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The Warwick and Staffordshire Journal


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The Warwick and Staffordshire Journal

Date of Article: 19/04/1739
Printer / Publisher: R. Walker 
Address: Fleet Lane, London
Volume Number:     Issue Number: LXXXVIII
No Pages: 4
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T H E Warwick and Staffordiliire Journal : WITH THE Hiftorv of the HOLY BIBLE. THURSDAY, APRIL 19, 1759. Numb. LXXXVIil. Paris, April 6. * HE Count de la Marck, by his Induftry and Addrefs, has in a fhort time regulated three important Affairs at Madrid. He began by diffi- pating the Clouds which feem'd to threaten Difturbanct to the Tranquillity of Europe : He afterwards concluded the Marriage of Madam with the Infant Don Philip ; and to complete all, he has juft obtain'd the Acceflion of the King of Spain to the Treaty of Vienna. The Union of this Court and that of Madrid becomes clofer every D, y than other ; it difcovers itfelf on all Occafions, and particularly in the Marks of Confideration that their Ambaf- fadors reciprocally receive at Paris and ivxidrid. When either the Marquis de la Mina or his Lady appeer in the Apart- ments of the King or Queen, fhe folding Doors are always open'd for them. Car- dinal ce Fleury, whenever he is with the Marquis, always takes Care to give him the right Hand ; and his Eminence has given Orders, that whenever this Ambal- fador would fpeak to him, to introduce him immediately into his Clofet. It's re- ported, that the Duke de Fieury and the Marquis- d'Anxi, Nephews of the Cardi- nal, will be made Grandees of Spain of . the firrt Clafs. Letters from Conftantiriople, by way. of Venice, advife, that the Grand Signior was refolv'd to go to Adrianopie, to be more readily inform'd of the Motions of the Army in Hungary; but had deferr'd his Departure to examine fome new Propor- tions for concluding a Peace, which the French Ambaffador had receiv'd Orders to make him. It's thought , that the Kifler A* ga, who llrongly follicits for the recal- ling Count Bonneval, will at length fucceed. The Troops, which have been fer> t to Smyrna againft Sary- Bey- Oglou, have block- ed up a Caftle, into which that Rebel with his People had retir'd. They write from Peterfburg, that upon Ad'viee that the Ottoman Fleet deligned for the Black Sea is already fitted out, and that the Bafhavv Gianunj Coggia has taken on board 150 Pieces of heavy Can- non and feveral Mortars, the Ruffian Court has fent Orders to Vice Admiral Bredal, to be upon his Guard, and to Lieutenant General Stoffelen, to repair to Afoph, and re- inforce the Garrifon of that Fortrefs to the Number of 12,000 Regular Troops, and ijoo Don Coffacks. Venice, April 4. We are affur'd that the Grand Signior has order'd the Siege of Afoph to be undertaken by Sea and Land; and his Highnefs has declar'd, that rather than the Troops to be employ'd in it fhould want for any Thing, he would pay all the Expences of the Siege out of the Treafure of the Seraglio: The Grand Signior has alfo promifed connderable Gratifications to all the Bafhaws, Officers, and Soldiers, that are to be employ'd in that Expedition, if they take the Town: But we forefee that it will coft a great many Men, inafmuch as the Ruffians have vaftly augmented the Fortifications of that Place, and keep a numerous Garrifon in it. Vienna, April 4. They write from Hun- gary, that the Bafhaw of Petlky, who was marching with 6000 Men to chaltife the Inhabitants of the Country about Kutfchay, for having two Years ago put themfelves under the Protedlion uf the Emperor, fell into an Ambufh, which thofe People had lain for him in the Defiles of their Moun- tains, and was cut in Pieces with all his Troops. Fribourg-, April 1. The Battallions of Salm and Welzegg, in Garrifon here, have receiv'd the lalt Orders to begin their March for Hungary. There has nothing of Importance happened in the County of Havenflein fince the laft: Accounts we gave, except that one of the principal Mutineers has been taken up and be- headed. v" Warfaw, April 1. It's reported here, that the Minifter fent here by the Porte, has Orders to reprefent to his Majeily, that if th? Ruffian Troops fhould pais through the Poliffi Territories, the Porte could not help, in fuch Cafe, caufing Troops to enter into the Dominions of the Republick, in order to chafe its Enemies. Madrid, March 24. The Scarcity of Provifions here- daily encreafes : The Coun- try People are fo affedted with it, that more than a thoufand of them, to prevent being ftarv'd, have been employ'd at the New Palace. Mr. Keene, a few Days fince, pre- fented to his Majeily Mr. Abraham Caftres, fecond Plenipotentiary from the Jritifh Court for concluding a folemn Treaty with Spain. He afterwards prefented him fo the Marquis de la Quadra, who affur'd him, that the Conferences ffiould open as foon as his Britannick Majefty's Inftruftions ar- riv'd. Cologn, April 10. They write from Manheim, th,. t the Marriage of his High- nefs the Prince of Sultzbach with the Princefs of Sultzbach, his firft Coufin, and Grandaughter to the Ele& or Palatine, is concluded. Tbt following Account of the late Aflion in Corfica, is taken from the Utrecht Ga- zette, of the l^ th of April, N. S. ltiz. Five Battallions of French Troops that were quartered at Calvi, having join'd fome Genoefe Troops the whole BoJy, confut- ing of 4000 Men, commanded by the Co- lonel of the Regiment of Baffigny and M. de Villemur, began their March with four Pieces of Cannon and a large Mortar Piece, in order to attack the Poft of Monte Mag- giore, a Place advantageoufly fituated, tlia' there are no more than eighty Houfes in it. On the 10th of March tuey began to play a Battery againft if, and throw fome Bombs into it; a Detachment of the Rebels ap- pearing on the Hill, the French advanced up and attack'd them very brifkly; but af- ter Skirmilhing together about two Hours, the Rebels feigned to give Ground, and at length took to their Heels, feemingly in good Earneft: The French and Genoefe were fo encourag'd at this, that they ven- tur'd to draw nearer to Monte Meggiore, and feized upon it without meeting with any Refiftance; but while they thought themfelves fecure in their new Poft, the Corficans who had feign'd to retire, and part of whom had hid themfelves in the Gardens and Floufes of the Place, appeared again all of a fudden, and attacked thej; fo furioufly, tbat they were oblige way to Numbers, and abandon th Conquefts entirely, & c. Tho' here is no Account of the 1 Lofs, yet we hear that it is much to the Lofs which the French' ftain'd ; and even adds, that the behind them their Cannon and Boil part of their Ammunition and and that the Corficans have taken foners, and amongft them feverai I and French Officers. ' LONDON, Printed by R. W A L K ER, in Fleet Lane. Of whom, and of the Terfoiy who fe- yts this Paper, may be bad iht foimtr Numbeisto « , mieat Stv--. L O N D O N * M tbe 28th of May next, the fever. il Trcops of Horfe, and Horfe Grena- tiit- r Guard;, will be reviewed by his M:.- jefty in Hy. ie- Pt. rfc-. And, On the 2d of June the three Rc- giments of Foot Gu rJs, will oe review'd by his Majefty in the fame Pface. On WednefJay Night, f. bout the Hour of Nine, t'.. e new- born Priricc was baptiz'J Et Nor'o! k Floufe in St. James's Square, by t:: e Names of FDWARD AUGUSTUS. The Sponf rs were; the King of Pruf- fia, the Duke of Brunfwick Wolfenbuttie, and t'e Duchefs of S. ixe- Weiffenfels. The Prcx es were ; his Grace the Duke of ' Queen/ berry and Dover, the Right Hon. the Marquis of Caernarvon, End the Right PIcsn. the Lady Charlotte Edwin.- The Cerenicny- was performed by the Right Reverend Father in God, Dr. Seeker, Lord B iho. p of Oxtrd. Very early in May their Royal H: gh- neffes' will go to Kcw, and abide there about a Fortnight. There is a Report that a Frcnch Squa- dron will feon appear in the Baltic' , to fupport ti: e Deiigns of Sweden. His M: ji- fly has been pie,. fed to confer the Honour of Knighthood on Francis Fan-, Efq; Member of Parliament for Taunton in Somerfetfhire,- ar. d Chairman to the Committee for Ways and Means in the Houfe of Commons. On Thurfday laft died at his Father's Houfe in Camberwell, George Overman, Efq; an eminent Counfellor at Law, _ and Son of Willia n Overman, Efq; in the Com- miffion of the Peace for the County of Surry. The fame D;. y one Stephen Yeates, a young Fellow, but an old Offender, was cpmmitted to the New Gaol in Southwark, by Sir John Lade, for lie a ling a Parcel of Sugar Loaves from Mr. Peck, a Grocer in the Borough. He has not been difcharg'd from Prifon above ten Days, and this is the third Robbery he is accus'd of. Laft Friday died at his Houfe in Grace- church ftreet, ( after a few Days Illnefs) Mr. John Halfey, an eminent Mercer, one of the People called Quakers, a Man greatly refpefted by his Acquaintance. From Gravefend we hear, that on Tuef- one Mr. Moore, an Attorney in tad Court, Holborn, attended by s Officer, having ferved a Writ on rge Watton, a Waterman ; the faid offer'd Bail, but fuch as Mr. Moore ot accept of; however they fat d drank ' till it was late; then prefs'd him to accept of the Bail, he other ftill refufing, he fuddenly at a Piftol, and presenting it faid, ail for you that ivill do, and ( hot rough the Head ; after which he ut another Piftol, and endeavoured his Efcape ; but being fecur'd, he Friday committed to Maiditoce On Sunday laft the Church at Blanford in Dorfetfhire, had Divine Service perform- ed in it; being the iiiftTime fmce the j dreaJful Fire at that Place. I Laft Week died' at his Houfe at Wry- i mouth in Do: fetfhire, jier. r - eighty Years - f 1 Ag » , -" Edward1 Tucker, Efq-, Surveyor of j his Msjefty-* Stone Quarries in the Ifland I of Portland. j John Tucker, Efq; Member of ParFa- j ment for Mtlcomb Regis in Dorfetfhire, appointed Surveyorxjl the Stone Quarries , at Portland, in the room o* his Father, e'e- ccfts'd ; a Place of 500I. per Annum. On Thurfday came Aslvice, tl. at ekven large Ships, fuppos'd to be Dutch E 11- India Men, were loft in the late bad Wea- ther near the Cape of Good Hope. Laft Tuefday Night the Lady Beauclerk, Wife to the Right Hon. the Lord Vere Beauclerk, was fafely delivcr'd of a Son, at her Aunt's, the Lady B. tty Germain's Houfe in St. Jtmcs's Squ: re. Laft Thurfday Morning William Wain*-, Efq; a young Gentleman poffets'd of a gocd Eftate in Somerfeifliire, was married at Whitechappel Church to Mifs Fleming, eldeft Daughter of Gilbert Fleming, Efc; L'eutenant- Gcr'eral of the Leeward Iflandr, a young Lady of great Beauty and Meri', with a Fortune of - 20,0001. On Tuefday, at Caifhaltcn Races, tie Plates was won by Mr. Wheeler's Horfe. There were three ftarted, but Mr. Luccck's Mare, on whom the Sportfmen chiefly de- pended, was diftanced. On Thurfday at the fame Races likewise . three ftarted, viz. Mr. Jones's Grey Mare, Mr. Seking's Chefnu- t Mare, and Mr. Big- gins's Grey Horfe ; on the Flead of the laft ten Guineas to four were laid againft the Field, but he was eafi'iy diftanced, the knowing Gentlemen taken in, and the Plate in two Heats eafily won by Mr. Jones's Mare. On Friday, four ftarted for the Plate, which was won by a Black Horfe, ent£ i" d in Mr. Fudge's Name, though theie were fix to four again him at darting. Laft Monday Night the Lady Betty E- vans was robb'd of her Gold Watch ar. d divers other Things of Value, as Ihe was returning home from Chelfea. Laft Sunday Morning as Mr. Ford, Sc- n- in- Law and Partner with Mr. Mafon, a Furrier in Pater- nofter- Row, was going out of Town, at Iflington Turnpike his I lorfe took Fright at an Afs coming by, and run back with fuch Speed, that he flung his Rider fo violently againft a Poll: near the End of Swan Alley in St. John- ftreet, as to fra& ure his Skull: He was carried to a Hatter's in. Swan- Alley; and was attended hy four Surgeons, but died in two Hours after. He has left a very plentiful Fortune to his four Daughters, he dying a Wi- dower. The fame Night was buried at Chrift- Church in Southwark, the Corpfe of one Mrs. Turpi n, who lived at Panlh- Garden Stairs, aged 106. On Thurfday, about Three in the Morn- ing, Froom Waggon was robb'd by two Highwaymen on this fide Hounflow, ar. d feven Paffengers therein ftript of their Mo- ney; from one Woman only they took 5 1. which was 1 er All. A few. Days iince died at his Seat in Northamptonffi're, the Hen. George Wat- fon, Efq; great LTncle to the Earl of Roc- kingham, and alfo Uncle to the Earl of Ma'ton. On Thurfday came on the Eleftior) of an Affiftant Surgeon for St. Bartholomew's Hofpital, in the room of Mr. Scrafton, when Mr. Townfend was chofen, the Ballot ftanding thus-: For Mr. Tcwnfend 202 Mr. Pott 41 The ( time Day came on the Election of a Surgeon for St. Thomas's Hofpital, in the room of Mr. Whiting, deceas'd, when Mr. j Baker was chofen. | Laft Wednefday the Company of TaHow- Chandlers met, in order to raife the Price of Tallow Candles, Tallow being aJvane'd to 36 s. the Hundred Weight. On Monday laft died in Woodilreer, Mr. John Henry Hartcup, Mercl. » . t, pof- fefs'd of a very csnfiderable perfonal E- ftate. On Tuefday one Elizabeth Kidd was _ committed to Newgate by Col. De Veil, for picking the Pocket of aTradefman of his Watch, as he was drinking at a Night houfe in St. Giles's. On Wednefday Morning died, at her Houfe in Hatton Garden, the Widow Tat- lock : She died- Intcftate, and her Fortune, which is very confiderable, comcs to her two Sons, one formerly a Druggift in the Poultry, who left off Trade lately, and the other a Linnen- Draper in Woodfireet. The fame Day died, at his Houfe in Watling- ftreet, Mr. Medway, a Mafler- Builder. He was a Man of great Deal- ings in his Way, and one of the Court of Affiftants of the Bricklayer's Company. Laft Tuefday Night Mr. Hill, Nephew of Aaron Hill, Efq; as he was going along Hart ftreet near CoventGarden, by Acci- dent ran his Elbow againft one of two Perfons he met; which being refented by him he touc'n'd, he ftruck him with a Cane or Stick, upon, which Mr. Hill col- lar'd" him ; when immediately the other, who was difengag'd, ftabb'd Mr. Hill twice with a Knife, one Wound in his Side, and the other near his Nave]; the latter it is fear'd will prove mortal.. A Mairiage will fpeedily be confum- mated between Mr. Thomas Boheme, a Hamburgh Merchant in Size- Lane, and Mifs Prefton, a beautiful young Laciy of 40001. Fortune, Daughter to Juftice Pre- fton of Norwich. On Saturday laft was married at St. Paul's, Mr. Nath. Shower,, a confiderable New- England Merchant, to Mifs Alicia How, Daughter to Mr. Flow, an eminent Brewer near the Hermitage ; an agreeable . young Lady, with a confirferablc fortune. On Wednefday Morning a middle- ag'd lufty Man, well drefs'J, was found drow. i'd in a Pond near the Beil in St. George's Fields. Having no Marks of Violence upon him, and Money in hs Pocket, ' tis fappos'd he might be in Liqcor and fall into the Pond, which lies n- ar the Ro. t 1, without any Rails to keep off unwary P.. f- fengers. On Taefday was held a Board of Ad- miralty, when their LordiTiips were plea- fed to appoint Mr. Pitrcy, Purfer of the Strafford, tobePurferof the Buckingham, in the room of ? vlr. Trotter, deceafed. At the fame time their Lordfivps were pleus'd to appoint Mr. Bonum, Foreman Joyher of Woolwich- Yard, to be Maffer Joyncr of that Yard, a Place of considerable Profit, in the room of the Mafter Joyner of the Yard dece. is'd. On Monday laft in the Afternoon, as one Bowyer, a Waterman belonging to the Hermitage, was going down to Woolwich with a French Gentleman, to go on board a Snip which he came Paffengcr in from the Weft- Indies, the Boat overfet by a fud- den Squall of Wind going by Blackwill- Point, by which Accident the Watermen was drown'd; but by the Affiftance of a Boat going off from Bkckwali Stairs the Gentleman was faved, and brought to the Waterman's Arms at Blackwali, where he w" s put to Bed, and is likely to do well. He had in his Pockets 13 Dollars and a Guinea, but could fpeak no Engiifh. The fame Night, about Nine o'Clock, a Carpenter of Hammerfmith and a But- On Tuefday Night Sir Charles Banbury, Bart. Member of Parliament for the City of Chefter, who has been in France and Italy thefe two Years for the Recovery of his Health, arrived at iiis Houfe in Grof- venor- ftreet, from France. Laft Week three S01 s and a Daughter of William Wollaften, Efq; Member of Par- liament for Ipfvvich, were inoculated for the Small- Pox, and are in a fair Way of Recovery. L- dt Saturday, at the Races at New- market, feven five Year old Marcs fl irted for the King's Plate of 100 Guineas, which was won by a Mare belonging to the Duke cf Somerfet. On the 23d Inftant the fecond Meeting begins at Newmarket with the Noblemen and Gertler*. n's j- re. u Stakes, by four Years old, 8_/?. jib. four Mile's, for icco Guineas. " . On Saturday died of the Gout in his Stomach, at his Houfe at Guilford in Furry, John Dran, Efq; an eminent Hop- Merchant of this City, who was poffeffed of a very large Eft te in the County of Surry. The fame died of aDropfy, Mr. Black- well, Maftcr of Hamlin's Coffee- Houfe, near the Royal- Exchange. . Laft Saturday a Gentleman who had been at Rotherith to receive 2001. coming back by Water, had the Misfortune, as he was getting up fome ftecp Stairs near Botolph- Wharf, to drop a Bag, in which the Money was contain'd, into the Thames at High- water ; the Waterman who brought him up was his Tenant, and immediately propos'd cher of Kenfmgton returning home from j to dive for it, which being agreed to, he London, were attack'd under Hyde- Park Wall, near the Halfway- Houfe between Knightfbridge and Kenfmgton, by three Soldiers, belonging to the fecond Regiment of Foot- Guards, who wounded them on their Heads, FaCes and Arms in a moft went down in 11 Foot- Water and found the Bag ; upon which the Gentleman for- gave him a Sum of Money, due for- Rent, and made him a handfome Prefent of Gui- neas befide. A few Days fince the noted Mr. Yeates, cruel Manner, robb'd the Butcher of fix j Mafter of the Puppit- Shews and Slight of Guineas, and then made off, leaving them wallowing in their Blood : They were with much Difficulty got to the Dolphin Ale- houfe oppofite the Park Wall, where proper Means were ufed to ftqp their bleeding. The Villains were taken on Tuefday Morn- ing, and being examin'd before Juftice De Veil, were by him committed to New- gate. On Monday laft fome Boies of Stones voided by Perfons who took Mrs. Stevens's Medicines, were expos'd to the View of the Members of the Houfe of Commons ; and feveral Gentlemen appear'd there at the fame time that had been cured by them; as did alfo fome Phyiicians and Surgeons to give their Opinions on the faid Medicine. And we hear that 5000 1. is certainly granted Mrs. Stevens for the faid Medicines to be made publick. On Monday died at her Country- Houfe at Hackney, in an advane'd Age, Mrs. Willmer, Printer to the Hon. the Eaft- India Company; in which Capacity fhe and her Family have ferved that Company with Reputation, above fixty Years. j Hand, was married to Mrs. Lee, fo well : known for her agreeably entertaining the Town with Drolls at Bartholomew and Southwark Fairs, & c. on which Occafion a confiderable Fortune in South- Sea Stock was made over to the Bridegroom. As the Workmen were digging laft Sa- turday in Stocks Market for the Foundation of the Manfson Houfe, they took up a Grave- ftone, which had been there 297 Years: The Letters and Figures, with a curious Coat of Arms upon it, appeared but very little defaced. Laft Sunday Evening a Gentleman com- ing from Kentifh Town with his Daughter in a Chaife, one of thofe Brutes in Human Shape, call'd Hackney Coachmen, feveral times attempted to overturn him, which he at laft effected, by which the Child was kill'd on the Spot ; the Coachman drove off, but was purfued by fome Gentlemen on Horfeback, who took him ; and ' tis hoped he will meet with his Deferts at Tyburn, which may be of ufe to deter thefe Lords of the Road from fuch villainous Praftices for the future. I We hear that three Membc- rs cf the R- f- tifh Parliament f. re fhortly to be created Peers of Ireland. V. , Laft Monday about Two o'Clock in the Afternoon, ti: e Oxford Stage CoSch was robb'd by a fingle Highwayman,, middle.- fiz'd, poorly Mounted on a b.; y Horfp, near Stoken- Church Hill, who took" from tha Paffcngcrs about 10 1. and then made eft". He feem'd very much cotifus'd, and by h: » manner of acting appear'd to be but a young. Praftitioner, The fame died Mr. Haynes, o~. e of the moft confiderable Chocolatc- makers in the City of London. We hear that fome of the Owners of t? e Ship Scipio, Capt. Macpherfon Comman- der, tahen about three Years fince, by ti e French at Martinico, are gone over aga'n to Paris, his Excellency Count . Cambis h i- ving promis'd to fupport their Pretenfions. On Tuefday laft four P. rfons were con- vifted before the Commiffior. ers of the Ex- cife, of having Quantities of dyed Tea found in their Poffeffion, which was pro- duced in Court, and proved to be dyed by feveral reputable Dealers in that Commo- dity, who were unquellionable Judges, con- vened for that Purpofe. A fifth Caufe for the fame Offence was alfo brought before the Court againft a Grocer of cohfiderable Wealth. The Par- cels felg'd were produced before the Board, and the Evidence to fupport the Informa- tion fwcaring the Tea was in two, when crc opening there appear'd to be three Parcels, tiie Information was thereupon difmif/ d. For the future, to prevent Frauds in the Tallow- chandlers Trade, Orders are g. ven to the Surveyors of that Branch of the Re- venue to weigh the unwrought Tallow in fuch Houfes as they have the moft diftant Caufe to fufpeft of unfair Praftice, to cn :~ ^ ble them the better to deteft the foul Tra- ders in defrauding the Revenue. Laft Monday died at his Houfe in Tov& o* ftreet, Mr. Cnifwick, a very confidfeble Sugar- Cooper.. The fame Day died at his Koufe at the Tyger on Tower Hill, Mr. Michael Bland, famous for his wild Beafts, and Variety or Birds, & c. Laft Week the Rev. John Smith, M. A, Minor Canon of Worceftcr Cathedral was fworn in one of the Priefls of his MajeftyV Chapel Royal; a Gentleman of fo fine a Voice, as to revive the Memory of the fa- mous Elford, in all thofe Judges of Mufrclc,,. who have had the Pleafure to hear both, COUNTRY NEWS. York, April 10. Laft Saturday Richard Turpin and John Stead were executed at Tyburn for Plorfe- ftealing. The latter died very penitent; but the former be. hav'd with the greateft Aff'irance to the very laft. It was remarkable, that as he mounted rife Ladder his right Leg trembled, on which he ftamped it down with an Air of Bold- nsfs, and with an undaunted Courage lock- ed round about him, then after• fpeaki'tg a few Words to t\ e Topfman', he threw him- fel• off the Ladder, and expir'd in a few Miniites. Brijtol, jpril j. Monday Morning died of a Fever the Rev. Mr. Gardner, latefy prefented by the Dean and Chapter to the Rectory of Ail- Saints. Thurfday Morning, between One and Two, a dreadful Fire broke out at the Golden Heart, kept by Mr. Atkinfon in Gloucefter, which confum'd three Stables and a great Quantity of Flay; but it was happily extinguifh'd before it reach'd the Dwelling Houfe. ' Tis faid this Accident was owjng to the Carelefnefs of an Hoftier. Ccintirbuty, April J. On Thurfday Morn- ing died at his Houfe in this City, Mr. . Francis Sail, a Man- Midwife. The fame Morning, about Five ' o'Clock, a Coach with four Paffengers ( two Gentle- men and two Ladies) was robbed by a fingle . Highwayman near Shooters Hill, coming to Canterbury. He feem'd to underitand his BufineiV; for he demanded firft their Money; which having got, then their Watches; and fo on with their Snuff- Boxes and Rings. One of the Gentlewomen begg'd for her Wedding Ring, which . the Roaue in a civil Manner return'd ; with 3 s." 6d. tp a Gentleman of this City, who happened to be one of the unfortun te Paf- / enjgers, to pay for his Dinner, after he had taken his Gold Watch, See. SCOTLAND. ' ' Edinburgh, April 5. Two Veffels ing to the Port of Leith came into that Harbour laft Week from Holland ; they give di final Accounts of the fatal Eftefts of the " late Storm ; that Numbers . of Veffels have perithed, and that the whole Coaft was full of Wrecks. One of them was .28 Days in her Paffage, and was reduced to a fe> v Bifcuics and fome Pints of Water. BANKRUPTS. John Fofter, of Wooburn, in the County of JLdford, Victualler, Dealer in Horfes, and Chapman. Charus Norgrave, of Afliton, in the p. irifti of Oundle, in " the County of Nor- thampton, M: iltfter and Scrivener. Richard Banks, late of the Parifn of St. Ol ive Southwark, Salefman: Robert Cur. dall, of Tottenham High- erofs, in the County ofMiddlefex, Victu- aller and Chapman. B : rr. ardiiton Nelfon, of the Parifti of Newport Pagnell, in the County of Busks, Dealer in Horfes. Georg: Petty, late of . Stratford by Eow, in the County of Effex, Felmonger. P*: c?; of Goods at Bear- Key, { 3V. Wh: at 27s. to 29s. per Quarter. Rye —-- 13 s. to 16s per Quarter. Bar e/ lis, to 1 73. per Quarter. O. its 13' s. ro 14s. Quarter. Peals —— 20 s. to 28 s. per Quarter. Hot -^ eaf; 16 s. to 17 s. per Quar. Horfe- Beans 20s. to 22 s. per Quar. FJ.'-.- M*! t- r— iO->. to 22 s. per Qu r. Brown Malt—— 18 s. to 19 s. perQasr. Tares 20s. to 23 s. per Quarter. , New Hops 41. 5 s. per Hundred. Old Hops 3 1. per Hundred. Coals —-— 24s. to 25 s. per Chaldron. The Affize of Bread made of Wheat, as fet forth by the Lord Mayor and Court of Aldermen of the 20th of March, 1738, to commence and take Place on the Thurfday following : s. d. The Peck Loaf is 190 Houlhold or fecond Sort 1 3 3 Chriftened Males 171. Females 159 Iaalljto. Buried Males 270 Females 271 I11 all 54;. Increafed in the Burials this Week 57. Juf pubiift'd, Price I s. 6 d. ADialogue between a Baptift and a Churchman, occafioned by the Bap- tijis opening a New Meeting- Houfe in Bir- mingham, IVar wick/ hire. PART tRe SECOND. Wherein Ridicule, properly applied, is defended. The Unrighteoufnefs and Un- charitablenefs of Mens damning their Neighbours for Opinions for which Gop will not damn them. The Light of per- fonal Judgment is vindicated ; and it is Ihewed that a Man may be a g od Church- man, without fubferibing all the Church Articles; which is a Yoke on many honeft Clergymen. The Notion of Orthodoxy is ftated ; and that meer Opinions render no Man acceptable to God. The Scripture Divinity of Jefus Chrift is vindicated ; and the numerous Abfurdities of the pretended Ortho ' ox Scheme expofed. The egregious Folly of reafoning againft Reafon. Laugh- ing at Men's invented Myfteries in Reli- gion defended. The Change of a Man's Opinion upon Evidence, juftified. The horrid Confequences of the Doftrine of abfolute Eleftion and Reprobation iairly deduced. The Nature of Original Sin opened. The Doftrine of God's free Grace, and Mens free Agency, { hewed to be confifterit. The Doctrine concerning the Imputation of the Righteoufnefs of Chrift, fet in a clear Light, and freed from Abfurdities. Perfeverance ftiewed to be a Duty, not a decreed Event. Baptifm a Jignificative, not an efficacious Rite ; and that walhing tho Face, may fignify and bind to Duty, as well ;. s \ C- aftiing the whole Body. The Rights of Chriftians and of Chriftian Miniftry, for Search of Scriptures, and to propagate what they believe Truth, fully defended. Sold by R. HETT, at the Bible and Crown in the Poultry; J. ROBERTS, in Warwick- Dane ; J. ROE, at Derby ; T. WARREN, at Birmingham ; T. STOKES,- at Dadley, and by the reft of the Bookfellers in the neighbouring Counties.' At the fame Places may slfo be had, Remarks on a pretended Anfwer to a Ser- mon preached at Dudley on Whitfon- Tujfday. Price 2 d. Alfo the firft Part of the Dialogue. Price 6 d. This Day is publijhed, The Second Number of a Work, intitlcd, PARADISF, LOST. A Poem. In Twelve Books. Written byJoNii MILTON. With his Life. Wloicb will be printed on the following eafy Conditions. I. >- p HAT the Work fliall be prided on a J[ fuperfine Demy Paper, and an entire new Elzivtr Letter, and ftitched up in plain Covers II. This Wotk will be comprized in Twelve Numbers, each Number to contain 36 Pages, at the fmall Price of Twopence ea.- h Number, HI. A curious Set cf Cuts, to front each or the Twelve Book^, are engraved, and will be deli- vered in the Couife of this Weill ; viz the f. xft Fotir in the Third Nember ; Four in the Sixth Number j aud Four in the Tenth, And in the three Numbers where four Cuts are d- livcrcd, one Sheet only of the Lettsi Prefs will be abated. IV. That an Index to the Whole will be likewife printed, and will be contained. 1 r. ti e faid 12 Numbers; ar. iafit ifheuM exceed, the Re- mainder to be given Gtat s to ihe Cuf. oirers. So that tbe Price of this valuable Work will be mote than Two Shillings in Sheets. V. In order to make thi; V,\-! i. more accep- table, with the Fir. l'Nu- nbtr will be given Grati « , a curious Print of JOHN MILTOH, taker. 4ron » his Monument in Weftminfter Abbey, performed by Mr. Rysbrack 5 never before done. And 1 the Firft Number will be likewife given Sralis, a Print to front the Authrr s Life, which w'll be printed in the Firft Number. There needs no Encomium to fet forth this Work; the univerfal Reception it hasmetviih in the World, Efficiently ( peak* its, Value. Such Persons as are inclinable to take in this Book, and the undermentioned, are defiled to fpeak to the Perfoi. s who feive the Hiftory of the Bilde in this Place, and the* may be allured of beirg punfVually ferved every Week. At the fame Time, and by the fame Perfon, will be likewifc delivered ( to be continued WeeklyJ No. II. of The Life and Reign of that excellent Princefs Sfueen Elizabeth, of glorious Memory, from her Birth to her Death ; with the whole Proceedings of the Divorce of • King Henry VIII. from £> ueen Catherine, his Mar- riage with the Lady Anne Bullcn, and the Caufe of her unfortunate Death on the Scaffold. As alfo, The Life, Trial, Suf- ferings, and Death of Mary, Qieen of Scots. I. HIS Work is piinted in Quarto, on a 11 ew Letter, and fine Crown Payer, and will be comprized in Thirty- nine Numb rsj each Number to contain twelve Pages, and ftitched up in plain Covers to keep them clean, at the Piice cf ! Two f ence. I II. This Book will be emMliftitd with four ! eufiofcs Cut*, engraven on Copper, and given Gratis in this Cour'e of this Work, t>- z With the Firft Number will be delivered as a Frontif- ptecc, t'. « Effigies of Queen Elizabeth , under which is e. igrave. l, a Profpefl of the En.' l'fb Fleet defhoying the Spaniih Armada .2 With the Tenth Number will , be delivered, a Repr- fenta- tion of the Marriage of King Henry VIII. "' ith Anne Belien, artl that great Statefman Cardinal WolFey. With the Twentieth Number will be drli-' ertd, a Print of th>. famous Eail of > ifex, the Favourite 01 Queen Elizabeth, who e HifU'iy and unfortunate End will he fully reli'ed in « : iis Bo A: 4. An! laftly, With t1 e Thirtieth Nu. mber, the- Fffigie of Mary Qjicen of Scots, curioufly enfra- en, will al'o He given. II] ' If this Work fii.'. uld exceed the Thir; y- nine Numbers, cr the other the Tw l_' e as j- ro- pof- d, the Oveipb s fliail be given Gratis to the Cuftomers ; and what thev make lefi Hull aha'. cd.
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