The General Advertiser
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The General Advertiser
Date of Article: 07/12/1745
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Address: near the Pump in Little Britain
Volume Number: Issue Number: 3466
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The General Advertiler. NUMB. 3466^ S A T U R D A Y , D E C E M B E. R— 1 7 4 5 . CO o £ Deal, December 5. 1EMAIN in the Downs his Majefty's Ship;, and the Dutch Men of War as in my Lift. Juft arrived his Majefty's Ships Pool and Folkftone, from a Cruize. Wind N. E. blows hard. Falmouth, Dec. 2. Since my laft arrived the Jamaica Sloop of War, & OLSI wi th the PrinceWilliam, Bradfhaw; qj t'leeVe, Rice ; and Fly, Richards, from London:, under • 2 her Convoy. Sail'd Lydia* Lulandf for Madeira; and Diamond, Robbins, for Lifbon. Wind Eaft. Dartmouth, Dec. 3. This Day arrived the Marcella, Summers, from St. John's in
Newfoundland; who fail'd from thence the : f t o f November, in Company with his Majefty's Ships Heftor and Lark, with about 40 Sail of Merchant Ship , who intended to join four Sail of Men of War, and two India Ships, from Cape Breton, which lay at Aqua- Fort, ( the South Part o f Newfoundland) but bad Weather, and hard Gales, prevented Capt. Summers from being able to join them ; and as he had loft ftglit of the reft of the Fleet, that fail'd from St. John's with him, and the Wind ftill continuing contrary for him to get into Aqua- Fort, he bore away for England. Wind N. E. Pool, Dec. 4. Yefterday was chas'd into Swanage Bay,
a Snow, by two fmall French Privateers ; but the People upon the Foreland firing a Nine Pounder at them, they Jheer'd off. The Snow is the Lyon, Lyon, from London, for Belfaft. Wind N. E. Portfmouth, Dec. 5. This Morning arrived at Spithead, the Alexander Privateer, Capt. Coleby, from the Downs ; the Charles Tranfport, Peacock, from the Nore; and the Greyhound Man of War. The Chichefter, Lufk, from Virginia and Waterford, is arrived at Falmouth. The Betty and Martha, Woodhoufe, from Barbadoes, { s-^ at Portland. u eo - P-< L O N D O N . Ihe following Account is from a Clergyman iK tt^ Wejl- _ Riding of Yorkjhire. Vy ' O
n Tuefday the 27th Inftant, between four and " « five in the Afternoon I got to Prefton, and having ' left my Horfe at an honeft Farmer's four Miles from that Placc, being drets'd like a Farmer's Servant, 110 « Notice was taken of nie. About Five a large Body * of the Rebels came in, headed by a Party of Horfe, • which looked like Gentlemen, about fifty or fixty ' in Number. The Foot followed them very clofe « with the Pretender in the Center, and the Ranks « near his Perfon ftcod fo clofe that it was fcarce pof- ' fible to fee betwixt them. They went in this Or- • der to his Lodgings, the Bagpipes playing thro' « the Street. This Body was
faid to be about 3000. « Another Body of fixty Gentlemen, and as many « Servants, and about 1000 Foot, had march'd thro' ' Prefton to a little Town call'd Walton ; before I • got there, all the Horfe quarter'd themfelves upon ' Sir Henry Haughton, who had been obliged to « quit hi Houfe. After I had fcen the Pretender ' conduced to his Lodgings, I went to an Inn, where * foon after a Lieutenant came into the Room, he * afk'd a great many Queftions about General Wade * and General Legonier, whom he feemd to be very . • anxious about, and . wilhed much to . learn where * they were ; and then enquired how far it was from ' the
Sea, how far to Wales, and how far to London j G ' Soon after another Perfon, who faid he was a Cadet, j y ' came in, and complained much of his being out of CD < Health. He made pretty much the fame Inquiry ' as the other, adding, they had been told they fhou'd ' be join'd by Numbers from Prellon, Lancafhire, « and Wales, and that they imagined they fhou'd ' before have heard of the landing of 1; or 16000 « of French. 7' he M* n in general, are fuch poor * fliabby Creatures, as certainly never carried Arms. ' before; and I really think they are of all Ages, • from eight to eighty, and above. They talked of ' 6 or 7000 more that
were coming from Carlifle, • but this was fo. grofs that it gained- 110 Credit, and • indeed their Army makes fo wretched an Appear- ' ance that they are forced daily to invent Lies to 4 give it a better Air. I was informed that they were ' to halt the next Day, which both Horfes and Men « flood in great need of. The next Morning I left « Prefton in much Pain about my Horfe, for I was « inform'd they had little Parties out every where to O £ ' pick up what Horfes they could, which I found very ' true, for I met feveral of them, and tho' 1 was a- < greeably furprizd to find my Horfe at the Farmer's ' where 1 lef: him, yet I was oblig'd to go
over Hedge « and Ditch, and avoid all Roads to get clear of their ' Parties.' Extras of a better from Litchfield, Dec. 4. ' I dare fay you will be impatient to hear fomething that ' may be depended on, of the Progrefs of the Rebels, but ' we have been in fo conftant an Hnrry, in getting Provi- ' fions for the Solditrs as they arrived h- re, and accommo- ' dating the Officers With Lodgings and'Stabling, that wa ' have had little Time to write News. * The Rebels were at Woore, about 15 Miles diftant ' from us, on Tuefday, at one in the Morning, and the « Duke was encamped with his Army within Ten Miles of ' them, they were all in high Spirits
and expe& ed an En- ' gagement every Hour ; but inftead of that the Rebe's ' ' turned off for Derbyfhire. As our Army makes little ' Doubt of beating them, if they get up with them, there ' feems to be the itrongeit Reafon to believe this Affair will ' end in their total Confdfion ; which all Perfons, who ' have the leaft Regard for the Community, mull: willi ' maybefpeedy; fmcetluprefent State of Affairs is fuch, ' that almolt all Bufinefs is at a Stand. ' A Colonel of the Guards, a Captain with their Ser- ' vants, and two of the Duke's Grooms lay at our Houfe, ' and we had three of the Dukes own Horfes in our Sta- ' blcs, fo that you may eafily
guefs the Hurry we moft ' have been in; befides what has been occafion'd by fend- ' ing Provifions to the Soldiers; particularly to 15 a of the ' Duke of Montagu's and Marquis of Granday's new- ' railed Regiments of Foot, who came into Town laft ' Night, and were quartered in an empty Houfe near us. ' By the belt Accounts we hear the Rebels feem defi- . ' rous of nothing but making their Efcape. ' P S. The Duke of Richmond is returned here, with ' three Regiments of H^ rfe, and'tis'faid the whole of the • Duke's Army will be here To- night, and Proclamation * has been made for private Houfes to take them in, and ' provide for
them. Letter from on Board the Concord of Yarmouth, William Nicholas Command'er,' datedin Portland- Road, November the 27th. ' The 24th at Noon we failed paft the Downs. The • 24th we were a- breait of the Me of Wight: At 10 at ' Night were attacked off the Bill of Portland, by a ' French Privateer of 16 Guns. The Engagement lalled ' ten Glaffes, Yard- Arm and Yard- Arm. After two Hours ' Engagement our Captain was wounded in three Places ; ' a Nine- pounder took away Part of his Shoulder, another ' ftrack his Left Side, and fell down at his Feet, and a ' Slug wounded him in his Left Arm. At the fame Time ' our Main yard was ftiot down, and Mizen- top- fail ; l. ke- ' wife our Malb, Sails and Rigging iliot all to Pieces. ' Our Captain would not quit the Deck to have his * Wounds drefs'd, tho' much defir'd, till the Engagement ' was over, but behaved with tne greatelt Bra*' cry. Our ' Men behaved all in the moft gallant Manner, being only ' 13 in Number, three of whom were Boys. After five ' Hours Engagement with our Colours Ihot away, and ' hoilted again by our Captain, the French Captain called ' feveral Times to ours, to know if his Colours werp ' ftruck, who told him, He Jhould foon fee other Co ' ours ' fly'ng- at laltendeavoured to board us
feveralTimes, £ but to no Purpole, our Lower Dcck Guns cutting down ' his Men on the Fo caftle, as Reapers do Corn. We ( hot ' his Rigging and Sails all to Pieces, as he did ours. At ' Three in the ,'.- Joining he ( heer'd off and ' eft us, but we ' never left firing our Stern- Chafe till he got out of Gun- ' ihor. in repairing our Ship we found a Nine- pounder, £ which had taken us between Wind and Water, but we ' foon got that plugg'd up. About one Hour after the « Privateer run a\* ay from us we had the good Fortune to ' meet his Majefty's Ship the Jamaica Sloop, Capt. Webb, ' who at the Defire of Our Captain, fent a Surgeon to '
drefs hi* Wounds, and an Officer, with ten Men to give ' us Affillance. Capt. Webb behaved like a good Officer ' and worthy Friend. We made Sail immediately after ' the Privateer, but a thick Fogg enluing, could not get ' Sight of her. Our Captain never left the Deck till we ' came into this Road, to repair our Rigging and Malls. ' Our Mnin- m. ill received two Nine pounders, our Fore- ' malt one, Main top- maft two, and Mizen- maft three. ' Our Sails and Rigging are fhatter'd to Pieces, and our ' Second Mate and Gunner both ilightly wounded with ' Splinters. I hope oar Captain will do very well. Iam, Sir, your very bumble Servant, W.
HALL, Chif- Mate. 3 O 2 o C O ExtraS of a Letter from Knotsfurd in Cbejhire, Dec. 4. ' 1 have the Plealure to inform you that our Friends in ' thefe Parts are now Hd of the Rebels. At A l ringliam ' they behaved infufferably rude, carrying away upwards • of 30 Horfes and feveral Sheep. They plundered the • Houfe of Mr. Leigh, the Attorney, and took away < what was valuable ; I faw them pafs over the Bridge at O ' Wlialey in their Way to Macclesfield, with the Cheva- ' X5 < lier on Foot at the Head of them : He was drei's'd in a li ' Green Plad of the Highland Fafliion, with a Silver- hilted " « Sword, a Black Velvet Cap and a White
Cockade. He • affefts a gteat deal of Complaifance, by bowing to the ' People, but few or r. one return i t ; and, to fpeak impai - ' tially, they cannot be above 7000, and of them a great ' Number very eld, poorly cloath'd and ill furnilh'd with ' Arms for a Battle.' Yeflerday about 12 o'Clock, three Coaches and Six with the principal Officers lately taken by the Sheern. l-, guarded by a Patty of Horfe Granadiers, « rrivcd at the Tower, where they are all lodg'd in feparate Apart ments. Charles Ratcliffe, Efq; was 3d Son of Edward Earl of Derwentwatcr, by Mrs. Mary Tudor; Natural Daughter to King Charles If. ( by Mrs 1 Mary DaVuj and
younger Brotr. er to James Earl of Derwentu ater, executed an Tower- Hill fcfr High- Treafon again 11 King George I. Feb. 24, 1715- 6. He commanded his Brother the Earl of Defwentwater's Troop at the Battle of Prefton, and was taken at that Battle, and brought to Town, and was tried . and found Guilty of High- Treafon ; and whilit he lay under Condemnation, efcap'd out, of Newgate Dec. IIJ 17 .6, and got into France, where he has liv'd ever finee. It is faid that there are not lefs than 40 Perfons, guilty of Treafonable Practices, now in Cuftody of his Majefty's Meflengers.— As their Defigns have been timely difcovti'd, it is hoped
that this Unnatural Rebellion will foon It brought to a Period ; and that all thole who have been miflead in falfe Opinion, may from Reafon be convino'd ^ of their Error ; and hereafter know, that they cannot be ^ happier than under his Majefty's Mild Adniiniftration. . We hear that their Graces the D- ike and Dutchefs of Norfolk," will this Day or To- morrow fet out for the Bath. Yefterday Lord Murray's Regiment o f Highlanders, confifting of 1000 Men came from Dartford, and were quartered in the Borough of SoutEwark - f . they are ordered la Finchly Common to encamp there. Captain Walker, of the Haflemgre; arrived from
Barb'adces, fpoke with the Duke o f Bedford Privateer, from Briltol, on the 12th ult. in Lat. A4, w; hcn all were well. liy the Ho. e, Kenner, for Amfterdam, . from the Bay of Honduras, we have an Account, that on the 27th of November he mer, about 46 Leagues off Scilly, two French Privateers, of ? 6 Guns each ; and on the 30th fell in with eight Sail of Englilh Men of War, about four Leagues diftant from Sciliy'. Yefterday Morning died of the Small Pox; the Eldelfe Son of Sir Thomas Dyke, of Kent, Bart. He was a young Gentleman of very pfomifing Parts, Aged about 1 and was juft going to the Univerflty from WeftminjJer SchcoL
Lall Week the Rev. Mr. Crowe, A. M. was prefented to jhe Living of St.- Margaret's in Peterborough, by the Lord Bilhop of that Diocefe, Void by the Deatn of the lalt Incumbent. Yeflerday Numbers 48,144 and 2^, 066 were drawn Prizes of 5001. and Numbers 22,80 •, 47,826; . j ^ a a nd 6,71; 3 were drawn Prizes of t o o l each. On Thurfday laft in the Afternoon, one Mr. Shaw was ftopt in Long- Field behind Bedford Houfe, by two Fellows, who robb'd him of his Watch; Money and his Shoe- Buckles, and ran off towards Tottenham-' Court. Yelterday the Seflions ended at the Old- Bailey, which proved a Maiden one, when 17
Prifoncrs were Tried, Ten of whom were call for Tranfportation, and fix Acquitted. Jofepli Paine was found guilty of a Mifdemeanour in curfing his- Majefty, andwas fentenced to two Months Imprifonment; and fined Five Shillings. Next enfuing Seffions will begin on Monday the 1 j th of January at Guildhall; and on Wedne! day the 17th at the Old- Bailey, York, Dec. 3. By a private Letter from Newcaftle, we are inform d that the Mlitia of Cumberland had defeated a ftrong Party of the Rebels, and re- taken the City of Carlifle. By another Letter from Newcsftle, we hear, that,- Collingwood, who efcap'd out of Morpeth Goal, is fince re taken, and it is expected he will make great Difcoveries, and charge many Papists with feveral Trea fonable Praftices. o CD t3 CU CD A D V E R T I S E M E N TS'arc taken in for this Paper, at L L O Y D ' S COFFEE- HOUSE, in Lombard- Street. No Wooden Shoes. No Arbitrary Power,
We are informed that General WWe was laft Night at Borroughbridge, and the Neighbouring Towns, . with the Grofs of the Army. Mr. John Graham, of this City, having been fummoned to take the Oaths, refus'd them. On Saturday laft Dr. Burton was committed to the Caftle, by the Recorder and Dr. Sterne, as Juftices for the Weft Riding of this Country. It appearing from his own Confeflion, that he went from Settle to Hornby, knowing the Rebels were there, and upon a Suppofition that the Duke o f Perth was there, wrote a Letter to him, which being opened by Lord Elcho he was fent for up by two Highlanders to the Caftle, and,
as he fays, carried along with them as a Prifoner to Lancafter, where he converfed with Lord George Murray, and a Perfon there called his Royal Highnefs Prince Charles.—' There was the greateft Satisfaction exprefs'd at his Commitment, from the nigheft to the loweft Perfon in the City, that has been known here upon any Occafion. About two Yefterday in the Afternoon the Duke of Montagu's and Marfhal Wade's Horle came to this City. From the London Gazette Extraordinary. Stafford, Dee. 4. His Royal Highnefs the Duke of Cumberland is returned hither with the Army under his Command, which was aftembled at Stone hy
Four in the Morning. Ytfterday upon pofitive Advices « f the Rebels • marching by Congleton towards North Wa'es, his Royal Highnefs's Van Guard was in Motion towards Newcastle, when Advice cajrie, that the Kebels were gone for Leek and Afhbourn ; and it was thereupon refolved to march he Army as foon as poflible to Northampton, in order to intercept them in their March towards the South: The Van Guard wflt$ e i t Northampton on Friday Night. We have Advice, that at Four this Morning the Pretender's Son enter'd Derby with 450 Horfe, and 21,00 - Foot: T h e reft, with the Artillery and Baggage, were then at Aihbourn,
bat fet forward this Evening tor. Dei by. Mansfield, Dec. 4, The kebels were this Morning upon their March from Afhbourn to Derby. By one that law them we hear, they appear'd to be a good deal fatigued, their Yeilerday's March having been a very great one. Whitehall, Dec. 6. This Hay their Graces the Duke and Dutchefs of Norfolk, being jult arrived in Town from their Houie in Nottinghaniiliire, waited upon his Majefty at St. James's, and were very gracioufly received. S C O T L A N D . Edinburgh, Nov. 28. By Advices from Invernefs we have the following Account, That the Earl of Loudon was at the Head of 1500 Men,
confifting of the Mac- Leods, MacKays, Monroes, Grants, Guns, and the Earl of Sutherland's People. 1 hat the Frafers were all T. jifrd, and at Urqnhart, which lies on the North- fide of Loohnefs, betwixt Invernefs and Fort Auguftus, that they were p ; orly armed and that the general Opinion was they were to march for Perth. That the Shires of Cromarty and Rofs were veiy quiet, hkewife the I lies. They had no late Accounts from Caithnefs. " I he Lord Prefident was ftill at Culloden. Two Men of- War/ one the Gkil'go'w of ; o Guns, failed from Invernefs oi> Thurfday the 21ft Inftant. At Blair 6f A thole, there- w as a ftrong Body of
Highlanders guarding the Arms which came lately from France. From Perth, that another • fconfiderable Body of them was there, and about 750 had been detach'd- to Dundee, which were expected back from that Place as laft Night. They ( were to wait the Corps arriving from France, and then direct their March Southwards. Several Citizens of Dundee are arrived, and report, that the Body which came to that Town had demanded 1500 1. Sterling above what was before laid on the Inhabitants. As , to ' the landing at Montrofe, our Accounts are hitherto imperfeft. It is faid, that great Firing was heard on Sunday ; and the
Aberdeen's Poll reported that he faw a large Veffel off Arbroath, which had landed four French Officers. The lateft Accounts of Lord Lewis Gordon are . that he is ftill in the Head of Aberdeen Shire. By the beft Advices, the Body of Highlanders at Perth, Dundee, & c. does not exceed 14 or i j o o. By the lateft Accounts from Montrofe, there is but one French Veffel appear'd off that Coaft, and but a few Men eome afhore, among whom it is faid, is Lord John Drummgnd. Parties of Highlanders have been thro' Fife, collefling the Cefs and publick Taxes. The Gloucefter, Admiral Birg, failed down the Firth Yefterday early in the Morning,
two large Ships met him, and all lfeered the fame Courfe Northwards. Yefterday all the Ships and Boats on the Fife Side, were ordered to the South Coaft, and in Conference thereof, fome arr. e over immediately, and the reft will be at LetWthis Day. High Water at London- Bridge, this Day at 24 Minutei after 9. T « the Author of the GENERAL ADVERTISER, s i x , THE malignant Spirit of Popery, arid the pernicious Defigns of the prefent Rebellion in its Favour, are fo well fet forth in the feafonable Preface to the Loid Bifhop of Worcefter's Charge to the Clergy of his Diocefe, that I hope yov will give the following Paffages oat of
the faid Preface a Place in your Paper. By this means, thofe juilt Sentiments will come into many more Hinds than his Lordfhip's larger Performance can reach, tho' in that there are likewife contain'd many other P'ofervations fuitable to the prefent unhappy Times. / am, yours, & c .• " ' Tis the Divine Mercy alone, and not Popifh Ve- " racity or Popifh Clemency, upon which our Dependance " for Safety muft be founded. God'i undeferved Good- " nefs we truft will foon deliver us from this fiery Trial : " Othcrwife, thofe cruel Mockings and Scourgings, " thofe Bonds and Imprifonments, thofe various Tor- " tures and fundry Kinds of
Death endured by our pi- " ous Predeceflbrs, the BlefTed Reformers in the ori- " ginal Eftablifhment, muft Unavoidably become our " grievous Lot in the Defence and Prefervation of this " Proteftant Church. I need not mention what to you " is fo well know n ; that by the whole Tenor of the Popifh " Doftrine and Practice, Affurar. ces in Favour of Here- " fy tho' ever fo folemnly confirmed, like Vows to commit " Murder which Popery does not efteem a more hei- " nous Crime, not only, may, but mujl be violated; " non o'jflantefide & j « amenta'' " P O P E R V is the fame artful, treacherous, cruel, unrelenting JpuperfUtionho vever
fallible in other " Points, is ltiil inf illfbly inflexible in the Maxims of Per- " fecution: And accordingly is now publickly exert'ngan " eager and malicious Zeal, even with great Hazard " to its Votaries, in order to comp'eat at once, by Vio- " lence and Bloodmed, our total Ruin; and load this Free, " Proteftant Kingdom with the Chains of double Bondage, " an accurfed Subjection to France and t o Rome."\ " In the conflant Language and Intention of a Pa- " pift, ' Heretics are never confidered as conftituting a " Chriffitin Church : This Epithet is entirely appio- " priated to their own uncharitable Communion. The " Church of England in their
Mouth indifputably means " the Popijh Church fettled in England by Papal Autho- " tity, afid never abolifhed by that Authority, which to " them is Supreme. In their Confideration, therefore, " This and this only is the Church of England by Law " eftablifhed. For the reft; what Proteftants call the " Church is iij Popifh Ellimation no other than a Com- " pany of Heretics, who like Heathens and Publicans, " not being within the Pale of the Romifh Church, are " i n a State of Damnation. This is well lcDOwn and " underftood." " But when feditious Libels, the juft Ohjefts of public " Indignation, lately publifhed under aflum'd Titles of " high
Authority, go ( till farther, make favourable De- " . darations and give Affurances for a Religi n that is to " be re nflcted, the Matter is cleared up beyond all Dif- " pute to every Papift; nor can any Proteftant doubt what " Religion ( whether a Pcpij. b or a Protefiant Church) can " now be REINSTATED ! Reinfiated by the Difturber " of our Peace, the Invader of our Country, the profeffed " Ally of France, who has never once denied or difTembled " his own bigotted Attachment to Popery ! " And to mike this Matter, if pollible, ftill more evi- " dent, the Ail of Parliament for uniting the Tivo King- " doms, however beneficial to both, is to be
abolifhed in " the molt arbitrary Manner, becaufe it contains an expli- " cit, lalfing and effectual Provifion for the Establishment " of the Proteftant Religion ; confirms and perpetuates the " Laws made for that Purpofe, regulates the Coronation " of every fucceeding Prince with this View, and ap- " points a fuitable Oath to be then taken. This folemn " and important Aft of the Legiftature of both King- " doms is already in the molt prefumptuous Manner de- " clared null and void; without the Concurrence even of " any pretended Parliament ! What an early and eneou- " raging Specimen is this to the Popifh Faction, that the " firmelt
Securities provided by Law for the Prefervation " of this Proteftant Church, arc to Be trampled upon and " deftroy'd ! And alfo that the Power not merely « f dif- " penfing with, but of abrogating at Pleafure the moft " lalutary Laws, is avowedly made the Maxims of the in- " tended'future tyranny, ' tis impoffible to call it Govern- " men/." THE Pretender's eldeft SAn " Being now in England, at the Head of a numerousArmy, and anfrivafion having aftually taken Place in Aid and Support of that Enterprize, by France and Spain, it is thought proper to recommend all ftjch Perfons as aredefirous to acquaint themfelves with the Juftice and
Expediency of the dfiof Settlement ( which pafied fome Years ago in Favour of the prefeht Royal Family, whereby the Crown of thefe Kingdoms is limited to defcend in the Proteftant Line, & c.) to the Perufal of a Pamphlet lately publifhed, Entitled the POLITICAL M A G N E T , printed for WI LHAM SANDBY, at the Ship without Tsmple- Bar, T h e Author of this Piece hath proved very clearly and fully, ( what is a Paradox to fo many People) that the Rights of the ancient Stem ( that is to fay of the Ancient Royal and Imperial Family of thefe Kingdoms) have beeii no Way violated or interrupted by the Acceffion of the prefent Royal
Family to the Throne, bat that his prefent Majefty hath ( on the contrary) not only an equal Right from Nature with the Family, whofe Claim to the Throne hath been dtvefted by Authority of Parliament, on Account of civil Impediments ; but if thefe Objeftions did hot fubfift or intervene, the prefent Royal Family have not only an equal Right from Nature, with the Family now in Exile,- as the late King JAMES the Second, and the late Princefe SOPHIA of Hanover, were refpeftivcly the Grandfon and Grand- daughter of King JAMES the Firft ; but hath likewife the accumulative and further Right, and an infinitely jufter Claim, as being
invited to accept the Imperial Croivn of thefe Realms by the joint and general Oonfent of the Nation : The delicate and important Event of the late Revolution, is here confidered in fo juft a Light, and confirmed by iueh obvious and cogent Truths, that the Perufal of this littlePamphlet Cannot be too much recommended, as it will, its liop'd, ( if duly attended to) cempleatly fettle the Minds of fome, who may ftill be bewilder'd by that Ignis fatuus, an indefeafible Of indiffoluble Hereditary* Right, which the learned Author of the Pamphlet in Queition, hath proved to be the moft deftruftive of Claims, whenever ( and as often as) it happens
to clafh with thefe wife and falutary Laws, which have been enaCted foiely with a View of promoting the Happinefs and Welfare of thefe Kingdoms, and which ought therefore to be held fundamental and facred, by all T R U E ENGLISHMEN, and by fuch as are ftnecre I. ovtrs of then- K I N G and C O U N T R Y . N B. The Second Part of this Work frill be fhortly publifh'd, and Will be Entitled, The P O L I T I C A L M A G N E T : O r , A N T I - P R E T E N D E R . Being ah MJfdy calculated to prove the flagrant Ihjuftico- of the prefent unnatural Rebellion, and the dangerous' tttii unhappy Confequences which will inievi'tably follow,
upon: the Subverfion of the Settlement of the Crown, which hath been made in Favour pf the prefent Royal Family, M E D I OCR I A F I R M A . Bank- Stock 131 5 8ths a 130 1 half. India Ditto i' 6S 3 1 6 7 . South Sea Stock 95 1 half. Ditto Old Annuities 102 3 Sthsa 1 4th. Ditto New 102 3 Sthsa 1 4th. Three per Cent. Annuities 84 a 83 3 4ths. Ditto 174}, 84 a 83 3 4ths. Ditto 1743 and 1744, 84 a 83 3 4ths. Ditto 1745,84. Million Bank 113. Equivalent 104. Royal Aflurance 79 1 half London Aflurance 10 1 4th. Englifh Copper 5 1. Seven per Cent. Emperor's Loan no Prictu Five per Cent, ditto no Price. Bank Circulation 3 1. 2- 5. 6d.
Difc. India Bonds 2 1. 8 s. a 15 s< Dife. Three and a half Salt Tallies 12 Difc. Three and a half per Cent. Exchequer Orders no Price. Three per Cent. jjDitto no Price. Lottery Tickets 10I. 6 s. a 8 s. Life Annuities 13 7 8ths a 13 Years Purchafe. H A Y - M A R K E T . < 7 - 7 / £ S U B S C R I B E R S to the O P E R A are ' defired to make the lafl Payment of their Subfcription- Money to the Treafurer, at the Opera- Office in the Hatmarket, inhere Attendance • will be given t his and every Day, from Ten ' till T- wo, to receive the fame, and deliver out ths Silver Tickets. D R U R Y - L A N E. Bf His Majefty'' 5 Company of Comedians, A
T the Theatre- Royal in Drury- Lane, / ~ \ this Day, will be prefented a Comedy, cali'd The C O N S T A N T C O U P L E j O R, A T R I P TO THE J U B I L E E. T h e Part of Sir Harry Wildair bj M . F O O T; Col. Standard, by Mr. Delane ; ' A l d e r m a n Smugler, Mr. Collins 3eau Clincher, Mr. Y a t e s ; Clincher jun. M r . Neale ; Vizard, Mr Havard; Dicky, Mr. Ray ; T o m Errand, Mr. Leigh ; Conftahfc, Mr. Turbutt. Angelina, Mr. Milla ; Lady Darling, Mrs. Bridges ; Party, Mrs. M a c k l i n; An4 the Part of Lady Lureweil by Mrs. Woffington. A f t I I I . Singing by Mr. Lowe. A « I V . A Dance by M o n f . | M E C H E L , and othejs. A i t
T . A New Song w i t h a Chorus, call'd He Subfcripthn, by Mr. Lowe, and others. T o which will be added l Farce, call'd The INTRIGUING CHAMBERMAID T h e Part of Lettice ( the Chambermaid) by Mrs. Clive ; Valentine, Mr. Lowe ; Coodall, Mr. Winftone ; Oldcaftle, Mr. B/ akes; Slap, Mr. Turbutt. Mrs. Highman, Mrs Bennet; Charlotte, Mifs Royer ; and the Drunken Colonel by Mr. Mafklin. Boxes 5 s . Pit 3s. Firft Gallery a s. Upper Gallery i s. Places for the Boxes to be taken of Mr, Hobfon, at the Stage- Door of the Thaatre. T o begin exaflly at Six o'Clock. • „ * On Monday next T h e R E C R U I T I N G O F F I C E R. T h e
whole Receipt of the Houfe to be ibbfrribed to the V E T E R AN Sckesii at G* XoibU. 1
c 0 V £ N T - G A R D E N. 4 At the Deftre offeveral Perfons of Quality. AT rhe Theatre- Royal in Covent- Garden, this Day, will be prefented a Comedy, call'd T h e L A L) Y ' S L A S T S T A K E ; O R, The W I F E ' S RE S E N T M E N T. Written by Colley Cibber, E% j Poet- Laureat. Thfr Part of Lord George Brillant to be perform'd by Mr. CIBBER; Lord Wronglove, Mr. Hale; Sir Friendly Moral, Mr. Ridout ; Lady Wronglove, by Mrs. Horton ; Lady Gentle, Mrs. Hale; Mifs Notable, Mifs Hippifley ; And the Part of Mrs. Conrjuelt to be petfb'rm'd by Mrs. Pritchard With a new OccafionSl Ballad to be fung by Mr. Beard. T o which will
be added, A Dramatic Entettainment of Mufick, call'd O R P H E U S and E U R Y 1) I C E. IntermixM with a PaHtominie in Grotefque Characters, call'd • ihe Metamorphofes of H A R L E Q U I N. The Part of Orpheus by Mr. Beard ; Rhodope, Queen of Thrace, Mrs. Lampej Eurydice, by a Y O U N G G E N T L E W O M A N , Firft Nymph, Follower of Eurydice, by Signora Campioni Harlequin, Mr. W O O D W A R D ; Colombine, Mrs. Havard; Pantaloon, Mr. Arthur; ' Squire Gaw- Jiey, Mr. Bencraft; Mrs. Mannerly, Mrs. Martin ; Goody Gurton, M r ' M a r t e n ; Drudge, Servant to Pantaloon, Mr. Hippifley; Woman Dwarf, by a
French Boy ; Country Lads by Mr. Villeneuve, Mr. Delegarde, Mr. Dupre, and Mr. Deftrade ; Country Laffes by Mrs. Vaughan, Mrs. Vi'leneuve, Mrs. Le Brun, Mrs. Gotldou ; A Rural Swain and Nyrtiph by Mr. C O O K E and Sig. C A M P I O N I . "" Boxes 5 s. Pit 3 s. Firft Gallery i s. Upper Gallery I s. To begin eXaitly at Six o'clock. . i Admiralty Office, D^ c. 4, 1745. ^ TH E Leave of Abfence given to the Petty- •* Officers and Voremafl• Men late belonging to bis Maj- fly's Ship the Neptune being expired, and the Lords Cornmifjimers of the Admiralty having ordered them to be turned oner into f/ VJDevonihirej and the Regulating
Captains to provide Tenders to carry the / aid Men down to the Devonfhire at Chatham ; their Lord/ hips do hereby dire ft the faid Petty- Officers and Foremafl- Men immediately to apply to the Regulating Captains at the Catlle in Mark- Lane, and receive their Direction to go on Board fuch Tenders as they have appointed to carry thebi, < uritb their Cbefis and Bedding, on Board the Devonffrire, where they kuill be paid the Wages due to them for the Neptune before the Devonlhire proceeds to Sea; but in Cafe they fail to repair as above dire£ ted, they will not only iofe their Wages for the Neptune, but the Marfhal of the
Admiraltywill be cirdered to apprehend them, in Order to be Tried at a CoUrt- Mart'al as Deferters. T O O . C o R B E T f . Admiralty- Office, 6 Dec. 1745. jVTOflCli is hereby given to - all Sea- Officers, ' Petty- Officers, and Sailors, who are in his Mayfly's Pay, ahd Abfent by' Leave frdm their refpeftive Ships to repair upon Si^ bt ' hereof to the Admiralty- Office; the Lords Cotnmiffioners of ( he Admiralty halting Matters to communitate to them of the utmoji Importance to his Majeflys Service, and their own Welfare ; fuch as att'ehd in Confetjuen- ce of this Advettifemen tire here'y promifed, that as foon as the immediate Necefjity for '
Which their Service is required fhall ceafe, their Leave of Abfence fhall be renewed, and - they fhadl receive what Pay is due to them : It is hereby further declared, that all Seamen and Seafaring Perfons, not already in his Majefly" s Pay, who tvill upon Sight hereof repkir to the Admiralty- Office, arid engage tbemfelves in the Service of his Majejly and their Country, at this important Conjuncture fir one Month only; they Jhall at the Expiration bf that Term receive their Difcharge, together with their Pay '" and Protections, to continue in Force for Six Weeks after their Difmijjion. T H O . C O R B E T T . ... II —, London, 28 Nov. 1745.
' YESTE IiDAT a Subfeription was begun at Guildhall by the Right Honourable the Lord- Mayor and feveral Aldermen, the Preamble of < which is as follows, We whole Names are here underwritten, in Commifexation of theparticularHardfhipsand Inconvenieiicieswhich mult be IMered by fuch Soldiers as now are, or fliall hereafter be employed in his Majelly's Service, during- the Winter Seafon, towards the'Suppreffion of the prefent Unnatural Rebellion, Do hereby voluntarily fubfcribe and pay the feveral Sums let by us againll our refpeflive Names, to be applied towards their Relief, Support, and Encouragement, in fueh Manner,
and in fuch Proportions, as ( hall be deemed to be moft neceffary and expedient by a Committee which fhall hereafter be appointed for that Purpoie by as, or the Major Part who fliall be prefent at any General Meeting, purfuant to an Advertjfement. in the London Gazette. Which Subfeription Roll is ordered to be depojited in the Chamberlain s Office, and Perfons are appointed to receive all fuch Sums cf Money as fball be contributed to the fame, from the Hour of Nine in the Forenoon ' till Three in the Afternoon. ZGXZT. S S O L D B/ L A U C T I O N, On Wednefdny the w th of December, and the following Days, at his Great
Aufiion- Room in Pall- hall-, TH F. Houfhold Furniture, & c. of a Gentleman near Golden- Square, having retired into the Country. Confiding of Silk and Worfted Daroaik, and other Furniture, in Beds, Chairs, Window Curtains, and Hangings, fine Featherbeds, Blankets, Quilts and Counterpanes, large Pier, Sconces and Chimney d a l l e s , Mahogany, Walnuttree^ Dclk and Book- Cafes, Cheftj of Drawers, Chairs and Tables, Turkey Carpets, curious ( inaoH Japan, and Italian Cabinets, a Collection of Pictures, fome fine old China, both tifeful and ornamental, and other curious EffeClt The whole to be view'd, and Catalogues to be
had this Day the 6th, to the Time of Sale. Te fo S O L D by A U C T I O N , By Order of the Executrix, on Thurfday next, and the two jfl//' swing Days, TH E genuine Hou( lv> ld Furniture, & c. late of Mr. H E N R Y W A R C O P P , deceafed, Linen- draper to his Majefty King. George the Second, at the King's Arms and White Lyon,' Cbarin - C^ s. Confifting of Genoa Damafk, Wrought, Dimity, Needlework, Dutch Caffbys, Worfted, Damask, and other Furniture, jn Beds., Window- Curtains and Chairs, made and unmade, fine Blankets, Quilts, and " Featherbeds, Mahogany and WaJnwttree Cabinet Work, a Wardrobe of Houlhold
Linn^ n and Apparel, a fmall Sideboard of fafliionable Plate, fine old China and Japan, India Cabinets, Pi61ure?, and a Collection of Books, a large Lead Ciftern and Copper, with good Kitchen Furniture, and fundry other Eft* e6Ts, likewife the Counters, Prefies, See. The Goods to be view'd on Tuefday next to the Time of Sale, which will begin each Day at Halfan Hour after Eleven precifely. Catalogues will be deliver'd Gratis tke Days of Viewing at the Place of Sale, and at Mr. Wright's, Upholder, in Buckingharaftreet, York- Buildings. J O . H IN H E A T H , Auctioneer. General Poft- Office, Lond 011, 12 Novernber 174;. JJ/-
HERE/ IS by an A£ l of Parliament paffed in the Ninth Tear of the Reion if her late Majejly Queen Anne, infilled, An Aft for ftftabiilhing n General Poll- Office for all her Majelly's Dominions, and for fettling a Weekly St » m out of thf. Revenues thereof for the Service of the War, and other her Majelly's Occafions, It is ( amongfl'other Things) - entitled to the Purport and F. ffefl following ; that thvre ffiall be one General Pojl- Office eflablifhed within the City of Londin, and one Mailer of the faid General PaflrOffce fba 11 from time to time be ap pointed by her Majejlf, her Heirs and Succeffors by Letters Patents under the Great Seal of
Great- Britain, by the Style, of her Majefifs Poftmtijier General; which Jaid Mafler and his Deputies, and their Servants and Agents, and no other, fhould have the Receiving, Carrying and Delivering of Letters, and Pdebts to and from all Vlacrs in Great Britain and Ireland, North America, the Wfl- Indies, and other her Majejly s Dottt nions [ except at in the jaid A:~ l is excepted; J and that no Perfon or Perfons wbatfaever, or Body Politick or Corporate, in any Part of the . faid Kingdoms, Plantations and Colonies in the Weft- Indies, and America, other than fuch Pofintafler General appointed as afore faid, and his Deputy - or
Deputies, or Affigns, Jhould pre fume to receive, take tip, order, difpatch, t'on& ey, carry, recarry, or deliver any Letter or Letters, Packet or Packets of Let ters' ( other than as in the faid Ail is excepted) or make any Collett'ton of Letters, or Jet up or employ any Foot Pcfl, Horfe Pojl, or other Pxcket Boat, as other f'ejfelor Boat, or other Perfon or Perfons, Conveyance, or Conveyances, whatfoever ; for the receipting, taking up, ordering, difpatching, conveying, carrying, recarrying or delivering alty Letter or Letters, Packet or Packets of Letters by iea or by Land, or on any River within her Majeflys Dominims ( ot'- er than as in the
faid AH is exceptedJ on pain of forfeiting Five Pounds of Br /- ti/ h Money for every feveral Offence, and alfo the Sum of a Hundred Pounds of like Money for every bt eek that any Ofender ~ fha! l continue to all againfl the Tenor of the Statute And whereas his Klajefiy s Poflmaflers General have fettled and ejlablifhed Packet Boats to carry, retarry, and convey, Letters and Packets to and from England, to andfrom the Iflands of Jamaica, Barbitioes, Antegoa, Martferrat, Nevis, and St. Chriflophers in America, This fubliek Notice is hereby, givep thereof, to warn all Perfons what fpever from prefuming to take upon them to a ft
contrary to the Intent and true Meaning of the faid Statute, and from pre fuming under any Colour or Pretmce whatjoever, to colleS, receive," take up, order, difpatch, convey, carry, recarry, or deliver any Letter or Letters, Packet or Packets of Letters ( except as in and hs t be. faid Aft is excepted ) that for the future may be directed to, or come from, any of the I/ lands abovemfntioned ( without a lawful Autho- • r'tty firfl had arid obtained from his Maieflfs Pojlmajler General for that pwpofe) as they would avoid fuc h Prafecutions as may aud mufl enfite for the Refovery of fitch Penajtits as are inflicted by the faid Ail for all and every
Offience or Offences altove fpecified and recited. By Command of the I'oll- Mafter General, GEOR CE SHF T v o c K E , Sec. I f f HE RE AS on Sunday the 13th cf Oaober lafl, 1 was fi imprudent as to commit a violent Affault upon the Perfon and Reputation of a Young Gentleman, vi& o c ame to fee the Children flip in the Hall belonging to the Blue • coat HoJpital, by Striking, aud cavfing him to be much Abus'dj and call'd a Pickpocket, altho he is a Perfon of undoubted CharaSier and Citxumflance. 1 therefore kereby acknowledge, that 1 am truly fenfihle of my Crime and Mifbebavi. ur, and humbly ami heartily beg the
Gentleman's Pardon, and promije faithfully to be very careful to avoid any Juch MifconduSt for the future. J . H . R i C H A R D S O t t, A Beadle of the faid Bluecoat Hofpit at. Saturday Morning. CT'H E Gentlemen Volunteers of the City of London having come to a Refolution for addreffing his Majefly to accept of their Service at this critical ' Jvvilure, for the better Defence of tke Cities cf London and Weflminfter, and Liberties thereof, under proper Officers to be anointed by his Majefly for that Purpofe, hereby invite all other Gentlemen, who have learnt Miliraty Exerc'fe, to meet them at the Swan Tavern in Exchange- A/ fey, at Five
o'Clock this Evening, in order to know what Number of fuch Gentlemen may be reported to his Majefly. • • For SALE by the CANDLE, At the MARINE C. Jee- Houfe in Birchin- Lane, In a few Days, by Order cf the Affignees, TH E Stock in Trade of Mefls. JOHN and W I L L I A M T A V I . I O R S , of DmonJbin- Jlreet, Me."- chants ; and Mr. R I C H A R D J O H N S O N of Grays, Linen- Draper, Bankrupts, Cot. siting of a large Affortment of Linen- Drapery and MaxchelW Good?. Catalogues of whRichO wBill EbeR TTim e ' Ky . d1ifpKerKfedT b, y B R O K E R , In St . Martin s le- Grand. For S A L E by the C A N D L E, At
LLOYD'S Coff e- Houfe in Lonbard- flreet, On Wednefdcty next, at F. ve o'Clock in the Afternoon, N E Hundred and Sixty Hogfheads of G U M S E N E C A. The Gum to be view'd from Monday next to the Time of Sale, at No. 10, 14, and 25, in Billiter-' Lane Warehoufes, where Catalogues will be delivered, at the Place ofS3le, and at W I L L , and B E N J . V A U G H A N , Brokers. Note, Notwithltanding the. Claim of a certain Perfon ruade at the Time intenied f r Sale, the Purchafeis will be indemnified to their Satisfaction againft the faid Claimant, or any others. For S A L E by the C A N D L E, A the KING'S- HEAD Coffee-
Houfc in Switbin's- Alley, On Tbftrfday, December 12, at Fear in the Afternoon, TH E r maining Part of the Cargoe of the St. J O S E PH N. S. de la G R A N A D A from the Harannah, taken by the Kouli Kan Privateer," Captain Jofcpb Barker, Confifting of 33* , I Tobacco. 95 Hoglheads i z o i Serons 1 j Small Car. ifters > Snuff. 1 7 Small Bags J 1 3 Boxes Segars- The Goods to be feen from Tuefday next to the Time of Sale, at Frejh Wbarf.\ where Catalogues will be deliver'd, and at the Place of Sale, and of A B R A H A M LESTOURG, EON, Broker. 1o be S O L D , AMI1. CH ASS and FOAL. Enquire at Mr. Braint'f, the
Saracem's Head within Aldeate ; of Thomas A/ hby in the B- ill and Gate Inn Yard in High Holborn, or o£ Mr. Joha Warner, at Epping in Effe*. For the Benefit of Mr. L A R K E N. A T the Swan- Tavern in Exchange- Alley, on Friday tha 20th Inftant will be p i f o r m ' d a C O N C E RT of Vocal and Inftrumental M U S I C K. T h e Vocal Part by Mr. L O W E . The Firft Violin ( with a Solo.) by Mr. C O L L E T T . And the Trumpet by Mr. V A L E N T I N E SNOW. Tickets to be had at the Ship Tavern behind the Royal- Exchange; at Mr. Simpfon's in Switiiia's Alley ; at Mr. Johnfon's, oppolite Bo#. Church, Cheapfide ; and at the Place of
Performance at 5 s. each. Tickets deliver'd for the n t h Inftant will be admitted on the Dajr abovementioned. . This Day is publifhed, Price f s, ( Engraved on a large Sheet of Paper,) THE Vi& orian or Dionyfian Period, or Great Pafchal C Y C L E of 532 Years. So difpofed in Two Tables, as to ( hew for ever the Golden Number and Epadt, the Cycle of the Sun and Dominical Letter, the Number of Direflion, moveable Feafts, and Terms. Alfo a Decimal Tabic of Intereft, for any Sum, and " at any Rate, in a new Method. Printed fer J, Milian at Charing- Crofs, and R. Dodfley in PaJJ » Wall.
Ac the Brandy, Rum and Arrack Wauhoufe? and Cellars, on Ludga; e- Hill, adjoining to, and under the London Punch- Houfr, ARE to be Sold by Meff. ASIi L E T and Comp. Brandy- Merchants, and the Importers, a very large and curious Parcel of 1. t. Cor. iac Brandy, upwards of Seven Years oid, at — 1 — to o Coniac llrandy, from Four to T w o Years old, at 8 o Jtourdeaux Brandy, from Four to T w o Years old, at 7 o Jamaica Rum, upwards of Seven Years old, at JO o Jamaica Rum, Two Years old, at — 8 o * Antig. ua or Barbadoes Rum, at f'accni. i Arrack, upwaids of Seven Years old, at — B. iruvra Arrack, from Seven to
Four Years old, at Oca Arrack, Four Years old, at 7 16 > 4 I I As alfo O R A N G E SHRUB, madeof thefame Brandy, Rum and Arrack, at the fame Prices ; which Shrub being nude into Punch, is CO'J. I to, and not difcernable from Punch made with frefh Fruit. T h e faid Mefl". A S H L E Y and Comp. import all their Brandy and Rum themfelves, and deal in none but Foreign ; fo that evety Body ruay be .-. fl'ur'd whatever they order from thefc Warehoufes will be entirely Neat and Genuine: As a Proof of which, the Buyer may have s Cntific- Ite, from the proper Officer of Excife, of their being fo; wliich few, or no other Dealers can or
will pretend to do. N. B. If anv Go- ds fent from thefe Waifhtufes do not prove to the Satisfaction of the Buyer, v. e engage not only to defray the Carriage forward and backward, but to allow Interefl ot Five per Cent, from the T i m e of their being paid for to their Return. And fur the Convenience of al! Perfons, the faid Brandy, Rum, Arrack an j Shrub may be had at the faid London Punch Houfe, in fsnall l^ iamities, at the above Prices. • This Day is publifh'd, Price 2 s. Btaut'fuly printed in a neat Pocket Volume, with a Curious Frontijpiece, Addrcfsd to C L M r, Secretary to the R 1 $ 1 - y, and the Rrjl of the Pit tuoft of the Age,
Complete and humorous Account of all the remarkable CLUBS and S O C I E T I E S in the Cities of London ai, d Weft minder, from the R 1 S — y down to the Lumber- Troop, & c. Their Oiiginal, with Characters of the mod noted Members; containing great Variety of cmertaining Diftourfes, Frolicks, and Adventures of the principal Managers arid Members ; a Woik of great Ufe and Curiofity. Compiled from the Original Pape; s of a Gentleman, who frequented thofe Places upwards of T w e n ty Years. The Second Edition. Printed for M. Cooper, at the Globe in Patcr- nofter Row. On Tuefday next wUl be pub lifted, ( Price Six pence,) AN Account of the pr fent Epidemical Diflemper amongft the Black Cattle. Together with a Method of Cure, deduced from a Knowledge of the Difeafe, and confirmed by Experience j and alfo fome Arguments to prove that it is not Contagious. iy a M E M B E R of the College of Phylicians. Quis dubitet, eos procul a treri, utilis, bontfijue pnibus digrejfuros, qui idcirco Medieorum aliquem Obfurgatione dgnum txijlimarer. t, quod mentcm, cogitationemq:.* ad graffantis modo pefliUntia ejufque PropJgatior. il caufas ev'Jvendai adjueret ? Lancifius de Bovilla Pefte. Printed for A . Millar, oppofife to Catherine- ftreet in the Strand y
and fold by M. Cooper in Pater- ncfter Row. * # * This Pamphlet being E- itred in the Stationers- Hall Book, according to ACt of Parliament, whofoever ( hall reprint or pyrale the fan--, will be p- ofccuted according to Law. This Day is publifhed, Price i s. 6 d. THE pious and humane Archbifhop Tillot Con's Sentiments of Popery, digefted into - familiar and popu' u Orations; defien'd tr> excite a juft Abhorrence of the horrid Principles and Pradtices of the Church of Rome. A: - eing dead, yet fpeaketh. Heb. xi. 5. Printed for R. Ware, A. Ward, J. and P. Knapron, T . Longman and T . Shcwell, R. H.- tt, C. Hitch, J. Hodgec, S. Auften, j .
and R. Tonfon and S. Draper, J. Rivington, and H. Pemberton ; and f Id by [. Roberts in Warwick- Lane. T This Day is publtjh'd, Price i s. H E Twentieth Eoak of the F E M A LE S P E C T A T O R . Printed for T . Gardner, at Cowley's Head in the Strand; and fold by all Book fellers. Note, As the Authors of the above Work are now upon their Fourth and lafl Volume, which will be finifhed in March next, it is deiir'd that thtfe, who have not yet completed their Sets, or who chufe to havfe it in Numbers before the Sets are m2de up, would give their Orders to their refucciive Bookfellers, or to T . G A R D N E R . This Day is pub lifted,
Price 3 d. or 20 s. a Hundred, a new Edition, C. orrefttd, of AS metre Chriftian and Convert from the Church of R O M E , exemplified in the Life of DANIEL H E R I . Y , a Poor Irifh Peafant. Jam. ii. Hearken, my beloved Brethren ; bath not God cbofm tbi- Poor of this World, rieb in Faith, and Heirs of the Kingdom, which he hath pr omifed to them that love kirn V By the moft Reverend Dr. E D W A R D S Y N G E, Late Lord Archbifop of Tuam in Ireland. PiiotcJ for T . Trye, near Grays- Inn Gate, Holbotn. This Day is publifhed, [ In which particular Regard bath been had to the Rivers, and Roads, both direct and acri fs,) ANew Set of
POCKET MAPS of all the Counties of E N G L A N D and W A L E S . Shewing the Situation of all the Cities, Boroughs, Market- Towns, and moft considerable Villages, wich'the Diitances between each. Together with a feparate Map of E N G L A N D , a Plan of the Roads, and a Chart of the Channel. Printed for R . Dodfley in P a l l - M a l l ; and M; Cooper in Pater- nofter Row. % * The Plans of the Roads, or the Chart of the Channel may be had. feparate. Price 6 d. each. This Day are publifh'd, Puce i s. T W O Sermons preach'd before the Univerfity of O X F O R D , at St. Mary', Sept. 15, and O f t . zo, ' 745- and now
publifli'd for the Ufe of the Young Students in the T wBoy L'niJvtifOitiesH. N D A L T O N, M. A. And Fellow of green's College, Oxford. Prin- cd for R Dodfley, at Tully's Plead in Pall- Mail j Mr. Rivington in St. Paul's Churchyard ; Mr. Clemens at Oxford ; Mr. '£ liutlbournc at Cambridge ; and Mr. Leake » t Bath. This Day is publifhed, POPERY inconfiftent withRe. ifon, Liberty and Cbriflianity, clearly proved from the Scriptures, and the Fathers of the Primitive Church. In a Differtation on the Fundamental Truths of the Chriftian Religion, againft Hereticks of all Denominations. Written Abroad in 1739, by a late Eminent Dignitary of the
Chnrch of Rome who was Arch- Prieft and Vicar- General to the Archbifhop of Padua, and for which he was obliged to feek Refuge in England. TranSated from the Original Latin Manufcript. T o which is prefix'd a Preface, giving fome Account of the Author, and the Reafont for publifhing this fmall TriXSt at this critical Juncture. Printed and fold by J. Mechell, at his Printing- office, the King's Arms, Fleet- ftreet j and fold alio by all the Bookfcllcrs, ire. J it ft Publifhed, ( Price One Shilling aud Six- pence bound plain) ES S A I fur l'Euchariftie : Ou Ton s'arcache a faire voir la Nature Sc le But de ce Sacrement ; la Neceffire d'y
participier frequemment; les Difuofkioas avec lefquelles il faut s'en aprocher ; & ies Avantages qui en emanent: A quoi l'on a ajsute, par voie de Suplement, des Prieres, & des Aitiens de Graces convenables au Spjet. A Londres : Chez P. Vaillant, dans le Strartd j J. Brotherton, dans Cornhill; J. Rivingtcn, vis a visl'Eglife de St. Paul; J. Hodges, presde Pont; & M. Chattel, dans Compton- flreet, Soho. " L'Auteur, qui ne fe nomme point, naais qui fe dit un Lalque, " & qui paroit avoir beaucoup lu, rcmarque dans fa Preface que la plu- " part des Traites Francois fur VEvehariflle ont cts deux defauts ; " e'eft pi'lis s'etendent trop fur les
devoirs generaux du Chriftianifme, tt qu'ih le font trop ptu fur ceux qui ont un rubor 1 plus immediat a- '' vec la faint Cene. C'efl pour fupleer aces defauts, que notre Au- " teur a compofee ce petit Ouvrage, a ia corrediion duquel les fecours " de M. M A J E N D I E , Miniftrede la Savoie & Chapelain de Mylord tf Grantham, lui ont ete d'une grand utilite. Cet Effai nous pa- " roit une excellente P. eparation a la Communion On a fu y tenir " un fage milieu entre les ecueils de la Superftition, & ceux de l'lndi- " ference, & c . " Voies Bibliothequc raiionnee des Savant de i'Europe, Tom. X X X V . p. zia. This Day is publifhed, ( Neatly
printed on a Superfine Paper,) Price bound 3 s. TH E Neweft MANUAL of Private Devotions. In T H R E E P A R T S. P A R T I . Containing Devotions fuited to moft Perfons and Cafes, particularly Morning and Evening Prayers for Private Perfons, and for a Family for every Day in the Week. To which are added, Some Seleft Prayers for the Ufe of Clergymen, taken from the Manufcript of a late Eminent and Pious Divine. P A R T II. Offices for the Sick, and Prayers in various Circumflances of A f - fliction ; with Exhortations againft the Fear of Death, and " Directions how to prepare ourfeives to Die well. P A R T III. The Neweft
Week's Preparation for the worthy Receiving the Lord's Supper; confiding of fuitable Prayers, Forms of Self- Examination and Confeflion of Sins ; with Meditations to Live well, after Receiving the Holv Sacrament, and a Companion to the Lord's Table. By LEONARD HOWARD, D. D. Vicar of Taunton, Devon-, Lecturer of St. Magnus and St. Jam's, Car lid- Hill j and Chaplain to his Royal Higbnejs the Pr ince of Wiles. Printed for the Author, and fold by James Hodges, at the Looking- Glals, ovrr- aeainft St. Magnus Church, London- Bridge. Note, The Third Part, being the Newefl Week's Preparation for the worthy receiving the
Lord's Supper, will be fold feparate, Price One Shilling. Where is hkewife to be had, jujl publifhed, by the fame Author, in One Volume, Octavo, Price 5 1. Sermons on feversl Occafions ; Preached in the Parifh- Churches of St. John, Southwark, and St. Botolph, Alderfgate. T This Day is publiflfd, Price 6 d. H E HPROES, a New Ballad. To the Tone of Sally in cur Alley. Printed for M. Mccrt- near St. Paul's. this Day is publifhtd, Price bound 2s. 6 d. The Eighth Edition ( with Jome very material Addition;, and feveral vulgar Errors concerning the Female Sex refuted) of AP r a c t i c a l D i f c o u r f e on I m p ^ t e n r v and
SeminalWeaknefTes in M E N , from whatever Caufe proceed'n?, and alfo on Barrennefs in W O M E N • Directing h< w they may be inallibly cured, and thofe Men become able to propagate the'r Sp. ci- s, who through Imbecillity, Seminal Diforder.--, See have for fi v e r . l Years thought it impoffible, and fuch Women « : nd v': l Fruitful, whfi have been deemed incurably Barren for many Years. With a clear and very particular Account of Generation and Conception j and a Digreflion concerning the Method of begetting Sons rather tharj Daughters, or of Daughters ratlier than Scr. s. Alfo of Mifcariidge in Women, and how it may be
afTuredly prevented, e » ; n in thofe who have milcarried nine or ten Times before; with Direftions to Ladies how to candaCt themfelves during their Pregnancy, and in Child- bed, and how to caufe a fafe and eafy Delivery. Lik-. wifa ample InflrvUfions to Michoives and Nurfes, how to treat their Childbed Women with Safety and Succefs, and feveral Remedies proper to be adminifter'd, communicated without Refcrve ; as alfo Directions for the better Management of new- bcrn Infants, fo as more certainly to preferve their Lives ; with a Dificrtation concerning fuckling of Children, and bringing them up by Hand. T o which is annexed,
The L A D I E S P H Y S I C A L D I R E C T O R Y : Or, A T R E A - T I S E of all the Weaknelfes, Indifpafitions, and Difeafes peculiar to the F E M A L E S E X , from Eleven Years of Age to Fifty and upwards ; by which Women and Maids of the meaneft Capacity may perfectly underftaud the Symptoms, Nature, ar d true Caufe. of their own lllnefies, and readily know how to manage themfeKes under their Infirmities. With proper Remedies, in Engiifh, prefcribed for the Green- Sickaefs, ObSsuCtioas, immoderate Fluxes, Hyfterick A f - teflions, the Piles, and every other Difordercr Diftemper the Fair Sex are peculiarly liable to,
whereby they may certainly and quickly cure themfelves without Trouble, or the Advice or Knowledge of any other Perfon. T h e Whole illuflrated with various Cafes of Perfons cured, prope? Hints, ufefui Cautions, Obfervations, and Inflruftions, the like, fas general Benefit, never before publifhed, and highly neceflary for every Family in the Nation. By a Phyfician. Printed, and fold only by the Author's Appointment, at the Gentlewoman's at the Two Blue- Pofts in Haydoa- Yard in the Minorie* Price bound 2 s. 6 d. An Infallible Cure for Barrennefs in Women, and Impotency in Men, by Superlative Enlivening Drops ; which, in a few
Days, render both Sexes p, c lifick in a moft wonderful Manner. ~ Undreds of Ladies who were deem'd incurably Barren, a- nd very many who thought themfelves too old to bear Children, have immediately conceived after taking three or four Doles of them only ; and vaff Numbers of Gentlemen, by taking them, have prcfently becound Voableof propagating their Species, who before, thro'Imbeceity or Age, imagin'd it impoflible. T h e y aim.- 11 inflantly renovate the vital Ferment of the Blood a ni Juices, rectify the lingoid State of all the Fluids, rouze, fortify, and increzfe the Spirits, invigorate the Nerves, reft. ire juvenile Warmth,
and caufe lumarkling Gladnefs and ardent Courage to How in tiir. Heart, and expand itfelf through the whole human Syftem, fo as fenfibly to enliven and invigorate all the Animal ' and corroborate or ftrengthen the whole Body, as well as the Parts appropriated to Generation, and do infallibly cure Barrennefs in one Sex, and Impotency in the other, from w h u Caufe fcever proceeding, as Thoufinds of the Firft Rank have experienced. They are al( o pleafant to take, are Cordial to the Stutoach, create an Appetite, and procure a good Pigeflion, beyond ajiy Thing known in the World, Aod are to be had only at Mr Radford's Toy- lhop,
at the Rofe and Crown againft St. Clement's Church in the Strand. Price 5 s. the Bottle, with Directions. H At the Rifing- Sun, oppofte the King's- Arms Tavern in Pall- Mali, Makes aid Sells the Six following At tides, ' and no one elfe in England. I-. A Famous and Incomparable T I N C T U RE . J j L for Curing the T Q O T H - A C H , tho' ever fa bad, in a M'nute, makes the blacked Teeth white, fweetens the Breath, and totally dedroys the Scurvy to Admiration z • A eurious Pomatum, that will infallibly make the thinncft and weakad Hair very foon to grow thkk and ftrong, provided the fame is not the EffeCl of Age, as many have
experienced. 3. The only true Royal Chemical Walh- Balls, that has met wi: h fuch univerfal Succefs almoft 40 Years laft pafl, in moft Parts of Europe from the Nobiiity and Gentry of both Sexes. 4. T h e moft excellent Beauty W a f t for foftning the Skin, and ta-- king away all difagreeable Rednefs, Sunburn, Scurf, Pimp'es, See. 5. and 6. Two of the greateft Noftrums ever yet made publick*; tbe One in a few Minutes Time will caufe the redded Face, Neck, or Hands, to become fair, foft, and white ; the other will, on the contrary, make the snoft pale and languid Complexion become ruddy and blooming as Nature more or lefs at
Pleafure, and remain fo for fome Time with as little Trouble as poffible, and warranted as innocent as Fair Water. Bills of Directions at large are given with the a bove Articles. At the fame Place Is fold all Sorts of Perfumers Goods, at. the lowed Prices, allowing great Advantages to fell again. A fine toned Harpfichord, with two Stops to be taken on and off by the Foot, or Gtherwife to be fold cheap at the abovefaid Place. LONDON. Printed for H. WOODFA L L , jun. near the Pump in Little- Britain, where ADVERTISEMENTS of a moderatejLength are taken in at Two SHILLI NGSeach. Abv - R T I S E M E N T S are alfo taken in by
Mrs. Chapman, over- againft the King's- Arms Tavern, in Pall- Mall-, George WeodfaU, at rhe A7. « gV Arms. nea: Craig's- Court, Charing- Crofs ; Mr. Shurtburpfh, at the Sun, next the fnntrTempleGate, Fleet- flrett Mr. Brackftone, at ; ht Glebe Cornhill ; and by T . ASTLEY, Removed from St. Paul's Church- yard, to the Rofi in Pater- nofler Row.