The General Advertiser
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The General Advertiser
Date of Article: 04/12/1745
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Address: near the Pump in Little Britain
Volume Number: Issue Number: 3463
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The General Advertifer. Numb. 3483: W E D N E S D A Y, December 1745. CO o £ Deal, December 2. ) AI L'D his Majerty's Ship Saph're, -. j and the Weafel Sloap, with tjbout $ 17 Sail of Merchant Ships, from Plymouth. Remain his s Ship Norwich, Admiral \ crnoli; the Ruby, Tryton, Sheenjefs and Succefs ; the Duke of Bedford, and pari of Sandwich, with the Out- ward- bound Ships. Wind N. byE. Grave Tend, Dec. 2. Pafs'd by the. Jacob, Rongs, from ^ Zurickz ee ; White Swan, Miller; and Johannes, Coltrcs, : J from IS orth Bergen. The Mercury, Hargrave, from London, is arrived at Philadelphia. The Duke of Cumberland,
Tate, from London ; and the Queen of Sheba, Newinburgh, from Gallipoly, are ar- rived at Hamburgh. The Arian, , from Lifbon, off Dover. The Bladen, Glover, from Virginia, in the Downs. The Matthew, Bonnamy, from Rotterdam, in Margate Road. LONDON. ExtraSl of a private Letter from the Hague, Dec. 7. ' The Face of Affairs is entirely changed in Saxony. ' It is but a few Days ago that nothing was talked of there * but invading the Dominions of the K ing of Pruflia, and * reducing that Prince to the Neceflity of efking Peace up- ' on fuch Conditions as might be impofed on him. It v, as ' faid, the Meafures were fo well taken, that
they could ' not miicarry ; but the King of Pruflia has overthrown all ' thefe Projects. ' The Defign of the Courts of Vienna and Drefden was * to enter the l'ruffian Territories by three Ways at once ; ' that ib, by attacking his Pruflian Majefty at once from ' the Upper and Lower Lufitia, and from Saxony Proper, • « they might oblige him to divide his Troop, in Order to ' make Head on every Side: But this Monarch has pre- V ' vented them, and broken all their Meafures. He fuftcred Q ' the Auftrian Light Horfe to take Poft in the Upper Sile- P t ' fia, without amuiing himfelf to oppofe them, 5drew to^ e- q ' ther all his Force, and entered
fuddenly into the Heart of Yy ' Lufatia, marching dire& ly towards Prince Charles. " ' The Prince, feeing himfelf cut off by this Means ' from the Succours he expected of the Saxons, and from * General Grune, was obliged to retire with Precipitation, « not being ftrong enougii to make Head againit tiie King * in his prefent Condition : For he had detached from- his * Army 7 or 8000 Men to join General Grune in Lower ' Lufati:', befides having left behind him 10.000 Men at * Jaromitz in Bohemia, and font ahnolt all his Light * Troops to take Poll in the Upper Silefia. Add to th>=, * that a Body of Saxons, wlucri made Partof hi; Army, *
had been defeated ; b . t very fe-, v Men of the Regiment * of Saxe- Gotha, Infantry, c leaping, and of the Saxon « Cavalry not above half the Number. ' It was expected that Count Rfutow fki would have done * fomething; but he retired at the Approach of the Prince ' of AnhaU- DefTui. The Reafon was that he had been « obliged to detach Partof his Army to reinforce the Army ' of Prince Charles, fince the Defeat of the other Saxons. * ' Ilie Prince of Anhalt advanced without Oppofition, and < took a quiet rofftflion of l . ciphck. ' L'. tters from the Netherlands canfe a great Uncafinefs ' here, on Account of the Preparations making by
the ' French forfome Enterprize of Importance, and our not - 1 , n- n Condition to oppofe them fince the Departure t- < being in a Condition to opf e Englifh. We however, to reinforce thofe already in Brabant. epar ] of* ; fll " the Engliih. WV have ordered fome Troops, From the London Gazette. D < u Hague, Dec. 10. N S. 1 he Letters from France ccnie in this Dav, confirm the News of the late Duke of Or. O pond's Death at Avignon, and of M. Orry\> Deinilhon £„ om the Cliarge of Compti olIer- Genend. ' J hey affo take Notice of a fecund Inundation which readied from Ljons ts iVlarfeilles, occafiontd by the Overflowing of the Riw
rs « ifer Durance, and the Rlione, whip) has done infinite Damage. Whitehall Dec. t. By letters from Ncwcaftle of the 23th paft there is Advice, that Capt. I'itin'iah, Com m an - der of his Maielly's Sloop the Saltafh, who was arrived - herefrom itnv ernefs, having feen a large Ship off Becca- nefs on Tuefday laft, had come fo near her, that he fired a Sroadfide at her, and drove her amongft the Rocks at Pe- terhead, but could not follow her, the Wind blowing very hard. That he had next Morning fpoke with a Filhing- Boat with four Men, who had been on board the faid Ship, who told him that fhe- had four Companies of Lord John
Drummond's Regiment on board, all dreffed in Red, and fpoke Euglifh; and that nine Sail more, all from F" ranee, with Soldiers, landed at Stonehive and Montrofs upon the 22d. Whitehall, Dec. 2. Letter? from Invernefs of the 14th of November bring Advice, that Lord Loudon, having with him a confiderable Force, confiding of Part of his own Regiment, and feveral of the Monros, Lord Suther- land's, Mr. Grant's, and Lord Rea's People, and 400 of the Mackleods from the Ifle of Sky, and having received the Anns and Money brought by his Majefty's Ship Saltafh, was preparing to fet out to quell the Commotions in that
Neighbourhood, to fupply the Garrifons with fuch Necef- faries as they might have Occafion for, and to prevent Lord Lewis Gordon, who was lately come from the North, from giving any farther Difturbance. The faid Letters a id. that befides the Gentlemen abovenamed, the greateft Zeal had been ( hewn for the Support of his Majefty's Go- vernment, by the Lord Fortrofe and Sir Alexander Mac- don > Id. Whitehall, Dec. 1. By Advices from Larcafhire of the 29th, the main Body of the Rebels lay at Wigan and Leigh upon the 28th. That Afternoon a Party of them caaie into Manchefter, beat up for Volunteers for the Pre- tender,
inlifted feveral Papifts and Nonjurors, and offer d five Guineas a Man to an)' that would enter : Thofe who took the . Money had white Cockades given them, and marched about the Town with the Drum and the Serjeant. The Party above order'd Quarters to be prepared for io, ro3 Men, who were to come hither the next Day. Upon the 29th the main Body moved towards Mancheftcr. A Party of them arrived there at Ten in the Morning and exanvn'd all the Houfes, and afterwards fix'd upon one for the Pretender's Son's Quarters. By their Order the Bellman went round the Town to give Notice to all Perfons belonging to the Excife,
Innkeepers, & c. forthwith to appear, to bring their laft Acquittanccs and Rolls, and all the ready C afli they had in their Hands belonging to the Government, upon Pain of military Execution. About Two in the Afternoon, another Party arrived there with the Prete; der's- Son, who march'd on Foot in a Highland Drels, furrounded by a Body of Highlander's, and was proodaim'd. The Bellman went round the Town again to - irder the Houfes to be illu- minated. That Nit'ht fome of them gave out that their Route was for Chefter, and others reported that they fhould march to Knotsford, through Middlewich and Nantwich into Wales. The
three Battalions of Guards which went laft from hence, notwithftanding the exceflive Badncfs of the Roads, were expedled at Litchfield upon the 30th, or this Day at fartheft. Whit eh.> 11, Dec. 2. By Advices from Lancafhire of the 30th paft, the whole Body of the Rebels was in and about Manchefter that Day, and their Artillery was expected. A Report prevailed ftrongly there, as if they would endeavour to flip through Derbyfhire or Nottingham- fhire, to avoid the Duke of Cumberland's Army. The fir/ l Battalion of Guards arrived at Litchfield that Morning, without lofing a Man, cither by Sicknefs or any otlier Accident, and the two
other Battalions were ex- pected there the next Day. Handafyd's Regiment was to tie at Faimvorth the fame Day. The Dake of Bedford', Regiment marched into Litchfield; Part on the 29th at Night, and Part the next Morning. Letters from Leeke in Staffordlliire of the 30th take Notice, that they had not then heard of any advanced Parties of the Rebels being got on this Side Manchefter. WhitcMl, Dec. 3. There are Letters received To- Day, which mention that the main Body of the Rebel Army marched from Manchefter on Sunday Morning laft. That one Part of them had taken the Road to Stcckport, and the Other that to Knot ford ;
but that it was fuppofed they would join and go all together the latter Road. I', hitebull, D, c. r. An Exprefs is arrived from Mar- fhal Wade, with Letters of the 28th pall from Perfbridge, where his Army was then encamped, with Advice, that tie was- upon his March through Yorkfhire into Lancafhire, and would teonTuelday the 3d Inftant atWetherby. Whitehall, Dec. 1. This Morning arrived in the River of Thames frdm Williamftadt, the two remaining Troops of Lieutenant General Sir John Legonier's Regiment of Horfe, Lieutenant General Hawley's, and the Remains of Lieutenant General Sir Robert Rich's Regiment of Dra- goons.
Whitehall, Dec. 3. His Maj fly has been pltafed to conftitute and appoint Edward Braddock, Efq; to be Lieu- tenant Colonel to the Second Regiment of Foot Guards j Maurice Bockland, Efq; to be Firft Major to the faid Regiment; And Charles Ruffell. Efqj to be Second Major to the faid Re- giment. 1 1 His Majefty has been pleafed to conftitute and appoint 2< the Right Hon. James Farl of Lauderdale, to be Lieute- O nant Colonel to Lieutenant General Handafyd's Regiment of Foct. O Letter from the Rev. Mr. Allen, of Prefbury in Chejhire, n, N'. v. 29. ' Laft Night I arrived at my Houfe from Rochdale in < Lancafhire; and between that '
J own and Mancheftet ' rode through a great Part of the Highland Army.; and ' I protelt I never law fuch fhabby Fellows, man)' without « Cloaths to cofver their Nakednefs, marching in a great ' hurry for Warrington ; their Mulick eonfitted of Bag- ' pipes and Horns; and could every honeft Briton behold ' fo contemptible a Crew of Banditti, attempting to over- < throw a Proteftant and fiee Government, he would be ' allonifhedat their Impudence and Vanity.' Notwlthftandirig the following Letter did not come to Hand fo foon as we could hive vvifh'd, yet as it was wrote by a plain honeft Man to be depended upon, and contains more
Particula r of the Paffage of the Rebels tho' Kendal, then have yet appeared to thcPublick, wejhavc inferted it. Kendal, Nov. 29. ' My laft that I had wrote to you I was obliged to burn, < the Rebels being upon us beiore I could get it out of < Town : Thpy came here laft Thurfday Night about Six ' o'Clock the Vanguard only, confilling of 112 Horfe sri ' near as 1 could count them, they told us 2000 Foot ' would be in that Night, but there did not ccme above ' 200. On die Friday and Saturday they kept coming £ in fmnllPafties a'l'Day. On Saturday Night their Prince ' enter'd with a large Body of them. Some alio march'd C < Southwards
on the Saturday; but return'd again on the C/ 3 ' Sunday. Oh the Monday Morning they all went off ' together with 13 Pieces of fmall Cannon about two or < ' three Pounders with their Baggage. The Pretender was £ 2 ' pre laim'd on Saturday. Our Church was fill'd with them ' on Sunday, where in the Afternoon or. e of them rerfd ' Prayers and Prtach'd. At the Court- loft they had Maf ' The young Pretender's Head Quarters were at Mr. ' Moor's Houfe where he kept fliewing himfelf at the ' Windows all Day, to Number of the Country Pe& qk.,,- ' who went to fee h; m ; but not one IIuzz 1 was heard. • Some of their Men faid they
expected to raiie a Regi- ' ment out of our Place, being told by their Leaders,' ' that when they came to England all the Kingdom ' would rife for them ; but none joia'd there except two ' Papifts. We have taken as much Care as poffible to ' know their Numbers ; but cannot make in the whole' ' above 6 . 00 : And altho' fome of the Highlanders ap- ' pear'd to be llout hardy Fellows, well arin'd with ' swords, Piftols, Durks, & c. yet Part of them were fuch ' defpicable poor Wretches, that I was furprized their ' Leaders were not afham'd to head fuch a Crew ; and ' their Mufkets in general feem'd but very indifferent. « We reckon about 100
deferted from this Town. « They may have about 300 Horfe amongft them, the chief ' of which they ftole as they came along. As to their ' Behaviour, it was as good as we expefted, they collefted more Money, in the Town of the King's Duties than ' they paid, eating and drinking at fundryj Houfes to the Q < Value of three, fcur, and five Pounds. ' I'hcy promis'd ' fair, but perform'd nothing, granting Prote& ions for ' Houfes and Horfes, and immediately after plundering ci • the or. e and ftealing the other. They ear, lie and J^ T ' march like a Parcel of Swine under no D'fcipline or cr ' Commard ; and have fill'd our Houfes with Lice, and '
our Streets with a Stink: Several have eome back, Q ' and our Tradefmen, See. have difarm'd them ; and are * ' ' gone out this Njght to watch for more. They giVc ' out that they are pafling forward for Wales, where great « Numbers are to join them, and then they will march ' for London ; where they expeft the Gates to be opeft'd ' to them and the Crown deliver'd without Bloodlh » a, ' even impudently afferting that fome of the Parliament ' were their Friend-. This is what the common fort tell ' us, and we are o^ lig'd to hear it without Coiitradiftion. « But many of the better fort of that Tribe feem vexed < in their Minds, and fay they
are in the Nett, and its too ' late to look back, and that they cannot accept of • Quarter, tho' they will give it; fo that if there br ' a Battle, we expeft it to be a Bloody one.. We hear ' nothing of Wade or Legonier, the Polls to us being ' ilopp'd.' ' Some of ouf good Neighbours had inform'd the < Rebels of our independent Companies that were under * Arms, on King George's Birth- Day and we had all our ' Guns taken from us. I was oblig'd to deliver up tw* ADVERTISEMENTS arc taken in for tjiis Paper, at LLOYD'S CopUTF- Hotrsr, in Lombard- Stfeet. No Wooden Shoes, No Arbitrary Power,
4 or Pay iive Pounds ; but I hope there will be a reckoning * Day. We are neverthelefs as loyal and as loud in '^ commending King George ns ever, even before the ' Vifit of thefe Bare- Arfed Rafcals, had given us a « gurfeit. ' P. S. I fend this bv Settle. I have Forgot to tell you « • that P. O. walk'd from Penrith to Kendal on Foot laft * Saturday and towards Lancafter on Monday. Yetlenlay Was held; a Court of Common- Council at Guildhall, when a Motion wasjnade by Mr. James Hodges, ' That the Sum of One Thousand Pound by fubiijribed ' and paid by the Chamberlain to the Subfcription now t open in the Cha, mberlainvs
Office, towards the Relief of . ' fuch Soldiers as no. v are, or fliall hereafter be employed ' in his Majesty's Service during the Win er Sealon, to- . ' wards the Sttppreffion of the prefent unnatural Rebel- * lion.' . ), A11J the fame was agreed to with great Unanimity and " Cheerfulnefs.-. 16 At the fame Time c « me on the Election- of k Comiifton- Cryer; in the Room of John Elderton, Efq; deceafed, and upon dividing the Court, there appeared tirbe for Mr. Deputy Roberts 121, viz. tl Aldermen and iiO Commoners 5 iltxl for Mr. Romaiiie 118, viz. 9 Aldermen and 109 Com- moners ; J •„ 4. Upon which the ' toS- d Mayor. declareB Mr.
Deputy Ro- berts dfily elefted. ' ^ eiterday the Company of. Stationers faid info the • Chamber of London, at Guildhall, the Sum of One HUSK red Pounds, Wards the Relief, Support, and En- .' eoyra^ ement of his VlajeJty s Forces. • At a Court held Yelierday at Cooper's Hall, it was on- der'd, Ncrn. Con. that the Mailer, be impowijr* dto fablcribe in the Name cfthe Company,. the Sum of One Hundred Pounds, to the Stfbfc'ription now carrying on : at the Cham- ber of the City of ' London, towards the fiippr^ fling the preiUit unnatural Rtbeliion. nfjiW on foot in tins Kingdom in. favour of a_ Pt^ pfHi Pretender;' xfrfeich is- Manc to teitify
an Abhorrence of all . Schemes Eo deprK- eHis of thofe in- . valuable Bieffings we en| > y undenthe prefent Eliabliihrne nt, • and to fuppcrt ; ind Ye-. ifcve those who arte now. expoiing their . Lives in Defence of our Laws and Liberties; And Mr. Hope the pfefent Whiter imiaeautely fubicribed and paid the faid- Sum of 100.1. We hear the Sublp- iption at Guildhall gaes on very ' brifkly, and that the Committee for. the VETERANS Scheme have porchas'l Paillaies„. WaithjCdats, tmd Blankets, which will be very foon with the Armies, '^•"^ eilerday^ an Exprefs arrived from the Lofd Vifcouat Lonfdale; whofe Vigilance cannot be tso © r
mush com- mended. Yefterday one Mr. Anderton, and fon\<? other Perfons,; were taken into Cuftody of his Majefty's M'eifertgers. The Friend/ hip, Sail, from Falmouth for ioutfe. Caro- ' lina, was taken by a Spaniih Privateer; but is juice re- taken by the Anibufcade Privateer, Capt. Thornton. The Biddy, Brown, from London to Antigua, is taken by a French Privateer ;. but was re- taken by the Faulk ' land Man of War, and. fent into Falmouth. The Adolph Frederick, Hans Moiler, from Stockholm to London, is loft near Flackery. A Lubeck. Hoy, from Rochelle for Dunkirk, loa'ifen with Brandy, Coftec,, is taken and fent into Dover by the
York and fc'ftgie Privateers. The Polly, I vie, for Barbadoes ;^ nd the Fanny, Cal- vert, for the Lee ward 1/ lapds, bo th from V irginia, were taken by the Spaniards on the Coalt of Virginia. Yefterday died Lieutenant- Colonel Phillips, Mufta- JV'Iaiter of, the City of London : There are various Candi- | dates for his Place ; but Mr. Shiplton of Cornhill, is the moft likely tq. fucceed him. •^ eftertjay Sir Francis Dafliwood, Bart, was married to j the Lady Eljis, a Lady of great Fortune and Merit. [ . On Saturday laft died, at her Houfe in Smith- flreet, ft Weftminiter, Mrs. Deane, who many Years kept a Board- Ing- School for young Gentlemen.
On Monday laft died,, at her Lodgings in Dartmouth-; flreet^ in the 65th Year of her Age,, Mrs.^ araji Newton, a Maiden Lady of good Fortune, which fhe has left amongft I Sier Relations. ^ eiterday Morning died in Fenchurch- ilreet, Mr. Fifher, an Oilman ofconfiderable Bufinefs. Ypfferday Number 37,074 was drawn a Prize of 500 1 and Nunabers 27,213, 25,669, 14,818 and 2,611 Prizes of 1001. each., To the'Author of the GENERAL ADVERTISER, ,- i^- i K . i: • . 7r'. ,1 THE commendable Zeal you difcover for the Welfare of our Country in this perilous Time, leaves me no Room to doubNyour Keridinefs to infert this Letter in
your. next Paper for Publick Service.. There are many laudalite Schemes on Foot to ferve the Nation at prefent ; fome for raiftng new Forees ; others for providing comfortable Accommodations for thofe, who are k, one againft the Rebel*, in this - rigorous Seafoil. T I quefiion not, but the Compnffion and Generofity of their l: eilow » 5ul] eas will animate 6iit Soidiei\ Sifitf, if pofiible, give them double Courage and Resolution m oppofing thofe vile awl ungrateful Wretches) who are rifen up in Rebel- lion againft the BEST of KINGS, and engaged in an At- tempt to ruin their Country, by bringing in a Popijb Pre- iiSier, with all the Cuffed
Retinue and Appendages of Po- pery, < viz. Idolatry and Slavery; whereby We Mil be de- prived of every Thing, that can be Valuable to us either as Men or as Chrifltans. 1 fmcerely hope, thefe Schemes may take tftect, and abundantly anfvver the good Defigns for which they are propofed. Allow me however to fuggeft, that as all our Care and Preparations will avail nothing without the Almighty's Blelling; fo it is highly fit thatconlSant Application ihould be made to him by Prayer for his Bleffing. 1 wquld there- fore, by your Hands, recomrfiend to tt> e Ufe of my Fcl- lbw- Subjefls a i'mall Pamphlet, which I met With iince I came to
Town ; it contains eight fhort Prayers, adapted to the prefent Circumftafices of the Nation s and I own, they afforded me much Pleafure, as be< « g very pertinent, and drawn up in a Way, Which can't offend any one, who fears God. honours the King, and loves his Country. I fhould be glad, if theft or other Prayers of the fame Kind, were in daily Uic at this jun£ turc in every Chrillian Fami'y. Naf, I beg leave to fay, it is pity, that fome Prayers of this Nature are not publifhed by proper Autlw- rity, to be added to the - Morning and Evening Publick Ser- viceof our Church till the Rebellion is happily fuppreffed; - as I hope in Goil it will
toon be.—— The Difl'enters, I hear, have frequent Times of Prayer at their Meetings for this PiSqjjfe, to ' jnplore the Mfrty of God to this Land ; to which,- I am told, fe Mtietiqxes added ft Strlnon to ex- cite the Zea!, and enliven the Hopes of the Friends o- f the Go VerriiTicht: And 1 think all our Plates of Publick Wor- fhip Ihorild be frequently thus e.- nploy'd, 1 am fure there never was more need for Prayer and proper Itiftrudtion than at this juncture. The L^ mphlet I recommend is. entitled FORMS OF PR AVER 5 coinpofed on Occalioii of the prefent Horrid arid unnatural Rebellion, Printed for M. Cefper ift Pattr- tiof- tir- Row. Price
3 d. or 2 i. per D& ceir, to ihofe who give them away, , In publiihing this you'll oblige, S I V& r daily Reader and Hum'- ie Strr< v<) nt, TftEODOSI US ^ H ILOP ATR IUS. the A D I E ( J to our Soldiers, thefe petrti- ( utarly who retiirVdfrojn Flanders fni ihelr fitting out from " Lbnddn, ngaifiji thelRelels. ' ARCH forth, wife cVery WifA- that tan- atf- end, The belt deferving, gallant, generous Friend. To Vou, we truft, in this important Cai, ft. Our Country, Kirtg-, Ftrith, Liberties and Laws.- ' © recolfaa,' to whom Revenge is " due f— To thofe worlt Parricides, a Kebel Crew;, l-' eil Sons of Rapine, bigotted and vile ; ' Slaves to Fre'/ ch- Slaves,
f he" n « . ScandaI of oar file ; Who^ whil'ft from ev'ry \ irtue ' Fhey depart, Wou'd plunfx: a Dagger in Brifav/ i yS.. Heart. Where'er v^ ou conie, may H Your Prei'ence hail : And, with what belt can chtfer the Soul, regale : You, the Pailad'tun: of our menae'd State, To ifav » from Gallic Snares, and Highland i latt. Ye Seraphs, wlTo protect the Land of Blifs, V/ hilft in- bred ,% akes, and Rome'.* foul Hydra hifs ; As on,, our Patriot Bands advince, be nigh ; Extend your Wings, and fheild them as you fly. In vain pert, faro ' B'L; fESt whofe Mint of Lies,- - Exhauftiefs, each blind C ofl'ee- Houfe fupplies ; ( Who flint the Bank ;. ! gainft
faithful Pelhafn * roar j From Cleiids Ariyp Spdnifi 1 eg 011s f on our Shore ; Make dauntlefs GEORCB to IVindfor s Tow'rs retire ; And IVa'de, for turnifig Rotnnnift admire J ;) Extol the SWord, the Farget Mountaineer, To awe your Courage, and degrade with Fear. This- groundlefs Praife, deftruaive in its Aim, Will ( truft the Mufe) but eternize their Shame.— Cou'd fuch Banditti face You in the Field, To your Immortal Thunders foon they'd yield : Thunders which roll'd thro' Fountenoy, difmay t- And thrice repell'd the French, in fierce Array ; The Flower of Gallia's Troops, her conftant Boaft, An aitive, hardy, fearlefs, veteran Holt. At
your Approach, yon cr'ael Wights fliall fly, As tlire'atniitg Spedtres dread Sors Samir. g Rye; Swift'thro' their Veins, rebellious Horrors fpread, Oppos'd by you, jtiiWuiUM at your Head No Wondtr, ftill, that Albion's Sons ( hou'd arm, And the whole Kingdom catch the wild Alarm. Faljhoid, diftrafting PoWer, Can inftanf feign Things no Where found, but in th' Inventor's Brain : Fear] thro' the Telefcope's fmall End, defcries, And thus fwells Objects ro Gigantic Size: From thefe two Sources, ftrange Chimaera's ftream, Perkins ie. ize icy Thrones, and Nations dream. Her. ce Turpin 5, heading a fmall daring Band, Can bid grim Terrol ftalk
thro' half th « Land j A paltry, ruffian Few all Londcx ifrightj And make its Street a Wild, each clofing Night} Craz'd Highlanders, with Swords a- thirft for IVey, Devour whole Mountains^ in their furious Way.— But You, brave Warriors, fliall th6 Charm difpell \ Call forth fair Truth, and curit Rebellion • quell- Methinks Vou nbw> return, with Trophies croWft^ I hro'- w- ondring, loyal Crowds, Who fl6ck aftfund. See, from the Windows-, how fond Millions gaze 1 Hark, how th' stherial Arch refousdsybur Praife \ With fprightly Welcome Peals melodious greet; And Fires, like So/, illume each blift& l Street. Enrapt, your Wives, your Children to
Yb'a fly, Clafp to their Souls, arid heave th' endearing Sigh j Whilft votive Gold, and GEORGE'S gracious Smiles Rewarding, throw a Lcftre o'er your'Toils. VOLUNTEEK I'OILHI * Hit Greet the toah cf NevfcalHe. F " tivjs faid fit bul's c/" Ormond was coining'with10, cop Spaniards. | All tgresic- Jz Lies tf th Day. § tit irfipnt Ej) Pine- f ortft, & c. ij < m Biacfe- Boy- Alley Cavg. Bank- Stock 133 i half a > 4th. IMfei Dftt § 3 4ths. South Sea Stock no Price. Ditto Old Aiifttii- ties 102 3 4thsa 3 gths a j half. Ditto New 103 a t& z 1 4th. Three per Cent. Annuities 84 a 3 4th? a 84. Ditrd 17421, 84 3 8ths a 84. Ditto 1743 and 1744, j gths a 84.
Ditto 1745, 84 1 4th a 83 3 4ths.' Million- fifenfe 113. Equivalent 104. Royal Aifurance i half, Loiidfc'fl Affuranceioi 4th, Engliih Copper 51, StVenper CWt-. Emperor's . Loan no Price. FiVe per Cent, ditto hb Pfic& a Bank CSitailatioh 2 1. sbs. Oifc. India Stir. ds 45 s a 4$ ;,-. Difc. Three and a halfSak {' all- tes Ji Difc. .[ hrrertnd half per Cent.- Exchequer Oi- dtrs no Frfte. ThVee pi- 1 Cent. Ditto no Price, i. ottery ' I'fekets 10 L a 5 s, a - 8 I. ifeAnnuitic: i 3 Years Puft& rtlfe. pl A a k ' k t. THE SUBSCRIBERS to the OPl '. RA m ' defired to'biafte'/ he lafi • Payment - of fhe'lr ^ u'bfn'/ ff'iip Money to ' the TYsnfitrrr, at •'{& » Opern- Ofiift - fk
Jks Hay- market, where Alteiiddnce totil '- be gW-' n ' t'bfo anii tvny • from Ten ' tftlT- ivi, to receive " tie Jtiihr, ttHti- Weliv. Y ' c » t tfr Silver tickets. D~ R V R T- L - A " At fhe particular Deftrc of feveral Perfws < jf alily. By His Majefty's Company of CowJiahs^ AT the Theatre- Royal in Drury - LaHCj thi: DAY, will TE preftiitcti - a CONIEDY, FA)!'* ' 1 he N O N- J U R 0 R, Written ' by CBBIY Cibber, Eft} J Poe't- LtWeif-. Sir John Wtfedvil by Mr. Veffy $ CSbnel WOED^ IL, MI-. Ma « RC) JI Mr. Meanly, Mr. Gifevd- J Dr. Wolf ( the NON-. JURDT) FI^' MH hr - Sparfces ; Charles, Mr. Meieeh. LSTY Woodvil, Mrs. MACFEH'N J The Part of
Maria by Mrs. Woffingtori. A a y. A Neut Song WIRH'a CThorus, eall'd % E'IHIBFTVIFI1SH, bf Mr. LOWE, AND 6th4rs, To which will be added: a Tarde, eall'd The INTRIGUING CHAMBERMAID The Part OF - tettiee ( the Chambermaid) by Mrs. GliVe ; Valentine, Mr. Lowe ; Giodall, Mr. WinlTone ; Oldcaftie, MFJ- Tafwell ;' Sja'p, Mr. Tnrbutt. Mrs. Higbraan, Mrs Benfiet; CHAT* lotte, Mifs Royer; and the Drunken Colonel by Mr. Macklin. Boxes 5 s. PIT Js. Firft Gallery 1 s. UPPFC- GALLERY 16; Places for the Boies to be taicen o? Mr. Hobfcn, at the- STAGE- DS8F of the Theatre. To'begiir eXaftly at Si* o'Cibck, V* To- nlorrow
will'be prefentej AS YOXJ LIRE IT. COVE N T- G A R D E N. At the " Defire if feveral Perfons of AT the Theatre- Royal in Coverit- Garderv this Day, will be prefented a Comedy, eall'd The CARELESS HUSBAND. The Part of tord Poppington to be perform'd by Mr. CLBBER Sir Charles Eafy, Mr. Ryan; Lord Morelove, Mr. Hale ; Lady Betrf Mod- I/ H by Mrs. Horton$ Lady Eafy, MRS. Pritcfiard J Lady GR. Tfe- afrs, ' Mrs. Vincent ; and the Part of F- dgiftg, by Mifs Hippiftey. Witha VEW Occafional Hallad'to be- fong % y Mr. Beard. TO which will'be added a Drainatic- ErHeftainTti& IT, - tali-' d The RAPE of P R O S E R PINE j With
the Birth and Adventures of Harlequin; Boxes 5 s. Pit js. Firft Gallery 2 s. Upper Gallery I s. To legin exaftly at Sir o'Clock. AT a Meeting held T^ Jlerday ' to- take the De-> * •*• claration of the Sums the Mtftbntits, Traders, Citi- zens, and others, would'Su'bfcribe to the Land Tax for ' the Year 1746- It having bes- n riprtfiniid that a Number'' of Gtntlenleii had nt/ t the Opportunity ' of attending'this Day for th- at Pur p> fe, and it being defired that further Time fhiitld be giveni it was agreed, the ptid Declaration " fimld laycpeh at thi Crown Tavern behind the Royal- Exchange, this Day, ' till Five dClock in the Evening, when the fame will
be clife4) in Order to be fint ' to> the Exchequer,
High Water at London- Bridge, this Day at 55 Minutes after 6. G O O D M A N's- F I E L D S. AT thelLate WELLS, the bottom of Le- mon- flreet, Co- dman l- Fidit, thwprefent Evening, will be per- form'd a Concert of Vocal and Inftrutnental MUSICK. Divided into TWo Parts, Boxes 1 s. 6d. Pit or Firft Gallery t s. 6 d. Upper Gallery r s. Between the Two Parts of the Cwieert will be given- Gratis, The TEMP E 5. T ; Or, The ENCHANTED ISLAND. As alter'd by Mr. Drvden and Sir William Davenant from Shakefpear. The Part of Part of Profpero by Mr. Furnival ; Ferdinand. Mr. Kenfiedy ; Hippoljt< v Mrs. Phillips; Ariel ( with the Songs
proper) Mft. Kennedy; Stcphano, Mr. Morgan ; Trincata, Mr. L. Hal- lam ; Caliban, Mr. Paget; Alanzo, Mr. Lee ; Antonio, Mr. Duvej Gonzalo, Mr. Blakev ; Ventofo, by Mr. Cnfhing; Muftachio, Mr. Jelian ; Sycorax, Mr. Haliam fen. Miranda, Mrs. Hallam ; Do- rinda ( with the Songs proper) by Mrs. Culhing. With all the Dances proper to the Play. The Old Dame Stetebos, Mr. Granier ; Pluto, Mr. Brett ; Da- mons, Mr. Baker, Mr. Jackfon, Mr. Toole, and<? thers. Concluding with a Grand Mafque of N E P T U N F. and AMPHITRITE To begin exaflly at Six o'clock. Admiralty- Office, Dec. 2, 1745. • jT"// E Leave of Abfence given to the
Petiy- • Officers tmii feremaff- Men late belonging to his Maj- fty s Ship the Lynn being expired, and the Lords Comntijfbners of the Admiralty ha ving Ordered tb'r. tn to. be turned over into the Halting?, and the. Rfguleiting^ Cctpteiins to provide a c\ udlr ) o carry theJaid Men d. wn to the Haftings, at the Nore j tbtir La- dftips do herd*/ direS the faid Petty- Officers and Fattmetfl- Min ^ immediately - H apply it tht tte. giU- jting Captains at the Cafflc in Mark- Lace, and receive their Direction to go on hoard fucb " lender as they have npjjiittted to carry them, = b. ith their Chef s and Tedding on lo.' rdthe Haflings, - it- he- re they • will be
paid the Wages due to them for the Lynn before tlye Haltings proceeds to tea, but in Cafe they faiT to repair ns above diriSed, they will not only Itfcihiir Wages for the Lynn, but the Murftal of the ' Admiralty mill ' be ordered to apprehend them, in Order to their being tried at a Court Martial as Deferters, Tiro. CORBETT. General Pott- Office, London, 12 November 1745. ' l/ f/' HE- REAS a Number of Packed Boats have ** . been, far fome Ttme pa f appointed, - and are now al- mofi prepared - to tdke on Board of them his Mnjeftys ' Mails of Letters, and Packets for the Wef- Indies. Publiek > N, tiee - is hereby given ' to'all
MerfJmnts, and all Others, in general, whom it mat concern, that all Letters And Packets for the IJlands of Jamaica, Barbadoes, Attte- goa, Montferrat, Nevisj. . and St. Cbriftopher's, will, for theflime to'ctme, he taken in, and - received, at this Office, upon the 1ttefday, Thursday and Saturday < f the Year, through- cut, upon their being paid for after the Rates fettled by A3 if Parliament, viz. For a Single Letter, One Shilling and Sixpence, a. Double Letter, Three Shillings. a Treble Letter, Four Shillings - and Sixpence. an Ounce, Six'Shitlings. And farther Notice is hereby given, • that tlje Mails to contain the Bags of Letters, for the
feveral JJlands above, will be conftantly made up at this Office, upon the laft Sa- turday of every Month in the Tear, to commence the laft Sa- turday bf ibis frefent Month, in Order to be forwarded by the Poft of that Night • to Falmouth, where the faid Racquets are to be ftatianed, and. from whence they are, in turn, to fail, for the Weft- Indies, as oforift. id, Wind and Weather permitting, - upon tbeThurfday next after the daft Saturday tf every Month of the Tear . Letters or Packets for. the Weft- Indies isull. be. taken in at the fever, a I Receiving H: ufts in Town, and Poft- Houfs in the Country. Note, ' Ihefu- ll Port orPoftage mf the
above Letters and Packetrmuft'be paid into this Office,, at the Time of Deli- very, or they will not be forwarded from hence. fhe fame if to he underftood of fuch of them as are, or may be, pit into Receiving Houfts in Town, or Offices in the Country. Tbe.- lnland- Poflage to hondon ruuft be alfo paid for all Weft- India Letters, from the Country, or tlxey will nvtik forwarded. By Command of the Poft- Maftef General, GEORGE SHEI VOCICE, Sec. L O S T or M I SLA I D, On Saturday laft, ABill of E^ hange for 50 1. Sterling, drawn by John James, dated at. Gibraltar the lift of May 174;, on Mr. Thomas- Mift, Merchant in London, payable
to Mr. William ^ Oliver or Order, andertdorfed by him. to Elizabeth Bull, who h » tb likewite endorfed the fame. Whoever iai found the faid Bill, and will bring it to the Bar of Cole'* Coffee- houfe in Birehin- Lane, ( hall receive Ten Shillings Re- < ward, aud noQueftion asked, it twing of no Ufe to any hut the Owner Payment being fhrpt. W t L BE SOLD by AUCTION, On Wednefday the 11 of December, and the following Days, at his Great Au3ion- Room in fall- A. all; TH E Houfhold Furniture, Sec. of a Gen- tlemm near Goklen- Square, having retire^ into the Coun- try. CunflAing of Silk and Worded Damafk, and other Furniture, in
Beds, Chairs, Window Curtains, and Hanging*, fine Featherbeds, Blankets, Quilts and Counterpanes large Pier, Sconces and Chimney CJIaffes, Mahogany, Walnuttree, De/ k ariJ Book- Cafes, Chefts of Drawers, Chairs and Tables, Turkey Carpets, curious fine cdi Japan, and Italian Cabinets, a Colle£*> ion of Pi& ures, fome fine old China, both ufeful and prnarp. etjral, and other curious Efitfti. The whole to be vjcw'd, and Catalogues to be had on Friday the 6th, to the Time of Sale. By Mr. P R E S T A G E, To- morrow, and the ft fauuing D. ys, by Order of the AjJiguees, ' THE neiit Houfholu Furniture, Plate, JL fcidures, HouftoU
Linen, and China of Mr. WILLIAM RAVEN, Stationer, a Banltiupt, at his late Dwelling Houfe, the S^ n of the Sun, next to Bin- nerd's- Inn, ftalborn ; the whole confu- ting of Four- poft Damafk and other Bed-, fine clean Bedding, Win- dow- Curtains and Chaire, S. cances and Chimney- Ghflej, Mahogany, and Walnut- tree Deikand JBook- C'ate . with Glaft Di. ors, a I'pinnet, Carpets, a neat Collection ofBooks. Likewife ( by Leave of the Afil nees) v. ill be fold fome fine Hol- lands, Cambricks, Lices, fine Cloaths, & c, which were taken by Executien, The who'e tn be view'd this Day to the Time of Sale, which will begin each Day at
Eleven o'Clock. Catalogues to be deliver'd at the Place of Sale, and at Mr. PRESr TAGE's, the End pf Saville- Row, r- ext Conduit- ftreet. The HOUSE to be LETT. The above Goods are almoil hew, - being bought within thefe three Years. To be SO L •() 10 the Beft iBicMer, By the dgjgueet t. ndcr a Cotr. mifftox of Bankruptcy, agairft ' Richard Tillley, of . the- Par ft of St. Leonard, Aioriditch. in the County fif Middlefex. Carpenter, On Thursday the jyrb fff this Irtflant, at Tiuo c CIotk in the jQfttrr. Z'. n, at tb: S- jtuirt Tavern, near HdylveU- Lar. e, Sboreditcb. THE feveral Leafehold . L. flares of the hid iireba- ii T: ljky, fituate in
Shoreditch, Hoxton, Shackle- well, and WindmilijsHill. Particulars whereof may be had at the Swan Tavern a fore fa id ; or of Mr. Stagg, Attorney, in Red- Crofs Sweet, London. November 29, 1745. / IT a Meeting thh Doty of . the Subfcribers Jo • the VETERANS Scheme, a Committee ivas appoin- ted to forward the immediate Difpatch of the Necejfories pro- fifed ftr carryipg the . ftid Scheme into T. xecution, and it '. ivds order d that the BalJanQe. ftoi. Jd Le paid into . the Sft.- fcripthn novj carrying on at GniU'; a! l, for rh: Relief, Sup- port, and Encouragement, of his - fylaftjiyU Forces ; tiad all Per font ix- ho arc willing to
contribute to ft humane and htu- dtibk an Undertaking, are d'ft'd to ftbfcribe at Guihthall accordingly. The Committee will continue to meet at the London- Affiu- tance Office in Coinhill\ at'Elcru.. » o'Cloek each Day. < rhe BATH and BRISTOL WAGGON TS Remov'd from the Ktno's Arms Inn - at Holborn- Bridge t « Gerard's Hall Inn in B » fing- Lane near Bread- ftreet, London, where it comes in every Tburftay, and fets out a- gain on Frday Mornings, and carries£ Joods and Pal& ngers at reafo- nable Rates. For the greater Conveniency of Gentlemen, & c. Goods are taken in at the White and Black Bear Inns, and the White Horfe .
Cellar, all in Picadilly. Another Waggon fets out from Peter's Pomp, Briflol, the fame Day as from London. Confiant- AWendanceis givenat Gerard's Hall Inn . ahove- xnention'd for taking in and . delivering oat Goods. Nate, . No Money, Plate, Bank Notes, Jewels, at Writings, will be infur'd, unlefs deliver'd, and pa/ d for as fuch. Perfortti'd by WILLIAM DA Y. RALPH T A Y L O jR, BRICKLAYER, to his Royal Highnefs the Prince of WALES, in St. Aiban's- StTeet, Pall- Mall, St. James's ; CURETH Smoaky Ch'mnies. no Cure, no Money ; he hath had the Honour to perform fsr His Royal Highnefs the Prince of WALES, His Grate the
Duke ofRicbvnnd, Hi. Grace the Duke of Roxburgh, His Grace the Duke of St. Allian's, The Right Reverend the Lord Bifhop of Lectin, Chrifi Hofpital, Guy's Hofpital, And many more too tedious to infert here. The faid TAYLOR performs all Manner of ChemicalFurnafts, *# » The faid TAYLPR hath followed the faid Bufinefs near 30 Ysars. JJ/" UEREAS en Sunday the iph of CfL la ft, 1 was ft imprudent as to commit a violent Affa-< It upon the Per fan and Reputation of a Toung Gentleman, vjht came to fee the Children ftp in the Hall belonging to i/ i. Ulw coat Hofpital, hy Striking, and cauftig him to be mttcb Abas'd, and called a
Pickpocket, althd he is a Perftn of undoubted Cha raSer and Lircttmftanee. I therefore hereby acknowledge, that 1 am truly fen ftI? of my Crime and Mifiehavi~ ur, ' and humbly and heartib; beg the Gentleman s Pardon, and promije faithfully to bev. rji careful to avoid any Juch MtfconduB for the future, J. H. RICHARDSON, A Beadle of the faid Bluecoat Hofpital. for S A L E by the CANDLE, At LLOYD'S CoJ'c- Houfe in Lotibard- ftreet, This Day, at Twelve 0' Clock at Noon, ' HP HE KATHERINE, A SkfMjfil X ' F^ di Dogger, Burthen So Tons, more or lefs, now lying at Ilorjlydoicn, I-. ventories to be i-; J^-' i- the Place of Sale. t^
tgtSliSffiSSm To be Sold by SAMUEL BROOKS, BROKER. To be heard of Daily at his Office ( for Affuring Ships and Mer- chanrfizejoppofite Jonathan's Coffee. houfe in Exchange- Al! ey ; or a! Lloyd's Coflee- houfe in Lombard- ftreet. Stnvpart, Commander. feen on Board, and at For SALE by the C A N D L F, At Ll. Oyi>' s Coffee He ufe in Lombaid- Street, On Ft id ly next, at Twelve. o'CTck at Noon, R H E Ship N ANCY with S la Carr af: e Guns, Square- fiernV, FrSnch built. Burthen 250 Tons more or ! efj with proportionable DiiTienfions. now lying at Sbad- Welt- Dock, Timcthy M' Daniel, Com- mander. Alfo . tit the fame Time
and Place, The FANNY Pinle, Round- ftern'd, Plan- tation- built, Burt!: « n 200 Ton.- more or ,' efs, now lying againft the fonver, U'tiUatr- MaSt'ar, Commander. Inventories to be feen on Board, and at the Place of Sale. To be Sold by SAMUEL BROOKS, BROKER. I ' A:' S A L E ly ike CANDLE, At LLOYD'S Coffee- Houfe in Lombard- ftrect, On Wednffday the 11 th Inftant, at Twelve a i^ tockat Noony TilE good Ship Duke or RICHMOND, with 31 Guns, Square- fl « rn', d, Ri^ er- built, and fneathed, Burthen 275 Tons, more or lefs, with very goodD;- men. fioni for the firginia or H'ejl- lr. di4 Trades, lately Docked, Graved, and Ri »
ged . fsr the Sea, and is fit for immediate Service; new lying at Rotherhiib- Jiair:, George jcatt^ late Commander. Inventories to be feen on- Board, and at the Place of Sale. To be Sold by SAMUEL BROOKS, BROKER. Ftr S A L E by the C AN DI, E, ^/ LLOYD'S Coffee- Houft in Lombard- Street, On Wednefday the iSth Inftant, at Twelve o'clock, ' THE VERNON Priva- JJ_ teer, with 26 large Carriage Guns, an exceeding fine Sxllor, Square- ftern'd, Bof- ton built, Burthen 3C0 Tons, more or lefs, with very good l) imcn!: ' f;-, and well fi? urid, now lying at Stone- fiairs, John Harwood, — r— r Commander, fe jfe.^ ' . wai Inventories to
be feen on Board, and at the Place of Sale. SAMUEL BROOKS, BROKER. For SALE by the C A N D L E, At G ARR \ WAV's Coffee-. Houfe, in Exchange- Alley, This Day, at Five o'clock in the ,/ ftcrncon, H E following GOODS, lat- ly lmpor- ted fiom\ Montferrat, vii, 132 Hogfbeads of Marrinique. Sugar, 2 HogIheads~ J a 3 barrels > Ditto Coffee. 6 Bags J 1 Ca/ k Anotto 6 Bags Cotton Wool. 7 Keggt Preferv'd Ginger. The Goods to be view'd at Smart's Key, fr « m this Day- J'tiW the Time of Sale. Catalogues v.- ill be Timelv difpers'd. by JORFN BRADSHAW, Broker. This Day is fublifhed^ Price 6 d. PHARISAISM revived in
POPERY : A SERMON preach'd Sept. 29, at the Pariih Church, of Fryer. n- Barnet ; ar. d, . Oftoberl3, 174.5. at Hi^ h- gate- Chapel, Middleftx. j By B. L I P T R O T T. Printed for the Author ; and fold by J. Newton in Little- Britain. Where may be had, Ready Monty for wy' library er Parcel cf Bioks.
• Par SALE by the CAN D L E, A the KING'S HEAD Coffee- Hot, Ce in S* vitbin'l- Affy, On Thififday, Decern/, e- r'i 2, at four in ths. Afterm. oH, "" T^ H E r mail ling Parr of the Cargoe of I ,(, » St JOSEPH N. S. de 1.1 GRANADA fiom the Havan- taken by the K u! i kltin Privateer, Captain Jojrph Barker, } Tobacco, ^ Snuff. nah, takrn hy Coniifling ot 3^, 8 Baler 95 HOgfhead aoi Serons i 3 Small C/ p.' fters j 7 Small Bags i 3 Boxes Segars. Th!> Goods to be feen from Tuefday next to the Time of Sale, at fttjb IVbuf, where Catalogues will be deliver'd, and at the Place of Sale, and of ABRAHAM LESTOURGEON, broker. J O H N K N
I G H T, At the York- lhire and Northamptonfhire SHOE- WARE HOUSE, in St. MichaelV Alley, in Co: nhi 11; Comir. ues to SELL H E heft Double and Single CHAN- NEL PUMPS, and the beft YORKSHIRE CAMPAIGN SHOES, with all other Sorts of SHOES 9nd BOOTS for Exporta- tion, at the very Icweft Prices. At the fime Place are to be fo'A a large PJreel of exceeding fir. ng and gocd ROUND TOED SHOES tor SOLDIERS very Cheap. This Day is publifhed, r pi i E NAMES of the ROMAN 3- CATHOLICKS, NONJURORS and others, who refufed » « take the Oil ills to his late Majefly King GEORG E. Together- with their
Titles, Additions, and Places of Abode ; the Parifl-. es and Townfhips w litre their Lands lay ; the Names of the then Tenants, or Occupiers thereof; and the Annual Valuation of them, as efti- tnatcd by thcrrftlv- s. Tranfmitted to the late Commiflioners for the Forfeited Eflates of England and Wales, after the Unnatural Rebel- lion in the North, in the Year 1715. As appears by the Returns of the Clerks of the- Peace for the ftvcral Counties, purfuant to an Aft of Parliament made for Regiftering their Ellates, in the Firft Year of the'Reign of his laid late Maiefty. Takea from an Original Ma- nuscript of a Gentleman, who was the Principal
C'erk to the Ac- corr. ptant General's Office, belonging to the faid Cnmmiffioners. And now Publifhed with a generous View to promote and ferve the true Pruteftant Intereft of thefe Kingdoms. By JAMES C O S I N S, Of the Middle- Tim le, Gat. So'. J by J. Rnbrnfon, Publiflier, at the Golden Lion in Ltislgate- ftreet ; R. Dodlky in Pali- Mall ; and Mrs. Nutt under the Royal- Exchang*. This Day is ; publifh'd, Number III. ( to be continuedWeekly £ Price 6 d. THE Soldier's Pocket Compa'iion, 01- the Manual Exercife Of ,. ur Britifh Foot, with the Officers proper Salutes, See. As aifo. th- Ufe of the Small Sword, & c. The Terms are as
follow, 1. To- be printed in a neat Oftavo, and una line Demy Paper. 1. To contain in the whole ntur no Pistes, befides Letter Prefs Work. 3. Sixteen Plates to be delivered Weekly at 6d, per Number. 4. The whole to be comprized in feven Numbers, or if it makes more, the Overplus to be giv- n Gratis. 5. The firft Number was published on Saturday the 16th of Novem- ber, and a Number to come out every Saturday ' till com plea ted. By the Proprietor B. COLE, Engraver, At the Corner of K'i£ s- Head Court in tlolboin. To be had of the News Carriers in Town and Country, 7his Day is publifhed, Price 2 s. 6D. APALTYRANNY
Proved; or, An Account of the Sufferings of Mr. SERRES, and feycrai other rVench Gentlemen, for prafelTing th~ Protellant Religion, Shewing thn Perfccution and Cruelty are the Tme Spirit of Popery ; and what we may expeft fliould it ever prevail in thefe Kingdoms. In fe- veral Letters to a Friend, tranilated from the Original French. To] which is added, a Letter from an Abbot totiie Tranflator, in order to B ing him back to the Romifh Religinjr he had forfaken Printed for G. Wooafall, at the King's Arms, near Craig's Court, Cluring- Crofs. This Dry is publifhed * ( Pi ice z s. 6 <!. Bow J,) TH E Symptoms, Nature, Cauft- s, and Cure of
the FliBRICULA, or Little FEVER : commonly call'd the Nervous or Hyftc'ric Fever ; the Fever on the Spirits j Va- pours, Hypo, or Spleien- By Sir RICHARD MANN INGHAM, Knt. M. D. F. R. 8. and > f the College of P'yjiciarts, London, Febrium cmr. ium Aer Auclor exijlit. Hippoc. Art. de Acre. Nature! dum ir. Perfp iranii tffiiio efl impedita, tncipit ftatim in Aiultis dtjicere. Sanftoritrs. Printed for T. Olhorne at Grays- Irin ; J. Hildyard at York ; M. Bryfon at Newcaltle ; a£ d J. Leake at Bath. This Day is publijhed, Price l s. fen/,- J the Sixth Edition, of A Treacife of the Game of WHlST. To / V th^ s Sixth Edition are added, and never before
publifhed, a Diftionaiy for WHIST, which refol. es all the Critical Cafes that may happen to the Game ; as likewife an Artificial Memory, or an ealy Method of ailifting the Memory of thofe that play at the Game of WHIST, and feveral Cafes not hitherto puHifhed. By E D M U N D H O Y L E, Cent. Printed for T. O( borne in Grays Inn ; J. Hildyaid at York ; Mr. Bryfon at Newcaftl e ; and J. Leal. e at Bath. At all which Places may be hid the following Treatifes, wrote by the above Mr. lliylt. A Treatife on the Game of Piquet and Chefs, Price 1 s. A Tre atife on the Game of Quadiille, Price 1 s. A Trea tifeon the Game of Back- Gammon,
Price is. The Laws of the Came of Whift proper to be hung up in all Fami- lies and Clubs where that Game is played, Price 1 s. The above Tteatifcs were formerly fold for Five Gu: neas, withoet the Additions now added, which ate now offered compleat at 1 s. each, or 5 s. the Whole bound j or thofe that take the Whole together, the Binding Gratis in a neat Pocket Volume. Any Merchant or Tradefman that will take a Number of thefe Treatifes to fend A- br » ad, lhall have a large Profit allowed them. Nott, Whoever pirates any of thefe Works will be fued, the Pro- prietor has obtained an Injunction aga. nft Nine Perfons for pirating,
and felling pirated Editions of cne of them. The Author has thought proper to inform the Publick, that no Copies of thefe Books ate Ge- nuine, but fuch as are ligned by him. This- Day is publijhed, And Ready to be delivered to the Subfcribers, i. H E Itinerary of Mr. John Leland the JL Antiquary ; firft publifhed by Mr. Thomas Ilexrne, in Nine Volumes; now collated with the Original MSS. and reprinted with fome necefl'ary Improvements, and the Additior alio- of a General Index to the whole Work. a. Rojji Tfarivicrnfis Ihf. crii Regum Anglia. Firft publilhed alfo by Mr. Thomas Jlejrne, and now reprinted. OXFORD; Printed at the
Theatre for James ^ ietcber, Bookfeller, in the Turl- and Joiefb Pate, Bookfeller, at Eton. Nate, The Subfcribers Books are delivered b? the Undertakers a- bovementioned ; as alfo by Mr. Whifton in Fleet- ftreet, London ; of whom alfo, and of Mr. Rivington in St. Paul's Churchyard, Book- fellers, may be had the few Remaining Copies at the following Prices in Sheets, vix. Leland, Small Paper, 2 I. 11, Large Paper, 3 1. 3 s. KoJJi llijisria. Small Paper, 5 s. Large 7 s. 6 d. This Day is publijhed, In a neat Pocket Vol: tme, on 55 Copper- J'lates, Price bound 6 s. eolou> ed 12 s. ( Containing a more comprebenfiue Idea of South Britain
than any Thing yet puhllJJyd, draivn by Order ar. d for the Uje of his late Majejiy King George, in bis intended Tour through England, by Thomas B idefiade, Surveyor.) C^ HOROGKAPHIA BRITANNIA : or, A new Set of Maps of all the Counties in England and Wales. To which are prefix'd, The following general Maps, J. An accurate Chart of the Sea Coaft. z. A Map of England and Wales, as divided into Counties. 3 A Map of ail the great Roads from I. ondon to all Parts of South Britain. 4. A Map of all [ the Croh Roads from one great Road to another, with their Diftances. Printed for J. Clark, at the Golden Ball in St. Paul's
Church- yard ; C. Hitch, at the Red- Lion in Pater- nofter Row ; and W. H. Toms, in Union Court, Holborn. This Day is publijhed, "{ Price 2 s. 6 d f-. v'd, 3 s. hound, ivith a curious Print of an Original Painli g of Prince Charles) THE LIFE Of his Serene Highnefs CHARLES Prince of LORRAIN, Field Mar/ hal and Com- mander in Chief of her Hungarian Majefty*' s Forces. Ir eluding the Hiflory of the Houfe of Lorrain, with a / hort Account of the Princes thereof, from Charles the Bold, to his moft Auguft High- n'- fs Francis Duke of Tufcany ( now Emperor of Germany) and the B; rth of Prince Charles in the Year 171a ; and from thence
an au- thentic Relation of the A flairs of Germany, Pruffia, France, Spain England, H i land, & c. fo far as they have interfered * rith the Prag- marick Sanction, the Succeflion of the Qjjeen of Hungary, and the controverted Eleftion of an Emperor; with a complete Narrative of all rhe Bat ties, Sieges, See. from the Commencement of the War to this Time. Exhibiting in-" a cleir View the Rife of the prefent Troubles, and the perfidious Schemes of the French Court to efta- bl./ h Univerfa! Monarchy upon the Ruins of the Gormanick Body, and the Liberties of all Europe. With a copious Index to the Whole. Pris ted for M. Cooper, at the
Globe in Pater- nofter Row; and. fold by W. Shropshire in New Bond- ftreet; and T. Davics in New Round Court in the Strand. This D iy 15 publijhki, Price r <?. IVlth a Pkfact cccafeoncd by the Rebellion, THE CHARGE ofIS A AC Lord Bifliop of WORCEST ER; to the Clergy of his Diocefr, at his Pri- mary Vifitation, holden at feveral Places in the Month of July T74:. Sold by M. Cooper; at the Globe in Pater- nofter Row ; and G. Woodfall, at the King's Arms at Charingr- Crofs. Where may be had, Pr ce 4 d. The Lord Bi/ hop of Worcelier's Letter to the Clergy of irs T) io- cefe ; and his Lordlhip's Speech upon the urefent'ne an
Afibciarion and Subfcription at the Town- Hall of the City of Wo. ceffer, October the 4th, 1745. This Dcy is publijhed, A SERMON, preach'd at the Cathedral • T, Church of YORK, Sept. 22, 1745 ; on OccaCon of the p: e- fent Rebellion in Stotland. By the moft Reverend Father in God, T HOM A S, Lord Archbijhop of YORK. York, Printed for John Hiidyard ; and f id by J. and P. Knapton, in Ludgate- Street; T. Longnaan and T. Shewell, in Pater- nofter- Row ; and A. DoJd, in the Strand ; London. 174;. Price 6 d. N. B. This Sermon of his Grace the Lord Archbilhopcf Y: rk, be- ing enter'd in the Stationers Hall- Book, according to Ait
cf Parlia- ment, whofoever ( hall dare to Reprint a Pirate the fame, wi. l be pro- fecutsd according to Law. This Day is publijhcd, ( Neatly printed on a Supeifne Paper, ) Price bound 3 « TH E Newt ft MANUAL of Private De- notiont. In THREE PARTS. PART I. Containing Devotions fuited to moft Perfons and Cafes, particularly Morning and Evening Prayers for Private Perfons, and for a Family for every Day in the Week. To whuh are added, Some Selaft Pray- ers for the Ufe of Clergymen, taken from the Manufcript of a late Eminent a.-. d Pious Divine- PART II. Offices for the Sick, and Prayers in various Circumftances < f Af fliiSioa; with Exhortations againft the Fear of Death, and Direc- tions how to prepare ourlelves to Die well. PART III. The Nevveft Week's Preparation for the worthy Receiving the Lord's Supper ; confifting 0/ fuitable Prayers, Forms of Self- Exami- n. ition and Confeill n of Sins ; with Mediations to Live well, after Receiving the Holy Sacrament, and a Companion to the Lord's Table. By LEONARD HOWARD, D D. Vicar of Taunton, Devon-, Lecturer of St. Magnus ar, d St. fames, Gar lick Hill; and Chaplain to his Royal High- nefs the Pi ince of Wales. Printed for the Author, and fold by James Hodges, at the Look- ing- Glafs, over againft St. Magnus Church, London- Bridge. Note, The Third Part, being the Neweft Week's Preparation for the worthy receiving the Lord's Supper, will be fold feparate, Pric ® One Shilling. Where it hktwife to be had, juft publifoid, by the fame Author, in One Volume, Octavo, Price 5 s. Sermons on fever. il Occafions ; Preached in the Parifh- Churches of St. John, Southwark, and St. Botolph, Aluer'gate. By AUTHORITY. AT the Golden Bdl in Serle- Itreet only, the Corner of Lincoln's- Inn Fields, is Sold, The Grand Spe- cifick PILL of the celebrated Dr. Boerhap- ue, which is an unive'fal and infallible Cure for all Degrees and
Symptoms of the Venereal Ma- lady, whether Recent, or of long Continuance, without Confinement, or any Hindrance ot Bufinefs, but with Eafe, Speed, Secrrfy, and Salety, does finally eradicate and deftroy the poifonous Myafri; a, and reftorts a pleafant State of Health, as many Thoufands c2n teftify. It hath neither Smell or Tafte, is veiy hard, and will ever retain its Virtue. Price 15 d. the Pill, or Dofe, or 5 Pills for 6 s. which is fufficient for a Cure, Here is alfo Sold, his famous Lotion and Injeflion, which far ex- ceeds all o- bers, not only asa Preftr- vative, but is a never- failing Re- medy in frejh ContraHions, without any inward
Medicine. Price 35. 6 d, per Bottle. Both fealed u? with the Doftor's Arms, viz. A Saltier engrailed, and full Direftions. Note. They ate prepared by a Graduate Phyfician, whom in any difficult Cafe you may frte'. y confalt Gratis. LONDON: Printed for H. WOODFALL, pin. At the Golden Ball, in Bow- Churchyard, Cheapfide, IVETII G. WEST, a Regular Surgeon, upwaids of Twenty Years Prsftice, who cureth all the various Symptoms of the FRENCH DISTEMPER, whether fitft contrac- ted, or of long Continuance, by a new fpeedy and fure Method , and a RECENT CLAP, in a few Days, without Confinement, Hindrance, of Buiinefs, or
th- Knowledge of a Badfellow. And as for fch unfor- tunate Perfons, who by Nepicfl of thimfelves, tr for Want of the timely Ufe of my never faibng Rttr. tdies, lie under the mifersble Cir cumftanres of virulent Runnings, old Gleets, Heat of Urine, Co- dees, Buboes, Shankers, tuipify'd Tefticles, Ukeri in the Nofe ot Throat, daily or nodlumnl Pains, or any other filthy Symptoms at- tending this Dfflemper, 1 cure according to the btft approved Method now in Pra& ite. \ Nut. There is a Back- Door ir. to Gcofe- Alley, a Colder. Ball hang- ing over ir, that leads to my Surgery. - \ ( Advice and proper Remedies in a: l Cafes in SuVgery.)
Remov'd from White'crofs- Stfeet. moderate Lengsh near the Pump in kittle- Britain^ where ADVERTISEMENTS of a are taken in at Two Shjll i ngs each. Ab'VKrtiuments arc alfo taken in by Mrs. Chapman, over- againft the King's- Arms Tavern, » n Fall- Mall; Ceotje If'oodfall, at the King\ t Arms, nea.- Craig's- Court, Charing- Crefl ; Mr. Sbuckburgb, nt the Sun, next the Inner- Temple'Gate', Fleci- Jl'reet Mf' Bnciijtmfi at t" hi . Pi CornbiU and by T. Astley, Removed from St. Paul's Church- yard5 to the Ro'e in Pater- nofter Row, Fer - SALE by the C A N D L E, At LLOYD'S Cojte- lloufe in L< mfc. nU Street, To- tr. orrw;, December
t;, at Tuel:- e n'CLck. - r'^ L ^ T^ H l'- Countefs de la Iiivi- < t JL « « , a French Privateer, with 20 Car. ' ri » S « Guns, taken by his Maiefly's Ship Ala- .- V^^- f'^ M erf*' tllL' Hun' 3°' " Uam:', c « - Com- "' ander, now lying at Plymouth, and to be delivered there, lluithen 276 Tons, more or ! ef, Length by the Keel about 77 feet, Breadth about 26 Feet, Depth in the Hold about 11 Feet - Inches, Height between Decl. s, about 4 Feet 6 Inches. Inventories may be had on Board the faid Ship, at Mr. Morlhead's, Merchant, in Plymouth, at Sam's Coft'ee- houfs near tile Curt^ ni- houie, London, at the Place ofSale, and of W II. LI A M J AM ES
G A M B I E R , Broker.