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The Rev. Mr. Wilson's Account of the Behaviour, Confession, and Dying Words of James Cooper, Butcher, Who was Executed at Smitham-Bottom, near Croydon in Surry �


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The Rev. Mr. Wilson's Account of the Behaviour, Confession, and Dying Words of James Cooper, Butcher, Who was Executed at Smitham-Bottom, near Croydon in Surry �
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The Rev. Mr. Wilson's Account of the Behaviour, Confession, and Dying Words of James Cooper, Butcher, Who was Executed at Smitham-Bottom, near Croydon in Surry �

Date of Article: 01/08/1750
Printer / Publisher: J. Nicholson 
Address: Near Session House in Old Baily
Volume Number:     Issue Number: 
No Pages: 20
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THE y Rev. Mr. WILSON's ACCOUNT OF THE Behaviour, Confession, and Dying Words OF James Cooper, Butcher Who was ExecutEd at Smitham- Bottom near. in Surry, on Thursday, the 30th of August, 175o, for ROBBERY and MURDER, and now hangs in Chains on the Gibbet where he suffered. , ° . a _ Which is added an ACCOUNT of Jasper Vincent, Charles Lewis3 and John Roney, Who were Executed the same Day at Kennington- Common, for Rob- beries committed on the Highway. The Whole communicated to the Reverend Mr. WILLIAM WILSON, Lecturer of St, John, Southwark, who attended these Malefactors whilst they were under Sen- tence of Death in the New Gaol, Southwark. . L OND ON y . * • Printed for J. NICHOLSON near the Sessions- House in the Old- Baily and sold at all the Pamphlet Shops in London and Westminster, jiarii, • - ailduq . 1 sniddoi otitis amh'j Price SIX- PENCE. * J A True Account of the Four MALEFACTORS, & C. AT the Assizes heJd at Kingston- upon- Thames for the County of . Surry,, on the 9th of August, 1750, four Men were capitally convicted, and received Judgment of Death, viz* James Cooper, for Robbery and Murder, and Jasper Vincent, Charles Lewis, and John Roney, for Robberies on. the High- way. . A few Days after their Condemnation, I was sent for to visit them in the New Goal; they thank'd me for my Assistance, and appeared to be very Devout and Pe- nitent. I daily attended them, and gave them such Exhortations as were necessary for the future Welfare of their Souls and they all profess'd themselves unworthy. Members of the Church of England. Jasper Vincent and Charles Lewis, suf- Fered for robbing Mr. Honeychurch and Mr. Tonkin, in Horsly- down Fair- street, the 5th of last August, about Eleven $ Night. Lewis, tho' not 20 Years of Age, has been a very wicked Youth; he was born in Church- lane, Whitechapel of poor Parents, who are dead. He confess'd, that some Time ago,- he robb'd Wapping Church, and took out of the vestry a Velvet Communion Cloth, three Surplices,' about 14 Pounds in Money, and other. Things. He was transported for Felony, staid his Time out; and returned again to England, and getting acquainted with Vincent, they agreed to rob, and Were' - guilty of some Robberies, but none of any Consequence. He subsisted himself in putting off bad Money, and cheating People at Gambling, for which he hoped God would forgive him; for he thought that, was a greater Crime than robbing People publickly. Jasper Vincent, aged 28, was born in Mercer- Street, Covent- Garden, and tho' he had good Education at Boarding- school, he chose the Sea, and went a Voyage to Guinea; on his Return, he was bound Apprentice to Mr. Lee, of Cow- Lane, Coachmaker'i , but in less than seven Months he ran way from his Ma- ster, and went to the West- Indies; where he spent his Time, with Rogues as bad as himself, in stealing Negroes, plunder- ing Houses, and many other Villanies. n At Jamaica he was condemned to die for Felony, but, by the Intercession of a Lady, his Excellency, Governor Tre- lawny, pardoned him ; and then he came to England where he has been about two Years, and has committed only five Rob- beries He said, that he intended to leave Lon- don, after he and Lewis had done one Fact, which was as follows, viz. Both had agreed on the Day after they were taken to have gone to a Pawn broker's, opposite Guy's Hospital in Southwark, under Pretence of pawning a Watch,' and to have seized the Master of the House and his Wife, bind them, and taken all their Money, and all the valuable Moveables they could find, and then to have locked the Door after them. Vincent said, this was the last wicked Act he intended to Commit; and was de- termined to set out for Liverpoole, where '' he did not care to appear ' without Money, - - as he was respected and came from thence in Credit. Vincent and Lewis, with many Tears, lamented their wicked Lives, and unhap- py Fate, and begg'd of the Almighty, and those they had offended, to forgive them. A true C 3 ) The following is the.. Behaviour and Genuine Confession of JAMES COOPER, who was concerned with WILLIAM DUNCALF [ since dead) in shooting Robert Saxby, Servant to John How, of Barrow- Green in the County of Surry, Esq-, and giving him one mortal Wound in the Breast, of which he instantly died. JAMES COOPER, 42 Years of Age, was born of honest Parents at a Place called Lexton near Colchester ( or in Col- chester, he could not tell which) in the County of Essex. His Father was by Trade a Butcher, which Business he car- ried on at Lexton upwards of 40 Years with Reputation. No Care was ever taken ol his Education ; but as soon as he could well hold a Knife in his Hand, his Father put him on an Apron and a Steel, and instructed him in his own Business, in which he was very expert and foon be- came a Proficient therein , He continued with his Father ( behaving himself ex- tremely well) till he was twenty- two Years of Age, and then married a very honest sober Woman ; he stay'd with his Father about a Year after he married, and then settled in Business at Colchester; he carried on the Butchers Business, and also dealt very considerably in Hogs and other live Cattle, , and was- employ'd by Gra- ziers, & c. to act as Agent or Factor in buying or selling at the Fairs and Mar- kets, by which he got a deal of Money, and might have advanced himself greatly in the World by his Business,. had he been Master of his Pen, but he was quite Illi- terate. He carried on his Business in good Credit at Colchester about 13 Years. Se- veral Misfortunes and Losses happening he became unable to make Satisfaction to his Creditors, and being informed that Mrs. Sarah Pearson at Hill Farm near Layer- Cross, Dealer in live Cattle, whom he was indebted to on a Ballance about sixteen Pounds, had taken a Writ out against him, which occasioned him to withdraw from Business but being ar- rested at last, at her Suit for 28/. which he said was very unjustly, because she.. owed him at the same Time about 12/. for Meat and Business done for her as a Factor in buying and selling Beasts, there- fore she ought not to have arrested him for more than what was her just Due ; he bailed the Action to the Sheriff, and af- terwards he put in Bail above, and let Judgment go by Default, & c. Mr. Bacon a Grazier, to whom ha ow'd more Money then he did to all the rest of his Creditors, took great Pains to keep him in his Business ; and a Proposal was made to his Creditors, which was to leave ten Shillings every Week in the Hands of Mr. Lewis a Dealer in Tallow, & c. at Colchester, who also bought his Fat, and was his very good Friend ; and as soon as it amounted to twenty or thirty Pounds, it was to be divided among them,, and so on until their whole Debts were paid, and' all his Creditors agreed to this Proposal, except Mrs. Pearson, and one Mr. Francis Martin, who declared he. would accept of the Terms, provided Mrs. Pearson would, but she remained inflexi- ble. He declares that the Dilemma he was under, was in a great Measure owing. to her Obduracy; for upon her Non- com- pliance with the above Proposal he was - obliged to surrender in discharge of his Bail to the. Kings Bench about four Years ago, and remained a Prisoner within the Walls of the said Prison six Months. His Wife carried on the Butchers Business, and was very much encouraged by her Neighbours; she was very good to him, and sent him every Week a sufficient Maintenance she bought Wood and sent it up to Town to him, of which he made Scewers and sold them, but finding that she gave as much for the Wood as he sold the the Scewers for he left that Business off: His Wife, with the Assistance of her Friends at Colchester, got him the Li- berty of the Rules, for which he paid about six Pounds, but the Marshal dying soon after, another Gentleman was ap- pointed in his Place. Upon which he was sent to by him to come and execute another security Bond, and to pay three Pounds eight Shillings and Sixpence, as a Fee to the M , & c. This Cooper looked upon as a great Imposition, and would not comply with it : Being charg'd in Execution, he pursued the usual Me- thods and obtained two Shillinge and four Pence per Week, by Virtue of the Lords Act, which was paid him about a Year. He lived Journeyman with Mr. Holds- worth in the Mint, and also with Mr. Percival, a Butcher in Blackman Street, and afterwards he kept a Butcher's Shop in Mint Street, and Mr. Bacon ( who was always his very good Friend) sent him up Four- score fat Sheep at different Times and nine Hogs, and gave him Credit for the same ' till he had sold them : This was of infinite Service to him, and was ex- tremely kind of a Gentleman who was a considerable Looser by him already. He says he had a very good Wife, who took great Pains to support herself and the Children, and used her utmost Endea vours to preserve the Trade to the Shop, in Expectation of her gaining him his Li- berty, and his coming down to enjoy it, which he had a good Prospect of at that Time, there being an Act for Relief of Insolvent Debtors made, the Benefit of which he was justly entitled to ; and ac- cordingly he complied with the Tenure of the said Act, and appeared at the General Quarter Sessions of the Peace, held at Guildford in and tor the County of Surry, to claim the Benefit of the same; and notwithstanding he was in Execution, he was, to his great Surprize, struck out of the List of the Prisoners, by which Act. of the M ' s he was unjustly depriv'd of his Liberty. The M has since been obliged to pay his Plaintiff, the Debt he was charged with ; and a Gentleman of Furnival's- Inn advised him to sue the M for the Penalty inflicted upon Sheriffs, & c. who neglect or refuse to in- sert the Name of any Prisoner in his actu- al Custody, in the List of Prisoners deli- vered to the Justices, & c. which he de- clares he would have done, had he not been prevented by his precipitate Actions committed afterwards. Being frustrated in the pleasing Expectation of returning to his Family at Colchester, there being nothing that he had so great an Ardency for, and at the same Time receiving the melancholy News of the Death of the best of Wives, leaving behind her four help- less Infants, drove him into the utmost Despair, not knowing where to fly for Refuge, having neither Friends nor Mo- ney left, and four Infants to provide for, • which he was obliged to send for to Town. James Burrell ( the Evidence) who was a Soldier in the Guards, lived in great fa- miliarity with his Aunt near Chapel- Street, Tothil- fields Westminster, ( and at this Time at the same Place cohabited to- gether) being often upon Duty at the New Goal when the Rebels were in Con- finement there, they became intimately acquainted, and had frequent Opportuni- ties of conversing together. He commu- nicated his deplorable Circumstances to him, who condoled with him in his Mis- fortunes, and advised him to use unlawful Means to support his Family, and offered to accompany him therein he too readily came into his wicked Proposal, which has brought him to this ignominious End. He said severe things of his Aunt, and accused her of coming to him several times since his Confinement, and exclaiming a- gainst Burrell, on purpose to extort Words from < f from him, and has immediately gone and related the same to Burrell, and not with- out an Addition. About twelve Months ago he married a second Wife, who was a Widow, with four Children; so that this unfortunate Man has left behind him a dis- consolate Widow ( who has been extremely good to him in his Misfortunes) and eight Children ; and likewise a poor ancient Mo- ther who was always a very good and in- dulgent Parent) under inexpressible Grief at Colchester. His Behaviour before his Trial was very commendable, being very regular and so- ber all the Time, and did not appear to be addicted to the general Vices of this de - praved Age, particularly that detestable one of profaning the tremendous Name of our great Creator. He seemed to be far from being of a cruel Disposition, tho' one Day a Person came into the Goal, who, as he said , was the Man that for the Reward of three Shillings swore that he saw him out of the Liberties of the Rules of the King's Bench, which gave the M a Pretence to leave him out of his List of Prisoners, as before related : This he said was one of the Consequences of the many heinous Crimes that he had committed, and his Blood fomented at the very sight of him, and he throw'd a Pail of dirty wa- ter upon him, and got another for the same Purpose, which the Fellow oppos'd, and endeavoured to run his Head in his Face, which exasperated him so much, that he hit him two or three Blows over the Head with the bottom Part of the Pail, and fel- led him to the Ground, where he lay a considerable Time, as if he had been dead Mr. Jones, the Keeper, rebuked him very severely for this, and he expressed a good deal of Sorrow for what he had done, and told Mr. Jones that he had no Intention to use the Man ill, more than washing him well, for being instrumental to his destruc- tion, and hoped he was not much hurt. 5 He has always express'd a great Concern that so great a Villain as Burrell, who he said was as criminal as himself, should es- cape Justice, with Impunity. He said that they had often consulted together , and proposed to take the first Opportunity to murder their Companion Duncalf, who was looked on by them as a false- hearted Villain, and they were in great Fear he would take the first favourable Opportu- nity and surrender himself to Justice, and hang them both; and they had come to a Resolution to drown him in a certain Pond of Water, but he expressed himself to be much pleased that their wicked Design was not executed. And after the unhappy AF- fair for which he suffers, Burrell came to him, and importuned him to continue the wicked Course of Life, but he refused it with the greatest Detestation, telling him that he thought they had done too much Mischief already; and advised him to think no more about such Wickedness, that must inevitably ruin both Soul and Body in the End; and that he was fully resolved to leave that Course of Life, and endeavour to repent of what was past. At his Re- fusal to join with him in committing any more Villainies, he left him seemingly with, a deal of Dissatisfaction and Wrath , and that his Denial of being any longer con cerned in that wicked Course of Life, was the chief Instigation of his surrendering to Justice, he being taken immediately upon his Information : And he declared, that the Reason of his pleading guilty was to give the Court as little trouble as possible, being sensible that he very well merited Death and to prevent there being any Oc- casion for the Testimony of a Wretch who deserved condign Punishment as much as himself. He sincerely wished that Burrell's won- derful Escape from Justice, would make such an Impression on his Mind, as might bring him to a true Sense of his manifold Transgressions ( 6 ) Transgressions against God and his Neigh- bour, and particularly of that most heinous Sin of Murder; and that he might come to a speedy and sincere Repentance, and avoid his fatal Doom and Sentence. He was very open and ingenuous in his Confession to every one who came to him, to ask any Questions relating to Robberies that he had been concerned in, or had any Knowledge of, and was very ready to as- sist them in getting their Watches, & c. restored. He was greatly concerned about John Shelton's unhappy Fate, who he said died wrongfully, and acknowledged that he could not help loading himself with great Guilt for being ( in Consort with Duncalf) accessary in shedding his innocent Blood ; and solemnly declared, that if he had known that Skelton had been under Sentence of Death for robbing of William J n of Addington in the County of Surry, on Sa- turday Evening the ioth of February, in a Lane called Addiscom Lane, near Croy- don, he would appeared and declared the Truth concerning the same, had the Con- sequence thereof been ever so fatal to him, which would have been the Means of res- cuing an innocent Life from an ignomi- nious Death : And has often declared that J n deserved the greatest Punishment, for swearing falsly against Shelton ; and the Man that J n took for Shelton, must be William Duncalf, tho' as he was inform'd he had not the least resemblance of him in his Person, only Duncalf had on when the said Robbery was committed a linnen Frock and a black Scotch Bonnet, and J n declaring, when Shelton was first taken up, that one of the Persons that robbed him had on a Frock and a black rusty velvet Cap ; his Lodgings being searched immediately, there was found in a Sack such a Dress, which was a Frock and Cap, that Charles Skellett ( his Com- panion who was also taken up) usually wore when he was upon his Duty as Far- rier in a Troop of General Hawley's Dra- goons ; this Frock and Cap ( at the Re- quest of jackson, when they were before the Justice) Shelton put on ; and altho' the Frock did not come about his Waist to button by above eight Inches, and was so tight about the Shoulders and Arms, that he was like a Man pinion'd, he swore po- sitively to him. As this innocent Man, Shelton, had lost: his Life, and several other innocent Men's Lives have been in Jeopardy, for Facts committed by Duncalf, Burrell, and him- self ; he thought it a Duty incumbent up- on him to be very ingenuous in his Con- fession to prevent ( if possible) other inno- cent Persons from falling into the same Delimma. ' In relating the following Facts, he de- clared that he has kept as near the. Truth as his Memory would permit him for he never kept any Diary. Their general Cus- tom was to rob in the Evening, in Disguise, they carried a change of Dress for that Pur- pose ; and when they came to the Spot where they proposed to rob, they altered their Habit, and when they had commit- ted the Fact, they took the first Opportu- nity to alter their Dress again. He and Burrell committed several Rob- beries before they were acquainted with Duncalf; and the first Robbery they com- mitted was in the Evening between Clap- ham and Stockwell, and was as follows, viz. They overtook two Men on the Road and walked a considerable Way with them ; one had in his Hand a very large Clasp Knife with a long French Blade, which he declared he would stick into the Guts of the first Man that should attempt to rob him, and boasted much of his Man- hood and what great Feats he could do if he should then meet with a Thief. They all called at the White Swan on the Road and spent about three Pence a- piece,. and then went ( 7 ) ' went forward, and they had not got far before Cooper took an Opportunity to kick the Boaster's Heels up and disarm him, and then robb'd him and his Companions of about five or seven half Crowns, a Sil- ver Watch, and two or three Handker- chiefs ; two Men coming up at that very Instant mounted on Coach Horses with a lighted Link, the courageous Gentle- man attempted to call to them for Assist- ancer upon which Burrell hit him a violent Blow, in doing which his Pistol went off by Accident, and the Man fell down and lay as if he had been really shot. Cooper and Burrell committed several Robberies in Middlesex, particularly be- tween Hammersmith and Kensington ; they stopt one Evening a very little Gen- tleman who was very Rustical, & c. it be- ing not far from the Turnpike they were obliged to act very cautious for fear of alarming them; they took from him his Silver Shoe Buckles, and he believed his Knee Buckles also, and a Silk Handker- chief. They went another Evening to the same Place and fix'd themselves at the old Stand ( which was at the Corner of a Lane that leads down towards Chelsea or the Places adjacent; it was so near the Turn- pike that they could hear People talk very plain there, which made it very inconve- nient, but they could find no other Place that had so favourable a Retreat) They stopt a Man but he was so very trouble- some that they were obliged to let him go before they had made a thorough Rifle, and were forced to be contented with a few Shillings. Another Evening they stopt a Man be- tween Chelsea and Fulham, and took only a Wig from him, which was not their Fault, for they believed he had got a Sum of Money about him, for he made great Resistance and got away from them, they pursued him and hit him several Blows on the Head and kick'd up his Heels several Times, but fome People coming up they were obliged to fheer off without rifling him. Cooper said that Burrell was a Fel- low of great Timidity, and would run. away at the least Noiser by which they miss'd many a Prize. Cooper and Burrell on the Dulwich Road stopt Mr. James a Taylor and took from him nine Shillings, the Taylor alarm'd the adjacent Inhabitants and rais'd a Posse, who pursued them, but they got clear off. One Richard. Casting and Ri- chard Williams, ( two Soldiers) were taken up and try'd for this very Fact; the Tay- lor meeting with one of these Men in Westminster, charged him with being one of the Persons that robb'd him, and car- ried him before a Magistrate; he sent for his Comrade to come and justify his being with him the Evening the Robbery was committed, to carry some Linen or some such Business, to a Gentleman's House on- the Road near where the Robbery was committed; the poor Man came very- readily, and told his Story, which was a plausible one. It was very unfortunate for them that they happened to be out toge- ther that Evening on that Road ; for the Taylor was confirm'd in his Opinion that they were the Men that robb'd him,. so he charged them both on Suspicion, and they were committed to the Gatehouse, West- minster, removed from thence to New- gate, and then they were removed by a Habeas Corpus to the New Goal, South- wark, and were tried at the Summer As- sizes at Croydon in the County of Surry, and acquitted. If the Profecutor had been as perverse a Man as poor Shelton's Pro- secutor, in all Probability they would have suffered the same Fate; as it was, their Sufferings were very great,, and if Mr. James is a conscientious Man, and has A- bility, he will no doubt make the poor innocent Men some Recompense. Duncalf ' ( ) " Duncalf having been out one Summer Morning early to take a Walk three or four Miles round the Country ( which he accustom'd himself to do) on the Dulwich Road he obferved a Field of fine Green Peas, he communicated it to Cooper and Burrell, and proposed to go and gather some, accordingly they went one Saturday Evening, and whilst Duncalf was gather- ing Peas, his Consorts were looking out for a Prize, and between the Red Post and the Sign of the Half Moon, they met O J J with two Women, who had been at Lon- don to buy Provisions for their Families they stopt them and robb'd one of a Pair of Silver Buckles and about four or five Shillings in Money, the other made her Case very deplorable, and said she had five or six Children, and had only a few Half- pence which they did not take Bur- rell saluted the Woman that they robbed, and said, that she kiss'd so sweet, that he had a good mind to give her her Money . again. Another Evening on the same Road, near the Red Post, Cooper, Duncalf, and Burrell stopped a Farmer, who had been to London to sell some Lambs, as they supposed ; he was very rustick and spurr'd his Horse, in order to get from them, and - cried out with great Vehemency, Irish- men, Irishmen He received several severe Blows before they could unhorse him, and as he was so very obstinate, it was a great Mercy that he did not get more In- jury ; they . turned his Horse loose, and robbed him of about 39 s. and if some People, that met with the Farmer's Horse on the Road, had not come - up, they would have taken his Coat. The Coun- try was alarmed, and they were pursued by several People with Guns, Pitchforks, & c. and had they come with less Noise, they might have surprized them in committing the Fact; the Behaviour of the Pursuers gave them Reason to; believe , that they were afraid to attack them ; they went a- cross the Fields, and got safe to Lon- don. One Sunday Night, about half a Mile beyond Croydon, near a Place called Smitham Bottom, they attacked a Gentle- man on horseback, and when he first per- ceived their Intention, he let Spurs to his Horse and rid full at them, with an Intent to ride over them, on which Account they abused him very, much, and broke his Head in a terrible Manner ; they rob- bed him of six Guineas and a half, or se- ven and a half, a Silver Watch with his Name wrote at Length upon it, and his Hat and Wig. He took his Money out of his Fob and let it drop into his Breeches, which they perceived and took it out at his Breeches Knees, in doing which, two or three Guineas fell to the Ground, which they picked up afterwards, and because he gave them so much Trou- ble, they gave him several severe Blows extraordinary. Cooper appointed to meet Duncalf and Burrell one Evening on Farnborough Common, accordingly Cooper went there and waited for them a considerable Time, but they never came to him, and the Reason was, That they met a Parson near one of the great Oaks 0n Bromley Com- mon •, Duncalf seeing him at a Distance kneeled down in the Road, and the Par- son never saw him till he had got hold of his Horse's Bridle, then Burrell came to his Assistance, who had flood all the Time under the Oak Tree: They robbed him of about 38 s. and a Pinchbeck Watch, which they sold for two Guineas and a half. Two innocent Men were taken up and committed to the County Goal for Kent on Suspicion of committing this Robbery, and were tried for it at the Assizes at Maidstone, and the Prosecutor acting with more Tenderness than Shelton's Prosecutor, they were acquitted. It is very ( 9 ) very commendable to be cautious in Swearing, especially where Life is con- cerned for according to the old Adage, It is better that ninety nine guilty Per- sons should escape Justice, than one inno- cent Person should suffer. This same Evening on their Return to London, Duncalf and Burrell robbed a Man near Bromley Workhouse of about six or seven Shillings. Duncalf, Cooper, and Burrell went down to Farnborough Common in order to rob, and in the Evening they stopped a Woman upon a Horse they took the Woman from behind the Man, and desir'd her not to be frightened for they would do her no harm. They took from them a- bout 30 s. - and helped the Woman upon the Horse again, and kept their Station there for about an Hour, and hearing some People coming along the Road, they put themselves in Readiness to attack them, thinking they were Travellers for their Purpose, but they were greatly mis- taken, for they proved to be two Soldiers and five other People in Pursuit of them. Cooper advanced towards them in order to reconnoitre, and two of the Party pass'd him, which was owing to their not seeing him, and went directly up to Burrell a young Man, a Butcher, said to him, d m your Blood, you are one of the Rogues that robbed my Brother just now ; he replied, that he had robbed no- body, and immediately made a Stroke at him, which occasioned Burrell's Pistol to go off by Accident, but happily did no harm : The Butcher said., come. on Soldiers, cut away Boys, and directly closed in with Burrell, and Burrell gave him a Cross- buttock, by which they became dis- en- . gaged, and when the Butcher got up he engaged with Duncalf and throw'd him in- to some Bushes and lay upon him; Dun- calf shortened his Hanger and kept dig- ging him in his Side, but believing that did not do Execution, he endeavoured to draw his Knife to stab him, but instead of putting his Hand into his own Pocket, he put it into the Butcher's : Cooper came to Duncalf's Assistance, and with a large Stick hit the Butcher a violent Blow on the head and released him another of them coming up, Cooper knock'd him down, and the Butcher's Master's Son coming up at the same Time, Cooper fired a Pistol over his Head with an intent to intimidate him, which had its desired Effect, for upon the Explosion he fell down and lay as if dead for a little Time, and then got up and run away like a lusty Fellow; these were the only Pistols fir'd : in the whole Engagement, one, by Burrell, and the other by Cooper, Burrell was strongly engaged with one of the Sol- diers who he disarmed, , and the Fellow begged for Mercy-: When Cooper had fired his Pistol, he cry'd, Fire away Boys, I have three Brace more left, upon which they all run away with the greatest Preci- pitation, and left the poor Butcher lying upon the Ground, who was a, brave Fel- low, and as the Soldier run off, Burrell gave him a terrible cut in his Legs with his own Sword, which has since been obliged to be cut off on that Account, and he has, by the some Means, obtained the College it is presumed, it it had been known how litttle he merited such a Re- ward, it would not have been conferred on such a Dastard, for Cooper and Duncalf declared, that if the Soldiers had behaved with the same Courage as the Butcher, they must have been all taken ; the poor Butcher expired . upon the Spot. After the Fray was over they picked up several Hats and Wigs, and half a Sword •, and, notwithstanding this poor Butcher was dis- abled, and lay gasping for Breath on the Ground and begged they would not kill him, Burrell, in the most inhuman Man- ner, went to him and hit him a violent Blow C 10 )' blow on the back with a large Stickr which is a Proof of the Want of Bravery in him, and that he is a blood thirsty Vil- lain. They immediately made away a- crofs the Fields, and were not long- in getting to London. Some Months ago they all went into Kent, and a little beyond South- end, go- ing up Bromley- Hill, they stopt a Man that keeps a Shop in that Town, and robb'd him of five Shillings, a Box of small Linnen, his Shoe and Knee Buckles,, which they took for Silver, but were mis- taken they used him no ways ill except tying his Hands behind . him,, and left him fitting upon the Ground ; they took his Horse, which Duncalf mounted : Thomas Battersby, a blind Baker, coming by at this Time, he was commanded to stop," but he paid no regard to it, and rode on for Bromley as fast as his Horse would go, and Duncalf rode after him and shot at him, and hit him in the Back, and , the poor Man was ill a long Time of the Wound he then received, it was reported that he was dead, but a Gentleman call'd on Cooper a- little before the Assizes at Kingston, and assured him that he was en- tirely recovered. Another Evening, about three Miles beyond Eltham in Kent, they stopt a Gentleman's Gardener, who was mounted on a good Horse, which they took from him, and Duncalf mounted him, they tied his Hands behind him and set him upon the Ground. Soon after another Man came that Road, whom they stopt and dismounted •, finding no Money about him, Duncalf imagined that he had con- cealed it in his Boots, took his Knife out and cut one Boot open, and would have cut the other in the same manner if the Man had not made solemn Protestations. that he had no Money; they tied his Hands and set him down by the Gar- dener, and left Burrell Centry over them: Cooper mounted the Horse, and: Duncalf and he patrol'd up and down the Lane to look out for a Prize, for these. were both Blanks.. In a very little Time two Men. on Horse- back appear'd, which they attack'd and robb'd of about 28s. and two old Silver. Watches, which they afterwards sold for about 55s. they took from them their Horses, one of which Burrell mounted, and when they had got a little way on the Road towards London they turn'd one Horse loose and rode a- way for Bromley. Between Croydon and Beckenham they stopt a Horse- dealer and robb'd him of a Great Coat and his Saddle Cloath,. about seven or eight Shillings, and an old Watch,, which is now in Pawn for 13 s. when they had so done they rode away for Sydenham Hills,. where they turn'd all their Horses adrift, and walked it to London. At another Time Duncalf and Cooper being about two Miles beyond Eltham, between x o and 11 o'Clock at Night, and were coming towards that Town at a Farm House near the Road Duncalf spy'd some Chickens at Roost, he took them 0ff their Pearches and kill'd them and put them into a coarse Linen Cloath, and said that the first Man he met he would ask him if he would buy his Chickens; accordingly about half a Mile from El- tham they met a Man, who Duncalf ask'd the Question, but he being not willing to buy them, they made bold to stop and rob him when they first attack'd him he spur'd his Horse and endeavoured to get away, and behaved in a very rustical Man- ner, which caused him to have several se- vere blows they took from him in Gold and Silver 12/. 1 s. a Great Coat, a Hat and Wig, and a Silver Watch,, and then went away for London. Duncalf, Cooper, and Burrell being one Evening about 11 o'Clock, on the Road between Lewisham and New Cross, they met C 1 met with a young Couple mounted on An- gle Horses, which they believed to be Sweet- Hearts ; they took the young Wo- man from her Horfe, at which the young Man was very uneasy and seemed ex- tremely tender of his Mate, and desired they would not hurt her. It seems they had been at a Wedding in London, and had spent almost all their Money •, they took from them about four Shillings, two Silver Spoons, and some bride Cakes, which they had tied up in an old Hand- kerchief. They helped the young Woman upon her Horse and wished them a good Night, and came for London. They had not come far before they met a Man on Horseback, who they robbed of a Silver Watch and about eighteen Shillings. He behaved very imprudently, for after they had robbed him, he turned about to them and talk'd very saucily, and called them Names, and was so weak as to give them an Opportunity to get hold of his Horse's bridle again, they then took his Great Coat, which when they had done they turned him up again, and he still acted in the same imprudent Manner, and Cooper made another push at him, and struck at him with his Stick, but the Man turned his Horfe about very quick, it seemed to be a spirited one, and he missed his blow, so the Man rode off full- speed : If they had got hold of him again, they would have handled him very severely. Cooper says it was very fortunate for him that Duncalf was behind and did not come up till the Fact was committed, for he would certainly have shot him , but as it was, he received several violent blows, after this they came directly to London. Duncalf, Cooper, and Burrell having been out all Night without any Success, about three o'Clock in the Morning on their Return to London, near the Hen and Chickens in Deptford Road, they met a young Man, whom they robbed of his ) Silver Shoe, Knee, and Stock buckles, and about 36 s. in Money. They having got Intelligence that Gil- bert Ellick, Esq-, often returned from a Club of Gentlemen at Camberwell to his House in Coal- Harbour, near to the same Place ; late in the Evening they laid in wait several Nights to rob him, and miss'd him very narrowly one Night as he re- turned Home in a Coach ; at laft they met with him in the Fields, between his House and Camberwell going Home, at- tended by his Footman with a Candle and Lanthorn, they put the Candle out and broke the Lanthorn ; the Footman made an Offer to defend his Master with his Cane or Stick, but was soon silenced. The little Gentleman was very obstinate, being very unwilling to part with his Mo- ney, they were obliged to throw him upon the Ground, and take it from him by mere Violence, they took from him three Guineas and a half, a Silver Watch with a chased Case, ( which they have pawned for two Guineas and a half) his Coat, Hat and Wig, a Pair of buttons out of his Shirt Sleeves, a Snuff- box, a Case containing a Pair of Sciffars, a Knife and a Silver Earpick, a small Silver Case, a Case and Pair of Spectacles, and the Footman's Great Coat •, they tied their Hands behind them, and turned them back to back, then tied them together, and left them to get Home in the best Manner they could. About Seven or Eight o'Clock one Evening, they attacked a Man at the Wash Way going up towards Bristol- Cause- way, who they took to be a Fidler, or some such Profession ; they robbed him of his Silver Watch and about 29 s. On or about the 24th of August, 1749, about Nine or Ten in the Evening, Dun- calf, Burrel, and Cooper attacked a Gen- tleman near the Sign of the White Horse at the Wash Way leading to Bristol Cause- D way, ( 12 ) way, but he was too nimble for them, for he put his Spurs to his Horse and got away; as he went off Duncalf made a Blow at him with a Hanger, he did imagine that he had cut his Cloaths; but the Gentleman was at the New Gaol a Day or two before Cooper's Execution, and said that he had a very fortunate Escape, for his Hat was cut through with the Blow. Another Evening near the White Swan on this Side Stockwell, they stopt a Man and a Boy, and took from them a Saddle, and about eight or nine Shillings. It seems that they had been at London to sell some Lambs, and being apprehensive of meet- ing with Robbers, the Farmer had acted very prudently by leaving his Money with a Friend in Town, Duncalf believing that the Boy had the Money conceal'd, used him very cruelly. Another Evening near the same Place they stopt a Man on Foot, and robb'd him of two half Guineas and three Six- pences; he lamented his hard Fate, and told them, he should have gone through Vauxhall Turnpike, that being his nearest Way ^ . home, by doing of which he should have escaped falling into their hands; but ha- ving some Suspicion that there was Bailiffs lying wait on that Road to arrest him, so to avoid that Evil, he was fallen into one as bad, they pitied his Case, but did not return him one Souse of his Money back. One Night between Twelve and One o'- clock they stopt a Man on Horseback, near Bristol Causeway, who had a Sack under him, which Cooper cut, in order to be sa- tisfied what he was loaded with, and found it to be Venison ; they told him that they be- lieved he was a Deer stealer, therefore they said it was no Crime to play at rob Thief and took from him a 36 s. Piece, and a blue coat; and his Hat being a pretty good one Cooper changed with him. One Evening near Barnes Common they stript a Man who they took to be a Miller his Horse was very unruly and would not stand still, Duncalf imagined that he spurr'd the Horse,' was very angry with him, and made a cut at his Head with his Hanger, which if Cooper had not stopt with his stick, he would have had a terrible cut they took from him Twenty Shillings. He desired that they would not use him ill, as to what Money he had, he would give to them, and if it had been more they should have been welcome to it. Duncalf thought he knew him, when he was gone, he said, if he had known him as well at first as he did then, he would not have offered to have done him any Mischief, becaufe be was a very civil good Man. Another Evening they stopt a Man near the Windmill on Barnes Common, who they robbed of about four or five Shillings and his Hat. Another Evening Burrell and Cooper stopt a Man near the same Place, they took his Silver Shoe and Knee Buckles, a Watch, and about Thirty- nine Shillings. Being all three out on the Road, and posted at Cooper and Burrell's old Stand, near the Turnpike between Kensington and Hammer- smith, about Nine 0' Clock at Night a Man with a Candle and Lanthom was going to- wards Hammersmith, they stopt him and beat out his Candle, and then robbed him of about seven or eight Shillings, when they had done, he went back towards Kensington, and returned soon with some People in pur- suit of them at the same Time a Man seem- ingly mounted upon a good Horse, was com- ing towards Kensington, who they endea- voured to rob, but he perceiving their In- tention, turned his Horse round very quick, and rode full speed to the Turnpike and call d out for Assistance, upon which they got over into the adjacent Field and lay perdue by this Time the Man they had robb'd just be- fore return'd with a Posse of People, who passed them calling out like lusty Fellows, D— n you, where are you ? where are you ? vapouring and brandishing their Weapons. It was well for them they did not. meet with them. ( 13 ) them, for if they had they would have had a warm Reception: When they had seen the Man a little way on the Road, and there being no Appearance of Danger they returned, and the Man went forwards by himself, upon which they got into the Road again and went after him, when Cooper took his Stick out of his Hand and gave him two or three Blows with it for his Impudence, in daring to pre- sume to pursue them. Then they went cross the Fields into the Road that leads from Knightsbridge to Brumpton, it being about i x o'Clock, they met a Man coming towards Brumpton, who they robb'd of a silver watch, a Coat, a Hat, Wig, Neckcloth, some small Keys, and about 19 s. in Money he had a Dog with him, who was very furious, but Cooper kept him off while Duncalf and Bur- rell committed- the fact. One Evening they went beyond Paddington to rob, and upon a Bridge, near the Place where the Men hang in Chains, they stopt two Men on Horseback, who they dismounted, and robb'd one of ten Guineas and a half in Gold, and about 22 or 23 s. in Silver, the other Man having no Money they took his Great Coat, Wig, a worsted Cap, a Pocket- book with Memorandums in it, and a Letter of Licence from his Creditors which was of no manner of use to them, but might be of the utmost Consequence to the Party it related to, , and were very sorry afterwards that they took it; the Man who they took the Money from was very unwilling to part with his Cash, on which Account he received several Blows ; they had a very narrow Escape from being taken 7 was about Six o'Clock in a Winter Evening, a very hard Frost, and the Moon shined as bright as day, but when the Men were got clear of them they went to some Houses adjacent and raised a Posse of People, who pursued them, some upon Horses and other on Foot; the Moon shining so very bright, they were obliged to creep along the Side of the Hedges, not darimg to venture into the open Fields for fear of being disco- vered, they went to Hampstead Heath,. and so got safe to London. One Evening they stopt a Man about half a Mile beyond Kingsland, who was mounted on a good Horse, and he defended himself with his Whip very bravely for some Time, and had almost brought Duncalf to the Ground, he was upon a spirited Horse whom he spur'd and gave them a deal of Trouble, at last one of them jumpt up and catch'd him by the Collar and brought him down they took from him a Whip, his Boots and Silver Spurs, Silver Knee Buckles, Hat, Wig, Neckcloath, a Handkerchief, and upwards of 20 s. in Money. It was one Mr. Wil- liam Allington they robb'd; he came to see Cooper two Days before his Execution, and said that they took from him six Guineas in Gold, a Silver Cork Screw, and a Dutch Piece of Silver Coin; the Cork Screw was found upon Duncalf when taken, and being advertised, Mr. Allington claimed it as his Property; Cooper declared to him that he know of no Gold, nor was there any Thing more brought to Account by Duncalf, than what is menitioned above, and he did not doubt the Truth of what Mr. Allington said, for he knew Duncalf was often guilty of sinking upon them, and he told him if he though proper he might have his Boots and Whip again, and promised to leave a Direction before he died, where he might have them. Duncalf and Cooper went down to Croy- don, and on Saturday in the Evening, it be- ing Market Day, they stopt a Butcher on his Return from Market, ( near the Place where the poor young Man, Robert Saxby was shot') they also stopt at the same Place another Butcher within a Quarter of an Hour of each other, and took from one about 34 s. and from the other about 27 s. And another Evening the same two stopt a Man near the same Place, and took from him a Coat and 6 or y s. The fame Night near the same Place they stopt Mr. Boyer and ( I * ' * < " .. .. - . p and took from him two Silver Watches, one - of which he dropt into his Breaches, and while Duncalf was rifling him, Cooper was employed in taking off his Silver Spurs, they took some Money from him, but can't re- collect the Sum, the Watches they pawned. Duncalf Cooper and Burrell, in the dusk of the Evening stopt two Men near Clapham Common, whom they dismounted, and while . they were rifling them a Footman came up, who they also served in the same Mannner they took from him three Guineas and a half, a Silver Watch, a Whip, a Pair of Silver Shoe Buckles, and some Silver they mounted the three Horses and rode away for Bristow- Causeway, went through Camber- well, Peck- ham, and into Deptford Road, and after- wards turned all the Horses up in Peckham Fields. Burrell and Cooper one Saturday Evening went into the Road between Brampton and Knightsbridge, and attacked a very stout Man, who had been at Knightsbridge, and had with him a large Shoulder of Veal in a Basket •, he encountered Cooper very cou- rageously, and made a Blow at him with the Shoulder of Veal, and almost knock'd him down with it, and had very near taken Coo- per's Pistol from him, he would certainly have taken him if Burrell had not come up to his assistance; the Man bore many hard Blows, for Cooper broke his Pistol about his Head; he had no Money, so they took his Hat, which is now in pawn for 3 s. and his Shoulder of Veal with the cloath and Basket: It was a great pity he took the Family Pro- vision doubtless but it was the anxious Thoughts of his Family's wanting their Sun- day's Dinner, which he had purchased with his Week's hard Labour, that prompted him to so brave a Defence; a Matter of great concern to one, that perhaps did not know where to get a Dinner for himself and Fa- mily the next Day ; but these Villains had no regard to Humanity, their Trade was Ra- pine and Murder. 4) Cooper and Burrell being out in the Christ- mas Holy days, some where near Chelsea, about 11 o'Clock at Night, and having lost their Way they fell in with a Man who said he was a Cooper, and belonged to a Brewhouse near where they were ; they took from him a Watch, a Fustian Frock, and 14 or 15 s. in Money. One Mrs. Sarah Pearson, who lives at Hill Farm near Layer- cross, in Essex, at whose Suit he was in the King's Bench, as before related; he said that his present Di- lemma was entirely Owing to her Prevers- ness; by way of Refentment he proposed to go down into the Country on purpose to rob her; accordingly Duncalf, Burrell, and he, hired Horses and went; they met with her and a Servant on the Road, near a Place called Kingsford Bars, about Eight o'Clock in the Evening •, they took from her six Gui- neas and a half, and from her Man about 16 s. she advertised and charged one Loader a Sadler with being concerned, but it was proved beyond a contradiction, that the poor Man was a Prisoner within the Walls of the Fleet Prison, at the very Time they com- mitted- the FaCt, and is since dead; notwith- standing several Persons came up to London to be fully satisfied about the Impossibility of Loader's being concerned in it, she could scarcely be prevailed upon not to swear it against him, and had he been out of prison, she certainly would have swore it positively against him. Cooper and Burrell on the Road a little way from the Windmills beyond Stratford, stopt a Man on Foot and took from him a Watch and about seven or eight Shillings. On Saturday Evening February the 10th 1749, Duncalf and Cooper being down at Croydon, about Seven o'Clock they went into a Lane about half a Mile beyond the Town with an Intent to rob, and Cooper set open a Gate belonging to a fallow Field, in order to take the Party they should hap- pen to Hop into that Field, that they might more ( i5 ) more conveniently rifle and bind him ; they had not been there long before a Far- mer came from towards the Town on Horseback, wnich proved to be William Jackson of Addington, in the County of Surry, they stopt him, and he behaved very turbulent, he had several blows given him with a Stick by Cooper, and Duncalf made a Stroke at him with his Hanger, which happily did no Damage ; they pul- led him off his Horse, and he pretended to be very drunk; it being Moon- light they took him to the Shade of a Tree and rifled him, they took from him a Guinea in Gold, about seven Shillings in Silver, a Great Coat, a silver Watch, about two Pounds of Raisins, a pair of Gloves, a small Key, ( which they throw'd away on the Common afterwards) and an Ashen Stick, ( which Cooper used in common for almost a Month afterwards) when they had done robbing him they bound him Hands and Legs and left him in the Field; Dun- calf mounted his Horfe, and rid round and overtook Cooper ( he had cross'd the Fields) on the Common, then they went to Sy- denham Hills and turn'd the Horse loose. One John Shelton and Charles Kellett two Farriers were taken up for this Robbery, and were arraigned and tried for the same at the Assizes held at Guildford in and for the said County of Surry, on the 29th of March 1750, Charles Kellett was acquit- ted, but Jackson swearing positively a- gainst John Shelton he was found Guilty, received Sentence of Death, and was exe- cuted for the same : Cooper made a Dis- covery of this after he was removed from Newgate ( where he had been for some Time) to the New Goal. Happening to have some Discourse with a Person who is a Prisoner in the same Goal, about the Cri- minals that had been lately executed at Guildford, and what their Crimes were; and the Person telling him, that he believed Shelton died wrongfully, he expressed a great Concern, and declar'd that he and Duncalf committed that Fact for which he died. About a Week after this, a Gen- tleman of Worth and Honour that lives near Croydon, and another Gentleman, called at the New Goal, and being desir- ous to see Cooper he was permitted to come into the Room, where they were in Com- pany with Mr. Jones the Head Keeper, and another Person ; the Gentleman asked Cooper divers Questions, which he an- swer'd in a very frank Manner; after being some Time in the Room lie whisper'd in the Person's Ear that was in Company, and told him that the Farrier John Shelton, was hang'd wrongfully, upon which the Person communicated what he said to Mr. • Jones and the Gentlemen, and Mr. Jones immediately examined him very strictly, how he could tell that Shelton was not guilty of the Fact for which he died, he then said that Duncalf committed that Rob- bery, he then asked him how he could tell that, he said Duncalf told him so ; he then asked him when he told him so, he replied, this Morning ; Mr. Jones said he did not believe a Word of it, that Shelton's Pro- secutor was a very honest Man, and he ought not to vouch such a thing for a Truth except he knew it well to be so, and imme- diately called for the Keys of the Apart- ment where Duncalf lay, went to him and examined into the Matter; Duncalf de- clared to him that he committed no such Robbery, nor never told Cooper any such thing, nor had not seen him that Morning; upon this Mr. Jones came to Cooper, and told him that he was a base Villain, and he would punish him for reporting a Falsity, that might prejudice a Man that lived in good Repute; At this Cooper was very much confounded, and did not know what answer to make, but persisted in it that Shelton was no ways concern'd in committing the Fact for which he died, which increased Mr. Jones's Anger very E ' much, ( x6 ) much. Cooper then whisper'd to the same Person as above, and said he well knew that what he said was Fact, for Duncalf and himself committed that Robbery ; up- on which the Person immediately acquaint- ed the Company with the same; Mr. Jones being determined ( if possible) to come at the Truth, desired the Favour of the Gen - tlemen to go with him to the Apartment of Duncalf, ( which he assured them was very clean and sweet) which they did, and took Cooper with them, and upon Cooper's describing what sort of a Person it was they robbed, and several other Particulars, Duncall said, Cooper I remember it very well, and then related the whole Affair as set forth before. This coming to Jacksons's Ears, he came with a Gentleman to the New- Goal to see Duncalf and Cooper ; and then they declared to him that they were the Persons that robb'd him, and that no other Person whatever was concerned with them therein and they told him several Parti- culars of the Robbery, viz. That they took the Raisins from him, he told them that they were to make a Pudding for his Servants, and that they would be very angry with him if he did not carry them home, and therefore begg'd hard for the Plumbs and that he should say to them when they were taking his Money, that he was very badly provided for them, ha- ving but little Money, for that he was very seldom without fifty or sixty Pounds upon his Return from Croydon Market, and if they would go home with him, he would give them fifty Pounds; and likewise Cooper described his Ashen Stick : These and several other Particulars Jack- son acquiesced to then he desired Cooper would help him to his Watch again ( which he said he valued) and also his great Coat, which Cooper promised he would do if possible and Jackson desired Mr. Jones to lay down the Money for him if they were produced: Mr. Jones took indefa- tigable Pains for them, and sent five times over the Water before he could get them, and he paid for the Watch three Guineas, for the Coat thirty two Shillings and fifteen Pence Porterage •, and notwith- standing Jackson valued his Watch to be worth five Pounds, and his Coat two Pounds, he refused to give fifty Shillings for the Watch : Mr. Jones made Cooper a Present of the Great Coat, and he now hangs in Chains in the same •, being very desirous to satisfy the incredulous World of the Truth of the above Robbery, a few Days before he was executed, he made a Solemn Declaration in regard thereto, which is annexed, and received the Sacra- ment at the same Time to the Truth of the same. On Saturday Evening the x 7th of last March, Duncalf and Cooper being in a Lane about half a Mile beyond Croydon waiting for their Prey; hearing some Horses coming towards them from that Town, they put themselves in Readiness to attack them, and as soon as they came up, Duncalf catch'd hold of Boyd's Horse's Bridle, Robert Saxby perceiving what they were at, put Spurs to his Horse and rode away, and as he passed Cooper he made a Blow at him Duncalf pulled Boyd off the Horse, and they both fell to the Ground, and Boyd keeping the Bridle in his Hand, caused the Horse to go quite over them both; but Cooper soon disin- gaged them from the Horse, and assisted Duncalf to rifle him ; they took from him a Silver Watch, a Pair of Gloves, an old Handkerchief, and some Money : As to Boyd's Breeches, Cooper declares he knows nothing of them, nor does he re- member that he ever saw them after he saw Duncalf endeavouring to pull them off; he said that he believes Duncalf took off one Spur, and that while Duncalf was pulling off the Breeches, he was standing looking looking on and laughing at them : Saxby, the Deceased, who they apprehended was rode quite away, had made fast his Horse at some Distance, and had pulled off his Coat, and returned with a Resolution to assist his Companion; he came behind Cooper, and with his Whip or a Stick, gave him a violent Blow and fell'd him to the Ground, and fell upon him, and al- most got the Pistol that he had in his Hand from him, and would have secured him with Ease; to prevent which he was ob- liged to call to Duncalf to come to his Assistance; but he declares as a dying Man, that he verily believes that he did not call to him to shoot the Deceased, and solemnly declares he did not bid him shoot Boyd ( as he swore on his Trial he did) for he always had the greatest Abhorrence of that most mortal and damning Sin of Murder; Duncalf quitted Boyde and came to him, and shot Saxby as he lay upon him, and not being certain that he had done Execution, he with the But- end of his Pistol hit the Deceafed Saxby a violent Blow on the Head, which occasioned him to fall off Cooper ; they took from Saxby after he was shot, some Silver, how much he said he did not remember; they took a Portmanteau wnich they had carried into the adjacent Fields near a Farm House and opened it, and after they had taken out what wearing Apparel, & c. they thought proper, they left it there, and immediately went for London : Cooper said it Boyde had had the Bravery in him as the deceased Saxby had, they might have easily secur'd ' em both, and prevent- ed Blood- shed but when Duncalf quit- ' A. ted him and came to his Assistance, Boyde stood up against the Ditch like a Statue : He likewise observed, that Boyde was greatly improved in his Testimony since he appeared against him when first appre- hended and carried before Henry Field- ing, Esq , altho' he could not then swear positively, he did not in the least hesitate about it when upon his Trial. Since he has been under Sentence of Death, he has behaved with the greatest Humility, and shewed all the Signs of a true and sincere Penitent, and what shew'd a great Contrition, a Gentleman and his Father, who is a Clergyman at Lexton near Colchester, and knew Cooper in his Prosperity, came to the Goal to pay him a friendly Visit; they asked him several Questions, all which he answered with the strictest Truth, except one, and that was in Regard to the Robbery committed upon his Plaintiff, Mrs. Sarah Pearson. All that Evening and the following Morning, he appeared to be in the great- est Anxiety that can possibly be expressed, which being soon observed by a Person that was frequently with him ( who thought it might be occasioned by the Apprehension he might have of being hung in Chains) he talked to him on that Subject, aud told him he had nothing to take care of but his Soul he impor- tuned him to tell him if it was that, or what it was that perplexed him. He said as to his Body, it was indifferent to him what became of it after Execution ; and, that his whole Care and Study was for a future State of Bliss. He said there was something that troubled him greatly, and he would take the first Opportunity to unburthen his Mind, and accordingly the Time he was called to Prayers he sent for the same Person, who went with him into a private Room, and he acquainted him with his Disorder of Mind, upon which the Rev. Mr. Wilson was sent for, who came immediately ; he then related to him the Occasion of his melancholy Malady •, which was, that he had been guilty of great Wickedness in imposing a Lye upon the said Clergyman and his Son, by telling them that he was not one of the Persons that robbed Mrs. Sarah Pearson, (( t8 .0 Pearson, when the real Fact was,, as is be- fore related. His Aunt who is made mention of be- fore, came to see him a few Days before he died; she being ask'd if she was his Aunt that lived in one of the Alms Houses near Tothill Fields, she replied no which he was acquainted with.; and he said he had never another Aunt in the World, and that she was a very wicked Woman, therefore begged that she might not be admitted to see him, and she was not. He desired that all and every one whom he had offended would forgive him,, and he said that he as free and heartily forgave every one who had in any Manner of fended him, or done him any Injury, even, as he desired Forgivenss of God, and to be absolved from all his Sins, through the Merits of his blessed Redeemer. A True and Genuine Account of the wicked Life and Confession of WILLIAM DUN- CALF, who was charged with the Mur- der of Robert Saxby, by Shooting him on the Highway near Croydon in the County of Surry ; who died in the New- Goal, Southwark. THIS wicked Wretch was about 45 Years of Age, descended from honest Parents in the Kingdom of Ire- land, who gave him but little Education, which was entirely his own Fault ; he be- ing an untoward Youth would never pay any Regard to the Admonitions of his Parents : When he was of fit Age, he was put out Apprentice to a Miller, whom he served some Time, but playing a great many wicked Pranks, he was at last obliged to fly his Country; coming up to London he soon contracted an Acquaint- ance with Persons of the most abandoned Principles, and according to his own Ac- count, a more profligate Sinner never did exist. He declared himself to be a Mem- ber of the Church of England, as by Law established, but a very unworthy one, and was entirely ignorant of the Principles of that Religion. He was much addicted to that detestable Vice of prophaning the Name of his Maker, and made use of the most shocking Expressions that were ever heard of, by invoking the Almighty Cre- ator to blast his Limbs and to scoop out his Eyes, upon every trivial Occasion, to the greatest Falshoods. This Miscreant had two Wives living at this Time, and was to have been mar- ried to a third ( a young Creature) in a few Days, if he had not been apprehended and committed to Goal for this Murder they all visited him under his Misfortunes, but allowed him no Support. When he first came to Town he used to ply as a Porter at the Water- side, & c. and sometimes worked at the Coal Business, by which Employment he got a good Support; but being a very extravagant Fellow, and much given to keeping Company with lewd Wo- men, he Was obliged to think of some Method, by which he might better sup- port his wicked Course of Life ; for he found that honest Induftry would not do it; and the pernicious Practice of Smug- gling being greatly in Vogue at that Time, he thought none more proper than that for his Purpose, and immediately entered into it; and dealt considerably in Tea and other uncustom'd Goods ; being at last detected and inform'd against, he was in March 1743, arrested by a Warrant from the Commissioners of the Excise, and car- ried to the New Goal, Southwark, where he lay some Time ; and at last to obtain his Discharge, swore falsely against one George Box, in August 1744, who did not live to take his Trial. Duncalf now was made an inferior Officer of the Customs at 10s. per Week, to detect and suppress the Smugglers; and was what they call an Out- Scout. His ( ) i His Behaviour as an Officer, was ex- tremely bad, fo that he was soon dischag'd, and then again commenced Smuggler, and committed many Villanies and Robberies in Surry, Sussex, and Kent. One Thomas Quayfe, a Cuftom House Officer, he caus'd to be transported wrongfully, for stealing his Watch, for Duncalf's Wife gave him the Watch, in order to pawn it, to raise Money, they being very familiar together. About three Years ago, he commenced Robber with Cooper, and they became such a Terror to Croydon and the Neigh- bourhood, that many People were afraid Of coming to Market, and at Five in the Evening there was: no Appearance that a k Market had been held. It plainly appears T by the Nature of the Detection, that these Murderers were discovered by the Hands of the Almighty Providence ; for that ve- ry Evening the Fact was committed, Mr. Davy Hayward met Duncalf ( whom he knew extremely well) near the Place where the melancholy Scene was acted ; and after ^ jsome Discourse between them, Hayward T laid his Hand upon a Bundle that Duncalf ' had on his Shoulders, and finding there was Pistols contained therein, asked him where he was going armed in that man- ner ; and he readily replied, that he was i going to a certain Place in Sussex, to take an out- law'd Smuggler; he told him that he was not in his right Road to that Place, |( to which he made some trivial Answer, and they parted. Soon after this, that Evening, the News of the poor young Man being shot was brought to Croydon, and Mr. Hayward hearing of it; made a discovery of his meeting Duncalf that E- vening-, and related the Discourse between them. . Upon which some Gentlemen in that Neighbourhood came to London, and went to the Custom House, in order to be inform'd whether Duncalf had been employ'd to go into Sussex to take an I outlaw'd Smuggler; they found that he was not, which gave them a stronger Sus- picion that he must be one of the Villains, and applied themselves to Mr. Pyles, a Gentleman belonging to the Custom House ( who knew Duncalf well) for his Assistance to apprehend him, and by his Means he was taken at a House near Dean's Yard, Westminster, and being carried before Henry Fielding, Esq; on the Oath of Mr. Boyde the Park Keeper ( who was in Company with the Deceased when the Fact was committed) he was committed to Newgate ; James Burrell ( the Solder) being seized with Horror on Duncalf's Commitment to Goal surren— dered voluntarily and discovered what Coo- per had told him, . that Duncalf and he committed the Murder and Robbery. . On this Information Cooper was taken at Hockley- in- the- Hole, and committed to Newgate;. and being removed from thence to the New- Goal, Duncalf was seized with a Fever, and his Leg mortify- ing, it was cut off, and he soon after died, most Part of his Flesh having rotted off the Bones, such a shocking Object never being beheld. Several Times before his Death he declared, that he robbed the Farmer, for which Shelton suffered at - Guildford, and when the Farmer came to the New- Goal, he pointed to him and said, That was the Man. This wicked Wretch died seemingly penitent. John Roney, executed for robbing. Richard Hazelwood on the Highway was ; not 20 Years of Age, born in Dublin, and put Apprentice a Weaver, but not - liking that Business, he ran away from his Master, and came to England, and liv'd with his Mother at Cherry. Garden, Rotherhithe. He declared he knew no- thing of any Robbery; though there might be a Skirmish, and the Prosecutor might lose his Hat, but he knew nothing of any Money. His Brother, and one l ' - Dobbings Dobbings were executed for this Fact, but they both protested their Innocence at the Place of Execution a few Minutes be- fore they were turn'd off. On the Day of EXECUTION. - Soon after Nine o'Clock in the Morn- ing, Vincent, Lewis and Roney, were convey'd in a Cart from the New- Goal to Kennington Common, where I attended them They behaved very penitent; but Roney still deny'd the Robbery for which he suffered,.- The other two acknowledged the Fact they dy'd for. _ After Prayers were ended, the Executioner did his Of- fice. James Cooper was carried to Croydon, where he staid some short Time ; and from Croydon to Smitham Bottom, and exe- cuted on the Gibbet, where he now hangs in Chains. He behaved with great Com- posure and Penitence, but was very weak, and scarce able to step up the Ladder to be ty'd up to the Gibbet. When the Exe- cutioner had put the Halter about his Neck, he defired the following Declara- tion to be read, which I accordingly did, and he declared to the numerous Multi- tude, that all of it was true. I JAMES COOPER, do, as a dying Man, in the Presence of Almighty God, solemnly protest and declare, and as I shall an- fWer at the Great Tribunal of Christ, that Wil- liam Duncalf, lately deceased in the New Goal Southward and I, did, on Saturday Evening the . ioth Day of February, 1749 make an As- sault on the Body of one William Jackson, of Addington in the County of Surry, Farmer, in the King's Highway, in a Lane, call'd Addiscom Lane, near Croydon in the said County and then robbed him of Money, and divers Goods and Things, particularly, of one Guinea in Gold, about seventeen Shillings in Silver, a Great Coat, a Silver Watch, about two Pounds of Raisins,. a Pair of Gloves', a small Key and an Ashen Stick ; and no other Person or Persons whatso- ever, besides mySelf and the said William Dun- calf, were directly or indirectly concerned in or any ways privy ; to the said Robbery :' And that one John Shelton a Farrier, ( who was tried at the Assizes held at Guildford, in and for the said County, on the 29th Day of March 1750, and was upon the Oath of the said Jackson, found guilty of the said Robbery, and received Sentence ot Death, and was executed for the same) was intirely innocent of the said Accusa- tion, and was not concerned directly or indi- rectly in committing the said Robbery, nor was he any ways privy thereto ; nor did I know the said John Shelton, nor did I, to the best of my ' J Knowledge and Belief, ever see the said John Shelton in my Life. Witness my Hand this 28th Day of August,; 1750. The Mark of JAMES COOPER. " Witness, Philip Lemoult, Rector of St. John, Souths wark. • ' Robert Avis, of St. John Southwark. Samuel Landsdale Palmer, of St. Mary New- ington Butts, John Palmer, of St. Mary Newington Butts. William Wilson, Lecturer of St. John South- wark. Immediately after the Declaration read, the Hangman led him up the Ladder and after recommending his Soul to the Almighty God, he was turn'd off, and appeared to be dead in a few Minutes. This is the Account given by me WILLIAM WILSON, Lecturer of St. John, Southwark, N I S.
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