The General Advertiser
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The General Advertiser
Date of Article: 12/12/1745
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Volume Number: Issue Number: 3478
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tJemen of the Shire, a re a ( Relating in Defence of the Government.-*- 1-. The. Rebels have taken outi all the Guns of the Hazard Sloop, which, w ith others, they have got from France, are to be ufed on this Expedition. Copy of a Letter from a Gentleman of undoubted Credit in Angus Shire, to his Friend in this City. s i r , A S your Friends here heartily sympathized with the Q City of Edinburgh and the Country around, during , , the unhappy Time the Highlanders u'ere. with you ; the lip many Robberies, Oppressions, and numberless Hardships to I-^- J which you were then subjected, fill'd us with equal Con- CO cern for your
distressed Situation, and Indignation at- your Oppreffors, we expedt the dike Sympathy, when now. reduced to the fame Melancholy Circumftances, by this fecond gathering from thfe North, Perth, Dundee, and the Country around; are one Scene of Horror and Oppreffion, Robberies are perpetual, and many of them in open Day, in the publick Streets, in the Sight of all Men, and of their own Officers; Multitudes in the Town are obliged to leave their jgufinefs and their Families, by which the, Distress tho' not fo vifible, is yet exceeding great. They have ifallcn new to Houfe- Breaking too, which puts us into the moft dreadful
Apprehend lions of the worft. In Strathmore they have attacked ma'J ny of the Clergy, and robbed them, with g: eat Intuits, of conliderable Sums; ' the whole I'arilhes iq Angus are diftrefs'd by prefTmg ' Men, or which they love better, a Compofitior. in Money, that falls heavy upon the Ppor Tenants; they have invented a new and unheard of Demand on- the Gentlemen, celfing them feme two Hundred, fome one Hundred, fome Fifty Pounds. Sterling, and j j e - i s a great Favourite who efcapes. It is intended to raife a Hundred Pound eacli from fifteen Merchants in Dundee, who ' tis believed muft forfake their Families, whilll the
Rebels are there in Power, if they would ftiur this T a x , which we doubt greatly will not do, for this new Army are very hungry and rapacious. O In a late Rejoicing at Dundee, for a French Landing CO at Montrose, it was, by Authority, proclaim'd, that eve- p* ry Houfe should testify their Joy by illuminating their Windows, or'be fubject to a Fine, of Twenty Pounds G, Scot--, a- notable Way of pointing out to the Highland Executioners the Families who would not rejoice on this, happy Event. The Presbyterian Ministers, if seems, conld not, or, that Occassion, temporize with them : The Effect was like to be unhappy; their Windows,
are broke, innumerable Stones thrown violently, into one of their. Houfes, and at last they fired sharp Shot. The Family had retired into the most distant Part of the Houfe, and violent Attempts were made to. break in. No Man could have answered for the Consequences, if fame, Neighbours had not come by a Back door,- and begged the Family to escape with them. The aged Minister, remarkable for Calmness, conscious . of being in the Way of his Duty; and having been long used, under the happy Revolution Government, to think this Houfe was his Sanctuary, would not move; at last, it is faid, he wrote to one of their principal
People, his Acquaintance; who was graciously pleased, after much Intreaty, to command them off. In short, our Cafe grows worfe and worfe, and nlmofl! intolerable : The Instances of Cruel Oppression . re fo multiplied, that People grew weary of complaining, or of even repeating the Particulars, the least of which, under King. George's Government, and . by his. Soldiers, would'fili City and . Country with Noise for many I Days ; " . and if an - End is not foon put to thete Distresses, the Calamity, thro' Lofs o f Trade, - of Money and Credit, thro' Insults, scattering of Families, Robbery, Bloodftied, and no- body knows what Demands,
will ruin us altogether. ~* Make thefe Tilings a> publick 83 you pleate : The Fa£ ls are true; and the publifiiing of them may tend to ftir . up all- forts of Men to exert themfclvcs to the utmoft, ^ in stopping this unjull and unhappy Rebellion^ raifed and rtsupported by the Enemiej of Mankind, who, by thefe § Beginnings, are shewing how proper Inftruments they O* would be to fulfil the unhallowed Will of an arbitrary, Q perfecuting, and bloody Government. I am, SEE. « ' We are certainly inform'd from Ormiston in East Lothian, that the Inhabitants of that Parifli to the Number of 160 entered into a Voluntary Association for joining with
this Country, or any other well affedted to our prefent happy ' Establishment, in Oppofition to the Rebels, upon • Notice given by the Commander of his Majesty Forces in this Part of the Country^ or any having Directions from hi; n- List of the Rebels under Lord Strathallan. Mac Kenzies,. under the Earl of Cromerty, 300 Mac Intoshes, 3°° Forquharsons, with a few of the Clan G u n s . 120 Frasers, under Fraser of Fians, 400 French at Aberdeen, Peterhead, Montrose, 500 Under Lord Lewis Gordon, 250 N. B. Lord John Drummond commands in Chief. ' His Artillery consists of 15 Pieces of Cannon, and fome Field Pieces. 1 As to
the Frafers, the Lord Lovat has commanded them to dilband, but we know not the Particulars. By a Letter from Stirling, dated December 4th, we are told, that the Highlanders, together with the French, are upwards of 3000; that on the 3d they made a Feint totowards Dundee, but their real Intention feems to be, to march and attack the Caftle there; the Commanders are prepared, and have lodged Mines under the Arches o f the Bridge, and all other Precautions are taken.— The Gen- Deal, December 10. H E M(.' n of War remain,, as-. in . my Arrived his Majefty's Sloop ^ j B j S ^ ^ f f l g ^ Badger, from a Cruize. Wind S- E. t f f j t
e ^ f f " Craneftnd, Dec. 10. Pafs'd by T p P ^ S William, Dull, from Stockholm; ( f i ^ S ^ W ^ l t J l S and the Charity, Alders, from Bre- Three Sisters, Appleby, of and for London, for St. Ubes; who law, on the 14th of November, off the Port of LUbon, an Englilh Fleet of 16 or 18 Sail, with a Man of War of 50 Guns, which he is certain are got fafe into that Port.— On, the 29th, he law a French Man of War, of about joGuns, which gave him Chace a whole Day ; but he failing we!!, and Night coming on, and the Wind shifting, he loll light of the Man of War.. Came in his Majefty Is Ships the Prince Frederick and Maidltone, from a
Cruize. Dartmouth, Dec. 8. This Day came in here the Chatming Molly Trajifport of London, from St. Maloes, with 1 Prifoners of , War from thence. Wind E. N. E., L O N D O N . ' Letter ' The Main Body of the Highlanders got into Derby on * the 4th Instant; the next Morning at 8 o'Clock the ' Horses were ordered to the Baggage Carts, and every ' thing feem'd ready for a march; the Horfes continued * fo until 4 in . the Afternoon, without moving, which • made us Conjecture, that they knew not which way to * move; at 5 that Evening they ordered the Excife to be • paid them; which, with otjjsr Money collected, they got there above
4000 L On the 6th about 11 o'Clock \ they march'd back for Ashburn, whe, re they got that • Night ; and on fhe 7th, J j y 5 ir. the Morning the Van . * *," their Army foak Leek Road. • They took all the "' fes,- Arms and Money they . could meet with, and hburn shot a Farmer dead on- the Place, for refu- ' ling them his Horfe ; the Common Fellows, Women ' and Boys plundered most of the Villages they march'd ' through. Their Armour is a Mulket, Sword, Dirk, and * Piftols, and each a Spring Knife, fome of 22 Inches ' long. He wh9 they call'd the Prince, lodg'd at the Earl • of'Exeter's Horse in Derby. ' A t their coming to Derby • they;
had no more than 42 Carts, 13 of whkh had one ' fmall Cannon, and one with a Mortar, alfo a . Chariot ' with two'fJSrfijy; bnt- at their return to Ashburn they * had above tq^ iTarts.' • > - E. xtraSl of a Letter from Mansfield, Dee. q. I * The Rebels all went out of Leek this Morning, and * marched with great Precipitation towards Macclesfield. • They plunder'd Leek of almoft every Thing Valuable, * au- i us'd many People, very ill, particularly Old Mr. ' Lockett, whom they tied Neck and Heels, becaufe he ' would not discover where his Son was, who by his Di- • ligence had given them great Offence.' ' Extract of a Letter from Stafford,
Dee. 9. 1 1 believe by this Time the Rebels are got into Lanca- • liiire. Jjill now came in the Lord Cobham's, Lieute- • nan: General Legonier's, and the Duke of Kingston's * Light; Horse and into Utoxeter, Lord Mark Kerr's, * and Aland's Regiments of Horfe.— On Saturday laft a • Barrister at Law was taken into Cuftody at Readford, ' about a Mile from tl) ii Piace 5 and we hear, that great < Difcqveries have been made by his Confeffion, and the • Papers found upon him.' We hear that in- filling up the Trenches before Carlisle, more than. 20 dead Bodies of the Rebels were difcovered, 3 which they left unburied at the Time pf ( h?
Siege ; and i ' tis alfo faid, that near 200 of the Rebels had been killed 5 before that Place, in a thick Fog ; the Town's jPeople havi ing heard the Bagpipes playing at a fmall Distance, to J which they directed their Guns, and the Rebels not hav- ^ ing discovered their Nearness to the Town, till they felt - the Heat of their Fire. r We have certain Accounts by a Gentleman from Bramp- H ton, that upwards of 500 Highlanders, Deserters from the Pretender's Army, have passed by Carlisle, since the Main Body of the Rebels left that Town, in their Way to Scotland. Yesterday came Advice, that the Exeter Privateer, Capt. Pennell, is
taken by the Bellona Privateer, belonging to St. Maloes. The John, Hunter, of Newcastle, bound to London with Plank, is taken by a French Dogger Privateer, of 10 Carriage and 12 Swivel Guns, and 1 13 Men, efl'Flam- > nnrl rarried into Boloign. On Friday. laft when, the Alarm was fprcad throughout : he . City, that the Rebels had slipt- the the. Duke's. Army,.' end were marching, for London, a Part); of the Volunteer, Merchants from' Leathersellers Hall waited pn Sir William Yonge, and General Folliot, and enter'd as Volunteers in the First Regiment of Foot- Guards, and gave in their refpeitive Names and Places of Abode,, in
order to mareh upon the first Summons. - As we. think this . Proceeding highly advantageous to the Characters of" the Gentlemen concerned, and may possibly be the Means of fpiriting otliers, to • the fame Emulation, fhould the Danger return, we hope it will not be taken amil's i f we give their Names to the Publick. Henry Raper, Thomas Maundrell, Charles Cutts, Mat. Blaquiere, George Stainforth, William Alexander. Edward Moore, Jacob Applebee, Samuel Chitty, Thomas Jacomb, Hugh Norris, John Coverly, jun. William Pate, William Chamberlin,, James Rivington, Paul Gaussen, Hollis Edwards, Burrows Smith, Robert Lee,
Nath. Chauncy, Thomas Wodhouse, James Theobald, jun. Edward Creed, John Thomas, Thomas Ewer, William Snell, jun. Boughay Skey, Charles Dingley, William Ewer, Henry Alcraft, Moses de Paiba, Philip Chauncey. It is reported that a Camp will fpeedily be form'd on Black Heath, confifting of four Regiments of Foot and two of Horfe, with a Train of Artillery. We hear a Loan is opened at the Exchequer on - the Land T a x , at 4 per Cent, upon which Sum qf400,000!.* has already been fubfenbed ; and it is not doubted but the Zeal which has been other wife ( hewn for his Majefty's Perfon and Government will be. continued
on this Occafion, in- fupporting his. Majefty with Money, to defeat the Defigns of the Enemies of, qur happy Conltitujion, This Day comes on the Election of a Muster- master General of this City. Yesterday was held a Court of Admiralty, at Dolors- Commons when the Le Paix and Venus, both taken by the Hazard and Fox Man of War, were condemn'd as legal Prizes.- Yefterday Morning died at his Hcuse in Lemon- Street Goodmans- Fields, Mr. Shaw an eminent attorney reputed - Rich. ' 1 Tuefday laft the Commissioners of the Navy appointed Mr. Read, keeper of Stores at his Majefiy's Victualling Office at Deptford, a Place o f
confiderabie Profit. S C O T L A N D . Edinburgh, Dec. The following is handed about as an Authentick List of the Forces in the North ; and tho' we cannot- warrant its Authority, yet we may venture to fay, there is very highProbability of its Exactness. Lift of Forces under the Earl of Loudon. Mac'Leods, under young Mac'Leod, < 450 Grants, under Rothemurcus, 120 Monroes, under Culcairn 200 Sutherlands, 200 MacKenzies, 250 Guns, under their Chief Mac Gemish, 120 Lord Loudon's Regiment, 500 T H U R S D A Y , DE C E M B E R 12, 1745.
Yefterday Number 5,050 was drawn a Prize of 10001- ahdNumbers 18,644, 39> 446> > 9.° 77 » 3 » 7' 6> 39> 323 » 19,896, and 44,877 were drawn Prizes of 1 ool. each. T h e S U B J E C T . N°. X I . TH E R E are but three Reafons by which any Proteftant can pretend to juftify to his own Conscience, his joining in the prefent Rebellion, viz. either, Firft, that King James the Second was unjuftly expelled from the Throne: Or, if juftly, yet, Secondly, That his Pofterity ought not to fuiter for his Fault : Or, Laftly, That our Princes fince the Revolution ( and particularly his prefent Majefty) have behaved fo ill, that it is neceflary to
dethrone the prefent Family, in order to fubftitute a Race of more able and virtuous Princes in their Room. 1 cannot think of any other keafon, that can be alledged by any confcientious Proteftant. I fhall examine each of thefe feparately. Firft, That the late King James was unjuftly expell'd from the Throne. The Truth of this Proportion mull be built upon one or other of the two following Data, both of which will, I prefume,. appear upon Examination to be entirely falfe, viz. either, I. That no King of England, let him' beh ve never fo wickedly, never fo contrary to his Duty and his Oath, can legally, or ever ought, to be fet aftde or
difplaced. Or, II. That King James did not fo notorioufly mifbehave himfelf, but was a Prince under whom his People might have been tolerably happy. The firft of thefe is a Dottrine which I confefs many hot headed Zealots fome Years ago, were very fond o f : But, is there a Man in England at this Time, who does . really, and in good Earnelt believe it ? 1 can hard7 bring myfelf to think there is at this Time of Day, any Perfon fo fottifh. If any One be really of that Opinion, I will not undertake within the Compafs of this Effay, to convince him of his Error. It would require perhaps mors Paper, than I intend to allot myfelf at prefent.
Befides, that the Point has been fo largely difctiffed by Other Hands, that he cannot want the Means of being informed, who does not want the Will. In particular, I would refer him to fjifhop Hoadly s accurate Treatife, Entituled, The Meafures of Submiffton to the Civil Magiftrate confidered. And to the famous Trial of Dr. Sacheverel; wherein this lame Do& rine was learnedly canvalled, and Si Pergama Dextra Defendi poffent - would have been as ftrongly defended : But the Judgment of both Houfes of Parliament was plainly againft it ; and fince that Time, I have taken it, that the Judgment of almoft every Man in the Nation, has
concurred with that of the Lords and Commons upon that Occafion. I fhall not therefore fpend more Words upon a Point fo extremely plain. It would be like endeavouring to prove, that when a Town is on Fire, one may lawfully extinguifh the Flame; or, that it is allowable for a Man to expel a Fever or Poifon from his Body. No one that gives himfelf the Trouble to think at all, can make any queftion whether Princes are not Truftees and Guardians for their People : And therefore, when they notorioufly mifbehave in that Trnft, and employ for the Deftruction of die People, that Power which they are inverted with for their Prefervation,
they defervedly forfeit all Title to the Royal Dignify, and to the | iAllegiance of their Subjects. But perhaps, it may be faid, n the fecona Place, that YL. James did not fo notoriivjly mifbehave himfelf, but was a Prince under whom his People might have been tolerably happy. Whether, he was fo or no, let any Mar. colled, either from his own Remembrance, or from the Hiftory of thofe Times. I would be • very far from loading the Character of the unfortunate ; nor will I deny, that he was ( efpecially in the younger Part of his Life) a Man of fereral good Qualities : But this I affirm, that from the Moment that he came to the Crown, and for
fome time before, he had render'd himfelf unfit for that Crown, and was engaged in Meafures abfolutely inconfiftent with his Duty, and not only hurtful to, but abfolutely deilrudtive of his People's Happinefs, It were eafy to fhew this, by running over feveral Particulars of his Reign, which 1 fhall not at prefent trouble the Reader with. They are to be met with in every Hiftory. But this I infift upon, that befide the particular Offences of which he was guilty, he was guilty of one grand, general, outragious Crime, which was the fetting himfelf above all Law, and pretending to a Power fuperior to Law. Whatever King of England fhall at any I
iine fo far difregard his Oath and his Duty, as to aft in that Manner, let him be Anathema* It is the fame Thing to me, as if he were to fummon the Lords and Commons, and fhould declare to thein, that altho' he promifed and fwore to be obedient to the Law, yet he would make the Law obedient to him. King James his Behaviour was tantamount to that - nay, was actually that; and therefore, I do not fee how his moft eager Partizans can defend him from the Imputation of having grof- ly, I will not fay neglefted or mifliehavcd in his Duty, but of having afled in direft Oppofition to it, and of having notorioufly trampled upon thofe Laws,
for - the Sake only of prefervir. g which, it is, that Kiugs are placed upon the Throne. The Reader will obferve, that I have taken no Advan tage of a Point that I might have infilled upon, not without fome plaufible Reafons, viz. that King James was not expelled from the Throne, but voluntarily ^ abdicated it, confcious of his own Guilt. I believe there is a great deal of Truth in this, and yet I am not folicitous about it one way or the other. It is fufficient for me to have fhewn, that he did abdicate in the legal and political Senfe of the Word, i. e. he became an Enemy ( inftead of a King) to his People, and therefore, if he was expelled that,
he was expelled juftly. [ f there could ftill be any Doubt or Queftionablenefs in this Matter, yet we ought to confider, that it received its Determkation in the proper Place, and before a proper Judicature, the Lords and Commons in Parliament afTembled, who proceeded upon that Occafion with a Solemnity and Del iberation becoming wifeft Republicks. To all which we may add, that there are now paft almoft Threefcore Years, wherein the whole Nation have acquiefced under the Settlement then made, and have by a thoufand and ten thoufand repeated Afts teftified their Approbation of it. And therefore a Man had need be extreme
fare of his Point, in all ?:: fliceand Confcience, before he will engage in an Attc, that will make him anfwerable for fo much Mifery a; will be introduced by it, and the Lives and Fortunes of fo many of his Fellow- Subjects as muft perifh therein, - Bank- Stock 130 3 4ths. India Ditto 168 1 half. South Sea Stock 97. Ditto Old Annuities i c o 3 4ths. Ditto New 100 1 half. Three per Cent. Annuities 82 3 4ths a i half a 3 4ths. Ditto 1742, 82 3 4ths. a 1 half a 3 4ths, Ditto 1743 and 1744, 823 4ths a 1 half a 3 4ths. Ditto 1745, 83. Million Bank 113. Equivalent 104. Royal Affurance 79 1 half. London AfTurance 10 1 4th. Englifh Copper ; 1.
Seven per Cent. Emperor's Loan no Price. Five perCent. ditto no Price. Bank Circulation 4 1. 10 s. Difc. India Bends 2 I. 15 s. a 19 s. Difc. Three and a half Salt Tallies i 2 1. 5 s. Difc. Three and a half per Cent. Exchequer Orders no Price. Three per Cent. Ditto no Price. Lottery Tickets 12 1. 5 s. Life Annuities 12 3 4ths Years Purchafe. H A Y - M A R K E T . < THE SUBSCRIBERS to the O P E R A are ' defsred to make the laji Payment of their Subfiription- Money to the Treafurer, at the Opera- Office in the Haymarket, inhere Attendance vji/ l be given this and every Day, from Ten " till 1< wo, to receive tbe fame, and deliver out
the Silver Tickets. D R U R Y - L A N L . B? His Majejiy's Company of Comedians, AT the Theatre- Royal in Drury- Lane, this Day, will be prefented * Tragedy, call'd I he F A I R P E N I T E N T . T h e Part of Califta by Mrs Giffard ; Horatio, by Mr. Delane ; Seiolto, Mr. Bridges; Altamont, Mr. H a v a r d ; Rofana, Mr. Blakes; Lavinia, Mrs. Ridout; Lucifla, Mifs Minors; And the Part o f Lothario by a G E N T L E M A N , [ IVb* never appeared upon tbe Stage before, J With Entertainments, viz. | A f t II. Singing by Mr. Lowe. A f t III. Singing by Mr. Lowe. T o which will be added a Ballad Farce, call'd The V I R G I N U N M A S K ' D. T
h e Part of Mifs Lucy by Mrs. C l i v e ; Quaver, Mr. Lowe 5 Coufiee, Mr. Y a t e s ; Blifter, Mr. Turbutt ; Wormwood, Mr. Woodburn ; Goodwill, Mr. T a f w e l l ; Mr. Thomas, Mr. Brar. fby. Boxes 5 s. Pit 3 s. Firft Gallery 2 9. Upper Gallery 11. T o begin exaflly at Sin o'Clock. To- morrow The R E H E A R S A L . T h e Part of Bayes by M r . F O O T E . C O V E N T - G A R D E N . Not Afted this Seafon. AT the Theatre- Royal in Covent- Garden, this Day, will be prefented a Comedy, call'd The O L D B A T C H E L O R. Hcartwell by Mr. Bridgwater; Bellmour, Mr. Ryan ; Fondlewife, Mr. Hippilley ; Latitia by Mrs. Pritchard ; Sir Jofeph
Wittol, Mr. Woodward ; Setter, Mr. Chapman ; Noli Bluff, Mr. Rofco ; Sharper, Mr. H a l e ; Viinlove, Mr. Gibfon ; Silvia, Mifs Hippifley; Araminta, Mrs. Hale ; Lucy, Mrs. Bland ; Betty, Mrs. Vaughan j And the Part of Belinda, by Mrs. Norton. ( W i t h Singing by Mr. B E A R D . T o which will be added a Dramatic Entertainment, call'd' The R A P E of P R O S E R P I N E ; With the Birth and Adventures of Harlequin. Ceres by M r s . W r i g h t ; Proferpine, Mrs. Lampe ; Jupiter, Mr. Roberts ; Mercury, Mr. Reinhold ; a Follower of Profer[ Sne, by Signora Campioni ; 2d Follower, Mifs Vanderfluys, 3d Follower by Mrs. Le Brun ; 4th
Follower, Mrs. Villeneuve; 5th Follower, Mrs. Gondou Pluto by Mr. Leveridge ; Daemons by Mr. Villeneuve, Mr. Delagarde, Mr. Dupre an, d Mr. Deftrade. Harlequin by Mr. Woodward ; Colombine, Mr". Havard ; Yeoman, by Mr. Bencraft; Clodpole, Mr. Hippifley ; Old Man, Mr. Smith ; Old Woman, Mrs, Vaughan ; Gardeners by Mr. Deftrade and Mr. Dupre. T h e Elements; Earth by Mr. Deftrade and Mrs. Gondou ; Ait hy Mr. Villeneuve and Mifs Vandcrfluys; Fire by Mr. Delagarde and M r s . L e Brun ; Water by Mr. C O O K E and Signora C A M P I O NL Boxes 5 J, Pit 3 s- F i r f t Gallery 1 s. Upper Gallery I >, T o begin exaftly at
Six o'Clock. Admiralty- Office, 9 Dec. Ljf/" HE RE AS feveral Officers and Men, who are attending tbe Court Martial holding bj Sif CHALONER OGLE at Deptford, for enquiring into the Conduit of feveral of his Majefty's Officers in the late Engagement off of Toulon, were ordered demon to the Nore, in erdtr to be employed in his Majefty's immediate Service jand whereas fo many other Officers and Men have Voluntarily offer'd themfelves to be employed on the prefent Occafion, that the calling them off from attending on the faid Court- Martial it not any longer neceffary ; the Lords CommiJJioners of the Admiralty do hereby dirtSl
the faid Officers and Men to return to Deptford to attend tbe Court- Martial, and to apply to the Commanding Officer of his Majefty's Ships at the Nore, to furnijh them with a Veffel to carry them thither. THO. C O R B E T T. Admiralty- Office, Dec. 11, 1745. THE Leave of Abfence given to the Petty- Officers and foremaft- Men late belonging to bis Majefty's Ship the Dragon, being expired, the Lords Commiffioners cf the Admiralty do hereby direS, that the faid Petty Officers and Foremaft Men do immediately repair on Board his Majefty's Ship the Chefterfield at Deptford, where they will be paid the. r Wages far the Dragon before
tie Chefterfield proceeds to Sea ; but if any of them fail to repair as above a'irelied, they will not only life their Wages for the Dragon, but the Marfhal of the Admiralty will be ordered to apprehend them, in order to their being Tried at a Coatt Martial as Deferters. T H O . C O R B E T T. Guildhall, London, Dec. 10, 1745. The L O R' D - M A Y O R, Chairman. ' AT a General Meeting of the Subfcribcrs id the Subfcription beguxjit^ Guildhall, on the zyth Day of November laft, by the Right Hon. the Lord- Mayor and others, for the better Relief, Support and Encouragement of fuch Soldiers, as now are or fhallhereafter be employed in his
Majefty's Service, during the Winter- Seafon, towards the- Supprefflon of the prefent unnatural Rebellion, in. Pur fiance of a Notice given in the London- Gazette for the Choice cf a Committee for the Difpofal of the Money agreeable to the Preamble of the faid Subfcription ; it was unanimoufi$ refolved and agreed, I. That the Right Hon. Sir Richard Hoare, Lord Mayor of the City of London fhall be of the Committee. II. That the Right Hon. the Lord Chief- Juftice, the Right Hon. the Mafter of the Rolls, the Right Hon. the Lord Chief- Juftice Willes, the Right Hon. the Lord Chief- Baron Parker, and the reft, of the Hon. the Judges fhall
be of the Committee, III. That all the Aldermen who have contributed, or fhall contribute to the aforefaid Subfeription fhall be of the Committee. IV. That Sir John Bofworth, Knight, Chamberlain of the City of Loudon, fhall be c f the Committee. V. That the Mafter or Prime- Warden of every Company, that hath already fubferibed, or fhal 1 hereafter lubfcribe too 1 or upwards, fnall be of the Committee. V I . That the Deputy of every Ward that hath already fubferibed, or fhall hereafter fubferibe i GO 1. or upwards, fhall be of the Committee. V I I . That Philip- Carteret Webb, Efq; Metf. John Payne jun. Samuel Smith, Jafper Maudit,
William Hollyer, John Hyde and Samuel Chambers, fhall be of the Committee. V I I I . That every Perfon who in his own Name, or in the Names of himfelf and others, hath already fubferibed or fhall hereafter fubferibe i o o l . or upwards, fhall be of the Committee. IX. That the Committee fhall fit at Six o'Clock this Afternoon at this Place, for the difpatch of Bufinefs) , and that any five of the Committee fhall conftitute a Quorum and have Power to adjourn. X. Thjit fuch Committees from time to time confiftinj of not lefs than five Members fhall have Power to draw upon Sir John Bofworth, Chamberlain of London, for fuch Moneys as
may be neceffary to anfwer the purpofes, for which the fame ate intended. XI. That the Lord Mayor do communicate thefe Proceedings to his Royal Highnefs the Duke of Cumberland and Marfhal Wade, and defire their Opinions how the Subfcription Money may be beft applied foy the Relief, Support and Encouragement of the Soldiers, and for the Benefit of the Service. XII. That Thanks be returned to the Right Honourable the Lord Mayor, for having begun and fo zeaionfly promoted this ufeful and laudable Undertaking. Laftly, That the Minutes of thefe Proceedings be Printed in fame of th e publish Papers. T . FORD, Secretary.
High Water at London- Bridge, this Day at 2* Minutes Sfter 2. Guildhall, 10 December, 1745. rrHE Committee appointed for the Difpofal of I the Money arifing by the Subfcription begun by the Right Hon. the Lord Mayor, and othert for the better Relief, Support, and Encouragement of the Soldiers employed in his Majejly's Service towards the Supprefjion of the prefent Rebellion, give Notice, that theyJhallJit at Gui'dhall. on Frtaay next, at Four o'Clock in the Afternoon, to receive ( fealed up) pr* p° fals and Patterns of Mittens for the Ufe of the Army . By the Order of the Committee, T . F O R D , Sec. L O N D O N I N F I R M A R Y.
A General Quarterly Meeting of the Governors of this Charity will be held at Haberdafhers- Hall on Friday the 20th Inflant, at Ten of the Clock, To receive the Report of the Houfe Committee; To Elecl a Committee for the enfuing Quarter; and on other Special Affairs. R I C H A R D N E A L E , See. THE M I D D L E S E X and W E S T M I N S T ER A S S O C I A T I O N . ' THE Committee of Subfcril- ers of 100 1. or up- * wards, will meet in Covent- Garden Veflry Room, Tomorrow, at Twelve o'Clock at Noon. December 11, 1745. AT a Meeting of ffeveral Gentl men held at the Crown Tavern behind the Royal- Exchange this Day,
Jt was unanimoufly agreed to form a Body of Horfe for the Defence of kis M a j e t y ' s Perfon, and the Royal Family, and for the fecuring the Peace of the Cities of London and Weft minder, and the Parts adjacent. Any GentlemelTfhat are willing to join in. fuch a Service, are defired to meet at the above Place 011 Friday Evening next, at Fiva of the Clock. Enquire f o r Number j . For S A L E by the C A N E L E, At the M A R I N E Coffee- Houfe in Birchin- Lane, In a few Days, by Order of the Affgnees, TH E Stock in Trade of Meffs. JOHN and W I L L I A M T A Y L I O R S , of Dtvtmjhire- ftrttt, Merchants ; and Mr. R I C H A R D
J O H N S O N of Grays, Linen- Draper, Bankrupts. Confiding of a large Affortment of Linen- Drapery and Maichefter Goods. Catalogues of which will be Timely difperfed by ROBERT KIRKE, BROKER, In St. Martin's le- Grand. For S A L E . i S j the C A N D L E , At L L O Y D's CofFee- Houfe in Lombard- Street, To- morrow, at Twelve o'Clock at Noon, THE good Ship ADV E N T U R E , with 12 Carriage Guns, French built, Burthen 3 50 Tons more or lefs, with excellent Dimenfions for the Virginia or Weft- India Trades, and well- ^ - v j t M found, now lying at King Jamts't- Stairi, J° bn Mafi*, Commander. ^ t i - ^ & i f - i s S S e m
B ^ Inventories to be feen on Board, and at the Place e f Sale. To be Sold by SAMUEL BROOKS, B R O K E R . WH E R E A S the Sale of the remaining Part of the Cargoe of the St. J O S E P H N . S. de la G R A - N A D A from the Havannah, taken by the K. uli Kan Privateer, Capt. Jofipb Barker, was advertis'd fo » Sale this Day. T h i s is to give Notice, that the faid Sale is put o f f ' t i l l further No- Mce be given in this Paper. A B R A H A M L E S T O U R G E O N , Broker. At R A P E R's Toy- Shop, In St. Martin's Court, by St. Martin's- Lane, near Leicefter- Fields ; AR E Sold FOUNTAIN PENS; alfo the bed made Round-
Hand, and the fined Italian and Drawing Pens, for the Ufe of Gentlemen and Ladies, at 4 s. per Hundred, neatly cut with a Penknife, made of proper Quillls, and fuited to all Hands: They are cleared by a peculiar Method, and allow'd to be more durable, and to write much finer than any Quills of a larger Size, fuch being generally of a more fpnsgy Nature. At the fame Place only is alfo to be had the fineft and blackeft Writing I n k , fealed up in Six penny Bottles, with Direftions. A l f o new Sets of Lines, one Sort ( or Bills, a » Mhe. r for Letters: Thefa Sets are better calculated for Difpatch and writing ftrait, than any y; t jublifheif, aad jherefere very ufefui in ajl Fairflici, W I L L B E S O L D by A U C T I O N , This and the following Days, at his Great AuSion- Room in Pall- Mall-, T H E Houfhold 6u niture, & c. of a Gentleman Bear Golden- Square, having retired ioco the Country. Confiding of Silk and Worfted Damaflc, and other Furniture, in Beds, Chairs, Window Curtains, and Hangings, fine Featherbeds, Blankets, Quilts and Counterpanes, large Pier, Srcnces and Chimney Glafies, Mahogany, Walnuttree, Defk and Book- Cafes, Chefts of Drawers, Chairs and Tables, Turkey Carpets, curious fine oH Japan, and Italian Cabinets, a Colleftion of Pictures, fome
fine old China, both ufefui and ornamental, and other curious EffeCts. T h e whole to be view'd, and Catalogues to be had this Bay the 1 o t h , to the Time of Sale. By Order of the Executrix, this and the two fll. wingDays, TH E genuine Houfhold Furniture, 9tc. late of Mr. H E N R Y W A R C O P P , dweafed, Linen- draper to his Majefty ftiDg George the Second, at the King's Arm' and White Lyon, Cbarinj- CroJs. Confining of Genoa Damaik, Wrought, Dimity, Needlework, Dutch Caffuys, Worfted, Damask, and other Furniture, ia Beds, Window- Curtains and Chairs, made and unmade, fine Blankets, Quilts, and Featherbeds,
Mahogany and Walnuttree Cabinet Work, a Wardrobe of Houlhold Linnen and Apparel, a fmall Sideboard of fafhionable Plate, fine old China and Japan, India Cabinets, Pictures, and a ColleSion of Books, a large Lead Ciftern and Copper, with good Kitchen Furniture, and fund ry other EffeCts, likewife the Counters, PrefTes, i co The Goods to be view'd this Day, to the Time of Sale, which will begin each Day at Half an Hour after Eleven precifely. Catalogues will be deliver'd Gratis the Days of Viewing at the Place of Sale, and at Mr. Wright's, Upholder, in Buckinghanjftreet, York- Buildings. J O H N H E A T H , Auctioneer. To be
S O L D ^ A U C T I O N , On Thurfday the lyth Inftant, and the following Days, T H E genuine Houftiold Furniture of a Gentleman leaving off Houfekeeping, at his Dwejling- boufe, being a White Houfe, the furthermoft Quarter on the Right Hand in Hatton- Garden. Confiding of Silk, Dama/ k, Mohair, wrought Dimity, Deckerwork Furniture in Beds, Window- Curtains, Chairs and Counterpanes, richChimney- Glaftes and Sconces, fine Goofe Featheibeds, Blankets and Quilts, Mahogany and Walnuttree Chairs, Tables, and fine Stove Grates, fome Houlhold Linnen, and a fmaLI Quantity of China. T h e Goods, & c. ( being all clean
and fafhionable not been put up above two Years) are to be view'd on Monday next, ' till the Time of Sale, which will begin each Day precifely at Eleven o'Ciock. Cataleguei will be deliver'd Gratis the Days of Viewing, at the Place of Sale ; and at Mr. Price's, Upholder, Pail- Mall. In the firft Days Sale will be put up to AuCtion, the Leafe of the faid Houfe, being at a very fmail Rent, of which there are five Years to come from Lady- Day 1746, with Power for the Tenant to renew for feven Years more at the base Rent, from the Expiration of this Leafe if he defires it. Note, The faid Houfe was lately fitted up, and is in good Repair,
confiding of two large Rooms on a Floor, with good Vaults and two Kitchens, a large Garden with a Wafh- houfe at the End, w- tn Grates, Coppers, and other Fixtures to the Kitchens, and Wafh- houfe newly put up. Next Week will be publijhed, In One large Volume in Oelavo, TH E H I S T O R Y of the R E B E L L I O N , Raifed againft his Majefty King G E O R G E I. by the Friends of the Popifh Pretender. Containing, An Aocount of the Settlement of the Succeflion to the Crown of Great- Britain, in the Uludrious Family of Hanrver, and the Tory Scheme to defeat it, during tha laft four Years of Queen Anne. Of his Majefty's happy
Acceffiou, the Rebellious Confpiracy formed by his Enemies, and the Execution thereof; both by the High- Church Mob, on Pretence of the Church's Danger under his Majefty's Adminiftration, and by the open Rebellion, which is here expofed in ali its Parts, from its firft Ri t « its finalB Eyx tintchtieon , Reverend Mr. P E T E R R A E . He S E C O N D E D I T I O N. T o which is now added, a ColleCtion ^ O r i g i n a l Letters and Authentick Papers relating to that Rebellion. Printed for A . Millar, oppofite to Catherine. Greet in the Strand. This Day is publijhed, Price 6d. AN Account of the prcfent Epidemical Diftemper amongft the
Black Cattle. Together with a Method of Cure, deduced from a Knowledge df the Difeafe, and confirmed by Experience j and alfo fome Arguments tp prove that it is not ContaBgiyo uas. M E M B E R of the College of Phyficiajis. Quit dubitet, 10s procul a ueri, utilis, tmfiique ftniius digrejfuns, qui idcirco Mediccrum aliquem Objvrgatione dignum exiftimarent, quod mentem, cogitationemque ad graffantis modo pejlilentite ejufque Propagatior. it caufas evolvendas adjiuret f Lancifiusde Bovilla Pefte. Printed for A . M i l l a r , oppofite to Catherine- ftreet in the Strand; and fold by M. Cooper in Paternoftcr Row. % * This Pamphlet being
Eatred in the Stationer*-( Tall Book, according to A f t of Parliament, whofoever ( hall reprint or pirate fame, will bt profecuted awarding ts Law. this Day i's publiJJfd, Price i s. Onftirution in Church and State, Thffid V - - / S E R M O N S , preached on Occafionof the prefent Rebellion ar St. Ann's Limehoufc, and thetihapelof Poplar, in September and October 1745. By Gi OCEST ER RIDLEY, L. L. B. PubliOi'd at the Reqtieft of his Parifhiohers. Printed for J hn Clarke under the Royal- Exchange, Cornhill. Where vi. iy be had, lately publijbed by tie Rev. Mr. Ridley, 1. Eight Sermons on the Divinity and Operations of the Holjf Ghoit,
preached at the Cathedraliof St. Paul in London, in the Years 1740 and 1 7 4 1 , at the Lecture founded by the worthy Lady Meyer, deceafed. Price 4 s. 6 d. 2. The Chriftian PafWer, in four Sermons, in w h i c h the Doctrine of the Lord's Supper is laid down according to the whole Tenor of Scripture, and the general Confent of Antiquity, preached in Lent 1736. The fecond Edition. Price 1 s. This D. sy is publijh'd, Price i s. Neatly printed on the fame Size with the Court and City Regi er. NA M E S of Popilb Recufants and Pa* pifts Convifls tegether with moft of their Titles, Additions and Places of Abodes, or Parifhes, or Townfhips
where their Land^ lie, or Names of the Tenants in PofTefTion, and an Abftraft of Total of each Perfon's Eftate, as the fame have been returned by the Clerka of the Peace of the feveral Counties following, T o the Commiffioners and Truftees, S f t . for the forfeited Eftates/ Printed for M , C « OPE * , at the Globe in Pater- Nofter- Row. Note, As the high Price and unportable Size of the Lift already publifhed of Popifh Recufants may very reafonably caufe a Sufpicion, that this was calculated only to fupplj the Public with th'ofame Thing on eafier Terms, the Editer has thought it a Peace of Juftics to himlelf topremife, That this was
aftuajiy in Hand before the other came out; and was fairly taken from a Manufcript Copy, which is ftiUleft in his Puffefiion, as Evidence that what he afTertsis Truth. He alfo thinks himfelf obliged to add, That he took his Hint from the prefent diftraited State of the Nation, and his e ra Zeal to contribute all he could cowards the Re- eftablifhment of the public Tranquility. If Power is to be meafured by Property, this will enable us to form a true Idea of that Power which has, perhaps, ftrsck us with more Terror, and given us more Pain than it ought s And if, on the other hand,'. thofe Who are obnoxious to the Laws of their Country for
holding Opinions dangerous to the Peace' of i t, fhould incline to exert that Power by embarking in the Prefent Troubles, this will ihew every Conftable in E « 6 L A s n the neareft Way to prevent them. But as our Loyalty is never to run away with our Humanity, let it, in the mean T i m e , be ever remembered, that thofe who fubmit to a Government deferve the Protection of that Government, and that thefe Jij no Excufe for Jnlnifhing the Innocent in common with the Guilty. This Day is pubHfhed, AP L A N of Mr. POPE's GARDEN, as it was left at his Death : With a Plan and Perfpeftive Vicv* of Athlel GtRaOkeTnT O b. y J. S E R L
E, his Gardener. With an Account of all the Gems, Minerals, Spars, and Ores of which it is comvofed, and from whom and whence they were fent. T o which is added a C? hara£ ter of all his Writings. Printed for R, Dodlley at T u l l y ' s Head in Pail- Mall J and fold by M. Cooper in Pater- oofter Row. Price 1 s. 6d. This Day is publijhed, Price i s., J OVI ELEUTHERIO, or an Offering to L I B E R T Y . 0 Quifnam igitut libert Sapiens, fibique imptrio/ us; QRFoue/ retpmiss n fna; e rqe& u ec upinpafiuedpiipnefriobi euts, t , o ttnsc eoqtneutreee msm naoetrqrseu, eh noenrqoourteue sn- dvuinsc• ulo torrev : Hor. Serm. Lib. II. Sat. 7.
Printed fer R. Dodfley at T u l l y ' i Head in Pall- MaU; and fold by M. Cooper in Pater- nofter Row. This Day is publifh'd, Price 6 d. AN Authentick Copy of a Letter from T H O M A S N E W A N S to his Grace the Duke of N E, foretelling the Dangers threatening this Nation, efpecially London and Weftminfter. To which are added his Prediction of feveral othet Events, particularly The Convention with Spain, and the ill Succefs o f it. T h e War between France and Germany. The late intended Invafion in 1743. T h a prefent Rebellion and the IfTue of it. The Over- running of Germany and Italy, with the Taking of Rome by the
Perfians and Turks, and the Downfal of Popery, io Confrquence thereof. T h e Driving back the Turks, & c. by the Proteftants, and the Converfion of the former to the Chriftian Faith j which will be followed by The Calling of the Jews, their Return to Judea, and the Rebuild ding of Jerusalem, Printed for M . Cooper in Pater- nofter Row. The only true Chymical Liquor for the HAIR, WH I C H gradually changes Red, Grey, or Hair of any o her difagreeable Colour, into any Degrae of a Brown ; or by obferv/' ng the Direfli ns given with each Bott/ e, into the moft beautiful Black in Nature, that neither Time of Weather can alter, for the
Colour will remain for ever, as if it naturally grew fo: It has, with gsneral Satisfaction been fold above 30 Years, by Mr. Lockton, and Mrs. Sandwetl, Sifter to Mr, Lockton, who continues to fill the only true Sort made In England, at the Griffin, a Toyfhop, the Corner of Bucklerfbury in the Poultry. If it does not prove infallible, return the Liquor, and the Money ftall be repaid. T o prevent Counterfeits, a Sign Paper of the Griffin, with thefe Words inferib'd, The Corner t j BnMer/ htry, is paftei en Bottle Price Half 3 Gqinest..
This T) tiy j s PuH / leJ, "' ' 2e* u. if it L. J tinted, in tv. o neat Pocket. Volumes, tiitb- ihr Author'J Picture filth- Engravd, jD E R S I I . E S and S I G I S M U N D A ; A I. celebrated Nun], intermix si w i t h a great Variety of delightful liiV. ries and epteiuiliing. Advostoi « » . Written in • Spa. iiih by MIC H A E L DE C E R V A N T E S . S A A V E D R A . Author of DON Q U A X O r e * . X « t j f l « e d into Eogliib lion; the O c ^ n a l. * T h i * Book Was printed in , Qgj* rfo at fMadrid, in the YeSt 1617. Cetvantc fays h mfrif, that i td rjs to vie with Heliodoras ; and Don Gregorio obferv'd, that the Loves' recounted.( herein ate moft- chafte, F
« cunc; ty. of Invention marvellous,, infiimudr,- that ha is wsfteful of 1 his Wit, and execfii- e : n the M u l t i t u d ^ f JiUTpifode. The Inci- ' dewtsart nuiijerous and vaftiy various. Inibme we fee an Imitation * of Heliodoi us, and in others, Hclicdorus greatly 1 p r n v ' J i and * the reft, a pejfeil Neunefs of Fancy Alines forth in tbe rnoft con- ' $ icuous Manner. The farther the Reader proceeds i n t h i s W o j k, * the greater is his Delight in reading i t . Briefly, this Performance is * of better Invention, more artificial Contrivance, and of a more fuh- ' lime Stile, than that of Don igoixolt de la Mancha.' ViJt Bay'ci Gen. HJt. Did. Vol. 9, Page 5.
Printed, for J . Robinfon, at the Golden- Lion in Ludgate- Street]; » nd J . H o i j e j , over- ag iinft St'. Magnus Church, London- Bridge. B O O K S lately printed for R . D O D S L E Y, At Tully's Head, Pail- Mall. j . A Collection of Old Plays, 12, vol. j i j L - • » » • Jarvis's Don Quixote, s vol. 4( 0. 3. Les Avantures de Telemaque. A fine EcStion. T h e ^ Sneid of Virgil. Tranffated by Mr. Pitt. J. Vida's A r t of Poetry. By the fame. < 5. Dialogues on Government. By the Hon. Hen- y Nevrle. j . The Geography of England, with Maps of each County, & c* g. T h e Novels of Botcace. A new Tranflation. tj. 1 he Inflitutiftn of a Prince. jo. Seleft
Ellays on the Belles Lettres. I I . Hift ory of all the Theatres in Europe. 22. Mrs. Kpwe.' S Works. 13. The Works of Roger Boyle, Ear! of- Orrery. 14. Letters of Algernon Sydney, to Henry. Savilfe. The Microfcope made eafy.. By Mr. Biker, j 6 . A Natural Hiftory of the Polype. By the lame. 17. The- Pleafutes o f Imagination. 1 5 . Four Sermons. By Dr. Swift. ' 19. A new Volume of his Works, in which the Sermons l i t i neluded. \ „ . 20. T h e Complaint; or, Night Thoughts on Life, Death, and Immortality. 1 1 . A ffwrt Courfe of Handing Rules for the Conduft of an Army. By Lord Molefwotth. 22. The Sailor's Companion. 1 3 . England's
Heroical Eplftlei. 24. Leifure Hilars An^ ufements. a The Child's riew Play- Thing. - 26. Philomel:. A fmall Colleftion of only the befl Songs. 27. Adam's Luxury and Eve's Cookery ; or, T h e Kitchen Garden. 38. The Hiftory of Greece. 29. Reflections upnn Church Government. 30. Seven Conferences on Painting, from Felibian. W i f h many other Pucms'and Pamphlets. This. Day is' publfh'edr: A Catalogue of the Library of J O HN _ £ \ . DUKE, Efq; ofSarteh near Wheyhill, in Hampfhire; cont s i o i u j ( befides a valuable ColleCtion, relating to tne Civil, Can- n and Common Law) . feveral Thoufand Volumes, in Hillary, Antiquity,
Voyages, Travels, Memoirs; Lives, C; ography, Artrrnomy, Mathematical, Phyfick, Surgery,. Trade, Hufbandry. Gsrdeninp, Divinity, Contioverfy, p etrv, Plays, Novels, and CLfiic Auihon, in Greek,* Latin, Italian, Fie , ch and Englifli. Befides many others of equal Value, are the following in Folio, Chamter's Dift. 2 vol. beft Cay's Abridgments Vol. Coetlogon's Univerfal Hift. 2 vol. Coke' Inftitutes, bell. The moft wonderful Cleaufing and Strengthening DROPS, for at! Sorts c/' Glects and Seminal W ea'kneffes and lmbecillities of the Generative Parts and Faculties preventing Mifcar& iagcs in Women. And to eleanje and firenglbc- n the
Reins, Kidneys and Bladder ; cure v> eai Baeis, Stranguaries, Gravel, and Stoppage of tbe Urine-, afidfor vbieb it bath gained fuch Repute, that near 6000 Bottles bave been It id fines April 1734, that tbey we> e firfl publjb'd. THESE Incomparable D R O P S which for the abovrfaid Difcrders are not tobeequaU'd in the whole Art of Medicine, were prefcribed by the late Dr. Ratcliffe, for a certain noble Lord, - w ho for a long Time had been vexed with an old ebftinate Gleet and Weaknefs, of which he was cured by them in a few Days, beyond all Expeffation, after he had been hsrrafs'd wilh Elefluaries, Bolus's, Pills, Potions,
Injeiftions, and a hundred other Medicines,- for many Months - together in vain. T h e Apothecary who . prepared them for him according to the Doflor's Prefcription ( whi< 4i he has ftifl upon his File) has made uft of them ever fince, to Numbers o f People, ill the very worftof Gleets, feminal and genital Imbecijlities and Infertilities, Pains in the Back and Reins, Diforders of the Urine. and Gravel, & c. with the utmoft Succel's and S a f e t y ; as alfb in all Weaknelles from Strains as wella3 Vent- real Reficks, exceflive Coition, Self- Pollution, feminal Emifliol in the Sleep, Falls, Blows, and the like in both Sexes. And as they have never
once faii'd him, even in Cafes thought to be incurable, he now, for- ceneraj Cood, has made themjmblick ; and that the m- eaner-. Sort of People might partake of the Benefit o f lo divine a Remedy, as well as the Rich, he - has put them, up in Bottles of but 3 s. 6d. each, tho' for the Excellency of their Effefta, they are worth their Weight in Gold, more especially, as one B. ttle ef fhem generally cures, even in the moft draining Gleets, and. grievous Relaxations and Weakncfl'es of the Seminals and Genitals that are. Nor can there be prepared, by, any Art or S k i l l , a more cleanfir. g and healing, or a more ftrengthening and
invigorating Medicine, or one that c n more eft'efiually cure Impotency or promote Fertility, than this, as every one that but- once tries it will fay, by their foon finding the Difference between this and other Remedies; for it will do more in one Day, towards reftoring in thefe Weaknefll- s, than any others can in ten, and is of fo corroborating a Nature, thatit may be entirt^ y rely'd upon far curing perfeftly and firmly, without Fear of - a Relapfe, even in the tendereft Conftitutsionjy which can hardly be faid of any other Medicine; and it is withal fo. elegantly pleafant to the Palate, and fo agreeable to tbe Stomach, that the niceft Perfon is
delighted with it. - Mr. Weft, Goldfmith, in the Old- Baily, who ufed to fell thefe Drops, being dead, they are now fold only by his S » n- in- I. aw, Mr. Johni'on, a Baker, at the SevmStar? in Vere- ftreet, near date- mark e t ; fe. I'd up with Direflions, for any Meflenger, upon only afking for a Bottle of Drops', and paying 3 s. 6 d. Harris's Voyage', 2 vpl. Churchill's/ Voyages, & vol. State. Trials, 6 vol. Walter Raleigh, 2 vol. bed. Hope's Horfeman Rapin, 2 vol. by Tinda! Hammond's Works, 4 vol. Appian Alexand. H. S. teph, Arerzeuv Oxoti Wilkins Leges Ang- Sax. L u t w y c h ' s Report 2 Vol. Pollexfen's Reports. Vaughn's Reports.
Chryloftomi Opera, 8 torn. Seldeni Opera. 6 torn. Spefman's GlcflV Edit. Opt. Guiflim's Heraldry, beft. Breval's Travels, 2 vol. Poole's Annotations, 2 vol. Puffendorff's Laws of Nat. Plowden's Reports, beft. Creke's Reports, 3 vol. beft. Levinz's Reports, 2 vol. beft. Raymond's Reports, beft. Year Books, 11 vol. beft. Coke on Littleton, beft. Twenty- three Volumes of Sermons in Manufcript. Which will begin to be fold very cheap, the Price of each being mark'd in the Catalogue, onWonday next, By H. S L A T E R , Bookfcller, At the Golden Key, that Corner of Clare- Court, next to . Drury Lane, Whers may be had, the moft Money for
any Library or Parcel of Books. Books neatly bound. Catalogues to be had Gratis at Mr. Brindley's in New Bnnd- ftreet ; Mr. Jackfon Jin St. James's- ftreet; Mr. Bi. ckqton in Temple- Exchange, Fleet- ftreet; Mr. Robinfon, at. the Golden Lion in Ludgateftreet ; Mr, Strahan in Cornhill; Mr. Fletcher at Oxford; . Mr, Merril at Cambridge, Bookfelleis, and at fhe Place of Sale. T h e Name of W lliam Hatnden, CounfeUor at Law, dectafed., inferred in Yefterday's Paper, was a Miftake, there never havin'g been any fuch Perfon ; and I humb- lyafk Pardon for having prefumed fo improperly to m a k e ufe of the Name of that great Family.
HEN. S L A T E R . By A U T H O R I T Y . AT rhe Golden Bill . in Serfe- ftreei: only, the Corner of Unceln's- Inn Fields, is Sold, The Grand Specifick PILL of the eeiebrated Dr. Roerhaa- je, which- is an univerfal and infallible Cure for all Degre s and Symptoms of the Venereal Malady, whether Recent, or of Ion,: Continuance, without- Confi nement, or any Hindrance of Bufinefs, but with Eafe, Speed, Secrefy, and Safety, does- finally eradicate and deftrov the poifon us Myafma, and reftores a pleafant State of Health,- a; many Thoufanda can teflifv. It hath neither Smell- or Tafte,. is" very haid, and will ever retain its Virtue. Price 1
the Pill, or Dofe or 5 Pills for 6 s. which is fufficient for a Cure. Here is alfo Sold, his famous Lotion and Injeftion, - which far exceeds all others,. not on'y asa Prefervative, but is a never- failing Remedy in frefh Contractions, without any inward Medicine. Price 3 s. 6d. per Bottle. Both fealed u? with the Doftor's Arms, - viz, A Saltier engrailed, and full Directions. Note. They arc prepared by a Graduate Phyficlan, whom in any difficult Cafe you may freely confult Gratis. C O N S U M P T I O N S of all Sorts. A l t n m a ' s and all Diforders of the Breaft and L u n g s , direSllj and infallibly cured by the Great Chymicsl Elixir, WH I C H
lias reftored fo nrtnyThoufands labouring nnikr the deepeft Confumptions and moft deplorable Afthma's, to perfefl Health and Strength in a few Days T i m e , ifter all other the mod celebrated Methods and Medicines had been try'd in vain^ • Ir at once ftrfkes at, and abfolutely . eradicates the firft Principle or C- aufe of Confumptions, whether of ihe Lungs, or of any other . Kind, as alfo of Aflhma's, or Shortjiefs o f Breath, reduces the vidous Ferment of the Blood and Juices, corre. fls the acrid S i l t s which erodes the Lungs, frees them from all obftrufting Viftofities, and. does more teal Good in one Day than any other ' Medicine
whatever can in ten. It alfuedly. retrieves the Patjent, rho' redue'd to a meer Skeleton, and immediately cures the moft tedious wafting, and almoft fuffocating Coughs, Hoarfenefs, Wlieefing, Shortnefs of Breath, Difficulty of Breathing, Pain, or Weight ir> the Breaft, Spittin" o f Blood, Sorenefs of the Stomach, Throat, or Windpipe .• A l f o Catarrhs, or Deflusions of ( harp Rheum, and all Fhthifical and Afthmatical, Def e r s , Heftick Fevers, melting Night Sweats, and Diarrhea's and LoofenefTes, in a pleafant and moft agreeable Manner. U is balfamick, healing and ftrengrhening beyond Comparifon, reftores in all inward Waftings,
Weaknefs, and Decay of Conftitution whatever, perfeflly cures Ulcers in the Lungs, or in any other internal Part, caufes free and ealy Relpiration or long Breathing, and fpeedilv and infallibly cures ASTHMA's and all Sorts of CONSUMPTIONS, be they ever fo bad, without the leaft Diforder, Trouble, - or Confinement, and is indeed the only true Remedy ibat can be forely depended upon for the. entire Cure of thofe Maladies' Nor can the whole M A T E R I A MEDICA afford a quicker or mote certain Cure for common Coughs and Colds; but the Character this mod noble Chymical ELIXIR has fo juftly gain'd, for the i i t e f t and
infallible Cure of CONSUMPTIONS and ASTHMA's, 8cc. has occafionffd many Attempts to counterfeit ir; be care, fal therefore to have the Right, which is to be had only at Mr. RADFORD'S Toyftop, at the Rofe and Crown againft St. Clement's Church- yard in the Strand, at 3 s. 6 d. a Bottle with Direftions, and at no other Place in England. The fo- much Fatn'd H Y P O DTF. op.% WH I C H in a few Days i h f a l l i b l v curg H Y P O C H O N D R I A C K M E L A N C H O L Y in M E N , t dl the V A P O U R S in W O M E N , fo as neycr to return , be'chef, ever- fo fevere, or of many Years ( landing, and even afier all cd- es-
Remedies have proved ineffectual 1 and rhat by immediately ( hnking - at the very Root Of true Caufe, as well as remedying the f.< - feds of thofe perplexing Maladies and all their Variety of S> mpioms by which they mimick, by Turns, almofl all the D. feafts poor Moitals are afflicted with, and have ' their Rife from a depraved Appetite, vitibjis Fetmept in the Stomach, and Indi^ eflion of Food, whence proceed Crudities, and flatulent or windy Diforders- in tbe firft Paffuges, ill Fumes, four Belihings, Cholick and Uneafinefs intha Bowels; which Crudities offend the Nerves, and byConfent of Parts • f t e f t the Head, and produce
fometimes Giddinefs, Dimnefs of Sight, confufed Though?*, pertinacious Waichings, troublefome Sleep, Frights, groundlefs Fears, and rhe deepeft Melancholy, with diieful Views, and terrible Apprehenfions; at other Tii. ies Fit.', Elulhlng Heats, Reachings, Faintnefs, Lownefs and Sinking of Sc.- rits, Palpitation of the Heart, Starlings, Tremblings, and Twitching? in the Limbs and other Parts, with many convulfive Dtfordets, fliarp Dalns, fix'd or wandering, Pains and Weaknefs in the Back, and other, almoft innumerable and grievous Symptoms, which mi « ferably affli^ vaft'Numbers of both Sexes. All which Symptoms, in their (
harped Paroxyfms, thefe fo much fam'd and moft pleafant Drops, ( which are Chymically prepa,-' i from the moft valuable Specificks in the Mineral, Vegetable, and Animal Kingdoms, and exalted to the higheft Perfection poffible) indantly quell, and at the fame Time, annihilate thfcir real Caule, direftly bringing the Stomach into right Order, creating a good Appetite, re£ lifying the Digeftion, occasioning laudable Chyle, and of Courfe, good Blood, Plenty of calm, free, and cheerful Spirits, a regular Circulation of all the Fluids, and Strength of Nerves; to that both Caufe and Effeft of Melancholy and Vapours, are thoroughly removed
by them, almoft on the Spot, as the many T h o u - fands of both Sexes they have perfeftly cured, evince. Whoever takes them for three Days only, will be fenfible they are abfolutely to be depended upon for an effectual and lading Cure and certain it is, that no Medicine on Earth can equal theint be careful, therefore to have the right Drops, which are to be had only at Mrs. Holt's, at the - Croft- Keys and Star, below the Royal- Exchange, in Cornhill, at 3 s. 6 d. a Bottle, with Directions. An immediate and never- failing Cure for. Dc. ifnefs'- Thicknefs of Hearing, Noife, or Pain in the Ears. : 6 V . - BY a noble Chymical Preparation,,
the rncrft excellent Medicine fo'r this Purpofe that ever was known, far exceeding- all Things ever yet publifhed, or made ufe o f ; its V i r - tues are beyond Exprelfion ; and cannot be truly known but by Experience : Words come thort e f its jufl Praife. I t is a certain, and as it were, an inftant Cure fof Deafnefj, Tbicknefs of Hearing, Noife or Pain in the Ears,- from what Caul'e foever, or of ever fo Jong ftanding, having cured vaft Numbers 0? Perfons of both' Sexes, and all, A g e s , that have been, in , a Manner totally deaf, after all other Means and Medicines, external . and internal, by AdWce, and al'o by P u b l i c a t i o n ; f a i l e
d , with the greateft Eafe and Safety, and to their utmoft Satisfaflion and Wonder ;_ f o r , In a peculiar Manner - it ( lengthens, ( oftens, and foofens rhe Drum of the Ear, which by being dr^ ed, or lhrivell'd, is often the firfl and chief Caufe of every Complaint of Want of Hearing, or Noife or fains in the Ears, Sic. To remedy all which, this noble Medicine is a tme Specifick, that never fails perfectly to eyre all poffibly curable Cafes, after all other Mear. 4 and Medicines have failed-, which is more than can be ( aid o f any. other Thing in the whole World beftdes itfelf- Any Cold in the Head, or any Hurt by congealed Matter in the Ears, it
mftantly cures. - It is fold for q s. 6 d. each Bottle, by the A u t h o r s fpecial Appointment, at Mr. Richard's Tin- ihop, theSiga of the Blaik. Horfe and Star, in Fleet- flreet, near Fleet- Market, and no where eliejin England. D I R E C T . O R Y , Given G R A T IS, I. N the 2 d Page of thkB ok, Any Venereal, or G L E E T Patient, w ig Plainly fee their Own Particular Cafe, Exaftly Defcribed. And How to Cure themfelves Privately, without Telling their Cafe to Any One. . With, the Famous Montpellier Little Eafy Bolus, the Bignefs of Only a P E A to T a k e . Whirl) makes the Perfon Eafy At Once, tho' Before, in Great Mifery,.. And, An » -
Venertal InfeSliin, and a G L E E T , s' • Sealed Up, With Full Direftions, along Green Hatch ther Bolus, carries off Price Only 2s. Each, with it, for Thofe who B U Y it But, This Famous A" ti Venereal BOLUS, is G I V E N G R A T I S , Without a Perfon's Paying Any Thing at all for. it, ( And. Welcam-, A n y Perfon is, SO [ for Nothing] to have it} T o Thofe Mentioned, in the I : t h Page of the Abovementioned. Venereal and G L E E T Patient's D I R E C T O R Y . Which Book it Given Gratis, To Any One, that will only Step in for it, At Dr. Ruffel's Houfe, In the Parlour Strait Forward, Facing the- Entry, In at the G R E E N H A T C H ,
O'. er- againft Gray's- lan in Holbom. Where, Is Alfo, Given Gratis, For the Year 1746. The New Thee 5c Thou A L M A N A C K . • Calculated, For the Meridian, of the People CnlUi QUAKERS. Containing New Y E A , and N A Y Obfervations, for Every Montlj in the Year. With the Q U A K E R ' S Opinion, Of the H O O P - P E T T I C O A T. O f the Unfortunate W O M E N , of fhe u'o- wn. And, Of A F T E R NOONS T E A D R I N K I N C S. - i • L O N D O N . Printed for H. W'OODFALL,;' « » . near the Pump in Little- Britain, where ADVERTISEMENTS of a moderate; Length are taken in at Two S H I L L I NGS each. A D V E R
T I S E M E N T S are aifo taken in by Mrs. Chapman, over againft the King's- Arms Tavern, in Pall- Mall-, George ffroodfaU% at the Kixg'<- A> ms, nea ' C/ utg'•- Court, Charing- Crofi ; Mr Shuck burgh, at the Sun, nexr the Inner- Temple Gate, Fleet- Jlrett , Mr. Brackfiune> at the Gkie Cornhtil ; and b y T. A S T L E Y , Removed frcm St. Paul's Church- yard, to the Rofe in Pater- nofter Row,