o A Gentleman Usher. Supporter to the Chief Mourner. Garter King at Amis, John Anltts, fclq; The Chief Mourner, D ike of Somorfet, Duke of Rutland. His Train borne by a Baronet, Sir Thomas Robinfon. A Gentleman Ufher. Supporter to the Chief Mourner, Duke of Deyonfhire. c Marquis of Tweedale, Marquis of Lothian, Earls of Berkeley, Peterborough Assistants to the Chief Mourner, | Northampton, Cardigan, Winchelsea, Catlille, Murray and Morton. The Gentleman Usher of his Royal Highness's Privy Chamber, Edmund Bramston, Esq; The Groom of the Stole to his Royal Highness, Dake of Chandos. The Lords of the Bedchamber to Lord North and Guildford, Duke of Queensberry, Earl of Inchiquin, Earl of his Royal Highness, . Egmont, Lord Robert Sutton, Earl Bute, Two and Two. The Master of the Robes to his Royal Highness, John Schutz, Esq; John Evelyn, Esq; Samuel Masham, Esq; Thomas Bludworth, Esq: Sir Ed- The Grooms of the Bedchamber to mund Boon, Esq; William Bretton, Esq; Martin Madden, his Royal Highness, esq; William Trevanion, Esq; Col. Powlet, Two and Two. Yeomen of the Guard to close the Proceflion. The Corpse of his Royal Highness was met at the Church Door by the Dean and Prebendaries, attended by the Gentlemen of the Choir and King's Scholars, who fell into the Procession immediately before the Officer of Arms, with Wax Tapers in their Hands, and properly habited, and began the common Burial Service ( no An- them being composed on this Occasion) two Drums beat- ing a Dead March during the Service. Upon entering the Chapel, the Royal Body was placed on Tressels, the Crown and Cushion at the Head, and the Canopy held over, the Supporters of the Pall standing by ; the Chief Mourner and his two Supporters seated in Chairs at the Head of the Corpse ; the Lords Assistants, Master of the Horfe, Groom of the Stole, and Lords of the Bedcham- ber on both Sides ; the four White Staff Officer- at the Feet, the others seating themselves in the Stalls on each Side the Chapel ; the Bishop of Rochester, Dean of Westminster then read the first Part of the Burial Service, after which the Corpse was carried to the Vault, preced- ed by the White Staff Officers, the Master of the Horse, Chief Mourner, his Supporters and Assistants, Garter King at Arms going before them. When they had placed themselves near the Vault, and the Corpse being laid upon a Machine even with the Pavement of the Chapel, was by Degrees let down into the Vault, when the Bi- shop of Rochester went on with the Service ; which be- ing ended, Garter proclaimed his late Royal Highness's Titles in the following Manner : Thus it hath pleafid Almighty God to take out of this transi- tory Life to bis Divine Mercy the most Illustrious Frederick Prince of WaleS, & c. & c. The Nobility and Attendants returned in the same Order they proceeded, at Half an Hour after Nine; so that the whole Ceremony lasted an Hour, There was the utmost Decorum observed ; and what is remarkable, though the Populace were extremely noisy before the Procession began, there was during the whole, a Silence, that, if possible, added to the Solemnity of so awful a Sight. The Guards, who each of them held two lighted Flambeaux during the whole Time, behaved so well, that we do not hear of any Accidents happening among the Spectators that are remarkable. As soon as the Procession began to move, two Rockets were fired off in Old Palace- Yard as a Signal for the Guns in the Park to fire, which was followed by those of the Tower; during which Time the Great Bells of Westminster, and St. Paul's Cathedral tolled, as did those of most of the Churches in London. The Soldiers were kept on Guard all Saturday Night, and on Sunday at the South- East Door of the Abbey, and on the Scaffolding in Palace- Yard. And yesterday Morning the Workmen began to take down the scaf- folding. The following Inscription was engrav'd oa a Silver Plate and affix'd to the Coffin of his Royal Highness the Prince of Wales. DEPOSITUM. Illustrissimi Principis Frederici Ludovici Principis Walliae, Principis Electoralis & Hereditarii Brunsvici & Lunenbergi, Duois Cornubiae, Rothesay & Eden- burgi, Marchionis Infuiae de Ely, Comitis Cestrias, Carrick & Eltham, Vice Comitis Launceston, Baronis Renfrew & Snaudon, Domini Insularum, Seneschalli Scotia, Nobilissimi Ordinis Periscelidis Equitis, & 3 Sanctioribus Conciliis Majestati Regiae, Academiae Dubliniensis Cancellatii; Filii primogeniti Celsisimr Potentissimi & Excellentissimi Monarchae Georgii Secundi, Dei Gratia Magnae Britannia, Franciae & Hibernia; Regis, Fidei Defensoris, Obiit vicessimO Die Martii Anno MDCCL. AEtatis suae XLV". We are inform'd that a Dispute lately arose between the Deputy Earl Marshal, the Dean and Chapter Westminster, and the Board of Works, in relation to the Property of the several Erections, & c. prepared 0r brought into the Abbey and Henry the Seventh's Chapel, which ran so high, that a Council was summon'd to meet on purpose at the Cockpit, and it was determin'd in Favour of the Dean and Chapter. The Furniture of the Chamber in which his High- ness's Body lay, and the Fixtures in the Avenues leading thereto, are, we hear, the Perquisites of the House keeper to the House of Lords. GOLDSMITHS- HALL, London, WHEREAS Complaint has been made to this Com- pant, that great Frauds are committed by Workers and Dealers in Gold and Silver Wares, in Contempt of the Act of Parliament made for preventing thereof, to the Diminution of the publick Revenue, the Defrauding his Majesty's Sub- jects and the Ruin of the fair Trader ; and particularly that the Marks of the ( Company art frequently counterfeited: Now, in order to put a Stop to the Commission of such Frauds in Time to come, all those who have seen any Person make, or cause to be made, a counterfeit Punch ; or make, or cause to be made, any Plate worse than Standard or mark, or cause to he marked, any Plate with counterfeit Marks ; or sell or ex- port Plate without Marks, or with counterfeit Marks, know- in' the same to be counterfeit, are desir'd to give Information thereof to Mr. BANKES, the Clerk of the said Company, at their Hall, and thereupon the Offenders will be prosecutcd as the Law directs. Abstract of the Act above mention'd, Whereas by an Act of Parliament pass'd in the 12th Year of his Majesty's Reign, it is ( among other Things) enacted, that after the 28th of May, 1739, n0 Person make, or cause to he made, any Gold or Silver Wares less in Fineness than the respective Standards, nor sell nor export any less in Fineness than as aforesaid, nor until the same he marked, as therein is mentioned, on pain to forfeit 10 I. for every of the said Offences. And it is thereby further enacted, that if any Person counterfeit, or cause to be counterfeited, any of the Company's Marks; or mark, or cause to be mark'd, with any counterfeit Mark, any wrought Plate ; or trans- pose any of the Marks of the Company from one Piece cf Plate to another; or sell or export any Plate with counter- feit Marks, or Marks transposed, as aforesaid, knowing such Marks to be counterfeited or transposed, such Person shall forfeit 100 1. for every of the said Offences. All which Pe- nalties are recoverable, with Costs, in the Courts at West- minster, one Moiety for the Crown and the other for the Prosecutor. TIIE Commissioners appointed to put in Execu- tion an Act of Parliament pass'd in the Kingdom of Ireland for making Rivers navigable, having taken under their Consideration the Navigation of the River Shannon, and different Methods being proposed for effecting the same, They do hereby give Notice, that any Person of Skill in Projecting, and also well versed in the Execution of Works of that Nature, may apply to Isham Baggs, Esq ( Secretary to the said Commissioners) in Dublin, letting forth his Qualifica- tions, and the proofs thereof; and in Case the said Commis- sioners shall, upon due Enquiry, be satisfied of the Capacity of such Person for their Service, they will contract to give him a very ample Recompence for going over to Ireland, and for directing and conducting the said intended Navigation tc the final Completion thereof. Dublin Castle, Signed by Order, q March, 1770. ISHAM BAGGS. WHEREAS George Wright, formerly of the Parish of St. Anne's, Westminister, Corn- Candler, and late of Panton Square, died in February 1749, who had a Brother named John Wright, bred a Gardener-, who has not been heard of many Years; any Person that will give Infor- mation whether the said John Wright he living or dead, and if dead, whether he left any Wife, Child, or Children, shall re- ceive Five Pounds from Mr. Tetlow, of Piccadilly, one of the Executors: And if the said John Wright, or ( if dead) his Representatives, will apply to the said Mr. Tetlow; to Mr. Hopkins, Attorney at law, in Stanhope Street; or to Mr. Edward Wright of Greenford, they may hear of some- thing to their Advantage. All Persons who have legal Demands 0n the Estate of the said George Wright, are desir'd to apply t0 the said Mr. Tet- low for Payment thereof. This is to inform the Publick, In Justice to Mr. Benjamin Lhuile, Sen. of Arundel- Street in the Strand, Jeweller, THAT it was the Son of the said Mr. Lhuile that was declar'd a Bankrupt, and therefore he takes this Method to acquaint such of those that had Dealings with the said Son, that the Words Junior and late of Arundel- Street, ought to have been inserted, to have distinguish'd the two Persons. APerson that left his Business in the West of Eng- land for a bad State of Health and had Conversation at a Distance, some people said it was from the Air, other said it was from People thinking too intensly on him, and making Use of the effuvia of dead Bodies against him, which they call fighting, by converging with him now at London, begs the Favour they will either keep themselves clean of what they calls Bulls Hides, or think no more of it: He lost a Bro- ther by the same Art; He finds it an Advantage to take the Conversation in Writing, and therefore judges it is not acci- dental but done by Art. Market Harborough in Leicestershire, March 1751. Notice, is hereby given, ThAT at the Request of several Dealers, Chapmen, Farmers, and Grasiers, on Thurdsay the 18th Day of April next, the said Town, will be held a Meeting for the Sale of Horses, Sheep, Hogs, and other Merchandize; and that the same will hereafter be yearly held at the same Place 0n the 18TH Day of April. N. B. That the D. ty before the last, Meeting there was a large Shew of Horses and Colts. WHEREAS in several of the Publick Papers hath been lately advertised as follows, viz. ' This Day was publish'd, Price 6d. An Epistle to the Rev. Mr. John Smith, LL. B. or an expostulatory Address to him, upon liis Forgery and Chicanery in his MEMOIRS of WOOL, and defence thereof, & c. By WilliAM TEMPLE of Trowbridge, Gent. Printed for W. Frederick in Bath and ( as appears by the Title Page) sold by J. Robinson, at the Golden Lion in Ludgate- Street, London. And whereas the said Mr. Robinson, since such Advertise- ments and Publication, hath thought proper to decline the Sale of that Pamphlet; now I do hereby declare, and promise, that I will not take any Advantage from the law, against the said Author, Printer, or Publisher, for any thing therein contained. On the contrary, having wrote upon that Subject merely tor the Sake of Truth, and the Publick Benefit, Mr. TEMPLE is therefore at full Liberty, with my free Consent, to make the most of his Argument, without being under the least Apprehension of any Prosecution whatsoever, for the li- bellous, abusive Part of the above- mention'd Tract;— for all which I do very heartily forgive him. Witness my Hand, April 4, 1751. JOHN SMITH. Now in the Hands of Mr. Thomas Messenger, of Market Bosworth in Leicestershire, AMost beautiful fine strong Grey Horse, fourteen Hands three Inches high. He was got by Old Childers: his Dam was bred by Cape. Appleyard, and got by Sir Michael Wharton's Commoner ; his Grand- Dam ( which was also the Dam of the famous bald Charlotte) was a brown Mare of Capt. Appleyard's, got by Mr. Bethil's Castaway, his Great Grand- Dam was got by Mr. Bethil's Grey Horfe, which got Mr. Bethil's Rasher, and several other Horses in very high Form; Sir Michael Wharton's Commoner was got by Mr. Croft's Commoner, out of the Dam of Sir Michael Wharton's famous Mare, called, Creeping Molly. This Horse will Leap at a. Guinea a Mare and a Shilling to the Servant,. To Leap this Season, at Grimstone, near Tad- caster, in Yorkshire, AGrey Horse, call'd GAULHAM, at a Guinea a Mare and one Shilling the Man : He was purchas'd from John Vernon, of Clintise near Dublin, Esq; for the In- terest of the Gentlemen Breeders in Yorkshire he was got by the Duke of Bolton's Starling, his Dam by the Duke of De- vonshire's Childers, his Grand- Dam was the Duke of Rutland's Ebony Mare. There is an extraordinary Mixture of Blood in this Horse's Veins, with large Bones, true Symetry and like- wise fire in has eyes. He would have been sooner m the . North, but was engag'd at serve Mr. Dutton's Mares at Sher- borne in Gloucestershinre, which are a Collection of the better Kind of Blood than most Breeders . in England are Masters of. To Leap at the same Place, at Fifteen Shillings a Mare and a Shilling the Man, The Bay Horse call'd RAMPER ; he was got by Old Crab, his Dam by Counsellor, Sister to Thunderbolt; he won the Five Year old Plates at Nottingham and Oxford, displaced his Sinews in running for the Six Year Old Plate at Stamford, won several Fifties when an aged Horse, with a great Leg, and an extraordinary Match at Newmarket, against Mr. Croft's Ugly. Ramper is judg'd, from his fine Size, with Purity of Blood and exceeding Beauty to be one of the finest Horses in the Kingdom : This Son of Crab is free from Bone- Spavins, orany material Blemish whatsoever, whereas Bone- Spavins may be justly objected against in a Stallion, as they have been often of bad Consequence in Breeding. N. B. The best Grass for Mares, at Two Shillings a Week, in extensive Pasture and rich Land, CROMPTON and SPINNAGE give Notice, THAT they have now on Sale, at their Ware- house, the Bottom of St. James's Hay- Market, london, imported by the last Ships, sundry Bales of Turky and Mus- queta Carpets, of curious Patterns anil Colour, and of all Sizes. Likewise Wilton and Kidderminster Carpeting. With great Choice of dry and season'd floor- Cloths, painted in the Heighth of Summer, and brought from their Manufac- tory at Knightsbridge. Where Merchants for Exportation, Wholesale Dealers, & c. may be supply'd with any Quantities fit for immediate Use or Package. N. B. Old Floor- Cloths are taken in to be new painted. STOLEN on Saturday Night the 19th of May, 1750, from Burford in Wiltshire, two Miles from Salis- bury, a brown riding Gelding, upwards of i> Hands high, pretty tall upon his Legs, five Years old that Grass, with n0 White about him but a Star in the Forehead : He has a black Spot ( if not disguised about the Size of an Half Crown, near his Flank 0n the off Side; never nick'd, but carries his Tail well; is a little fourheaded. When a Colt he receiv'd an Hurt in the under Eve- lid of the near Eye, which is yet very visible. He is apt to amble a little 0n his first setting out to trot. Whoever shall bring the said Horse to Mr. Collins, Bookseller, in Salisbury, or give Nonce to him where the Horse is, so that he is had again, shall have five Guineas Reward. N. B. This Gelding is, from very strong Circumstances, supposed to be stolen by a thick- set Man, about five Feet five Inches high, and about 28 or 30 Years of Age, who went by the Name of Samuel Waller, and sometimes by that of Parson, from his putting on the Appearance of a Clergyman. He ge- nerally wore Boots, took a pretty deal of Snuff, and some- times was seen in Ruffles: Has been at Winchester in Hamp- shire, at Salisbury in Wiltshire, at Chard in Somersetshire, at little bye Alehouses in those places, but always said that he liv'd at Plymouth in Devonshire By his Speech he is judg'd to be a West Countryman. Whoever shall send Notice to the abovesaid Mr. Collins in Salisbury where the said Samuel Waller is, so that he is ap- prehended and examin'd before a Magistrate touching the above Felony, shall receive a Guinea Reward and Thanks. N. B. The Hand writing of the said Waller is to be seen at the Printing- Office in Salisbury. To be SOLD by HAND, At the Hen and Chickens in Great Queen- Street, near Lincoln's- lnn- Fields, on Thursdaythe 18th Instant, and the following Days, THE genuine Stock in Trade of Mr. Peter Hasert, Cabinet and Looking- Glass- maker ; also the Materials for grinding and silvering Looking- Glass, and the Benches and Tools tor Cabinet- makers. All will be sold cheap, he leaving off Trade. The Houshold Goods will also be sold. be SOLD, THE Manor of East Deane, within six Miles of Chichester, in the County of Sussex, containing thirteen Miles in Circumference ; having great Quantities of young Oaks, Ashes and Beech, growing on the Commons and Wastes thereof. The Copyholds ( being Estates of Inheritance and the Fines arbitrary) are computed at 323 1. ir s. per Annum, and the Quit- Rents at 171. 16 s. 7 d. per Annum. Also the Annual Rents of two Copyhold Estates upon Lives, at xol. J Per Annum. Also the Manor Farm, whereon is a good Farm House and other convenient Offices and Buildings, and Common of Pas- ture for a large Number of Sheep, now lett at 1101. a Year. The Tenant pays one Third of the King's Tax, his Lease expires at Michaelmas 1773, and the Rent is capable of being consider- ably advanced. Also a small Farm call'd Glover's Farm, now lett at 1. a Year in Charleron Parish, contiguous to the Manor Farm. Also six several inclosed Coppices, containing about 630 Acres, Parcel of the Man or, wherein are growing Oak Timber and a large Number of tellows ; all in the Parish of East- Dean, and in Charleten aforesaid. Note, The Profit of the extensive Waste is considerable, the Timber Tellows and Underwoods growing thereon, and in the respective Coppices and Commons, are very improveable, and the Manor is a Receptacle for and abounds in all Sorts of Game. Particulars of the said Manor and Estate may be had of Mr. Gascoigne, at No. 7, Clement's Inn, London ; or of Mr. Tutte at Chichester. To be SOLD, At Mr. TROUGHTON's, Wine- Merchant, in Brook Street, near David- Street, by Grosvenor- Square, GUERNSEY, commonly call'd Southampton Ports, at 18s. a Dozen; Methuen Wine, little inferior to the best Burgundy, at 18s. a Dozen ; Red and White Streights Wine, at 14s. a Dozen ; and other Wines at the lowest Prices, for ready Money only sent to any Part of the Town without Expence to the Buyer. The Bottles to be directly paid for at is. 6d. a Dozen ; the Money to be repaid upon their being return'd. At the same Place may likewise be had, for Mr. Troughton of Fareham, extraordinary fine pale Hampshire strong Beer, at 3 1- 18s. a Hogshead, and 6 s. 6d. a Dozen, in any Quantity not iefs than three Dozen, Cask and Bottles included. Two' Shillings a Dozen paid for the Bottles when return'd. To be peremptorily SOLD, On thursday the 25th Instant, at the Crown and Rolls in Chancery Lane, London, between the hours of Four and Six in the afternoon, ( Together or in Parcels) THE several Freehold and Copyhold Estates late of Corbet Kynaston, Esq deceas'd, remaining unsold, situate at linslad, Soulbury and Leighton Buzzard, in the Counties of Bucks and Bedford, particularly a well built and convenient Mansion house, call'd LiNslAD- HALL, with a Dovecote stock'd with pigeons, Stables, Coach- house, Barns, Outbuildings, and Gardens thereto belonging ; together with several Farms near adjoining. Particulars whereof may be had of Mr. Coppinger, at his House in Carey- Street near Lincoln's Inn. Note, The Mansion- house and Premisses are within a Mile of Leighton, four of Wooburn, five of Dunstable, seven of Ailesbury, and forty of London, situate in a clean healthful Soil near the Church, and well supplied with Water, a small River running by the House, and the Gardens are well stock'd with Fruit Trees of different Sorts. To be SOLD, and entered on, immediately, Ready Furnish'd, and suitable for a Gentleman's Family^ ANew erected House, wiih four Rooms on a Floor, and very convenient Out- Offices, Gardens, & c, and eight computed Acrts of good Freehold Land, situate in Bur- ton in Lonsdale, within ten Miles of Lancaster. nine of Settle, and four of Kirkby Lonsdale, in the Neighbourhood of a plentiful Colliery, and in a fine Sporting Country, where any Gentleman may take his full Swing without Interruption : There is also 0n the Wednesday a Market for Meat in Burton, on Friday one at Bentham within a Mile of Burton, and on Saturdays and Mondays at Ingleton within tw o Miles of Burton. For further Particulars enquire of Trevor Barrett, of Bur- ton, Ewq; the Owner, Mr. Bayliffe of Kirkby Lonsdale, Mr.- Redmayne of Kendall, Uphoster, Mr. Guy of Ingleton, At- torney, or cf Mr. Overend of Settle. N. B. The place stands upon the River Greeta, and within three Miles of the fine River Lune, in both which there is- good Plenty of the best Fresh Water Fish. To be SOLD, ' At a Survey to be held for that Purpose on Monday the 6th Day ot May next, by Three o'clock in the Afternoon, - it the House of James Thorne, known by the Sign of the Crown, and lying in Wiveliscombe in the County of Somerfet; THE Fee simple and Inheritance of a Messuage and Lands call'd WAy and HILLAND, now lett to a good Tenant for a Term of Years at the improv'd Yearly rent of 44 1. Also of another Messuage and Lands, call'd BEER, adjoining and proper to be added therewith, and now also lett to the same Tenant for a Term of Years, at the Yearly Rene of 291. • The abovemention'd Premisses were the Lands of Mr. Ro- bert Talbot, lately deceas'd, and lying in Chipstable, about four Miles from Wiveliscombe, six from Wellington, and nine from Tiverton ; and there is now growing thereon a large Quantity of prosperous young Timber Trees. Enquire of Mr. Philip lane, Attorney at Law, in Crediton, Devon, for further Particulars. - _______ At Gerrard's Cross Heath in the County of Bucks, for the Term of three Years, AModern- built Brick House, with a good Kitchen, Kitchen Garden, and all convenient Out- houses, Coach- house and Stable for five Horses. If requir'd five Acres of Arable Land may be enter'd on at Michaelmas next, at a small advanced Rent. For other Particulars enquire at Mr. Perkins's in Clement's- Inn ; or Mr. William Langdon Wilkins at the Premisses. To be LETT, AGood well- built House at Hounslow in the County of Middlesex, near the Heath, late in the possession of General Wills, deceas'd, in which are several good Rooms- particularly a grand Dining Room, with exceeding fine Vaults, Coach- house, and a Six- Stall Stable; with large Gar- dens planted with all Sorts of the best Fruit; together with or without seven Acres of Pasture Land lying near the same. Enquire of Mr. Taylor, at his House at Helton near Houn- slow, or at his Chambers in Lyon's- Inn ; or of Mr. Purse, a Carpenter, at Hounslow. And enter'd on at May Day next, in Lincoln, AVery good capital Stone Mansion House, sash'd, and 111 very good Repair, with all requisite Offices-, as a large Coach- house, Stables for twelve Horses, brew- house, Laundry, Dovecote, Grainary, and all other Conveniences • Gardens well walled and planted with Fruit- Trees, an Or- chard with an adjoining Pafture, pleafantjy titnated and well suPplied with Water, a River adjoining to it ; the Whole CON- Sisting of above five Acres. As likewise a good Chariot with a Boot and a large Fore- Glass. En quire for further Particulars of Mr. Pearl, Attorney ac Law, in Lincoln. This Day is publish'd, With his MAJESTY's ROYAL LICENCE, In Two Volumes, Quarto, Price 11. 10s. neatly bound, rHE ELEMENTS of ALGEBRA, in Ten Books. By NICHOLAS SAUNDERSON, LL. D. Late Lucasian Professor of the Mathematicks in the University of Cambridge, and Fellow of the Royal Society To which is prefix'd, 1. The Life and Character of the Au- thor. 2. His palpable Arithmetick decyphar'd by Mr. Professor Colson. Printed for J. Whiston and B. White in Fleet- Street, and W. Thurlbourn at Cambridge. This Day is publish'd, Price is. 6d. • APlain Account of the OLD and New STILES In which their Difference is deduced from clear Princi- ples; and the Difficulties attending a perpetual Reformation of the CALENDAR, are shortly Stated and Resolved. In a Letter to a Member of pArliAMenT. Printed for A. Millar, opposite to Catherine- street in the Strand. This Day is publish'd, In Two Volumes in Twelves, Price bound 6 s. CONSTANTIA; or, A true Picture of Human Life, represented in Fifteen Evening Conver- sations. In the Manner 4 BOCCACE, To which is prefix'd, A short Discourse on Novel Writing. Printed for A. Millar, over against Katherine- Street in rhe Strand, To be publish'd by Subscription, by Mr. Scheemakers, THREE GROUPES, after the Antiques, via. the Paupirio, with his Mother ; a Groups of Cupid and Pysche ; and the other Salmacis and Hermaphroditus, in Plai- ster of Paris, measuring one Foot nine Inches in Heighth. The Price of the three Groupes is Five Guineas, Half to be paid on subscribing, and the rest on Delivery, which will be the Beginning of May. Subscriptions are taken in at his House in Vine- Street, Pic- cadilly, where the Casts are to be seen. In the PRESS, And on Thursday the 18th of this Month will be publish'd, ( Dedicated to SAMUEL FOOTE, Esq;) In two Pocket Volumes, most elegantly printed, MEMOIRS of a MAN of PLEASURE ; or, The Adventures of VERSORAND. Printed for T. Osborne in Gray's Inn. This Day is publish'd, Price i s. THE Out Lines of Thought, calculated for English Capacities to improve on , or, An Essay on Gratitude. In a Letter from an Irish to an English Gentle- man Templar. Arising from former Disputes, Printed for C. Cosshee in Fleet- Street.. This Day is publish'd, Price 6 d. In QUARTO, THE Earl of Macclesfield's SPEECH in the House of Peers, on Monday the 18th Day of March 1750, at the second Reading of the Bill for regulating the Commencement of the Year, & c. Printed for C. Davis, Printer to the Royal Society, oppo- site Gray's- Inn Gate in Holbourn ; and M. Cooper, in Pater- noster Row. N. B. This Speech is enter'd in the Hall Book ; and who- ever offers to print it will be prosecuted. B. BARON having lately made two Whole . length Drawings of their Royal Highnesses the late Prince of WALES, and the Princess of WALES, from the Original Paintings of Vanloo, in the Possession of the Right Hon. the Earl of Bath ; proposes to engrave and publish them by Subscription, at the Price of One Guinea , Half to be paid down at the Time of subscribing, the other upon Delivery of the two Prints; which he hopes 10 finish by lady- day next, in case he meets with such Encouragement as to be able to be- gin upon them by the first of June. The Drawings may be seen at his House in Panton- Square, Piccadilly, where Subscriptions are taken in. This Day is publish'd, Two NEW EDITIONS, both in Twelves, viz. One in the ordinary Twelves Size, the other in a smaller, printed on a five Writing Paper and Elevir Letter, Price of each 5 s. bound, of THE COMPLAINT: or, Night Thoughts 0n Life, Death, and immortality. To which is added, A paraphrase on the Book of Job. Sunt lachryma rerum, mentem mortali tanguni: Virg. Printed tor A. Millar in the Strand ; and R. Dodsley 111 Pall- Mall. Where may be had, in 8vo. An Edition of the same Work. Price J s. bound. This Day is publish'd, ( Price 3S. sew'd in Boards') AN ENQUIRY concerning VIRTUE and HAPPINESS. In a LETTER to a Friend. With a large Introductory Preface by the Editor. ' It must needs be a great deal less dangerous to be in an Error, where there is diligent Enquiry after the Truth, than to err, and neglect such Enquiry.' Anonym. Apopheth. Printed for J. Whiston and B. White, in Fleet- Street; and sold by Mess. Thurlbourn and Merrill, at Cambridge," and J. Fletcher, at Oxford. Inthe PRESS, And on the 1st of May will be publish'd, and not sooner, as was intended, AGeneral History of Plants, containing the Cha- racters, Descriptions, Virtues and Uses of the Trees and Plants of the known World, with a great Number of figures elegantly engrav'd. Being the Second Volume of a General Natural History. By JOHN HILL, M. D. Printed for T. Osborne in Gray's- Inn. Where may be had, by the same Author, The History 0f the Fossils. N. B. There are a small Number printed, for the Curious, on a large Paper, and the Cuts colour'd under the Direction of the Author. No more will be colour'd than are bespoke. Those that would be pleased to have them are desir'd to give Notice in Time to T. Osborne. This Day is publish'd, Price 1 s. ADispassionate Remonstrance of the Nature and Tendency of the Laws now in Force for the Reduction of Interest; and the Consequences that must inevitably flow from them, if continued in their present Form: With a pro- posal for universal and immediate Redress, by alleviating the Burthen of the People in general, compleating at once the Re- duction proposed, reinstating the Parliament' in its Power of Redemption, giving better Satisfaction to the publick Credi- tors, and providing more effectually for the Support of the Crown. Humbly address'd to the Commons of Great Britain in Parliament assembled. Printed fox J. Robinson, at the Golden Lion in Ludgate- Street In a few Days will be publish'd, For the Use of SCHOOLS, A NEW EDITION of THE OEconomy of Human Life. In French and English. The French Translation made at the Com- mand of his most Serene Highness the Prince of Orange, for the Use of his Daughter the Princess Caroline. By Mons. De la Douespe, her Highness's Preceptor. Printed for R. Dodsley in Pallmall. This Day is publish'd, Price is. 6 d. THE Scripture Meaning of ALEIM andBERiTH, justified against the Exceptions of Dr. Sharp. In his two Dissertations concerning ElOHIM and BERITH. By JULIUS BATE, M. A. Printed for E. Withers, at the Seven Stars near the Inner Temple Gate in Fleet Street. Where may be had, by the same Author, Price 2 s. 6 d. An Answer to the Objections of Mr. Berrington. This Day are publish'd, TWenty- one PRINTS of the Antiquities ef Athens, Monnt Aetna in Sicily, and Pompey's Pillar at Alexandria. The Price of the Whole is Two Guineas. Mount aEtna may be had separate from the others for four Shillings. These Prints are engrav'd with the greatest Accuracy from Drawings taken upon the Spot, by Mr. Richard Dalton, in a Voyage to the Levant, A. D. 1749; 1750. They are to be had at Mr. Dalton's Lodging, at the Lamb in King- Street, Covent- Garden; and at Mrs. Griffin's, Print- seller in Fleet- Street. At the same Places may be had, The Twenty Antique Statues at Rome and Florence, after Drawings taken by Mr. Dalton, and publish'd some time since, Price a i, 10 s. This Day are publish'd, TWELVE Original Views of Venice, after the celebrated Paintings of Canaletti, engrav'd under the Directions of Mr. Baudin, and now sold for Twelve Shil- lings, the Price before having been always two Guineas. Sold by John Boydel, Engraver, ( who has purchas'd the Plates of Mr. Baudin) at the Globe near Durham- Yard in the Strand. This Day is publish'd, No. III. of THE Historical List of HORSE RACES,.& c. for the Year 1751 to be continued annually on every other Tuesday during the Sporting Season, and at the Expira- tion thereof reprinted in a Book ; the Price of the Whole Half a Guinea a Year. Any Noblemen, Gentlemen or others, who have not already favour'd me with their Commands, and who chuse to become Subscribers, shall have their Orders punctually comply'd with, by directing to any of the follow- ing Places, viz. Mr. David Smith's, in Collier- Gate, York. Mr. Robert Norris's, in Beverly, v , n - Mr. Lord, Bookseller, in Wakefield, Mr. Barr's, at the Castle in Winchester, or to Their most oblig'd, and Obedient humble Servant, REGINALD HEBER, in Cold- Bath Square, London. Where may be had, Calculations for Cocking, 0n Copper- Plate, Price 1 s. This Day is publish'd, Price is. 6 d. The Twelfth Edition, corrected, with large Addition', of THE Compleat PARISH OFFICER. CONTAINING, I. The Authority and Duty of High Constables, Petty Constables, Headboronghs and Tithingmen, in every Branch of their Duties, & c. II. Of Churchwardens, how chosen; their Business in Re- pairing of Churches, & c, also of Sidesmen, and their Duty ; and vestrymen, & c. III. Of Overseers of the Poor, and their Office ; their Power in Relieving, Employing and Settling, & c. of poor Persons. IV. OF Surveyors of the Highways and Scavengers, how elected, their Business in amending the Ways, & c. Together with the Statutes relating to Hackney Coaches and Chairs, Watermen, & c. By G. JACOB, Gent. Author of The New Law Dictionary. To which is added, The Office of Constables, written by Sir FRANCIS BACON, Knt, in the Year 1610. Printed for S. Birt at the Bible and Ball; and B. Dod at the Bible and Key, both in Ave- Mary- Lane ; and J. Hodges over against St. Magnus Church on London- Bridge. On Thursday next will be publish'd, Beautifully printed in 8w. Price bound J s. ESSAYS on the Characteristicks of the Earl of SHAFTESBURY. 1. On Ridicule consider'd as a Test of Truth. 2. On the Obligations to Virtue, and the Necessity of re- ligious Principles. ' . 3. On Reveal'd Religion and Christianity. JOHN BROWN, M. A Toy Printed for C. Davis, opposite Gray's Inn Gate in HOLbourn ; L. Davis, at Lord Bacon's Head in Fleet- Street; W. Thurbourn at Cambridge; and J. Fletcher at Oxford. This Day is publish'd, SAcrorum Evangeliorum Versio Gothica, ex Codice Argenteo emendata atque suppleta ; cum Interpretatione Latina, et Annotationilais ERICI BENZELII, N0N ita pri- dem Archiepiscopi Upsalensis. Edidir, Observationes suas ad- jecit, et Grammaticam Gothicam praemisit, EDWARDus LyE, A. M. Oxford printed, and to be had of Mr. Wood and Mr. Thompson, in Oxford ; Mr. Dod, at the Bible and Key in Ave Mary Lane and Mr. Reeve, at Shakespear's Head in Fleet- Street, London. Price stitch'd 17s. Of the same persons may be had also, FR. JUNII Etymologicum Anglicanum, lately publish'd, w ith large Additions, by Mr. LyE. This Day is publish'd, Price 4 s. bound, In one large Volume Octavo, ANew Treatise on British and Foreign Vegetables, which are now constantly used in the practice of Phy- sick ; with an exact Description of them, their Virtues and various EffeCts 0n human Bodies, and the several Diseases they are peculiarly useful to remove or prevent. Being an Improve- ment upon rhe Materia Medico, of the celebrated Steph. Fran. Geoffroy, M. D. and made generally useful both to private Families as well as to Physicians, Surgeons, Chymists and Apothecaries, With complete Indexes of the English and latin Names. Printed for W, Owen, at Homer's Head near Temple- Bar. On Friday next will be publish'd, Price 6d. AN ELEGY on the Death of his Royal Highness the PRINCE of WALES. By WILLIAM DODD, B. A. of Clare Hall, Cambridge. Printed for B. Dod, at the Bible and Key in Ave- Mary- Lane, near Stationers- Hall, This Day is publish'd, Price l s. ALexindri Festum, sive vis Musicas Ode, quam numeris solutis cecinit, & St. Caeciliae dicavit Johannes Dryden Poetarum Princeps, & quam paululum immutavir, sive emendavit Johannes Hughes Poeta Lyricus, celeber rimus, Latine reddita. — Numeris que fertur Lege solutis. HOR. Oxonii Impensis Jacobi Fletcher Bibliopolae ; prostant apud J. & J. Rivington, Londini, This Day is publish'd, Beautifully printed on a fine writing Paper, in Quarto, ACritical Dissertation on the BOOK of JOB. Wherein the Account given of that Book by the Author of The Divine Legation of Moses demonstrated, & c. is particu- larly considered; the Antiquity of the Book vindicated; the great Text ( Chap. xix. 25-. ) explained; and a future State shewn to have been the popular Belief of the antient jews or Hebrews. By CHARLES PETERS, A M, Rector of St. Mabyn, Cornwall London, Printed for rhe Author; and sold by S. Birt, in Ave- Mary- Lane; and C. Bathurst, by St. Dunstan's Church, in Fleet street; J. Fletcher, in Oxon; W. Thurlbourn, in Cambridge; and E. Score jun. in. Exeter. This Day are publish'd, Price 2 s. 6cl. OBservations on the past Growth and present State of ihe City of London. To which are annex'd, a com- plete Table of the Christnings and Burials within this City, from 16o1 to 1750, both Years inclusive ; together with a Table of the Numbers which have annually died of each Disease from 1677 to the present Time; and also a further Table representing the respective Numbers which have annu- ally died of each Age from 1728 to this Year ; from which is particularly attempted to be shewn the increasing DestruCtion of Infants and Adults in this City ; and consequent thereto, the excessive Drain which it continually makes upon all the Provinces of this Kingdom for Recruits; to which are added, some Proposals for a better Regulation of the Police of this Metropolis. By the AUTHOR of a Letter from a BYSTANDER. Printed by H. Woodfall in Pater- noster Row ; and sold by H. Whitridge at the Royal Exchange, and G. Woodfall at Charing- Cross. This Day is publish'd, In One Volume Folio, printed on a Writing Paper, with a Head of the Author, finely engraved by RAVENET, MEMOIRS of EDMUND LUDLOW, ESQ Lieutenant General of the Horse, Commander in Chief of the Forces in Ireland, one of the Council of State, and a Member of Parliament, which begun on Nov. 3, 1640. With a ColleCtion of Original Papers, serving to confirm and illus- trate many important Passages contain'd in the Memoirs. To which is now first added, The Case of King Charles I. With a copious Index. There a few printed 0n a superfine Royal Paper. Printed for A. Millar in the Strand, D. Browne without Temple- Bar, and J. Ward in Cornhill. Both Papers are printed 0n the same Size with the Works of Bacon, Boyle, Harrington, Milton, Sidney, and N. Bacon, on Government ; that the Purchasers of those noble and use- ful Writers may have Ludlow in the same Size. This Day is MR. ROLLINs ROMAN HISTORY, from the Foundation of Rome to the End of the Com- monwealth, in 16 Volumes in OCtaVo. Printed for J. and P. Knapton in Ludgate- Street, Where may be had, Any of the Volumes of Mr. Rollin's Roman History to com- plete Gentlemens Sets. Also Mr. Rollin's antient History, in 12 Pocket Volumes. A Set of Maps of antient Geography, by Mr. D'Anville, Geographer to the King of France, design'd for the Explana- tion of Mr. Rollin's antient History. Mr. Rollin's Arts and Sciences, 111 4 Vols, 8vo, Mr, Rollin's Quintilian, 8vo. This Day is publish'd, Elegantly printed on a superfine Paper in Octavo, with the Titles neatly engrav'd, two Vols. sew'd in one, Price 3 s. THE SIEGE of CALAIS. An historical Novel. Translated from the French by an eminent Hand. Printed for R. Wilson, Bookseller to his Royal Highness the Duke, in Pall- Mall; and sold by J. Brindley in New Bond- Street; J. Jolliffe in Sr. James's Street; R. Dodsley in Pall- Mall; G. Woodfall, and Mrs. Winbush, at Charing- Cross; D. Wilson in the Strand ; J. Ware on Ludgate- Hill; J. Robin- son in Ludgate- Street ; C. Hitch, R. Baldwin, and M. Cooper, in Pater- noster Row ; R. Griffiths, and J. Hinton, in St. Paul's Church- Yard ; F. Stamper in Pope's Head- Alley, Corn- hill ; J. Hodges 011 London- Bridge ; Mr. Leak at Bath ; and Mr. Hildyard at York. This Day is publish'd, Price 1 s. 6 d, or 1 y s. per Dozen to those who give them away, Very useful for all Persons, Ihe TWELFTH EDITION, corrected and much enlarg'd, of THE PIOUS COUNTRY PARISHIONER instruCted how to spend every Day through the whole Course of his Life in a religious and acceptable Manner. Ad- vice how to keep the Lord's Day holy. A Course of reading the Holy Scriptures; wherein is shewn how much they out- do in Eloquence all the Rules of human Art. A right Method 6f Education ; the ill Consequence of witholding Instructions from Children ; how to subdue their Passions, and make them a Comfort to their Friends, and a Blessing to the World. The Feasts and Fasts. To which are added, Collects 0n several Occasions. Alfo a Diilcourfe concerning the in- ispensible, though in Country parishes much negleCted , Duty of receiving the Blessed Sacriment of the lord Supper. Wherein the Nature of it is described, the Obliga- tion of frequenting it enforced, all the Excuses usually I n for the Neglect of it answer'd, and the ignorant I1 taught what he must do to be a worthy Communicant, because all must die, Rules are given for a devout Beha in the Time of Sickness, and Directions laid down he prepare for a happy Change at Death, Printed for S. Birt, in Aye- mary Lane; and M, in Pater- noster Row. L O N D O N. From the Utrecht Gazette. London, April i j, N. S. ' I'his Day the Count de Riche- court, Envoy Extraordinary from their Imperial Ma- yesties, dispatch'd a Courier 10 Vienna, with the Result of the Conferences he has lately had with the Duke of Newcastle, which turn'd on divers important Objects, and in particular on the late Declaration of the Elector of Cologn. Those Conferences were also relative to the Election of a King of the Romans, and the amicable Methods fittest to be taken, in order to get over the Difficulties concerning the Form and Manner of pro- ceeding to that Election ; To. which had all the States of the Empire will be given to understand, That their Imperial Majesties in Conjunction with the King and other Members of the Germanick Body, never proposed to act otherwise than in the Manner and Form most agreeable to the fundamental Constitutions of Germany, and the Rights of the several Colleges of that illustrious Body ; and that they will constantly proceed on the same Principles in all ulterior Steps that may be taken by them in this AfFair. Mr. Onslow Burrish, his Ma- jesty's Minister at Ratisbon, has Orders to talk in this S. rain, both in publick and in private, on the Election of a King of the Romans, as also whenever this Affair shall be brought on the Carpet in the Electoral College. Yesterday being the Birth- Day of his Royal Highness the Duke of Cumberland, who then enter'd into the 31st Year of his Age, his Royal Highness had a great Levee at his Apartments at St. James's in the Morning, and at Noon his Majesty receiv'd the Compliments of the No- bility, on that Occasion. There was no Drawing- Room, nor Ball at Night. His Majesty has presented their Royal Highnesses Prince George and Prince Edward with four fine Horses out of the Mews at Charing cross. The King has been pleased to constitute and appoint his Grace ths Duke of Bedford, one of his Majesty's Principal Secretaries of State, to be Lord Lieutenant and Custos Rotulorum of the County of Devon, and of the City of Exeter and County of the same, in the room of the Earl of Orford, deceas'd. Last Sunday Dr. Lee kiss'd his Majesty's and her Royal Highness the Princess of Wales's Hand, on his be- ing appointed Treasurer of the Houshold to her Royal Highness. As did likewise James Cresset, Esq; on his being ap- pointed Secretary to her Royal Highness, in the room of Thomas Potter, Esq; who has resign'd, James Shaw, Esq; is appointed Deputy- Ranger of. Richmond- Park, under her Royal Highness the Princess Amelia. And Mr. Philip Hughes is appointed a Page to her Royal Highness in the room of James Shaw, Esq; The lords, of the Admiralty have appointed Captain Hutchenson Commander of the Torrington Man of War, of forty Guns ; Capt. Pye Commander of the Gos- port, of forty Guns ; and Capt. Crosby Commander of the Santloe, or twenty Guus; which Men of War are to join Commodore Edgecumbe's Squadron, in order to sail to the Mediterranean, and relieve Commodore Keppel. Last Wednesday the Hon. Bulkeley Coventry, Esq; was elected Knight of the Shire for Worcestershire, in the room of his Brother, now Earl of Coventry. On Saturday died . Mr. John Jenkinson, an eminent Soapboiler in East Smithfield. On Sunday died, at East Ham in Essex, Mr. John Cleever, an eminent Wine- Merchant in Tower- Sireet. - \ Dispensation has pass'd the Great Seal to enable the Rev. Edward Dicey, M. A. Chaplain to the Right Hon. the Earl of Sussex, to hold the Rectory of Made- well, in the County of Southampton and Diocese of Peterborough, together with the. Rectory of Walton, m the County of Berks and Diocese of Lincoln. Ccnclusion of Newmarket Races: On Friday last the following five Years old Mares started for me Prince's Purse of 1oo Guineas, Weight ten Stone. The Odds at starting were Seven to Four on the Field against Mr. Duncombe, and Five to Two but Mr. Hales's Mare won. The same Day a Match for Fifty Guineas, ( play or pay) was run between Lord March's Chesnut Gelding, , nd Capt. Vernon's Chesnut Horse, ( late Mr. Martin- dale's Hector) which was won with Ease by Captain Vernon : The Match was rode by the Owners. The Match between the Duke of Devonshire and Lord Gower was not run. On Saturday last the following five Years old Horses started for the Subscription purse, Weight ten- Stone, Mr. Robinson's Sampson, got by ' Lord Portmore's Black horse, Oroonoko, got by Crab Mr. Panton's Bay Horse, Drudge, got by Crab Lord Gower's Bay Horse Squirrel, got by a Son ofthe Godolpin Arabian. — The first Heat was a long Time very severely disputed to the rising Ground at running up 10 the Ending Post between Sampson and Squirrel; when the superior Strength of Sampson prevail'd, to the great Joy of the Yorkshire Gentlemen, who had vast Sums depending on him. Lord Portmore's Horse did not take the Rest, but ran kindly, and was easily beat the second Heat. The Odds at Starting were Gold to Silver on Sampson, and after the first Heat the Betts were even on the Field against him, owing to Mr. Panton's Horse not having run for the first Heat, who was expected to make a better Figure than he did He was sold before Starting to Sir John Phillips for JJO Guineas. We hear that a certain Person in the Sporting way has been- excluded from being concerned in subscribing to Plates at . Newmarket on any future Occasions; and that the Noblemen at the late Meeting there, ( where his flagrant and notorious Behaviour was exceedingly con- spicuous) have all agreed to prevent his wicked Designs at every Horse Race & c. where they have Influence. Private Letters by Yesterday's French Mail bring Ad- vice, that the Great Mogul's Troops have actually made themselves Masters of Pondicherry. Letters from Armenian Merchants in Persia, to their Correspondents in Poland, give a most deplorable Ac- count of the Situation of Affairs in that distracted Kingdom. The great and magnificent City of Ispahan now makes a dismal Figure, some Streets being depopu- lated, and others reduced to Heaps of Rubbish. As the Kingdom is divided between two Rivals, Shah Doub and Shah Noub, and that whoever is Master of the Ca- pital is not able to secure it on every Side against the Attacks of his Adversary ( the City being twelve Miles in Circumference) the wretched Inhabitants are alter- nately exposed to the Pillage of both Parties, as one or the other gains the Ascendant. According to these Let- ters, scarcely a Week passes without some Palace at Ispahan being plunder'd, burnt or demolish'd. The stately Buildings with which Shah Abbas the Great bad embellish'd that Metropolis, are quite defaced by the horrid Devastations made by the Soldiers. Shah Doub had prevailed with his Men to spare the antient Pleasure Palace of Shah Abbas, call'd Tschargab, which the Persians look'd upon as a Miracle of Art: But Shah Noub having gained a little Advantage, which enabled him to draw near the City, he abandon'd that Palace to the Fury and Rapaciousness of his Soldiers, who tho- roughly plunder'd it, and then left not one Stone upon another. All the Arts and Sciences which had flourish'd in Persia ' till the Reign of the unfortunate Shah Hussein, either languish, or are totally stagnated: No Art nor Business can be safely followed, but such as are needful in the Armies, ur serve to supply the Luxury of the Camps. Every Thing bends to the capricious Will of the Soldiers, who rule the Nation with a Rod of Iron. The People hope for no Deliverance, except from some sudden Revolution, which, in destroying the contend- ing Parties, might bring the Kingdom under the Yoke of some neighbouring Power. But such a Revolution does not seem to be at Hand, because the Powers in Asia bordering on Persia have an Interest in the Con- tinuance of the Civil War, which leaves that Kingdom a Prey to itself, and hinders it from hatching Designs against any of its Neighbours. According to some Advices from Turky, by the Way of Vienna, the Hostilities that have lately happen'd be- tween the Crim Tartars and the Russian Cossacks, have been occasion'd by Smuggling; a Practice which both Parties seem resolv'd to support in Despight of each other. - Any Cause or Motive, but the true one, will pass Muster there. By Letters ftom Copenhagen we find, that the Danes are beginning to rival this Nation in the Crime of Sui- cide, no less than five in one Week having dispatch'd , two cutting their own Throats and three drowning themselves ; but in order to deter others from copying such Examples of execrable He- roism, the Government order'd their Bodies to be car- ried out of Town in Carts, attended by one of the Exe- cutioner's Servants, and buried under the Gallows, The poor. Wretches could not have the benefit of a Verdict of Lunacy, because there are no Juries in that Country ; but whether their Goods and chattels are forfeited to the Crown, does not appear by this Account. Letters from Paris say, that a Negotiation is on the Tapis between the French Court and the Elector of Co- logne that his Most Christian Majesty offers to account with his Electoral Highness for the Arrears of a Subsidy due by a former Trea',, and to conclude a new one, by virtue of which he will engage to pay . the Elector a Sub- sidy of 2.70,000 German Florins during four Years, i. e. about 40,000!. Sterling Annually; in Considera- tion of which his Electoral Highness is to maintain a Body of 6000 of his Troops in Lower Alsace, to be at the Disposal of France and her Allies. They also talk of some secret Articles in this new Treaty, but will not give us any Light into them on account of their being secret. Last Friday Morning the Worcester Stage Coach was robb'd by a single Highwayman, who next Day robb'd two Ladies in a Post Chaise near Staines, but being soon after observ'd to go into the Swan Inn at Staines, he was there taken. On Friday Night last as the Right Hon. Stephen Fox, Esq; Secretary of War, and his Lady, were returning to Holland House beyond Kensington, they were stopp'd in their Chariot near Hyde Park, and robb'd by a single Highwayman, who made clear off- with his Booty. The following Persons have been committed by William Hammond, Esq; to the New- Gaol, South- wark, viz. Joseph White, charg'd with committing divers Rob- beries on the River Thames. John Phillips, charg'd on the Oath of John Ford, with stealing four Dozen of Glass bottles, the Property of Mr. Gerard Vanhorn, in the Parish of St. Saviour, Southwark. Samuel Dodd, charg'd with buying and receiving the said Glass Bottles, knowing them to be stolen. BANKRUPT Charles Stinson, of the City of Bristol, Dealer and Chapman. This day Bank Stock was 139 38ths. India Stock 188. South Sea Stock 112 5 8ths. Ditto Old Annuities, 1st Sub. no Pirce, Ditto 2d Sub. n0 Price, Ditto New, 1st Sub. 103 Fenchurch Street, April 16, 1751. To the worthy liverymen of the City of London, GENTLEMEN, SIR JOhN BOSWORTH having this Day desir'd to resign the Office of CHAMBERlAIN of this honour- able City, 0n Account of his ill Stare of Health, your Vote, Interest, and Poll ( if needful) are desir'd for Deputy THOMAS HARRISON, CITizEn and HABERDASHER, To succeed him, he being a Person well affected to his Ma-, jesty King GEORGE, and our happy Constitution in Church and State and a zealous Asserter of the Rights and Privi- leges of his Fellow Citizens. To the Gentlemen, Clergy and Freeholders of the County of Southampton. MY Brother's Seat in Parliament being vacated by his DeceaSE, I take the Liberty to offer MySelf a CandidaTE for the County in his room ; give me Leave therefore, Gentle- men, to apply to yoU for your Votes and IntereST in thiS publick Manner, and to aSSure you, that if I am So happy as to meet with your Approbation I SHall make it my conSTant Endea- vour to diScharge my Duty, aNd approve mySelf on all OccaSIonsx Your moST obliged and obedient, HuMBle Servant, ALEXANDER THISTLETHWAYTE. As a perSOnal application is impracticable, it is hoped Gentle- men will be so good as to excuse it. To the Gentlemen, Clergy, and Freehoiders of the County of Southampton. GENTLEMEN, / Should not have declared my Intentions of offering myself at a Candidate, ' till they had met with your approbation at a General Meeting, where shall still submit, with the greatest Readiness, to your Determination; but as another Person has already apply'd to you, I beg Leave to offer my Services, and humbly intreat the Favour of your Votes and Interest on the pre- sent Vacancy in the County. I am, Gentlemen, Your most obedient, and Most humble Servant, HANS STANLEY. I hope you will, from the Shortness of the time, excuse a personal Application. HIS Grace the Duke of Bolton desires the Gentlemen, Clergy and Freeholders of the County of Southampton to meet at the Star and Garter in Pall- Mall, on Thursday the 18th Instant, at Five 0' Clock in the Afternoon, to consider of a proper Person to represent that County in the room of Francis, Whitehead, Esq deceas'd. London, Mercers Hall, April 11, 1751. rHE Society of the Free British Fishery do hereby give Notice, to all Masters, Mates, Coopers, and Seamen, who have serv'd in the Foreign or British White- Herring Fishery and who may be inclined to serve the said Society, in their Busses now building and fitting out for the ensuing Fishing Season, that they will find all suitable Encourage- ment, by applying, the Beginning of next Month, to their Se- cretary at this Place ; with Certificates of their Sobriety, In- dustry and Capacity for that Service. Or, in case such Per- sons live at a considerable Distance from London, they may make their Application, in Writing-, and inclose their Certi- ficates, directed to the Secretary, as above. by Order of the Council, JOHN LOCkMAN, Sec. This Day at Three 0' Clock was publish'd Price 6 d. Dedicated to his Royal Highness Prince GEORge, ASolemn DIRGE on the Death of the Prince of WAlES, as it will be sung at the Spring- Gardens, Vaux- Hall, Tomorrow Morning, by Mr. Lowe, Miss Burchill and others. Written by Mr. SMART. The Musick compos'd by Mr. MORGAN. Printed for T. Carnan, at Mr. Newbery's, the Bible and Sun in St. Paul's Church- Yard. This Day is publish'd, Dedicated ( by Permission) to the Right Honourable the Countess of Middlesex, AMONODY to the Memory of his Royal High, ness FreDERick Prince ofWAlES. ' By W. KENRICK. I, Decus, I, Nostrum : melioribus utere Fatis. Virgil. Printed for F. stamper and, E. Downham in Pope's- Head Alley, Corn hill; J. Robinson in Ludgate Street; R. Wilson, Bookseller to his Royal Highness the Duke, in Pall- Mall and H. Constapel in Conduit- Street, Hanover- Square. This Day is publish'd, Price 1s. OF BENEVOLENCE. An Epistle to Eumenes. Printed for A. Millar opposite to Katherine Street in the Strand. This Day were publish'd, in Quarto, The Eighth and Ninth Volumes, illustrated with a great N:: mber of Copper- plates, which compleat the work, of THE PHILOSOPHICAL TRANSACTIONS, from the Year 1732, to the Year 1744, abridged, and disposed under general Heads; the Latin Papers being translated into English. By JOHN MARTYN, F. R. S. Professor of Botany in the University of Cambridge. Printed for W. Innys, T. Woodward, C. Davis, C. Hitch, T. Astley, R. Manby and H. S. Cox. LONDON Printed by J. MereS, in the Old Baily, where Advertisements are taken in.
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