The General Advertiser
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The General Advertiser
Date of Article: 05/12/1746
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Address: near the Pump in Little Britain
Volume Number: Issue Number: 3519
No Pages: 4
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ne general Advertifer. Ni MB. 3 19. WEDNESDAY, FORU A R Y 5, 174 Dr.?/, Fcbruarj 3. £ HIS Morning failed his Majclty's Ship Dcvouihire, with two Snips for the leftward. Names unknown. m. Came down his Majefty's Ships the Norwich and HaUings ; and remain with his Majeily', Ships Princefs Louifj, Admiral Mayne ; Defiancs, Commodore Knowle ; MsryGally, iheSvren. Ruby, Vulcan, tlinchiaz- fcfoke, Hornett, and Badger Sloops, and Swift Privateers. . Arrived a Datch Man of Wax from the Westward. Wind E. N. E. t; raw- fend, Feb. 3. Pafs'd by the John and Conftar. t, Ji'hnfon, at Leghorn. The Mamhcad, Chappcl, from
Newfoundland, is ar- rived at Leghorn. 1' he Elizabeth, Hindman7 from S?. Kitts, at Glargow. 7' he Bogie, Sim, f. om Virginia, at Briftol. The London and Edinburgh, Bowman, from Leith, in Gr- mfhy Road. The Helen, W. igcrman, from Guernzey, at Rotter- dam. Yefterday arrived the Mail from Holland. Viennn, Jan. ig. The Empre s does not go out of her Apartment, on Account of her Lying- in being fo near. Count Co. l.- re : o and General NaJa'ti are set ouffor Italy. The fir DivHsor of Troops march. ng for Lonibardy is arrived ' jpcn;:. e F. atiersof the Repubtickof Venice. I tt, t< l. z. M. Villiers, Min. ftcr- Plenipotentiary fro. tj-. tg of
Great- Britain, and M. Ca. koen, Mini- fy .. ;:: hvUT„: ary from the States- Genctal, have lately had a pr. vats Audiejjce cf the King, in wjiieh they de- ir. unded in Fdrm tiie March of the 1 ft, 000 Wen, which his Majtily is obliged, by the Treaty of Warfaw, to fjrnfaji to the Maritime Powers* The King fibred thofe M Snifters, that the Orders fhould be difpr. tch. cd without IXlay for thofe Troops to be in Keadinefs. tran elfn t, Feb. 3. The Dcp utiqs of the Circleof Sua- bia h ive made flrongReprefeiitatiOns to the FrenohMinillcr with regard to the Humilities committed by the '. jarn'on. 01 Huuningucn in the Brilgatt, wlii. cifis Pari of this Circle,
and where they have beat up ( everal Quarters of the Huf- fars, and pillaged fcveial Villages, t.. i>. Sfp being contrary to the Neutrality lately offered by the Frcr. h Court. Paris, Feb. 4. The Court received anExprefs on Tuef- day laft, with Advice that a Dctachment of Count Saxe's Army had taken the 1' oil of Nivellc Sword in Hand, and that another Party hid made themfelves Mr,( I T, of that cf Halle, three Leaguer, f. om Brulfels. We Ifffrn at the fame Time, that this- General having reaflembled his Troops on tiie 27th paft, begun to march the Day fallow- ing in four Column:. ; of which the firft, under the Com- mand of M. Philippe, is
defigned- to block up Mons and Charlesoi ; thefecond, Commanded byM. de Uroze, is to repair to the Schelde, to block up in like Manner Antwerp and For: St. Margaret;; the third, under Count Clermont- Gallerande, is gone to occupy the Polls upon the Canal of Vilvorden ; and the fourtn, confrftirg cf 30,000 Men, commanded by Count dc Saxe himfelf, is to a& againft Bruffels. It is added, that on the 30th of Jaft Month, the Ma. rlhal caufed that City to be invefted ; that there was in it a numerous Garrifon, and that on the ift Inftant the Trcifchcs were to be opened before the Gate of Louv in. We are'aiT* red, that to heavy I'reces of
Cannon and 32 Mortars will be employ'd in tnis Expedition. All the Officers of the King's \ rmv have Orders to join their refpeftive Corps the 1 ; th of next Month. ' J'he Day of his Majefty's Departure is not fix'd, but his Field - Equipages ars preparing, with fitch Diligence as to be ready by the lame Time.. Several Englilh and Scotch Lords and Gentlemen, that were in this City, are fet out to yrn the young Pretender in Scotland, ' i'he laft Letters fiom Boloigne 1 y, that the Troops defigned lor the proj.' dtled Expedition continue to canton about that City, arid are always ready to embark at the firft Notice, 11 is added, that fcarce a Day
paffes, in which feme Veffel dcaanot fail from the Maritime Places, laden with Troops and Stores for Scotland, and that all Precautions are taken to fecure that Port agiunft the L11- terprizescf the Englifh. Franckfort, Fib. 6. ' FheImperial Troops that defile to- wards Italy have Orders to march with all poffible Dili- gence. It is thought the Regiments of Hailiand Portugal will arrive on the Hth of this ' Month at Mantua, and that at the Beginning of March there will be in the Neighbour- hood of that City an Army of 40,000 Men. Mantua, Jan. 22. Upon Advice that the Spaniards were become Matters of Guaftilla, the Regular Troops that
were here ii Garr fon march'd out, to form a Cordon nbng the Po, f- om Borgoforte to Oftiglia, over- againft Rtvcro, 0.11 the other Side of that River, which Place they wcie forti- fying with all Diligence, ( co Men being daily employed. The Roads to Mirandola are alfo repairing, which Totyn^ General Novati is going to defend 111 Cafe of an Attack. ~ The" Regiment of Clenci has been fent to Goverholo upon the Nuncio, and that of Vafqutz to Oftiglia. Pavia, Jan. 22. Forty- eight P. ecesof heavy Caiman arc arrived here, with a great Quantity cf Bomb.-, B. i| lqts, and other Military Stores, which are to be fent mediant!)- to Milan. As
the Weather is now fine, we do not- doubt . b » t the Siege of the Citadel there will be foon begun, and it is faid, t . e Spaniards have already bfgun thc. r Line- of CircumVailation. Certain Ac vice being come, thatacon- fiderable Body of Auftrlahs is upon the March for Lcr. 1- bardy, it feems a if they would er. de,. voUr to take the Ci- tadel of Milan, and perhaps that of P.' zzighitone, before their Arrival. For this Purpofe 80 Canr. ou and 10 Mor- tars are to be cmplo; e. f. Drefden, F> b. 2.' M. Vaulgrena t, the French Am- baflador,' had Yefterday his Audienct of Leave oftlijKing - of Poland. Bdnn, Jan. 31. The following is a Lilt of the
Au • ftii. Hi Regiments det. ict. ed from the Rhine to tl.: e Low- Countries, of which ihe firft Column arrived Yejlerdsy at Wahrt, four Leagues from Cologne. 1 fmtry. Cavalry. Areir. berg, L'gnc, Los Rois, Stirum, G yfrugg, Caroli, T ^ e" ern3>'' iHuffars Hey iter, Eeftetuz, C Wolfenbuttle, Kalnoky, J Antwerp, Ja T. 31, N. S. The Prince of He- life is to leave this l'lace in a fc, v Days in his Way to Williemftadt. We have Advice here, that there were zco Tianfpoits at Boloigh and Calais, eight of which returu'd to Dunkirk, u take in Provifions for a Month ; that there were 18 Bat- talions and about 2000 Horle at Calais and Boloign, mak- ing
together about 12,000 Men. Each Soldier had two Fuz. il, two dwords, and two Bayonet- s all which were embarked, with feveral FL- ld Pieces, on board the Trail- fports; but upon the Englilh Flqet appearing on the Coall, tne Troops were all difembark'd ; and twice afterwards were embarked and difembarked again; that by all Re- ports there, their Defign was laid afide for the prefent; and that the Troops were order'd into Quarters at St. Orr. ers and thereabouts. Fl jhiug, Feb. 10. The French have now at Oftend fix large 1' ranfports ready to pat to Sea, f6r Scotland as is fuppofed, with 15 or Irilh ' i roops on Board; and two
Privateers at Dunkirk with a good Quantity of Arm?, & c. Hague, Feb. 2, N. S. By the frefheft Advices from Brabant, the French before Braftels had not yet got any Battery in a Condition to fire. ' I'he two Regiments of Imperial PIufTars from theRhine are fuppofed to liave j jin'd Prince Waldeck ; and the whole Corps of General B. iro- nai, confilling of i o Battalions, 12 Companies of Grena- diers, two Regiments of Dragoons, and two ol Huffars, is marching down to Brabant, by the way of Maeftricht j their High Mightindfcs having not only granted them the PafTagc oyer their Territory, but allowed thetn to pay what they want on their
March with Paper. All Dutch Officers and Soldiers are ordered to their Polls; and the States have named an additional Lieutenant General, a Major General, and two Brigadiers to aftift Prince Wai- deck; and as the Defertion is very great in the French Quarters, in order to cncourage it, they have publiftied a genera! Pardon for all their own Deferters that fhall come back again. The two Battalions withdrawing from Vil- voerdea, and fome other Troops, having repoffiffed them- felves of Mechlin, Pi ince Waldeck ordered back a De- tachment to the firft mentioned Place, the French not hav- ing poffeffed themfelves of it. It has fince
been attacked ; but when the lail Letters came away, the Caftlc ftill de- fended itfelf, having Four fmall Cannon the French em- ployed againft it. A Frcnch Detachment has taken Pof- feffion of Louvain. General Ginkel is named to go as their High Mighti- nefles Envoy Extraordinary to the Court of Berlin. Cqunt WafTenaer Twickcl lets out To- morrow for Paris, to cxecute a particular Commifuon at the French Court. I he French Court has grafted two Mitigations to the Arret of the 1 ill cf December laft, by which the Privileges in " Irade granted by Treaty to'the Dutch were annulled. ' Ihe '! ft txemptiag the Dutch Veficis. rxi, uu!' y in th#
French Ports at the time of the proWftja. via-. i or the fu.- d Arret, from tli• Charges tiiipofitl it, and ti. e Prolonging the Privd ues tit the < rea- ty cf 1739, " witn refpedt to all Sorts « » " aid died FiJh to " the Eiwl of the Current \' » 3T. i U5? thhe avxiiLry Dutch Shir s of the Admit a! ty of Aiailwdam, which had put into Plymouth, bcit- g lir. ee- at nv « d at the ' 1 C. vel, are cemtniwic J • to return back, and it i- f. d-. l a fourth of rue tollege « f North tfolland will accomp- tf y t: an. Wi.' lt » j! at: F. i. 4. l'ue J'..: ibajk. rtioa is beg'. r, and - the ii-. ifiif* we. o 0.1 i. jr.: h. ii Night, and nV Kt'giB. euc of Gr- madiers i- rr. is Moment. err, ktrktd. 7he.
Weather ii fainy . and blows preity hard, h.- r if we have- it P< J wcrfe than it i.< at prt- i- sc >. e can « ork, : d in that Gale Wedcefday tr Thurf^ te.\: we il. ali it- i » ady to put m Sea. ' L O N D O X. TJi « \> write from P.-. erftu- jjh, that Lord HyndfrrJ ha- ving received a. Courier from London, had fifnijied to. the Ruffian Com t,< that Fiaiu e, not ct- ntcr. t u r'a fcrr. entin;- the Rebellion in Sco land, » •.•; preparing to lead an nint v irtto England, to make a Di » v. i: on is Favour of t( ie Re- bels v/ uereupc" the moll to: iqus Declarations have Urn made to. M. D'Aiiion of trie Fmpreu'., Ddph afuic on th ,' t Head, and thai ili'c conic: no
lingertiilj. ente wi h tmplpy- ir. g alt her Force-, to prevent the Total Ruin of'Europe'. His Sv odilh Majeliy has pabjifhed a Decatrtion pci- mitting rich KaaiHies of fonugueli.' Je « s t » ^ onk; and fit- tie at Gotter. burgh, and eiftwhefe.' in bis Donwiilon-, for the Sake of Commerce: bit f,; rbiAiiioj; the fame Liberty to all tdl » , vagabond f'etfonsrf that Natron. Yefle day arrived an Kxprcii kmu A miral Eyng, the Contents of which a e r ot made poblick. It is reported rhat Admiral MeJiey has taken a Sparifh Man of War with liea. ure on board, and lint her into Lifbon. Yeilerday there was Acvicc, that the Heatchoatp, Capt. Spencer, from
Jamaica, very richly kitu, is taseu W the French, and carried in o'Sc. M-' loes. Alfo, that the Mitfbrd, Rowe ; end the Fortune, Maifhail, both from Antigua for London, with vah ab e Cargoes on bo. rd, at e tai. cn and carried into St. Soba- ftians. Alfo, the Friendfhip, Auditerloney. from Maryland ; and the Scarborough, Mackey, from Virginia, are both carried into Bay. onne. The Hannibal privateer, belonging to Drift, il, was funk lately in an Engagement with a f'isl. vn Man of War, cf 70 Guns; but the Crc* w. tj taken up, and carried h'to lii ell. Ycftcrday was held a Court of Admitalty at Do" ors- Coinmons before S r I- Iemy Penric,
when'the Voiatire, a French Ship, laden with Wines, ttu- ci? by the Au-' ufta Man of War, was condeain'd ai a L - gal Captur - At the fame Time the FeHcitfe and Dclphm, both ' aken by the Lyon Man cf War; and the L'e. iverance taken by th? Phtenix, a Gustnfey Privateer; the Cxf. ir by the Swift Privateer: and the Calicia by t.- io Monmouth Man of War, all French Ships, were' condemned as Lecal Captures. J Fhe fame D. iy the Catfar, taken by the Guernfoy Man of War, Capt. Cornifh, and carried into Minorca, ard there condcmn'd by the Judge of the Admiralty as a Le- gal Prize, was, on an Appeal made by fome Merchants,
ordered to be heard by the Lords of the Council at White- hall. Yeilerday the Commifiiorers of the Navy appointed Mr. Harrington to be Commiffafy of the Naval Stores. for his Majefty's Port of Plymouth, a Place of confide, a bis Profit. The Rev. Mr. Watts having refign'd the Place of Prea- cher to the Hon. Society of Lir. coln's- Ir. n, on Account of his ill State of Health, the Candidates to fucceed him are the Rev. Mr. Warburton ; the Rev. Mr. Ibbetfon, ( who often nfiifted Mr. Watts) ; and the Rev. Mr. Upton, Chaplain to the late Lord 1 aibot. A Treaty of Marriage is 011 foot, and will fpeedily be confummated, between Sir Peter
Warburton, bait, and the Lady Elizabeth Stanley, eldefl Daughter of the Right Hon. the Earl of Derby, a fine young Lady, with a very cojifiderable Fortune. On Sunday N ight laft as a Gentleman's Coach was Handing at the Ram- head Tavern in Tooley- ftrcet in the Borough, fome Rogues Hole great Part of the Harnefs, and carried it clear off. And on Monday Night as Sir Abraham Shard's Coach flood at the fame Door, a Fellow had the Impudence, whilft the Coachman was gone into the Houfe to warm ADVERTISEMENTS are taken in for thb Paper, at LLOYD'S CoF. rsr- HousE, in Lombard- Street.
himfelf, to take off one of the Horfes, and had got it 200 . Yards from the Houf ® when he was purfuTd, and the Hoife Tecover'd, but the Fellow" made his efcape. Yefterd'ay Francis Otter" was committed to Woodftreet Compter, by Sir Edward Bellamy, for felonioujly Healing a Half Peck and two Quartern - Loaves, the Property of Mr. Lc'e of'Pore- ftreet, Baker. . \ S C O T I. A N D. Edinburgh, J- art. .30. - This Morning about Three o'Clock his. Royal Highiiefs ' the.' Daks of' Cumberland arrived here.' in f- etfeii Health, and having found the Army in Readinel's toaixovt^'- his Royal Highpefs propofes :_- to rewreh as ftr. ajiLvniitjigpw.
Tc- morrow. with 1,4. Batta- lions,;' and Cobhnm's and -' Mart Kerr's Dragoons. IE ere will- be left herein own. Regiment, and many of. th. e Country Militia; j& cEslgslt& e' G. a;, rifon. of the Cattle, and the Drag- vons of Hamilton and Legonier : And on Saturday Bligli's. Regimetit. of Foot will arrive. By Advices from Stirling, the Rebels had on the. 28th mounted three Pieces of Cannon on a Battery againft the Caftle, and Yefterday - Jlonu'. g, a continual Firing was heard. - •:< "•' A- W is. " R U P T " S. • V/ •->-. qf Sury St.. Edmunds, in the County of Sfi' • tV/ e'rhft< i, Mailti"!-. . RaTpif' . Viturv of the - Parifli . St John, S. outh wark •
D'^' errand'CiiJifiisaiVj. " _ . John Howes, < J' PaHlH of St " vfa^ y le Strang, in the ' County- of: wP... it.;:, > f-: aberdn; iar o, Small- Wares. ' ?.' : 1! : Sii jol'hivil of Rotbprr. itii, Slurry, Cooper. BauL.-^' o'c!.; 1 r. o V hjf fujlit Ditto.; 54 1 half .1 15:. South . Sea, Sipci;.' 92 1 U'f. Ditto Old Annuities 96 3 4' hs a j' 4th. Ditto Ne « $ J a 94 3 S'ths. Three per Cent. Annuities. 74 3 4tl} s. a, 1 Jia;£' Ditto. 1.742, 74. 3 4ths a V half. Ditto 1- 4 3 and. >. 744, 74; 3 VT' 1!';, A 1 HALF- Ditto Jf, 4A, - 74 3 4th, a j: half. Million. 1 10. Equi- valent joo. Royal- Aitunince 77. _ London Afl'urance 9 i half. Englifti Copper 5 1. Seven per Cent. Empe- ror's,
Loan no Price. Five per Cent, d tto; 110 Price. Bank . Circulation.!? s. India Bonds 53s.^ a ^ 3. Dii'c. Three and a half Salt'l> Jlies no. Price. Three and a ha f per Cent. Exchequer. Orders no Price. J- hree per Cent. Ditto no Price. . . . .. .... II A Y - MAR K E T. AT the ; K I N Cj's T- H E AT R E in the HAY- WARKE^,'" Sstt| Hay,- ne* t, will be perfornv'd a New OPERA, call'd .. .. I E TR ION FO DEI . L A CONTIN ENZ A, V/ ifh Yi- KHCvt- andith'ert) i'c< J- R'At'fH' » s Entirely N. tw. Pit and Boxes to'- be put together, and no Perfons to. be admitted without Tickets, which will be delivered that Day, at the Opera- Office in the Hay-
Market,. at'Half a Guinea each. - Gallery 5s. By HIS M; A J ES T Y's . COMMAND, NO Perfons whatfoever. to be admitted behind the Scenes. The Gallery to be openJd at Four o'Clcck. Pit and Boxes at Five. To begin at Six o'Cfcck. D R U R Y- L A N E. The Fourth Day. By His Majefty's ' Company of Comedians, AT the Theatre- Royal in Drury - Lane, this Day-, will- be prefented a- Play, call'd ' I he T - E M P E S T. As written-' by S. hakefpeare. The Part of Profpero- by Mr. Sparks ; Ferdinand, Mr. Delane ; Ale MO, Mr. Bridges ; Gonzaki, Mr. Berry ; Stepbano, Mr. Mack- lin ; Trincalo, Mr. Barrington ; Caliban, Mr. I. Sparkes ;
SebafUan, JMr. Marlhal; Anthonio, Mr. Goodfeilow ; Francifco, Mr. Wood- > burn ; Boat wain, Mr. Blakes. The Part of Miranda, by Mifs - Edwards; and the Part of Ariel ( with the proper Songs) by Mrs. dive; With tbe Original Decorations, particularly The GRAND MASQUE, new fet to Mufjck by ' Mr. Arne. The Part of Junb by'Mrs AM?; Iris, Mifs Young ; Ceres, - if - , - Mrs." Sibella ; With - proper Chorus's and Dances . Concluding with a Muficai. Entertainment, ( compo's'a by Mr, Arne) of ' NEPTUNE apd , A M P H I T R I T E. Neptune, Mr.' Lowe ; Amphitrite, Mrs. Arne; Sea Nymphs, by Mrs. Young, Mrs. Sioctla, and other?. The
whohfinterfpirfed; with Dances'by Mr. Muilment, Mr. Deffe, . Mifs Scoc, and others.- To which ( by Defi.- e) will he added a Farce, cah'd The ' i RAGED t of 1' R AG EDiES ; OR, The LIFE and DEATH of TOM THUMB the GREAT. CONTAINING, His furprifing Viftory over G'umdalca / Queen- of the Giants, His magnificent Reception ih King Arthur's Court, His Marriage with the Princefs Huncamunca, * With the fatal Jealoufy ef Queen Dollalolla, • - Andvmany othet Hiftorical PafTages. The Part of Tom Thumb by Mifs Macklin ; King Arthur, Mr. Blake* ; Lord Grizzle, Mr. Yates ; Ghoft of Gaffer Thumb, Mr. Coodfellow ; Noodle, Mr.
M- arr ; Doodle, Mr. Branfby ; Food| e,- Mr. Leigh. Queen Dollalolla, Mrs. Macklin; Princefs Huncamunca, Mr. Tafwell; Ghimdalc4--- Qjreefl of the Giants, by Mr. I-. Sparks ; Cleo- a, . Vif. Cole. EcDM . Pit 3 •• Firft Gallery i s. Upper Gallery 11. To begin exaitiy at Six o'Clock. High Water at London- Bridge, this Day at 54 Minutes after 10. COVENT- GARDEN. Not Afted this Sea for.: AT the Theatre Royal in Covent- Garden, this Day, will be prefented a Comedy, call'd The P I L G R I M. The Part of the Pil| rim by Mr. Ryan ; Alphonfo, Mr. Hippifley ; Roderigo, Mr. Cafhell ; Mad Scholar, Mr. Hale; Curio, Mr. Anderfon ; Seber'to, Mr.
Gibfon ; Veidugo, Mr. Hay man; Lopez, Mr. Carr; Jaques, Mr. Arthur; Porter, Mr. Rofco ; Mad Englifliman, Mr. Chapman ; Mad Welfhman, Mr. James ; Mad Prieft, Mr. B;? ncrafr; IVIad . Tayl r, Mr. Wood- ward ; Matter of the Madhoufe, Mr. Marten; Fool, Mailer Shuterj Alinda by Mrs. Vincent ; And the Part of Juletta by Mrs. Pritchard.: To which wili be added a Dramatic Entertainment, cali'd Ihe R O Y A L. C H A C Ei Or, MERLIN'S CAVE. Tho Charafter of a ChafTeur Royal by Mr. Beard ; Merlin, M&, Leveridge; - Aerial Spirits by Mr. Cooke, and others. Jupiter, in the Charter of Harlequin by Mr. Woodward ; Mercury, Mr. Reinhold ;
Dodtor, Mr. Bencraft; Colombine. Mn. Havard ; Pierot, Mr. Lalauze. Boxet 5 s. Pit 3 s. Firft Gallery 2 s. Upper Gallery is. To begin exaftiy at Six o'Ciocki * f* To- morrow will be reviv'd a Comedy ( not a tied tbefe fix Years) cal-' d The MAN of MODE, or, Sir Fopiing Fiottw. With Entertainments of Dancing by Mr. SODI, [ Being the firft Tims of bis appearing upon, it at Stage.) G O O D~ M A~ N's E I E L D S. For tbe Benefit of Mrs. HOOPER. AT the Late WELLS, the bottom of Le- mon- ftreet, Goodman's- Fields, this Day, will be- perform'd a Conceit of Vocal and Inftrumental MUSiCK. Divided into Two Parts. Bases 4 s. Pit 3 s.. Firft
Gallery a s. Upp. er Gallery 1 s. Betwecjj. the Two Parts of the Concert will be given Gratis, The ' B E G G A R's O P E R A. The Part of Polly to be perform'd by Mrs. HOOPER, ( Being tbe JirJl Tims of ber appealing up- n that Stage j.) Capt. Macheath by Mr. HAYWAV, ' • [ Being tbe firJiTime of bis perfif'miy upon that Stage ;) With an Oc « afioKal Song f « ng by Mr. Uaytisan. To which will be added a Farce, callld . The D E B A U C H E E S. With Dancing by Mr. Jofeph, Mifs Pally, and Matter Jack Granier. To begin exaflly at Six o'clock. By Command of their Royal Mighneffes the Prince and Princefs of W ALES; By His
Majefty's Company of Comedians, AT the Theatre- Royal in Drury - Lane, To- morrow, will be prefented a Comedy, call'd Ihe RECRUITING OFFICER. With E N T E R T A I N M E N T S. • Places for the Boxes to be taken of Mr. Hobfon, at the Stage- Dcor of the Theatre. By part'cjlar DESIRE. AT the Theatre- Royal in Drury - Lane, on Saturday next, will be prefented a Comedy, call'a The MERCHANT ot VENICE With Entertainments as will be exprefs'd in the Bills of the thy. Places and Tickets to be had of Mr. Hobfon, at the Stage- D001 of the Theatre. To begin exaflly at Six o'Clock. Guildhall London, Dec. 31,, 1745. sT'H E
Committee appointed for the Difpofal of ' the Money arifing by the Subscription, begun by The Right Hon. the Lord Mayor and others, for the better Relief, Support ar. d Encouragement of the Soldiers employed ' in fupprejjing the prefent. unnatural Rebellion ; gi ve Notice, that the faid Subfcription is fill kept open at f'e Chamber- lain's Oftce, at Guildhall, ' where proper Perfvts are ap- pointed to attend, from Ele- ven o'Click to Two, to receive the Contributions ofJ'ucb Per Ions as fhall be difpofed to Subfcribe to the fame ; and for the Satisfaction of the Publick, the Committee intend to publifb a Lijl of the Names of the Sub- Jcribers,
the Sums contributed, and the. Application there- of. By Order of the Committee, T. FORD, Secretary. NOTICE is hereby given to the Officers and Company of his Majefty's Ships Sunderland and Cbtjler, who were on Board at the taking the Elephant Prize, thar they will be paid their refpe& ive Shares fjr the faid Ship and Cargo, viz. The Sunderland, on Board the Ship at Plymouth the 18th of February ; the Cheft ' er, at the King's ' Arms on Great Tower HJIfy the 25th of February ; and the Shares - of fuch Perfons of the above Shi^ s, as are not then demanded,- wijl'be paid at the aho? e mention'A King's Arms, the. fecond Thur.
day in every Month for Three Yeara to* come. WHEREAS the Recalls, of his Ma- jefty's Ships, Captain, Lenox, and Frincefs Lcurfa, for the Prizes taken'by Admiral Martin's Squadron between- tlw 26th of March 1745, and the 9th of May following, was Aiver. tiied for the roth and 13th Inftant, and the Defiance and Taviftoct . Sloop, f- or . three Retaken Ships the lame Days ac the Crown Tavern behind t:. e Exchange. Thefe are therefore to give Notice, to fuch Perfons whofe Share* remain undemanded, that thofe for the Captain and Lenox, uill be paid on Friday tbe 7th Inftant, and the Louifa, Drfiar. ee ar. d Tavifiode Sloop,
Saturday the 8th Inftant; and fuch Shares as fliall remaia undemanded will be paid at the King's Arms an Great Tower- Hill, the fccond Wednefday in every Month for three Years. L O S T, On Tuefday Evening the lith offonuary lafi, oetv: een the Vi£ tuallir. g- OficeT Tovi. er-. Hil:, and Hajp- Lane, Towir- Jlreet ; Bund! « of Papers tied round the Middle . with a Piece of Red String or Tape, and dire& ed at one End to Mr . Par in, containing fundry Letters and Accounts moft of them figned by Martin iVdpn and Leeds Booth. Whoever brings the faid Bundle of Papers to Robert Parr in, at the Vifioalling- Office Coffee- Houfe / hall
receive a Reward oi One Gui- nea, and no Queftions afked* As the faid Papers are of 110 U fe but to the Owner, : t is therefo re hoped, whoever has foucd them, will bring or fend them to the faid- Robert Parrin. • For S ALE by the C A NDLE, At. LLOYD'S Coffee- Houfe in - Lombard- Stte- t, This Day,- at Twelve 0' Clock at Noon, THE good Snow UAi- tr. able Sufanne ( a Prize taken by the Kcult. Km- Privateer, Capt. Jofepb Barker}. Foreign built, Burthen 120 Tons, more or lefs, with proportionable Dimenfions, and i » Carriage Guns, and two Swivels, now lying off Princes- Stairs. Printed Inventories to'be had on Board the the
faid Snow, at Sam's Coflie- houfe near the C'uflom- houfe. at the Place of Sale, and of D. H. S. AUGIER, BROKER. be SOLD, THE good Ship NEW INDUSTRY, William Clarke, Cotamander, iate from Jamaica, being a Prime Sailor, Burthen about 350 Tons, IS Carriage Gunst A very large Inventory to be feen at Lloyd's, and the Jamaica CcftVe- hosfes, and ro treat with Mr. Robert Fojler in Shadwe'J for the lame. For SALE by the CANDL E, At GARRAWAY's Coffee- Hoafe in Exchange- Alley, This Day, at Tour o'Clock in the Afterncon, TEIE CARGOE of the St. PAUL, a French Piize, from St. Domingo, taken by Admiral Ms. r titl Squadron, viz. } of Sugar. y of Indigo. Tort » ifefhell. Guldhall, London, 24 Jan. 1745. nrffF Committee of the Guildhall Subfcription, Over and above ihe Sum of scoo 1. formerly fet apart fcr rewarding fueffSoldiers, whofhould be maimed or wounded in firpprejjing- the prcfent Unnatural Rciellion, have oiderid • that the like Sum of 5. OQO 1. be . alfo fet apart to. be dijlri- butedin Rewards, among fuch Private SoldJ'erj and Non- Commi( fon Officers, who Jhall ly their Bra: ery and Cou- rage dtfiin^ uijh tbemfe. lves in fiuppreffing the Rebellion, and whofie Behaviour JbaU be reprejentedby the G. neralfOffcers to merit the fame. By
Or.' er of the Committee, T. FORD, See. 366 Hogfheads 7 Tierces. 15; Barrels 27 Pipes 44 Hcgfheads 19 Barrels 3 Barrels V 1 Bag £ z Pocket of Cotton. 38 Hides in the Hair. Samples to be feen from this Morning to the Time of Sale, a? No.. 8. Dyers Hall. Catalogues to be had at the Placc of Sale, at Dyers Hall, and of JONATHAN POPHAM, Broker. Immediately after the above Indigo will be fold Lot 72, one Pipe j and Lot 117, two Hogfheads of Indigo left unclear'd by the Champ- fieur, a French Prize, fold the 10th of Oftaber laft. For SALE by the CANDLE, At L L O Y D's CcfRe- FIoufe in Lombard- Street, On Thurfday the
zoth Inf ant, at Twelve o'Clock at Noon, Hp HE St, PAUL a Frcnch B Prize, with 20 Carriage Guns, Bur- then 300 Tons more or lefs, with good Di- menfions, Square- ftern'd, taken on her firft Voyage by Admiral Martin's Squadron, now iyihlt at Plymouth, to be delivered there. Printed Inventories to be feen on Board, at. Earl's Coffee houfe, Plymouth, at the Plate of Sale, and of JONATHAN POPHAM, Qf Abchu. ch- Lsr. e, London, Sworn- Broker
For SALE by the CANDLE, At LLOYD'S Coffee- Houfe in Lombard Street, This Day, at Twelve o' Clock, _ HE good Ship Margaret,: 1 with 10 Carriage and- 4HwiTel. Guns, Square- ftern'd, Bofton built,! Burthen 200 Tons more or lefs, with- proportionable i? i- menftons, now lying in the Stream, a^ ajnft the Tower- flairs, Francis Currjmapder. Inventories to be fecn on Board, and ax- the Place ofSale. To be Sold. by SAMUEL, BROOKS, Broker. To be heaid of Daily. at his Office, ( for A flu ring Ships and Mer- chandize) oppoli. te Jonathan's Coffee- hpiife in Exchange-' Al.' ey $ or at" Lloyd's Coffee- boufe in Lombard- ftreet « For
SALE by the CANDLE, At L L O Y D's Coffee- Hotife. in Lombard- Street, This Day, at Tat\ elve o'Clock. at Noon, np, HE FERRET Sloop, JL,. a Prime Sailor, Square- ftern'd, Plant-. tiOn- built and. ftiir^ thed, . Burthen 100 Tons more or lef*, now iying at Mr.' Sr. ell- grove s Yard, Limehoufc- Ho'. t, John " J arret, Commander. -. • Inventories .. to Le feenon Board, and at the Place of Sale. rrTo be, St. la . y ' SAMUEL BROOKS, BROKER. For SALE by the € A. N D L E, At LLOYD'S Coffte- Hmfe ii t o ifbar. f ilreet, ; This Day, at Twelve o CLchai Imn, TH E good Ship llnjle, mere, With is Carriage, and 3 Swi- vel Guns, a Prime
SailorSquare- ir'rn'd, River- built by Mr. Robert flirty'/'" and Iheathed, Burthen 320Tons indre £? r*'. Jeil, with excellent Dimenfions for the St. airs or Weil- India Tr.' des, an. r well founo now lying in the Great Wet Dock, " ttiHias Wal- ker, Commander. Inventories to be feen on Board, and at the* Place of'Sale. To be Sold by " r" "• " '"•' ' - SAMUEL BROOKS, Broker. For S ALE by the C a N D >. E, At LLOYD'S CotEw- Hoafe •• in Lombard~$ ir- e. er, This Day, at Twelve o'Clock at \: oonf. . - THE Ship J h NN Y. with 16 large Carriage Guns, Square- ftern'd, Plantation- built,, and lately new { heathed, Burther, 220 Tons more or lefs,
with proportionable Dimenfions, aad well- f und, now lying at Sbadviell- Dock, Samuel Staples, Commander.. < Inventories to be feen on Board, and at the Place of Sate. To he Sold by £' SAMUEL BROOKS, Broker. For SALE by the C A N D L E, At LLOYD'S Coffee- Houfe in Lcmbard- freet, On Friday next, at Twelve o'Clock at Noon, - THE good Ship Friend- fhip, with 10 Guns,' a French Prize, about 4 Years old, an exceeding fine Sailor, Square- ftern'd, Burthen 300 Tons more or lefs, " with very good Dimenfions, and well- found, now lying near Sbadwell- Dock, Ninian Beale, Commander. Inventories to be feen on Board, and
at the Place of Sale. To be Sold by SAMUEL BROOKS, BROKER. For SALE by the CANDLE, At LLOYD'S Coffee- houfe in Lombard- Street, On Friday next, at Twelve 0' Clock at Noon, ~ he rainbow __ Snow, Square- fterrl'd, Plantation- built, Burthen 100 Tons more or lefs, with proportionable Dimenfions, now lying at Fountain- Hole, R-. tberbitb, Leach Harris, Commander. Inventories to be, feen on Board, ami at the Place of Sale. To be Sold by " SAMUEL BROOKS, Broker. For SALE by the CANDL E, At LLOYD'S Coffee- Houfe in Lombard- Street, On Friday, February 14, at. Twelve. » ' Clock at Noon, « t '" T"*' H E good
Ship Dragon, JL with 18 Gunr, a French Prize; a-* frhfifL'/?/ bout 18 Months oltl, Square'ftern'd, Bur- then 300 Tons mote or left, with exesilfcnt W^ ffi^ SrTSs Dimenfionr for the Virgin a or Weft- India mfm Trades, now lying afhore at Mr. Carter's • Urip^ iss^^ pL Yard at Limebcufi- Hole, John Spence, Com- WmifF^ m& mtm A.,.. To be mander. Inventories to be feen on B , ard, and at the Place of Sale. Sold- by SAMUEL BROOKS, Broker.. For SALE by the CANDLE, - A- LLOYD'S Coffee: Hiufe in Lombard- Street' To'morrow, " at Twelve « ' CI- ck, - rip HE SANDWICH, late § . a - French- Prize, Burthen about 300 Tons, t- Sq »
areftefn'd, and. very well found, now lying at the- Red- H. ufe, Dipt ford. At the fame Time an. 1 Place ' will be Sold, The CH » ARMING SET1EY Snow, Plan- . tation built. Burthen about 120 Ton, now ly- ing at Pitchers Point, George Spen. er, C. m- • mander. . 1 Inventories to be feen on Board the faid Ships, and at the Place of Sale'. - CHARLES ROGERS, Broker. Qvef- agaiiijl LLOYD's Coffee- Houfe. For S A L E by AUCTI O N, Ac the EXCHANGE- Ccffee- Hftufe in. BRISTOL, On Monday next, the I ttb Infant, XH E Duke of MARr- 1 BOROUGH Privateer.( l- te: y fcMl'd OfjH^ jsi the Prime Mimfter) Burthen aboit jco'T- as, built
at Shoreban: n the Year 1740J a Prime Sailor, with 21 Carriage, 6 and 9 Pouflders, ~ now lying at the Key of Brifiol, having a very large Inventory of Stores, jfi^ lffetffWMififfr1 wjiith Inventories are to be feen at tkyd! « . . - i - , Co& e- houfe, Lombard- ffreet. • 1 For SALE by the C A N D L E, At New BEAR KEY Ccffee- Houfe in Thames- Street, On Monday next, at Eleven o'Clock" in the For en on, HIRT Punchtons o! RUM, Lit. ly Imported from Barbadoes, Six Ditto, lately Imported from M. ntferrat. Now lying in No 3. on Smart's Key.,. Samples to be Tailed at the aforefaid CofFee- Houfe from . Friday next ' till the Time of Sale . *
Catalogues will be Timely difpers'd by JOHN BRADS HAW, Broker , _ Fsr > S A L E by the " C A N D L E, At the MARINE Cofee- boufe in Birc:.: n- Lar, e, On Wtdnefjay the iztb Infant, at Four- o Clock in the Afternoon, ABOUT 200 Cafts of FRENCH SUGAR. - Catalogues will be Timely dilperfed by William afid BENJ. Vaughan, Brokers. To be SO L D by A U C T I O N, ^/' KINSALE, on Thv. rfday the zoth rf February, ; TV H E AM" IA- B LE ROSE Privateer ( Prize tr> the LefioffPri- ' vateer) Burthen abpsit'So Tons, Span. A built, now lyiog at Kinfale with her Stores. Inventories of which will be de'ivered a" t. the Bar of Lloyd's
Coffee Houfe, . this Day; For S A L E by AUCTIO N, At KINS ALE, on Thurfday the 20 th of February, THE 1 FOSTOFF Pri- vatcer, Charl' Fielding,, Comman- der, Burthen about 380 Tons, burlt in the King's Yard, a Prime Sailor, with ? 4 Car- riage Guns, now lying at Kinfale, having a larpe Inventory of Stores. Which Inventories will be delivered at the Bar of Lloyd's Cfeffee- houfe, this Day. Lately puhlifht. d, . In One large VOLUME F O L I O, Dedicated to- the Right Htnou able the Lord Chancellor, the Mafier ef the Rolls, anddhe Twelve Judges. O EPERTOR1UM J U R ID1CUM: fx. Or, an. Index to all the Cafes in the Year-
Books, Entries, Reports and Abridgments in LAW and EQUITY, ( hewing at one View all the Books in which any Cafe is printed, ( altho' by different Names, as it often happens) and under what Title it is or ought to be common- plac'd. Containing near Forty Thoufa. nd CASES. With an Alphabetical Table of the T I T L ES referring to the CASES. fy a BARRISTER of, the Middle- Temple. ( Price Bound One^ jPound One Shilling.) Sold by Benjamin Nutt, and the Book'fellers of London and Weft- minfter. ' pm This Pay is publifff d^ Price 6d. The SECOND EDITION if The Principles and Pradice of a Popifh Government, De- finitive of
Ciiil aod Rehgiods Liberty. AS E R MO \ Pr'a,<: hM at the Parifh Church of Blecbinglty in Surry, Oftober the 6th, 1745- On Occafion of the prefent Unnatural Rebellion. By JOHN i PI U M A S, L. L. D. Re8b% of Blechingley. Printed for. R. Doddey, at Tully's Head in PaO- Mall ; and fold by M. Cooper, at the Globs in Patcr- naffer- Row, . - This F).< y . is . publijJosd, , . Primed for R. DODSLEY, at, Tu'ly's Head tiPM- Miii!) N Hiftorical aad Critical Account of the THEATRES in EuiforE, Thsifa.' ijn, French, Spa- r. ijh, Engj'Jb, Dutch, taA GermJx Theatjes. Intetmix'd with, many curious Diflertationt oh the St% e"; partioirla- rff " an EiSy
on && ioa; or the Art of Speaking in BtfWk- k, and. S'fiompawfo. n 0; f the ancient and_ modern Drama.- . : . " ^ / Tranflated' from thf Fseicb oth& ejk Riteiboni, tlie. niafl famous A'' or at. t' k'is. . • _ ' In One Volume, C- iSavo, Price 5s. -* . • - . . ** M This bay is• gabUftftf, Price i . v .' Reafonai> le P| ea for the AilWitl Crea- jC\. tlon : Befflg a Re^ y- to the late ^ am'phlet, intituled, a Dift fcrtation on the VoluntaxjjiEatTng of Blood, - - - f n. \ jr; it: h is tfLe. weQ, I. From the N. a: ture; an^ . il » 4fon of Thii^' tBjf we* have no Kjg to Deftroy, much lefs t^ aftff any Thing. which JT^ s tife. II. That if the HAIN^' Fped at firft^ s cn&'^ e.-^ ro'dfit^'
FEF' thg Earths ... and by^ pofitiye , Con^ » and • raade'immu^ pI^ C'Htn- that LavV or Command mufl be imiifefta'fify tTt^ naj." - ^ '' By R ( ii^ jM R* R- T S. Printed for Mt. Cooperj^. in. Paters^ ofter- j& pw,,; and fold by Vt. Shropfhire and J, Brindley,, in iNewiBond- Street; and- J. Miilan, ov. er againft the Adnilralty- OfHce. 3 " : '. Sit. • f ., i! 1" 1"' 1 • '—! ,• ——>• line cJbi; D ~ is- puhrifheti^ Price 4' d. an Eye.- WytneiS!.-, of the late Battle, neir Falkirk: Givin j. a C:: cu•..• Mi> t.:. l Rel^ lfn '(> f that^ AtVion, an< f : fome Account of fha' CorA^ l cn botH Sid « r; tfi3i'a,/ ew. Psrticufers " relating to the'PWosf ot ths young P. Otr^^. o:,
and'h^ s'Behaviour " at. G'lifgow. Piintedjior M. Cooper, in'l'atcr- alUeriRcv/. 7/ j/; pay is7 ptiblifbtd) Price 6 d." '•' ' Y^ Sjcond Party Numb# f II. of H E Proceedings oh the King's Corri-' mrfiion of the Pe. tce, Oyer and Terminer, and'Goal D livery for the Ci'. y of'- Londpn akd C- iunty- ol Middlefev , held on the 17th, iS. h, snd. aoth of January, befere the R! ght. Hpn, Sir RICHARD HOARS, Knt. Lord Mayor of the City of London, ths.-. Right Hon, the Lord. Chief Baron Fairer, Mr." juffite Demifo'n,. Sit Sim. d Urling, Knt. Recorder, & c, In which are contain'd the Trials of Thomas, Sicl- well,\ for exefcifing- the'GSce and Fusflion of a
Popish Pric ft. George'GunnelJohn Sayer, for Smuggling. ' ' James tFilliamfo. n, fat picking the Pocket of oiie Mr. Jefferies, g over the Bridge, of " 20 1. Richard Warner, tor- forging " a Btlf of- Ex* thahge upon" Richard Jacifn, Efq j in Crotchet- Fryars, w. th an Intention'- to defraud Mr. Afhk? of Ludgate- Hill. Richard Manning, for' Shdomital PraSices, who was convicted of the like Crime, January- Seffions 1745, for which- he'' ft'oad in the Pillory, was fenten. ced to fulfer- three Months ImpfiifennJent, and find Security for his g. ood Behaviour. ' • ,' . -. Jo/ epb Mafon, ( a Boy of 14 Years of Age) for fetferal Uufflaries and Felonie?. * '
<• . . ' . _ • With feveral other remarkable Trials. '.. Printed for C. Nutt, at the Royal- Exchange, and at all the'P. im- phiet- ihops of London and Weftminfter. This Day is publijhed, Price i s. TH E Occd- fional' Writer,- being an An- fwer to the Second Manifefto of the Pretender's Eldeft Son ; which bears Date at the Palace of Iloly- Rood- Moufe, the loth Day of Oftober, 1745. C O N T A I N I. N G . -..>. Reflexions, Political arid Hiftbrical, upon the laft Revolution, and the Proprefs of the Prefent Rebellion'in Scotlapd-. •. - Tundcm Triumphant. ... ; „ , Motto of Pretender's Standard. Nondum Immentoris. • ^ Anfwer. The Second Edition
Correfted, to which is prefix'd, an' Advef- tifement from the Publilher. Printed -" or M. Cooper, at the Globe in Pater- nofter- Row, This Day is publijhed, In THREE VOLUMES in FOLIO, Collected from above One thoufand Original Draughts, in the Poffeffion of Dutton Seaman, Efr, at Gui. d- hall, Comptroller cf the Chamber of the Citf of London. PRECEDENTS in CONVEYANCING Settled and Approved by GILBERT HORSEMA N, Late of Lincoln s- Inn, Efq-, Containing Conveyances and Settlements, not only of Eftates Peal and Perfonal, known to former Times, but alfo of Stocks, Bonds and Annuities of. the Publick
Companies, Exchequer An- nuities, Fortunes in Ireland and Holland, and Plantations ia America 5 likewife many new Claufes, and Provifions in Confequence of Adls of Parliament, and of Determinations in the Courts of Juftice. Printed for J. and P. Knapton, at the Crown in Ludgate- Street. This Day is publijheli, Price i s. 6 d CAPTAIN 1 EMILE WEST'S Defence againft Vice Admiral LESTOCK'S Charge relating t5 his Conduit in the A& ion offToulon, betwjen his Majefty's Fleet, under the Command, of Admiral Matthews, and the combined Fleet of France and Spain. With Remarks upon the Sentence of the Court; and Arguments
brought in Juftification of his Conduit, from the Sentences before pronounced on other Captains, and from the D/ fcipline requir'd by the I. nftrultions. Printed for S. Biker, in Ruffel- ftreet. Covent- Garden ; and fu'd by J. Robinfon, in Ludgate- ftreet ; and R, Aroey,' at- Charing. Crois, and the Court of Requeft,
BOOKS ly AUCTION*, At PAULV Coffee- Houfe in St. Paul's Churchyard, txaS'y at Six this E L ining, The Third Night's Sale of THE valuable Libraries of the Reverend and Learned WILLIAM STUART, D. D. Chancellor rf Ex- eter j and of his Nephew, ths Rev. Mr. CHARLES STUART, fattty. deceafed. Containing a curious Collcftian of ClalTical Books, in elegant Condition, and man} on Royal Paper. In this Night'sSale are, Gale Rerurn Aug. Script. 3 Lalasi Sp ipt. Brit". Script, poft BeJam, ch. mix. Rcrum Brit. Scrijjt. vetuft, King's Vale Royal Valerius Flaccus Burmanni Sifius Italicus Drafceaborchi Aulu* Gellius Gronovli Ammiaaus
Marcel. Grotl, Abetardi & Ei:! oi& e Opet'a Cicero Qtaevil, v Quintiliin, 2 v. A;-; » an, z v. pIiniiH . lt 3 v. H: ft. Aug. Script. Callimachus, 2 v. Ovidius, 3 Y. Tacitus, z v. Seneca, 3 v. La: tan i- as, * v, >> This Day is pkblifbcd, Col'cSlio Selifia BrindtAana : Or, A CATAl. OGUE of a Curious and Rare /%, Collection of Aaitient' and Modern. Italian, I'lemilh and French Prints, after the greateft MaiWrs, and t> y the beft Engravers, VIZ. Michael Angelo, Paul Rubens, Titian, Carlo Marat: i, Salv » tor Rcfla, De La Bella, Coracchio, Cefil', Tfrtort, Raphael, Btffji, Bourdon, Bloemart, Birbittta, Holly, Heemlk'ik, Sir Godfrey Kneller, Ant. Van- Oeeck,
Aib. D'jrer, Datet, Nanteui', PceiSn, Cal'. nt, Le Crun, Mifcnird, Le Blood, l. a Fage, J. Boitard. Which -. vrii begin to be fold Extraordinary Cheap, this Day, the Price mark'a upon every Lot, and continue till all are Sold. Bv J O H N B R 1 N D L h Y, Booltfiller to lis Bo al lli^ hnefs the Prince of Wiles, in, New Hoiiii- Strcet. 7his Day is publifhed, A Catalogue of a Clume Collection of / » , Book=, Cmfifting of feme Thoufand Volumes, in moft Linpuases, Arts and Sciences, and all B. anches of Polite Literature in excellent Coadition. In the Catalogue are in F O L I O. Saurin fur la Bio. 6 t. fig. cui. Dugdale's Warwickshire, 2 v. Labbei
Oncilia,- 17 t. PurchaVs Pilgrims, 4 V. Univerfal Hift- 9 v. £* febii, & c. gr. lat. Reading State- Tryab, 6 v. Watlis Opera, 3 t. gr. iat. Military Hift. 1 v. 1. & f. pan. Strypa's Stow, 2 v. fine Cuts Oratrses, Gr. Moro- co, Aid. Montfaocon's Ar. t. - v. fine Cuts Gruteri Inicript. 4 t. ib. max. Ricaut's Hift. of Furks, 3 v. Bocharti Opera, 3 r. ed. opt. Scld.- n* S Works, 3 v. Mathematici Veteria L" Anti^. par Montfricon, ;; t. Strada de Be" o Bel. 1 torn.. Rom. r^ wprr on the Mufcles / UtiusAlJi Diet, de Bay le, 4 t. T* Hacotius Oeuvres de Bi) ! e, 4 t. gr. pap. Hook's Mi ogrsphia. Hift. Met. par Vm Loon, ' 5 t. Q_ U A R T O. RiifhWorth, 8 v. Cambridge
Ciaflkks, 4 v. Mar. V. ilk'. Kj'l Council-, 4 v. To be fold ixtta-.- idinary cheap this Dm, and to continue till all a e fold. By WILLIAM P A Y N E, At Horace's Head* opptfile D t< hun- Y ard in the Strand. Catalogues with the Price;, to be h'd Gratis, of MeiT. Strahan, Q. rnhjiH; Sanb. v, wit boo- Temple- Bar j Lewis, Co vent- Gar den j Sfcrop& lre > r* 6 Br'ndley, New- Eond ftreet j Fox, in Weftminfter- H iM ; and st the Phce t » f Sari NEW EDITION'S of BOOKS, pjbiledfir A. - MILLAR, tppofite Kaih& ine- itreet, in the S rand, I. A, Complete Collection of the Works of ITL the Htjn. Robert Br vie, E< « { 5 v. Fol. 2. | ac. Angufli J'huani H. ftor a
fui Temporii. Edit? per 5. Buck- Irv, 7 V- ¥ 1. 3. The Works of Francis Bacan, LorJ High Chancellor of Fnp- Talrd, 4 v. rol. 4. A complete Coll- ct'on ef the Hiftorical, Pilitica^, and Mifocl- laneous Works .. f John Milton, 2v. Fol. <;. Oeesna, and other Works of. James Harrington, Efq; Colleflcd j » « thodiz'd ar. d revis'd by J. ihn Toland, Fol 9. An H ftoiical and Political Difrourfe on th- Laws a. od Govern- ment of England. By N. Bacon, Efq; The fourth Edition, cor- rected and improv'd, l'ol Note There are a few of the above fix Boot.-' pnnted on a luperfine • Writing- Paper. 7. A General DiAionary, Hrftcrieat- and Cr. tical; inwhieha new a
« d accurate Tra- nflation oi" that of tbe celebrated Mr. Bayle is inclu- ded ; interfpers'd with feveral thoufand Lives never before publilhed, 1 o " V, 8. The Univerfal Hiftory, from theearlieft Account of Time to the • refent, 9 v. Fol. 9./ Fhe Hiftorvof Lond; n, from its firft Foundation by the Romans to the prefent Time. In niue Ho . ks. By W. Maitland, F. R. S. Fo). 10. The true Intelleflual Syftem of the Umverfe : Wherein all tke Reafon and Philofophy of Ath rifm is confuted and its Impofli- I • Hlity deaonftratcd, & c. By Ralph Cudworth, D. D. 2 v. 4to. This Day is fitblified, ( Price Two Shillings ) CHART of the GERMAN OCEAN, corrc£ ted
from the beft Surveys and Aftronomical Obferva- tions ; by which the Bearing and Diilances of all Places on the Coaft of Great Britain, from the North of Scotland to the Start Point; and of the Contir ent from the Coaft of Norway to the Cape de la Hopuc io Normandy, may be readily found. Publiffied according to Act of Parliament by A. Millar, oppofite to Catherine- ftreet in the Strand. IVbfre may' be bad, A Comp'eat and correft Map of the LOTHIANS, being a View ( that Country from Stefttn. ihrre to Bcrwickfkire, Survcy'd by Mr. Adair, Price I s. 6 d. Co'otired z s. AtJ ipiedity iu. ll br publijhed, A new and correft Meicator's Map of
North- Britain, carefuKy laid down from the Irteft Surveys and moft approved Obfervations, according to the ftrifleft Regard to Mathematical Truth. In which are included all the King's High Roads. By the Hon. JJlO El- phinftone, Efq; P. Engineer " rice 2 s. 6 d. 1 his Day is publilhed, In TWO VOLUMES, O C T A V O, ( Price 1 2 s. bound) lltuftratcd icijh 23 Copper- PIiter, Medic a l e s s a Y s and obser- VATIONS, publ fted by a Society in Edinburgh, in Six Volume;, OSavo, abrida'd, and difpos'd under General Heads. • CONTAINING, V O L. I. VOL. II. Meteorology, Anatomy and Chirurgery, Mineral Waters, F. ffiys on particular
Dil'eafcj, Materia Meoica and Pharmacy, Hiftories of Morbid Cats, Animal Oeconomy, lmpravercents ana Difcovevies in Phjfick. Bv WILLIAM ! F. WIS, M. B F R. S Printed for C. Hitch, at the Red- Lion, and T. Aftiey, at the Role, in Pater- nofter- ro/ v. Juft pii'lfhuU Price i 1. 5 s. ( Beautifully p inted in One l- rge Volume, in Folio, J THE Hiftory y! -' he I « ie, unation, J.. ife, Doctrine, and Miracles ; the Death, Refurreftion, and Af- cenfiin of Our Blefted U. rd and Savirur JESUS CHRIST- In Se- ven Books. IlluOrated with Note- ; and interfperfed with Dillerta- tations, Theologica', Hiftorical, Geog .. ijhical, and Critical. ' f; n- hich are
added. The Lives, Aflians, and Suft'erhi • : the TWELVE APOSTLES. Alto or St. P A U L, I St. L U K E, and Sr. M R K, I S(. B A R N A B A S. Together w. th a CHRONOLOGICAL TABLE. From the Beginning of HEROD the Great, to the End of the Apoftolitf Age, The Whflle colltfted from the Books of the New Terhment, the moft judicious Commentators, the beft EcclefJ. iftical HJHorians, and other Eminent Writers. A Vwned wirh Thirty- three C-' Opcr- p'atcs, rrprefenting the molt remarkable H. ftorical Pafl'ages ; 3-. d tup very ufef. il Map', in which are delineated all the Travels of Our Saviour and bis Ap^ ftles. By a Di v I N E of
the Church of ENGL A N D. Printed for C. Hiteh, at the R « d- Lyon in Pater- noftef Raw. This Diy is pul/ lifbeet,, In FIVE'VOLUMES, Oftavo, ( Kith all their C( » ts of Anns curiottfty engraven) Price 1 1. its. Bound, I"* 1 H E ENGLISH BARONETTAGE, CONTAINING, A Geneal gical and Hiftor'eal Accouat of all the ENGLISH BARON E T S) NOW EXISTING: Their De/ cents, Marnages, and Iftues ; memorable Actions both in War and Peace ; Religious ar. d Charitable Donations ; Deaths, Places'of Burial, and Monumental Infcriptions. COLLECTED From Authentick Manulc- ripts, Records, OH Wilis, our beft Hi- ftorians, and other
Authorities. LIKEWISE, Fraft Tables of Precedence ; part'cularly with Refpe& to the Wives, SOBS, and Daughters, of Baronets and Knights. To which are added, An Account of fuch Noma Scctijr Baronets as are of Englilh- Fami lies, now ftefident in England. It is of very great Ufe to a Man in all great Stations, to be ' « well acquainted with the Defccrxt af the Principal Families o/ " his own Country, whith enable* him very much to" forpsj a " juft Judgment of their View, and Ways of Thinking ; and " to know how he may conduit himfelf with them, or to " guard ,- igsinft their Intereft, by knowing with what Families " their Alliances
principallv lie. To confirm this, we need " only to mention the Praftice of Two of the greateft Minifters " of State produced in this Ifiand. The Lord Burleigh, who " was firft Minifter to Queen Eliiabeth for a Space of near 40 « •' Years; and the Earl of Oxford, Minifter to the late Queen " Anne; The latter of thefe had a great Regard for this " Learning, and made the greateft Colleftion in that Kind of " any Man in England. As to the I. rd Burleigh, his " Knowledge of the Families of all Men of Figure in this King- " dom, was reckoned among his extraordinary Qualifications. " And be was fo much addifled to this Study, thai in the Heat " of his
greateft Occupations, he always found fome Leifure- " Time to be en-. ploy'd this Way, leaving behind him many " V lum- s of Pedigrees in his own Hand- Writi-. Cenrakgical Hiftory of tie Houfe of Yvery in tie UtrcduSlion,, Page 3S. Printed for Tho. Wotton ; aud fold by Edwar. l Withers, at the Seven Stars, next the Inner- Teaiple Gate, in Flcet- flreet. C< nfeclio Volcnl < ffma. O R The moil Powerful Bcftnra'ive CmfeSl in Nature, F O R Impotency in Men and Barrenncfs in ffom( n, delightful to the Palate, mod: . agreeable and cord'al to the Stomach, enriches rhn Blood, en > ealcs tiie Spirits ; invigorates the Nerves, and perfectly
renovates a:! the ani- mal Faculties, and generative Powers in both Sexes; to fiich a Degree asWords can fear, ely exprefs ; and yet- afts not onl> by a ftir^ uiating Quality, or blowing up a Flame, but by adding a true P. bulum Amoris, a kindly Fuel, by which Na'ure is in. a Manner n- gciicrated, and fo much Strength, Vigour and Ability, immediate y given, tl: a Impotemy and every kind of Wtaknefs, or ImfceciHity in the Male Sex, and Barrennefs, Weaknefs, and Inappeteary to Conjugal R. ites in the Female Sex, are moft infallibly and direftiy cu ed I v it, in very plea fan t and highly agreeable Manner, infnitely bevoril what any other
Remedy can > ccompl/ h. Decays of every K. incl in cither Sex, and all Seminal Wealcn-' ft'es, however occalt,> rre< V it a'moft in- ftantly cures, when n thing elfewiil, and can be had 0r. 1v, by the Author's Appointment, ar the Gentlewoman's, at ' he r* o Blue Poll,, in H. iydon- Y. ird, in the Minories, London, at i' ve Shilling, 3 P^. t, with piinted Diieftions at lar. e. • ; •{ Lonci rmng Gleets and Smunai IVcuhtt- jjcs of. alt* Km'Is. . " . . ; w-, e A IT. judicious Plu iiehns nm. l SiugciSns f \ allow, that nothing is mnte . lifFcu'r to Si. je than fttibboia Gleets an4 Seminal Weaknefl'cs, whethwr orcafirmed I- v ro - i teveie Pittgifig for Tenure at
Injuries. Viol- rot - Strains, Pc'. lr. tio'Gii, or ar. j other Caafe ivharevc- r; and that they ? re dat. gerotts in'ft'-' r Con- fequetKes, as well as difticutr ro cure, is as ceiram, fnce they ex-' cetxlinoly weaker, the Generative f irnliter, -' nft.- lie t. V fshole Ner- vous Syftem, often brtnj » or Heftu < H a Tab'-. fc Dr. rt'alU, or Conliliuption of the Bick, or ar, i trof hy or Ncivons Cord'umption, vvhiclv frequently terminate in ri- .:• h I: iVi Alt fuch, therefore, who have x M. sforrane to tf trotr'i'ed with OU or Stubborn Gleet.., >- eniinal FUufiens, ir vrt rrr) ary Fnufiions, cicen.'.' e Nofturnal Pollurions, or • r y VN'eajttrs t&- cf tht Kidneys, Ureters, or
BlaUiier, the Diabctis, Ir. r oniii^ ncyttrt• Urit. c"; or Dif- ficulty of holding their Water, wcnilrl, tloubilflf,- be glad to meet with a certain, fafe, and fpcedy Ctue, v. ir: c. V - l7icy- n afTuredly may, by raking only a fmall Quantity of a t^ r. ffentU- nt Palf^ mick Reftridive Eledlu. wy, now publ.' llied for a general Gr< d, after harinp, foi many Years in private i r dice, f.. t- r expcr'enccd never fince to fail of perfe& ly curing the moft Itubborn Gleets known in a few Days, without Difficulty or Trouble 1 as alfo all other Weakneffes of the R ck, Reins, Seminal Velt'els, - nd Urinary Pal- ftges, which ir almoft inftantly cures, bringing to rij/ Jiis ar. d
reftoe ring all thofe Parts and P.. ft'ap. es to their natural Tot. e and priftm- Vigour, in a veiy extraordinary Manner, and by taking a few Do- tes of it only. This iranfcendent B. tlftmick Reftriflive Elcftuary, is neither dif- agreeable to take, nor occ. tlions the lenft Diforder ; but is won- derful Reftoraiive in all Weaknefs and Decay of Conftitution of any Kind, and particularly flrcngthcns the Back, Reins, Seminal and l'rin » ry Veffels t^ an immcnle Degree, triforr. tuh that in any De- bility of them, Or. e Dofe of it dors more than Ten of u y other Remedy yet found oar; and all Perfons fatigued with Gleets or Seminal Weaknefl'es of any Sort,
or Weaknefl'es of the Urinary VefleU, who take it, will, in three Days Time, find it lo very cfifcSual, that they will be moft agreeably furprifed at it. when a Medicine will infallibly acctynplilk luch a Cafe, fpeedy and perfect Cure of fuch difficult Maladies, as Gleets and Seminal Weakr. efles are, as this Great Remedy truly and direfi'v will, even after all other Means ar. d Medicines have been try'd n vain ; too much cannot be faid in Praife ofit, and this, All tvho ever took it for any of the above- mentioned Ptirpofef, havereadily declared- The Price is but 61. a Pot, altlio* for its ablblute Efficacy, one Pot a'one being fufficient, in m. ft Caf- s,
to acccmplifh a Curefl worth ten Times as much; and, by the Author's fpecial Appoint- ment, is to be had only at Mr. Radford's Toy- fhop," at the Rofe and Crown againft St. Clement's Church- yard in the Sriand, ready feal- ed tip, with a Book of Inftruftion- ; v.- hich, whoever carefully reads will be a compleat Matter of his own Cafe, and pcrfefily know* when tbe Gleet or Weakntfs he is afflicted with fucceeds a Venerea! Injury, whether all the Malignily of the Foul Difeafe is entirely extirpated, or not. T R E A T I S E, Upon OMEN'S LEG S, & c. ( ft. Gfc. Of the Many Vari- ous Sorts, Shapes, & Sizes, there are, of Female LEGS,
Notice in Particular, Is Here Taken, Above Anv, Of the Exaft RICHT, Sized, & WELL Sh- ped LEGS. Of the Handfome,' and Graceful LEGS. Of Fine, Slim, Tap- r LEGS Of particular FRENCHIFI fcD LEG.'. Of Capering, and Cutting LEGS at the Play- Houfes. Of Genteel Women's Anfwerable LEGS — Of Fine Shaped Wo- man's SAME LEGS. Of Ladies, & Chamber Maid's LEGS. Of Tall Women's Comely LEGS. Of Middle Sited Women's Cle- ver GIM LEGS.— Of Little D pper Women's Spruce, Smart LEGS. Of Fat Women's SO SO LEGS - Of Fafhionable, Modilh I. E6S. Of the Enticeing, & Bewitching Drury- Lane, GAME
LEGS. And, Of the LARGER Sized LEGS, And, How to make them to Appear slim, Pine, Taper, Lovely, & Perfeflly GIM. Shewing the True Exaft S.- ae, Shape, and Proportion, that Every Woman's LEGS, fhould be of, to be Handfome, C. mely, Clever, & Gim. And, How to make SUCH Good LEGS, out of Bad Ones, From the Talleji Woman, to the Leaft, From the Fattefl, to the Leaueji,— And, From the Lady, to the Chamber Maid. With, The Curious Prints of thefe LEGS, Finely Engraved. Lcfiorem Deleftando, Pariterque Monendo. Hor. This Remarkab'e Treatife, isGIVEN GRATIS, in LONG- ACRE. At Mr. BurcheWs, Cutler, and
T yfhop, ( now) Th: '•' ten of » it « - Famous ANODYNE NF. CKI. ACE,' tor Children's TEETH, P « « » Ftvert, & c. and Cafe of Knives, Next Shop to Druiy- Lane. LONDON: Pruned for H. Woodfall, jun. near the Pump in Little- Britain, where ADVERTISEMENTS of a moderate Length arc taken in at Two Shilli NGseach. Advertisements are alfo taken in bv Mrs. Chapman, over- againft the Kings- Arms - Tavern, in P all- MallGrant fFoodfa! ly at the Kmgs- Arms, nea.' Odig's - C>* » 7, Cbariag- Crofi ; Mr. Shuckburfh, at the Sun* next the Imer Temple Gate* Fket- firest Mr tfkfitnty as -: he CornhiU ; and by T. Astl* y, Rtaiovcd from St.
Paul's Church- yard, to ths Rofe in Patcr- ne/ ler Row 1