The General Advertiser
Printer / Publisher: W. Egalsham
Volume Number: Issue Number: 5121
No Pages: 4
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The General Advertiser
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The General Advertiser
Date of Article: 21/03/1750
Printer / Publisher: W. Egalsham
Address: At Mr. Woodfall's the Corner of Ivy Lane, Pater-noster Row, London
Volume Number: Issue Number: 5121
No Pages: 4
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The General Advertiser. NUMBER 5121 THURSDAY. MARCH 21, 1750- 51. Deal, March 19. CAME down the Boston Packet, Lewis, for Boston ; Britannia, for Newfoundland ; and the Fountain, Marshal, for Cadiz; and remain with the Bland- ford, Peregrine, and Savage Ships of War; and the Out- ward bound formerly men- tioned. Arrived the John and Elizabeth, Wills, from Newca- stle, for Pool ; Hinchinbrooke, Johnson, from Valentia ; Devonshire, Westcomb, from Exeter; and Marlborough, Mackex, from St. Affee. Wind WSW. Gravesend, March 19. Pass'd by the London Packet, Moody, from Middleburgh; garland, Marshal,
from New- York ; and Boulter, Allen, from Lisbon. Falmouth, March 16- Sailed the Amphitrite, Young, for Exon. Put back the Bonetta, French, for Barbadoes. Cowes, March 18. came in Swallow, Player, from Southampton. Sailed the London Trader, Morey, from Oporto, for Feversham and London ; and the Winchester. Weales, for Marseilles. Southampton, March 17. Arrived the Mary, Barra- cott, - from Barnstaple. Sailed the Loyal Consort, Snow, for Dublin ; Fanny, Griffin, for Guernzey ; Swallow, Player, for Roan ; and Montague, Bienvenue, for Guern- sey. Wind SW. blows hard. The Rose, Guill; Hawk, Campbell ; and
Glasgow, M'Cunn, from Boston, are arrived at Glasgow. Bell, Ramsay; and Grizell, Johnson, from Virginia, at ditto. Glasgow, Kerr, from Cadiz, at ditto. Priscilla, Maddock, from Africa, at St. Kitts. Enterprize, Greenhows, from Leverpool, at Gambia. Ross, Duncan, from Barbadoes, at Leverpool. Genoa, Feb. 13. This Week three Tartans, that set out from Marseilles on the 29th of January last, from the Captains whereof we are advised, that the Evening before they weighed Anchor, three Algerine Xebecks had been shipwrecked on the Coasts of the small Island of Fria, about three Leagues from this City, and that a fourth, which
was a larger Vessel than either ef the o- thers, was lost likewise, but that the Crew very happily saved their Lives. By the last Letters received here from Spain, we are assur'd, that Workmen are employ'd Night and Day in the compleating of the several Men of War that are ac- tually on the Stocks ; and that a great Number are fitting out, in order to be ready for sailing some time this Spring; which News is confirmed by several Captains of Ships arrived here from the Spanish Ports. Naples, Feb. 9. The Counsellors belonging to the Court of Judicature at Aquila, have acted in so partial a Manner, in regard to the Administration of
Justice there, that his Majesty, through the repeated Complaints that have been made against them, has order'd them to be close confined. LONDON. This Day his Majesty will go to the House of Peers, to give the Royal Assent to the following Bill-, viz. To an Act for punishing Mutiny and Desertion, and for the better Payment of the Army and their Quarters. To an Act for enabling his Majesty to raise the several Sums of Money therein mentioned by Exchequer Bill;, to be charged on the Sinking Fund ; and for impowering the Commissioners of the Treasury to pay off the old and new Unsubscribed South- Sea Annuities out of the
Supply granted to his Majesty, for the Service of the Year 1751 ; and for enabling the Bank of England to hold General Courts, and Courts of Directors, in the manner therein directed ; and for giving certain Persons Liberty to sub- scribe Bank and South- Sea Annuities, omitted to be sub scribed, Pursuant to two Acts of the last Session of Par- liament. • To an Act to indemnify Persons who have omitted to qualify themselves for Offices, and Employments within the Time limitted by Law, and for allowing farther Time for that Purpose. To an Act, for granting an Aid to his Majesty of 3 s. in the Pound by a Land Tax to be raised in
Great Bri- tain, for the Service of the Year, 1751. And to se- veral Road and Private Bills. A Bill is ordered into Parliament to enable the Com- pany of Parish Clerks, to correct and enlarge their weekly and yearly Bills of Mortality, and to secure to them the sole Right of Printing and Publishing the same, and to register, in their respective Parishes, the Births of the Children or Parents of every Sect and Denomination. The Christiana, Berbohm, from Cette for Rotterdam, is forced into Appledore, after beating 14 Days in Bri- stol Channel, during which time he spoke with an Eng- lish Snow, Lamley Master, from Cette, for Hamburgh.
Last Friday died Mrs. Turner, Wife of Mr. Thomas Turner, a very eminent and wealthy Sail- maker in Shad- well ; a Gentlewoman much esteem'd by all her Acquain- tance. On Tuesday last one Eleanor Tallentire was committed to Newgate, by Justice Fielding, for stealing, at divers Times, several Brasses out of the Parish Church of St. Anne, Westminster. We hear that seventy Persons, from four Years old to forty, have been inoculated at the Small Pox Hospital, none of which have died ; the last Set of Patients amount- ed in Number to eighteen, and there are now eighteen more taken in for the same Purpose. This is a
Charity that well deserves great Encouragement from the Publick, and when it is more known, the charitable Disposition of Mankind will contribute largely to its support. Late last Night it was confidently asserted, that his Royal Highness the Prince of Wales died between Ten and Eleven at Leicester- House, to the greatest Grief and utmost Concern of all his Royal Family and Household ; as so melancholy a Piece of News, if true, must also be to the whole Nation, whose higheft Expectations and Dependance on the most excellent Virtues of sfo Noble and Beloved a Prince, must be lost and gone for ever. We hear several
Ladies and Gentlemen, Lovers of natural Curiosities, refort daily to see the wonderful Co- lossus, or modern Giant, at Mr. Syms's, opposite the Mews- Wall rear Charing- Cross; and in particular some Gentlemen belonging to the Royal Society, who allow him to be the tallest, straitest, and best proportioned of his Size they ever saw, and well worthy the Observa- tion of the Curious. . Gloucester, March 16. Yesterday was committed to our Castle, Elizabeth Dufner, for the Murder of her Bastard Child- We hear from Ross, in Hertfordshire, that, on Sunday the 3d Instant, as three young Men and a Boy were plea- suring on the
River Wye, near that Place, a sudden Squall of Wind overset the Boat, whereby two of the Men and the Boy were drown'd; the other sav'd himself by swim- ming' Newcastle, March 16. Aubone Surtees, Esq; an emi- nent Merchant in this ToWn, is appointed to succeed his Brother, William Surtees, Esq; deceas'd, as Receiver- General of the Land- Tax for the Counties of Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland and Durham. Last Saturday Afternoon a Wherry, full of People, for Shields, struck upon a Ship's Anchor in the River near New Greenwich', which drove a Hole in her Bottom ; but the Wherrymen making all possible speed
towards the Shore, the Boat sunk in Shoal Water, and the Passengers got happily to Land, after a terrible Fright. Edinburgh, March 14. Andrew Merrylees, Tanner in Leith, having gone from that Place, on Tuesday laft, to Musselburgh to receive some Money, was that Night murdered, as is supposed, by some Russians, on his Return. The Horse he rode came home about nine or ten at Night, upon which his Friends went in quest of him, when they found his Hat and Wigg cut across, and a Mastiff Dog he had along with him, lying dead on the Road, ' twixt Leith and Mus- selburgh; but have got no Account as yet of himself. Strict
Enquiry is making, in order to discover the Perpe- trates of this horrid Villany. We hear from Moffat, that as one James Johnston Mer- chant was incautiously digging a Cellar below his House of two Stories high, the Side- wall being undermined, the whole Roof and that Side- wall fell into the Cellar, where were three Masons building, and two Women, with a Child in a Cradle, who were all happily got out of the Rubbish, only two of the Masons were slightly hurt. Bank Stock 139 opening. India Ditto shut. South Sea Stock 111. 1M o Old Annuities 1st Sub. shut. Ditto 2d SiA. shut. Ditto New ill Sub. 103. Ditto zd Sub. 101 5 8ths a 1
half. Bank Annuities 1746 1 st Sub 102 3 4. ths a 5 8ths. Ditto 2d Subs. 101 1 half. Ditto 1747 ill Sub. 103 5 8ths a 3 4ths. Ditto 2d Sub. 102 5 Sths. Lottery Ann. 1747 ill Sub. 102 5 8ths. Ditto 2d Sub. 101 1 half a 5 8ths Bank Annuities 1748 and 1749 1st Sub. 103 5 8ths JI 3 . ths a $ Sths. Ditto id Sub. 102 5 8; hs. Three per Cent. Annu ties 99 a' 1 8th. Three per Cent. 1750 99 a 1 8ih. Ditto 1751 99 1 8th. Three per Cent India Annuities shut. Three and a half per Cent. Ditto shut. Royal Assurance no Pr. London Ditto no Pr. English Copper no Pr. Seven per Com. Emperor's Loan no Price. Five per Cent. Dirto no Pr. Bank
Circulation 2 1. 15 s. a 3 1. India Bonds 4I. 8 s. Navy and Victualling Bills no Pr. Three and a half Salt 174; no Price. Three pe Cent Exchequer Orders no Pr. Lottery Tickets nl. 8 s. AT the King's Theatre in the Haymarket, Thursday next, will be An ASSEMBLY. Being the last this Season. Tickets will be delivered to Subscribers on Wednesday next, at White's Chocolate- house in St. James's Street, and at the Theatre. Every Ticket will admit either One Gentleman or Two Ladies, DRURY- LANE. For the Benefit of Mr. BEARD. AT the Theatre- Royal in Drury- Lane, This Day, March at, will be presented a Comedy call'd The S
TRATAGEM. ( Being the last Time of performing it this Season. The Part of Archer to be performed by Mr. GARRICK. ; Aimwell, Mr. Palmer; Mr. Sullen, Mr. Winstone; Scrub, by Mr Woodward ; Bonniface, Mr. Berry ; Gibbet, Mr. Shuter ; Foigard Mr. James ; Sir Charles Freeman, Mr. Blakes; Dorinda, Mrs. Mills; Lady Bountiful, Mrs. Cross ; Cherry, Mrs Green ; And the Part of Mrs. Sullen to be performed by ' Mrs. PRitCHARD. With Danc'ng, by Mons. DEVISSE Mad. AURETTI, & c. End of Act II. A Piece upon the Harp by Mr. HARRY. End of the Play, a Cantata set by Dr. Boyce, to be sung by Mr. BEARD. After which will be
spoken, The Parody upon Shakespear's Stage's of Life, by Mr. GARRICK. To which will be added a Farce, called The DEVIL TO PAY. The Part of Sir John Loverule by Mr. BEARD 5 Jobson, Mr. Berry ; Lady Loverule, Mrs. Bennet ; The Part of Nell br Mrs. CLIVE. Boxes and Stage 5 « . Pit 3 s. First Gallery x 1. Upper Gallery I s. No Part of the Pit will be rais'd into the Boxes. Servants will be allowed to keep Places on the Stage. Ladles are desired to send their Servants by Three o'clock. Tickets and Places to be had of Mr. Beard, at his House in North street, Red- lion- square, and of Mr, Hobson at the Stage- door of the
Theatre. High Water this Day at London Bridge at 6 Minutes after 6. COVENT- GARDEN. For the Benefit of Mr. RYAN. AT the Theatre- Royal in Covent- Garden This Day March 21, will be preented the Tragedy of JANE SHORE. The Part of Gloster to be performed by Mr. QUIN ; Dumont by Mr Ryan ; The Part of Hastings to be performed by Mr. BARRY Bellmour, Mr. Gibson ; The Part of Alicia ta be performed by Mrs. CIBBER ; Catesby, Mr. Anderson ; Ratcliff, Mr. Usher ; And the Part of Jane Shore to be perform'd by Mrs. WOFFINGTON. With several Entertainments of Singing and Dancing. End of Act IV. Singing by Miss
FAULKNER. End of the Play, a Scotch Ballad by Mr. Cook, and Miss Hillyard, Mons. Jardin, Mr Villentuve, Mr. Desse, and Others. To which will be added a Ballad Farce, call'd The DEVIL TO PAY. The Part of Sir John Loverule by Mr. Lowe ; Lady Loverule, Mrs. Bambridge ; Jobson, Mr. Dunstall; Nell by Mrs. Vincent. Tickets to be had and Places taken of Mr. Page, at the Stage- Door of the Theatre. On Saturday The DISTREST MOTHER. For the Benefit of Mrs. WOFFINGTON. AT the Theatre Royal in Covent- Garden, To- morrow, will be perform'd an Oratorio, call'd JUDAS MACCHABAEUS. With a Concerto on the Organ.
Pit and Boxes to be put together, and no Person to be admitted without Tickets, which will be deliver'd that Day at the Office in Covent- Garden Theatre, at Half a Guinea each ; first Gallery J s. upper Gallery 3 s. 6 d. The Galleries will be open'd at Half an Hour after Four, Pit ani Boxes at Five. To beg: n at Half an Hour after Six o'Clock. RANELAGH- HOUSE, This Day, will be a CONCERT of MUSICK. The Vocal Parts by Signora FRASI and Mr. BEARD. The MUSICK begins at Twelve o'Clock. Each PERSON paying 2s. BREAKFAST included. To be continued Thursdays and Mondays till further Notice. RUCKHOLT- HOUSE,
ESSEX, WILL be open'd on Saturday the 23d Instant, with proper Accommodations for any Number of Persons every Day in the Week, during'the Summer Season, by your humble Servants, WILL. BARTON and JON. SCOTT. To be sold at the aforesaid House, a Copper that will wett three Quarters of Malt, with proper Brewing Utensils. South- sea- House, London, March 5, 1750. THE Court of Directors of the South Sea Company give Notice, That a General Court of the said Company will be held at their House in Threadneedle Street on Thursday the 21st Instant, at Eleven in the Forenoon, being one of the Half- yearly
General Courts ap- pointed by the Charter, and for the Purpose of making a new By- Law, which was approved of by the last General Court. LONDON- H O S P I T A L, THE Anniversary Feast of this Charity is appoin- ted to be held at Merchant- Taylors- Hall, on Thursday the 28th of this Instant, after a Sermon preached before his thrace the Duke of Devonshire, President, and the rest of the Governors, by the Right Rev. Father in God, Richard Lord Bishop of St. Davids, at St. Lawrence's Church near Guildhall. Prayers will begin at Eleven 0' Clock. STEWARDS. The Rt. Hon. Marquis of Daniel Bisson, Esq; Hartington, James
Chalie, Esq; Rt. Hon. the Earl of Orford, George Chandler, Esq; The Hon. Sir Peter Warrcn, Samuel Dickinson, Esq; Knight of the Bath, Matthew Howard, Esq; John Gore, Esq; Henry Raper, Esq; Christopher Barton, Esq; William Wilberforce, Esq; Stewards are provided for the ensuing Year. All Governors and other Gentlemen who are not provided with Tickets, may have them of the House- Steward of the Hospital, and at Tom's Coffee house, Cornhill, at Five Shil- lings each. No Gentlemens Servants will be admitted, but those be- longing to the Officers and Stewards. N B. In order to keep the Hall warm, it will be en- tirely
boarded. WILLIAM TROTTER, See. March, 19, 1350. A General Meeting of the Trustees for Repair- ing and amending the Turnpike Roads in the Counties Surry and Sussex, is appointed to beheld at the Greyhound- Inn, in Croydon, on Saturday the 30th Instant, at Ten o'Clock in the Forenoon, to take under Consideration some Proposals made for taking down the Gates and Bar, erected and set up in Lambeth- Lane, in the County of Surry, and on other special Affairs, STE. GOURNEY, CI. Middlesex- Hospital for Sick and Lame, and for Lying- in Married Women, in Windmill - street, Tottenham Court- Road, March 19, 1750.
aT a Special General Court of the Governors of this Hospital, held Yesterday at the St. Albans- Tavern in St. Albans- street, a Subscription was opened for erecting or purchasing a Building, for the Use of this Charity, at which Time several Gentlemen then present subscribed to the same. All Persons disposed to favour this Undertaking, are desired to pay their Subscriptions to Messrs. Honywood and Fuller, Bankers in Birchin- Lane ; Mr. Gislingham Cooper, Banker in the Strand; or to Mr. John Horne, Treasurer to the Hospital, in Market- Street, near Newport- Market. JAMES WILLDER, Sec. ADVERTISEMEMTS for this Paper,
are taken in at LLoyd's Coffee House in Lombard- Street 1
' By Order of the Committee for establishing an Hospital as a further Provision for poor Lunaticks. A General Meeting of the Subscribers intitled to be Governors of this Charity, will be held To- morrow ' 22d Day of March Inst. at Five o'Clock in tbe After- ternoon, at the King's Arms Tavern in Exchange Alley, for the Election of a Surgeon, and for the Dispatch of other business. T. WEBSTER, See. This publick Notice is given for the Information of such Gentlemen and Ladies who may have become Subscriberssince the issuing out of the Summons. til WHEREAS a General Court of the South Sea Company is advertised to be held
This Day the J... inst. at Eleven o'clock in the Forenoon, to confirm a New By- Law, when some Business of the greatest Importance to that Company will be laid before the Court. Therefore ' tis hop'd, that all Proprietors that are duly qualified will attend. Art thou then Spotless ? hast thou still preserred Thy Virtue White, without a B ot untainted ? Trust not a Man ; we are by Nature false. The Orphan. THE Proprietors of the Lands in theParish of St. Mathew, Bethnal- Green, in the County of Middlesex, are earnestly desired to meet on Tuesday next, at Eleven o'Clock in the Forenoon, at the King's- Arms- Tavern in Cornhiil, on
special Affairs. Please to enquire for No. 5. WE beg leave to remind the Nobilty, Gentry, & c. that we have now by us great Variety of rich Gold and Silver Brocades tor Ladies Wear, and rich Waistcoat Stuffs for Gentlemen, intirely new for the present Season, & c. all of our own manufacturing, which, without Vanity, we can venture to say, are equal, if not superior, both in Goodness of Fabrick, and Elegancy of Fancy, to any made at Paris, or Lyons, or elsewhere ; and as all the various Branches which compose this Manufacture, such as refining the Geld and Silver, and drawing of it into Wire, flatting and spinning of it, and then
weaving of it into Brocade, are executed, by our own workmen, we are thereby enabled to sell these Gold and Silver Bro- cades, & c. as cheap, if not cheaper, than those made in France or elsewhere, of equal Goodness, which will be evident to those Nobi- lity, Gentry, & c who shall favour with their Commands, Their most obedient humble Servants, W. Sharp and Company. Our Warehouse is backwards at Mr. Day's, the Peacock and Turk's Head a Gold and Silver Lace Shop, the Corner of Maiden- lane, in Bedford- street, Covent- Garden. THOMAS YELDALL, Mercer, late at the Indian King and Queen in the Cloysters,
West- Smithfield, begs Leave to acquaint his Friends and Customers, that he is remov'd to Mess. Troy and Phipps, Mercers, at the Seven Stars, Ludgate street, where he hopes to have the Continuance of their Favours, which will be gratefully acknowledge By their most humble Servant, THOMAS YELDALL. UNIVERSAL REGISTER- OFFICE. Mention by Henry Fielding, Esq-, at the End of his En- quiry into the Causes of the late Increase of Robbers, AT the Universal- Register- Office, oppo site Cecil- street in the Strand, all Persons who have any Lodg- ngs to lett, particularly in London or Westminster, and in any of the
neighbouring Towns and Villages, whether furnished or unfur- nished, may hear of Lodgers ; and all that have any Estates or Houses to lett, sell, or mortgage in Town or Country, may hear of Tenants, Purchasers and Mortgagees by registering the same ; Persons who want to buy or sell Annuities, Reversions of Estates. Advowsons, or next Presentations, or Persons wanting to change their Livings, Gen - tlemen wanting to dispose of any Place, Office, or Employment which they have Power or Leave to sell; persons wanting curates and Curacies; Partnerships in Trade, Companions for Post- Chaises, or to hear of return'd
Coaches to different Parts, Ships sailing to diffe- rent Ports, or any Stage- Coach or Waggon, or Wanting any Master or Mistress to teach any Art or Science, or learned and ingenious Men, private Tutors, Ushers of all Kinds, public Academies, private and excellent Schools in the Country, where young Gentlemen may be qualified for the University, their Health and Morals properly taken care of, not above 30 Miles from London, and at no greater Expence than 14. I. per Annum; Persons wanting to buy or sell any Sort of Goods, Pictures, China, any Parcel of Books, or whole Libraries, oi any kind of Curiosity, or, to borrow Money
on any Security; People wanting Dry or Wet Nurses, or Nurses for the Sick or Small- pox ; Midwives that have been instructed by the most eminent men in that Way, that will either wait on Ladies abroad, or accom- modate them with Lodgings and all Conveniencies for Lying- in at their own Houses, may be heard of here ; also Shopwomen or Barkeepers; and all those who have any Coaches, Carriages, or Horses of any kind to sell or lett ; People having any Dogs to sell either for Use or Plea sure, as Mastiffs, Hounds, Terriers, Pointers, Spaniels, & c. or any kind of Wild Beasts or Birds of any Sort; Masters of any Trade want
ing Journeymen, Apprentices, or Turnovers ; Journeymen, or Turn- overs wanting Masters ; Parents wanting to put their Children out Apprentice either with or without Money ; any People wanting to take Boarders, or Boarders wanting Houses of Accommodation, for grown Persons, or Children, either in Town or Country, for Boys wanting to Westminster School ; Masters or Mistresses want- ng domestic Servants of either Sex, and of good Characters, either for Public or Private Houses, from the Steward to the Footman, or from the House keeper to the Kitchenmaid ; Tradesmen wanting Clerks, Shopmen or Bookeepeers, or
wanting to have their Books settled, their Accounts dated, either occasionally or for a Con- stancy, in any Language; or any Person wanting any Sort of Book, or Manuscript to be copied ; or any Sort of Clerk or Servant to go Abroad, may be supplied here. The greatest Caution is here used about Servants, for none are register'd but what can have a good Character from the Place where they lived last, and make a decent Appearance. - A Plan of this Office has been lately published, setting forth the Principles on which it is built, together with the Method of exe- cuting every Article of Business transacted there, to be had only at
the said. Office, Price 3 d, F fOR READY MONEY ONLY MOUNTAIN WINE Dry and Sweet, may be had of JAMES ROYSTON Wine- Merchant, at the Iron- Gate in Great St. Helens, Biihopsgate- street, near St. Mary- Axe, at different Prices according to its Age, viz. s. d. 3 Years old, at 5 0 per Gall per Half Hhd 5, 6, and 7 Yrs. old, at 6 o lo to 11 Years old, at 6 8 ALSO, Sherry Red Port. White Port White Lisbon Madeira Canary 10 Rota Tent 10 All thefe Wines art of the Best of their several Growths; to obtain which, no Cost is spared they are really neat as imported, and per- fectly bright and fit for immediate Use. They are
delivered at his own Expence at any Part of London 0r Places adjacent within three Miles of the Royal Exchange.— Bottles, Hampers and small Casks are always ready, and are to be paid for 0r exchanged. N. B. All Orders by the General or Penny- Post, Stages, or other Carriages are complied with on the aforesaid Terms with the same Regularity is he carried on this Business at Hoxton near 20 Years from whence he it lately removed, constant Attendance being given at his said House in St. Helens, either by himself or his son JAMES ROYstoN, junior, per Gallon, TWenty- four thousand Pounds wanted it 4 per Cent. upon a
Freehold Estate of double the Value in Ire- land, with good Security for the Payment of the Interest in London, one half Year under another. 1300 1. ready to be given for a Lieutenancy of Dragoons in Eng- land, or any Lieutenant of Dragoons in England that would exchange with a Lieutenant of an Old Regiment of Foot in Ireland, may now be treated with upon Terms much to his Satisfaction. A Freehold Farm lett at 110 1. a Year to be sold in Middlesex ; and one of 100 1. a Year in a pleasant Country, 30 Miles from London. A Cornecy of Dragoons, and a Quarter- master's Warrant and Com- mission to be sold ; a Place about
400 Guineas Value to be sold. Any Principal Person willing to treat for any of the above, or that want to borrow Money upon real Securities in any Part of England, may direct for Mr STACPOLE, at St. Dunstan's Coffee- house in Fleet street, who attends from Eleven to One, and from Four to Six. To be SOLD, ABOUT 30 Acres of Copyhold Land at Stanwell in Middlesex, fined at the Will of the Lord, subject to an Annuity of 6 I per Annum, to a Person advanced in Years. Enquire of Matthew Ramsey, Carpenter in Wych- street. To be SOLD, AMansion House, of four Rooms on a Floor, well fitted up, part Brick and part Timber built, with Offices, Gardens, Yard, Stable, & c. And an Estate in the some Parish, all in good Repair and well Tenanted, lett at 168 1. per Ann. situate not far from Bishop Stortford in Hertfordshire. h or further Particulars enquire of Mr. Lechmere, Attorney at Law in Quality- Court, Chancery- Lane. To be LETT, ( And entered upon immediately J AVery convenient Brick- House, at an easy rent, in good Repair, and a Stable thereto belonging, with a large Yard and Warehoufes, and Cellars round the same ; to- gether with a Shed, lately made use of as a Shop by a Dry Copper; which Premises are conveniently situated near the
Water side, in. or- gan's Lane, Tooley- street, Southwark, and is very fit for any Person to carry on a Trade that requires much Room. The Warehouses are very good and dry, and have been often used for Hop- Warehouses, The Houfe stands at the further End of the Yard, and the whole Premifes are intire and inclosed. For further Particulars, enquire of Mr. Ellison, Wine- Merchant, in the Borough, Southwark. To be LETT, ( And enter'd upon immediately) At Croom's- Hill, at Greenwich, within a Stones- Cast of the Park ; AVery handsome Brick - House sash'd, lately put into compleat Repair, and is fit for a midling: Family, and
hat delightful and extensive Prospects of the River, with a double Coach- house, and Stabling for four Horses, Further Particulars may be had by enquiring of Mr. Horsely, a Gardener, near the Premisses. It extremely well water'd. To be SOLD By Richard Barnard, Hairseller, in Bell- Yard, near Tem- ple Bar, at One Shilling an Ounce, ANew invented Powder for shaving Gentle- men, or washing Ladies Hands ; its Qualities far exceed any Thing of the Kind ever yet sold ; it meliorates the Hair, so as to make it cut easy from tender Faces; it softens and smooths the Skin, and renders shaving pleasant ; nor will it dry or leave a
smarting on the Skin like Soap ; and is so harmless in its Nature, that it may be taken inwardly. A little Experience will prove its good Qualities. Pocket Brushes, which hold the Powder, sold at the same Place. T TAR- WATER sold in Painter's Court, by Jermyn- street, near St. James's Church. Mr. PRIOR's Narrative of the Success of TAR- WATER With two Letters from the Bishop of Cloyne, Price I s. Norway Tar, Firkins, Half Firkins, & c. The Right Acid Juice of TAR, Made after Mr, REID's Directions, in his Letter to Dr. HALES, Turning out of Jermyn streety - Five Doors down Bury street, there is writ over the Passage
Painter's- Court- N. B. Printed Bills are given, specifying the Price paid, for any Quantity of Tar Water, Tar, or Acid Juice, with these Words, Printer's Court five Doors from Jermyn- streett With the Proprietor's Name to the said Bills. ^ STRONG TAR- WATER for HORSES. A By Desire of several Persons of Distinction, AT the Great Assembly Room in James's- Street, Westminster, This Day, being the 21st Instant, will be an ASSEMBLY. Tickets will be had at the Prince of Wales's Coffee- House in St Alban's- street, and at the said Room only. Each Ticket Five Shillings, will admit one Gentleman or two Ladies. The Doors to be
open'd at Seven, the Coffee Room at Ten. A Select Band of MUSICK is provided. Ftr the Benefit of Signor ANGELO MORIGI. AT Hickford's Great Room in Brewerstreet, This Day March 21, will be a Concert of Vocal and In- strumental MUSICK. Tickets Five Shillings. To begin exactly at Seven o'clock. Tickets to be had at the Prince of Orange's Coffee- house in the Haymarket. For the Benefit of Signor MANFREDINI. AT the New Theatre in the Haymarket, on Tuesday March 26, will be perform'd a Pastoral Opera, call'd LA FORZA D'AMORE. Tickets to be had at Mr. Manfredini's Lodgings, at Mr. Brown's, at the Golden Ball in
Jermyn- street. Pit and Boxes to be put together, at Half a Guinea, Gallery 5s. For the Benefit of Mr. YATES A T the Theatre- Royal in Drury- Lane, AT on Monday, March 15, will be presented a Comedy call'd The SUSPICIOUS HUSBAND. The Part of Ranger to be perform'd by Mr. Garrick. And the Part of Clarinda by Mrs. Pritchard. With Entertainments of Dancing, & c. And a FARCE. Tickets and Placcs to be had of Mr. Yates, next Door to Mr. Walsh Musick shop, in Catherine- street in the Strand ; and of Mr. Hobson at the Stage- Door of the Theatre. For the Benefit of Mr. SPARKS. AT the Theatre- Royal in Covent- Garden,
Tuesday March 26, will be presented a Tragedy, call'd The FAIR PENITENT. Calista, Mrs. Cibber; Horatio, Mr. Quin ; Lothario, Mr. Barry; Sciolto, Mr. Sparks. With Entertainments as will be expressed in the Bills of the Day. Tickets to ee had, and Places taken of Mr. Sparks, at his Lodgings in Tavistock- row, Covent- Garden and of Mr, Page, at the Stage- Door. For the Benefit of Mr. MACKLIN. AT the Theatre- Royal in Covent- Garden, on Monday March 25, will be reviv'd a Tragedy, call'd THEODOSIUS Or, The FoRCe Of love The Part of Varanes to be performed by Mr. Barry; Theodosius, Mr. Ryan ; Leontine, Mr. Macklin;
And the Part of Athenais to be performed by Miss Macklin, ( Being her first Appearance.) With a new Occasional Prologue to be spoken by Mr. Macklin. To which will be added a Farce, ( never acted there before) call'd WILL AND NO WILL, or, A new case the Lawyers. Written by Mr. MACKLIN. Tickets and Places for the Boxes to be had of Mr. Page at the Stage- Door, and of Mr. Macklin at his Lodgings in Bow- street. For the Benefit of Mr. BERRY. AT the Theatre Royal in Drury- Lane on Tuesday March 26, will be presented a Tragedy call'd The MOURNING BRIDE- Being the last Time of Acting it this Season. The Part of
Osmyn to be performed by Mr. Garrick Zara, Mrs. Pritchard ; the King, Mr. Berry ; And the Part of Almeria to be performed by Miss Bellamy. With Entertainments,& c. , Tickets to be had of Mr. Berry, at Mr. Pope's, Peruke ma- ker in Russel- street, Covent- Garden; and Tickets and Places for the Boxes of Mr. Hobson at the Stage- Door of the Theatre^ A A CHARITY PLAT, Recommended by the CITY of LONDON, bor the Benefit of Mr. B A R R Y, Of Salifbury- court, Jeweller, ( betr. g in great Difitef1.) AT the Theatre- Royal in DruryLane, on Wednefdav, March 27, will- be prefented a Play, call'd The LONDON MERCHANT p Or,
The Hi/ lory of GEORGE BARNWELL. George Barnwell Mr. Lee; Thoroughgood by Mr. Berry ; Millwood, Mrs. Pritchard. With a Farce and Entertainments, as will be exprefs'd in the Bills of the Day. Tickets to be had at Griglby's, Shadwell's, Janeway's, and Sam's Coffee- houfes by the Royal- Exchange ; Peele>, A'nderton's, Nando's, and Temple Exchange in Fleet- ftrcct; • Slarfh's Coftee- houfe in Silver- ftreet; and of Mr. Hobfon at the/ tage- Door of the, Theatre, where Places for the Boxes may be tak? n. For the Benefit of Mr. COOKE. . AT the Theatre- Royal in Covent- Garden, on Thursday March 28, willl be presented a
Tragedy call'd The ORPHAN. The Part of Castalio by Mr. Barry ; Polydore, Mr. Ryan ; The Part of Chamont by Mr. Quin ; Monimia, Mrs. Cibber. With Entertainments of Dancing by Mr. Cooke, Miss Hilliard, & C Tickets to be had of Mr. Cooke, at his Lodgings, the third Door in Rathbone- Place, near Soho- square ; and of Mr. Page, at he Stage Door of the Theatre, where Places may be taken. For the Benefit of Mr. LOWE. AT the Theatre- Royal in Covent- Garden Saturday March 30, will be presented a Tragedy, call'd HAMLET. Hamlet, Mr. Barry; Queen, Mrs Woffington ; Ophelia, Mrs Cibber . With Entertainments, as will be
express'd in the Bills of the Day. Tickets to be had of Mr Lowe, at his Lodgings in Beaufort- Buildings, in the Strand ; and at Mr. Hardham's Snuff Shop, in Fleet- street Mr. Lowe desires his Friends to take Notice, that all his Tic- kets are printed on Cards ; having lost 1100 that were printed on Paper, thro' the Negligence of a Porter, which obliged him to make the Alteration. For the Benefit of Mr. DYER. - AT the Theatre- Royal in Covent- Garden, on Monday April 8, will be presented a Tragedy call'd ' ALL FOR LOVE Or, The WORLD WELL LOST. Antony by Mr. Barry; Ventidius, Mr. Quin; Alexas, Mr. Dyer ; Octavia, Mrs. Dyer ;
and Cleopatra by Mrs. Woffington. With a Farce, and Entertainments, as will be express'd in the Bills. Tickets to be had of Mr. Dyer, at Mr Evans's in Tavistock- Row, Covent- Garden ; and Places for the Boxes to be taken of Mr. Page at the Stage- Door of the Theatre. Acted but once this Season. For the Benefit of Mrs. GREEN. AT the Theatre- Royal in Drury- Lane, Wednesday April ro, will be presented a Tragedy, call'd The ROMAN FATHER. The Part of the Roman Father to be performed by Mr. Garrick ; And the Part of Horatia to be performed by Mrs. Pritchard. With Entertainments as will be express'd in the Bills. Tickets
and Places to be had of Mrs. Green, in Broad court, Bow- street, Covent- Garden ; and of Mr. Hobson, at the Stage- Door. For the Benefit of Mr. HAVARD. AT the Theatre- Royal in Drury- Lane, Thursday April 11. will be presented the Masque of ALFRED. With all the proper Scenes, Dances, Music, and Machinery. The Part of Alfred to be perform'd by Mr. Garrick ; And the Part of Eltruda by Miss Bellamy. With Dancing by Mons. Devisse, Mad. Auretti, Mr. Mathews, Mad. Camargo, & c. To which will be added a FARCE. Tho' MR. Havard's long and severe Indisposition has prevented his personal Solicitation, yet he hopes it will
not deprive him of the Presence of those Perfons of Quality, & c. who used to favour his Be- nefits. N. B. Those Ladies and Gentlemen who apply'd for Places and were disappointed the last Time the Masque was performed, may have them for this Night, by sending to Mr. Hobson at the Stage- Door, by whom Tickets will be deiiver'd ; As also at the Bedford Coffee- house, and at Mr. Havard's, in Broad- court, the upper End ef Bow- street, Covent- Garden. For the Benefit of Mr. LEVERIDGE. AT the Theatre Royal in Covent- Garden., on Wednesday April 17, will be presented The CITY- WIVE'S CONFEDERACY. To all gen'rous
Britons I found this endeavour, To beg that this Season my Play you'll promote, By granting as usual your bountiful Favour, Which by Old Silenus shall ne'er be forgot, Whilst Life I'm enjoying and Health do inherit, With grateful Remembrance all Thanks I'll renew, Still raising my Voice to the heighth of my Spirit, Then Swan like will sing out my final adieu. The Tickets for the Play, with the Musical Note printed on them may he had at Mr. Leveridge's Lodging, over against the Red- Lion in Brownlow- street, by Drury- lane, and of Mr Page at the Stage Door of the Theatre,
For the Benefit of Mr. and Mrs. RIDOUT. AT the Theatre- Royal in Covent- Garden, On Saturday April 13, will be presented the Tragedy of OTHELLO, MOOR of VENICE. The Part of Othello to be performed by Mr. Barry ; Iago by Mr. Macklin ; Cassio by Mr. Ridout ; And the Part of Desdemona by Mrs. Cibber. With Dancing, and Entertainments. as will be express'd in the Bills. Tickets to be had of Mr. Ridout, at the Golden Key in Broad- court, the Upper End of Bow- street; and of Mr. Page, at the Stage- Door of the Theatre, where Places may be taken. For SALE by the CANDLE, At LLoyd's CofFee- House in Lombard street,
This Day March 21, at 12 at Noon, THE ANNE Galley, almost a new Vessel, square- sterned, Boston built, Burthen 135 Tons more or less. with excellent Dimensions for the Wine Trade, now lying at Shadwell Dock, Timothy Mac Daniel Commander. of Sale, and of Inventories to be had on board, at the Place SAMUEL BROOKS, Broker. By ADJOURNMENT. For SALE by the CANDLE, At LLOYD's Coffee- house in Lombard- street, On Thursday March 28, at 12 at Noon, SUNDRY Stores saved out of a Dutch Ship, lately lost at Greenland, viz. Anchors, Cables, Whale Lines, and o- ther Cordage, Sails, Sec. Catalogues may be
had at the Place of Sale, and of SAMUEL BROOKS, Broker. For S A L E by the CANDLE At LLOYD'S Coffee- House in Lombard- Street, On Wednesday April at 12 at Noon, THE CHARMING POLLY Brigantine, about eight Months old, square- sterned, Boston built, Burthen 140 Tons more or less, with very good Dimensions, now lying at Mill stairs, Rotherhith, Benjamin Fadre Commander. Inventories to be had on board At the Place of Sale, and of SAMUEL BROOKS, Broker. for SALE by the CANDLE At LLOYD's Coffee house in Lombard- street, On Wednesday, March 27, at 12 at Noon, TH E DOVE Brigantine, Square sterned, Plantation- built, about two Years old, Burthen 150 Tons or there- abouts, with exceeding good Dimensions, now lying at Stone Stairs, Daniel McCartey Com- mander. Inventories to be had on boards at the Place ' of Sale, and of PETER FEARON, Broker. For SALE by the CANDLE, At GARRAWAY'S Coffee- House in Exchange- Alley, On Friday April 12, at Six o'Clock in the Evening, Only one Aum Cask, or ten Dozen of Bottles in a Lot, viz. THIRTY Aums of excellent Old Hock, 150 Dozen of French Wine in Bottles, 200 Dozen of curious Persian Wine, in Pints, of a most delicious Taste, supposed to be the richest
ever imparted, 8 Pipes of Madeira Wine from the West- Indies. Catalogues of which will be timely dispersed by PETER FEARON, Broker, In Nicholas- lane, Lombard- street. N. B. The Old Hock, Persian, and French Wines, belong to the Estate of a Gentleman abroad, lately deceased, and Drawback on the Aliens Duty ; and the Madeira Wines belong to the Estate of a Bankrupt. Now on SALE, By Order of the Assignees of John Cuff, Optical Instru- ment- Maker, at his Shop, the Sign of the Reflecting- Microscope and Golden Spectacles, against Serjeants- Inn- Gate in Fleet- street, London, HIS entire Stock is Trade, consisting
of all Sorts of the most curious Optical Instruments ; as Refracting and Reflecting Telescopes, Microscopes of several Kinds, & c. parti- cularly the Double Microscope of a new Construction, invented by the said John Cuff; the Solar Microscope as improved by him ; also the Opake Microscope, with Wilson's Pocket Microscope, Culpep- per's, Sec. the Chamera Obscura Magic Lanthorn, Convex and Concave Speculums. Multiplying Glasses, Prisms for Sir Isaac New- ton's Experiments on Light and Colours, Barometers, Thermometers, . Speaking Trumpets, and various Sorts of Mathematical Instruments; likewise Opera
Glasses, Reading Glasses, and Spectacles made of Bra- zil Pebble, and the finest Flint Glass, Venetian Green, and superfine Crown Glass, ground on Brass Tools, in the Method approved by the Royal Society Catalogues of which are deliver'd gratis at the Place of Sale ; and for the Conveniency of the Buyers, the Goods are number'd, and the prices fixed. at very low Rates. For SALE by the CANDLE, At GARRAWAY's Coffee- house in Exchange- Alley, To- morrow the 22d Instant, at Four in the Afternoon; By Order of the TRUSTEES, TH E Woollen Goods belonging to the Estate of Mr. GEORGE RISHTON, of Dukes- Court,
St. Martin's- Lane; assigned over for the Benefit of his Creditors. Likewise a large Assortment of Cloth and other Goods, fit for Ex- portation or home Consumption, viz. 15 Pieces broad Cloths 85 Pieces broad and narrow 40 Kerseys, Bed- Ticks, 37 German Serges, 117 Doz, colour'd and brown 54 Naps, Bear Skins and Thread. Duffles, 76 Doz Hose, sundry Sorts, 14. white Shallons, > 7 Doz. Caps and Muffatees, t j Plain and strip'd Flannels, 54 Waistcoats and Breeches 30 Linseys and stampt Seiges, Pieces. ' 21 Hair Shags, 30 lb. Knitting worsted. , 60 Yard wide Irish Linnen, Also sundry Remnants. The above Goods to be
feen at ROBERT KIRKE's Warehouse, the Upper- End of New Rents, St. Martin's- le- Grand, Cheapside, to the Time of Sale. ROBERT KIRKE, Broker. A Parcel of white stop List Woollen Cloth, fit for Expor- tation, to be sold by private Contract. By LAMBE, At his Great Auction Room, Pall- Mall, On Thursday the 28th Instant, and the following Days, THE Rich Houshold Furniture, Jewels, and other Effects of a Nobleman deceased Amongst which is a matchless Chintz Bed of a most beautiful Pattern, with Birds, Flowers, Trees, & c. curious Wrought, Damask, Cloth, Linnen, and other Furnitures, magnificent Pier Glasses, in
modern carv'd and gilt Frames, fine India and Inlaid Cabinets, Bookcases, Chests and Screens, Turky Carpets, French, Elbow and other Chairs, cover'd with Crim- son, Silk, Damask, and Rich Brocade, . Variety of other Furniture, as Cloaths Presses, Chest of Drawers, Chairs, Tables, & c. in Ma- hogony and Wallnuttree, a One horse Chaise, Sedan Chair, fine China and Japan, Pictures and Fire- Arms ; a valuable Parcel of Jewels, consisting of a Diamond Necklace, a Pair of large single- drop Ear- rings, Girdle Buckle, and Rings, Gold Snuff- boxes, Watches, and other Curiosities. The Whole to be viewed, and Catalogues
delivered from Monday the 25th to the Time of Sale, which will begin each Day at Half an Hour after Eleven o'clock. To be SOLD by AUCTION, ( Without Addition) By ROBERT HEATH, By Order of the Executors, This, and the following Days, TH E Houzhold Furniture & c. of Mrs, BECCELER, deceased, at her late Dwelling- House near St. George's Church, Southwark ; consisting of fine Callico, Dimity, and other Furnitures, in Beds, Window- Curtains, Chairs, & c. Goose Feather Beds, Blankets, Quilts and Chin- s Counterpanes, Pier, Chim- ney Glasses and Sconces in gilt and other Frames, Variety of Cabinet- work, in
Wallnut- tree and Mahogony, in Cabinets, Desks and Book- cafes, Chests of Drawers, Dressing, Card and Dining Tables Pictures, Plate, China, and Wearing Apparel, a large Wardrobe of exceeding fine Houshold Linen, Silks of various Sorts, Cloths, Camblets, Cot- tons, Hollands, Lawns, & c. a small Collecton of Books, Kitchen - Furniture, two Lead Cisterns, & e. The Whole to be view'd till the Time of Sale, at her House afore- hid, which will begin each Day at Half an Hour after Eleven. Catalogues will be delivered the Days of viewing at the Place of Sale, at the Bank Coffee- House, Threadneedle street, and at Mr HEATH's,
in Broad- Court, Bow- Street, Covent- Garden. To be SOLD by AUCTION, By JOHN HEATH, This Day, the 21st Instant, TH E Neat and Genuine Houshould Fur- niture, Plate, China, and Linen, of a Surgeon and Apothe- cary leaving off Housekeeping, at his late Dwelling- House in Tavistock Street, Covent- Garden. The Whole to be view'd to the Time of Sale, which will begin at Eleven precisely ; the whole to be sold in one Day. N. B. The Apothecary Shop, compleatly fitted up with wainscot Drawers, Glasses, Bottles, Gaily pots, elegantly labelled after the last Pharmacopoeia, will be sold in one Lot. The House to be Lett, and
may be entered upon at Lady- Day next Catalogues will be delivered gratis the Day of Viewing at the Place of Sale, and at Mr Heaih's in long Acre. N. B. The Furniture all new within three Years, To be Sold by Auction by Mr. PRESTAGE, At his Great Auction Room the End of Savile- Row, next Conduit- street Hanover- square} This Day, THE Collection of DUTCH, FLE- MISH, FRENCH and ITALIAN Pictures, of Dr. BRAGGE. Collected by Himself Abroad. DUTCH, FLEMISH, ITALIAN, Rachael Ruysch, De jonge, Bassan, Miguion, Rycuts, Titian, Mortell, brower, Cartona, Slingleant, Gonzales, La Seur, & c. Miris, At the
PARTCULAR Desire of his Friends, The whole to be view'd till the Time of Sale. • At the same time Catalologues will be given at Grigsby's Coffee- House behind the Royal Exchange; and at Mr. Prestage's aforesaid. To be be sold by Auction by Mr. PRESTAGE, On Thursday the 28th Instant, and the two following Days, THE genuine Houshold Furniture, China, Linen, & c. of Mrs. MARGARETTA FREAME, deceas'd, at her late Dwelling House in Red- Lion Street, Holborn, three Doors below Ormond- street, consisting of Silk, Mohair, Damask, Dimity, and other Furniture; Mahogony, and other Tables and Chairs ; Sconces and
Chimney Glasses, a Japan'd Cabinet, Carpets, Screens, a Chime Clock, some exceeding good Kitchin Furniture, a large Copper, With Brewing Vessels, Sec. To be viewed to the Hour of Sale, which will begin each Day ex- actly at half an Hour after Eleven. Catalogues to be given gratis at the Place of Sale; and at Mr. PRESTAGE's, the End ol Saville- Row, next Conduit- street, Ha- nover Square. To be S O L D by aUcTION, By Mr. PRESTAGE, On Easter Monday, being the 8 th of April, and the follow- ing Days, THE Lease of the Dwelling House of the late Earl of TYLNEY, decased, situated at Paddington, with all the
Improvements, two Coach- houses and Stabling for six Horses, new erected ; there are two Houses laid into one, and well Repaired ; being proper for a large Family or two small Ones: with Gardens well stock'd with Fruit- Trees, & c. Likewise the Houshold Furniture, fine old China, Pictures, & c. To be view'd on Thursday the 4th of April to the Hour of Sale, ( Sunday excepted) which will begin each Day at Half an Hour after Eleven. Catalogues to be given, gratis at the Place of Sale, and at Mr. PRESTAGE's, the End of Saville- row, Hanover- square. Note, The Lease will be Sold the first Day's Sale at One o'clock. SECON D
SALE, At GARRAWAY'S Coffee- House in Exchange- Alley, This Day the 21st Inst. at Fine in the Afternoon, THE FOLLOWING GOODS, being 9 further Part of the Stock in Trade of the late Mr. WILLIAM HAYTER, Drugg- Merchant, in the Old- Jewry. Whisp Steel, 1 5 Chests, Safflore, 35 Bales Yellow Berries, g Ditto, Cream Tartar, 4 Casks, Verdigris 100 Sacks, Catalogues will be delivered, and the Goods shewn from This Morning, ' till the Time of Sale. A farther Part of the Drugs will be sold the 23d of April next. EDWARD TAYLOR, Broker. For SALE by the CANDLE, At the Royal- Exchange Coffee- house, Threadneedle street, On Wednesday March 27, at Five in the Afternoon, FIVE Hundred Bolts of British Sail Duck, intitled to the Bounty of 2d per Ell on Exportation ; two- Butts three Hogfheads, and eijht half Hogsheads of extraordinary good old Mountain Wine, fine and fit for Bottling ; a new eight Inch Cable, some Hemp, and other Goods; of which further Notices will be gi-. ven, and Catalogues prepared by JOSEPH BAKER, Sworn- Broker. this day, at Five olClock, at Mr. Fletcher's House in Princes- street, Cavendish- square, Oxford- Road, MR. HENDERSON will begin a Course of Twelve Geographical Lectures after the Method of the •
late famous Mr. M'Laurin ; in which the principal Phaenomena in the different Countries in the World shall be accounted for, and their Dependance upon Astronomy shall be explained The Whole to be fo conducted as to supply a Course of Natural Philosophy, and in a Manner adapted to the meanest Capacity. N. B. At this Place are taught Latin, Greek, and French in the most familiar Way, every one being obliged to speak the language he is learning as also Writing, Arithmetic, and all the other Branches of useful Knowledge And by the above Mr. Henderson, all the Parts of Mathematicks are taught at Home or Abroad, ' upon
the most easy Terms. Price of Attendance to each person 1 s. The first Lecture to be upon the great Circles and Figure of - the Earth. T0 be SOLD by AUCTION, : By Mr. BROWN, At the Scots Arms in Little Britain, This Day, to begin at Eleven o Clock. By Order of the EXECUTORS, THE Genuine Stock in Trade of Mr. WILLIAM JAMESON, Hair- Merchant, ' deceased. Con- sisting of Live Hairs, viz. Greys, Grizzles. Pales and Browns. To be view'd at the above Place, to the Time of Sale : Where Catalogues will be delivered. ' Tis believed this will be the Last Day's Sale. For SALE by the CANDLE, At the Royal Exchange
CofFee- House in Threadneedle- street On Thursday March 28, at Ten o'Clock in the Forenoon, THIRTY- ONE Bales of Carews Tripoly Silk, all belonging to the Estate of a Gentleman deceased, 3 Bales of Byroot Silk, also belonging to the Estate 1 Antioch, i of a Gentleman de- 1 Aleppo Tripoli, ) ceased. The Silk may be feen at Mr. Burdett's Warehouse. No. 13 in St. Mary Axe, from Monday the 25th Instant to the Time of Sale. THO. and JOHN BURDETT, Brokers.. To be sold by Auction by THO. PERVIL, On Tuesday March 26, and tie following Day, THE Genuine Collection of Pictures of a Gentleman, brought out of Surry,
for Conveniency of Sale, to a Great Room the Upper End of Bow- street, Covent Garden ; consisting of the Works of Peligrire, Borg gnone Snydersf Van Blom- mart, Jordans, MUshareau, & c. The said Collection will be exhibited to publick View To- morrow to the Time of Sale, which will begin each Day at Half an Hour af- ter Eleven. Catalogues of which will be deliver'd gratis the Days of Viewing, at Mr. Pervil's House in Bow- street aforesaid; the New Jamaica Coffee- house, in St. Michael's Alley ; and at Mr. Dogan's, Uphol- sterer, at the Two Golden- Balls, Long- Acre. , To be Sold by Auction by Mr. PERVIL, At his House the
Upper End of Bow street, Covent- Garden, on Tuesday and Wednesday, the zd and 3d of April next, THE genuine Collection of French, Italian, and Flemish Piftures, of Mr. WILL. KING, of Long Acre, Guilder, deceased. The said Collection will be exhibited to publick View on Saturday the 30th Instant, till the Time of Sale; which will begin each Day at Half an Hour after Eleven. Catalogues of which will be delivered gratis the Days of Viewing, at Mr. PERVIL's, in Bow- street aforesaid This Day is publish'd. Price 1S. MATHEMATICAL EXERCISES. NO. II. Containing ( besides the Answers to the Problems in the first Number, and
a Collection of new Problems & c )- the lnvestigston of the Sums of Series's, the Principles of Dialling, and some Re- marks on the Ladies Diary. By JOHN TURNER Printed for James Morgan, at the Three Cranes, Thames street Where the first Number may be had. M This Day is Published, Price is. The Fourth Edition, [ with considerable Additions) TH E TRUE PROTESTANT : A Disser- tation shewing the Necessity of asserting the Principles of Li- berty in their full Extent, without Ecclesiastical, or coercive and dis- qualifying Establishments. Addressed to the UNIVERSITY of CAMBRIDGE. By ROBERT SEAGRAVE, A. M. The
Ax is laid to the Root of the Tree, Printed for J. Oswald, at the Rose and Crown in the Poultry ; M Cooper, in Pater noster Row ; E. Gardiner, without Temple- bar ; and G. Woodfall, at Charing Cross. v This Day is published, Price 1s. TH E Art of Book- Keeping, made easy. to the Young, and Un- experienced, by Forms. Adapted to the immediate Concerns of Persons in the following Stations of Life, viz. School- boys, Apprentices, and Servants who would keep an Account of their Disbursements of any kind. Stewards or any other Persons, who would keep a regular Account of their Affairs, though they be not immediately
concerned in Trade. Shop- Keepers and such like, as are concerned in Trade, and would conduct their Accounts after the most regular Method. These Forms are so contrived, as that by giving at first Examples the most familiar and easy to be un- derstood, a thorough Knowledge of the whole Art may be attained to afterwards; the whole being founded opon the Plan, and designed as , an Introduction to the Study and Practice of a larger Work, intitled, A Compleat System of Book- Keeping after the Italian Method, & c. Calculated for the Use of such Perfons of both Seres, as would be instructed in so necessary an Art By JOHN
LONDON, Author of the Compleat System aforasaid. A Wise Man will hear, and will increase Learning. Prov. I. e. Printed for John Clarke, under the Royal Exchange, Cornhill. This Day is published, PROPOSALS for Engraving and Printing by Subscription FIFTY New Tables of Chronology and History, contrived in so Ample and clear a Manner, that the History of fifty Years is contained in each Table, and comprehended at one View ; with a List and Character of the best Historians. By the Rev. JOHN BLAIR, L. L. D. Every Subscriber to pay a Guinea at the Time of subscribing, and another Guinea upon the Delivery of the Book
in Sheet-. Subscriptions are taken in by the Author, at the Academy in Great Windmill- street ; Mr, Millar, opposite to Katherine- street, and Mr. Wilson, at Plato's- Head, both in the Strand ; and Mr. Dodsley, in Pall- Mall; where the particular Conditions and on- of the Tables al- ready engraved may be seen, for the Satisfaction of the Subscibers. This Day is publish'd, ln Octavo, Price Two Shillings and Six- pence sew'd, AN Enquiry into the Medicinal Virtues of BRISTOL WATER, and the Indications of Cure which it Answers- By GEO. RANDOLPH, M. D. This Book was published in Part in the Year 1745, anl is now compleated
with several Corrections and Amendments. Sold by , J. Nourse, at the Lamb, opposite Catherine- street in the Strand.
Just published ( Price bound Three Shillings and SiX- pence) The Second Edition, with large Additions, THE Compleat PSALMODIST. In Four BOOKS. The Whole is composed for One, Two, Three, Four, and Five Voices, according to the most authentick Rules, for the Use of Country Choirs. By JOHN ARNOLD, Philo- Musics. Printed for C. Hitch, at the Red- Lion in Pater- noster- Row ; J. Hedges, at the Looking- Glass, over- against St. Magnus's Church, London- Bridge ; and J. Buckland, at the Buck in Pater- noster- Row. This Day is Publish'd, Price 1s. 6d. THE LORD'S SUPPER fully consider'd in a Review of the HISTORY
of its INTITUTION : With Meditations and Ejaculations suited to the several Parts of the Ordi- nance. To which are prefixed, Three Discourses delivered at the LORD's TABLE. By the Reverend and Learned JOHN OWEN, D. D. Never before published : And some Remarks on the plain Account of the SACRAMENT. Printed for J. Buckland, at the Buck in Pater- noster- Row ; J. Oswald, in the Poultry ; and G. Woodfall, Charing- Cross. The few remaining Cogies of the following Book., formerly sold for 5 /. 6 d. in Sheets, are now to be had at the easy Price of Two Guineas in Sheets, of S. Keble, next Bride- Lane Fleet- street, AN
Universal History of Arts and Sciences, or a comprehensive Illustration Definition and Description of all Arts, Liberal and Mechinical. The Origin and Progresses of all Religions, Sects, Heresies and Schisms: The Description of all Countries, their Government ; Ecclesiastical, Civil, and Military ; their different Climates, Soils, Products, and the Manners of the Inhabitants. The different Systems of Philosophy ; curious and accu- rate Observations of Astronomers, both antient and modern ; the Hi- story of all Orders, Religious and Military j with curious and entirely new Treatises on the Duties of Embassadors and Plenipotentiaries,
the Education of Princes and their Subjects, and the manner of tra- velling into foreign Parts. By DENNIS COETLOGON, M. D. Illustrated with 34. Copper- plates, and copious Indexes to each Vo- lume, the Whole containing 617 Sheets, with his Majesty's Royal Licence. Odd Numbers may be had for compleating Gentlemen's Sets. This Day is published, Price 1s THE ROYAL JESTER, or, Cream of the Jest : Being a choice Collection of the best Puns, Jokes, Bulls, Jests, Repartees Conundrums, Epigrams, Sec. See. & c. Col- lected for the Universal Amusement, Diversion, and Improvement of Mankind. By MARTYN MERRY,
Esq; Wit Professor in Ordinary to the King of ' To meet all Good if you'd be Certain, * Reject ' em all but Merry Martyn j * Peruse his Book and there you'l view, ' The Cream of Miller, Foott, and Johnson too. Printed for E. Downham and F. Stamper in Pope's Head- Alley, Cornhill 5 and sold by R. Baldwin, Patcr- noster- Row ; James, Cooke and Kingman, at the Royal- Exchange ; Robinson, Ludgate street ; Lowndes, Exeter- Exchange ; Woodfall,. Charing- Cross ; Wilson, Pall- Mall; Brooke, under St. Dunstan's Church, Fleet- street ; Constapel, Conduit- street, Hanover- square ; and all other Booksellers in Town and Country.
This Day is publish'd, Price bound 5 s. Dedicated to his Grace the Duke of Queensberry, The Second Edition, of ASPANISH GRAMMAR, in which each Part of Speech is separately treated after a new Method, and a Syntax, such as hitherto has never been published in any Grammar. To which is added An English Grammar, for the Use of Spaniards j also many Dialogues, and an Hispanism, never printed before. By PETER PINEDA, Teacher of the Spanish and Italian Languages. London ; Sold by Messrs. Birt in Ave- Mary- Lane, Clarke under the Royal- Exchange, in Threadneedle- street, and Steidel in New Bond- street.
Where may be had, by the same Author, and Dedicated to the Children of the Prince and Princess of Wales, Price bound 2s. An Introduction to the Spanish Tongue ; containing. The Al- phabet and its Parts. 2. Words of one and more Syllables, with Stories, Fables, and Songs. J. Letters on several Occasions. 4 Twelve Dialogues verbatim. J. Dialogues, useful for Learning the Spanish Idiom. There being a small Number of the following valua- ble Work still in Hand, they will be sold at 41. 1os in Sheets ' till Midsummer- Day next, formerly sold at 9I. in Sheets. Illustrated with 224 Copper- plates, and treat Variety of Head- pieces
end Tail- pieces, all beautifully design'd by BERNARD PICART, and curiously Engraved by the best Hands in. EUROPE. THE CEREMONIES and RELIGIOUS CUSTOMS of the Various NATlONS- nf the KNOWN WORLD: Together with' Historical Annotations, and several curious Discourses, equally instructing and entertaining. Translated from the F R E N C H. Sold by C. Davis, opposite Gray's Inn in Hol o n ; T. Longman , and C. Hitch, in Pater- noster Row ; and A. Millar, opposite Cathe- rine Street in the Strand. Now published, ( With a most beautiful Frontispiece to the Volume, designed by Mr. Wale and finely engraved
by Mr. Grignion ; a General Title curiously en- graved by Mr. Kitchin ; and complete Indexes.) THE LONDON MAGAZINE, for theYear 1750, complete, being the 19th Volume- Containing A great Variety of useful and entertaining Subjects, many Originals both in Prose and Verse, and not to be met with in any other Collec- tion whatever ; among which are the Debates in the Political Club.— And this Volume is illustrated with seven County Maps, besides three Folio Views of Towns in England, and embellished with a great Num- ber of Cuts, representing Foreign Birds, Beasts, amphibious Crea- tures, Arts and Manufactures, A.-
C. curiously engraved by the best Masters. To which are added, a Variety of the best new Songs set to Music, and 12 new Country Dances. Printed for and sold by R. Baldwin, jun. at the Rose in Pater- noster- row. and by all Booksellers in Great- Britain and Ireland. N. B. There being but few of some of the Volumes left, Gentle- men are desired to complete their Sets as soon as possible. tj^ y The County Maps, engraved by Kitchin, which are all new drawn from actual Surveys, and regulated by Astronomical Observa- tions, will be continued, and when compleated, be the correctest and most useful Set of Packet Maps ever yet
published. This Day is publish'd, Price 1s. 6d. THE History of LAPLAND: Shewing the Original, Manners, Habits, Religion and Trade of that People With a particular Account of their Gods and Sacrifices, Marriage Ceremonies, Conjurations, Diabolical Rites, & c. & c. By JOHN SCHEFFER, Professor of Law and Rhetorick in the University of Upsal in Sweden. Printed for R. Griffiths, Bookseller, at the Duncied in St. Paul's Church- yard. ' This Day is published, In One neat Pocket Volume, Price 3/. bound. Adorn'd with a Portrait of the HERO, THE HISTORY of POMPEY the LITTLE ; or, The Life and Adventures of a LAP- DOG.
Printed for M. Cooper, at the Globe in Pater- noster Row. This Day are published, in Quarto, The Eighth and Ninth Volumes, illustrated with a great Number of Copper- plates, which compleat the Work, of THE PHILOSOPHICAL TRANSACTIONS from the Year 1731, to the Year 1744, Abridged and Dis- posed under General Heads; the Latin Papers being transacted into English. By JOHN MARTYN, F. R. S. Professor of Botany in the University of Cambridge. Printed tor W. Innys, T. Woodward, C. Davis, C. Hitch, T. Astley, R. Manby, and H. S. Cox. Where may be had lately published, Winslow Anatomy of the Human Body,
translated from the French by G. Douglass, M. D. with Copper- plates, 4to. Next Week will be published, Neatly printed in a Pocket Volume, ( Price bound 3 s.) AShort View of the Families of the present ENGLISH NOBILITY ; their Marriages, Issues, and imme- diate Ancectors ; the Posts of Honour and Profit they hold in the Go- vernment ; their Arms, Mo to's, and Chief Seats. With an Index, specifying the Time of their respective Creations and Summons to Parliament, theTitles of their eldest Sons, their Rank, Precedence, lit. By Mr. SALMON. Printed for W. Owen, at Homer's Head, near Temple- Bar ; and G. Woodfall, at
Charing- Cross ; and sold by all other Booksellers in Town and Country. This Day is Published, Price i s. ETERNAL LIFE considered under the Notion of an ESTATE ; the Holy Scriptures as the Title- eeds ; describing the Persons who shall inherit it; with a plain Account of their general Character ; in three Dialogues. By JOHN GREENE. Vir bonus & Prudens . Index ipse sui totum se explorat ad Unguem. Printed for James Buckland, at the Buck in Pater- noster- Row ; J. Oswald, at the Rose and Crown in the Poultry ; and G. Woodfall, at Charing- Cross. In the Press, and will be publijhed next Week, Price Two Guineas in Half binding, or Two Pound Eight Shillings bound, beautifully printed in eight Vol. 0ctavo, THE Parliamentary or Constitutional HISTORY of ENGLAND; being a faithful Account of all the most remarkable Transactions in Parliament, from the earliest Times. Collected from the Journals of both Houses, the Records, original Manuscripts, scarce Speeches, and Tracts ; all compared with the several Cotemporary Writers, and connected throughout, with the History of the Times. By SEVERAL HANDS. Printed for Thomas Osborne in Grays- Inn, and William Sandby in Fleet- street. This Day is published, ( Price One Shilling) The FOURTH
BOOK, THE SCRIBLERIAD. An HEROIC POEM. Printed for R. Dodsley, in Pall- mall ; and sold by M. Cooper, in Pater- noster- Row. The two remaining Books- will be published as soon as the Prints can be engraved This Day are Re- published, And to be had of A. Millar, in the Strand, TH E Twelve following valuable Works. I. Jac. Augusti THUANI Historiae sui Temporis, 7 vol. X. The Works of the HON. ROBERT BOYLE, 5 vol. 3. The Works of Lord BACON, 4 vol. 4. The Works of JOHN LOCK, Esq; 3 vol. 5. The Prose Works of JOHN MILTON, 1 vol. 6. The Occana. and ether Works of JAMES HARRINGTON. 7. N BACON,
on the Laws and Government of England. S. The Works of EDMUND LULDOW; Esq S. ALGERNOON SIDNEY'S Discourses on Government. N B. There are a few printed of each on a superfine Writing Paper, mostly uniform, all in Folio, with considerable Improvements 10. Bishop BURNETT'S History of his own Time, a vol. it. Dr. ISAAC BARROW's Works, 3 v. 12. The Works of JAMES THOMSON, 2 vol. 4to. 3 Tol. 8vo and 4 vol. in 12mo. The Seasons and all his Plays may be had se parate. The REMAINING COPIES of THE State Papers of JOHN THURLOE, Esq; Secretary, First to the COUNCIL of STATE, after wards to
the Two Protectors, OLIVER and RICHARD CROM- WELL containing authentic Memorials of the English Affairs from the Year 1638 to the Restoration of King CHARLES H. published from the Originals, formerly in the Library of JOHN Lord SOMERS, Lord High- Chancellor of England. In SEVEN VOLUMES in FOLIO, Are to be Sold at Three Pounds Ten Shillings in Sheets. By Mr. MAWHOOD, Executor to the late Mr. Gyles, Druggist, at the Golden Lion in the Strand j and by C. Davis, Bookseller, in Holborn. N. B. A few of the Royal Paper may be had at 61. 6s. in Sheets. P. S. The Original Manuscripts of the above Work, in
sixty- feven Volumes in Folio, are to be sold, and may be seen at C. Davis's. This Day is published, In TWO VOLUMES, Folio, Dedicated to HIS MAJESTY, ACOMPLETE SYSTEM O F geography. Being a DESCRIPTION of all the Countries, Islands, Cities, Chief Towns, Harbours, Lakes, and Rivers, Mountains, Mines, Sec. of the KNOWN WORLD. Including the most Material Revolutions and Changes that have hap- pened in every KINGDOM, GOVERNMENT, and STATE. Illustrated with SEVENTY MAPS, by EMANUEL BOWEN, Geographer TO HISMAJESTY. Being all new Drawn and Engraved according to the latest
Discoveries and Surveys, making of themselves, a COMPLETE ATLAS. Printed for Mess. Innys. Ware, Knapton, Clarke, Longman, Of- borne, Whitridge, Hett, Hitch, Austen, Comyns, Hodges, Millar, Corbett Rivington, and Ward. Gentlemen who have taken this Work in Weekly, are desired to be speedy in perfecting their Books, many of the single Numbers being almost disposed of. This Day is published, Price 2 s. 6 d." OBservations on the past Growth and pre- fent State of the City of London. To which are annex'd, a complete Table of the Christnings and Burials within this City from 1601 to 1750, both Years inclusive ;
together with a Table of the Numbers which have annually died of each Disease from 1675 to the present Time; and also a further Table representing the respective Numbers which have annually died of each Age from 1728 to this Year ; from which is particularly attempted to be shewn the increas- ing Destruction of Infants and Adults in this City ; and consequent thereto, the excessive Drain which it continually makes upon all the Provinces of this Kingdom for Recruits ; to which are added, some Proposals for a better Regulation of the Police of this Metropolis. By the Author of a Letter from a Bystander. —— Pudet haec
opprobria nobis, Et dici potuisse, & non potuisse refelli. Printed by H. Woodfall in Pater- noster- Row ; and sold by H. Whitridge at the Royal- Exchange, and G. Woodfall at Charing- Cross. This Day is published, Price 5 s. TABLES of TIME : Whereby the Day of the Month, either New or Old Stile ; Day of the Week } Rising of the Sun ; Time of the Sun's entrance into the Equinoxe and Solstices ; moveable Feasts particularly true Time of Easter ; fix'd Feasts ; remarkable Times ; Moon's Age ; Eclipses, & c. may be found for any Time past, or to come, without the help of Astronomical Tables. There are 500 Years viz. 250 past and
250 to come, ready calculated. By GAMALIEL SMETHURST. Printed for the Author, and sold by R. Dodsley in Pall- Mall; and J. Payne and J. Bouquet in Pater- noster Row. As a Bill is now depending in the House of Lords for altering our Stile, this Piece is recommended to shew how far such an Altera- tion may be necessary, as likewise proper to examine any new Scheme by, that may be proposed. On Saturday the 13 tb Day of April, will be published, to be continued Weekly, ( Price Six- pence) Number I. Of the Second Edition, of THE CONTINUATION of Mr. RAPIN's HISTORY of ENGLAND, from the Revolution to the End
of the Reign of King George I. By N. TINDAL, M. A. Illustrated with the Heads of the Kings and Queens, and of feveral illustrious Persons, engraved by Mr. Houbraken, on 36 Folio Copper- Plates ; also 20 Maps and Sea- Charts, in which the principal Battles are mark'd, and the Navigation of the several Parts of Europe is de- scribed. N. B The Work will be continued Weekly without Intermission, in 105 Numherj, at Six- pence each Number, containing Four Sheets, including the Heads, Maps, ar. d Sea- Charts, and will not exceed the Price of 2 I. 12 s. 6 d. in the Whole. Printed for J. and P. Knapton, Ludgate- street. Where may
be had, This Work in Two Volumes in Folio, with the Heads, Maps, and Sea Charts, Price 2 1. 12 9. 6 d. in Sheets. Also Mr. Rapin's History of England, translated by N. Tindal, M. A. in Two Volumes in Folio with the Heads and Monuments of the Kings, Genealogical Tables, & c. Price 2 1. 12 s. 6 d. in Sheets. Likewise, A Summary of the History of England, from the Invasion of Julius Caesar, to the Death of King George I. with Plans of Towns, Sieges, and Battles ; and also the Metallick History of the three last Reigns, in a Set it s of 400 Medals, with their Explanations, in one Volume in Folio, Price 1 1. 5 s. in Sheets. K^ A
small Number may be had of Mr. Rapin's History of Eng- land, in 15 large Volume in 8vo. with the Heads and Monuments of the Kings. Mr. Tindal's Continuation is also printed in 13 Volumes, ? vo. BELLOSTE's PILLS, UNiversally approved of as the finest Puri- fier of the Blood, and a never- failing Remedy for all Pains in the Joints, Scorbutick, Leprous, Scrophulous and Rheumatick Dis- orders also a certain Relief in the Gout, and many other Diseases in- cident to Human Nature, as may be seen more at large in Mr. Bel- loste's Hospital Surgeon. Price 20 s. the Whole Bor, and IOS. theHalf Box, They are sold by a Relation of
Dr. Belloste, and by his particular Appointment, at the Blue Flower- pot in Broad- street, Golden- Square, at Mr. Stephens's, a Milliner, at the Blue Ball between the Tem- ple Gate, in Fleet street and at Mrs. Clocker's, at the Blue Flower- pot in Little Bell- alley in Coleman- street. At the above Places all Persons may, by seeing the Corres- pondence with Dr. Belloste, be satisfied that these Pills are genuine and prepared by him ; and that all others, sold elsewhere under the Name of Belloste. in reat Britain or Ireland, are Counterfeit. For the RUPTURES, DISORDERS of the URINAKY PASSAGE, and FISTULAS. GEORGE
ARNAUD, Member of the Academy of Surgery at Paris, and of the Society of Surgeons in Londsn ; Author of a Treatise on Ruptures, lately published by A. Millar, gives Notice, That he has invented a New kind of TRUSS, lighter, safer, and more convenient than any hitherto made use of; and prepares the Remedies proper to be used in all the Circumstanccs incident to these Distempers as mentioned in his Book. He likewise prepares MEDICINAL CANDLES of his particular Composition, which effecutally cure all the most inverate Disorders of the Urinary Passage, and Fistulas ( without Cutting) by procuring a moderate
Suppuration, and gradually destroying all manner of Ob- structions occasioning the Retention of Urine. Directions for the Use of these Medicinal Candles are given with the Medicine. Inquire at hit House, No. I. in Martlet's Court, Bow- street, Conent- Garden. CHASE's BALSAMICK PILLS Many Years experienced by the Author, in his private Practice, as a Man Midwife and Apothecary at Luton in Bedfordshire ; are now published for a general Good. TH E uncommon Success which daily at- tends their being taken in different Diorders, Ages, and Co- stitutions, sufficiently proves themto be A CERTAIN and IMMEDIATE CURE
For all manner of Pains occasioned by Colds settled in the Head, Body and Limbs, or any of their particular Parts; as the Eyes Ears Throat, Shoulders, Sides, Back and Loins, Sec. For all manner of Coughs and Hoarsenesses. For Asthma's, and all other Disorder of the Lungs. For inward Bruises and spitting of Blood. For the bloody Flux and Diarrhaea ; or, Immoderate Loosenesses. For all kinds of Cholicks in the Stomach, Bowels, & c. For the Gout and Rheumi- tisim. For Fevers and Agues. For Eruptick Fevers, as the Measles, Small- Pox, Chicken- Pox, & c. For the Hooping- Cough, and Gripes in Children. For preventing
Miscarriages j and they are most neces- sary Medicine that can be given to Women after sharp and difficult La- bours ; instantly relieving, as well as preventing those acute Pains, and colliquative Weaknesses that frequently succeed upon a critical Birth therefore, as an excellent Succour in thofe Cases, It is necessary they should be kept in Readiness by all careful Midwires and Nurses. The Boxes are sealed with my Coat of Arms as in the Margin. And by Appointment, are Sold only by WILLIAM and CLUER DICEY, and Comp. at Dr. Bateman's Warehouse in Bow Church- yard, London, and at Northampton, Price 2 s. the Box,
containing six Doses. To whom all Persons m a wholesale or retale Way, are desired to apply for them. LONDON- Printed by W. EGELSNAM at Mr. Woodfalls the Corner of Ivy Lane, Pater- noster- Row, where ADVERTISEMENTS of a moderate Length are taken in at Two ShilliNgS each.