The London Evening-Post
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Volume Number: Issue Number: 2966
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The London Evening-Post
Date of Article: 08/11/1746
Printer / Publisher: J. Meres
Address: In the Old Baily, near Ludgate
Volume Number: Issue Number: 2966
No Pages: 4
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The London Evening- Post Numb. 2966 10 From Thursday November 6, to SATURDAY November 8, 1746. Yesterday arriv'd the Mail from Holland. Genoa, Oct. 25. THE Republick has hitherto paid no more of the large no more of the Contributions which were im- pos'd upon it than the Sum one Million seven hundred Thousand Genovines: The Senators have declared to the Marquess de Botta, that it was absolutely impossible for them to satisfy the full De- mand, that there was nothing left in the Bank of St. George but the Sums destin'd t0 Works of Piety, which they were nor permitted to meddle with ; that they therefore
earnestly pray'd him to have Regard to these Reasons, but if, contrary to all Expectation, he would not hearken to them, nor take the Inability of the Republick into Consideration, they must be oblig'd to submit to their Fate, since they had us'd their utmost Efforts to comply with the De- mands made upon them. The Marquess de Botta was far from being satisfy'd with these Reasons ; on the contrary, shew'd his dislike of them, by answering the Senate, that it was necessary to pay in the whole Con- tributions within the Time prescribed ; that the No- blesse, having had the greatest Share in bringing the Republick into the
Engagements it was under, ought to exert themselves in order to extricate it out of the Dif- ficulties those Engagements had brought it into , that he advis'd the Government not to expose themselves to a Military Execution ; for if they oblig'd him to come to that Extremity, he could not answer for the Conse- quences. The fear that this Answer rais'd in the Minds of the Noblesse, occasion'd the principal Part of them to unfurnish their Palaces, and to put their most valu- able effects into Religious Houses. Turin, Oct The Spaniards separated from the French the 10th Instant. The Garrison of the Castle of Ventimiglia, consisting of
140 Men and ten Officers, surrender'd at Discretion the 23d. The last Letters from the Army advise, that they were to begin Yesterday to batter Montalban Chamberry, Nov. 5. We learn from Provence, that the French had built Redoubts, and rais'd several Batteries along the Varo, in order to dispute the Passage of that River with the Austrians, and that it's question'd whe- ther the latter, not having had Time to form the neces- sary Magazines, will be able to penetrate so soon as was design'd into Provence. It's added, that the Infant Don Philip would spend the Winter at Aix. Petersbcurg, Oct. Count Vitzhum, the Polish Mi- nister,
having receiv'd an Express from Warsaw, had an Audience thereupon Of the Empress. He has since de- clared to the Foregn Ministers, ' That as the Affair of the Election of a new Duke of Courland has been up- on the Carpet ever since the Opening of the Dyet, his Polish Majesty, attentive to the Good of his Kingdom, had order'd him to make some Representations to the Empress upon that Subject, and to inform her, that the Commissary of the Republick at Mittau had Orders to lend his Hand to this Affair. Warsaw, Oct. 29. The Marshal having acquainted - The Dyet on the 14th, that he had receiv'd a Letter from his Most
Christian Majesty, and having communicated the Contents thereof, it was resolv'd that the Marshal, in Conjunction with the Senators and principal Mi- nisters of State, should consider of a proper Answer to be given to that. Letter. On the 25th three Constitu- tions were read in the Chamber of Nuncios; the first, for confirming the Treaties and Alliances between the Republick and her Neighbours, the second, for en- abling his Majesty to raise the Arriere Ban when it shall appear to him necessary ; the third, to fix the Con- vocation of future Dyets to the Monday after the Feast of St. Bartholomew ; all which were pass'd Nem. Con.
in the Affirmative; and on the 28th the Nuncios be- gan to hold their Provincial Sessions, those of Great Poland at the Barnardines, those of Little Poland at the Fathers of the Reform, and those of Lithuania at the Jesuits College. Stockholm, Nov. 4.. Lieutenant- Colonel Vick is order'd to set out for Finland with a Train of Artillery, which occasions various Conjectures. Copenhagen, Nov. S. It's reported, that the Queen is with Child again. Nov. 8. On the 6th a Detachment of French TRoops attack'd a Body of about 400 Hussars, who were posted in a Village near Hasselt; these last at the Begin- ning made some Resistance, but
were at length obliged to sUrrender Prisoners of War. As the Austrians have taken Quarters in most of the little Towns of this Dio- cese, and the French seem inclinable to take Quarters there too, there will probably be sharp Skirmishes this Winter between the different Parties. Maestricht, Nov. 11. Yesterday we receiv'd Advice that a large Detachment of Troops, commanded by General Trips, having taken Post at Tirlemont, seiz'd a consi- Magazine of forage there, belonging to the French, and that 500 Carts were brought thither, to carry the ProVisions of that Magazine to Tongres. Paris Nov. 7. The Pretender's eldest Son is
preparing to make a great Figure, and all his equipages are getting ready as fast as possible. Among other Things, he will haVe a company of Horse Guards composed of twenty- five of his faithful Highlanders. PARIS Nov 11 The King has appointed the Duke of Richlieu to go into Poland; to make the Demand of the Princess Mary Josephine for the Dauphin : That Lord, who will be accompany'd by the Duke d'AgenOiS, and by M. Voliaire, is actually preparing a superb Equipage. There Is much Talk of a private treaty between this Court and that of Spain, the principal Article whereof, it's pretended, is, that this Crown shall
furnish 50 Men of War of the Line, which are to be mann'd by French Sailors and Soldiers, and employed in the Common Cause and it's even pretended, that the Catholick King is actually raising every fifth Man of his Subjects, who is unmarry'd, and in a Condition of bearing Arms. The Report of a Quintuple Alliance, offensive and defensive, between Sweden, Denmark, Poland, Prussia, and Saxony, still contihues, but few People give Credit to it. The King, who is resolv'd to make his utmost Efforts the next Campaign, will for that purpose levy upon his Subjects the fifth of their Revenue in lieu of the Tenth, , which is already
establish'd, and the Declaration there- upon will speedily appear. They write from Strasbourg, that several Englishmen had been arrested there upon Suspicion of having been the Occasion of the Fire which happen'd some Time ago at the Arsenal of Brest. There is no other Talk than from Conjecture of the Affairs of Provence, all Letters from thence being intercepted : In the mean Time it's observ'd, that the Court affects to talk with great Indifference of that Invasion and it's assur'd, that the Minister of foreign Affairs, express'd himself in a publick Audience to several foreign Mini- sters in such a Manner, as it was easy to
understand that the Court rely'd upon Succours which were not known to the Publick. COUNTRY NEWS. York, Nov. 4. On Saturday last eleven of the Rebels under Sentence of Death, viz. George Hamilton, Ed- ward Clavering, John James Jellens, Daniel Frazier, William Conolly, James Sparks, Charles Gordon, An- gus M'Donald, James Maine, Benjamin Mason, and William Dempsey, who were order'd for Execution that Day, ( William Crossby, an Irishman, of Col. Townley's Regiment and William Barclay, of Col. Grant's, having been repriev'd) were brought from the Castle in three Sledges; but as they were coming down
Castlegate, Mr. Duet, one of his Majesty's Messengers, brought a Re- prieve for John James Jellens, who was immediately ta- ken out of the Sledge, and carried back to the Castle. Hamilton, Clavering, Frazier, and Gordon, were in the first ; Mason, Maine, Conolly, and Dempsey, in the second; M'Donald and Sparks in the last. They were guarded by the Duke of Montagu's Horse to the Place of Execution, which was corded round, Part of the Troop- ers on Foot within the Line, and the rest on Horseback without. When they came there they walk'd up to the Gal- lows, without the least Concern, where they prayed very devoutly.
After which Capt. Hamilton mounted the Ladder first, Frazier the next, and the rest in Order. When they had been some Time on the Scaffold, seve- ral Papers were dispers'd by Clavering, Maine, and Ma- son, which were immediately gather'd up and given to the Under Sheriff. After which he call'd them over Man by Man, and told them, He hoped they were sensible of the Crime they suffer'd for; to which Maine and Mason replied, They were content to die for the Cause they had engaged- in, and died in Charity with all Men; and one of them said, He died because his K— g was not upon the T e. Capt. Hamilton said nothing at
the Gallows, but behaved with great Decency. After about Half an Hour spent in Prayer with the Rev. Mr. Etty, Ordinary of the Castle, they were all tied up, and the Boards of the Scaffolding ( under the Gallows) which they stood upon were drawn away. When they had hung ten Minutes, the Executioner cut them down, laid their Bodies on a Stage built for that Purpose, and stripp'd them naked. Capt. Hamilton was the first whose Heart was taken out, which the Execu- tioner threw into the Fire, crying out, Gentlemen, behold the Heart of a traitor. When he came to the last Man, which was Frazier, he said, Gentlemen, behold the
Heart of the last Traitor: God save Xing GEORGE. Upon which the Spectators gave a loud Huzza. Then he scored each of their Arms and Legs, but did not cut them off, cry- ing, Good People behold the four Quarters of a Traitor; and when he had finish'd that Part of the Operation, he chopp'd off their Heads, beginning with Frazier, and ending with Hamilton, which finish'd the Execution : The whole was conducted throughout with the utmost Decency and good Order. Two Hearses were ready to receive the Bodies of Capt. Hamilton, Clavering and Gordon, and Coffins for the rest. The Heads of Conolly and Maine were set up at
Micklegate Bar Hamilton's was put into a Box, in or- der to be sent to Carlisle; but the rest were put into the Coffins with their Bodies; and they were all buried be- hind the Castle. Four of them only were Roman Ca- tholicks. George Hamilton was a Captain of Hussars, and the Reafon he gave for entering into the Rebel Service, was, his having spent his Fortune. Edward Clavering was of a Gentleman's Family in Northumberland. Daniel Frazier was a Highlander, who had deserted from Lord Loudon, and join'd the Rebels after the Action of Preston Pans. William Conolly, an Irishman, who had been in the Welsh Fuzileers, but
deserted, and join'd the Duke of Perth's Regiment. James Sparks, a Derby- shire Man, of Townley's Regiment; Charles Gordon, of Glenbucket's Regiment; Angus M'Donald, of McDonald's Regiment; James Maine, Grant's Regi- ment; Benjamin Mason, and William Dempsey, Irish- men; the first of Glenbucket's Regiment, the other Townley's. We hear that Sir David Murray, Bart. and fifty two more, have receiv'd Notice of Execution for Sa- TUrday Thursday last a Brigg was chas'd by a French Priva-. teer of 10 Guns upon the Yorkshire Coast, and the Mas- ter and Crew were preparing to run her on Shore at Hornsea but the
Inhabitants of that Place came down to the Sea side and told the Captain, that if he would take them on board, they would stand by his Ship, and defend it from being taken. They t00k the Ship's flag and fix'd it on the Cliff, as a Challenge to the Enemy; at the Sight of which the French bore down upon ' em, and fir'd directly ; which was as speedily return'd by a Volley of Small- Arms ( they having nothing else to defend them- selves with) and three Huzza's, and God Save King George. The Privateer was so near the Shore, that se- veral of the balls ( some of which were four pounders and some Two) flew above half Way to the
Town: The French finding that their Attempt was likely to prove ineffectual, thought proper to sheer off, and the People of Horsea offer'd their Service to conduct the Ship that Night into the humber 0r Burlington- Bay, but the Master thank'd them for the Preservation of his Ship, and said he thought there was no necessity to trouble them any farther, because the privateer was running off as fast as she could. This is the second Ship that they have prevented from being taken within this Year and half. The Rev. Mr. Chicken, Curate at Horn- sea, was particularly serviceable to the Publick on both, these Occasions. Bath, Nov. 4. We
hear from Taunton, that at a Gene- ral Quarter- Sessions of the Peace for the County of So- merset, Mary Hamilton, otherwise George, otherwise Charles Hamilton, was try'd for a very singular and no- torious Offence: Mr. Gold, Council for the King, open'd to the Court, That the said Mary, & c. pretending her- self a Man, had marry'd fourteen Wives, the List of which Number was one Mary Price, who appear'd in Court, and depos'd, that she was marry'd to the prisoner some little Time since at the Parish Church of Sr. Cuth- bert in Wells, and that they were bedded as Man and Wife, and liv'd as such for about a Quarter of a
Year, during which Time she, the said Price, thought the Prisoner a Man, owing to the Prisoner's using certain vile and deceitful Practices, not fit to be mention'd. There was a great Debate for some Time in Court about the Nature of her Crime, and what to call it but at last it was agreed, that she was an uncommon no- torious Cheat, and as such, was sentenc'd to be publick- ly whipp'd in the four following Towns, viz. Taunton, Glastonbury, Wells, and Shipton Mallet, to be impri- son'd for six Months, and to find Sureties for her good Behaviour for as long Time as the Justices at the next Quarter Sessions shall think fit. LONDON.
Upon a late C—- T TRANSPOSITION. WHILE elder ST E pleads Decay of Ager His younger, sprightlier N— es-— e to engage, How false our Thought, that Honour's sickly Beam, And Wealth's vain Lustre, shine no more for Him! The crafty C but from Business flies, And Wealth and Honour brighten in his Eyes. He grasps them both across the I - h Main, The St— sm— n's Golden Crop, without his Pain. He quits the Helm, unable now to steer, But in the pompous Cabbin must appear. Desire of Ease, the old Man's nat'ral Vice, Yoke's with Am n, and with Av e. A few Days since Capt. Harvey, an Officer in the Guards, was
married to Miss Peggy Tayler, youngest Daughter to the late John Tayler, Esq; Treasurer of the Hospitals of Bridewell and Bethlem. Last Thursday Night the Corpse of Mrs. Anne Sleor- gin, Relict of Mr. Sleorgin, an eminent Flemish Mer- chant, was interr'd in a very handsome Manner, from her House in Broad- Street, hear Soho, in St. James's Church, Westminster : She was a loyal Subject, and as such, it is said, contributed liberally to those who suffer'd by the Rebels. His Majesty is so well recover'd of his late Indisposi- tion, that on Thursday last he dress'd and receiv'd Com- pany publickly for the first Time. An Order is
issued out for St. James's Palace to be ready on Tuesday next for the Reception of the Royal Family, who are to remove thither that Day from Ken- sington for the Winter; and his Majesty's Birth- Day is to be kept the Thursday following. On Thursday the Right Hon. the Earl of Harring- ton kiss'd his Majesty's Hand at Kensington, on his being appointed Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, in the room of the Earl of Chesterfield. Last Night Admiral Lestock arriv'd in Town from Portsmouth, at his House in Abingdon Buildings, West- minster. Yesterday Mr. Jefferson Miles, of the Excise- Office, was appointed Chief Clerk to Charles Frederick,
Esq; Principal Clerk of the Deliveries in the Office of Ord- nance in the Tower, in the room of Mr. White, de- ceas'd. The Right Hon. the Lord Viscount Weymouth, Ran- ger of St. James's and Hyde- Parks, has appointed Mr. Wilkin, Keeper of Kensington Gate, to be Keeper of Grosvenor- Square Gate, in the room of Mr. Green, made Head- Keeper. We have Advice from New- England, that about the Middle of August died, at Newport, Rhode Island, aged 77, Benjamin Ellery, Esq; He was formerly a a experienced Sea Commander, and afterwards a consider- able Merchant at that place. On Wednesday died, at his House in St.
Mary Axe, Mr. Charles Maddox, an eminent Broker in the Lisbon and Portugal Trade.
CITY LANDS. . tHE Committee for Letting the City's Lands in the Ac- count of the Chamberlain of the City of London give Notice, that they intend to lett by Lease The Place or Office of one of the Ten Corn- Meters of this City, now in Lease to Mr. Richard Brooke. And that the said Committee will sit in the Council- Chamber of the Guildhall, London, on Wednesday the 12th of this In- stant, at Four o'clock in the Afternoon, to receive Proposals for the same of which further Information, and printed Particulars, may be had at the Comptroller's Office in the Guildhall aforesaid, on which said printed Particulars all Persons bidding for
the same are to write their Proposals. ; D. SEAMAN, Comptroller. WHEREAS Mr. DAYRELL HAWLEY hath for some Years past been employ'd to receive several Fee - arm Rents in Lincolnshire, belonging and payable to the Parish of Sc. Sepulchre, London ; Notice is hereby given ( pursuant to an Order of a Committee for the said Parish, of the 4th of this Instant November} That all Persons concern'd in Payment of the said Fee Farm Rents, are not ( for the fu- ture) to pay the same to the said Mr. Dayrell Hawley, but to Mr. JOHN STRATTON, in the Great Old Baily, London, Vestry Clerk of the said parish, whose Receipt shall
be a suf- ficient Discharge for the same, until the said Committee shull Otherwise order, and give Notice thereof in this or any of the publick News- Papers. WHEREAS a FAIR is usually held at Lamborne, in the County of Berks, on St. Clement's Day, ( that is the 23d of November) yearly, for buying and selling Cattle, and Other Things, and whereas a contagious Distemper now prevails among he horned Cattle in several of the neighbouring Counties, and other Places in England, To prevent the spreading whereof, by means of the said Fair, These are to give notice, that by Request and Direction of the justices ot the peace,
Proprietors, and other Gentlemen near, no Horned Cattle will be permitted to be brought to or ofter'd to Sale at the said Fair this present Year; and that due Care is and shall be taken to discover and prosecute all persons who shall presume to bring or offer any such Cattle there. THE Creditors of John Fox, late of Grub- Street, near Cripplegate, London, Salesman, deceas'd, are desir'd forthwith to send an Account of their respective Demands to Mr Hodson, in the Bridge- yard, Southwark ; and all Per- son indebted to the Estate of the said Mr. Fox are desir'd forth- with to pay the same to the said Mr. Hodson, Attorney for the
Widow and Administratrix of the said Mr. Fox, or they will be sued. THE Creditors of John Blackhall, late of Thames- Street London, Wine- Cooper, a Bankrupt, are desir'd to meet the representatives of Mr. Daniel Cocke, late one of the bankrupt's assignees, 0n Thursday next, at Twele o'Clock at Noon, at Peel's Coffee- House in fleet- Street, on a Proposal on the behalf of the said Bankrupt. This is to give NOTICE, THAT the New CONCERT Room at Dedham in Essex will be open'd on Monday the 17th Instant, with a Concert of Vocal and Instrumental Musick. N. B. After the Concert is over there will be a Ball. DESERTED from
Ensign James Wakeman, of the Hon. Lieut. Gen. Guise's Regiment of Foot, re- cruiting at the City of Worcester, WILLIAM BOSLEY, otherwise BROOKBANK, born in the Parish of Powick IN Worcestershire,' twenty four Years of Age, five Feet eight Inches and a Half high, dark brown hair, much pitted with the Small- Pox . He had 0N when he deserted, a white Fustian Frock and Breeches, and a blue Da- mask Waistcoat. Whoever apprehends and secures the said deserter, and gives Notice thereof to Ensign Wakeman at Worcester, shall re- cave a Guinea Reward, over and above the Twenty Shillings allow'd by act of
Parliament for apprehending Deserters. DESERTED since the first of August 1746, from the two Additional Companies Of the Hon. Major Gen. Wolfe's Regiment of Foot at Portsmouth, viz. JAMES HARN, Centinel, born in Amsterdam Parish, in the County of Bucks, by Trade a Shoemaker, five Feet eight Inches and . a Half high, aged thirty- three Years, strong- made, dark brown lank Hair, and swarthy Complexion. , WILLIAM TH oRP , Centinel, deserted September 29, 1746, labourer, born at Dibdon Parish in the County of Hants, aged twenty- two Years, five Feet six Inches and three Quar- ters high, clean made, dark brown
curling Hair, with a rud- dy Complexion, and, suppos'd to reside IN the new Forest of the above County. JOHN TuBB, Centinel, born within six Miles of New- bury in Berkshire, by Trade a Gardener, measures six Feet ami one Inch, light- colour'd Hair, a fresh Complexion, grey Eyes, and much petted with the Small- Pox. PHILLIP WEST, Centinel, deserted Oct. 10,1746, born in Sr. james's Parish in Dorseshire, by Trade a Butcher, twenty Years of Age, well made, five Feet seven Inches high, of a fresh Complexion, round full face and short curling light brown Hair. They all went off in their Regimentals faced with Blue, white
Lace, and a blue Snail at the. Edging of the Lace. Whoever will secure any of the said Deserters in any of his Majesty's Gaols in Great- Britain, antl give Notice thereof to the Commanding Officer of the said Companies at Portsmouth ; or to Thomas Paterson, Esq; Agent to the said Regiment, in Conduit- Street, London, shall receive Two Guineas Reward over and above what is allow'd by Act of Parliament for ap- prehending Deserters. N. B. if any one of the above Deserters will come and sur- render themselves t0 their respective Companies, 0n or before the 14th Instant, they shall be pardon'd. FRANCIS WILLKINSON. To be
LETT, ready furnished, AVery good House in Soho- Square, with a Coach- House, Stables for four Horses, and orher Conve- niencies. . Enquire at Mr. Duane's, No. 7, Holbourn- Court, Gray's- Inn. To be LETT, And enter d upon immediately, A Very good FARM, well situated, lying in Theobald's Park, in the Counties of Hertford and Middle- seX, consisting of a handsome Dwelling- House, fit for a Gentlenan Farmer, being large and convenient for two Fa- milies, with, all necessary Out- Buildings, as Barnes, Stables, Cow Houses, & c. in good Repair. Together with about 1- 73 Acres of inclos'd Arable and Pasture Ground, in
good Heart, whereof, upwards of 90 Acres are' Tythe free, with Common of Pasture in Enfield Chace and Cheshunt Marsh. - - Enquire for_ further Particulars of Mr. James Alexander, at Waltham Cross in Hertfordshire To be SOLD very cheap, At Market Drayton ( a Town situate'd in a very exceeding clean Country for a Sportsman, fine Roads, and a good Neigh- bourhood in the County of Salop, AWell- built Brick House, with or without Furni- ture; together with a convenient Yard, and useful Gardens that were late Lady Broughton's, with Coach- houses and new Stables for two Setts of Horses, having good' Graina- ries over
the same; also Out Buildings for the tying of Cattle, and several other Uses besides. N. B. The Situation of the House is very delightful, open- ing to the Fields at an agreeable Distance from the Crowd of the Market, and good Pasture Ground to be held at an easy Rent, very near. For further Particulars enquire of Mr. George Griffiths, Mercer, in Drayton aforesaid. From the great Character which THE ENGLISH GRAPE BRANDY has so justly acquir'd, the Proprietors beg Leave to in- form the Publick, that its Excellency does not wholly consist in its being an . agreeable Dram, or when made into Punch , but that it is equally
adapted to any Sort of Fruit, as a Proof of which, there is now prepar'd, from the same Brandy, a large Quantity of Fine ORANGE SHRUB, Which for its delicate Flavour is no Way inferior, except in the Price, xa any of the foreign Productions, So great is the Perfection of the British Distillery! The Shrub at 6s, per Gallon, the Brandy at 4 s. At the Warehouse the Bottom of Bartholomew- Lane, near the Royal Exchange. Sixpence per Gallon allow'd to those who take half a Hogs- head or upwards. THOMAS RAWLINS, Clerk to this Company. To be SOLD, At Mr. ReculEST's, in Brook- Street, the Corner of David- Street, by
Grosvenor- Square, METHUEN WINE, little inferior to the best Burgundy, at a Guinea a Driven, and STREIGHTS WINE preferable to Red- Port, at 16S. a Dozen, and COR- SICA WHITE WINE, as strong as Mountain, at 18s. a Dozen, all In good sizable French moulded Bottles, of thir- teen to the Dozen - or in French Wine Hogsheads., the Methuen 20I. ajid the Streights ij 1. and the Corsica 17 1. a Hogshead, for ready Money only, sent to any Part of the Town without Expence to the Buyer. The Bottles to be paid for at Two pence Halfpenny each, the Money to be repaid upon the Return of them. Note, Constant Attendance
from Eight in the Morning ' till Twelve at noon. To be SOLD, THE Manor of BREMHILL, with its Appurte- nances ; a large and fine Estate in the County of Wilts, and late the Estate of Benjamin Haskins Stiles, Esq deceas'd, Enquire for Particulars at Mr. Sutton's in Lothbury; LON- don. To be SOLd, AFee Farm Rent, of about 150I. issuing out of the Manor of Crediton, alias Kirton, near Exar in the County of Devon. Enquire of Mr. Penfound, of Dartmouth. To be peremptorily SOLD, Before Henry Montague, Esq one of the Masters of the High Court of Chancery, pursuant to a Decree of the said Court, at the said Master's Chambers
in Lincoln's- Inn, on Thursday the 13th Instant, between the Hours of Five and Seven in the Afternoon, , ACopyhold Estate ( small Fine certain) at East Woodhey, near Newbury in the County of Berks, Part of the Estate of Thomas Cowslad, Esq; deceas'd, in a fine Sporting Country; consisting of a small but well- built Brick House, large barnes, Stables and Out- Houses, and a Garden wall'd in; together with - 6 Acres and upwards of Arable Land, Meadow, Pasture and Wood grounds, with some Timber thereon, and intitled to a large Right of Common adjoining; with a small Stream contiguous. The Whole of the yearly Value of
70 1. or thereabouts. Particulars whereof may be had at the said Master's Cham- bers. WANTED to be purchased, SEveral Impropriations ; and any persons who have such to sell, may be treated with for the same, 0n send- ing Particulars thereof to Mr. Hill, at Grocer's Hall, London, if rhe Particulars are approval of,. This Day is publish'd, Price 6 d. AMezzotinto Print of the TRAYTOR'S Coat of Arms. Sold . by J. Robinson, Print and Bookseller, at the Golden Lion in Ludgate- Street. Where may be had likewise, Price is. Little Master's Miscellany : Or, Divine and Moral Essays in Prose and Verse; adapted to the Capacities, and
designed for the Improvement of the Youth of both Sexes. To which are added, select Fables, moral Songs, and useful Maxims. Mr. SPENCE desires to acquaint the Publick ; THAT his ESSAY on the Agreement between the Works of the Roman Poets, and the Remains of the antient. Artists, will be ready to be deliver'd to the Subscribers on the first Week in February : The great Number of plates, which have delay d the Publication of it to this Time, being almost all finish'd. And every Thing being already printed off, ex- cept the List of Subscribers; all who receiv'd Subscriptions, and not yet sent in their Names, are desir'd to
serd them in ; either to the Author, at his House in Stratton Street, Picca- dilly; or to Mr. Dodsley's, at Tully's- Head, Pall- mall. This Day is publish'd, Price is. 6 d. PART the Fourth, ( which compleats the Work) of ASYNOPSIS of the Troubles of England during the last 1800 Years. Being a compendious His- tory of all the Invasions, Rebellions, Civil and Foreign Wars, Religious Persecutions, Plagues, Famines, & c. which have happen'd in this Nation since Caesar's Invasion, 55 Years before Christ's Birth ; including the present Wars, with the Rise,. progress, and happy Extinction of the late Rebellion in Scotland. The Whole
forming a compleat Military History of England, which hath never been executed before. By CHARLES GRANVILLE, Esq; Printed for J. Robinson, at the Golden Lion in Ludgate street Of WhOm may be had the former Parts, 5ocoo Tickets, at 101. each 5ooooo The Tickets are sold, ishar'd, and register'd, by Mr. Wilson at the State Lottery Office at Charing- Cross, directly behind the King 0n Horseback, and at his House in Cornhill, between the Mansion House and Pope's Head Alley ; where all Govern- ment Securities are bought and sold by Commission, and the most ready Money given for Prizes and Blanks. N. B The lottery
begins Drawing the 24th Instant. At JONES and HORSLEYJ Lottery Office; next Door to Jonathan s Coffee'- House in Exchange- Alley, TICKETS and Chances are sold at the lowest Prizes; and Tickers and Chances are. divided into Halfs Quarters, Eighths and Sixteenths; Annuities for Lives, Navy and Victualling Bills, and ail Government Securties are trans- acted with the greatest Care and Fidelity. Blanks and Prizes bought and sold. At COTTON and LAMBERT's 0ffice against the Royal Exchange, Cornhill; STATE LOTTERY TICKETS, Annuities for Lives, Navy and Victualling Bills, and all Other Go- vernment Securities, are
bought and sold ; and Chances sold ; and Tickets and Chances divided into Halves, Quarters', Eighths, and Sixteenths; Tickets register'd, and, during the Time of Drawing, examin'd, and daily insur'd from Blanks; and all other business, either as Brokers, or relating to the Lottery, transacted with the utmost Care and fidelity. Ready Money for Blanks and Prizes. To the Curious in Philosophy. This Day is publish'd, Price. 1 s, AN EXPLANATION of the first CAuses of ACTION in MATTER, and of the Cause of Gravi- tation. By CADWALLADER COLDEN. New- York printed in the Year 1747. London reprinted, for John Brindley,
Bookseller to his Royal Highness the Prince of Wales, in New Bond- Street ; and sold by M. Copper, in Pater- noster- row ; and the Book- sellers of london and Westminster,— Mr. Fletcher in Oxford, and Mr. Merril in Cambridge. This Day is publish'd, Beautifully printed In 8vo. ( Dedicated to his Grace the Duke of RICHMOND) THEOPHRASTUS's History of STONES. Translated into English with the Original Greek in the opposite Page, and Critical and Philosophical Notes, inclu- ding the Modern History of the Gems, & c. describ'd by That Author, and of many other of the Native FOsils. By JOHN HILL. To which are added, Two
Letters; one to Dr. JAmES ParSONS, F. R. s. the Colours of the Sapphire and Turquoise ; and the other to MARTIN FolKEs, Esq; Doctor of Laws, and President of the Royal Society, upon the Effects of different Men- struuins on Copper; both tending to illustrate the Doctrine oF the Gums being colour'd by Metalline Particles. Printed for C. Davis, against Gray's- Inn in Holbourn, Printer to the Royal Society. Where may be had, 1. Spectacle de la Nature ; or, Nature Display'd' Illustated with Copper- Plates, and translated by S. Humphreys, in 4 vol; 1 urio. 2. The same printed upon a larger Letter, 4 vol. Rvo. N. B. The 4th Volume
in Octavo, may be had separate. Lately publish'd, The Second Edition, beautifully printed in Quarto, illustrated with Copper- Plates, if AN ANATOMICAL ExPOSITION of the Structure of the Human Bcdy. By JAMES BENIGNUS WINSLOW, Professor of Physick, Anatomy and Surgery, in the University of Paris, Member of the Royal Academy of Sciences, and of the Royal Society at Berlin. Translated for The French Original. By GEORGE DOUGLASS, M. D. Printed for R. Ware, T. Longman, C. Hitch, and T. Astley,. in pater noster Row ; J. and P. Knapton in ludgate street ; S. Birt in Ave Mary Lane ; and C. Davis, over- against
Gray's Inn Gate, Holbourn. This Day is publish'd, BIBLIOTHECA PHILOLOGICA. ACATALOGUE of the Genuine and Valuable LiBRARY of the Rev. Mr. GEORGE SMYTH, Of Hackney, lately deceas'd : Consisting of the best Editions of the Classicks, and of the most eminent Writers in all Branches of Literature. Which will be Sold by Auction, at Paul's CofFee House in Sr. Paul's Church- Yard, 0n Monday, the 17th Instant, and every following Evening, beginning punctually at Five o'Clock. Catalogues may be had of Mr. Whiston, in Fleet- Street; Mr. Baker, in in Russel- Street, Covent- Garden ;_ Thurl- BOURN and Mr. Merril, at
Cambridge; Mr. Fletcher, in the Turl, Oxford ; at Hamlin's Coffee- House near the Royal Ex- change ; and at the Place of Sale. In - the Press, and in a short time will be publsjh'd A Defence of the peculiar Institutions and Doc- trines of Christianty. In Answer to a late Pamphlet entitled, Deism fairly Stated, and fully Vindicated from the gross Imputations and groundless Calmnies of modern Believers. »
In a few Days will be published, beautifully printed in a neat Pocket Volume, in Twelves, ( Price bound 3s.) ANew Edition of The SEASONS. BY JAMES THOMSON. Corrected and improv'd with Additions. Printed for A. Millar, opposite Katherine Street in the Strand. this Day is publish'd, Price 6d. To be continued Once a Fortnight, THE MUSEUM: Or, The LiterArY and HISTORICAL REGISTER. Numb. XVII. being the Fourth Number of the Second Volume. CONTAINING, 1. On the Death of Socrates. • 3.. On Pride. 5. Ancient and Modern Friendship. 4. The Petition of a much injur'd, yet very innocent Lady. f. A modern Visit. 6.
An Imitation of Horace, 7. Nature and Art, a Fable. » , An Imitation from the Book of Job. g. An Ode. 10. An Epigam. ix. An Account of a Voyage to the Norrh. The History and Political State of Europe. Printed for R. Dodsley, at Tolly's Head in Pall- Mall, and sold by M. Cooper, at the Globe in Pater- noster- Row. Where may be had. The First Volume neatly bound, or any single Number ; and it is desir'd that those who intend to compleat their numbers will do it with all convenient Speed. " As this Work will consist of original Pieces, every number " will be enter'd in the Hall Book of the Company of Stationers, " and whosoever shall
presume to pirate any Part of it will be " prosecuted for the same." each Number may be sent in a single Frank by the Post. This Day is publish'd, Price 6 d. ( To be continued. Weekly) NUMBER IV. of ANew and Practical EXPOSITION of the APOSTLES CREED, wherein each Article is fully explained, the most material OBJECtions Stated and answer'd, and A proper Dissertation. to illustrate the whole, annex'd to each Section, and FITted for the Use of private Families. By THOMAS STACKHOUSE, M. A. Vicar of Beenham in Berkshire, and Author of tie HISTory of the Bible, and the Complete Body of Divinity. CONDITIONS. I.
This Work will, 0n the nearest Computation, make two hundred Sheets in Folio; to be printed on a good Paper and beautiful Letter; four Sheets of which, Stitched in blue Paper, will be delivered to the Subscribers every Saturday, at Six- pence each. II. The Subscribers may be assured that this Work will be regularly published, the whole of the Copy being finished, and great Part already printed. III. Such Persons as have already Subscribed to the Author, may DEPend on having their Books perfected 0n the Terms of his Proposals. SUBSCRIPTIONS are taken in by the Proprietors, Thomas Long- man and Thomas Shewell, and
Charles Hitch, in Pater- noster- Row; Richard Manby and Henry Shute Cox, 0n Ludgate- HILL; John and Jamee Rivington, in St. PAUL'S Church- Yard; and by the Printers and Booksellers in all the Cities and noted Towns IN Great Britain and Ireland. This Day is publish'd, Price 6d. NUMBER VI. of THE UNIVERSAL LIBRARY of trade and COMMERCE : or, A General Magazine for Gentle- men, Ladies, Merchants, Tradesmen, Schoolmasters, and all who are any ways concern'd in Business, or the Education of Youth of either Sex, as well as for young Clerks-, Ap- PRentices, & c. & c. Containing, I. The Art of Penmanship
exemplified in all the various Hands ofGreat Britain., II. A Complete System of Arithmetick, adapted more par- ticularly to Trade and Business. III. Directions for Mercantile Business, as well in the Counting- House and Ware- House, as BY the Water- Side ; with proper Instructions for the Managment of Foreign and In- land Bills Of Exchange. IV. An easy System of Accounts 0n a new Plan. V. The Italian Method of Book- Keeping made plain and easy. VI Tables of Foreign Coins, Weights and Measures, reduced to those of England. VII. An EXPIATION of Terms USed by Merchants, Trades- men, & c. The Whole examin'd and
approv'd of by Several eminent Merchants. CONDITIONS. NI. This useful Work is proposed to be publish'd in Weekly Numbers, Which will be regularly deliver'd to the Subscri- bers, as great Part of the Work is printed off. II. The FIrst NUMBER will Be publish'd 0n Thursday the ID Day of October, and contain eight Quarto Copper- Plates, neatly engrav'd, and Stitch'd in Blue Paper, at the Price OF Six pence only, And the Letter press cheap in Proportion. III. Upon the nearest Calculation, this Work will be com- pleated in eighteen Numbers; But in case it SHould exceed twenty, the Remainder Shall be given gratis. Sublcriptions
are taken in by Jacob Ro'jmfon, at the Gol- den- Lion, in Ludgate- Street. This Day is publish'd, Price 6d Address'd to a Member of Parliament, DOCTOR THOMSON VINDICATED OR, Cursory Reflections on the Case of the Right Hon. THOMAS WINNINGTON, Esq; lately publish'd by Dr. Thomson and the Letters in Answer to him, by Campbell, Douglas, Dowman, & c. Printed for T. Gardner, and sold at his Printing- Office, at Cowley's Head, opposite St. Clement's Church in the Strand. Where may be had, The Case of the Right Hon. Thomas Wilmington, Esq; by Thomas Thomson, M. D. Physician in Ordinary to his Royal
Highness the Prince of Wales's Houshold. Price 6 d. This Day is publish'd, it being the last Night's Thought, THE CONSOLATION: Containing, among other Things, I. A moral Survey of the Heavens. IX. A Night Address to the Deity. To which are annex'd, Some Thoughts, occasion'd by the present Juncture ; humb- ly inscrib'd to his Grace the Duke of Newcastle, one of his Majesty's Principal Secretaries of State. Fatis contraria Fata rependeus. VIRG. Printed for G. Hawkins, at Milton's Head, between the Two Temple Gates, Fleet- Street and sold by M. Cooper at the Globe in Pater- noster- Row. This Day is publish'd, Price 6 d.
CHIVALRY, No TRIFLE : Or, The Knight and his Lady. A TALE. Arma, virumq. cano & c. VIGR. Bella, horrida bella, & c. Address'd to the Earl of Chesterfield. Dublin printed, London reprinted, for A. Freeman, in Fleer- Street; and to be had at all the Booksellers and Pamphler- Shops. • This Day is publish'd, Price 6 d. ( Inscrib'd to SAMUEL ONGLEY, Esq Member of Parlia- ment for the Town of Bedford) The Providence of GOD over Christian Kingdoms and States, consider'd and applied, by way of Thanksgi- ving, for the Suppression of the late Rebellion in Scotland. ASERMON, preach'd October 9, 1746 at the Parish Church of
St. Austin's. By CAPEL BERROW, Assistant Preacher, and Curate of the said Parish ; and Lecturer of St. Bennet's, Paul's Wharf. Printed for W. Parker, J. and J. Rivington, and J. Hinton, in Sr. Paul's Church- Yard ; and sold by M. Cooper, at the Globe in Pater- noster Row.- Erratum. In the last Line of Page 9, for as the epidemic, read as was the epidemic. Where may be had, His Sermon 0n Account of the Rebellion. Price 6d. This Day is publish'd In Two VOLUMES Octavo, Translated from the last Leyden Edition, revis'd and publish'd by GAUBIUS, at the Request of Dr. BOERHAAVE. By R. JAMES, M. D. THE PRESAGES
of LIFE and DEATH in DISE A S E S. In Seven Books. In which the whole Hippocratic Method of predicting the various Terminations and events of Diseases, is in a new and accurate Manner illustrated and confirm'd, not only by the Sentiments and Opinions of the antient Physicians, but also by a long Course of attentive Observation and Experience. By PROSPER ALPINUS, Professor of Medicine and Philosophy in the University of Padua. Cujus Rei non est certa Cognitio ejust opinio, certum reperire Re- medium non potest : virumque est quod ad ipsam curandi Rationem, nihil plus consert Experientia. Cei. s. Pres 1. J.
Printed for G. Strahan and J. Clarke, in Cornhill; S. Birt, in Avemary- Lane ; D. Browne, without Temple- Bar; and J. Hodges, London- Bridge. This Day are publish'd, Price 2 s. By ORDER of the HOUSE of PEERS, THE Whole PROCEEDINGS in the House of PEERS, upon the Indictments against WILLIAM Earl of KILMARNock, GEORGE Earl of CROMARTIE, and ARTHUR Lord BALMERINO, For High- Treason, in levying War against his Majesty. The Proceedings in Westminster- Hall being begun on Monday the 28th Day or. July, and continued on Wednesday the 30th of July, and Friday the 1st of August, 1746. On the last
of which Days Judgment of High Treason was given against N. B. Whoever persumes to publish these Proceedings, or any part of them, will be guilty of a Contempt, and will be prose- cuted with the utmost Severity. London, Printed for Samuel Billingsley in Chancery- Lane. Of whom may be had, lately publish'd, Price is. stitch'd, An Order of the High Court, of Chancery, made by the Right Hon. Philip Lord Hardwicke, Lord High Chancellor of Great Britain, with the Advice of the Master of the Rolls, in relation to the Fees of the Officers of the said Court, and other Regulations, for the Benefit of the Suitors thereof To which are
added, Three other Genera Orders of that Court. Also the Argument of the Lord Keeper Sommers on his giving Judgment in the Banker's cAse, deliver'd in the Exche- quer Chamber, June 23,1696. price 3 s. stitch'd. This Day is publish'd, Price is. The Second Edition, To which is added an Appendix, AN ESSAY to shew the CAUSE of ELEC- TRICITY, and why some Things are Non- electri- cable . In which is also connsider'd, its Influence in the Blasts on Human Bodies, in the blights on trees, in the Damps in Mines, and is it may affect the Sensititive Plant, & c. In a Letter to Mr. W illiam WAtson, F. R. S. By JOHN FREKE, F. R.
S. Surgeon to St. Bartholomew's Hospital, London. Naturam expellas surca, tamen usque recurret. Printed for W. Innys in. Pater- noster Row. Where may be had, Dr. Desaguliers's Dissertation concerning, Electricity3 Price 1 s. ELIZABETH BEZOMBER, living near the ' Horse- Ferry at Battersea, thinks proper to acquaint the World, that she has been afflicted with a lingering Consump- tion these eighteen Months past, that she was Worn away like- a Skeleton, and was obliged to be taken out of bed and Put into it like an Infant ; she had a continual Cough and spit- ting of Blood and Matter, proceeding from an Ulcer in the
Lungs, violent Night Sweats, and a total Loss of Appetite, so as not to be capable of taking any Sort of solid food for some Months; She could seldom put her eyes together upon Account of the Cough, great Pains and 0ppression, and a burning Hectick Fever, which was always upon her : She took many of the Remedies given for Consumptions. which always stuffed her up and took away her Appetite. In this deplorable Condition she apply'd herself to DR. Dowman, celebrated for the Cure of Consumptions, who restor'd her to her perfect State of Health in the Space of two Months Time. Several other Patients in the same
Disease have been radi- cally cured by the Doctor, which is a Proof that the Science of Curing confirm'd Consumptions is happily discover'd, The Consumptive Patients in the Countries may write their Cases to the Doctor, at his House hear the Opera- House in the Hay- Market, and they'll be receiv'd and answer'd ; and those in Town may consult him ' till eleven every Morning. For the VENEREAL DISEASE. THE shortest, safe and regular, Cure this Day in the World, from the slightest Infection to the most inve- terate Degree of it by a Medicine pleasant to take, and as easy in its Operation as it is effectual for a thorough Cure;
so that the unfor- tunate Patient gets suddenly and surprizingly well, without distaste to his Palate, the Last Disorder of Body, or any Confinement whatever. This is that great Remedy, now so well known and long experienced to be truly infallible, and is the Grand ANTI SYPHILICON that Radcliffe and Garth used to say would totally extirpate the Venereal Disease from the Face of the Earth, were it but universally known, and properly taken. Fresh Infections, call'd Claps, with all their cruel attendant Symptoms, it presently cures ; and it taken in time, even prevents their taking Place. It is a safe, gentle, and pleasant Family Purge,
even for Children as well as grown Persons, in all Cases where Purging is necessary ; nor can the deepest Scurvy, Rheu- matism, Gout, Evil or Leprosy, stand before v, but are pleasantly cured and thoroughly extirpated by it, as well as the highest and most inveterate State of the confirm'd Venereal disease, which, with all its most raging Symptoms, it soon eradicates, restoring Health Strength, and Vigour to the Body. Those who once take it, will never have Re- course to any thing else. OnePot in most Cases is sufficient for a Cure, and can be had only at Mr. Radford's Toyshop, at the Rose and Crown against St. Clements
Church- Yard in the Strand, at a Pot, seal'd up with a Book of Instructions, by which all Persons may fully under- stand their own Condition, and certainly know when, and When not, the Venereal poyson is rooted out of their Bodies. Note, Ask only for a six Shilling Pot for the Scurvey. No Letter answer'd unless Post- paid. This Day is publish'd. In Twelves, Price 3s. 6 d. bound, The Whole enrich'd with an entire new Set of Copper- Plates, representing each Quadrupede, Bird, Fish: lnsect, and Plants. ATOUR through the ANIMAL WORLD - or an historical and accurate Account of near 400 Ani- mals, Birds, Fishes, Serpents,
Insects, & c. describing their different Nature, Qualities and Use, as well for the common Service and Food of Man, as his Diversions and Cure of his Maladies. Extracted from Gesner Willoughby, Swammerdam, Mousset, Merian, and others the most celebrated Authors upon this Subject. To which is added a Description of some of the most rare and curious Productions of the Vegetable World. By the Chevalier DENIS DE CoETLOGON, M. D. Knight of the Order of St. Lazare, and Member of the Royal Academy of Angers. Printed for John Nourse, at the Lamb opposite Katherine Street in the Strand. Note, There are a few
Copies of the above coloured for the Curious. Price Two Guineas. MUSICK. This Day are publish'd, Proposals for Printing by Subscription, With his MAJESTY'S Royal Licence and Protection, TWELVE Sonatas for two Violins, with a Bass for the Violoncello or Harpsichord. By WILLIAM BOYCE, Composer to his Majesty. CONDITIONS. I. This Work will be engraven in a fair Character, and printed 0n good Paper. II. The Price to Subscribcrs will be half a Guinea, to be paid at the Time of Subscribing. III. The Subscribers Names to be printed. IV. No Sets will be sold under 15s. after the Subscription is closed V. This Work will be
ready to deliver to the Subscribers in January next. Subscriptions are taken in by the Author at Joyners Hall, Thames- Street; at Mr. Walsh's, in Catherine- Street in the Strand ; at J. Simpson's, in Swithing Alley, Cornhill; and at J. Johnson's, in Cheapside. Just publish'd, by J. Walsh, Twenty- four Country- Dances for the Year 1747, Price The Inestimable PROLIFICK ELIXIR, The highest, richest and most powerful Cordial in Nature, IS the only true and infallible Cure for BARRENNESS in Women and Impotency in Men in the Universe, which it at once accomplishes without Trouble; and that by promoting the chearful Circle of the
Blood and Juices, raising all the Fluids from their languid depressed State, to one more florid and sparkling, opening all Obstructions, fortifying the Nerves, en- creasing the Animal Spirits, restoring a Juvenile Bloom, and evi- dently replenishing the whole Habit, with a generous Warmth and balmy Moisture, and invigorating it to such a Degree as not to be imagin'd but by those who have experienced how suddernly it re- novates, recruits, and powerfully strengthens all the Animal faculties, and Generative Powers in both Sexes. inforces a bright lively Disposition, banishes Melancholy, and inspires Mirth, Gladness of Heart, and
warm Inclinations, beyond Expression. Abundance of Ladies, who were deemed incurably Barren, have, after twice taking it, conceived and become Fruitful; and great Numbers of Gentle- men, who by fast liVing. Pollut o sui, & c. were incapable of pro- creation, have become able to propagate their Species, almost to a Miracle, it is to be taken but a few Drops at a Time, is agreeable to the Palate, Cordial to the Stomach, and can be had only at yhe Gentlewoman's at the Two Blue Posts in Hayden- yard in the Mino- ries at 5 s. a bottle, with printed Directions at large. These are to Certify whom it may concern, TH A T the Two
Medicines for external Use, which have been sold with so much Success for the Good of Mankind above Thirty Yrars last past, for the Cure of AH Sorts of Ruptures, BURSTEN OR BROKEN BELLIES, Are now sold only at Mr. Sandwell's Toyshop,. the sign of the Griffin, the Corner of Buckler's Bury in the Poultry, at 5s the parcel. These two Remedies need no other Recommendation than them- selves will manifest in two or three Days using, having- by their ad- mirable and even astonishing Success, gained the reputation they so j; ift! y deferve, both in City and Country, after wearing Trusses for many Years to no purpose. For
by the Blessing of God, they make a perfect Cure, either on Old or Young. in a very little Time, and tor a small charge, without any Pain to, or Confinement of the Patient one parcel is generally sufficient for a compleat Cure, especially on a young person. Many Hundreds of all Ages and Sexes have been cured by them, which occasion'd this Publication, for the Good of the Publick, that all such unhappy People may be deliver'd from the Charge aud Slavery of always wearing Trusses. . ... Mr. Sandwell can satisfy any Enquirer of the Validity of what is here said. All Letters Post- paid, are recciv'd and ansWer'd. A Large, Fine,
New, Sheet ALMANACK, fo. rthe. Xear 1747. Contain- ing, ( for every Month in the Year) Those Things. that All the Common ALMANACKS ought to mention, yet None of them speak a Word of. For Every Family, and Person in Business, throughout the whole Kingdom, to Hang up in View, in their Houses, and Shops. Or, Fold up in their Pocket- book, for a Pocket ALMANACK, co. Guide themselves by. It containing what Persons will Remember, All their Life Times, ever After, This ALMANACK, is GIVEN GRATIS, At Mr. Bluebell's, At ' The ANODYNE. NECKLACE, in LONG ACRE, London, And, To Prevent any
Disappointment, in having This New ALMANACK, It being, At a very Great Expence, most Exquisitely Finely Printed, On a Large Sheet, of the very Finest Royal Paper, It will not be Given, to Any Boys, Nor Girls Pretending to be sent for it, But, Only to such Persons as are likely, to make a Right, and Proper Use of it,
lonDON.- Early on Thursday Morning died in an advanced Age, of an Apoplectick fir, at his Lodgings in King's arms Yard, Coleman Street, Sir John, Locke, ( who formerly resided many Years at Ispahan, the Capital of Persia) an eminent Turky Merchant of this City several Years in the Direction of the HON the East India and South Sea Companies, one of the Trustees of Morden's College on Blackheath, one of the Hon. the Court of Lieutenancy of this City, one of the Governors of St. Thomas's Hospital, and serv'd the Office of Sheriff of this City with Sir William Ogbourn, during the Mayor- ley of Right Hon. Sir John Eyles Bart,
in 1727: He has left one Daughter the Wife of Rawlin- son, of Chipping Norton in the County of Oxford, Esq; who has several Children. He was a Gentleman that had a thorough Knowledge of Men and Trade, and died possess'd. of a plentiful Estate, which he acquired with great Reputation, and his Death is regretted by all wh0 had the Pleasure of his Acquaintance. Yesterday died, at his House in Bury- Court in St. Mary Axe, Capt. Spence, brother to George Spence, an eminent Merchant of this City. " The following is a very exact List of Winter Quarters for the British TroopS' in Holland, viz. REGIMENTS. Foot. Wolfe's at
Grave. Douglas's at Bommel. Pulteney's at Heusden. Artillery at Bois Le Duc. Howard's Bois Le Duc. Graham's Semple's.} DraAg0on'S. Scotch Greys at Langstraet. Worcum. Lord Rothe's at Hockehem. . Asperen. Leerdam. Cope's at Vianen. Meirkirk. They write from the Hague, that it is reported, the Court of Dresden has resolv d to furnish 20,0oo Men to a certain Power, by Virtue of a Treaty lately stgned, and that the Electors of Cologn, Bavaria, and Palatine, have been invited to accede thereto; which, we hope, may be only a French Fiction, like many other Reports raised of late. The French Minister in the Empire, M. de la
Noue, having lately made a Journey to Aschassenbourg, it has occasiOn'd no small Speculation ; but our Letters from Francfort say, that the true Reason of it, was to have procured a Declaration he carried with him, to be trans- mitted to the Dyet of the Empire, by the Director of Mentz, who thought fit however to refuse it, because his Most Christian Majesty has not as yet acknowledg'd the Emperor ; upon which M. de la Noue return'd to Francfort, in order to lay this Paper before the Assem- bly of the States of the Circle of Franconia. It is observable, that at this critical Conjuncture there are more French Ministers at the little
Courts of Ger- many,, than have ever been known; for besides Mess. de la Noue, Father and Son, they have Mess. du Four and Tilli, and the Abbes Onillon and Follard, who are busy in whispering one Story or another in the Ears of the Princes, at whose Courts they reside, continually ; by which Aleans they keep up a perpetual Jealousy and, ferment amongst thofe, whofe mutual Interests, ( in case either Austria or Brandenbourg could be annihilated) ought to bind them to live in the strictest Harmony and Friendship. The Letters from whence we take these Particulars mention another, which is still more remarkable, viz. that
one of these little Ministers observing what Im- pression the News from Italy made at the Court where he resided, was imprudent enough to say, that he be- liev'd those Losses would not much alarm the Ministry at Versailles, because the Prosperity of the House of Austria would never fail bringing in to their Assistance a certain Power in Germany ; and that he was of Opi- nion, the Tranfactions of this Winter would fully jus- tify his Sentiments, Several private Letters from Holland seem to hint at the fame thing, and farther observe, that without this Key; it wOuld be very difficult to account for what they assure us is an indisputable
Matter of Fact, viz. That of all the Troops detach'd from the Army of Marshal Saxe, since the Battle of Liege, there is not so much as a single Battalion, that has actually march'd towards Provence ; from whence it is evident, that France trusts the Safety of her Frontiers to some very powerful Di- version. On Thursday last the Court sat at St. Margaret's Hill, Southwark, on the Trial of rhe Rebel Prisoners, when the Right Hon. the Lord Chief Justice Lee, the Hon. Mr. Baron Reynolds, and the Hon. Mr. Baron Clive, were on the Bench. Henry Kerr, a Colonel in the Rebel Army, and Aid de Camp to Lord George Murray, was found
Guilty of High Treason : The Council for the Prisoner alledged, that he was an Officer in the Service of the King of Spain, but they soon gave up that Point. It appeared he was very active in the Rebellion ; and at the Battle of Culloden, after the Rebels were broke, endeavoured to rally them. Then Alexander M'Lauchlan, a Major in Lord Tul- libardin's Regiment, was tried and found Guilty ; but some favourable Circumstances appearing, the Jury de- sired the Court to recommend him to his Majesty's , Mercy. Yesterday the Court sat at St. Margaret's Hill, South- wark; the Judges present were the Hon. Mr. Justice Foster, and the
Hon. Mr. Baron Clive. When Thomas Watson, late a Tobacconist in Perth, a Lieutenant in Lord Ogilvie's Battalion, and taken at the Battle of Culloden, was, after a short Trial, found Guilty of High Treason. Hector Mackenzie, of the Parish of Lochbrom in the Shire of Ross, and a Tenant of the Earl of Cro- martie's, and Ensign in his Regiment, who was taken prisoner at the Castle of Dunrobin, by the Argyllshire Militia ( which the Rebels had taken Possession of) was found Guilty, after a Trial of five Hours, the Jury with- drawing only a short Time. The Rev. Mr. James Robertson, Minister of the Parifh of Lochbrom, gave him the
Character of a Person well affected to the present Government.• Then the Court adjourn'd ' till this Morning. This Week one Fremont was apprehended at a Re- hearsal at the Opera House, where he was a Dancer, by Mr. Carrington, one of his Majesty's Messengsrs, for High- Treason, he being, during the Rebellion, an Officer in the Rebel Army in Scotland ; several Letters were found about him from his Friends in Scotland. He was, after being examin'd by the Secretaries of State, committed to New- Prison ; several of the Rebels now in Custody knew him. He says he is an Officer in the King of France's Service. On
Wednesday Night the House of Mr. Stephens, an eminent Brazier of Stretton's- Ground, Westminster, was broke open, and robb'd him of upwards of 35I. in Money. On Thursday last William Cornish, who was lately robb'd, and had his Throat cut from Ear to Ear by High- waymen at Bayswater, and afterwards carried to the Hospital at Hyde- Park Corner, died of his Wounds. They write from Dover, that the Carlisle Privateer, Capt. Beazley, had taken the King of Prussia, Capt. Schutz, from Koningsbourg, laden with Hemp, suppos'd to be bound to France, and brought her into that Port. The Restoration, Kemp, of Topsham, was
taken the 28th past, three Leagues to the Eastward of Beachy, as she lay at Anchor to stop the Tide of EL'J, by a French Privateer Snow of 14 Carriage Guns and 12 Swivels. The above Vessel was bound to London with Bale Goods and Oats. Extract of a Letter from Antigua, July 23. ' As to French Privateers, they are so thick about the Island that People don't care to send their Boats, so that the Country, upon the Indolence of the men of War, have fitted out a Guard de Costa, which three Days ago ( being the first Day of her going out) brought in a Row- Galley that lay off Popeshead, with 25 Hands, close under Shore; but
came out and gave Chace in Hopes of a Prize. My Friend we are in a miserable Condition, and in great Danger of starv- ing, by the French taking so many of our Provision Vessels; and they at the same Time in the greatest Plenty, and all for want of our Men of War being properly and constantly employed in Cruizing to the Windward of our Islands. for the Protection of Trade; which would they but do, the Tables would be turn'd, and we should live in Plenty and the Ene- my would be starv'd.—— O Tempora O Mores! Nine or ten Sail of English Men of War on the Sta- tions of Barbadoes and the Leeward- Islands, and still to be
devour'd by Privateers!— God grant better Times and better Conduct. The Men of War say, that they cannot sail well enough to catch the Privateers; but we say, and all the World knows, that they can sail well enough to protect and retake the Merchant Ships, if they would keep cruizing in proper Stations. But they can do neither by lying in Port, or by going to the Spanish Main, to seek after Prizes for their own Profit: And ' till the Act be alter'd that gives the Men of War the Whole of what they take, there is no room to hope for other Measures. I have a very great Va- lue and Regard for the Gentlemen of the Navy, and wish many
of them heartily well, as being particu- larly acquainted with them; but I can see no Reafon forgiving the Whole of the Merchant Ships and Goods that they take from the Enemy. They are paid, vic- tualled and mann'd at the Expence of the Nation ; — and, I believe, there never yet was an Instance of im- pressing Men to serve as Captains; and so no Fear of getting Commanders, and good ones too ; it being to be observed, that those who fight for Honour do ge- nerally behave best, and take most Care of the Trade; the Reason of which is plain; for when their Passions are not biass'd with Self- Interest, their Thoughts are
employed for the Service of their King and Country, and gaining Honour for themselves. It is generally said, that Covetousness is the Root of all Evil, which is true in this Case as well as others; therefore the Cause must be remov'd, or the Effect will not cease. The Thing that was intended for great and good Ends, has not answer'd the Purposes design'd, for which Reason it would be just and prudent to try other Me- thods. When our Men of War take Ships of equal or great- er Force than themselves, or do other gallant Actions, I am for crowning the Captains with Lawrels, and rewarding them according to their Merit, not only by
Promotion, but otherwife. But what Glory is there in a Alan of War of 40 Guns, or more, to take a Merchant Ship of 50, or under, though she may prove to be worth 100,0001. or upwards, and there- fore why should the Whole be given to them ? The French have no such Allowance, and if they meet a Fleet of Merchant Ships under Convoy of a Number of English Men of War, that are not superior to them- selves, they will leave the Merchant Snips to attack our Men of War; and this we may conclude is owing to their not having the Whole of what they take, and why our Men of War should not be put upon the same Footing, is
past my Comprehension ; for which Reason I hope to live to see the Act alter'd, and to have our Navy to do as many brave and gallant Actions without it as with it. I am sure it will be a Means of engaging them to keep more On their Stations, and thereby t0 secure and protect our own Trade better than heretofore. Five Days ago came down a Flag of Truce from Martinico, with 23 Masters and about 140 Men into St. John's, and another into English Harbour with 60 Men, so that herewith you have a List of the Names of the Masters, as well as of several of their Vessels, that have been taken and carry'd into Martinico and
Guardaloupe from the 23d of May last to the 15th Instant, being about 45, which I believe will hardly be credited by People in general, but you may depend thereon for Truth, and shew the List if you think pro- per. Out flag of Truce, which carry'd up a Few Priso- ners, is also come down, and brought sixty- odd Men but I cannot yet get a List of the Vessels that they be- long'd to, so must now avoid saying any Thing more about them." But I pray God to send us Relief, OR we shall be undone, and all this I again say is for want of Our Men of WAr's being properly employ'd in Cruizing to the Windward of the Islands belonging to
their respective Stations, which is a Fact that can- not be contradicted; and therefore it is to be hop'd that those who have been the Occasion of our past Misfortunes will be punish'd, and that others will thereby be induced to take more Care of us hereafter ; it not being to be suppos'd that Men of War are sent to these parts for the Sake of lying in Harbour, or going to the Spanish Main to seek after Prizes for the Advantage of particular Persons. Poor Admiral Bal- chen had the Glory of the Nation so much at Heart, that when he was last out, he declar'd he would ra- ther take Half a Dozen French Men of War, two or three
Galleons ; which account I had from Capt. Gregory, who was then on board of one of our Men of War, and heard the other say it but a few Days before he was lost ; and therefore I believe there can be no Doubt of the Truth of it ; and I wish every Body else was of his Opinion; and then we might possibly take more of the french Navy than we do, and so farewell.' Extract of a letter from Port- Mahon, 0ct. 10 ' Orders are arriv'd here from the English Admiralty to all Captains of Men of War and Privateers of that Nation, that they should avoid giving, any just Cause of Complaint to the Merchant Ships of the United. Provinces, and
conform exactly to the Treaties sub- sisting between his Britannick Majesty and the States- General, under Pain of being broke, or suffering a more severe Punishment. The Dutch Consul was, on this Occasion, invited by the Judges of the English Admiralty, who communicated these Orders to him, and inform'd him, that the King Solomon, a Ship that had been stopp'd, was at Liberty whenever the Captain thought proper. Letter from on board the Saltash Privateer, at Lisbon, dated October 11. 4 I have cruiz'd the Seas ever since my Departure from Torbay, except two Days I was in Terceira, to Water. On Saturday the 20th
past, at Three o'Clock in the Afternoon, I saw two Sail, the nearest of which I gave Chace to, and about Four next Morning came within Gun- shot of him, when I kept a- stern ' all Day, then saw he had 22 Guns and a great Number of Men I then thought I had got a Peru- man to deal with, so run up within Pistol shot of her, with an Intent to go Yard- Arm and Yard- Arm, before I shew'd who I was; but he then fir'd his Stern Chace at me, and kill'd one Man, and hoisted his Colours, and in return I gave him a Broadside, and hoisted mine. When we had continu'd the Engagement, which was very brisk about six Glasses, I brought
down his Colours, Mizen Yard and Main- Top- Mast, and disabled his Fore- Top- Mast, and cut his Sails and Rigging. About that Time he brought down my Main- Top- Mast, cut my Main- Stay, Rigging and Sails very much, and what was worse, six of my Guns were dismounted, and one broke. However, I got my Guns from the other Side, then haul'd close to him, and renew'd our Acquain- tance, and a little after eight Glasses they call'd for Quarter. I then found she was from Newfoundland, bound to Marseilles. She has 22 Guns, four Pounders, and 96 Men. I then made the best of my Way to . the Eastward, and at the
Privateer and Prize were not fit to proceed to England, nor had I Water for so large a Family, so made for this Port. I had five Men kill'd, and the French two, accord- ing to their Account. The Prize is call'd the Queen of Angels, of Sr. Malo's, Richard Deforces, Com- mander. She went a Cruize before she took in her Cargoe, and took one Vessel, belonging to Dartmouth, and has the Ransomer on Board, so I hope to receive it for him. I find the Prize, has on Board, Fish and Oil; I know not yet what Quantity, but she is a large Ship.' Berks, Nov. 6, 1746. . THE Gentlemen, Clergy and Freeholders, of the County of Berks, are desired
to meet at the Upper Ship in the Town of Reading, on Friday the 14th Instant, at Twelve 0' Clock, in order to consider of a proper Person to be put in Nomination to represent them in Parliament, in the room of Winchcomb Howard Packer, Esq deceas'd; their last Nomi- nation being void by the Death of Henry Packer, Esq LOST the 29th of October last being the Lord- Mayor's Day) in Cheapside, near King's- Street, a small Gold Watch, a Square Joint to the Case, the Name; QUARe London, with a Man's Gold Chain, a small Gold Cornelian Seal, with a Coat of Arms, Argent Upon a Sable Bend, and three cross Croslets;
Whoever has found it, and will bring it to John Berry, Watchmaker, in Clement's lane, Lombard- Street, shall have eight Guineas Reward, and n0 Questions ask'd or for the Seal alone one Guinea and a Half, and no Questions ask'd. . . LONDON : Printed by J. MERES in the Old- Baily, near Ludgate, where Advertisements are taken in