The London and County Journal, With The History of the Old and New Testament
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The London and County Journal, With The History of the Old and New Testament
Date of Article: 20/01/1742
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Address: Fleet-Lane, London
Volume Number: Issue Number: LXXIX
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The London and Country Journal : WITH THE History of the Old and New Testament. WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 20, 1742 Numb. LXXIX. PETERSBOURG, December 30. IT was regulated that when the Prince and Princess of Brunswick set out for Germany, they should travel, in order to get the sooner upon the Frontiers of Prussia, 30 Werstes a Lay for two Days, and should rest the third; but whilst the Journey was performing, the Princess demanded of the Captain who escorted her to rest a Day or two extraordinary, because the Princess Ca- therine her Daughter was fallen sick with the Cold, and Fatigue she had been
expos'd to. The Officer at first made some Difficulty of complying with this Request, because his Orders were very strict, and the Time of performing the Journey fix'd ; but at last, however, consented to what the Princess re- quested. Their Highnesses Desire of avoiding to pass through Towns was likewise comply'd with. A new Manifesto is publish'd for suppressing the Cabinet Council, which was a sort of Regency esta- blish'd upon putting down of the High Privy Coun- cil, erected in the Second Year of the Reign of the Empress Catherine, and continu'd till the Death of Peter II. and the Businefs transacted thereby to be done
by the Counsellor John Tscherkassow. The Empress has appointed a Council of War, of which Prince Dulgborucki is President; and the Prince of Helse Hombourg, Marshal Lasci, and General Keith, are Members. The Empress having been inform'd that the Arch- bishop of Novogrod, President of the Synod, had a Hand in the Intrigues, and conniv'd at the Designs of the Counts de Munich and Osterman, her Impe- rial Majesty sent for him a few Days ago, and re- proach'd him in the strongest Terms for being con- cerned in Intrigues fo repugnant to Religion and Equity, and so unworthy of a Man of his Cha- racter, devoted to
the Service of the Altar, and ob- liged by his Function to give an Example of Chri- stian Virtues. The Archbishop, bursting out in Tears, threw himself at the Empress's Feet, and assur'd her that he was not at Liberty, no more than many: other Members of the Synod, to act other- wise, as every Body trembled at the Authority of those who were at the Head of the late Ministry : He beseeched her Imperial Majefty to have some Regard to the Constraint he was under, and to par- don him. The Empress said to him, 4 I pardon you upon Condition that you write down upon the Spot all that you know of the Intrigues and De- signs of
the late Ministry, and likewise the Names of these who, to your Knowledge, had a Hand in them. ' The Archbishop having fill'd up three Sheets of Paper, and put his Name at the Bottom, read over the whole to her Imperial Majesty, who then dismiss'd him with a Charge to mind nothing but the Duties his Calling for the future. Her Imperial Majesty has likewise pardon'd the other Members of the Synod. HAMBOURG, Jan. 12. According to some pri- vate Advices from Stockholm, the Court has sent Orders to General Count Lewenhaupt to suspend Hostilities against the Russians, in Case the latter does the same; here: we
conjecture that a Nego- ciation between the Two Courts will soon be set on Foot BERLIN, Jan. 1 The King has order'd his Field Equipage to be got ready against the 18th of this Month. No- body knows his Majesty's In- tentions, OR If ANy body do know them, they keep Silence. VIENNA, Jan. 6. The COURT received a few Days ago an Express from Petersbourg, with dis- patches from the Marquis de Botta, her Majesty's Minister there, importing, that the new Emprefs had given the strongest Assurances that she will in- violably observe the Treaties concluded between the Two Courts. The last Advices from the Veldt- Marshal
Count Khevenhuller inform us, that that General having passed the Ens and taken the Town of the same Name, continued his March towards Lintz, with an Intent to attack that City, which is the Capital of Upper Austria: The Enemy commanded by M. de Segur, the Princc of Tingry, the Lord Clare, and M. de Minucci, made a Feint as if they in- tended to retreat on the Side of Wels and Lampach, but they threw themselves into Lintz, where, to- gether with the Garrison, they make a Body of 10,000 Men, and are so block'd up by Marshal Khevenhuller, that being destitute of Provisions, and cut off from all Assistance on every Side,
they have already offer'd to capitulate, and to evacuate ail the Upper Austria, upon Condition of having a free Passage, and the military Honours allow'd them ; but Marshal Khevenhuller insists, that they shall either surrender themselves Prisoners of War, or engage to serve no more against the Queen dur- ing the Continuance of the present War. General Bernes has seiz'd the great Magazine which the Enemy had at Cremsmunster, where he made two Companies of Bavarian Curassiers Prisoners of War ; and General Bernclau has got Possession of the Salt Works of Gemund, with the Towns of Hallstat and Ischel, and taken
Prisoners 400 Men that were in Garrison. Mathusen has likewise surrender'd at Discretion. The last Letters from Prague say, that when the Austrian Army march'd back to Budweis, a French Lieutenant- Colonel, with only 400 Men, was sent out to pursue them but the Hussars drew him into an Ambush and cut off all his Detachment; 120 Grenadiers having been killed on the Spot, and the rest taking Prisoners. FRANCFORT, Jan. 14. According to some Ad- vices the Austrian Troops have taken the Town of Schardingen on the Frontiers of Bavaria, and the Hussars begin to make Incursions into the said E- lectorate. RATISBON,
Jan. 11. The last Advices from Bohemia say, that the Noblesse and the Clergy have made Representations concerning the six Millions of Florins demanded of them by the new King; but it is not yet known whether any Abatement will be made in that Sum. It is reported that the Army under the Marshal de Breglio's Command, to be reinforc'd with some Thousands from the Army commanded by the Marshal de Maillebois. RATIsbon, Jan. They write from Mu- nich, that 16oo Men have been sent from the Gar- rison to join some other Troops which are marching towards Upper Austria. letters from Passau advise, that the Count de
THoring arriv'd there the 11th Instant, with a Body of about 12,000 Men ; and that when that General is join'd by the rest of the Troops which are marching from different Places, the Army of the Allies will consist of above 35,000 Men. we have just learn'd that Count Kheven- huller is retir'd from before Lintz, upon receiving Intimation that the numerous Garrison there was determin'd to make a vigorous Defence, and that the Enemy's Troops were in full March to come to the Assistance of the Town. ' Tis said that Ge- neral's Army consists of no more than 16,000 Men LISBON, Decemb. 13. M. Chavigny, Ambassa- dor from the
Most Christian King, has lately sigsn'd the Treaty of Commerce which has been negociated between this Court and that of France, and a few Days ago sent a Courier to Paris with the Ratifica- tion thereof. That of the Most Christian King is speedily expected. The Conditions which these Powers have agreed upon are said to be reciprocally advantageous. NAPLES, Decemb. 26. The King has charg'd the Duke of Beretta and M. Sacerdote, a Jew, to provide all Things necessary for the Army which his Majesty is sending to Lombardy.. A few Days since the King receiv'd a Courier from Madrid, with Dispatches acquainting him that
the Princess Bel- monte- Pignatelli held a Correspondence with the Court of Vienna, which it was thought proper to prevent, and, therefore, that that Princess ought to be sent out of Naples The Court have the more Attention to this Advice, as the Prince her Hus- band was General of the Emperor's Troops in this Kingdom, and as that Family was always strongly attach'd to the House of Austria upon which his Majesty sent one of the Gentlemen of his Bed- chamber to signify to that Princess, ' That some ' weighty Reasons required that she Should not ap- pear at Court as usual, and that she was allow'd to retire with all her
Family to her Seat at Vemere,' which is a Palace near this City. A Courier was immediately dispatch'd to Madrid, to give Notice of this Order; but soon after another Courier ar- riv'd from Spain, with Dispatches importing, that it was not enough to have sent the Princess Bel- monte- Pignatelli out of Naples, but that she must be remov'd so far from this City, that she may not be inform'd of what passes at Court, nor continue her Correspondence i since which she has had No- tice to retire to one of her Estates in Apulia, whi- ther the Prince her Husband ' is order'd to accom- pany her. VENicE, Jan. 6. The Prince Pio, Ambassador
from the Queen of Hungary, demanded Passage for four German Regiments through the Republick's Territories, yet we find that only two are come back again. MILAN, Jan. The Piedmontese Troops are still on the Frontiers of this Dutchy; the Report that they were arrived at Torbigo IS groundless. Florence, Dec. 30. The British Minister here set out yesterday for Leghorn, pursuant to the Orders he receiv'd from his Court the Day before. The Sieur Gavi, Supcrintendant of the Revenues of the Grand Duke, has been arrested for Male- Practices; and several other Persons accused of be- ing his Accomplices, have been also
imprisoned. ' BRUSSELS, Jan. 16. There is some Talk of sup- pressing divers Tribunals, and governing their Pro- vinces by a Royal Council, as was practised when the late Count Bergeyk was Governor here for the pre- sent King of Spain. Such a Regulation would save great Sums, which might be employ'd in preventing these Countries from falling into the Hands of the French. The Fortifications of Luxembourg are en- tirely repair'd, the Garrison is numerous, and the Magazines are well provided with every Thing- ne- cessary. The same has been done at Mons, Aeth, and other Frontier Towns, LONDON Printed by R.
WALKER in Fleet Lane.
LONDON; ON Thurfday was held a General Court of the South- Sea Company, when the dividend for the last half Year was declar'd o be 1 per Cent. At the same Time the Address to his Majesty, praying him to ho- lour them with continuing their Governor, was read and assented to. We hear that his Royal Highness the Duke of Cumberland will be declar'd Lord High Admiral of England, as soon as he comes of Age. On Wednesday the Right Hon. the Earl of Middlesex was unanimously chosen Knight of the Shire for the County of Sussex in the room of James Butler, Esq; deceased. Thomas Foley, sen. esq; is elected one of
the Knights of the Shire for the County of Hereford, in the room of the Hon. Edward Harley, Esq; now Earl of Oxford. Joseph Wyndham Ashe, Esq; is chosen Member for Downton in Wilts, in the room of the Hon. John Verney, Esq; deceased. James Greenville, Esq; is chosen Member for Old Sarum, in the room of Mr. Lyttle- ton, who made his Election for Okehampton in Devonshire. Sir Thomas Mostyn, Bart. is chosen Mem- ber for Higham Ferrers in Northampton- shire, in the room, of the Hon. Henry Finch, Esq; who has made his Election for Malton in Yorkshire. The first Election which comes on at the Bar of the House, at
the Meeting of the Parliament, is that for the Shire of Berwick, on the Double Return between the Hon. Alexander Hume Campbell, Esq; Sollicitor- General to the Prince, and Sir John Sinclair, Bart, which is to be heard on Tuesday next, the 19th Instant. We hear that Thomas Tonken, Esq; for- merly Member of Parliament for Helston in Cornwall, died a few Days since at Trevan- nance in the said county. The Lords of the Admiralty have appoint- ed Capt. Covil Mayne, an experienced Ma- rine Officer, to be one of the Regulating Captains. The Commissioners of his Majesty's Navy have contracted for a 2oGun ship to be built at
Liverpool with all Expedition; and the Torrington, lately arriv'd from Jamaica, is contracted for to be rebuilt. The Company of his Majesty's Ship the Victory are order'd to be paid at Portsmouth their Wages due to the 31st of Decemb. and Money and Books sent down accordingly. Last Week the Commiffioners of Victual- ling contracted for 1200 Oxen, to be deli- vered at their Office for the Use of the Navy. The Commissioners for Victualling his Ma- jesty's Navy have also contracted for 1000 Head of Oxen to be deliver'd at Portsmouth and Plymouth for the Victualling Store- houses at those Ports. On Tuesday Night one of his
Majesty's Messengers arriv'd here from Berlin, with Dispatches of Importance. Last Week 17 half Anchors of Brandy were seiz'd near Deptford, and brought to the King's Warehouses in the Old Jewry, by Some Officers belonging to the Excise. The Norwich and Saltash Men of War, with the ships under their Convoy, sail'd from Cowes the 7th Instant with a fair Gale. Admiral Haddock with his Squadron ar- riv'd at Port Mahon the 27th of December last, O. S. Off of Majorca he saw the Spa- nish and French combin'd Fleets, but blowing a Storm of Wind he could not speak to them, nor them with him, but apprehends they must
have met with considerable Damage. The Press for Seamen, which for some Time has been discontinued, is again reviv'd with Ardour; and with much Success too upon the Water. By the Endeavour, Capt. Gregory, from Jamaica, we have Advice, that his Majesty's Sloop the Bonetta, Capt. Lee, was arriv'd at Cumberland Harbour in Cuba, from Ply- mouth, with Dispatches for Admiral Vernon. By Letters from Barbadoes we hear, that the People of that Island are in good Health, and that the former was preparing for a Cruize. Sir Jacob Ackworth, Surveyor of his Ma- jesty's Navy, has order'd that the several Ships of War,
building for the Use of the Government, shall be finished with all Expe- dition, and to that End the Carpenters work double Days. Mr. Gabriel Ackworth is appointed one of the Purveyors of his Majesty's Navy for Timber, in the room of Mr. William Bos- well, deceased. On Wednefday died the Right Hon. the Lord Sherrard, at his Mother the Dutchess of Rutland's, in Grosvenor- Square. On Thursday died in an advanced Age, at her Seat at Windsor, her Grace the Duchess Dowager of St. Alban's, Mother of the present Duke. She was one of the Daughters and Coheiresses of the late Au- bery de Vere, the last Earl of Oxford of that
antient Line. The same Day died, aged 82, at Green- wich Park, Dr. Edmund Halley, Astronomy Professor to his Majesty. Mr. Robinson, the British Minister at the Court of Vienna has communicated some Dispatches to the Queen of Hungary, with which she was so well pleas'd as to make him a Present of a Gold- hilted Sword set with Rubies, and a Gold Snuff- box full of Ducats. Letters from Dublin mention, that a cer- tain Publick- spirited Nobleman of Ireland, ( who is in the highest Esteem with the Tra- ding People of that Island, from the many Things he has done in their Favour) is at present giving all possible
Encouragement to a ProjeCt for ereCting some Paper Mills in the North Part of that Kingdom ; which must in Time save a considerable Sum of Money to the Irish, which the French and Dutch at present receive. They also inform us, that by Letters from Venice of November last, they have received a certain Account that Brigadier Christopher Nugent, an Irish Gentleman, and Brother to Sir Ignatius Nugent, late of Killasent, hath been promoted to the Post of Major- General in the Service of that Republick, and is made Governor of Verona with the greatest Applause, having met with no more Oppo- sition than three Votes out of
three hundred in the Senate, & c. and two in the Grand College. From the London Gazette. Whitehall, Jan. 8. A Letter from Capt. Hervey, Commander of his Majesty's Ship the Superbe, dated in Kinsale Harbour, into which he had been driven by contrary Winds, gives the following Account: That in his Passage from the West- Indies, in the Lati- tude of 33. 20. Longitude 6;. West, he had taken the Spanish Ship call'd the Constante, of 24 Guns, and 64 Men, between 3 and 400 Tons, who came from the Caraccas, bound for the Canaries, laden with Cocoa ; and that there sailed from La Guerra with her two more Ships, the St.
Anna of 54 Guns, and the St. Jago of 34 Guns, both bound for St. Sebastian's. Advice is like wise brought by the Superbe, that Capt. Bro- derick, in the Shoreham, had, in his Cruize off Carthngena, taken a Champana, laden partly with Bale Goods that were of the Cargo of the Galleons, going for Mempos, and partly Money, which together are com- puted at near 80,000 Pieces of Eight Value; and that the Shoreham was since station'd at Cape Francois, to cruize on the Spanish Pri- vateers, for the Security of the Trade from the Northern Colonies. Also, that the Au- gusta had chased a Spanish Privateer into Port Francois, and
retaken a Prize from her; and had likewise taken and sent into Jamaica a Spanish Caracca Ship of 300 Tons, and 53 Men, which came from the Havanna the 5th of August, N. S. bound to the Coast of Caraccas, but losing her Mast in her Passage was going to Port Francois to refit; but the Governor of the Havanna, straiten'd for Mo- ney, had taken out of her 80,000 Pieces of Eight for the Urgencies of the publick Ser- vice. There are likewise Letters by the Su- perbe, which mention the Death of Don Blas de Lezo at Carthagena, and give the following Account of what had happen'd some time before at the Havanna, viz. That
Don Rodrigo de Torres, the Spanish Admiral, sail'd from Carthagena in the Santa Anna, but that the Ship was run aground on the Rocks in their going into the Havanna, and had beat off half her Keel, for which they had been oblig'd to careen her : That the Admiral had then hoisted his Flag on board the Invincible, a new Ship built at the Ha- vanna, and never at Sea, which was soon after blown up by Lightning, and in her four Millions of Pieces of Eight; that the Ship having lain within Pistol Shot of the Walls, the Town was deserted by every Body whilst she was burning; that two Churches had been extremely damag'd by the
Blast, and the Dome of the principal one must be taken down to repair it; that Don Rodrigo de Torres had himself narrowly escaped in his Boat, and that the next Ship in which he hoisted his Flag, had her Main- Mast carried away in a Thunder- Storm two Days after his coming aboard. Some Letters from Jamaica mention, that they heard there from Cartha- gena, that Admiral Spinola, in the Europa, who went from the Havanna for La Vera Cruz, to fetch Money from thence, was lost in his Passage.
Extract of a Letter from a Gentleman who was a Passenger on board the New Shoreham, Capt. Falkingham, from Barbadoes, dated at Bilboa, dated Dec. 25, 1741. ' On the 10th of December, in the Grey of the Morning, we made a Sail, which lay by to Windward of us ' till Day- light, when, to our great Concern, we found her to be a Spanish ship, the Captain then call'd us to- gether, and consulted what to do. We una- nimously resolv'd to fight her, and accord- ingly clear'd ship and got ready. They first hoisted English and then Spanish Colours, and fired three shot at us, which we return'd. They then bore down upon us, and
coming- oil our Lee Quarter they pour'd in a Broad- side and a Volley of small Arms, whereby our second Mate was shot through the Head with a Musket Ball; another mortally wound- ed by tearing away the Bottom of his Belly and his Groin, of which he died in six Hours; a third had his Thigh broke, and two more wounded. We return'd their Fire with a Broadside, and a Discharge of our small Arms; and after having fought them three Quarters of an Hour, Yard- Arm and Yard - Arm, our Rigging and Sails all shot to Pieces, and receiv'd three shot between Wind and Water, our ship being just sinking, with three Feet Water in her
Hold, were oblig'd to strike. They then, after shifting our Hands, pursu'd and took another Vessel, which proves to be a Brig, from Virginia, and brought her in. They carry'd us away to a Port call'd Castro, in this Neighbour- hood, where we arriv'd the 15th of Decemb. The Privateer mounted 20 Carriage Guns, of six Pounders, which she fights all between Decks, 14 swivel Guns, 200 small Arms, and 240 Men; She was 78 Feet Keel, 30 Feet Beam, and sails exceeding well. When taken we were in Lat. 49 d. 30 m. about 60 Leagues to the Westward of Scilly. No sett of People ever behav'd with more Bra- very than our Men did.
The Privateer's Carriage Guns were loaded with double- headed shot and a Round, the Weight 18lb. besides the Bar; and all their swivel Guns were fill'd with Musket Balls; so that I can impute it to nothing but the Hand of Provi- dence that one of us were left alive. For such Bravery they deserv'd a better Fate. The Halsey and Suttle, Capt. Salisbury, laden with Corn from London, bound to Cork, is taken within seven Leagues of the latter Place, by a Spanish Privateer of twenty Guns and 230 Men, and carried into Bilboa. The Owners Goodwill, Capt. Ouchter- loney, bound from Maryland for London, is taken by a SpaniSh
Privateer, and carried into St. Sebastian's. The Young Neptune, Capt. Winter, ar- riv'd at Portsmouth from Jamaica, which Place she left the 6th of November, brings Advice, that the Dursley Galley, Capt. Neat, was arriv'd there from Philadelphia, and was in her Passage attack'd by two Spanish Pri- vateers in Conjunction, one of which Capt. Neat sunk, and run the other on shore. The Tito, Pike, from Menton, is ar- rived safe in Stutland- Bay. In her Passage she was chac'd by two Spanifh Men Of War, but sailing very well she got clear of them. A very fine Piece of Plate of exquisite1 Workmanship, was finish'd last Week, which
is design'd to be presented to Capt. Ambrose, Commander of his Majesty ' s Ship the Rupert, on his Arrival in Town ; on one Part of it is curiously wrought the Arms of Capt. Am- brose, and opposite to it the Rupert chasing a Spanish Privateer ; and on the Bason, in which it stands, the following Words are en- grav'd, To Captain JOHN AMBROSE, In Grateful Remembrance Of the signal and singular Services Done his Country against Spanish Privateers, in 1741. This Piece of Plate is presented by the private Insurers of LONDON. And we hear the Merchants of the City of Bristol have ordered a Piece of Plate, of tool. Value, to
be made, which they intend shall be presented to the said Captain. The Modbury, Capt. Grant, bound from Newfoundland to Oporto, that was taken by a Spanish Privateer off the bar of the lat- ter Place, was soon after retaken by his Ma- jesty's Ship the Assistance. A Brigantine bound from Ireland to Por- tugal with Provisions, was lately taken by a Spanish Privateer not far from that Coast, who put nine Spaniards on board, and only left the Owner, a Man, and two boys in the Ship, to navigate it, and order'd her to be carried into St. Sebastian's to be sold; but the Owner observing in the Voyage how little of Navigation the
Spaniards under- stood, brought them into Barnstaple in De- vonshire, where they are now Prisoners in the Gaol. The Owner has been before the Lords of the Admiralty, and, we hear, for this Action, he will be made a Lieutenant of a Man of War. The Letters from Carolina, brought by the Mary, Capt. Mason, arrived at Bristol, from thence, bring the following Account, viz. that the Port Factor, Capt. Bennet, from Carolina to Lisbon, having three Spaniards on board to assist them in the Voyage, they found an Opportunity to murder the Cap- tain, and some cf the Crew; and attempting to carry the Ship into St. Augustine, lost her on
the bar. Letters from Plymouth mention, that the Rupert Man of War, Capt. Ambrose, toge- ther with the Buckingham, are in that Har- bour ; and tliat the former was preparing for a Cruize. The Dolphin, Capt. Van Ipper, a Dutch Ship, is put into Dartmouth. The Captain says, he spoke with two Spanish Privateers in Soundings. Last Week died, in the 77th Year of his Age, at his Palace at Exeter, the Right Rev. Dr. Stephen Weston, Lord Bishop of Exeter: His Lordship was consecrated Bishop of that See in the Year 1724, in the room of his Grace the present Archbishop of York, The Harrington, Fowler, for East- India ; the Priscilla,
Dewar, for St. Kitts, with se- veral other Outward- bound ships, were spoke with on the 17th of December, 90 Leagues to the westward of the Lizard, by the Sa~ phire Man of War. On Wednesday the three following Com- manders, viz. Capt. Hale of the Grantham, Capt. Gilbert of the Lynn, and Capt. Worth of the Houghton, all for Coast and Bay, took their Leaves of the Court of Directors of the East- India Company, in order to pro- ceed on their Voyages direCtly. Since the Silver Coin and Bullion, lately mention'd to be shipp'd for the East- India' Trade, there has been cased up on the same Account 140,000 Ounces Foreign Sil ver Coin, and 125,985 Ounces Foreign Sil- ver Bullion ; the two Parcels making toge- ther 525,000 Ounces Coin, and 210,776 Ounces Bullion. On Wednesday the Merchants receiv'd Ad- vice that the Nympha, from Cadiz, is safe arriv'd at La Vera Cruz; and ' tis said, 37 Guineas per Cent. Insurance have been given on that Ship in this City. We hear the Charming Nelly, George Bell, and the Rose, Richard Harman, run on shore the 1st Instant near Orfordness, and are beat to Pieces; likewise there are six more light Ships on shore near the said Place, which, ' tis thought, cannot be saved. The Gabriel, Jones, was lately lost in
her Voyage from Dublin for Bristol; as was the Margaret and Sarah, bound from Bristol to London. Friday 7- Night a barbarous Murder committed between Fenny- stratford and Sten- ton in Bucks, on one Mr. Saunders, and Boy about eight Years old, Son of Mr. For- ster, who keeps a Chandler's shop near St. James's House. Mrs. Saunders went that Night to Fenny- stratford, and upon her Re- turn in the Morning she found the House broke open, and her Husband murder'd, and the Boy with his Head almost cut off. There are several Persons taken up on suspicion for this murder. On Sunday Morning, about 1O o'Clock, Mr.
Chidley, Usher of Lincoln's- Inn Hall, being delirious, flung himself out of a Two- pair of stairs Window at Robin's Coffee- house in Chancery- Line, and died on the spot. The Right Hon. the Lord Chancellor has appointed Mr. Haywood to be Usher of Lincoln's- Inn Hall, in the room of the said Mr. Chidley. His Majesty has been pleased to appoint Joseph Hudson, Esq; to be Gentleman- Usher Quarter Waiter, in the Room of Everard Buckworth, Esq; appointed As- sistant Gentleman- Usher. On Tuesday a Presentation pass'd the Great Seal, to enable the Rev. Joseph For- by, M. A. to hold the Rectory of Barton. St. Andrew's, in the
County of Norfolk and Diocese of Norwich. On Tuesday John Thompson, a Victualler in Wapping, was committed to Newgate by a Warrant from John King, Esq; Coroner, on the Jury's Inquisition, for the Murder of Mary Grayling, an Infant under ten Years of Age. The same Day Joseph Pigg was commi to the said Gaol by Sir Thomas Reynell stealing two weather- sheep out of the F of Mr. Isaac Singer, which sheep were fo upon him
On Thursday Thomas Mors was commit- ed to Newgate by Col. De Veil, for cheat- ng and defrauding Mr. Richard Brown, at cards, of about 2I. 4 s. in Money, a Gun, Silver Watch, a Gold Seal, his Silver Shoe and Knee Buckles, the Property of Mr. Giles Brown, his Father. From Rochester we hear, that last Week two bold Villains had the Impudence to rob Passenger betwixt twelve and one at Noon, upon their Bridge, and having rifled him of about 15s. in silver, to prevent Discovery, barbarously attempted to take away his Life, by throwing him over into the Medway, and had certainly executed their Design, but that his Coat by
some means stuck and prevented it; and he thereupon making an Outcry, and People coming up, they made off, but were presently taken, one in Stroud, and the other in Rochester; and being carried before a Justice, were both committed to Gaol. One of the Ruffians proves to be a Fellow, that some Time since was a Servant at an Inn in Rochester. Last Week died at her Lodgings in Charles street, near St. James's, greatly lamented by all who knew her, Mrs. Alice O Neale, a Widow Gentlewoman, a Native of Ireland, who had been abroad for some Years. We hear that she has left to her only Daughter, Elizabeth Watson,
1oool. in ready Money, and 150I. a Year, lying in Queen's County, and several other Things of Value. PLANTATION- NEWS. Boston, in New- England, Nov. 26. Last Week a Sloop from Carolina, Capt. Hedges, loaden with Tar, run upon Cohasset Rocks, the Weather being dark and foggy ; the Ves- sel and Cargo is entirely lost, but the Men with much Difficulty sav'd their Lives. We hear vast Shoals of Mackrel have been lately seen off of Cape Cod ; and that great Quantities of them have been taken and car- ried in by the Fishermen there. We hear also, that last Week great Num- bers of Porpoises and Black- Fish being dis covcr'd in the Bay, the Boats put out from divers Parts of the Cape, and having got out- side, drove them towards the Shore; and we hear 150 PorpOises and above 1000 Black- Fish were kill'd, which ' tis suppos'd will yield above 2000 Barrels of Oil. This unexpected Success, so late in the Year, has put new Life into some who had spent all the former Season of the Year in toil and Labour to little or no Purpose. SCOTLAND. Edinburgh, Jan. 7. On Tuesday, about Five o'Clock in the Afternoon, a large part of the Town- Wall, which leads from the Netherbow to the College- Kirk' by Leith- wynd, fell suddenly down, by which a
Woman was crush'd to Death. ( Archbishop of Armagh, and Metropolitan of all Ireland) Commissary or Judge of the Pre- rogative Court, in the room of Dr. Natha- niel Bland, who hath resign'd acting as Com- missary in the said Court. A few Days ago died at Cork, Capt. James Hudson, an old experienced Officer upon English Half- pay. He sent one of his Sons, a hopeful Youth, well recommended to Admiral Vernon, from thence, with the late Transports. We hear that George Polk, of Castlero in the County of Londonderry, Mill- Carpenter, has invented a Machine, the most useful, expeditious, and convenient that ever yet was
known for Bleachers of Linnen Cloth ; it goes by Water, or with a Horse, that shall wash, rub, or beetle, all at once, or either of the said Works severally, with the great- est safety to the Cloth, with the Assistance of two Men only. BANKRUPTS. William House, of the Parish of St. Mar- tin in the Fields, in the County of Middle- sex, Tire- Smith. James Corrie, now or late of Stroud, in the County of Gloucester, Linnendraper and Chapman. Kemp Bowman, of the City of Bristol, Distiller and Merchant. John Harvey the younger, now or late of Great Yarmouth in the County of Norfolk, Ship- Carpenter and Chapman. Just brought from
LONDON, The only True Specifick TINCTURE for the TOOTH- ACH, and all Disorders and Defects of theTeeth and Gums whatever. WHICH gives immediate Ease in the most vi- olent and tormenting Pain, when nothing else will; and by constant using never fails to prevent its Return : At once or twice using it makes the foulest Teeth most beautifully White, assuredly fastens those that are loose, and in- fallibly preserves the Teeth from growing Rotten, and those a little decayed, from becoming worse. It perfectly cures the Scurvy in the Gums, and causes them to grow up to the Teeth again in a very short Time; and is
exceeding good for an ill- scentcd Breath : No Remedy in the World is of greater Efficacy for little Children who are cutting their Teeth, freeing them wholly from that Heat and Pain which so commonly attend them, and often is the Cause of other Disorders: It is like- wise serviceable in Ulcers or Soreness of the Month and Tongue: Besides these its inestimable Qualities and solely inherent Vertues, by which it has justly gained such an universal and unparallel'd great Cha- racter, it effectually yreserves the Teeth and Gains from all manner of Foulness, Corruption and Putre- faction, and is neither disagreeable to the Taste or
Smell. And to prevent any Imposition for the fu- ture, each Bottle will be stamp'd 0n the Side with the same as in the Margin, which the Publick are desired to take Notice of. Sold in London by R. WALKER, Printer in Fleet- Lane; in Bristol by Jos. ColleTT, at the Bible in Castle- street; in Gloucester by HENRY PEACH; and in Bath by Tho. MOREMAN; ( at which Places any Shopkeeper, & e. may be sup- plied with good Allowance to sell again. It may likewise be had of the Persons that serves this News. Of the great Number of Certificates we have receiv'd in Favour of this excellent Tincture, we think proper to insert the Three fol lowing : To Mr. COLLETT, at the Bible in Castle- street, Bristol. These are to inform you. that I had lately a most violent Pain in my Teeth and Jaw, at- tended ' with an extraordinary Swelling, which continued without any Abatement for 14 Days together, so that I could not have any Rest Night nor Day j during which Time I try" d many Things both inwardly and outwardly; and was ' by the Advice of a Person ( who had often cured that Disorder) blister'd behind my Ears, but all had no Effect, the Pain stll increasing, so that I thought I should go distracted; when happening to hear of a TINCTURE for the TOOTH- ACH, sold by you, I
accordingly ap- plied far a Bottle, which gave me Ease in half an Hour's Time ; and in less, than four Hours I was perfectly cured both of the Pain in my Teeth, and the Swelling of my Jaw, & c. Which if you please to publish for the Good of others, ' twill much oblige your Servant, JOHN SMITH, 0f Wrington, in Somersetshire, May 1, 1741. For the Good of the Publick, These are to certify, that I have for upwards of two years been violently troubled with a Disorder in my Teeth to such a Degree that ! could not ( at any Time) bear any Thing in my Mouth that was either hot or cold; but happening to hear of the above Tincture, ( sold
only by JOSEPH COLLETT) I no sooner used it but it gave me entire Ease of the most violent and tormenting Pain ; and by using it a few Times according to Direction. it hath entirely eradicated the Cause, so that I can now bear any Thing, either hot or cold, without the least Uneasiness, which was a Comfort I had not known for upwards of two Years. WILLIAM MOORE, jun. On Bedminster Causeway, near Bristol. As I see others have done, I here publickly certify, That I have of late been grievously tormented with a Pain in my Teeth, and a very scurvical Disorder in my Gums, so that I could have no Rest Night nor Day ; But
hap- pening to hear of a Tincture for the Teeth ( sold only by Jos. COLLETT, at the Bible in Castle- street, Bristol ; by his Agents HENRY PEACE of Gloucester, and T. MOREMAN in Bath) I no sooner used it, but it gave me imme- diate Ease, and in using less than half a Bottle I was perfectly cured both of the Tooth- ach, and the Disorder in my Gums: The remaining Part of the Bottle perfectly cured a Neigh- bour of mine ( Hannah Hartlun) of the same Disorders. Witness my Hand, RACHAEL DAVIS, Of Stroud, in Gloucestershire, Feb. 19 1741. IRELAND. Dublin, Jan. 5. On Sunday last the Nas- sau of Rochester, having on
board Lieutenant chfort, came into this Harbour, and be- the impressing of Sailors for his Majesty's vice. Thomas Trotter, Esq; L. L. D. is ap- nted by his Grace Dr. Hugh Boulter,