The London Evening-Post
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Volume Number: Issue Number: 2885
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The London Evening-Post
Date of Article: 03/05/1746
Printer / Publisher: J. Meres
Address: In the Old Baily, near Ludgate
Volume Number: Issue Number: 2885
No Pages: 4
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The London Evening- Post. From THURSDAY May I, to SATURDAY May 3, 1746. ( Numb, 2885 Extract of a private Letter from Genoa, April 17. THE Array of Marshal Mail- lebois has been lately rein- forced, not only by all the French Troops that were quarter'd in the County of Nice, but also by 3000 old Foot from France. The Count de Gages begins to listen to the Proposals that have been made him of join- ing his Army again to the French ; but whether this proceeds from any Satis- faction he has receiv'd as to the Conduct of his Allies, or from Necessity, the retreat of his Troops into the Ecclesiastical State being render'd
impracticable, is more than we can at present determine. Our Levies go on tho' most of our Corps are compleat, but it is ob- serv'd, that our Forces are kept, as much as possible, within our own Territories ; and it is very certain, that we are endeavouring t0 pacify the Court of Vi- enna ; but it does not hitherto appear, that this Ne- gotiation has met with much Success;. The Austrian Party amongst us increases daily, and ' tis very wonder- ful to see, that at such a Season as this, when nothing but Unanimity can save us, Discord rises higher and higher, and our Factions push their Resentments against each other so far, that we
are frequently forced to shut the City Gates, and to take almost the same Precautions as if we were actually invested: You know well enough, that our present Doge is look'd upon as the principal Author of the new System, and the Supreme Head of the Burbonites in Genoa. He is supported by most of the young Nobility, who have made the Tour of France, and have been particularly distinguish'd at the Court of Versailles ; but all our old Ministers, under whom, for between twenty- five or thirty Years, the Republick enjoy'd Peace and Pros- perity at Home, remain firm to the old System, and declare, that as the Force of this
Republick is by no Means equal to a long War, as she can gain little or nothing by Conquest ; and as her Commerce depends upon being well with all Nations, it is Madness to act counter to all these Maxims, purely to gratify the Ambition of that House, which his shewn itself an irreconcileable enemy to that Balance of Power in Italy, upon which the Safety of this, as well as of all other States therein, depends. The Misery of our pre- sent Condition, and all its Causes, were lately expres- sed by a very strange Inscription, painted in large Characters, in the Night, upon the Gate of the Ducal Palace, which, as a Curiosity, I send
you.' s. s. s. I. I. I. R. R. R. F. F. F. The next Night this Inscription was thus decyher'd: Senum, Sapiantia Spreta, juvenum Imperitia Infolescente Regnum Reipublicae; Ruit, Ferro Flamma Fame. In English thus : By scorning the Wisdom of our Elders, By the haughty Ignorance of our young Statesmen, The Territory of the Republick is destroy'd, By Sword, fire, and Famine. Extract of a Letter from Berlin, April 30. General Baron Genckel, Minister Plenipotentiary from the States General, set out for Potzdam, accom- panied by Count Podewils, in order to wait upon the King. His Majesty had along Conversation the same Day with
this General, in which he communicated to him his own Dispositions in regard to the Affairs of Europe, and the sincere Desire he was fill'd with to contribute towards the Establishment of a general Peace, by exhorting equally the Courts of Vienna, London and Versailles. Baron de Ginkel assur'd the King, that the Sentiments of the States General upon this Subject were entirely conformable to those of his Majesty ; that their Mightinesses also wish'd for no- thing with so much Ardour as to procure Success to their Cares and good Offices in the same View, and that they should be always charm'd to concur with his Majesty. This
Minister had a long Conference with Count Podewils. The King has sent Instructions to M. Grave, his Minister at Vienna, concerning the Instances and Representations he is to make with re- gard to the Advancement of a Peace.' IRELAND. Dublin, April 11. Last Sunday died, the Right Hon. Lord Viscount Boyne, one of the Commissioners of his Majesty's Revenue. The most Noble and Right Hon. Gustavus Hamilton ( his Lordship's Grandfather) was created Baron of Stackallan, October 2, 1715, and Vis- count ( of the River) Boyne, August 3, 1717. His Excellency the Earl of Chelterfield has inclos'd the Ground, with a Gate and
Ditches round it, where- on a Citadel was to have been built in the Phaenix Park, ( which was begun by the Earl of Wharton when Lord Lieutenant of this Kingdom) and has already sown ; Wheat therein. His Excellency has likewise planted many Trees, and inclos'd a Wilderness in a Ring in the said Park, to adorn it, which are dispos'd of in a most: elegant Manner. We hear from Limerick, that last Week one Law- rence Ryan, a Romish Priest, was brought in there, un- der a Strong Guard, from Cahairconlish, and lodg'd in the County' Gaol, being charg'd with dispersing Com- millions from the Pretender, and other treasonable
Practices; and that the Grand Jury of the said City have promis'd a Reward of 301. for every Papist who shall be prosecuted to Conviction, within one Year, for concealing or carrying Fire Arms contrary to. Law ; and the Grand Jury of the said County have also promis'd a Reward of 101. fcr every Person convicted as afore- said. Last Week three Fellows, all arm'd, and their Faces black'd, broke into the House of Mr. John Singleton, at Ballynacragg in the County of Clare, and after bind- ing Mr. Singleton and his Family, robb'd the House of some Plate and 113I: in Cash, and made off. Dublin, April 16. Yesterday at Noon their
Excellencies Dr. John Hoadley, Archbishop of Armagh, and Primate of all Ireland ; Baron Newport, Lord High Chancellor of Ireland ; and the Right Hon. Henry Boyle, Esq; Speaker of the Hon. House of Commons, were sworn Lords Juitices of this Kingdom, in the Absence of the Right Hon. the Earl of Chesterfield. On Wednesday arriv'd a Martinico Ship, laden with Sugar and Coffee, Prize to the Shoreham Privateer of Bristol. COUNTRY NEWS. Coventry, April 26. This Day the great and glorious Success of his Majesty's Arms, under his Royal High- ness the Dake of Cumberland, against the Rebels in Scotland, was celebrated
here with all possible Demon strations of Joy: The Mayor and Aldermen, in their Scarlet Gowns, with their Brethren of the Council and a numerous Appearance of Gentleman and Clergy, with their several Companies in their proper Gowns and Li- veries, Streamers, Drums and Musick, dress'd out and adorn'd with Cockades of their own Manufacture, shin- ing with various loyal Mottos and Devices, being as- sembled at the Guildhall, made a long and regular pro- cession through the principal Streets of the City to the antient and famous Cross, where the Mayor, Alder- men and Gentlemen, amidst the Acclamations of thou- sands
of the Populace, drank long Life and Success to his Majesty, the Prince and Princess of Wales, his Royal highness the Duke of Cumberland, and all the Royal fa- mily ; from whence they proceeded, with the Gentle- men and principal Inhabitants, to the Mayor's Parlour, where a handsome Entertainment being prepar'd, his Majesty's, the Prince and Princess, the Duke's, and all the Royal Family, with many other loyal Healths, were repeatedly drank : At the same Time the Populate without were treated with several Barrels of Ale, and the Evening was concluded with Bonfires, Fireworks, and a general Illumination throughout the
City. Preston, April 29. Late on Thursday Night we had an Account from Glasgow of the Duke's Victory over the Rebels on the 16th Instant. The Confirmation of it by Sunday's extraordinary Gazette was receiv'd herewith all those Transports of Joy, that could arise in the Hearts of a People sensible of so signal a Blessing. On so in- teresting an Occasion out Rejoicing has been extraordi- nary. Our Bells have rung with very little Intermis- sion ever since. But Sunday being jud'g'd an improper Day for any other publick Demonstrations of it, they were deferr'd to the Day following. Yesterday there- fore both Sexes, of all Ages and
Ranks, made Addition to their Dresses suitable to the Day ; the Men had Cockades in their Hats of green and red, the Colours of the Duke's Livery, and the Medal struck on the Duke's retaking Carlisle fasten'd thereto, or else hang- ing down their Breast by a red and green Ribband twisted together, and put round their Necks ; the Wo- men had Ribbands and Breast- Knots of the same Colour : But the Ladies had besides, red one's stampt with For King George and the Protestant Succession. At Six in the Evening, the Gentlemen Volunteers assembled by Beat of Drum before the House of William Shawe, Esq; our present High
Sheriff their Colonel, and a Gentleman of eminent Zeal and unshaken Fidelity and Affection to his Majesty's Person and Government ; and one who. has nothing so much at Heart as the Good of his Coun- try, in the Preservation of our happy envied Establish- ment. The Gentlemen of the Corporation and of the Town met according to Invitation, at the same Time, at the House of James Derbyshire, Esq; our Mayor, a truly worthy and loyal Magistrate. About Seven o'Clock the Procession began ; the High Sheiiff leading up his Volunteers, with Colours flying, Drums beating, and Trumpets sounding ; and being followed by the
seve- ral Companies of the Trades, with their Banners display'd, and Musick playing at the Head of each Company. Near the Mayor's Door a Halt was made, to give the Gentle- men there assembled Time to form: This being done, the whole Company, with Mr. Mayor at the Head of them, proceeded in a very handsome and regular Man- ner, through the principal Streets to the Market- place, where they found ready provided for them great Plenty of Wine to drink the Healths of his Majesty, their Royal Highnesses the Prince and Princess of Wales, the Duke of Cumberland, and all the Royal Family. Each Health was seconded by
a general Discharge of the Vo- lunteer's Fire- Arms, so well perform'd as to merit the Applause of several Officers of his Majesty's Army then present; and to receive their Acknowledgment, that they had never heard better firing from an equal Number of regular Troops ; after this they proceeded to several Houses in the Town, where the above and many other loyal Healths went round, with the greatest Plea- sure and Unanimity imaginable. The Ladies, on their Part, had a grand Ball in the Town- Hall, which was open'd by Edw. Marton, Esq; and the High Sheriff's Lady; the Sprightliness of their Looks and the Chear- fulness of
their Hearts manifested the Share they took in the publick Rejoicing; and the Richness of their Dress, and their assembling purposely On that Occasion serves to shew that their greatest Pride is to approve themselves on every Opportunity faithful Subjects to his Majesty King George. There was not a House in the whole Town inhabited that was not illuminated ; nor a Street nor Lane that had not many Bonfires in it. It should not be omitted to observe, that on the Duke's Birth- Day we had the same Rejoicings in all Respectts ; we thought it our Duty to give these outward Expres- sions of our Joy, to testify the inward Sense we
have of our Happiness under his Majesty's most just and mild Government ; and that we consider him not Only as the Defender of our Faith against the extravagant Abuses of Popery, but of our civil Rights against Tyranny and lawless Power; and to testify also our Gratitude to his Royal Highness the Duke, who has been long exposing himself to the greatest Dangers in Defence of out Li- berties against our most dangerous Enemies. L O N D O N. We hear a certain learned and eminent Doctor having given a successful Specimen of his Skill in the Constitution of this Kingdom, by a late remarkable Cure, perform'd by a new
invented Purge, which happily carries off the most obstinate Degree of Corruption, will shortly, with the universal Approbation of the People, be appointed Phy sician Extraordinary to the Adminstration. N. B. The Doctor's Medicine is equally necessary for all Persons in Place, and who are in a bad Way, whether in the Administration or not. We hear that the Number of Brtish Troops, which will be at first order'd over for the LOw Countries, amount to Twelve Thousand. It is expected that an Act of Attainder will soon pass against all those Lords who can be prov'd to have been in the Rebellion, and the necessary Examinations are
now taking for that Purpose. Extract of a Letter from Aberdeen, April 19. A few Days before his Royal Highness and the Army left this Place for Inverness, there were distri- buted among the Soldiers a Shirt and a Pair of Breeches to each Man, besides other Necessaries, brought by a Ship from London, said to be part of the Produce of the Veteran's Scheme, so much talk'd of: They came very seasonably, as the poor Fellows were in great want of those Necessaries. When they were told it was a Gift of the Citizens of London, they said they would shew themselves worthy of it by their Conduct, and march'd with determin'd Re solution to do the Business they , have so glorioursly ended. We hear that the 50001. allotted by the Guildhall Subscription, as a Reward to such Regiments as should behave well in the Time of Action, agreeable to the Opinion of the Duke of Cumberland, is immediately to be transmitted to Scotland, t0 be dispos'd of as his Royal Highness thinks proper. His Majesty was pleas'd to return the following Answer t0 the Address of the Honourable House of Commons: ' Gemlemen, you my hearty Thanks for this Address, so Affection to me and my Family: The Satis- faction I feel at the Success of my Arms against the Rebels is
greatly encreas'd by your kind Expressions towards my Son, the Duke, and your Approbation of his Services on this Occasion. I will not fail to improve this Advantage to tho utmost of my Power, towards establishing, upon a lasting Foundation, the future Security and Happi- ness of my People.' This Day the Right Hon. the Lord Mayor, Aldermen, and Common- Council waited on his Majesty at St. James's, with their Congratulatory Address on the Victory gain'd by the Duke over the Rebels, and were graciously receiv'd. We have receiv'd Accounts from different Parts of England of the great Joy express'd, by all Ranks of People,
at the News of the glorious Defeat of the Rebels; but none more generously distinguish'd them- selves on this happy Occasion than the Corporation of the ancient Borough of Thetford in Norfolk, so that the like was never heard of or seen before in that Bo- rough, although always famous for a zealous and steady Loyalty to his Majesty's Person and Government, for a noble Contempt of all Bribery, Corruption and Party Drudgery, for a Preference of the publick Good to pri- vate Interest, and for being a constant Enemy to all Op- pression, Tyranny and arbitrary Power: A worthy Example indeed ! We hear that Orders are sent to
the Prince of Hesse to hold himself in Readiness for the immediate Em- barkation of the Forces under his Command for Flan- ders. Lord Chamberlain's Office, May t. Order'd that the Court go out of Mourning on Sunday next, the 4th Instant, for the late Prince of Brunswick Wolsenbuttle Bevern. Last Week Charles Brett, Esq; was made Secretary to the Hon. the Commissioners for sick and wounded Sea- men, and Exchange of Prisoners at War. On Thursday Edward Legrand, Esq; kiss'd his Ma- jesty's Hand at St. James's, on his being appointed Lieutenant of the Yeomen of the Guards. As did likewise Saville Cust, Esq; on his
being a pointed Standard Bearer to the said Yeomen of Guards, in the room of the former. We hear the following Promotions will take Place viz. Sir William Yonge t0 be one of the Joint Trea- surers of Ireland, in the room of William Pitt, Esq Henry Fox Esq; to succeed Sir William Yonge, Secretary at War.
ESSEX SUBSCRIPTION. The Committee of Subscribers of 501. and upwards, for carrying the Purposes of the Essex Subscription into Exe- cution, intend to meet on Tuesday the 13th Instant at the Crown Tavern behind the Royal- Exchange , at Twelve o'clock precisely. STAMFORD RACES. ON Tuesday the 20th of May will be run for on the new Course near Stamford in Lincolnshire, the Town Purse of Fifty Pounds, by any Horse, Mare or Geld- ing, that is no more than five Years, or four Years old this Grass, as must be certified by Certificate under the Hand of the Breeder ; the five Years old Horse, & c. to carry eight Stone
ten Pound Weight, and the four Years old Horse, & c. to carry eight Stone, the best of three Heats, twice round only for a Heat for this Purse. A Contributor to pay one Guinea En- trance, and a Non- Contributor three Guineas; the Entrance to go to the second best Horse, & c. On Thursday the 22d will be run for on the same Course, a Purse of Fifty Pounds, given by the Right Hon. the Earl of Exeter, by any Horse, & c. carrying nine Stone Weight, the best of three Heats; to pay three Guineas Entrance, the En- trance to to to the second best Horse, & c. If any Dispute arise for either of these Purses, to be determin'd according to
the several Articles, and that to be final. N. B. Three reputed Running Horses, & c. to enter and start for each Purse, or no Race ; and if only one Horse, & c. come to enter, he shall have ten Guineas to bear his Expences ; and if two, they shall have each five Guineas. No Person to put in more than one Horse, & c. for each Purse, and that to be really his own. The Horses, that run for these Purses, to be shewn and enter'd at the Bull- Inn in Stamford, 0n Saturday the 17th of May, between the Hours of Three and Seven in the Afternoon, before the Mayor or his Deputy, and to be kept from that Time at such Publick Houses in
Stamford, or within two Miles thereof, as subscribe ten Shillings towards these Purses. No Price on any Horse, & c. that run for either of these Purses. There will be a Main of Cocks fought between Mr. Roberts of London, and Mr. Brian Hodgson, to shew 31 Cocks 0n a Side for five Guineas a Battle, and 100 Guineas the odd Battle, and 13 for Bye Battles, for two Guineas a Cock : They will fight each Morning of the Race Days, and 0n Wednesday the 21st, both Morning and Afternoon. BURY RACES, SUFFOLK, _ 1746. ON Wednesday the 21st of May will be run for on Bury Course, a Purse of Fifty Pounds, by any Horse,
Mare or Gelding, that has for twelve Months before starting been the Property of some Gentleman or Gentlemen of the Counties of Suffolk or Norfolk, and during the said Time has been used a Hunter, or for the Road ; that has not been in Sweats from Michaelmas 1745 to Lady- Day 1746, and that never started amongst Running Horses; to run the best of three Heats, four Miles to a Heat, and to carry twelve Stone. On Thursday the 22d will be run for the Ladies Purse of Fifty Pounds, by any four, five, or six Years old Horse, Mare, or Gelding ; four Years old to carry nine Stone, five Years old ten Stone, six Years old eleven
Stone ; to run the best of three Heats, four Miles to a Heat; Certificates of the Ages from under the Hands of the Breeders to be produced. On Friday the 23d will be run for a Purse or Plate of Fifty Pounds, by any Horse. Mare or Gelding, that never won above fifty Pounds at any one Time ; to carry twelve Stone, and to run the best of three Heats, four Miles to a Heat. Every Horfe, & c. that runs for either of these Purses or Plate, to be enter'd 0n Tuesday the 20th Day of May, be- tween . he Hours of Eleven and Two, at the Angel 0n the Angel- Hill in Bury, aforesaid, paying, if a Subscriber, one Guinea Entrance, a Non subscriber two Guineas and a Half; to go as Stakes to the second- best Horse, & c. to be subject to the farther Articles then to be produced, and all Disputes and Differences that may in any respect arise, either at the Enter- ing or Running, to be decided and finally determin'd by the Majority of the Subscribers then present. Every Horse, & c. that runs for either of these Purses or Plate, to be obliged to be kept at the House of one of the Sub- scribers to the Town Plate, at least a Week before starting, or to pay double Entrance. No Horse, & c. that wins one of these Purses or Plate, to start for either of the other, and not less than
three actual Running Horses to start for each of the two latter of these Purses or Plate, and not less than three Hunters or Road Horses to start for the former. And if but one Horse enters, he shall have ten Guineas and his Entrance return'd ; if two enter, they shall have each five Guineas and their Entrance return'd. The Winner of each Purse or Plate to pay two Guineas to the Clerk of the Course for Drums, Weights, Scales, N. B. There will be Breakfasting at Mrs. Rooke's Coffee- house each Morning, and Ordinaries and Assemblies as usual. STOLE out of a Stable at Gosly- Green, near Birmingham, Warwickshire, 0n Monday
Night, the 2 « rh past, a strong grey Gelding, upwards of fifteen Hands high, comes seven Years old, with a short Switch Tail, if not cut, but is thin of flesh, and has a small Bone Spavin 0n his near leg behind; he has a visible Dressing 0n the same Leg, and goes lame 0n it; he has a Rowel in his Belly, and one lately taken our of his Breast. The Bridle taken with him is a dirty white one, and to the Saddle is a grey Cloth, edg'd with Leather. Whoever will discover the said Horse, so that he may be had again, to Mr. Thomas Richards, Gunmaker, at Birmingham ; or ( if taken up near London) to Mr. Grayson, at the White Horse in
Friday- Street, London, shall have a handsome Re- gard and Charges; and he or they, who shall bring the Felon to Justice, shall, 0n Conviction, be paid Three Guineas. WHEREAS the Crown Inn in Devizes, in the County of Wilts, was lately kept by Mr. THOMAS MASLEN : This is to give NOTICE, That the said Inn is now kept by JUSTICE HISCOCK, ( late of Rowd) where all Gentlemen and others may depend 0n good Entertainment and kind Usage, from Their m0st humble Servant, JUSTICE HISCOCK. The BELL INN at Litton in Bedfordshire, IS taken, and enter'd on, where all Gentlemen, Ladies, and others, may meet with
good Accommo dations, from Their Humble Servant, THOMAS MASON. This Day is publish'd, Price 1 s. REASONS proving the absolute Necessity of our Assistance 0n the Continent, in order to stop the raipd Progress of the French : In Answer to several late Pamphlets visibly calculated to serve the Cause of FRANCe and the PrEtEnder. By a Well Wisher to the present happy Establishment. Printed by R. Owen, and sold by J. Robinson, Publisher, at the Golden Lion in Ludgate Street, and other Booksellers in London and Westminster. From the great Character which THE ENGLISH GRAPE BRANDY has so justly Acquir'd,
the Proprietors beg Leave to in- form the Publick, that its Excellency does not wholly consist in its being an agreeable Dram, or when made into Punch ; but that it is equally adapted to any Sort of Fruit, as a Proof of which, there is now prepar'd, from the same Brandy, a large Quantity of Fine ORANGE SHRUB, Which for its delicate Flavour is no Way inferior, except in the Price, to any of the foreign Productions, So great is the Perfection of the British Distillery The Shrub at 6 s. per Gallon, the Brandy at 4 s. At the Warehouse the Bottom of Bartholomew- Lane, near the Royal Exchange. Sixpence per Gallon allow'd to those who
take half a Hogshead or upwards. THOMAS RAWLINS, Clerk to this Company. To be SOLD, At Mr. RECULEST'S, in Brook- Street, the Corner of David- Street, by Grosvenor- Square, METHUEN WINE, little inferior to the best Burgundy, at a Guinea a Dozen, and STREIGHTS WINE, preferable to Red Port, at 16 s. a Dozen, and COR- SICA WHITE WINE, as strong as Mountain, at 18s. a Dozen, all in good sizeable French moulded Bottles, of thir- teen to the Dozen ; or in French Wine Hogsheads, the Methuen 20I. and the Streights 151. and the Corsica 17 ' a Hogshead, for ready Money only, sent to any Part of the Town
without Expence to the Buyer. The Bottles to be paid for at Two- pence Halfpenny each, the Money to be repaid upon the Return of them. . Note, constant Attendance from Eight in the Morning ' till Twelve at Noon. To be SOLD to the best Bidder, At the Porthouse in Thirsk, Yorkshire, on Monday the 19th Instant, between the Hours of Ten and Twelve, ACopyhold Estate, situate at Cold Kirby, near Black Hambleton in Yorkshire ; consisting chiefly of several Inclosures of Meadow Ground, some of which adjoin 0n the Moor, call'd Hambleton, where the Race for his Ma- jesty's Plate is run, with a Right of Common upon the said
Moor ; in one of which Inclosures, adjoining to and front- ing the said Moor, is neatly built with Stone, and cover'd with Slate, a large and convenient new Dwelling- House, with five Stables and Granaries, and other convenient Out- Oflices; the House is commodiously situate for an Inn, and the Convenience of keeping Race- Horses; the Estate ( exclu- sive of the said new House and Stables) is lett at 17 1. a Year; it pays a small annual Rent of 4 s. 6d. to the Lord of the Manor, and a small Fine certain. For further Particulars enquire of Mr. David Burton, At- torney in Yarm, Yorkshire; or of Henry Barnes, in Took's- Court,
Chancery- Lane, London. For Sale by the CANDLE, AT the Marine Coffee- House in Birchin- Lane, Cornhill, on Tuesday next, the 6th Instant, at Three o'Clock in the Afternoon, The following Goods, in very good Condition, viz. About 630 Dozen of Irish Calf- Skins in the Hair. 4T0 Irish Cow Hides in the Hair. 600 Irish Kipps in the Hair. The above Goods to be seen every Day ( Sundays excepted) from' Nine o'clock in the Morning to Five in the Afternoon, to the Time of Sale, at Warner's Warehouses in Mincing- Lane. Catalogues to be had at the Place of Sale, and of RICHARD SCOTT, Legal Broker, in Threadneedle- Street. To
be peremptorily SOLD, Together or in Parcels, On Thursday the 15th Instant, between the Hours of Four and Six in the Afternoon, pursuant to a Decree of the High Court of Chancery, before William Kinaston, Esq, one of the Masters of the said Court, THE Manor of Itchlil and Ewshott, with the Ap- purtenances, in the Parish of Crondall, in the County of Southampton ; and the Moiety of a Leasehold Estate at Ash, in the County of Surrey, together of the yearly Value ot 347 1. late the Estate of Edward Bathurst, Esq: deceas'd. Particulars whereof may be had at the said Master's Cham- bers in Lincoln's Inn. To be peremptorily
SOLD, Before Anthony Allen, Esq} one of the Masters of the High Court of Chancery at his House in Bream's Buildings, near Chancery- Lane, on Tuesday the 13th Instant, between the Hours of Four and Six in the Afternoon, ACopyhold Estate of Inheritance at West Horsley in Surrey : Consisting of a Farm- House, and about fifty- five Acres of Arable and Pasture Land, also a House and Gar- den : The Whole lett upon Lease at 431. 10s. and well cover'd with Timber. Further Particulars may be had at the said Master's House. N. B. It is eight Miles from Kingston, and four from Guil- ford. To be Sold to the best Bidder, On
Wednesday the 14th of May at the Sun Tavern in Milk Street, at Four o'clock in the Afternoon, ALL the Right, Title, and Interest of the As- signees of the Estate of Richard Farmer, formerly of the Parish of Sr. Andrew's, Holbourn, in the County of Middlesex, Upholder, under a Commission of Bankrupt a- warded against him, in and to the reversion of a Farm at Berrington in the County of Salop near Shrewsbury, lett to Richard Bromley at 361. p: i Annum: Also in and to the Re- version of a Farm at Poyners- Green, in the Parish of Wal- tham Holy- Cross, lett to Joseph Mason, at 46 i. per Annum. Both Estates after the Death of
the Survivor of the said Richard Farmer and his Wife. Further Particulars may be had of Mr Samuel Chambers in Milk- Street, London.. To be SOLD or LETT, And enter'd upon immediately, In Newinn Lane Epsom, Surrey, THE late Dwelling House of Mr. Alderman Perry, consisting of a Hall, three Parlours, Kitchen, and House- keeper's Room, four exceeding good Bed Chambers, with Dressing Rooms 0n the first Floor, and seven Garrets over them, very good Out- houses, two Coach- houses, Stabling for eight Horses, and Chambers over the same, a very good Laundry, and all new- built, and well water'd, with an' ex- ceeding
good Garden, wall'd round, well planted with Fruit Trees of the best sort, two very good Meadows, containing six Acres, adjoining to the House, and twelve Acres of Arable Land, in the Common Field. For' further Information enquire at the said House the Particulars. To be LETT or SOLD, At Eton near Windsor, ALarge convenient House, near Eton College, with a Garden, Stable and Outhouse;, and a Piece of Meadow Ground to be lett with it, fit for a Gentleman with a large Family, or for a Boarding House for Eton Scholars. Enquire for further Particulars of Mr. Peter Dobree, in Leadenhall- Street, over- against St. Mary Axe; or
of Mr. Staples or Mr. Hatch, at Windsor. At Bishop Stortford, Hertfordshire, To be LETT, and enter'd upon directly, AHandsome Dwelling House, with a large com- modious Shop, Cellars, Warehoufes, Gardens, & c. late in the Occupation of Anthony Appleby, Grocer, deceas'd. Enquire at the said House, To be LETT, And entered upon immediately, At Northill in Bedfordshire, AGood Brick House of four Rooms on a Floor, besides very convenient OffiCes, large Stables, Coach houses, a Dovecote, large Gardens wall'd in, and planted with the best Fruits ; together with or without 26 Acres of good Pasture Ground, within two Miles
of the great Northern Road ; forty Miles from London, and a reasonable Distance of several good Market Towns, and late in the Tenure of Col Maddan. Enquire of Mr. Buck, Attorney, in Chancery Lane, or of Mr. Wingfield, at Potton in Bedfordshire. To be LETT, Upon Building or Repairing Leases, by the Worshipful Com- pany of Goldsmiths, at easy Rents, SEVERAL Houses in Red- Cross Street, Jewin- Street, New- Street, between Shoe- Lane and Fetter- Lane, in Goldsmith- Street. Gutter- lane, and Carey- Lane near Gold- smith's Hall in Scalding- Alley, Poultry ; and a Toft of void Ground to build upon in Primrose- Street.
Bishopsgate- Street. For Particulars enquire of Mt. Bank's, the Clerk, at the Hall. ' to be LETT, and enter'd on immediately, At Berkhamstead in Hertfordshire, A Large and convenient House, four Rooms on 3 A Floor, having good Cellars, Coach- house, Stables, and other Conveniencies, a very beautiful and extensive Garden in exceeding fine Order, and to be kept so at a small Expence, well planted with all sorts of Wall Fruit, and other Fruit Trees, a grand Walk in Length a Quarter of a Mile, leading ( with a Visto of full grown Elms) from the Door of the great Parlour through the middle of the Garden; also a Kitchen Garden,
which has every Thing set and sown in it, proper for the Season, and a Field and Meadow, containing about four or five Acres. Note, The Furniture of the Houfe to be sold, with a staunch Pointer. The House is 30 Miles from London, in a very pleasant healthy Country, and the Stage Coach goes three Times a Week. Enquire of Mr. John Duncombe, Attorney at Law, in Berkhamstead ; or of Mr. John Woodhouse, in Crane- Court, Fleet- Street, London. To be LETT, At Bedington in Surrey, THE House, Garden, Orchard, and Outhouses, with an Acre of Land in the common Field, late in the Possession of Mr. Thomas Maddacks,
deceas'd. Enquire of Mr. Cooper in Basinghall Street. To be LETT, And entered upon at Michaelmas next, AFarm, called CLITTERHOUSE FARM, in Hendon iu the County of Middlesex ; containing 200 Acres of Land, or thereabouts; now in the Occupation of Mr. Daniel Kemp. Enquire at the Compting House within Sr. Bartholomew's Hospital. N. B. The Governors of the said Hospital will meet at the Compting- House there, on Thursday the 8th Instant, at Ten o'Clock in the Morning, to receive proposals for letting the same. To be LETT, AGood well- built House at Hounslow in the Coun- ty of Middlesex, near the Heath, late in
the Possession of General Wills, deceas'd, in which are several very good Rooms, particularly a grand Dining Room, with exceeding, fine Vaults, Coach- house, and a Six Stall Stable; with large Gardens planted with all Sorts of the best Fruit, together with, or without seven Acres of Pasture Land lying near the same. Enquire of Mr. Taylor, at his House at Heston near Houn- slow, or at his Chambers in Lyon's Inn ; or of Mr. Purse, a Carpenter at Hounslow. 1 To be LETT Cheap, from Midsummer next, at Saffron Walden in Essex, THE Mansion House lately belonging to John Wale, Esq; being very commodious and fit for a
Family; with a large Court- Yard and convenient Offices, such as Stables, Coach- House, Sic. in good Repair; and a very good Garden, wall'd and planted with the best Fruit- Trees. Enquire of Mr. Spring, at No. 12, 111 Bolton- Street, Pic- cadilly ; or of Mr. Winstanley, Bookseller in Saffron Walden aforesaid. On Thursday next will be publish'd, THE WORKS of Mr. THOMAS EMLYN. CONTAINING, I. ACollection of TRACTS relating to the Deity, Worship, and Satisfaction of our Lord JESUS CHRIST, & C. with large Additions. II, Observations 0n the Notions of Dr. WATER- LAnD. III, MEMOIRS of the Life and Sentiments of Dr.
SA- muel ClArke. These two now first publish'd from the Author's MSS, IV. SERMONS 0n various practical Subjects. To the whole are prefix'd, MEMoiRs of the Life and Writings of the Author. In three Volumes. The Fourth Edition. Printed for John Noon, at the White Hart in Cheapside; and. John Whiston, in Fleet- Street. This Day is publish'd, Price 1s. ADetection of the- Views of those who would, in the. present Crisis, engage an incumber'd trading Na- tion as Principals in a ruinous expensive Land War: In answer to a Pamphlet lately publish'd, entitled, The important Question discuss'd, & c. Printed for M. Cooper, at the Globe
in Pater- noster Row,
This Day is publish'd , Price 6d. A free Protestant People, and a Popish Prince in- compatible : ASERMON preach'd Nov. 10, 1745, at the British Chapel in St. Petersburgh. By JOHN FORSTER, A. M. Rector of Beer- Crocombe, in the County of Somerset, Chaplain to his Excellency the Right Hon. JOHN Earl of Hyndford, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary from his Britannick Majesty to the Court of Russia, and to the British Factory. Publish'd at the Desire of his Excellency, the Honourable the Russia Company, and the British Factory. Printed for H. Whitridge, at the Royal- Exchange. This Day is publish'd,
correlated, and with additional References, ( with the Author s Effigy curiously engrav'd by Mr. Vertue The SECOND EDITION, of THE REPORTS of CASES Argued and Deter- mined in the High Court of Chancery, and of some Special Cates Adjudged m the Court of King's- Bench. Collected by WILLIAM PEERE WILLIAMS, late of Gray's- Inn, Esq; Publish'd with Notes and References, and two Tables to each Volume, by his Son WILLIAM PEERE WILLIAMS, of the Inner- Temple, Esq; Printed for T. Osborne, in Gray's Inn. Where may be had, just publish'd, Price 1s. The ROYAL CHARTER, establishing an Hospital for the
Maintenance and Education of exposed and deserted young Children; together with the By- Laws of the said Corporation, and the Regulations for managing the said Hospital, read and approv'd by the General Committee the 2.9th of January 1745. and printed by their Order; together with the Accounts of the said Hospital from its Commencement ' till the 17th of March 1745', and a List of the Governors on the said 25th of March, This Day is publish'd, In Two Volumes Octavo, The SECOND EDITION, with large Additions, THE ATTORNEY'S PRACTICE in the Court of Common Pleas; Or, An Introdudtion to the Knowledge of the
Practice of that Court, as it now stands under the Regulation of several late Acts of Parlia- ment, Rules and Determinations of the said Court; with Va- riety of useful and curious Precedents in English, drawn or penned by Counsel, with a compleat Index to the whole. By the Author of the Attorney's Practice in the Court of King's Bench. Printed and sold by J. Shuckburgh, against Chancery- Lane, in Fleet- Street; G. Hawkins, at Milton's Head, be- tween the Temple- Gates ; T. Waller, at the Mitre and Crown against Fetter- Lane, Fleet- Street; and J. Osborn, at the Gol- den Ball in Pater- noster Row. N. B. The second Volume may
be had alone. Of whom may be had, the Second Edition, with large Ad- ditions, of 1. The Attorney's Practice in the Court of King's- Bench, in a Vols. 8vo. 2. LAWS relating to the POOR, from the 43d of Queen Elizabeth to the 3d of King George the Second, with Cases adjudg'd in the Court of King's Bench upon the several Clauses of them, in a Method entirely new. The Second Edition corrected. By ROBERT FOLEY, Esq; Barrister at Law. 3. Modern Entries, 2 Vol. Folio, being a very useful Book of English Pleadings. THis Day is publish'd, Printed for T. OSBORNE, in Gray's Inn, ADISSERTATION on the DISEASES of
TRADESMEN: Or those Disorders which arise from particular Climates, Situations, and Methods of Living, to which they are subject by their particular Callings; with the Method of avoiding and treating them. The first by the celebrated Frederick Hoffman, Professor of Physick at Hall in Saxony, and Phyiician to the late and present King of Prussia. The second by Bern. Ramazini, Professor of Physick at Padua. newly translated, with a Preface, and an Appendix, by Or. James. Price 3 s. 6 d. Where may be had. lately publish'd, the following Books : 1. The Symptoms, Nature, Causes, and Cure of the Febri- cnla, or Little Fever ;
commonly call'd the Nervous, or Hy- steric Fever ; the Fever 0n the Spirits; Vapours, Hypo, or Spleen. By Sir Richard Manningham, Knt. M. D. F. R. S. and of the College of Physicians, London. Price 2s. 6d 2. New and extraordinary Observations concerning the Prediction of various Crises by the Pulse, independent of the Critical Signs delivery by the Antients; made, first, by Dr. Don Francisco Solando De Lunue, late of the City of Ante- quera in Spain ; and subsequently by several other Physicians. Illustrated with many new Cases and Remarks. To which are added, Some General Hints 011 the Nature, the antient
Observance, and modern Neglect of Crises. By James Nihell, M. D. Price 2 s. 6d. 3. An Enquiry into the Exility of the Vessels in a Human body ; wherein Animal Identity is explain'd, and shewn in- communicable to any Individual throughout the whole Species. By Clifton Wintringham, jun. Fellow of the Royal Society. Price 1s. 4. A Treatise of all Sorts of Foods, both Animal and Vege- table ; also of Drinkables: Giving an Account how to chuse the best Sort of all Kinds, of the good and bad Effects they produce; the Principles they abound with ; the Time, Age and Constitution they are adapted to. Wherein their Nature and Use is
explain'd, according to the Sentiments of the most eminent Physicians and Naturalists, ancient aud modern. The Whole divided into 176 Chapters, with Remarks upon each. Written Originally 111 French by the Learned M. L. Lemery, Physician to the King and Member of the Royal Academy. Translated by D. Hay, M. D To which are added, An In- troduction, treating of Foods in general; a Table of Chapters: aiid an alphabetical Index. A Work of universal Use to all who are inclin'd to know the good or bad Qualities of what they eat or drink. Price 3s. 6 d. The Treatise of Foods of the Learned Dr. Lemery is very en- tertaining,
useful, and worthy to be printed, and r. o Fa- mily ought to be without it. Edward Brown, president; Walter Charleton, Elector and Censor ; Charles Goodall, John Bateman, John Woodward, Censors ; of the College of Physicians in London. Next Week will be publish'd, The SIXTH and LAST VOLUME, of DR. BOERHAAVE'S Academical Lectures 0n the Theory of PHYSIC. Being a genuine Tran- slation of his Institutes and Explanatory Comment, collated and adjusted to each other, as they were dictated to his Stu- dents at the University of Leyden. Containing the Signs of Health, Constitutions, and Dis- eases; with the Methods
of preserving Health, preventing Distempers, procuring Longevity, and removing present Dis- eases. Printed for W. Innys, in Pater- noster Row. Where may be had, The five preceding Volumes, this Day is publish'd, Price 2s. THE IMPORTANCE and ADVANTAGE of CAPE BRETON, truly stated, and impartially consider'd. With proper Maps. Si quid novisti rectius istis Candidas imperti: Si non, his utere mecum. HOR. Ep. IV. Lib. I. Printed for John and Paul Knapton, at the Crown in Lud- gate- Street. This Day is published, Price 1s. AN Examine of the Expediency of bringing over immediately the Body of Hanoverian Troops,
taken into our Pay, in Exchange for the like Number of English to be sent over to Flanders, 111 order to a total Suppression of the Rebellion, the Security of the Royal Family, and to answer all the other salutary Views of the Government. Printed for M. Cooper at the Globe in Pater- noster- Row. This Day is publish'd, Vol XI. of THE ROMAN HISTORY, from the Foun- dation of Rome to the Battle of Actium : That is, to the End of the Commonwealth. By Mr. CREVIER, Professor of Rhetorick in the College of Beauvais, being the Continua- tion of Mr. R OLLIN's Work. translated from the FRENCH. Printed for John and Paul
Knapton, at the Crown in Ludgate- Street. Where may be had the preceding Volumes. Also, Rollin's ancient History, 10 Vol. 12mo. History of the Arts and Sciences of the Ancients, 4 Vol. 8vo. Rollin's Quintillian, 8vo. This Day is publish'd, in QUARTO, ( Price 16 s. bund) MICROGRAPHIA ILLUSTRATA: The Knowledge of the MiCROSCOPE explain'd : Toge- ther with an Account of a new invented Universal single or double Microscope, and Solar Apparatus. This Treatise contains a Description of the Nature, Uses, and magnifying Powers of Microscopes in general; together with full Directions how to prepare, apply, and
examine, as well as preserve, all Sorts of minute Objects: The whole being, as it were, a Natural History of a Multitude of Ae- rial, Terrestrial, and Aquatick Animals, Seeds, Plants, & c. To which is added, a Translation of Mr. Joblott's Obser- vations on the Animalcula that are found in many different Sorts ot Infusions ; and a very particular Account of that sur- prizing Phenomenon the fresh- warer Polype, translated from the French Treatise of Mr. Trembley : And is illustrated with 65 Copper- Plates, curiously engrav'd, which contain above 56o Pictures of Microscopic Objects. By GEORGE ADAMS, Mathematical, Philosophical,
and Optical Instrument Maker, at Tycho Brahe's Head in Fleet- Street. Printed for and sold by the Author as above, and by Mess. Stapler and Barstow, Booksellers in York ; Mr. Fletcher, at Oxford ; Mr. Thurlbourne, at Cambridge, and Mr. Wickes, at Norwich. Note, At the End of this Treatise is an extensive and expla- natory Catalogue of all the modern Instruments in the above- mention'd Sciences, never before printed. This Day is publish'd, ( Corrected to the present Time) Neatly printed, to bind with Rider's Almanack, or the London Sheet - THE COURT and CITY REGISTER for the Year 1746. CONTAINING, 1. New and
correct lists of both Houses of Parliament, with the Posts they hold under the Government, and their Places of Residence both in Town and Country, & c. 2. The Court Register; containing the whole of the King, Prince, Duke, and Princesses Houshold; likewise all the Law Courts and Publick Offices, with the Births, Deaths, and Marriages of the Princes of Europe, & c. 3. Complete Lists of the Army and Navy, both at home and abroad, with their Pay, & c. together with the City Of- fices, as the Lord Major, Aldermen, Sheriffs, Common Councils, & c. with several other Things of great Use to the Publick ; all corrected to the present
Time. Printed for R. Amey, in the Court of Requests, and at Charing- Cross; T. Harris, at the Looking- Glass and Bible on London- Bridge; Baldwin and Jeffries, near Stationers Hall, Ludgate- Street; aud sold by M. Cooper, in Pater- noster- Row. Price bound with the Almanack 2 s. 6d. or any List separate, Price 6 d. each stitch'd. This Day is publish'd, Price 1 s. Printed for RICHARD WARE, at the Bible and Sun, Amen- Corner, in Warwick- Lane, The THIRTY- THIRD EDITION, ( To which is now added, an Appendix, containing many ad- ditional Lessons in Prose and Verse first in Words of one Syllable only, and then mix'd with
Words of two, three, four, five, six, and seven Syllables) of DYCHE'S GUIDE to the ENGLISH TONGUE In Two Parts. The First, proper for Beginners; shew- ing a natural and easy Method to pronounce and express both common Words and proper Names; in which particular Care is had to shew the Accent for preventing vicious Pronun- ciation. The Second, sor fuch as are advanced to some Ripe- ness of Judgment; containing Observations 0n the Sounds of Letters and Dipthongs, Rules for the true Divisions of Sylla- bles, and the Use of Capitals, Stops, and Marks; with large Tables of Abbreviations and Distinction of Words,
and seve- ral Alphabets of Copies for young Writers. Where may be had, the following Books by the same Author, 1. A Spelling Dictionary; or, a Collection of all the com- mon Words ana proper Names of Persons and Places, made Use of in the English Tongue. Carefully compar'd with the ori- ginal Languages, from whence they are deriv'd, and mark'd, as they are to be pronounced ; whereby Persons of the meanest Capacity may attain to spell aud write English true and cor- rectly. The 4th Edition, corrected, with large Additions. Price 1 6 d. or both bound together 2 s. 6 d. 2. The Fables of Phaedrus, who was made a
Denizen ' o Rome by Augustus Caesar, under the following Heads, viz the Weakest goes to the Wall: Chuse the least Evil: Be content in your Station: All covet, all lose : Keep not too great Company, & c. render'd into familiar English. The Second Edition, Price 1 s. 3. The Youth's Guide to the Latin Tongue; or, An Ex- plication of Propria qua Maribus, Qua Genus, and As in Prae- sentt; wherein the Rules are made plain and easy to the Ca- pacity of young Learners. The Third Edition, Price : s. 4. A Latin Vocabulary. The Sixth Edition. Being a Collection of Latin Words, with their Signification in English, after the Order of the Eight
Parts of Speech. Likewise all sorts of English and LaTin School Books, by Wholesale and Retail, This Day is. publish'd, Price 6 d. or 5 s. per Doz. The THIRD EDITION, THE Sin and Danger of PROFANE SWEARING expos'd, in several SERMONS. By THOMAS BRADBURY. Printed for J. Oswald, at the Rose and Crown near the Mansion House ; and J. Buckland, at the Buck in Pater- noster Row. Where may be had, by the same Author, 1. God with us. A Sermon on the 4th of November 1745 Price 6d. 2. The Sin and Punishment of Edom consider'd and applied, in a Sermon on the Fast- Day. THE Rev. Mr CLENDON has
taken a large convenient House, with an airy Garden adjoining, in Bolt- Court, Fleet- Street, for the Reception of Patients only. For the Benefit of the Publick, He gives his Remedy for Fevers gratis, which effectually cures in a few Hours, if taken only in the hot Fit, as has been prov'd by many Years Experience. It is pleasant, little in Quantity, and so safe an Infant may take it. He does not desire to convince without Demonstration, and to that End he produces Numbers actually cured by him, not only of Fevers, but also of the King's Evil, Leprosy, Scurvy, corrosive Ulcers, Sore Eyes, Impolthumes in the Ears, Deaf- ness,
Dizziness, and the m0st violent Pains in the Head, Hys- terick Fits, White or Bloody Flux, Piles, Scab'd Infants, even the Black Jaundice, and Incontinency of Urine. The Whooping Cough he cures perfectly in three Days; with sundry other Complaints to be seen in his List of Cures, rather than in a publick Paper. N. B. He does not undertake Venereal Cases. IThink myself oblig'd gratefully to acknowledge, that the Rev. Mr. CLENDON, of Holt- Court, Fleet- Street, has actually cur'd my- Son of the King's- Evil: He had a rotten Bone about the Size of a small Nutmeg, taken out from behind one of his Ears, and had been in a
deplorable Condition for above three Years. As Witness my Hand, KEZIA BOLD, at the Black April 25 1746, Lion in St. Paul's Church Yard. N. B. The Curious may see the Child at any Time within this Fortnight, otherwise he will be gone to School in the North. BELLOSTE's PILLS, UNiversally approv'd of as the finest Purifier of the Blood, and a present Cure for all Pains in the Joints, or any Breakings out, Scurf on the Skin or Leprosy, and many other Diseases incident to human Nature. Also a never failing Remedy for the Gout. Price 20s. the Whole Box, and 10 s. the Half Box. They are to be sold, by Dr. BELLOST'S
Appointment, only at the Blue Flower Pot in Great Pulteney Street by Golden - Square ; at Mrs. Stephens's, a Milliner, at the Blue Ball between the Temple- Gates in Fleet- Street ; and at Mrs. Clocker's, at the Blue Flower Pot in Little Bell Alley in Coleman- street, and n0 where else in Great Britain or Ireland. N. B. At the above Places all persons may, by seeing the Correspondence with Dr. BELLosTE, be satisfy'd that these Pills are genuine and prepard by him ; and that all others, sold elsewere under the Name of BELLOSTE, IN Great Bri- tain or Ireland, are Counterfeits. By Vertue of his Majesty's Royal Letters Patent,
Granted to Thomas Greenough, Apothecary, of Snow Hill, TWO TINCTURES, the one for preserving the Teeth and Gums, which in a few times using perfectly cures the Scurvy in the Gums, causes them to grow down close and regular to the Teeth, makes the foulest Teeth white and beautiful, preserves them from growing rotten, and keeps such as are decay'd from becoming worse; and in a little Time removes the Cause of an Ill scented Breath, except where the Lungs are ulcerated. Each Bottle of this Tincture is seal'd with Red Wax, with these Words, For preserving the Teeth, and round them, By the King's Patent. Price
1s. The other for curing the Tooth- Ach, which gives Ease in a few Minutes, and in a little Time perfectly cures it even when most violent. Each Bottle of this Tincture is seal'd with Black Wax, with these Words, For cUring the Tooth- Ach, and round them, By the King's Patent. - Price One Shilling. No ill Effects can possibly proceed from either of the above Tindtures, there being nothing of a burning or corrosive Nature in their Composition. These Tinctures are sold only by J. Newberry, at the Bible and Sun, near the Chapter House, in St. Paul's Church- Yard, and by the Author, T. Greenough, Apothecary, oppo- site the Green
Dragon, near Sc. Sepulchre's Church, Snow- Hill. *** Good Allowance is made to Merchants, Captains of Ships, and Shopkeepers, who buy Quantities to sell again. GREEK WATER. By his MAJESTY'S Royal Patent. THIS Water is the best Medicine that has yet been invented for the easy and sate Cure of the venereal Disease; and is also a never- failing Preservative from all vene- real Infection, as great Numbers of both Sexes experience daily. Twenty Affidavits made before one of his Majesty's Justices of the Peace, by Persons cured with this Medicine, after they had been tamper'd with by ignorant Pretenders, is sufficient
to convince the Publick of the Efficacy of this Medicine. To be had at Dr. Prosily's House in Exeter- Court, near Exeter- Exchange, in the Strand where the Original Affida- vits may he seen at any Time) at Mr. Rogers's, at the Civet Cat and Orange in the Poultry; and at the Acron, over- against the Angel Inn, Piccadilly. Price Half a Guinea a Bottle, with Directions, and the Book with printed Affidavits. An infallible Remedy for broken- winded HORSES; WHICH has been publish'd and sold many Years, before any. Counterfeits in other Forms ap- pear'd, and highly commended from one Friend to another : The vast Quantities that
have been sold do also verify its efficacy and Virtues, for it most perfectly cures them, after all other Means haye been inef- fectual, to a Wonder, in a small Time, without Confinement, by at- tenuating and opening the Globules of the Lungs dried up, and all the Passages obstructed by Humours dripping thereon, occasion'd by hard Riding, Colds, ike. It causes presently a free perspiration, renewing its Force, Vigour and Length again, as well as ever. It immediately cures these Horses only a little touch'd in their Wind, as also all continu'd Coughs, Colds, Wheesing, & c. being excellent in preventing many other Distempers
incident unto them, by maintaining, preferring and continuing a good Breath. And in a Word, by this very Medicine alone many Horses have been made so perfectly sound, that they have been sold Or valu'd from io to 50 or, 40 Pounds, which, by being broken winded, could not before be sold for, 3 or 4 Pounds. ., It is sold at Mr, Sandwell's Toy shop. at the Griffin, the Corner of Bucklersbury in the Poultry, at 4s. 6d. the Quart Bottle, with Directions for taking it, and no where else in England
LONDON. The Hon. Henry Legge, Esq; to be one of the Lords of the Treasury, in the room of Henry Fox, Esq William Pitt, Esq; to be Pay Master of the Forces, in the room of Thomas Winnington, Esq deceas'd. And the Lord Viscount Duncannon to succeed Henry Legge, esq; as one of the Lords of the Treasury. On Tuesday last Capt. Frederick Cornwall, who be- hav'd so gallantly in the Marlborough Man of War in the Mediterranean, and had his Rignt Arm shot off in that Engagement, was married at Bromfield near Lud- low, in Shropshire, to Miss Herbert, a Lady of fine Sense, Beauty and Fortune, nearly related to the Right
Hon. Lord Herbert, of Oakely Park, in the County of Salop. On Thursday last Capt. Skelton, of the Second Re- giment of Foot Guards, was married at St. Martin's Church to Miss Medcafe, of Red- Lion- Street; a' young Lady of 1o, 000l. Fortune. Last Tuesday died Mr. Brown, an eminent Haber- dasher in the Poultry. Last Wednesday died suddenly, at his House in South- wark, Mr. Dunn, an eminent Mason, who has been concern'd in erecting many Publick Edifices, and was one of the Masons of the Mansion- House for the future Lord Mayors of this City. On Thursday Morning died, of an Apoplectick Fit, at his House at Broad
St. Giles's, Mr. Tanner, an emi- nent Linnen draper. On Wednesday Night the Corpse of Dr. Peters was interr'd in a very handsome Manner in his Family Vault at St. Andrew's Church: He was Physician to the Army, and to the Hospital at Hyde- Park Corner i and was the first that went abroad pursuant to the Will of The great Dr. Ratcliff. Last Week the Rev. Mr. Augustine Meadows, Fellow of Queen's College, Cambridge, was presented to the Living of St. Augustine at Maddington in that County, by the Right Hon. the Earl of Milton, void by the Decease of ths Rev Mr. James Skinner. His Majesty has been pleas'd to present the
Rev. William Back, M. A. to the Vicarage of Kingston, alias Kyneton, in the County and Diocese of Hereford. The Right Hon. the Lord Chancellor has presented the Rev. Mr. Thomas Freak to the Rectory of Little Hempston, alias Arundel, in the County of Devon and Diocese of Exeter. Last Thursday being ths Anniversary Meeting of the Treasurers and Trustees of the Charity Schools within the Cities of London and Westminster, and Parts adja- cent, the Rev. Dr. Lavington, Residentiary of St. Paul's, preach'd a Sermon before them on that Occasion, at Christ Church in Newgate- Street: There were up- wards of 50oo Children,
and went in Procession and attended Divine Service. After Sermon the Treasurers, Trustees, and Subscribers to the said Schools, dined to- gether, at their own Expence, at the Crown Tavern in Threadneedle Street. By various private Letters from the Hague we are as- sur'd, that the Negotiation between the Republick and the Crown of France, now in the Hands of the Count Wassenaar de Twickelo, is not like to end better than his former did ; and that the Reason of his desiring M. Gilles might be sent to Paris was to prevent M. Van Hoey from misrepresenting the Causes of his Miscar- riage. On Wednesday last the Body of
Mr. Fenton, a Cheese- monger of Battersea, was found drown'd in the River Thames, near that Place. There were no Marks of Vio- lence about him, and some Silver being found in his Pockets, makes it imagin'd his Death was accidental. On Thursday last at the Court- Martial on the Tryal of Admiral Lestock, the Evidence for the Crown was clos'd, and the Judge Advocate read the Introduction to Mr. Lestock's Defence, which was near two Hours in reading; and then the Court adjourn'd ' till Monday Morning, Nine o'Clock, when they will begin with the Witnesses in the Defence of Mr. Lestock. There have been 70 Witnesses
examin'd on Behalf of the Crown. Thursday last Joanna Wood was committed to Wood- Street Compter for uttering counterfeit Money. She was an Evidence last October Sessions against Edward Lloyd, lately executed for Coining, and his Wife, who was order'd to be transported for Life. Extract of a Letter from on board the Surprize, off Ostend, April 29. Yesterday Morning his Majesty's Sloop the Ferret, Capt. Douglas, Commander, one of Commodore Michell's Squadron, join'd us, with a Brigantine they retook the Night before, laden with 19o Hogsheads of Tobacco, from Glasgow, nam'd the Clyde, bound to Rotterdam ; she
had been taken the Day before by a French Dogger, 8 Leagues from Calais, with eight. Carriage and some Swivel Guns, and 60 Men. We afterwards chased the said Dogger into Flushing, with the St. Andrew Snow from Glasgow, with Tobacco, which he had likewise taken a little to the Eastward of the Maes, distance from Shore about two Leagues. They ran in Shore amongst the Sands, where we could not go with our Ship, otherwise they would not have escap'd us. The 26th of April we fell in with 16 Sail of English Merchant Ships from Yarmouth, and Ports to the Northward, bound to Rotterdam, which would have fallen into
their Hands, if the Commo- dore had not order'd the Swallow Sloop to see them in Safety, which she did. There are in Dunkirk Road six privateers, four of which are large Ships, and the other two Doggers. Extract of a Letter from Dover, May I. ' This Morning arriv'd here the York Privateer, Capt. Gravenor, from a Cruize, who has sent in here a Smuggling Cutter, with 488 Half- Anchors of Bran- dy, and 79 Bags of Tea : She belong'd to Rye, and took in her Lading at Bolougn, off which Place Capt. Gravenor took her; but all the Crew got on Shore on the Coast of France. This Morning nine Deserters from the Irish Regi- ments in
the French Service, landed here from Bo- lougn ; they came over in a Boat, which they seiz'd, with two French Seamen in her. On tie DEFEAT of the REBELS. AS his Worm eaten Volumes old time tumbled o'er, To review the great Actions which happen'd of Yore, When the Names of young Ammon and Caesar he saw, He smil'd, but soon turn'd to a Churchill, Nassau. With a Sigh then he said, ' What has Britain no Friend ! ' With these must her long Race of Heroes have End !' When instant a Blast on her Trumpet Fame blew. Which so long had been silent, the Sound he scarce knew; Full confess'd to his Sight, then the
Goddess appear'd, And half out of Breath cry'd,' The News have you heard? Father Time, I've one Heroe to add to your Store; ' Brave WILLIAM has conquer'd — Rebellion's no more!' Well- pleas'd, in his Annals Time wrote down the Name, Made the Record authentick, and gave it to Fame. To the FREEMEN of the City of WORCESTER. GENTLEMEN, BEING encouraged by several Gentlemen and Freemen to offer myself a Candidate for your City to serve in Par- liament, in the room of your late Member Mr. Winnington : I desire the Favour of your Votes and Interest at the ensuing Election, on Tuesday the 13th Instant. THe
Shortness of the Time prevents my personal Application, therefore you will be pleased to admit this way of Address at present, from GENTLEMEN, May I, 1745. your most obedient humble Servant, THO. VERNON. To the Gentlemen, Clergy, and Freeholders of the County of Bucks. GENTLEMEN, AS I have had the Honour of representing your County for fourteen Years, and flatter myself, with the Approbation and to the Satisfaction of my Constituents, I take this publick Method of acquainting you, that in case any Vacancy should happen for the County of Bucks, before the Choice of a new Par- liament. I design to offer myself
as a Candidate. I take this early Step to prevent my Friends being engag'd, and beg the Fa- vour that they will reserve their Votes and Interest ' till I can have an Opportunity of applying to them in Person, which will very much oblige, May 1. GENTLEMEN, ' your most faithful humble Servant, WILLIAM STANHOPE. ThE Creditors of the. Company of Mercers, London, by Bond or otherwise ( except the Annuitants and Subscri- bers for Annuities') are desired to meet a General Court of the said Company, at Mercers Hall, on Thursday next the 2th In- stant, at Nine o'Clock in the Forenoon. By Order of the Committee of the Bond
Creditors, CHARLES CRUMPE. To be Sold by AUCTION, without Reserve, By Mr. BROWNING, ALL the genuine Houshold Goods, Plate and Books of a Gentleman leaving off business, at his Late Place of Residence in Allhallows Court, by the Cross Keys Inn in Gracechurch Street; consisting of Silk and Worsted Damask, Camblet, printed Linnen and Serge, in Beds, Win- dow- Curtains, & c. very good feather beds, Blankets, and Quilts, Variety of Chairs, Tables, Chests of Drawers, Cloaths Chests, Book- Cases, large Sconces, Pier and Chimney Glasses, Marble Tables, Screens and Turky Carpets ; a large and well- chosen
Collection of Books of all Kinds, neatly bound ; and a Parcel of fashionable Plate and China Ware. Catalogues will be deliver'd gratis, at Mr. Browning's, Up- holder, in Threadneedle Street, and at the Place of sale. 0n the Day of Viewing, which will be on Monday the 5th and Tuesday the 6tn Instant, and the other Days at the Time of Sale, which will begin 0n Wednesday the 7th, and the DAYS following, exactly at Eleven o'clock. This Day is publish'd, In on large Volume, Octavo, ( Price Half- bound, Five Shillings) THE HISTORY of the REBELLION rais'd against his Majesty King GEORGE I. By the Friends of the Popish
Pretender, from its first Rise, to its final Extinc- tion. In which is given a full and distinct Account of all the chief Families engag'd in it, particularly of the Clans many of whom are now in the present Rebellion. By the Rev. Mr. PETER RAE. To which is added, A Collection of Original Letters and Authentick Papers, relating to that Rebellion, Printed for A. Millar, opposite to Katherine- Street in the Strand. This Day is publish'd, Price 5 s. The FOURTH EDITION, corrected of THE ART of MIDWIFERY improv'd ; fully and plainly laying down whatever Instructions are re- quisite to make a complete Midwife. And the many Errors in all the
Books hitherto written upon this Subject clearly re- futed. Illustrated with 38 Cuts, curiously engraven on Cop- per- Plates, representing, 111 their due Proportion, the several Positions of a Foetus. Also a new Method, demonstrating how Infants ill situated in the Womb, whether obliquely or in a strait Posture, may, by the Hand only, without the use of any Instrument, be turn'd into their right Position, with- out hazarding the Life either of Mother or Child. Written in latin by HENRY A DAVENTER. Made English. To which is added, A Preface, giving some Account of this Work, by an emi- nent Physician. Printed for W. Innys, and C.
Hitch, in Pater- noster Row ; H. Pemberton in Fleet- Street; and J. Hinton in St. Paul's Church- Yard. The FIRST NUMBER of THE New Set of SCRIPTURE PRINTS and MAPS, engrav'd from Original Pictures and Drawings, was publish'd this Morning, by S. AUSTEN IN Newgate- Street ; and though this Undertaking has been, at- tended with a very great Expence t0 the Proprietor, yet the Prints, & c. will be sold only at Three pence each, as it is ap- prehended they will be taken into many private Families, therefore they are proposed on such reasonable Terms. Notice is likewise given, that the First Number of Mr.
STACKHOUSE'S History of the Bible will be delivered out at the same Time, and continued without Intermission, for Six- pence a Week, ' till the Work is complete. Lately publish'd, Price bound 11. 1s. In one large Volume, Folio, Dedicated to the Right Honourable the Lord Chancellor, the Master of the Rolls, and the Twelve Judges, REpertorium Juridicum: or, An INDEX to all the CASES in the Year- Books, Entries, Reports and Abridgments in Law and Equity : Shewing at one view all the Books in which any CASE is printed, ( although by different Names, as it often happens) and under what Title it is 0r ought to be common
plac'd; Containing near Forty THOUSAND CASES. With an Alphabetical Table of the Titles referring t0 the CASES. By a BARRISTER of the Middle Temple. Sold by B. Nutt, and the Booksellers of L0ndon and West- minster. — This Day is published, Price 5 s. NUMBER XI. FOUR LANDSKIPS, engrav'd from origi- and Pictures of GASPAR PousSIN and CLAUDE DE LorrAINE. Sold at Mr. Pond's in Great Queen- Street, near Lincoln's Inn fields, and by Messieurs J. and P. Knapton, in Ludgate Street. Where may be had, any of the preceding Numbers ; also A Landskip with figures from David Teniers. Price as. No. I. Twelve
Caricatures. . No.- II. Ten CariCatures. Seventy Prints from Drawings, in which the Manners of the seVeral Masters are imitated. The Head of Admiral Anson. . The View from One tree Hill in Greenwich Park. 2. s, 6 d. The Pantheon and other Roman Antiquities, from Paulo Pannim. Price 3 s. The temple of Concord, and other Roman Antiquities, from Paulo Pannim. Price s s. Shortly will be publish'd, The Mausoleum of hadrian, and other Roman Antiquties. Price This Day is publish'J, In Twelves, Price 3 s. 6 d. Bound, The Whole, enrich'd with an entire new Set of Copper Plates, representing each Quadrupede, Bird, Fish,
insect and Plants, ATOUR through the ANIMAL WORLD; or an historical and accurate Account of near 400 Ani- mals, Birds, fishes, Serpents, Insects, & c. describing their different Natures, Qualities and Use, as well for the common Service and Food of Man, as his Diversions and Cure of ins Maladies. Extracted from Gesner, Willoughby, Swammerdam, Mouffet, Merian, and others the most celebrated Authors upon this Subject. To which is added, A Description of some of the most rare and curious Productions of the Vegetable World. By the Chevalier DENIS DE COETLOGON, M. D. Knight of the Order of St. LaZare, and
Member of the Royal Academy of Angers. Printed for John Nourse, at the lamb opposite Karherine- Street in the Strand, Note, There are a few Copies of the above colour'd for the Curious. Price Two Guineas. This Day is publish'd, Price bound 9 s THE Life of ths Emperor JuLiAN. Translated from the French, and improv'd with Coins, Notes and a Genealogical Table. fortissimus armis, ConditUr et legum cel- berrimus ; ore manuque Consultor patrie, sed non cons ittor habende Religionis amans tercentum millia divum. Persidus ille Deo, sed non et perfidus orbi. Aurel. Prudentius opotheosi. ' I judge this Piece of History to be n0
less admirable for the Solidity of its Matter than the Beauty of its Style : and that it will do as much Credit to Letters as Service to ' Religion. see the Approbation. Printed for J. Fletcher, Bookseller, at Oxford. This Day was publish'd, Price 2s. AN Authentick Narrative of the Success of TAR, WATER, in Curing a great Number and Variety of Distempers, with Remarks and Occasional Papers relative to the Subject. By THOMAS PRIOR, esq; To which are subjoin'd two Letters from the Author of SIRIS. To do Good, and communicate, forget not Heb. xiii. 16. Dublin printed London re- printed for W. Innis, C. Hitch, and M. Cooper, in
Pater- noster- Row ; C. Davis, in Holbourn, E. Dod, Temple- Bar, and J. Robinson, Ludgate- Street, Where may be had, lately publish'd, SIRIS: A Chain of Philosophical Enquiries concerning the Virtues of TAR WATER, and divers other Subjects connec- ted together, and arising one from another. By the Right Rev. Dr. GEORGE BERKELEY, Lord Bishop of Cloyne. This Day is publish'd. Price 1 s. 6d. DEISM fairly stated, and fully vindicated from the gross Imputations and groundless Calumnies of Mo- dern Believers. Wherein some of the principal Reasons con- tained in Mr. Benson's Answer to Christianity. not founded on
Argument are fully consider'd, and prov'd to be far from con- clusive. In a Letter to a Friend. , By et ATORAL PHILOSOPHER. For Modes of Faith let graceless Zealots fight, his can't be wrong whose life is in the Right, Pope, Printed for W. Webb, near St. Paul's. LONDON Printed by J. MERES in the Old Baily near Ludgate, where Advertisements are taken in