The London and County Journal, With The History of the Old and New Testament
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The London and County Journal, With The History of the Old and New Testament
Date of Article: 05/02/1741
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Address: Fleet-Lane, London
Volume Number: Issue Number: XXIX
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The London and Country journal: WITH THE History of the Old and New Testament. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 5, 1741. Numb. XXlX. Lisbon, December 18. THE bad Harvest we had last Summer, and the Embargo laid in England and Ireland on Provisions cause a great Scarcity all over this King- dom. The Misery of the Poor grows greater every Day in this Metropolis, and gives Rise to frequent Robberies. Nothing is common every Night, as to see 20 or 30 Men in a Gang, armed with Carbines and Pistols, ranging about the Streets, and not contented with robbing those they meet with, they also break into Houses, and rifle
them of whatever they can carry off. In short, there is not one Palace or House that can be said to be safe from these De- speradoes ; so that the Nobility and foreign Ministers are forced to keep their Ser- vants perpetually in Arms and upon the Watch. His Majesty's Ministers had a Conference the other Day with the Lord Tyrawley, in order to obtain a Permission to import Provifions hither from the Bri- tish Dominions. Petersburg, Jan 13. Count d'Osterman, Vice- Chancellor, has made strong Repre- sentations to the King of Prussia's Minister, upon the March of the Prussian Troops into Silesia. General Uschakoff and M. Ehm mer, Auditor- General return'd to Schleis- felbourg a few Days ago, and signified to the Duke of Courland, ' That the Senate, in the Name of the Emperor, declar'd him divested of the Title of Duke. That his Imperial Majesty likewise depriv'd him of all the other Employments and Dignities which had been conferr'd upon him ; and that as to the Fate of his Person, he should soon be acquainted with it. Count Charles de Biron is condemn'd to be depriv'd of his Title and Employments, to have his Estate confiscated, and to be banish'd for the Remainder of his Days into Siberia. Vienna, Jan. 15. The Count de Gotter, and the Baron de
Borck, have omitted no- thing in order to engage the Queen to yield Silesia to the King of Prussia, who, it's said, offers her Majesty in Consideration thereof some Millions of Rixdollars, and strongly to support her Interest, and that of the Grand Duke. It's said, that the King of Prussia has by his Ministers declared to this Court, That it was not possible for him to change the Resolutions which he had taken ; but that he was still ready to accommodate Matters with the Queen, and to give her Marks of his Friendship: Upon which some Conferences were held, to find out an Ex- pedient in this Affair; when it was ob- served, that if the
King of Prussia would be content with a Part of Silesia, the Queen could not yield it up to him that Dutchy being a Fidei Commis, or a limited Estate, which her Majesty could not alienate, ei- ther wholly or in part, without Prejudice to her Children, or the Archdutchess her Sister. It's said, however, that if the King of Prussia would submit the Determination of this Affair to the Maritime Powers, the Queen was ready to do so likewise. The Prince Lubomirski, who is extremely zea- lous for the Interest of the House of Austria, has offer'd the Queen to raise in his Ter- ritories 7000 Men, to be employ'd in her Service. Private Letters from
Constanti- nople advise, that the Porte has resolv'd to make fresh Instances for obtaining the Bannat of Temeswar, in consideration of Four Millions of Crowns. M. Vincent, charg'd with the Affairs of France since the Departure of Marquis de Mirepoix, some Days ago receiv'd an Express from his Court, and going directly to the Grand Duke of Tuscany's, he, it's said, declar'd, that the King his Master persisted not only in the : n of maintaining the Pragma- tick - but was also dispos'd to give the Queen the Succours she should want in this juncture Vienna, Jan 21. The Baron de Gotter, Grand Marshal of the Prussian Court, set out
the 15th instant for Berlin. The Baron de Borck, Minister from his Prussian Majesty, left the City the 17th, as did likewise the Secretary of the Embassy ; so that all Hopes of an Accommodation seem to be vanish'd. In the mean Time the Court is taking proper Measures for assembling a powerful Army in Moravia. The Preten- sions form'd by the Court of Madrid to his late Imperial Majesty's Succession, not ad- mitting a Person to reside here from that Court, Don Carpentero, who was charged with the King of Spain's Affairs, set out yesterday for Madrid. The Great Dutchess of Russia has notify'd to the Queen that that she has
caused it to be declar'd to the Prussian Minister at Petersbourg that she will not sit still and see the Queen of Hun- gary lose even the least Part of the Domi- nions she has a Title to by virtue of the Pragmatick Sanction. The Russian Minister at the Court of Saxony is ordered to make the same Notification there ; and the Saxon and Palatine Electors and several of the Ecclesiastick Princes have again assured this Court of their Resolution, to contribute to the Maintenance of the Constitutions of the Empire. We have Advice from Hanover, that part of the Troops of that Electorate are ordered to be in readiness to march ; that the
6000 Danes in British Pay are to advance forth- with towards the Elbe j the 6000 Hessians also in Great Britain's Pay, are to march to- wards the Weser ; some of the Troops of Saxe- Gotha are to rendezvous near Mul- hausen: These several Bodies of Troops they look upon to be part of the Army of Observation which is to be formed by some of the Princes of the Empire. Niess, Jan. 12. On the 9th, 6000 Prus- sians attack'd seven Companies of Prince Lichtenstein's Dragoons and four Companies of Grenadiers but tho' they lost a great many Men, yet they were so continually rein- forced, that our Men thought fit to retire.
Stralsund, Jan. 23. Orders have been receiv'd here from the Court of Sweden, to assemble a Body of 25,000 Men in this Province, to be readly to march upon the first Notice. Other Preparations are mak- ing which afford Matter of Speculation. All the Magazines of this Province are likewife order'd to be fill'd. Venice, Jan. 21. The Government has receiv'd Advice, that the Turks were lay- ing in a great Stock of Provisions in Al- bania, and were likewise raising a Body of Troops there : Upon which it has been resolv'd, provisionally, to countermand the March of the Regiments which are to come from Dalmatia till fresh Letters have
been receiv'd from Constantinople, to be better informed of the real Intentions of the Turks Naples, Jan. 10. Every thing is ready for the Departure of the Troops design'd for the Expedition against Tuscany, and we expect every Day to hear that they have begun their March. Several Vessels have lately been sent away with Provisions for the Magazines of Porto- Longono, Orbitello, and other Places on the Coast of Tuscany. LONDON, Printed by R. WALKER in Fleet Lane.
LONDON. ON Saturday last an Express arriv'd at St. James's, with the agreeable News, that Sir Chaloner Ogle with his Fleet arriv'd at Port- Royal in Jamaica the 22d of December, and had there found Admiral Vernon, with his Fleet, all in good Order. His Majesty has been pleased to appoint Ralph Jenison, Esq; Knight of the Shire for Northumberland, and Master cf his Majesty's Buck Hounds, to be Governor of Barbadoes, in the room of Robert Byng, Esq; deceased. Likewise to appoint Sir Thomas Hoby, Bart. Member of Parliament for Great Marlow in Buckinghamshire, to succeed him as Master of the Buck Hounds. We
hear that the Houshold Troops are to encamp in Hyde- Park this Summer; and that four Regiments of Foot, and two of Horse, are to encamp on Hounslow Heath. A strong Garrison is ordered to be e- rected, with all Expedition, at Harwich in Essex. An additional Quantity of Naval Stores are ordered to be expedited for the West Indies; for the speedier Preparation where- of the People of Deptford yard work not only double Tides, but on Sundays also, and on absenting themselves are to be mulct- ed a Week's Pay. The Fortifications of Dartmouth being but in an ill State of Defence, are order'd to be repair'd- forthwith, and for that
pur- pose Abundance of Military Stores are de- liver'd out of the Ordnance- Office, and shipping at the Tower for that Port. The Transports for Jamaica are ordered to sail for Plymouth with all Expedition, where they are to be joined by several Ships from Cork, that have taken in Beef and Butter at that Port for the West India Fleet. We are informed, that when the last Packet- Boat came away from Lisbon, they could not purchase a single Biscuit, or a Barrel of Beef. so great Distress are the People of that Place driven to, by the Em- bargo laid on the Exportation of Provisions from the British Dominions. We hear that Admiral
Stuart will hoist his Flag on Board the Sandwich, a second Rate, of 90 Guns. And that Admiral Balchen will remove his Flag from on Board the Elizabeth to the Duke, another 90 Gun Ship. On Friday was held a Board of Admi- ralty, when their Lordships were pleased to put into Commission the Sandwich, a 90 Gun Ship, lying at Chatham, and gave the Command thereof to Capt. Mead. On Sunday Night an uncommon Robbery happen'd at Mr. Christmas's, a Farmer at Half- Farthing- Farm at Wandsworth, viz. he had 19 fat Sheep design'd for the Mar- ket, 10 of which he found kill'd in his Fold, out of which all the Fat was taken,
and carried off, and all the Carcases and The Plague makes great Havock still at Constantinople. They write from Naples, that the King of Spain has remitted a Million and a half of Pieces of Eight to Genoa, for the Spa- nish Forces that are to pass into Tuscany and Lombardy. They write from Tuscany, that they are preparing the necessary Dispositions for giving the Spaniards a warm Reception. From Rome, that the Pope has granted Passage to some German Troops, that are going to reinforce the Garrisons in Tus- cany. A Vessel is arriv'd at Amsterdam from Algiers, whose Master reports, that three French Ships, one
English, and a large Ship belonging to the Dey of Tunis, newly built, mounting 24 Guns, besides some other Vessels belonging to that Dey, had been all lost on that Coast in a violent Storm the 11th of November last, N. S. On Thursday came Advice, that the Go- thick Lyon, Capt. Erick Moreen, bound from Leghorn for Marseilles, was met with by two Spanish Privateers off of Toulon, and the Captain refusing to shew his Papers, the Spaniards attack'd him, and by some Accident the Powder Room took Fire, and the Vessel was blown up. On Tuesday Morning a Peter Boat, with a Man and a Boy in it, ( and all the Fish they had
taken in six Days) was unfortu- nately overset in the River, by running on a sunk Coal Lighter, by which Accident the Boy was drown'd, and the Fish lost. The Merchants have Advice, that the Ashton and Bootle, Capt. Tarlton, and the Valentine, Capt. Hamilton, from Africa, were arriv'd at Jamaica with Negroes. Four Ships of War are ordered to be sent forthwith to reinforce Admiral Had- dock's Squadron. On Thursday was held by Adjournment a General Court of the South- Sea Com- pany when the Dividend ballotted on Tues- day for One and Three Quarters for the half Year's Interest, due at Christmas, on the Capital Stock of
the said Company, was declar'd to be payable the 16th and 17th of February next. A Tidesman belonging to the Customs has made a Seizure of Lace to near the Value of iool. in St. Katherine's ; whose Owners have brought themselves into a fine Scrape, by giving him a Guinea to let it pass; which he pocketed, but nevertheless did his Duty, and acquainted the Commis- sioners therewith, who have order'd them ; to be prosecuted, for bribing the King's Officer.— The Penalty is 501. We hear a fine black Eagle, which is near three Ells between the Extremity of each Wing, was taken in the last Frost near Northampton. On
Thursday Morning died, after not a bove a Day's Illness, Francis Bradshaw, Esq; one of the Secondary's of the Pipe- Office in Grays- Inn, in which he had been a Clerk from a Youth. He was Brother to Dr. Bradshaw, late Bishop of Bristol. We hear from Wimbish near Saffron Walden in Essex, that about a Month ago the Steeple End of that Parish- Church fell to the Ground ; the Parishioners had the Body of the Church inspected into, and found they might perform Divine Service therein; accordingly th; y were all assem- bled on Sunday last, when of a sudden a- bove a Bushel of loose Bricks and Dirt tumbled down, which put
the Congrega- tion into the utmost Consternation : The Rev. Mr. Carter, Vicar of that Place, being in the Pulpit, open'd the Door, in order to get out, but in his Fright had the Mis- fortune to fall from the Top of the Stairs to the Bottom, and very narrowly escaped with his Life. From Lymington we hear, that Mr. How, Collector of that Port, has lately made a considerable Seizure of Tea. and Brandy in New- Forest, where there was an Informa- tion at first given to the Officers of Christ- Church of a whole Ship's Cargo; but by Delay the Smugglers had an Opportunity of conveying the best Part away. Last Week died, in an advanced
Age, at his House in Orchard ftrect, Westminster, Sir Stafford Fairbane, Knt. who was Vice- Admiral of the Red in the Reign of Queen Anne, and for his great Valour and Con- duct was allow'd by the Government 600 1. per Annum during his Life. He was Son of Sir Palmes Fairbone, Knt. formerly Go- • vernor of Tangier, and in the Execution of which Command he was mortally wounded by a Shot from the Moors, at the besieg- ing that Town in the Year 1680. On Thursday at Noon was held a Ge- neral Council at St. James's, on Affairs of great Importance. But the Report of the 20 Malefactors, now under Sentence of Death in
Newgate, was not made to his Majesty, as expected. We hear that Lieutenant- General Chur- chill is appointed Lieutenant Governor of the Tower of London, in the room of Lieutenant- General Compton, deceased. The Young Neptune, Capt. Winter, is taken into the Government's Service for. Carolina, to load Rice there for ths Squa- drons at Jamaica, From the London Gazette. Whitehall, Jan 24. About Seven o'Clock this Evening the Right Rev. Dr. Seeker, Lord Bishop of Oxford, Rector of St. James Westminster, perform'd the Cerimony of Baptizing, by the Name of Elizabeth- Carolina, the youag Princess, second Daugh- ter
of their Royal Highnesses the Prince and Princess of Wales: The Godfather was the Marquess of Anspach, represented by the Right Hon. the Lord Ba1timore; and the Godmothers were the Queen of Den- mark, and the Dutchess of Saxe- Gotha, represented by the Right Hon. the Lady Viscountess Irwin, and the Lady of Lord Archibald Hamilton. His Royal Highness the Prince was present, as was her Royal Highness, sitting on a Bed of State, the Lords and Ladies of their Bedchamber at- tending.
The Hon. Philip Yorke, Esq; one of the Tellers of the Exchequer, has appointed Counsellor Idle, Secretary of the Presenta- tions to the Lord Chancellor, to be Deputy Teller in his Office, in the room of John Lawton, Esq; deceased, a Place of 800 1. per Annum. On Tuesday was held a Court of the Governors of St. Bartholomew's Hospital, to elect a President, in the room of Al- derman Barber, deceas'd, when Sir Robert Godschall, Knt. was unanimously chosen into the said Office. We hear that amongst the handsome Charities given by the late Alderman Bar- ber, he has bequeath'd 1000 1. to the Ho- spital of the Foundlings,
for their early Nomination of him one of their Governors. One Day last Week one Abraham Izard, otherwise John Wilson, was committed to Surry Gaol by Robert Lacey, Esq; for ut- tering a Queen Anne's Shilling gilt over and Scepters rais'd, for a Guinea, to Mrs. Crook, a Patten- Maker, near the Vine Tavern in Blackman street. By his Beha- viour it's to be fear'd the Publick has suffer'd by taking this sort of Money. He came to Mrs. Crook's Shop, pretending he want- ed a Pair of Pattens, which he agreed to give 16 d. for, and gave Mrs. Crook a good Queen Anne's Guinea to change, which she did accordingly.; when the Change
was given him a Man that was with him said, why need you change, I can lend you 14d. if you have 2d. Izard then desir'd Mrs. Crook to take the Change, and give him his Guinea again, which she did. Af- ter Izard had got the good Guinea again, he pretended he and his Friend had but 15 d. between them, and that he must have his Guinea chang'd, and then gave her the Counterfeit. Izard finding the last Guinea was suspected, he run by Mistake up the Yorkshire Gray Livery- Stables Yard, and finding no way thro', he went into a Wash- House, where he dropt one of the Counter- feit Pieces: His Friend in the Hurry made his
Escape. Izard is a short well set Man, about thirty- five Years of Age, and had on a Pair of Boots, and a light Duffil Coat. The Man that made his Escape is a Head taller than Izard. We. are inform'd by Letters from Barba- does, that the Assembly of that Island have dispatched a Sloop to JamaiCa, with a con- gratularory Letter to Admiral Vernon on his Successes; and also to inform him of the Arrival of the 16 French Men of War at Martinico. The said Letters confirm the former Accounts of their taking a Num- ber of Sloops into the French Service; that when the last Advices came, they had got 42 together, but what Expedition
they were going upon was kept a mighty Secret. However, the Leeward. Island's are in no Pain about this Expedition, for the Inha- bitants are all provided with Arms, and as- semble frequently to exercise themselves, and prepare to give a warm Reception to any who shall attempt to land in a hostile Manner. His Majesty's Sloop the Spy, Capt. Hawes, arrived at Spithead the 23d inst. left Jamaica the 15th of December last, who brings Advice that the 4000 Troops raised in North America were safely ar- rived in fine Health and good Spirits: That on the 14th of Decemb. the Sheerness Man of War of 20 Guns came to Port- Royal
from a Cruize off the South West- side of Hispaniola, where at Port Louis ( which is about thirty Hours sail from Jamaica) were arrived 20 Sail of French Men of War, seven of them upwards of 70, and the rest not under 60 Guns; near which all Provi- fion Ships and other Traders must pass; that they obstructed his Watering at Tibe- roon Bay from whence they chased him with two Ships of 60 Guns; and that by inter- cepted Letters the French expected Orders hourly to declare against Britain : That 12 Spanish Men of War of the Ferrol Squadron, and 8 more under Don Blass, were at Car- thagena, but are said to be in great Di stress for want of Provisions, and a Disagree- ment among the Officers of several Years Arrears of Pay being due to them : And that Admiral Vernon, who was at Jamaica with Ten Sail of Line of Battle Ships, did not intend to go on any Expedition, till joined by Sir Chaloner Ogle, with the Fleet and Forces from England, which was hourly wish'd for. We hear further from thence, That on the 14th of December his Majesty's Ship ihe Sea- horse, of zo Guns, Capt. Lime- burner, brought in as a Prize, a Spanish Man of War of 16 Guns, and 90 Men, named the Jupiter, laden with Military Stores; among which were 18 Iron Cannon
from 18 to 24 Pounders, Gunpowder and Shot in Proportion, and, a large Cargo of Bar Iron : They add, that she made not the least Resistance, tho' allow'd to be the prettiest Spanish Ship ever seen in those Parts, being, well built and compleatly fi- nished, and carrying a Burthen of 250 Tons. Some Letters from Jsmaica say, that Ad- miral Vernon some Time ago sent a 20 Gun Ship to St. Jago de Cuba, to demand the English Prisoners of the Governor; who made Answer, that he could not consent to that unless the Admiral would come in Person to make this Demand. Some private Letters from Jamaica inti- mate, that the
French and Spanish Squa- drons united will form a Fleet of 52 Men of War; but that they are scanty of Rig- ging, and in want of Provisions and all Ne- cessaries. This must be pleasing to all true Britons, and oblige us to give Praise to the Lord, who fighteth our Battles for us. A Spanish Man of War of 60 Guns was lately lost near the Bay of Maranzas, on the North- side of Cuba, Eastward of the Ha- vanna, as was near her a British Ship, call'd the Samuel, Capt. Crokatt, bound from Ja- maica to London, which had Cacao between Decks, suppos'd to have been chac'd on shore by the Man of War, whose Loss was attributed By a
Letter dated on board the Norwich, at Jamaica, of the 12th of December, they write, that Admiral Vernon having receiv'd Advice that the French were erect- ing Batteries at Donna Maria Bay, to pre- vent the Englifh putting in there to water had sent the Experiment, Capt. Rentone to reconnoitre that Place, who was return'd, and had inform'd the Admiral, that he saw in that Place two Men of War, who had given him chase, but was not certain whe- ther they were French or Spanish. The Norwich Man of War was expected to sail from Jamaica about the 25th of December, with a great Number of Mer- chant men under her Convoy,
for England. The N. S. del Pillar el Rosario y San An- tonio, Domingo Casares Goicochea, bound from Maracaibo to Cadiz, is lost near Porto Rico. The Goods and People sav'd, the Ship entirely lost. On Monday last came on to be tried at the Sittings in the King's Bench at West, minster, before the Right Hon. the Lord Chief Justice Lee a Cause wherein the Cordwainers Company of the City of Lon- don where the Plaintiffs, and George James, a Shoemaker, but not of the Company, was the Defendant, in an Action of Debt on the Statute of James the First, for a Year's Quarterage, at Six Pence per Quarter, when a Verdict, was
given for the Plaintiffs ; whereby their antient Right to collect this Duty of all Persons whatfoever, exercising their Trade within three Miles of London, is once more establish'd and confirm'd. On Monday the Judges met in the King's Bench Chamber, Westminfter, and chose their several Circuits for the Lent Assizes, viz. Home Circuit.' Lord Chief- Justice LEE^ Mr. Justice CHAPPEL. Northern Circuit. Lord Chief- Justice WILLES, Mr. Baron CARTER. Norfolk Circuit. Lord Chief- Baron PROBYN, Mr. Justice PAGE. Midland Circuit. Mr. Justice FORTESCUE ALAND, Mr. Justice PARKER. Oxford Circuit. Mr. Justice W. FORTESCUE
Mr. Justice WRIGHT. Western Circuit. Mr. Baron REYNOLDS, Mr. Baron ABNEY. The Lord Chief Justice Lee, the Lord Chief Justice Willes, Mr. Justice Page, and Mr. Justice Fortescue Aland, will not go their respective Circuits, but attend the Service of the House of Peers. On Friday came Advice, that the Lau- rence, Capt. Schol, from Amsterdam for St. Ube's, was lost in her Passage aear Cape Pinas; three of the Crew were taken up Capt. Hans Cornelius Noordhaysen. His Majesty has been pleas'd to pardon William Dewell, who was hang'd at Ty
COUNTRY NEWS Norwich, Jan. 24. Last Week a very odd Accident happen'd at the Queen's- head at Hethersett, about four Miles from this. City, after the following Manner, viz Some Perfons being drinking there, among Whom was a Chimney sweeper who liv'd at Wymondham, and the Conversion turn- ing upon Ghosts or Apparitions, the Chim- ney- sweeper thought on a Method that might frighten the rest of the Company ; accordingly he withdrew, went up a Chim- ney in another Room, and design'd to come down that Chimney in which all the Com- pany were then drinking ; but driving the Soot' down before him, it took
Fire, and fired his Cloaths, so that was forced to re- turn back to the Chimney he went up ; whicH also taking fire from his Cloaths as he went down it, he was scorched in so miserable a Manner, that the Skin of his I Hands came off like Gloves, and he died while a Surgeon was dressing of him. Canterbury, Jan. 28. The Hon. Mr. Watson, Brother to the Right Hon. the Earl of Rockingham, considering the Se- verity of the Season, has generously distri- buted his Charity to the poor Inhabitants of this City ( being Housekeepers) to the Number of 1500 Families an Act of Mu- nificence natural to that noble Family. Liverpool, Jan. 27.
The William, Capt. Wilson, from Virginia, was lost in the bad Weather last Week near Carnarvon Bay ; all the Hands were sav'd. A small Vessel, Garner, Master, is likewise lost, and all this Yeer. The Gentlemen of the County have made large Subscriptions, three Days ago, for Corn to be given to the Poor of this Town. On Sunday Night arriv'd here unexpect- edly, the Draper Tender, and surpriz'd and impress'd a great Number of Seamen out of the Ships in this Harbour. BANKRUPTS. Patrick Strahan and James Strahan, of the Parish of St. Bridget, otherwise Bride, London, Cabinet- makers, Chapmen, and Partners. Mary
Alder and Jeremiah Alder, of Burley, near Hampton in Gloucestershire, Carriers and Chapmen, Partners. The Assize of Bread made of Wheat, as set forth by the Lord Mayor and Court of Aldermen the 27th of January, 1741, tc commence and take Place on the Thursday following: The Peck Loaf is Houshold or second Sort Christened Males 169 Females 139- In all 308. Buired Males 260 Females 274 In all 534 Decreased'in the Burials this Week 35 Made publick for a general Good, WARD'S Pectoral Tincture. THIS pleasant efficacious Pectoral sits easy on the Stomach, and finds ready Admittance into the Blood, which
tenders it effectual in all On Wednefday the 18th February 1741, will be published ( to be continued Weekly) N° I. of The Adventures of TELEMACHUS the Son of Ulysses. Written by theArchbishop and Duke of Cambray: With a POEM on a RURAL RETREAT, Written by the same Author, when a young Abbot, among the Mountains of Auvergne in France; and likewise by another Hand, The Adventures of ARISTONoUS. Translated into English from the best Edition. To which are added, many large and explana- tory Notes, taken from the several Editions of this Work. On the following ConditionS : I. THAT this Work will be
beautifully print- ed on a neat Elzevir Letter in Octavo, on good Paper, and be comprized in One Volume. II. That three Half Sheet shall be delivered every Week at the Price of Two pence, and will be compleated in Twenty- four Numbers and if it should exceed, the Overplus - will be given gratis. III. That this Work will be embellished with curious. Cuts, and deliver'd in the Course of the Work ; and when four Cuts are deliver'd, one Sheet off Letter Press will be abated, without any farther Expence. IV. If. the first Number a Frontispiece to the the Passengers, being thirteen in Number, near Wisewate . She was bound from the Isle
of Man for this Place. SCOTLAND Edinburgh, Jan. 22. The Scarcity in the Welt Country is relieved by the Importa- tion of a considerably Quantity of Oatmeal and Potatoes, 50 Tons af the former ar- riving last Week for the Use of the Inha- bitants of Greenock ; but however favour- able this was t0 Numbers of distressed Fa- milies, yet a Mealmonger near Irvine, who had a great Quantity of Grain on hand, and was disappointed of selling it at his ordinary exorbitant Rate, took it so much to Heart, that he cut his Throat, and ex- pired in 48 Hours after in most dreadful Agonies. Those wicked Fellows are so accustom'd to Cheating,
that they will cheat the Hangman at last. Upwards of 1000 Bolls of fine Wheat are arriv'd at Leith, for the Use of the Baxters of this City. IRELAND. Wexford, Jan. 19, On the 13th the High Sheriff of this County returned a List of 5800 Barrels of Corn which are in this Town. The Return from the Country is almost incredible, but the Quantity is not known. Wheat sold this Day for 15d. a Stone, and so last Wednesday. By the Collector's Books 17,000 Barrels of Barley have been shipp'd from hence for Dublin Disorders of the Lungs * for it causes easy and gentle Expectoration, and not like most other Me- dicines load and nauseate
the Stomach. It ad- mirably eases the Straining of a dry tiresome Cough ; and relieves all sorts of Coughs in young or old, whether Consumptive, Asthmatic, & c. to those newly occasioned by taking Cold. It effe- ctually carries off Catarrhs, and Defluxions of sharp Rheum from the Head and Glands of the Throat, and will relieve the most obstinate Hoarseness, and takes away all Wheesing, Shortness of Breath, Ptysick, & e. also Soreness and Rawness of the Throat, Stomach, & c. and is a grand Specifick in Consumptions. Price n. 6d. a Bottle. FOR the Good of others in the same Dis- order, I here publickly certify, That I had. a
violent Cough and Shortness of Breath, which render'd me incapable of Working. I had taken a great many Things Time after Time, but ra- ther grew worse than better ; some Time ago I was happily recommended to take WARD'S Pectoral Tincture, by a Person that had found a great deal of Good by taking it himself; I took but two Bottles, and it perfectly recovered me, notwithstanding 1 had been ill all last Winter: So I should not have done Justice to this valuable Medicine, nor to Mankind in general, if I had not made this publick De- claration, as I see others have done be- fore me. JAMES GORTON, Glass- Man, near Red
cliff Church, Bristol. Sold in London by R. WALKer, Primer in Fleet Lane; in Bristol by Jos. COLLETT, at thr Bible in Castle- street: ( at which Places any Shopkeeper, & c. may be supplied with good Al- lowance to sell again ) It may likewise be had of the Persons that serves this Journal. Work, and likewise a Cut to face the First Book, will be given gratis. Printed by R Walker, in Fleet Lane, Lon- don, and sold by the Person who serves this Place with the History of the Bible, and all other Book's printed by him. At the same Time, and by the same Person, will be published, N° I. of The remarkable Trial of King Charles the First
before the High Court of Ju- stice for High Treason, begun Jan. 20, in the 24th Year of his Reign, and continued to the 27 th. To which is added, The Journal of the High Court of Justice, for the Trial of the King, as it was read in the House of Commons, and attested by Mr. Phelps, Clerk to that Court. With Additions, by J. NAlsoN, Doctor of the Civil Law. On the following Conditions, viz. j. THAT this Work will be printed on fine Paper and new Letter, and will be comprized in Twelve Numbers, each Number to contain three Hall- Sheets, at Two- pence each Number; and stitch'd up in Covers. II. That in the First Number will be
delivered gratis, a curious Print of CHArlES I. taken from an Original Painting in Hampton Court, as a Frontispiece. Ill That if it should exceed Twelve Numbers, the Overplus to be given gratis The great Scarcity of this Trial sufficiently shew its Value; and hope it will meet with kind Reception from the Publick, it being now to be procured at so small a Charge as Two Shillings when compleated.