Proceedings on the King's Commission of the Peace, Oyer and Terminer, and General Goal-Delivery for the County of Surrey held at Kingston-upon-Thames
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Proceedings on the King's Commission of the Peace, Oyer and Terminer, and General Goal-Delivery for the County of Surrey held at Kingston-upon-Thames
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Proceedings on the King's Commission of the Peace, Oyer and Terminer, and General Goal-Delivery for the County of Surrey held at Kingston-upon-Thames
Date of Article: 01/03/1749
Printer / Publisher: J. Nicholson
Address: Near Session House in Old Baily
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THE PROCEEDINGS ON THE King's Commission of the Peace, Oyer and Terminer, and General Goal- Delivery, FOR THE COUNTY of SURRET, HELD AT Kingston - upon- Thames In and for the said County, ON Thursday the 16th, Friday the 17th, Saturday the 18th, Mon- day the 20th, Tuesday the 21st, and Wednesday the an Day of MARCH, 1748- 9. IN THE Twenty- second Year of His Present MAJESTY Reign. LONDON, Printed for J. Nicholson near the Sessions- House in the Old- Baily; and sold at all i Pamphlet- Shops in London and Westminster. Price FOUR- PENCE.
[ * ] The Proceedings, & c. held at Kingston- upon- Thames. for the County of Surry. BEFORE the honourable the Lords the King's Juztices, assign'd to de- liver the common Goal for the County of Surrey, and others of his Ma- jesty's Justices of Oyer and Terminer, for the said County. Names of the Gentlemen of the JURY. William Rice Abraham Clark, Thomas Tickner, Charles Grantham, George Warren, Thomas Tunjlall, Thomas Major, John Goddard, Steymer Tickner, John Taylor, William Morris, John Chitty. MARTHA CARTER, of the Parish of St. Olave, in Soutbwark, was indicted for felo- niously stealing a certain Number
of Copper Halfpence to the Value of five Pounds, the Property of Gilbert Hagens, Distiller in Tooley- street. A Servant of Mr. Hagens was the Person who proved the Felony upon the Prisoner •, and he deposed that she had been employed to go on Errands for his Master, and that at different Times they had miss'd Halfpence out of a Closet in the Compting- house. Mr. Allen was called and sworn, who de- pos'd that several Quantities of Halfpence were lost, and that the Prisoner being sus- pected, every body was sent out of the way that she might have an Opportunity to serve herself; that Deponent being concealed be- hind
some Cloths in the Closet, saw the Prisoner come and take a ten Shilling Parcel off the Shelf, that he laid hold of her and said, Now, Mary, I have catch'd you ; that she then said, it was the first Time, and hoped he would take no Notice of it, that he nevertheless secured her by tying her Hands, and setting her in a Chair in the Compting- house; that the Constable com- ing in she desired him to loosen her Hands a little ; which being done, and he return'd into the Shop again, Deponent saw her go to the Closet, and throw the Halfpence on the Floor therein; that she was then carried before Justice Clark, where she confess'd
stealing several Parcels of Halfpence to the Value of 5 /. and upwards. The Pri- soner said nothing in her Defence, nor had any Witnesses to call either to the Fact or to her Character. Guilty. PATRICK RENA, THOMAS DOBBINGS, and BARTHOLOMEW KENNEDAY, were in- dicted for assaulting Richard Hazlewood, on the King's Highway, in the Parish of St. Mary, Rotherhithe, putting him in cor- poral Fear and Danger of his Life, and for- cibly taking from him three Guineas in Gold, nine Shillings in Silver, and a Hat, his Property; and this Fact is laid in the Indictment to be committed on the 12th of January last, in the 22d Year
of his present Majesty's Reign. The first Witness called to prove this Robbery upon the Prisoners, was Mr. Ha- zlewood, the Prosecutor, who depos'd, that on Thursday the 12th of January, about half an Hour after Five in the Evening, he was going from Rotherhithe to Deptford, where he liv'd, and that between the Work- house and the Marsh- gate, he met five or six Men in Company coming along the Road, that he gave them the Way, and they all pass'd by him; that the last of them, which was Dobbings, turned about and hit him a violent Blow on the Head with a great Stick, and repeating it with a second over his Temples,
they brought him to the Ground, that they then surrounded him, having
[ 3 having great Sticks and Hangers in their Hands, and rifled his Pockets of three Gui- neas and nine Shillings; that one of them taking his Hat off, he complained, where- upon Dobbings run his Hanger into his Eye, that he took particular Notice of him thereupon, and is positive that the three Pri- foners are of the Number of those who robb'd him; Deponent said that after he got up from the Ground, they beat him so un- mercifully with their Sticks, that his Wrists, in guarding his Head with his Arm, were swelled as broad as the Palm of his Hand. The Prosecutor was positively sure that Dob- bings was the Person who took his Hat.
Mr. Thomas Cheer was next called, and he depos'd, that on the 12th of January last, between Five and Six at Night, as he was coming along the Rotherhithe Road, he saw seven or eight Persons together, and one of them upon the Ground surrounded by the rest; that asking what was the Mat- ter ? one of the Company said it was a Quarrel, on which he walk'd on about his Business, that before he had got an hundred Yards from them he heard their Sticks, and turning back, faid For God's Sake, Gentle- men, don't murder the Man! on which Dob- bings said, Who are you, we'll kill you too ? then they made a Blow at him with
their Hangers, but missing him, he ran away as fast as he could, but is positive the Prisoners were three of the Men, the Moon being five Days old, there was Light enough to distinguish their Faces. Deponent farther said, that he ran away from them, and hid himself in a Smith's Shop in the Cherry- Garden, and the Prisoners stopping at the Door, he had a fair Opportunity of seeing their Faces by the Light of the Smith's Fire. Charles Palmer deposed, that he was at the Anchor- and- Hope, an Ale- house at the Cherry- Garden, and that the Prosecutor and the last Witness brought a Warrant to take up the Prisoners, and that they
apprehended ] Rena and Kenneday at Rena's Mother's, and that Kenneday endeavoured to get off over the Tops of the Houses. Deponent said that Dobbings was taken in Rag- Fair. The Prisoners being called upon to make their Defence, Dobbings and Rena said that Kenneday was not with them, and that Rena was sixty Yards off at the Time of the Scuffle, which Dobbings said was occasioned by the Profecutor's running against him, and that they neither of them knew of, or saw, any Money that was taken from him. Dobbings called no Witnesses neither to the Fact, nor to his Character-, but Rena's Council called the
following Persons to his Character. Katherine Bird, who said she lived in Arundel- street, in London, and that Rena was a very sober, honest young Man, and she did not believe he would be guilty of what he was charg'd with. — Being ask'd how she came acquainted with him ? said she lived near his Mother in Ireland. Rose Carter swore that he - was a very sober honest Man, and added, that when the Prosecutor was before Sir Samuel Gower, he said he had not lost any Money. John Grant and Owen Shiell also gave him a good Character the former said the Rea- son of his not being put to any Business was, that he was a
little silly. Kenneday in his Defence called Sheill and Carter, who were Witnesses for Rena, and they swore that he was in their Com- pany at Rena's Mother's on the 12th of January last, from Two in the Afternoon till half an Hour after Seven, and was out of the Room only twice in the Time to order half a Gallon, and a Pot of Beer. The Jury found all the Prisoners guilty. DEATH. THOMAS PITT, THOMAS GAMBLE, and SAMUEL MARSH, of the Parish of St. George's Southwark, were indicted for breaking and entering the Dwelling- House of Mary Blanch, Widow in the Night Time,
C 4 Time, and stealing six Sauce- Pans, three Pottage- Pots, and other Goods her Pro- perty, Feb. 13. Mrs. Blanch said that her House was broke open, which is a Publick House in Mint- Street •, and that some of the Goods were sold to one Seely a Broker in Barnaby- Street, and some to other Brokers, who did not give a- fourth Part of the Value for them. Seely and his Wife appear'd, and owned they bought some of the Goods, and were reprimanded by the Court for buying Things so cheap, because it was an Encouragement to Thieves. Mr. Thomas Bignall said that he got a Warrant to appre- nend the Prisoners, and some
of the Goods were found at Seely's, who bought them for little or nothing. Pitt and Gamble guilty of Felony, but acquitted of the Bur- glary. Marsh not guilty. NICHOLAS STONE was indicted for breaking open the Dwelling- House of Mar- tin Reid of the Parish of Chobham, and stealing Goods to the Value, of 50 s. Ac- quitted of the Burglary, but guilty of single Felony. GEORGE COLE was indicted for stealing two pieces of Shalloon. Acquitted. THO. DUDLEY was indicted for marrying two Wives. Guilty of Bigamy. John Lingham was indicted for a Felony at Ryegate. Guilty 39s. ALEXANDER BASSET, WILLIAM CAS- TLETON,
and THOMAS BAKER, were in- dicated for stealing six Fowls, the Property of John Hards. There was no positive Proof againd the Prisoners, so they were acquitted, and immediately turn'd out of Court without paying Fees, having been confined in the New Goal ever since the 30th of September last. CHARLES SHARPIN and ELIZABETH SHARPIN otherwise BLACKMAN were in- dicted for stealing in their ready- furnish'd Lodgings, a Looking Glass, a Pair of Sheets, and other Things; the Property of 1 William King, of the Parish of St . George, Southwark. The Jury acquitted them. ROBERT BoxAL was indicted for Felony, and
found guilty of the Indictment. ELIZABETH WARD was indicted for privately stealing 31 Pieces of Portugal Gold valued at 36s. each Piece, and one piece of Portugal Gold Coin of the Value of 3l. 12s. 0n the 23d of December last, the Property of Richard Brookland. Richard Brookland depos'd, that he was a poor Sailor, and had come to Billinsgate with two of his Shipmates from on board the Nonsuch Man of War, where he had been paid off, and was picked up in the Street by one Sarah Barrett, who went with him into Ax- and- Bottle- Yard in the Bo- rough, to a House which the Prisoner kept; that they had same Drams and
Punch, and he asked the Prisoner if he might lie down ; that she answered him, he was as safe as it he was in his own House that he lay down on a bit of a Bed with Sarah Barrett, and • desired the Prifoner to call him in about three Hours ; that he fell asleep, and when he was awaked, all his Money ( which was ty'd up in a Handkerchief and put into his Trowsers which lay under his Head) was gone, and not a living Creature in the House , that he made an Enquiry in the Neighbourhood what was become of the Women, and he was told that they were all run away; and he heard no more of them till Sarah Barrett was taken in
Rag Fair, and she gave an Information againd Eliza- beth Ward, who was soon after taken, but he never had one Farthing of his Money returned. Sarah Barrett was the next Witness, who was the Sister of the Prisoner, and was brought from Newgate by a Writ of Ha- beas Corpus ad testificandum to give Evidence : She was very weak, and when she was , sworn she pretended she knew nothing at all of the Affair; and tho' her Confession, taken before Thomas Quarril, Esq; of Whitechapel,
Whitechapel, one of his Majesty's Justiccs of the peace for the County of Middlesex was read to her, wherein she confess'd the Prisoner's robbing the Sailor and giving her two Thirty- six Shilling pieces and signing the said Confession she absolutely denied that she ever saw the paper; but at last own'd that her Sister was in the Room and she believed that she took the Money The Confession of Barrett was proved by a Headborough of Whitechapel Parish. The Prisoner was found guilty of Felony, but acquitted of the privately stealing. Note, The Prisoner went by the Name of Sutton, liv'd with Sutton the Prize- Fighter, and has
long been an infamous Robber. AMOS CARNES was indiCted for felo- niously stealing a Silver Tankard in the Dwelling- House of John Jones, of the pa- rish St. Olave Southwark Victualler, Nov. 16. The Prosecutor depos'd that Carnes was his Lodger, and had been drink- ing with other Company at his House, and that he stole the Tankard that was found upon him in Kent- street, but he pretended that he had lost the Handle but however that was likewise found; and the Prisoner was committed to the New Goal by Justice Browning. He said nothing in his Defence nor had any Witnesses to call. Guilty of Felony to the Value of
39 s. JOSEPH BUTLER pewterer, was indiCted for the Murder of Joseph Austin by giving him a violent Blow on the Temple, with an Iron Instrment, of which Hurt he languish- ed from the 24th to the 28th of August in Guy's Hospital, Southwark, and then died. Mr. Philip Spencer, a Pewterer in Fetter Lane, was call'd, and he depos'd that the Prisoner and the Deceased quarrelled about their workmanship ; that the prisoner called the Deceased Son of a B h, and the Deceased told the prisoner he was a double Son of a B h, and then the prisoner strUck him with an IrOn on the Head, which BLOW was the CaUse of Mr. Austin's
Death. The prisoner on his Defence said that he had no ill Will to the prisoner, and was sorry that he gave that Unfortunate Blow, but that it was occasioned by the Handle of the Iron flying off. Mr. Gooch, Pewterer, gave the Prisoner a good CharaCter; and said he had been at, the Hospital with the Deceas'd, who told him he was sure Mr. Butler did not do it with any Intent to hurt him;— and other Witnesses, a Patient and a Nurse of Guy's Hospital confirm'd this. The jury ac- quitted him of wilful Murder and found him guilty of Manslaughter. THOMAS PARTIN, THOMAS WALKER, and ARTHUR GIBBONS were indiCted, for that
they on the 9th Day of February last, then being on board a Boat on the River Thames, in an open Place near the King's Highway, did make an Assault on Henry Allison, and him the said Henry did put in Fear and Danger of his Life, and forci- bly did take from him a Silver Coffee- pot, Value 8 1. a Silver Watch, value 40 s. a Pair of Silver Shoe Buckles, a Pair of Sil- ver Knee Buckles two Bottles of a certain spirituous Liquor called Rum, a Hat, one Guinea in Gold, and 6 s. in Silver, his Pro- perty j this Felony is laid in the Indictment to be committed in the Parish of St. Mary at Rotherhithe in the County of Surry. HENRY ALLISON.
I am a Northum- berland Man, and had Business in London On Thursday the 9th of February, pretty late in the Evening, I went from the Three Cranes to the Tower Stairs, in order to take Water, to go on board the Constant Jane, a Newcastle Trader. I had a Por- ter with me, who carried my Box to Tower Stairs, and then two Watermen ply'd me -, and I ordered them to carry me to Horsley- down- Chain, where the Ship lay ; and the Porter having delivered the Box to the Wa- termen,
termen, they put from the Shore.—— I at first imagined there had been only the two Men who ply'd in the Boat, but when I had got in the Middle of the Thames, I saw another lying in the Stern, as if asleep. When we got to Horsleydown, I ordered them to hale the Ship, and one of them did call out, but I did not very well understand what he said •, however, he told me the Ship was not there, for it was gone to the Point, [ meaning Cuckold's point] and then • they row'd on. He that was in the Stern of the Boat exchanged Places with one that rowed, which I believe to be the Priso- ner Walker, who went into the Stern ; and soon
after this I was struck on the Head with a Hatchet, and with the 2d Blow I fell from my Seat into the bottom of the Boat. I cry'd out Murder several Times, and begged for God's Sake that they would not kill me. The Man who struck me said, Damn you be quiet for if you cry out Mur- der, or make the least Noise, we'll cut off your Head, and throw your Body into the Thames. They then robbed me of a Guinea that was in a Purse in my Pocket, and five Shillings in Silver ; they took a Silver Watch out of my Fob, and my Shoe Buckles and Knee Buckles, and then stopped my Mouth with a Handkercief, and tied my Hands, after which
they ran the Boat into the Mud, and all three went away, carrying my Box with them. I was afraid to call out, least they should return and kill me but some Time after they were gone, I untied my Hands with my Teeth, and got out of the Boat into the Mud, and walk'd, bloody as I was, to a publick House where the People sent for a Surgeon, who dressed me. I was extreamly ill, and had three Wounds given me on the Head with a Hatchet.— I saw the Hatchet before they struck me, and this is the Hatchet. [ Then the Hatchet was produced, and shewn to the Court and the Gentlemen of the Jury and at the same Time Mr. Allison
pulled off his Wig, and » • * shew'd the Wounds on his Head, Cheek, and Face, which were very large Wounds, and had like to have cost him his Life and he is not yet perfectly recovered. The Coffee- Pot was also produced , which had been hid under Ground ever since the Robbery, and was found by Walker's Directions. He was asked by the Court, if he knew any of the Prisoners ? He reply'd it was dark, and could not positively say they were the Persons, tho' to his best Know- ledge he believed they were. The Coffee- pot that Walker hid under Ground, he- confessed was the same Coffee- pot that he and the two prisoners
took from the prose- cutor Mr. Allison. . Mr. Thomas Willis was the next Witness called, and he depos'd, that he is a Porter, and was employed by the Prosecutor to car- ry a Box for him to the Tower- stairs ; and that he did carry the Box and two Bottles of Rum j that at the Stairs two Watermen plyed Mr. Allison, and that he saw him get into the Boat, and bid him Good Night, and saw the Boat put off from the Shore. He was asked, if he could take upon him to say that either of the prisoners were the persons that ply'd Mr. Allison ? He re- ply'd it was dark-, and that he could not, but believes Walker was one. Mr. William Johnson,
High Constable for the Half Hundred of Brixton, deposed, That having heard of this Robbery on the River, and in what a cruel Manner they had cut the Gentleman they had robbed, he used his utmost Endeavours to find out the person that were concerned in this Cruelty ; — says they are all Watermen, and that partin plies at Rotherhithe, and Walker at King's-; stairs ;— that after a strict Enquiry he found out partin, and that he took him in an empty House in Love Lane, near Billings- gate, just by where partin's Father lives, and carried him before Justice Hammond ; — that Gibbons was also taken and sent to the New Goal, and
Walker was taken at Gravesend.
Gravesend.—- This Witness was asked, if he did not make a promise to partin, when he first apprehended him ; that he should be admitted an Evidence if he would discover his Accomplices ? He reply'd he did not make any such promise, but he was desirous of being an Evidence when he was brought before William Hammond, Esq; a Justice of the peace for the County of Surrey.— And this particular Justice Hammond con- firmed. James Pitcher depos'd, that he is Clerk under the Town Clerk of Gravesend, where the Prisoner Walker was apprehend- ed , that Walker was brought before the Mayor of Gravesend, and that he
heard him acknowledge, before the Mayor ( Mr. John Reading) that he, in Company with two others, did knock a Gentleman down in a Boat on the River Thames near Cuck- old's point and robbed him of a Silver Coffee- pot, and other Things;— that he took his Confession in Writing, which was made voluntarily, and without any Com- pulsion, and that before he signed it, it was read over to him, and he said all there- in was matter of Fact; after which the Mayor committed him to Maidstone Gaol, and that he was removed by Habeas Corpus to take his Trial in Surry. [ then the Confession of Thomas Walker was read, which
contained in Substance what was sworn by the Prosecutor. The Confessions of Partin and Gibbons were also read, and all of them being made vo- luntarily, they were taken as Evidence against them.] The Prisoners being called upon to make then- Defence, had very little to say. Par- tin said that he surrendered himself, and was very desirous of bringing his Accom- plices to Justice. WALKER and GIBBONS owned that they were guilty of the Robbery and said they had no Friends to call, or any thing to say for themselves. PARTIN'S Council called a Waterman and Partin's Father who depos'd, that Mr. Johnson did promise the
Priloner Partin should be admitted an Evidence. Upon the whole Walker and Gibbons were found: . Guilty of the Felony and Robbery, DEATH; and Partin ( on account of his discovering his Accomplices) was found guilty of the Felony only. - RICHARD COLEMAN was indicted, for that he ( with two other Persons to the Jurors un- known) on the 23d day of July last, in the P- eace of God and our Sovereign Lord the King, in the Parish of St. Mary Newington- Buts, then and there being, and not having the Fear of - God before his Eyes, but being mov'd and seducd, by the Instigation of the De- vil, of his Malice afore- thought,, on
one Sarah Green did make a violent Assault, and his Hands did thrust into the Body of the: said Sarah, and the private Parts of the said. Sarah did mortally wound, by which said vio- lence she languished from the said 23d Day of July to the 13th of September following in the Parish of St. Thomas in Southwark, and died: So that the Jurors for Our Sovereign Lord the King say, that the said Richard Coleman in Manner aforesaid the said Sarah Green did kill and murder, against the King's Peace, his Crown and Dignity, and the Forms of the Statute in that Case made and pro- vided. He was a second Time indicted on the Co roner's Inquest for the feloniousiy murdering the said Sarah Green.— To both these Indictments he pleaded Not Guilty ; and for his Trial put himself on God and his Country . Council far the Crown. May it please your Lordship, and you. Gentlemen of the Jury, I am Council on the Side of the prosecution against the pri- foner at the Bar, who stands indicted for one of the most atrocious Crimes, that ever Mankind committed, a Crime in its Nature of such a barbarous and deep Dye, so wan- tonly done, and of such unheard of Cru - elty,
[' elty, that Words are not wanting either to aggravate or extenuate the Circumstances : happy is it for the prisoner to be try'd in a Country, where the Lex Talionis, that is, an Eye for an Eye, and a Tooth for a Tooth, is not put in Practice for if my Instructions are true, and he found guilty, he might Un- dergo the same exquisite Pains in being em- bowel'd alive, as the unfortunate Mrs. Green suffer'd ' from his Wickedness. The Case, Gentlemen, is thus; one Mrs. Sarah Green, who was reputed to be an honest industrious Woman, that gain'd her Livelihood by Working for Mr. Winn in the Parish of St. Saviour's Southwark, at the
Trade of Rug- making, who as a faith- ful Servant, was invited by her Master, with other Work- folks, to partake of a Bean- Feast, on the 23d Day of July last, at the King's head in Kennington- Lane, in in this County, kept by one Mr. Howard, which her Master Winn annually gave to his Manufacturers; accordingly the unfor- tunate Mrs. Green went and stay'd with the Company till the Evening and then went home to put some Children to Bed, but af- terwards returned to the King's- head-, but the Company were gone. The prisoner, who was then at Howard's, in Company with two other Persons that appeared to be Brewer's
Servants, offered his Service to see her safe over St. George's Fields, upon which she in Gratitude ordered Mr. How- ard to bring fome Geneva, which the Pri- soner not liking, it was changed for a Pint of Beer, which they drank, and left Mr. Howard's House to proceed to London but at the End of Kennington Lane the prisoner was overheard to say to the De- ceased, by one Mr. Lingard, a Man of Credit and Reputation, at the Horse and Groom near Newington Church , if you will go to the Peacock I'll treat you with a Mugg of Beer ; but finding the Peacock Alehouse shut up, they went on, when Mrs. Green observing two Men
just by, ask'd who those T ' two Men were? to which the Prisoner an- swered Poh ! Poh! don't mind them ; that when they came to the Hatch of Newington Church- Yard, and ' in the parsonage- Walk, two Ruffians fell on her and pulled her down, the prisoner being then in her Com- pany ; one of whom held her by the Shoul- ders, and the other by her Thighs, whilst the prisoner run his Hand into her Body almost up to her Heart, which made the Deceased cry out and say, Have you no Mercy on a poor Creature! take a Knife and stab me directly. One of these Villains, Gentlemen, after such wicked and barbarous Usage, sup posed to be prisoner, said, D— n the B— b, come along, let her alone, we have done enough for her, and left the poor Woman to shift for herself, who with great Difficulty got to Mr. Newbery's House in Bandy- Leg Walk, Southwark, about Two o'Clock in the Morn- ing, but was in so much Misery that she could not lay in Bed with her Fellow Ser- vant, and looking out of the Window pretty early the same Morning, she saw the pri- soner ( with two other Men) go by, who said, D- n the B h, she has got home; that her Fellow - Servant finding her out of Order, enquired more particularly, and found her privy Parts all lacerated, and in
such a Manner as would make Mankind shudder; that she was afterwards sent to St. Thomas's Hospital, where she lay in a most deplorable Condition seven Weeks, and then expired. William Clark, Esq, a worthy Magistrate of this County, whilst she lay in that lan- guishing Condition in the Hospital directed that the prisoner should be carried to see the Deceased, when Mrs Green on Sight of him cried Mr. Coleman you are one of the Men that hath done me this Injury, the Prisoner answered , Mrs. Green remember that my Life lies at stake ; the Deceafed replied ; My life lies in Danger but you are the Man, you were dressed in
a Blue Grey Coat and a light Wigg. We shall be able to prove by very credit- table
table Witness, that so far from Repentance, that Person gloried in his folly, and con- fessed, at a Time that he was at Liberty on Bail, and imagined Mrs. Green's life not in Danger, that he was with her at the King's- Head Alehouse in Kennington Lane, and ' that he used the Freedoms with her that I have already mentioned. We shall likewise make it appear by the Surgeon of the Hospital, that the Abuses which occasioned the Death of Mrs. Green, came by Violence and tearing her Body, and that her inward Parts were very much morti- fied. Which will be confirmed by the Si- ster and Nurse of the Hospital in a more ample
Manner than is proper for me, with Decency, to mention. Therefore we will call our Witnesses, and if we prove the Facts as I have stated them, I make no doubt but you will find the priso- ner Guilty of the Crime for which he is brought before you; that his punishment maybe adequate to his Iniquity.— Call Mr. Howard. George Howard sworn.) I keep a Pub- lick House, the King's Head in Kennington Lane. The Deceas'd was there on the 23d , of July with Mr. Wynn's People, and dined there she went away, but returned late at Night, and then the Company were gone. — There were three Men in the House dress'd like Brewers
Servants, but I cannot say the Prifoner was one of the Men, for I think they were all taller than he is. I cannot take upon me to swear he is one of the Men. They went out of my House about 11 o'Clock at Night. She called for a Quartern of Gin, but they not liking that, I exchanged it for a Pint of Beer. Mr. Robert Lingard sworn.) I keep the Horse and Groom at Newington, and saw the Prisoner pass my Door after 11 o'Clock on the 23d of July, in Company with a Woman, and cross the Road at the lower- end of Kennington Lane and the Prisoner said to the Woman, If you will go to the Peacock I will treat you with a Mugg of beer;
but the Peacock being shut up, they went on towards London, and two Men were near them. The Deceased asked who the Men were on which the Prisoner reply'd, Poh! Poh! never mind them. They then went together out of my Sight, and I saw them no more. I knew the Prisoner because he us'd to come often to Newing- ton, to Customers that dealt with his Ma- ster for Beer, and I am sure he is the Man that I saw with the Woman.-— It was light enough for me to discover his Face.— As to the Assault or Murder, I can give no Account of, otherwise than the publick Report. Ann Corner sworn.) On Saturday the 23d of July last I
had been at the Bean- Feast in Kennington Lane wiih our Workfolks, and in the Evening I came home. About two in the Morning Sarah Green came, and I let her in : She was in a dismal Condition, which greatly terrify'd me :— Her Hand- kerchief was tore off her Neck, and her Cloaths all wet, dirty and gravelly. I asked her what was the Matter, and how she came to be in such a Disorder. She cry'd, and told me she had been used in a barbarous Manner by three Men in the Parsonage- Walk near Newington Church. She was. much fluster'd, and in about twelve Days after, she was so bad that she was obliged to go into the
Hospital. She declared always, that the Clerk who belong'd to Mr. Taylor's [ since Berry's] Brewhouse, was one of the Men who had used her so ill; that she had often seen him, but did not know his Name, but knew his Face-, and that she ( the Deceased) always said so when she was in St. Thomas's Hospital. [ This Witnefs was Cross- examined by the Prisoner's Council, concerning the Condi- tion in which she appeared, and gave per- tinent Answers to all the Questions proposed to her. She had seen her several Times in the Hospital whence was ill.] Ann
Ann Berry sworn.) I am a Washerwo- man, and used to wash for the Deceased Sarah Green, and after this Affair happened, her Clothes and Linnen was brought to me. I saw, by her Linnen, that she was in a bad Way, and asked her, what was the Matter with her. She told me, she had been used in a most cruel Manner; that three Men had thrown her down in the Parsonage- Walk ; that one laid held of her Shoulders., and by Violence kept her on the Ground , that the se- cond held open her Thighs, whilst the third put his Hands up her private Parts, and that they all three did so, one after the other, so that she thought they
would have tore her Heart out of her Body ; that she struggled, . cry'd out Murder, and begg'd they would kill her outright, and when they abused her as much as they thought proper, one of them .( who she believed was the Prisoner,) said come along for I believe we have done enough for the B— h already — and then they left her, and then she crawl'd home as well as she could.— When the Deceased was so ill, I went with her in a Coach to St. Thomas's Hospital, where she was admitted a Patient, and then I saw in what a deplorable Condi- tion she was in her private Parts.—{ Then this Witness resolv'd all the Questions,
which for Decency Sake, as they must be shocking to human Nature, we are obliged to omit.) Ann Thrift sworn.) When Mrs. Green was in. St. Thomas's Hospital, I saw the Prisoner there, and she always declared to her dying Day that he was one of the Men who had us'd her so ill.— I saw him there about three Weeks before her Death, and then she de- clared, as a dying Woman, that he was one of the Men. She said it was Mr. Tay- lor's Clerk, but she did not know his Name, but knew him very well by Sight. • Note. Mr. Taylor is dead, and Mr. Berry succeeded him in the Business. This Witness gave an Account in what a
terrible Condition the Privities of the Deceased were, and said it must be done by Violence. Jane Thompson sworn.) I belong to the Hospital, and saw the Deceased dress'd, and she appeared in such a shocking Condition as is not fit to mention. She was lacerated and torn to Pieces, and violently used, so that the Parts mortified. She came into the Hospital, the 4th of August, and lived seven weeks to a Day. Mr. Perrot, who is a Surgeon belonging to St. Thomas's Hospital, under Mr. Girle, was called, and he deposed that he attended the Deceased, and dress'd her ; that her pri- vate Parts were torn in a most barbarous
Manner, and that they mortify'd, and the Mortification increased so fast, he found it was not in the Power of Man to stop it; the Parts were greatly lacerated and he is certain that the Injury she received was the Cause of her Death. John Widows saw her at the Hospital, and she always declared that the Prisoner was one of the Men that had used her so cruelly. George Dufford, the Constable. I had received Information that Coleman was at Pinner in Middlesex, near Harrow- on- the- Hill; and a Warrant being granted by Mr. Acton the Coroner, upon an Inquest of Wil- ful Murder, I went thither and apprehended him, Justice Clark
committed him to the County Goal.— The Lords of the Regency issued a Proclamation, with a Reward of 501. for taking him, and, the Parish of St. Saviour in Southwark offered a Reward of 20 1, to any Person that should apprehend him. I have the Gazette here in my Poc- ket. { It was not read.) Daniel Trotman sworn.) I was at a publick House in Bandy Leg Walk where I saw the Prisoner, and I asked him, If he- had been in Sarah Green's Company the Night she was treated so cruelly ? He reply'd, Yes I was, and what then. I asked him, if he was one of the Men that did it ? He said,. Yes I was and what then. He threw a Silver
Spoon in my Face, and I threw it at him again,
again, and the Landlord bid him answer no Questions, for they were very insnaring.— This was the Time when he was on Bail, and it was thought that the Deceased would recover.— He was not in Liquor that I ob- served, but appeared sober, and very capa- ble of giving proper Answers. The Evidence for the Crown being finished, the Prisoner was called upon to make his De- fence. Defence of the Prisoner. I was at the Brewhouse all Day on the 23d of July, till Five o'Clock in the Evening, and then I went with Mr. Berry my Master, to Lam- beth Marsh to a publick House, where we received some Money, and about seven in the
Evening we returned, and came to Mr. Sibley's, at the Prince and Princess in Gravel Lane, where we tarried drinking Punch till about Ten o'Clock. From thence I went to my Mother in Law's, the Brown Bear in Queen- street in the Park, where I supp'd with my Wife and Mrs. Alexander, and tarried till Two o'Clock in the Morning, and then went home to my own Habitation in Castle- street in the Park. I know nothing of this Affair, and I do not doubt but to prove my Innocence. The Council for the prisoner then called Thomas Tyler, who appeared and was fworn. He deposed, that he kept a physick- Garden opposite Mr. Howard's
House, and that he usually watches his Ground with a Gun, and was very late at Night there, and that he saw three Brewer's Servants who were all tall Men, and not i'th least like the prisoner.. He is almost sure Coleman is not one of the Men. Samuel Pearce was the next Witness, who . deposed that he was an Apothecary belong- ing to the Hospital, and that the Deceased was brought there the 4th of August, and that at Times she appeared to him to be de- lirious, and not sensible of what she said. * Upon his Cross- examination, he did own, that this was when she was in her worse State, but that she might be sensible at
other Times. Mr. Sibley the Alehouse- Keeper is next called, and he deposed, that the prisoner and Mr. Berry was at his House on the 23d of July till about. Ten o'Clock, drinking punch and that they went away, as he be- lieves, much about that Time. Joice Barrett, Mother to the prisoner's Wife, is next called, who deposed, That her Son- in- Law, his Wife, and Mrs. Alex- ander supp'd at her House in Queen- street in the park, 0n Saturday the 23d of July, and tarried there till two in the Morning. On her Cross- examination she was asked how she could be so positive to the Day. She answered, Because I paid my Pipe- maker,
and I have look'd on the Receipt. Sarah Alexander was next called and sworn, and she swore positively that she supped with the prisoner and his Wife at Mrs. Barrett's on the 23d of July, and that they tarried there ' till Two in the Morning. — She was asked by the Court what Business she followed. She reply'd, I am a Widow Woman, and have a little Maintenance.— But she could give no Account of herself or which way she got her Living.. Arthur Donnelly was called, and he de- posed, That he heard Mr. Robert Lingard say, that the prisoner was a Rogue, and that he deserved to be hanged for using the • Woman fo ill.— Mr.
Lingard was called into • Court again, and asked relating to this Af- fair. His Reply was, that he might say so but that he had spoke nothing as to the Fact that was charged upon the Prisoner, only that he was sure that he saw him in her Company that Night. The prisoner's Council called Matthew Turner, who being sworn, depos'd, that he was at the publick- House when he heard the prisoner talking with Mr. Trottman and Mr. Newberry, relating to the De- ceased, but believes the prisoner was much in Liquor, and afterwards denied what he said
said to them. Mr. Trottman and Mr, Newberry were again called into Court, and they declared that he was sober, and that he never denied it. The prisoner called Mr. Day, Mr. Fox, who gave him a good character. The Evidence on both Sides being finished, the Council for the Crown ob- served to the Jury, that if they believed what Mrs. Barret and Mrs. Alexander had sworn, all the other Witnesses must be per- jur'd; and desired they would consider what an Account Mrs. Alexander had given of herself, and whether she was a Person of such Reputation as to be believed. The Jury, without going from the Bar, In about two
Minutes, found the Prisoner Guilty of Wilful Murder. DEATH. WILLIAM SAUNDERS was indicted for maliciously, wilfully, and feloniously setting fire to his dwelling- house, in the parish of St. George, Southwark, Jan. 8., whereby ten houses were consumed. To prove this charge, several of the neighbours were called, who., said the fire broke out in Mr. Saunders's house, who had sent his wife and child to Bromley on the Saturday, and a great part of the shop- goods were sent . away at different times-, and it also did appear, by a gentleman of the sun fire- office, that he had taken out a policy of in- surance for 500 1. in his
brother's name, and that the house was taken in his brother's name. Mr. Eeels of Tooly- street, Mr. Cooper, and others who work'd for him, de- pos'd he had sent them manufactur'd goods that were fit for sale, but knew not for what reason he sent them. — It appeared also, that he had ordered a parcel of hose, marked I S. which came out of the country to the Castle in Wood- street to be put into the warehouse, and he would pay warehouse - room. Upon the whole there appeared nothing but circumstantial proof; and did not at all affect Mr. Saunders. He called his son- in- law, who lay with him, and he said there was no fire in
the house when they went to bed at past 11 at night, but believes it might break out at the Baker's— Mr. Par- ty said he sifted the rubbish, and found 3 or 4 thirty- six shilling pieces, a guinea, a half crown, and some silver spoons. After a very long Trial the Jury acquitted Mr. Saunders without going from the bar. David Clark ( a mulatto) was indicted for robbing the acoompting- house of his ma- ster, Mr. Peter Eagle, and the fact being proved, he was found guilty of Felony. Gerrard Walker, Edward Phillips, Tho- mas White, Dan. Ferguson, Margaret Cap- leys, and George Obrian, indicted for divers different Felonies, were all
acquitted. Ann Davis was indicted for robbing Bet- ty Diament in Deadman's- place of divers goods; the prosecutor took her out of cha- rity, and she stript her of all she had. Guilty. Mary Butcher, Mary Webster, and Mary Leroy, were indicted for Felony. Leroy ac- quitted ; the other two guilty. The Trials being ended, the Court proceeded to give Judgment as follows : Received Sentence of Death, 6. Richard Coleman, Thomas Walker, Tho- mas Dobbings, Bartholomew Kenneday, Patrick Rena, and Arthur Gibbons. To be transported for 14 Years, 3. Wm. Pinn, Robert Rial, and J. Willliams, who were reprieved the last Assizes. To
be transported for 7 Years. 13. David Clark, Amos Carnes, Robert Boxall, Martha Carter, Nicholas Stone, James Food, Thomas Partin, John Lingham, Joseph Pitt, Thomas Gamble, Christo- pher Gray, Ann Davis and Eliz. Ward. To be whipped till their Backs are bloody, 3. Mary Butcher, MaryWebster, David Kaple. Branded in the Hand, 2. Joseph Butler and Thomas Dudley. Imprisonment for six Months, 1. Joshua Imms, for uttering counterfeit mo- ney to Mary Hanks, widow and victualler. GOD save the KING. FINIS.