The General Advertiser
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The General Advertiser
Date of Article: 09/12/1745
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Address: near the Pump in Little Britain
Volume Number: Issue Number: 3467
No Pages: 4
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The General Adver Nvmb. 3467. M O N D A Y, December?' 1745- Deal, December 6. [ REMAIN in the Dowrs his Majefty's Ships Norwich, Admi'aJ Vernon ; R>' jy, Saphire, Tryton, Folkftone, Pool, Sheernefs, Duke of Bedford, and the Dutch Men of War as in my laft. Sailed Yeflcrday Afternoon his Majefty's Sloop the Weazie 011 a Cruize. Wind N. E. byN. • Deed, Dec. 7. Remain the Men WindN. E. of War, as in nwjr laft. The Barum,, Damo'nd, from Caroli. Opoito. is arrived at . Since our laft arriv the Mail from Holland. Pi t'erjburgbi Nov. to. There are'frequent " Cor. Ersnces between the- Gourt Mmifters'nild'M. clef H'.- lftein, the
Da- mfii Ambafliidor. M » - Maltitz, a Hfeffi'an; scad Aid de Camp to the late Prince of Heffs- Hoinb'erg, lias bs'en nr- refted, and lent into- one* eft the ri- niotc" Provinces of the Empire;, and an E^ preft hits ' been fent to { he'JPtinoefs Dowager of HefTe- Homberg,' who was at Berlin, to re- turn,- with the Princcfr of " Cantemir, lit- r Daughfer. ' Geiioa, Nov. 24. The Marquis' de Mirepoix',' who was thought by- the' Piedmc. rtteze in no Condition to attempt any. Thiug fmcetheAfBirof: Alfare.; " having- a gopd Rein- forcement, is, again, poftcd between Altare aiid Ceva, and lccm£ once more to intend the Siege of the latter of thefe
Places^ - - « . — ..'••: ' Parnia, Nov.. zz• The Troops of France and Spain have taken up Winter- Quarters in the Montfernit, andev- tend themiek'^ o wiihrrr five ' Leage'c, of Turin: But a con- fklerable Number has been- detached from them, in order toadi in the Milanefe, under the Command of the Duke de la. Viewjilc. On the 9th of thfe ' Month- the Siege of the Caftje of Caf'. I was < penc& in Eotm. Milan, N. V. 24. We expert in a fhort Time a Rein- t* forcement - of 8000 Men, thro' the Country of Grifons. Befidcs the WarafHins, that have been before- mentioned, jfa* another feody of the fame Nation had retired, in . order to q
return heme; but they have bcjti engaged by Promifes, { 1, and an Augmentation" of their Pay, to rej- iiii the- Army, Q which" cahto'n? along the l'o, arid ha- theOi neral- QDaj- ters tyr at Trino. The King cf Sardinia" has recalled General Lautriim, to oppofc the Excurfi'ons of " the Er. eaiy. on the Side of Ti: rin. - . Bofogna, N. v. 27. The Infant Don Philip was to fet out" from Ca'! al the 25th. Infinity and © ft the 6th Inftaht, his Royal. Hjghnefs willietair to Pla- ceiitia, where the Gene- UUL 4 - , ..... Califch. and Colonel VVflmfdorff followed thek on; the 21 ft, with the firft Company of tht Prince tff A'breck's Regimeii" of Dragoons. . Ertjfidu,
Dec. -. The King's Army continues to t that of Prince Cliaite cf Eorram; As' all the Place's of Strength of Silefia,. except Schweidrtitz'and'Li'gnit- z, - have been deftitute of Garrifons. fince his Majefty's March into JLuCitia, General N « dafti lias avail'd himfelf of this Cir- cumttance to raife Contributions in feveral Piaces. Gorlitz, Dec. 3. The Prufikn General Quarters- will be temsferr'd To- morrtr. v'to Bautzen": In the mean Time, feveral Parties have been fent in Purifuit of the As'tftrian. s, to harrafc them in their Retreat, ar. d among other Thing?, a Waggon has been tjken from them, in which v. ere above, sov- oo Crowns. Prince
Chillies decamped from GaliLfiii . the t> vo Days laft pall,- and we lienr- that" he is matching towards Prague with great PWcipitai on. Drefdin, Nov. 5. We have in our Neighbourhood' 40 Battalions- and 60 squadrons of the King's ! roops, befi- Jes the Corps under Genera 1G nine. Thefe Troop.; quarterd' upon rite Left of tiie Elbe, and have this City for their Center, into which they have fent five Battalions. De- tachmerits- of the Prufiians advance from Time to Tjme within a fmall Dillance of us, and their main Body is marching towards- Torgaw j ffflm whence it is'irife'r'd, that the Pr'fnc « cf . Dell'aa, who commands it, deiigns to join
the Kigg of Pitiftia. Hculflbcrgr Dec. j. The A'uftiian General Quarters con- tinue here, ami Veldt Cpifirt Traun has lately receiVed- a Courier from Vienna^ '. yhither Adjutant- General S't; irem- 6e- g isigoing U/ makea ' 1' oar... iranckfjrt, Dec. Q. We learn that the Court of Vienna has fenfa- confidewblc R'ciitfohrement for Italy, and that 2000 Mqi iiavc^' jcady puis'd thro' - Infpruck. Calogjte, Dre. The Dutchcirry on their Levies with great SuCcefe in. the • Wettcrttald and Wettera\ y, " rind parti- culaily in the Couiity pf N^ fiatt. r eft Regard bdth before aud to General Hanover, Dec. 10. Tho' all the private Advices from Saxony mention
nothing but the Preparations for coming to a decifive Aftion with the PrufJiaris, yet it is iufinuated, that the EfFufion of Blood will be ( pared, and an Accom- modation brought on between the tivo Houfes, under the Mediation of two of the moft confide/ able powers. d/ gier. Oil. 26. N. S. The ' bey cf this Place and Kingdom, Ibrahim Brad! haw, being grown olJ, and, at- - '' nf whirh \\ now Ibrahim Dey, to be invefled in that- Dignity. This Aft. ur has been happily efFeftcd without the lealt Tumult or Diforder, and feems to be to the Satisfaction of all Sorts of People. What Effect this may have with Regard to the Chrtftian - Powers^, with
whom this Government is now in Peace, Time muff tell. But for the Britifb Nation, he has always exprefs'd the high fines' his AcceiEon. LONDON. Orders have besn . fent from Pete,/ burg, Keith, who comjusnds in Chief the Ruffian Auxiliaries, to attack the Piu'ffian Dominion?, as'foon as he fh, ill hear the King of Prtifliahas committed Hoftilities agairift the Elec- torate of Saxony. On the other Hand, tiie King of Pruf- fia lias f.' nt. Orders to the Commandant of Koningfberg, tiiat the RufiraSs'may have' free Paflage,.. if they demand it peaceably ; but, if they endeavour . to force it, to oppofe them with all his Power. The King of
Sal'diiva'has taken Advantage of the Rains and Inundations, which have pat a Stop to the Operations of the Enemy, to throw Reinforcements, into all his Gar- rifons that are moft expofed. His Polifli Mhjefty has ftopp'd at Poplitz, a Place'noted for its Baths, ihllead of proceeding to Prague,^ and it, is thought, • he will go fta'm thence dirfeaiy for Poland. Letters from Drefdert of the lateft Date contradict the Report of Prince Charles's Retreat towards Prague, and fay that,- 011 the contrary, Jig is tepon the March to pene- trate into S; Ma. Accoiding to other. Letters, his Deiign is to relieve the Eleftoratc of Saxony. From the London
Gazette. 1 Kirby . Londfdale, Dec. 2. On FridayLift a Party of the Rebel Horfe from Crtrlille csi. iv to-' lV. irlth, demanded Quarters for. 3000 RlfH, whom , t& y reported <• » be upon the Road, and gave- Orilers that the - Excife- Money, Con- tributions, & c Ri l" rl in Rpariinefs. for them. < D • XS c: < u- w p* a To the King's moft Excellent Majefty. The humble Addrefs of the' Britifh Confut; and Merchr. nt:, rcfiding at Leghorn in the Dukedom of Tufcany. fiUy it pleaCe your Ma-' fy, — ~ E yotir M4efi'v"< s'irioft . dutiful ahd ' loyal Subjefls y the Cont'd and Britifh Merchants at Lsghoine, humbly beg Leave t > Congratulate your Majefty
upon your fafe and happy Return to your Britifh Dominions, as well Ss upon the Succeis of your Mnjefty's Forces in the Taking v of Cape Breton,' a Ccnqueft fo beneficial to your Trading Subjects in general. Permit us, Sir, to teftify bur Gratitude to your Majefty, For your paternal Care of us in this our Settlement; where, whilll we were fur'rounded with our Enemies, your Majeity ( who' has ever the Safety and Welfare of your Subjects at Heart) at once was gracioufly p'eafed to turn your Eye Mip6n us,- and remove pur Fears, in fignifyihg to us by the Admirals, who had the Honour to command your Mi jelly's Fleet in the
Mediterranean, and, hkewife by your Rciidcr. t at Florence, that your Majefty had given the former the moft prefling Orders to prpteit- us, in our Perfons and Effefis, at alt Events. - We beg Leave to exprefs to your Majefty our utter Abhorrence and Deteiiation of the wicked Deftgns carrying Oh in Favour of a Popifh. Pretender, and to give your Majefty the ftrongeft Advances of our Duty and Loyalty, even to the Sacrificing of our Lives and Fortunes in the Defence of your Majefty's facred Perfon and Royal Hou e, the Proteftant Religion, and the precious Liberties we enjoy under . your Majelly's gracious and mild Govern* rficnt.
Dated at Leghorn this 15th. Day of November, N; S. 1745: Oil Saturday bft feveral Citizens of London, of good ite: l by a proper and commendable ifcal at 4- t O o "' C3 ra . ^ iivt- yiu^ is ... — , . fhoiild be had. in Readinefs for them. TJiereopon the People of the Tov 11 fent out Scouts fo Pen- rith- Fell to'difcaver tlie Rebels-, but no marc appearing, the'' Fire- be*! was rung,* whi 1 alarmed and brought tipge- fhef great Numbers'of People trans all Parts, and the'Horfe matched off for: the Bridge, . ' id frsm thence to Lowther- fcall, of which they, took PofleiXini The Country People immediately ptiriu. ed them, / urreundedti e Houfe,
fitcd iii- to it - upon them, " killed- one, wounded i'everal, and made ten Prifoners with all theft i/ orfes. Eight of the Rebels made their- Efcafe oVer the Water. On our Side only one Man was wounded, who had the Misfortune to be fhot tiiro' the Thigh. Edinburgh, Dec. 3. His. Majefty's Ship the Milford, Capt. Hanway, fell, in with ancl took off Mon'trofe, - on Thu" r'l3ay Afternoon, a French Ship with 210'. Soldiers oft bpard, bound from Dunkirk tor Montrofe, . moft of which art faid to be Officer^; and as they had Intelligence of more Ships of the fame Kind, it is hoped foma of them may fall in the Way. of Admiral By tig's Squadron.
JVhiteh :! L, Dec. j. . By Advices from Litchfield, . his Royal , HighHefs tte Duke of Cumberland, arrived there with the . Army on Thuffday laft, and having received Advice that the Rebels h id taken t'oil'cffioil of Swarklton Bridge, before the Osders For- breaking it down could be put in Exccutton, it_ was- refolved to encamp the 6th on . Meriden Common, betv^ een Colefnill and Coventry, and : this Day near Northampton, by. which Means the Army would be 4gaiirbefor& thfe Rebels. . The Men, who have been a gaod deal i- a'^ aiTed, bear t1 » e Fatigue of marching, and all. other, v. kii great Chearful'nefs and feem to have .
naother VVitli, than to com': ' to'ari Engagement with the . Rebels, . ll'h'tehaV., Dec. 7. There are Letiers from the Camp at Watherby of" the 5th Inftant, with Advice, that upon hearing of the martlv of the Rebels into Derbyfhire, Marfiial , Wade'had d: retted the" Cavalry. to begin their Marcih tiiat ' Morning towards Doncaltei', and tne Foot to follow the next' Day. The Arrriy h- dted on the 5th at Wctherby, to receive their Bread from LeedsT'and their ' Shoe's, Stockings and Flannel Wailkoats frotnLo/ idofi, which, met' them at that Place. - ' • Mj'rlhal Wade's whole Army will be at Doncafter. To- night. Fortune,-- animate... _. r.. r this
C'v- kieal junttura, qilred to iniift as Volunteers in the Firft Regiment of Foot Guards, - to ferve where his Majefty fhpu'. d require, and readily accepted of. • The Court of Lieutcuancy met on Saturday laft, agree- , al^ ic to a, Ijtiticr fertrfo the L01 d Mayor on Friday- Night, '*• ar; d in order to keep nil quiet in the City of London," di-. reited, that at this Critic!! Time two Regiments of the Train- d Bands fliouid be ovu every Night, and one in the Dayjime.—- The faid Letter ' directed, that an Account fliotifd be taken of all'- the Horfes that are kept in the Li- very Stables in London. On Saturday laft General- HawleyVRegiment of Dra- goons,
the* Royal Irifh- Foot, C9I. Richbcll's Foot, and Lo.- d John Murray's Highland. Regiment, march'd th'ro' the City towards Finchly Comrhon, and feem'd all in high ' Spirits; ,. : » -." _- Yefterday. the Train of Artillery dcfigr.' d for the Camp & t Finchley Common was to have been drawn out of the Lower, and the Horfes were fent thither for that purpofe; but the. Order was ' countermanded, cn the Arrival of an Evprcfs, which we hear brought' an Account, that the Duke's Army, having by extraordinary Marches got the Rebels into fuch a Situation, that they mult either Fight or Run, they chofe the latter, and accordingly return'd to Derby,
which, jt is faid," they plunder'd, then nail'd up their Cannon,, left their heavy Baggage behind, and feve- ral Waggons full of Sick ( occalion'o by: their fatiguing Marches) and are endeavouring to return the fame Way they came. We hear, that- the Pretender is very ill of a Fever and Ague. On Saturday laft upwards of 300 Sailors went in a Body- to the Lords of the Admiralty, and offer'dthsir Service to defend their King and Country, which was accepted by their Lord ill ipr,"- aid their Stations appointed accordingly. The Skinners' Company have made a I'refent cf 100 1. to the Veteran Scheme. On Saturday laft was married at
Audley- ftrect Chapel, Sir Charles Moyfton, Bart, of Grantham in Lincolnfhi. re, '• to Mifs Charlotte Mitchell, of Brook- ftreet, an agreeable young Lady,' with a very confiderable Fortune. On Saturday laft was found drown'd at Pepper- Al'ey Stairs, Mr. Beans, Maftcr of the Peacojk- Inn in Clare- Market, " the Black Lion in St. Thomas Apoftle's, and the Chequer onDowgate- Hill: How this Accident happen'd is not at prefenf known. On Saturday Night a Fire broke out at a new . Houfe i « Old Bond- ftreet, by the Carelefsncfs of the Workmen, which in a fhort time. confum'd the faid Houfe, and da- mag'd the next to it. On Saturday laft a
- Man'dropt down in an ApopleAicfc Fit in Catherine Wheel Yard, St. James's, and died imme- diately ; he is fuppo.-' d to be aPeftfioner of the late Dut- .. chefs of Marlborough, and his Name, Nail. G CO P < 5 rts z O T3 » 0 n- n> c. CL- n> >- t ADVERTISEMENTS are raksn- iri-. for' this faper, at LLOYD'S Co? F£ t- HotrsB, in Lombard- Street. No Wooden Shoes. No Arbitrary Power.
A Proclamation, for putting the Laws in Execution ajainft Jeiuits and Popiih Priefts, prcmifing a Reward for apprehending them within London, Weftminfter, the Borough of Southwark, or within 1 en Miles of the faid Cities of London arid Weftminfter, is publifh'd in the London Gazette of Saturday laft, by the King's Authority; which ftriftly charges ard commands all Judges, Juflicct of the Peace, Magiitrates, ( officers and ether loyal Subjefts, that they do ufe their utmoit Care and Endeavours to ' dif- cover, apprehend, and bring to a Trial, a'l Jcfuiw and Popiih Priefts, except fuch P. pifh Prielts not being raturai- born Subjects, ns by the
Law of this Realm are ptrniitted to attend Foreign M. nifters. And for the greater Encou- ragement to tire faid loyal Subjects in the cifcovering, and bringing to Juftice'fuch Jefuits and Popiih Priefts, his Majefty is gracsoufly pleafed to promife to him or them, who thall dhcover or apprehend, or caufe to be appiehcn- ded, any fuch Jefuit or popiih Prieft, who fliall be found after Monday tiie Ninth Day of this Inftant December, in the Cities of London or Weftniiniter, or the Borougii of Southwark, or within Ten Miles of the faid Cities, the Sum of One Hundred Pounds for every fuch Priei, which lhall be immediately pdd upon Conviftion, by
the High Treafurer, or Coramiiiioners of the Treafury for the Time being. And in cafe' there Jfhi'l be any Doubt, who or what Pcrfon or Pcrfons fhall be entitled to lucii Reward, and in whi't Proportion, the fame to be fettled by the Certificate of the Judge or Judges who fhall try the fa id Offence. On Saturday laft, an Officer of confiderable Rrnk in the Guards brought before - Sir Thomas De Veil an. i Edward Afhe, Efq; a Woman whofe Name is Elizabeth Skate, charged with difpsrfing a great Number of De- claiations from the Pretender and his Son alt Printed. Upon her Examination ( lie prevaricated ejf'. reamiy, firft pre tending that
fhe law a Man throw them gbwt, * nd afterwards that fhe pick'd them up in the Street; but trvcral PerfonS appearing againft her, to whom She had difpofed fome cf tnem Seven of Which w'ere produced upon her Examination, fae was ccrnmit ed to th. Gate'houfe by the faid Gent'emen for Treafonable. Pra& ices, in attempting to feducc his Majelty s Subjects from their Allegiance to him. Tne fame Day ore Benjamin Holland, a very difaffeded Perfon to his Majeiiy, was committed to the fame Place by Sir Thomas De Veil, charged upon the Oath of a certain Victualler f . r bringing ' into publick Company one of the Pretfndei ' s1
Declarations, which he took u. on him to Paraphrafe on, - and to expound, to the great Honour cf the Pretender. And the faid Benjamin Holland being a Rom > n Catholic!-:, he told the faid Victualler thst hp Was of a Clubb of about fi. vty Perfpns of the fame Perfuafion which he would move from the Place it was then heid in, to hi:, Houi'e, by which he wou'. u have • 3 Profit of about fifty Pounds a Year, provided they raigh dep? nd upon Secrecy. Laft Night died on the Bank- fide, Southwark, Mr. Ro'e, an eminent Maltfter, reckon'd rith. The Thomas and Mary, Comifli, from Caroliea, for Figura, is taken by the Fr. nch, The Dalton,
Poftlethwaite, bound from Leverpool to Philadelphia, is taken by the French, and car. i « d into Dunkirk. • Saturday Number 4,05 c was drawn a Prize of socol, 40,379 a. id 44,812, 10001. 26,989 and. 39, 94, 5001. and 15,670, 49,608, 3,163, 15,764, 160,13,097, 16,741, 5,^ 04 were drawn Prizes of icol. each. We hear Mrs. Cibfcer is foon to pcrf rm the Part of P- lJy, three Nights at the Theatre- Royal in Covent Gar- den. and the Proprietor has agreed to lend his Hcufe, Free of all Charges ; and we hear the Company will con- tribute their Pay on thofe Days, th » t the Performance may- be entirely Charge- Free: The Receipts of
each Night to be Subfcribed to the Veteran Scheme at Guildhall ; and there will be no Performance this Evening, at Cog ent- Garden Theatre, on Account of the Play to beadidatthe - Other Play- houfe, for the aforefaid Scheme. A large and frefh Parcel of Genuine IRISH CTUFFS made in the neateft Manner, isjuit arrived at Wells and Hartley's Warehoufe at tre Nnked Boy * nd Woolsack in Ludgate- ftreet, with the greatest Variety of entire New - and Uncommon Mixtures, in all Colours and Qualities. They fell other Sorts of Stuffs and Cheap Goods, and deal is largely in Silks, as ufual. THIS is a B I R T H- D A Y at tht BLACK.
Bank- Stock 130 1 half a 131- India Ditto no Price. So itii Sea Stock no Price. Ditto Old Annuities 99 1 4th. Ditto New 101 a 99 • half. Three per Cent. Annuities 83. Ditto 1742, 83. ' Ditto 1743 and 1744,83. Ditto 1745, 83 1 4th Million B^ nk 113. Equivalent 104. Royal Affurance 79 1 half Loudon A durance 10 1 4th. Englifh Copper 5 1. Seven per Cent. Emperor's Loan no Price. Five per Cent- ditto no Price. Bank Circulation 4 1, a 3 1. 15 s. Difc. India Bonds a 1. 10 s. a 3 s. a 8 s. Difc. Three and a halfSalt Tallies 12 Difc. Three and a half per Cent. Exchequer Orders no Price. Three per Cent. Ditto no Price. Lottery Tickets 10 1. a
S (. LifeA. nnuities 13 7 8ths a 3 .(. thsYeajsPurchafe. High Water at Lcndon- Bridge, this Day at 43 Minutes after 1 J . H A Y - M A R K E T. YHE SUBSCRIBERS to the OPERA are ' defired to make the laji Payment of their Subfcript on- Money to t e Tre fiw er, a: the Opfa- Ojjice in the liay- market, ix be, e Attendance nviil be i ,1>: » this and ev- ry Day, ftom Ten * till five, to receive tie fane, and d. iiv. r out the Silver Tickets, D R U R Y - L A N L. Bt His Majefty's Company cf Comedians, AT the Theatre - Royal in Drury- Lane, this Day, will be prefented a Comedy, eali'd f he REC R U IT 1NGO FFIC ER. The Part of Capt. Plv: me
by Mr. Mills ; Capt. Bri « en, by Mr. Maclclin ; Juftice Ballance, by Mr. Bridge^ ; Serjeant Kite, by Mr. I. Sparkes ; Worthy, Mr. Havard ; EuUock, Mr. Vaughan ; Welch Collier, « r. Blakcs; the Two Recruits by Mr. Neale and Mr. Ray. Rofe, Mrs. Ridovit; Melinda i. y Mifs Copin ; Lurv, Mrs. Bea « et j And the Pa- t of Sylvia bv Mrs. WofH. igton. With a New Occalional PROLOGUE. And Entertainments of Singing by Mr. Lowe, Mrs. CUve, Ac. And Dancing by Mr. Muilment, Mr. Meckel, Mifs Mechell, See. To which will be added a Farce, call'd The D E V I L TO PAY; Or, The WIVES METAMOP. PHOS'D. S'r John I. overule by Mr. Lowe (
in which Charailer will be intro- due'd 1be Early Horn ; Lady Loyeruie, Mrs. Btnnet ; Jobfon, Mr. Baxriniton } Butler, Mr. Raftor ; And the Part of Nell, bj Mrs. CLIVE. Boxes 5 s. Pit 3 s. Firft Gallery is. Upper Gallery is. To begin exaftly at Six o'Clock. The whole Receipt of this Night to be fobferibed to the VETERAN Scfcesie at Gutidkall. fieryants will be admitted to keep Places on the Stage. CO VENT- GARDEN. Not Ailed this Seajvn. AT the Theatre Royal in Covent- Carden, To- jtictrow, will be prefented a Qomedy, call'd , The DOUBLE GALLANT) o R, SICK LADY'S CURE. Written by C.; l'ey Cibber, Ef< j; Poet- Laureat. The Part
of the Double Gallant to be p. rfyrm'd by Mr. Cibber ; Sir > olomon Sadlife, Mr. Hippifljy ; Careleft, Mr. Hals ; Clerimont, Mr. Gihfon ; Old Wilfoll, Mr. Marten ; Old Atall, Mr. Dunltall; Dr. Bolus, Mr. Ridout ; Rhubarb, Mr. Carr ; Capt. Strut, Mr. Stoppelaer ; the Part of Lady Dainty by Mrs. Horton ; Lady Sadlife, Mifs Hippifley; Syl"". Mrs. Vincent; F nder, Mr. James ; Supple, Mr. Vaughan. Wifluvell, Mrs, Hale ; Situp, Mrs. Dunflall; And the Part of Clarinfla, by Mrs. Pritchard. With Entertainrr\ ents as will be txprefe'd in ' he Bills To- morrow. • • There will be no PJay ' till To- morrow at the aboveTbeatre, on Account of One to be perform'i!
this Even^ ig at the other Theatre; the Receipt of which i, to bs fiiblcrib'd to the VETERAN Scheme at Guildhall. G O O D M A N's- F I E L D S. T theZ^ A? WELLS, the bottom of Ie- w. on- fireet, Gwdmaris- Fieldt, thisprelent Evei>; ng, will be prr- fortW'd a Concert of Vocal and Inftrumental MUSICK. Divided into Two Parts. Boxes JJ. fid, Pit or Full Gallery 1 s. 6 d. Upper Gallery 1 s. * * Between the Two Parts of the Cencert will be given Gratis, a Tragtdy, cail'd C A T O. Written by the fate Mr. Aiidifen. T*' part 0f Caso by Mr. Paget; Sempronius, Mr. Furflivai j Juba, Mr. Culhing; Luc us, Mr. Julian; Decius, Mr. Dove } Porfius, Mr. n.
akcy ; Marcus, Mr. Lee. Lucia, Mrs. CofhiBg ; And the Part of Marcia by Mrs. Bambridg*. To which will be added a Farce of Two A€ a, call'd The D E B A U C H EES. Or, The JESUIT CAUGHT. The Part of Old Laroon by Mr. Morgan ; Father Matin, Mr, Paget; Young Laroon, Mr. Kennedy ; Old Jourdaiq, Mr. Cufhing; Beatrice, Mrs. Culhing ; Ifabel, Mrs. Phillips, With Singi « g between the Afts by Mr. Brett, And Dancing by the Two Mailers and Mils Grazier, To begin exaftly at Six o'Clock, Admiralty- Office, Dec. 4, 1745. Til E Leave of Abfence given to the Petty- * Officers and foremaji- Men late belonging to his Majtfiy s Ship the
Neptune being expired, and the Lords Commijjiincri' of the Admiralty having ordered them to be turned over into the Devonfliire, and the Regulating Captains to provide Ten- ders ti ca/ ry the / aid Men thrwn to the Devonfhire at Chat- ham ; their Lordjhips do hereby direEl the faid Petty- Officers and Foremajl- Men immediately to apply to the Regulating- Captains at the Caftle in Mark- Lane, and receive their Direction to go on Board fuch Tenders as they have appoin- ted to carry them, tviti> their Cbejls and Bedding, on Board the Devonfhire, where they will bepaid the Wages due to them for the Neptune before the Devonfhire
proceeds to Sen-, but in Cafe they fail to repair as above direSed, they will not only lofe their Wages for the Neptune, but the Marfhal of the Ad r, i> alty will be ordered to apprehend them, in Order tube Triedat" a Com- t- Martialat DeJ'erters. THO. CORBETT. BRIDGE- HOUSE LANDS. TVI£ Co M M I T T E E for Let ling tht B RID G E - HOU E LANDS, do hereby give Notice, that thef intend to Lett, by fevr^ l Lcafes, Jor 21 Teart, the follow- ing L'. ti, via. No I. A Front MefTuage or Tecenieot in Gracechurch- lireet, in the Occupation of Mefi'. Peter and James Coliiion, Mercers. No II. A Mefl'uage or Tenement bahind the fame, in
the Occupations of the faid Mefc Colhfons. Which faid two Meffuages will be Lett together is Lot, or Separate, at the Option of the Bidder. No III. A Front MefTuage or Tenemem in the fame Street, in the Occupation of Mr. Arnold, Up- holder. No IV. A Front Meffuage or Tenement in the fame Street, in the Occupation of Mr. Bell, a Hofier. And, A . Vleffuage or Tenement behind the fame, in thS Occupation of Mr. Welch. No V. A Front Meffuage or Tenement in the fame Street, in the Occupation of Mr. Cox, a Button- Seller. Which faid three la£ mentiaced Numbers* will be Lett together in one Lott, or feperate in three, at thg Option
of the Bidder. No VI, A Mcffuage or Tenement tin Corner of Rood- lane, in Fenclmrch- flrect, in the Occupation of Mr, Mariuer, a Stationer. No VII. A Meffuage or Tenement, in Fenchurch- ftreet, in the Occupation of Mr. Littlebury, a Mercer. No VIII. A MelFuage or Tenement, in the fame Street, in the Occupation of Mr. Pullen a Shoe- maker, No IX. A Meffuage or Tenement in the fame Street', in the Occupation of Mr. Dandy, a Peruke- maker. No X. A MefTuage or Tenement in the fame Street, the Corner of PhilpsS- Iane, in the Occupation of Mr. Parnell, a GloveV. No XI. A Meffuage or Tenement on St. Mary Hil), in the
Occupation cf Mr. Burchell, a Carpen- ter. No XT. A Meffuage or Tenement over- againft the Manfion- Houfe, in Stock's- Market, in the Oc- cupation of Mr. Ruffe!, Linnen- draper. And thai the faid Committee will fit in the Conncil- Chamber of th: Guildhall, London, on if ednefday next, at Four of the Clock in the Afternoon, to receive Propofals for the fame-, cf wktcb further Information, and printed Par- ticulars may be had, at the Comptroller" s- Office in jhe Bridge- yard, Southwark, on which faid printed Particulars, all Per funs bidding for the above Lots, are to write their Propofuls, Jos. PICKERING, Compt. London, Dec. 7, 1745.
" T^ HE Gentlemen who have paid in their Money on the Subfcription begun by the Right Hon. the Lord- Mayor ad others, o » the 2 th of November la ft, are de- fired to meet his Lordfbip, and the rejl of the Subfcribers at the Guildhall, London, on Tuefday next at Ten of the Clock in the Forenoon, to choofe a Committee for - t'- e Dlfpofal of the Money purfuant to the Preamble of the faid Subfcrip- tion. The MIDDLESEX and WESTMINSTER ASSOCIATION. crflE Subfcribcrs of loo L or upwards are de- fired to meet in Coi c » t- Garden Vtflrj- Rem this Day, at Twelve o Clock in the Forenoon, to ag/ ee for applying a Part of the
Remainder of the Subfcription,- Money, after One thoujand Men are inlified in his Majefifs Land- Forces, to- wards making proper Rewards to the faid Forces. rHE Society of Gentlemen Volunteers of the City of London have appointed a General Meeting to be held at the Crown- Tavern behind the RoyalExchange, this prejent Mondliy, at Five of the Clock in the Evening, on fpecial Affairs. . tt/ HUREAS on Sunday the 13th of OEiober laft, 1 was f> imprudent as to commit a violent Affault upon the Perfon and Reputation of a Young Gentleman, wht came to fee the Children fup in the Hall belonging to the Klue coat Rofpital, by
Striking, and caufing him to be much Abus'd. and call'd a Pickpocket, althd he is a Perfon of undoubted Charailer and Circumfiance. I therefore hereby acknowledge, that 1 am truly finfibli of my Crime and Mifbehaviour, and humbly and heartitf- beg the Gentleman's Pardon, and premifi faithfully to be very cartel to avoid any juch Mifcondud for the future. J. H. RICHARDSON, A Beadit of the faid Blmm Hofo& l, l
For SALE by the C A N L L E, At the MARINE Coffee- lintfe in Birchin- Lat. e, .. In a few Days, by O.- der of the Ajfignees, THE Stock in Trade of Mc- fls. JOHN and WILLIAM TAYLIORS, of Devon fkire- Jlrtet, Mer- chants j and Mr. RICHARD JOHNSON of Grays, Linen- Dra- per, Bankrupts, Confiding of a large Allortmcnt of Linen- Drapery » nd Ma. « hefier Goods. Catalogues of which will be Time'y difperfed by ROBERT K1RKE, BROKER, In St. Martin's le- Grand. For SALE by the CANDL E, A the KING'S- HEAD Cofee- Houfe in S- witbin's- Alley, On Thurfday next, at Four in the After n'oon, THE r mailing Part of the Cargoe
of the St. JOSEPH N. S. de la GRANADA from the Havan- » ah, taken by the K. uli Kan Privatetr, Captain jffepb Barker. Confining of 33S Bales ? Tob3Cco. 95 Hoglheads i lot Serons 13 Small Caaifters )• Snuff. 17 Small Bags J 13 Boxes Segars. The Goods to be feen from To- morrow to the Time of Sale, at Ttejb Wharf, where Catalogues will be deliyer'd, and at ths Place ef Swle, and of ABRAHAM LESTOURGEON, Broker. For SALE by the CANDLE, At LLOY D's Coffee- Houfe in Lombard- Street, On Fi iday next, at Twelve 0" Clock at Noon. QPH E SALAMANDER 1 Privateer, ( f rmerly a Brmb- Ketch) Burthen 270 Tons,
more or lefs, with iz far*.* Carriage and 18 Swivel Guns, an exceed ing fine Sailor, River built, and well found, now lying near Warping Old- Stairs. Printed Inventories to be had on Board, at Sam's Ccffte- houfe, at the Place of Sale, and of , D. H. S. AUGIER, Broker. Note, She has Ports for 16 Guns. " 1T7HEREAS I publifh'd an Ad. vcrtife- W ment on Saturday fad in the Lon Ion Courant and Daily Ad- • vet tiler, making an Offer of pliyJngthe Part of Polly in the Beggar's Opera, atDrury- Lane Playhoufe, Monday, Tuefday, and Wtdnefday fe'enight, provided the Manager agreed, that the Profits of the Houfe for thefe three Nights
fnould be paid to the Veteran Scheme at Guild- hall; I accordingly wrote a Letter the fame Morning to the Mana- ger ( jr that Purpofe ; but receiving only a verbal Mefiage from him late at Night, which was to defer the Performance one Dav ; and Mr. Rich'having yefterday fent me the Offer of his Houfe, propofing gencroufiy to give the whole Receipts for the three Nights into the faid Scheme, I think it my Duty to accept of it, as it will be of more Service, and by his Confent ( hall play the Part ef Polly, at the The- tre- Royal in Covcnt- Garden, Saturday the 14th Inftant, and the Monday and Tuefday following. S. M. CLBBER. To the
VETERAN Proceftant SUBSCRIBERS. GENTLEMEN, MRS. CIBBER is a Lady I wifhwell asan A£ lrefs; but as I know that fhe and her whole Family are, in the fliicl Scnce of the Phrafe, moil rigid Roman Catholicks, I cannot help thinking but that her Propofal to aift for the Benefit of the Veteran Scheme hath more Vanity than Loyalty; in it; or rather it is a Jefuitlcal Stroke of a Papift Aftrefs in Puifuit of Proteftant Pepu larky* I make no doubt but the Delign is feeft thro', and I hope there is a Spirit in or, r Caufe above accepting of Papift Afiiftance. Let u « not he cajol'd by Rofne, nor any who believe in her D . flrine. They t re- our
Enemies By the Direction of G" d, as the^ believe, and our Welfare is their greateft Evil. Their Dcmble- Dealing may hurt us, their open Inveteracy, we thank God canftot, then let us treat their Flattery, and the Art of this Lady's Propofal in particular, with the Contempt they deferve. Batfon's near the Window Tours, " 8 December 1745. A VETERAN PROTESTANT. WILLIAM WREN, of the Old Change, near St. Paul's, Milkman, begs Leave to inform his Cuf- - tomers, that it is impoffible for him to ferve them with Milk as ufual, by Reafon of the prefent Diitemper among the Cows reigning w every Part about the Town ; but as foon as
the prefent Malignity ceafes, he hopes for the Encouragement he met with from his Cuf- romers that dealt with him heretofore, who may always depend upon iejng feived with the " heft of Milk, by Their tn - fi obli eS bumble Servant, William Wren. This Day are publijb'/ l, Price 1 TW O Sermons preach'd before the Uni- verfity of OXFORD, at St. Mary', Sept. 15, and Oft. 20, 1745. and now publifh'd for the Uft of the Young Students in the Two ITniverfities. Bjr JOHN D A L T O N, M. A. /. r. d Fellow of Recti's College., Oxfird. Printed fcr R. Dodfley, at Tully's Head m Pali- Mall) Mr. Ri- * lng « cn in S t. PHl's Churchy a l< t ; Mr Ck- n
enfs tt QMof( 1 j Mr. f/ l. Vtliuir. e 1!,- C. a( lfjidje j and if I ptUt It JtaVh, WILL BE SOLD by A u C T I, O N, On Wednefday next dr. d the fllswixg Days, at his Great ' Au£ l; on- Roim in Psll- Mall; TH E Houfhold feu r, itu re, & c. ofa Gen- tlerhan near Golden- Square, having retired into the Coun- try. Confining ef Silk and Worded Damafk, and other Furniture, in Beds, Chair", Window Curtains, and Hangir^ s, fine Fcatherbeds, Blankets, Quilts and Counterpanes large Pier, Scoares and Ch- mney Glades-, Mahogany, Walnuttree, Deflc an I Bodk- Cafes, Cherts of Drawers, Chairs and Table.', Turkey Carpirts, curious fin* oli Japan,
and Italian Cabinets, a Collection of PiQijr- s, fame fine old Chir. a, both ufefui and ornamental, and other curious Effefts. The whole. to be vk- w'd, and Catalogues to be had this Day the 9th, to the Tirtie of Sale. By Order of ths Executrix', on Thurfday next, end the two f . llotving Days, TH E genuine Houfii 1.1 Furniture, See. late of Mr. HENRY WARCOPP, deceafed, Linen- draper to his Majefty King George the Second, at the King's Arms and White Lyon, Ckarin - C- ijs. Confiding of Genoa D. rcafk, Wrought, Dimity, Needlework, Dutch Caffoys, WorfUd. Damask, and other Furniture, in Beds, Winduw- Cortains end Chairs,
made mi unmade, fine Blankets, Quilts, and Fe-' therbeds, Mahogany and Walnuttree Cabinet Work, a Wardrobe of Houfhold Linnen and Apparel, a f; nall Sideboard of falhioiiable Plate, fi- e old China and Japan, India Cabinets Piflur « , and a Colleftion of Books, a large Lead Ciflern and Copper, with good Kitchen Furniture, and fiyidry other Effefls, likewife the Counters, Preflis, & c. The Goods to be view'd To- morrow, to the Time bf Sals, wki. h will begin each Day at Half an Hour after Efcven precifely. Catalogues will be deliver'd Gratis t?, e Days of Viewing at the Place of Sale, and at Mr. Wright's, Uphpjder, in Buckinghara^-
ftreet, Yofk- Buildings. " N HL'ATH, Auctioneer. JOHJ Ts be SOL I) by A U C T I O N, On Ti. urfday the \ Cj'. h Inflant, and the foll.- ujvg Days, TH ii genuine Houihokl Furni tire of a Gentleman leaving eff Houf keeping, at his Dwel'ing- hqufe, being a White Houfe, the furthermoff Quarter on the Right Hand ir, Hatton- Garden. Confiding of Silk, Damafk, Mohair, wro- ight Dimity, Deckerwork Furniture in Beds, WindowrCurtains, Chiirs and Counterpanes, richChi^ nnf- y- GlafTes and Sconces, fineGoofe Fsa- therbedr. Blankets and Quilts, Mahogany and Walnuttr^ e Chairs, Tables, and fine Stove Grates, fame Huufho d Linnen, and a
fma i Quantity of China. The Goods, See. ( being all clean ani. faflibnabfe not been put up above two Years) are to be v: ew'd on Monday next, ' till the Time of Sale, which will begin each Day precifely at Eleven o'clock. Catalogues will b? deliver'd Gratis the Days of Viewing, at the Place of Sale ; and at Mr, Price's, Upholder, Pall- Mall. In the filfl: Days Sale will be put » p to Auction, the Leaf? of the faid Houfe, being at a very fmall Rent, of which there are five Years to come from Lady- Day 174S, with Power fertile Tenant to renew for feven Years more at the fame Rent, from the Expiration of this Leafe if he defires it, Note, The
faid Houfe was lately fitted up, and is in good Repair, confiding of two large Rooms on a Floor, with good Vaults and two Kitchens, a large Garden with a Wafh- hopfe at the End, w th Grates, Coppers, and other Fixtures to the Kitcheps, and Wafh- houfe newly fut up. LOST fome Time lajl l¥( ek, ALittle Black Dog, with cropt Ear?, four white Feet, fome white upon his Neck, and on the Tip 0/ his Tail, and anfwers ts the Name of Cat'. Whoever bring* it to tha Dun Horfe, facing St. George's Church, Southwark, fhall have Five Shillings Reward. It is fuppos'd to be foil between St, George's Church and Newingtoo Turnpike. This Day is
pillifhed. Price y ( E/. gra- v'd on a large Sheet of Paper,) TH E Vi& orian or Dionyfian Period, or Great Pafcl » al CYCLE of 531 years. &> iifpafei in Two Tables, as to fhew forever the Golden Number and Epaft, the Cy- cle of the Sun and Dominical Letter, the Number pf Direftion, move- able Feafts, and Terms. Alfo a Decimal Table of Intend, for any Sum, and at any Rate, in a new Method. Printed for J. Miljan a. t Charjng- Crofs, and R. Dodfley in PaJl- MaM. To- morrow will be publijhed, Price 6 d. AN Account of the pre fent Epidemical Dlfiemper amongd the Black Oattl). Together yith a thfid of Cure, deduced from a
Knowledge of the Difeafe, and confir- med by Experience j and alfo fame Arguments t. o prove that it is not Contagious. By a MEMBER of the College of Phyficians. S} uis duhitet, eot prxul a veri, sttilis, Itneftbjue fimkus digrejp/ ros, qui idcirco Mediconum aliquem Objurgatione dignum exiftimarent, quod mentem, cogitationemque ad grajfantis modo pejtilentix qufqui Propagations caufas evolvendas adjiceret f Lancifiusde Bovilla Pefte. Printed for A. Millar, oppafite to Catberine- fireet in the Strand ; afold by M. Cooper in Pater- nofter Bow. This Pamphlet being Eutred in the Stationers- Hall Book, ac- cording to Aft of Parliament,
whofoever ^' nW rspri » t or pirate tha fame, will be prafeciited according to La, w. >( • Next tVtek wiH be pubiijhed, • In One large Volume in Octavo, . - " PHE HISTOR Y of the REBELLION, JL Raifejl againft his Majefiv King GEORGE I. by the Friends of the Pojjilh Pertender. Containing, An Account of tie Settlement of the Sucrellion to the Crown of Great- Biitain, in the llludrlous Family oftfmover. and the Tory Schfaae to defeat it, during ti » laft four Years of Queen Anne. Of his Majefty's happy Acctffion, the Rebellious Conlpiraey f' rm.' d by his ^ nehiies, and the Execution thereof j b til by the H gh- Church Vlcb, on pretence ol
the Church'? Danger under his Majefty's A lminif! ration, and by the open Rebel- linn, which is here expofed in ali its Parts, from its firft Ri _ to it » final Extir.& ion, • ^ By the Reverend Mr. PETER RAE. Tbi . i E C O N D EDITION. To wh^ ch is now added, a Collection of Original Letters and Au- thentick Papers relaiiug to that Rebellion. Printed for A. Millar, oppifiteto Catherine ftr^ et in the Strand., an4 This Day is publifh'd, Price 6 d. THE HEROES, a New Ballad. Tq the Tune of Sal/ y in aur Alley. Printed for M. Moore nesr St. Paul's. This Day is published, In a neat Packet Volume, on Copper- Plu tes, Price board 6 S. coloured 1
z s. ( Containing a more rorr- pzebenjiiie Idea of Sxrtb Britain than any Thing yf. fubfjh'd, drawn by Order and far the. Ujs of bis Ute Majejif King George, in bis intended Tour through England, by Thomas B: defiids, Surveyor.) f ^ HOROG R A P H [ A BR I TANNIC or, A new Set of Maps of all the Counties in England 1 Waies. To which ara prefix'd, The following general Maps, 1. An accurate Chart of the Sea Coaft. 2. A Map of England and Wal^ s, as divided into Counties. 3 fl Map of all the great Road » from London to all Pa'rH of South Britain. 4. A Map of all tha Cr. ofs Roads from one great Road to another, with their
Diftances. Printed for J. Cla- fc,, at the Golden Ball in St. Paul's Church- yard J c. Hitch, at the Red- Lioa in Pater- nofter Row ; and W. H. Toms, in Union Court, Hoiborn. This Day is publijb'd, And Ready to be delivered to the Subfcribers, I. ' Tp H E Itinerary of Mr. John Leland the ifc Antiquary ; firft publilhed by Mr. Thomas HeMrne, in Nina Volumes ; now collated with the Original MSS, and reprinted with fome Nece/ Tary Improvements, and the Addition alfo of a General Index to the whole Work. 2, Rojfi ( fartvianfis Htf. oria Regtm Anglia, Firft publifhed alfa by Mr. Thomas llearne, ap. j now reprinted. OXFORD; Printed at the
Theatre foi Jamt* Fletcher, Bookfeller, in the Turl; ani Jo; eph Pete, Boolueller, at Eton. Note, The Subfcribers B-> oks are delivered by the Undertakers a- bovetrientioned ; as alfo by Mr. Whifton in Fleet- ftreet, London ; of whom alfo, and of Mr. Rivington in St. Paul's Churchyard, Book- fellers, may be had the few Remaining Copies at the following Prices in Sheets, viz. Leland, Small Paper, 2 1. 2 s. Large Paper, 3 i, 3 s. Rofji Hi/ loria. Small Paper, 5 s. Large 7 s. 6 i. This Day is Publijhed, In FIVE V U L u M E S, Oaava, ( With all their Coats of Arias curioujly engraven, J Price j 1. 15 s. Bound, HP FIE ENGLISH BARON ETTAGI
JL CONTAINING, A Ceneal gic< 4 and Hiffofical Account of all the E N G L I S H BARON E T S, NOW EXISTING: Their Defcents, Maruages, and. IfTuqa; memorab.'- Aftions both in War and Peace 5 Religious and Charitable Donations j Deaths, Places of Burial, and Monumental Infcriptions, COLLECTED From Authentic!? Maaufcripts, Records, Old Wills, our beft- Hj- florions, and other Authorities. LIKEWISE, Tables of Precedence ; particularly- with Refpeft to the >$ tive » , Sons, tnd Daughters, of Baronets and Knights. To which are added* An Account of fiich Nova Scotia- Baronets as. are of Englifh Fami ^ eg, no\ » Re£
dent in England. A, N D, a Lift of fuch P » SMS. Names who were deem'd fit and qualified, sf the Redoration, to be made Ktjights 0i the Royal Oak, with th » Value of their Eftates, as then given in. " It is of very great Ufe to a Man in all great Stations, to ba " well acquainted with the Defcent of the Principal Families 0/ his own Country, which enables hifn very much to form h " juft Judgment of their Views and Ways of Thinking ; and " to know how he may conduit himfelf with tK- m, or to " guard againft their Intereft, by knowing with what Families <( their Alliances. principally lie. To confirm this, we need " only to mention the
Praftice ofTwo of the greateft frfiaifters " of State produced in this lUand. The Lord Burleigh, who <( W4S firft Mini iter to Queen Elizabeth for a Space of rear 4.0 " Yo » rs j and the Earl of Oxford, Minifter to the late Queen " Ance. — The latter of thefe had a pre^ t Regard for this " Learning, aad made the greateft Colleflion in that Kiijd of " any Man in England, As to the L< rd Burleigh hi » " Knowledge, of the. Families of all Men cf Figure in this King- ( l dom, was reckoned among his extraordinary Qualifications, " And he was fo much addicled to this Study, that in the Heat " of his greateft Occupations, he always found fome
Leifure- " Time to be eroploy'd this Way, leaving behind him many " Volumes of Pedigrees in his own Hand- Writing," Genealogical Hiflory of the Houfe of Vvery in the Intredullitn, Page3&, Printed for Tho. Wotton ; and fuJd by Edward Withers, at Ule Seven S( W), next the loner- Temple Gate, yi Fleet- ftreet,
5" his D iy is puHijbeef, New EM of the Two pillowing Btois, b'Jf h written by the fame Author, to each of which is no- vi added a ccm- pica: Iii'ex. " AL IIO: or, The. COSMO- TH EORIA Ptil- KILIS. A Dialogue. In* which the t. rlr Principles of Phil'. fophv and Aflronomy are ac- lommc- dated to the Capruiry of younp ! VtIons, or fuch as have. yet no TindV. ire of the^ e Sciences. Hence the Principles of Natural Religion are deduced. In Two Volumes brtavo. The Second Edition. II. An Inquiry into the Nature of- the Human Soil/,.. wherein the Immateriality cf tTie Sou] is evine'd, from the Principles of Reaton and Philofcphy. . In Two
Volumes Oflavo. The Third Edition. // « vjhoivould fee the jujhjl and precifejf JVetims < f Gat and tie S- xil, ft ad ( bis H->- k ; one of the mejl f. nijhed of the Kind, in my txmble Opinio* jlbat ihs prefent limes, greatly advan. at i" true Blilof. pbj, bant produced. Warburton's Divine Legation of M. ofes demoo. ftiated. Printed for A; Millar, oppofne to Catherine- flreet, in the Strand. Where may be had, 1. . A New Edition of Mr. Thomfon's Works, carefully corrected, with the Addition of about roco new I.! nes. In Two Volumes, Svo, on good P. iper and large Letter*; containing- his Seafons, all his other Poems, and his. three Tragedies.
Price bound tos. 2. HisSeafom, printcdin a Pocket Volume. Price 3 s. bound. Ibis Day is publifhed, fcat/ y printed in five Volumes, in 8vo. Pi ice land in Calf _ 1.0 s.. Illuflrated <• aitlr Copper Plates Cft> io> Jh eu- : graved, L NAVIGATION UNVAIL'D-? Or, A New and Complete Syfte'm of NAV1G AT I O. N in all its Branches. Containing Arithmetic, Geometry, Trgonoroetry, Geography and Aftrcn my, in a mure plain ard eafy Method than any hitherro pub- lished, atnd more; adapted to. Beginners. Sailing by rh. e Plain, and Merc.- if- ir's or Wright's Charts explained from the lirft Principles, and ully ifiuflrated in a Variety of ufefu. 1
Examples. The Theory of the Tides, Currents, Variation of the Compaf » , Lee- Way, tet. particularly confidcred; and the . Difficulties i n Reckoning, which pro-' ceea irom them, fully exp'ained. - A Con> ekte Set of all the Tables tifeful in Navgatiorj, . with their Contlru£ t; on and life at large. The Defctiptieji and Ufa of t! e Inft « umen.: s commonly ufed, and fome KewOnescf the Author's own Invention. To which is arlded, A New Way. of ktepiiga Reckoning on tile Principles 0i Mercator'sor Wright's Sailing, as e. tftiy as by the common erroneou, Method of Plain Sailing. 1 lie Whole calculated for Practice, - and the Examnl es fuch as
daily occur at Sea, in. a Manner quite different from . other Svftems ; beini;' freed from the many Superfluities and Pecplexifret' which- thofc who. fe. iye wrote on tlv's Subject, have generally m'ade, ufe of, and abounding with Variety of Rules which- are abfclutely ip. e-- cefi'ary, aad. ha- ve nevr- r before been treated of: Performed with the greatcft Exaflnt- f, and approved of by the moft eminent Mathema- ticians of the Age. . By ED W A R D F I A U X I, E Y, Teacher- if the %" aihcr,: atich. . Printed for the Author, and fold by j. Hodges, at the Looking" Clals, nve. r- aga: nft St. Magnus Church, sLon! on- l? ridge Where h likewife
ro hid; juft pul-. liii ca, tile Second Edition, with veiy large Additions, and a NevV Introduction, of The Navy Surgeon: or, Pra& ical Syftem cf Surgery. - With. a Diifertation on Cold and list Mineral Springs ; and Fhyfical Objicfva,. lions on the Coaft of G lines. ' By JOHN ATKINS, Surgeon. £> uant quifque nor it Artem in bac fe exerceat. ' BOOK S' iaielV f rhired f< r R. DO D S L E Y , • At ' fiSJlyVHeW, Pall- Mill. i. \ ' Colkdion of Old flays, 12 vol. 2. Jarvis's Don Quixcte, 2 vol. 4m. 3. I. es Avantures de Tek- maqUe.. A fine Edition. The JEntii of Virgil. Tranflated ty Mr. Pitt. C. V. Oi's Art of Pt. etiy. By thefarr. e. 6. Dialogues 00 G:
iverrimtnt. By the Hoft. Henry Nevi'. le. y. The Geegraphy of l'nglahd, with Map; of each CCunty, S. The Novels of Co cat e; Anew Tranflation. g. The- In- ltiretifin of - a Prince. • JO. Sele£ t Eli iys on tiie [ it Ilea Lrrtres. jr. Hiftory of all thg T. heaftes in Emope. 32. Mrs. Howe's Works, 13. The Wrrks of Roger Biylt, Ear! of Orrery. 14. Letters t » f Algernon Sydney to Henry Savilie. it- be Microfcope made eafy. By Mr. Baker. 16. A Natural HitWy of the Polype. By the fame. ty. The Pleifcres of Imagination. 1 Four Sermons. Bv Dr. Swift. 19. A r, ew Volume of his Works, in which ( he Sermons, ate. I n- cludetl. 20. The Corr. plair. t; or,
Night Thoughts on Life, Der. th, and Immortality. 11. A*/ bott Courfe of ftandlng Rules for the Qondufl. ofan Army. ' By Lord Molefworth. z>. The Sailor's Companion. 23. England's Heroicai Epi- fllet. 24.. Ltif. ire Ht ers A'mufements. a,. The Child's new Play- Thing. S6. Philomel: A faiall Colleftior. oforjy the hell Songs. 27. A^ an-.' s- Luxury and Eve's Cookery j or, The Kitcheii Garden. 4S. The Hiflcuy of Greece. 29. Reflations upon Church Government. 3c. Seven Confere 11. es on painting, from Felibiin. With many other I'ucmi and Pamphluts. ' This ! Day is pubiifvtd, { IN Octave, Price five Shillings) . Written Originally in Latin by
ihe . Learned Dr. Thomas Curnet, late Mafler cf the^ Charter- Houfe. * ATR KATISE concerning'. the S L ATE of DEPARTED SOULS, Before,' At, and After the RESUR- RECTION. Tranflatcd into Englift, By Mr. D E N N I S The Scconl Edition, Corrcfled. Printed for C. Hitch, at the Red- I. yon in Pater- nofter Row. IVbere may be b id, all written by the fame Author, r. Archaeology Philofophicse, live D.- flrina Antiqua de Rerum Originibu , Libr; Duo. Pricr- 6 s. 2. De Statu Mortuorum & Refurgentium Traflatus, adjicitur Ap- pend ix de Futura Judffiorutn ReftpijJtione, Editio l'ecunda. Price 6 s. 3. De Fids & OiiiciisChr'iftianorum, Editio
feeunda. Price 4 s. 4. The fame tranflated into Englifh by Mr. Dennis. Note, A tmall - Number of the Latin Pieces on iargs Paper for the Curious. This Day . is publifhed, ( Neath printed on a Supeifine Paper, ) Price bound 3 f. HE rveweft MAN U AL of Private De- 1 • v- Awns. In THREE PARTS. P A R T I. Containing Devotions fuited to moft PerforK and Cafes, particularly Morning and Evening Prayers for Private Perfons, and for a Family for every I> ay in the Week. To' which are added, Some Selfift Pray- ers for the Ufe of Clergymen, taken from the Manufcript of a late Eminent and.. Pious Divine PART II. Offices , for the Sick,
and Prayers in various Circumftance; of Af- fl'& ior.; with Exhortations againft the I-' ear of Death, and Direc-- - tiuns ho\ V to prepare ourfelves to Die well. PART III. The Neweft Week's Preparation fur the worthy Receiving the Lord's Supper ; confining of fuitable Prayers, Forms of Self- Exami- nation,, and . Confeftbn of. Kins } with Meditations'to Live well, after Receiving the Huiy Sacrament, and a Companion to the Lord's Tabic. By LEONARD HOWARD,' D D. Vicar ofTaunt on, Devon", Leifurer of St. Magnut md St. fames, Gat lick Hi Hi and Chaplain to his ' RoyalHigh- nejs the Piihce of Wales. Printed for. the Author, and fold
by James Hodges, at the Look- ifig- Glafs, over- againft St. Magnus Church, London- Bridge. Note, The Third Part, being, the Neweft Week's Preparation for the worthy receiving the Lord's Supper, - will- be ibid feparate, Price < i£ ne Shilling. W'here is hkezuije to be bad, full publi/ hed, by tbifams Author, in Oiie Volume, Oeiaiio, Price ' 5 s, Srrmonson fevers!. Occafrns ; Preached in the Parifh- Churches of. St. John, Southwirfc, and St. Botolph, Alderfgate. '• the incfi . zvcndevful Clcanfing and Strengthening DROPS, fo all S, r ts of Gleets and Seminal Vveakiieffes . and imbeciili'ies of the Generative Parts and Faculties
preventing Mifearriages in I'Vomnt. And to elearije and firenpben jbe Reins, Kidneyl and Bladder j cure weak Backs, Str0nguar, ies, Gravel, and Stoppage of•• the Urine ; and for Tt hicb it . bath gaiit'd fucb Repute, that near 6000 Bottles have been [ old finie April 1734, that they mere firflpMifh'd. np- HESE'. Incomparable D R O P S which ji_ '• fqr th6 abovefaid Diforders are hot to be equall- d in the whole Art of Medicine, were prefcribed by the late Dr. Katciiffe, for a cer- tain noble- Lord, who for ', 3; long Tim6 Iiad been" vexed with an old obftinate Gleet and Weak- nefs,. of which he was cured bv them in a • few Days, beyond
all" ; Expeftati6n^ after .' he ha. cl been ha, rrais'd with- Eie6luaries, Bolus's,' Pills, Potions,• Infedions, and a hundred other ' Medicines, for many Months together in vain. The Apothecary., who prepared them ftir him according to the Doclor's Prefcription ( which he has ftill upon his File) has made ufe of, them ever fince, to Numbers of Kelpie, ii- i the very worft of Gleets, ' feminal and genital Imbecillities and- Infertilities, Pains. in th? Back and. Reins, Diford* ers- of the Urine and Gravel, & c. with the utmoft Succefs and Safety j as alfo in all WeaknefTes from Strains as wellas. Venereal Reii. cks, exceffiv. e Coifi^ n, Self-'-
Pollution, lemihai EmiffioJ in the Sleep, Falls,' Bkjws, and the like in both Sexes « And as they have never onc6 fiil il hi'm, even in Cafes thought to . be incurable, he now,* for general Good; has made them'publick j and that thj?. meaner Sort. of People might- pnrtake of the Benefit of fc divine a Remedy, as well as the Rich, he h? s put them up in Bottles of but 3 s. 6 d. each, tho* for the lixceliimcy of their Efl-" e£\ c, they are worth their Weight in Goldj - tfore - especially, as one Bi ttle < jf them generally cures,; even, in t!\< » , m © ft draining , Gleets, and grieVTOus Relaxations and Weakneffes of the Scminals and Genitals that
are.. .. Nor can there be p » epared, by< any Art or Skill, a more cleanfiftg • and healing, or a more ftrengtheri'ing and invigorating Medicine, or one that c n nroie efie^ ua'lly ctire Impottncy or promote Fertility, than this, as every one tTiat" But once tries it ' will fay, by their foon finding the Difterer. ee between this and other Remedies; for it vvil) do more In one Day, towards reftoring in tKefe . WeakncfTes, than any others can in ten, and is of fo corroborating a I^ ature, thatit may be entirely rely'd upon for. curing perfedly and firmly/, without Fear- of a Rekpl'e, even in the tendered Constitutions, which can hardly be faid of 3ny
other McJicine; and it js withal fo elegantly pleafant to the Palate, and fo agreeable to' the Stomach, that the niceft Perfon is delighted with it. Mr. Weft, Goldfmith, in the Old- Baily, who ufed to fell thefe Drops, being dead, they are now^ ld only by his Son- i'n- Law, Mr. Johnlon, a ^ aker, at the Seven Stars in Vere- ftreet, hear Clare- mar- ket, feal'd up with Dire& ions, for any Meflenger>/ tupoa only alking for a Bottle of Drops, and paying 3 s. 6 d. . This Day is fubiifbed, The S E V E I\ T H EDITION, of FRACTION DETECTED bv the Evidence of FACTS. Containing an Impartial view of PARTIES Home, and AFFAIRS Abroad. Quo
quo fcelifli ruitisf Ant cur dexi'eris Aptantur tnfes conditi ? Niin at jvperbers invidee Cartbagiris Rcmar. us arces ureret j Sed ut, fecunduni vofa Par/ borumy fed Urbs leec periret dexter a. Se'que hie lupis r.-. is, nee fuit leonitus Unquam tlifi in difpar' frris. Furcrne ceseus, an rapit Z'is aerior i An culpa ? Refponptm date. Tacent, & ora pallor alius injscit. Mentefqui per cut fa ftuptnt.' Hor. Epod. Ot VII, Printed for J. Robeits in Warwick- Lane. This Day is publijbed, In Two Volumes: Oftavo, adorned with Cuts, Price Ten Shillings Bound in Calf, T* HE HISTORY of the LIFE of - the Emprefi CATHERINE. Containing, a Ihort HISTORY of
the RUSSIAN Empire,' froth its Found^ tkn to the Time of the Death of that Princefs : With an Account of Hcr- ORIGIN ; and of Her CONDUCT during the Life of the Eftiperor PETER By J O H N M O 1 T" .. E Y, R fc Printed for the Author, and fold by T. Aftiey, at the Rofe in Pater- nofler Row, • - ' Of nvbom may le bad, - , MOTTLEY's Life of the CZAR PETER. Adorned with a great Number of curious Copper plates." In three Volumes, Price 9 s. An Hiftorico- Geographical Defcriptiori of the Nortn and Eafiern Parts of Europe and Afia, . particularly RUSSIA, SIBERIA, and Great TARTARY. With a large and accurate Map of thofe
Coun- tries ; and Variety of Cuts, 4to. - . The LIFE; of STANISLAUS I. King of Poland, Sec. To which s added, a Relation_ of his Retreat' from Da'ntzick. In a Letter writ- ten ' by himftlf to a fetfon of Diftinfiioh, i2mo, Price 2 s. 6d. This ' Day is . puMipel, 1 ' Printed for Richard- Ware, at the Bible and^ Sun. feeh ' Corner, rV Warwick- Lame. THE THIRTIETH EDITION. ( TO which is addid. An AA pendix, containing many additional Leffns in'Pro ft and Verfe \ firfl i'h Words. of me Syllable only, and then mixed with Words_ cf tws, three, four, five, and levtn Syllables J, of J DYCHE's GUIDE to the ENGLISH TONGUE. In Two Parts. The
Firft, jfrope:- for Begin- ners ; Ihewing a natural and eafy Method to pronounce and expre'fs both common Words and- proper Name's ; in which particular Care is had to ftiew. the Accent for preventing vicious Pronunciation. The " Second, for fuch as are ' advanced to fome Ripenefs of Ju.! sment ; con- taining Obfervations on the Sounds of Letters and Dlathong.,' Kuies for the true Divifiww cf Syllables, and the Ufe oFCap rifls,'.' Srsps and Marks, with large Tables « r Abbreviation and- Dlftiiiifticn of Woidj, and feverai Alphabets or Copies for young Writers: ' Where may be had, by the fame Author, i. The Fables of Phaednj3
fwhowap made a Denizen of Rom'- hy Auguftus Caefer) under the f ilowiii!! Heads, viz. The Weakeft goes' to the Wall-; Chute the leaft Evil ; Be cohraut iri your Station ; Al! covet all loofe ; Keep'not too great Company, etc. Rendered into familiar Engiiih. The id Edit, Price is. ' s * A- Spelfiog DTftioriary; or, A Collefiion of- a!! the common Word « ana proper Names of Perfons and Places, ma e ufe of in ihe Englifli Tongue. ' Carefully compared with " tiie* Original Languages, from whence they are . derived and- mark'd as.- they to be pro- nounced ; wlfereby Perfons rf the nieaneft Capacity miv* attain to Spell and Write Englift true
and correfflly. The 4th'EdUic, n, cor- recied, with large Addicions. Price i - s. 6 d. or both hound together i s. 6 d. D I R E C T O R Y, • Given G A A T I S, Green ' Hatch Holboiii i: n the ad Paireof thi. B OK, Any Venerea!, Of GLEET Patient, will Plainly fee their Own Particular Cafe, Ex- ait ly Defcribed. And How to Cure themfelves Privately, without Telling their Cafe. to Any One. With, the Famous Montpellier Little E'afy Bolus, the Bigncfs of Only a PEA to Take. • M hich makes ihe Perfon Eafy. At Once, tho' Before, in Great Mifery.. And, Ano- ther B-. lus, carries of!' a Vetiereal Infefl'on, and a GLEET. Price Only 2 s. Each, Sealed
Up, With Full Direflions, along with it, for Thofe who BUY it. But, This Famous Anti Venereal BOLUS, i: GIVEN GR ATIS, Without, a Perfon's Paying Any Thing at ail for it,. ( And Welcome, Any Perfon is, SO [ for NothiogJ. to have it) To Thofe Mentioned, in the nth Page of the Abovementioncd. Venereal and GLEET Patient's DIRECTORY. Which Book is Given. Gratis, To Any One, that will only Sxep in for it, . At Dr. R'uflel's Houfe. In the Parlour Strait Forward, Facing the Entry, In at the GREEN HAT<? H, Over- againft CrayVInn in Holborn. Where, Is AJfc, Given Gratis, For the Year 1746 The New Thee & Thou ALMAN ACK
Calculated, For the Meridian, of the People Called QUAKERS. Containing New YE A, and NAY Obfervations, for Eveiy Month in the Year. With the QUAKER'S Opinion, Of the H O O P- P E T T I C O A T. Of the Unfortunate WOMEN, of the Tonn, And, Of AFTER NOONS TEA DRINKINGS. LONDON: Printed for H. " WOODFA LL, jun. near the Pump in Little- Britain where ADVERTISEMENTS of a moderate; Length are taken in at Twp SHILLINGS. each. ADVERTISEMENTS are alfo taken In by Mrs . Chapman, oVer- againft the Kings- Arms STavern, in Pall- Mall; George IVoodfali, at the Kiug'.:- Anns, MCJ • C: f -( hurt,
Charing- Crvfs % Kir .' 8bijckbur% h. at the Sun, next theInner Temple Gate, Fleet- flrett Mr; Brackfiont, at zhe- Glcle CornbiU ; and by T. ASTLEY, Rempvcd from- St. Pad's Church- yard, to the Rofe in Pater- nofter JRo- jo.