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The Whitehall Evening-Post; or, London Intelligencer


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The Whitehall Evening-Post; or, London Intelligencer

Date of Article: 31/07/1746
Printer / Publisher: C. Corbett 
Address: Addison's Head, opposite St Dunstan's Church in Fleet-street, London
Volume Number:     Issue Number: 72
No Pages: 4
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- THE WHITEHALL EVENING- POST; O R, L O N D O N INTELLIGENCER. THURSDAY, J U L Y 31, 1746. No 72. Published every T U E S A Y, early in the Evening. From tbe LONDON G A Z E T T E. Vienna, July 23, N. S. cOUNT Brown, having left the King of Sardinia with the Remainder of the Com- bined Army to guard the Trebia, was, on the 21st or 22d, to pass the Po at Arena, and the Lambro, at or about St. Columbino, with a Com- bined Body of sixteen Au- strian, and fourteen Piedmon- - tese Battalions, three Austrian and three Piedmontese Regiments of Cavalry, and a thousand Irregulars ; - while General Roth, with a Body of twelve Austrian Battalions, two Regiments of Horse, and some Hus- sars, was to operate about Soncino, Orci Novi, and Orci Vecchi, upon the Oglio, and from thence to the Adda, in order to join Count Brown, and to invest the Spaniards which are at Lodi, Codogno, Fombio, Guarda Meglio, & c. during which Time . General Nadasti was to be posted at or about Fioren- zulo, upon the Emilian Way, with about eight thou- sand Hussars and regular Cavalry. At the Camp at Borckloch, July 27, N. S. Since my last, of the 24th Instant, our Army has made two Marches, the first to Sandhoven, and the second to this Place; we halt To- morrow, and then proceed toward Namur, and hope to be in time for the sa- ving of that Town. We have taken Possession of Arschott, and Lewe, whilst the French possessed themselves of Halen and Diest. Their Army re- mains behind Louvain, where they are assembling all the Force they can ; whether with a Resolution to attack us, or in Expectation of being attacked, two Days will determine. At the Camp of the Allied Army at Viler, August 3, N. S. Count Daun has been detached ever since the 26th with Ten thousand Men upon our Right flank ; General Trips, with a Corps of Hussars and Pan- dours, is advanced a little March from him upon his Right Flank. And Baronai with another Corps and our Free Companies, is half a March in the Rear of Count Daun, upon his Right Flank also ; every Party of the Enemy that shews itself is attack- ed, and generally with Success. The ist Instant we passed the Mehaigne in six Columns, and marched in Order of Battle, the Cannon at the Head of each Battalion, and encamped our Right at Wasseige, our Left towards Longechamp and Ostin, Count Daun between Athe and St. Germains, General Trips at Athe, and the Pandours advanced to St. Denis; Count Lowendahl was then at Judoigne with Four- teen thousand Men ; Count Clermont between that and Tirlemont with Ten Thousand, Fifteen hundred in Gemblours, the French Grand Army still behind Louvain, raising Redoubts, & c. They are called Eighty thousand, and the whole is believed to be One hundred and thirty thousand Men. An Hour after our Arrival on this Side the Mehaigne, the Marshal had Advice that Count Lowendahl had marched to Gemblours and Sombref with all his Corps; that Marshal de Saxe, by very forced Marches, was come from Louvain to Conroy and the Seven Stars; and that the Prince of Conti had made a Detachment from Charleroy to reinforce him. Upon this, our Corps de Reserve was immediately ordered to march to support Count Daun ; and Prince Charles, with the other Generals in Chief, went the next Morning with all the Grenadiers to St. Denis, about a Mile from Count Lowendahl's Body, to see if it was possible to attack him ; but they found him covered by the River of Gemblours, Woods, and large Redoubts, at which they had worked all Night, and also supported by Count Saxe's whole Army, and therefore the Design was not practicable. Charleroy has surrendered in less than three Days from the Opening of the Trenches before it. The Enemy are now within Sight of us at the strong Camp of Gemblours, and the Prince of Conti at Fleurus. A Battery is to be planted this Night to dislodge them from the Castle of Mazy. Namur is out of all Danger of being besieged. Yes- terday Morning the Hussars took 60 Men and 5 Officers Prisoners, and killed 40. Another Party killed 300 French Pandours, Deserters from our Ar- my and brought into St. Denis also another Party of 40 Swiss, taken within Musket Shot of the French Camp. Hague, Aug. 2. N. S, By our last Accounts, Prince Charles's Head Quarters were on the 29th past at Warem, near Liege. We hear that the French have sent off all their heavy Baggage to Brussels. This Step, and the Position of the two Armies, raise the greatest Expectations of the next News from that Quarter ; though the Return of the French King is not fixed till the 10th Instant. Letters of the 19th past, from the Austrian Army upon the Po, confirm the Junction and joint Commands having taken Place on the 16th ; and add, that every Thing was pre pared for entering upon Action ; two Bridges having been thrown by his Sardinian Majesty over the Po be- low, and two above Placentia Our Advices from Paris say positively, that the Brest Fleet and Tran- sports are sailed for America. Hague, Aug. 5. N. S. The Letters of the 23d past from the Combined Army upon the Trebia, speak of the Preparations still continuing for its passing the Po; and fix the 25th ditto for the Execution of it. FOREIGN INTELLIGENCE. RussiA. Petersburg, July 12. iT is said that the Activity and Success of r j^ i approaching Diet of Poland will de- pend chiefly on the Negociations of the Count de Vitzhum, who is coming hither with the Character of Ambassador - Extraordinary. All that we know concerning the Imperial Army assembled in Livonia is, that the Cavalry have Fo- rage only to the End of July, and that Orders have been given to exercise frequently all the Corps, both Infantry and Horse, that compose it. M. D'Allion having lately received a Courier from Versailles, we are assured, he has told our Ministers, That his ' most Christian Majesty has been much surprised to ' hear, that according to the general Report, the ' numerous Troops which the Empress has assembled ' for fome Time past, upon the Frontiers of Poland, ' were designed to act offensively against France, in ' favour of the Courts of Vienna and London, not- ' withstanding the repeated Declarations of his Mi- nisters, concerning his Majesty's Disposition to ac- cept the Mediation offered by Russia for an Accom- ' modation, while the Courts both of London and ' Vienna had absolutely refused to listen to her Im- perial Majesty's pacific Intentions.' It is not yet known what Answer was given to this Minister; but we are persuaded, that whatever may be the Resolu- tions of the Court, they were not taken till after mature Deliberations, and will not be departed from, whatever Representations may be made to the contrary. GERMANY. Franckfort, July 27. The Empress Queen has caused Representations to be made to the associated Circles, by her Minister in this City, that as new Circumstances may accrue, wherein the French Troops may re- enter the Empire, it seems to her necessary, for the Good of the Germanic Body, to agree, that if in such Case any one of the Circles [ PR ICE THREE- HALFPENCE. ] should be attacked, the other Circles shall immedi- ately repair to its Defence, with all its Power. Af- ter some Deliberations upon this Matter, it was de- creed that the Circles should mutually assist each other on all Occasions, wherein any one of them might be attacked or insulted by any Foreign Power whatsoever. To the AUTHOR, & c. SIR, THE Nation in general, at the breaking out of the Rebellion, discovered such a becoming Zeal in Favour of the present Royal Family, as plainly declared it to be contrary to the Desire and Senti- men's, not only of the best, but the greatest Part of the People, the Clergy too have given laudable Instances of their Zeal and Attachment to the present Established Religion and Government, in their Dis- courses against Popery from the Pulpit. It is not therefore unnatural to imagine the Success which has attended his Majesty's Arms, to be a Consequence of that extraordinary Unanimity so visible in the Na- tion, when the Plague of Rebellion first broke out; and to attribute to that Means the happy Extinguish- ment of the Rebellion, and the present Tranquility to which the Nation is restored. But there are some things remain untouched, necessary to be put in Practice, which seem to have escaped the Notice of those who have written against Popery, during the Troubles which have lately infested these Kingdoms. The Devil has always been represented as very active and diligent to seduce Mankind from those Practices which are laudable, and to entice them from the Pursuit of commendable Actions ; for this Reason our Divines warn us always to be upon the Watch, that we may guard against him with all pos- sible Dilgence. The Pope of Rome, in Imitation of that wicked Being, has his Emissaries in every Corner of the Earth, operating upon Men's Minds, and seducing them to enlist under the Banner of the Church of Rome ; and, like the Devil's, his Agents appear in all Shapes, so that many poor Wretches are frequently betrayed without discovering the clo- ven Foot. In this Town there are Numbers, whose Business is making Proselites, and are as active in their Business, as the Ministers of Hell ; Jesuits, some in Mechanic Garbs, some in the Shape of School- masters, some in various Dresses at various Times; and others who scruple not to exercise their proper Function, and endeavour after Converts at Noon- day. Many Families entertain them knowing- ly for the sake of keeping a good Lodger, others for no Reason at all ; by this means they mix with the People and communicate their infectious Principles to half the Community : And to this may be attri- buted the Growth of Popery in this Nation, more than to any other Cause. If they know a poor Crea- tere in Want, they frequently relieve him with Bread, and often visit the Sick ; thus while they administer Comfort to the Bodies, they pour Poyson into the Minds of those they pretend to assist If such Men as these are suffered to go on at this Rate, I do not know what ill Effects might not be expected from them. But more especially to have them mix with our Schools and Seminaries, has something so abomi. liable in it, that our Language has not Terms to ex- press it with sufficient Detestation and Horror. Besides the Pains taken by their Priests, People of the Romish Perswasion are extremely assiduous in promoting the Temporal Advantages of each other; this, added to the Artifices of their Teachers, affords them, not only a greater Probability of gaining Pro- selites, but a surer Method of securing themselves from any Attempts made by Teachers of other Pro- fessions to convert them, these are Instances of In- dustry, which the Ministers nor People of the Esta- blished Church can pretend to. HHI— IHHHi since then neither the Ministers nor the People of Church of England are so strenuous in maintain- ing their Ground against the Popish Invaders of their the latter are to invade; nor so indu- strious to increase the number of the Church, as the : :... :. of the Church of Rome are to multiply ; the Consequence will be, that the Pope in Time acquire the Superiority of Number, and s0 effect that through our own Indolence, which he could not do by open Violence. I am Sir, yours, & c A. B. SHIP NEWS. Deal, July 28. Sailed Yesterday after Post his Majesty's Ships Faulkland and Amazon, on a Cruize ; and this Morning the Fox Man of War on a Cruize. Arrived his Majesty's Ship the Flambo- rough, with several Coasters from the Northward ; and all sailed to the Westward ; but are since put back. Arrived the Nathaniel, Browning ; and John and Anne, Long, from Riga. Wind S. W. Gravesend, July zS. passed by Bridgwater, Ap- pleton ; three brothers, Faroh ; and the Jolly Batchelor, Kemp, from Barbadoes ; New England Gally, Fortall, from Antigua j Willett, Griffith; and Anne and jane, Harman, from St Kitts; the Free Unity, Morrison; ; Nicholas and Anne, Fol- ker ; Ebenezer, Dedikin ; St. Johannes, Mous; and Peter and Bridget, Dauhl, from Norway. The Fanny, Middleton, from Antigua, is arrived at Antigua. Deal. July 29. This Morning put back his Ma- jesty's ship the Winchelsea, the fox, Amazon, and ferret sloop, with all the Outward bound Ships; and remain with his Majesty's Ship the Flamborough and the outward bound Ships as in my last. Came down his Majesty's Ship Pluto. Wind S. W. Gravesend '. July 29 Passed by the Providence,' Dauhl; and Providence, Saunderson, from Norway; Ewen Gally, Friend ; and Molineux, Snelling, from St Kitts ; and the Fort St. George, Captain Acton, from India. Dartmouth, July 27 Last Night sailed from. Torbay his Majesty's Ship Chatham, with the Fleet under her Convoy. Wind E N. E. Weymouth, July 28. Just now came to an Anchor in Portland Road ; the Sea Nymph, Lee, of London, for the West Indies. Wind S. S, W. Pool, July 18. Sailed the Hope, Mourant, of and for Guernsey . ' Cowes, July 28. Sailed the Happy Return, Jacket, from Guernsey, for Newhaven; Catherina, Thomason, from Mandal, for a Market; Elizabeth, Glegg, from London, for Liverpool; Hopewell, Haddock, for Lisbon ; and Sarah, Benson, for Cork, both from London. The Albemarle, Grayson ; and St. George, - from Africa, are arrived at Virginia. - The Mor- timer, Lansdown, from Bristol, at ditto. The Alice, Dagg;, from Virginia at Bristol The Expedition, Macfarian, from Virginia at Hull — The Seine, —-, from ditto, at Clyde, To the AUTHOR, & c. SIR, WHEN Men have aCted overtly against the Laws they have sworn to live under ; when they make their Sovereign's Life and Crown, the Property and Liberty of a People, the Stake of the Game ; ( if I may so express it;) and when they mis- carry in such a violent Attempt, and are taken in open Arms; a Man who should utter any mild or softened Expression in their Favour would almost be deemed a Rebel, and an Enemy to the Constitution. But I earnestly hope the Reader will put a more fa- vourable Construction upon what 1 am going to say. When the Lords Kilmarnock, Cromartie, and Bal- merino, were brought Yesterday to the Bar of the House of Lords, the first spoke near twenty Mi- nutes ; the second spoke, but not to be heard so di- stinctly as the former ; during which time his Heart was so big with Sorrow and Shame, that he could scarcely go on. I do not add the Word Shame out of any ill- natured Reflection ; I have as much Companion for the poor unhappy Gentlemen, as any one can have, who loves his King and Country. But Lord Kilmarnock spoke very audibly; he took Notice of his Misfortune in being deluded from his Allegiance to his Majesty, to follow the Cause of the Pretender; of his having always been, till this un- happy Instance, a loyal and faithful SubjeCt ; and enforced this Assertion by shewing, that he had trained up his Son, who was in the Battle of Cullo- den among the King's Troops, in the Revolution Principles ; that he had taught him to imbibe them while he was very young, and he thanked God ( this was his Expression) that, unhappy as he was, he had lived to see them put in Practice, and had been an Eye Witness of the good Effect of his Endeavours. When he came to this Part of the Speech, my Heart melted for him, and he must have an extreme good, or an extreme bad one, that could have withstood this moving Part : And I am thoroughly convinced that there was no one in Westminster Hall who did not with, either that they were innocent, or that he could make Interest for their Lives without being thought an Enemy to his Country. For my Part, I was touched with Abundance of Companion for them, though I knew those very Men. were engaged in the most desperate Cause, ever attempted in the World, by any Set of People. Their Hearts were full of Cruelty, and their Designs the most bloody that Man's Imagination could frame. When I think of this, Pity towards them, is Cruelty towards the King's good Subjects, and a Man can wish for no- thing more hurtful to the whole Community, than a Pardon to those who would have involved the whole in Ruin. However, I shall conclude by saying, that their Looks moved a kind Compassion, and that they behaved with extreme Decency. I am, & c. Z. Y. LONDON INTELLIGENCE. Advices from Ratisbon, dated the 22d of July, in- form us, that Baron Kayserling, the Russian Minister, has sent to the Ambassador Director of Mayence, his Credential Letters written in Latin, of which the following is a Translation ! Elizabeth, by the Grace of God, Sovereign Empress of all the Russias, Muscovy, & c. ' Most dear and noble Friends, assembled at the Diet of the Empire, having judged it necessary to to send you our Privy Counseller, Herman Kay- serling, in the Quality of Minister Plenipotentiary ; It is our very earnest Request, that you give a fa- vourable Attention, and entire Credit, to all with which he is charged on our Part; especially as we shall always recommend it to him in a particular Manner, to give your Assembly the most positive Assurances of our Attachment and unalterable Af- feCtion for the EleCtors, Princes, and States of the Germanick Body. Furthermore, Wc pray the Al- mighty, most dear and noble Friends, to have you in his Holy Protection. Done at Petersbourg, the 23d of Sept. 1745. Your good Friend, ELIZABETH. Alexis Count de BestuchefF Rumin. Letters from Gap in Dauphiny say, that a great Number of Soldiers continually arrive there in their Rout for Lyons ; that great Quantities of Provisions are amassed for the Use of this Army; and that Peo- ple are driven out of their Houses to have them con- verted into Magazines; from which Use the Church has been with Difficulty exempted. These Letters add, that the Church may still be doomed to that unhal- lowed Use, since Provisions are continually carried in- to the Town, and no convenient Room to lodge them. Letters from Paris say, that the Dauphiness finding herself very ill the Night after she was brought to Bed, and the Fever increasing, the Physicians ordered her to be bled feveral Times in the Arms and Feet, but her Disorder growing continually worse and worse, she received the Sacraments, and expired soon after. The Dauphin is said to have been troubled so much for the Loss of the Dauphiness, as to throw him into a flight Fit of Illness ; but that, by being bled, he is pretty well again. Letters from Paris dated July 25 say, that an Ex- press arrived there the Day before, with an Account of the Death of Queen Stanislaus The Swiss are alarmed at the mighty Armament going forward in Russia, and have accordingly rein- forced several of the Frontier Garrisons. However the Ruffian Minister gives them new Affirmations from Time to Time, that they have nothing to fear from that Quarter. Notwithstanding the Assurances the New King, Ferdinand, of Spain, has given his most Christian Ma- jesty of continuing to use the same Measures with the late King his Father; penetrating Politicians say, that these Assurances are nothing but an EfFeCt of that Courtliness very frequent with Princes, and seem to be positive, that his ACtions will not be so favourable ' to the Schemes of France as his Promises intimate. We hear that both Houses of Parliament will cer- tainly rise some Day next Week. And that the Earl of Kellie and the Lord Lo- vat will not be tried till the Meeting of the Parlia- ment again. On Monday his Royal Highness the Prince of Wales went to Kew to Dinner, and returned to Leicester House at Night. Very great Interest is making for a Pardon for the Earls of Kilmarnock and Cromartie, who pleaded guilty on Monday last. We hear by Letters from Deal of the 27th Instant, that his Majesty's Ship the Fox, Captain Shirley, had brought in thither two Swedish Vessels, which he had taken going into Dunkirk, and that they were ordered to Dover to be examined. There is Advice, that two Privateers of New York, have taken on a Cruize two Prizes, one of them a small Sloop laden with Provifions, the other a Spanilh Ship bound for the Havanna from Cartha- gena. The William and Sarah, Captain Crisp, with a Brigantine, commanded by Capt. Jos. Stevens, from New England for Jamaica, are both taken, and carried into Porto Rico. Yesterday the Lord High Steward went in grand Procession to the House of Peers in the same manner, as mentioned in this Paper on Tuesday last After which the Lords in their Robes went in Pro- cession to Westminster Hall, and having taken their proper Places, and Proclamation made for Silence, the three Lords were brought to the Bar, with the Ax carried with them. After which the Lord High Steward made a learned Speech for near half an Hour to them, and concluded it with asking them, It they had any thing to move in Arrest of Judgment, who all kneeled at the Ear, till they were told they might rise. Then the Earl of Kilmarnock being asked, If he had any thing to move in Arrest of Judgment; after making an elegant Speech, said he had nothing to offer, but humbly to implore their Lordships Inter- cession with his Majesty for Mercy. The Earl of Cromartie did likewise the same. The Lord Balmerino was asked the Question, If he had any thing to offer in Arrest of Judgment, and he desired Council may be assigned him, to assist in making his Defence ; which was granted accordingly, and Mr Wilbraham and Mr. Forrester were assigned him as Council. \ The said three Lords are to be brought up again Tomorrow. There is Advice, that three Spanish Galleys, each being of considerable Force, bound for the Havanna, have in their Passage from Cadiz, taken several Prizes belonging to the American Colonies ; three of them are said to be very rich. By Letters from the West Indies by the last Fleet arrived, there is an Account, that two Privateers from Hispaniola are taken by three Privateers fitted out for that Purpose by the Planters, & c. in the West Indies. A Treaty of Marriage is concluded, and will shortly be consummated, between Peter Leheup, Jun. Esq; of St. James's Place, and Miss Lehook, Daughter of Benjamin Lehook, an eminent Merchant, deceased ; a very agreeable young Lady, with a large Fortune. Yesterday Sir Everard Fawkener, Secretary to his Royal Highness the Duke of Cumberland, and Tho- mas Wyndham, Esq; Treasurer to his Royal High- ness, came to Town from Scotland. On Monday Night a Person of Distinction, of Scotland, was brought to Town in Custody of a Messenger. It is said that a Person of Quality has very suddenly disappeared. On Thursday about 18 Highlanders arrived at New- castle in their Way for London, to be Evidence in the Trials of the Rebels at St Margaret's Hill. On Monday last the Right Hon. Hugh Lord Clin- ton was introduced into the House of Peers, by the Earls of Warwick and Sandwich, and took the Oaths and his Seat as Earl Clinton The fourth and last General Seal, which was ap- pointed to be held at Lincoln's Inn Hall, before the Lord High Chancellor as Tuesday, was put off till this Day. Last Week four Landsmen challenged four of the best Watermen belonging to Shadwcll Dock Stairs, to row sixteen Miles for four Guineas; the Wager being laid, the Watermen fearful of being beat, forfeited the Money to their great Shame and Dis- grace. Yesterday the Court of Directors of the East India Company, appointed the' Rev. Mr. Joseph Burges, to be Chaplain at Bencoolen in the room of the Rev. Mr. Fordyce, who is removed to Fort St. George. The same Time Capt. Nathaniel Hancock, Com- mander of the Norfolk, took his Leave of the said Court, in order to procecd immediately on his Voyage The Names of the Persons reprieved at the New- Goal are Charles Deacon, Christopher Taylor, James Wilder, Thomas Furnival, Alexander Abernethy, James Gadd, William Battragh, John Saunderson; the other Nine, viz. Francis Townley, George Flet- cher, James Dawson, Thomas Deacon, John Berwick, Andrew Blood, Thomas Chadwick, Thomas Siddall, and Thomas David Morgan, were executed Yester day Morning at Kennington- Common. A little while before the Rebels went from the New Goal, Charles Deacon ( whose Execution is respited for three Weeks) begged to speak to his Brother Thomas Deacon, but he desired to be ex- cused from the Interview, not from any ill Will, but from a thorough Tenderness, knowing it was partly by his Persuasions that he had been drawn into the Rebellion. Between Nine and Ten o'Clock, they were carried • from the New Goal, Souihwark, in the following Manner, viz. First, a Party of Dragoons, then a large Party of the Foot Guards followed by the three Sledges, in the first of which were Francis Townley, John Berwick, Andrew blood, and the Executioner with a drawn Scymetar; in the second, Thomas David Morgan, Thomas Deacon, and Tho- mas Siddal ; in the third ; James Dawson, George Fletcher, ard Thomas Chadwick, surrounded by the Foot Guards , who also brought up the Rear. When they came to the Place of Execution, they were all put into a Waggon, and the Faggots for burning their Hearts, Entrails, & c. were immediately set fire to When they had passed some Time in Devotion, they desired to speak to each other by themselves, which was granted ; the Discourse continued near a Quarter of an hour with great Earnestness and De- votion, at the End of which they all flung their Hats ( six of them were laced with Gold) Prayer- Books, and some papers, among the Spectators, on which the Executioner pulled their Caps out of their Pockets, and putting them on, drew them over their Eyes, and they were immediately turned off. When they had hung about three Minutes, the Soldiers pulled off their Breeches, Stockings, ( which were all white) and Shoes, and soon after the Executioner pulled off their Cloaths, and their bodies being ripped up, their Bowels were taken out, and flung into the Fire. There were present the greatest Number of Specta- tors as ever was seen together in the Memory of Man, some thousands of whom had waited in the Rain several Hours to see the Execution of these unhappy Men. The same Morning Charles Deacon now under Sentence of Death in the New Goal, Southwark) was carried in a Coach, guarded by a Party of Sol- diers, to see the Execution of his Brother, and the other eight Rebels, on Kennington Common. We hear that the Head of Thomas David Morgan is to be fixed on Temple Bar; the Head of James Dawson on the Market Cross at Manchester ; and the Head of Francis Townley on the Castle of Carlisle. It was observed at the Execution of the Rebels Yesterday, that having no Clergyman to attend them, Counsellor Morgan performed that Office, by reading and praying with them before they were turned off Several of them gave the Executioner Money, and one in particular a Watch. Fletcher, who was executed among them, was so desirous in engaging in the Rebellion, that we are assured he gave 150I. for his Commission. Townley, after he was cut down, stript, and laid on his Back to be quartered, being observed to have some Signs of Life in him, the Executioner ( being the same as at Tyburn) gave him a Blow with his Hatchet on the Head, and dispatched him before he cut him up. On Tuesday a Scotch Earl, said to be the Earl of Traquair, was taken into Custody at Great Stoughton in Huntingdonshire ; he is now under the Care of Mr. Ward, one of his Majesty's Messengers in St. Martin's Lane. It is reported, that upwards of twenty Persons are impeached for being concerned ia the late Rebellion, and that several of them are sent for up to Town in Custody of the Messengers We hear that some of the Persons lately taken up called themselves a Committee for raising Money in Town for the Pretender's Service. The Golden Fleece, Captain Brown, bound for Carolina from Jamaica, is lost a few Leagues off Charles Island near the Island of Cuba ; the Captain and Part of the Crew were saved, and carried into the Havanna, and are since come in a Cartel Ship to Ja- maica, for an Exchange of Prisoners. Yesterday the Right Hon. the Lord Mayor held a Court of Conservacy at Greenwich, and afterwards dined at Blackheath. We hear, that a noted Chief's Steward in the North of Scotland has been taken Prisoner in the Isle of Sky, for lodging the young Pretender in his House ; and though the Steward has been heavily loaded with Irons, and urged strenuously to confess where the Pretender now is, he positively refused it. ' Tis said the young Pretender is in miserable Plight, forlorn, and obliged to take up with any mean and dirty Lodging. it is reported for certain, that six Rebel Chiefs are taken in the Isle of Sky, and that Sullivan is dead since taken. PREFERMENTS. On Friday last the Right Rev. the Lord Bishop of Ely presented the Rev. Mr. Thomas Talguy, A. M. Fellow of St. John's College, Cambridge, to the Rectory of Hagworthingham in the County of Lin- coln, void by the Promotion of the Rev. Mr. Robert Johnson. 4 A few Days since the Rev Mr. Gibfon, Son of the Bishop of London, resigned his Prebendary of St. Paul's, in Favour of his elder Brother, who was im- mediately inducted into the same. CASUALTIES, Last Sunday the Son of an eminent Tradesman in Cheapside was unfortunately drowned near Windsor, by endeavouring to save his Companion who had been washing himself in the River. And on Tuesday a Coal Heaver, not far from Rat- cliff Cross, stepping out of a Lighter upon the Plank, and having, unfortunately for him, conveyed a large Coal into his Great Coat Pocket, the Weight of it kept him down, so that he was drowned before he could have any Assistance. COMMITMENTS Last Week was committed to Bridewell, on the Complaint of the Overseers of the Poor of the Pa- rish of St. George, Hanover- Square, one Thomas Brown, for fraudulently obtaining money of them by a false and counterfeit Pass, which he confessed was drawn and forged by one Edward Griffith We hear from Hereford, that on Thursday last was committed to their Goal, one. Hooper and his Son, for the Murder of a Gentleman unknown, on the 3d of May last A Servant Girl, that lived with the said Hooper, could not be at Peace in her Mind, till she had discovered this horrid Fact. DEAD. Mr. Richard Carter, Master of the Queen's Head Tavern in Thames Street, near Garlick- Hill. Thomas Huckes, Esq; an eminent and wealthy Brewer in Southwark Of the Gout and Dropsy, at his House at Cookham, in Berkshire, the Rev. Mr. Thomas Aleyn, Rector of that Parish Mrs. Ara- bella Nightingale, a Maiden Lady of considerable Fortune in the Public Funds. At Ham, in Essex. Mr Cornelius Langton, a Brewer at Ratcliff; his Death was occasioned by a violent Blow he received a few Days since on his Return home from Waltham- stow, by a Gang of Fellows, who robbed him of his Watch, two Guineas, and some Silver. SCOTLAND. Edinburgh, July 24. Captain Millar writes from South Ulst, that he was in close Pursuit of the Pre- tender, who had made his Escape to the Island of Sky, and from thence to the Main Land in Lady Clanro- nald's Cloaths Our Army is in a Line betwixt Inverary and Fort William, and 2000 Men scouring the Hills. Yesternight Lieutenant General Hawley arrived here from the Army. from Perth, that Semple's, Wolf's, and Pulte ney's Regiments lying there, are to march from thence for Kinghorn the latter End of this Week ; and to embark on Monday the 28th. On Tuesday was brought up from the North, James Wemyss, Ship master, and is committed to Prison. Last Night David Fitzgerald, who was committed to the tolbooth for Forgery, made his Escape from thence, in Disguise. fort Augustus, July 17. It is publickly reported here that the young Pretender had passed over from the Isle of Sky to the main Land in a Woman's Dress, as Attendant to a Lady who passed over with him ; and that he had made his Escape into the Mountains: But that the Lady was taken by a Man of War's boat in her Passage back to the Isle. What Reality there is in this wc cannot determine ; but we are assured that a strong Detachment was sent from the Camp towards that Country, where he was said to have landed, in quest of him. Seven Regiments of Foot and King- ston's Light Horse are still in Camp here, and four Regiments of Foot at Inverness. On Friday arrived at Stirling, with Lord Lovat in his Litter, Howard's ( Old Buffs) and Cholmondeley's Regiments of Foot; and on that Day Wolfe's Regi- ments of Foot came to Perth. Extract of Letter from Aberdeen, July 14. ' Yesterday Sir Archibald Primrose of Dunipace, ' was brought in Prisoner. There was another gen- teel young Man brought along with him ; he tells us he is a Gentleman, but won't tell who he is.— Sir Archibald's Servant was brought.. They are all yet in the Guard- House, ' till they are ex- amined. POSTSCRIPT. LONDON. WE hear that Dr. Barry, who is now in Custody, has made very considerable Dis- coveries, and that he has received Money for the Pretender's Use. There is a Report this Morning, that L— d B — r e is taken into Custody. A few Days ago died at Twickenham, . , Hunt, Esq; aged 72, as also his Wife aged 70, and are both buried in one Grave. New Tickets to permit Gentlemen and ladies to hear the Trials of the Lord Balmerino, & c. To- morrow, will we hear be printed, and to be delivered as the former, on Account some of the last Tickets being disposed of Yesterday to some Perfons who begged them, they thinking that the Trials would have been ended as that Day; and it is said those who got them, sold them at Half a Crown each. His Majesty's Ship the Lyn is got into the Downs from the River. We have it from undoubted Authority, that Lord Lovat set out from Berwick last Friday Morning, the 25th instant, and that he is to come one Stage a Day, so that it will be the 18th of next Month before he arrives in Town, it being 25 Stages from Berwick to London He is guarded by Major Gardner, and a Detachment of sixty Dragoons At the Execution Yesterday the Prices of the Scaffolding run so high, that the Mob finding Seats be- yond their purchase, took Possession of them by force and turned down all those who had paid great Prices for their places. We have it from pretty good Hands, that Original Letters and Papers are, and will be brought to light through the means of Mr. Murray the young Pre- tender's Secretary., This Discovery is made on Con. dition of Mr. Murray having his Life granted him ; and will afford great helps to find out many of the private Instruments of this unnatural Rebellion. We are credibly informed, that D'Argenson has sent a second Letter to our Court, the Particulars of which we cannot learn, though the general Import concerned the pardoning Capt. Townley. The Letter arrived on Tuesday Night, but Townley found no Benefit from French Intercession. Since the foregoing Paragraph was inserted, we are informed that a Commissary brought the above Letter to demand Townley in exchange on the Cartel, he having pleaded his having Commission from France; but this Demand was treated with suitable Contempt, as such a Compliance would be a sufficient Motive to encourage any dissaffected Sub- jects to rebel, when Traytors can come off with Im- punity. Extract of a Letter from Gosport, July 29. • On Sunday Morning a Duel was fought at Ports- mouth, between Major B d, a Commanding Officer in Portsmouth Garriion, and Capt. H—— ' d Commander of his Majesty's ship the T— lb y at Spithead ; when, after several Passes, the Major was run through the Sword Arm, and likewise into the Body, which Wound is thought to be mortal. ' On Sunday Afternoon his Majesty's Ship the Princessa was towed out of the Harbour, and sailed to Spithead. She had twenty Men out of every Ship at Spithead to attend her. Yesterday Aftcr- noon Admiral Lestock's Flagg was shifted from the Royal George on board her, and this Day the Wages due to the Malborough's Men, and the other Ships Companies turned over to her, is paying at Spithead. It is Hourly expected, that Admiral Lestock, and General St. Clair, who is tolerably recovered from his late Indisposition, will embark and sail with the first fair Wind ' Ships at Spithead, Princessa, Admiral Lestock, Prince George, Vice Admiral Steuart, Princess Royal, Royal George, St. George, Sandwich, Devonshire, Dorsetshire, Edinburgh, Superb, Til- ' bury, Pool, Hastings, Squirrel, Mortar Bomb, Scipio ' and Vulcan Fireships, Weasel, Jamaica and Viper ' Sloops. ' In the Harbour and Dock, the Duke, Captain, ' Yarmouth, Chicester, Lyon, Portland, Hector, ' Inverness, Dilpatch and Scorpion Sloops, and aEtna ' Fireship. Wind S. W. blows fresh. Extract of a Letter from Dartmouth, July 25. Dear Sir, ' I have the Pleasure to acquaint you, that the Wind is got almost to the East, and a brave Gale. We are got out of Torbay with very little Trouble, and are now ( with a great many otner Ships) about a League to the Southward of the Berry- head wait- ing for our Convoy, who is not yet out of the Bay, but expected every Moment. I am, Sir, Yours, & c. N. B. In my last I forgot t0 acquaint you that two or three fmall Privateer:, frequently paid a Tea Visit in the Afternoon, but have done us no Damage, having only picked up a Coaster or two. Extract of a Letter from Dover, July 25 ' Since my last arrived the Thomas and Mary, ' of Dover, Capt. Craige, from Newcastle; put ' back the Ann Hoy, Capt. Cary ; arrived the Richard and William, Capt Gillet, from New- castle. ' Sailed the Perriwinkle Privateer, Capt. Henry Watson. Commander, on a Cruize; put back into the Downs the Ferret sloop, and ten Sail of Vessels under her convoy for plymouth. The Wind strong at S. S. W. high Water this Day 7 Morning a: London Bridge, 5 33 j Evening I < 59 ° 7 Courfe of EXCHANGE, & c. General- Post Office, London, July 2, 1746. WHEREAS the Post- Boy bringing the Chester Mail from Fenny Stratford to Dunstable, was Yesterday the First Instant, about Eleven o'Clock at Night, attacked on the Highway, near a Place callcd Hockliffe, otherwife Hockley, in the County of Bed- ford, by a single Highwayman, who carried off the following Bags, viz. Warrington, Ormskirk, Wigan, Chester, Wrexham, Coventry, Litchfield, Tamworth, Burton, Uttoxeter, Stafford, Stone, Holmes Chapel, Macclesfield, Stockport, Drayton, Ruthin, Northop, Conway, Shrewlbury and Oswestry. The Person who committed this Robbery, is a midde sized Man, and had on a light brown- Coloured loose Horseman's Coat, his Face covered with the Cape of his Coat, and rode, on a dark Bay Mare, with a bald Face, and white Legs behind, and made off towards Woburne. This is therefore to give Notice, That whoever shall apprehend and convict, or cause to be apprehended and con- victed, the Person who committed this Robbery, will be entitled to a Reward of Two Hundred Pounds, over and above the Reward given by Act of Parliament for apprehending of Highwaymen: Or if any Person, or Persons, whether Accomplice in the said Robbery, or knowing thereof, shall make Discovery, whereby the Person who committed the same may be apprehended and brought to Justice, such Discoverer, or Discoverers, will, upon Conviction of the Party, be entitled to the same Re ward of Two Hundred Pounds, and also have his Ma- jesty's most Gracious Pardon. By Command of the Postmaster General, GEORGE SHELVOCKE, Sec, Bristol, July 7, 1746. The PELICAN INN and TAVERN, In St. THOMAs Street, ( Lately kept by Mr. JOHN BINGHAM, deceased_) Is now kept by WILLIAM KITTOE, From the Three Tuns Inn and Tavern in Bath. Who humbly hopes for the Continuance of the Fa- vours of those who now use the said Inn and Tavern ; and all other Gentlemen and Ladies who will be pleased to honour him with their Company, may de- pend upon the best Accommodations, civil Usage, and grateful Acknowledgments, From their most obedient humble Servant. WILLIAM KITTOE. On Saturday next will be published, And to be continued every Saturday, ( Price Four- pence THE PARROT: No. I. To -*- which will be regularly added, A Compendium of the times In a Method hitherto unattempted. By the AUTHORS of the Female Spectator. Printed by T. Gardner, and sold at his Printing Office, at Cowley's Head, opposite St. Clement's Church, in the Strand ; and by the Booksellers of Great Britain and Ireland. Of whom may be had, The Female Spectator Complete in Twenty four Books, or any single Book', Price One Shilling each. To be sold by PUBLIC AUCTION, About the Middle of next Month at GUERNSEY, pART of the CARGOE of the LIMBAN PRIZE, taken by the Mary Galley Privateer of Guernsey ; being 2900 French Burr Stones for Mill Stones, of the best Kind, with a proportionable Quantity of Plaister of Paris for the Use of that Quantity. They may be seen at any Time, by applying to Mr. John de Jersey, at Guernsey. Just Published, " Neatly printed, being an Instructive and Entertaining Companion to all Lovers of Psalmody, The Fifth Edition of i. A Compleat Melody: Or, the HAR- MONY of SION. In three Books, Con- taining, I. A New and Compleat Introduction to the Grounds of Musick: Teaching its Rudiments and Composition in all its Branches, by way of Dialogue, in a new and easy Method : With all the usual Terms used in Musick, as derived from the Greek, Latin, French, Italian, & c. in twelve Chapters. 2. The Psalms of David new tun'd, which Musick expresses the true Sense and Sound of the Words, more than any extant. With a Table of all the Tunes and what Psalms are proper to each Tune, & c. with Gloria Patri's. 3. A new and select Number of Divine Hymns and easy Anthems, & c. To which is added, Te Deum, and Magnificat, and a Chanting Tune for the Read- ing Psalms, &:. Price bound 3s. 4. The Melody of the Heart : Or, the Psalmist's Pocket Companion. In Two Parts. I. The New Version of the Psalms of David new tun'd, wi h Musick more proper to each Tune ; and a Table of Psalms suited to the Feasts and Fasts of the Church of England, and other Varieties of Life, with Gloria Petri's proper to the Measures of every Psalm in this Book. II. New and select Hymns and easy Anthems on several Occasions, & c. Price bound 3 s. 6d. Printed for J. Hodges, at the Looking Glass, over against St. Magnus Church, London Bridge;, and sold by the following Booksellers, J. Abree at Can- terbury, Mr. Gorham at Maidstone, Mr. Fox at Chatham, and Mr. Winder at Tenterden. N. B. The above Books are also Sold bound toge- ther in Calf, / or 4 s. and 6d. and make a compleat Body of Psalmody * m* The great Sale of this Book is a sufficient Proof of its Merit, above Eight Thousand having been Sold within these few Years. Where is likewise to be had, just published, The Second Edition of The Divine Musick Scholar's Guide: Being a Choice Collection of Psalm- Tunes, Hymns, and Anthems. With a Compleat Introduction to the Art of Psalmody ; by John Sreeve, who was brought up a Chorister at St. John's College, Oxford; twelve Years under Mr. Henry Wellford, Orgainst of War- wick. Price bound 2 s. 6d. This Day is published, ( Neatly printed in One Volume, Folio,) Very necessary for all who have any Concern in Trade or Credit, THE Laws relating to BANKRUPTS x brought Home to the Present Time : With Spe- cial Cases, Modern Determinations, and Precedents relating thereto ; and Directions for Creditors and Debtors. Also a List of the Fees in Bankruptcy, and the Method of proceeding therein. With Notes and References, and Two Tables, One of the Names of the Cases, the Other of the principal Matters. By THOMAS DAVIES, Of the Inner Temple, Gent. In the Savoy, Printed by Henry Lintot ( Assignee of Edward Sayer, Esq;) for Samael Birt, at the Bi. ble and Ball, in Ave- Mary Lane; and James Hodges, at the Looking- Glass, over against St. Magnus Church, London Bridge. This Day is published, Price 1 s. [ Which Completes the Whole WORK,] THE Twenty- Fourth Book of the FEMALE SPECTATOR. Printed by T. Gardner at Cowley's Head against St. Clement's Church in the Strand ; and sold by all Booksellers in Great Britain and Ireland. N. B. Those who have not yet completed their Setts, are desired to do it with all Expedition. The Character of this Work is in general fo well known, as not to need a Recommendation; but as some particular Persons may be unacquainted with it, it is hoped it will not offend the Modesty of its Authors, just to cite a few of the Epithets given to it by some of the most distinguishing Judges of the pre- sent Age As That it is the best adapted for improving the morals, and refining the Taste. . That a just and proper Spirit breathes through the whole. That it imperceptibly makes its Readers wiser. That it exalts the Ideas That it is a polite and elegant Advocate for private Virtue. . That though it seems by the Title to be prin- cipally intended for the Service of the Fair- Sex, yet there is not a Man of the greatest Genius but may be pleasingly amused. - That its Language is elegant, clear, and conspicuous. That its Stories are so affectingly related, that whoever reads them will find tHe Passions singularly moved. That it is ju diciously blessed with Instruction and Entertainment. • That it insensibly discovers the Means of being happy in ourselves. That it is an admirable Lesson for the Young and Unexperienced. That it points out such Foibles in ourselves, as for want of being observed, frequently entail the greatest Unea- sinesses.- That it is peculiarly adapted to the reigning Habits of the present Times These and many more are the Encomiums this Work hath been favoured with in the Course of the Undertaking, and it is hoped none of them are exaggerated, but that is submitted with all due Deference to its future Readers. This Day is published, The Eighteenth Edition, Price 3d. or 201. a Hun- dred, of AN Answer to all the Excuses and Pre- tences which Men ordinarily make for their not coming to the Holy Communion. To which is added, A brief Account of the End and Design of the Holy Communion, the Obligation to receive it, the Way to prepare for it, and the Behaviour of ourselves both at and after it. By the most Rev. Dr. EDWARD SYNGE, late Lard Archbishop of Tuam in Ireland. N B. This Book, necessary to be read on the Ap- proach of every Sacrament Day throughout the Year, by all Sorts and Degrees of People, is also printed in a very large Letter for the Curious, Aged, and such as cannot use a small Print. Price neatly bound in Black Calf is. Bound plain 8d. and sewed in Blue Paper cut on the Edges 6d. Both printed for and sold by Thomas Trye, near Gray's Inn Gate in Holborn. Of whom may be had. The WHOLE WORKS of the most Rev Dr EDWARD SYNGE, late Lord Archbishop of Tu- am in Ireland. Collected together in four Volumes, consisting of a great Variety of Tracts, published chiefly, in his Grace's Life Time, on the most useful, interest- ing and important Points and Doctrines of the Chri- stian Religion. Price neatly bound 12s. LONDON: Sold by C. CORBETT, at Addison's- Head, opposite St. Dunstan's Church in Fleet- street; where Adver- tisements and Letters are taken in ; and also at BAKER's Coffee- House in Exchange- Alley; Mr. AMEY's, at Charing- Cross; and at St. JAMES's Coffee- House in St. James's- street. ADVERTISEMENTS of a moderate Length are taken in at Half a Crown each.
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