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The London Courant or New Advertisier

Date of Article: 22/09/1747
Printer / Publisher: A.W. Graham 
Address: 2, Wellington Street, Strand and Savoy Precinct
Volume Number:     Issue Number: 53
No Pages: 2
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o r, NUMB, 697. N E. W ADVERTISER. tuesday, september 22, 1747. Extract of a Letter from ROTTERDAM, Sept. 27. Tis so easy to apprehend how great our Confusion must be, when the French Posts are almost as near us as Windsor to London, and I need not take up Time in describing it. We know that Ber- gen op zoom is lost, but we know to the full as little as you do, how it was lost ; nor are we in the least edified with the Accounts given of it by those, who at first Sight one would have thought, should have known the most of it. We cannot conceive to what Purpose the Sally Port of Filenius should not only be without Guards, but open, when it appears by the French Troops entering it, and taking Possession of the Bastions, there were no Troops near it. It is no less unaccountable that the Enemy should penetrate into the Heart of the Place, and surround the Head Quarters, which is a Fact not at all denied, before the Garrison was alarmed. It is allowed that Colonel Spork and his Battalion did their Duty, in rescuing their Officers; and that the Prince of Hesse Philip- stal acted as well as Man could do, after he was once at the Head of the Troops; but the Point is, how they came to be thus in Danger? We are also very much dissatisfied to find, that a great Part of the Garrison were so attentive to their own Safety, and so little mindful of that of their Fellow Sol- diers, as not to look behind them till they got to Oudenbosch ; by which the Troops that remained in the Town, and defend- ed it bravely, were very near having their Retreat cut off; for the French were advancing on both Sides to the Gate of Steenbergen, and had been Masters of it without a Blow, if those brave Fellows had delayed their marching but ten Mi- nutes longer. * Under these Circumstances all our Hopes lie in the Vigilance, Wisdom, and Probity of the Prince Stadtholder, and in the Willingnefs that his Britannick Majesty has testified to support his Son in law, and the Dutch Nation, against all the Force, and all the Intrigues of France. We are no less sensible that we can only flatter ourfelves with false Hopes from hence, if we do not exert ourselves to the utmost. We know that his Serene Highness can do little for our Security, if we do not assist and enable him to take the Methods that are proper for that Purpose; and it is to enable him that the free Gift was proposed by tHe People themselves, who without Doubt will shew as much Chearfulness in paying, as they did Alacrity in offering it. By this timely, this necessary, this only effectual Measure, we hope to replenish the Coffers of the State in such a Manner, as that fifty, or even one hundred thousand Men may be hired, if it be found requisite for our Defence. We know by Experience, that the foreign Troops in our Service will do their Duty, and for that Reason we do not at all grudge the Money that pays them; when we have such an Army in the Field, and his Serene Highness at their Head, we do not at all question that the Glory of the Republick will be restored, and its Subjects protected. But we are anxious to fee this done, we are uneasy till such an Army is formed, and we are afraid of losing a Moment's Time in providing for what appears so very essential to our Safety, ' There is yet another Point about which we are also ex- treamly sollicitous, and that is recovering the Friendship of his Prussian Majesty, always dear to this Republick, and never of such Importance as at this critical Juncture ; when it is most evident to all who have their Eyes open, that the very Being of it is at Stake. We are very senlible of the Pains taken by our antient Ally, to facilitate this Step. We are not ignorant of the Proposals that have been made to the Court of Berlin, or to how great a Degree the French were alarmed, when those Proposals were made. We have been well informed that the Marquis de Valori dispatched a Courier to his Master, to desire that the Accession to the Treaty of Stockholm might not be a Moment delayed ; and we know what Weight his Representations had, and how soon the Chevalier de Laumarie was dispatched to Stockholm, and ordered to take Berlin in his Way. It is for this Reason that we apprehend something is wanting on our Part; but we flatter ourselves that this will not be wanting long. His Serene Highness, the Prince Stadtholder, always vigilant for our Safety, has dispatched a Person of Distinction to Berlin, to know the Sentiments of the Prussian Monarch ; and upon what Terms the Republick may hope to obtain his Friendship and Assistance, with which when known there is no doubt we shall comply. These two Points once settled, I will not say our Fears will be over, but I may safely say that our Hopes will be revived. We shall then have a Prospect of recovering our Barrier, either by an honourable Peace, or by a War carried on with Prudence and Spirit, under the Auspice of that illustrious House, which rescued us from Spanish Bondage, and saved us from French Slavery, when our Affairs were more desperate than they are even now.' HOME PORTS. Falmouth, September 17. The Hanover Packet Boat will be ready to sail on Saturday next if Winds permit. In Harbour with her the Expedition Packet- Boat. Wind S. W. Pool. September 19. Sailed the Success, Hooker; and the John and Elizabeth, Spragg, for London. Came in the Hessle- ton Hall, Tweddell, from Sunderland ; and the Hopewell, Wise, from Guernsey. Southampton, September 19. Wind N. N. W. Arrived the Success, Gresley ; the Mary, Messervey; and the Charming Betty, Bisson, all of and from Jersey; the Margaret, Le Lievre; the Clapham, Nastell; and the Judith, Pitton, all of and from Guernsey ; and the Cranbury, Guillaume, of this Port from Oporto, last from Portsmouth. Sailed the Amity's Success, Hodg- son; and the Elizabeth and Mary, Buck, both of Scarborough for Newcastle and the Stillington of Hull, Minoch, from Oporto for Portsmouth. Harwich, September 19. At Seven this Morning arrived the Dolphin Packet- Boat with one Mail, and his Serene Highness the Margrave of Baden Dourlach, Nephew to the Prince of Orange, with his Retinue, together with several other Passen- gers from Holland; and at eight at Night sailed the Carteret and Harrison with one Mail. In Harbour the Dolphin and Dispatch Packet- Boats. Wind W. by N. Deal, September 20. Wind N. by E. Sailed Yesterday the Crown Man of War for Flushing. Came down the Fame, Hinchman, for St Christopher's, and sailed with the Portland's Prize Man of War, and all the outward- bound Ships. Came down and remains two Tenders. Gravesend, September 20. Passed by the Henrietta, Chumley, from St Domingo; the Assumption, Gill, from Lisbon ; the Duke of Cumberland, Bradford, from Jamaica ; the St George, Woodrooff, from St Kitt's; the Chance, Camper ; and the Ro-, bert, Morris, from Montserrat; the Humble Servant, Deveil 5 and the King of Portugal, Capt. King, both from Oporto; the Andrew and Elizabeth, Prim; and the Two Brothers, Mick- elson, both from Norway, the Oswald, Hunter, from Virginia; the Young Hendrick, Scott, from Venice; and the Dragon, Sherbin, from South Carolina. Arrived at several Ports. At Newfoundland, the Polly, Hodge, from Barbadoes. At Liverpool, the Wheel of Fortune, Falker, from Tortola. Dublin, September 15. Last Sunday his Excellency the Earl of Harrington arrived here. He was met at the Water side by the Earl of Granard and Lord Tullamore, who accompanied him in the Primate's Coach to the Castle, where he was sworn Lord Lieutenant of Ireland by the Privy Council. At the same Time Mr Weston, his Excellency's principal Secretary, was sworn a Privy Counfellor of this Kingdom. His Excellency was at- tended to the Caftle in the usual State, and complimented by the Right Hon. the Lord Mayor, Aldermen, Recorder, and Sheriffs. His Excellency was convoyed hither by Order of the Lords of the Admiralty by the Lizard Man of War, Capt. Sisson, Com- mander, and the Wolfe, Capt. Vechel, Commander, who is to be on this Station. Sir John Cope, Knight of the Bath, and a Brigadier- General on this Establishment, Lieutenant- General Otway, Admiral Lin- gen, with several other Persons of Distinction, arrived here at the same Time. Yesterday his Excellency the Earl of Harrington, dined with his Grace the Lord Primate; this Day he will dine with the Right Hon. the Lord Chancellor, and To morrow with the Right HOn. Henry Boyle, Esq; Speaker of the Honourable House of Commons The Report published in the Belfast News- papers, of the Bes- borough Galley, Capt. Mercer, Commander, being burnt in the Bay of Carrickfergus, is entirely false and groundless, the said Ship and Crew being in the best Condition and in good Health, nor hath any other Ship been burnt on that Coast, since the Whitehaven Man of War off Londonderry. Last Week Mr George Grace, of Thurles, in the County of Tipperary, was married to Mrs Eagan, Relict of Eagan, of Animeaddle, Esq; a most agreeable Gentlewoman, with a large Fortune. By an exact Survey lately made of the City and Suburbs of Dublin, it measureth seven Irish Miles and three Quarters round, which makes nine English Miles and three Quarters; the Irish Miles containing 2240 Yards, and the English 1760, by which it appears, that Dublin is the sixth largest City in Europe for Magnitude, and Number of Inhabitants: The five greater Cities are, London, Paris, Constantinople, Moscow, and Rome. The City of London, taking in Westminster, Southwark, and forty three Villages, is six Miles and seven Furlongs in Length, and three Miles and thirty- one Poles, or 370 Yards in Breadth, which may be reckoned about sixteen English, or near fourteen Irish Miles in Circumference. Extract of a private Letter from Sligoe, Sept 11, 1747. I arrived from the North last Wednesday Night, where there has happened a very extraordinary Affair. There were two or three West Indiamen bound for Liverpool, that came to an An- chor in very bad Ground, and had like to have been lost. About 4 or 5 Leagues to the Northward there were two Pri- vateers in wait for them ; they had taken one Ship a little be- fore, and ransomed her; there came on a very hard Gale of Wind, which drove one of the Privateers on Shore, and all her Crew perished, except three Persons who were sent to Goal. The said Privateer was a Spaniard, it was her that took the ransomed Ship, the Ransomer was drowned also, so that the Ransom is paid ; which I think would be well done to advise the Town of Liverpool of it, for it is to that Place she did belong.' For some Time past several Rogues, with Crapes on their Faces, have infested the Country near Kilkenny, sallying out ge- nerally in the Night, and have committed several great Robbe- ries. A Woman, who was in the Secret, upon some Provoca- tion, has discovered their Names, Number, and Places of Ren- dezvous, but they have hitherto evaded all Search. Friday last three Mares started for the Plate at the Currah, which was won by a Mare belonging to Sir Edward O Brien. Saturday last died the Reverend Mr Newton, Minister of Newtown near Kells. SCOTLAND. Edinburgh, September 14. Saturday last the following Gentle- men were chosen Deacons of the fourteen incorporated Trades of this City, viz. George Cuningham, Deacon of the Surgeons, re elected. James Ker, Conveener of the Trades, and Member of Parlia- ment for this City, Deacon of the Goldsmiths, re- elected. Robert Murray, Deacon of the Skinners. John Fairholm, Deacon of the Furriers, re- elected. James Gairdner, Deacon of the Hammermen. Colin Alison, Deacon of the Wrights. Charles Mack, Deacon of the Masons. William Sibbald, Deacon of the Taylors, re- elected. • Henry Hardie, Deacon of the Baxters. John Laurie, Deacon of the Fleshers. John Hamilton, Deacon of the Cordiners, re- elected. Peter Lawson, Deacon of the Weavers, re- elected. William Dickson, Deacon of the Wawkers, re- elected. Peter Macdougal, Deacon of the Bonnet- makers, re- elected. And John Morison is chosen Preses of the Barbers. Edinburgh, Sept. 15. We ate. informed that last Week the Camp broke up at Fort- Augustus, and that the Troops are on their March Southward to go into Winter Quarters, not being able to keep the Field longer in that Country, where all on a sudden the Weather became excessively cold, after the warmest Season perhaps in the Memory of Man.—' Tis said one of the Regiments is destined for the Canongate. On the 2 2d of August last, the Betty of Airth, from Carolina to Leith, was taken 70 Leagues West of Lewis, by a French Privateer Of 18 Carriage Guns and 200 Men, and ransomed for 750 I. Sterl. We hear that some Sloops of War have been lying at Anchor this Month past in the Sound of Mull. The Page of Glasgow is safely arrived at Virginia. There are about 20 Sail of Ships from the West- Indies, mostly from Carolina in Stromness- Road in Orkney ; amongst which are the Magdalen, James M'Kenzie, and the —, Andrew Landels of Leven ; also the , Conachy of Airth, who was taken off the Well of Ireland, and ransomed for 775 1. ' Tis remarkable, that of 20 Ships now lying at Stromness, 15 of them have been taken either outward or homeward bound. Bristol, September 19. COUNTRY NEWS. Tuesday Night last, between and eight and nine o'Clock, one George Sweet, a Tobacco- Cutter, was barbarously murdered by one Petherly, a Dragoon, in Lord Cobham's Regiments, now quartered in this City, at the Golden- Heart, on Redcliff- Backs. This fatal Accident was occasioned by a Quarrel that arose between the Deceased and the Dragoon, ( who is a very lusty tall Man) on Account of some Dispute at Cards, at the Golden Heart, aforesaid. The Game they played at was Cribbidge, and the Deceased having won a Shilling of the Dragoon, would play no longer ; the Dragoon strenuously insisted on his playing further, and said he had another Shilling for him s which the Deceased positively refusing, so irritated the Dragoon, that he called him Scoundrel, and as the Deceased was going out of the " House, the other gave him a Kick on the Breech. Sweet was so enraged at this Affront, that he went and got two or three of his Companions to call the Dragoon to account ( as is supposed) for his thus kicking and abusing him ; and when they entered the House ( the Golden Heart) the Dragoon having a Jealousy of some Assault to be offered him, fetched his Broad- Sword, and coming to high Words he made a full Stroke at Sweet, and wounded him in the Left Wrist; the Dragoon im- mediately after this, seconded his Rashness and Fury with a full Pass at him, and run him quite thro' the Body, the Point of the Sword entering the Left Side of his Body under his Arm- pit, and came out at the other Side under his Right Arm- pit. The Deceased notwithstanding made a Shift to run as far as his Lodg- ings, the Chequers on Redcliff- Backs, ( a few Doors from the Golden- Heart) and said to the Landlord, Uncle, I am despe- rately wounded, or Words to that Purport, and died instantly in his Arms. After the Dragoon had committed this Cruelty on poor Sweet, he came into the Kitchen of the Golden- Heart; [ the Action being in the Entry] and told the Landlord, he had wounded or hurted the Man, and shewed him his bloody Sword. He quartered in this House, and bore the Character of a civil Fellow. Soon after a File of Musqueteers came to take him Prisoner, whom he resisted by shutting the Doors, and they were obliged to break in to seize him, who carried him to the Guard ; and on Thursday last he was committed to Newgate, on the Coro- ner's Inquest of wilful Murder. LONDON. We are informed by Letters from the Hague, that their High Mightinesses, the States General, are inclined to bestow upon Prince Frederick of Hesse, Son- in- Law to his Britannick Ma- jesty, Nephew to the King of Sweden, and Commander in Chief of the Hessian Troops in the Army of the Allies, the Go- vernment of Maestricht, which was lately resigned by his Fa- ther, Prince William of Hesse. They write from Liege, that the Dysentry destroys Multi- tudes in the French Army, and that it if believed it will oblige Marshal Saxe to change his Quarters sooner than he designed. Those Letters add, that the Reports of Peace were not only re- vived, but grown stronger than ever; and that some People of- fered to lay Wagers, that the Preliminaries are signed before the first of October, and that the Congress will be opened at Aix la Chapelle in the first Week in November at farthest. The Paris Letters pretend, that all the Motions of the Austrians and Piedmontese on the Side of Dauphine, were calculated to oblige Marshal Belleisle to divide his Army in the County of Nice, in which Case he must soon have been obliged to re pass the Var ; but that as this did not take Effect, and as the Rains have already begun to fall on the Alps, which are immediately followed by the Snows, they flatter themselves they shall escape an Invasion, and be able to keep Possession of the County of Nice this Winter. The Vulture Sloop of War, is sailed from Portsmouth for Jamaica. NEWS and ADVERTISEMENTS for this Paper, are Leicester- Fields taken in at The MOUNT COffEE- HOuSE in Grosvevor- Street; at PON'S COFFEE- HOUSE in Castle- Street ; and at POWELL'S CofFEE- HOUSE in Spittal FieldS Yesterday being St Matthew's Day, the Right Hon. the Lord Mayor, attended by several Aldermen, and other Governors of Christ's Hospital, met in the great Hall of that House, when the Latin Oration was spoken by Mr Bridges, and the English Oration was spoken by Mr Foster, after which they were elegantly entained in the Compting House, according to annual Custom. By Letters from the Hague we have Advice, that the French Minister there had given Notice, that the King his Master, had given Orders to his Admirals, Captains, & c. to take, burn, sink, or otherways destroy all the Dutch Ships, they should meet with at Sea. Admiral Hawk has taken upon him the Command of the Channel- Fleet, in the Room of Sir Peter Warren, who is very much indisposed at his Seat in the County of Hants. Sunday Morning the Right Honourable the Lord Exeter lay at the Point of Death, at his Seat at Burleigh, near Stamford. Last Thursday the Prince of Wales Privateer, Capt. Beell, and the George, a Prize to the above- named Privateer, sailed from Falmouth for Guernsey. Last Sunday the Jamaica Sloop of War came into Portsmouth Harbour, in order to be dock'd. On Saturday last the Folkstone Man of War, Capt. Gregory, with the following Transports, viz the Union, Blanch ; the St Thomas, St Barbe; the Judith, Gregory; the Winchelsea, Gleed ; the Robert, Snow; and the Mary and Elias, Kirby, all with Soldiers from Guernsey, arrived at Spithead. The five following ships are safely arrived at Jamaica, viz. the Hannah, Cooper; the Success, Millerson ; and the Lamb, Hathshell, all from Lancaster; and the Fortune, Smith; and the Mediterranean, Bond, both from Bristol. The Three Friend's Jefferson, and the Prince Frederick, Ken- nedy, both from London and the Leeward Islands for Jamaica, are taken by the French, and carried into Port Louis. On Friday last came on at Pool, in the County of Dorset, the Election of publick Officers for that Town and County, when Timothy Spurrier, Esq; and Surveyor of his Majesty's Customs, was chosen Mayor; John Olive, Esq; High- Sheriff; and Mr John Henning, Water- Bailiff, for the Year ensuing. Extract of a Letter from Narva, dated August 26. Last Monday we had a very violent Storm, which drove sixteen Holland Fly- boats, loaded and loading with Timber ashore; also the following English Ships, viz. Richardson, loaded with Timber, and about 500 Bqts. Flax. Henry Nell, — — — — 1000 Robert Peascod, — _____ 500 Thomas Finningsley, 300 James Taylor, — 400 the above Ships were all bound for London. John Lasley for Chester, drove into the River, and ashore, but we hope to get him off again, loaded with Iron, Hemp, and Flax in St Pe- tersburg, and here with about 250 Bqrts. of Flax. Finnings- ley had four Foot Water in his Ship, besides some got in his Hatches. Richardson, Nell, and Taylor, are sunk, and little, if any thing, can be saved ; Frankland and Raven, were as far as Toltsburg, and this Morning returned into the Road, with only the Loss of their Anchors.' Laft Sunday Night died at Brook- House, Hackney, Mrs Windsor, Wife to Mr Windsor, of Throgmorton street. Elsineur, September 19. Since my last the Fleet of British Ships sailed from this Place under Convoy of the Fox Man of War, Capt. Julian Legg, and the Launceston Man of War, Capt. William Swaiselant, conisting of ninety- nine Merchant- men. Capt. Legg will call for Pennington, & c. at Gotten- burg. No British Ships have appeared since the Fleets sailed, but some are expected as the Wind is now S. S. W. and mo- derate Weather.' Bank- Stock, 126. India Ditto, Nothing done. South- Sea Stock, Nothing done. Ditto Old Annuities, 99. Ditto New, 96 7- 8ths. Bank Annuities 1746, 94 3 4ths. Ditto 1747, 95 1- 8th. Three per Cent. Annuities, 83 to 14th. Million Bank, 102. Equivalent 99. Royal Assurance 72 1 - half. Lon- don Affurance 10 14th. Mine Adventure Shares, Nothing done. Englifh Copper ditto, 5 1. Seven per Cent. Emperor's Loan, Nothing done. Five per Cent, ditto, Nothing done. Bank Circulation, 8 1. 10 s. Prem. India Bonds, 1 1. 35. Prem. Three 1 - half Salt 1745, Nothing done. Three i- half per Cent. Exchequer Orders, Nothing done. Three per Cent, ditto, Nothing done Lottery Tickets, 101. High- Water this Day at London- Bridge at 36 Minutes after One in the Afternoon. Admiralty- Office, 16 Sept. 1747. IT is the Direction of tie Lords Commissioners of tbe Admiralty, that all the Petty Officers and Seamen, late belonging to His Ma- jesty's Ship the Maidstone, do repair, within Eight Days from the Date heneof, on board His Majesty's Ship the Chichester, at Ports- mouth, where they will be borne for Victuals, until the Anson is ready to receive them, in which Ship they are to serve as Part of her Complement. Such of the said Petty Officers and Men who repair on board the Chichester, within the Time limited by this Advertisement, will be removed into tbe Anson as soon as she is ready to receive them, and will be paid tbe Wages due to them far all former Ships, before she sails from Spithead: But such as shall sail to repair on board the Chichester, as aforesaid, ( excepting those at Plymouth, who are to apply to Rear Admiral Chambers) will be ordered to be ap- prehended by the Marshal of the Admiralty, and will be tried at a Court Marshal as Deferters. J. CLEVLAND. For Sale by the CANDLE, AT Garraway's Coffee- House in Exchange- Alley, Cornhill, To- morrow, the 13d Instant, at Ten o'Clock in the Forenoon precisely, the following Goods, being the Remainder of the Cargoe of the L'Esperance, Young Isaac, and Fortune, three French Prizes from St Domingo, taken by his Majesty's Ship the Kent, Thomas Fox, Esq; Com- mander, viz. 1354 Casks Sugar. 168 Ditto, Coffee. 1575 Half Indian Hides Tanned. 196 Ditto, in the Hair. 7 Bags Cotton. 13 Elephants Teeth. 1 Cask Tortorshell. 64 Sticks Cocus Wood, 37 Mahogany Planks. The aforesaid Goods to be seen from this Day, the and Instant, to the Time of Sale, at the following Places, viz. All the Sugars to he seen at Mr Thomas Tucker's, Cooper, in Harp- Lane ; and the rest of the Goods at No." 17,28, 85, and 87, at Botolph- Wharf. Samuel Torin, Sworn- Broker. A For Sale by the CANDLE, T the Marine Coffee- House, in Birchin- Lane, Cornhill, on Friday, the 15th Instant, at Five o'Clock in the Af- ternoon, the following Goods, being Part the Cargoe of the Argyle from Philadelphia, taken by the French, and retaken by the Duke of Cumberland Privateer of Bristol, Capt. Combes. 58 Casks of Rum, & c. To be tasted from To- morrow Morning, the 13d Instant, to the Time of Sale, at a Warehouse on Fresh Wharf. Samuel Torin, Samuel Robinson, Sworn- Brokers. Hudson and Bland, For Sale by the CANDLE, AT Garraway's Coffee- Houfe in Exchange- Alley, ' Cornhill, on Friday the 8th of October, 1747, at Four o'Clock in the Afternoon, the following Goods, viz. 450 Chests Soap. 30 Tons Valonia. 15 Bales Safflower. 220 Bales Smyrna Cotton Wool. And other Goods. Catalogues of the same will be timely delivered by Samuel Torin, Sworn- Broker. For Sale by the CANDLE, ON Monday the 12th of Ocober, 1747, at the Port of Dover, the following Goods, being the Cargoe of D'Maria Galley, taken by the Swallow Privateer, Capt. Henry Staffell, of Rye, viz. For EXPORTATION, 831 Cases and Half Cases Marseilles Soap. 65 Bags Cotton. 10 Bags Shumack. * 5 Cases Spanish Liquorish. 22 Bags Gauls. 4 Bags Cotton Yarn, 16 Pieces i 8 Half Pieces S Provence Oil. 5 Quarter Pieces J 2 Bags Allom. The said Goods may be viewed to the Time of Sale, at Mr Minet's Ware- house in Dover. Catalogues whereof are delivered at the Place of Sale, at the Ship in Dover; at Mr John Hinton's, Bookseller, in St Paul's Church- Yard ; and at Cole's Coffee- House, in Birchin- Lane, London. _ _ _ 1< Mr. FORD, At his House the upper End of St James's Hay- Market, on Tuesday the 29th Instant and the following Days, THE Houshold Furniture, Pictures, Plate, China, and other Effects of EDWARD FITZGERALD, Esq-, deceased: Con- fining of fine printed Cotton, beautiful Needlework, Damask, and other Beds, and Window Curtains, exceeding good Feather Beds, Blankets and Quilt!; Walnut- tree and Mahogany Cabinets, Book Case sand Buroes, Library Tables of curious Workmanship witb Glass Doors ; Variety of Chairs, particularly a Set of India Japan, and Card Tables of the same, ORIENTAL AGATE , and Marble Tables on rich gilt Frames, large Glass Sconces and Chimney Glasses the same, Turkey and Wilton Carpets, a Collection of useful CHINA and fome valu- able PICTURES; a curious wrought Tea- kettle and Lamp, Coffee- pot, Waiters, Sauce Boats, and other Pieces of PLATE, several Watches and Jewels, a small Parcel ef select Books, a magnificent Bestlead enriched with Paintings and gilt Carvings, in an elegant Taste, some fafhionable Steel Stoves and Scotch Coal Grates, and exceeding good Kitchen Furniture. The whole will be exhibited to Publick View on Friday next, and every Day after till the Time of Sale, which will begin each Day exactly at half an Hour after Eleven o'Clock. CATALOGUES will then be delivered gratis at the Place of Sale, by Richard Ford, Appraiser and Auctioneer. GEORGE SMITHSON ( Broker, Appraiser, and Undertaker, opposite the Bull and Gate Inn Holbourn) HAS now to dispose of, the Utensils in Trade of an Apothecary's Shop, with great Variety of Flint- Glasses, Pots, and Bottles, all labelled, and an exceeding good Still, Counter, & c. He has likewise a good Sortment of clean Houshold Furniture, as Standing Beds and. Bedding, Beausets, Chairs, Tables, Chests of Drawers, & c. An Officer's Tent and Markee exceeding good ; a Mahogony, and large Cyprus Clothes- Chest, and a Harpsicord, together with fome useful and ornamental China, among which, are a magnificent Pair of Jars of the old Japan. He has also several Gold and Silver Watches, chased and plain ; Spring, and other Clocks; Guns, Pistols, Carpets, Pictures, Glasses, and Kitchen Furniture; and, in short, every other Kind of Houshold Goods. N. B. He buys and fells all Manner of Houlhold Goods, Plate, China, Piftures, & c. by Commifiion, having fufficient Room for any Sortment of Goods. Kj? Rooms to be Lett. JOHN BRISCOE GOLDSMITH and JEWELLER, At the Three Kings and Golden- Ball, over- against Foster- Lane, in Cheapside, Acquaints the PUBLICK, THAT he has now to dispose of, very cheap, a fine Wrought Table, with an open Border of exquisite Workmanship, a fine large Fruit Dish, of the old Imboss Work ; a curious Set of Tea Can- nisters; a Pair of Wrought Sauce Boats, several Tea- Kettles and Coffee- Pots; Bread- Baskets, Waiters of all sizes, Candlesticks, Ink- Stands, Saucepans, Dish- Rings, Cafes of Knives, Forks and Spoons, Gold and Silver Watches, and Repeaters, by the most eminent Workmen ; and all other kinds of ufeful and ornamental Second- hand Plate, exceeding cheap ; also all Sorts of large and small new Plate, in the most fashionable and elegant Taste. He continues to give the most Money for old Plate, Jewels, and Watches, as usual. ( f^ A curious Jewel Watch of Delander's, a curious Machine plain G- ld Watch of Clay's, that joins the Quarters; a neat plain Gold Watch of De- lander and Tompion, to be sold cheap. 1 This Day is published, ( Price is.) AN Advocate for the Ladies, concerning the Sa- cred State of Matrimony: In Answer to a late, but scandalous Pam- phlet, intitled, The Folly, Sin, and Danger, of marrying Widows and Old Women in general, demonstrated ; and earnestly addressed to the Batchelors of Great- Britain, by a True Penitent. Author of the New Guide to the English Tongue, and School- masters Assistant. Men should not from the Paths of Reason swerve, Lest they such Fate should meet, as they deserve : For ' tis a Rule, which ever will hold true, Who wrong the Virtuous Fair, Themselves undo. Printed and sold by H. Kent, at the Printing- Office in Finch- Lane, near he Royal- Exchange. This Day is published, ( Price 6 d.) Number VII. THE PROCEEDINGS on the King's Com- mission of the Peace, Oyer and Terminer, and Goal- Delivery, for the City of London and County of Middlesex, held at Justice- Hall in the Old- Baily, on Wednesday the 9th, Thursday the loth, and Friday the nth of September, before the Right Hon. WILLIAM BENN, Esq; Lord Mayor of the City of London ; John Stracey, Esq; Recorder ; and other of his Majefty' » Justices of Oyer and Terminer- Containing the Trials of John Swannick and William Bailey, for assaulting and wounding William Salmon on the King's Highway, and robbing him of a Guinea, and Twenty Shillings in Silver, his Property. Jasper Godley, for stealing Thirty Yards of Checked Linnen, the Property of Samuel Newy. Luke Ward, for stealing 49 Pounds of Lead. Sarah Ford, for stealing one Silk Purse, two Shillings in Silver, and Eigh- teen Guineas, the Property of John Kirk. John Williams, for stealing three Yards and an half of Worsted Damask, the Property of Pell Stutter. Elizabeth Fletcher, for the Murder of her Bastard Child. Anne Williams, for the Murder of her Husband, by giving him, with a Knife, one mortal Wound in the Left Side, of which he instantly died. Thomas Brown for Bigamy. Elizabeth May, otherwise Roel, for assaulting and robbing Joseph Hall of Three Pound Twelve Shillings, and three Guineas in Gold, and two Shillings in Silver, his Property. Together with several other remarkable Trials. Printed for J. Hinton, at the King's Arms in St Paul's Church- yard. ) This Day is published, The SEVENTH EdITION, in Oftavo, PRACTICAL CHRISTIANITY: Or, an Ac- count of the Holiness which the Gospel enjoins ; with the Motives to it, and the Remedies it proposes against Temptations; with a Prayer concluding each distinct Head. To which are added, Christian Thoughts for every Day of the Month : Wherein is represented th: Nature of unfeigned Repentance, and of perfect Love towards God. By RICHARD LUCASS, D. D formerly Vicar of St Stephen, Coleman- street. To this Edition is annexed ( by the same Author) Divine Breathings: Or, a Pious Soul thirsting after Christ, in a Hundred Pathetical Meditations. Printed for W. Innys, T. Longman and T. Shewell, in Pater noster- Row, and S. Austen, in Newgate- street. Where may be had, by the same Author, 1. An Enquiry after Happiness, in Three Parts. The Sixth Edition. 2 Vols. 8vo. 2. Twenty- four Sermons, preached on several Occasions, 2 Vols. 8v » . 3. The Plain Man's Guide to Heaven, the Fourth Edition, i: mo, 4. The Influence of Conversation, with the Regulation thereof, 121110. This Day is published, ( Price 6d.) A Large and useful Table of Discount for prompt A Payment on any Purchase, from one Shilling to ten Thousand. Pounds; answering all Rates per Cent of Discount in Trade ; and all Sales where Discount is allowed, particularly those of the East- India Company ; care- fully cast up, examined and adjusted to the Eighth Part of a Penny. Printed and sold by Henry Kent, at the Printing- Office in Finch- Lane near the Royal- Exchange. Where may be had just published, ( Price 1 s) KENT'S DIRECTORY, for the Year 1747. Containing an Alphabetical List of the Names and Places of Abode of the Directors of Companies, Persons in Publick Business, Merchants, and other eminent Traders in the Cities of London and Westminster, and Borough of Southwark. Also, Separate Lists of the Lord- Mayor and Court of Aldermen, Bank, South- Sea, East- India, African, Royal- Exchange Assurance and London Assurance Companies; Commissioners for Trade and Plantations, Commissioners of Ex- eise and Customs; and Trustees of the Colony of Georgia. May be had at RICHARD ROCK's, L. M. In King's- Arms- Court, Ludgate- Hill THE Never- failing Anti- venereal Electuary, the like of which is not to be met with, for the true Cure of such Venereal Injuries, ( and all the lurking Relicks or Re- mains of old ones) how virulent or obstinate soever they may be; for it immediately puts a Stop to their Progress, and en- tirely, and. as it were, instantly ferrets out, and carries off all, the filthy, poisonous Infection ; wears away the various Symp- toms, and by Degrees, cleanses off the Running heals and strengthens the Parts, sensibly and firmly, without the common Consequences of leaving either Foulness, Gleeting or Weakness behind. This it does in a Way so regular and gentle, both by Stool and Urine, that the Patient grows surprisingly well, with- out Disorder of Body, Confinement from Business, or Know- ledge even of a Bedfellow. It is a pleasant Purge even for Children, in all Cases where Purging is necessary: It has done wonderful Cures in the Rheumatism, Scurvy, Leprosy, Gout, Evil Dropsy ; it carrieth off the Gravel, purgeth the Blood, and thoroughly cleanseth after the Small Pox. Any Messengcr may have it at my House, the Sign of the Hand- and- Face, next Door to the Shepherd and Goat Ale- house, the Side of Fleet- Ditch, only asking for a Six Shilling Pot of Electuary for the Rheumatism, with Directions. LONG- ACRE. WHERE, The Famous ANO- DYNE NECKLACES, and Other Remedies, are Removed To, from Temple- Bar, viz. To Mr Burchells, At the Sign of the Famous ANODYNE NECKLACE for Childrcn's TEETH, & c. in LONG- ACRE. Next Drury- Lane, London. ( Who Sells no COUN- TERFEITS) And, Because, They Used to be Sold At the Late Mr Bradshaw's Shop At the BACKSIDE of the Royal Exchange. The MAN OF THE SHOP Now There, Has Things MADE UP and Sells in IMITATION of them. Which has made the Author ( With very Good Reason) Since Oct. 1746, to have Taken his OWN RIGHT Anodyne Necklaces, And Other Remedies, Quite Away,— From A Shop, that Will DO SUCH THINGS. Because, By such Doings, a Mother Thinks All the while, that She Has the ANODYNE NECKLACE for her Child, Prepared Still by the Same Original Author, as Formerly, When She has NOT,— Which BEWARE of. . In LONG- ACRE, Are Given Gratis, THE New SHORT- HAND, the Easiest, and Soonest to LEARN, of Any. The 200 Years Travels of a SHILLING, With CUTS. The Remarkable Trcatise On SQUEEZING the HAND, Plainly Shewing it to be DUMB LANGUAGE, for I LIKE YOU. And, The Treatise On Secret Cases, & c. LONDON : Printed for J. Hinton, at the King's- Arms, St Paul's Church- Yard where Letters to the Author, and Advertisements are taken in At Mr Comyn's Bookseller, at the Royal- Exchange. and Mr Henry Kent, Printer, in Finch- Lane,
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