The General Advertiser
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The General Advertiser
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The General Advertiser
Date of Article: 05/12/1745
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Address: near the Pump in Little Britain
Volume Number: Issue Number: 3463
No Pages: 4
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The General Adveitiier. NUMB. 346^ THURSDAY, December 5, 1745- December 3. eC^ a^^ JIQ^ SAIL'D his Majefty's Ship the Suc- cefs for the River. Came down this Forenoon a Twenty Gun Ship with fevera! fmall Ships, and faiPd to the Welt Ward: The Men of War and Outward- bound ftill remain. Wind E. N. E, Gravefer: d, Dec. 3. Pars'd by the Bamff, Hill, from Virginia; the Old George, Peterfon, from Norway ; Old Noll's Prize, Johnfon, from Leghorn; and Finder, Palliller, from Ja- maica. Falmouth, Nov. 30. Arrrivcd the Biddy, Brown, of and from London, for the Weft- indies, who was taken by the French, but re- taken by
the Faulkland Man of War- Arrived the St. Fernando, Noortmsn, from Surinam, for Amllerdam ; and the Rotterdam Gaily, Pilfers, for the Straits. Wind S. W. Plymouth, Dec. 1. Came in Elizabeth, Cooiage, from Maryland, for London ; who was chas'd into , ^ ciliy on Wednefday laft by a large French Privateer, with two Tier of Guns. ( owes, Dec. 2. On the 30th came in the Elizabeth, MelTeray, from Jerzey, for Southampton. Sailed the Af- rica, Ball, from South Carolina, for Amlterdain ; alfo the Elizabeth, Mcfferay ; and the Philadelphia Gaily, Smyter ; Elliot, Lyddell ; and Molly and Peggy, Houfton, all from London, for Carolina. Wind
N. N. E. t O ' o ' fc: a C < u 4-> < u 5- t CM O z LONDON. Ext rail of a Letter from Appleby, Nov. 30. ' The Highlanders proceeded from Penrith to Kendal, thro' Shapp, which was a happy Deliverance to this Town, not one of the Rebels calling here. The young Chevalier walk'd at their Head, from Penrith to Ken- dal. ' We are juft now entering into an Affociation for the Defence of this Town, Pemith; fiavi » \ g ihew n us an Ex- ample Yeftafday, - and not without very great Reafon : For laft Thurfday about 22 of the Rebel Party, amongtt whom was Lord Kilmarnock's Son, and two Douglaffes educated at Lowther School, rid thro'
Penrith, well armed to Lowther- hall, behaved in the rudeft Manner, and broke open all the Locks but one. While they were in the Midft of their. Jollitry the Fire- bell was rung at Penrith, which alarming the neighbouring Villages, in a little Time upwards of 150 Men were raifed ; 25 of whom well armed went and furrounded the Hall. The Defperados came out in order to fight the Penrith People, who gave them fo warm a Reception, that they wounded three of them. The hardned Villains Hood above an Hour, and kept a conftant Fire. Only one of the Pen- rith People was wounded, it being dark, or feveral of both Parfies mull have
been killed. Ten of the Rebels were taken Prifoners, the other flipt out at the Back- Door. The Penrith People got all their Arms, and 16 or 17 Horfes. Yefterday the Rebels were carried thro' this Town to General Wade. One of them was a Northumberland Gentleman, who only joined them three 1 Days before. In fhort, we fti. dl never be fafe from their 1 Inroads this Winter, or at Ieaft, whi'e Carlifle is in their 1 Hands. ' All the young Gentlemen Rebels that were in the Ac- 1 tion at Lowther, we fuppofe, made their Efcape to Car- ' lifle.' Exttal of a Letter from Liverpool, dated, Nov. 30. ' In the Midft of a Diliraftion not to be defcribsd I 1
have ftolen a few Minutes to write to you. You need 1 not be inform'd that our Apprehenfions arife from the * Rebels being fo near us. Our Affairs are come to a Crifis, ' for this Place is too rich to expett efcaping a Pa ty for ' Contribution or Plunder, or perhaps both. There is ' fcarce a Woman flays in tiie Town, all fly to the other ' Side of the River in Chelhire, where great Numbers ' have been this Fortnight; and their mott valuable I'. f- ' fedts are on Board Ships, which lie under the Cannon of ' two Men of War lately built here, which ate now in ' the Channel. On this Occafion Lodgings are rais'd fo ' prodigioufly in all this Village, on
the other Side of the * Water, that a fingle Room will fetch Ten Shillings a ' VVtek. Nothing can eqi^ al the Horror and Fright of ' the People; all lalt Night Carts were carrying Goods ' away, Carpenter.; are alfo at Work in making of Boxes ' for Packing, and all Furniture is pulling down. There « is hardly any Shop Goods, Plate, Linnen or Cloaths * left in the Town: In a Word Liverpool is flrip'd almolt ' entirely. The Progref the Rebels make mult give - the « moft dreadful Apprehenfions of what they may do to all « who are Friends to our happy Eflablifhment.' Ex trail of a Letter from Leeds, Dcc. 2. ' On Saturday Morning we were
alarm'd with an Ac- count of the Rebel Army's coming into Rochdale on Friday Evening, and by that Time this Article arrived at Halifax, it was improved into a Certainty that they were actually there, and bending their March to\ yards Leeds. This Account put the Town into great Confefion how to fecure themfelves and their moll valuable l. Hvdts. Yet I was confident they would not cofne, becaufe' by that Means they would fly into the Mouth of a ftronger Army, and go a great deal out of their Way, if they intended to flip between both. A Party came fioni Miln- cheller to Rochdale, to demand the Publick Money, and beat up for
Recruits. It is thought fome of the meaner Sort may" join them, moft of the Men of Confequer. ee having deferted the Town, and great Numbers of Irifli Papills being employed in the Manchester Manufacture. Mr. Oatesof this Town, fince his Return from Kendal, is gone to General Legonier's Army, where he has of- fered himfelf as a Cadet, has fentforfcis Accoutrements, and as many of the Leeds Company of Blues ( a volun- tary Independant Company raifed there) as a e willing to engage to go and join the faid General. Oar Blues have met to confider of Mr. Oates's Propofal, but their Refolution I have not yet heard. We have
had nine : Companies cf the Weft Riding AiTociated Blues, of 50 in a Company, now above a Week in Leeds, llout brave Fellows, and if well Officer'd, 1 doubt not would do : Execution. They are to march out of Town To- Day, to make Room for the Horfe and D: agoons of General Wade's Army, who, if they do not receive Counter Or - ; ders, will be here To- night from Ripley and Knarelbo- rough, where they were certainly Yelterday, and the ; Main Body of the Army is expefled hereon Wcdnefday, : their Route being, as we are told, from Bedal toBurrow- ; bridge To- Day, fiom Burrowbridge to Weatherby To- ' morrow, and on
Wednefday to Leeds. But their coming • here will depend on the Motions of the Rebels from ' Manchefter: If the Rebels advance towards General ' Legonier, General Wade's Forces wil! come hither; but ' if they fhould give Sir John Legonier the Slip, and take ' towards Rotheram or Doncalter, General Wade will ' march direftly upon the London Road. An Exprefs ar- • . ived laft Night from Manchefler, with an Account that ' the Rebels left that Place Yefterday ( Sunday Mornng) at • three o'Clock, and marched for Stockport, defigning, I ' fuppofe, to pafs from thence to Buxton, and fo to Derby, ' and avoid the Duke's Army, but I hope
they'll be difap- ' pointed. God grant they may ! Extract of a Letter from Chefer, Dec. 2. ' The Gentry and all the Heads of this City are gone ' away, and all manner of Trade ftop'd, the Shops in • general having been fhut up for this Fornight paft. We ' are in Expectation of the Rebels giving us a Viftt every ' Day, for they have been at Mancheflcr ever fince Friday « laft ; where they were received with Ringing of Bells, < Illuminations, & c. they alfo teat up for Volunteers, ' and proclaim'd the Pretender. If they come to Cnefler ' the Accommodation they will meet with, will be Fire ' and Sword ; for the Caltlc and City are determin'd to '
fight it out to the laft Extremity. Ligonier is very near ' them, fo that we expett every hour to hear of an ' Engagement. Their coming here will occafion their ' being fo hemm'd in, that it will be impoffible for them ' to get out without being deftroy'd ; for the Duke of ' Cumberland lias lent us Word, that he will be with us ' in a Day or tvro, if the City can hold out fo long.' Extra SI of a Letter from a Mafer of a Ship at Scarborough, to u Gentleman at Nivicajlle. ' Wednefday Morning. Nov. 20. at Three o'Clock, ' we had a violent N. E. Wind, whereby .. ere put afhore • the following Ships near Scarborough, viz. Two ' belonging to Whitby, three
at Sunderland, and two at ' Filo.— Four thoufand Men work Night and Day at the ' Caille and Town- Fortifications, and we fhall mount, ' beixdes thofe belonging to the Caftle, 400 Ships Guns ; ' and if the Rebels do us the Favour of a Viftt, we fhall lpeak Broad- Yorkjhire to them ; and as our Ships are ' laid up, our Sailors, to the Number of 5 or 6000, are ' fo complaifant as to flay to give them welcome.' Ncuxajlle, Nov. 30. On Saturday laft was brought hither Thomas Collinghood, who was taken the 22d Inlt. by one of the Cumberland Light Horfe, at the Swan in ThirKvell- gate, about 12 Miles off Carlifle. He had about him 1141.
and a Letter to one of the Rebels from A n IT- n, Efq; of Tone near Hexham, in which was a Lift of thofe who fubferibed towards the above Sum. The fame Evening the Freewill of Yarmouth. Cap Samuel Wade, was loft on the Black Middins asfhe- uas coming into this Harbour, but the Crew were f- v'd- She was laden with Hops, Sugars, & c. for the Merchant-, Sec. cf this Place, to a confideiable Value, moft of which are loll. O law 1011. Yelterday a Report was Current in this Town, that eight 7; ench Tranfports, with forces for the Pretender, wcrc- j^ landed at Moritrofe in Scotland ; which Report was laid £ 9 to be fupporteJ by
News brought ir. to Shields by the "-< 5 eaj- Uin of the Sa'tath Sloop of War: But- the Truth of the Cafe is, that the Captain having decoyed four Men aboa d his Ship, by putting out French Colours, off Peterhead, near Burchannefs, in Scotland, ( who were out at Sea in a Boat, to va. t . the Arrival of, and Pilot in, the faid Tranfports) he brought them to this Town with him ; where they were laft Night under Examination upoii- Oath before the Right Worfhipfui the Mayor; but that continuing very late, we can only at " prefent infer: the following Particulars, viz. That they were waiting the Arrival of ten or twelve French Tranfports,
containing 16 or 1800 Men, under Convoy of a 40 Gun Ship ; which Ships they fuppofed had been feparated by the late llormy Weather: arid that one of the Men had in his Pocket the Route of the Rebels from Carlifle to London, which he was to prefent to the French Commandant on his Arrival. Lately died Mrs. Wrightfon, Wife of William Wright- fon of Cufwofth near Doncafter, Efq; greatly eftcem'd for her many good Qualities ; arid her Death is nufch lamented by all that had the happinefs of her Acquain- tance. By a private Letter from Penrith, of good Authority, we have Advice, that whilft the Rebels were at that Place, th'e
French Arnbafl'ador ( as he catl'd himfelf) who had a Coach and Six, and Attendants, lodg'd at Alderman Fifhan's two Nights, where he had a Bott'c of French Wine, and other Accommodations fuitable to his feeming Dignity ; but paid only 4 s. for Eating,' Drinking, Corn, Hay, Sic. and. when he went away there was,' by MiftaU, fome Shoes belonging to the Alderman carried off, for the Ufe of the AmbafTador,' or his Rctiite. Letters from Litchfield advife, that Cobham's Horfe came to Litchfield laft iundsy, to join the King's Army aflembling- in Ghefhire, and march d the next Alorning for that Purpofe. Late on Tttefdav Night arriv'd, an
Exprefs from his Royal Highnefs the Duke, vvhich brought an Account that all his Majefty's Army except fome Of Lord Cobhan'r's Horfe, were arri'v'd at Congleton in Chefhire, that the Rebels were advanced to Macctefidd within feven Mi'fej of them, and . that in all. probability an Engagement would enlue as Yefterday. By the belt Accounts froln Scotland we are informed, that the Rebels at Perth confrlt of iobo Men;' it Dundee about 600 Men, at Montrofe zoo, befides 3 or 400 out in Parties 1 they behave in a moft inf'olent Manner, and their Officers cannot prevent their cAmmit'ing Outraged. At Perth they ftrip the Towns- People
of their Shoes and Stockings, even in th'e Day— Time. They keep a Guard at the Bridge at Earn, and harral's the Country very much. Newcajlle, Dec. 2, at Six o'Clock in the Morning. • Wc < have ccrtain Advice, that the Rebels are got 13 Kn'otf- < ford and Macclesfield and the . Army tinder the Com- • mand of his Royal Highnefs the Duke is afTembling at • Stone, fo that in a Day or two, we may give you the i Fate © f the Battle.' By the lateft Accounts we have from Staffordfhire, ' tis certain, that on Monday at Night the Rebels cln. e to Newcaftle under Line ; and thkt his Royal Highnefs the Duke fet out from Stafford on Monday
late at Night, to put himfelf at the Head of his Army. Therefore we may hourly expedt to hear of an ASion. W'e are aflured, that the India Ships were at G'alway, the 215th paft. 3 O CO r$ • a O — t < T>. ri- fe D CU ro i- t We hear that his Royal Highnefs the Duke of unV- Letter to'the Corporation of Lever berland has wrote a i __ pool, thanking them for their Care artd Diligence in the prefent Conjuncture, in favour of his Majsfty. On Sunday laft three Ships cf Admiral Mart'in's Squa- dron returned to Plymouth from a Cruize ; but when th'e Poll came away their Names were not, known. Yeflerday the Grand- Inquefi: for the County of
M'iddle- fex found feveral Bills of Indidlment at Hicks's Hall, againll divers Perfbr. s for'trcafonable Practices,• and fpeak- ing difrefpeftful Words of his Majefty. Yefterday Number 30,; 19 was drawn a Prize of 1000 I., 25,809 of 500 1. and 42,17c, 36,853,' and 11,6630^ ioo 1. each. ADVERTISEMENTS are taken in for this Paper, at LLOYD'S COFFEE- HOUSE, in Lombard- Street; No Wooden Shoes, Ho Arbitrary PoweF.
We hear that there rt to be a Camp on Finchley- Com- mon in a few Days, under the Command of the Earl of Stair. On Tuefday lafl, at Two o'Clock, the Officers taken on board the French Privirteer, by the Sheernefs Man of War, Capt. Bulky, being landed at Deal, began their Journey from thence towards London, with a very llrong Guard of Horfe. Lall Night his Grace the Duke of Norfolk arriv'd at his Houfe in St. James's- Square. Yellerday the CommLlioners of the Excife, appointed Mr. Sheldon Colledor of the Excife in SufTex, in the room of Mr. Shaw deceas'd. On Monday Night one Jemfon, a Carpenter, coming from Mary
bone- Fields, was let upon by two Men and a Woman, who robb'd him of 4 s. 6d. and afterwards flript off his Coat, and went off undifcovered. Ycllerday the Seffions begm at the Old- Bailey, when 25 Prifoners were tried, but none Capitally convicted. John Dean, a moil notorious Pick- pocket, was tried for privacy Healing a Handkerchief, Value 1 s. \ d. from the Perfon of Samuel Foote, Efq; at Covent- Garden Theatre but the Jury acquitted him of the privately Healing, and found him guilty of Felony only, to the Value of 10d. and he was ordered for Trar. ff ortaiion. There are three more Judgments found againil him for picking of
Pocku-. John Hunt was tried on the . Evidence of James Glynn ( an Accomplice) for robbing William Plaiftow, a Soldier, in Petticoat- lane; arid found guilty of fingle Felony. A large and frefh Parcel of Genuine IRISH STUFFS made in the neateii Manner, is; jull arrived at Wells and Hartley* s Warehoufe at the Naked Boy and Woolpack in Ludgate- ftreet, with the grejttert Variety of entire New and Uncommon Mixtures, in all Colours and Qualities. Th° y fell other Sorts of Stuffs and Cheap Good?, and deal as largely in Silks, as ufual. To the Author of the GENERAL ADVERTISER. SIR, Have r_ en in your Paper of Yefterday,. a
Recommen- _ dation from fbwh/ ius, of fotne Prayers upon the pre- fent Rebellion, and an Infmuation in it, as if the daily Ser- vice of the Church, with the Addition of the occafioxal Prayers on . Account of the Rebellion, were not enough for the Purpofe. For my Part, Sir, I think quite other- wife : I think there is no Want of Prayers, but a deplora- ble- Want even in the prefent Crifts, of Attendant upon them.— And therefore, I humbly beg leave to recommend to the City and Suburbs ( for whofe Sake it was principally publifhed) An Effay upon the Service of the Church of Eng- land, confderd as a Daily Service ; with a View of re viving a more general and conftant Attendance upon it. And leave " that Performance, after the following ( Quotation from it, to fpeak for itfelf. " How much the great Negleft of the Publick Wor- " fhio has contributed to the unhappy Circumllances we « < arc in, would be Preemption in me to pronounce.— " But ft ill a greater Prefumptian would it be for any Man << to conclude, that the Irreligion and Impiety of this Age " ( of which the daily Neglefl of the daily Service is a « ' Proof) has not been o:: n great Caufe of them." It is to be had at h ivngtons in St. Paul's Church- yard, and at Dod's in Ave- Mary- lane. J am, Sir, years, & c. A.
B. High Water at London- Bridge, this Day at 22 Minute; j after 7. ... I Bank- Stock 132 1 half. India Ditto 163 1 half j South Sea Stock 97. Ditto Old Annuities IOZ 1 4th a 101 3 4ths. Ditto New 102 I 4th a 102. Three per Cent. Annuities 84 a 83 3 4ths. Ditto 1742, 84 a 83 3 4ths. Ditto 1743 and 1744, 84 a 83 3 4ths. Ditto 1745, 83 3 4ths. . Million Bank 113. Equivalent J04. Royal Alfurance 97 1 half. London Affurance 10 1 4th. Englifh Copper 5 1. Seven per Cent. Emperor's Loan no Price. Five per Cent, ditto no Price. Bank Circulation 3 1. a 3 1. 5 s. Difc. India Bonds 2 I. 10 s a 11 s. Difc. Three and a half Salt Tallies 11 1 half Difc.
Three and a half per Cent. Exchequer Orders no Price. Three per Cent. Ditto no Price. lottery Tickets 10 I. a 6s. Life Annuities 13 Years Purchafe. HAY- MARKET. * 7* HE SUBSCRIBERS to the OPERA are * def. red to make the laft Payment of their Subfcriptian- Money to the Treafurer, at the Opera- Office in the Hay- market, where Attendance will be given this and every Day, from 1en * till Two, te receive tie fume, and deliver out the • Silver Tickets. D R U R Y- L A N E. Not Atted this Seafen. By His Majefty's Company of Comedians, AT the Theatre- Royal in Drury- Lane, this Day, will be prefented a Comedy, call'd AS YOU
LIKE IT. Written by Shakefpear. Duke Senior, Mr. Blakcs; Duke Frederick, Mr. Marflial; Jaques Mr. L. Spjrkes ; Orlando, Mr. Mills; Amiens, Mr. Lowe ; Tnuch- ftone, Mr. Macklia ; Adam, Mr. Berry ; Oliver, Mr. Havard ; Syl- vius, Mr. Goodfellow; Le Ben, Mr. Woodburn ; Jaquss Debois, Mr. Urtier j Corin, Mr. Vaughan ; Charles, Mr. I. Sparkes ; Wil- liam, Mr. Ray. Caelia, Mrs. Clive ; Phoebe, Mifs Bennct; And the Part of Rofilind by Mrs. Woffington. With Entertainments, viz. Aft I. A Dance by Monf. and Madem. MECHEL. Aft V. A New Song with a Chorus, call'd lis Subfcriptioti, by Mr. Lowe, and others. To which will be added a
Farce, call'd The DEVIL T O P A Y Or, FFE WIVES METAMORPHOS'D. Sir John Loverule by Mr. Lowe ( in which Charadler will be intro- due'd The Early Horn ; Ladv Loverule, Mrs. Bennet; Jobfon, Mr. Barrington ; Butler, Mr. Raftor ; And the Part of Nell, by Mrs. CLIVE, Boxes 51, Pit 3 s. Firft Gallery as. Upper Gallery I s. Pkices for the Boxes to be taken of Mr. Hobfon, at the Stage- Door of the Theatre. To begin exafWy at Six o'Clock. *, » On Monday next The RECRUITING OFFICER. The whole Rsceipt of the Hpufe to be fubferibed to tie VETERAN Scheaie at Guildhall. C O V E N T- G A R D E N. Not ASted this Seafen. AT
the Theatre- Royal in Coveni- Garden, this Day, will be prefented a Comedy, call'd I he RECRUITING OFFICER. The Part of Captain Plume- by Mr. Ryan ; Worthy, Mr. Hah- J Serjeant Kite, Mr. Rofco ; Juftice Ballance, Mr. Bridgwater ; Capt. Brazen, Mr. Cibber ; Melinda, Mrs. Hcr- ton ; the Two Recruits by Mr. Hippifley and Mr. Jimes; Jurtice Scale, Mr. Marten ; Juftice Scruple, Mr Arthur; Conftahle, Mr. Stoppcber ; Bullock, Mr. Diinftall. Rofe, Mifi Hippifl- y 3 Lucy, Mrs. Dunftall ; And the Part of Sylvia by Mrs. Pritchard. To which will be added a Ballad Farce, cali'd The L O T T E R Y. With the SCENE of tbe DRAWING- The Pait
of Lovemore by Mr. Beard ; Jack Stocks ( alias Lord Lace) by Mr. Woodward j the Part of Chloe ( alias Lady Lace) by Mrs. Dunftali. Alfo Entertainments of Dancing by Mr. COOKE and Madan. CAMPION!, vij. A new Osmic Dance, call'd Tie Peafantt by Mr. Cooke and others. Alfo a new Grand Ballet, tall'd Let Allmandti by Mr. Cooke, Madem. Campioni, and others. Boxej 5 s. Pit 3 s. Firft Gallery 2 s. Upper Gallery 1 s. To begin exaftly at Six o'Clock. G O O D M A N's- F I E L D S. T the Late WELLS, the bottom of I c- mon- jireet, Goldman's- Fields, jthisprelent Evening, will be ptr- form'd a Conceit of Vocal and Inftrumental
MUS1CK. Divided into Two Parts. Buxes % s.~ 6d. Pit or Firft Gallery r s. 6 d. Upper Gaflery 1 s. ### Between the Two Parts of the Cencert will be given Gratis The T E M PEST Or, The ENCHANT PD ISLAND. Asalter'd by Mr. Dryden and Sir William Davenant from Shakefpear. The Part o- Part of Profpero by Mr. Furnival ; Ferdinand, Mr. Kennedy; Hippolito, Mrs. Phillips; Ariel ( with the Songs proper) Mr. Shepa- rdj Stephano, Mr. Morgan; Trincale, Mr. L. Hal 1am; Caliban, Mr. Paget; Alsnzo, Mr. Lee ; Antonio, Mr. Dove. Gonzalo, Mr.. BUkey ; Ventofo, by Mr. Cufhing; Muftachio, Mr. Julian ; Sycorax, Mr. Hallam fen. Miranda,
Mrs. Hallam ; Do-' rinda ( with the Songs proper) bv Mrs. Cufhing. With ail the Dances prcper to the Play. The Old Dame Steiebos, Mr. Granier ; Pluto, Mr. Brett ; D « snons, Mr, Baker, Mr. Jackfon, Mr, Toole, and others. Concluding with a Grand Mafque of NEPTUNE and A M P H I T R I T E. To begin exaf^ ly at Six o'clock. Admiralty- Office, Dec. 4, 1745. HfHE Leave of Abfence given to the Petty- Officers and Voremaft- Men late belonging to his Majefty's Ship the Neptune being expired, and the Lords Commiffioners of the Admiralty bavin* ordered them to be turned over info the Devonfhire, and the Regulating Captains to
provide Ten- ders to carry tbe Jaid Men down to the Devonfhire at Chat- ham their Lordjhips do hereby direS the faid Petty- Officers and Foremaft- Men immediately to apply to tbe Reg. dating Captains at the Callle in Mark- Lane, and receive their Dire SI ion to go on Board fuch Tenders as they have appoin- ted to carry tbem, with their Cbefts and Bedding, on Board, the Devonlhire, where they will be paid the Wages due to them for the Neptune before the Devonfhire proceeds to Sea; but in Cafe they fail to repair as above direiled, they will not only lofe their Wages for the Neptune, but the Marjhal of tbe Admiralty will be
ordered to apprehend them, in Order to be Tried at a Caurt- Martial as Deferttrs. THO. CORBETT. General Pod- Office, London} 12 November 1745. TJ/' HERE AS by an A£ i of Parliament pAffek in the Ninth Tear of the Reign of her late Majefly Shieen Anne, intitled, An Adl for Eftablifhing a General Poll- Office for all her Majeily's Dominions, and for fettling a Weekly Sum out of the Revenues thereof for the Service of the War, and other her Majefly's Occafions* It is ( amongfl other Things J enaSled 10 tbe Purport and EffeSl following ; that there fhall be one General Poft- Ojfce eftablijbcd within the City of London, and one
Mafier of the faid General Pojl- Ojfice fh. ill from time to time be ap • pointed by her Majefly, her Heirs and Succejfors by Lettert Patents under the Great Seal of Great Britain, by the Style, of her Majefty's Pfmaflt r General; which Jaid'Mafer and his Deputies, and their Servants and Agents, and no other, fhould have the Receiving, Carrying and Delivering of Let- ters, and Packets to and from all Places in Great Britain and Ireland, North America, the Wejl- Indies, and other her Majefty's Dominions ( except as in the faid Afi is excepted; J and that no Perfon or Perfons whatfoever, or Body Politick or Csrptrate. in any Part of the faid
Kitfgdomsf Plantations and Colonies in the Wft- InJiet and America, other than fuch Poftmafter General appointed as afbrefaid% and his Deputy or Deputies, or AJfigns, Jhould prefume to receive, take up, order, difpatch, convey, carry, recarryy or deliver any Letter or Litters, Packet of Packets of Let ters' ( other than as in the faid Acl is excepted) or make any ColleSior. of Letters, or fet up or employ any Foot Pofl, Horfe Pofl, or other Packet Boat, as other Veffel or B'. at, or other Perfon or perfons, Conveyance, or Conveyances, whatfoever ; for the receiving, taking up, ordering, difpatching, conveying, . carrying, rccarrying or
delivering any Letter or Letters, Packet or Packets of Letters by Sea or by Land, or on any River within her Majefly s Dominions ( other than as in the faid Ad is exceptedJ on pain of forfeiting Five Pounds of Br i- ttfh ' Money for every feveral Offence, and alfo the Sum of a Hundred Pounds of like Money for cveiy Week that any Offen- der full continue to ad again/ 1 the Tenor of the Statute. And whereas his Majefly's Pofiwaflers Genera! have fet- tled„ and eflablifhed Packet Beats to carry, recarry, and con- vey, L tiers and Packets to and from England, to and from the I/ lands of Jam ica, Barhadces, Atitegoa, Mor. tferra!, Ne vis,
and St. Chriflopler's in America. This fublici Notice is hereby, given thereof, to warn all Perfons whatfoever from prcfuming to take upon them to aSl contrary to the Intent and. true Meaning of the faid Statute, and from prefuming under any Colour or Prettnce wkatjo- ever, to colled, receive, take up, order, difpatch, convey, carry, recarry, or deliver any Letter or Letters, Packet or Packets of Letters ( except as in and by tbe Jaid Ad is ex- ceptedJ that for the future may be direded to, or come from, any of the If ands above mentioned ( without a lawful autho- rity frfl had and obtained from his Maieflys Pofl mafier Ge- neral for that
purpofe) as they would avoid fuch Profecutions as may and mufl exfue for the Recovery offuch Penalties as are tnfided by the faid Ad for all and every Offence or Offences above fpecifed and recited. By Command of the Pod- Mailer General, GEORGE SHELVOCKE, Sec. JJ/ HE RE AS on Sunday the 1 ph of October lafl, I was ft imprudent as to commit a violent Affault upon the Per Jon and Reputation of a Young Gentleman, who came to fee the Children Jup in tbe Hallbe% ngirtg to tbe Blue • coat Hofpital, by Striking, and caujing him to be much Abus* d, and call'd a Pickfocket, althd he is a Perfon of undoubted Charader
and Circumflance. I therefore hereby acknowledge, that 1 am truly fenfible of my Crime and Mijbehaviour, and humbly and heartily beg the Gentleman's Pardon, and promije faithfully to be very careful to avoid any juch Mifconduil for the future. J. H. RICHARDSON, A Beadle of the faid Bluecoat Hofpital. For . S A L E by the CANDL E, At the MARINE Coffee- Houfe in Birchin- Lare, In a few Days, by Order of the AJftgnees, TH E Stock in Trade of Meffs. JOHN and WILLIAM TAYLIORS, of Devonfhirc- ftrcet, Mer- chants ; and Mr. RICHARD JOHNSON of Grays, Linen- Dra- per, Bankrupts. Coafifting of a large Afloitment of Linen-
Drapeiy and Maechefter Goods. Catalogues of which will be Timely difperfed by ROBERT KIRKE, BROKER. In St. Mar tin's le- Grand. Whitehall, Dec. 5, This Evening will be published, By AUTHORITY. AGAZETTE Extraordinary, with fuch Accounts as are and may be received, concerning the Motions of the Rebels; and the fame will be continued every Thurfday whilit th « Rebellion fubfifts, when there are any frefli Advicts to be ctm- municated to the Public!.-. Priatd by E, Qw^ i in Aroen- Gornir.
For SALE by the CANDLE, At L L O Y D's CoiFee- Houfe in Lombard- Street, This Day, at Five o'clock in the Afternoon, HE FOLLOWING GOODS, vi±. T 154 Hcgflier. ds GUM SENECA. Th- Gumto be view'd from this Day to the Time of Sale, at No. 10, 14, and 23, in Billiter- Lar. e Warehoufes, where Catalogues wil be delivered, at the Place of Sale, and at WILL, and BENJ. VAUGHAN, Brokers. For SALE by the CANDLE, At LLOYD'S Coff- e- Uoufe in Lombard- llreet, cf. bis Day, at Twelve o'Clock at Noon, ' HP H E Countels de la Rivi- JL ere, a French Privateer, with Car- riage Guns, taken by his Majefly's Ship Au- gufla, the
Hon. Jotn Hamilton, Efq; Com- mander, now lying at Plymouth, and to be £ HtWI! KS ® lwil delivered there, Burthen 276 Tons, more or Jet, Length by the Keel about 77 Feet, Breadth •• about a6 Feet, Depth in the Hold about 11 Feet 3 Inches, Height between Decks, about 4 Feet 6 Inches. Inventories may be had on Board the faid Ship, at Mr. Morfhead's, Merchant, in Plymouth, at Sam's Coffee- houfe near the Cuftonl- houfe, London, at the Place ofSale, and of WILLIAM J. JMES GAM BIER, Broker. r, r SALE by the C A N D L E, At LLOYD'S Coffee- fhufe in Lombard- Street, On Tuefday next, at Twelve o'Ckclt at Soon, HE
ELI Z A BETH Sloop, Rotmd- flerrj'd, Britifh built, and very lately caulked and graved for the Sea, Burthen So Tons mote or let'', row lying at sWays below the Hern. itay, Ifaac ommander. 1 Wednesday next, ct the tame Time and Place, The SEA- NYMPH Brigan'ine, Square- ftern'd, Plantation- built, Burthen 100 Tons more or left, with pro- portionable Dimenfions, now lvirig at King Edward Stain, Alex an der ' JohnJlcvn, Commander. Inventories to be fern on Board, and at tie Place of Sale. To be Sollby SAMUEL BROOKS, BROKER. For SALE by the CAN D L E, A the KINGVHEAD Coffee- Houfe in Switbin' 1- Alley, On
Thurfday, December 12, at Four in the Afternoon, THEnmaining Part of the Cargoe of the St. JOSEPH N. S. de la GRANADA from the Havan- tiah, taken by the Kwli Kan Privateer, Captain Jofepb Barter, Confiding of 3l] Hoglheads } lot Serons 13 SmalJ Cas'fters V Snuff. 17 Small Bags J 13 Boxes Segars. The Goods to be feen from Tuefday nelt to the Time of Sale, at fnj. b Wharf, where Catalogues will be deliver'd, and at the Place of Sale, and of ABRAHAM LESTOURGEON, Broker. LOST, From a Perfon on Horfeback, Teferday, between Dartford end Scuthwark, SX Pair of Men's Ruffles unmade. Who- e< e,- has ! aken
them up, and will bring them to the Printer of this Pap- r, lhall have Two Guineas Reward, which is more than they will fell for. Ave, There was a Man who faw the above Perfon drop fome T nirs, and call'd after him, and perhaps afterwards pick'd up the Ruffles. LOST, Between Stilton and Stevenage, upon the 2d Inflant, ALeather Portmanteau, Jock'd with an Iron Padlock. Whoever can give any Account of the fame, and will return it to Mr. Cooper Thornhill, at the Bell Inn at Stilton j or to John Gil- bert, Linen- Draper, at the Golden Heart in St. Martin's Lane, Lon- don, fhall receive Haifa Guinea Reward, and no Queftions a/ ked ;
or if pawned or fold, your Money again with Thanks. the BATH and BRISTOL WAGGON IS Remov'd from the King's Arms Inn at Holborn- Bridge ta Gerard's Hall Inn in Bafing- Lane near Bread- flreet, London, where it comes in every Thurfday, and fet3 out a- gain on Friday Mornings, and carries Goods and Paffsngers at reafo- nable Rates, For the greater Conveniency of Gentlemen, Ice. Goods are taken in at the White and Black Bear Inns, and the White Horfe Cellar, all in Picadiliy. Another Waggon fetj out from Peter's Pump, Briftol, the fame Day as frorti London. Conftant Attendance is given at Gerard's Hall Inn above mention'd for taking in and delivering out Coeds, Nate, No Money, Plate, Bank Notes, Jewels, or Writings, will be infut'd, unlefs deliver'd, and paid for as fuch. Ptrformd by WILLIAM DAY. WILL BE SOLD by AUCTION, On Wednefday the wth of December, and the following Days ', at his Great Auflion- Room in Pall- Mali-, THE Houfhold Fu'niture, & c. ofa Gen- tleman near Golden- Square, having retired into the Coun- try. Confiding of Silk and Worfted Da ma fit, and other Furniture, in Beds, Chairs, Window Curtains, and Hangings, fine Featherbeds, Blankets, Quilts and Counterpanes, large Pier, Sconces and Chimney Glades,
Mahogany, Walnuttree, De( k and Book- Cafes, Cherts of Drawers, Chairs and Tables, Turkey Carpets, curious fine oH Japaa, and Italian Cabinets, a Collection of Prflures, fome fine old China, both ufeful and ornamenral, and other curious Effefts. The whole to be view'd, and Catalogues to be had on Friday the 6th, to the Time of Sale. By Mr. PRESTAGE, " Ibis and the fohvAng Days, by Order of the AjJignees TVH E n- nc Hou( hoi i Furniture, Plate, Pi a u res, Houfhold Linen, and China of Mr. WILLIAM RAVEN, Stationer, a Bankrupt, at his late Dweliing Houle, the Sign of the Sun, next to Barnard's- Inn, Holbom j the who.' e
confif- ting of Four poll Durnafk and other Beds, fine clean Bedding, Win- dow Curtains and Chairs, Sconces and Chirnney- GLifles, Mahogany , and Walnut- tree De flea nd Book- Gale with Glafs Doors, a Spinntt, Carpets, a neat Collection of Books. Like wife ( by Leave of tbf Affrjnees) will be ( old fome fine Hal- lands, Cam- bricks, Lzccs, fine Cloaths, See. which were taken by Ejiecutien, Tb- who'e to be view'd- this Day to the Time of Sale, which will begin each Day at Eleven o'CIock. Catal- gues to be delivered at ths PiaceofSa'e, and at Mr. PRES- TAGE's, the End of Satiile- Row, aext Condtfit- ftreet. The HOUSE to be
LETT. The above Goods are almoit new, being bought within thefc three Years. LOST Ttfterday on London- Bridge, ABill drawn by J. Hailefton from York, for 15 1. 7 s. on Mr. Nath. Field in Thames- flreet, dated Novemb. ao, 1745, payable one Month after Date, Accepted to be paid at Melt". Honeywood and Fuller's, Whoever brings the faid Bill to Mr. James Hodges, Bookfeller on London- Bridge, fhall receive Five Shillings Reward. Note, It will be of no Service but to the Owner, Payment being ftopt. This Day is publijhed, Price i s. BISHOP RIDLEY'S Ghoit. A POEM. Occafioned by the Pr. fent Unnatural Rebellion, in Favour of a
Popilh Pretender. Now, in the Name of Heaven, what Faith is thii That flalis giaantich ferth thus arind with Ter. ors, As if it meant to ruin, not to favef Hughes's Siege of Dama- fcus. Printed for M. Cooper, at the Gkbe in Psifer- noder Row. Thi • Day is publilhed, In ZTwo Volumes, OSlaio, Ptice 10s. bound. To which is prefixed a Copper- pi: te of the Wheel do. ble Plough, neatly E'graved. A GRICULTURE Improv'd; or, The f\ Prafiice of HUSBANDRY Difplay'd. Chiefly ffiewn by £ aif; perform'd in all Sorts of Land, according to the Old Plain, and the New Drill Way of Farming. A Receipt how to improve an Acre of Barley for Sixpence
Charge. How to improve that noble large Fowl the Burtard. Nature of Pond Infe& i; alfo of Serpents ; and how to cure their ve- nomous Bites, & c. How to prevent the Mifc liefs done to Farmers by Sparrows. Of St. Timothy's Grafs ( five Feet long) which will mow four Times a Year. Of Night as well as Day Fifting. Tench Broth, its Reftorative Nature; and h » w to make it. Mr. Worlidge's Notes en Hufbandry commented upon. Of Improving of Eftates, Soils, Bogs,& c. Ot the Management of Bets. How to prevent Damage done to Peas by Pidgeons, Sec. Accounts of feveral new- hivented Engines and Implements, of great Ufe in
Hufbandry. How Farming may be carried on by the Drill- Plough, without Dung, Manure, or live Cattle. How to preferve Wheat in Granaries from D'mps, Vermin, tec. How to defend Crops of Turnep- feed from Field Fowls. Of Encouragements from Landlords to promote the Indurtry of Te- nant:. The prefent State of bad Hufbandry in Scotland, with Propofels for remedying it. The Chefhire and Lancafliire Way of managing their Wheat and Barley Crops. Of the bad Confequences of wrong Manuring, wrong Ploughing, Ac. Damage done by greedy Tenants to themfe'ves and Landlords, by ploughing up the poor Lands of Woulds, D
wns, and Commons. With many other curiouiand ferviceable Matters, never before pub- lifhed. By WILLIAM ELLIS, A Farmer of Little Gaddefden, near Hempftead in Hertford- fhire, Author of the Modern Hulbandman. Printed for T. Olborne in Grays- Inn j J Hildyard at York ; Mar- titi Bryfon at Newcaftlo j and J. Leake at Bath. Where may be had, . The Modern Holbandman, 5 V#! s by the above Author. This Day is publijhed, Price C d. ASERMON preach'd at the Cathedral Church of YORK, Nov. 5, 1745, being the Anoiverfary Thankfgiving from our happy Deliverance from the mod treaciieroui , and bloody intended Maffacre by
Gunpowder. By A M LJ E L BAKER, D. D. Chanc'llor and llefedentiarf of the Church ofY ork. Publifh'd at the Requeft of the Lord- Mayor and Aldermen. Printed for S. Stabler and Barflow, Bookfellers, in Oufegate ; and fold by J. and P. Knapton in Ludgate- ftrcet; C. Hitch, and M. Coo- per in Pater- nofter Row. This Day is publijhed, ( In which particular Regard hath been had to the Ri- vers, and Roads, both dire ft and acrcfs,) New Set of POCKET MAPS of all the Counties of ENGLAND and WALES. Shewing the Situa- tion of all the Cities, Boroughs, Market- Towns, and mod confide- rab.' e Villages, with the Diftances between
each. Together with a Separate Map of ENGLAND, a Plan of the Roads, and a Chart of the Channel* Printed for R. Dodfley in Pall- Mall; and M. Cooper in Pater- nof- ter Row. *** The Plans of the Roads, or the Chart of the Channel may- be had fepirate. Price 6 d. each. This Day is publifhed, Price f s. ( Engra- J'd on a large Sheet of Paper, J TH fi Viftorian or Dionyfiari Period, or Creat Pafthal CYCLE of 532 Years. Sa difpofed in Two Table', is to Ihew for ever the Golden Number and Epaft, the Cy- cle of the Sun and Dominical Letter, the Number of Diredlion, mo » e- atle Feafts, and Termsi Alfo a Decimal Table of Intercll, for
anf Sum, and at any Rate, in a new Method. Printed for J. Miilan at Charing- Crofs, and R. Dodfley in Pali- Mull, A This Day is publijb'd\ Price i s. N lixami'nation of the feveml Schemes _ . for fuppreffing the Rebellion, and fecuring the Nation againft Infurreftions and Invafions, with an Account of the prefent State of the Militia of the Kingdom, and particularly that of London. Printed for M, Cooper, at the Globe in Pater nofter Row. This Day is publijhed, ( Neatly printed on a Superfine Paper,) Price bound 1 * 1 TH E N'eweft M A tt LI A L of Private De- J_ notions. In THREE PARTS. PART I. Containing De votions fuited to mod
Perfons and Cafe^ j particularly Morning and Evening Prayers for Private Perfons, and for a Fami y for every Day in the Week. To which are added, Some Seleit Pray- ers for the Ufe of Clergymen, taken from the Manufcript of a late Eminent and Pious Divine. PART II. Offices for jthe Sick, and Prayers in various CircumftatKes of Af- fliction; with Exhortations againft the Fear of Death, and Direc- tions how to prepare ourielves to Die well. PART III. The Neweft Week's Preparation for the worthy Receiving the Lord's Supper ; confiding of fuitable Prayers, Forms cf Self- Examf nation and Confeffim cf Sins j with Meditations to Live
well, after Receiving the Holy Sacrament, and a Companion to the Lord's UhCBy LEONARD HOWARD, D. D. vicar of 1 aunt on, Devon-, Lcfturer of St. Magnus and St. ' fames, nefs thi Pi ince of Wales. Printed for the Author, and fold by James Hodges, at the Look- ip. g- Glal's, over- againft St. Magnus Church, London- Bridge. Note, The Third Part, being the Neweft Week's Preparation for the worthy receiving the Lord's Supper, wili be fold feparate. Price One Shilling. Where is hhwife to be had, juji publijhed, by the fame Author, in One Volume, Otlavo, Price 5 s. S- rmons on feveral Occafions ; Preached in the Parifli
Churches of St. John, Southwark, and St. Botolph, Alderfgate. TICHBOURN. Trufs. Maker, REMOVED Fnv the Golden Ball in the Minnries, ta the Golden Ball between Red Lion and Dean Streets, near the New Inn and Three Cups Holborn, PERFECTLY cures by the Bleffirg of God, all forts of RUPTWRES, BURSTEN, or BROKEN BELLIES, either on Old or Young, in a very little Time, and lor a ftsall Chaise, and makesand fells Truffes for the Groin or Navel, and Bag) for Rujttures of all kinds; after a Manner entirely new, which for Eafe, Certainty and Cheapnefi, far excel a- y others hitherto invented. Numbers who have wore
them have experiene'd the Excellency of them, for with them you may ufe any Enercife with Safety, for they never fret or gall, as all other Steel Truffes do, but keep the Parti aft'e& ed perfectly tight, without incommoding, and feldom or never fail of performing a Cure, in Conjun& ion witii two Medicines, to be externally ufed, without any Pain to, or Con- finement of the Patient. Thefe two Remedies nesl no other Recommendation than them- felves will manifeft in two or three Days nfing, having by their ad- mirable, and even af. onilhing Succeft, gain'd the Reputation they juftly deferve, both in City and Country, for above thefe thirty
Years laft pad, after wearing Steel Truffes for itany Years to no Purpofe. Sold at 5 s. the Parcel. Note, Strait Stockings, Ankle- Pieces and Knee- Pieces, for Gen- tlemen and Ladies, are made well, and fold cheap. Perfons in the Country fending which Side the Rupture is on, and how big round the Waifl, may be fitted with a Trufs, and have it fent with this Medicine. Letters ( Peft- paid) will be anfwer'd. Proper Attendance forsithcr Sex ta any Pait of the Town.
T, jis Day is pubiifxd, THE IRISH REBELLION; or, a Hiftory of the Attempts of the Iriiii Papifts t » extirpate the Protef- tants in the Kingdom of Ireland. Together with the barbarous Cru- elties and bloody Maffacres which enfued ther « r, pon. By Sir J O H N T E M P I. E, Mafi. r of the Rolls, and one of his Majcjlys Pri vy Council in that Kingdom. Printed for M. Ccojsr, at the Globe in. Pater- noSer Row. This Day is • publijhed, Price i s. HE STORY of the INJURED LADY. Being a true Picture of Scotch Perfidy, Iiifh Poverty,, and Inplifli Partiality. With Letters and Poems never before Printed. By the Rev. Dr. SWIFT, D. S. P. D. Printed
for M. Cooper, at the Globe in Pater- nofter Row. Where may he had. Directions to Servants. By the fame Author. Jv. fi Publijhed, ( Price One Shilling aud Six pence bound plain) ESSAI fur l'Euohariftie : Ou l'on s'artache a faire voir la Nature & le B « f de ce Sacrement ; la Neceffite d'y participier frequcmrmnt ; les Difpcfitions avec lefqiielles il fant s'en aproiher ; Sc les Avantages qui en emanent: A quoi Ton a ajsute, par voie dt Suplement, ces Prieres, des A£ ii « ns de Graces conve- nables au Sujet. A Londres : Chez P. Vaillant, dans le Strand ; J. Brotfierton, dans Cornhill; J. Rivingtcn, vis a vis I'Eglife de St. Paul; J. Hodges,
presd? Pont; &' M. Chaftel, dans Compton- ftreet, Soho. " L'Auteur, qui ne fe nomme point, mais qui fe dit un Lairjue, 4' & qui paroit avoir beaucoup lu, remarque dans fa Preface que la plu- <' part des Trdites Francois fur 1' Eucharijhe ont ces deux defauts ; ; * rjl cju'iJs s'etendent trop fur les devoirs generaux du Chrrftianifrr. e, & qu'ils le font trop peu fur ceux qui ont un raportplus immediat a- " vec la faint Cer. e. C'eft p ur fuplctr aces defuti, que notre Au- tetir a enrhpofee ce petit Ouvrage, a la correction duquel les feconrs de M. MAJENDIE, Miniftredela Savoie & Chapelain de Mylord ' Grantham, lui ont ete d'une grand utilite.
Cet Effai nous pa- ' roit une excellente P. eparation a la Communion- On a fu y tenir " un fage milieu entre les ecueils de la Superftition, & ceux de I'lndi- fercnce, & c." Voies Bibliothequeraifonnee dei Sa- vans del'Europe, Tom. XXXV. p. 21 ® . This Day is publijhed, { Price zs. 6 d. feiv'd, 3 s. bcurrd, ivitb a curious Print of an Original Painli- g of Prince Charles) THE LIFE of his Serene Highnefs CHARLES Prince of LORRAIN, Field Marffial and Com- mander in Chief of her Hungarian Maj'elty's Forces. Ir eluding the . H'iftory of the Houfe of Lorrain, with a ihort Account of the Princes thereof, from Charles the Bold, to his moft
Auguft. High- nefs Francis Dulte of Tufcany ( now Emperor of Germany) and the Birth of Prince Charles in the Year 1712 ; and from thence an au- thentic Rehtion of the Affairs of Germany, Pruflta, France, Spain England, Holland, & c. fo far as they have interfered with the Prag- matic k Sanction, the Succefiion of the Queen of Hungary, and the controverted Election of an Emperor; with a complete Narrative of all the Battles, Sieg- s, Sec. from the Commencement of the War to this Time. Exhibiting in a clear View the Rife of the prefent Troubles, and the perfidious Schemes of the French Court to efta* bl Hi Univerfal Monarchy
upon the Ruins of the Gormanick Bndy, and the Liberties of all Europe. With a copious Index to the Whole. Pristed for M. Cooper, attire Gl » be in Pater- rrofter Row ; and fold by W. Shropshire in New Bond Street and T. Davies in New Round Court in the Strand. This Day is publijh'd, Being in the Catalogue of Books recommended by the Society for Promoting Cbrijiian K : o< w/ edge, and by the Society for Pmpagating the. Gifpel, and may be had on their Terms, by the Correfonding, as v: ell as Subfa ib'utg Members i HE ENGLISHMAN DIRECTED in the j(_ Cfio'cef of Jiis RELIGION; Shewing, 1. Why it is necef- fary to be of
any Religion at all. 2 . Why we are, or ought to be of tfie Chriftian Religion, rather than of any cthejth t has prevailed in the World. 3. Whether we Should be of the Number of Papifts or Proteitant. 4. Whether we Should chufe to be Churchmen or Diflen- ters The Second Edition, Price j s. bound. Printed for Tho. Aftley, at the Rofe in Pater- nofter- Row, Of whom alfo may be had, With a large A'lowance to fuch P- erJoits as buy Numbers to give aioay f A COMPANION for YOUTH ;' confuting of proper InftruCtiuns for thofe who through Want of" Experience and due Confederation, are in Danger of running into Evil Coorfes. By
Richard' Peer;, M. A. Vicar of Farringdon, Berks; Anther of the Companion for the Aged, which is recommended by the Society for promoting Christian Know- ledge. The Second Edition. Price t s. bound. An Abridgement of Mr. Ntlfon's Companion for the Feftivals and Faits of the Church of England : Together with a ftort Explanation of the Morning and Evening Service in the Common Prayer. Writ- ten for the UTe of a Private Charity- School. Price 1 s. bound. The Retired'Chriftian excrcifed in Divine Thoughts and Heaveily Meditations for the Clofet. By Tho. Kenn, D'. D. late Lord BiSwp of Bath and Wells. The Fourth Edition
Price 1 s. bound. Popifh Objections againft Proteflants briefly anfwered. By Gregory ones, M- A- Refldr of Denbigh, in nmo. Price 4 d » Bitbop Bererldge's Seimon-> n the Nature and Eternity of Heaven's J"> ys and Hell's Torjnentj, Price 4 i. His Sermon on ihi Happinefs of Saints in Heaven, Price 3 d. Bi/ iiop of London's Sermon againS Mafquerade', Preach'd before the Society for Reformation of Manners. Price 4 d. This Day are publijlfd, Price i s. 1"" WO Sermons preach'd before the Uni- verfity of OXFORD, at St. Mary', Sept. 15, and Ofl. to, 1745. and now pi.' ohfh'd for the Ufe of tie Young Students in the Two Univcrfities. By j
O H N DALTON, M. A. / nd Ftllo- w of Queen's College, Oxford. Printed for R. Dodfiey, at Tully's Plead in Pall- Mall ; Mr. Ri- vington in St. Paul's Churchyard ; Mr. Clsments at Oxford ; Mr. Thurlbourne at Cambridge; and Mr. Leake at Bath. The moft wonderful Cleanftng and Strengthening DROPS, for all Sorts of Gleets and Seminal V » eakneffes c « ^ imbeiiilities of the Generative Farts and Faculties preventing Mifcarriages in Women. And to clcanje and flrength'. n the Reins, Kidneys and Bladder ; curetveah Backs, Stranguaries, Gravel, and Stoppage oj tb e Urine ; and for xi hu h it hatbgain'd fuch Repute, that near 6000
Bottles have been ' , vy fince April 1734, that they • were frfl publijh'd. qnHESE Incomparable DROPS which X f° r the abovefaid Diforders are not to be equall'd in the whole Art of Medicine, were prefcribed by the late Dr. Ratclifle, for a cer- tain nobfe Lord, who for a long Time had been vexed with an old obflinate Gleet and Weak- re fs, of which he was cured by them in a few Days, beyond all Expectation, after he had been harrafs'd with EleCtuaries, Bolus's, Pills, Potions, Injections, and a hundred other Medicines, for many Months together in vaiff. The Apothecary who prepared them for him according to the Doctor's
Prefcription ( which he has ftill upon his File) has made ufe of them ever finee, toNunibers of People, in the very worltof Gleets, feminal and gcnitalTmbeciilities and Infertilities, Pains in the Back and Reins, Diforders of the Urine and Gravel, & c. with the utmoft Succefs aprd Safety ; as alfo in all Weaknefles from Strains as wellai Venereal Rclicks, excefiive Coition, Self- Pollution, feminai Emiifioi in the Sleep, Falls, Blows, and the like in both Sexes. And as they have never once fail'd him, even in Cafes thenight to be incurable, he now, for general Good, has made them j> ubljck ; and that the meaner Sort of People might partake
of the Benefit of le divine a Remedy, as well as the Rich, he h? s put them up in Bottles of but 3 6 d. each, tho' for the Excellency of their Effects, they are worth their Weight in Gold, more efpecially, as one Bottle « f them generally cures, even in the moft draining Gleets, and grievous Relaxations and Weaknefies of the Serninals and Genitals that are. Nor can theie be prepared-, by any Art or Skill, a more clcanfmg and healing, or a more Strengthening and invigorating Medicine, or one that c n more effectually cure Impotency or promote Fertility, than this, as every one that but once tries it will fay, by their fonn finding the
Difference between this and other Remedies; for it will do more in one Day, towards restoring in thefe Weaknefles, than any others can in ten, and is of fo corroborating a Nature, thatit may be entirely rely'd upon for curing perfectly and firmly, without Fear of a Relapfe, even in the tend'ereft Constitutions, which can hardly be fakl of any other Medicine; and it is withal fo elegantly pleafant to the Palate, and fo agreeable to the Stomach, that the niceft Perfon ii delighted with it. Mr. Weft, Goldftriith, in the Old- Baily, who ufed to fell thefe Dreps, being dead-, they are now fold only by his Son- in- Law, Mr. Johnlcn, a Baker, at the
Seven Stars in Vere- ftreet, near Clare- mar- ket, feal'd up with Directions, for any Meffenger, upon only aiking for a Bottle of Drops, and paying 3 s. 6 d. The only [ hort and infallible Cure For that Reigning Difeafe the SCURVY, and all Seorlutick Humours, tbo' arrived to the highefl and mojl inveterate Degree, or of ever fo many Tears Standing, and that vsith- out any fenfibleEvacuation, or the leafl Purging,. which by unaccountable Miflake is generally ttdvis'd, tbd" found rather to encreafe and confirm the Scurvy thar. Cureit, by the fo much fam'd and mofl pleafant Chymical Drops; WHICH, without the leaft Trouble, Con
finement,. or Diforder whatever, do at once Strike at the true Caufe < pf the S C U RVY, and entirely deftroy it, and all fcor- butick Humours and EffeCts, Root and Branch, fo as never to return gain, as many Thoufands of both Sexes have experienced, and as all who take them in three Days Time are convinced ; for they almoft inftantly alter the Morbid State cf the Juices, purify the Blood, fweeten all the Fluids, cleanfe them from Impurities, and direCtly clear the Habit from all Spots, Blotches, blarfe and blue Marks, Itchings, foul Eruptions or Breakings out,. Wearinefs of the Limbs, languid Heavinefs of the whole Body,
wandering Pains, Weaknefs of the Back, and ail the vaft Variety of Symptoms by which the Scurvy imitates, and often lies concealed under the Appearance of the Rheumatifm, and many other Difeafes. And for Strengthening the Stomach, immediately creating a good Appetite, canfing a regular and eafy Digestion of F © od, and curing all windy effects and Diforders of the firft Paffages, ( whence proceed Head- aches, Vapr. urs, and other Indifpofitions) no Bitters, nor any other Medicines upon Earth can compare with them, infomuch, that befides infallibly curing the Scurvy in ail its Shapes and Appearances; they alfo affuredly
and immediately cure the Green- Sicknefs in Vir- gins, Worms of all kinds in Young and Old, and almolt all other Chronick Difeafes, ( which are chiefly occafioned by Indigestion and flatulent Crudities in the Stomach and Bowels) and certainly prevent Fevers, A> cues, and other acute Ulneffes. They are wonderfully Cordial and Reftorative,. Strengthen and en- liven the whole Machine, and as foon as taken, make she Patient pleafantly lightfome, brill; and vigorous to Admiration, and are good for all forts of Perfons to preferve, as well as procure, a found f. nd healthful State of Body. But the great Reputation thefe fo much fam'd
and moftpleafant Chymk. il Drops have fo univcrfally gained, among Perft. ns of Emi- nence, for their fuddenly and infallibly curing the Scurvy, and all Scorbutick Humours, and other Chronick Distempers, in fuch an eafy and agreeable Manner, have occafioned many to imitate them, fome under the fame, and others under other Names; be careful therefore, not to be deceived, but be fure to have the right, which by the Author's fpecial Appointment, are to be had only at the Gentlewoman' 3, at the Two Blue Pofts in Haydon- Yard in the Mi- norie s, a: 3. s. 6 d.. a Bottle, with Directions. THE GRAND SPECIF/ CK for clav- fng and
ftrenrthening. the Re. ns, & c. AM' dicinc that hath gain'd fo much Credit: fe » tM'efe many Years ir has been publish'd , that not one < f the m. ny PretqnJers to cure the like Cafes has at all hintler d : h< t jult Reputation this Firfl, and only Specified for rhefe purpofes, hath obrain'd, by its moft noble Effeils s for it doth not onl. y'cure fuch difficult Cafes, which no. other Medicine can, b'. t in every Or- dinary Cafe, one Bottle will do more real Good th in four, that are fold by any of rile common frerendersv as has been fiifficiently ; u- tefted t. y many Per- fdns of Worth* and Reputation that have found ths defired EfteCls, and declared it
to Mc. Saodwell. For Ir may ue certainly depended on as abfolutely tfFeflual, in car- rying off by Urine, fafely and fpeedily, all the Remains of perni- cious unikirfully prc- par'd Mercurials, Gleets or WeakneSTes, through tedious or lll- manag'd Cues' of the Venereal Difeafe, or from Self- Pollution, inordinate Coiticn, & c. Alfo any WeakncSTcs of rh* Veft'tls from Wrenches, Strains, Blows, or Falls, an< t all other ObltruCiions in the Urinary P.^ ffages, even Stranguries, Ulcers, & c. It is alfa of Angular and very extraordinary Efficacy, where there is any Gravel or even ( hull Stones, Slime, or any other Matter thai obftrufts the Urine,
bringing all away in a few Times taktnjr, with Safety, as has been happily experienced by great Numbers of both Sexes; and particularly by » Gentleman, uhofe Cafe has fo often been mention'd lit this Ad vertifenrenf, by 1 Cerrficate of his Cure; who on taking bur a little of ir, voided above ah. Onrtt of Gravel, and was cured of an iufupportable Pain about his Loi- is-, £ te. by a fliort Continuance of it. It is a very plcafant Medicine, and will be foar. d of uncommcttj Benefit to Mankind, beyond Expectation, which is the Reafon of ts being made publick, and to obviate the Ignorance of Preten- ders in all the difficult Cafes
abovemention'd. Sold for 7 s. 6 d. the Bottle, at Mr, Sandwell's Toy-£ i p, at the Sign of the Griffin, rhe Carnet of Bucklersbury in the Poultry. The Jo- much Fam* d HYPO DROPS, WHICH in a few Days infallibly cure HYPOCHONDRIACK MELANCHOLY in MEN, ani the VAPOURS in WOMEN, fo as never to return again, be they ever fo fevere, or of many Years Handing, and even after all other Remedies have proved ineffectual 1 and that by immediately lin- king at the very Root or true Caufe, as well as remedying the Iv- ferSs of thofe perplexing Maladies and all their Variety of Symbtoms by which they mimick, by Turns,
almoft all the Dileafes poor M01- tals are afflicted with, and have their Rife from a depraved Appe- tite, vitfous Ferment in the Stomach, and Isdigeltion of Foocfc, whence proceed' Crudities, and flatulent or windy Diforders in the firft Paffages, illFumes, four Behhings, Cholick and Uneafinefs in the Bowels; which Crudities offund the Nerves, and byCotiienr of Parts, affeCt the Head, and produce fometimes Oiddinefs, Dimnefs of Sight, confufed fhougliis, pertinacious Watchings, foublefoms Sleep, Frights, groundlefs Fears, and the deepeft Melancholy, with direful Views, and terrible Apprehcnlions; at other Times Fi « » Fluihing
Heats, Reachings, Faintnefs, Lownefs. and Sinking of Sr..- rits, Palpitation of the Heart, Scarrings, Tremblings, and Twitch- ing? in the Limbs and other Parts, with many convulsive Diforders, fliarpnains, fix'd or wandering, Pains and Weaknefs in rhe Back, and other, almoft innumerable and grievous Symptoms, which rnj. fejably affiiCi vaft Numbers of both Sexes. All which Symptoms, in their Sharped Parexyfjns, thefe fo much fam'd and raoft pleafant Drops, ( which » re Chymically prepa.-'- d from the n> o! t valuable Specificks in the Mineral, Vegetable, and Animal Kingdoms, and exalted to the higheft Pecfeftion poflible)
inftamly qurll, and at rhe fime Time, annihilate their real Caule3 direCtly bringing the Stom h into right Order, crearing a good Ap- petite, rectifying the Bigeftjon, oscafioning laudable Chyle, and c » Courfe, good Blood; Plenty of calm, free, and cheerful Spirits, a regular Circulation of all the Fluids, and Strength of Nerves; fa that both Ca- jfe and Effcft of Melancholy and Vapours, are tho- roughly removed by them, almoft on the Spot, as the maay Thoii- fands of both Sexes they have perfectly cured, evince. Whoever takes them for three Days only, will be fenfible they are abfolutely to be depended upon for an effectual and lalting
Cure and certain it is, that no Medicine on Earth can equal them, be careful therefore to have the right Drops, which arf to be had only at Mrs. Holt's,, at the Crofs- Keys and Star, below the Royal- Ex- change, in Cornhill, it 3. s. 5 d. a Bottle, with Direfticm. ECT O R Y, Given GRATIS, T N the 2d Page of this B ok it Any Venereal, or GLEET Patient, wil * Plainly . fee their Own Particular Cafe ' Ex- actly Defcribcd. And How to Cure themfelves Privately, without Telling their Cafe to Any One. With, the Famous Montyellicr Little Eafy Bo'. us, the Bignefs of Only a PEA to Take. \ Thich makes the Perfon Eafy At Or. ce, _ tho' Before, in
Great Mifery.. And, Ano- ther Bolus, carries off~ a Venereal InfeRim, and a GLEET. Frice Only z s. Each, Sealed Up, With Full Direaions, along with it, for Thofe who BUY it. But, This Famous Ami Venereal BOLUS, is GIVEN GRATIS,. Without a Perfon's Paying Any Thing at all for it, ( And Welcome, Any Perfcn is, SO [ for Nothing] to have it), To Thofe Mentioned, in the nth Page of the Abovememioatd. Venereal ini GLEET Patient's DIRECTORY. Which Book is Given Gratis, To Any One, that will only Step in for it, At Dr. Ruffel's Houfe, In the Parlour Strait Forward, Facing the Entry, In at the GREEN HATCH, Over- againft
CrayVInn in Holborn. Where, Is Alfo, Given Gratis, For the Year 1- 746 The New Thee & Thou ALMAN ACK Calculated, For the Meridian, of the People Called QUAKERS. Containing New YE A, and NAY Obfefvations, for Eveiy Month ir. the Year. With the QUAKER'SOpinisn, Of the HOOP- PETTICOAT. Of the Unfortunate WOMEN, of the To- un, And, Of AFTER NOONS TEA DRINKINGS. TlQND O N: Printed for H. WOODF ALL. fun. moderate Length near the Pump in Little- Britain, where ADVERTISEMENTS of a are taken in at Two SHILL I NGS each. ADVERTISEMENTS are alfo taken in by Mrs. Chapman, over- againvt
the Kings~ Arms Tavern, in Pall- Mall-, George WoodfallY at the KingV Arms, nea Craig* - Court, Charing- Crofs ; Mr. Shuckbv. rgh, at the Sun, next the Inner- Temples. Gate* Fleet- Jlmt Mr, Brack. ft. cne » at the Gicif- Cornhill; and by T. ASTLEY., Removed from St, Paul's Church- yarcl, to the Rofe in Pater- nojler Roiv.