The General Advertiser
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The General Advertiser
Date of Article: 06/12/1745
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Address: near the Pump in Little Britain
Volume Number: Issue Number: 3465
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Ku MB. 3H Deal, December 4. iEMAIN* in~ the Downs his Majefty's Ships the - Norwich, Admiral Ver- nan ; the Ruby,- Saphire, ' fryton, ^ heernefs, Weafel Sloop, and the Duke of Bedford. Sailed Yeflerday after the Poll, the Earl of Sand- wich, to the Wettward. Wind , NE. byN. blows hard. qj The Hopewell, Judd, from London, is arrived at Ma- rylan. i < 3 The Neptune, Dennis 5 and James, Hoar, from London, & at Virginia- O ^ LONDON. Extra B of a Letter from Lit c'fie U, , Dec. 2. * His Royal Highnefs the Duke left us this Morning, * and all the Officers are gone for Stone; his Highnefs * Yefterday Morning went to the Cathedral,
and. in the * Afternoon to St. Mary's Church.— He has gain'd a vaft * Character here, by his great Affability, and admitting * all to his Prefence.— The third Battalion of Guards ar- * rived here on Sunday Evening, having marched that * Day from Coventry, and his Royal Highnefs went out * two Miles to meet them, and conduit them hither ; * the Soldiers fhew'd great Spirits, and were not at all < fatigu'd. Letter from Stone, Dec. 2. « We are afraid the Rebels will run off the Derbyfhire * Road, and not ftand a Battle. For one Mr. Slater from « ' Mancheft(? r, was taken near Whaley- Bridge, on' the « DerbyfhireSide, by the Duke of
Devonfhire's Men, and « a Pafs from Lord George Murray, found in his Pocket. Extrail of a Letter from Derby. ' 4 The People in this Town are in great Confufion, being « in Apprehenfion of a Vifit from the Rebels, we are re- ' moving away our bed Effefts to prevent their being taken. J- i ' Our Mayor received a Letter laft Saturday from General p t' Wade, advifmg him to provide againft the word Events, O ' in Caie they make that Way for Nottingharnfhire.' Pi Q From the London Gazette, t- r Whitehall, Dec. 4. Letters from Lancafhire, Chefhire ^ and Staffordfhire, of thi^ oth paft, bring Accounts, that about 200 of the Rebels had that
Day come to a Pafs three- Miles from Manchefter, leading to Knotsford, and had made a Sort of Bridge over the River, by filling it with Trees that they had fell'd, and had advanced to Altringham : That 55 had the fame Day croffed the Ri- \' er at Gatley Ford to Cheadle, two Miles from Stock- port, and had returned direflly after to Mancheller by Cheadle Ford: That 10 had croffed the Ford at Stock- port that Afternoon, ftaid there ahout Half an Hour, gave out that they ( hould bring a large Body of Forces to Stockport that Night, and that they had enliited great Numbers of Men at Manchefter, to which Place they returned. They had
16 Pieces of Cannon at Mancheller, great Numbers of cover'd Waggons, and near 100 Horfes laden. They talk'd differently about the Route they in- tended to take ; fome giving out they fhould march forth- with to Chefter, and others into Derbyfhire. The fame Day 200 went at Warrington ; two of whom, who had croffed the River, were leized by the Liverpool Soldiers, hand- cuffed, and fent ts Chefter. Letters of the 1 ft Inftant fay, that feveral Parties of the Rebels had croffed the Merfey at different Places' upon the 30th at Night, and early in the Morning of the 1 ft Inftant, and were marching by different Routes towards C
Macclesfield. The Horfe and Artillery palled at Cheadle Ford. The Bridges were made of Trees ( chiefly Poplars) HI fell'd for that Purpofe, and Planks laid acrofs; and all the Country People that could be found, were compelled to affift them in- it. They prefs'd or rather took away all the Horfes they could meet with about Manchefler, before A they crofted the Merfey, and oblig'd feveral Gentlemen, who had fent their Horfes out of the Way, to fend fur them back. By Break of Day - upon the ilt, a Party of Horfe came to Altringham, befpoke Quarters for a Body of Foot, which arrived there about Ten, ar. d then ftit out for Maccle'field
with a Guide. The Party which lay at Altringham were very follicitous to know what Num- ber of the King's Forces there was at Knotsford. At Eleven o'Clock, about 100 Horfe came into- Macclesfield, and ordered the Bellman to prepare Quarters for $ coo Men, who came in there about Two o'Clock, with the Artillery and the Pretender's Son, who lay there that Night. The Vanguard, which conlifted of about 200 Men, arid which had Orders to bp in Readinefs to march at Eleven at Night, was quartered at Broken Croft, on the Congleton Side of Macclesfield. Allthat Evening they were very bufy fcaling their Pieces, firing them, ar, d
putting them into Order. They had given out that they fhould call at Kriotsford, and that they did' not, feems to be owing to their having heard, that there were 2000 of the King's Troops in that Place. In the Middle of the Night 40 of them were at Buckley Hill in Purfuit of two Deferters. By Letters of the 2d there are Advices that the Party which lay at Altringham the Night Before, marched early that Morning towards Macclesfield, from which Place about 2000 Foot pafs'd by Glwfworth at Ten; that 2600 Horfe and Foot came into Congleton between three and Four in the Afternoon, who gave out that the Pretender, with the Remainder
of the " l roops, would be there that Evening. A fmall Party of about 30 were'detached to a Place called Afhbnry, two or three Miles on the Newcallle Side of Congleton. Their Horfes are very fmall, lean and of different Colours. Stafford, Monday Dec. 2, paft Eleven at Night. By the frefhed Advices from our molt advanced Poft, which is at Newcaftle, a large Party of the Rebels were at Congleton, within nine Miles of that Place; and their whole Army, with all their Artillery and Baggage, was to be there this Night. His Royal Highnefs the Duke had before ordered the Cavalry at that Pot to be alert, and the two Battalions of Infantry to
retire to Stone, which is fix Miles on this Side of it, in Cafa of the Enemy's Approach. The Duke marched himfelf from hence this Night at about Eleven, with the three Battalions of Guards, to the fame Place, where the Army, confiding of eleven old. Battalions of Foot, fix Regiments of Horfe and Dragoons, will be formed To morrow Morning. If they are difpofed to fight, there may bean Action To- morrow. Derby, Dec. 2. A Party of . the Rebels are at Afhbourn, 15 Miles from hence, and the Remainder at Leek. T he former demanded Billets for 3000 Men. An Exprefsis fent to give Notice to the Duke of Cumberland. Whitehall\ Dec. y.
Letters from Edinburgh of the 30th pad and ill Inftant mention, that the Rebels at Montrofe had got Pofleflion of his Majefty's Sloop the Hazard, and impnfoned Capt. Hill and his Crew : That with the Cannon taken out of the faid Sloop, and thofe of a French Ship, they had eredled Batteries at the Mouth of that Harbour: That there was alfo an Account of the Landing 800 Irifh and Scotch, with. Lord John Drummond, in fix Tranf- ports, from Dunkirk, at Montrofe, Stonehive and Peter- head: That the Rebels in and near Perth, by this Rein- forcement, were 3000 ftrong ; and that having Advice that they intended to force a Paflage near
Stirling, Lieu- tenant- General Handafyd had thereupon ordered a conftde- rable Force to march thither in order to oppofe them. That they had likewife an Account, thrt Admiral Byng, with fome of his Majefty's Ships, was fince arrfved, and cruizing off the faid Harbour. The Board of Ordnance has, by Special Order, got in readinefs Thirty Field Pieces, for the intended Camp oh Finchley Common, which we hear will be Commanded by his Majefty in Perfon. Laft Tuefday an Order was fent for draughting out of the Train of Artillery at Woolwich 130 Matroffes, befides Gunners and Bombardiers, to he ready at an Hoiir's No- tice.
Yefterday a Squadron of General Legonier's Horfe, lately arrived from Flanders, pafs'd thro' the City for the Nor- thern Road. The Royal Irifh Regiment of Foot are alfo on their March for the Noithern Road. We hear that the Scotch and Irifh Troops at Dunkirk, intended to be embarked for Great Britain, are all cloath'd in the Uniform of the Britilh Troop-, that they may not be diftinguifh'd; and by that means make their landing the more eafy— But we hope that Providence, which lias already delivered into his Majefty's Hands their Principal Officers and ( as is confidently afferted) their Shani Prince, will fruftrate all their Villainous
Defigns. We hear that the above- mention'd Officers will arrive in Town this Day, and be fecured in the Tower. Lieutenant- Colonil Paul Ferris, of the Blue Regiment of Train'd- Bands, has offer'd himfelf as a Candidate for the Place of Mufter- Mafter General of this City. • Yefterday Morning died, at his Houfe in Grofvenor- fquare, that eminent Patriot and real Friend to his Coun- try, the kight Hon: the Earl of Rockingham, Lord Lieu- teriant'of the County of Kent; a Nobleman wlicfe Con- duct in pubiick and private Life, renders his Death a ge- neral'- Lofs. " '• * '--'•" '•• ... Laft Night d ed, at his Houfe in'Wappihg, Mr. S'. er •' man, an
eminent Ironmonger, who acquired alarrclx - tune, with a fair CharaCler. " , ^ On Wednefday laft died/ at her Houfe in ' Great Q ;; ; ' J. ftreet, Mrs. Watkinfon, a Widow Gentlewoman, cl. g. ; , Fortune, which fhe has deft to h? f Relation?. The fame Day one Mrs. Fell of Eaft- Sn. ithfield, v.:: ' ' taken fuddenly ill in the street rear her own Houff, u.. dropt down, and died irf a few Minutes. ' - rj Yefterday came on in the Court of King's Bench, U'{ r " -- minllcr, a Trial between the Incorporated^ Company Homers, plaintiff?; a'nd an Inkhdfti- Turntr, pete;.-.: for following that Bufinefs having no legal Right tHer u ; when a Verdict was given in
Favour of the PiaintiiFs. Yelterday Numbers " 87119,492, 2,136 and 48,'. were drawnPrizcS of tool. each. Yefterday eight Piifoners were tried' at the Seflieris- hc. fj." in the Old Bai ey, five whereof Were caft for Tranfport.. - tion, and three acquitted; , Laft Week a Servant Maid to a Perfon of DiftinQtcn :: t „ Peterfham in Surry, was deliver'd. of a B^ ftani cii- n which fhe concealed ; but her Fellow- Servants fuf'- eiiii j; i , fearch'd the IToufe and found the Child on 10' me. Sta:: • leading to the Leads; on which fhe immediately away, but was catch'd at Kingflon, where the CI.. .. which had been fecretly conveyed and buried there, \ v- ...
taken up out of the Church- yatd, and a Jury fet. upon' i , who brought in their Verdict Wilful Mmder ; but, on ••• Midwife's making Oath, the Woman was not fit to be moved; fhe was fuifered to flay at an Inn there, with a Per fon to watch her; biit on Friday laft, fome People rr, aii.\ the Watchman drunk, and the Woman efcaped again, ami tho' ftrift Search was prelently made after her, ihc couh' no't be found. rr> v " " ' ' the Yefterday Two dangerous Fellowr, who go by Names of Peter Du'oin, ( but whofe real Name, is Samuel Dc Silva,) and Francis Durand; were committed to P. ifcn by Sir Thomas De Veil, for going about, from
Houfe. to Houfe, of fome of the Roman Cathoiick Nobility, Gentry, and other Perfons of Wealth, of that Perfwafior, • with a Paper in French fign'd Peter Dubin, and Franc. k Durand, which when Tranllated is a^ follows, My Lords, Ladies and Gentlemen, • We the . Underfign'd, are Two poor French Pri • foners, who were taken at Sea, and carried to Bfiitpl ; * from which Place, we found means to Eic. ipe tj this. ' Town ; ( the reft of the Ships Company being clofelf « confin'd at Briftol aforefaid; yve are very. poor m ,4ppare!, « reduced to a very'deplorable Condition, iueh n< Wnrik h 7 >'• 4 t, C> eplon ^ ,. T.,, , can hardly exprefs. •
We throw ouifelves with great ' Refpeft at your Feet to implore your Pity, and to cravs ' your Charity, that we may thereby be enabled to return « into our native Country.' ' We fhould be very rafh and imprudent in thefe ' dangerous Times, was we bold enough to apply to any ' one, but Roman Cathoiick Families ; we lhall heartily ' pray the Lord for the Prefervation of your jlluftriojj « Perfons and Families. ' . . . PETER DUBIN, FRANCIS DURAND. Upon Examination, the firft of them, a tall Fellow, fix Foot high, proves to be a Jew, . the other about five Foot eight Inches, a Roman Cathoiick; both of them . very dangerous Fellows, and
rot taken at Sea. The firft of them has been a Prifoner . at Briftol ( as he himfelf. confeffes) and both Vagabonds. P R O P O S A L S o H ' n Offerxd to the Confederation of the feveral So- G C IE TIES for CHARITY- SCHOOLS. cL J r r. GENTLEMEN, - 71 ON looking over an'Accbunt lately publifhed oftheCha- rity School-, in and about London and W/ Jlmin/ ler, & C. I was naturally led- to think, that the Boy's of, the feveral Schools might be made uftful to their Country in future Time, by being properly difciplin'd in the Art of War, while they are young,- fo far I iiiean, as may the better enable them, when- advane'd to Years of.
Maturity, to know how to attack their Enemy in a proper Manner, or at leaft to defend themfelves in Time of common Danger. It appears I think; by the Account above- mentioned, that in the feveral Parifhes wfithin the City of London, there arc twenty- two Charity- Schobls, in which 939 Boys are taught to Read, Write, - caft Accounts, is'c. Without the City there are 15 Schools, arid $ 07 Boys." Within the City and Liberties of Wrjfntinfter, there are 10 Schools, and. 438 Boys. • '' ; * In the feveral Patches in Middlefet, Surry, and Kent, all within a very few Miles of London, there are 35 Schools, in which 1242 Boys are taught, tic, fo
that the wljo & ADVERTISEMENTS are c aken in for this Paper,- at LLOYD'S COFFE'E- HOUSE, in Lombard- Street, No Wooden Shoes. No Arbitrary Power, 1 MMmt mwf*
Number " of Charity Bays in the City and Suburbs of Lon- don and Weftminfter, and the Counties adjacent, are 34* 6, and 81 Schools. Beiid « s which, there are in the feveral Schools in the Counties of England and Wales, 19,506 Boys, exclufive of thofe taught in Wales in the Britijh Language, which are faid to be in all 4,253, but h « w many of them are Boys, the above- faid Account does not mention. Now I would beg Leave to offer my Thoughts on this Subject, and at this Time more particularly, to addrefs niylelf to You GENTLEMEN, who aife the Conductors and Supporters of the feveral Charity Schools, in and about the
Cities of London and Weftminfter : In the fir ft Place then, I would propofe that every School under your feveral Directions, fhould be furnifhed at the Expence of the So- ciety, with a fufficient Number of Arms, ( sic. adequate to the Number of Boys belonging thereto, a Firelock and Bayonet only, for the Ufe of the private Boys, and both to be made of Wood, which would be light, a very kittle Expence, and moft fuitable for the Purpofe : A Spe- cimen of which, in due Time, I fhall prefent to the firft School that I find inclinable to engage in this Undertaking, which may ferve alfo as a Standard for the reft ; there fhould be alfo a Drum
and Colours to every School or Com- pany. hem. That two Boys at lealt fhould be chofe out of every School, who fhould attend twice a Week, viz. Thurjdayt and Saturdays in the Afternoon, at fome convenient Place, where proper Perfons fhould be appointed to exercife them for two or three Hours ; the one to learn the Ufe of Arms, ( jfc. and the other to learn to beat the Drum, who for their Trouble fhould receive from each Boy Three- pence, to be allow'd by theSocicty. And now, let us fuppofe thefe Boys fhould be a Year in learning their F. xercife, £ s7. the Expence for two Bens, at Six pence per Week each, will amount but to
52 s. for the whole Year ; and after that Time, thofe very Boys will be capable of inftrucling the reft of their School- F^ lows with- out any further Expence. Item. In order to excite an Emulation in the Boys, thofe of them who are moft expert at their Books, fhould be preferr'd to the hlgheft Poft of Honour in their feveral little Companies, e. g. he who is the beft Scholar, fhould he the Captain, thefecond beft the Lieutenant, third beft the En- fign, is'c. and thefe fhould be appointed by the Mafter of the School to which they belong. Item. When thefe Boys have all learn'd their Exercife, and taught how to march properly, and perform the
feveral Evolutions neceffary in Military Difcipline, I propofe that one Day in the Year be appointed for a general March, and none to be admitted on that Day to march, who in a general Way mifbehave themfelves, or are not qualify'd to perform their Exercife in a proper Manner, the Mafter of the School is always to be allowed to adjuft thofe Matters as he fhall think proper, and every Boy fhall fubmit himfelf < 0 his Sentiments. |<, Item. In order to prevent any Jealoufy or Animofities, and for the better preferving Harmony and good Order in • this little Army, I propofe, that each Company or School, ( hould march according to their
Seniority, i. e. from the Time that their School was firft inftituted. Item. That on the Day appointed for the general March, every Boy fhould appear clean, and properly accoutred, on the Parade, or Place appointed for their general Rendez vous, ( which I think fhould be on Tower- Hill as being The rnoft proper Place) from whence ( after they are drawn up in a proper Order) they fhould march up the Minories, and fo thro' the City to St. James's, and paffing by the King's Palace, fhould march up St. James" J- Strtet, and from thence to Leicefter- Fields, where they fhould finifh their March and be difcharg'd. • • Item. That each Mafler
after having mufter'd his Boys at the End of the March, and fcratch'd out thofe who do not anfwer to their Names, fhall give his Lift or Mufter- Roll to a Receiver- General, who mould be there appointed for that Putpofe, in order to his fettling the feveral Divi- dends ? and none to be entitled to a Dividend, but thofe whofe Names appear on the Mufler- Roll, except thofe hereafter excepted. Item. That on the Day appointed, every School- Mafter Ihould head his own Boys, with a Wand in his Hand to diftinguifh himfelf, and that on each Side of him fhould inarch a Boy with a Charity- Box, which fhould be lock'd, the Key of which the
Mafter fhould keep in his own Pof- feihon : Thefe Boxes are to receive the charitable Benevo- lence of Perfons as they march along. Item. When they come to the End of their March, viz fuppofe it to be LeicefterFields, the Receiver- General ihould receive of the feveral Companies or Schools, what ' Money . they have collected on their March. Item. That a Day be appointed by the Receiver- General, when he would be attended by the Mailers, to receive their feveral Dividends, in fuch Proportions as fhall firft be agreed , en by a Committee appointed for that Purpofe, who fhould • onfift of one, or more of the Truftees, out of every
School that marches, as may be thought proper. And that each Mafter of a School fhould receive for his Dividend a Captain— a Lieutenant— an Enfign— a Ser- jeant— a Drummer—- a private Boy, Item. That each School, 0• Company, fhould be diftin- guifh'd by their proper Ecfign, which I would have made of Red Buntin, on which fhould be pAited the Name of the Parifh, or Ward, to which they belong, and the Date of the Year when they were firft inftituted. Item. If any Boy, ( who agreeable to thefe Propofals) has a Right to march, but by Sicknefs, or any other reasona- ble Impediment, fhould be prevented, the fame being
pro- perly v ouch'd by the Matter to the General- Receiver, fuch Boy fhould neverthelefs be entitled to his Dividend, and re- ceive it accordingly, Item. That each Mafler when he has receiv'd the feveral Dividends, ( if they fhould amount to any Thing conftdera- b! e) fhould appoint the Parents, or Friends of the Children, to come and receive the fame, left they fhould idly fquander that away, which might be a Comfort and Help, to their poor Parents. Thus, Gentlemen, have I communicated to you, my Thoughts, fiich as occur'd to me on reading the Account above- mentioned ; and if the Hints I have offer'd, fhould excite fome abler
Hand to profecute a Scheme of this Na- ture, I believe it might in Time be of Ufe to the Pub- lick. IAM, GENTLEMEN, Your moft Humble Servant, Sec. Y. N. P. S. The fame Scheme with a little Variation, I think might be applicable to the Boys of Chrift- Ho'pital, the Workhtufe Boys, and Bridewell Boys, if the Gentlemen concern'd in thole Trulls think proper. High Water at London- Bridge, this " Day at 22 Minutes after 8, Bank- Stock 132. India Ditto no Price. South Sea Stock 97 1 half. Ditto Old Annuities 102 a t half. Ditto New 102 1 4th a 1 half. Three per Cent. Annuities 84 a i 4th. Ditto 1742, 84 1 4th. Ditto 1743 and 1744, 84 1
4th. Ditto 1745, 84 a 1 half. Million Bank 113. Equivalent 104. Royal Affurance 97 1 half, London Affurance 10 1 4th. Englifh Copper 5 1. Seven per Cent. Emperor's Loan no Price. Five per Cent, ditto no Price. Bank Circulation 3 1. c s. a 3 1. Difc. India Bonds z 1. io s Difc. Three and a half Salt Tallies 11 1 half Disc. Three and a half per Cent. Exchequer Orders no Price. Three per Cent. Ditto no Price. Lottery Tickets 101. 5 s. a 8 s. Life Annuities 13 Years Purchase. HAY- MARKET. riE SUBSCRIBERS to the OPERA are dejired to make the laji Payment cf their Stsbfcription- Money to the Ireafunr, at the Opera- Ofice in the
Hay- market, where Attendance will be given this and e very Day, from Ten ' till Iivo, to receive tbe fame, and deliver out the Silver Tickets. D R U R Y- L A N E. B)' His Majejiy's Company of Comedians, AT the Theatre- Royal in Drury- Lane, this Day, will be prefented a Comedy, call'd The MERCHANT of VENICE The Part of Shy lock by Mr. Macklin; the Merchant, Mr. De- lane j BafTanio, Mr. Havard ; Gratia no, Mr. Mills ; Lancelot, Mr. Neale; Loren* o by Mr. Lowe, with Songs proper for the Charafter • Gobbo, by Mr. Ray ; Morochiui, Mr. Woodburn ; Tubal, Mr' Vaoghan ; Salanie, Mr. Berry j SoJarino, Mr. Blake); Duke, Mr]
Winftone ; Neriffa, Mrs. Bennet; Jefiica, Mrs. Ridout; The Part of Portia by Mrs. CLIVE. With Entertainments, vie. AO III. A srand Serious [ Dance by Monf. and Madem. MECHEL, and Others. t, Aa IT. A New Song with a Chorus, eall'd He Suhfcnpikn, by Mr. Lows, and others. Te which will be added a Farce, cjll'd The ANATOMIST; Or, SHAM- DOCTOR. Monf. Le Medicine, Mr. Blakee ; Crifpin, Mr. Yates ; Old Ge- rald, Mr. Collins; Young Gerald, Mr. Ufher ; Martin Mr. Leigh. Angelica, by Mifs Bradlhiw; Beatrice, Mrs. Bennet; Wife by Mrs. Bridges ; Maid, MifsCale. Boxes 5 s. Pit 3s. Firft Gallery > 1. Upper Gallery it. Phcci for the
Boxes to be taken of Mr. Hobfon, at the Stage- Door of the Theatre. To begin exaftly at Six o'Clock. On Monday nsxt The RECRUITING OFFICER. The whole Receipt of the Houfe to be fubferibed to tke VETERAN Scheme at CuiUbuJl. For SALE by the CANDLE, At the MARINE Coffee- Houfe in Birchin- Laue, In a few Days, by Order of the Ajfgnees, THE Stock in Trade of Metis. JOHN and WILLIAM TAYLIORS, of DtvtnJtire- fireH, Mer- chants ; and Mr. RICHARD JOHNSON of Grays, Liaen- Dra- per, Bankrupts. ConSfting of a large AfTortment of Linen- Drapery and Maichefter Goods. Catalogues of which wiM be Timely
difperfed by ROBERT KIRKE, Broker, In Stflartiti's- jf- Graid, ' COVEN T- GARDEN. Not Ailed this Seafon. AT the Theatre- Royal in Covent- Garden, this Day, will be prefented a Comedy, call'd The DOUBLE DEALER. Mafkwell, by Mr, Rofco ; Carelefs, Mr. Ryan ; Msllefont, Mr. Hale ; Lady Touchwood, Mts. Pritchard j Sir Paul Plyant, by Mr, Hippifley; Lady Froth, by Mrs H or ton ; Lord Touchwood, Mr. Bridgwater; Lord Froth, Mr. Gibfon j Lady Plyant, Mrs. Jamca ; Cynthia, Mrs. Viocent ; And the Part of Brifk by Mr. Cibber. With a new Oecafional Ballad to be fung by Mr. Beard. To which will be added, A Dramatic Entertainment
of Mufick, call'd O R P H E U S and E U R Y D I C E. Intermit'd with a Pantomime in Grotefque Charafters, eall'd the Metimorphoies 0/ HARLEQUIN. The Part of Orpheus by Mr. Beard ; Rhodope, Cfceen of Thrace, Mrs. Lampe; Eurydice, by a YOUNG GENTLEWOMAN, Fisft Nysnpb, Follower of Etirydice, by Signora Campion! Harlequin, Mr. WOODWARD; Colombine, Mrs. Havajd; Pantaloon, Mr. Arthur; ' SquireGaw- key, Mr. Bencraft; Mrs. Mannerly, Mrs. Martin ; Goody Gur- ton, Mr- Marten; Drudge, Servant to Pantaloon, Mr. Hippifley ; Woman Dwarf, by a French Boy ; Country Lads by Mr. Viljeneuve, Mr. Delegarde, Mr.
Dupre, and Mr. Deftrade ; Country Laffcs by Mrs. Vaughan, Mrs. Villeneuve, Mrs. LeBrun, Mrs. Gondou ; A Rural Swain and Nymph by Mr. COOKE and Sig. CAMpIONL Boxes 5s. Pit 3 s. Firft Gallery as. Upper Gallery is. To begin exaftly at Six o'Clock. %* Tickets deliver'd out far this Day will be taken. A G O O D M A N's- F I E L D S. T theZ.^ e WELLS, the bottom of le- X mon- ftrett, Goldman't- Fieidi, this prelent Eyening, will be per- form'd a Concert of Vocal and Inftrumental MUSICK. Divided into Two Parts. Boxes 2 t. 6d. Pit or Firft Gallery i s. 6 d. Upper Gallery i s. %* Between the Two Parts of the Cencert will be given
Gratir, a Play, eall'd JANE SHORE. Richard Duke of Glofler, Mr. Pagrt, Lord Hafting « , Mr. Cufhing ; Dum- nf, Mr. Furnival ; Ratcliff, Mr. Julian ; Catcfby, Mr. Lee; Derby, Mr. Shefard; Alicia, Mrs. Bambridge ; And the Part of Jane 5hore by Mrs. Hallam. To which will be added a Farce of Two ACtt, call'd The DEBAUCHEES. Or, The JESUIT CAUGHT. The Part of Old Laroon ky Mr, Morgan ; Father Martin, Mr. Paget; Young Larocxi, Mr. Kennedy ; Old Jourdain, Mr. Cu- fhing a Beatrice, Mrs. Culhing j Ifabel, Mrs. Phillips. With Siaging between the AQs by Mr. Brett, And Dancing by the Two Matters and Mils Granier. To begin
exaaiy » t Six o'clock. Admiralty- Office, Dec, 4, 1745. ' THE Leave of Abfence given to the Petty- 1 Officers and Toremajl- Men late belonging to his Majefty's Ship the Neptune being expired, and the Lords Commiff. oners of the Admiralty having ordered them to be turned over into the Devonfhire, and the Regulating Captains to provide Ten- ders to carry the Jaid Men down to the Devonfhire at Chat- ham j their Lord/ hips do hereby direil the faid Vetty. Officers and Foremaft- Men immediately to apply to the Regulating- Captains at the Caftle in Mark- Lane, and receive their Dire it ion to go on Board fuch Tenders as they have
appoin- ted to carry tbem, with their Chefs and Bedding, on Board tbe Devonfhire, where they will be pa< d the Wages due t$ them for the Neptune before the Devonfhife proceeds ta Sea; but in Cafe they fail to repair as above direiled, they will not only iofc their Wages for the Neptune, hut the Marjhfil of tbe Admiralty will be ordered to apprehend them, in Order to be Tried at a Court- Martial at Defertirs. THO, CoRB£ TT. London, 28 Nov. x 745. yESTERDAT a Subfcription was begun at Guildhall by the Right Hon-. urabU the Lord- Mayor and feveral Alderwien, the Preamble of which is as folloius, We whofe Names are here
underwritten, in Corn mi fe- ration of the particularHardfhips and Inconveniencies which muft be fuffered by fuch Soldiers as now are, or fhall here- after be employed in his Majefty's Service, during the Winter Seafon, towards the Suppreffion of the prefent Un- natural Rebellion, Do hereby voluntarily fubferibe and pay the feveral Sums fet by us againft our refpeCtive Names, to be applied towards their Relief, Support, and Encourage- ment, in fuch Manner, and in fuch Proportions, as fhall be deemed to be moft neceflary and expedient by a Com- mittee which fhall hereafter be appointed for that Purpofe by us, or the Major Part
who fhall be prefect at any Ge- nera] Meeting, jutrfuant to an Advertifement in the London Gazette. Which Subfcription Roll is ordered to be depofsted in the Chamberlain't Office, and Perfons are appointed to receive all fuch Hums of Money at Jhall be contributed to the fame, from the U> ttr cf Nine in the Forenoon ' till ' Ihree it th* dj* ttrnym.
General Poft. 6ffice, London, 12 November 1745. TTf HEREAS a Number of Racket Boats have been, for fame Time pafl, appointed, and are no w al- moft prepared to take on Board of them his Majejly s Mails of Letters, and Packets for the If'eft- Indies.. P lib lick Notice is hereby given to all Merchants, and all Others, in general, whom it may concern, that all Letters and Packets for the IJlands of Jamaica, Barbadoes, Ante- goa, Montferrat, Nevis, and St. Chriftopher'j, will, for thefTime to come, be taken in, and received, at this Office, upon the Tuefday, Thurjday and Saturday of the Tear through- out, ' upon their being faid for
after the Rates fettled by At1 of Parliament, viz. For a Single Letter, One Shilling and Sixpence, a Double Letter, Three Shillings. a Treble Letter, Four Shillings and Sixpence. an Ounce, Six Shillings. And farther Notice is hereby given, that the Mails to contain the Bags of Letters, for the feveral IJlands above, will be cinftantly made up at this Office, upon the laji Sa- turday . of every Month in the Tear, to commence tbe I ft Sa- turday of this prefent Month, in Order to be forwprded ly the, Pofl of that Night to Falmouth, where the faid Pacquets are to be ftationed, and from whence they are, in turn, to fail] for the Weft- Indies, as
aforefaid, Wind and Weather permitting, upon the Thurfday next after the laft Saturday t) f ttyery Month of the Tear Letters or Packets for the Weft- Indies will bejtafen in at the feveral Receiving Houfts in Town, and Poft- Uoufs in the'Country I5' 6te, The full Port or Poftage of the above J. etters and Packets piuft be paid into this Office, at the Time of Deli- very, or they wilt~ not be fo) warded from hence. Thtjame is to be undeiftood cffuch of ilj£ m as are, or may be, put into Receiving Houjes in Toxvn, or Offices in the. Country. The luland- Vofttfge to London muft be alio paid for all Wefl^ lndia Letters, from the Country, or they will
nop be forwarded. By Command of the Pofl- M, afl: er General, GEORGE SHELVOCKE, See. JJ/- HEREAS on Sunday the 13th of OEiober lafl, I was ft imprudent as to commit a violent AJfault upon the Perfon and Refutation of a Toung Gentleman, who came to fee the Children fup in tbe Hall belonging to the Blue coat Hofpital, by Striking, and cauftng, him to be much Abused, and call'd a Pickpocket, althd he is a Per Jon of undoubted Character and Lircumflance. I therefore hereby acknowledge, that 1 am truly fenftble of my Crime and Mijbehaviour, and hurnbly and heartily beg the gentleman's Pardon, andpromije faithfully
to be very careful ' to avoid any Juch MifconduS for the future. J. H. RICHARDSON, A Beadle of the faid Bluecoat Hofpif al. To be SOLD, T( HE Utenfils of an Apothecary's Shop, with the - Medicines, far further Particulars enquire of Mr. Jonathan Nellil, at the Three T » m Tavern near Whitechapel- Bars. The Houfe to be Lett if required. At the Brandy, Rum and Arrack Warehoufes and Cellars, on Ludgate- Hill, adjoining to, and under the London Punch- Houfe, ARE to be Sold by Meff. ASH LET and Comp. Brandy- Merchants, and the Importers, a very large and curious Parcel of • Coniac Brandy, upwards of Seven Years old, at
— Coniac Brandy, from Four to Two Years old, at — Bourieaux Brandy, from Four to Two Years old, at Jamaica Rum, upwards of Sev<; n Years old, at — yamaka Rum, Tvffl Years old, at ———— — jimigua or Barbadoes Rum, at ——— Batauia Arraek, upwards of Seven Years old, at — Batavia Arrack, from Seven to Four Years old, at Gm Arrack, Four Years old, at 10 8 - 7 Jo S 7 16 14 11 As alfo ORANGE SHRUB, madeof thefame Brandy, Rum and Arrack, at the fame Prices ; which Shrub being made into Punch, Is equal to, and not difcernable from Punch made with frefh Fruit. The Aid Mtli. ASHLEY and Comp. import all
their Brandy and Rum themfelves, and deal in none but Foreign ; fo that every Body may be affur'd whatever they order from thefe Warehoufes will be en- tirely Neat and Genuine: As a Proof of which, the Buyer may have a Certificate, from the proper Officer of Encife, of their being fo; which few, or no other Dealers can or will pretend to do. N. B. If any Goods fent from thefe Warehoufes do not prove to the Satisfaction of the Buyer, we engage not only to defray the Carriage forward and backward, but to allow Intereft of Five per Cent, from th » Time of their being paid for to their Return. And for the Convenience of all Perfons,
the faid Brandy, Rum, Arrack and Shrub may be had at the faid London Punch- Houfe, in fmall Qgaatitles, at the above Prices. WILL BE SOLD by AUCTION, On Wednefdaj the nth of December, and the following Days, at his Great Auction- Room in Pall- Mall; TH E Hou( hold Furniture, & c. of a Gen- tleman near Golden- Square, having retired into the Coun- try. Confining of Silk and Worfted Damafk, and other Furniture, in Beds, Chair*, Window Curtains, and Hangings, fine Featherbeds, Blankets, Quilts and Counterpanes, large Pinr, Sconces and Chimney Glaffes, Mahogany, WaJouttree, Defc and Boole- Cafes, Cherts <- t
Drawers, C'h airs and Tables, Turkey Carpets, curious fine aid Japan, and Italian Cabinets, a Colle& ion of Piflures, fome fine old China, both ufeful and ornamental, and other curious Effefts. The whole - Jo be yiew^ d, and Catalogues to be had this Day the 6th, to the Time of Sale. | This and the following Days} by Order of tbe AJJignees, THE neat Houfhold Furniture, Plate, Pi& vres, Houfhold Linen, and China of Mr. WILLIAM RAVEN, Stationer, a Bankrupt, at his late Dwelling'Houfe, the Sign of the Sun, next to Barnard's- Inn, Hoilorn ; the whole conflic- ting of Fouf- poft pacialk and other Beds, fine clean Bedding, Win- dow-
Curtains and Chairs, Sconces and Chimney- GlafTes, Mahogany, and Walnut- tree Defk and Book- Cafe with Glafs Doors, a Spinnst, Carpets, a neat Collection of Books. Likewife .( by Leave of the A/ 3*; nees) will be fold fame fine Hol- lands, Cambricks, Laces, fine Cloaths, See. which were taken by Execution, The wjjole to be , vie, w'd this pay to the Time of Sale, which will begin each Day at Eleven o'Clock. Catalogues to be delive. r'd at the . Place of Sale, and at Mr. PRES- TAGp'e, t^ e End ot" Saville- Row, next Conduit- ftreet. The HOUSE to be LETT. The abojve Qoods are almoft new, being bought within thefe three
Years. To' be s o L D by A U CTIO N, By Order of the Executrix, on Thurfday next, ar. d the two f ILwing Days, HpHE genuine Houfhold Furniture, & c. JL late of Mr. HEN& Y WARCOPP, d « eafed, Lincn- dra£ er to his Ma^ efly King George the Second, at the King's Arm1 and It kite Lyon, Charm -- Crofs. Confining of Genoa DamaJJc, Wrought, Dimity, Needlework, Dutch Caffoys, Worded, Damask,' * nd other Furniture, in Red;, Window- Curtains and Chairs, mad* and unmade, fine IJ^ nfcrts, Qjjilts, and Feat. hcrbads, Mahogany and Walnuttrec Cabinet Work, a Wardrobe of Houfhold Linnen and Apparel, a fmall Sideboard of
fafhionable Plate, fine old China and Japan, India Cabinets, Pictures, and a Colleflion of Books, a large Lead Ciftern and Copper, with gcxi<! Kitcbea Fvrniture, and fuilrfry other / ftcfl;, likewise tie Counters, Prefles, Sec. The Goods to be view'd ( in fuefday next to the Time of Sale, which will begin each Day at Half an Hour afrer Eleven precifely. Catalogues will be delivered Gratis t) ie Days of Viewing at the Place of Sale, and at Mr. Wright's, Upholder, in Buckingharp- ftreet, York- Buri'dings. JOHN HEATH, Auctioneer, WHEREAS there has been for fome Time paft, a Reigning and moft Fatal Difeafe amongft the Black Cattle,
which has extended itfelf to moft of the Neighbouring Parts in and about London, to the great Loft of feveral Cewkeepers, and total Ruin of others, notwithftanding the various Applications made ufe of, in Hopes of Cure, and divert of fu » h by the Order and Appoint- ment of the moft Learned in the Clafs of Phyfick, who has freely communicated their Sentiments thereon, a Pet fun of the Faculty- hat fo happily fucceedcdm fome Experiments made ufe of from a Prefcrip- tion of his own, teat he a defirous to undertake fuch Cattle that are 111, at One Guinea per- Head, for thofe he cures, and no Satisfaition it defir'd to be made for
thofe that mifcarry. Any Perfon may be waited on immediately by fending a Line direc- ted for A. B. to be left at the Bar of the Griffin Tavern, Holborn. For SALE by the CANDLE, At LLOYD'S Coffee- HouJ'cin Lombard- llreet, On Wednejday next, at F. ve o'Clock in the Afternoon, ON E Hundred and Sixty Hogfheads of GUM SENECA. The Gum to be view'd from Monday next to the Time of Sale, at No. 10, 14, and 25, in Billiter- Lane Warehouses, where Catalogues will be delivered, at the Place of Sale, and at WILL. andBeNj. VAUGHAN, Brokers. Natl, Notwithftanding; the Claim of a certain Perfon made at the Time intended for
Sale, the Purchaferi will be indemnified to their Satiefa& ion againft . the ( aid . Claimant, or any others. For SALE by tbe CANDL E, A the KING'S- HEAD Coffee- Houfe in Swithin's- Alley, On Thurfday, December 12, at Four in the Afternoon, TH £ remaining Part of the Cargoe of the St. JOSEPH N. S. de la 8RANADA from the Havan - nah, taksn by the K-. uli Kan Privateer, Captain Jofepb Barker. ConGfling of 338 , \ Tobacco. 95 Hogfheads J » oi Seront ^ 13 Small Canifters > Sinuff. 17 Small Bags J 13 Boxes Segars. The Goods to be feen from Tuefday relt to the Time of Sale, at frefh wharf, where Catalogues will be ieliver'd,
and at the Place of Sale, and of ABRAHAM LESTOUSGEON, Broker. For SALE by the CANDL E, At L L O Y D's Cofiee- Houfe in Lombard- Street, This Day, at Twelve o'Clock at Noon, THE Ship PAR H AMI CLUB, wjith S Carriage and 4. Swi- vel Guns, Square- ftern'd, River- buHt, an4 lheathed, Burthen 180 Tons more or lefs, with proportionable Diqienfions, now lying at Sbadwitl- Dock, John Burton, Commander. Inventories to be feen on Board, and at the Place of Sale. To be Sold by SAMUEL BROOKS, BROKER. Te be haatd of Daily at his Office ( for ASbring Ships and Mer- chandizejoppofite Jonathan's CofTee- houfe
in Exchange- Alley ; or * Lloyd's Coffee- houfe in Loaibard- ftreet. For S A I. E by the CANDL E, At LLOYD'S Coffee- Houfe in Lombard- Street, This Day, at Twelve o'Clock at Noon, lHE Ship NANCY with 12 Carr'agc Guns, Square- flernM, . French built. Burthen 450 Tons more oriels with proportionable Dimanfions, now lying at Sbadivelt- Dcck, Timtthy M'Danie!, Cora- mander. Alfo at tbf fame Time and Place, The FAftfNY Pink, Round- ftern'd, Plan- tat ion- built, Burthen 200 Tons more or Jels, now lying againft the Tower, William Mallear, Commander. Inventories to be feen on Board, and at the Place of Sale. To be Sold by
SAMUEL BROOKS, BROKER. For SALE by the CANDL E, At LLOYD'S CofFee- Houfe in Lombardftreet, On Wedaefdaythe 1 I th fnftant, at Twelve o'Clock at Noon, TH E good Ship Duke of RICHMOND, with 31 Guns, Square- ftern'd, River- built, and fheathed, Burthen 275 Tons, more « r lefs, with very good Di- mensions for the Virginia or Weji- lndi* Trades, lately Docked, Graved, and Rigged for the Sea, and is fit for immediate Service, now lying at ^ ether hit b- fairs, George Joad, late - Commander. Inventories to be. fceti on Boa/ d, andattfie Place of Sale. Te be Sold by SAMUEL BROOKS, BROKER. /<> SALE by the
CANDLE, At LLOYD'S . Coffee- Houje in Lombard- Street, On Wcdnefday next, at Twelve o'C/ pck at Noon, ' HE SEA NYMPH Brigantlne, Square- ftern'd, Planta- tion- built, Burthen 100 Tons mare or left, with proportionable Dimenfions, now Ivinj at King Edivard Stairs, Alexander Jobnf. oun, Commander. Inventories to be fe? n en Eoard, and at tke Place of Sale. To be Sold by SAMUEL BROOKS, BROKER. For SALE by the CANDLE, At LLOYD'S Coffee- Houfe in Lombard- Street, On Friday next, at Twelve o'Clock at Noon. XHE WILLIAM Pink, with Four Carriage and Two Swivel liuns, Round- Stern'd, New- England biilt.
Burthen 133 Tons more or lefs, with propor- tionable Dimenfions, now iying at IVappirjr ,0/ ii- Stairi, Giles Drijkett, late Commander. Inventorize to be feen on Board, and at the Place of Sale. To be Sold by SAMUEL BROOKS, Broker. For • SALE by th( CANDL E, At LLOYD'S Coffee- Houfe in Lombard- Street, On Wednefday the 18th Infant, at Twelve '' Clock, TH E VERNON Priva- teer, with 26 laife Carriage Guns, an exceeding fine Sailor, Squaro- ftern'd, Bof- ton built, Burthen 300 Tons, more or lefs, with very good Dimenfions, and well found, now lying at Stone- flairs, John Harwoed, Commander. Inventories to be feen oa
Board, and at the Place of Sale. SAMUEL BROOKS, BROKER. This Day is publifh'd, Price 1 s. TP LHE Twentieth Eook of the FEMALE M^ s Sric- r/ vTO*. Printed for T. Gardner, at Cowley's Head in the Strand; and fold by all Bookfellers. Note, At the Authors of the above Work are now upon their Fourth and laft Volume, which will be finifhed in March next, it i » defirM that thofe, who have not yet completed their Sets, or who chafe to have it in Numbers before the Sets are mads up, would give their Or- deri to their refjeSire Bookfellers, or to T. CARDNER,
" Day if pitbt$> e&> { h * tbid- pa.; tic « L: r, Regard bath been hadi'tv the Rivers, i37: d Reads, mfh d t'iA artd . ficrcfs,) r " A the L , t> Counties of EM& LAKf& Xntf- WALKS, Shewing tl. o Situa-. ion oi. aji the Cities,- Ifocoughiyi'M » rjftt- T. own$, and moft coniitte- * able Villages, with the Difances between each, Together with a Jeparate Magjot ENGLAN^. a- Pian of.. the, Roads-, and a. Chart of the Channel* Printed Jot , R. Dadfiey. in PafiJvL),'! and M. Cpoper in Pater- nof- ter Rsnv. - •<•- ~ — A *„"* ' the Plans of the Road: , or etc.. Chart flf . the Channel may be had fep. irate, - Price 6. iL each,. ; _ — ''" This - Day is- FaM/
hed?- - - - • — TH E_ P O L IT I c A L M AG N E T : Or an Kfi'ay in Defense of- the late Revolution, and. qf tTie Settlement of the. . Oravn in the Protefant I. ine.; proving " that the ^ igl^ s. belonging to the. Royal Family were properly rejected in that Settlement y ilwiftrated with many Arguments, RefleaionV and Re- JnarJis, acfjptcrf to the'prefent- Coojttn$ nre, and tending to promote 3 National Union, by an unanimous Aequiefcence ift the faid Eftabli( K- naent to our own Happinefs, and to the Difappointment of our Ene- mies. yj .'. vai" 1':. » >- i' . -• Contnibio jungam Stabili, • Virg. Printed for W. Sandby, at the Ship without
Temple- Bar. • i ; i, , This ' Day is publiflf d, THE IRISH REBELLION; or, a Hiftory of the Attempts of- the Iriflx Papifls. t0. extirpate the Protef- tants in the Kingdom of Ireland. Tog « ther with the baibarousCru- elties ajld bloody Maffacres which enfued thereupon. By Sir jOHN TEM'PL E, Mqffrr zf tbe Rolls, and one of bis Majefty's, Privy Council in that Kingdom. Printed for M. Cooper, at the Globe in Pater- nofier Row. This Day is publifhed, ' II E N A M E S of the ROMAN CATHOLICKS, NONJURORS and others, who'refilled t* tab ? the- OATHS to his'Iate Majefty King GEORGE. Together ' A- i'th their Titles, Additions, and Places
of Abode ; the Parities and T6*' nih' here their Lands lay ; the Names of- the then Tenants, eriOcuYpirrs'thereof; and the Annual Valuation of them, as efti- rnaWd by • Jiemfelt'r?. Tranfmitted to the. late Commifiioncrs for the Forfeited Kftates of England and Wales, after the Unnatural Rebel- lion in the North, in. the Year 1715. Asappears by the Returns of the < Jlerfc § i> f the Peace for the feveral Counties, purfuant to an A£ t of . Parliament made for Regiftering their Eftates, in rhe Firft Year of the Reign of his faid late Majefty. Taken from an Original Ma- nufcript of a Gentleman, who was the Principal Cleik to the Ac- comptant
General's Office, belonging to the faid Coirunifiioner'si And no'. v I'tiblilhed with a generous View to promote and fcrve the true Proteftant Iritereft of thefe Kingdoms. By JAMES COSINS, Of the Middte- Temile, Gent, . Sold by 7. Rohinfon, Publifher, at the Goldeh Lion in Ludgate- ftrect; R, Dodffey in Pall- Mall ; Mrs. Nutt under the Royal- Ex- change j and T. Lifier, at the Bible without Temple- Bar. This Day is puhtijhed, In a neat Pocket Volume, on 55 Copper- Plates, Price bound 6 3. coloured 1 2 s. ( Qor'tairiitg a more ttti-. prebenfive Idea tf South Britain than any Thing yet publifh'd, drawn by Order and for tbe Ufe of bit late
Majejiy King George, in bis intended Tour through England, by Thomas Bjdellade, Surveyor.) GHOROGRAPHIA BRITANNIA : or, A new Set of Maps of all the Counties in England and Wales. To wji'ch are prefix'd, The following general . Maps, I. An accurate Chart of the Sea Coaft. a. A Map of England and Wales, as divided into Counties. 3 A Map of all the g, eat Roads from London to all Parti of South Britain. 4. A Map of all: the Crofs Roads from one great Road to another, with their Diftances. Printed for J. Clark, at the Golden Ball in St. Paul's Church- yard ; C. Hitch, at the Red- Lion in Pater- nofter Row ; and W. H.. Toms,
irt Union Court, Holborn. This Day is pub lifted, Price i s. BISHOP RIDLEY'S Ghoft. A POEM. Occafioned by the Prefent Unnatural Rebellion, in Favour of a Popifli Pfetehder. Nov), i" the Name of Heaven, tuba t Faith is- this That Jialki gigantick ftrtb thus ar- m'd with Tenor\ t At iff. meant to ruin, not to fanet Hughes's Siege of Damafcus. Printed for M. Cooper, at the Glebe in Patcr- nofter Row."- , ... . This Day is publijhed. Price A' S £ R M 6 N preach * d at the Cathedral " Church of YORK, Nov. e, 1745, being the Annivcrfary Tliankfgiving from our happy De! i\ crance from t'he moft treacherous and" bloody intended MaUacre by
Gunpowder. By S A. M. U EL BAKER, D. D. Chancellor and Refdentiary of the. Church of York. Publifh'd at the Requeft of the'LorJ- Mayor and Aldermen., Printed for SfStab! er . and Barflow, Bookfeliers, in Oufcgate ; and fold by J. and P. Knap'ton in Ladgate- ftrept; C. Hitch, and M. Ceo- per in- pjtcrrnoftcr RiiW/.... , , , ... . ThsyDi! j j/ publiJh, d, Price i si ' A. t?: lixamiii;> uori of the feVcral Schem. es. Jx. for fupprelli f the Rebellion, and fecuring the Nation again ft- lnfurrfftuips and Inyafiony, with an Account of the preferit State of the Militia of the Kingdom, and ( Jarticiilarly' lhat of London. ) r. l'i- inted lot M. Cftofer, at the Globe in
P^ ter- nofter Row. This Day is publifhed, ' Trice ot\£ g'f a HfftiM- eda new Edition, Ctfretfed, of y\ Smcrre Clirittiafi a- nd.- Convert: from the f\ Church of ROME, ejfemplified in tie Life of DANIEL HERLY, a - Poor Ir'rih P& fan^ Jam. ii.- 5. Hearken, my belvved Brethren; bath nst- God ebofen the Poor of t£ i$ Iftoiid, rich in Faitb, and Heirs of tbe Kingdom, which be barb fumifei to tbem that lovt- iim f By the rooft Reverend Dr. E D W- A R t> s Y N G E, ^ JLfitt Lor. d. Ar. chhif. op, of Tuam in Ireland. Pri? it. d for T. Trye, ne. r G rays- Inn Gate, Holborn. This Day is publifhed, If Neatly tinted on. a Supetfne Paper,) Price bound 3 fp4; i E
Neweft MANUAL of Private De- X « "' » « • In THREE PARTS. PA R T h 1 ^ Containing Devotions fufted to moft Perfons and Cafes, particularly Morning and Evening Prayers for Private Perfons, and for a FSmily for every Day in the Week. To which are added, Some Scleft Pray- ers for the Ufe of Clergymen, taken from the Manufcript of a Jate Eminent ar. d Pious Divine. V A R T II. . Offices for. the Sick* and Prayers in various Circumftances of Af- fteion; with Exhortations' againft the Fear of Death, and Direc- tions how to prepare ourlelv'es to Die well. PART III. The Neweft Week's Preparation for the worthy Receiving the
Lord's Supper; confifting of fuitable Prayers, Forms ofSelf- Exami- nation and Confcflion of Sins ; with Meditations to Live well, after Receiving the Holy Sacrament, and a Companion to the Lord's Table. By LEONARD HOWARD, D. D. Vicar of Taunton, Devon-, Leflwer of Sr. Magnus and St. ! James, Gar lick'HiU; - and Chaplain to his Royal High- nefs the PriUce c/" Wales. Pfinted for the Author, and fold by James Hodges, at the Look- ing- Glafs, over- againft St. Magnus Church, London- Bridge. Note, The Third Part, being the Neweft Week's Preparation for the worthy receiving the Lord's Supper, will be fold feparate, Price
One Shilling. ' Wbert iflihwife to be had, iufi publijhed., by tbe fame Author, in One Volume, OBatio, • Price 5 s. Sermons on feveral Occafions 5 Preached in the Parilh- Churches of St. John, Southwark, and St. Bo'tolph, Alderfgate. E Lately publijb'd, Price 4 s. llhtflrated with Copper- Plates, SSAYS and Obfervations on the follow- ing & ubj « £ ls, via, Inflruftions for making Syder, Obfervations on the Linnen Ma- nufafiory, On Drefling Flax, On Brcwieg. On Trade, On Hulbandry and Flax, On Raifing Banks igainft Tides and Floods, On Hops, Direflions for making Roads, Pub'. ijbed by a Society ef Gentlemen in Dublin. Dublin
printed, London re- printed for C. Hitch, at the Red Lyon in Pater- nofter Row. JVhere my be bad, ( Price 1 s. 6 d. in Sheep, ts, in Calf,) the Third Edition, with large Additions, of The Gentleman ANGLER; containing Ihort, plain, and eafy In- ftruftions, whereby the maft ignorant Beginner may; in a fliort Time, become a perfefl Artift in Angling for Salmon, Salmon Peal, Trout, Pike, Carp, Perch, Barbel, Tench, Bream, Chub, Greyling, Mul- lets, Flounders, Roch, Dace, . Gudgeons, & c. with feverai Obfervations on Angling, Angle- Rods, and Artificial Flies ; how to chufc the beft Hair, and Indian Grafs; of the proper Times and Seafons
for River and Pond- Fifhing ; when Fiih fpawn ; and what Baits are chiefly to beusM.& c. My a Gentleman who bat male ANGLING his Diverfton, fir up- wards of Twenty- eight Tears. Ihis Day is publijhed, Neatly printed, the Ninth Edition, with very large Addi ditions, embellijhed with Cuts, being defgned as a ftrjl. Book for teachi'g l'oung Children the Art of Reading, atid more comphcrtly calculated for that Putpofe than any Thing -' Ifttherto cxtitnf. E A DING made Eafy, a large Colle& ion of Verfei rut of the Pfalmi, and N « w Tcftament, In Two Parts. 1. Being a Collection of' Varfes that cofitairi Words of one Syllable only. II. Verfes
having no Words above two Syllables, and printed with a Mark of Divifion between the Syllables. Wherein they are progYeffively led from eafy to hard Words, which is the beft Marhod of Teaching. Alfo Scripture Stories adapted to every Num- ber of Syllables, in Order to prepare Youth for the Knowledge of the Old and New Teftament. By W. WEALD, Maflcr of a free- School at - Billericay in Efiv. • Printed for J. Hidgesi, at the Looking- Glafs, over- againft St, Mag- nus Church, London- Bridge. %• The Sale of this Book is ji fuflficient Inftance of its Merit, a- bove 60,000 having been iold ifithirt a few Years; Great Allowance is given
to Schoalmaftcrs, and all Teachers of Children. , -...-, ^ j This Djy" is- ApbUjheiy 1 P OPERXiQconG^ tvyithReafon. Liberty - Jf ind- Chriftiffnity, cle;' rly proved from- the Script utct, and the Fathers1 of- the Primitive C: hmch. !/ i a piffertati* ,. V the Funda- mentai . Troths of the Chriltian Religion, ' againft Htreticki of all De- nominations. iWritten Abroad in 17.39, by a late. Euiineot P- gnitafy of the Church of Roine wh. o was Arch- Prieft and Vicar- G'sneral to tHt v Archbiftop of Padua, and for whibh he was obliged to feek Refugc ia' tgland. Tranlhtcd . from the Original '^ atin- Manuscript. • To which if prefix'd. a Preface, giving. fifrie
A ccbuht of the All-" . tBor, and the Reafonr for publilhing this fmall Tract at this critical , Jpnilure. Printed and fold by J. Mechill; at his Printing- Office/ the King's < Arms, Fleet- ftreet; and fold alio by ail the Bookffllers, Sec. 1 he only . true Speci. fick Tincltire fpr the Tootr,- Ach, and all Dijbrdcrs and DefeSls of the t Teeth ar. d Gums whatever-, which has given fuch tntire ; Satisfaction to the Nobility and Gentry for above thefe 20 Years paft, by its vjily excelling all other Things, either ' formerly invented or lately contrived Jor thefe Furpofes, SINCE one Drop of it gives infallible and" . Infant Eafe in the moft tormenting Pain, when
nothing ejfe will, and nrt only takes it away in a Moment, but a'b'folutcly cures'' the TOOTH- ACH, fo as certainly to prevent its Return. At only oneeiufing,'. it makes the foiiIeftTeeth moft beautifully white afluredly fattens thofe that areloofe, and infallibly prefer. ves the Teeth fiom growing rotten, and thofe a little decay'd from becoming worfe. It perfe& ly cures the Scurvy in the Guir. s, caufing them to prow up tb the Teeth again to Admiration and alfo occafions a J'wcetBreath. It is neither d& greeoble to the Smell or Tafte, but effeftually pre- fprves the Teeth and Gums from all Manner of Foulncfs, Corrupt tion, and- Putrefaftion,
keeps them found, good^ and in moft. beauti* ful Order, and may be depended- upon to anfwer the' Charafter here given of it, literally, and in every refpedt, as Pcrfcris innumerable have experienced. But thefe its inimitable Qualities, and folely inherent Virtues, bjr y.' hich it has juftly gai. i'd fuch an univerfal and unparaljell'd great Character, have occafion'd, as ufual in fuch" Cafe?, various and fre- fluent Endeavours to mimick it, fome under the fame Karnes and even fn the very Words of this Advertifement, and others, ' under other Names; be carefujj therefore, • to have- the Right, . which may f', in- fallibly rely'd upon, and which
is to be had . only by the Author's Appointment, at the Gentlewoman's, at the Two Blue Po'ftsinHay- don- Yard in the Minorics, London, at 3 s. 6 d. a Bottle, with Di- rection?. . . Good Allowance to tbofe who take any Quantity, , • .. ... » — The uncommon Sw. cefs, above Forty Years lajt paft, cf tht fo much Jamd and only 1 rue Original Royal Chymical WASH B ALL, FOR beautifying the'Face, Neck and''' Hands, hath induced many envioui Perform, not only jn every"' Part of London, bat in rrfiny*' Places in the Country, to fell a twin-, terfeit white Ball, ( which may ptov- 6 prejudicial as well as inef » fe& ual) in imitation ot the true.-
ones. To prevent as mach. as poffible any Miftakes inPrejujlirie - to our . Cuftomers, we give- this . fpecial Notice, That the'true Sort areno'tt fold only at Mrs. Whartun'sToyfhop, the Bluecoat Bey, near'thcRoy- al- Exchange in Cornhill, anil bv Mrs. Stephens fwas Diirtn} a Milli- ner, now remov'd to the Blue. Ba'. l near the Middle Temple- Gate in. Fleetftreet. Frice 1 s, each li. ill, or 13 to the Dozen; but no Allowance for lefs than r » Bills at a Time, nor Will they ever be fold - any where elfe, cxcept Notice be fit ft given in chefe Advertifc- merits of it. Their true and real Virtues have been fufficiently attefied in all the Years that they
have been fold by Publication, and the, more fo; as they are ftill more than ever ufed and admir'd by both S; Xes of t he beft Quality, and mat y Thoufands of Gentry and others, for making'the Skin fo delicately ( oft and fmooth, as ncrt ro be par- rallel'd by any Walh or Wafhballs, of any Kind or Form; for thefiT Balls are indeed real Beatirifiers of the Skin, by taking off all De- formities, as Tetters, Ringr worms,. Mort- hew, - Sua burn, Scurf,. Pimples, Fits, or Rednefs of the Small- Pox, and keeping it of a laftinp and extreme Whiter, efs; they foon alrerred or rough Hands,, are'admirable in ( having the Head, not only, giving a moft
exquifi, te Sharpnefs to the Razor, but fo comfort the Brain and Neives, and prevent catching Cold. They are of a grateful and pleafant Smell without the leaft Grain of Mercury, and may be eaten for their Safety. ANODYNE NECKLACE, inLONG- ACRE, BY His Mnjefly's Roval Patent, and Special- Approbation, PA- TIENCE, and FLANNEL, Cp'nfidered,; in the'jGOUT, and Rbeumatifm,— with f'LAIN TRUTH, in Venereal, GLtETS, and Un- natural, Uncltpn, Cafes, taid Extremely O- PEN, to Shew Every. ONE, their Ovtr. Pri- • valt Ca/ e, and SHORT Cure, Withsut Til- ing their. Cafe, to Any One. Being, the moft tntellable Book on
thefe Subjeftj, r And, is GIVEN GRATIS, At Mr. Xwcbcli'i, Cutler, and Toyfhop, The'Sir'n of the Famous ANODYNE NECK- LACE,- ' for Chirdren's TEETH, Fits, Fevers, & c. and. Cafe * f knirts, Next'to Drury- Lane, in LON< 3rA'CRE,— 1-^ Lir. efon. Where Arfo Are ClVEN GRA « S, . The -^ f.- a SHILLING.— The In- tMpfeeiROB of WOMEN'S DREAMS. — Of WOMEN, that Bricg a Man to a Morfel of Bread. Pre v. 26.-—- Arid,. The HOOP- PETTlvCOAT Vindiiated,- and the. ObjeSSfins.. Invalidated, that 111- Naturt, and Peevtjbr. efi, having Raifed, againft it. Ever publifhed.- a moderate Length LONDON; Printed for H. WOOD
FALL, jun. near the Pump in Little- Britain, where ADVEFTTLSE& EKTS of are taken in at | Two SHILLINGS each. - fT RX . AD VKR TIRE ME NTS are alfo taken in by Mrs. Ch- apman, . ov. eragaiijft the King's- Arms Tavern, in PaJl- MallGeorge UroodfaU% at the King's~ Arms, nea.' Craig's- Court, Cbaring- Crofs •, Mr. Sbuckbmjh, at th z Sun, next the Inner- Temple Gate, Fleet- ftreet Mr. Brack. fi one, at the GM e ComhiU \ and by T. ASTLF. Y, Rempved from St. Paul's Church- yard^ to the Rofe in Pater- nofter Row,