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The General Advertiser


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The General Advertiser

Date of Article: 03/12/1745
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Address: near the Pump in Little Britain
Volume Number:     Issue Number: 3462
No Pages: 4
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The General Advertifer. NUMB. 346^. TUESDAY, DECEMBER 3, 1745- « u OH o P- o % S- i < u a CO +- I < u Vi PH Deal, December 1. JRRlVED the Marquis d'Antin, Story, from Plymouth ; the Bamff, Hill, from Virginia. The Men of War remain, as in my l ift, with the Gibraltar Packet, Wright, for Gi- braltar ; and Nathaniel, Hunter, for Dublin. Wind N. E. Grave/ end, Dec. I. Pafs'd by the St. Peter, Hilkes, from Hamburgb; Mary and Elizabeth, from Bremen ; Prince of Orange, D'. verfon, from Genoa ; Britannia, Rawlinfon ; and Mary, Bufkin, from Rotterdam; Cornelius, Movan, from Faro ; Elizabeth, Wilfan ; and Providence, Story, from Gotten- burgh. The Tranfports from Williamftadt are arrived. Dartmouth, Nov. 29. Came in the Dartmouth Fox, of and for this Place in five Weeks from Lifbon. Wind S. W. Plymouth, Nov. 29. Since my la ft fail'd his Majefly's Ships Prince Frederick, and the Maidflone, to the Ealt- ward. ' The Agnes and Betty, Bream ; and Anne Gaily, How- flon, from London ; and George, Amble, from Dublin, are arrived at Philadelphia. The Prince of Wales, Botaley, from Newfoundland, at Leghorn. ' 1 he Succefs, Hill ; —, Pike ; and , Pynn, from Newfoundland, at Lifbon. The Dorfetfhire, from Lifbon ; and John and Conftant, from Cork, in the Downs. Yefterday arrived the Mail from Holland. Stockholm, No- v. 24. The Petition prefented by the Got- tenburgh India Company to the King and Senate, for a Prolongation of their Privilege, has been fent to the Ma- giftrates of the principal Trading Cities in the Kingdom, for them to deliberate thereupon, and fend their Opinion to „ the Senate. Three hundred Swedifh Officers have already enter'd in- to the Service of France, and will fet out for that King- dom in a few Weeks. M. Guy Dickens has made Repre- fentations to the Senate upon this Subjetl: But was ar.- fwered, that the young Swedifh Nobility could not be hin- der'd, in Time of Peace, from feeking their Fortune elfe- where, and perfedting themfelves in the Military Art, in Places that are the Seat of Drefderi, Nov. 29 The Prince of Saxe- Gofha, fefeing his Regiment Ioit in the Aftion of HennefdorfF, made his Way thro* the Enemy Sword in Hand, accompanied by only five or fix Perfons. It was on the 24th that we re- ceived the News of this fatal Affair. By what \\ c fince hear from Lufatia, the King of Pruffia took Gorlitz, Of- tritz and Zittau immediately after one another, Prince Charles's Army having retired at his Approach into Bohe- mia. His Pruffian Majefty has ordered the Magazines that were in thofe three Places to be tranfported into Silefia. A Body . of his Troops have got Pcfi'effion of Bautzen, where there was likewife a large Magazine. Bologna, Nov. zi. Large Magazines are erefting here for the Spaniard?, who, we are affured, will lhortly un- dertake the Sieges of Mirandola and the Caflle of Mo- dena. According to the laft Advices from Lombardy, the King of Sardinia had withdrawn his Pontons and Magazines along the Po, and his Troops were encamped in the Neigh- bourhood of Verulli. Bruffels, Dec. 6. Money has been ifTued for the Pay- ment of the National and German Troops, who are or- dered to hold themfelves in Readinefs to march upon the firft Notice. Some Regiment, are excepted here irom Maeftricht and Namure. They write f om Luxembourg, that the French Troops upon the Moklle are reinforcing every Day ; and as it is fear'd they may meditate fome Enterprize againrt this important Fortrefs, Field- Marfhal Count Nieuperg, the Governor, is making the necefTary Difpofitions to guard againft a Surprize, and has ordered all the Inhabitants to furnilh themfelves with eight Months Provifions. Antwerp, Dec. 6. We learn from Gheut, that eight covered Boats are arrived there, and that they are fiippofed to be laden with Powder, Bombs, Balls and other warlike Provifions. Vienna, Nov. 27. The Emperor returned on the 2 > tli from his Journey to the Frontiers of Hungary. Count de Woronzow, Vice- ChartCellor of Ruffia, and the Cour. tefs his Confort, are treated here with all poffible Diliindicn. There is afiually ill the Prefs, and will foon appear, a Refutation of all that the Eledois of Brandenburgh and Palatine have alledged in their Proteftations at Franckfort, as well regarding the Vote of Bohemia, as the Election of an Emperor. LONDON. It is given out, that Marfhal de Saxe has promifed the French King the City of Antwerp for a New Year's Gift. As for the fort of St. Margaret, the French make no doubt of being Mailers of it inttantly. Don Philip is repotted to be in full March for Turin, and Part of his Army was faid to be arrived within two Miles of that Place when the Advices came away. Letter from Legh rn, No'v. 22, N. S. < Laft, Night anchor'd in this Road the Bedford, EfTex, 1 Leopard, Nonfuch and Feverfham, with four Bomb- ' Ketches from Baftia, which they have almoft reduced ' to a Heap of Rubbifh ; the Corficans are in Arms, and • by what Capt. Townfend tells me, they mull foon be in < Poffeffion of the fmall Remains of that Capital. It was ' firft fummon'd to furrender to the King of Sardinia ; but ' upon the Governor's Refufal to fubmit was bombarded ' the 17th and 18th, and took fire in feveral Places. ' Marquis Riviola was at the Head of the Malecontents, ' and acts openly in favour of the King of Sardinia. There ' are two Men of War to give him any Affiftance he may ' want; if he is adtive, and plays his Cards rignt, he may ' make a compleat Conqueft of the Ifland.—. it is an un- • expedted Stroke to the Genoefe, and will occafion great ' Difcontent amongft their Nobility, efpecially thofe who ' eppofed the Steps the Republick took ; and the Lofs of ' the Ifland will be felt by the Nobility, who have great ' Eftates there.' NevjcaJile, No'v. 29. Laft Night his Majefty's Sloop the Saltafh came into this Harbour in eight Days from In- vernefs; and brings Advice that Lord Loudon was there with 1600 Men, and ' tis believed by this Time has 2000, for they enter with him very freely. There was a Coble taken a few Days ago on tne Coaft of Scotland, with4Men in it, who were waiting to Pilot in a French i raniport, expefled at Montrofe, where they fay nine franiports, convoyed by a 40 Gun Snip arrived that Day.— On Tuef- day laft, the Saltafh being a few Leagues to the North- ward of Montrofe efpied a. Veifel, which they chae'd; fhe proved a French Ship the Coble was waiting for ; and coming up, the Saltafh fired a >\,/ iole Broadficie into her, which terrified them fo- much thj t they sail afhore ; but it being Night the Saltath could not with fafety purfue her ; and ' tis / ujoofed the, fended their Men very t: zfe, the Weather being very fine. lt- is reported, that the Troops landed at Montrofe amount in tipe whole to 1500 Men. Extract of a Letter from hnncajler, No'v. 28. * The rebellious Crew left us on Tuefday laft ( that is ' the laft of them) our Mayor and the Chief of theTown ' retired with their bell E( lefts, before they came to us 5 ' the young Pretender lay at Mrs. Martin's, and his Atten- ' dants made ve y free with the Rum, and what elfe was in • the Cellar; we reckon them at near 6000, tho' fcarce ' any have join'd them fince they enter'd England ; the c poor Wretches are entirely under the Command of their • Cniefs j for foon after fix at Night, the Drum beat for ' them to retire to their Quarters, which they did imme- ' diately ; when their Officers went and locked them up: ' They feem to be an enthufiaftick Set of deiperate ' Wretches; and talk'd of marching Southward as fail as ' they could.'- Exti aft of a Letter from Chejier, Nov. 30. ' On Wednefday lafl two p ivateMenof the Rebel Ar- ' my, a Serjeant, a Drum, and a Virago Woman came ' to Manchefler, and beat up for Volunteers for the Pre- ' tender, offering five Guineas a Man to fuch as would in- ' lift ; and from that Day the Rebels have been entering 4 the Town. On Friday Morning, the Pretender entered ' the Town, with the Remainder of the Rebels, confift- ' ing of about 2000. He. is about fix Foot high, and was ' dreffed in a white Coat, a Plad Wallecoat, red Breeches, • white Splatterdalhes and a blue Silk Bonnet, with a ' white Cockade. Sometimes he is on Foot, and at other ' Times on a Bay Horfe, with green Furniture, trimrn'd ' with Gold ,- the poor People are terrible frighten'd, and ' expect every Moment to be plundered ; they rung the ' Bells out of Fear at his entering the Town, and at Night ' illuminated their Houfes, and made Bonfires ; and we ' hear a few def^ e.- ate Me a have joined them. His Roval ' Highnefs the Duke of Cumberland, ' tis faid, marches ' againft them on Monday, and that, if the Rebels itay • where they are, the Battle will be fought on Wednefday • next ; But we apprehend, they'll turn back and get ' away again for Scotland, home People here fay, the ' Rebels declare they were to march for Derbyihire : ' We are here fo well prepared for them, that we defy ' their worll.' _ ^ Ext rail of a Letter frcbt Altringham in Chejhire, Nov. 30. q ' Lalt Night t: n Pieces ofCannon four Pontons and thiee ' Regiments of Foot came to Knotsford j the fame Night 1 General Legonier came to Stockport and four more • Regiments, one of Horfe and three of Foot are arrived o ' at Congleton, his Royal Highnefs the Duke of Cum v<! ' berland is expedted at Toft Hall this Night; the Rebels « are afTembled near Mancheiler and Warrington, and it is « fuppoled they will make their Way to Chefter, but as ' Lord Gower, the Earl of Wairngton, Marquis of ' Grandby, and many other Noblemen and Gentlemen ' have got a confiderable Force at Budworth, Afhton, & c. 1 they may depend on a warm Reception. Letters from Chefter advife, that 50 Pieces of Cannon are mounted on Jthe Walls, and that there are two Regi- ments of Horfe and one of Foot in the City; who ars ready to deend it to the laft Extremity, in Cafe of an Attack from the Rebels. They write from Knotsford in Chefhire, that his Royal Highnefs the Duke, will divide his . Army in three Divi- fions, the firit under his Royal Highne's at Dunhairl Mafley, the ftcond under General Legonier at Stoekptrt, and the third at Northwich, by which tne Rebels will be prevented from purtuing their Journey any further Southwards. By Letters from the North we have Advice; that the Rebels march 20 or 2; Miles a Day; and that they left Lancailer on Tuelday Morning about three Hours before Pay,— Forty of the Rebels deierted at Kendal. Marfhal Wade lay laft Night at Afky the feat of Sir Conyers Dar- cy : St. George's Dragoons march'd that Day to Bedal, and the Royal Hunters to Rippon.— The Army is now at Piercc- feridge, and will encamp at Catterick near Richmond To- morrow Night. They write from Hull in Yorkfhire, that on Saturday laft at Eleven o'Clock in the Morning, his Grace the Duke « of Ancafter arrived here, at the Head of his comp'eat Lincolnfhire Regiment of Foot; with all his Officers. They are prodigious fine Men, and very expert in their Duty and Exe cife, and ardently defire his- Majefty's Com mands to call them to the Field of Honour, that they may convince the World there are Britons left that will defend their Country, and put an End to this Rebellion, or fall a Sacrifice. Leuers fccro Sheffield, of the 30th pa! l mention, th at - t Party of tire ReY>- eis were advanced fix Miles from Man- chefter, in the Road to Halifax ; if fo, they intend to gb into Yorkfhiiv. Marfhal Wade was at Barnard- Caftle the 29th pad, with the Army under his Command. u „,,„ On Saturday Evening arrived Difpatehes from the Right Hon. the Earl of Loudon, and the Right Hon. Duncan Forbc, Lord Prefident of the Court of Seilions, dated at Inverncfs the 14th of November, by which we hear the agreeable News, that Lord Loudon's Regiment is com- pleated, and that the Lord Prefident has 1 z Independent: Companies of 100 Men each, joined with 500 Voiuntiers of Mac- Clcads Clans, and 420 of Sir Alexander Mac- donald's ; fo that they have an Army of 3000 good Men, which are direftly to march to Perthlhire to quell the Out- 0 rages committed by Lord Lewis Gordon and any others in t . favour of the Pretender. Hp We hear his Grace the Duke of Argyle is raifmg 4000 <" b Men, who are to affemble at Dumbarton- Caflle and over f* jT the Country from Lochlomond to Stirling, to present any £ 3 Retreat of the Rebels, or any that may be marching to join them. >- t The Report of the Frafiers, M'Kenzies, and other Clans, rifing to join the Rebels; we are informed by the fame Difpatches, is utterly, falfe. ' lhe Citizens of Glafgoware armed; to the Numb r of 1500 ; and the like Spirit prevails all over the Low Coun- try of Scotland. Letters from Leghorn; of Nofr. 22, N. S. fay, that Admiral Rowley, in the Marlborough, was failed from Mahone for England. On the 27th pail the Bofcawen Privateer was loft in a Storm in St. Ives Bay; but the Crew were all happily faved. The Rowley Frigat, Tobin, from Mahone, four Days after fhe came out fprung a Leak, and returned. The George and Mary, Vernon; from Plymouth for Madeira, is taken by the French, and carried into Breft. The Recovery, Costs, bound from London to Gotten- burgh, is alfo takeji, and carried into Dunkirk. As foou as fhe was in the Harbour, file was taken up as a Tranf- port. ADVERTISEMENTS aretaken in for this Paper, at LLOYD'S COFFEE- HOUSE, in Lombard- Street. No Wooden Shoes. No Arbitrary Power. > Letters from Gal way, of the rift of November, men- tion, that the Eaft- India Sliips had broke Ground that Day, and intended to fail the next Day, under Convoy of his Majefty's Ships the Lyon, Tilbury, Princefs Louifa, and Portland. Yefterday an unfortunate Accident happen'd at the Bridge Foot; as Mr, Wilkins in Kennington- Lane was croffing the Street at St. Magnus Church, he was unhappily thrown down by a Horfe in a Dray loaded with iJeer, which went over his Body and killed him on the Spot. Laft Saturday Night one Mr. Samuel Tankard, a Weaver in Spi-. al Fields, was attacked and robb'd by two Fellows of 26 s. and a Silver Watch in the Fields near Whitechapel Mount. The Murrain ftill raging among the Cattle about this City and the adjacent Yillages, wheieby feveral Cow- keepers and Milkfellers are ruined, we hear a Colleition will foon be made for their Support. Yefterday Elizabeth Taylor was committed to Newgate by Sir Thomas De Veil, for felonioufly and privately taking out of the Shop of Mr. Jofeph Hodgfon Seventeen Pair of Stockings, his Property, found upon her. Yefterday Thomas Sutton was committed to Newgate by Mr. Alderman Bernard, for felonioufly ftealing a Parcel of Old Iron, from out of the Stables of Mr. John Fuller, of Seven Star- Court, Moor- lane, Carman. Yefterday Number 33,948 was drawn a Prize of 50001. Number 34,936 a Prize of 1000 1. and Numbers 44,138, 1,823, 26,671, 16,407, 6,109, 49 » 886, 12,098, and 39,221 Prizeoof roo 1 each. The WAREHOUSE for Morning Gowns and B- injans is removed from PopeVHead'Alley, to the Woolpaak and Dolphin, Three Doors above Birchin-! ane in Cornbill: Wne. e great Variety of Gowns are kept ready made, of rich Silk Damafki, fine Scotch Plaids, flower'd Rulfels, • Figur'd Grograms, V. allurets, & c. Alfo Banjans of fins Cloth, Duffins, Plaids and Damiflcs. AU forts of VelVet- Caps and Sallies. Note, The Stock of Silk Goods in the Jaid Shop is to be fold at Prime Cojl. SCOTLAND. Edinburgh, Nov. 25. The Storm in the North of Eng- land, has been the fevereft ever known, the Snow in fome Parts being upwards of 12 Foot. Two Men perilhed in the Snow laft Week, near the HoWgate, in tne Road from hence to Peebles. They were going home from the Mill, and tho' they knew the Road perfectly well, the Snow was fo deep that they Were fuffbeated. m On Saturday laft died the Honourable Thomas Ar- buthnot, Efq; Uncle to the Right Honourable the Vif- count of Arbuthnot. On Saturday, fome Country People attempted to feize tivo Gentlemen with their Servants at Loudon Barn ; the Gentlemen made their Efcape, and carried off one of the Cloak- bags ; The Servants were brought to Town ; and - laft Night, his Majefty's Solicitor committed the two Gentlemen ( who were purlued and taken) toPrifon, who ere Alex. Smith of Inveramfey jun, Efq; and Mr. Henry Elphmgfton Merchant in Aberdeen. Copy of a Letter from the Prejbftery of Donorch, to the Earl of S111 he> land, My Lord, AT our laft Meeting we appointed a Committee of our Number to wait on your Lordfhip, and iu our Name to teilify our Satufa& ion with, and to make our hearty grateful Acknou 1 - dgments for your Lordfhip's early Ap- pear: n : e in Favour of our happy Conltitution and Go- vernment, and againft the Jprefent unnatural and wicked Rebell o •, calculated to iiibvert both ; and as your Lord- ihip ftill continues your laudable and vigorous Diligence for the e good Purpofes, and has, fince our former Meet- ing, fent a good Number of your Countrymen ( the fit- teil for that Service) to be employed in the publick Ser- vice, we judge it our Duty to make this repeated Acknow- ledgment of our Satiifadlion with your Lordfhip's Con- duft. We are, my Lord, extremely well pleafed to fee your Lordfhip's hitherto known fteady Adherence jto the Proteftant and Revolution Intereft continued, and further Jellified in a Time of Danger, and your noble Family fhin- Ing and like to fhine ftill, as it has always done for its Fi-, delity to that Intereft. That it may ever fhine that Way ; that your Lordfhip's Appearance, and that of all the Friends to the Government, in Defence of it, may be crowned with Speedy aDd glorious Succefs ; that our law- ful and rightful Sovereign King GEORGE, may long live a Bleifing to thefe Nations; that God may efta- bliih the Throne in his Royal Houfe ; and that the pre- fent unnatural Rebellion againft his Perfon and Govern- ment, be foon and happily fuppreffed, and the Hopes of a Popifh Pretender and his Adherents, extinguifhed, is the conftant and earneft Prayer of the Prelbytery'of Dornoch, This in Name, and by Appointment of faid Pjefbytery, is § gned and fubicribed by, My Lord, Your Lordfhip's moft obedient, and moft humble Servant, Golfpy, 14 th Nev. 1745. WILL- ROW, Modr. IRELAND. Dublin, Now. 27. A Meffenger, who left London laft Thurfday arrived here on Sunday Morning with an Exprefs for the Government, Sunday Morning Mr. Garrick the celebrated Player arrived here from England. Yefterday Lawrence Sherry, Dennis Murphy, Peter Neagle and Thomas Kerey, were tryed at the King's- Bench for robbing on the Highway : They were all found guilty, and hanged about five o'Clock in the Afternoon at Dromoondra, being fent from the Court to a Gallows, which was built on purpofe, Two of thefe unhappy Creatures were on board Capt. Talbot, and fold their Shares for 200 1. each. We hear that a Petition is now figning by the moft eminent Merchants and Traders of this City in Order to be prefented to Parliament, fetting forth the Inconveni- ences that would attend an Aft made for the Relief of In( 61 vent Debtors. A Serious EXHORTATION on the prefent Confufions in the North. TH O' rafh Rebellions arm'd with lawlefs Rage, Britons with Britons dreadfully engage, With Courage arm'd, an honeft Heart prepare, And Confcience good, the Chrijlian Breaii- plate, wear. Fear only God ; to Oath and Duty true, Honour the King, and Sons of Rome fubdue ; Let the juft Fate of Perkin, Straw and Kelt, Who Tumults rais'd, but in Confufion fet, Show you the (. aufe, the Progrefs and Event, How Rebels rife in Joy, in end repent ; Begin in Hopes, with frightful Noife proceed, Till the vile Crew in tragick Exit bleed. Remember Monmouth'' s Fate, he fpeaks, tho' dead, He wildly claim'd a Crown, and loft his Head.— Traytors, like blazing Stars, themfelves con fume, And perjur'd Rebels end* in ihameful Doom.— Sedition blows the Coals of Civil Wars, And Party- Paifions laife Domeftick Jarrs, ' Till wild Rebellion aggravates the Strife, Then Treafon taints the Blood, and forfeits Life On fatal Hill, where Juftice fevers Necks, When Terms of Grace Difloyalty rejects, Can Law or Gofpel Wickednefs defend J The Axe decides the P% int in difmal End — Only a Cromwell by Rdfoellion fped ; For moft Arch- Relels oris a Scaffold bled.— When Crown with Peers and Commons jointly jneet, No Upltart- Force can that ftrong Link defeat: No faithlefs French Intr'gues can here prevail;— Only by Self- Divifion g ingdoms fail. ' Tis Home- bred Foes the Britifh Erapire fhake ; A Bofom- Viper is the fatal Snake. All inward Wounds on human Bodies prey, By Bowel- Ulceis Vitals wafte away Heal all within— compact in Union band, Religion, Law, and Liberty will ftand.— Tho' Rome with France and Spain in Plots combine, Britannia's Throne will in full Lultrfi fhine; Sedition fink and Northern Riots ceafe, And France fubmit to glorious Terms of Peace; A noble Army, and a Guardian Fleet, A gracious King and Church, our State compleat; With Heirs on, Heirs, the Hanoverian Race Will prefent Times and future Ages grace. , Amen. High Water at London- Bridge, this. Day at 5 Minutes after 6. Bank- Stock 133 3 4thsa 1 half. India Ditto no Price. South Sea Stock no Price. Ditto Old Annuities 103. Ditto New 103 a 102 3 4ths a 3. Three per Cent. An- nuities 84 a 3 4ths. Ditto 1742, 84 3 8ths. Ditto 1743 and 1744, 84 3 8ths. Ditto 1745, 84 1 half Mil- lion Bank 113. Equivalent 104. Royal Affuranee 79 1 half, London Affurance 10 1 4th. Englifh Copper ; 1. Seven per Cent. Emperor's Loan no Price. Five per Cent, ditto no Price. Bank Circulation 2 1. 5 s. a 2 s. 6 d. Difc. India Bonds 44 s 346 s. Difc. Three and a half Salt Tallies 10 c 8ths Difc. Three and a half per Cent. Exchequer Orders no Price. Three per Cent. Ditto no Price. Lottery Tickets 10 1. a 2 s. a 6 s. Life Annuities 13 Years Purchale. HAY- MARKET. < 7- HE SUBSCRIBERS to the OPERA are ' dejired to make the lafi Payment of their Subfcription- Money to the Treafurer, at the Opera- Office in the Hay- market, where Attendance will be given this and every Day, from 7en ' till T- wo, U reseivt the famt, and de liner out the Silver Tiikttt. D R U R Y- L A N E. ' The Third Day. By His Majejty's Company of Comedians, AT the Theatre - Roya] in Drury - Lane, >• this Day, will be prefentsd The BEGGAR'S OPERA. The Part of Capt. Macheath by Mr. Lowe ; Peachum, by Mr- Macklin; Lockit, Mr. Turbutt ; Filch, Mr. Raftor ; Mat of the Mi » t, Mr. Blakes ; Mrs. Peachum, by Mrs. Macklin ; Player, Mr, Wooburn j Beggar, Mr. Winftone ; Beo Budge, Mr. Simpfon ) Bag- fliot, Mr. Leigh j Crookfinger'd Jack, Mr. Uflier ; Nimming Ned, Mr. Goodfellow ; Wat Dreary, Mr. Branlby. Diana Trapes, Mrs. Macklin ; Mrs. Slammekin, by Mifs Minors; Jenny Diver, Mifs Royer ; Sukey Tawdrey, by Mrs. King ; Mrs. Vixen, Mifs Cole : Dolly Trull, Mifs Pitt ; Molly Brazen, Mrs. Bradlhaw : The Part of Polly by Mifs EDWARDS, And the Part of Lucy by Mrs. CLIVE, Being the 3 d Time of their appearing in tboje Characters upon that Stage, Aft II. A ^ Dance by Monf. and Madem. MECHEL, and others. * In A£ l III. A Hornpipe by Mr. Yates. Boxes 5s. Pit 3s, Firft Gallery 2 s. Upper Gallery is. Places for the Boxes to be taken of Mr. Hobfon, at the Stage- Doot of the Theatre. To begin exaftly at Six o'clock. COVEN T- GARDEN. By particular DESIRE. AT the Theatre- Royal in Covent- Garden, this Day, will be prefented a Comedy, call'd The SILENT WOMAN. Written by Ben Johnfon. The Part of the Silent Woman to be perform'd by Mr « . Pritehard ; Truewit, Mr. Hale ; Morofe, Mr. Bridgwater; Sir Amorous La- Feol, Mr. Woodward ; Dauphine, Mr. Calhell ; Clerimont, Mr. Ridout ; Capt. Otter, Mr. Martin ; Cutbeard, Mr. James. Lady Haughty, Mrs. Hale ; Mrs. Centaure, Mrs. Bla/ id j Mrs. Doil Ma- vis, Mifs Hippifley ; Mrs. Otter, Mrs. James ; And the Part of Sir John Daw by Mr. Clbber. With a New Occalional Ballad to be fung by Mr. Beard. To which will be added a Dramatic Entertainment, call'd The RAPE of P R O S E R P I N E With the Birth and Adventures of Harlequin. Boxes 5 s. Pit 3 s. Firft Gallery 2 s, Upper Callery 1 s. To begin exaftly at Six o'Clock. G O O D M A N's- F I E L D S. By D E S I R E. AT the Late WELLS, the bottom of fe- mon- flriet, Goodman's- Fieldt, this prelent Evening, will be per- form'd a Concert of Vocal and Inllrumental MUS1CK, Diviaed int » Two Parts. " Boxes a s. 6d. Pit or Firft Gallery 1 s. 6d. Upper Gallery 1 s. #*• ( By particular Dcfirej between the Two Parts- of the Concert will be given Gratis, an Historical Play, call'd King HENRY the Fourth, With the Humours of Sir JOHN FALSTAFF. Written by Shakefpear. The Part of Falftaff by Mr. Paget; King Henry, Mr. Furnival ; Prince of Wales, Mr. Culhing; Hotfpur, Mr Lee; Northumberland, Mr. Dove ; Worcefter, Mr. Julian ; Sir Walter Blunt, Mr. She- pard ; Poins, Mr. Kennedy ; Peto, Mr. Blakey ; Bardolph, Mr. G. Hallam ; the Two Carriers by Mr- Dove and Mr. Morgan ; Fran- cis, by Mr. L. jHallam. Lady Percy, by Mrs, Hallam ; the Hoftefej Mrs. Bambridge. To which will b « added a Farce of Two A As, call'd The , D E B A U C H E E S. Or, The JESUIT CAUGHT. The Part of Old Laroon by Mr. Morgan ; Father Martin, Mr. Paget j Young Laroon, Mr. Kennedy ; Old Joordain, Mr. Cufliing j Beatrice, Mrs. Cufhing ; Ifabel, Mrs. P- hillips. With Singing between the Afts by Mr. Brett, And Dancing by the Two Mailers and Mils Grani& r. To begin exa£ tly at Six o'Ciock. AT a Meeting of Merchants, Traders, Cili- zens, \ and others, held the zyth pajl, purfuant to the Aduertifement in thisPaper, It was unantmoufly agreed ta Subfcribe to the Loan on the Land Tax for the Tear 1746. at 4 per Cent. And it was alfo Refolv'd, that the faid Meeting be adjourn'd ' till this Day, the 3 d Infant, then to declare the feueral Sums which any Perfon / hall think fit to fnbfcribe to the faid Loan, in Order to leturn the Jaid Names and Sums to the Exchequer. Purfuant to which Refolution the faid Adjourned Meeting will be held that Day, at the Crown Tavern behind the Ex- change, at Ten in the Forenoon, and continued ' till Five m the Evening. • * 1* November 29, 1745, AT a Meeting this Day of the Subfcribers to the VETERANS Scheme, a Committee was appoin- ted to forward the immediate Difpatch of the Neceffories pra, pofed for carrying the faid Scheme into Execution, and it was order d that the Rallance Jhsuld be paid into the Su, b- fcription now carrying on at Guildhall, for the Relief, Sup- port, and Encouragement of his Majefty's Forces ; and alt Pcrfons who are willing to contribute to fo humane and lau- dable an Undertaking, are defird to fubferibe at Guilahall accordingly. The Committee will meet at the London- A fur ante Qffict in Cornbill, this Dai, the $ 4 ° f PtStmber, at Ele^ s^ -' Clock. ' . k. _ Admiralty- Office, Dec. 2, 1745. y"// E Leave of Abfence given to the Petty- Officert and Foremajl- Men late belonging to his Majtjlfs Ship the Lynn being expired, and the Lords CommiJJioners of the Admiralty having Ordered them to be turned over into the Haflings, and the Regulating Captains to provide a lender to carry the Jaid Men down to the Haltings, at the Nore ; their Lirdjhips do hereby direft the J, aid Petty- Officers and Foremajt- Men immediately to apply to the Regulating Captains at the Caftle in Mark- Lane, and receive their Direftion to go on board fucb lender as they have appointed to carry them, nx. ith their Chejis and Bedding on board the Halting?, ' where they •• will be paid the Wages due to them far the Lynn before the Halhngs proceeds to Sea, but in Cafe they fail to repnir as above direEltd, they will not only Lfe their Wages for the ' Lynn, but the Marjhal of the Admiralty ' will be ordered to apprehend them, in Order to their being tried at a Court Murtial us Deferters, THO. CORBETT. General Poft- Office, London, 12 November 174;. TJ/' HE RE AS by an Atl of Parliament pajjed in the Ninth Tear of the Reign of her late Majeffy Shteen Anne, imitled, An Aft for Eftablilhing a General Port- Office for all her Majefty's Dominions, and for fettling a Weekly Sum out of th; Revenues thereof for the Service of the War, and other her Majefty's Occalions, It is ( amoncft othir Things) enaded to the Purpot and Effeft following; that the- e Jhallbe one General Poft- Oj/ ice efiablijhed • within the City of London, and one Majier of the faid General Poff- OJfice Jhall from time to time be up pointed by her Majejiy, her Heirs and S. tcceffars by Letters Patents under the Great Seal of Great- Britain, by the Style, of her Majejiy's Pcjlmajltr General-, which / aid Majler and his Deputies, and their Servants and Agents, and no other, ftjauld have the Receiving, Carrying and Delivering of Let- ters, and Packets to and from all Places in Great Britain and Ireland, Ntrrth America, the IVeJi- lndies, and other her Majejiy s Dom nions ( except as in the faid Act is excepted;) and that no Perjon or Perjons whatjoever, or Body Politick or Corporate, in any Part of the faid Kingdoms, Plantations and Colonies in the IVeji- lndies and America, ether than Juch Pofitnajhr General appointed as afore Jaid, and his Deputy or Deputies, or AJJigns, Jhould pre fume to receive, take up, order, difpatch, convey, carry, recarry, or deliver any Letter or Letters, Packet or Packets of Let- ters' ( other than as in the faid Acl is excepted) or make any Collection of Letters, or fet up or employ any foot Poji, Horje Poji, or other Packet Boat, as other Feffel or Beat, or other Perfon or Perfons, Conveyance, or Conveyances, whatsoever ; for the receiving, taking up, ordering, difpatrhing, conveying, tarrying, recarrying or delivering any Letter or Letters, Packet or Packets of Letters by Sea or by Land, or on any River within her Majejlfs Dominions ( ot' er than as in the faid All is excepted) on pain of forfeiting Five Pounds of Bri- tijh Money for every feveral Offence, and alfo the Sum of a Hundred Pounds of like Money for eveiy Week that any Offen- der Jhall continue to alt againji the Tenor of the Statute. And whereas his Majejiy s Poflmajiers General have fet- tled and ejtablijhed Packet Boats to carry, recarry, and con- vey, Letters and Packets to and from England, to and from the IJlands of Jamaica, Barbados, Antegoa, Mor. tferrat, Nevis, and St. Chriffopbers in America. This puhlick Notice is hereby, given thereof, to warn all Perfons what foe ver from prefuming to take upon them to ail contrary to the Intent and true Meaning of the faid Statute, and from prefuming under any Colour or Pretence whatjo- ever, to colleil, receive, take up, order, difpatch, convey, carry, recarry, or deliver any Letter rr Letters, Packet or Packets of Letters ( except as in and by tbe faid All is ex- cepted ) that for the future may be dire Bed to, or comefrom, any of the lflands abovementioned ( without a lawful Autho- rity firft had and obtained from his Maiejiys Poftmajler Ge- neral for that pu'poje J at they would avoid Juch Profecutions as may and muff enfue for the Recovery of Juch Penalties as are infilled by the Jaid Act for all and every Offence or Offences above Jpecifed and recited. By Command of the Poft- Mafter General, GEORGE SHEL VOCKE, Sec. Briftol, Nov. 16, 1745. For SALE by AUCTIO N, At the EXCHANGE Coffee- Houfe, on Thurfday the yh of December, THE following Goods re- taken by the Cruiztr Privateer, Capt. John Sutherland, and the Prince Cbarlti Privateer, Capt . Charles Gwyn, from on Board the Ship Jtug'i Wtfen, from Antigua. l4S£ rdS l Murcovado Sugar. 3 » Bags ot Cetton. About J Tons of Fuffick. > 4 Tons of Lignum Vita. Catalogues are delivered at the Place of Sale. At tbe fame Time, TJit KING*? WESTON will be Sold with all her Materials. WILLIAM ay NT, BROKER. WILL EE SOLD by AUCTIO N, On Wednefda- j the n th of December, and the following Days, at his Great Auction- Room in Pall- Wall; THE Houfhold furniture, & c. ofa Gen- tleman near Golden- Square, having retired into the Coun- try. Confifting of Silk and Worded Damalk, and other Furniture, in Beds, Chairs, Window Curtains, and Hangings, fine Featherbeds, Blankets, Quilts and Counterpanes, large Pier, Sconces and Chimney Glafles, Mahogany, Walnuttree, Defk and Book- Cafes, Chefts of Drawers, Chairs and Tables, Turkey Carpets, curious fine oli Japan, and Italian Cabinets, a Colle& ion of Pj& ures, fome fine old China, both ufeful and ornamental, and other curious Effects. The whole to be view'd, and Catalogues to be had on Friday the 6th, to the Time of Sale. London, 28 Nov. 174;. y ESTERDAT a Subfcription - was begun at Guildhall by the Right Honourable the Lord- Mayor and feveral Aldermen, the Preamble of which is as J'ollows, We vvhore Nkmes are here underwritten, in Commife- ration of the particul: rHardlhips and Inconveniencies which muft be fuffered by fuch Soldiers as now are, or fhall here- after be employed in his Majeity's Service, during the Winter Seafon, towards ( he Suppreffion of the prefent Un- natural Rebellion, Do hereby voluntarily fubfcribe and pay the feveral Sums fet by us againft our refpeftive Names, to be applied towards their Relirf, Support, and Encourage ment, in fuch Manner, and in luch Proportion?, at fhall be deemed to be 1110ft neceii'ary and expedient by a Com- mittee which fhall hereafter be appointed fox that PuFpcte by us, or the Major Part who { hail be prefent at any Ge- neral Meeting, puriu^ nt to an Advertifement 111 the Lmd. n Gaz- tte. Which Subfcription Roll is ordered to be depejited m the Chamberlain s Office, and Perfons are appointed to receive alt fuch Sums cf Money as Jhall be contributed to the jame, from the Hour of Nine in the Fotemon ' till Three in the af- ternoon For SALE by tbe C A N D L E, At GARRAWAY'S Coffee- Houje in Exchange- Alley, To morrow, at Five o'clock in the Afternoon, TH E following GOODS, lat- Iy Impor- ted from Montferrat, viz. 134 Hogfheads of Martinique Sugar, 1 Hogfheads"] L 83 Barrels S. D'-' to Coffee. 6 Bags J J 1 Cafk Anottp J' 6 Bags Cotton Wool. 7 Keggs Preferv'd ( linger. The Goods to be view'd at V lart's Key, from this Day I'till the Time of Sale. Catalogues will be Timelv difpirs'd by JOHN BRADSHAW, Broker. For SALE by the CAND L E, At LLOYD'S Coffee- tloufe in Lcmba- d Street. On Iburjday, December <;, at Twelve 0' Clock. " HE Counreis de la Rivi- ere, a French Privateer, with 20 Car- riage Guns, taken by his Majefly's Ship / lu- gufla, the Hon. John Hamilton, Efq; Com- mander, now lying at Plymouth, and to be delivered there, Burthen 276 Tons, more or lefi, Length by the Ke « l about 77 Feet, Breadth about 16 Feet, Depth in the Hold abaut n Feet 3 Inches, Height between Decks, about 4 Feet 6 Inches. Inventories may be had on Board the faid Ship, at Mr. Moilhead's, Merchant, in Plymouth, at Sam's Coffee- houfe near the C'uliom- houfe, London, at the Place ofSale, and of WILLIAM JAMES GAMBIER, Broker. For SALE by the CAND L E, At I, L O Y D's Coffee- Houfe in Lombard- Street, On Thurjdeiy next, at Five 0' Clock in the Afternoon, " HE FOLLOWING GOODS, viz T 1 54 Hoglheads GUM SENECA. The Gum to be view'd from this Day to the Time of Sale, at No. 10, 14, and 23, in Billiter- Lane Warehoufes, where Catalogues wil be delivered, at the Place ofSale, and at WILL. andBf. NJ. VAUQHAN, Brokers. For S A L E, AT the Port of DOVER, 01 Friday next, at Two in the Afternoon, for Ex[ ortation, 113 Tuba of French Butter," 1 Lately landed out ef ( he Elizibttb 34 Ca- ks ditto S Slonp, taken by rlie CarUJlt Priva- 39 Reams Common Paper J teer, William O- wtn C mmander. At tbe fame Time - will bt fold to tie bis it ft Bidder, Thirty Pipes of Oporto Wine, taken as Prize by the faid Privateer, one Pipe only in a Lot, Particulars may be had at the Gulden Lyon in D iver, the Place of Sale. The Butter and Winoe may be wflid Ta morrow and Tkurfday new > 1 A D V E R r I S E M E N T, With a REWARD. RUN away from their Majler at Rom* in the Dog- Days of laft Auguft, and fince fec- eted in France, two young Lur. ken, of the right Italian Breed, and being of a Black Tan Cot ur, with. fhjrp Nofes, leng Claws, and hanging Ears, have been t? ken Abroad for King Cbarlei the Second's Breed, but a Bitch from Italy unfortunately broke the Strain in 88, by admitting into the Kennel a bafe Mongrel of another hitter. They are fuppofed to be on the Hunt for Prey in the North. They go a full Dog- Trot by Night, for ( ear of being catclv'd. They anfwer to the Names of HeRor and Plunder, and wil! jump and dance at the Sound of the French Horn, being ufed to that Note by an old Oogmaker at Paris; they prick up their Ears alfo at the Mufick « f a Lancafhire Hornpipe. This is to give Notice, that, whoever can fecure this Couple of Curs, and bring them back, either to the P fe's Head at Reme, near St. Peter's Church, or to the Cardinal's Cap at Verfailles, or to the King's Arms at Ne- wcaflle, or to the Thi/ ilc at Edinburgh, or tn the Three Kinis at Brentford, or rather to the Sign of the Axe on Tomer Hill, fhall have the Reward rf lbirtnn- fer. ee Halfpenny, or any Sum below a Crown, and the Thanks of all the Powers of Europe, except France, Spain, and the Pope- N. B. They have each a French Collar on, ftampt with the Father's Arms, a Warming. Pan and tjie Fktver- de- Luce, with this Infcription, IVt are but Toung Puppies of Tencin't Pack, Beware of them, for they have got a Smack of the Scotcb- Mangr, and t. iofe. thac are bit by them, run mad, and are call'd Jaco- BITES. For SALE by the CANDL E, At LLOYD'S Coffee- Pouje in Lombard- Street, On Friday next, at Tv. el- ve o'clock at Noon, THE Ship PAR HAM CLUB, with 8 Carriage and 4 Swi- vel Guns, Sqoare- fternM, River- built, and fheathed, Burthen > 80 Tons more or lefs, with proportionable Dimenfions, now lyiragat Sbadivell- Dock; J. bn Burton, Commander. Inventories to be feen on Board, and at the Place of Sale. To be Sold by SAMUEL BROOKS, BROKER. To be heard of Daily at his Office ( for Adoring Ships and Mer- chandize) oppofite Jonathan's Coffee houfe in Exchange- Alley ; or at Lloyd's Caffee- houfe ' in Lombard- flreet. For S A L E by the CANDL E, At LLOYD'S Coffte- Houje in Lonbard- P. reet, On ^ uejday next, at Twelve o^ Chck at Noon, THE ELI Z AB ET FT Sloop, Rosvnd- ftern'd, Britilh built, and very lately caulked and graved for the Sea, B'. irthen So Tons more or fef=, now jyinc at Mr. Smith's Ways below the Hermitage, Ifaac Cole, Commander. y Inventories to be feen on Board, and at tfee Place of Sale. To be Sold by - SAMUEL BROOKS, BROKER. For SALE by the CANDLE, At LLOYD'S Coffee- Houfe in Lombird- Street, OnTuefday next, at Twelve of the Clock at Noon, TH E good Ship IJguinea with 12 Carriage and 6 Swivel Guns, Square- ftern'd, River- built and t. t; oL- J. Burthen 250 Tons, more or lefs, with very good D. meniions, now lying at Sbadtveli- Dock, Jobn Ar. giv'n, Commander. Inventories to be feen on Board, and at the Place of Sale. ' SAMUEL BROOKS, BROKER. fo be SEEN, At the Rummejr- Tavern, Cbaring- Crofs, je and Beautiful Cock OS I RICH, and a Beautiful PELICAN, both Alive, being the onelieft Birds that ever were exfofed of their Kind, and has giveo the greateft Satisfaction to ail the Nobility, Gentry, and others, who have feen them, and allow'd them a very great Curiofity. Conftant Attendance is given at the Place above- mentioned, fo that the Nobility, Gentry, and others, may fee them any Hour of thj Diy, without Lo fe of Time. Our Stay will be but fhort here. Tbe T U K K lf- S TON E aillSilli'jli'ii::' llw'l! M ' t ji For the TEE T H, LAtely found out fbv a Gentleman travel- ling through TURKY) to be the moft excejlent DENTIFRICE ever yet in Ufe ; by a few Time* rubt • ing to the Teeth, it restders them white as Ivory, though ever fo black, provided they are not decay'd j not only beautifies them, but preferves them from rotting, and entirely deSroys the Scurvy in the Gums j it h'kewife cure « the TOOTH- ACH, by rubbing the Teeth, and Gum round it; no Perfun need fear any bad Effefta, fuch as too frequently proceed from Compactions, this being a ( impJe Produ& of Nature. There is alfo a Powder made from the fame Stone; and whoever makes ufe of the Stone and Powder need not Fear of a Cure, the' their Cafe be ever fo bad ; jind in three or four Months will cauls the Gums, if decay'd, to grow up again, as in their youthful Days, but in fuch Cafes they muff obferve to ufe the Powder firft. The Difcoverer and Proprietor of this valuable Secret has ( for the Conveniency of Perfons living at each End of the Town) placed them to be difpos'd of at Mr. Mitchell's, Jeweller, with printed Di- reftions, at his Toyrtipp, formerly Mrs. Viet's, is Cornhill, near the Ksyal- Exchmge ; and M'. Pinchbeck's, the Corner of pall- Mali, facing the Haymarket, Price 5 :. for the Stone and Powder. Note. One Stone if fufTj; ient for any Pe'fon during Life. To be fold alfo Wholefale ^ nd Retale, with good Allowance, stf Mr. Rowley's, Chvmiil, at Glauber's Head in the Minotiss. G E, by [ O. Jer of T By Mr. iJ R £ i> T i Oa ' Ihurfday next, and the folltveing. Days. tie Ajfiguie:, - I IE nent Hcu. flioli Furniture, Plate, Pictures, HouihoH Until', » ni Cliiua of Mr. WILLIAM R/ i VIN, Stationer, a Banki op:, at 1. is late Dwelling Houfe, the Sign of the S: n, next to Barnard's- Inn, H- Abom ; the who'e conlif- ting of lour- po/ t Damalk and other B. ds, fine clean Bedding, Win- drw- Cortainsand Chairs, Scancts ai. d Chimney- Gu/ Fe?, Mahogany, and Walnut- tree I) efk and Book- Cjle v.'. th Glafs Poors, a Spinntt, Carpets, a neat Collection efBcc& t. Likewi^ i ( by Leave of the. Alii- i:? s' 5) . v. iH be fold fome fine H . l- i.- rnds, Cambritks, Lacss.' iine Cwaths, & c. whi. U were taken by Etrcutisn, The whole to be view'd from . To- morrow to the Time of Sale, which will begin each Day at El'- ven o'clock. Caul cues to be delivtr'd at thj Place of Sale, and at Mr. PRES- TAGE's, the End of Saville- Row, next Cooduit- ftreet. The HOUSE to be LETT. The above G^ cds are aimolt new, being bought within thefe three - Years. To fe SOL, D by H A N D, THy the Executor] of Mr. Thomas Gray, late of Stretham, ill the County of Sum', li- m-. rrtno and Thwfday\ next, AL L the Stock of Gutle, Com and Hay, w'th the Wheat fown Upon the Ground, and all the Utenfils of Htifbandry belonging to the f » id Farm- Alio to be fold on the faid Tljurfday, at One of the Clock precife'y, the Leale of the faid Farm, • o training about 102 Acres of Land, and a new built Brick Houfe, to four RoonfS on a Floor, held of his Grace rhtr Duke of Bedford, at the Yearly Rent of 95 I. for 21 Years, from Michaelmas 1737. " STEPHEN SMITH, Exec. This Day is publijbed, Price .2- s. 6d. PAPAL tYR a N N Y proved ; or, An Account of the Sufferings of Mr. SERRES, and feveral other French Gentlemen, tor prefefiing the Proteftant Religion. Shewing that Perfecution and Cruelty are the True Spirit of Popeiy ; and what we may expeCt / hould it ever prevail in thefe Kingdoms. In fe- veral Letters to a Friend, tranflated from the Original French. To which is added, a Letter from an Abbot to the Tranflator, in order to bring him back to the Romilh Religion he had forfaken. Printed for G. Woodfall, at the King's Arms, near Craig's Court, Charing- Crofs. Ibis Day is Pubtijhed, Price 6d. fin -- which are prophejied the Battle of Glads- Muir, be- ' -••'/.' « Sir John Cope and the Rebels, the Taking of Car- lifle, and fever al cxtraordira y Events yet to come. J H'E Whole PROPHECIES of ENGLAND, JL SCOTAND, FRANCI, IRELAMD and DEK » « 5K, pro phelted by Thomas Rymer, Marvellous Merling, Beid, Berlington, Waldhave E'haine, Banefler, and Sybilla, all agreeing in One. Con- timing many ( irange and marvellous Matters, not before read or heard of: Compared with the b ft Editions. Ednburgh printed: London reprinted, and fold by M. Cooper at the r' .. " in Pater- nofter- R& w ; and at all the Pamphlet- ftiops in London and Weftminfter. This Day is publijhed, Uumb'y inscribed to his Grace the Duke of Bedford, am! the reft of the Lords of the Admiralty, Admiral Virllun, and why not Admiral ' Matthews ? Neatly printed in a Pocket Volume, Price 2 s. ( 7j - which is added, a large and accurate Plan of tie City, Ilarblur, Fortifications, Batteries, ( Sc. of Toulon) A Complete and particular Hiilory of the t\ remarkable Siege of that Place in 1707, attack'd by his Hishnefs Prince EUGENE and the Duke of SAVOY by Land, and the Eneljfh, & c. containing a great Variety of extraordinary Events and Incidents, that happen'd during that impOrtantEnterprize ; collec red from the belt Authorities, J urnals, & c. by Capt. MURRAY. Printed for the Author; and fold by Comyns, at the Royal Ex- change ; Cooper, Pater nofter Row ;* CoUyer, and Robinfon, Lud- gate- itreet; O/ borne, Gray's- Inn ; Sandby, and Dodd, in the Strand; Lews, Covent Garden ; Dodfly, Pall- Mall; Jackfon and Jolliffe, St. J lire's; A"'<" y, in the Court . of Requeft ; Hildyard, at York ; and Leake ai But. This . Day is publijlo'd, Number III. ( to be continued Weekly,) Price 6 d. H E Soldier's Pocket Companion, or the Manual Exercife nf our Bririffi Foot, with the Officers proper Salutes, Sec. As alf> the Ul ® of the Small Sword, & c. The Terms are as follow, 1. To be printed in a neat Octavo, and on a fine Demy Paper. 2. To contain in the whoie near i « o Pietcs, befides Letter Prefs Work. 3. Sixteen Plates to be delivered Weekly at 6 d. per Number. i. The whole to be comprized in fcven Numbers, or if it makes more, the Overplus to be given Gratis. 5. Thefirft Number was publiflied on Saturday the 16th of Novem- ber, and a Numher to come out every Saturray ' till compleated. by the Proprietor B. COLE, Engraver, At the Corner or K'ngs-} lead C'. urt in Ho/ boi n. To be had of the News Carriers in Town and Country, TejlerJay was publijhed, Feaut fully printed, Price Sixpence, r~ p H E Lc ) NDON MAGAZINE. For Jl NOVEMBER 1745. Containing ( Greater Variety, and more in Quantity, than a- y Monthly Book of the fame Price.) I- The Speeches of the Gentlemen who afium'd the Charaflers of the D. of B- df- rd and the L. S— nd-- s, in a Debate erf the B. 11 for enlarging and regulating the Turky Trade. 2. Addrefs and Affociation of the Lord Chancellor, Judges, and other the moll eminent Gentlemen of the Law, with his Majefly's Anfwer. 3. Account of the horrid Inquifition, with, . the Sentence againft the famous Galileo. 4- Bifhop of Cioyne's Letter to the Roman Catholicks of his Dio- cefe. 5. Motion; of the Rebeli, and Preparations againft them. 6. Motions of Marfhal Wade, with his Proclamation to fuch Re- bels as would lay down their Arms. 7. Journal of Sir John Cope's Expedition. 8 Obfervations in fe\ eral Voyages and Travels in America. 9. Batavus's Letter in Vindication of the Dutch, with the Remarks of the Weftminlier Journal in Anfwer to it. 10. The Opinion of the Phyfirians,- with fereral other Pieces con- cerning the Diftemper among the Black Cattle, and Remedies againft ic. 11. The Prnfiian Minifter's Memorial to the States. r2. From the Weekly EiTrys: Popery an Enemy to Learning and common Senfe; its horrid perfecuting Spirit ; how neceffa y it is that all Proteftant States fhould guard againft it; Archbilhop Tillotlon's Pouitrait of it. 13. Selefl Pieces of Poetry. 14. The Monthly Chronologer : Proceedings of the Court Martial; Carlifie furrender'd ;. French Ship with many Officers taken, & c. & c. 15. Foreign Affa. rs. 16. A Catalogue of Books and Pamphlets, with their Pricer. Printed for T. Aftley, Reraov'd from St. Paul's Churchyard, to the Rofe in Pater- nofler Row. NR This Day is publijhed, Number X. of the Seventh Volume, of HE HARLEIAN MISCELLANY: I Or, A Collection of Scarce, Curious, and Entertaining Pamphlets and Tracts, as well in M'anufcript as in Print, found in the late Earl of OXFORD'S Library. CONTAINING, 1. An Epiftle to Charles II. King of England, and to every indi- vidual Member of his Council, 2. The Rebels Catechiftn : Compofed in an eafy and familiar Way to let them fee the Heinoufnefs of their Offence, the Weaknefs of their ftrongeft Subterfuges, and to recall them to their Dnties; both to God and Man, 3 Articles and Ordinance! of War, for the prtfent Expedition of the Army of the Kingdom of Scotland. By the Committee of Ef- tates, and his Excellency, the Lord General of t'le Army. 4.' Magnalia Natura: ; or the Philofopher's Stone, lately expofed to publick Sight and Sale. Being a tiue and exadt Account of the Manner how Wenceftaus Sellerus, the late famous Projeftion Maker, at the Emperor's Court a Vtienna, came by, and made away with a very great Quantity of Powder of Projeftion, by projefting wsth it be- fore the Emperor, and a great many WiWeffes, felling it, & c. for fome Years paft. V 5. The Triumph of King ChirlesJc or, tbe triumphant Manner and Older of receiving his Majefty int his City of London, on Tburf- day, November 25, 1641, upon his fafe and harpy Return from Scotland. With Mr. Recorder's Speech to his Majefty, and his M. ijsfty's moft gracious Anfwer. Note, This Work will be compIetJM in eight Volumes, and con- cluded at Lady- Day next ; and theHTfore it is defir'd, thatthofe Gen- tlemen who have not coJjpletea their Sets, willg do it before Lady- Day ; after which Time there will be' no fingle Number or Vo'umes to be difpofed of. And thofe Gentlemen who have not already taken in this Work, and intend to have them, are defired to ds it fpeedily, for there are not Fifty Sets left of One Thoufand of which this Im- preffion confided. Printed for T. 0/ borne, in Gray's- Inn ; and J. Robinfon in Lud- gate- Street. Ibis Day is publijhed, Printed for Richard Ware, at the Bibie and Sun, Amen Corner, in Warwick- Lane. The THIRTIETH EDITION. ( To < which is novo added, An A fendix, containing many additional Leffons in Pt ofe and Verfe ; firft in Words of one Syllable only, and then mixed nvith Words of two, three, four, five, and feven Syllables) of DYCHE'S GUIDE to the ENGLISH TONGUE. In Two Parts. The Firft, proper for Begin- ners ; / hewing a Ratnral and eafy Method to pronounce and exprefs both common Words and proper Names ; in which particular Care is had to / hew the Accent for preventing vicious Pronunciation. The Second, for fuch as are advanced to fpmeRipenefs of Judgment ; con- taining Obfervations on the Sounds of Letters and Dipthong", Rules forthetrue Divifions of Syllables, and the Ufe of Capitals, Stsps and Marks, with large Tables or Abbreviation and Diftinction of Words, and feveral Alphabets or Copies for young Writers. Where may be had, by the fame Author, 1. TheTables of Phxdrus ( who was made a Denizen of Rome by Auguftus Caefar) under the following Heads, viz. The Weakeft goes to the Wall ; Chufe the leaft Evil ; Be content in your Station ; All covet all loofe ; Keep not too great Company, & c. Rendered into familiar Engii/ h. The 2d Edit. Price r s. 2. A Spelling Di& iortary ; or, A Colleftion of all the common Words and proper Names of Perfons and Places, rna^ e ufe of in the Englifh Tongue. CarcfuUy compared with the Original Languages, from whence they are derived and matk'd as they are to be pro- nounced ; whereby Perfons of the meaneft Capacity may attain to Spell and Write Englifli true and correflly. The 4th Edition, cur- retted, with large Additions, Price 1 s. 6 d. or both bound together 2 s. 6 d. This Day is publijhedf ACOPY of a LE TTER from Lord • L— v^- t, in- Anfwer to the Lord P— '—<!— nt's Lettei cf October 29th. Prmted for W. Webb, near St. Paul-.. This Day is publifFd, Price 6 d. THE SPEECH of the Honourable James Drummond, coirimonly call'I Duke of Perth, at a General Council of War, held at Brampton, in Prefenceof the Pretender's El- deft Son. Communicated in a Letter from a Gentleman at Bramp- ton; who received a true Copy from one of the Rebel Chiefs. Printed for M. Cooper, at the Globe in Pater- nofter Row. Jujl Publijhed, ( Price One Shilling. aud six- pence bound pla: n) * ESSAI fu'r 1' Euchariftie : Ou l'on s'artache a faire voir la Nature So le But de ce Sacrement ; la Neceffite d'y participier frequemment; les Difpclitions avec lefquelles il taut s'en aprocher ; & les Avantages qui en emanent: A quoi l'on a ajoute, par voie de Suplement, des Prieres, & des Adtisns de Graces conve- nables au Sujet. A Londres : Chez P. Vaillant, dans ! e Strand ; J. Brotherton, dans Cornhill; J. Rivingtcn, yis a visl'Eglife de St. Paul; J. Hodges, pfesde Pont; & M. Chattel, dans Compton- flreet, Soho. " L'Auteur, qui ns fe nomine' point, mais qui fe dit un Laique, V & qui parcit avoir beaucoup lu, remarque dans fa Preface que la p.' u- *' part des Traites Francois Jut 1' EucbjriJlie or. t ces deux dcfauti ; " e'eji quails s'etender. t trop fur les devoirs ger. eraux du Chriftianifnie, '' qu its le font trop peu fur ceux qui ont un rapcrtplus immediat a- 11 iiec la faint Cene. C'eft pour fupleer aces defuuti, que notre Au- " teu'r a compofee ce petit Ouvrage, a la correction duquel le? fecours *• de M. MAJENDIE, Miniftredela Savoie & Chapelainde Mylord '' Grantham, iui ont ete d'une grand ucilite. Cef E/ Tai nous pa- " roir une excellente P. eparation a la Communion. On. a fu y tenir tf< un fage milieu entre les. erueils de la Superftition, & ceux de 1' Indi- " ference, & c," Votes Bibliotheque raifonnee Jet Savant de 1' Europe, Tom. XXXV. p. 2io. The HEMORRHOIDS or FILES, A veiy troubUfome Dijtempe*, common to many Ptrfons cf both Sexes, and all Ages, and if neg'er/ e ', or ill manaf d, often proving dangerous in the Conferences, and being feldom th- jroughly cur'd iv thout Relapfe, IS the Rcafon of this Publication, that all fi- ch Perfons of either Sex, or any Age, may know where to have prcfent Relief, and in a few Days a perfeft Cure, let theirCafe be ever fo bad, or the Piles of any Kind, viz, inwaid or ou. ward, fwell'd or bleeding, or. of the worlt Sort that ever was known. By a pleafant anddelightful Chymical Powder, fo certain in its Ef- fects, that not one in five thoufand that take it mifs of a Cure; and fafe in Operation, that the molt aged, or even yoang Infants, may take it with the greateft Safety ; for it ne ither purges nor caufes the leaft Diforder to the Patient, only operates gently by Urine, and keeps the Body cool and temperate; but it very powerfully rectifies both tire Blood and Juices, takes of the Acridnefs thereof, which is the true Caufe of this Diftemper, and de/ lroys it Root and Branch, as the many Thoufands that have taken it, find to their unfpeakable Com- fort and Satisfaction. It is faid for 3 s. 6 d. each Box, at Mr. King's Piflure- ihop in the Poultry, near the ' Royal- Excbangc ; and at Mr. Martin's Shop, at; the Sign of the Duke of Cumberland, in Cranbourn- Alley near Lei- cefter- Fie'df, and no where elfe in England. ANTI- SlPy Y L I C O N. THE only fhortand molt infallible Cure in the Univerfe for the Venereal Difeafe, from the flighted Infection to the moft extreme and deplorable Degree of it, even when the Blood and Juices arj thoroughly contaminated with its malignant Virus, and the very Bones are affeCted with it. Frelh Infedtions, call'd Claps, with all their attendant Symptoms, tho' ever fo fevers', areintirely carried off by it in a few Days, and fo as effectually to prevent the Blood and Juices from being tainted with any remaining ReliCtsin one Hand, ® r a Seminal Gleet or Weaknefs to happen on the other. And the moll inveterate Degree of the French Illnefs, attended with NoCturnal Pains, univerfal Breakings out, and all other the molt ex- afperated Symptoms, are foon overcome by it, and effectually and much more fafely cored than by Salivation,-, Inungation, or any other Method whatever, and in fo eafy and pleafant a Manner, without impairingStrtngth, or occaf oningany Inconvenience, asloudlyto be- fpeak it the only oppofite Remedy, or true Venereal Antidote in the World ; and this fome Thoufands " have to their great Jcy experienced It is pleafant to take, occafions no Sicknefs or Diforder, nor require Confinement ; but may betaken, and the Cure be accompli/ h'd with- out the Knowledge of the neareft Friend. Thofe who fufpeCt they have received an Injury, may by only a Dofe or two of it be perfectly freed from all Apprehenfions ; for it fuffers no lurking Venom to lie hid in the Body, but wholly extirpates it Root and Branch, in a gentle, eafy, and mofteffeCtual Manner. All fuch likewise as doubt they have fome lemaining Re! icksoffot » mer Injuries, may by a few Doles of it, entirely free thernfelves front allSufpicions of that Kind ; for it admits of rr 1 Foulnefs, Corruption, or PutrefaCtion whatever, to remain in the Fluids, or to adhere to the Solids, and CF, that Account, in all Scorbutick, Scrophulous, and even Leprous Eruptions or Foulnefles of the Skin, Glandulous Swel- lings and Impurities of the Juices; it does more by one Dofe than any other Medicine yet known can by ten. The Price of this moft noble Aati- Siphylicon is but Six Shillings, » Pot, which confidering its extraordinary Efficacy, one Pot only being fufficient in moft Cafes to accomplifh the Cute, is not a tenth Part of its Value ; and is appointed by the Author to be had only at Mr. Radford's Toy/ hop, at the Rofe and Crown againft St. Clement's Church- yard in the Strand, ready feal'd up with a Book of Inflec- tions, by the Perufal of which, all Perfons who were ever affected with any Degree of the Venerea! Difeafe, may perfectly underftand their own Coedition, and certainly know when, and when not", the Venereal Poifon is entirely rooted out of their Bodies. 1.0ND O N: printed for H. WOODFA LL, > » . near the Pump in Little- Britain, where ADVERTISEMENTS of a moderate Length are taken in at Two SHILL I N GS each. ADVERTISEMENTS are alfo taken in by Mrs. Chapman, over- againft the Kings- Arms Tavern, in Pall- Mall-, George lVoodfal1> at the Kiiig's- Anns nca • Craig'<- Court, Charin^ Crofs ; Mr. Sbuckbunh, at the Sun, next the Inner- Temple Gate, Fleet Jreit Mr. Braei/ innr, at ; he Glebe Cornhi'i and - by T. ASTLF. Y, Removed from St. Paul's Churchyard, to the Rofe in Pater- nofter Row.
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