The General Advertiser
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The General Advertiser
Date of Article: 06/02/1746
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Volume Number: Issue Number: 3520 ?
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The General Advertifer. NUMB. 3/ 2 O. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 6, 1745- 6. Deal, February 4. SAILED on a Cruize the Carlisle and Swift Privateers. Remain his Ma- jesty's Ships Princess Louisa, Ad- miral Mayn ; Hastings, Commo- dore Knowles, with the Men of War as in my last, and Duke of Bedford Privateer. This Instant Commodore Knowles is under sail, with two Men of War, a Sloop, and three Privateers. Falmouth, Feb. i. Since my last sailed the Fawkener Packet- Boat, for Jamaica. Wind East. Dartmouth. Feb. i. Yesterday came in the Pompey. Burrel, of and for London, from Jamaica; and the Ow- ner's Goodwill of
this Place, from London. Wind E. N. E. Pool, Feb. 3. Came in William and Thomas, Lauder, from London. Sail'd the John and Mary, Rogers, for London. The Johnson, Pemberton, from Petersburgh, is arriv'd at Leverpool. The Three Friends, Allen, from Barbadoes, at Ply- mouth. The Mary, Daracott, from Virginia, at ditto. LONDON. The Remainder of his Prussian Majesty s Letters to Mr. Villiers. LETTER- III. SIR,. 4 I cannot sufficiently applaud the Earnestness you testify ' to propose Words of Peace and Accommodation to the • King of Poland ; and the more Room I have to be satis- ' tied with your Conduct, the more am I
surprised, Sir, • that you, by your indefatigable Cares, and myself, with ' so much Moderation, and the Advantages of Fortune, * are unable to bend the irreconcileable Spirit of the Court 4 of Dresden. It was difficult, I confess, to foresee, that a 4 Court which thought itfelf obliged to abandon its Capi- 4 tal, should take upon it to prescribe hard Laws, at a ' Time when Friendship and Peace are sincerely demanded • of it. The King of Poland shall still have these in his * Power, whenever he shall think proper. I follow, for 4 my Part, the Laws of War, and now repeat to you * what 1 said in my former Letter, that from the Day the 4 King
of Poland shall sign the Treaty, Hostillities and ' the last Contributions shall cease. If Fortune had fa- « vour'd the Arms of my Enemies, I am not certain they ' would have been content to lay my Country under Con- « tribution, and if they would not have overspread it with ' Fire and Sword, demanding the Sacrifice of whole Pro- « vinces. After this you will confess, that my Procedure 4 is much more humane, and that, if I have had the good ' Fortune, to disconcert the dangerous Projects that the 4 Courts of Vienna and Dresden had formed against me, 4 my Behaviour in consequence is according to the Rights * of War, and the
Custom of all Europe. If it is true, ' that the King of Poland would prevent the Ruin of his " Hereditary Estates, the most certain Way, in my Opi- ' nion of his coming to this End, is to accept the Peace < which I offer him so cordially. For without Hate or c private Animosity, all the World must agree, that 80,000 ' Men in such a Country as Saxony, cannot fail of ruin- « ing it in Course of Time. My Hands are innocent of ' all the Evil that may happen to it. I call to Witness 4 Heaven, and the Eyes of all Europe, that if the King • of Poland persists in his irreconcileable Disposition, ' no Body can blame me for proceeding, on my Side, to •
the greateft Extremities. For the Love of Humanity, » Sir, employ all your Care, that two neighbouring ' Houses may not tear each other to Pieces. Be the Or- c gans of my Sentiments, as you are the Depository of 4 my Interests, and save Saxony from the present Calami- ' ties, and the last of Evils which threatens it. ' I am, & c. P. S. ' Count de Podewils has been here since Yesterday, • and will wait still, to see if there is no means of bring- ' ing over the Saxon Ministry to more just and equitable « Sentiments. Let the King of Poland then avail himself * of my Dispositions, and not push me too far. I will send c you To- morrow my
Remarks upon Count Bruhl's Me- ' morial, of which you will make what use you think 4 convenient; and in Case you judge it less proper to mol * lify Minds than to imitate them, you have it in your ' Power not to produce it at the Court. In the Interim, ' I am setting out to give new Activity to my Operation, ' and provide for my own Security, either by crushing ' my Enemies, or obliging them to make a reasonable ' Peace. Whatever may arrive, I shall always bear in ' Memory your just Proceedings; and if I can be service- 4 able to you at your Court, I will warmly employ all my ' Credit to convince you, that you have not served an In- '
grate. LETTER IV. Written three Days before the Signature of the Preliminaries. SIR, ' I was very much surprised to receive Proportions of Peace on the Day of a Battle, and I have been suffici- : ently convinced of the little Sincerity of the Saxon Mi- : nisters, by the Return of Prince Charles of Lorrain into ; Saxony. Fortune, which hath seconded my Cause, has 1 put me in a Condition to resent fuch Sort of Proceedings : with great Vigour: But far from thinking in that Man- ' ner, I offer still, for the last Time, my Friendship to ' the King of Poland. My Successes do not blind me ; ' and tho' I might have Reason to be puffed up in my '
Situation, and continue in the same Sentiments of pre- ' ferring Peace to War. I expect that M. de Bulow and ' M. de Rex, will have their full Powers, that the Count ' de Podewils, who will arrive here this Evening or To- ' morrow, may enter into immediate Conference with 1 them. As to the rest, I cannot conceal my Surprise, ' that an English Minister should advise me to depart from ' a Treaty I have made with the King his Master, and 4 which Great- Britain has guaranteed. You shall sooner • see me perish myself and all my Army, than to relax ' upon the least Particle of that Treaty. If the Queen of ' Hungary will at last, once for
all, have a Peace, I am ' ready to sign it according to the Convention of Hano- ' ver; and if she refuses it entirely, I shall have a Right ' to rise in my Pretensions against her. Bring me then ' the last Resolutions of the King of Poland ; and let me ' know, if he prefers the total Ruin of his Country to its ' Preservation ; Sentiments of Hatred to those of Friend- ' ship; in a Word, if he chuses rather to cause this War ' to blaze in full Fury, than to establish Peace with his • Neighbours, and pacify Germany. ' I am, & c. Dresden, Dec. 18, 1745. From the London Gazette. Whitehall, Feb. 5. This Day, at 12 o'Clock at Noon, an Express arrived
from his Royal Highness the Duke of Cumberland, with the following Letters.. Copy of a Letter from his Royal Highness the Duke of Cumberland, to the Duke of Newcastle. Falkirk, Feb. 1, 1745 6. My Lord Duke of Newcastle, IN my last, of the 30th of last Month, I inform'd you of our Intention to march to the Relief of Stirling Castle. When I wrote that, I hoped that the Rebels, flush'd with their late Success, would have given us an Opportunity of finishing this Affair at once, which, I am morally sure, would have been in our Favour, as the Troops in general shew'd all the Spirit that I could wish, and would have retrieved whatever
Slips are past : But, to my great Asto- nishment, the Rebels have blown up their Powder Maga- zine, and are retired over the Forth at Frew, leaving their Cannon behind them, and a Number of their sick and wounded, besides 20 of our wounded Prisoners, taken at the late Affair, which I have found here. I hope to be at Stirling To- morrow, from whence I shall be better able to inform you of all this strange Flight. Brigadier Mordaunt, with the two Regiments of Dra- goons, and Lieutenant Colonel Campbell, with the High- landers, are in Pursuit of them. I am, your affectionate Friend, WILLIAM. This Moment comes in from Stirling a
Man, who says, Blakeney had put Troops in the Town, and that all the Rebels had crossed the Forth. I enclose the best Account for the present I could draw up. Copy of a Letter from his Royal Highness the Duke of Cum berland, to the Lord Justice Clerk. Camp at Falkirk, Feb. 1, 1745. My Lord Justice Clerk, IThought it proper to give you an Account cf what has happened since I left Edinburgh. Yesterday I marched from Edinburgh, with the Army, in two Columns, consisting of 14 Battalions, the Argyle- shire- Men, and the two Regiments of Dragoons of Cob- ham and Mark Kerr, and quarter'd myself at Linlithgow with eight
Battalions; and Brigadier Mordaunt with six Battalions at Burrow- stone- ness. The Dragoons quarter'd in the adjacent Villages, and. Colonel Campbell, with the Argyillshire Men, in the Front, towards the Avon. A c0n- siderable Body of the Rebels was then at Falkirk, and some few of them appeared on the Hills between' that Place and Linlithgow. They gave it out, that they in- tended to stand another Action with the King's Force', but at the same Time seem'd very uneasy for their Baggage, which they were endeavouring to secure on the other side of the Forth. They were very much disappointed at the Defence General
Blakeney had made in Stirling- Castle, and said, it was impossible for Man to take it. This Morning early Word was brought, that the Rebels had retired to the Torwood, and intended to make a Stand there ; and that the rest of them from Stirling would join them at that Place. I reviewed the whole Army this Morning, before we marched, who were in the highest Spirits. The advanced • Parties of the Rebels retired with Precipitation on the Ap- proach of ours, and the foremost Scouts brought in some Stragglers who said the Rebels were repassing the Forth in a good deal of Confusion, being afraid, as they said, of another Battle,
because of the increase of our Strength, and the great Defertion there had been amongst the Clans, which had much diminish'd their Numbers. On our March we heard two great Reports, like the blowing up of some Magazine, and it was soon confirmed to us; for the Rebels had blown up a very large Quantity of Powder, in the Church of St. Niniens before they went off. On my Arrival here I found all our wounded Men, whom they had made Prisoners in the late Action, and in their Retreat had been obliged to leave behind them. And I hear they have left their Artillery at Stirling spiked up. As soon as I came here, I detached
immediately Bri- gadier Mordaunt, with the Argylishire Men, and all the Dragoons, in Pursuit of them, though it is imagined that most of them will have escaped at the Ford of Frew, as they generally make a good deal of Haste when, they are going off. They have lost a great many Men ar Stirling, and say it is all over with them, and they shall make to Montrose. One Circumstance is particular, that Lady Kilmarnoch who till last Night had always staid at Callenden House, went off with them. I propose to march To- morrow Moving to Stirling. and there take Measures for further quieting these Parts of His Majesty's Dominions. 1 am,
& c. Copy of Lord Justice Clerk's Letter to the Duke of New- castle. Edinburgh, February I, 1745- 6. My Lord Duke, THE Arrival of his Royal Highness the Duke has done the Business, animated our Army, and struck the Rebels with Terror and Confusion. He lost no Time to improve these Advantages, marched the whole Army Yesterday to Linlithgow and the adjacent Places., and continued his March this Morning to Falkiek, the Rebels always flying before him. This Morning the Rebels renew'd their Firing against Stirling Castle; but General Blakeney continuing to make a good Defence, they raised the Siege, and have blown up
their Magazine of Powder, and, as believed, have spiked their Cannon, and the whole Army of the Rebels have fled with Precipitation, and crossing the Forth at the Ford of Frew ; and his Royal Highness has sent off the Dragoons and Argyilshire Men to take Possession of Stirling, and remains with the Foot this Night at Falkirk- Wishing your Grace Joy of this great and good News, I am, & c. And. Fletcher. By Letters from Barbadoes, dated the 16th of Novem- ber, we have an Account of the Death of Capt. Balchen, Commander of his Majesty's Ship the Pembroke, ( Son of the late Sir John Balchen, who was unfortunately lost in
the Victory) a brave and worthy Officer, belov'd by all that were under his Command, and highly esteem'd by his Acquaintance. The same Letters inform us, that the French at Marti- nico, are in the utmost Distress by the Diligence of Ad- miral Townshend, who has two Men of War constantly cru'zing to Windward, and two to Leeward pf the Island, to prevent any Succours arriving. That he had ordered Commodore Lee to lie against Fort St. Piers, with four large Ships. And that there are 75 Negroes on board the Admiral, that escaped in Perriagues and Canoes, who con- firm the Distress of the French; and say, that the Provi sions allowed to 14 Men for a Week, is not sufficient to serve 20 one Day. ADVERTISEMENTS are taken in for this Paper, at LLOYD'S COFfEE- HouSe; in Lombard- Street,
Admiral Warren has sent over from Cape Breton, Or- ders to buy a Service of Plate, of 1000 1. Value, to pre- fent to General Peperell, for his great Services in the Re- duction of that important Place. On Monday Night the Mansion- House call'd Popes, near Hatfield in Hertfordshire, in the Possession of Samuel Martin, Esq; an eminent West- India Merchant, was burnt down, as is suppos'd, by the Carelesness of the Servants. Dr. Pringle, ( Physician General to the Army) Dr. Arm- strong, and Dr. Barker, are appointed Physicians to the Hospital for lame, maim'd, and sick Soldiers, behind Buckingham House. Last Sunday died at
Thorney in the Isle of Ely, Tho- mas Holt, late of Rotchford in the County of Essex, Esq; a Gentleman highly esteem'd by all that knew him. On Monday last one of the Pensioners of Chelsea Hos- pital, was turn'd out of the House, for Cursing his Maje- lty, and wishing the Pretender in his room. He had been admitted but a Fortnight, and when dismiss'd had like to have been torn to Pieces by the Populace, when they heard the Cause of his Dismission. Yesterday Hugh Hopkins was committed to the Poultry Compter, by Mr. Alderman Alsop, for feloniously stealing three Pieces of Fustick, from out of a Lighter at Wigan's- Key, the
Property of Mr. Samuel Tenchet, Merchant. Q U E R I E S, Most Humbly offered to all the Friends of Religion, who are in Wealthy Circumstances, tending to discover a Method more effectually to curb Prophaneness and Sabbath- Brea- king among the Poor ; and at the same Time secure * em against the Attempts of Popish Priests to draw them into their Idolatrous Church. THE dreadful Judgments with which this Nation has been threatned, the gracious Appearance of the Almighty in our Behalf, together with the Repentance and good Purposes formed on the late solemn Fast- day, these call on us, with a united Voice, to use
the best Endeavours that, our gracious Deliverer and all- prevailing lntercessor may more than ever be honoured and adored : Therefore it is ( with the most humble Submission) proposed to Conside- ration, whether the following be not proper Means for that End ? I. If all Friends of Religion and Lovers of their Coun- try ( which are in Circumstances tnat admit of it) do now from grateful Zeal for the Honour of God, encrease and regulate their Charities, endeavouring thereby, ( under a Divine Influence) to make some Reformation among the Poor, and put fome Check, at least, to their open Im- pieties ? And to this End, that they
make themfelves well acquainted with the Condition and moral Characters of their necessitous Neighbours, on purpose to relieve them— not a stated Allowance ( as Weekly, & c.) be a more likely Way to influence the Receivers to avoid pro- phane Language, & c. than Alms after long and uncertain Intervals ? II. if special Care be taken of such as are visited with Sickness and Disasters of any kind, and together with the Supplies they need, be given Persuasions and Exhortations ta the Fear and Love of God, and that they be brought to promise a Reformation in their Words and Behaviour? — they are never so likely to take
good Council as when in such Calamities, and in these Seasons of absolute Distress, Papists have, no doubt, too often succeeded in their un- wearied Endeavours to gain Proselytes ; they administer Medicine with their Alms, and deserve so far to be imita- ted by our Nobility and Gentry : Might not a small De- gree of" Skill suffice for the Application of a few safe Re- medies, and ( under God's Blessing, which often very re- markably attends this Branch of Charity) for a Trifle of Expence, a whole Family may be rescued from the dread- ful Miseries of Sickness in the Depth of Poverty ; Kitchin- Physic alone, seasonably given,
would often have the like happy Effect ; and, if Papists, by their Alms- deeds and Admonitions, can gain Proselytes to a Religion so contrary to Common Sense and the Gospel, might not a Protestant Benefactor have Hope of reforming, or, at least, restrain- ing a prophane Swearer and Sabbath- breaker, by equal Compassion, and the most solid Arguments instead of So- phistry ? III. If all Benefactors shew a distinguishing Regard and Esteem for those Poor, who honour their Creator and Re- deemer in their Words and Actions, will net making a Difference in distributing Alms fix a greater Impression on the Mind, than Words
can do? and therefore, tho1 no ab~ solutely necessitous Case ought to be overlooked, should not those who religiously frequent Divine Worship, with their Children, and are known to restrain themselves and theirs from prophane Language and daring Wickedness, re- ceive a larger Shaie of Bounty than their impious Neigh- bours ? IV. If such irreligious Persons as are relieved be argued with from Time to Time, and made to understand that if they persist in their Impieties they shall lose the Favour of their Benefactors, and have no more Relief; should not reverencing God's holy Name, and keeping his Sabbath be made the
Conditions ( except in extraordinary Instances of Distress requiring immediate Succour) of all stated Cha- rities ? V. May not the Cause of Religion and Reformation be greatly promoted, by providing decent Apparel for fuch Poor as are willing to be regular at public Worship, but thro' a faulty Shame, are kept from it by their Poverty, and Raggs ? Might not many Families by this Means be brought into the Way of Instruction, who are now aban- don'd to total Ignorance and Wickedness for Want of it ? VI. Might not Prophaneness, Sabbath- breaking and Popery be cheeked in their Progress, if the holy Scrip- tures and such religious
Books as are most suited to enligh- ten the Mind, and affect the Heart, were dispersed in every Neighbourhood ? VII. Would not the Design be forwarded by giving fo much Schooling to the Children as may enable them to read the Bible, and frequently exhorting their Parents to read in their Families, and teach them the Catechism, Prayers, Portions of Scripture, & c. frequently reminding them, that as they hope for farther Charity, they must shew their sacred Regard to their God and Saviour, by re- verencing those venerable Names, by Attendance on Di- vine Worship, and bring their Children to do the same ? VIII. Where all
these Means fail, should not the whole- some Laws of the Land be put in Execution against the openly Impious, whose Breath and Practice is the greatest Plague, and most Spreading in the Kingdom, is it not a Debt due to our Country, to the present and the following Age, and especially to the Lord our Deliverer ? Does not our holy Religion require us to exert ourselves for the Glory of our God and Redeemer, against Men who are not to be won to so much as a decent Regard to the most facred Thing', by the most benevolent and endearing Methods? If they will not be moved by Goodness, should they not be reftrained by
Fear? These Queries are humbly submitted to your Judgments, who are Friends of Religion, and Lovers of your Country, who v. iih for Peace within her Borders, and Prosperity • within her Palaces, which are never likely to be established till there be a more general Return to that God who has smitten, and is contending with us. Awake, Sirs, out of your Lethargy, if you move not for God's Honour, who shall ? It is left to your Consideration whether the above Questions do not point out a practical Scheme for the ex- ternal Reformation of 1000l. the Benefit whereof may go down to latest Posterity.— if every Friend of Religion and
Virtue, who extends Charity to the Distressed ( and should not this be every one that can) would resolve that the Ob- jects he slatedly relieves shall be such only as will not openly affront their Creator and Redeemer, and turn their Backs on publick Worship, this would curb the Prophaneness of Multitudes, and make a very considerable outward Re- formation ; and this would be a great Point gained, be- cause so much evil Example would be cut off. We are under the strongest Obligations to attempt a Reformation . of Manners, the abounding Wickedness calls for it, as it threatens else to overwhelm us. ' I he late aweful Judg ments ( not as yet sure forgotten) the late as wonderful Mercies, the remaining Dangers and Intimations of Divine Displeasure not removed, particularly the great Mortality of the Cattle : ( on which Account Mr. Bates has printed a judicious and useful Sermon, suited to excite such an Hu- miliation and Reformation, as may turn the Anger of the Lord away from us, from which I have transcribed the Passage underneath). I hope, my virtuous and honoured Country men, your Love to the glorious Cause of Religion and ardent Gratitude for your preserved Sovereign, Liberty, Laws, and the Holy Gospel, all these will, it is hoped,
awaken your Zeal for God's Glory, and this may be imputed to the whole King- dom for Righteousuess. An Extract from Mr. Bates'j Sermon on the Mortality of the Cattle. ' Humble your Souls for your Sins against God, now ' when you see him striking the Beasts, those of them that ' are most useful to you. The Cows, which are cut off in ' such Multitudes, what have they done ? Their Oppres- ' sions, Agonies, and other Evidences of Pain, with their ' hasty Death and Burial like corrupt Carrion, are the . ' Fruits of our Sins. Had they the Gift of Speech, they ' would tell us Sinners " ' Tis for you we die ; you have " sinned and we
suffer : You have provoked our good Maker, and we bear your Iniquity ; you are the Of- " fenders, and we are the Sacrifices, but not of Atone- " merit : Look therefore to yourselves, lest the same Pu- '' nishment remain for you, which we undergo, this of " being buried with the Burial of an Ass." Tue Meat is ' cut off before our Eyes for our Sins; and may, nay ' must be rendered very scarce, if the Visitation continue, ' and affect other Parts of the Nation, as it hath done ' those near us.' Bank- Stock 120 1 half a 1 22 1 half. India Ditto 1 <; 6 1 half a 157. South Sea Stock no Price. Ditto Old Annuities 96 1 half a 97. Ditto New 04 1 half
a 95 1 half. Three per Cent. Annuities 74 3 4ths a 75 1 4th. Ditto 1742, 74 3 4th1 a 7; 1 4th. Ditto 1743 and 17.14 .74 3 4thsa 75 1 4th. Ditto 174;, 74 3 4ths a 7; 1 4th. Million Bank 110. Equivalent 100. Royal Affurance • 77. London Affurance 9 3 4ths. Englifh Copper 5 1. Seven per Cent, Emperor's Loan no Price, Five per Cent, ditto no Price. Bank Circulation 10 s. IndiaBonds 2i. 15 s. a 16 s. Difc. Three and a half Salt Tallies 1 5 1 4th a 1 half. Three and a half per Cent. Exche- quer Orders no Price. Three per Cent. Ditto no Price. High Water at London- Bridge, this Day at 3 Minutes after 12. HAY - MARKET AT the KING's
THEATRE in the HAY- MARKET, Saturday next, will be perform'd a New OPERA, call'd IL TRIONFO BELLA CONTINENZA. With DANCeS and other DECORATIONS Entirely New. Pit and Boxes to be put together, and no Persons to be admitted without Tickets, which will be delivered that Day, at the Opera Office in the Hay- Market, at Half a Guinea each. Gallery 5 s, By HIS MAJESTY'S COMMAND, No Persons whatsoever to be admitted behind the Scenes. The Gallery to be oprn'd at Four o'Clock. - Pit and Boxes at Five. To begin at Six o'clock. DRURY- LANE. By Command of their Royal Highnesses the Prince and
Princess of WALES. By His Majestys Company of Comedians, AT the Theatre - Royal in Drury - Lane, this Day, will be presented a Comedy, call'd The RECRUITING OFFICER. The Part of Capt. Plume by Mr. Mills ; Capt. Brazen,. Mr.. Macklin ; Justice Ballance, by Mr. Bridges ; Serjeant Kite, Mr. 1. Sparkes; Worthy, Mr. Havard ; Bullock, Mr. Taswell; Welsh Collier, Mr. Blakes ; the Two Recruits by Mr. Neale and Mr. Ray, Melinda, Miss Copin ; Rose, Miss Scot; Lucy, Mrs. Bennet ; And the Part of Silvia by Mrs. Woffington. With Singing by Mr. Lowe, Mrs. Clive, and Miss Edwards. And Entertainments of Dancing, viz. Actl I. The
Italian Peasants by Mons. and Madem. Mechel, Act III. A Dance by Mr. Muilment, and others. Act V. A Grand Dance by Mr. Muilment, Mr. Picq, Miss Hilliard, Mr. Desse, Miss Scott, and others. To which will be added a Farce, call'd The ANATOMIST; Or, SHAM- DOCTOR. Mons. Le Medicine, Mr. Blakes; Crispin, Mr. Yates ; Old Ge- rald, Mr. Collins; Young Gerald, Mr. Usher ; Martin Mr. Bransby, Angelica, by Miss Bradshaw; Beatrice, Mrs. Benset; Wife by Mrs. Bridges ; Maid, Miss Cole. Boxes , Pit 3s. First Gallery 2s Upper Gallery 1 s. To begin exactly at Six o'Clock. COVENT- GARDEN. Not Acted these Six Years. AT the
Theatre Royal in Covent- Garden, this Day, will be reviv'd a Comedy, call'd The MAN OF MODE; O R, Sir FOPLING FLUTTeR. The Part of Sir Fopling Flutter by Mr. CIBBER ; Dorimant, Mr. Ryan; Medley, Mr, Hale ; Old Bellair, Mr. Hip- pisley ; Young Bellair, Mr. Woodward ; Shoemaker, Mr. James ; Handy, Mr. Anderson; Mr. Smith, Mr. Carr ; the Page, by Miss Mullart. Harriet, by Mrs. Vincent; Belinda, Mrs. Hale ; Lany Townlay, by Mrs. Havard ^ Lady Woodvil, Mrs. James; Emilia, Mrs. Bland; Pert, Miss Hippisley ; Busy, Mrs. Dunstall ; Orange- woman, Mr. Stoppelaer ; And the Part of Loveit by Mrs. Pritchard. With Dancing by
Mr. COOKE, Signora CAMPIONI, and Mr. SODI, ( Being the first Time of his appearing upon that Stage.) Boxes 5s. Pit 3s. First Gallery 2s. Upper Gallery 1s. To begin exactly at Six o'Clock. By particular DESIRE. AT the Theatre Royal in Drury- Lane, on Saturday next, will be presented a Comedy, call'd The MERCHANT of VENICE With Entertainments as will be express'd in the Bills of the Day. Places and Tickets to be had of Mr. Hobson, at the Stage- Door of the Theatre. To begin exactly at Six o'Clock. AGentlewoman, well qualified to be a Companion to a Lady, or Governess to Young Ladies, would be glad to hear of a
Place on easy Terms ; or is willing to Teach or Board one or tws Children at Home, may be heard of at Mrs. Staples's, the Corner of Crown and Sceptre Court, in St. James's- Street. FR O M the great CHARACTER the ENGLISH GRAPE BRANDY has so justly acquir'd, the Proprietors beg Le. ive to inform the Publick, that its Excellency does not wholly confift in its being aa agreeable Dram, or when made nto Punch, but that it is equally adapted to any fort of Fruit, as a Proof of which there is now prepar'd from tbe same Brandy a large Quantity of FINE ORANGE SHRUB, Which for its delicate Flavour is no ways inferior, except
in the Price- to any of the Foreign Production : So great is the Perfection of the British Distillery. The Shrub at 6 s, per Gailon, the Brandy at 4 s. At the Warehouse the Bottom of Bartholomew Lane, near the Royal Exchange. Six Pence per Gallon allow'd to those who take half a Hogshead or upwards. T. RAWLINS, Clerk to this Company.
Guildhall London, Dec. 31, 1745. E Committee appointed for the Disposal of the Money arising by the Subscription, begun by The Right Hon. the Lord Mayor and others, for the better Relief, Support ard Encouragement of the Soldiers employed in suppressing the prefent unnatural Rebellion ; give Notice, that the said Subscription is slill kept open at the Chamber- lain s Office, at Guildhall, where proper Persons are ap- pointed to attend, from Eleven o'Clock to Two, to receive the Contributions of such Persons as shall be disposed to Subscribe to the same ; and for the Satisfaction of the Publick, the Committee intend to publish
a List of the Names of the Sub- scribers, the Sums contributed, and the Application there- of. By Order of the Committee, T. FORD, Secretary. Guildhall, London, 24 Jan. 1745. THE Committee of the Guildhall Subscription, Over and above the Sum of 50001. formerly set apart for rewarding such Soldiers, who should be maimed or wounded in suppressing the present Unnatural Rebellion, have ordered that the like Sum of 5000 1. be also set apart lo be distri- buted in Rewards, among such Private Soldiers and Non- Commission Officers, who shall by their Bravery and Cou- rage distinguish themselves in suppressing the
Rebellion, and whose Behaviour shall be represented by the General Officers to merit the same. By Order of the Committee, T. FORD, Sec. LOST, On Tuesday Evening the 23th of January last, between the Victualling Office, Tower- Hill, and Harp Lane, Tower- street ; ABundle of Papers tied round the Middle with a Piece of Red String or Tape, and directed at one End to Mr. Parrin, containing fundry Letters 3nd Accounts moft of them signed by Martin Wilson and Leeds Booth. whoever brings the said Bundle . if Papers to Robert Parrin, at the Victualling- Ofiice Coffee- House shall receive a Reward of One Gui- nea, and 110
Quesstions asked. As the said papers are of no Use but to the Owner, it is therefore hoped , whoever has found them, will bring or send them to the said Robert Parrin. SOLD, THE good Ship NEW INDUSTRY, William Clarke, Commander, late from Jamaica, being a Prim: Sailor, Burthen about 350 Tons, 18 Carriage Guns. A very large Inventory to be seen at Lloyd's, and the Jamaica Coffee- houses, and to treat with Mr. Robert Foster in Shadwell for the fame. For SALE by the CANDL E, At New BEAR KEY Coffee- House in Thames- Street, On Monday next, at Eleven o'Clock in the Forenoon, THIRTY Puncheons of RUM,
lately Imported from Barbadoes, Six Ditto, lately Imported from Montserrat. Now lying in No. 3. on Smart's Key. ' Samples to be Tasted at the aforesaid Coffee- House from Friday » ext ' till the Time of Sale . Catalogues will be Timely dispers'd by JOHN BRADSHAW, Broker. To be SOLD At KINS ALE, by AUCTION, on Thursday the 7.0th of February, THE AMIABLE ROSE Privateer ( Prize to the Leostoff Pri- vateer) Burthen about 80 Tons, Spanish built, now lying at Kinsale with her Stores. Inventories of which will be delivered at the Bar of Lloyd's Coffee Houfe, this Day. For SALE by AUCTION, At KINSALE, on Thursday the
20th of February, THE LEOSTOFF Pri- vateer, Charles Fielding, Comman- der, Burthen about 380 Tons, built in the King's Yard, a Prime Sailor, with 24. Car- riage Guns, now lying at Kinsale, having a large Inventory of Stores. Which Inventories will be delivered at the Bar of Lloyd's Coffee- house, this Day. For SALE by the CANDLE, At the MARINE Coffee- house in Birchin- Lane, On Wednesday the 12th Instant, at Four o'Clock in the Afternoon, ABOUT 200 Casks of FRENCH SUGAR. Eight Casks of French Prize Cowries. Catalogues will be Timely dispersed by William and Benj. Vaughan, Brokers. SALE by the CANDLE,
LLOYD'S Coffee- house in Lombard Street, at Twelve o' Clock at Noon, THE RAINBOW Snow, Square- stern'd, Plantation- built, Burthen 100 Tons more or less, with proportionable Dimensions, now lying at Fountain- Hole, Rotherhith, Leach Harris, Commander. Inventories to be seen on Board, and at the Place of Sale. To be Sold by SAMUEL BROOKS, Broker. To be heard of Daily at his Office ( for Assuring Ships and Mer- chandize) opposite Jonathan's Coffee. houfe in Exchange- Alley ; or at Lloyd's Coffee- house in Lombard- street. For SALE by the CANDLE, At LLOYD'S Coffee- Houfe in Lombard- street, To- morrow at
Twelve o'Clock at Noon, THE good Ship Friend- ship, with 10 Guns, a French Prize, about 4 Years old, an exceeding fine Sailor, Square- ftern'd, Burthen 300 Tons more or lefs, with very good Dimensions, and well- found, now lying near Shadwell- Dock, Ninian Beale, Commander. Inventories to be feen on Board, and at the Place of Sale. To be Sold by SAMUEL BROOKS, BROKER. For SALE by the CANDLE, At LLOYD's Coffee- House in Lombard- Street, Ot\ Wednesday next at Twelve o'Clock at Noon, The ferret sloop a Prime Sailor, Square- stern'd, Plantation- built and sheathed, Burthen 100 Tons more or lefs, now lying
at Mr. Snell- grove's Yard, Limehouse Hole, John Jarret, Commander. inventories to be feen on Board, and at the Place of Sale, To be Sold by SAMUEL BROOKS, BROKER. For SALE by the CANDLE, At LLOYD'S Coffee- House in Lombard- street, On Wednesday next, at twelve o'Clock at Noon, THE good Ship Hasle- . mere, with 18 Carriage, and 8 SWI- vel Guns, a Prime Sailor, Square- stern'd, River- built by Mr. Robert Carter, and sheathed, Burthen 320 Tons more or less, with excellent Dimensions for the Straits or West- India Trades, and well sound, now lying in the Great Wet Dock, Thomas Wal- ker, Commander.
Inventories to be seen on Board, and at the Place of Sale. To be Sold by SAMUEL BROOKS, BROKER. For SALE by the CANDLE, At LLOYD'S Coffee- House in Lombard- Street, On Wednesday next, at twelve o'Clock at Noon, THE Ship JENNY, with 16 large Carriage Guns, Square- stern'd, Plantation- built, and lately new shcathed, Burthen 220 Tons more or less, with proportionable Dimensions, and well- found, now lying at Shadwell- Dock, Samuel Staples, Commander. { Inventories to be seen on Board, and at the Place of Sale. To be Sold by SAMUEL BROOKS, Broker. For SALE by the CANDLE, At LLOYD'S Coffee-
House in Lombard Street, On Friday, Feb, 14, at Twelve o'Clock at Noon, THE PANTHER, with Carriage Guns, 9 Pounders, 16 Swivel Guns, Burthen 180 Tons, more or less, a Prime Sailor, and a new Ship, now : ing in the Great Wet Deck. ly- Inventories to te feen on Board, at Sam's Coffee- house near the Custom- house, and of WILL, and BENJ. VAUGHAN, Brokers. For S A L E by the CANDLE, At LLOYD'S Coffee- House in Lombard Street, On Thursday the 26th Instant, at Twelve o'Clock at Noon, THE St. PAUL a French Prize, with 20 Carriage Guns, Bur- then 300 Tons more or lefs, with good Di- mensions, Square stern'd, taken on her firft Voyage by Admiral Martin's Squadron, now lying at Plymouth, to be delivered there. Printed Inventories to be seen on Board, at Earl's Coffee house, Plymouth, at the Place JONATHAN POPHAM, Of Abchurch- Lane, London, Sworn- Broker This Day is published In THREE VOLUMES in FOLIO; Collected from above One thousand Original Draughts, in the Possession of Dutton Seaman, Esq-, at Guild- hall Comptroller of the Chamber of the City of London. PRECEDENTS in CONVEYANCING Settled and Approved by GILBERT HORSEMAN, Late of Lincoln's- Inn, Esq, Containing Conveyances and
Settlements, not only ef Estates Real and Personal, known to former Times, but also of Stocks, Bonds and Annuities of the Publick Companies, Exchequer An- nuities, Fortunes in Ireland and Holland, and Plantations in America} likewife many new Clauses, and Provisions in Consequence of Acts of Parliament, and of Determinations in the Courts of Juftice. Printed for J. and P. Knapton, at the Crown in Ludgate- Street. This Day is published, Price i s, Tht SECOND EDITION./ AN Address to the People of England, on Occasion of the Declaration from Holy Rood House, 6f October the roth. 1745. Wherein it's Two great
Pretensions of National Interest and Right, are fully discussed ; and the Art, Eva- fion, and Fallacy of it's Promises, detected. By an E N G L I S H M A N. Quspropter de summa salute vestra ; de vestris conjugibus ae liberis • de aris & focis-, de fanis ae templis; de tectis ac sedibus, de imperio, di libertate, de salute, deque universa Republica decernite diligenter, itc fortiter, Cic, Orat. in Cat. 4. Printed for H. Whitridge, at the Royal Exchange. This Day is published, Price 2 s. bound. Neatly Printed inaPocKET VOLUME, For the peculiar Use of those Gentlemen and Ladies, who> are desirous to Write and Speak correct, as well as
for the Use of Schools, New English GRAMMAR: O", • Guide to the English Tongue, with Notes • Wherein a particular Method is laid down to render the English Pronunciation both more fix'd among ourselves, and less difficult to Foreigners: And a sufficient Number of suitable Examples are inserted to every Figure of Speech, both Grammatical and Rhetorical, with an Explanation of all the Terms. The whole being the Result of many Years careful Observation, as well upon the Peculiarities of our own, as its Conformity wiih other Languages, especially the Latin, its Agreements with which being all here particularly distinguish'd,
to anticipate, as much as possible, the Labour of such as are designed for that Study. To which is added, A Brief Latin Grammar, upon the same Foundation. By JOHN KIRBY, A. M. Printed for R. Manby and H. S. Cox, on Ludgate- hill. This Day is published, Price bound 5 s. SELECT SERMONS upon Practical SUBJECTS, viz. Of the true Happiness of Man. The Secutity and Happinefs of a Religious Course of Life. Gods different Regards to the Righteous and the Wicked. Of Contentment. The Instability of Wordly Greatness. Men and their Actions weighed in an equal Ballance; The Snares of Prosperity and the Benefit of
Afflictions. The Evil and Causes of Ignorance in Things of Religion. A Reproof of prevailing Vices. The Desireableness of knowing our own secret Faults. Divine Supports in all Distresses and Troubles. Of the future Judgment. By KERBY REYNER, Late Minister of the Gospel in Bristol. Printed and sold by J. Waugh, in Grace Church- street ; and sold by T. Cadell, in Wine- Street Bristol ; and W. Frederick, at Bath. This Day is published, In Octavo, ( Price 3 s, 6 d. bound.) General and Compleat TREATISE on all the Diseases incident to CHILDREN from their BIRTH to tha AGE of Fifteen. By J. ASTRUC, M. D. Regius Professor
of Medicine at Paris, and Chief Physician to bis present Majesty the King of France, Sec. Printed for J. Nourse, at the Lamb against Katherine Street in the Strand. Where may be had in Octavo. Price 4 s. bound. Boerbajves MEDICAL CORRESPONDENCE, Containing the Various Symptoms, of Chronical Diseases, the Professors Opinion j Method cf Cure, and Remedies, to which is added his Practice. In the Hospital of Leydon. Note, In this Collection are contained many Letters, wrote Origi- nally in English to the Doctor by Persons of Distinction, Gentlemen, Ladies, & c. with his Answers such are marked the Reft are
translated from the Latin. Th is Day is published, " BRITANNlA's Alarm. A Poem. Oc- JLI casisoned by the present Rebellion, To which is add. d, a Fable of. the Vine and Bramble. j By THOMAS GIBBONS. Protinus irrupit Venae. pejoris in Aevum Owne nesas ; sugere Pudor, Verumque Fulej'que, In quorum subiere Locum,' Fraudesque, Dolique, Insidiaque, & Vis, & Amor sceleratus habendi. Ovid, , Libertatem Nemo bonus nisi cum Anima simul amittit. Salulh Printed for R. King in Fore- street ; J. Buckland, and M. Cooler in Pater- noster Row ; and M. Marshall in Newgate- ftrect. 4 I
This Day is published, Price 1s. Very necessary for those that are posses'd of Mr. Hogarth's Prints. MARRIAGE A LA- MODE: An _ Humorous Tale, in Six Canto's, in Hudibrastic Verse ; being an Explanation of the Six Prints lately Published, by the Ingenious Mr. HOGARTH. Printed for W. Bickerton, in Temple- Exchange Fleet- street. Lately Published, Price 1s. ARISTOTLE of MORALS to NICo- MACHUS, Book the First. Translated by EDMUND PARGITER, Esq-, With Notes from Andronicus, Eustratius, and others. To be had of the Translator, at No. I, in Coney- Court, Grays- Inn, up One Pair of Stairs the Door on the North side j or of How- ard, a Ticket- Porter, belonging to Gray's- Inn, Note, There were Printed 550 Copies ; if half of them are accepted of, the Publication of ths remaining Nine Books shall be immediately continued. This Day is Published, ALETTER to MARTIN FOLKES, Esq, President of the Royal Society, concerning the Rise and Pro- gress of Astronomy amongst the Ancients. Printed for T. Osborne in Grays Inn, and J. Hildyard at York. This Day is published, Price 4d. ALetter from a Gentleman who was an Eye- Witness of the late Battle near Falkirk : Giving a Circumstantial Relation of that Action, and some Account of the
Conduct on both Sides ; with a few Particulars relating to the Person of the young Pretender, and his Behaviour whilst at Glasgow. Printed for M. Cooper, in Pater- noster- Row. This Day is published, Printed for R. DODSLEY, at Tully's Head in Pall- Mall, AN Historical and Critical Account of the THEATRES in EUROPE, viz The Italian, French, Spa- nish, English, Dutch, and German Theatres. Intermix'd with many curious Dissertations on the Stage ; particularly an Essay on Action, or the Art of Speaking in Publick, and a Companion of the ancient and modern Drama. Translated from the French 0f Lewis Riccoboni, the most
famous Actor at Paris. In One Volume, CCtavo, Price 5s. This Day is publish'd, Price 1s A Reasonable Plea for the Animal Crea- tion : Being a Reply to the late Pamphlet, intituled, a Dis- sertation on the Voluntary Eating of Blood, & c. In which is shewed, I. From the Nature and Reason of Things, that we have no Right to Destroy, much less to Eat of any Thing which has Life. II. That if the Human Food at first was only the Produce of the Earth, and by positive Command made immutable, then that Law or Command must be immutably Eternal. By ROBERT MORRIS. Printed for M. Cooper, in Pater- noster- Row ; and sold by W
Shropshire and J. Brindley, in New- Bond- Street; and J. Millan, over against the Admiralty- Office. This Day is published, In One large VOLUME FOLIO. ( Price bound One Pound five Shillings.) With an ADDENDA, containing the Statutes of 16, 17, 18 and 19, GEORGE II. and all tbe Modern Cases cf Authority. publish'd since the Year 1742, down to the present Time. THE COUNTRY JUSTICE: I Containing the Practice, Duty and Power ofthe JUSTICES of the PEACE, as well in as cut of their Sessions. By MICHAEL DALTON, Of Lincoln s- Inn, Ely, and one of the Masters in Chan- cery. Wherein all the Statutes in Force and
Use from Magna Charts 9 Henry III. to 15 and 16 George II. and also all the Cases in Law, relating to the JurisdiCtion and Authority of Justices of the Peace, are carefully collected and digested under proper Titles. For the better Help of such Justices of Peace as have not been much conversant in the Study of the Laws of this Realm, there is added, AN APPENDIX; Being a Compleat Summary of all the Acts of Parliament, shewing tbe various Penalties of Offences by Statute, and the particular Power ef One, ' Two, Three, or more Justices, in their Proceedings and Determinations, under several distinct Heads, in Alphabetical
Order. With FOUR TABLES, The First, of the Heads of the The Third, of the Divisions and Chapters. Sub- divisions contained in the The Second, of all the Statutes Appendix : And, relating to Justices of the The Fourth, of the Principal Peace. Matters. And tie Precedents Translated into English. " Sold by S. Birt, at the Bible and Ball in Ave- Mary- Lane ; D. Browne, at the Black Swan without Temple- Bar ; and J, Shuck- burgh, at the Sun next the Inner Tsmple- Gate in Fleet- street. Note. The ADDENDA, may be had aoene, Price 1 s. This Day is publish'd, Price 6 d. The SECOND EDITION of The Principles and Practice of a
Popish Government, De- stuctive of Civil and Religious Liberty. AS E R M O N Preach'd at the Parish Church of Blechingley in Surry, October the 6th, 1745. On Occasion of the present Unnatural Rebellion. By JOHN THOMAS, L. L. D. Rector of Blechingley. Printed for R. Dodsley, at Tully's Head in Pall- Mall ; and sold by M. Cooper, at the Globe in Pater- noster- Row. This Day is publish'd. Price 6d. TH E ENGLISH PROTESTANT' An- swer to the Wicked Sophistry of some late Treasonable Papers, and especially of the Pretender's Son's Declaration, dated the 10th of October 1745- Spectosa verbis, re inania aut subdola :
quantoque magis Libertatis imagine tegebantur, tanto eruptura ad infensius servitium. TACIT. Annal. Lib. I. Printed for J. Roberts in Warwick- Lane. This Day is published, Price I s. TH E Occasional Writer, being an An- swer to the Second Manifesto of the Pretender's Eldest Son; which bears Date at the Palace of Holy- Rood- House, the 10th Day of OCtober, 1745. CONTAINING Reflections, Political and Historical, upon the last Revolution, and the Progress of the Present Rebelion in Scotland. Tandem Triumphant. Motto of Pretender's Standard. Nondam Immemoris. Answer. The Second Edition Corrected, to which is prefix'd,
an Adver- lisement from the Publisher. Printed for M. Cooper, at the Globe in Pater- noster- Row. This Day is published, ( Price Two Shillings,) ACHART of the GERMAN OCEAN, ccrrrCted from the beat Surveys and Astronomical Observa- tions ; by which the Bearing and Distances of all Places on the Coast of Great Britain, from the North of Scotland to the Start Point; and of the Continent from the Coaat of Norway to tbe Cape de la Hogue in Normandy, may be readily found. Published according to Act of Parliament by A. Millar, opposite to Catherine- street in the Strand. Where may be had, A compleat and correct Map of
the LOTHIANS, being a View ( that Country from Sterlingshire to Berwickshire, Survey'd by Mr. Adair, Price 1 s. 6 d. Coloured z 1. And specdily will be published, A new and correCt Mercator's Map of North- Britain, carefully laid down from the latest Surveys and most approved Observations, according to the striCtest Regard to Mathematical Truth. In which are included ail the King's High Roads. By the Hon.. John El- phinstone, Esq; P. Engineer. Price 2 s. 6 d. ^ BOOKS by AUCTION, At PAUL'S Coffee- House in St. Paul's Churchyard, exactly at Six this Evening, The Fourth Night's Sale oj TH E valuable Libraries of the
Reverend and Learned WILLIAM STUART, D. D. Chancellor of Ex- eter ; and of his Nephew, the Rev. Mr. CHARLES STUART, lately deceased, Containing a curious ColleCtion of Classical Books, in elegant Condition, and many on Royal Paper, In this Night's Sale are,. Poli Synopsis, 10 v. c. m. Bib. Heb. Vanderhooght, u, Lyndwood Provinciate f4" o Grabe Sept. 9 v. cor. tur. Bible, 8vo, interi. with Fol, Pap. Vidae per Tristram, a v. 4 v. Bib. Heb. per Athias, 4 v. S. Optati Opera, par Dupin Geog. vet. Script. Gr. 4 v. S. Ambrosius, Edit. Bened z v. Blackhall's Sermons, 8 T. Wood's Institutes Specl. de la Nature, 4 V, Spenser'
Works Turretini Op. 4 v. Irentaeus per Grabe, ch. mag. Wells on New Test. a v. S. Cyrilius, ch. max. Pomtt's Hist. of Drugs S, Hieronymus, 4 v, JOHN GARNER, In Margaret- Street by Cavendish - Square, near Tyburn- Road, the Fourth House from the Square Coffee- House, BY infallible, safe, and easy REMEDIES, effectually cureth the following Disorders, viz. 1. The most inveterate CANKER and CANCER in the Mouth or Face. z. The SCURVY, and all Sorts of HUMOURS incident to the Mouth, preserves the GUMS and TEETH, and makes the latter white. 3. CORNS of all Sorts, if they are fester'd, or ever so bad, and so
as never to grow again. 4. TOE NAILS which grow into the Flesh, tho' fester'd, or how bad soever, he causes them to grow free, without Cutting. Note, He attends at any Part of the Town, upon Notice, every Day, except Saturdays and Sundays; and on Saturdays he may be spoke with at Home, from Eight in the Morning ' till Eight at Night. This Day is published, The Seventh Edition, ( wherein is inserted a Method of in- stantly curing the most torturing Fi 5 of the Cramp with- out Trouble, or the taking or using any Medicine, or being at any Expence whatever ) with some very material Ad- ditions , of ATreatise of the Diseases of
the Head, Brain, and Nerves, more especially of the Palsy, Apoplexy, Lethargy, Epilepsy. Convulsions, Cramp, Frenzy, Vertigo, Megrims, inveterate Head- ach, 8cc. with Directions for their thorough Cure, and how these and many other deplorable Nervous Distempers may be assuredly prevented, as well as certainly curcd, and consequent- ly many Lives saved by the Medicines therein, in English, pre- scribed, without the least Reserve. To which is subjoined, A Discourse of Melancholy in Men, and Vapours in Women, explicating the whole Train of Symptoms, various Degrees, and real Cause of those wretched Maladies and
discovering a short and most certain Method of Cure, by safe and easy Remedies therein, also candidly proscribed, and by which Persons of either Sex, who are unhappily affected wit. h Melancholy or Vapours, may absolutely cure themselves of those pernicious Distempers in a short Time, without any Fatigue or Disorder. By a Physician. London, Printed and Sold by the Author's Appointment only at the Gentlewoman's at the Two Blue Posts in Haydon- Yard in the Minories. Price bound 2 s. The so- much Fam'd HYPO DROPS, WHICH in a few Days infallibly cure HYPOCHONDRIACK MELANCHOLY in MEN, and the
VAPOURS in WOMEN, so as never to return again, be they ever so severe, or of many Years standing, and even after all other Remedies have proved ineffectual ; and that by immediately stri- king at the very Root or true Cause, as well as remedying the Ef- fects of those perplexing Maladies and all their Variety of Symptoms by which they mimick, by Turns, almost all the Diseases poor Mor- tals are afflicted with, and have their Rise from a depraved Appe- tite, vicious Ferment in the Stomach, and Indigestion of Food, whence proceed Crudities, and flatulent or windy Disorders in the first Passages, ill Fumes, sour Belchings,
Cholick and Uneasiness in the Bowels; which Crudities offend the Nerves, and by Consent of Parts, affect the Head, and produce sometimes Giddiness, Dimness of Sight, confused Thoughts, pertinacious Watchings, troublesome Sleep, Frights, groundless Fears, and the deepest Melancholy, with direful views, and terrible Apprehensions ; at other Times Fits, Flushing Heats, Reachings, Faintness, Lownefs and Sinking of Sp- rits, Palpitation of the Heart, Startings, Tremblings, and Twitch- ings in the Limbs and other Parts, with many convulsive Disorders, sharp pains, fix'd or wandering, Pains and Weakness in tbe Back, and
other, almost innumerable and grievous Symptoms, which mi- serably assist vast Numbers of bothSexes. All which Symptoms, in their sharpest Paroxysms, these so much fam'd and most pleasant Drops, ( which are Chymically prepar'd from the moft valuable Specifiers in the Mineral, Vegetable, and Animal Kingdoms, and exalted ro the highest Perfection possible) instantly quell, and at the same Time, annihilate their real Cause, directly bringing the Stomach into right Order, creating a good Ap- petite, rectifying the Digestion, occasioning laudable Chyle', and of Course, good Blood, Plenty of calm, free, and cheerful Spirits, a
regular Circulation of all the Fluids, and Strength of Nerves; so that both Cause and Effect of Melancholy and Vapours, are tho- roughly removed by them, almost On the Spot, as the many Thou- sands of both Sexes they have perfectly cured, evince. Whoever takes them for three Days only, will be sensible they are absolutely to be depended upon for an effectual and lasting Cure and certain it Is, that no Medicine on Earth can equal them, be careful therefore to have the right Drops, which are to be had only at Mrs. Holt's, at the Cross- Keys and Star, below the Royal- Ex- change, in Cornhill, at $ s. 6 d. a Bottle, with
Directions. The Universal Family MEDICINE, Being a perfect and speedy Cure for the SCURVY. Still more and more fam dy after upwards of twenty Years Success with the Publick, Sold by the Author s Appointment, by Mr. King, Printseller, in the Poultry, near the RoyaI- Exchange ; by Mr. Mar- tin, at the Sign of the Duke of Cumberland, in Cranbourn Alley, near Leicester- Fields j and by Mr. Hildyard, Bookseller, in York, at 3/. the Bottle. Retale. It is to be taken at any Season of the Year, and is so - very agreeable to Young and Old, that Children take it without Trouble, a few Drops being a Dose ; and so gentle, that it weakens
not tbe most Aged: For it is a safe and effectual Alterative, if taken in a less Dose than where Purging is necessary. It is in particular, ACertain and infallible Cure for the Scurvy, tho' of the longest standing, and attended with the most ag- gravated Circumstances, ( a Distemper so common to English People, that not one in a Thousand is wholly exempt from it, and great Numbers are sorely afflicted with it) being a Cardial Elixar, pecu- liarly adapted to that Disease in all its Forms of appearing, from the slighted Itching Humour in the Blood, to its utmost or last Efforts cn human Nature. For it is a true Specifick Cordial, that perfectly
cures that Distem- per by gentle Evacuation, by Stool anl Urine, the only sure and ef- fectual Way perfectly to cure the Scurvy, & c. and prevent Relapses. It so powerfully rectifies the Blood and Juices, that schrophulous Cases are also speedily cured by it; and all Spots, Blotches, Pimples, & c. on the Skin, are quickly and entirely taken off, the Patients made lively and brisk, many chronick Diseases prevented, and a due State of Health secured. It removes all Pain in the stomach, helps Digestion, is the best Medicine in the World to destroy Worms in Children or grown People, and prevent their Return ; for it scours away all
those ropy, viscid Humours, which breed them in their Bowels, and is so well adap- ted to all Constitutions, that it is deservedly esteemed, the most general Family Medicine that ever was known. Good Allowance is given Wholesale by Mr. King, for ready Money, to Country Shopkeepers, & c. to sell again. This Medicine will keep good many Years in any Climate. LONDON: Printed for H. WOODFALL, jun. near the Pump in Little- Britain, where ADVERTISEMENTS of a moderate Length are taken in at Two SHILLINGs each. *' ADVERTISEMENTS arc alfo taken in by Mrs. Chapman, over- against the Kings- Arms Tavern, in Pall-
Mall, George Woodfall, at rhe JKingi- Arms, nea." Craig's- Court, Charing- Cross ; Mr. Shuckburgh, at the Sun, next the Inner Temple Gate, Fleet- street Mr, Brackstone, JC ; h<° Gtcfo Cornhill; and by T. AStLEY, Removed from St. Paul's Church- yard, to the Rose in Pater- noster Row,