The General Advertiser
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Volume Number: Issue Number: 3525
No Pages: 4
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The General Advertiser
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The General Advertiser
Date of Article: 12/02/1745
Printer / Publisher: H. Woodfall, jun.
Address: Near the Pump in Little Britain, London
Volume Number: Issue Number: 3525
No Pages: 4
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The General Advertiser. WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 1745- 6. Deal, February 10. CAME down the Plain Dealer, Dob- bins, for Maryland ; Mary, An- derson, for Barbadoes ; the Farnly, Gibbons, for Lisbon ; Providence, Mitchell, for Oporto ; and remain with his Majesty's Ships Princess Louisa, Admiral Wayne; Defiance, Ruby, and Norwich, with a Dutch Man of War. Sailed on a Cruize the Duke of Bedford, and the Dover Privateers. Wind : N. byE. Gravesend, Feb. 10. Pass'd by Bernardus, Johnson, from Amsterdam ; and the Lady Clare, Grest, from Ham- burgh. The Mary Anne, Balding, from Newry, is arrived at New- York.
The Clinton, Bowne, from Philadelphia, at Belfast. The Sally, Jones, from New- York, at Colerain. The Dispatch, Macarty, from Antigua, at Dublin. The Chester, Cookson ; and Elizabeth, Howard, from Leverpool, in the Downs. Yesterday arrived the Mail from Holland. Naples, Jan. 25. The Day before Yesterday an Officer arrived here from Don Philip at Milan, and Yesterday was held a Council of War, in which it was resolved to send fresh. Troops into Lombardy, with Provisions of War, & c. and the Orders have been dispatched for that Purpose. Modena, Jan. 29. Several Detachments of French Troops having shewn
themselves in the Neighbourhood of ihis City for some Days past, and there being a Report that they will be immediately reinforced, the Garrison has thought proper to retire into the Citadel, where the Troops prepare for a vigorous Defence. The new Works there are finished, and the Garrison abounds with all Ne- cessaries. Genoa, Feb. 3. The Troops arrived lately from the Coasts of France and Spain set out some Days ago from Sa- vona and St. Pietro d'Arena in order to march into Lom- bardy. They amount to above 2000 Men, besides Re- cruits. The Artillery and Provisions of War, that came by the same Boats, are also
sent away. They write from Milan, that the Furniture of the Ga- bions and Fascines is all fix'd for the Siege of the Citadel of that Place. The Artillery, which is at Pavia consists of 75 Battering- Cannon, and 25 Mortars, with a great Quantity of Balls, Bombs, & c. There is a Report, that after taking the Citadel of Milan, the Spaniards will be- siege Pizziphitone. On Sunday last arrived a Felucca from Calvi, having on board M. Mariotti, Bishop of Sagona. This Prelate has been put into an Apartment of the Palace Royal, where he is strongly guarded. M. Mari, Commissary- General of the Republic, who sent him, had discovered his
keep- ing an unlawful Correspondence with the Rebels. The Master of this Felucca reports, that some Days be- fore his Departure, 14 Sail of English pass'd before that Place, making to the Westward, nothing farther being heard of them. He adds, that the City is in a good State of Defence, and there is great Disunion among the Rebels of Bastia, who want Money and other Necessaries. Antwerp, Feb. 14. According to the Report of Deser- ters, near 100 Pieces of Cannon, with 40 Mortars and 400 Carriages laden with Bombs, Ball, & c. are arrived from Ghent and Aeth in the French Army before Brus- sels. Two Days ago the
French began to fire from one of their Batteries upon the City. Their principal At- tack is on the Side of the Gate of Louvain, and they have also formed one near that of Laken. The Garrison continues to make a very brisk Fire upon them, and our Hussars, as well as the other Light Troops, harrass them continually in their Quarters. They have lately brought off near Halle, an advanced Guard of 57 Men, who have been made Prisoners of War. Fresh Troops arrive here from Time to Time, which file off successively towards Mechlin, whither the Hano- verian Artillery, which arriv'd the 4th Instant, is also sent. The Corps which the
Prince of Waldeck has as- sembled near Waleme, consists of 7000 Men, not inclu- ding the Garrison of Mechlin, and the Detachments that, are posted upon the Dyle and the Schelde. It is not doubted but this Prince will make an Attempt to save Brussels, as soon as the Troops that are every Moment expected, arrive from Germany. Hamburgh, Feb. 11. The Subsidy Treaty included by the King of Sweden, as Landgrave of Hesse Cassel, with the Britannic Court, is for four Years. It is therein sti- pulated, among other Things, That the Hessian Troops, which pass into England, shall be in British Pay ; that they cannot be
employed in Men of War, nor sent to the Plantation--, but that they shall serve only for the Defence of Great- Britain, and her Allies in the Nether- lands; that their Transportation, forwards and back- wards, shall be defray'd by Great- Britain; and that when there shall be no longer need of them in that King- dom, they shall be sent home compleat, or if not, that 80 Crowns shall be allow'd for every Horseman, and 30 for every one of the Foot. It also says, that 150,000 Crowns per Annum shall be paid to the King of Swe- den, as long as those Troops continue in British Pay; that this Subsidy shall be augmented with 100,000
Crowns a Year, to the End of the Treaty, in case the Troops are discharged before that Time ; and that if England wants a larger Number, they shall be agreed for on the same Conditions, & c.* LONDON. From the London Gazette. Hague, Feb. 15, N. S. The Republick has permitted the Austrians, in their March from the Rhine to the Ne- therlands, to pass through her. Territory without paying Ready- Money; and sent a Quarter- matter to the Meuse with 1o, ooo Florins to help them forwards; and 20,000 more to the Prince of Waldeck, to be applied to their Uses upon joining him, which it is hoped they may do To- morrow. . Crief,
Feb. 5. This Day his Royal Highness the Duke of Cumberland arrived here, and will march To- morrow for Perth ; the further Motions of his Army will depend upon Accounts of those of the Rebels. At this Place the whole of the Rebel Army disbanded, and marched in three separate Corps ; the Clans over the Tay- Bridge to- wards their Hills again; the Lowlanders of Bamph and Angus- shire, are gone towards Dunkeld with four cover'd Waggons, and seven Pieces of Cannon, ( which are all they have remaining, as they have left 15 nailed up at Perth, and have also destroyed there what Ammunition they had) and the Person
called Lord John Drummond, with all the Irish and other Troops that came from France is gone for Aberdeen, as they give out. To amUse us, they pre- tend they are to join again, and to attack Lord Loudon, or Inverness. This Day we began marching through some of the Drummond's, Strathallan's, and other disaffected Persons Estates. Dublin, Jan. 21. Yesterday being the Birth- day of his Royal Highness the Prince of Wales, the Great Guns were fired in the Phoenix Park, and answered from the Regi- ments in Garrison, which were drawn out on Oxmantown Green. At Noon the Lord Lieutenant received the Com- pliments of
the Nobility , and other Persons of Distinction, who appeared at the Castle upon this Occasion, dresscd in the Manufactures of this Kingdom : At Night there was a Play given by his Excellency for the Entertainment of the Ladies, who were very numerous, and likewise dressed in the Manufactures of Ireland j after which there was a Ball at the Castle. St. James's, Feb. 1o. This Day his Grace the Duke of Newcastle, and the Right Hon. the Earl of Harrington resigned into his Majesty's Hands the Seals of their respec- tive Offices of Principal Secretary of State. The King has been pleased to appoint the Right Hon.- John Earl of
Granville, to be one of his Majesty's Princi- pal Secretaries of State. Admiralty- Office, Feb. 11. Captain Norris of his Ma- jesty's Ship the Prince Frederick, at eight o'Clock in the Morning of the 7th Instant, gave Chace to a Ship standing to the Eashward, which he came up with in eight Hours Chace, ' at which Time the Start bore North seven Leagues Distance. She proved to be a French Privateer called the Fortune, belonging to St. Malo, cf 22 Guns; and ' 180 Men: She had been 22 Days out and had taken two small Coasters. They write from Paris, that the Count de Wassenaer is charged, among other Things, to found the
Ministers, with respect to the French King's Sentiments upon the Holding of a Congress, according to what his Majesty caused to be proposed some Time ago at the Hague. They add, that the Court of Madrid - has caused fresh Propositi- ons to be made at Turin ; and that M. Champeau, the King's Resident at Geneva, is employ'd in that Negoti- ation. The Woodstock Gally, Exeter, of London, from Phi- ladelphia, on the 29th ult. was drove ashore near Colerain, where she beat to Pieces, and all the Crew perish'd.- The Antigua Packet, English bound from Dublin to AntigUa, is retaken by the New Ranger of London, bound to St.
Kitts. Yesterday's Letters from Portsmouth mention, that the Hampton- Court, Capt. Moyston, was arrived there from a Cruize, on Monday last. That the same Morning ar - rived there the Charming Molly, Powell,' from St. Ma- kes, with 117 Prisoners ; which Place she left on the 3th Instant. She confirms the Account, we mention'd lately of Ten stout Privateers being sail'd from thence, intended, as is said, to intercept our Portugal Fleet. On Monday the Lords of the admiralty appointed Capt. Fortescue, Nephew to the Lord Clinton, to be Commander of the Aetna Fireship. Last Saturday the Lord Bishop of Winchester, presented
the Rev. Mr. Comber, B. D. to the Reftory of Sadley cum Basset, in the County of Sussex, and the Diocese aforesaid, void by the Decease of the Rev. Mr. Archer. NEWCASTLE, February 8. Extract of a Letter from Edinburgh, Feb. I. " On Thursday, at Three in the Morning, the Duke of Cumberland arrived at the Abbey, not in the least fatigued. He went to Bed two Hours after, and stept hear three Hours; so that by Eight he was busy with Gen. Hawley, and General Huske, and the rest of the principal Officers, who all appeared in Boots. His Highness had not Time to go into Edinburgh all that Day. - The Ladies paid their
Compliments at the Time appointed, very richly dress'd ; his Royal Highnefs received them with great familiarity saluted each of them, and made a short Speech to them One Miss Car, or Keir, made a very fine Appearance ; at the Top of her Stays, on her Breast, was a Crown well done in Beagles, and underneath, in Letters extremely plain to be seen, was WILLIAM DUKE OF CUMBERLAND on the Right Side of the Crown was the Word Bratin's and . on the Left Hero. His Royal Highness received the Clergy for a Quarter of an Hour, and made a long Speech to them, in which he thank'd them for their Zeal and Loyalty ; and as
soon as they were gone, he held a Council of War, in which it was determin'd to march the Army against the Rebels next Morning. His Royal HIGHNESS does NOT chuse to have Respect paid him as a Prince, but contents himself to appear as a General, and admits no larger Guard to attend than Gen. Hawley had. He would not let Adm. Bing, nor the Castle, fire on his Ar- rival ; but the City was finely illuminated; both by Whigs and Jacobites, the last to save their Windows ; notwith- standing which the Mob broke those of the last, and there- is not a Foot of Glass here to be had at any Price ; so that many Families are starving
of Cold. The Dake thought to have got up to the Rebels Time enough to force them to a Battle, by the following Strata-, gem, viz. he gave Orders that the Army should be reviewed on Friday Morning early, and that they should march on Saturday Morning against the Rebels; and no doubt In- telligence of this was carried to the Pretender by some of his Edinburgh Friends : But on Friday Morning, as soon as the Duke got the Troops under Arms, he marched with them directly Westward, and reached Linlithgow by Three in the Afternoon. The common Men among the Rebels, who, tis said, had been made to believe the Duke of
Cumberland was not with the Army, but some other Perfon in his Name, were so intimidated by this Instance of his Courage and Diligence; that they could no longer be imposed on by their Chiefs; but fled with the utmost Pre- cipitation. Our Army rested at Linlithgow, and the Duke was on Horseback next Morning by Four. Four hundred more Argyllshire Men have join'd our Army at Falkirk. The Earl of Hopeton has presented the Duke with a Coach, and twelve very fine Horses. Five Companies from Berwick have join'd our Army. ' Tis said a French Ship is arrived at Peterhead from France, with Ammunition for the Rebels, who
had sent 40 of their Number to guard it; but it is thought she has fallen into the Hands of Lord Loudon's Men; who were much nearer that Town at the Time of her Arrival, the Rebels were. ' Tis hoped Cameron of Lochyel will be. taken, as he was obliged to be carried off in a Litter ; and ' tis believed that Lord John Drummond is dead of his Wounds; We hear by a Person who left Stirling on Monday last, that the Rebels, as soon as they had determined so retreat from Stirling, contrived a villainous Plot to destroy the Country People in and about St. Ninians, thus They made a long Train in the Church, leading directly to their
Powder Magazine; and, informing the innocent Country Men of their Design of going off, invited them in a friend- ly Manner to share the Baggage they could not carry away : But as soon as they had got a great Number of them toge- ther, they set fire to their Train, which happily failing to tU, 4 1 . - ADVERTISEMENTS are taken IN for this Paper at LLOYD'S COFFEE HOUSE, in lombard- Street,
reach the Magazine, the Countrymen were alarmed, and made off. On this one of the Rebels threw some Fire into the Heart of the Magazine, which instantly blew up, kill'd the Desperadoe, and some other Rebels, and two of the Minister's Servants. On Sunday, when the Duke's Army came towards Ster- ling;, they were informed, that great Part of the Baggage of the Rebels lay under the Rubbish of the Church, to which they immediately went; and, on searching it, found many Tents, Pieces of Broad- Cloths, Linnen, and many other valuable Things, of their Plunder from England: And, in some Jacobite Houses in St. Ninians,
they found many Bags of Powder, and a great Number of Gun locks At the back of the Church they found an 18 Pounder, on a fine French Carriage, nail'd up ; as were all their Can- non left at Stirling. On Thursday Night about eight, 30 Sail of Transports, under Convoy of four Men of war, passed our Bar, with the Hessians on Board, for Leith, where it is expected they would arrive as Yesterday. The Prince of Hesse was on board the Gibraltar Man of War. A Report ha- ving been current at the Hague, before the Transports sail'd, that Edinburgh had again fallen into the Hands of the Rebels, a Lieutenant was dispatched from on
board the Hawk Sloop of War, to get certain Advice at Shields of the Truth of the above Report, that, if it had been true, the Hessians. might have been landed here, but, on hearing ' twas false, they proceeded immediately for Scotland. On Thursday last the Duke of Kingston's Light Horse, arrived here in their Way to Scotland, exceeding well mounted, and in Top Order ; and Yesterday they set out for the North. IRELAND. Dublin, Feb. 4. Yesterday a very Remarkable Cause was tried in the Court of King's Bench, at which several Noblemen attended : wherein john Cane, the Lessee of William Fynch, one of the Attornies of the
lsid Court, was Plaintiff, and John Burke, of Derrymaccloghny, in the County of Galway, Esq; was Defendant; and after a Trial, which lasted near twelve Hours, the Jury, which consisted of Gentlemen of the best Figure and Fortune in the said County, after a very short stay, gave a Verdict for the Defendant. Last Week one Mr. Mac Neal, a young Gentleman, shot himself at his Lodgings in this City. Last Week Mr. Samuel Corbett an Attorney of the Ex- chequer was married to Miss Ireland of the Queen's County, a Lady of great Merit, and a handsome For- tune. the County of Cork, one of his Majesty's Justices of Peace for the
said County. On Thursday last: the Rev. Dr. Pocoke, Chaplain to his Excellency the Lord Lieutenant, was installed in the Ca- thedral of St. Patrick's, and Yesterday at Christ Church, as Archdeacon of Dublin, in the Room of Dr. Nicholas Synge, promoted to the Bishoprick of Killaloe. To the Author of the GENERAL ADVERTISER.. SIR, NOthing but the Necessity of my Affairs could urge me to an Address of this Nature ; but having met with leveral unexpected and unavoidable Misfortunes, I beg leave to inform the Publick, through your Means. that in order to extricate myself from my present Diffi- culties, I have, by the
Indulgence of the Manager, obtain'd a Benefit before my usual Time, which is to be The Careless Husband and The Devil to Pay, on Saturday the first of March. As I have now put my Affairs into such a Situation, that I think I shall never give the like Trouble again, but at the proper Time, I hope this No- tice will not be thought impertinent, or lessen those FA- vours I have so often experienced, and which I am desi- rous of taking every Opportunity to acknowledge. Drury- Lane Play- House, 1 am SiR Feb. 8, 1745 Your most Humble Servant, W. MILLS. BANKRUPTS. John Godfrey Hanckwitz, and Ambrose Godfrey Hanckwitz, of
Southampton Street, in the Parish of St. Paul Covent Garden, in the County of Middlesex, Che- mist and Copartners. HAY- MARKET. AT the KING's THEATRE in the HAY- MARKET, Saturday next, will be performed a New OPERA, call'd IL TRIONFODELLA CONTINENZA. With DANCeS and other DECORATIONS Entirely New. Pi- and Boxes to be put together, and no Persons to be admitted without Tickets, which will be delivered that Day, at the Opera Office in the Hay- Market, at Half a Guinea each. Gallery 5 s. By HIS MAJESTY's COMMAND, No Persons whatsoever to be admitted behind the Scenes. The Gallery to be
open'd at Four o'Clock. Pit aad Boxes at Five, To begin at Six o'clock. DRURY- LANE. By His Majesty's Company of Comedians, AT the Theatre - Royal in Drury - Lane, To- morrow, will be presented a Comedy, call'd The COUNTY WIFE. The Part of the Country Wife by Mrs. CLIVE ; Pinchwife, Mr. Bridges ; Horner, Mr. Mills; Sir Jasper Fidget by Mr. Micklin ; Sparkish, Mr Yates; Harcourt, Mr. Havard ; Dori- lant, Mr. Blakes; Quack, Mr. I. Sparkes. Allthea, Mrs. Cross; Lady Fidget, by Mrs. Mills; Lucy, Mrs. Bennet ; Mrs. Squeamish, Mrs. King. With Entertainments, viz. Act II. Singing by Mr. Lowe. Act III. A Dnce by Mons. and
Madem. MECHEL, & c. To which will be added, The STAGE - COACH. The Part of Nieolemus Somebody by Mr. Yates ; Capt. Basil by Mr. Blakes ; Uncle Micher, Mr. Collins ; Jolt, Mr. I. Sparkes ; Fetch, Mr. Neale; Landlord, Mr. Vaughan ; Ostler, Mr. Bransby. Isabella, Miss Minors; Dolly, Miss Royer ; The Part of Macahone by Mr. Barrington, In which Character will be introduced an IRISH ROROTORIO, set to Musick. Besses J I. Pit 3 s. First Gallery 1 s. Upper Gallery 11. To begin exactly at Six o'clock. COVENT- GARDEN. By DESIRE. Acted but Once these Six Years. AT the Theatre Royal in Covent- Garden, To morrow will
be presented a Comedy, call'd The MAN OF MODE OR, Sir FOPLInG FLUTTRR. The Part of Sir Fopling Flutter by Mr. CIBBER ; Dorimant, Mr. Ryan; Medley, Mr. Hale; Old Bellair, Mr. Hip- pisley; Young Bellair, Mr. Wordward ; Shoemaker, Mr. James ; Handy, Mr. Anderson ; Mr. Smith, Mr Carr ; the Page, by Miss Mullart. Harriet, by Mrs. Vincent; Belinda, Mrs. Hale ; Lany Townley, by Mrs. Havard ; Lady Woodvil, Mrs. James; Emilia, Mrs. Bland; Pert, Miss Hippisley ; Busy, Mrs. Dunstall ; Orange woman, Mr. Stoppelaer ; And the Part of Loveit by Mr. Pritchard. With Dancing by Mr. COOKE, Signora CAMPIONI, and Mr. SODI.
To which will be added a Farce, call'd The MOCK- DOCTOR. The Part of the Mock- Doctor by Mr. CIBBER ; Sir Jasper, Mr. Arthur ; Welsh Davy, by Mr. Hippisley ; James, Mr. Anderson ; Harry, Mr. Carr ; Leander, by Mr. Hayman ; Charlotte, by Mrs. Vaughan ; Dorcas, Mrs. DunstalL Boxer 51. Pit } » . First Gallery 2 >. Upper Gallery 11. To begin exactly at Six o'Clock. COVENT- GARDEN. AT the Theatre Royal in Covent Garden, on Friday next, will be perform'd A New Occasional ORATORIO. With a New CONCERTO on the ORGAN. Pit and Boxes to be put together, and no Person to be admitted without Tickets, which will
be deliver'd that Day at the Office at Covent- Garden Theatre, at Half a Guinea each. First Gallerv t s Second Gallery 3 s. 6 d. '' Galleries to be open'd at Half an Hour after Four o'Clock. Pit and Boxes at Five. To begin at Half an Hour after Six o'Clock. The Subscribers, who favour'd Mr Handel last Season with their Subscription, are desired to send to the Office at Covent- Garden Theatre, on the Day of Performance, where Two Tickets shall be deliver'd to each Gratis, in Order to make good the Number of Per- formances subscrib'd to last Season. LOST, last Night, from SPRING- GARDEN, AWhite PUPPY of the Pointing Kind,
about four Months old, both Ears a little mottled, with a small black Spot on the Throat. Whoever will bring him to Mr. Plass's next Door to the French Chapel, shall receive Five Shillings Reward. no greater Reward be offered, For the Benefit of a Gentlewoman under Misfortunes. AT the late Wells, the bottom of Lemon Street, Goodman's- Fields, Tuesday next, will be a Concert of Vocal and Instrumental MUSICK. Divided into Two Parts. Boxes 3 s. Pit and Fir4 Gallery 2s. Upper Gallery is. Between the Two Parts of the Concert will be given Gratis, The OLD BATCHELOR. And by particular Desire) the following Songs will be
sung between the Acts by Miss MEDINA, viz. Behold the Sweet Flowers, & c. Come Rosalind, O come and see, & c. Blow ye Bleak Winds around. & c. The Musick by Mr. Arne. To which will be added a Farce, call'd The VIRGIN UNMASK'D. Miss Lucy by Mrs. Phillips; Goodwill, Mr. Julian. With Entertainments of Singing and Dancing, as will be express'd in the Bills of the Day. To begin exactly at Six o'Clock. There will be a FIRE in the Pit to make the House warm. Guildhall, London, Feb 5, 1745. T'HIS Day the Contributions to the Subscrip- ton begun by the Right Hon. the Lord- Mayor and others for the Relief, Support, and
Encouragement of the Soldiers employed in suppressing the present unnatural Rebellion, amounted to the Sum of 18, 435 1. of which the Committee have appropriated the Sum of 17,256l. 16 s. 2 d. in the following Manner } J. s. J. For Rewards to the Maim'd and Wounded For Rewards to such Soldiers and Non- ) Commission Officers whole Bravery shall merit it j Sent to Newcastle for the Relief of the Sick Soldiers For 12, ooo Shirts 15, ooo Pair of Breeches ——. 16,500 Fair of Stockings - 10,0oo Woollen Caps 12,000 Pair of Gloves 9100 Woollen Ancle Spatterdashers 1000 Blankets . By sundry Imprests, to answer the Ex pence of Insurance and Scotland, Carriage, and gent Expences Creditor. By Monies appropriated Ballance undispos'd of Debtor. To Monies received In Order to extend the same good Purposes the Subscrip- tion it still kept open at the Chamberlain's Office at Guild- hall, where proper Persons are appointed to attend daily from Eleven o'Clock till Two, to receive the Contributions of such Persons as shall be disposed to subscribe to the same ; and for the Satisfaction of the Publick, the Committee intend to pub- lish a List of the Subscribers, the Sums contributed, and a particular Account of the Application thereof. By Order of
the Committee, T. FORD, Sec. Friday February 7, 1745- 6. THIS Day several Merchants having met, in Order to consider of a proper Day for a General Meeting of the Merchants and Traders of the City of London, to take into Confederation the Numerous Captures of Ships. " and the great Necessity of the most earnest and speedy Appli- cation for the Prevention of the same for the future. This it therefore to desire, that all Merchants and others who are concerned in Trade and Shipping, will please to give their Attendance, for the good Purposes aforesaid, at the Crown Tavern behind the Royal Exchange, on Wednesday next,
at Five o'Cleck in the Afternoon, at which Time it is proposed to chuse a Committee to proceed immediately in this most important Affair. Proceded on exactly at Six,
THE Freighters on the John Gally, Capt. Craige, bound for New- England which was taken and retaken, are desired to meet To morrow, at 12 o'Clock at the New- England Coffee House, on special Affairs. FOUND, On Tuesday the 4th Instant, in Holborn, AYoung HOG, supposed to have stray'd from a Drover. The Owner of the said Hog may have Intelligence of the same, by applying to Simon Welch in Brown's Gardens, near the French Exchange, in St. Giles's in the Fields. For SALE by the CANDLE, At LLOYD'S Coffee- House in Lombards street, This Day, at Twelve o'Clock at Noon, THE Ship JENNY, with 16 large
Carriage Guns, Square- stern'd, Plantation- built, and lately new sheathed, Burthen 220 Tons more or less, with proportionable Dimenfions, and well- found, now lying at Shadwell Dock, Samuel Staples, Commander. Inventories to be seen on Board, and at the Place of Sale. To be Sold by SAMUEL BROOKS, Broker. To be heard of Daily at his Office ( for Assuring Ships and Mer- chandize) opposite Jonathan's Coffee- house in Exchange- Alley ; or at Lloyd's Coffee- house in Lombard street. For SALE by the CANDLE, At LLOYD'S Coffee- House in Lombard- street. This Day, at Twelve 0 Clock at Noon, THE good Ship Hasle mere, with 18 Carriage, and 8 Swi- vel Guns, a Prime Sailor, Square- stern'd, River- built by Mr. Robert Carter, and sheathed, Burtheen 320 Tons more or less, with excellent Dimensions for the Straits or Weft- India Trades, and well found, now lying in the Great Wet Dock, Thomas Wal- ker, Commander. Inventories to be seen on Board, and at the Place of Sale. To be Sold by SAMUEL BROOKS, BROKER. For SALE by the CANDLE, t At LLOYD'S Coffee- House in Lombard- Street, On Friday next, at Twelve o'Clock at Noon, TH E good Ship Dragon, with 18 Guns, a French Prize, a - bout 18 Months old, Square- stern'd, Bur then 300 Tons more or less, with excellent Dimensions for the Virginia or West India Trades, now lying ashore at Mr. Carter's, Yard at Limehouse Hole, John Spence, Com- mander. Inventories to be seen on Board, and at the Place of Sale. To be Sold by SAMUEL BROOKS, Broker. For SALE by the CANDLE, at the MARINE Coffee- house in Birchin Lane, This Day, at Four 0 Clock in the Afternoon, 186 Casks French Sugar, 7 Pockets \ 8 Butts Cowries. The above to be seen from this Morning, Ten o'Clock to Five in the Afternoon, each Day, to the Time of Sale, at Ralph's Key, and Samples of the Cowries at the Place of Sale.
Catalogues to be had at Sam's Coffee- house, at the Place of Sale, and at William and Benj. Vaughan, Brokers. For SALE by the CANDLE, At LLOYD'S Coffee- house in Lombard Street, On Friday next, at Twelve o'Clock at Noon, THE PANTHER, with 14 Carriage Guns, 9 Pounders, 16 Swivel Guns, Burthen 180 Tons, more or less, a Prime Sailor, and a new Ship, now ly- ing in the Great Wet Dock. Inventories to be seen on Board, at Sam's Coffee- house near the Custom- house, and of WILL, and BENJ. VAUGHAN, Brokers. For SALE by the CANDLE, At New BEAR- KEY Coffee- House in Thames- Street, On Friday next,
at Eleven 0 Clock in the Forenoon, THIRTY Puncheons of RUM, lately Imported from Barbadoes. Six Ditto, lately Imported from Montserrat. Now lying in No 3. on Smart's Key. Samples to be Tasted at tbe aforesaid Coffee- House from tbia Day next ' till the Time of Sale. Catalogues will be Timely dispers'd by JOHN BRADSHAW, Broker. For SALE by A CANDLE, At GARRAWAY's Coffee- House in Exchange- Alley, On Thursday, March 6, at Four o'Clock in the Afternoon, THE following Goods being Part of the CARGOES of the Louis Erasmus. and Marquis D'An- tin Prizes from the South- Seas, taken by the Prince Frederick
and Duke Privateers, vix. 450 Ton Guaquilla Cocoa. About 6000 Ounces of Occidental Bezoar. 170 lb. Jesuits Bark. 1 Bag ditto Dust. 17 Cocoa Cups tipt with Silver. I Lamp. X Models of Altar Pieces. I Picture of the Virgin Mary. 6 Scripture History Pieces in Alabaster. 3 Bags Wool. I Ship's Bell. The Particulars of which will be publish'd in due Time, by CHARLES ROGERS, Broker, Over against LLOYD's Coffee- House. , WHEREAS on Sunday the 9th Instant, Richard Turner, Apprentice to John Gray, Blacksmith in Rupert- street, Goodman's- Fields absented himself from his Master he had on when he went away a Brown Coat
and Green Waistcoat with Brass Buttons, and a Linnen Cap with a Hat, he is about four Foot five Inches, and sixteen Years old, this is the third Time of his absenting himself from his Masters Service, he is sup- pos'd to be gone to Sea, and if any Person can give Intelligence of him, they shall for a Reward receive a Pound of old Iron by me John Gray. This Day is publish'd, The Second Edition, of Vol. V. of SERMON'S and DISCOURSES on Prac- tical Subjects. By ROBERT MOSS, D D. Late Dean of Ely, and Preacher to the Hon. Society of Gray s- Inn. Published from the Original, at the Request of the said Society. Printed by
J. Bettenham for C. Hitch, at the Red Lion in Pater- noster- Row. This Day is Published, The Second Edition. Price is. 6 d. DIRECTIONS to SERVANTS in ge- neral: And in particular to The BUTLER, PORTER, COOK, DAIRY MAID, FOOTMAN, CHAMBER- MAID, COACHMAN, NURSE, GROOM, LAUNDRESS, HOUSE- STEWARD, HOUSEKEEPER, And TUTORESS, or LAND- STEWARD, GOVERNESS. By the Reverend Dr. SWIFT, D. S. P. D. I have a Thing in the Press, began above twenty- eight Years ago, and almost finish'd : It will make a Four Shilling Volume ; and is such a Perfection of Folly, that you shall never
hear of it, ' till it is printed, and then you shall be left to guess. Nay I have ano- ther of the same Age, which will require a long time to Perfect, and is worse than tbe former, in which I will serve you the same Way. Letters to and from Dr. Swift, & c. Letter lxi< alluding to Polite Conversation and Direction to Servants. Printed for R. Dodsley in Pall- Mall and M. Cooper in Pater- noster- Row. Where may be had, by the same Author. 1. The Story of the Injured Lady, being a true Picture of Scotch Perfidy, Irish Poverty and English Partiality. 2. The last Will and Testament of Jonathan Swift, D. D. This Day is published The Fourth
Edition, corrected, Price 2s. bound., of PHAEDRUS's FABLES, with the follow- ing Improvements, in a Method entirely New, vix. The Words ef the Author are placed according to their Grammatical Conduc- tion, below every Fable; also the Rhetorical Figures as they occur- And to make the Pronunciation easy, all Words of above two Sylla- bles are marked with proper Accents. Also a Collection of Idioms and Phrases in Phaedrus, and all the Proverbial Motto's to the Fables, with the English Proverbs and Phrases answerable, set over against them. And lastly, an Alphabetical Vocabulary of all the Words in the Author, shewing
their Parts of Speech and Signification ; to which are added, the Themes of the Verbs, with their Government. For the Use of SCHOOLS. By JOHN STIRLING, MA Vicar of Great Gaddesden in Hertfordshire. and Chaplain to his Grace the Duke of Gordon. Also lately publish'd by Mr. STIRLING, j. P. Terentii Afri Comoediae Sex. Price 5 s. bound, x. A Persii Flacci Satirae. Pr. I s. stitch'd. 3. P. Virgilii Maronis, Opera. Pr, 6 s. 4. Catonis Disticha Moralia, ice. 3d Edit. Pr. is. bound. 5. P. Ovidii Nasonis Tristia, 8vo. Pr. 3 s. 6 d. bound. 6. Corderii Centuria selecta. Pr. X s. bound. 7. Catechismus & Articuli Eccl. Ang. Pr. 1 s. bound. 8. A
short System of Rhetoric, 3d Edit. Pr. 4d. stitch'd. 9. A short View of Latin Grammar. Price 6 d. stitch'd. 10. A short View of English Grammar. Pr. 6 d. ftitch'd. 11. Eutropii Hist. Rom. Breviarium Pr. x t. fid. bound. IX. L. Annaei Floii Historia Romana Pr. 3 s. bou" d. 13. Abridgment of the Pantheon. Price is. 6 d. bound. 14. Breviarium Grammatics, Exemplaribus scribendis adap- tatum ; or. The Rudiments of Grammar engraved on Copper plates for Copies. Price 6 d. Printed for T. Astey, at the Rose in Pater- noster- Row. This Day is published, Price 4 s. Printed for R. DODSLEY, at Tully's Head in PallMall, SEVEN
CONFERENCES on PAIN- TING. Translated from the French of Felibien. This Day is publish'd. Price 6d. A Proposal for Arming, and Disciplining the people of Grest- Britain. With some occasional Reflec- tions on the late Conduct of France. To . Printed for M. Cooper, in Pater- noster Row. This Day is published, Price Sixpence Plain, One Shilling Coloured, THE CABAL, a curious PRINT, with the Picturesque Appearance of a Great Man. To which iS added the Explanation. . This Day is published, Price 1 s. THE Third and Last Letter to a Gen- tleman dissenting from the Church of England ; wherein the Design of the Second, (
which was to refute the great and popular Objection of Dissenters against Communion with the Church of Eng- and, and to reflect them back upon themselves) is further pursued and completed. To which is added, an Appendix, concerning subscriptions, and the Inconsistency of the Dissenters Principles and Practices touching that Matter. By JOHN WHITE, B D. Sometime Fellow of St. John's College in Cambridge. Printed for C. Davis, against Gray's- lnn, Holborn ; W. Craigh- ton at Ipswich ; and M. Cooper in Pater- noster Row. I. The First and Second Letter. z. A Sermon preach'd on the Fast- Day, concerning the present
Rebellion in Scotland. This Day is publish'd, AMeasured PLAN of FALKIRK Battle, beautifully Engraved from the Original of the Engineers, con- taining the Royal Camp, Lines of Battle, various Movements, Names, and Number of each Corps on both Sides ; Prospect of Fal- kirk Town, the true Face of the Country for several Miles round ; also the Line of Battle under the Command of his Royal Highness the Duke, Feb. I. had the Rebels stood their Ground. Printed for J. Millan near the Admiralty- Office ; and M. Cooper in Pater- noster Row. Price I s. Plain, 2s. properly Coloured. And in a few Days will be published, finely
Engraved from tbe Original. A Plan and Prospect of the Town and Castle of STIRLING, the new Additional Works, Batteries, Attempts, & c. of the Rebels, the great Number they lost in their many fruitless Attacks during the Defence of the brave General Blakeney, with an accurate Map of the Country between Edinburgh and Sterling, Where may be had, * 1. Millan's Establishments of the Army and Navy, for 1746, 13 i, 2. Kane's Campaigns of King William and the Duke of Marlbo- rough, with about 40 beautiful new Military Designs. 3. History of the Mediterranean Fleet, with Cuts, 9 s. 6 d. | 4 Seven Plans of the Action in the
Mediterranean. 5. An accurate Survey of the New and Old Aberdeens, and tW Country between the Dee and Don, engraved in the best Manner, Is. 6 d. Plain, zs. Coloured. 6. Dunkirk Roads from the latest Surveys, with St. George's Channel, 1 s. 7. Signals and Salutes, & c. for the Royal Navy and Flags of all Nations at one View, in the most beautiful concise Manner, in a small neat Volume for a Pocket Book, 4 s. finely Coloured, or 2s. 6 d. plain. This Day is Published, The Fifth Edition, Price 2 s. 6 d. bound of THE Universal POCKET BOOK. Being a more useful, instructive, comprehensive, and com- plete Book, than any of
the like Kind, ever yet published. Contain, ing, among many other necessary and entertaining Particulars, I. A Geographical Description of ble Things, and an Abridge- the World ; with a Map of the ment of the History of Eng- whole. land. A Description and Map of En- 9. The Gardener's Kalendar, 3 gland ; shewing the Number of perpetual Almanack. Counties, Cities, Bishopricks, 10. A Table, shewing at one Boroughs, Market. Towns, Pa- View, the Value of any Good-, rishes, & c. Wares, or Merchandize, by the 3. London describ'd j with a Plan Pound, Yard, Gallon, & c. at of the same. any Price, from a Farthing to 4. An
Account of the several in- twenty Shillings, corporated Companies in Lon- II. A Table, and twenty- five don; with the Prices of Car- Geometrical, Problems, with penters. Bricklayer, Plaiste- their assigned Figures, applied rers and Painters Work, & c. to Mensuration, Gauging, Sur- 5. An Account of the General veying, & c. and Penny Post. 12. A Table, shewing the Dis- 6. An Account of all the Stage- counts on Good imported, from Coaches and Carriers in Eng- a Farthing and upwards- land ; with the Inns they put 13. A Table of Salaries and Wa- up at, and the Days they go pes, shewing what any Yearly out on. Sum amounted
to by the Month 7. A List of Places at Court, the Week, or Day. several Salaries thereof, and in 14. A Table of Interest for any whose Gift and Disposal. Number of Days, at any 8. The four Rules of Arithme- Rate. tick explained in the most easy 15. The Rates and Fares of and practical Manner ; a short Coachmen, Carmen, and Wa- Account of Arts and Sciences ; termen ; with their Rules and a brief Chronology of remarka- Restrictions. Printed for J. and I. Fox, R. Ware, S. Birt, C. Hitch, T. Ast- ley, J. Hodges, E. Withers, J. Osborne, and B. Dod. I Of whom may be had, Hewitt's Trader's Pocket Companion. Price 1 s. 6 4. bound.
BOOKS lately printed for R. DODSLEY, At Tully's Head, Pall- Mall. i. A Collection of Old Plays, 12 vol. Jarvis's Don Quixote, 2 vol. 4to. 3. Les Avantures de Telemaque. A fine Edition. The AEneid of Virgil. Translated by Mr. Pitt. ^. Vida's Art of Poetry. By the same, fi. Dialogues on Government. By the Hon. Henry Neville. 7. The Geography of England, with Maps of each County, & c* g. The Novels of Boccace. A new Translation. c). The Institution of a Prince. 10. Select Essays on the Belles Lettres. 11. History of all the Theatres in Europe, ja. Mrs. Rowe's Works. 1 3. The Works of Roger Boyle, Earl of Orrery, 14. Letters of
Algernon Sydney to Henry Saville. 15. The Microscope made easy. By Mr. Baker. 16. A Natural History of the Polype. By the same. 17. The Pleasures of Imagination. 18. Four Sermons. By Dr. Swift. 19. A new Volume of his Works, in which the Sermons are in- cluded. IO. The Complaint ; or, Night Thoughts on Life, Death, and Immortality. With many other Poems and Pamphlets, This Day is published, In FIVE VOLUMES, Octavo, ( With all their Coats of Arms curiously engraven) Price I 1. 15 s. Bound, . THE ENGLISH BArONETTAGE, CONTAINING, A Genealogical and Historical Account of all the ENGLISH BARONETS,
NOW EXISTING: Their Descents, Marriages, and Issues; memorable Actions both in War and Peace ; Religious and Charitable Donations ; Deaths, Places of Burial, and Monumental Inscriptions. COLLECTED from Authentick Manuscripts, Records, Old Wills, our best Hi- storians, and other Authorities. LIKEWISE, Exact Tables of Precedence ; particularly with Respect to the Wives, Sons, and Daughters, of Baronets and Knights. To which are added, An Account of such Nova Scotia Baronets as are of English Fami lies, now Resident in England. It is of very great Use to a Man in all great Stations, to be well acquainted with
the Descent of the Principal Families 0f his own Country, which enables him very much to form a just Judgment of their Views and Ways of Thinking; and to know how he may conduct himself with them, or to guard against their Interest, by knowing with what Families their Alliances principally lie. To confirm this, we need only to mention the Practice of Two of the greatest Ministers of State produced in this Island The Lord Burleigh, who was first Minister to Queen Elizabeth for a Space of near 40 Years ; and the Earl of Oxford, Minister to the late Queen Anne. The latter of these had a great Regard for this_ Learning, and made
the greatest Collection in that Kind of any Man in England. As to the Lord Burleigh, his. Knowledge of the Families of all Men of Figure in this King- dom, was reckoned among his extraordinary Qualifications. And he was so much addicted to this Study, that in the Heat of his greatest Occupations, he always found some Leisure- Time to be employ'd this Way, leaving behind him many Volumes of Pedigrees in his own Hand- Writing." Genealogical History of the house. of Yvery in the Introduction, Page j'}. Printed for Tho. Wotton ; and sold by Edward Withers, at the Seven Stars, next the Inner- Temple Gate, in Fleet- street. this
Day is published, Neatly printed in Two Volumes, in 8 vc. Price bound in Calf 10 s. Illustrated with Copper Plates curiously en- graved, NAVIGATION UNVAIL'D, Or, a New and Complete System of NAVIGATION in all its Branches. Containing Arithmetic, Geometry, Trigonometry, Geography and Astronomy, in a more plain and easy Method than any hitherto pub- lished, and more adapted to Beginners. Sailing by the Plain, and Mercator's or Wright's Charts explained from the first Principles, and ully illustrated in a Variety of ufeful Examples. The Theory of' the Tides, Currents, Variation of the Compafs, Lee- Way, & c,
particularly considered ; and the Difficulties in Reckoning, which pro- ceed from them, fully explained. A Complete Set of all the Tables useful in Navigation, with their Construction and Use at large. The description and Use of the Instruments commonly used, and some New Ones of the Author's own Invention. To which is added, A New Way of keeping a Reckoning on the Principles of Mercator's or Wright's Sailing, as easily as by the common erroneous Method of Plain Sailing. The Whole calculated for Practice, and the Examples such as daily occur at Sea, in a Manner quite different from other Systems i being freed from the
many Superfluities and Perplexities Which those who have wrote on this Subject, have generally made use of, and abounding with Variety of Rules which are absolutely ne- cessary, and have never before been treated of ; Performed with the greatest Exactness, and approved of by the most eminent Mathema- ticians of the Age. By EDWARD HAUXLEY, Teacher of the mathematicks. Printed for the Author, and sold by j. Hodges, at the Looking Glass, over- against St. Magnus Church, London- Bridge. Where is likewise to had, just published, the Second edition, with very large Additions, and a New Introduction, of The Navy
Surgeon: or, Practical System of Surgery, With a Distertation on Cold and Hot Mineral Springs ; and Physical Observa- tions on the Coast of Guinea. By JOHN ATKINS, Surgeon, quisque norit Artem in bac se exerceat. This Day is published In THREE VOLUMES in FOLIO, Collected from above One thousand Original Draughts, in the Possession of Dutton Seaman, Esq at Guildhall, Comptroller of the Chamber of the City of London. PRECEDENTS in CONVEYANCING Settled and Approved by GILBERT HORSEMAN, Late of Lincoln's- Inn, Esq; Containing Conveyances and Settlements, not only of Estates Peal and
Personal, known to former Times, but also of Stocks, Bonds and Annuities of the Publick Companies, Exchequer An- nuities, Fortunes in Ireland and Holland, and Plantations in America; likewise many new Clauses, and Provisions in Consequence of Acts of Parliament, and of Determinations in the Courts of Justice. Printed for J. and P. Knapton, at the Crown in Ludgate- Street. This Day is published, In TWO VOLUME S, FOLIO, With the Approbation of the Right Hon. the Lord Chancellor and all the Judges, REPORTS of CASES argued and adjud- ged in the- Courts of King's- Bench and Common Pleas in the Reigns of the
late King William, Queen Anne, King George I. and ' his present Majesty. Taken and collected by the Right Honourable ROBERT Lord RAYMOND, Late Lord Chief Justice of the Court of King's Bench. Printed for C. Davis, opposite Grays- Inn Gate, Holborn. Where may be had, Lord Chief Justice Hale's History of the Pleas of the Crown. ' In Two Volumes, Folio. This Day is published, Price 16s. bound, Beautifully printed upon a fine Paper and new Letter, in Four Volumes, Octavo, the Fifth Edition, of SERMONS and DISCOURSES on several Subjects and Occasions. By FRANCIS ATTERBURY, Late Lord Bishop of Rochester,
and Dean of Westminster. Printed for C. Davis, opposite Grays- Inn in Holborn. Where may be had, lately published, I. Bishop Hickman's Sermons, z vol. 8 » o, 4th Edit, - a. The late Rev. and Learned Mr. Reeve's Sermons, 3. Dr. Littleton's Sermons, 2 v. 8vo. 4. Dr. Lupton's Sermons, 8vo. 5. Dr. Fiddes's 51 Practical Discourses on several Subjects, in Fc- lio. Price bound 10 s. - ffii An Historical Dictionary of all Religions. By the Rev. Mr. Broughton, Prebendaiy of Salisbury, in Folio. This Day is published, [ Price Two Shillings,), ACHART of the GERMAN OCEAN, corrected from the best Surveys and Agronomical Observa- tions
by which the Bearing and Distances of all Places on the Coast of Great Britain, from the North of Scotland to the Start Point and of the Contirent from the Coaft of Norway to the Cape de la Hogue in Normandy, may be readily found. Published according to Act of Parliament by A. Millar, opposite to Catherine- street in the Strand. Where may be had, A compleat and correct Map of the LOTHIANS, being a View that Country from Sterlingshire to Berwickshire, Survey'd by Mr. Adair, Price I s. 6 d. Coloured 2 s. And speedily - will be published, A new and correct Mercator's Map of North- Britain, carefully laid down from the latest
Surveys and molt approved Obfervations, according to the strictest Regard to Mathematical Truth. In which are included all the King's High Roads. By the Hon. John El- phinstone, Esq;. P. Engineer, price 2 s. 6 d. An infallible and instant Cure for Deafness, Thickness, of Hearing, Pain or Noise in the Ears, & c, by the only true Chymical Spccifick DROPS, WHICH infinitely excel all other Medi- cines ever offer'd to the Publick, or known in the whole World ; for they directly cure Deafness, be it ever so bad, or of ever so long standing, and all Thickness of Hearing and Noise in the Ears almost at once, and that after all other Means
have fail'd, and with- but Trouble or the least Uneasiness, as many Thousands have expe- rienc'd. They effectually remove all Pain occasion'd by Cold, strengthen the Tympanum or Drum of the Ear, free the Auditory Nerve from Obstruction, and infallibly cure all Defects of the Hearing Faculty, almost in an Instant, causing those to hear exceeding quick and well, who before were in a manner totally deaf. Hundreds who were not able to hear a Drum when beat close by them, and therefore despaired of being ever relieved, have been im- mediately and perfectly cured by them, to their great Joy and Admi- ration. In a word, they
may absolutely be depended upon for the direct and infallible Cure of DEAFNESS, proceeding from what Cause so- ever ; but the great Esteem and Reputation they have justly gained for many Years past, have occasion'd ( as usual in such Cases) many Counterfeits to come abroad ; beware therefore of such Impositions, these Chymical and only true Specifick Drops being to be had, by the Author's Appointment, of the Gentlewoman at the Two Blue Posts in Haydon- Yard, in the Minories, at 3 s. 6 il. a Bottle, with Directions, and no where else in England. This day is published And at the Request of several Gentlemen and
Ladies who are large Collectors of Prints, and who may want One or Two only out of different Lots ( to oblige such all the Prints in the different Lots will be prized separately Collectio Selecta Brindlelana : Or, A CATALOGUE of a Curious and Rare COllection of Antient and Modern, Italian, Flemish and French Prints, after the greatest Masters, and by the best Engravers VIZ. Michael Angelo, Paul Rubens, Titian, Carlo Maratti, Salvator Nossa, De La Bella, Coracchio, Cesio, Tintoret, Raphael, Bassan Bourdon, Bloemart, Barbietta, Hollar, Heemskirk, Sir Godfrey Kneller, Ant. Van Deeek, Arb. Durer, Daret, Nanteui, Pousin, Callot,
Le Brun, Mignard, La Blond, la Fage, J. Boitard. Which will begin to be sold Extraordinary Cheap, this Day, the Price mark'd'upon every Lot, and continue till all are Sold. By JOHN BRINDLEY, In New- Bond- Street. LONDON: Printed for H. WOODFALL, jun. near the Pump in Little- Britain, where ADVERTISEMENTS of a moderate Length are taken in at Two SHILLIngs each. ADVERTISEMENTS are also taken in by Mrs. Chapman, over- against the King's- Arms Tavern, in Pall- Mall; George woodfall, at the King's Arms, near C raig's Court, Charing Cross Mr. Shuckburgh, at the Sun, next the Inner Temple Gate, Fleet street
Mr, Brackstone, the Globe Cornhill; and by T. ASTLEY, Removed from St. Paul's Church yard, to the Rose in Pater- noster Row.