The Warwick and Staffordshire Journal
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Volume Number: Issue Number: LXXXII
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The Warwick and Staffordshire Journal
Date of Article: 08/03/1739
Printer / Publisher: R. Walker
Address: Fleet Lane, London
Volume Number: Issue Number: LXXXII
No Pages: 4
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c2> T H E ire journal : W I T H T H E Hiftorv of the H O L Y BIBLE. , I W JTL Warwick and Stafford ill T H U R S D A Y , M A R C H 8, 1738- 9. Numb. L X X X I I. T H E Y write from Vienna, by Letters of the ioth Inftant, O. S. that in a late Conference which the Em- _ peror held with his M milters about the Count de Seckendarff, a Motion was made to employ that noble Officer again in the Imperial Army, but that one of the Miniiters pathetically reprefented all rhe Inconveniencies to which he thought fuch a Step would be liable. They are informed from Temefwaer, that the Turks have plundered and burnt a Village in that
Neighbourhood, and murdered all the Inhabitants. The 17th Inftant at Night, the Magiftrates of Brufiels fent an Officer to a Publick- Houfe in that City to apprehend two Engiilhmen fufpefted to have brought a confiderable Quantity of Diamonds from London; but one of them threw himfelf out of a Window in his Shirt, and made his Efcape over the Walls of the Garden. The Letters from thence add, that a Captain of the Regiment of the Marquis des los Rios, having loft his Watch at Church, and fufpecling that a Boy of 12 or 1 3 Years old, who flood by him during the Service, had ftole it, or knew which way it went, he had the Boy
carried to the Main Guard, where the Soldiers forced him to difcover four other Lids, who were inlbntly apprehended, and they put a burning Match between their Fingers to make them confefs the Robbery ; but after all the Boys would not own it, a n i i n the mean time two of them were fo burnt that their Lives are in Dancer. This Affair has made fo. great a Noife that the Captain and the Soldiers are taken up, and are to be tried by a Council of War. Naples, Feb. 10. The Queen is taken ill of the Small- Pox, 011 which the King is • retired to Portice. The King had the Small Pox in Tufcany. The Ships arrived here from Leghorn, ( in
confequence of the Gre: t Duke's not having performed a regular Quarantine) are performing a Quarantine ; the Time is not refolved. ' Tis now faid, that the Great Duke of Tufcar. y has fent Word to the Emperor, that he will be at Vienna the Beginning of May. They write from Peter/ burg, that the Velt Marfhal Lifcy was arrived there, and Count Munich expefted every Moment. Lijbon, Jan. 27. This Morning a Dutch Eaft- India Ship, named Sara Jacoba, which was coming into this Port, was loft, part of the Crew faved themfelves. Madrid, Feb. 9. It's reported that the Difputes relating to Commerce and Navigation between the King
and the States- General, will be referred to the Examination of Commiffaries, which fhall be named by the two Powers. The Court has fent Copies of the Convention concluded with Great Britain to the Governors of his Majafty's Colonies in the Weft- Indies, wit'i ftridt Orders to conform themfelves to the Purport thereof, under Penalty or incurring the King's high Difpleafure. Belgrade, Feb. 7. The Inhabitants of fome Part of Albany and Macedonia are in the utmoft Confternation, upon hearing that a Body , of 1 zooo Turks are marching, by Order of the Grand Signior, to punifh them for having declared in favour of the Emperor in the
beginning of the prefent War. It's certain, that if Count Seckendorff had been in Condition to have feconded their Delign, the other Parts of thofe Provinces were ready to have put themfeives under the Dominion of his Im perial Mujefty. . They write from Ratfcha, that a Detachment of Turkith Troops defigning to pafs the River Joder to make an Irruption into Imperial Servia, . vas intimidated from proceeding in that Enterprize by the . lofs of the Bark which was firft employed in thofe Troops, and all that were therein ; the others immediately returned'to ZwSrnick. Warfare, Feb. 18. Upon the prefling Inftancesof his Majefty that fome
Expedient might be found out . to prevent the ill Confequences of the March thro' Poland of the Ruffian Troops defigned for the Affiftance of the Emperor; the Czarina has by Letter to the King delared, that in Regard to his Mdjefty and the Republick, fhe will not fend any Troops through Poland, but will, in order to fulfil her Engagements with the Emperor, fupply him with a Sum of Money by way of Equivalent. The Senators have thanked his Majefty for this frefh Mark sf his Paternal Care for the Publick Welfare. Berlin, Feb. 21. The King has had another Fit of the Gout, which has obliged him to kkep his Bed for two Day3 ; but his
Majelty is now fo well recovered that it's believed he will go abroad Tomorrow. Hamburgh, Feb. 23. The laft Letters from Copenhagen afture, that the Mifunderftanding between the Kings of Great Britain and Denmark, in relation to the Seigniory of Steinhorft, is not only happily determined, but that his Danifh Majefty has concluded a Treaty of Subfidy with the Britifh Court. An ExtraS of a Letter from Paris, dated Febr. 23. ' The Marriage of the eldeft Daughter ' of France with the Infant Don Philip, ' and that of the fecond with the eldeft ' Son of the King of Sardinia, were Ye- • flerday declared at Verfailles: The for- ' mer of thefe
Princeffes is to fet out for ' Spain in September next. It's not 1 doubted but the Marriage of the Dauphin 1 with the Infanta of Spain will likewife : fhortly be declared. It's affured that the Imperial Cpurt has accepted the Accef- • fions of the Kings of Spain and the ' Two Sicilies in rhe manner their Ma- ' jellies propofed to give them : The Af- ' fair of the allodial Eftate not having ' been regulated, the Parties have con- ' fented to refer it to the Mediation of ' France.' They write from Bergcpfoom, that a Captain of Foot in Garrifon in that Place, being obliged by the Gout to keep his Bed, was lately murdered by his Footman, who not only
fhot him thro* the Head, but alfo flabbed him in feveral Places, and then made his Efcape, carrying away with him every Thing of his Mafter's that was valuable and portable. A Reward of 100 Ducats is offered for the difcovering or taking of him. The Paris Ada- main, dated March 4, brings. Advice, that the Male Corfica appear more refolved th make a vigorous Defence; that publifhed an infolent Anfwer ' as call it) to the Regulation pu mongft them, and illued Order ing all the Corficans, under Pain and Forfeiture of Goods, & c. to manner of Communication with noefe. L O N D ON, Printed by R. W A L K E R, in Fleet Lane. Of
whom, and of the P erf oris who ferves this Pater, may be had ihe former Numbers to emibpteatlSels.
L O N D O N . LA S T Wednsfday died, after two Days Illtief-, the Lady Margaret Sophia Cecil, eldeft Daughter to the Right Hon. the Earl of Exeter, in the 13th Year of her Age. On Saturday laft the Seffions ended at the Old Baily, when the following . feven Ma lef.: ftors received Sentence of Death, viz. William Youdall, for two Robberies on the Highway, committed on William Thorne and John Bradford. James Lawlqr, otherwife Lawley, and James Leomrd, for affaulting and robbing George Lines in Drury- Lahe. Henry Johnfon, for" breaking and entering the Houfe of the Rev. Mr. Collet at Mile- End Green. Afhby Johnfon and
Edward Campbell, for feveral Burglaries. Peregrine Audley, for alfiulting William Mautlley on the' Highway, and robbing him of a Hat and Peruke, and 1 s. in Money. The Cafe of Baby Bird, one of Wreathock's Gang, committed for returning from Tranfportation, was poftponed, till next Seffions. * John Hanna, the Evidence againft Capt. Longden, committed on a ftrong Sufpiciqn of Perjury, was alfo ordered to remain sn Prifon ' till next Seffions; and then the Court adjourned till the zd Day of May next. On Saturday laft Johanna Smith, alias Wood, alias Robinfon, was tried and convifted at Hicks's- Hall, for uttering a counterfeit
Shilling : It being the fourth time of her being profecuted for the like Offence, the Court ordered her to be imprifoned for fix Months in Bridewell, to hard Labour. HerHufband, Thomas Wood, is now in Newgate for the fame Practices. At the fame time Mary Mills was tried and convifted for uttering counterfeit Halfdence ; the Court ordered her to the fame Place for three Months, to hard Labour. On Saturday laft Fernandus O Neal, who was convifted of a Perjury laft Seffions, was carried from Newgate to Hicks's Hali to receive Judgment, which was, that he fhould ftand on the Pillory once before Hicks's Hall, and to be tranfported for
five Years, for the faid Offence. We are affured of a Certainty, that a Perfon. committed to York- Caftle, and fupbe the noted Turpin, is really n relation to the taking of whom ceived the following Particulars: about eighteen Months laft paft about In the Neighbourhood of in Yorkfhire, where he pafs'd for s Son of or near Spalding in Linfrom whence he abfeonded on of Debt; but being charged mg Hen Roofts and Healing Poulas committed to the Houfe of at Beverly; and during his ent there for that Offence, the worthy and juiicious Magiftrate who committed him fent to Spalding, to make Enquiry if any fuch Perfcn inhabited or was
known there, as he pretended upon hi* Examination; the whole proved an Impofition; and during his Confinement, he was charg- d with Horfe- fteftling, whereupon he was removed from Beverly to York Cattle. The Prifor. er wrote a Letter to one in Effex who married his Sifter ; which Letter not being received, a Perfon in that County feeing the Snpcrfcription, and knowing it to be the Hand- writing of Turpin, acquainted a Juftice of Peace therewith, who difpatched the faid Perion to York to fee the Prifoner, Who proved to. be the real Turpin. And wears further allured, that the- Prifoner has fincc confefs'd himfelf to be Turpin. We
cannot help obferving upon this Oec'. fion, that each of the Magiftrates before- mentioned have afted with great Prudence and Affidairy in Difcharge of their Truft, and deferve the Thanks of their Country for bringing fo notorious and dangerous a Rogue to his due Puniffintent. Lafl: Wednefday the Court of Direftors of the India Company took up into the Company's Service the Duke, Capt. Hinman, for Bombay, and is the laft; Ship the Company will take into their Service this Year. On Wednefday laft one Jervis Hare, a Youth of twelve Years old, was committed to Newgate by juftice Harwood, on the Oath of Peter Green, for
felonioufly ftealing a black Horfe, and Part of the Carriage of a Chariot, the Property of Benjamin Trueman. This is the third time of his being fent to that Goal for Fafts of the like Nature, and was a few Days ago difcharged from Bridewell for running away with a Horfe. On Tuefday Night Gilly Afpell was committed to the faid Goal by Juftice Chamberlain, on the Oath of Bryan Murtogh, for being concerned with him in feveral Street- Robberies in London and Weftminfter. Laft Monday William Withers, Efq; was married to Mrs. Porteen, Widow of John Porteen, Efq, and Sifter- in- Law to the Right Honourable the Lord Mayor, a very
agreeable Lady with a handfome Fortune. On Saturday laft James Montgomery, Efq; was married to Mifs Sawbridge, Daughter of Jacob Sawljridge, Efq; a very fine accomplifhed Lady, with a Fortune of 10,000 1. They write from Durfley in the County of Gloucefter, that Thomas Eftcourt, Efq; Lord of the Manor, has rebuilt the Market- tioufe in that Town, and has erected in a Niche at the Eaft End, the Statue of Queen Anne, made by Mr. Paty of Briftol. The Carolina Yacht being refitted and new fheath'd, is hawled out of Deptford Dock into the River, and ordered to be rigged with all convenient Expedition. Lad Thurfday Night a3
his Royal Highnefs was returning from the Houfe of Peers, by the backing of a Coach near Old Palace- Yard his Chair was broke to Pieces, and his Highnefs's Perfon much endanger'd, though providentially he received no Hurt. The Coachman upon this Accident was in the utmoll Concern and Fright; but the Prince, from his natural abundant good Humour, readily excufed him, and went home in the Earl of Briftol's Chariot. The Honourable Society of Trinitv- Houfe of Deptford Strond have lately made this laudable Refolution, That for the future, upon the Eleftion of an Elder Brother, inftead of a Treat for the Society, the new
Member ft. ould pay a certain Sum of Money into their Charity: Box, to be appropriated for the Relief of Sea Officers Y/ idows, and other Objefts. Laft Tuefday two Children between three and five Years of Age, were left alone in a Room in Queen- Street in the Park, Southwark, playing- together whilft the Mother went to a Neighbour's ; ani before her Return the Eldeft, with a lighted Piece of Paper, had fet the Clothes of the Youngeft on fire, whereby the Child was burnt to fuch a Degree, that tho' a Surgeon was immediately called in to its Affiftance its Recovery is very much doubted. Laft Friday Night fome Rogues found Means
to ftrip the Lead off the Penthoufe of Mr. Lathbury, a Map- Painter in the Old Baily, and carry'd it clear o f f ; as they would a'ifo, ' tis thought, of feveral more in the fame Row, had they met with no more Difturbance from the Family than the Watch. Laft Week, by the Head of a Still flying off, at Mr. Monday's, a Diltiller at St. Margaret's Hill, Southwark, the Houfe was fuddenly fet on Fire; hut happening in the Day- time, and Affiftance enough being ready at Hand, it was fortunately extinguifhed, without doing great Damage to the Neighbourhood. Laft Monday came on a Trial in the Court of King's Bench at Guildhall, cn an Aftion
brought by the Rev. Mr. Ciiafe, againft one Mr. Hewitt, for Criminal Converfation with the former's Wife for feveral Years, while he was abroad ; after a Trial of four Hours, and Examination of feveral Witneffes, and the Faft appearing plain, the Jury found a Verdift for the Plaintiff, and 400 I. Damages, Laft Monday cr> me an Account that the Pembroke, Greek, from Antigua, put into the Mumbles the 17th Inftant, and failed from thence the next Morning about Three o'Clock, bound to Briitol ; but in her Paffiige had the Misfortune to run afhore on the Sherwcathers, whereby the Ship and Crew were all loft, except two Men, who were
drove affiore on a Piece of the Quarter Deck. We hear that there will be another Lottery for the Service of the enrrent Year.
Laft Monday came on before the Court of Delegates at Serjeants- fnn, tho famous Caufe between Mr. Hawes, a Clergyman in Suffex, ar. d Diana Pritchard, the pretended Widow of Admiral Hofier, which has been depending in Doctors- Commons more than eleven Years. It was an Appeal from a Sentence pafs'd in that Court, whereby Aaminiftration was ordered to Mr. Hawes, as nearelt Kinfman to the deceas'd Admiral; but pendente lite was granted to Sole, Efq; a Gentleman of the County of Kent; but after feven or eight Hearings, it was on Monday Night finally determined entirely in the favour of Mr. Hawes, the Sentence
confirmed, and the pretended Marriage of the faid Diana Pritchard to the faid Admiral Hofier adjudged a Fiction, and not a Marriage. This Hearing was only for the perfonal Eftate; but we hear that a Trial at the Common- Pleas for the real Eftate is ordered for the 28th of May next, and to be tried by a Jury of Gentlemen of the County of Kent, where the faid Eflnte lies. Laft Monday the Cambridge Coach coming to London, was robbed by two Highwaymen about a Mile from Pucke ridge ; they took from the Paffengers about Ten Pounds. What was remarkable in this Robbery, was, that a Lad in the Coach, about twelve Years of
Age, being very much frightened, told them that he had fourteen Shillings which his Grandmother had given him, which they bid him keep as her B'efling. Laft Monday the Society of Eaftern Scholars rung at St. Dunftan, Stepney, a compleat Peal of 5040 Bob Major in three Hours and thirty- fii Minutes. This is the firft complete Peal. Laft Tuefday his Royal Highnefs the Prince of Wales went very early to the Houfe of Peers to hear the Debates on the Spanifh Merchants, where his Royal Highnet's flay'd feveral Hours. Laft Week a Sailor belonging to a Weft- India Man was married ; and his Brother Sailors that attended as
Bridemen wore Cockades in their Hats, inferibed thereon, No LIMITS ; and the Women that walked as Bridemaids had on their Breaft- Knots, N o SEARCH BUT IN P O R T. On Saturday Night laft, the Rev. Dr. Jones, one of his Majefty's Chaplains in Ordinary, died fuddenly at his Lodgings at the Golden Key in the Strand : He read Prayers at St. James's the fame Evening to the Princeffes. Laft Sunday Night the new- born Son of his Grace the Duke of Marlborough was baptized at his Grace's Houfe in Piccadilly, by the Name of George; his Majefly ( landing Godfather in Perfon, and the Princefs Amelia Godmother. Mr. Adderley
is appointed by the Lords of the Treafury a Landwaiter in the Port of London. I, aft Week died Mrs. Davis, Wife to Mr. Davis, a wholefale Grocer, at his Houfe on Bread- Street HilL Lift Tuefday died . at Lambeth, Mrs. Bradford, Relift of - the late Right Rev. Dr. Bradford, Biihop of Rochefter and Dean of Wefttninfter. Laft Friday died at Uffeulm in Devonfhire, in a very advanced Age, the Rev. Dr. William Deyman, who had been Mailer of that School forty Years. He was a Gentleman univerfally allowed to be fecond to none in Manners, Learning and Integrity, He is faid to have died very rich. Laft Saturday a young Lady was brought
from Pinner, where fhe died, to Harrowon- the- Hill, to be buried. She had 12001. to her Fortune, and was one of the Daughters of a wealthy Farmer in that Neighbourhood, who died a few Years ago : Her only Sifter, who attended the Corpfe, on her getting into the Coach at Pinner, was obferved to put fomething into her Mouth, and when fhe came to Harrow, fhe faid, Lord, I am very ill, pra\ give me fome Water ; on which fhe was carried into a Houfe, where fhe had a Mug of Water given her, and fhe drank near a Pint of it, and then faid, Well, novo my Bufinefs is done ; for I have taken a Quantity of Arfenich, and you may do
vohat you what you voill with me, I defire my Sifter may not be buried, for I intend to be buried with her; and notwithflanding the Care of an Apothecary at Harrow, fhe died on Tuefday Morning. Her's and her Sifter's Fortune goes to fome Coufins in that Neighbourhood. On Tnefday Night laft died at his'Houfe in St. Margaret's Churchyard, Weftminfter, the Rev. Dr. Barker, one of the Prebendaries of Weftminfter. On Tucfday laft St. Bride's Church was robbed of the Brafs Candleftieks on the Pulpit, and the Arms and Sockets of fome others in the Blanches; they difcovered the Footfteps of a Boy from the Pulpit to one of the
Windows, through where ' tis fuppos'd he made his Efcape. St. Clement Danes Church has lately been robbed of Brafs Candlefticks, by feveral Boys, fome Oi whom are in Cuilodv, and ' tis hop'd will be made an Example of. On Monday laft one James Dan, a Chairman, was committed to the Gatehoufe by Juftice Frazier, for infulting Mr. James Calfs, one of his Majefty's Provoil Marihal's Men, in the Execution of his Office at the Houfe of Lords; a Prs& ice top often made ufe of amongft' thofe infoient Fellows. We hear that the Merchants in their Hearing with Regard to their Petition before the Right Hon. the Houfe of Lords, were
highly applauded. Their principal Speakers were Mr. Drake, Mr. Sharps, Mr. Knight, Mr. Frye, and Mr. Bendifh. Laft Wednefday Morning died at his Houfe in Red- Lion- ftreet, George Compton, Efq; a Gentleman in the Commiffion of the Peace, and poffsffed of an Eftate of 1 ; o o 1. per Annum in the County of Bedford. His Mijefty was pleafed to ' make the following rii ® gracious Anfwer to the Addrefs of the Right Hon. the Houfe of Lords prefented to him laft Friday, viz. ' My Lords, ' I thank you for this dutiful Addref?, ' and for the grateful Senfe you exprefs ' of my Care of the true Interefts of my ' People. You may depend upon it,
th: t ' I have the Honour of my Crown and ' the Welfare of my Kingdoms entirely ' at Heart; and that nothing ( hall be ' wanting on my Part to fccure to my ' Subjefts the full Enjoyment of their ' Navigation and Commerce,, and their ' other juft Rights.' Laft Tuefday the Earl of Selkirk re- Iaps'd, fo that his Life is defpaired of. Sir John Crofs, Bart. Wember of Parliament for Leftwithiel in Cornwall, is dangeroufly ill at his Houfe at Mill- Bank, Weftminller. The Ltdy of the Right Hon. the Earl of Suffolk lies dangeroufty ill at his Houfe in St. James's. Lall Tuefday 2000 Quarters of Wheat, and 7000 lb. of Lead Shot, were fhipped for Portugal;
Laft Tuefday the Tide rede fo high at Weitminfter, that the Right Hon. the Speaker of the Floufe of Commons, and a great Number of Members of that Houfe, were obliged to flay a confidcrable Time before they could go down to their Coaches. We hear a Right Reverend Doftor, who has great Preferments in the Church, is bound over in a Recognizance to anfwer for fome Mifdemeanors. Laft Friday Night the Coachman of Frederick Frankland, Efq; was thrown • out of the Coach- Box with his Face againft a Poll, which quite deprefs'd his Nofe flat to his Face,, and fradlured his Skull, and he now lies at the Point of Death. Laft
Sunday Night the Wife of one Marfh, a Hackney Coachman in St. Ann's Lane, Weflminllcr, having fome Words with her Hufband, dabbed him with a Penknife fo dangeroully,. that ' tis thought he cannot recovcr. Laft Monday the Merchants of Liver, pool prcfentcd their Petition to the Houfe of Commons,, relating to the Convention. We hear that. Orders are fent to the Viclua! ling: Office, to get ready, with ths utmoft Expedition, Provifions for forty Sail of Men of War, which are fpeedily to be put into Comniiffion. We he r the Rev. Mr. Fofter lies dsngeroufly iil of a Fever, at his Lodgings in St. Paul's Church- yard. L:: ft. Sunday Night
died Mr. Yeates; Mafter of Bifhopfgate Workhoufe.. Lrft. Monday his M » jelly, went to the Houfe- of Peers with the ufqal. State, attended in the State Coach by the Right Hon. the Earl of Albemarle, and the Lord V. ifcount Falconberg, and gave the Royal Affent to the Malt- Bill, and. fome Natara- 1 zatiiin Bilis.
Lift' Thurfday was held a General Court of the South- Company, confuting cf the greateft Number of Proprietors that have appeared at any General Court for fome Years paft : And, after the TranfaCtions that have plfs'd between the Court of Directors, his Majefty's Principal Secretary of State, Mr. Keene, and Sir Thomas Gerald ir. o, a Motion was made, That the General Court do approve of the Anfwers, made the 9th of February laft, by the Court of Directors, to Sir Thomas Geraldino. And that they, be ordered to pay no Part of the 68,000 1. but on the Conditions therein contained, or the further Order of the General Court. And
the faid Motion being considered with great Temper, was agreed by the • whole General Court, who expreffed their great Satisfaction in t he Care and good Con- . duct of the Court of Directors in relation to the laid Affair. We are informed, that the Court of Aldermen laft Thurfday came to a Refolution, that the Burial Ground • in Moorfields, Called B-. dlam Burial Ground, fhould be immediately fhut up, and that there fhould be no more Corpfes there, for Seven Years at leuft. Laft Wednefday died at Stafford, aged • about Eighty, Mrs. Chetwynd, ReliCt of fohn Ch- twynd, of Mare and Ridge in Staffbrdfhire, Efq; fhe was Mother of
Walter, late Lord Vifcount Chetwynd, of ^ ohn the prefent Lord, and of William • Chetwynd, Efq; Member of Parliament t w i t h his Brother) for Stafford ; a'lfo of one JD ? ughter, Wife of Edward Yonge, Eiq; Reg ; iter of the Order of the Bath. L'. ft Mtfiday a Tidefman on board the Mary and Elizabeth, Capt. Hammond, lately arrived in the River from Dunkirk, fell over- b^ ard, and wa? drowned; and tho' they grappled for h im immediately his Body could not be found. Laft ThOrfday being St. David's Day, t h e Tutelar Saint of Wales, the fame was obferved at Court as a high Feftival, when the Knights Companions' o f the moft nofole
Order of the Gajter,- T h i f t l e and Bath, appeared in the Collars of their r^ fpcCtive Orders, according to Cuftom. On Saturday died Mr. Harding, an Officer of Excife: His Death was occafioned by the cruel and barbarous Ufage he met svith when he was robbed by two Footp a l s about three Weeks fmce in St. George's . Fields." : On Monday Morning laft Mr. Sparrow, Mafter of the Sun Tavern in St. Paul's Churchyard, to remove a flight Indifpofition, ordered a purging Draught that had lieen fent by his Apothecary to be mixed in fome Watey- Gruel by one of his Maid Servants, who, by miftake, threw in a V i a ! of fublimated
Mercury that i S s d in the Bar near the defigned Potion, which her Mailer immediately took, and quickly found himfelf furprifingly difcrdefed, but happily he threw tup the greater J Part thuzol. He has fince been attended by " a Council of Phyficians, notwithftanding whofs Abi> lities he is ftill in a very dngerous Way, and there are but little Hopes of his Recovery. L i f t Wedrtefday Morning died at his Houfe in Long- Acre, Mr. Shackle, an eminent and wealthy Brewer. On Monday laft James Lewis, a notorious Felon, was apprehended at Camber- . welly and by S i r Malthas Ryal committed to the New Gaol, SoutHwark, being
charged ' with; various Felonies and Robberies. . T h e y write from Shipton- Mallet, that a fudden and - c- ioleht Fi* e broke out lately at a Mill in the Parifh of Datchet near that Place, winch corffumed the fame, and that the Millers his Wife, Daughterin- Law, and a Servant- Maid, perifhed in the f l a m e s . Briftol, Feb. 24. Laft - Thurfday Morning died John Elbridge, Efq; Comptroller of his Majefty's Culloms in this City. We hear, among other Legacies, he has left 5000 1. to the Infirmary; and endowed a Charity School, which he built feveral Years before his Death, on St. Michael's Hill, for the educating and cloathing a certain
Number of poor Girls. Norwich, Feb. 24. On Sunday l; it died Anthony Parmenter, Efq; Alderman of Colgate Ward, who was Sheriff in the Year 1706, and Mayor in 1 7 1 7 , ( in which Year there were three Mayors.) And on Tuefliay eame on the Election of an Alderman in his room : T h e Candidates were, Mr. Woods, a Weaver, and Mr. Prefs, a Grocer. The Election was carried on jyith a great deal of Warmth on both Sides; but on cafting up the Polls they ftood thus, Mr. Woods 331, and Mr. Prefs 22,5. Upon which Mr. Woods was declared duly eleCted. Gloucefter, Feb". 24. We- hear from Bradford in Wilts, that on Tuefday laft,
AS forae- Soldiers were taking a Recruit to Juftice '. Cooper's o f Trowbridge to be fwprn,- one-- of them, in pnfSng a ' B r i d ge that was overflown, was driven by, the Rapidity of the. Stream into the middle of the River, and' was drowned ;' thO' another of them uled his utmoft Endeavours to fave him by running into the Water up to his Chin, and holding out a long Stick for him to catch at : He was taken up the Day after and buried. . Edinburgh, Feb. 20. There is a Report in Town, that laft W e e k one Young, who has for fome T i m e paft refided in the County of Fife, being 011 his Bed, fent for B A N K R U P T S . W i l l i am M
u r g ' t r e y d , of the Town and County of the Town of Derby, Chapman and Dealer in Iron. • *• Thomas Vacher, of Graveftild'in Kent, Victualler. PRICES of Gsids. at Bear- Key, £ s? c. Wheat 27s. ro a8s. per Quarter. Rye —;—• 12 s. to 17s per Quarter. Barley — i " 3 s. : to 16 s. per Quarter Oats 9 s. to 1 3$. Quarter. - Peafe 2* 1 s. to 2 j s , . per . Quarter. Hog^ Peafe—-— 163. to i^- si. per Quar. Horfe^ Beans— 26s. to- 23 s. per Quar. Pale " Malt i6s.. to 22 s. per Quar. . B r o w n M a l t — r - i & s . to ?: 8s. per Quar. Tares 20- s. to 22 I., per Quarter. New Hops 4* 1. per Hundred. Old' Hops 3 1. per Hundred. ' < Coals 24s. to
26s.- per Chaldron. T h e AfEze of Bread made of Wheat, as fet forth by the Lord Mayor and Court of Aldermen of the 13th of Eebr. 1738, to commence and take Place on the Thurfday following : s. d. T h e Peck Loaf is 1 80 Houlhold or fecond Sort 1 3 Chriftcned Males 177. I-'( finales rSo. In all 357. Buiied Males 140 Females 227. In all 467. Deereafed in the Burial!) this Week 20. the Minifter of the Parifh, and, ith bitter Remorfe, acknw'edgtd he was the unhappy Murderer of Pj- ovoft Lindfay's Apprentice, when that Gentleman was Dean of Guild. That horrid Piece of Btrbarity was committed about ten Years ago, in the Dufk of
tke Evening, ES the young Gentleman was going to clofe in the Shop, and the Dean of Guild's Box carried off. Dr. F R I E N D ' S B a l s a m . T H I S moft excellent Medicine cures Coughs, 1 Afthma's, • Catarrhs, Sboitnefs of Breath, Agues of all kinds, by taking 2 or 3 Dofes ; It likewife eutes theJatradice, Dropfy, Scurvy, Rheumatifm, and Hyftcrick Fits ; If taken according to the dlreRions. It ftreugthens the Tones of the Stomach, cures a ftinkiug Bieath, takes away the loathing cf Food, and recovers a loft Appetite : It alfo cures the Vapours, Lownefs of Spirit, the Green Sicknefs, and is a wonderful Reftorative to broken
Conftitutions ; and to a Miracle recovers Consumptive Peifons, even when all Hopes has been given up : It removes all Chi, lick or Griping Pains, and heals all Excoriations of the Bowels, or uiinary Parts; it cools ar. d abates the exceffive Heats in Heftic or other Fevers, and brings the whole Body into fuch a Temper; that Nature returns to it proper Coutfe, & c. Outwardly apply * d it gives immediately F. afc in the moft tormenting Pains in the Gout, violent Rheimiatifm, Sciatica, or Pains of any Parts of the Budy, reftores Paralytic Limbs, difcultes fcrophuJous and other Tumours, Knots in R i j k e t t y Children ; cures Fiftula's and
Piles, 6if. ftops a Mortification ; cures all frefll Wotnsds, either cut or continued, at two or three PrefTisgs, Ir takes the Pain and Fire out of Burns or Scalds: ; and takes Blackrefs from Bruifes as foon as apvlyMl The Price of the Bottle, with Direftions; ii One Shilling. T o be bad with DireJKons at large at the fmall Price of One Sh lli « i£ each Bottle, of J. C o r . r . ETTI in Warwick ; J. J o r . t v , in Edgburtor- ftreet, Birmingham; J. M S H A Y , Bookbinder in Huttfeigham' i Mr. U * w > » , Printer at Leicefter; G. DOSE, ot King's- Mill, Leicefteifliire; Mr. COOPER' , at Mt. Dunkley's, in Bridge Preet, Northampton; Mr LA H T O H , at the
King's Amis againft the Old White H.- rt in C'olchefter ; and Jo. K I P F A X , at the Ship at Chelmsford, and by him in tbe Towns where he ferves Rooks and News ; and by the Perfons who ferve thefe Kcv-,- PAPRRS 101 K, W A L K E R in London. s