The Warwick and Staffordshire Journal
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Volume Number: Issue Number: LXXXVI
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The Warwick and Staffordshire Journal
Date of Article: 05/04/1739
Printer / Publisher: R. Walker
Address: Fleet Lane, London
Volume Number: Issue Number: LXXXVI
No Pages: 4
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/ 7 4 . / / / / / tftf& Wtr T H E Warwick and Staffordihire Journal : W I T H T H E eiftorv of the H O L Y B I B L E. T H U R S D A Y , A P R I L 5, 1759. Numb. L X X X V I . Irancfort, " March i . O. S. H E 26th ult. a Fire broke out in the Night in a fmall Town called Larideck, in the County of Glatz in Bo- _ hernia, and the Wind being very high at that Time, the whole Town was in a Flame in lefs than an Hour ; all the Efforts to extinguifh the Fire was in vain; the Town- Houfe, the Churches, and all the Houfes except four, were reduced to Afhes; and the Inhabitants faved but very little of their Eflefts : One Thing which they look upon to be
very lucky in the midft of this Difafter is, that the Baths of Landeck have not been damaged. There was another Fire on the ill Inftant at Night in the little Town of Aliglitz near Olmutz, by which the Church, the Town- houfe, and about ioo Houfes were reduced to Alius. Leghorn, March 2. O. S. According to fome Advices from Corfica, the Male* contents have publifhed a Decree, in which they declare, that in all their Negotiations with the General of the French Troops, t'aey never pretended to prejudice in the leaft the Election of Baron Neuhoff in Quality of King of their Ifland : But the French look upon that as a frivolous Argument,
and affirm, that the Prebendary Orticoni and Dr. Giafferi, who negotiated with the late Count de Boflieux, never treated about the Royalty of Baron Neuhoff in a ferious M inner ; and that the Count confidered it in no other Light than a political Farce. Oder Letters from Corfica bring Advice, that a Body of 3000 French Troops having . begun their March from Calvi, with two Mortars and two Pieces of Cannon, in order to attack an important Poll in the Province of E. ilagna, the Malecontents let them approach, and attacked them with a Body of 6000 Men; that after a very obllinate Engagement the French were put to flight,, with the
Lofs of their Biggagc, Sec. and that Couriers were immediately difpttched to France, with the News of this Action. Rome, March 3. O. S. They write from Benevento, that many of the Citizens are gone into the Country for fear of being buried under the Ruins of their Houfes, there having happened no lefs than three Earthquakes fucceflively, which were pretty violent, and they dread that the next will be worfe. ' Advices from Madrid fay, it's thought that the Marriage of the Infanta Donna Maria Therefa with the Dauphin, will be declared about the time of the fetting out of Madam of France: Nay, it's even reported, that his Catholick
Majefty will accompany the Infanta to the Frontiers, in order to deliver her to his moft Chriftian Majefty, who on that Occafion will meet the King of Spain upon the Confines of the two Kingdoms ; but this Report wants Confirmation. The fame Advices add, that the Marquis de la Quadra lately had a long Conference with Mr. Keene, upon the Subjeft of fome Difpatches that the Court had received from Don Thomas Geraldino, which it's pretended relate to the provifional Refufal made by the South- Sea Company againft paying Spain the 650301. Sterling, which that Crown feems to infill upon being paid, previous to any other
Difcuffion. Leghorn, March it,. A few Days fince, the Grand Duke going to fee the Galley; belonging to this Port, took Pity on fome old Slaves, who had fcarce Strength encugh left to handle . the Oar, and caufed them to be fet at Liberty : He iikewife pardoned twelve young Turks,, and gave them Leave to return into their own Country. Milan, March 18. The King of Sardinia hiv. ng lately made a Reduction of his Troops, tiie d- ifbanded Soldiers repair to the Milanefe, where they engage themfelves to ferve in Hungary. Warfttku, March 18. A Turkifh Aga is fpeeiily expefted here, who it's faid will have it in Charge to afk the
Interpofition of the King and t i e Republick, to make fome Proportions for concluding a Peace between his Flighnefs, the Emperor, and Ruffii. It is not doubted but that thefe Propofitions will be favourably received, provided that a general Peace is aimed at. The Council of Senators will aflemble foon after the Arrival of the Aga, to deliberate upon what he would have propofed. The Army which the Grand Vizir will command in Hungary will be compofei of 150,000 Men. Vienna, March 21. When the Emperor conferred the Command in Chief of the Army in Hungary upon Count Wallis, his Imperial Majefty granted this General the
fame unlimited Power of making fuch Marches as he fhould think convenient, and giving Battle when he fhould think fit, as was given to the late Prince Eugene. To prevent the Turks from taking Ships upon the Danube and the Sava, there have been caft in different Places of thefe Rivers, Anchors, with large Chains fixe*! to . them, which hold the Trunks of Trees, full of Iron Spikes. Thefe Anchors are at fo little a Diftance from each other, that the fmalleft Bark cannot pafs between them. Redoubts are likewife erefled upon the Shore, to hinder the Enemy from deftroying thefe Works. Letters from the Marquis de Villeneuve, the
French Ambjffador at ConftantirtopJe bring, that the laft Inilances he had made to the Ottoman Miniitry to a Sufpenfion of Arms, were favourably enough received; and that the Grand Signior feemed more inclinable towards Peace than heretofore. It's not thought proper, however, to fruft to thefe Appearances, the Policy of the Porte, it's well known, fometimes leading it to give hopes of Peace, when its real Defign is to aft with the greateft Vigour. Upon Advi ce that - the Infidels feem to meditate fome Enterprize againft Belgrade, Orders have been ftnt to the Regiments that lie neareft to that Place, to detach- 250 Men from each of
them, in order to cover it from any Surprize; and Count Wallis fets out either to Day orTo- morrow, to make the neceffary Difpofitions for the Campaign. They write from Belgrade, that the Turks feem to have a Defign to poft themfelves at the Confluence of the Da-| nube and the Sava, in order to fhut this Place on that Side, and to prevenl the Communication of the two River/ It is added, that a Party of the EnemJ had taken Avalas, a fmall Poft, abou three Leagues from hence, fituate upon Mountain where there is a Silver Mine had killed fome of the Workmen falonging thereto, and taken others of then Prifoners. Arrival of a Ship. '
Arrived and failed through the Downs! Mar)*, Perkins, from Hamburgh for Lifhonl L O N D O N , Printed by R. W A T K E R, in FJeet Lane. Of whom, and of the ferfons^ wbofe-'.- i this Paper, •--•'; be hld. ehs farmer ffumber t
L O N D O N . ORdcrs are iffued for inlifting a Num- - ber of Seamen to Man the Guardian ips. And We hear, that a Squadron of twelve Sail are to cruize in the Channel. * A great Quantity of Stores and Provifions were fetit to the Garrifon of Gibraltar, on Saturday laft. A few Days ago died at Exeter, after a tedious - Indilpofwion, Roger Tuckfeild, Efq; Member in the prefent Parliament for Afhburtbn in. Devon ( hi re. . Laft Wednefday Morning died at his Houfe r. e. ir Fleet Bridge, Mr. Lockyer, who formerly ( bid Sailope at Fleet Ditch ; and fince, at his Houfe, the Liquor call'd Mount Pleafant, who from a trifling Beginning, not above
2 s 6 d. has died worth near 1000 1. Letters'from Avleftwiy a ( Tare us, that an Ifftie at Law, directed by the Fligh Court c f Chancery, was tried on the 14th In- • / last, at the Affizes held there, before the Lord Chief Baron Comyns, wherein John Champion, of Londor, Wine- Merchant, was Plaintiff, and John Bufhop, of Aylefbury, Innholder, Defendant, to try whether the Defendant was a Bankrupt, as pretended ; and that after a long Trial, and crofs- examining all the Plaintiff's Witneffes, . vithout examining jny for the Defendant, the Jury gave a Verdict for the Defendant, viz. that he was not a Bankrupt, to the general Satisfaftion of
the Court and the Town. The Council for tbe Plaintiff were, Mr. Pilfworrh, Mr. Mafon, and Mr. Baldwin; and for the Defendant, Mr. Serjeant Prime, Mr. Serjeant Urlin, Deputy Recorder of London, and Mr. Carroll. We hear chat Mrs. Stevens's Receipt for the Stone and Gravel, will certainly be purchafed by Parliament, and the Receipt made publick. A Proclamation is iffued out by his Majefty, for fummoning the Peers o f Scotland to affemble at Edinburgh on the 12th of May next, for elefting a Peer to fit and vote in the Houfe of Peers, in the * oom of the Earl of Selkirk, deceafed. We hear that ten Sail Men of War will L e ordered to
Jamaica. On the 3d of May next the Spanifh urt is to pay the 95,0001. towards epairing the Brilifh Merchants Loffes, VVe hear, that in order to fecure the oiindation of the intended Manfion- Houfe f the Lord Mayors, Piles will be drove n the Ground, and planked over, it bethought neceffary from the Nature of e Ground. W i l l i am Pulteney, Efq; and his Family, re going to France. Laft Monday a Boy of about Ten Years f Age, as he was ftanding at the Old wan Stairs, fell into the Thames, and funk ^ mediately under a Coal Lighter, and as f r o w n e d . ^ Lad Thurfday came Advice to the Mer- 1 chants, that , t h e Middkton, C2pt.
Fotherbv, bound fron Biddeford, was loft near Baulogn in the late Storm ; the Crivv were all faved. Laft ' Thurfday Night arrived . in the River the Mary, . Capt. Wormes, from Hamburgh, richly laden. His Majefty's Ship the Fly, purfuant to Orders, is failed to the Downs. Laft Thurfday the Right Hon. Thomas Lord Leigh, Burin Leigh, of Stone- Leigh in the County of V/ arwick, took the Oath's and his Seat in the Houfe of Peers, in the room of his Father, dtceas'd. L i f t Thurfday was held a Court of Common- Council at Guildhall, when the Lord Maj or produced the Copy of a Bill now depending in Parliament about the River Lee, which
being read, and this City being interfiled; therein, a Committee was appiinted by the Court to draw up a Petition to Parliament; accordingly they withdrew and prepared a Petition, which was read and unanimously approved of, and was prefented by the Sheriffs the Friday following. A new Scheme was mov'd by Mr. Grofe, relating to the Difpofal of the C i t y Eftates; but many Debates arifing thereupon, which in 110 Manner anfwering to their Satisfaftior, it was rejefted ; and upon a Divifion there were againft the Queftion 74 For the Queftion 49 Majority 25 So ' tis left to the Committee of the City Lands to a f t as ufual till a better
Method can be found out., The Rev. Dr. Philip Bearcroft, Preacher at the Charterhoufe, is appointed Secretary to the Society for propagating the Gofpel, in the room of Dr. Humphries, deceas'd. We hear that General Sabine hath defired to be recalled from his Government of Gibraltar, on Account of his great Age and Infirmities. Laft Tuefday at a Meeting of the Honourable the Governors of the Charterhoufe, the Rev. Mr. Kenrick Prefcott, Fellow of Katherine- Hall in Cambridge, was elefted to a Donative in Devonfhire, void by the Death of the Rev. Dr. Harcourt. Orders are gone to the Viftualling Office for buying 3000 Head of
Oxen and Porkers. Laft Wednelday near 50,000 Yards of Linnen from Dundee in Scotland, were entered Inwards at the Cuftom- houfe. Laft Tuefday Night a Coal- Lighter coming through Bridge, ftruck againft the Sterlings and immediately funk; the Lighterman was laved by a Sculler that accidentally came by. Laft Wednefday the Inhabitants of St. Leonard's, Shoreditch, agreed for a Peal of eight Bells with Mr. Lefler, Bell- Founder, of Whitechapel, who call that mufical Bell, Bow Tenor. L i f t Monday arrived in the River. Capt, Jacob Wafho, Capt. Wingfeld, Capt.- Willinm Kloppcnburgh, C.- pt. Henry Wormes, Capt. John Meyei f
rederickfon, and Capt. Belman, - r. ll from Hamburgh, with valuable Cargoes on Account of the • Hamburgh Merchants of this City ; great Premiums have been given on thefe Ships, and fome of them looked upon as loft. Capt. Hutton, bound from Rotterdam^ for Briftol, was loft at Oftend, on the Coaft of Flanders, in the late Storm. Laft Monday died after a f ew Days III - nefs o f a Fever, at his Lordfhip's Houfe in Warwick- Street, the Lady of the R5ght Hon. the Lord Charles Vifcount Bruce, Sifter to the Right Hon. the Earl of Burlington. T h e fame Day in an advanced Age, at his Lodgings in Eaftcheap, Mr. Roger Mingay, formerly
an eminent Orange- Merchant of this C i j v , and Brother of Mr. W i l l i am Mingay of Gracechurch- Street, Deputy o f Bridge Ward. Monday came advice that the San Bruno, from Buenos Ayres was fafely arrived at Cadiz, having a vaft Treafure on board. She was convoyed home by two Spanifh Men of War, who ' tis faid are alfo rich. Laft Week died, after a moft tedious and expenfive Illnefs, at Ckelfea, Mrs. Laguerre, formerly a celebrated Dancer tn the Stage. Laft Monday the three following MuJefaftors were executed at Chehnsford, v 7;. W i l l i am Rogers, for fhooting at a Park- ^ keeper in Waltham Foreft, and George
Biker and Ifaac Winteal, for Burglary. T h e other three mentioned in our former to have been condemned, namely, Thomas Langltaff, W i l l i am David, and John Stoke having been reprieved. On Wednefday 7 night the Affizes ended at Eaff- Grinfted in Suffcx, when one Perfon was capitally conviftcd, and received Sentence of Death, viz. Robert Hollards, for breaking op n a Dwelling Houfe in the Day- time ( no Perfcn Being therein) and Healing above Five Shillings; and we hear that the Judge has been pleafed to reprieve, him. Thomas Gtirr ( a noted Smuggler) commonly Called Stick in the Mud) was tried and convifted, and
ordered to be tranfported for feven Years. One was burnt in the Hand, and one ordered to be whipt. Laft Sunday Mr. W i l l i am Kitchin, an Apothecary in King's- Street, Weffminfler, was married to Mifs Newmr. n, Sifter to Sir Samuel Newman, Bart, of Old Palace- Yard, Weftminfter, a beautiful young Lady with a Fortune of 5000 1. A Will of the late Earl of Selkirk's having been found in Scotland, the Gentlemen who were his neareft Relations met on Sunday Night laft to examine it and fettle the Funeral, upon w h i c h Account the Ceremony is poftponed, and it is now faid that he will buried in w-'^ nirifter Abbey.
Saturday 7- Night the AfTiz's Tor the County of Surrey ended at Kingfton, when the following fourteen Malef ftors received Sentence of Death, viz. John Salmon and Alexander Miils, for robbing George Roberts in Kentilh- Street Road of two Watches, two Shillings and S: x- pence in S: lvSr, and fome Halfpence. Nathaniel Smith, for robbing Richard Rice and Thomas Tenant on the Highway. Lawrence Alcock, for robbing Sufannah Cooke of Sixpence in Silver, and Twopence in Copper. Mary Bullock, for privately ftealing a Silver Tankard out of the Houfe of John Bird. John Cook, an Oftler, for robbing a Gentleman of a Gold
Watch, Sec. on Epfom Downs. John Roberts, for privately ftealing 17 Yards of Scotch. Plad out of the, Shcp of David Magill. John Durham, for breaking open and robbing, the Houfe of Thomas Jarvis of Wimbleton. Newberry Ledger, for breaking into the Houfes of Richard Yeates and William Merrit. John Exelby, for ftealing a Copper Two Gallon Pot, the Property of William Mundee. John Thomas, ( an Indian} for ftealing two Perukes out of the Shop of jofeph . Courtney. 1 Samuel Brooks, for afiaulting Thomas Pafchal and John Surby on the Highway. John Angel, his Accomplice, died in the Waggon. William Trigg, for ftealing a
Gilding out of the Grounds of William Hammond, the Property of George Chitty. John Blundall, for a Robbery on the Highway. John B- omley, the blind Man, befongino- to Lambeth Workhoufe, tried for committing a Ripe on the Body of Elizabeth Stone, a Girl about ten Years- old, was fentenced to ftand on the Pillory, and fuffer a Year's Imprifonment. V From tbe London Gazette. At the Court at St. James's, the zzd Dry of Mirch, 1738. His M ijefty in Council was this Day pleafed to appoint John Blacket of Wylam, Efq; to be Sheriff of the County of Northumberland, in the Room of William Errington of- Walwick Grainge, Efq;
deceafed. We hear that the Board of Works having reported that there is a fufficient Quantity of Ground in the Cotton Garden for building a Parliament Houfe, t i e two old Houfes of Lords and Commons w 11 ftand till the fame is perfected for the Parliament to meet in. Mr. Nathaniel Stephens is appointed Deputy Comptroller of the Cufloms in the Port of Briitol, in the room of John Elbridge, Efq; deceafed. Laft Sundry Night died at his Houfe at Aldgate, Mr. Parker, an eminent Wholefale Leatherfeller. Laft Monday at Smithfield Market 20 Sheep were fold for 43 1. and ten Sheep for 22 1. His Majefty's Ship the Diamond, Cajt.
Watfon, being new fhrathed and fitted for Service, has been hawled out of Deptford Dock, and is ordered for the Mediterranean Station. Lately a Woman aged 108, died in rvorth- Leith. She fubfilted herfeif by her own Induftry till fhe wss upwards of 90 ; fince that time Ihe has been on the Parifti, who could not indeed re^ ufe to fupport a decayed Member, who in her Station had deferved fo well. The Providence, Arnaud, of and from Plymouth, for Venice, is loft near Ply- , mouth. The Pears and Uneafmcffes that fome of our L fbon Meichants laboured under, on Account of the King of Portugal's prohibiting the Importation of Enghfh
Hides and Tanned Leather, by reafon of the great Quantity of Hides of late brought from the Brazils, are now pretty well difperfed, they being of fo itubborn a Nature, that it is a difficult Matter at a great i Expcn e to make Leather of them at all ; and then it is fit only for ordinary Ufes. Lift Tuefday feveral Piles of the firft Pier of the new- intended Bridge were weighed up to be drove down for another Pier, the Foundation is fo firm and folid, that they were weighed up with the great eft Difficulty. Great Preparations are making at Norfolk- Houfe for baptizing the young Prince. His Grace the Archbifhop of Canterbury is to chriften his
Highnefs, and we hear his Name Is to be Edward. Laft Tuefday died at his Houfe in Nicholas- Lane, Lombard- Street, after a long Illnefs, Mr. John Whiting, Surgeon to St. Thomas's Hofpital in Southwark. Laft Tuefday a Fire happened in the Gardener's Houfe belonging to his Grace the Archbifhop of Canterbury, near that Palace, at Lambeth, which entirely confumed the infide of the fame, . but did no oth? r Damage. Laft Tuefday Morning died at his Lodgings iij King- Street, Golden- Square, Capt. Robert Skelton, Captain of a Company in the Regiment of Foot commanded by Colonel Hamilton. By private Letters from Jamaica
they write, that the Spinifh Merchant Ship taken by a Man of War of forty Guns be ing ordered to be releafed by the Commodore, was accordingly departing-; but the Governor of that Ifland not being fatisfied with the Commodore's Proceedings, ordered the Commander . of the Fort not ^ to let her pafs, who was obliged to fire ten Guns before fhe would bring to ; foon after which fhe obtained a. fiilLHif charge. , z . - f 1 LaftWcdnefJay a General Court of the Raft India Company was held at the^ r Houfe in L? adcnhall- Street, on Mr. Naifli's Affur, when that long depending perplexed Suit was brought to a final Iflue, upon the
following Conditions, viz. thr- t the Company ihall p- y to Mr. Nalfh z8, oool. that he fhall allow 500 L towards defraying the Law Exp- rnces ; and that he fhall enter into a Bond of 1 o, coo 1. not to conc: rn himfelf in any Trade to Eaft- India, either in the I' « tifh or Foreig t Service for feven Years enfuing. Lift Tuefday Night died, at his Houfe in Fenchurch- Street, Mr. Fleming, a weak. thy Habcrdafher of Hats. Lift Sunday Morning a Farmer of Norfolk was robbed by two Highwaymen on Newmarket Heath of 200 1. It i3 - fuppofed they were apprized of the Booty. Lift Tuefday Night fever. il of the Inhabitants of the Ward of Alderfga. ter
met at the White- Lyon Tavern in Alderfgate-. Street,, in order to confider of proper JW?- thods, by application to the Court of Aldermen and Common- Council, for obtaining a Poftern through the Eaft Side of Aldcrfgate. A good Number of Carpenters, Joiner?, Plumbers and Glaziers are ordered to Hampton Court, to make the nectflary Repairs of that Palace. And next Week the LTpho! fterers will go thither to fit up the Royal Apartments. i ' Tis certain his Majefty doth not vifit his German Dominkrs this Summer, notwithftanding all that has been faid in the Foreign Gazettes. We hear,- that the Laft Will and Teilament of the late Earl
of Selkirk will be contefted at Lawi Laft Thurfday a large Quantity of Gunpowder was fhipped for New England.. A Patent has pafs'd the Seal, appointing Sir John Norris, Admiral of the Fleet or Union Flag, Vice- Admiral of England, and Lieutenant of the Navy, in the room of' the late Earl of Berkley. Laft Friday died in an advanced Awe, at his Floufe in Broad- Street, near Colden Square,, Anthony Hammond, Efc; formerly a Member in feveral Parli m'nts, Commiflioner of the Navy, and Pavm. it" r of the Forces under his Grace the D i ke of Cbandos. We hear that the India Company will fpeeaily take up into their Service another
Ship, defigned for China and Bombay. C O U N T R Y/ N E W S. Cambridge, March 27. LaftvWednffdVy the Affizes - ended here, when two Perfons were capitally convifted, vrz. i One Martin for Ilorfe- ltealing. And : i Tatam, for ftealing a Silver Tankard f from Mr. By am of Ely. . , Three were call for Tranfportation, and . one burnt in the Hand. Mr. Ducke. it - o f Key's College,.. was - expelled the Univerfuy for Atheffm. r Ovfor.- 1 March 27. Laft Friday . John • A was condemned lait Affizes, ,
• - v w executed on'Cattle Green in Cattle- I Yard, and behaved h. ptfelt' with great C ) ur- ge. TheTarne Day a young Lad about 17 or V3 Y irs of Age, hanged hinifelf at a * r : ace calledr King's Mill, about fix Miles f> Jl this City. D. rby, March 22. This Evening the AZz-' j ended here, before the Lord Chief B J J I Page, when Mr. J tmes Loton of Fdinlfor in this . County, a Man of a good Appearance, and cor. fiderable Subttance, v, as tried and found guilty of the Murder of a Male Baftard Child, by drowning it, and received Sentence of Death, and to be hanged in Chai'ris. Francis Coukfon, Mother of the faid Child, committed on the
lame Account, turning Evidence for the King, was acquitted. Northampton, March 26. On Thurfday laft John Cotton, who was condemned at our Affixes for the Murder of his Child, was executed here, and afterwards carried to be hanged in Chains in Paulerfbury Field. - York, March 23. Yefterday John Pal- Bier, alias Richard Turpin. was tried here, and convicted upon two feveral Indidtments for. Hotfe- ftealing: T h e Evidence was clear and full, and the Prifoner had little or nothing to fay in his Defence. I R E L A N D . Dublin, March 17. On Wednefday laft came on at Wicklow the Trial of Mr. William Baker for killing George
Johnfon at Arklovv, - and was brought in guilty of Manflaughter in his own Defence. Laft Sunday died Mrs. Bullock, formerly a very noted Adtrefs, and on Sunday was interred at Glafnevill Churchyard. S C O T L A N D . Edinburgh, March 22. We hear from Kilmarnock, that on Thurfday the 15th Inftant, by the Negligence of a Servant, 4. Fire broke qpt in the upper Story of the Caftle of Dean, the antient Seat of the Earl of Kilmarnock, which entirely con fumed the Houfe and all the Furniture, and a curious' Collection of Books and Manufcripts. B A N K R U P T S . Thomas Foxall, latfe of Cleobury Mortimer, in the County of Salop,
Butcher. 1 Olive Payne, of Round- Court in the Strand, in the County of Middlefex, Bookfeller. Luke Smith, of the Parifh of St. Martin's in the Fields, Broker and Chapman. Samuel Keynton, of Stock's Market, London, Warehoufenian and Chapman. PRICES of Goods at Bear- Key, { sV. Wheat z8s. to 29 s. per Quarter. Rye 13 s. to 16 s per Quarter. Barley 14s. to 18s. per Quarter. Oats 11 s. to 14 s. Quarter. Peafe 21s. to 2 8 s. per Quarter. Hog- Pcafe 16 s. to >° tSorfe- Beans -- f a l e M a l t - BrownMalt 16s. t o i S s . perQaar. Tares' 203. tt> 22s. per Quarter. New Hops 4 1 . 5 s. per Hundred. Old Hops 3 1. per Flundred. Coals
24s,. to 25 s. per Chaldron. The Affize of Bread made of Wheat, as fet forth by the Lord Mayor and Court of Aldermen of the 20th of March, 1738, to commence and take Place on the Thurfday following : s. d. The Peck Loaf is 1 90 Houlhold or fecond Sort 1 3 3 Chriftcned Males l 8 t . Females I S i . I n a l l j f i j. Buiied Males 316 Females 3 4 Iu all 6iO. Increafed in the Burials this[ Week u z : Juft fuhlijh'd, Price I s. 6 d. A Dialogue between a Baptift and a Churchman, cccafioned by the Baptijts opening a New Meeting- Houfe in Birmingham, Warwick/ hire. P A R T the S E C O N D . Wherein Ridicule, properly applied, is
defended. The Unrighteoufnefs and Uncharitablenefs of Mens damning their Neighbours for Opinions for which GOD will not damn them. The Light of perfonal Judgment is vindica; eJ ; and it is flu- wed that a Man may be a g od Churchman, without fubfcrib: ng all the Church Articles ; which is a Yoke on many honeft Clergymen.* The Notion of Orthodoxy is ftated; and that me. r Opinions render no Man acceptable to God. - The Scripture Divinity of Jcfus Chrilt is Vindicated ; and the numerous Abfurdities of the pre ten led Orthodox Scheme expofed. The egregious Folly of reafoning againft: Reafon. Laughing at Men's invented
Mylterks in Religion defended. The Change of a fvfcin's Opinion upon Evidence, jaft: fied. The horrid Confequences of the Doftrine of abfolute Eleftion and Reprobation fairly deduced. The Nature of Original S. n opened. The Doftrine of God's free Grace, and Mens free Agency, fhewed to be confiftent. The Do& rine concerning the. Imputation of the Righteoufnefs of Chrift, fet in a clear Light, and/ reed from Abfurdities. Perfeverance fhewed to be a Duty, not a decreed Event. Baptifin a fignificatirje, not an efficacious Rite ; and that wafhing the Face, may fignify and. bind to Duty, as well as wafhing the whole Body. The Rights of
Chriftians and of Chrillian Miniftry, for Search of Scriptures, and to propagste what they believe Truth, fully defended. Sold by R. H I T T , at the Bible and Crown in the Poultry; J. ROBERTS, in Warwick- Lane ; J. ROE, at Derby ; T. WARREN, at Birmingham ; T. STOKES, at Dudley, and by the reft of the Bookfellers in the neighbouring Counties. At the fame Places m? y alfo be had, Remarks on a pretended Anfwer to a Ser- 1 at Dudley on Whitfon- 41 fo the firft Part of • ifci Noil in the Prefs, and about the Tenth or Twelfth of April, 1739, will be publifhed. The Firft Number of a Work, intitled P A R A D I S E L O S T. A Poem. In
Twelve Books. Written by JONH MILTON. With his Life Which will be printed on the following eafy Conditions, A " p H A T the Work fhall be printed on a X fuperfine Demy Pape,, and an entire new . Elzivir Letter, and i t itched up in plain Covers I I . This Work will be ccmprizad jn Twelve Nunibets, each Number to contain 36 Pagi* at the fin all Price of Twopence ea. h Number; ' I I I . A curious Set of Cuts, to front ea. h pf the Twelve Bocks, a; c engraved, ai. d „ j u Slivered in the Com fe of this W o r k ; viz. the firft Four iu the Third Number; Four in the Sixth- Number; and Four in the Tenth. And in the three Numbers where four
Cuts arc delivered one Sheet only of the Letter Prcfi will be abated.' I V . T h a t an Index to the W W e will be likevtife printrd, and will be contained in the faid 1 z Nu. fibers; and i f i t fllrald exceed, the Remaindcr to be given Gratis to the CuP. orr. ers. So that the Price of this valuable Work will be no moie than T w o Shillings in Sheets. V . In order to make thi, W » rk more acceptable, with the Firfl Numbtr will be given Gratis, a curious Print of J O H H M I I T O S , taken from his Monument in WeftHiirfter Abbey, performed by . Mr. Rysbrack ; never before done. And in the Firft Number w. l! be likewife given Gratis, a Print to Iront
ihe Author's L i f t , which will be printed in the Firft Number. There needs no Encomium to fet forth this W o r k ; the uijivcrfal Reception it has met with in the World, fLffic icntly fpeaks its Value. Such Perfons as arc inclinable to take in thi » Book, a:. d the undeimention.- d, are defired to fpeak to the Perfons who fe. ve the Hiftory of the Bible in t) is Place, and the- may be i f f u r el of beirg punSu llyferved every Week. At the fame Time, and by the fame Perfon, will be likewife delivered ( to be continued Weekly) No. I. of The Life and Reign tf that excellent Princefs Queen Elizabeth, of glorious Memory, from her Birth to her Death;
with the whole Proceedings, of the Divorce of King Henry VIII. f , otn Queen Catherine, his Mar » riage with the Lady Anne Bullen, and the Caufe of her unfortunate Death on the S. affold. As alfo, The Life, Trial, Suf- . ferings, and Death of Mary, Queen of Scots. I. r I * H I S Work is printed in Quarto, on a J . new Letter, and fine Crown Paper, and wilt DC comprized in Thirty- nine Numb, rt; each Number to contain twelve Pages, aiAl ftitched up is. plain Covers to keep tl. em clean, at the F s i c ; of Two- pence. I I This Book will be emVUifhtd with 1cm curiots Cut-, engraven on Copper, and given Gratis in this Cusrle of this Work,
viz With the Firfl Number will be delivered as a F t o t t i f - precr, the Effigies of Queen Eliz? heth 4 under which is e. igravcil, a P r i f p j c l of the E n t l i f h Fleet deft oying the S( ani Al Armada x. W i t h the Temh Number will be delivered, a Reprtfentation of ihe Marriage of King Henry V I I I with Anne Bclleu, an. l that great Statefman Cardinal Wol/ cy. 3. W i t t the Tweii* ieth Number will be delivered, a Print of the famous Earl of EflVx, the Favourite or' Queen Elizabeth, who e Hillo.- y and unfortunate End will be fully related in this Ro > k: 4. And laftly, With tie Thirtieih Number, the E/ figie" of Mary Queeu of Scots, cutiouily
engraven, will alfo he given. I I I If this Work flwuld exceed the Thirtynine Numbers, cr the other t h e T w l ? e as ptopof'd, the Overplus fhall be given Gratis to ihe Cuftomers ; and what they make leu l l u d fa* aha. td. 1 . .