The General Advertiser
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The General Advertiser
Date of Article: 13/12/1745
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Address: near the Pump in Little Britain
Volume Number: Issue Number: 3479
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The General Advertifer. NUMB. 3479. F R I D A Y, DECEMBER 13, 1745. O P-. O £ m c < u 4~< < U ll CU O Deal, December 11.. AIL'D Yefterday hi; Majefty's Ships Folkftone, Sheernefs, and Tryton, on a Cruize. Arrived the Hornet Sloop of War, and the Carliile Pri- vateer from the Weftward ; and re- main with the Norwich, Admiral Vernon; Ruby, Saphire, Pool, Badger Sloop, and the Dutch Me a of War. WindS. E. Q Grave/ end, Dec. n. Pafs'd by the Mary, Grant. from y Faro; Cpnfidafo, Boory, from Stockholm ; Hope, Ferri- ton, from Nevis; andReftoration, Wilcox; and Bladen, Glover, from Virginia. LONDON. From the London
Gazette. Derby, Dec 8. The Rebels behaved tolerably well in their March Southwards, but have plundered the Country in their Retreat. Many of the bell Houfes here have fuiFered. Two of them were taken with their Arms, between Afbourn and Derby, by a Farmer and two Boys, and were fent to the Camp at Meriden Common. In this Town they demanded Bdiets for 10,000 Men, but thofe who computed their Numbers as exactly as poflible allure us, that they did not exceed Six thoufand three hundred Horfe and Foot. The Horfe were extremely jaded, and in a bad Condition. In the Number above were many old Men, and Boys of
fifteen and fixteen Years of Age, all withourShoes and Stockings. Coventry, Dec. 9. The Rebels were at Afhbeurn on Saturday Morning, and went to Leek that Night. Before - they left Afhbourn they fhot two Men, one of whom died 011 the Spot. They have taken all the Horfes they could lay their Hands upon, and have plundered and ' done great Damage. They had 15" Pieces of Cannon, and one Mortar. Mansfield, Dec. 9. By an Exprefs juft arrived from Leek there is an Account, that 1000 of the Rebels march- ^ ed laft Night from thence for Macclesfield, and that at ^ Six ' this Morning the main Body began to march the fame
Way, and their Artillery at Eight Stafford, Dec.- g. The Van Guard of th° Rebels wis in Manchefter Yefterday, and their main- Body at Maccles- held. Warrington, Dec. 10. By a MefTenger fent out of this Town to obferve the Motions of the Rebels we hear, that their Foot and Baggage pafTed by Pendleton Pole, which is one Mile from Manchelfer, this Morning, and took the Road which leads to Leigh, Wigan and Prefton. The fame Meffenger informs us, that he was told the Horfe defign'd to flay in Manchefter all Night ; but we have fince heard, that their whole Body have left Man- chefter, and taken the above Road. Litchfield, Dec.
II. We have Advices here, that the Rebels left Manchefter Yeftcrday, marching Northwards ; and that his Royal Highr fs the Duke of Cumberland had made two fore'd Marches after them, and continued in Purfuit of them. ' - Extra, 1 of a Letter from Brouchtie, 29 November i 745. ' I received yours, in which you complain that we have • not entered into A ffociations here, as they have done in • England. At that Time it was not in our Power, on « Account of the Grand Aflbciation. but as foon as the Re- « bels left this Country, I addrefs'd myfelf to my Neigh- 4 bours with Succefs; for I prevailed on the Provufts, the « other Magiftrates,
and Inhabitants of Broach tie, Bancho- • ria, Peter Culter, Sandend, Dyce, Garcock, Inch, 4 Oyne, Raine, Tarvcs, Newburgh, Skirdufton, Strichen, « Auchterlefs, Banes- hole, Tetterletter, Daucot, Aber- 5 chirder, Gowkllones, and Dalqjarchie. The above Pa- ' rithes, one with another, can fend 300 good flout brave ' Fellows each. They have provided Arms for themfelves, ' and are to ferve four Months on their own Expences. „ • befides them there will be 300 Men from Metrofs Slate- ' Quarry, and as many from the Quarries of Culfamond. < They will join the noble Earl of Loudon, and we hope < will give a good Account of the
Rebels at Perth. Our ' greate'll Fear is, that they will marcbiHSouth to join their ' Fellow Rebels; but if they do, we fhall take care how • they return. We are hopeful before this comes to your ' Hand, that the brave Duke of Cumberland has entirely • routed the Rebel Army in England, and then Marihal • Waders Forces, and our loyal Affociators will have the • Perth Rebels betu i vt two Fires. By what you write, I • judge the Enghfrt think all Scotchmen Rebels. God for- ' bid; and as it is not fo, I am forry they fhould judge fo ' uncharitable of a whole populous Kingdom, for a few • m: lt.; d and defper. ite Men, who have done us * Favour
in 1 leaving the Country.' An Account of the Highland Army, as they were Levied, or brought out of their rejpedive Counties: Without regard to thofe that after were kill'd or wounded, or went off with Plunder. CLANS. The Stewarts of Ardfhall zco The Camerons of Locheil 650 The Macdonalds of Clanrold 20; Ditto of Glenguter, and Glenmorfteii's Men 500 Ditto, of Neporch 250 Ditto, ofGlenco ice The Mackenzies . 80 The Maclouclilins 60 The Macpherfons 380 Mojlly Prefi, or Forced out. The Marquis of Tuliibardine's Sir George Stewart's Men Sir Robert Minze's Men The Logeman's Men The Aiihuntully Men 660 200 150 3" 60 40
Abottt a Third Prefi- Men. The Duke of Perth's St. Romen Robcrtfon's } - All front the Shire of Angus, Ormis, and Aberdeen, ° f which one Thi- dotih are Highlanders, and many Prejl. Gordon of Glenbucket, Factor to the Duke 400 LordPotfligo 250 Lord Og'. evie 230 Sir Jamer Kimlock's Men 50 Wallace f Abrcth 30 Gordon of Aberlower Mone of i'trongwood Elphinftone, Writer of Aberdeen Stewart of Lifmundee 30 In Down Cajile. Came to it about the Time the Highlan- ders left Edinburgh, Nov. 23. The Macgregor's of Glengyle 120 Shaw Mackintofh's 150 Earl of Cromarty 140 Earl of i-. elly The Macleods of Raza Bamorrels,
Farquharfons. Minco's Compzny of Volunteers, about / Edinburgh {' 5°° The Frazers under young Lover Mackenzies under Lord Fortre's's Brother Lord Lewis Gordon's Clumber not known. The Stewarts under Invercahiell Lord Cromarty's Men Chiflolm's Men The Macleod's of Raza The Grants, Glanmorifoti, Urquhart The Mackenzies by Fairborn Rofs ofPitcarn Ludorick Cameron, Locheil's Uncle Ftench landed at Monrofs, and near Dundee, 7 faid to be J Total— > 005; N. B. Thofe rais'd lately were certainly in and near Perth on the 29th of November, and were 2450 Men, befides the French. Extra'B of a Letter from
Scarborough. « The Inhabitants of this Place have, at the Well Part '< of the Town, mounted a Battery of 90 Pieces of Can- ' non, and have 200 Men that bear Arms, all Voluntiers, « and there are feveral Thoufand Men, with Cockades in < their Hats, at work Gratis, making Fortifications to de- ' fend us. There is as great a Spirit amongft them, as in ' any Part of England, being determin'd to Hand by their ' King and Country to the lail Extremity.' Letter from Dover, Dec. 11. ' Yefterday we were alarm'd with the News that the ' French had embark'd to the Number of 10 or 12000 ' Men, and as the Wind was very fair to bring them this
< Way, all our Gunners, & c. were ordered to iheir Duty « at the Caftle and Forts ; and were joined by a great ' Number of Volunteers; and about 400 of the Townf- ' men pafs'd the whole Night under Arms.— Our Appre- ' henfions are now fomewhat abated, but not quite over. ' We have feveral Swivel Guns fixt on our Pier- Heads ; « and all other P/ ecautions are taken for our Defence and 1 Security. All our Privateers are gone Voluntarily to ' Admiral Vernon in| the Downs, in order to receive and • follow his Inflruftions, for the Service of our King and * Country, in thefe troublefome Times.' 30 100 110 700 100 150 450 100 150
100 300 300 200 800 Laft Monday the Two new Regiments rais'd by the Nobility and Gentry in Hampfhire, under the Com- mand of the Duke of Bolton and Sir George Mufgrav; Bart march'd from Winchefter for the Sea Ccaft, to Le r. ady to oppofe any Foreign Invaders. Laft Monday Sixty Stand of Anns were fent. from the Tower to Wareham in Dorfetihire, for the uie of the Inha- bitants of that Corporation, who have unanitrioufly enter'd into an Affociation, to defend his Majefty's Perfon and Government, and our Happy Conllitution againit the Pretender, and all his Adherents. On Wednefday Night late an Exprefs arriv'd at the
Duke of Newcaftle's Office from Admiral Vernon. Yeiferday a Number of Mules, loaded 3 O o with Baggage T3 2 O to the- » belonging to his Royal Highuefs the Duke of Cumberland fet out for the North, and made a very fine Appta- ranee. We hear that two Romifh Priefts are taken up and committed to Newgate, purfoant to his Majefty late Pro - clamation. The Sum of 253 1. 19 s. faid in one of the Papers to be paid into the Chamber of this City, towards the Veteran Scheme, by the Gentlemen Volunteers of London, was the Sum collected and paid in by thofe belonging t< » the Society of Leatherfellers- Hall only. Yefterday
came on the Eleftion of a Mufter- mafier . General of this City, when Mr. John Shipfton was chofen by a great Majority. Yefterday Morning died at his Lodgings on Tower- Hill, ThomrsChilcott, Efq; Aged 86 ; he was many Yeais a Colleftor of the Excife, but has for fometim'e pall laid down his Employment on Account of his great Age. Cm Sunday laft died the Rev. James Henllridge, M. A. Senior Minor Canon . of the Cathedral Church at Canter- bury, and Reftor cf the I'arifh Church of St. Mildred with that of All Saints in that City, United ; and aifd Redtor of Brook near Wye. The Minor Canomy and Reftory of Brook are in the Gift of
the Dean and Chapter, and the Living of St. Mildred's and All Saints is in the Prcfentafion of the Lord Chancellor. On the 4th inftant, was committed to Maidftone Gaol in Kent, Richard Crouch, a Boy upon his own Confcilion; £ 2, for breaking into the Houfe of I homas Crouch of Good- hurft, and Healing fome Money and a Knife out of a Draft er in his Shop the Mcnday Mcrning befcre. Yefterday lElizabeth Doughty was committed ^ Poultry Compter by Sir Edward Bellamy, for felonioufly Healing two Pair of Shoes from out of the Shop of Mr. Peter Gallopine of Puddirg- Lar. e, Thames Street. As was likewife a Man to Newgate, for
uttering a bafe and Counterfeit Guinea to Mr. Pickftock, of St. Mar- tin's- le- Grand Grocer, knowing the fame to be Bafe and Counterfeit, with an Intent to defraud the faid Mr. Pick- ftock. On Wednefday laft, about 3 o'Clock in the Afternoon one Mr. Herbert a Glazier in Mount- ftreet, was robb'd near Kenfington Gravel- Pits by three Ruffians, who got clear off with their Booty. Yefterday Number 43,638 was drawn a Prize of 5000 L 38,817, and 40,453 of 5? o 1. and 44,739, 189, 39,485 18,126, 26,543, 17* 5 50, 36,474, 20,209 34> 763 » ' 37,487, and 10,271 were drawn Prizes of 100 1. each. Number 40,453, of 500 1. drawn
Yeftcrday at Guildhall was fhar'd at Cox and Collings's Office. To the P U B L I C K. SINCE the Government has given Orders for killing the dillemper'd Cows, upon the ftr. t Appearance of their Difeafe, which is certainly the readieli and moft fecure Method that can be propofed for the Prefervation of the remaining Cattle, and for the Benefit of the Com- munity in general. I fhall therefore offer a Method from whence I appre- hend the Succefs may be no lefs, than to fecure the found Cattle ( that othervvife might be liable to catch the In- fedtion) from being tainted with the prefent fatal Epi- demical Malignancy, There have been
Variety of Prefcriptions offbr'd for this Purpofe, and many of them with little Profpefl of Succefs ; but it is not to be aueftion'. l what W n is not to be queftion'd what has been gene'auflv O made known to the public by the Phyftcians mult bear a ^ z O £ CD 13 CU . j .. j—...... iuu ucur a. Sanflion fuitable to their extenfive Knowledge and Ex- perience; however as no Difeafe, can be confin'd to the Cure of any one or two Prefcriptions, I fhall upon that footing venture to declare my Sentiments thereon; having no other Intention but for the public Benefit; that is in the firft place to bleed the Cattle before any Symptoms appear^ becaufe it
can be but cf little Service when after, as the inver. om'd Juices are fpread through the Texture of the Blood, and the Bead weakened in proportion to thd ADVERTISEMENTS are taken in tor this Paper, at LLOYD'S COFFEE- HOUSE, in Lombard- Street, No Wooden Shoes. No Arbitrary . Power* 1 wa n Wv m
Quantity then extra£ led, which on the other Hand muft naturally and efte& ually anfwer the Salutary purpofe. The next ftep I propofe about the Time of tne Blood's Encreafe to Purge them, viz. Cream of Tartar i Ounce, Po * der of Jalap half an Ounce, Flower ofBrim- flone 2 Drachms, made into a proper Confiflence with common Treacle, and a Quart or two of warm Gruel. This is likewife abfolutely neceffary, as it is known by Experience to prevent any Vifcid Watry Humours, or Mucous. Matter ( which might ilagnate and corrupt for want of due Motion) by rendering them more fluid than they were before, and attracting the
pernicious Particles out of the Blood, as it paffes thro' the inteftined Glands, and thereby promoting feveral Difcharges, and in lar6e Quantities by Stool. Lailly, The Beaft being thus prepared, I recommend ( for Brevity Sake) a Cordial Sudorifick Ball, made in the manner as prefcrib'd in this Paper ori Friday the 29th of the laft Month, and in the prefent London Magazine, which together with what may have Bean carefully apply d, there w 11 be little Doubt or Appre. henfion of any fub- fequent Danger; for Example ( as I have been inform'd) the Phyficians jof Turkey are excellent for preparing the Bodies " of fuch their Patients, who
are intended for Inocu- lation of the Small Pox ; and they find by Experience by how m ich the more the Blood is maJe Pure, by io much the lefs does the Diftemper rage, and in fome Perfons it has lcarce'y been perceptib'e, fo that there was not the leaft NecciTity of their Confinement. D. RUSTICUS. Cuftode rerum Carfare, non furor Civilis, out vis eximet oiium : Non era, quse procudir mfes, Et mij'eras inimical Uriel. Hor. Carm. Lib. 4. Ode 1 j. Serus in Caelum redeas, diupte, Leetus interfts Populo Britann © : Neve te nojlris vitiis iniqttum Ocycr Aura Tollat,— Hie Ames did Pater, at que Princeps : NecJinas Gallos equitat e
inultos, ft Duce, Co- far. Carm. Lib. 1. Ode z. S I R, WH E N our Thoughts have been intenfely employ'd upon any Subjett, nothing is more common than for the Wind, when its weaker Companion tkeBodyis a- fleep, to revolve thofe Ideas which had moft flrongly imprefs'd it the preceeding Day ; but attended with feveral Fan;'-. flic Citcu. rnftances which zre peculiar to it in fuch a State of Ex- igence. After having pafs'd the Evening in a mfxt Com- pany, where the Converfation turn'd upon fuch Topics as either our Hopes or Fears lead us to at fo interfiling aCon- junfture as this, I retir'd to my Piliow with a Wifh, that it were poffible to
be afcertain'd of every real Friend, or ap- priz'd of every fecret Enemy. In this Frame of Mind I fell a- fleep ; when I thought myfelf pofTefs'd of that ima- ginary Spear which MILTON has with fo much Succefs, introdue'd into his PARA DICE LOST. I no fooner found myfelf in a Capacity of fatisfying my Curiofity for the Good of my Country, but I fet forward for the Rnal- Exchange and its Neighbourhood, with a Defign of d: rco- vering what Dependence might be had upon ourSuBscR 1 p- TIONS. I was fomewhat at a Lofs to difcover, which was the Book appointed for that Purpofe ; and was juft going to put the End of my infallible
Machine to the neateft looking Book in the Place ; when, perceiving my Miftake, and having no Inclination to pry into private Credit, I turn'd to the Regifter, which I found I had moft Bafinefs with. Scarce had I touch'd the promifing Symbols of Loyalty, but I found a furprizingAlteration in almoft every Leaf; ( eve ral pompous Figures were reduced into mere Cyphers ; feveral Cyphers were effaced after the Figures that were fet before them ; fo that, what had at firft been fet down as fo many 50 Pounds, dwindled intoFive, which I concluded was what the Subfcriber hop'd would have been the only Sum he fhould be called upon for.
Some Figures received no other Alteration than in their Size, which I found related chiefly to fuch Money, as had adlualy been laid down at the Time of Subfcriiing. From Books I went to Men, and mix'd myfelf with a Knot of ASSOCIATORS, who had generoufly quitted the Advantage of the Counter, to fit theinfelves for an ufeful Appearance in the Field Upon applying my Touchjlone of Courage, fome few well chofen Cockades flew off immediately, and Liberty, Property, and King GEORCE, - were laid as low as our Enemies could wifh them : The Brafs Button was reduced to plain Horfe Hair, and the reft of theUniform loft
confiderably of its Military Appearance. But, with even repeated Trials, I had the Pleafure to find, a great Number of True Blues, that under- went no Manner of Alteration. I had fome Defign of turning off into the Artillery- Ground, but upon fecond Thoughts determin'd to make, the l » eft of my Way to that End of the Town, where ' tis generally fuppofed the Face and ; he Heart very fcidom agree. As I went along, I converted feveral Englifb Cripples into fturdy Roman Miffionaries, and detected feveral Faces I had feen at Douay and Paris. I had got pretty near Co- vent- Garden, when I bethought myfelf of a very zealous Female
Patriot who faw Company at her Toilet, and was refolv'd to find how Things went there. The Converfa- tion you may fuppofe, turn'd upon the Times, and was principally fupported by a modifh Gentleman, that appear'd about Forty ; a Phyfician, and an elderly Maiden Lady juft come from Prayers. Upon trying my Skill upon the firft, the lae'd Coat reform'd into a plain white Cloak ; the full Toupee funk into the Roman Tonfure ; what I had rnifta- ken for a Bag appear'd to be a Cowl, and a Pair of neat turn'd Pumps flew off and difcovered the fplaw Pediftals of a bare- footed Carmelite. The Phyfician was my next Pa- tient ; the folemn
Tye was pinch'd up to a four- corner'd Cap, and not to mention other as furprizing Alterations, the Amber- headed Cane had fo much the Appearance of an E- pifiapal Crozier, that I had no room to doubt of my being in Company with a dignify'd Jefuit. The Maiden Lady, you may fuppofe, was not lefs mutable than fome others' of her Sex; ' twill be fufiicient to fay, the Common- Prayer Book, which we were all to fee fhe had been making Ufe of, made an eafy Change into the Roman Breviary, and the Ivory of her Fan, compos'd a very pretty Sett of Nu- rembuigh Beads. Pleas'd with my Succefs, tho' difguGed at the cunning
Mifchiefs I had detedied, I was purfuing my imaginary Rambles towards the polite End of the Town, when the local Regularity of my Dream broke off, and I found myfelf wkh the young CHEVALIER at MANCHESTER, at the very Juncture when fome of thofe infatuated Wreiches that join'd him there, were introdue'd to their new Mailer. I mult o. in, I was at firft fome what furpriz'd, at the Affabi- lity with which he receiv'd the dirty Recruits, much more fo when 1 heard the Protejlant Promifes he made them : But what iiruck me moil" was, the Appearance of a Field's Bi- ble that lay by him upon the Table ; till recollefling that a Pupil of
ROME had twenty Faces at Command to lerve himfelf, and as many Perjuries to ferve the CHURCH, promis'd myfelf very important Difcoyeries from this un expected Interview. As the Bible had moft engaged my Attention, 1 determin'd to begin with it: When at the firft Touch, I favv ti> e Einding richly adorn'd with the Crofs- Keys~, zn& Triple Crcwn, and perceiv'd it to be one of the Volumes of MAIMBOURGH'S Hijlory of the Wtfern Schifm, doubled down, and pretty much foil'd at the Place where the Council of CONSTANCE declared, NO FAITH WAS TO BE KEPT WITH HERETICKS. Therewas an elderly Gentlemen at the
OWWr'fr'sE'bow. who I found had hisEar at Command, that appear'd mightily diflurb'd at this Operation; but without paying him any Regard at prefent, I thought it wou'd be of more Importance to my Country, to difcover firft the true Charaffer of her Invader. Never was a. Change fo great, every Chequer of his Plad was fiil'd up with fome Name of Horror; but in particular ARBITRARY POWER, TYRANNY, PASSIVE OBEDI- ENCE, INQUISITION, HOLT CHURCH, FIRE AND FAGGOT, VICAR OF GOD, and DAMNATION TO HE- RE TICKS, were over and over again to be met with : To compleat the Charafler of this finifh'd
Hypocrite, I could fee in his Hand a Copy of MAGNA CHARTA ( the Original I found was given up) with a Receipt in full at the Bot- tom from OUR GOOD OLD FRIEND AND ALLY, for Meat, Drink, Wafhing, Lodging, Pocket- Money, Sec. & C from 1688 to 1745. At this Inftant the old Gentleman in B ack, that had taken his Poll at the CHEVALIER'S Elbow, a.; d whom I fuppofed to have been hisConfejfor, quitted the Room in the higheft Paffion imaginable ; tho' I can't fay I faw any Thing of a cloven Foot, yet the Smell of Fire and Faggot, heightned with the ufual Quantity of Brimjlone, which he left behind him, fully convinced me
that it was no other than that celebrated Incendiary which every PRO- TESTANT believ'd was either in or about the CHEVALIER and all his Adherents. The finding myfelf in fuch dangerous Company, fome- what difconcerted me, and I fuppofe occafion'd, after a little dozing, the fhifting of this difagreeable Scene to luch a one as I hope never to forget: In fhort, Sir, I got fwith as much Eafe and Expedition back to St. James's, as I had juft before travell'd into the Country, and found my- felf in the Prefenceof a PRINCE, whofe Looks are capable of exciting Paffions, the very Reverfe of thofe I had felt at Manchefler. As I was firmly
perfuaded my Machine was incapable of producing any Alteration in the ROYAL PERSON, a certain Englifh Curiofity inclin'd me to employ it eifewhere ; but the Difficulty I had to diredl my Hand with any Steadinefs thro' fo large a Circle that furrounded him, oblig'd me without Defign, to touch his MAJESTY himfelf. ' Oh ! that everyEnglilhman and Protejlant had been fa- vour'd with the glorious Sight this Accident produe'd : A large Grnupe of Figures, among which I could dillinguih HONOUR, JUSTICE, MERCY and RELIGION, with BRITANNIA at their Head weeping over the BIBIE, feem'd to hang upon the KING, and flood with ,
tlieir Eyes directed to him as their common Encourager and Pro teflor. The Royal Countenance receiv'd no other Altera- tion than fuch as ferv'd fo far to brighten the horifl CHT- radters that have ev « r appear'd upon it, that every common Eye might have readCouRACE upon his Forehead, CLEJ MISCV o « his Cheek ; and RELIGION and LIBERTY join'd with the LOVE OF HIS COUNTRY, upon hi? Heart. - ... I was indulging all thofe Sentiments of Loyalty and Af feftion, which may be tuppos'd to fill a well difpos'd Mindf upon fuch an Occafion ; wheu the Servant awaken'd me to the Purfuit of thofe Studies, which ever have been,
and ever fhall be emp'oy'd for the Interefi of the PROTES- TANT RELIGION, the Happinefs of my COUNTRY, the" Honour of my KING, and the Good of So u L S • I am, Tours, & c. . r. r\ High Water at London- Bridge, this Day at 24 Minutes after 3. Bank- Stock 130 1 half a 130. India Ditto 168 1 4th a 166 a 7. South Sea Stock 96. Ditto Old Annui- ties ico 1 halfa 1 4th. Ditto New ico I 4th a 1 8th. Three per Cent. Annuities 82 3 4thsa 1 haifa 2 3 4th?. Ditto 1742, 82 3 4ths a 1 half 323 4ths, Ditto » 74 3 and 1744, iz 3 4ths a I half a 2 3 4ths. Ditto 1745, 81 3 4ths a 1 3 4ths 823 gths. Million Bank 113. Equivalent 104. Royal
AfTurance 79 1 half, London Affurance 10 1 4th. Englifh Copper 5 1. Seven per Cent. Emperor's Loan no Price. Five perCent. ditto no Price. Bank Circulation 4 1. Difc. India Bonds 21. 19 s. a 18 s Difc. Three and a half Salt Tallies 1 z 1 half Difc. Three and a half per Cent. Exchequer Orders no Price. Three per Cent. Ditto no Price. Lottery Tic- kets 13I. Life Annuities 12 3 4ths Years Purchafe. II A Y - M A R K E T. THE SUBSCRIBERS to the OPERA are ' defred to make the lafl Payment of their Subfcription- Money to the Treafwer, at the Opera- Office in the Hay- market, where Attendance will be given this and eviry Day, fiom
fen ' tiilT- wo, to receive the fame, and deliver out the Silver Tickets. D~ R U R Y- E A N E. Not Ailed this Seafon, B}• His Majefty's Company of Comedians, AT the Theatre- Royal in Drury- Lane, this Day, will be prefented a Play, call'd he REHEARSAL. The Part of Bayes by Mr. FOOTE 3 Mr, Smith, Mr. Bridges; Mr. Juhnfon, Mr. Mills ; The other Charafteri by Mr. Yates, Mr. Havard, Mr. Tafwel!, Mr. Blakes, Mr. Turbutt, Mr. Woodburn, Mr. Neale, Mr. Ulher, Mr. Winftone; Mr. Goodfellow, Mr. Simfon, Mr. Ray, Mr. I. Sparkes, Mr. Wright, Mifs Minors, Mrs. Crofs, Mifs Cole, Mifs Yates. With an additional Reinforcement of Mr. Bayes's
new rals'd Troops, With Entertainments, viz. End of Aft II. Britons ftrike home by Mr. Lowe. AftV. A Dance by Monf. and Madera.. Meckel and others, " To which will be added a Ballad Farce, call'd The VIRGIN U N M A S K'D. The Part of Mifs Lucy by Mrs. Clive ; Quaver, Mr. Lowe; Con- pee, Mr. Yates; Bliiler, Mr. Turbutc ; Wormwood, Mr. Wood- burn ; Goodwill, Mr. Tafwell; Mr. Thomas, Mr. Brantby. Boies 5s. Pit 3s. Firfl: Gallery It. Upper Gallery II. To begin exaflly at Six o'clock.' C O V E N T- G A KT> E N. Not Ailed thefe Five Years. AT the Theatre- Royal in Covent- Garden, this Day, will be prefented a Comedy, call'd 1 he R
M H E A R S A L. Written by George Duke of Buckingham- The Part of Bayes to be perform'd by Mr. CIBBER j Mr. Johnfon, Mr. Ryan ; Mr. Smith, Mr. Johnfon ; the Two Kings of Brentford by Mr. Arthur and Mr. Dunftall; Prince Pret- tyman; Mr. Hale ; Gentleman Ulher, Mr. Hippifley ; Prince Vol- fcius, Mr. Gibfon ; Phyfician, Mr. Rofco ; Drawcanfir, Mr. Mar- ten ; Lieutenant General, Mr. Ridout; Tom Thimble, Mr. James ; Thunder, Mr. Bridgwater; Lightning, Mrs. Vaughan ; S « » , by Mr. Bencraft ; Moon, Mr. Leveridge ; Earth, Mr. Roberts; Aimjtril- lis, . Mifs Hippifley ; Chloris, Mrs. Bland; Pallas, Mr. Woodward. And two Sing- Song
Dancing Spirit! by Mrs, Lampe ] and Mrs. Dunflall. Playeis, Soldiers Horfe and Foot, Heralds, Cardinals, Judges, and Serjeanteat Arms by the reft of the Comedians. With all the Mufrck, Songs, Dances, Scenes, Machines, Habits, aud other Decorations proper to the Play. The Vocal Parts by Mr. Leveridge, Mr. Robe*, Mr. Bencraft, Mrs. Lampe, Mrs. Dunftall and Others, Alfo an Additienal Re- infOrcement of Mr. Bayes's new raij'd Troops. To which will be added, A Dramatic Entertainment of Mufick, call'd O R P H E U S and E U R I'D I C E. Intermw'd with a Pantomime in Grotefque CharaGers, call'd ihe Metimorpholes of
HARLEQUIN. Bole; 5 s. Pit 3 s. Firft Gallery 2 s. Upper Gallery Is. To begin exadtly at Si* o'Clcck. T the Theatre Royal in Covent- Gardeii, To- moirow, Monday, and Tuefday next, will be Aftei The B E G G A R's O P F. R A. The Part of Polly by Mrs.' CIBBER. %* The entire Receipt of the ThresNightsto b: fubferibed to the VETERAN Sthenic at Guildhall.
G O D D M A N's- F I E L D S. AT the La/* WELLS, the bottom of Le- mon- fireet, German's- Ficttli, this prelent Evening, wili be per- Torm'd a Concert of Vocal and Inftrumental MUSICK. Divided into § " wo Parts. ^ ioxes as. 6d. Pit or Firft Gallery i s. 6 d. Uppn Gallery t s. Between the Two Parts of the Concert will be given Gratis, a Tragedy, cali'd The EARL of ESSEX. ThePart of Effex by Mr. Ctifhin? ; Burleigh, Mr. Paget; South- ampton, Mr. Lee ; Sir Walter Ralegh, Mr. Furnival ; Lieutenant of the Tower, Mr. Blakey ; Countefs of Nottingham, Mrs. Cufhmg; Countefsof Rutland, Mrs. Hallam ; And the Part of Queen Elizabeth by
Mrs. Bambridge; To which will be added a Farce of Two Afls, call'd The DEB A U C H E E S. Or, The JESUIT CAUGHT. The Part of Old Laroon by Mr. Morgan ; Father Martin, Mr. Paget i Young Laroon, Mr. Kennedy ; Old Jotirdaln, Mr. Cufhing j Peatrice, Mrs. Cufhing ; Ifabel, Mrs. Phillips. With Singing between the Afts by Mr. Brett, And Dancing by the Two Mafters and Mils Granicr. To begin exaCtly at Six o'Clock. * * on Monday next witl be perferm'd RICH ARD the Third. For the Benefit ofJMr. W. HALLAM. Admiralty- Office, 9 Dec. 1745. TjyilER E AS feveral Officers and Men, who ' ' are ft tending the Court Martial holding by
Sir CHALONER OGLE at Deptford, for enquiring into the Qonduii of federal of his Majefty's Officers in the late Engagement off offVoulon, were ordered down to the Nore, in order to be employed in his Majefiys immediate Service ; and whereas fo many other Officers and Men have Vilun- tarily offer d the mfelves to be employed on the prefent Oc- eafion, that the calling them off from attending on the faid Court- Martial it not any longer neceffary ; the Lords Commifftoners of the Admiralty do hereby dirett the faid Officers and Men to return to Deptf ord to attend the Court- Martial, and to a] ply to the Commanding Officer of his
Majeftys Ships at the Nore, to furnijh them with a Veffel to carry them thither. THO. CORBETT. Admiralty- Office, Dec. 11, 1745. HfH E Leave of Abfence given to the Petty- Officers and foremajl• Men late belonging to his Mitjefffs Ship the Dragon, being expired', the Lords Commijfioners of the Admiralty do hereby direct, that the faid Petty Officers and Foremafi Men do immediately repair on Board his Ma- jefiy's Ship the Chafterfield at Deptford, where they n ill be paid their Wages for the Dragon Before the Chefferfieldpro- ceeds to Sea ; but if any of them fail to repair as above di- rected, they will not only lofe tbeir Wages for
the Dragon, but the Marfhal of the Admiralty will be ordered to- appre- hend them, in order to their Being Tried at a Coart Mar tial as Deferters. THO. CORBETT. Guildhall, 10 December, 1745. CTHE Committee appointed for the Difpofal of the Money arifing by the Subfcription begun by the Right Hon. the Lord Mayor, and others for the better Relief, Sup- port, and Encouragement of the Soldiers employed in his Ma- jeflys Service towards the SuppreJJton of the prefent Rebel- lion, give Notice, thai they frailfit at Guildhall, on Fr'aay next, at Four o'Clock in the Afternoon, to receive ( fealed up, Propofals and Patterns of Mittens for
the Ufe of the Arm/ By the Order of the Committee, T. FORD, Sec. The MIDDLESEX and WESTMINSTER ASSOCIATION. ' THE Committee of Subfcribers of 1001. or up- wards, will meet in Covent- Garden Vefiry Room, this Day, at Twelve 0 Clock at Noon. For S ALE by the CANLLE, At the MARINE Coffee- Houfe in Birchin- Lane, In a few Days, by Order of the Affignles, TH E Stock in Trade of Meffs. JOHN and WILLIAM TAYLIORS, of Devonjhire- ftreet, Mer- chants ; and Mr. RICHARD JOHNSON of Grays, Linen- Dra- per, Bankrupts. Confining of a large AfTortment of Linen- Draptry and Maschefter Goods. Catalogues of
which will be Timely difperfed by ROBERT KIRKE, BROKER, In St. Martin's le- Grand. SIR ROBERT BAYLIS having, received an anonymous Letter, dated 9th of December Inftant by the Penny Poft; this is to give Notice to the Writer, that the Service therein intended by himto the Publick, cannot be effected without a perfonal Application tj the feid Sir Robert Bayh's, or fome other Magiftrafe, ii? which Ca/ s the Writer's Name, if required, maj be conceal, J80F WILL BE SOLD by AUCTION, This and the following Days, at his Gieat Auflion- Roo m in Pall- Malt-, THE Houfhold Eu- niture, & c. of a Gen- tleman hear Golden- Square,
having retired into the Coun- try. Confiding of Silk and Worfted Damsfk, and other Furniture, in Beds, Chairs, Window Curtains, and Hangings, fine Featherbeds, Blankets, Quilts and Counterpanes, large Pier, Sronces and Chimney Glades, Mahogany, Walnuttree, Defk and Book- Cafes, Chefts of Drawers, Chairs and Tables, Turkey Carpets, curious fine oU Japan, and Italian Cabinets, a ColleCtion of P. Ctures, fyme fine old China, both ufefui and ornamental, and other curious Effcfts, The whole to be vsewT, and Catalogues to be had this Day the 13th, to the Time ef Sale. By Order of the Executrix, this and ihe f 11 wing Day,
THE genuine Houfh'Id Furniture, & c. late of Mr. HENRY WARCOPP, deceafed, Linen- draper to his Majefty King George the Se « ocd, at the King's Arms and IV ire Lyon, Cbarin y- Crofs. Confiding of Genoa Damafk, Wrought, Dimity, Needlework, Dutch Caffoys, Worftcd, Damask, and other Furniture, in Beds, Window- Curtains and Chairs, made and unmade, fine Blankets, Quilts, and Featherbeds, Mahogany and Walnutiree Cabinet Work, a Wardrobe of Hsufhold Linnen and Apparel, a fmall Sideboard of falhionable Plate, fine old China and Japan, India Cabinets, Pictures, and a ColleCtion of Books, a large Lead Ciftern and
Copper, with good Kitchen Furniture, and fundry other EffcCts, likewife the Counters, Prefl'es, See. The Goods to be view'd this Day, to the Tims of Sale, which will begin each Day at Half an Hour after Eleven precifely. Catalogues will be deliver'd Gratis tlce Days of Viewing at the Place of Sale, and at Mr. Wright's, Upholder, in Buckingham- flreet, York- Buildings. JOEIN HEATH, Auctioneer. To be SOLD by AUCTION, On Thurfday the I t) th Infiant, and the following Days, " HE genuine Houfhold Furniture of a T Gentleman leaving off Houfekeeping, at his Dwalling- houfe, being a White Houfe, the furthermoft Quarter on the
Right Hand in Hatton- Garden. Confiding of Silk, Damafk, Mohair, wrought Dimity, Deckerwork Furniture in Beds, Window- Curtail, Chairs and Counterpanes, richChimney- Glafles and Sconces, fine Goofe Fea- therbeds, Blankets and Quilts, Mahogany and Walnuttree Chairs, Tables, and fine Stove Grates, fome Houlhold Linnen, and a fmall Quantity of China. The Goods, & c. ( heing all clean and falhionable not been put up above two Years) are to be view'd on Monday n ® t, ' till the Time of Sale, which will begin each Day precifely at Eleven O'Clock. Catalogues will be deliver'd Gratis the Days of Viewing, at'the Place of Sale
; and at Mr. Price's, Upholder, Pall- Mail. In the firft Days Saje will be put up to AuCtion, the Leafe of the faid Houfe, being at a very fmall Rent, of which there are five Years to come from Lady- Day 1746, with Power for the Tenant to renew for feven Years more at the fame Rent, from the Expiration of this Leafe if he defires it. Note, The faid Houfe was lately fitted up, and is in good Repair, confifting of two large Rooms on a Floor, with good Vaults and two Kitchens, a large Garden with a Wafh- houfe at the End, w. th Grates, Coppers, and other Fixturas to the Kitchens, and Walh- houfe newly put up. December 11, 1745. AT a
Meeting of feveral Gentl men held at the Crown Tavern behind the Royal- Exchange this Day, it was unanimoufly agreed to form a Body of Horfe for the Defence of his Majefty's Perfon, and the Royal Family., and for the fecuring the Peace of the Cities of London and Weftmiufter, and the Parts adja- cent. Any Gentlemen that are willing to join in fuch a Service, are defired to meet at the above Place on Friday Evening next, at Fiv « of the Clock. Enquire for Number 5. Friday- Street, 12 December, 1745. WHEREAS a Draught on Meff Braffey and Lee, Value 501. payable to Mr. John Afhmeade cr 0T Bearer, dated Dec. 12, 1745.
and fign'd ( for Richard Witts and felf) R. Porter, was this Day tender'd for Payment, which they re- fus'd, not being drawn as ufual. This is to forewarn all People from taking the fame, it being Fic, tious ; and whoever will produce th?* id Draught, fliall, upon Con- vi< tionj| of the Offender, receive a confiderable Reward by WJTTS and PORTER. SALE by the C A N D L E, LOYD's Coffee- Houfe m Lombard- Street, This Day, at Tvielve o'clock at Noon. TH E SALAMANDER Privateer, ( formerly a Bcmb- Ketch) Burthen 470 Tons, more or iefs, within large Carriage and 18 Swivel Guns an exceed ing fine'Saiior, River built, and well found, now lying near IVjipping Old Stairs. Printed Inventories to be had on Board, at Sam's Coffee. hcufe, at the Place of Sale, and of D. H S. AUGIER, Broker. Note, she has Ports for 16 Gsr. s, F, r SALE by the C AT? D L E, At LLOYD'S Coffee- Houfe in Lombard- Street, This Day, at Twelve o'Clock at Noon, TEIE WILLIAM Pink, with Four Carriage ahi Two Swisel Guns, Round- Stern'd, New- England built. Burthen 130 Tons more or Ief>, with propor- tionable Dimenfion « , ncvV iying at IVapping Old- Stairs, Giles Drifiill, late Commander. Inventories to be feen on Board, and at the Place of Sale. To be Sold by SAMUEL,
BROOKS, Broker. To b- heaid of Daily at his Office ( for Afiu. ring Ships and Mer- chandizejoppofite Jonathan's Coffee- houfe in Exchange- Alley ; or at Lloyd's Coftee- houfe in Lombard- ftreet. For SALE by the CANDLE, At LLOYD'S _ Coifee- Houfe in' Lombard- Street, ' Ibis Day, at Twelve o'Clock' at Noon, I- I E good Ship A D- VENTURE, with 12 Carriage Gur. s, French built, Burthen 350 Tons mora or lefs, with excellent Dimenfions for the Virginia or Weft- India Trades, and well- found, now lying at King Jjmis's- Stairs, John Mafr. i, Commander. Inventories to be feen on Board, and at the Place of Sale. To be Sold by
SAMUEL BROOKS, BROKER. For S A L E by the CANDLE, At LLOYD'S Coffee- Iioufe in Lcmbard- firest, On Thurfday next, at Twelve 0 Clock at Noon, ~ THE SEA NYMPH: Brigantine, Squire- ftern'd, Plantar tion- built, Burthen 100 Tons more or lefs, with proportionable Dimensions, now lying at King Edivard Stairs, Alexander JobnJloun, Commander. Inventories to be feen on Board, and at th? Place of Sale. To be Sold by SAMUEL BROOKS, BROKER. For SALE by the CANDLE, At LLOYD'S Coffee- Houfe in Lombard Street, On Thurfday next, at Twelve o'Clock at Noon, THE Ship ELEANOR, with 8 Guns, Foreign built,
Burthqnt 250 Tons more or left, with'proportionable Dimenfions, now lying at King- Hairs, Rotber- bitbe George Hay, Commander. Inventories to be feen on Board, and at tha Place of Sale. To be Sold by SAMUEL BROOKS, BROKER. For SALE by the CANDLE, At LLOYD'S Coffee- Houfe in Lombard- Street, On Friday the io h Infiant, at Twelve o'Clock, Hp H E VERNON Priva- teer, with 26 large Carriage Guns, an exceeding fine Sailor, Square- ftern'd, Bif- ton built, Burthen 300 Tons, more or lefs, with very good Dimenfions for the Weft- India or Virginia Trades, and well found, now lying at Stone- pairs, John Hdrwood,
Commander. Inventories to be feen on Board, and at tlis Place of Sale. SAMUEL BROOKS, BROKER. 1o be SOLD, At the Original RAISIN BRANDY and WINE Ware looufe, Red- Lion- Court, Wailing- Street, FINE ORANGE WINE of a delicate Tafte and Flavour, at 3 s. 6 d, per Gallon. RAISIN- WINE, the fame, AND R A I S t N- B RANDY, at 4 s. per Gallon. Note, AU Perfons are welcome to tafte the Goods. BOOKS, this Day on Sale, BIbliotheca Infignis, feveral Thoufand Vo- lumes of fcarce and valuable Books in the various Sciences a? d Branches of Learning, particularly the Collection of an eminent Phy- fician. Among
which are, Statutes at large, yv. Bucks 330 Views, 2 v. fiaely ea- State- Trials, S v. gravon General DiCt. 10 v. Rufhworth andTBurloe's CoL'. Univerfal Hift. 9 v. Cowper VAnat. of the Body Patrick, Lowth and Vchitby 6 v. Anat. of theMufcles Chambers's DiCt. i v. Montfaftciin's Antiq. 15 v. Bayle and Collier's DiCt. Hortus Eyftet. cor. tuf. James's Med. DiCt. 3 v. Habits du Levant. With a choice CoI'eCtion of Italian and French Books. By JOHN W H I S T O N, At Mr. Boyle's Head in Fleet- flrcet. Where Catalogues may be had gratis; alfo at Mr. Dodfley's in Pali- Mail; Mr. Chapelle in Grofvenor- ftreet ; Mr. Lewis neat Ca- ve . it-
Garden ; and Mr. Clatks under the Royal Exchange.
< 7his Day is publijhed, Price i 6d. THE pious and humane Archbifhop Til- lotfon's Sentiments of Popery, digcfted into familiar and po- pular Orations ; defign'd to excite a tuft Abhorrence or tb » horrid Principles and Praitices of the Church of Rome. Hi being dead, yet Jpeakrtb. Hen. xi. 5. Printed for R. Ware, A. Ward, J. an<! P. Knapron, T. Lonfmsn and T. Shevrell, R. Hett, C. Mitch, J. Hod,; ec, S. Auflen, J." and R. Tonfon and S. Draper, J. Rivingtun, and H. Pemberton j and fold by J. Roberts in Warwick- Lane. This Day is publijhed, Price i s. JOVI ELEUTHERIO, or an Ottering to LIBERTY. Quifnam jgitur liber? Sapiens,
Jibique imperiofus; Quem r. eque pauperies, neque mors, neque vinculo torrent : Refpmfare cupidinibus, contemnere bonores Fonts j in feipfo totlss teres atque rotundas. Hor. Serm. Lib. il. Sat, 7. Printed for R. Dodfley at Tully's Head in Pall- Mall; and fold by M. Cooper in Pater- nofter Row, This Day is publijhed., A PLAN of Mr. POPE's GARDEN, as jf\ it was left at his Death : With a Plan and Petfpeftive View of the GROTTO. y. ll taken by J. S E R L E, his Gardener. With an Account of all the Gems, Minerals, Spars, and Ores of which it is compofed, and from whom and whence they were fent. To which is added a Charafter of
all his Writings. Printed for R. Dodfley at Tully's Head in Pall- Mall ; and fold by M. Cooper in Pater- nwfter Row. Price 1 s. 6 d. This Day is publijh'd, Price 6 d. AN Authentic!-: Copy of a Letter from _ THOMAS NEWANS to his Grace the Duke of N E, foretelling the Dangers threatening this Nation, efpecially London and Weftminfter. To which are added hif Prediction of feveral other Events, particularly The Convention with Spain, and the ill Succefs of it. The War between France and Germany. The late intended Invafion in 1743. The prefent Rebellion ar. d the JFL'ue of it. The Over- running of Germany and Italy, with the Taking
of Rome by the Perfians and Turks, and the DownfaJ of Popery, in Confluence thereof. The Driving back the Turks, Sec. by the Proteftants, and the Converlun of tie former to the Chriftian Faith ; which will ba fol- lowed by The Calling of the Jews, their Return to Judea, and the Rebuil- ding of Jerufalem. Printed for M. Cooper in Pater- nofter Row. This Day is publtjhd, Price 6 d. THE MISSION from ROME into GREAT- BRITAIN, iri the Caufe of Popery and the Pre- tender, Scenically Reprefented. < If it ( « m good to us to put our Necks once more under that Yoke » which our Fathers were not able to bear, if it be really a Pre- <
lerment to a Prince to hold a Pope's Stirrup, a « d a Privilege to « bejdepofed by him at Pleafure, and a Courtefy to be kill'd at « his Command j if to pray withoutUnderftandirg, to obey with- * out Reafon, and to believe againft Senfej if Ignorance, an * implicit Faith, and an Inquifition, be in good earncft fiich « charming and defireable Things, then welcome Popery j which, " whenever thou comeft, doft infalliby bring all thefe wondetlul * Privileges and B tellings along with thee. Dr. Tit. L0T60 jr. Printed for J. Robers, in Warwick- Lane. This Day is publjhed, Price i s. 6d. T* HE NAM E S of the R O M A N JL CATHOLICKS,
NONJURORS and others, who fefufed t> takethe OATHS to his late Majefly King GEORGE. Together with their Titles, Additions, and Places of Abode ; the Parifhes and Town/ hips where their Lands lay j the Names of the then Tenant!, Occupiers thereof; and the Annual Valuation of them, as efti- mated by themfelves. Tranfmitted to the late Comrniffioners for the Forfeited Eilates of England and Wale;, after the Unnatural Rebel- 1 on in the North, in the Year 1715. As appears by the Returns of the Clerks of the Peace for the fcveral Counties, purfuant to an Aft of Parliament made for Regiftering their Filiates, in the Firft Year of
the Reign of his laid late Majefly. Taken from an Orig: nal Ma- nufcript of a Gentleman, who was the Principal Clerk to the Ac- coirprant General's Office, belonging to the faid Commiffioners. And now Publilhed with a generous V; iw to promote and fecve the true Pioteftant Intereft of thcie Kingdoms. By JAMES C O S I N S, Of the Middle- Temlle, Gent. Where's there has been lately publifti'd a fpurious, inco'reft, and ryruical Copy, of the authenrick Lift of the Roman Catholieks, jr « d Nonjuror? Eftates in England, and Wales, by Jam s C. Jin, with a inr. il irijuft. liable and malicious Deiign to Impofe upon the publ- ick, and to defraud
the faid J. C- fin, of hi< fole Right to the lmpreffion and Sale of a Book, which at a large JEx pence he had caufed to he printed with a moft generous View to the publick Service at this Time. Thefe are therefore, to caution fuch a » would avoid being thin jmpofedon, to diftinguifti between an imperfeft fpurious Efiay , by fome ill defigning Perfbn who darei not own his Name, and the true original B > ok published and Sold by f. Rnbinfon, Publifher, at the Golden Lion in Ludr> re- ftreet ; R. Dodfley in Pall- Mill ; Mr?. N'utt under the Royal- Ex- change ; T. Lifter, at the Bible without Temple- Bar, and Q. Wood- ail at Chiring- Crofs. 11. is
Day is Publijbed, Price 6 d. Dedicated to the Right Hon. Lady Frances Gaitiiner, HE Chriftian Warrior animated a- d crown'd. A SERMON occafioned by the Hero: e Death of the Hen. Col. James Gardiner, who was flain in the Battle near Prefton- pans", Sepr. xi, 1745. preach'd at Northampton, OCi. 13. B, P. D O D D R ~ T I D G E, D. D. . , 1, He Timoium Maximui baud urgtt Letbi rr. etus : Jgna- vum Reditiuse pivccre Vita. Lucan. Piintei and fold fay James Waugh, at the Turk's Head in Grace- church- ftrect. NEW EDITIONS (/" BOOKS, Printed for A. MILLAR, oppofte Katherine- itreet, in the Sirand, i. A Complete Colleftion of the
Works of fx the Hon. Robert Boyle, Efq; 5 v. Fol. 2. Jac. Angufti Thuani Hiftoria fui Tem^> oiis. Edita per S. Buck- ley, 7 v. Fol. 3. The Works cf Francis Bacon, Lord High Chancellor of Eng- land, 4. v. Fol. 4. A complete Colleftion of the Hiftcrical, Political, and Mifcel- laneous Works of John Milton, a v. FoL 5. Oceana, and other Works of James Hairington, Efq; Collefled niethodiz'd, and revis'd by John Toland, Fol. 6. An Hiftorical and Political Difcourfe on the Laws and Govern- ment of England. By N. Bacon, Efq; The fourth Edition, cor- refted and improv'd, Fol Note, There are a few of the above fix Books printed on a fuperfine
Writing- Paper. 7. A General Diflionsry, Hiftorical and Critical; in which a new and accurate Tranflation of that of the celebrated Mr. Bayle is inclu- ded j intcrfpers'd with feveral thoufand Lives never before publilhed, 10 v. 8. The Univerial Hiftory, from the earlieft Account of Time to the prefent, 9 v. Fol. 9. The Hiftory of London, from its firft Foundation by the Romans tothe prefent Time, In nine Books. By W. Maitland, F. R. S. Fol. 10. The true Intelleflual Syftem of the Univerfe : Wherein all the Reafon and Philofophy of Atheifm is confuted and its Impofli- bility demonftratcd, fire. By Ralph Cudworth, D. D. a v. 410. This Day is
publijhed. New Editions of the Two following Books, both ixritten by tit fame Author, to each of which u now added a com - pleat Index, I. " jV/ ffATHO: or. The COSMO- THEORIA JLyJl Po El. II IS. A Dialogue. In which the firft Principles of Philofophy and Aftronomy are ac- commodated tothe Capacity of young Perfons, or fuch as have yet no Tinfture of thefe Sciences. Hence the Principles of Natural Religion are deduced. In Two Volumes Oftavo. The Second Edition. 11. An Enquiry into the Nature of the Human Soul, wherein the Immateriality of the Soul is. evine'd, from the Principles of Realon and Philofophy. In Two Volumes
Oftavo. The Third Edition. He - who iixuld fee the juflefi and precifejt Notions of God and tie Soul, may read ibis Sr. k ; one cf the moji fir. ified of the Kind, in my tumble Opinion, that the prejent 7imes, greatly aduan. ed in true Pbilofspby, baue produced. Warburton's Divine Legation of Mofes demonftiated. Printed for A. Millar, oppofite to Catherine- ftreet, in the Strand. Where may be hid, 1. A New Edition of Mr. Thomlon's Works, carefully correfled, with the Addition of about 1000 new Lines. In Two Volumes, 8vo, on gcod Paper and large Letter; containing his Seafons, all his other Poems, and his three Tragedies. Price bound
tos. 2. HisSeafon*, printedina Pocket Volume. Price 3 s. bound. this Day is puhtij'hea, Neatly printed in Two Volumes, in 8vo. Price bound in Calf 1 os. llluflrated with Copper Plates cunovfly en- grax ed, NAVIGATION UNVAIL'D; Or, a New and Complete Syftem of N AVIG AT 10 N in all its Branches. Containing Arithmetic, Geometry, Trigonometry, Geography and Aftrenomy, in a more plain and eafy Methud than any hitherto pub- lilhed, and more adapted to Beginners. Sailing by the Plain, and Mercator's er Wright's Charts explained from the firft Principles, and ully illuftrated ia a Variety of ufeful Examples. The Theory of the
Tides, Currents, Variation of the Compafs, Lee- Way, & c. particularly confidcred ; and th; Difficultiesin Reckoning, which pro- ceed from them, fully exp'ained. A Complete Set of all the Tables ufefnl in Navigation, with their Conftruflion and Ufe at large. The Defcription and Ufe of the lnftruments commonly ufed, ajid fome New Ones of the Author's own Invention. To which is added, A New Way of keeping a Reckoning on the Prindp'es of Mercator's or Wright's Sailing, as ealily as by the common erroneous Method of Plain Sailing. The Whole calculated for Praftice, and the Exampl es fuch as daily occur at Sea, in a Manner quite
different from oth er Syftems ; 1 « ng freed from the many Superfluities and Perplexites* which thofe who have wrote on this Subjeft, have generally made Ufe of, and abounding with Variety c. f Ruies which are abfolutely ne- celTary, asd have nev* r before been traated of : Performed with the greateft Exa^ nefi, and approved of by the moft eminent Mathema- ticians of the Age. By EDWARD H A U X L E Y, Teacher cf the Mathematichs. Printed for the Author, and fold by J. Hodges, at the Looking Glafs, over- againft St. Magnus Church, London- Bridge Where is likewife to had, juft publifi- ed, the Second Edition, with very large
Additions, and a New Introduftion, of The Navy Surgeon: or, Praftical Syftem of Surgery. With a DilTertation on Cold and Hot Miner-! Springs ; ? nd FhvficS] Obferva- tions on the Coaft of Guinea, By JOHN ATKINS, Surgeon. Qjam qui [ que norit Artem in bas fe exerceat. Next Wefk ' Ml be piblijlta, In One larc; e Volume in Octavo, TH E HISTOR Y of the REBELLION, Raifed againft his Majeliv King GEORGE I. by the Frier. d = of the Popifh Pretender. Containing, An Aicooot of li. e Sertlrnr. ertr of the Sticcellion to the Crown of Great- Biitain, in the Illuftrws Family ' of Hamtxr. and the Tory Scheme to .' Meat it, amirs tJ> » laft four
Years of Q^ een Anne. Of his Majefty's fcsppv Afceffiop, the Rebellious Conlpiraey formed by l is Enemies, anil tite tiucutjca thereof; both by the Hieh- Churcb .' ok, on Pretence cf the C'ii ui't Dinger under his M- j ' flVs Admiftiftration, and 1 y ti c rpcr. Reb.- i- lion, which is here expui'ed ia ali its Parts, from its Crii Ri. u< : tJ final Extinction. By the Reverend Mr. PETER E AE. Toe SECOND EDITION. To which isnow added, a Colledlion of Original Letters and Au- theutick Papers relating to that Rebellion. Printed for A. Millar, eppofite to Catherine. Ilrect in the Strand, This Day is publiftid, Dedicated to the Honourable Ctarles Leflie
from a Draw'ug of Andrew Rutberfurd, formerly advert if d. AN exact Plan of his Majefty's great Roads tk- rough the Highlands of Scotland, and the leverai Forts anl Barracks, their computed Diftances from the principal Towns, a De • fcription of the great Mountains, Rivers and Lakes, Sir John Cope's Marches from Edinburgh to lnvcrnefs, and the Marches of the Re- bels to Edinburgh agd Prefton, with a Scale of coaimited Miles. On the fame Plate is entraved a Plan of the late Battle of Pieftun, ( approved of by feveral Officers and others, who were pr f ntj Ih. w- ing the d- fferent Motions made by Sir John, and the Rebe. s
Manner of Attsck. To. be had cf Mr. R. Hutton, oppofite t « the Haymarket, Cha- ring- Crofs ; and fold by J. Jolliffe, next Door to White' « Chocolate- houfe in St. James's- ftreet ; J. Brindley, Bookfeller to his Rpya! Highnefs the Prince of Wales, in New Bond- ftrset; J. Bowles at the Black Hoifein Cornhil!; Mrs; Overton, facing St. Dunftan's ChurcU in Flect- ftreet ; A. Miliar facing Catherine- Street in the Strand ; J. Graham, next Door to the Globe Tavern in the Strma ; R. Amey in the Court ot Rrtjuefts; J. Miiian np^ ofite to the Admiralty, Weft- minftcr; and fold by the reli of the Piintfellers in Lindon andWeft- minfter. Price 2 s. Plain, 3
s. Coloured. An infallible Remedy for Broken - winded HORSES, WHICH has been publiOi'd, and fold many Years, before any Cot^ terfeits in other Forms ap- pear'tl, and highly commended from one Friend to another: The vaft Quantities rhat have been fold, do alfo verify its Efficacy and Virtues; for it moft perfectly cures them, after all other Means have been ineffectual, to a Wonder, in a fmall Time, without Confiinedl ment, by attenuating and opening the Globules of the Lungs drie, up, and all the Paffages obftrudted by Humours dripping thereon- occafioiied by hard Riding, Cold*, & c. It caufes prefently a free Perfpiration,
renewing its Force, Vigour and Length, as well as ever It iranediately cures thofe Hot fen only a H'. tle touth'd in their Wind, as alfo continu'd Coughs, Colis, Wheeling, & c. being ex- cellent in preventing nuny other Diftempers incident unto them, by maintaining, preferving, and continuing a good Breath. And in a Word by this very Medicine alone, many Horfes have been made fo perfectly found, that they have been fold or valne< t from 10 to 30 or 40 Pounds, which, by being broken- windej could not before be fold for 3 or 4 Pounds. It is fold at Mr. S. indwell's Toy- ihop, at the Sign of the Griffin, the Corner of Buckletsbuty in the
Poultry, for 4 s. 6 d. the Quart Bottle, with Directions for taking it, and no where elfe in England. To Perfons of either SEX Affiled with any Species of the Palfy, or other Nervous Decays. NEVER were JVervous Difeafes, Palfies, and Paralytic^ Diforders fo frequent as of late they have been nor have the ufual Remedies been found adequate to thofe pertina- cious Diftrmpers : This occafioned . a Phyfician, who employed his Thoughts much concerning them, to adapt a Medicine, a Sovereign Elixir, peculiar to, and effeftual for, the Palfy, and all o. thtr nervous Complaints how reigning, which after he h id experienced on vaft
Numbers of Perfons of both Sexes, and always with furprifin ® Succels, e sn fo as infallibly to cure by it the Palfy, and all Para , lytick Efi'cfts and Nervous Diforders, he permitted it to be made pui- lick for a general Gcod, that fo thofe labouring under thefe miferable Ailments, might know where to meet with a fafe and moft certain Cure, which it accomplices in fo fhort a Time, and with fuch Eafe and Pleafure ( a few Drops of it being a Dofe, highly agreeable to the Pa! ate, and comforting to the Stomach and Bowels) as is almoft in- credible to relate. But the taking one Bottle of it only, demonftrates its prodigious Efficacy to every
one, and the Patients ioon find all Numbnefs, Dead- nsfs, and Shaking, or Refolution of the Ncrvet, as^ well as all coir- vulfive, cramp- like, or painful Contrafiions of them, vanifh and re- turn no more; and this, though thefe Difeafes have been of many Years ftand ng, and whether occafioned by long Illnefs, faft Living, hard Drinking, or any other Cayfe ; for it performs all that can be wifh'd for in Nervous Cafes, ereafes an Appetite, expells Wind, rec- tifies the Digeftion, occafions laudable Chyle, attenuates the Blood and Juices, caufes a free and regular Circulation of'em thru' the Ca- pillary Veffels, revives and in creafes the
Spirits, warms, comforts ftrengthens, and repleni/ hes the Brain and whole Nervous Syftem hence the Sinews, Tendons, Ligaments, and all the enfeebled Parts are invigorated, the Limbs reftor'd to their priftine Steadinels and Strength, and the Palfy and all Paralytick Diforders and Nervous Decays fsddenly cured by it' to the Admiration of the Patients them- felves, and all ab « ut them. This fovereign and incomparable Elixir is permitted to be fold only at Mrs. Holt's, at the Crofs- Keys and Star, below the R6yal- El- change in Cornhill, London, at 3 s. 6d. a Bottle, with piinted Di- rections at large. LONDON: Printed for H. WOODFA
LL, jun. near the Pump in Little- Britain, where ADVERTISEMENTS of a moderate; Length are taken in at Two SHILLINGS each. ADVERTISEMENTS ar* nlfo taken in by Mrs. Chapman, over- againft the King's- Arms Tavern, in Pall- Mall \ George Wood fall, at the King* i-. Arms, nca.* Craig's • Court, Charing- Crofi \ Mr. Sbuckburgh, at the Sun, next the Inner- Temple Gate, Fiect- fired Mr, Br- ick/ lvne, ac ; ht Glebe CornhiM \ and by T. ASTLEV, Removed from St. Paul's Church- yard, to the Rofe in Pater- nofler Row.