The London Evening-Post
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Volume Number: Issue Number: 2955
No Pages: 4
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The London Evening-Post
Date of Article: 14/10/1746
Printer / Publisher: J. Meres
Address: In the Old Baily, near Ludgate
Volume Number: Issue Number: 2955
No Pages: 4
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From SATURDAY October 11, to TUESDAY October 14, 1746. Since our last arrivd the Mail from Holland. Genoa, 0ct. 1. wE are still in a dismal Condition here, and continually employ'd in raising Money to satisfy the vast Sums granted to the Im- perialists by our Capitulation. Several Perfons of the first Fa- milies in our Republick are actually withdrawn, having had the Precaution to send away their most valuable Ef- feCts, while that was a Thing practicable. The Marquess de Botta behaves very civil- ly, and, in some RespeCts, kindly to us ; but he has, some way or other, involv'd himself in two very trou- blesome Quarrels;
one with the King of Sardinia, about our Capitulation ; and the other with the English Com- modore, about some Ships taken, bound for this Port, after it was in the Hands of the Empress Queen. It was for some Time believ'd, that his ConduCt would be in- ' tirely justified by the Court of Vienna. The contrary Sentiment now prevails, and we are positively told, that he will very speedily quit the Command of the Ar- my, under Pretence of going to visit his own Estates. The Ducal Palace of Milan is preparing for the Recep- tion of Prince Charles of Lorrain, who is to reside there with the Title of Vicar- General, and Commander in
Chief in Italy. He is to have under him Prince Lich- tenstein, who, with 55, ooo Men will be employ'd in the Conquest of the Kingdom of Naples; and General Brown, with 2.8,000 Men, will act against the French, an ConjunCtion with the Piedmontese. We have this Day advanced, in the Whole, two Millions out of three, and the Austrians press very hard for the rest. Berlin, Oct. It begins to be very perceptible at pre- sent, that our Court is not at all satisfy'd with the Conduct of that of Vienna, in Reference to the not pro- curing the Guaranty of the Empire, and of another Power, for the Dominions of his Majesty, agreeable to the
Treaty of Dresden. The not fending General Bernes hither, has likewise given great Offence, for People now begin to doubt whether he will come at all, more espe- cially since it is known, that the Austrians are about to assemble an Army in Bohemia under Prince Lobkowitz, and, as some say, another in Moravia, under the Com- mand of old Field- Marshal Count Traun. Vienna, Oct. 18. The Field Equipage of Count Traun is preparing with all Diligence, but it is not said with what Design. General Bernes is not yet set out upon his Embassy, nor is it said when he will. Though the Treaty lately concluded between this Court and
that of Russia has not yet been made publick, we have never- theless seen Extracts of it, whereby it appears, that it was concluded for 25 Years : That each Power engaged to supply the Party attacked, upon the first Requisition, with 20, ooo Foot and 10,000 Horse, and to encrease this Succour as Occasion should require: That our Court would be excused from this Engagement, in Case Russia should be attacked by the Persians ; as on the other Hand, the Empress of Russia should not be obliged to send Succours into Italy : And that the Republick of Poland, the Electors of Saxony and Brunswick, as well as other Powers,
should be invited to accede to this Treaty. Dusseldorf, Oct. 18. We have receiv'd Advice by Express, that on the 9th Instant the Piedmontese forced a Body of 2000 French and Spaniards, which was en- trench'd at Ventimiglia, and that after this Action the King of Sardinia continu'd his March towards Villa Franca and Nice. Lipstadt, Oct. 18. By Letters receiv'd here from the Body of the Hanoverians and Hessans engaged in the Action of the nth, we hear, that the former estimate their Loss at about 2ooo Men, and that the Regiments of Maidel and Boselager were entirely ruined ; that those of Donep and Mansbach, of the
Hessian Troops, suffer'd extremely, and that 500 Men of the former were taken Prisoners ; that the young Prince of Isen- bourg, and several other Officers were made Prisoners, and that Major de Malsbourg was killed. Louvain, Oct. 17. It's assured that Marshal Saxe has receiv'd Orders to detach 16 Squadrons and 22 Bat- talions for Britany, who, it is assured, will embark upon the Coast of flanders, in order to arrive there the sooner. Tho' the French remain'd masters of the Field of Battle on the nth, and oblig'd the Allies to retreat, it is certain that they had 8 or 9000 Men kill'd on the Spot, and that the Number of the Wounded
at least equall'd that of the Dead: In short, they write from Tirlemont, St. Tron aad Tongres, that all the Convents of these Towns, as well as the Churches without Ex- ception, have been made Hospitals, and are as full as they can hold of wounded Men, and that besides many are put into private Houses. It's assured that this Affair, together with the Detachment that has been made into Britany, will oblige the French Army to defer to ano- ther Opportunity the Operations which it yet propos'd to execute before the End of the Campaign ; and that it will go into Winter Quarters . the 20th of this Month- ——— Hague- Gazette. . ~
Hague, Oct. 19 Prince Waldeck's Head Quarters were at Weerd the ijth, and that of Prince Charles of Lorrain at Severen. The Allied Army is encamp'd along the Meuse; and we hear that they have thrown two Bridges over that River below Maestricht, from whence it's conjeCtur'd that they will soon repass it, and take Pos- session of their former Camp. Hague, Off. 20. We learn by an Express receiv'd by Mr. Trevor from Italy, that when the Courier who brought it set out, the Imperial and Piedmontese Troops were only two or three Marches from Villa Franca, and that the French had abandon'd Ventimiglia with so much
Precipitation, that they had been obliged to nail up seven Pieces of Cannon, after having thrown 300 Men into the Castle. Extract of a Letter from Morlaix, dated Oct. 10. The two Frigates which the King sent last Month into Scotland, under the Command of M. de Warren, Colonel of Foot, in order to bring back Prince Edward, the Pretender's eldest Son, anchor'd this Afternoon at Roscoff, four Leagues from hence. This Prince was on board, with several Chiefs of Clans, and others, and he is this Moment arriv'd here, where he proposes to stay some Days. Col. Warren having sail'd from the Coast of France, arriv'd after a short
Passage at the Western Isles of Scotland, but hearing nothing of the Prince, he sail'd to a bay call'd Loghnonona, where he landed some People to secure that Coast against the English Troops. He remain'd there a Fortnight waiting for Prince Ed- ward, who was so far up in the Country, that he did not arrive till the 30th of September. There was also on board these Frigates the Sieur Ba- risdale, who after the Battle of Culloden engag'd to deliver up the Prince to the English, to obtain his Pardon. Colonel Warren found Means to take him and his Son, and brought them both Prisoners here. The Colonel is just set out for Paris.'
From the London Gazette. Hague, Off. 18. The French seem to have reap'd no considerable Advantage from the Action of the nth, having march'd back to their old Camp near Tongeren, without so much as taking Possession of Liege. One of Marshal Saxes Designs in this Attack, was, to have turn'd our Right, and intercepted our Communication with Maestricht, it is generally reported here, that he has detach'd about twenty Battalions, and as many Squadrons, to the Coast of Britany, and Was upon the Point of putting the rest of the Army into Winter Quarters. Some private Letters from Paris of the 14th give an Account, that
the English Troops upon the Coast of Britany were re- embark'd; others mention their being still upon Land, and that they had propos'd to have re- embark'd upon the 9th, but being prevented by contrary Winds, had entrench'd themselves against the Gardes Cotes and the Peasants. These Letters say, that the English had not enter'd l'Orient at all, but had plunder'd all the Villages thereabouts. The Account publish'd by the French Court of the Descent into Bri- tany, is as follows: Upon the 10th two Couriers arriv'd from Britany, with an Account, that the English Troops which had made a Descent near l'Orient, re- embark'd upon
the 7th at Night, having first pillaged four Villages, some Cottages and Farms, from whence they took all the Provisions they could meet with. They left behind them four Pieces of Cannon and one Mortar, which they could not carry off, finding themselves pressed by the Militia of Provence. It is t0 be fear'd that this Fleet, having re- viCtualled in this Descent, may make ano- ther elsewhere, or bombard fome Towns where no De- fence can be made. By other Accounts from Paris we have Advice, that the French King had publish'd a general Order for im- prisoning all the English SubjeCts in that Kingdom who were not provided
with Passports, and that some English Gentlemen had been thereupon seiz'd and committed to the Bastile. On the 30th of last Month the King of Sardinia lay at Bordilera, within a League of Venti- miglia. His Troops had possessed themselves of Dolce Acqua, but expeCted an Opposition at Ventimiglia that might cost them two or three Days. list of the Loss of the Dutch Corp, with the two Bavarian Battalions and two Battalions and seven Squadrons of Austrians, in the Action that pass'd near Liege on the 11th of October 1746. Cavalry kill'd. 1 Colonel. 4 Captains. 6 Subalterns. 6 Corporals. 2 Trumpeters. 84 Men. ioj Cavalry
wounded. I Brigadier. I Majors. 3 Captains. 17 Su alterns. z Corporals, a Trumpeters, no Men. Infantry kill'd. i Major General. 1 Colonel. 2 Majors. 4 Captains. 9 Subalterns, 8 Serjeants. Si3 Men. Tjs" Infantry wounded. a Lieutenant Generals. 1 Brigadier. 2 Major. 7 Captains. 22 Subalterns. 23 Serjeants. 391 Men. 136 448 Cavalry missing. Colonel. Major. Captain. Corporal. 189 Men. Infantry missing. 1 Major General. 3 Captains. 9 Serjeants. 426 Men. Kill'd. 3 Men. Officers. Missing. . .3 Men. Artillery. Lost. 22 Pieces of Cannon, Haubitzes. Hospital Waggons, 8 Horses. Kill'd - wounded Missing • V m 439 Total of Horse 432,
Total of Foot 141?. In all 1857 Men, IRELAND. Athruny, Oct. 4. The Wife of Capt. Killikelly, of Lissadoolly, near this Place, was brought to bed of three Sons, who are well, and were christen'd last Week by the Names of Frederick, Cumberland, and Pompey. Dublin, Sept. 30. By Letters of the 27th Instant we have an Account that Capt. Luke Mercer, Commander of the Besborough Galley, took two Prizes off the Isle of Man, laden with Brandy, to the Amount of 6001. Last Week died, at his Seat in the North, Sir George Gore St. George, Bart. Member of Parliament for the County of Donnegal, a young Gentleman, who is
succeeded in Title and Estate by his Brother, Ralph Gore, Esq; Dublin, Oct. 4. Their Excellencies the Lords Justices have been pleased to appoint Sir Ralph Gore, Bart, to be Colonel of the Regiment of Dragoons lately command- ed by the Right Hon. Gustavus Lord Viscount Boyne, deceas'd ; and to be Captain of a Troop in the said Re- giment in the Militia of the County of Donnegal. Their Excellencies have also been pleased to appoint Sir Ralph Gore, Bart, and Henry Conyngham, Esq; to be Joint Governors of the County of Donnegal. Their Excellencies have likewise been pleased to no- minate and appoint Somerset
Hamilton Viscount Iker- rin, to be one of the Trustees of the Linnen and Hempen Manufacture for the Province of Ulster, in the room of Sir George Gore St. George, Bart, deceas'd. On Tuesday last the Right Hon. Richard White, Esq; was sworn Lord Mayor of this City at the Exchequer Court, before the Right Hon. the Lord Chief Baron Bowes, who gave him a most excellent Charge, and complimented his Predecessor on his indefatigable Ap- plication to the Business of that high Office. After which Thomas Taylor and William Cooke, Esqrs. were sworn before his Lordship, at the Tholsel Court, High Sheriffs of this City
SCOTLAND. Edinburgh, Oct. 6. We hear that the Forest of Gaick, which lies betwixt Ruthven, Mar and Athol, is the Place of Rendezvous for the Stragglers who have late- ly infested the Country upon the North Coast, an In- 1 stance of which happen'd lately; a Man came to a Minister's House in Buchan, when there were none in it except himself and some Children, the rest being at a Market, and deliver'd a Letter to him, and told him he must have 10l. to which the Minister answer'd, he could not give it; the Man insisted on his Demand. In the mean while five or six of his Comrades came in with their Faces disguis'd, and
supported his Claim; he offer'd them six Shillings, which was ail he had in his pocket; but the Gang not contented with this, went to his Drawers, took out about six Guineas and 4 1. in Silver, so went off, with dreadful Threatnings if any Noise was made about the Exploit. Edinburgh, Oct. 7. By a Letter from Inverary, dated Sept. 28th, we have Advice, that on the 6th or 7th of that Month four Gentlemen landed from the French Ships, and enquir'd for any one of the Rebel Chiefs ; that Barisdale and his Son were accordingly brought to them ; they desir'd Guides to Dr. Cameron, and were brought to him accordingly; that in the mean
Time young Clanronald, Lochgarry, Keppoch, the said Ba- risdale and his Son, Ardsheil, and four Gentlemen from Apin, and several other Chiefs, with sixty private Men, went on board. The Pretender came on the 19th, in a bad State of Health, drest in a short Coat, of Black Freeze, a Grey Plaid Trouse, and Fellobeg over it, in Company with Lochiel, & c. The Ship sailed on the 20th : They did not land any Force, or commit any Hostilities. The Gentlemen and Commons were seen frequently to weep, tho' they boasted of being back soon with an invincible Force. . COUNTRY NEWs. Carlisle, Oct. 6. The following Rebel Prisoners
remain untried, viz. Thomas Blair, John Stewart, Robert M'Farlane, William Greenhill, Charles Douglass, Esq; who pleaded his Peerage of Lord Mordington. There have been in all tried and convicted upon De- fences, Pleaded Guilty, RetraCted their Pleas of Not Guilty, and pleaded Guilty, Sentenced, Acquitted chiefly by Consent of the King's Counsel, on Account of Youth, old Age, or other favourable Circumstances ... Acquitted by Consent of the King's Counsel, as being intitled to the Benefit of his Royal Highness the Duke of Cumberland's Proclamation, Total tried 127 IndiCted, and not tried, being sick — 5 Total 132
CITY LANDS. tHE Committee for Letting the City's Lauds in the Ac- count of the Chamberlain of the City of London give Notice, that they intend to lett by Lease the Place or Office of one of the Ten Corn- Meters of this City, now in Lease to Mr. Richard Brooke. And that the said Committee will sit in the Council- Chamber of the Guildhall, London, on Wednesday the 11th of November next, at Four o'Clock in the Afternoon, to receive Proposals for the same ; of which further Information, and printed Particulars, may be had at the Comptroller's Office in the Guildhall aforesaid, on which said printed Particulars all Persons bidding
for the same are to write their Proposals. D. SEAMAN, Comptroller. Navy Office, 10 Oct. 1746. JHE principal Officers and Commissioners of his Majesty's Navy hereby give Notice, that there is in the Hands of the Treasurer of the Navy, Money to pay the Interest due on Navy and Transport Bills, register'd between the 1st of October 1745, and the 31st of March following, that all persons posses'd of such Bills may at any Time carry them to the Treasurer's Office in Broad- Street and receive the lnterest due thereon, and the same wrote off upon the Bills. WHEREAS a Gentleman a few Days since call'd at the Shop of the late Mr.
Price's, Coachmaker, in Great Queen Street, and asking for the Widow of the late Mr, James Price, said that he had a Sum of Money to pay her, but went away without leaving his Name, or being in- form'd where the said Widow liv'd: This is therefore to de- sire the said Gentleman to direct a Line, to be left at Mr. Rye's, in Red- Lyon- Street, Clerkenwell, where he may be waited ten, and the Favour will be thankfully acknowledg'd. to be SOLD, at Mr. RECULEST'S, in Brook- Street, the Corner of David- Street, by Grosvenor Square, METHUEN WINE, little inferior to the best Burgundy, at a Guinea a Dozen, and STREIGHTS
WINE preferable to Red Port, at 16s. a Dozen, and COR- SICA WHITE WINE, as strong as Mountain, at 18s. a Dozen, all in good sizeable French moulded Bottles, of thir- teen to the Dozen; or in French Wine Hogsheads, the Methuen 2Q1. and the Streights ty I. and the Corsica 171. a Hogshead, for ready Money only, sent to any Part of the Town without Expence to the Buyer. The Bottles to be paid for at Two- pence Halfpenny each, the Money to be repaid upon the Return of them. Note, constant Attendance from Eight in the Morning ' till Twelve at Noon. To be SOLD, AFee Farm Rent, of about 150I. issuing out of the
Manor of Crediton, alias KirtOn, near Exar in the County of Devon. Enquire of Mr. Penfound, of Dartmouth. From the great Character which THE ENGLISH GRAPE BRANDY has so justly acquir'd, the Proprietors beg Leave to in- form the Publick, that its Excellency does not wholly consist in its being an agreeable Dram, or When made into Punch ; but that it is equally adapted to any Sort of frUit, as a prooF of which, there is now prepar'd, from the same Brandy, a large Quantity of Fine ORANGE SHRUB, Which for its delicate Flavour is no Way inferior, except in the Price, to any of the foreign Productions, . So great is the
Perfection of the British Distillery ! The Shrub at 6 s. per Gallon, the Brandy at 4 s. At the Warehouse the Bottom of Bartholomew- Lane, near the Royal Exchange. Sixpence per Gallon allow'd to those who take half a Hogs- head or upwards. THOMAS RAWLINS, Clerk to this Company. At Mrs. UNDERWOOD's Hungary Water Warehouse, the Black- Boy and Comb, the Corner of Bell- Savage Yard, Ludgate- Hill, ( being remov'd from the next Door to the London Punch- House) IS a fresh Parcel of Rich French Hungary Water, of the same Sort that has been sold at the said Place many Years, and Lavender Water, at One
Shilling and Three Pence each- large Half- Pint; if Bottles return'd the Three Pence al- low'd. Likewise true Italian Honey Water, Calm Water, and Sy- rup of Capillaira ; and also fine French Combs. Note, To prevent Counterfeits, the Black- Boy and Comb is pasted on each Bottle, with the Name UNDERWOOD. Note also, The great Demand for my Hungary Water has occasion'd another Sliop to sell it, and 10 put up the Sign of the Black Boy and Comb, and paste it 0n their Bottles, in or- der to make them pass for mine; of which the Buyer is desir'd to be cautious, and to observe that my House is the Sign of the Black Boy and
Comb, as above mention'd. At the same Place is sold, Bath lamb Gloves, Bath Coating for ladies, with Variety of ladies Hats and Capu- chins ; with several other Sorts of Goods, all at low Prices. This Day are publish'd, PROPOSALS for Printing by Subscription, ACOLLECTION of POEMS in One Volume, Octavo. By the late Rev. JosiAH RELPH, of Sebergham, Cum- land. Consisting of Original Poems 0n several Oc- Familiar Epistles, casions, Fables, Translations, Songs, and Pastorals in the Cumberland Epigrams. Dialect, With a Preface, giving some Account of the Life and Wri- tings of the Author, and a Glossary. Publish'd
by Thomas Denton, B. A. ARTICLES. I. That no more shall be printed than what are subscrib'd for. II. That the Subscribers Names shall be printed. III. The Price to Subscribers is four Shillings ; one half of which is to be paid at the time of subscribing, and the other half at the Recespt of the Books neatly bound, and letter'd. IV. That whoever subscribes for six Books shall have a se- venth gratis. V. That as soon as a competent Number of Subscriptions are taken in, the Book shall he printed with all Expedition. Subscriptions are taken in by Mr. John Clarke, Bookseller, at the Bible under the Royal Exchange, London ; Mr. Mar- tin
Bryson, Bookseller, in Newcastle; Mr. Ashburner, in Kendal, and by Mess. Foulis, in Glasgow. This Day is publish'd, Price 6d. ASERMON preached at the Ordination held at Rose Castle, by the Right Rev. father in God Sir GEORGE FLEMING, Bart. Lord Bishop of Carlisle, an Trinity Sunday, May 25, 1746. By ERASMUS HEAD, M. A. Prebendary of Carlisle. Published at his Lordship's Request. Printed for John Clarke, under the Royal- Exchange, Cornhill, London; and sold by Mr. William Hodgson, at Carlille ; Mr. J. Thomlinson, at Wigton ; and Mr. Jeltretch, at Whitehaven, Cumberland. Where may be had, just published,
Constitution in Church and State: Three Sermons preached on Occasion of the present Rebellion, at St. Anne s Lime- house, and the Chapel of Poplar, in September and October By GLOCESTER RIDLEY, L. L. B. Publish'd at the Request of the Parishioners. Price 1 s. This Day is publish'd, Price 6 d. ASERMON preached on the 9th of October, being the Day appointed to be observ'd as the Day at a General Thanksgiving for the Suppression of the late Rebellion. By JOHN BARR, Rector of Oumley, near Lincoln. Printed for R. Dodsley, in Pall Mall; and sold by J. and P. Knapton, in Ludgate- Street; and W. Thurlbourn, at
Cambridge. This Day is publish'd. Sold by T. AsTLEY, at the Rose in Pater- noster Row. 1. A New Edition of MONRO's ANATOMY of the Human Bones and Nerves. Printed at Edin- burgh, 12mo. 1746. Price 3 s. 6( 1, a'. Medical Essays of the Society at Edinburgh, 6 Vols, abridg'd in 2 Vols. 8vo. Price 12 s. à. Winslow's Anatomy of the Human Body, to. Pr. 17 s. 4. Dr. Harris's Treatise of the Acute Diseases of Infants. . To which are added, his Medical Observations, English'd by John Martyn, F. R. S. Price 3 s. 6 d. y. Alleyne's new English Dispensatory. To - which are added, the Emendations of the Edinburgh Dispensatory,
8vo. Price 6 s. á. Critical Reflexions upon Dr. Freind's Emmenology. By Dr. Le Tellier, a French Physician, 8vo. Price is. 6d. 7. Lommius's Treatise of Fevers, and his Medicinal Obser- vations, 8ro. Price y s. 8. Dr. Tenent's Treatise of the Rattle Snake- Root, 8vo Price 1 s. 6d. 9. The London and Country Brewer. Containing Erec- tions for brewing . all Sorts of Malt Liquors, and preserving them both in the Cask and Bottle, 5th edit. 8V0. Price y s, 10. The Practical Farmer, or Hertfordshire Husbandman ; containing many new Improvements in Husbandry, 4th Edit. in two Parts. Price3s 11. The Practical farrier ; a Collection, of
Receipts for the Cure of Distempers incident to Horses and all other Cattle, 3d Edit STATE LOTTERY for the Year 1746, At 4 per Cent. WILSON, Broker, SELLS the Tickets; Shares of Tickets, and Chances ; as Halves, Quarters, Eigths, and Sixteenths, at the Oldest State Lottery office at Charing- cross, directly behind the King on Horseback, and at his House in Cornhill,- 0n the same Side of the Way as the Mansion- House; where the Business of this present lottery is transacted, and all other Kind of Government Securities Bought and Sold by Commission. Several persons who purchas'd Shares and Tickets at these Offices,
were entitled to the following Prizes, viz. STATE L O T T E R Y 1746 At 4 per Cent,_ GEORGE PECK, Broker At his Office in Pope's Head Alley in Cornhill, ' . SELLS Tickets, and Chances, and divides them into Halves, Quarters, Eighths, and Sixtienths, at the lowest Prices. ticKets Register'd, and during the Drawing Examined. All Business relating to a Broker and the Lottery, transacted by the said GEORGE peCk , with the utmost Care and Fidelity. . Note, The Blanks and Prizes in this Lottery carrying an Interest of 4 per Cent, from Christmas next, and those in the last and preceding- Lotteries bearing only an Interest of 3 per
Cent, the Tickets in this areas cheap at 121, as those in the last lottery were at 9 J. and is the Reason so great a Quan- tity have already been sold, and are daily selling. To- morrow will be publish'd, Price 2s. By Order of the House of Peers, THE Whole PROCEEDINGS in the House of PEERS, upon the Indictments against WilliAM earl of KilMARNOCK, , GeoRGE Earl of CROmARTIE, and ARTHUR Lord BALMERINO, For High- Treason in levying War against his Majesty. The Proceeding in Westminster- Hall being begun on Monday the 28th Day of July, and continued on Wednesday the 30th of July, and Friday the ift of
August, 1746. On the Last of which Days Judgment of High Treason was given against them. London, Printed for Samuel Billingsly in Chancery- lane. N. B. Whoever presumes to publish these Proceedings, 0r any Part of them, will be guilty of a Contempt, and will be prosecuted with the utmost Severity. A small number are printed on a superfine Writing Paper. This Day is publijh'd, Beautifully printed in a neat Pocket Volume, Price stitched 1s, 6 d. bawd i s. The' Fourth Edition, carefully revised and enlarged, ALetter of genteel and moral Advice to a young Lady ; being a System of Rules and Informations, di- gested into a new
and familiar Method, to qualify the fair Sex to be useful and happy in every Scene of Life. By the Rev. Mr. WETTENHALL WILKES, Minister 0f Hounslow in Middlesex. Printed for C. Hitch, at the Red Lion in Pater- noster Row, and J. Leake, Bookseller, in Bath. Where may be had, The THIRD EDITION, In a neat Pocket Volume, Price 2s. 6 d. illustrated with Copper Plates. ASTRONOMICAL DIALOGUES, Between a Gentleman and a Lady ; wherein the Doctrine of the Sphere, Uses of the Globes, and the Elements of As- tronomy and Geography are explained, in a pleasant, easy, and familiar Way, with a Description of the
Unions Instru- ment called the Orrery. by JOHN HARRIS, D. D. F. R. S. Lately publish'd, the following BOOKS. I. A Compleat Account of the Portugueze Lan- guage, being a copious DicTionARY of ENGLIsh and PORTUGUEZE, and PORTUGUEZE with ENGLIsh Folio. Price 21. 5 s. 1. MATHEMATICAL LECTURES, read before the Uni- versity of Cambridge. By ISAAC BARROW, D. D. Professor of the MathematicKs, and Master of Trinity College. To which is prefix'd, the Oratorical Preface of our learned Au- thor, spoke before the University, 0n his being elected Luca- sian Professor of the Mathematicks. Translated by the
Rev. Mr. JOHN KIRBy. Octavo. Price 6s. 3. GEOMETRICAL LECTURES, read before the Univer- sity of Cambridge. By IsAAC BARROW, D. D. Translated by EDMUND STONE, F. R. S. Octavo. Price Si. 4. A Compendious and Methodical Account of the Princi- ples of Natural Philosophy, as explain'd and illustrated in the Course of Experiments, perform'd at the Academy in Little Tower- Street. By BENJAMIN WORSTER, A. M. The Second Edition. Revis'd and corrected, with large Additions, by the Author Octavo Price 4 s. 5. The Elements of Sir ISAAC NEWTON'S Philosophy By Mons. VOLTAIRE. Translated from the
French. Re- vis'd and corrected by JohN HANNA, M. A. Teacher of the Mathematicks. with an Explication of the Technical Terms, in Alphabetical Order. Price 5s. 6. Observationes de Aere & morbis Epidemicis, ab Anno 1728, ad finem Anni, 1737 Plymuthi factae. His accedit Opusculum de Morbo Colic0 Damnonieiisi. Autore JOANNE HUXHAM, M. D. R. S. S. OCTAVO 7. The Christian Life, from its beginnining to its Consum- mation in Glory : Together with the several Means and In- struments of CHistianity conducing thereunto. John Scott. Rector of St Gyles's london. The tenth Edi printed for S. Austen Newgate Street To be
SOLD to the best Bidder, On Tuesday the 28th Instant, at three o'Clock in the after- At Grigsby's Coffee- House behind the Royal Exchange, for the Benefit of the Creditors of Mr. William Hide, de- ceased, by the Administrator with the will annexed, ( At which time and Place the Creditors, or their Agents, are desired to attend) Lot No. 1. TWO third Parts of a Freehold Estate in Middle- sex, consisting of four Messuages or Tenements in Little Queen- Street, Holbourn. Lot No. 2. Two third parts of a Freehold Estate in london, consisting of six MessuageS or Tenements in Black- Horse- Alley in Fleet- Street. Of which further
Information and Particulars may be had of Mr. Hodson, Attorney, in the Bridge- Yard, Southwark. For Sale by the CANDLE At Lloyd's Coffee- House in Lombard- Street, on Friday the 24th Instant, at Twelve o'Clock at Noon. THE TOWNSEND Brigantine, square- stern'd, Plantation built, Bur- then 170 Tons, more or less, with good Dimensions, now lying at Church Hole, Rotherhithe, John Fell, Commander, Inventories may be had on board; at the Place of Sale, and of SAMUEL BROOKS, Broker, At his Office in Exchange- Alley, Cornhill. To be LETT, At Langley Bury, in the County of Hertford, within three Miles of Watford,
AFarm, consisting of 414 Acres of Arable Land, 46 of excellent pasture ground, by a River Side, and 20 of Floated Meadow; the whole Tythe free. Enquire for further Particulars at Lord Raymond's, at Langley Bury. N. B. The Farm lies within five Miles of fonr Market Towns. To be LETT, and enter d upon immediately, At Waltham, between Chelmsford and Brain- tree in Essex, AGood Dwelling- House, with a large Barn and Stables, Dairy, Brew house, and other Offices, with a Tan- Yard, Bark- houses, a Mill, and all Convaniencies for a Tanner ; and about n Acres of Land, at an easy Rent. inquire of Mr. Knight, by the Turnpike
at Waltham ; Mr. William Rayment, Attorney, at Braintree aforesaid, or of Mr. Thomas Scott, Hatter, at the Old Barge- House in Surrey. Tomorrow will be publish'd, ASERMON preached in the Collegiate Chapel at Eton, on Thursday the 9th of October 1746 being the Day appointed by for a General Thanks- giving to Almighty God,, for the Suppression of the late un- natural Rebellion, and Deliverance of these Kingdoms from the Calamities of an Intestine War. By THOMAS ASHTON M. A. ' Fellow of etOn college Printed by J. and R. Tonson and s. draper, in the strand
AN Account of the Life and Writings of Dr. Boerhaave, with an Appendix, containing some of his Writings not elsewhere publish'd. Dedicated to Sir Hans Sloane, Bart. By WILLIAM BURTON, M. D. late of Windsor, and now of Great Yarmouth. Printed for Henry Lintot, and sold by W. Chinnery, in the Inner- Temple- Lane. Where may be had, An Abridgment of the Exposition of the Creed. By Bishop Pearson ; more especially design'd for the Use of the English Readers. By Dr. Bishop, of Ipswich. Poems on several Occasions. By Dr. Broome, Chaplain to Lord Cornwallis. Praelectiones Poeticae. By Dr. Trapp. Sermons in six Vols.
Published in his Life- time. By Dr. south, History of rhe Heathen Gods. By Dr. King. Mrs. Rowe's Letters from the Dead to the Living, in Octavo and Twelves. This Day IS publish'd, Price 1 s. AN ESSAY to shew the CAuse of ELEC- TRICITY, and why some Things are Non- electri- cable : In which is also consider'd, its Influence ON Human Bodies, in the Blights on Trees, in the Damps in Mines and as it may affect the Sensitive Plant, & c. In a Letter to Mr. WilliaM WATSON, F. R. S. By JOHN FREKE, F. R. S. Surgeon to St. BarthOlomew's Hospital, London. Naturam expellas surca tamen usque recurret. Printed for W. Inny's, in
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Lately publish'd, ATOUR through the whole Island of GREAT BRITAIN, divided into Circuits or Journies, giving a particular and entertaining Account of whatever is curious and worth Observation, viz. 1. A Description of the Principal cities and Towns, their Situation, Government, and Commerce. II. The Customs, Manners, Exercifes, Diversions, and Em- ployments of the People, III. The Produce and Im- provement of the Lands, the Trade, and Manufactures. IV. The Sea Ports and For- Interspersed with useful Observations, particularly fitted for the Perusal of such as desire to travel over the island. By a GENTLEMAN. The
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faithful Picture of the Great World. In which the various Humours of Loth Sexes are display'd. Drawn from the Life, and interspers'd with entertaining and affecting Novels. 121110. 7. The Secret History of Persia. Translated from the French, With a Key, and some explanatory Notes, 12m0. The History of the renowned Don Quixote de la Mancha, translated by several Hands and publish'd by Peter Motteux. Adorn'd with Cuts. The Sixth Edition. Carefully revis'd and compar'd with the best Edition of the Original printed at Madrid, by J. Ozell, in 4 Vol. nmo. 9. The World in Miniature, or the Entertaining Traveller. With several curious
and useful Tables. The Second Edition, much enlarged also the Addition of a new Set of Cuts, * 10. ' A TOUR through the whole Island of Great Britain divided into Circuits ot Journies giving a particular Ac- count of whatever is curious and worth observation. By a Gentleman. The Third Edition, with very great Additions Improvements, and Corrections, which bring down t0 the Year 1741. a copious Index t9 each Volume; In 4 Vol. this Day is publish'd, In One Volume in Octavo, The SIXTH EDITION of MR. GAY'S Fifty- one NEW FABLES in Verse, ( invented for the Amusement of his Highness Wil- LIAM Duke of Cumberland ;)
with fifty- one Cuts, design'd by Mr. Kent and Mr. Wooton, and engrav'd by Mr. Baron, Mr. Vandergutcht, and Mr. Fourdrinier. Printed for j. and R. Tonson, and J. Watts. Of whom may be had, Lately published in one Volume in Twelves, The Fourth Edition of Dr. CROXAL'S FABLBS of aEsop and Others, newly done into English. With an Application to each Fable. II- lustrated with one hundred and ninety seven Cuts. garrit aniles Ex re fabellas Hor. Lately publisb'd, the SIXTH EDITION of THE FAIR CIRCASSIAN, a Dramatick Perfor- mance. Done from tbe Original by a Gentleman Com- moner of Oxford. To which are added
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Wedding. This Day is publish'd, In two neat Pocket Volumes, BIOGRAPHIA CLASSICA; the LIVES and CHARACTERS of all the CLASSIC Authors, the Grecian and Roman Poets, Historians, Orators and Bio- graphers, in two Volumes, viz. VOL. I. Containing the Lives, & c. of the Grecian Poets. Homer, Hesiod, Sappho, Alcaeus, Anacreon, Pindar, Plautus, Terence, Lucretius, Catullus, Virgil, Horace, Tibullus, Containing Herodotus, thucydides, . xenophon, Demosthenes, Polybius, aEschylus, Sophocles, Euripides, Simonides, Aristophanes, Theocritus, The Roman Poets. Propertius, phaedrus Marcus Manilius, Ovid, Seneca,
Lucan, Persius, VOL. II. the Lives, & c. of the Diodorus Siculus, Dion. Hal. Arrian, Appian, Lycophron, Callimachus, Apollonius, Aratus, Oppian. Silius Italicus, Statius, Juvenal, Martial, Valerius Flaccus, Ausonius, Claudian. Grecian Historians, Dio Cassius, Herodian, Plutarch, Lucian. • The Roman Historians. Cains. Crispus Sallti- Velleiiis Paterculus, Florus, stius, Quinrus Curtitis Ru- Suetonius Tranquil- Caius Julius Caesar, fus, lus. Marcus Tulluis Ci- ( Titus Petronius Ar- Plinius jun. cero, biter, Cornelius Nepos, Cornelius Tacitus, M. Junianus Justi- Titus Livius,. Lucius Annaeus, nus. With an Historical and Critical Account of
them and their writings illustrating their several Excellencies, and shewing their Defects, from the judgment and Remarks of tHe most celebrated Criticks, both Antient and Modern, Printed for Daniel Browne, at the Black Swan without le- Bar. this Day iS publish'd price 2s. In Two Neat Pocket Volumes, on emboss'd Paper, Dedicated to his Royal Highness Prince EDWARD, SELECT TALES and FABLES, with PRUdential Maxims, AND other little lessons OF MORALITY in Prose and Verse; eqUAlly instructive and ENTERTAINING For the Use of both Sexes wherein their- Foibles, as WELL as Beauties, are presented to their
View in THe Fairest. MOST inoffensive Point of Light. The Whole embellish'd with threescore Original designs, expressive of each Subject, neatly engrav'd 0n Copper PLates and publish'd according to Act of Parliament.' By B. COLE, engraver. Truth under fiction we impart, . To root out Folly from the Heart. Printed for T. Osborn, . Grays Inn, - it the Lamb, over against Catherine Street in the Strand. This Day is publish'd, In ONE VOLUMe, Octavo illustrated with thirty- four COPPER PLATES, ATREATISE containing the ELEMENTARY PART of FORTIFICATION, Regular and irre- gular. With Remarks 0n the Constructions of
the most celebrated Authors, particularly of Marshal de VAUBAN and Baron CoeHORN; in which the perfection and Imperfection OF THEIR Several Works are consider'd. .. For the use of the Royal Academy of Artillery at Woolwich. By JOHN MULLER, '. Professor of Artillery and Fortif ication. Printed for John Nourse, at The Lamb, opposite- Katherine- Street IN the Strand. • This Day is publish'd In Quarto, Vol. II. of THE ROMAN HISTORY, from the Build- ing of Rome to the Ruin of the Commonwealth. Illustrated with Maps and Plates. By N. HOOKE, esq, Sold by C. Hitch, in Pater- noster- Row and G. Hawkins; at Milton's
Head, between the two Temple GateS in fleet- Street. Subscribers Books will be deliver'd by G. Hawkins. This Day is publish'd, In Two Volumes, Octavo, ( Price 12. bound) illustrated With 23 Copper- Plate:, MEDICAL ESSAYS AND OBSERVATIONS, publish'd by a Society in Edinburgh in six Volumes, Octavo, abridg'd and dispos'd under general Heads. CONTAINING. VOL, II. Anatomy and Chirngery, Essays on particular Diseases, Histories of Morbid Cases, Improvements and Discoveries in Physick. For the VENEREAL DISEASE. THE shortest, safe and regular, Cure this Day in the World, from the slightest infection to the
most inve- terate Degree of it, by a Medicine as pleasant to take, and as easy in its Operation as it is effectual for a thorough Cure; so that the unfor- tunate Patient gets suddenly and surprizingly well, without distaste to his Palate, the least disorder of Body, or any Confinement whatever. This is that great Remedy, now so well krown and long experienced to be truly infallible, and is the Grand ANTI SYPHILICON that RadclifFe and Garth used to say would totally extirpate the Venereal disease from the Face of the Earth, were it but universally known, and properly taken. Fresh infections, call'd Claps, with all their cruel attendant
Symptoms, it presently cures ; and if taken in time, even prevents their taking Place. It is a safe, gentle, and pleasant Family Purge, even for Children as well as grown Persons, in all Cases where Purging is necessary ; nor can the deepest Scurvy Rheu- matism, Gout, Evil or Leprosy, stand before i , but are pleasantly cured and thoroughly extirpated by it, as well as the highest and most inveterate State of the confirm'd Venereal disease, which, with all its most raging Symptoms, it soon eradicates, restoring Health, Strength, and Vigour to the Body. Those who once take it, will never have re- course to any thing else. One Pot
in most Cases is sufficient for a Cure, and can be had only at Mr. Radford s Toyshop, at the Rose and Crown against St. Clement's Church- Yard in the Strand, at f> s. a Po. t, seal'd up wi h a Book of Instructions, by which all Persons may fully under- hand their own Condition, and certainly know when, and when not, the Venereal Poyson is rooted out of their Bodies, Note, Ask only for a six Shilling Pot for the scurvey. no Letter answer d unless Post paid. The so much Fam'd HYPO' DROPS, WHICH in a few Days infallibly cure HYPOCHONDRIACK MELANCHOLY in MEN, and the VAPOURS in WOMEN, after all other
remedies have prov'd ineffectual; and that by immediately striking at the very Root or true Cause, as well as remedying the Effect of those perplex- ing Maladies and all their Variety of Symptoms, by which they mi- mick, by Turns, almost all the Discases poor Mortals are afflicted with,' and have their Rise fiom a depraved Appetite, vicious Ferment in the Stomach, and Indigestion of Food, whence proceed Crudities, and flatulent or windy Disorders in the first Passages, four belch- ings, Cholick, uneasiness in the Bowels, and ill fumes which offend the Nerves, and, by Consent of Parts, affect the Head, and pro- duce sometimes
Giddiness, Dimness of Sight, confused Thoughts , pertinacious Watchings, troublesome Sleep, frights groundless fears, and the deepest Melancholy, with, direful Views, and terrible Appre- hensions, at other Times fits, flushing Heats, Reachings, Faintness, lowness and Sinking of Spirits, Palpitation of the Heart, startings, Tremblings, and Twitchings in the limbs and other Parts, with many convulsive Disorders, sharp Pains, fix'd or wandering, Pains and Weakness in the Back, and other, almost innumerable and grie- vous Symptoms, which miserably afflict vast Numbers of both Sexes. All which Symptoms, in their sharpest
Paroxysms, these so much fam'd and most pleasant Drops, instantly quell, and at the same Time aunihilate their real Cause. Certain it is, that no Medicine upon Earth can equal them; be careful therefore to have the right Drops, which arc to be had only at Mrs. Holt's, at the Cross- Keys and Star below the Royal- Exchange in Cornhill, London, at 3s. 6d. a Bottle, with printed Directions. the Great RESTORATIVE. In all Histerical Disorders, which hath gain'd so much Reputa- tion, that it needs no Patent to recommend it, It being a pleasant compound Medicament, chymically prepar'd of the choicest Anti- Hystericks in the whole
Art of Chymistry, WHICH speedily and infallibly cures all Hysterick diseases, whether Hypochondriac Melancholy in Men, or Vapours in women, however circumstanccd, or to what; degree socver advanced. This Medicine having cur'd Thousands of Men and Women of Melancholy and Vapours, may be depended on for a perfect Cure; for it strikes immediately at the first Cause of the dIs- and entirely destroys it Root and Branch, rectifies that vitiated which is generally the first and chief Cause, cures Indigestion, purifies the Blood and Spirits, strengthens , and sign of the GRIFFIN, the Corner of Bucklersbury in the Poultry. VOL.
I. Meteorology, Mineral Waters, Materia Medica and Phar- macy Animal CEconomy. By WILLIAM LEWIS, M. B. F. R. . S, Printed for C. Hitch, at the Red Lion, and T. Astley, at the Rose in Pater- noster- Row.
london. About three 0r four Months ago a most odd Affair happened at Sunning, near Reading, which seems at first so improbable, that we should not have ventured to give it as Fact, if it had not been extremely well at- tested. Hawley's Dragoons being quartered at Reading, the Horses were put to Grass in some Grounds belonging to the Village of Sunning. There was one Day a violent Storm of Thunder and Lightning, which the horses, who had been at FontenOy and obliged to quit the Field there, mistaking for another Battle, of their own Accord drew up in Order, in Sight of several Spectators, and stood trembling whilst the
Tempest lasted, as those Animals are observed to do where there is a real Cannonading and when the Thunder abated and the Rain came heavily down, they broke of a sudden and run fleetly away thro' Sunning, and some other Villages, at first to the great Surprize, and afterwards to the high Diversion of the Inhabitants We hear that the Lord of S- x has sworn ( and who shall gainsay him ?) that S - g must and shall exist t0 the End of his Dominion. Extract of a Letter from Dover, Oct. 13. ' By a small vessel just arriv'd here from Calais, we learn, that the French were still under a great deal of Uneasiness about Britany, and that
Lord Clare's Re- giment was to march fiom thence as this day for the said Province. We also hear by the same Canal, that the French now own their Loss in the late Battle near liege to be very near as great as that of the Allies. Yesterday Mr. Samuel Tucker, a very eminent Insu- rance Broker, of London, and Partner with Capt. Shorey, was married at Bexley in Kent to Miss Leticia Tucker, Daughter of Samuel Tucker, of Tooting, Esq; a Lady of great Merit and Fortune. On Saturday last, being the Anniversary of his Ma- jesty's Coronation, the Morning was usher'd in with Ringing of Bells, at Noon his Majesty receiv'd the
Compliments of the Nobility and Gentry, at his Palace at Kensington; at One o'clock the Park and Tower Guns were fir'd, and the Evening concluded with Bon- fires, and other publick Demonstrations of joy, through- out the Cities of London and Westminster, and Suburbs thereof. St. James's Palace is order'd to be got ready the 28th Instant for the Reception of the Royal Family, his Ma- jesty then intending to remove from Kensington to that Palace. They write from South Carolina, that Admiral War- ren has appointed Capt. Everet to be Commander of his Majesty's Ship the Aldborough, on that Station, in the room of Ashby
Utting, Esq; deceas'd. On Thursday last Abraham Hume, Esq; his Majesty's Commissary General for Stores and Provisions, was married at Wormley in Hertfordshire to Miss Hannah Frederick, of Sackville- Street, youngest Daughter to the late Sir Thomas Frederick. Last Week Charles Beate, Esq, was married at Peter- borough to Miss Clavering, Daughter to the Right REV. the Lord Bishop of that Diocese. Last Saturday Mr. Cornburne, Secretary to the British Consul at Lisbon, was married at St. Martin Orgars, to Miss Arbouin, eldest Daughter to Mr. Arbouin, one Of the Directors of the London Assurance Office, and Grand
Daughter of Gideon l'Eglise, Esq; a young Lady of great Beauty, Merit and Fortune. On Saturday last died, at his House in Southampton- Row, that eminent Portrait painter Mr. James Francis Maubert, aged 80, who for many Years past had re- tir'd from Business. Last Sunday died, at his Lodgings in Gutter- Lane, Cheapside, the Rev. Mr. Sparks, who was latey presented 10 a Living of 100], per Annum. They write from Stockholm, that the Dyet of the States of Sweden go on very regularly, have named all their general Committees, and have resolved to present a considerable Sum of Money, by Way of Free Gift, to the young
Prince Gustavus. The last Advices from Warsaw are not altogether so favourable with respect to the Dyet of Poland, the first and second Sessions of which have been very tumultuous. The French King's Embassador has presented a Letter from his Master, written with his own Hand, and ad- dressed t0 his Majesty of Poland, which is thought very extraordinary, the Crown of France having never given the Title of Majesty to the Kings of Poland before. The King of Prussia has also published a long Manifesto in Latin, with great Professions of Friendship to the King and Republick. The last Letters from Naples say, that they have
been very agreeably surprized with the Arrival of 1200 Spa- nish Troops from Barcelona, and the Assurances given by his Catholick Majesty, of his sending 9000 Foot and 2000 Horse more immediately. The Beginning of last Week the young Fellow who robb'd Mr. Peters, an eminent Goldsmith in the Borough of Southwark, was taken at North- Allerton in York- shire, by the Postmaster of that Place but as they were carrying him over a Bridge, to the House of a Justice of Peace, he leap'd into the River and was drown'd in the Sight of all the People. Last Saturday William Lewin was committed to Newgate, by Sir Richard Hoare,
Knt. Lord Mayor, charg'd on the Oath of John Neale, for being concern'd with one Thomas Macklean, who was brought from the Compter to Newgate the Day before, in feloniously stealing a Silver Watch of the Value of two Guineas, Their Ages together don't exceed 23 Years, though old Offenders. The said William Lewin, when the Officers were in pursuit of him, jump'd out of a Window one Story high. The same Day John Jetter, who was committe to New- gate some thime ago for a Felony, for which he should have been try'd last Sessions, but was so ill that he could not be brought down to the Old Baily, and who made his
Escape about three Weeks since, was retaken in Wap- ping and brought to the said Gaol, double Iron'd, and put into one of the Cells. Last Saturday Night about Eight o'Clock, as Mr. Hendy, who keeps the Crown at Bayswater, was re- ceiving some Money at a Chandler's Shop in Ryder Street, St. James's, the Master of the Shop order'd his Boy to hold the Horse, and accordingly the Boy got upon the Horse to ride about, when a Man in a Sailor's Dress forced the Boy to tide further than he intended, which was into Bury- Street, where he knock'd him off the Horse, and afterwards rode away with it. This Fellow is suppos'd be
one H y S— ms, a Hackney Coachman, who was transported about four or five Months since, he having been seen that Evening in the same Neighbourhood with a Brace of Pistols in his Pockets. Yesterday the Court met at St. Margaret's Hill, pur- suant to their Adjournment, when Sir Martin Wright, one of the Justices of the Court of King's- Bench, Sir James Reynolds, one of the Barons of the Exchequer, and Mr. Justice Clarke, being seated on the Bench, the Keeper of the Gaol was order'd to bring to the Bar Sir James Kinloch and Roderick M'Cullogh, and the Clerk of the Arraigns having read their Indictments for High
Treason they both pleaded Guilty, relying entirely on his Majesty's Mercy. The Grand Jury had five Bills prepar'd, but two only were found, for want of Witnesses, who are not yet come from the North. The Bills found were against James Buchanan and Andrew Spruell, for High Trea- son. And then the Court adjourn'd to Wednesday the 22d Instant, when the Trials of the Rebel Prisoners will certainly begin. We have certain Advice from Falmouth, of the 9th Instant, that four Transports of Admiral Lestock's Fleet, were arrived there, and give an Account, that the Troops under General Sinclair landed the 21st of September, O. S. at
Quimperlay, and marched directly to Port 1' Orient, and was before it five Days, but they re- imbarked on the 28th and that on the 1st Instant, a violent Gale of Wind came on, in which several of the Transports lost their Anchors, it being foul Ground, and ths whole Fleet was obliged to put to Sea ; and the above four Ships being separated from the rest of the fleet, made the best of their Way to Falmouth. Major Bell, who commands the Troops on Board those Trans- ports, has wrote up for further Orders, as they had no Place of Rendezvous, in Case of Separation, given them before they sailed from the Coast of France. , By the
Cartel Ship arrived at Plymouth we have Ad- vice, that on the 6th Instant, O. S. the Tyger, a French Privateer of 36 Guns, returned to St. Malo's, very much shattered in an Engagement with the Tuscany, Sprackling, from London for Leghorn, on the 1st Inst. oif the Lizzard. The Tuscany fought ' till she had five Feet Water in her Hold, and her Captain killed, and then she struck ; but foon after foundered, with several of her own Crew, and the Privateer's Men on board. They write from tiie Sound, October 15, N. S. that on the several Sea Coasts of Denmark and Sweden, there had been violent Storms, in which great Numbers of
Ships have been drove from their Anchors; and it's said that Capt. Lister, Wyer and Spanton, are lost near the Scaw: Capt. Spencer, who was in the Storm, got into Gottenbourg, with five Feet Water in his Hold. Extract of a Letter from Boston in New- England, dated Sept. 9. We have an Account from Deerfield, that on the 22d of August one of their Soldiers was kill'd by the Indians, as he was going with several others to Col- rain', and that on Monday the 25th, seven Men and a Woman being at Work in a Field at Deerfield, were attack'd by them ; three of them were scalp'd, two others had their Heads cut off, and the Woman
was so desperately wounded, that it's thought she cannot recover. The Town being alarm'd, several People went out after the Enemy, one of whom was found kill'd and thrown into a Pond; but he was taken out and scalp'd by our People. Another Indian is thought to be kill'd, or desperately wounded, by a large Quantity of Blood being discover'd where one was carried off. Numbers of People have been kill'd near Albany by the Enemy Indians.' The following is said to be a genuine Account of the young Pre- tender's Escape after the Battle of Colloden. That decesive Engagement was fought on the 16th of April, 1746, in which
the Pretender had his Horse shot under him, by one of the Troopers in the King's Service, as he was endeavouring t0 rally his People. After his Forces were entirely defeated, he resis'd to the House of a Factor of Lord L— v— t, about ten Miles from Inverness; where, meeting with that Lord, he staid Supper. After Supper was over he set out for Fort Augustus, and pursued his Journey next Day to Invergarry, where he propos'd to have din'd ; but finding no Victuals, he set a Boy to fishing, who caught two Salmon, on which he made a Dinner, and continued waiting there for some of his Troops, who had promis'd to rendezvous at
that Place; but being disappointed, he resolv'd to proceed to Loch harcige. He arriv'd there on the 18th, at Two in the Morn- ing, where he went to sleep, which he had not done for five Days and Nights, He remain'd there ' till Five o'Clock in the Afternoon, in hopes of obtaining some Intelligence, but gaining none, he set out from thence on Foot, and travell'd to the Glen of Morar, where he arriv'd on the 19th, at Four in the Morning. He set out about Noon the same Day for Arrashag, where he arriv'd about Four in the Afternoon. He remain'd there seven Days, waiting for Capt. O'Neil, who join'd him on the 17th, and inform'd him,
that there were no Hopes of drawing his Troops together again in a Body; upon which he resolv'd to go to Storn- way, in order 10 hire a Ship to go to France. The Person employ'd for this Purpofe, was one Do- nald M'Leod, who had an Interest there. On the 18th he went on board an Eight- oar'd Boat, in com- pany with Sullivan, and O'Neil, ordering the People who belong'd to the Boat, to make the best Haste they could to Stornway. The Night proving very tempestuous, they all begg'd of him to go back, which he would not do ; but to keep up the Spirits of the People, he sang them a Highland Song; but the Wea- « 1 ther
growing worse and worse, on the 29th, about Seven in the Morning, they were driven on Shore, on a Point of Land called Rushness, in the Island of Ben- bicula, where, when they got on Shore, the Pretender help'd to make a Fire to warm the Crew, who were almost starv'd to Death with Cold. On the 30th, at Six in the Evening, they set sail again for Stornway, but meeting with another Storm, were oblig'd to put into the Island of Scalpa, in the Harris, where they all went on Shore to a Farmer's House, passing for Merchants that were shipwreck'd in their Voyage to the Orkneys, the Pretender and Sullivan; going by the Names of
Sinclair ; the latter passing, for the fa- ther, and the former his Son. They thought proper to send from thence to Donald M'Leod, at Stornway, with instructions to freight a Ship for the Orkneys. On the 3d of May they rc- ceiv'd a Message from him that a Snip was ready. On the 4th they set out on Foot for that Place, where. they arriv'd on the 5th, about Noon ; and meeting with Donald M'Leod, they found that he had got in- to Company; where, growing druuk, he had told a Friend of his for whom, he had hir'd the Ship upon which there were two hundred People in Arms AT Stornway, upon a Report thai the pretender was landed
with five hundred Men, and was coming to burn the Town ; so that they were oblig'd to lie all Night upon the Moor, with no other Resreshment than Biscuit and Brandy. On the 6th they resolv'd to go in the Eight oar'd Boat to the Orkneys, but the Crew refus'd to venture so that they were oblig'd to steer South along the Coast Side, where they met with two English Ships, and this compell'd them t0 put into a desart Island, where they remain'd ' till the ioth, without pro- vision but some Salt Fish they found upon the island. About Ten in the Morning of that Day, they em- bark'd for the Harris, and at Break of Day, On the 11th, they
were chased by an English Ship, bur made their Escape among the Rocks. About Four n the Afternoon they arriv'd at the Island of Benbicula, where they staid ' till the 14th, and then set out for the Mountain of Currida, in South Uist, where they staid ' till the Militia of the Isle of Sky came to the Island of Irasky, and then sail'd for the Island of Uia, where they remain'd three Nights-, til having Intelli- gence that the Militia were coming towards benbi- cula, they immediately got into their Boat, and sail'd for Lochbusdale ; but being met by some Ships of War, they were oblrg'd to return to Lochaguart, where they remained all Day, and
at Night sail'd for Loch- busdale, where they arriv'd, and staid eight Days on a Rock, making a Tent of the Sail of the Boat. They found themselves there in a most dreadful Si- tuation for having Intelligence that Cap . Scot had landed at Kilbride, the Company was oblig'd to sepa- rate, and the Pretender and O'Neil went to the Moun- tains, where they remain'd all Night, and soon after were inform'd that General Campbell was at Bernary so that now they had Forces very near, on both Sides of them, and were absolutely at a Loss which way to move. In their Road they met with a young Lady, one Miss M'Dona! d, to whom Cap.
O'Neil propos'd assisting the Pretender to make his Escape, which at first she refus'd ; but upon his offering to put on Wo- man's Cloaths, she consented, and desir'd them to go to the Mountain of Currada, ' till she sent for them, where they accordingly staid two Days; . but hearing nothing from the young Lady, the Pretender conclu.- ded she would not keep her Word, and therefore re- solv'd to send Capt. O'Neil to General Campbell, to let him know He was willing to surrender to him i but about Five in the Evening a Message came from the young Lady, desiring them to meet her at Rushness. Being afraid to pass by the Ford,
because of the Mili- tia, they luckily found a Boat, which carried them to the other Side of Uia, where they remain'd part of the Day, afraid of being seen by the Country people. In the Evening they set out for Rushness, and arriv'd there at Twelve at Night ; but not finding the young Lady, and being alarm'd by a Boat full of Militia they were oblig'd to retire two Miles back, where the Pretender remain'd on a Moor ' till O'Neil went to the young Lady, and prevailed upon her to come to the Place appointed, at Night- fall of the next Day. About an Hour after they had an Account of General Campbell's Arrival at Benbicula, which Oblig'd
them to move to another Part of the Island, where, as the Day broke, they discover'd four Sail close on the Shore, making directly up to the Place where they were ; so that there was nothing left for them to do, ' but to throw themselves among the Heath. When the Wherries were gone, they resolv'd to go to Clan- ronald's House; but when they were within a Mile of it they heard General Campbell was there, which forced them to retreat again ; and soon after O'Neal was taken; and we have no Account of the Preten- der's Proceedings afterwards. This Day Rank Stock was 134. India Stock 177. South Sea Stock 110 Price. Ditto
Old Annuities 104 1 haftC Ditro New 101 r half. Four per Cent. Bank Annuities 101. Three per Cent. Annuities 8; 3 qrs. Million bank io5 1 half Equivalent no Price. royal Assurance 79 1 half. London Assuranes it 1 Sth. English Copper y I. Seven per Cent, emperors loan 110 Price. Five per Cent, ditto no Price ' Bank Circulation 110 Price. India- Bonds il. i( Ss. to 17* ' Prem. Three 1 half Salt Tallies no Price. Three 1 half per cent. exchequer Orders no Price. Three per Cent, ditto no Price. lottery Tiokets to I. 13 s. 6d. Life Annuities 13 Years purchase. > WHEREAS WILLIAM WALLSOM, a tall, slim Lad, about 20 Years of Age, had
on a brown wigg, a dark- colour'd Coat with white Metal Buttons, and black Plush Breeches, hath absconded from his Master's Service whoever entertains, harbours, or employs him, shull be pro- secuted to the utmost Rigour of the Law ; or whoever will give Notice where he is, or bring him to his master, WIL- LIAM GARFORTH, Brush- maker, in the Old- Baily, shall he rewarded for their Trouble equal to the Merits of the De- linquent. N. B. If he will return to his Duty, and lead a new Life, he shall be receiv'd, and his past Faults forgiven. ' LONDON: Printed by J. MERES in the Old Baily near Ludgate, where Advertisements are
taken in