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The London and County Journal, With The History of the Old and New Testament


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The London and County Journal, With The History of the Old and New Testament

Date of Article: 08/01/1741
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Address: Fleet-Lane, London
Volume Number:     Issue Number: XXV
No Pages: 4
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The London and Country Journal" WITH THE History of the Old and New Testament. THURSDAY, JANUARY 8, 1741. Numb. XXV. Petersbourg, January 1. THE Court a few Days since received an Express from the Ukraine, with the News that the Ceremony of exchanging the Russian and Turkish Am- bassadors, had been performed upon the River Bog to reciprocal Satisfaction. The same Express brings, that the Negociation for the Regulation of Limits of the two Empires, were far advanced : That those on the sides of the Dnieper and the Bog were actually agreed upon ; but that the Limits about Asoph could not be settled before next Spring. 1 Hambourg, Decemb. 20. Notwithstanding the malicious Report which was spread, that Liebman, the Jew, was absconded from Petersbourg, we are since assur'd that he is still at the Russian Court, enjoying all his former Employments. Stockholm, Dec. 20. Yesterday the Order of the Nobility assembled in the Hall of the Knights, and chose for Marshal of the Dyet Lieutenant General Count Charles E- milius de Lewenhaupt. This Morning the other Orders which compose the Dyet like- wise assembled, and chose their respective Speaker. A Vessel arriv'd from Wismar a few Days ago with several Chests of Sil- ver on board. Berlin, Decemb. 24. The King has wrote a Letter to the States General, in relation to his Troops marching towards Silesia, in the same mysterious Language in which his Manifesto is couch'd, viz. That his incon- testable Rights to Silesia obliged him to march his Troops at this Juncture into that Province: That as a War in relation to the Succession of the House of Austria is greatly to be apprehended, he could have wish'd previously to have explain'd him- self upon this Subject to the Queen of Hun- gary and Bohemia, with whom he proposes to entertain a strict Friendship and good Understanding ; but as it could not be ex- pected he should refer the Maintenance of these his Rights to the Success of a doubt- ful Negociation, he can no ways be blamed for endeavouring to preserve a Country to which he had such just Pretensions: That he solemnly protests he has no Intention of doing Injustice to any Body, and much less to the Archducal House of Austria, with whom he is willing to settle the Affair in question in a satisfactory Manner to that House: That he will also with Joy employ the Forces that God has put in his Hand, for supporting the System of the Empire, as well as the Rights, Liberties, and Privi- leges of all its Members and States, and for providing it with a worthy Head. The following is the most exact Account of what has pass'd in Silesia since the King of Prussia's Arrival there. ' As soon as the Prussian Troops were en- tered into that Province, the King made them the following Speech : Gentlemen, I don't look upon you as my Subjects, but as my Friends. The Troops of Brandenbourg have always signaliz'd themselves by their Courage, and have given, upon divers Occasions, Marks of their Bravery. I shall be an Eye- witness to all your Expeditions. You will always fight in my Presence, and I will recommence those whr shall distinguish themselves by their Zeal for my Service rather as a Father than as a Sovereign. Though his Majesty has already near 100,000 regular Troops, he seems willing to render his Forces more considerable. Besides the auxiliary Troops he has taken into his Service, General Gesler is gone to into Poland and Prussian Lithuania to en- gage some Thousands of Ulans, which are a kind of Cossacks or Tartars, and very fit People to support the Fatigues of War. Berlin, Decemb. 27. We have receiv'd Advice, that the King having detach'd, on the 22d Instant, three Regiments towards Glogau, General Reisky, who commands there, made at first a Shew of defending the Town ; but finding that the Prussians were going to plant Batteries against him, he took a Resolution to send the Keys of the Place to his Majesty. Mr. Robinson, the British Minister, has frequent Conferences with the Great Duke of Tuscany and the Sardinian Ambassador ; and a Treaty is very much talk'd of be. tween his Britannick Majesty and the Great Duke, for guarrantying to him the Posses- sion of Tuscany. SCOTLAND. Leith, Dec. 22. Since the 25th of Sep- tember last there have been sent to England from this Port 103,194 Yards of Linnen' 11,750 Yards of Woollens, 5818 ib. of Scots Thread and Yarn, 1466 lb. of Scots Snuff, 5582 Dozens of Skins, 3275 i • . Linnen Handkerchiefs, 31 Tons Tallow and Candles. 6230 Pair of Shoes. Edinburgh, Dec. 25. We hear from the North, that last Week they bad the great- eft Fall of Snow that ever was known in thofe Parts ; it began upon the Saturday, and was so sudden, that before next Morn- ing the whole Country Villages were quite cover'd up. It is impossible to express the general Consternation of the Inhabitants, some of them being so imprison'd in their own Houses, that they could not get out either for Fire or any other Necessaries; others made their Way thro' the Chimneys, and assisted in digging out their Neigh- bours. A vast Number of Cattle have perished. The Snow was reckoned upwards of 10 Feet. In short, there never was such a sudden or so terrible a Storm known. IRELAND. Dublin, Decemb. 20. On Wednesday the Embargo was laid on Butter and Fish ; so that the Exportation of all Eatables are prohibited ; the Elizabeth and St. Francis, of Bourdeaux, both bound to that Port, with 1500 Casks of Butter on board, were clear'd out, but the Embargo being laid on before they sailed, are stopped. Last Week died in New Ross, in the County of Wexford, Mrs. Quarum, aged upwards of 100 Years, who could see to read the smallest Print and work the finest Embroidery without the Help of a Glafs, which she attributed entirely to the Use of Ginger, that she constantly used in all her Diet and Drink: She formerly made use of Spectacles, but left them off many Years before she died. Last Tuesday Richard Lynneal; one of the Lord Mayor's Officers at Mace, was tried and found guilty at the Commission of Oyer and Terminer, of the Murder of Pa- trick Bannan, the Poultry Man or Chicken- Butcher, whom he had arrested; and he is to be executed the 10th of January. Last Week a Fellow went to the Grounds above New- street to rob a Potatoe Garden ; in digging for them he found a Cask of Rum, which he drank so liberally that next Morning he was found dead on the Spot; and upon the Rumour of the Rum being hid under Ground, the Custom house Offi- cers went thither and seiz'd five Casks. LONDON, Printed by R. WALKER, in Fleet Lane. LONDON. WE are assur'd by Letters from Pe- tersbourg, that the Treaty of Al- liance and Commerce, which has been so long on the Tapis between this Nation and Russia, is at length sign'd by Mr. Finch, our Minister there, and the Commissioners appointed by the Regency. From Stockholm they intimate, that they are impatient to hear whether the Court of Russia will continue her Negociations with Sweden, upon the Plan laid down by the Duke of Courland. It's assur'd from Lisle, that as soon as the the Roads become passable, 25 Battalions and 12 Squadrons are to march from french Flanders to the Sea coasts of Brittany. Letters from France say, that Orders are given at the several Ports, for all Seamen to be ready to enter on board the Men of War directly which are fitting out; and also, that some Marines are ordered to march towards the said Places, to embark on board the said Ships. ' Tis confidently reported that the King of Sardinia has a large Body of Troops ready to oppose the Pretensions of the Queen of Spain in Italy. . His Majesty's Sloop the Cruizer is sail'd for New- York, being station'd there in the room of the Flamborough, Capt. Vincent Pearce, daily expected from New- England, with Ships under Convoy, with Mails for his Majesty's Navy. His Majesty's Ship the Pembroke Prize, taken in the Mediterranean by the Pem broke Man of War, is got into the Downs, in order to sail the first fair Wind for the West Indies. On Tuesday Morning, at 7 o'Clock, her Royal Highness the Princess of Wales was safely deliver'd of a Princess. The Cele- bration of his Royal Highness's Birth- Day is deferr'd, on account of the Princess's Lying- in, till Monday the 2d of February, at which Time Orders are given for its being kept. On Friday was held a Board of Admi- ralty, when their Lordships were pleased to put into Commission the Dover, a 40 Gun Ship, and gave the Command to Capt. Burrish, Jate Captain of the Blandford, a 20 Gun Ship. The Blandford being unfit for Service, is order'd to be rebuilt. The same Day the Commissioners for Victualling his Majesty's Navy contracted for 6000 Hogs, to be deliver'd at their Of- fice in London before Lady- Day. Great Quantities of military Stores are daily landing at the Tower, to fill up the Vacancies lately made in the Ordnance Magazines by large Draughts shipped off from thence for the Mediterranean and West Indies. A Proclamation, we hear, will shortly be publish'd, with a suitable Reward, for ap- prehending Cooke the Shoemaker of Strat ferd, or any of his Gang, that have fo much infested the Road of late, that ' tis The Master of a French Vessel just ar- riv'd at Plymouth says, That on the 14th of December, about twenty Leagues to the S. S. E. of Scilly, he met with a Spanish Privateer of 26 Guns, who made him bring to ; but finding him to be a Frenchman, let him proceed. — Such an Enemy so near our own Coast, when so many Ships are daily expected home, may be attended with very bad Consequences to our Merchants; but we hope as several Men of War have sailed out to cruize, some of them will be so lucky as to meet with this Privateer. The above French Master gives an Ac- count, that he saw two English Prizes brought into St. Sebastian's, one laden with Tobacco, and the other with Rice; the last of which was sold for 8000 Dollars. On the 21st of Decemb. a Lugsail- Boat was forced into the Sound, and lay at An- chor all Night; but the next Morning turn'd out in a very great Storm of Wind at S. E. It is generally thought she was a Spanish Privateer. And the Master of a Collier, who arriv'd at Plymouth the 22d, says, that he met her about two Miles off of that Harbour's Mouth, and he believes he saw 40 Men in her. The Expedition Packet, Capt. Clies, who sail'd from Falmouth for Lisbon, is return'd, after having been 110 Leagues to the Westward; she was in such bad Weather that they were oblig'd to throw out part of her Ballast to keep her from sinking, and with great Difficulty reach'd Falmouth. The Sarah, Roberts, with Stores for Fowey, that had been blown from her An- chor, is also arriv'd at Falmouth ; she beat the Channel for two Days, during which Time she faw a Ship in great Distress, hav- ing her Ensign at the Mast- head ; when they came up with her, they found her to be the Carolina, Grant, from the Baltick, bound to Bristol, and near sinking; the Men being quite spent with labouring at the Pump, and there was no hope of keep- ing the Ship above Water, the Crew got on board the Sarah, and fo arrived at Falmouth. They send us Advice from Dover, that there is now at that Place a Dutch Ship of between 4 and 500 Tons, laden with Masts, Yards, & c. for large Men of War; the Cargo was bought in Holland, for the French King's Use, and the Ship bound to Thoulon. On Wednesday a Letter of Thanks was drawn up and sign'd by a great Number of Merchants trading to the Mediterranean, and is to be sent the first Opportunity to Admiral Haddock at Gibraltar, for his wife and prudent Care in protecting their Ships from the Spanish Privateers in the Streights. The Bounty Money for the Nostra Senora del Chora, a Spanish Privateer, taken by the Dolphin Man of War, is to be paid on board of that Ship the 10th Instant, agree- able to the late Act of Parliament, and his Majesty's Proclamation; and the Shares not then receiv'd are to be paid at Mr. Hen- shaw's on Tower Hill, for three Years after. The Hon. Mr. John Stanhope, Son to the Right Hon. the Lord Harrington, who was at Stockholm, has been directed to go from thence to Copenhagen. We hear that the Prohibition, so far as it regards Spanish Wool, will soon be taken off, and that Commodity allow'd to be im- ported on the same Footing as in the late War. There are Letters from Plymouth, which mention an Engagement between a Spanish Privateer of considerable Force, and one of our Tenders; she bore down on two Ten- ders, which she took to be Merchantmen, and was gallantly receiv'd by one of them, who engaged her for some Time ; but the other ( for what reason is not particularly known) never came up ; by which Means the Privateer got off, though with very great Loss. It is said the Lords of the Ad- miralty have given Orders to have an Ac- count of the Affair laid before them. The Charles, Capt. Mitchell, from Dun- kirk, is arriv'd at Penzance ; the Master says, he was chas'd two Hours near the Lizard, by a Spanish French Fishing- Boat, who row'd all the Time there being little Wind, and had certainly come up with him, but that they espied a pretty large Snow near them, when the Morning clear'd, upon which they left Capt. Mitchell, to follow her as the better Prize. — He also says, that he saw several English Vessels at Dun- kirk, laden with Corn, which had clear'd out of their respective Ports as Coasters: And that the French frequently search'd the English Ships for Provisions, allowing them to have but for One Day on board while in Harbour, and Five when they sail. From the London Gazette. Whitehall, December 29. His Majesty has been pleased to make the following Pro- motions, viz. Francis Earl of Effingham, to be Captain and Colonel of the Fourth Troop of Horse Guards. The Earl of Crawford to have the Second Troop of Horse Grenadier Guards. The Lord Sempill to have the Earl of Crawford's Regiment. Col. Huske to have the Regiment of Foot late Col. Descury's. Col. Bland to have a Regiment of Dra- goons in Ireland. Col. Flemming to have Col. Bland's. The Colonels Fowke, Long, Houghton, Mordaunt, Cholmondeley, De Grangues, Price, are to have the Seven Regiments of Foot which are to be raised. And the Colonels Cornwall, Hanmere, Pawlett, and Jeffrys, are to have the Four Regiments of Marines which are to be raised. Col. George Churchill is made First Major to the Second Regiment of Foot- Guards, in the room of Col. Huske. William Douglas, Second Major in the said Regiment. And George Byng Third Major in the said Regiment. Last Week his Majesty in Council was pleased to prick the following Gentlemen for Sheriffs of the Counties undermentioned, for the Year ensuing, viz. Nottinghamshire, Thomas Langford, Esq; SOUTH- WALES. Brecon, Jeffrey Jeffreys, of Brecon, Esq; Carmarthen, Postpon'd. Cardigan, Postpon'd. Glamorgan, Rowland Dawkins, of Kilv- rooth, Esq; " Pembroke, Postpon'd. Radnor, Edward Price, of Boultibrooke, Esq; NORTH- WALES. Anglesea, Rice Williams, of Quirt, Esq; Carnarvon, John Owen, of Cast1emay, Esq; Denbigh, William Myddelton, Esq; Flint, Henry Lloyd, of Rhyll, Esq; Merioneth, Robert Wynne, of Cromine, Esq; Montgomery, Corbet Owen, of Rheinsai- son, Esq; His Majesty has issued his Royal Pro- clamation, appointing Wednesday the 4th Day of February, next to be observ'd as a Day of General Fasting and Humiliation throughout England, Wales, and Berwick upon Tweed, for imploring the Blessing of God upon his Majesty's Just War against Spain. His Majesty has likewise published his Royal Proclamation for the Encouragement of all such Seamen and able- bodied Land- men as shall voluntarily enter themselves on board his Majesty's Ships of War on or before the Fifteenth Day of February next, promising a Royal Bounty of Two Guineas to every able Seaman, Thirty Shillings to every ordinary Seaman, and Twenty Shil- lings to every able- bodied Landman, so en- tering as aforesaid, with Conduct Mo- ney, & c. \ We hear, that there was near 80,000!. insur'd here on the Swedish India Ship lost lately on the North of Scotland. The seizing of the Braganza, Capt. Lyon, and the Queen of Portugal, Capt. King, from Lisbon, is a very melancholy Case on our Orange Merchants, who say. That writing to Correspondents at Lisbon to freight their Ships with four Oranges, the Growth of Portugal; and that being a neutral Power, and having a free Trade with Spain, they have mix'd the Seville they receiv'd from Spain with their Sour, because they had not a sufficient Quantity of their own to send over. ' Tis to be hoped this hard Case of our Merchants will be consider'd, who cannot possibly guard against such Misfortunes. The Calamities or the Owners and Commanders are not less to be regarded, their Sufferings being ade- quate with those of the Merchants. A fine Equestrian Statue of the late John Duke of Marlborough, Generalissimo of the Armies of the Allies in Flanders,, is ready to he put up in the Area of the Maid's- Head Inn, at Norwich, at the sole Ex- pence of Mr. White, on a Pedestal under a triumphal Arch, adorn'd with the proper, martial Ornament:. They write from Gibraltar, by the Ex- pedition, Capt. Major, of the 26th of No- vember, that the Spanish Troops which were in that Neighbourhood were decamp- ing in order to march to Catalonia, to be transported to Italy. ' Tis said they are so much put to it to mann their Fleet design'd for their Italian Expedition, that they are oblig'd to take the Sailors out of their Privateers. Capt. Mourant, of the Expedition, who arriv'd on Tutfday at Southampton from Guernsey, reports, that a few Days ago a French Ship, laden with Corn for Havre de Grace, going into the Pier fell to the Leeward, and was beat to Pieces. The Merchants have Advice that Capt Burdet, from New York, bound for Geor- gia, said to be taken by the Spaniards, is arriv'd safe at that Colony from the Pro- vince of New- York. We have Advice from Newport in Rhode- Island, dated the 8th of November, of the Arrival there of the Revenge Priva- teer, Capt. James Allen, from a Cruize, in which he took a Prize. The Captain three Weeks before his Arrival met off Cape Tuperoon nine Store- ships and a Guiney- man, under Convoy of two Ships of War, bound for Jamaica. The Captain of the Prize says he had been at Carthagena, and that there were only five Men of War in the Harbour, not Men enough to mann them, and that Ships in a poor Condition. The Jamaica People, it's said, have not had one Vessel taken by the Spaniards since the War commenc'd, tho' in time of Peace they lost several. They have five Privateers out, several of whom have taken Prizes of great Value. Letters from the Leeward- Islands, of the 31st of October, inform us, that the Saltash Sloop of War having been sent to learn Intelligence, was return'd with Advice, that the French Squadron ( consisting of ten Line of Battle Ships and a Snow, with se- veral Sloops and about 4000 Landmen) had sail'd from Martinico about the 21st of October towards Carthagena; that Three large Men of War remain'd at that Island to be refitted, having lost their Masts. From New York they write, that the Spaniards had got a great many Privateers at Sea, particularly in the Windward Pas- sage, the Way of the Ships from the Con- tinent to Jamaica. Last Thursday the William and Anne, Capt. Main, ( who was blown out of St. Kitts in the Hurricane, and given over for lost, but return'd to the said Island, and took in the remainder of her Loading) ar- rived in the Downs; she brings an Account, that the Islands are in good Health, and well provided ; and that they have heard nothing of the French or Spanish Fleets, which were thought to have been intended to make a Descent on some of those Islands. The George, Capt. Sharp, of London, that was on the 30th of September last drove ashore at Barbadoes, is got off again with much less Damage than was Capt. Allen and Capt. Chilton, from Holland, are arriv'd at Philadelphia, the former with 180, the latter with 206 Pa- latines on board. By Capt. Spring, arriv'd at Boston from Jamaica, we have Advice, that a Sloop from Philadelphia, and one from New- York, bound for that Island, that had been taken by the Spaniards, were afterwards both re- taken by a Man of War, and conducted safe into Jamaica. There are many Letters in Town that confirm the Distress of the Spanish Fleet, which was greatly shatter'd in the great Hurricane ; that the said Ships were at His- paniola,. where there is no Probability of having Necessaries to repair their Da- mage. The Mortgage of the Emperor's Mines in Hungary, commonly cali'd the 5 per Cent, the Half- Year's Interest to Christ- mas, and ; per Cent, of the Capital, are now paying at the Bank. ' Tis said there is Money coming over to pay 10 per Cent, off the Capitaf, and the Half- Year's Interest to Christmas, of the Emperor's 7 per Cent. Loan. On Monday died of a Scarlet Fever Miss Green : She was Heir to Mr. Green, the rich Brewer at Westminster, who left her upwards of ioo. oool. which devolves to her Sister's Son ( Master Burnaby ) Minor. On Tuesday Noon died, at his House in Fleetstreet, Mr John Senex, F. R. S. a Bookseller and Globe- Maker, a very inge- nious Man in his Profession, whole Globes and Maps were in great Esteem; he was a sincere, worthy, honest Man, and greatly valued by Man of Learning. The same Night, about 7 o'Clock, a Hearse waiting at an Undertaker's in Fleet street, to receive the Necessaries to be used at a Funeral, a Sharper took the Opportu- nity as soon as a Velvet Pall and a large Box had been put therein, to take them out and make off, while the Undertaker's Man went into the Shop for the remaining Goods to b? ufed at the Funeral. In the Box were contained a Salver, several Can- dlesticks, and a great many Sconces of Sil- ver, & C.. A few Days fince Mr. Science, Master of a Boarding- School at Islington, a Gentle- man of upwards of 50 Years of Age, was married to Miss Hughes a young Lady of 15, to whom he was Guardian, with a Fortune of 3001. per Annum, and 12,000l. in Specie. Last Week Miss Martha Young, of Gay- wood near Lynn in Norfolk, a Lady about 17, was married to Mr. Burrows of the same Place, an old Batchelor of 78, reckon'd worth 20,000l. From St. Edmondsbury in Suffolk we hear, that an ancient Gentlewoman of 72 Years of Age, with an Estate of above 300I. per Annum had, to defend herself from the Extremity of the late cold Wea- ther in an honourable Way, taken to her A few Days since died in Queen- street, in the Park, Southward Mr. Collins, a Patton- Maker, suppos'd by his mean Way of Life, to be in narrow Circumstances; but since his Death his Son has been so lucky to find 1000I. in Specie, besides Effects. On Friday died at his Seat at Engfield Green, near Windsor, Lieutenant- General Kirke, Colonel of a Regiment of Foot at Gibraltar. He was likewise Housekeepsr of his Majesty's Palace at Whitehall, the Salary of which is 6501. per Annum. The Right Rev. the Lord Bishop of Chi- chester has been pleased to send to the Dean the Sum of 50I. for the Use of the Poor of Chichester; which has been distri- buted to the Comfort of many Families ; particularly such as have been lately, and at present are in great Distress with the Small Pox. A Hoy, whereof John Silletto was Ma- ster, chiefly employ'd as a Coaster in the Corn Trade, is cast away near Harwich, and the Master and People drown'd. The Truro, Capt. Anthony, with Pil- chards, from Penzance for Jamaica, is ashore near Penzance; the People and Cargo sav'd. On Monday Night Mr. Butler, a Sugar- Baker, was attack'd in a Coach near Rat- cliff- Cross by two Footpads, who contented themselves with his Money and march'd off; soon after which, by Wellclose- square, a third Ruffian stopt the Coach, and being told he was too late, for two of his Frater- nity had been before him, he swore he'd not go off empty- handed, and thereupon snatch'd Mr. Butler's Hat and Wig, and ran away with them. On Tuesday died in Bridewell Edward Bygrave, where he was committed last Ses- sions ( pursuant to his Sentence at Hicks's- Hall) for five Years, and order'd to stand once on the Pillory at Temple Bar, for wilful and corrupt Perjury, in swearing a Robbery against one Franklyn, a Debtor in Newgate. On Saturday the following Numbers were drawn Prizes, viz. 40,728, 23,204, ioool. each; 13,031, 56,819, 50,802, 11,645; 6911, 25,285, 7422, 61,172, 21,699, 30,976, 1001. each. On Monday the following Numbers were drawn Prizes, viz. 41,521, ioool. 49,894, 16,765, 500I. each; 44,912, 38,201, 65,986, 58,130, 20,702, 17,016. 40,451, 57,890, icol. each. On Tuefday the following Numbers were drawn Prizes, viz. 53,332, 2000I. 36,711, 58,822, 30,417, 500I. each. On Wednesday the following Numbers were drawn Prizes, viz. 41,440, 5001. 9555, 37,264, 38,703, 31,249, 55,736, 8797, icol. each. On Thursday the following Numbers were drawn Prizes, viz. 10,725, 37,018, 46,562, 23,318, 100I. each. On Friday the following Numbers were drawn Prizes, viz. 58,525,5001. 59,918, inch Last Week came on the Election for a Knight of the Shire for the County of Denbigh, when Sir Watkin Williams Wynn, Bart, was rechosen without Opposition. BANKRUPTS Thomas Arch, of Stamford Baron in the County of Northampton, Draper and Chapman. Henry Wood, late of Finsbury, in the Parish of St. Luke, in the County of Mid- dlesex, Coach and Coach- harness- maker. John Edes, of Mount street, in the Parish of St. George Hanover square, in the County of Middlesex, Carpenter and Builder. Ferdinando Comerford, of Mill bank, in the Parish of St. John the Evangelist, West- minster, Baker, Meal- Factor and Chapman. This Day is published ( Price 1s.) ACurious Copper plate Print, done on a large Sheet of Superfine paper, entitled, The Humours of the Lottery. Drawn by M. GRAVELOT, and engraved by N. Parr. Finely embellished, and divided into the following Compartments: A View of the Hall where the Lottery is draw- ing; the Wheels; Commissioner sitting; a Lady claiming a fortunate Ticket, and the Be- haviour of the Company on that Occasion. II. ExcHange Alley: A Parson dealing with a Jew ; a Lover presenting his Mistress with a Ticket ; a Countryman purchasing a Ticket for his Daughter, & c. III. Some Ladies consulting a Conjurer about their Fortune in the Lottery. IV. An Old Woman telling some Females of in- ferior Quality their Fortune by Coffee- grounds. V. Good LUCK.. Some Fellow- Servants having join'd for a Ticket, it comes up a Prize of loool. for which they are all stark staring mad with Joy. VI. BAD LUCK, A Tradesman's Wife having laid oUt all her Husband's Money in Tickets, a Messenger comes and informs her that all her Ticket were Blanks; which puts her in a vio- lent Passion ; she beats her Maid ; the Tea- table overset ; the Children tumbling one over another; and the good Man fitting in his Chair as quite Thunder struck. This Day is also published, ( Price only 2d) A Curious Copper Plate Print, entitled, Bravery Rewarded: Or, Captain PEDDIE'S Fortunes. Exhibiting a View, in two Compartments, of the Engagement betwixt him and a Spanish Privateer. And a Prospect of the Wreck of his Ship on a Ledge of Rocks call'd the Naylins. Under which are added, Two new Songs suited to the Occasion. Cele- brating the Captain's Bravery in his stout Defence of his Ship the Prince of Orange against a Spanish Privateer of superior Force : His following Mis- fortune in the Loss of his Ship, which was wreck'd on a Ledge of Rocks; and the Generosity of his Countrymen, who by the Benefit of a Play, and private Donations, gave him 3000]. in Companion to his Misfortunes; and as a farther Reward of his Bravery, his Majesty presented him a Purse of 100 Guineas, and to the Command of a 20 Gun Ship call'd the BASILISK, which is now out with him upon a Cruize against the Spaniards. Sold by the Person who sells this Paper. 1 PRICES of Goods at Bear- Key, Wheat 39s. to 45 s. per Quarter,' Rye 19 s. to zi s. per Quarter. Barley — 20 s. to 22 s. per Quarter.' Oats 15 s. to 20 s. per Quarter. Pease 26s. to 32s. per Quarter. Tares zos. to 26s. per Quarter. Pale Malt 19s. to 26 s. per Quar.* Brown Malt 18 s. to 20s. perQuait. Coals 29 s. to 34s. per Chald. Christened Males 13O. Females I41 In all 271 Buried Males 231 Females 490. In all 521, Increased in the Burials this Week 18 Just imported from Portugal, ALarge and Curious Parcel of the True QUINTESSENCE of LEMOns, drawn from them when in their greatest Perfection, and is judg- ed to be much superior to the Juice, for making of PUNCH, for it affords a grateful Acid, and an in- comparable Flavour, and is done without any more Trouble than only to drop a sufficient Quantity either on the Sugar or into the Liquor, and is al- low'd by many able Physicians ( who have expe- rienced it) to be much more wholsome than the Lemon otherwise prepared, and is sold so reason- able, as to render it as cheap as Lemons when at Six pence a Dozen, 50 Drop, being sufficient to make near a Quart of PUNCH, and in order that * Country Gentlemen, as well as Punch Houses, Coffee Houfes, Taverns, & c may be supplied with it, ' tis by the Importer appointed to be disposed of by R. WALKER, Printer ia Fleet Lane, London, and by the Persons who sells the Books printed by him N B. ' Tis sold in no less quantity than 2S 6D. Bottles. Each bottle is sufficient to make Eight Gallons of Punch and will keep many Years in any climate without spolling. It is likewise sold by his Agent Jos. COLLETT, at the Bible in Castle- street, Bristol, and by T. MoREMAN in Bath Made publick for a general Good, WARD'S Pectoral Tincture. THIs pleasant efficacious Pectoral sits easy on the Stomach, and finds ready Admittance into the Blood, which renders it effectual in all Disorders of the Lungs; for it causes easy and gentle Expectoration, and not like most other Me- dicines load and nauseate the Stomach. It ad- mirably ease the Straining of a dry tiresome Cough ; and relieves all sorts of Coughs in young or old, whether Consumptive, Asthmatic, & c. no those newly occasioned by taking Cold It effe- ctually carries off Catarrhs, and Deflexions of sharp' Rheum from the Head and Glands of the Throat, and will relieve most obstinate Hoarseness, and takes away all Wheesing, Shortness of Breath, Ptysick, & c. also Soreness and Rawness of the Throat, Stomach, & c. and is a grand Specifick in Consumptions. Price 1s. 6d. a Bottle. THIS is to inform the Publick, That a Child of mine was violently afflicted - with a violent Hooping- Cough and Reaching, and having apply'd several Medicines found no Help, till by giving her one Bottle of WARD'S Pectoral Tincture, which did entirely re- cover her. PETER MURPHY, Watchmaker in St. Thomas street . Bristol. Sold in London by R. WALKER, Printer in Fleet Lane; in Bristol bv Jos. ColleTT, at the Bible in Castle- street: ( at which places any Shopkeeper, & c. may be supplied with good Al- lowance to sell again ) It may likewise had of the Persons that serves this Journal
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