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The General Advertiser


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The General Advertiser
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The General Advertiser

Date of Article: 08/02/1745
Printer / Publisher: H. Woodfall, jun. 
Address: Near the Pump in Little Britain, London
Volume Number:     Issue Number: 3522
No Pages: 4
Sourced from Dealer? No
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The General Advertifer. Numb, 3522. SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 1745- 6. Deal, February 6. SAIL'D this Morning his Majesty's Ship Salamander to the Westward. Came down and sailed the Stub- bington, Major, for Falmouth. Re- main his Majesty's Ships Princess Louisa, Admiral Mayne ; with the Men of War, as in my last. Wind E. N. E. Falmouth,- Feb. y Arrived the Hope, Bedin, from Lis- bon ; and Happy, —-,' from Whitehaven, both for Ha- vredegrace ; Endeavour, Fergus, for Penryn ; Prosperity, Walsh, from Dublin, for Dartmouth ; and Thomas and William, Seeker, for, Yarmouth. Sailed the Pepperel, Bonner, for Lisbon. Wind N. E. Weymouth, Feb. 5. - Arrived the William and Cathe- rine, Pond, of this Place, from London. Wind E. N. E. Pool, Feb. 5. Sail'd the Hope, Bromley, of and for Guernzey. Cowes, Feb. J. On the 3d came in the Salisbury, Lee, from Rotterdam. Sailed the George, French, to the Mother Bank ; and St. George, Dormer, for Southamp- ton. On the 4th arrived the Elizabeth, Dupree, from London, for Jerzey. Came down from Spithead Cato, Legrand, for Oporto ; and Priscilla, Shea, for Antigua, both from London ; the last sailed this Morning. Wind E. N. E. Yesterday arrived the Mail from Holland. Petersburgh, Jan. 22. Great Preparations of War are making here, and we are assured a Resolution has been taken to assemble, as soon as possible, an Army of 45,000 Men in Livonia and Courland, besides a Corps of 15,000 that will be form'd near Smolensko. The Artillery from Mos- cow is upon the Road for Riga, and fresh Orders have been dispatched for equipping the Fleet and Gallies, as al- so for paying the Arrears, throughout the Empire, that are due for Contributions, independently of the general Capi- tation. Vienna, Feb. 2. It is at last dccided that Prince Charles of Lorrain shall command in chief the Imperial Troops in the Austrian Low- Countries, and that Prince Lobkowitz is to command under him. His Royal Highness will set out the Beginning of March, and hie Baggage will go before him on the 20th instant. It is also settled that Field Mar- shal Count Traun shall have the Command of the Army in Italy, and that the Troops which are assembling in the Em- pire shall be under Field Marshal Coant Bathiani. The Hopes we had lately conceived of an approaching Pacification with the French Court are entirely vanished, and nothing is talk'd of at present but pushing the War with, the utmost Vigour. For this Purpose great Prepara- tions are making both here and in the Hercditary Countries, and the Court has dispatched the Orders for hastening the Levies of Recruits, that the Troops may be compleat be- fore the Opening the Campaign. The Capitation has not been suspended as has been reported. It is now actually raising, and every one is in Haste to furnish his Contingent. The states of Bohemia have made some Representations to be exempted from this Tax, for an extraordinary Subsidy of 400,000 Florins, but the Answer of the Court on this Subject is not yet known. The Empress Queen has re- solved to form a new Guard Noble, consisting only of Hungarian Gentlemen. Dresden, Feb. 5. The Deputies of the States of this Cir- cle open'd their Session Yesterday, to deliberate upon the Means of raising the Million of Crowns that are to be paid to the King of Prussia, agreeably to the last Treaty of Peace. M. de Zanthier, Member of the Privy Council, is set out from hence, in order to deliver up to the King of Prussia's Commissaries, the little Cities of Furstemberg and Schiedlo upon the Oder, with the Customs thereto belong- ing, in the Execution of the same Treaty. We hear, that the King of Prussia's Pretensions concerning the Polish Prus- sia, will be regulated in the approaching General Diet of the States of Poland. Dusseldorp, Feb. 1'. The Imperial Troops, which are marching thro' the Dutchy of Juliers, direct their Route towards Maestricht. Several Prussian Regiments are ar- rived- from Brandenburgh in the Dutchy of Cleves, and there is a Report, that the King of Prussia will shortly Come thither himself. Geneva, Feb. 5. According to the last Advices from Italy, the Spaniards have got Possession of Reggio in the Modenese, and have put therein a strong Garrison. It ap- pears that their Design is to make themselves Masters of the whole Dutchy, before the Arrival of the Imperial Troops from Germany. The Siege of the Citadel of Milan was not begun on the 29th past; but we heard that every Thing was ready for that Expedition-, as soon as the rest of the heavy Artillery came up. They write from Turin, that the Prince of Litchtenstein was come thither from Novara, in order to conccrt with the King of Sardinia the Operations of the approaching Campaign. It is added, that the Garrison of the Citadel of Alexandria was in a Condition to hold out a long Time, having Abundance of Provisions, but a Scarcity of Wood. Madrid, Jan. 25. The Court has received an Express from Don Barnardino Freyre, Intendant of Marine, with Advice that the four Register Ships, the St. George, the Nymph, the Esperdion, and the St. Michael, with the Pearl Frigate, entred the Port of Corunna the 14th Inst. from the Havannah. Their Lading consists of 472,169 Pieces of Eight, 1392 Marks of wrought Silver, 494 Serons of Cochineal, 2665 Ditto of Indigo, 2102 of To- bacco, 2712 Tertios of Banillas, z756 Hides, 480 Chests of Sugar, with a large Quantity of Cocoa, Drugs, & c. We hear by these Ships, that our Privateers in the West- Indies have taken a great Number of English Ships, a- mongst which there are five, whole Cargoes are computed at 450,000 Pieces of Eight. Hague, Feb. 15. This Morning an Express arrived from the Prince of Waldeck, with Advice that the French have not yet begun to fire upon Brussels, their heavy Artillery not being ready to place upon the Batteries. The Prince of Waldeck continues to assemble all the Troops he can. He has reinforced the Garrison of Mechlin with 6000 Men. and that Place is fortifying with all Expedition. The Im- perial Troops make forced Marches, and we flatter our- selves that they will be at Antwerp and Mechlin by the End of this Week. The first Division arrived at Rure- mond on the 10th, and the second and third were to ar- rive at Maestrich the 11 th and 12th. We have received Advice, that the Castle of Vilvorden was obliged to surrender to the French on the 8th Inst. The Garrison consisted of 200 Men, who were made Pri- soners of War, and conducted to Ghent. Bastia, Jan. 10. Four English Men of War arrived on the 5th in the Road cf this City, and cast Anchor at a Mile Distance. The Commandant came on shore the same Day, with several Officers, and was received by the Castle under a general Discharge of the Artillery. The next Day there was a Council of War, in which it was resolved that the English should attack Ajaccio and Calvi by Sea, while the Count de Rivarola besieged them by Land. On the 12th, these four Ships sailed for that Expedition,- and are to be joined by others that are cruizing on those Shores, and four Bomb Vessels, expected from Leghorn. The Troops in Garrison here having been drawn up in the principal Street, and taken an Oath never to return again to the Government of the Genoese, they hung out at the Castle the Arms of the Kingdom of Corsica. LONDON. Some Letters from Petersburgh say, there is some Talk there of erecting a Company of Merchants in that Place, who are to open a Trade to the most diftant Part of Eu- rope, and even to the West- Indies. Mr. Anstis, Garter King of Arms, has pass'd by Hano- ver in his way to Weissenfels, whither he is gone to carry the Order of the Garter to the Duke of that Name. The Four States of the Kingdom of Swedes, represented by four Senators, stood Godfather to the young Prince, who, immediately after his Baptism, was proclaimed Hereditary Prince of the Swedes, Goths and Vandals. The Genoese pretend great Ignorance of what passes in Corsica, which makes it conjectur'd, that they have not indeed much Interest there. Letters from Italy say, that an English Squadron is sailed up the Gulph of Venice, in order to favour the Transportation of some Austrian Troops from Italy, and keep the Neapolitans in Awe. We are assured that Captain Vere, who was taken Pri- soner by the Rebels, and said to have been put to Death, has escaped from them, and is now at Holms- Chapel. On Thursday last was married at St. Paul's Cathedral, Mr. Gwilt, an eminent Silk- Merchant in Spital- fields, to Miss Shaw of Cheshunt in Hertfordfhire, a very fine young Lady, with a considerable Fortune. Last Tuesday Edward Moyston, Esq; of Huntingdon, was married at Walthamstow in Essex, to Miss Burnet of the same Place, an agreeable young Lady, with a large Fortune. By Letters from Worcester we learn, that the Public In- firmary for that City and County was lately open'd, and that there is great Reason to hope it will meet with consi- derable Success and Encouragement, from its happy Be- ginning. Yesterday came Advice, that the Success, Burgh, from Whitehaven for Dublin for Operto, is taken by the French and carried into St. Maloes. The Planters Friendship, Hooper, from Maryland, for London, is also taken into St. Maloes The Hawthorn, Gray, from Lisbon for London, is ta- ken by the Sultaness Privateer, belonging to St. Maloes. The Friendship, Howstong, from St. Kitts, last from St. Ives, is put into Milford. Extract of a Letter from Marazin in Mountsbay, Feb. j." Yesterday there were two Privateers off, in the Bay, and in fight took two large Ships, whole Names we cannot learn : They also took a Schooner from St. Ives and a Brig, from Swanzey, both bound to Falmouth. This Account is brought in here; by the Jolliffe. Ald- ridge from Chichester for Dublin 5 who with some other Coasters escaped, whilst the Privateers were secur- ing the other Prizes.' By Letters from Plymouth, of the 4th Instant, we have Advice of the Arrival of a Cartel Ship from St. Maloes who came from thence on Saturday last, with about 200 English Prisoners. There are about 800 more left behind, and among them upwards of 20 Commanders of Ships. The Day before the above Ship came from St. Maloes, 10 Privateers from 22 to 32 Guns, sailed from thence, to cruize on the English. Yesterday as a Tender was going down the River, with about 50 impress'd Men on board, they rose on the Offi- cers and Crew belonging to her, kill'd three of them; and all escaped on shoar. On Thursday Night last, some Rogues, having found means to conceal themselves in Westminster Abby, cut off the Gold Lace, Gold Fringe, and other Things of most Value, from off the Robes of the Waxwork Figures of King William and Queen Mary, Queen Anne, and the Duke of Buckingham ; and got off with their Booty un- discover'd. Yesterday Joshua Watson was committed to Clerkeri- well Bridewell, by Sir Thomas De Veil, for feloniously and privately picking the Pocket of Robert Butts, Esq; of a Cambrick Handkerchief at Drury- lane Play- house, found upon him. The same Day John Short was committed to New Pri- son, by the same Gentleman, for feloniously taking a great Quantity of Leaden Pipe, affix'd to the Freehold, the Pro- perty of Mr. William Lloyd, found upon him. COUNTRY- NEWS. Newcastle, Feb. 4. Lord Mark Kerr, arrived here this Afternoon, in his way to Scotland. Four Germans, Deserters from Lord John Drummond, are arrived here : The Reasons they give for deserting were for want of Pay and Provisions. They say, they were Part of the Pretender's Guard; and were upon a Hill with him, out of all manner of Danger, during the Battle at Falkirk. Copy of a Letter from a Serjeant in Gen. Barrel's Regiment of Foot, dated Edinburgh, Jan. 19. On Wednesday last we marched from this Place to Linlithgow, on Thursday to Falkirk, where we encamp'd that Night. The Rebels were encamp'd between Stir- ling and Torwood. We suspected them to be in a strong Situation, and that they would not leave their Ground On Friday we saw a Movement of them advancing about 12 o'CIock, when our Troops all stood to their Arms, but thinking that to be a Feint, we all lodged our Arms again ; and about two we observ'd them marching West towards Glasgow : The Troops immediately stood to their Arms again, and march'd about a Mile and half to- wards them in two Lines, where we came to the Side of a steep Hill ; when the Left of both Lines was on the Top of the Hill, and the Right in the Valley ; then the Rebels much sooner than was expected, in a great Hurry came towards us, along the Top of the Hill to- wards our Left Wing. Our Train, which consisted of 10 Pieces of Cannon, march'd off with us, but could not get up the Hill, nor never fired a Shot; the Drivers took away the Horses, and left the Cannon in the Field. of which we lost Seven for Want of Horses. The Front Line consisted of the Royal, Cholmondeley's, Pulteney's, and Woolf's; the second consisted of Barrel's, Fleming's, Monro's, and Blakeney's ; the Old Buffs, Battereau's, Price's, and Legonier's, was a Corps Re- serve, and form'd towards the Right of the Rear. Our Dragoons were drawn up on the Left Wing, who first boldly charg'd the Enemy in their March, but the Ene- my both flank'd and fronted them, which caused them ! ADVERTISEMENTS are taken in for this Paper, at LLOYD'S CofFeE- HouSE, in Lombard- Street. to break ; they then charged the Left Wing of the Foot both Flank and Front, when our Foot gave them a running Fire, which oontinued for some Time, and did them a deal of Damage ; then the Front Line retreated, which put the Rear in Disorder, and both were broke. The Rebels pursued that Victory, and another Body of them advanced towards our Right. The Royal Scots, who were in our Front, retreated, and endeavoured to break through our Regiment, then they faced to the Right, and made off. We then form'd our Front where our Left Flank was before, and faced the Hill against the whole Body of the Rebels with our little Regiment, and in the greatest Order we advanced towards them, tho' there were above 3000 of them marching towards us; we put them to a Stop by the Front Rank kneeling, and the Rear and Center Rank firing upon them conti- nually; then Brigadier Cholmondeley, who commanded our Brigade, and behaved with the Courage of a Lion, with the Assistance of brave General Huske, rallied a Part of several Regiments, and form'd them upon the Right and Left of our Regiment; the Dragoons at the same Time rallied and marched up the Hill. where we drove every Man out of the Field, and they sustain'd a great deal more Loss than we ; and if all the Foot had behaved like our Regiment, we wou'd have killed and taken prisoners every Man of them. By this Time it became dark with dreadful heavy Rain, which soon ren- dered our Arms incapable of any Service we knew their whole Dependance was on their Swords, which General Huske found, and ordered us to march to our Camp, which we did in great Order, and twelve of Our Regiment drew a Piece of Cannon out of the Field to the Head of our Encampment ; we then march'd to Lin- lithgow in good Order, there being nothing left in Fal- kirk for either Man or Horse. Our Regiment, thank God, received little or no loss ; brave Col. Rich, who behav'd like a Horce, was touch'd in the Heel by a spent Ball, which did him very little Damage. Our Regiment has the Character from all the General Officers of saving the Field. Brigadier Chol- mondeley gave our Regiment ten Guineas, and shak'd Hands with several of our Men, for their good Beha- viour. The Rebels march'd into Falkirk soon after we march'd out. I had the Honour to command a Platoon all the Time of the Action, and was one of those who took Major Macdonald Prisoner, and took a fine mounted Pistol out of his Hand, which I have now as a Trophy. Sir, you may depend on this as Truth.' High Water at London- Bridge, this Day at 51 Minutes after 1. HAY- MARKET. AT the KING's THEATRE in the HAY- MARKET, this Day, will be perform'd a New OPERA, call'd IL TRIONFODELLA CONTINENZA. With DANCes and other DECORAtIONS Entirely new. Pit and Boxes to be put together, and no Persons to be admitted without Tickcts, which will be delivered this Day, at the Opera Office in the Hay- Market, at Half a Guinea cach. Gallery 5 s. By HIS MAJESTY'S COMMAND, No Persons whatsoever to be admitted behind the Scenes. The Gallery to be open'd at Four o'Clock. Pit and Boxes at Five. To begin at Six o'Clock. DRURY- LANE. By particalar DESIRE By His Majesty's Company of Comedians, AT the Theatre- Royal in Drury - Lane, this Day, will be presented a Comedy, call'd The MERCHANT of VENICE The Part of Shylock by Mr. Macklin; the Merchant, Mr. De- lane ; Bassanio, by Mr. Havard ; Gratiano, Mr. Mills ; Lancelot, Mr. Neale; Lorenzo by Mr. Lowe, with Songs proper for the Cha- racter; Gobbo, by Mr. Ray ; Morochius, Mr. Woodburn ; Tubal, Mr Taswell ; Duke, Mr. Winstone ; Solarino, Mr. Blakes; Solanio, Mr. Berry ; Balthazar, Mr. Simpson. Neriffa, Mrs. Bennet ; Jes- sica, Miss Minors ; The Part of Portia by Mrs. CLIVE. With Entertainments, viz. Act III. A Cantata by Mr. Lowe. Act IV. A Peasant Dance by Mr. Muilment, and others. 7 To which will be added, The STAGE- COACH. The Part of Nicodemus Somebody by Mr. Yates ; Capt. Basil by Mr. Blakes ; Uncle Micher, Mr. Collins ; Jolt, Mr. I. Sparkes; Fetch, Mr. Neale; Landlord, Mr. Vaughan; Ostler, Mr. Bransby. Isabella, Miss Minors; Dolly, Miss Royer ; The Part of Macahone by Mr. Barrington, In which Character will be introduced an IRISH ROROTORIO, set to Musick. Boxes 5 f. Pit 3 s. Firft Gallery z s. Upper Gallery r s. Places axd Tickets to be had of Mr. Hobson, at the Stage- D00r 0f the Theatre. To begin exactly at Six o'Clock. THE Owners, Freighters, and Recaptors of the GENEROUS, Capt. Bakewell, now arriv'd in the River from Barbadoes, are desired to meet at the Crown Tavern by the Royal- Exchange, on Monday next, at Five o'Clock inthe Afternoon. Enquire for Number 1. COVENT- GARDEN. Not Acted this Season. AT the Theatre Royal in Covent- Garden, tikis Day, will be presented an Historical Tragedy, call'd PAPAL TYRANNY, In the REIGN of KING JOHN. Written on the Plan of Shakespeare. The Part of King John by Mr. Cashell; Falconbridge, by Mr. Ryan ; Hubert, Mr. Bridgwater ; Philip King of France, Mr. Hale; the Dauphin, Mr. Cibber; Pandulph, Mr. Johnson ; Salisbury, Mr. Ridout; Pembroke, Mr. Rosco ; the Abbot, Mr Marten; Arun- del, Mr. Anderson ; Melun. Mr. Gibson ; Governor of Angiers, Mr. Carr. Lady Blanche. Miss Hippisley ; Prince Arthur by Miss Morrison ; and the Part of Lady Constance by Mrs. Pritchard. With Dancing by Mr. COOKE, Signoia CAMPIONI, and Mr. SODI, ( Being the Third Time of his appearing upon that Stage.) To which will be added a Dramatic Entertainment, call'd The ROYAL CHACE, Or, MERLIN'S CAVE. Boxes 5 s. Pit 3 s. First Gallery 2 s. Upper Gallery I s. To begin exactly at Six o'Clock. On Monday next will be perform'd The BEGGAR's OPERA. The Part of Polly to be perform'd by Mrs. CIBBER. COVENT GARDEN. AT the Theatre Royal in Covent Garden, on Friday next, will be perform'd A New Occasional ORATORIO. With a New CONCERTO on the ORGAN. Pit and Boxes to be put together, and no Person to be admitted without Tickets, which will be deliver'd that Day at thir Office at Covent- Garden Theatre, at Half a Guinea each. First Gallery 5 s. Second Gallery 3 s. 6d. Galleries to be open'd at Half an Hour after Four o'Clock, Pit and Boxes at Five. To begin at Half an Hour after Six o'Clock. The Subscribers, who favour'd Mr Handel last Season with their Subscription, are desired to send to the Office at Covent- Garden Theatre, on the Day of Performance, where Two Tickets shall be deliver'd to each Gratis, in Order to make good the Number of Per- formances subscrib'd to last Season. At the particular Desire of feveral Ladies of Quality. AT the Theatre- Royal in Covent- Garden, on Tuesday, Feb. 18, will be presented a Comedy, call'd The SILENT WOMAN. Written by Ben Johnson. The Part of the Silent Woman to be perform'd by Mrs. Pritchard ; Truewit, Mr, Hale ; Morose, Mr. Bridgwater; Sir Amorous La- Fool, Mr. Woodward ; Dauphine, Mr. Cashell ; Clerimont, Mr. Ridout ; Cutbeard, Mr. James. Lady Haughty, Mrs. Hale ; Mrs. Centaure, Mrs. Bland; Mrs. Doll Mavis, Miss Hippisley ; Mrs. Ot- ter, Mrs. James; The Part of Sir John Daw by Mr. Cibber ; And the Part of Capt. Otter to be perform'd by Mr. Phillips. With Entertainments as will be express'd in the Bills of the Day. Boxes 5 s. Pit 3 s. First Gallery a s. Upper Gallery 1 s. To begin exactly at Six o'Clock. Tickets to be had, and Places taken, of Mr. Page, at the Stage Door of the Theatre. Admiralty- Office, Feb. 7, 1745. WHEREAS the Court Martial held for the Trial of several Officers for their Conduct in the Action off Toulon, in February 1743, stands Adjourned to the 18th of ths Month, the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty do hereby direct the Captains of all his Majesty's Ships in the Rivers Thames and Medway, and at the Nore ; who are not under Orders to proceed to Sea, to meet on board his Majestys Ship the Prince of Orange at Deptford, upon that Day, in Order to assist at the said Court. And their Lordships do also hereby strictly direct all the Officers, Petty Officers. Seaman, and 0thers, who have been summoned as Witnesses upon the Trials of Mr. Lestock 0r Admiral Matthews, to give their Attendance on board the Prince of Orange, on the aforesaid 18th Day of this Month and to continue to attend there during the Sitting of the Court, till they shall be properly discharged from attending any longer as Witnesses. THO. CORBETT. ALL Persons Interested in, and Trading to the British Sugar Colonies, and concerned in the Linnen Manufactures of Great- Britain and Ireland; and also the Sugar Re- finers, Grocers, and Distillers of Melasses, are desired to meet at the Crown Tavern behind the Royal- Exchange, on Monday Morning next, at Eleven o'Clock precisely, for the Purposes agreed 0n at the last Meeting For the Benefit of Mrs. PHILLIPS. AT the late Wells, the bottom of Lemon Street, Goodman's- Fields, Monday next, will be a Concert cf Vocal and Instrumental MUSICK. Divided into Two Parts. Boxes 3 s. Pit and First Gallery z s. Upper Gallery 1 s. Between the Two Parts of the Concert will be given Gratis, The RELAPSE; O R, VIRTUE IN DANGER. With ENTERTAINMENTS. To which will be added, The INTRIGUING CHAMBERMAID. *„* Mr. Phillip humbly begs leave to inform his Friends, that being under Confinement in the King's Bench, he has not at present an Opportunity to wait on such Gentlemen and Ladies, as he hope a. he may have the Honour to esteem his Well- Wishers. But in Order to render Mrs. Phillips's Entertainment as agreeable as possible to the Publick, Mr. Phillips will be there on that Night. Tickets to be had at Mrs. Phillips's Lodgings, at Mrs. Norman's in Ayliff- street j and of Mr. Phillips in the King's- Bench Prison in Southwark. Guildhall, London, 24 Jan . 1745. THE Committee of the Guildhall Subscription, Over and above the Sum of 50001. formerly set apart for rewarding such Soldiers, ' who should be maimed or wounded in suppressing the present Unnatural Rebellion, have ordered that the like Sum of 5000 1. be also set apart to be distri- buted in Rewards, among such Private Soldiers and Non- Commission Officers, who shall by their Bravery and Cou- rage distinguish themselves in suppressing the Rebellion, and whose Behaviour shall be represented by the General Officers to merit the same. By Order of the Committee, T. FORD, Sec. Guildhall London, Dec. 31, 1745. THE Committee appointed for the Disposal of the money arising by the Subscription, begun by The Right Hon. the Lord Mayor and others, for the better Relief, Support and Encouragement of the Soldiers employed in suppressing the present unnatural Rebellion ; give Notice,, that the said Subscription is still kept open at the Chamber- lain's Office, at Guildhall, where proper Persons are ap- pointed to attend, from Eleven o'clock to Two, to receive the Contributions of such Persons as Jhall be disposed to Subscribe to the same, and for the Satisfaction of the Publick, the Committee intend to publish a List of the Names of the Sub- scribers, the Sums contributed, and the Application there- of. By Order of the Committee, T. FORD, Secretary. To all Noblemen, Merchants, Traders, and Others. As the French have of late taken so many of our Ships, and so many Privateers fitted out in France, as appears from one Port only, viz. St. Meloes, 27 Sail of large Ships within a few weeks have been sent out. And as our Privateering is in the Hands of a few well Spirited Gentlemen, who have been at a great Expence, but now seems to be upon the Decline : It is presum'd, if a Scheme was agreed to, and a Subscription open'd of 501. each Share, io the Amount cf 200,000 1. to be laid out by peeper Mana- gers, chose by Ballot of each Subscriber, we might fit out at least 30 Sail of large Ships to protect our Trade, and the Benefit of Prizes arising from the said Privatteers, should be equally divided among all the Proprieters. This Scheme its imagined would strike Terror to the French, and make our Trade flourish. Friday February 7, 1745- 9. THIS Day several Merchants having met, in Order to consider of a proper Day for a General Meeting of the Merchants and Traders of the City of London, to take into Consideration the Numerous Captures cf Ships„ and the great Necessity of the most earnest and speedy Appli- cation for the Prevention of the same for the future. This is therefore to desire, that all Merchants and others who are concern'd in Trade and Shipping, will please to give their Attendance, for the good Purposes aforesaid, at the Crown Tavern behind the Royal Exchange, on Wednesday next, at Five o'Clock in the Afternoon, at which Time it is proposed to chuse a Committee to proceed immediately in this most important Affair. N. B. Business to be proceeded on exactly at Six. To all Venders of Wine, & c. under Li- cence, from the Commissioners appointed for that pur- pose. WHEREAS several of your Brethren have for some Time past, been pestered with the grossest Im- position from a certain Solicitor, by extorting Sums of Money from them, under pretence of exeusing them from Prosecu- tions, to which, as is since discovered, they where not liable, this is therefore to desire such of you as have met with the like Treatment, to send an Account thereof directed to H. I. at Mount's Coffee House near Bond Street; by Lady Day next, in Order that by proper Application Redress may be obtained therein, and the like usage prevented for the future. \ A'." v, r > J For SALE by the CANDLE, At New BEAR- KEY Coffee- House in Thames- Street, On Monday next, at Eleven o Clock in the Forenoon, THIRTY Puncheons of RUM, lately Imported from Barbadoes. Six Ditto, lately Imported from Montserrat. Now lying in No- 3. on Smart's Key, Samples to be Tasted at the aforesaid Coffee- House from Friday next ' till the Time of Sale. Catalogues will be Timely dispers'd by JOHN BRADSHAW, Broker. For SALE by the CANDLE, At the MARINE Coffee- house in Birchin- Lane, ' On Wednesday the 12th Instant, at Four 0 Clock in the Afternoon, ABOUT 200 Casks of FRENCH SUGAR. Eight Casks of French Prize Cowries. Catalogues will be Timely dispersed by William and Benj. Vaughan, Brokers. For SALE by the CANDLE, At LLOYD'S Coffee- House in Lombard Street, On Friday, Feb, 14, ' Twelve o'Clock at Noon, THE PANTHER, with 14 Carriage Guns, 9 Pounders, 16 Swivel Guns, Burthen 180 Tons, more or less, a Prime Sailor, and a new Ship, now ly- ing in the Great Wet Dock. Inventories to be seen on Board, at Sam's Coffee- house near the Custom- house, and of WILL, and BENJ. VAUGHAN, Brokers. For SALE by the CANDLE, At LLOYD'S Coffee- House in Lombard- Street, On Thursday the 20th Instant, 9! Twelve 0 Clock at NoOn, THE St. PAUL a French Prize, with 20 Carriage Guns, Bur- then 300 Tons more or less, with good Di- mensions, Square- stern'd, taken on her first Voyage by Admiral Martin's Squadron, now lying at Plymouth, to be delivered there. Printed Inventories to be seen on Board, at Earl's Coffee- house, Plymouth, at the Place of Sale, and of JONATHAN POPHAM, Of Abchurch- Lane, London, Sworn Broker. FROM the great CHARACTER the ENGLISH GRAPE BRANDY has so justly acquir'd, the Proprietors beg Leave to inform the Publick, that its Excellency does not wholly consist in its being an agreeable Dram, or when made nto Punch, but that it is equally adapted to any sort of Fruit, as a Proof of which there is now prepar'd from the same Brandy a large Quantity of FINE ORANGE SHRUB, Which for its delicate Flavour it no ways inferior, except in the Price t0 any of the Foreign Production : So great is the Perfection of the British Distillery. The Shrub at 6 s. per Gallon, the Brandy at 4 s. At the Warehouse the Bottom of Bartholomew- Lane, near the Royal Exchange. Six Pence per Gallon allow'd to those who take half a Hogshead or upwards. T. RAWLINS, Clerk to this Company. Just Published, Tie Second Edition, of THE Three following DRAMATICK PIECES, viz. PAPAL TYRANNY in the Reign of King JOHN. An Histo- rical Play of that Reign. As it is Acted at the Theatre- Royal in Covent- Garden. Written by Colley Cibber, Esq MAHOMET, a Tragedy, as it is Acted at the Theatre- Royal in Drury- Lane, by his Majesty's Servants. Written by a Gentleman of Wadham- College. Mons. Voltaire's Tragedy of Mahomet, on which this is foun- ded, was suppress'd at Paris, after the Second Representation, on Account of the Free and Noble Sentiments, with regard to Bi- gotry and Enthusiasm, which shine through it ; and which the French Nation found full as Applicable to itself, as to the Bloody Propagators of Mahomet's Religion, The DEBAUCHEES, or the Jesuit Caught, a Comedy, as it is acted- at the Theatre- Royal in Drury- lane, by his Majesty's Ser- vants. Written by Henry Fielding, Esq; Printed by and for J. Watts, and sold by him at the Printing- Office in Wild- Court near Lincoln's- Inn Fields. Of whom may be had, all written by Henry Fielding, Esq, Love in several Masques. The Intriguing Chambermaid. The Miser. The Modern Husband. The Lottery. An Old Man taught Wisdom; or the Virgin Unmask'd. The Universal Gallant, or the Different Husbands. Don Quixote in England. The Coffee- House Politician, or the Justice caught in his own Trap. The Author's Farce, and the Pleasures of the Town. The Temple Beau. The Letter- Writers, or a New Way to keep a Wife at Home, The Tragedy of Tragedies, or Tom Thumb the Great. The Covent Garden Tragedy. Pasquin, a Dramatick Satire on the Times. The Historical Register, the se- cond Edition. The Mock DoCtor, or the Dumb Lady Cur'd. Tumble- down Dick, or Phaeton in the Suds, This Day is published, In Octavo, ( Price 3s. 6d. bound.) AGeneral and Compleat TREATISE on all the Diseases incident to CHILDREN from their BIRTH to the AGE of Fifteen. By J. ASTRUC, M. D Regius Professor of Medicine at Paris, and Chief Physician to his present Majesty the King of France, & c. , Printed for J. Nourse, at the Lamb against Katherine Street in the Strand. Where may be had in OCtavo. Prire 4 s. bound. Boerhaaves MEDICAL CORRESPONDENCE, Containing the Various Symptoms of Chronical Diseases, the Professors Opinion ; Method of Cure, and Remedies, to which is added his PraCtce. In the Hospital of Leydon. Note, In this Collection are contained many Letters, wrote Origi- nally in English to the Doctor by Persons of DistinCtion, Gentlemen, Ladies, & c. with his Answers such are marked the Rest are translated from the Latin. This Day is published, Price 1s. 6d. TH E Fatal Effects of the Present Re- bellion Exemplify'd in a true but melancholy Account of the Life and Death of Mr. Sydenham, ( Son of tbe late Mr. Sy- denham, Merchant in Bristol) whofe untimely End was occasioned by the Arbitrary and cruel Treatment which he received from the Rebels, in their March from Manchester to Derby. Together with some other authentic Instances of what the Coun- try has suffered by the tyrannical Behaviour of the Pretender's Fol- lowers. In Two LETTERS, from a Gentleman at Manchester, to his Friend in London. Printed for M. Cooper, at the Globe in Pater- noster- Row. This Day was published, in Quarto} ( Price bound 16s.) MICROGRAPHIA ILLUSTRATA : or, The Knowledge of the MICROSCOPE explained. together with an Account of a new invented universal single or double Microscope and Solar Apparatus. This Treatise contains a Description of the Nature, Uses, and magnifying Powers of Microscopes in general; together with full Directions how to prepare, apply, and examine, as well as preserve, all Sorts of minute ObjeCts. Also an Account of the principal Microscopical Discoveries that have hitherto been mentioned by the most celebrated Authors; together with a great Variety of new Experiments and Observatlons. The whole being, as it were, a Natural History of a Multitude of Aerial, Terrestrial, and Aquatick Animals, Seeds, Plants, & c. and is illuftrated with 65 Copper Plates, curiously engraved, which contain above 560 Pictures ot Microscopic ObjeCts. By GEORGE ADAMS, Mathematical, Philosophical, and Optical Instrument Maker, at Tycho Brahe's Head in Fleet street. Printed for, and sold by the Author, as above ; and by Mess. Staples and Barstow, Bookseller, in York. Note, To this Treatise is added, an extensive and explanatory Catalogue of all the modern Instruments in the above- mentioned Sciences, This Day is publish'd, In a small Pocket Volume, The Sixth Edition, Price 1s. 6 d. neatly bound, With TABLES of INTEREST 2 s. SIR ISAAC NEWTON's Tables for renewing and purchasing of the LEASES of Cathedral Churches and Colleges, according to the several Rates of Interest ; with their Construction and Use explain'd. Also Tables for renewing and . purchasing the Leases of LAND and HOUSES, Very necessary and useful for all Purchasers. But especially whose who are any ways concerned in Church or College Leases. To which is added, ( by the late Bishop of Chichester) the Value of Church and College Leases considered, and the Advan- tage to the Lessees made very Apparent. To this Sixth Edition are added, TABLES of Simple INTEREST exactly computed, for one to twelve Months, and for one to ninety- one Days ; or a Quar- ter of a Year, at 3, 3 I half, 4, and 5 per Cent, With other useful TABLES. Printed for Tho. Astley, at the Rose in Pater- noster- Row. A etc, The Tables of Interest alone. Price I s. bouud. On Tuesday next will be publisheds AMeasured PLAN of FALKIRK Battle, beautifully Engraved from the Original of the Engineers, con- taining the Royal Camp, Lines of Battle, various Movements, Names, and Number of each Corps on both Sides; ProspeCt of Fal- kirk Town, the true Face of the Country for several Miles round ; alfo the Line of Battle under the Command of his Royal Highness the Duke, Feb. 1. had the Rebels stood their Ground. Printed for J. Millan near the Admiralty- Office ; and M. Cooper in Pater- noster Row. Price I s. Plain. 2 s. properly Coloured. And in a few Days will be published, finely Engraved from tbe Original. A Plan and ProspeCt of the Town and Castle of STIRLING, the new Additional Works, Batteries, Attempts, tec. of the Rebels, the great Number they lost in their many fruitless Attacks during the Defence of the brave General Blakeney, with an accurate Map of the Country between Edinburgh and Sterling. Where may be had, t. Millan's Establishments of the Army and Navy, for 1746, 13 s. 2. Kane's Campaigns of King William and the Duke of Marlbo- rough, with ahout 40 beautiful new Military Designs. 3. History of the Mediterranean Fleet, with Cuts, 9 s. 6 d. 4. Seven Plans of the Action in the Mediterranean. 5. An accurate Survey of the New and Old Aberdeens, and tk; Country between the Dee and Dun, engraved in the best Manner, Is. 6 d. Plain, 2 s. Coloured. 6. Dunkirk Roads from the latest Surveys, with St. George's Channel, 1 s. 7. Signals and Salutes, Sec. for the Royal Navy and Flags of all Nations at one View, in the most beautiful concise Manner, in a small neat Volume for a pocket Book, 4 s. finely Coloured, or 2>. 6 d. plain, This Day is published, Printed for R. DODSLEY, at Tully's Head in Pall- Mall, LETTERS of the Hon. ALGERNOON SYDNEY, to the Hon. HENRY SAVILLE, Ambassador in France in the Year 1679. Price 3 s. This Day is published, The FIRST VOLUME of MR GUTHRIE's HISTORY of ENG- LAND. Printad for T. Waller, at the Crown and Mitre in Fleet- street. And this Day is published, No* 14 the second Volume 3 to be continued Weekly without Intermission as the first Volume was. This Day is published, [ Price Two Shillings,) ACHART of the GERMAN OCEAN, corrected from the best Surveys and Astronomical Observa- tions; by which the Bearing and Distances of all Places on the Coast of Great Britain, from the North of Scotland to the Start Point; and of the Continent from the Coast of Norway to the Cape de la Hogue in Normandy, may be readily found. Published according to Act of Parliament by A. Millar, opposite to Catherine- street in the Strand. Where may be had, A compleat and correct Map of the LOTHIANS, being a View that Country from Sterlingshire to Berwickshire, Survey'd by Mr. Adair, Price X s. 6 d. Coloured a s. And speedily will be published, A new and correct Mercator's Map of North- Britain, carefully laid down from the latest Surveys and most approved Observations, according to the strictest Regard to Mathematical Truth. In which are included all the King's High Roads, By the Hon. John El- phinstone, Esq; P. Engineer, " rice 2 s. 6 d. This Day is published, In THREE VOLUMES in FOLIO, Collected from above One thousand Original Draughts, in the Possession of Dutton Seaman, Esq, at Guild- hallt Comptroller of the Chamber of the City of London. PRECEDENTS in CONVEYANCING Settled and Approved by GILBERT HORSEMAN, late of Lincoln's- Inn, Esq', Containing Conveyances and Settlements, not only of Estates Real and Personal, known to former Times, but also of Stocks, Bonds and Annuities of the Publick Companies, Exchequer An- nuities, Fortunes in Ireland and Holland, and Plantations in America ; likewise many new Clauses, and Provisions in Consequence of ACts of Parliament, and of Determinations in the Courts of Justice. Printed for J. and P. Knapton, at the Crown- in Ludgate- Street. This Day is published, Price bound 5s. SELECT SERMONS upon Practical SUBJECTS, viz. Of the true Happiness of Man. The Security and Happiness of a Religious Course of Life. Gods different Regards to the Righteous and the Wicked. Of Contentment. The Instability of Wordly Greatness. Men and their Actions weighed in an equal Ballance. The Snares of Prosperity and the Benefit of Afflictions. The Evil and Causes of Ignorance in Things of Religion. A Reproof of prevailing Vices. The Desireableness of knowing our own secret Faults. Divine Supports in all Distresses and Troubles. Of the future Judgment. By KERBY REYNER, Late Minister of the Gospel in Bristol. Printed and sold by J. Waugh, in Grace Church- street ; and sold by T. Cadell, in Wine- Street Bristol ; and W. Frederick, at Bath. This Day is publish'd. Price 6d. NUMBER LXXXVI. of THE CONTINUATION of Mr. RA- PIN's HISTORY of ENGLAND, from the Revolution to the Accession of King GEORGE II. By N. TINDAL, M. A. Rector of Alverstoke in Hampshire, and Chaplain to the Royal Hospital at Greenwich. Printed for John and Paul Knapton, at the Crown in Ludgate- street. Where may be had. The preceding Numbers stitch'd, or the First Volume of the Con- tinuation sewed up in Pasteboards. Also Mr. Rapin's History of England, translated by N. Tindal, M A. The third Edition, in Two Volumes in Folio. Illustrated with the Heads and Monuments of the Kings, and other Copper- plates. Price 2 1. 12 s. 6 d, in Sheets, or 3 1. bound. Note, Mr. Tindal's Continuation is printed in Octavo, for the Accommodation of those who have Mr. Rapin's History in that Size. Those who have not yet taken Mr. Tindal's Continuation, may begin with Number I. and continue them. This Day is published, Price 1s. The Second Edition Corrected; to which is prefix'd, an Advertisement from the Publisher. THE Occasional Writer, being an An- swer to the Second Manifesto of the Pretender's Eldest Son; which, bears Date at the Palace of Holy- Rood- House, the loth Day of October, 1745. CONTAINING Reflections, Political and Historical, upon the last Revolution, and the Progress of the Present Rebellion in Scotland. Tandem Triumphans. Motto of Pretender's Standard. Nondum Immemoris. Answer. Printed for M. Cooper, at the Globe in Pater- noster- Row This Day is publish'd, In One large Volume in Octavo, ( Price Five Shillings sew'd in Boards,) THE HISTORY of the REBELLION, Raised against his Majesty King GEORGE I. by the Friends of the Popifii Pretender. Containing, An Account of; he Settlement of the Succession to the Crown of Great- Britain, in the Illustrious Family of Hanover, and the Tory Scheme to defeat it, during the last four Years of Queen Anne. Of his Majesty's happy Accession, the Rebellious Conspiracy formed by his Enemies, and the Execution thereof; both by the High- Church Mob, on Pretence ot the Church's Danger under his Majesty's Administration, and by the open Rebel- on, which is here exposed in all its Parts, from its first Rise to its final Extinction. By the. Reverend Mr. PETER RAE. The SECOND EDITION. To which is now added, a Collection of Original Letters and Au- thentick Papers relating to that Rebellion. Printed for A. Millar, opposite to Catherine street in the Strand, This Day is published, In One large VOLUME FOLIO. ( Price bound One Pound five Shillings.) With an ADDENDA, containing the Statutes of 16, 17, 18 and 19, GEORGE II. And all the Modern Cases of Authority publish'' d since the Year 1742, down to the present time. THE COUNTRY JUSTICE: Containing the Practice, Duty and Power of the JUSTICES of the PEACE, as well in as out of their Sessions. By MICHAEL DALTON, Of Lincoln's- Inn, Esq-, and one of the Masters in Chan- cery. Wherein all the Statutes in Force and Use from Magna Charta g Henry III. to 15 and 16 George II. and also all the Cases in Law, relating to the Jurisdiction and Authority of Justices of the Peace, are carefully collected and digested under proper Titles. For the better Help of such Justices of Peace as have not been much conversant in the Study of the Law 1 of this Realm, there is added, AN APPENDIX; Being a Compleat Summary of all the Acts of Parliament, shewing the various Penalties of Offences by Statute, and the particular Power of One, Two, Three, or more Justices, in their Proceedings and Determinations, under several distinct Heads, in Alphabetical Order. With FOUR TABLES, The First of the Heads of the The Third, of the Divisions and Chapters. Sub- divisions contained in the The Second, of all the Statutes Appendix : And, relating to Justices of the The Fourth, of the Principal Peace. Matters. And the Precedents Translated into English. Sold by S. Birt, at the Bible and Ball in Ave- Mary- lane ; D. Browne, at the Black Swan without Temple- Bar ; and J. Shuck- burgh, at the Sun next the Inner Temple- Gate in Fleet street. Note. The ADDENDA, may be had alone, Price 1s The most wonderful Cleansing and Strengthening DROPS, for all sorts of Gleets and Seminal Weaknesses and Imbecillities of the Generative Parts and Facultie preventing Miscarriages in Women. And to cleanse and strengthen the Reins, Kidneys and Bladder ; cure weak Backs, Stranguaries, Gravel, and Stoppage of the Urine ; and for which it hath gain d such Repute, that near 6000 Bottles have been sold since April 1734, that they were first publish'd. THESE Incomparable DROPS which _ for the abovesaid Disorders are not t0 be equalled in the whole Art of Medicine, were prescribed by the late Dr. Ratcliffe, for a cer. tain noble Lord, who for a long Time had been vexed with an old obstinate Gleet and Weakness, of which he was cured by them in a few Days, beyond all Espectation, after he had been harrass'd with Electuaries, Bolus's, Pills, Potions, Injections, and a hundred other Medicines, for many Months together in vain. The Apothecary who prepared them for him according to the Doctor's Prescription ( which he has still upon his File) has made use of them ever since, to Numbers of People, in the very word of Gleets, seminal and genital Imbecilities and Infertilities, Pains in the Back and Reins, Disorders of the Urine and Gravel, & c. with the utmost Soccefi a* d Safety ; a? a'foin all Weaknesses from Strains as well as Venereal Relicks, excessive Coition, Self- Pollution, seminal Emissions in the Sleep, Falls, Blows, and the like in both Sexes. And as they have never once fail'd him, even in Cases thought to be incurable, he now, for general Good, has made them publick ; and that the meaner Sort of People might partake of the Benefit of so divine a Remedy, as well as the Rich, he has put them up in Bottles of bat 3 s. 6 d. each, tho' for the Excellency of their Effects, they are Worth their Weight in Gold, more especially, as one Bottle of them generally cures, even in the most draining Gleets, and grievous Relaxations and Weaknesses of the Seminals and Genitals that are. Nor can these be prepared, by any Art or Skill, a more cleansing and healing, or a more strengthening and invigorating Medicine, or one that can more effectually cure impotency or promote Fertility, than this, as every one that but once tries it will say, by their soon finding the Difference between this and other Remedies; for it will do more in one Day, towards restoring in these Weaknesses, than any others can in tin, ano is of so corroborating a Nature, that it may be entirely rely'd upon for curing perfectly and firmly, without Fear of a Relapse,. even in the tenderest Constitutions, which can hardly be said of any other Medicine; and it is withal so elegantly pleasant to the Palate, and so agreeable to the Stomach, that the nicest Person Is delighted with it. Mr. West, Goldsmith, in the Old- Baily, who used to sell these Drops, being dead, they are now sold only by his Son- in- Law, Mr. johnson, a Baker, at the Seven Stars in Vere- street, near Clare- mar- ket, seal'd up with Directions, for any Messenger, upon only asking for a Bottle 01 Drops, and saying 3 s. 6 d. By WILLIAM ELLIS, A Farmer of Little Gaddesden, near Hempstead in Hert- fordshire. Printed for, and Sold by T. Osborne in Grays- Inn ; and M. Cooper, at the Globe, in Pater- Noster- Row. Price Stitch'd Two Shillings. MARCH, is in the Press, and will be publish'd with all Speed. The first Impression of this Work ( which is allowed by all Judges of HuSbandry, to be the best ever published on this Subject) being all fold off; the great Demand there has been for them, has encouraged us to publish a second Edition ef this, and the rest of the Months, at two Shillings each Month, to the End of the Year. The only true Chymical Liquor for the HAIR, WHICH gradually changes Red, Grey, or Hair of any of her disagreeable Colour, into any Degree of a Brown ; or by observing the Directions given with each Bottle, into the most beautiful Black in Nature, that neither Time or Weather can alter, for the Colour will remain for ever, as if it naturally grew so: It has, with general Satisfaction been sold above 30 Years, by Mr. Lockton, and Mrs. Sandwell, Sister to Mr. Lock- ton, who continues to sell the only true Sort made in England, at the Griffin, a Toyshop, the Corner of Bucklersbury in the Poultry. If it does not prove infallible, return the Liquor, and the Money shall be repaid. To prevent Counterfeits, a Sign Paper of the Griffin, with these Words inscrib'd, Tie Carrier of Bucklersbury, is pasted on each Bottle Price Half a Guinea. %* The surprizing Encouragement, which by constant Success, these most valuable Drops have, for upwards of Twenty Years, met with, not only in Great- Britain and Ireland, but in all Parts of the West- Indies, and other Foreign Countries, has lately induced several mean and mercenary Pretenders to counterfeit them ; and by imita- ting our Seal, Bill of Directions, and Shew- Boards, with our Method of Advertising, as near as they can or dare to do, without making them the same thereby imposing their dangerous Compositions upon the un- wary and credulous Shopkeepers both in Town and Country, for the True and Genuine Sort. The PATENTEE and Company therefore, in Gratitude for the universal good Reception they have so long met with, and for the Safety of those who for the future may be desirous of using the same think themselves absolutely obliged to give this necessary Caution ; which they earnestly request may be oBserved, That the Bottle they Buy is not only Sealed with the Boar's Head, but has also these Words round it, By the King's Patent, as is in the Ma- gin ; and also that the Names of the Patentees Benjamin Okell, William and Cluer Dicey be In the Bill of Directions given with each Bot- tle ; without which you may be assur'd it is a notorious Counterfeit, and may be of the MOST dangerous Consequence. DIRECTORY, Given GRATIS, IN the 2d Page of the Book, Any Venereal, or GLEET Patient, will Plainly see their Own Case, Exactly Descri- bed. And How to Cure themselves Privately without Telling their Case to Any One. With, the Famous Montpellier Little Easy Bolus, the Bigness of Only a PEA to Take. Which makes the Perfon Easy At Once And, Another Bolus, Carries off the Infec- tion. Price Only 2 s. With Full Directions, for Those who BUY it But, This BOLUS, is GIVEN GRATIS, Without a Person's Paying Any Thing at all for it, ( And Welcome, Any person is, So [ for Nothing] to have it) To Those Mentioned, in the 11th Page of the Venereal and GLEET Patient's DIRECTORY. Which Book, is Given Gratis, To Any One, that will only Step in for it, At Dr. Russel's House, In the Parlour Strait Forward, Facing the Entry, In at the GREEN HATCH, against Gray's Inn, Holborn. Where, Is Also, Given Gratis, For the Year 1745. The New Thee & Thou ALMANACK Calculated, For the Meridian, of the People Called QUAKERS. Containing New YEA, and NAY Observations, for Every Month in the Year. With the QUAKER'S Opinion, Of the HOOP PETTICOAT, Of the Unfortunate WOMEN of the Town, And, Of AFTER NOONS TEA DRINKINGS. LONDON': Printed for H. WOODFALL, jun. near the Pump in Little- Britain, where ADVERTISEMENTS of a moderate LENGTH are taken in at Two SHILLINGs each. ADVERTISEMENTS are also taken in by Mrs. Chapman, over- against the King's- Arms Tavern, in Pall- Mall George Woodfall, at the King's- Arms, near Craig's- Court, Charing- Cross ; Mr. Shuckburgh, at the Sun, next the Inner- Temple Gate, Fleet- street Mr. Brackstone, at the Globe Cornhill; and by T. ASTLeY, Removed from St. paul's Church- yard, to the Rose in Pater- noster Row. BOOKS lately printed for R. DODSLEY, At Tully's Head, Pall- Mall, 1. A Collection of Old Plays, 12 vol, 2. jarvis's Don Quixote, 2 vol. 4to. 3. Les Avantures de Telemaque, A fine Edition. 4. The Aeneid of Virgil. Translated by Mr. Pitt. 5. Vida's Art of Poetiy. By the same. 6. Dialogues on Government. By the Hon. Henry Neville. 7. The Geography of England, with Maps of each County, & c The Novels of Boccace. A new Transition. g. The Institution of a Prince. 10. Select Essays on the Belles Lettres. 1 r. History of all the Theatres in Europe. 12. Mrs. Rowe's Works, 13. The Works of Roger Boyle, Earl of Orrery. 14. Letters of Algernon Sydney to Henry Saville. 15. The Microscope made easy. By Mr. Baker. 16. A Natural History of the Polype. By the same. 17. The Pleasures of Imagination. 18. Four Sermons. By Dr. Swift. 19. A new Volume of his Works, in which the Sermons are in- cluded. 20. The Complaint; or, Night Thoughts on Life, Death, and Immortality. 21. A short Courfe of standing Rules for the Conduct of an Army. by Lord Molesworth. 22. The Sailor's Companion. 23. England's Heroical Epistles. 24.. Leisure Hours Amusements. 25. The Child's new Play Thing. 26. Philomel: A small Collection of only the best Songs. 27, Adam's Luxury and Eve's Cookery ; or, The Kitchen Garden. With many other Poems and Pamphlets. Dr BATEMAN's Original and Only True Wholesale and Retale Warehouse at the Printing Office, facing the South- Door of Bow- Church, the lower End of the Church- Yard, London. THE daily Success which has constantly attended the Taking Dr. BATEMAN's PecToral DrOPS, in the several Distempers of Colds, Coughs, Pains in the Breast, Limbs and Joints ; has gained them so universal a Character, that few Families care to be without them in their Houses.— Besides the Distempers above mentioned, there is no one Medicine, since the Discovery of the Art of Physick, that will give a speedier Relief and Ease in all Rheumatic Pains, Gout, Stone, Gravel, Cholic, & c. Innumerable Instances might be given cf the happy Effects thereof, but we thuse to refer to a Book, call'd A short Treatise of the Virtues of dr. BATEMAN's PECTORAl DROPS, given Gratis at the Ware- house abovesaid; where all Shop- keepers, Sec. in any City, Town or Village, where these Drops are not already sold, may be supplied, with good Allowance to sell again, by directing or sending to the Patentee, BENjAMiN OKELL, WIL. and CLUER DICEY. and Learned WILLIAM STUART, D. D. Chancellor of Ex- and of his Nephew, the Rev. Mr. CHARLES STUART,
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