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Commonsense or, The Englishman's Journal


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Commonsense or, The Englishman's Journal

Date of Article: 24/06/1738
Printer / Publisher: J. Purser 
Address: White-Fryars, near Fleet-street, London
Volume Number:     Issue Number: 
No Pages: 2
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COMMONS o jt, The ENGLISHMAN'S J0URNAL ( Printed for J. PURSER in White- Fryars.) To the Author of COMMON SENSE. aS your Lucubrations are intended to correct the Conduct of your Countrymen, and to persuade them, if possible, to follow the Dictates of Common Sense, nothing will be more necessary than for you to have a constant Eye upon their Publick Diversions-, that you may set a Stigma upon such as are be- neath the Dignity of Human Nature, or which seem rather calculated to seduce the Unwary, than recreate the Idle ; and that you may give a Sanction to those which unbend the Mind without corrupting it, and which serve as an Amusement for the Prefent Time without indangering the Happiness of the Future. The Mind is at no Time so apt to receive Impres- sions of any Sort as when it is soften'd by Diversions,— whatever is stamp'd upon it at such Times leaves a deep Mark behind it, and will not easily be defaced after it is again harden'd by Attention. Subsequent Reflection serves only to multiply the Images, but not erase them. The celebrated Mr. Lock was so well apprised of this Truth, that, in his ingenious Essay upon Education, he recommends the making Learning a Diversion, and playing Children into Knowledge. If this Scheme had been universally follow'd since his Time, i believe there would be scarcely seen so many Blockheads in the World at present, who, by the serious and labo- rious Method of teaching now in Vogue, have been terrified into Ignorance and Idleness. Pleasure is what we all so steadfastly pursue, that there only needs Fashion to give any Thing that , —. a . V... ti- r. ca cS ic. tol- low'd till the Force ot Custom has render'd it agree- able. The first Winter Farinelli adorn'd the British Stage, there was not a Mercer's Wife, from charing- Cross t0 the Top of Ludgate Hill, who did not run to the Hay Market with the Profits of the Day, in order to yawn over Musick they had no Relish for, and to listen to a Language they did not understand: But the Desire of seeming to be diverted earned them there so often, that, without acquiring any real Liking for Operas, se- veral of them were uneasy if they did not spend at least one Evening in the Week there. But, Thanks to Fa- shion which first introduced this ridiculous Diversion, in Complaisancc to a very few who were really delight- ed with Musick, there is no longer Need of doing Pe- nance there in order to be thought a Sectary of Plea- sure ; that exotick Taste is grown again our of Vogue, and a Lady may now confess, that she prefers a good English Play to any Italian Opera without raising the In- dignation of the Tea table. The great Ercouragcmenr which has been given, for these two Winters pass'd, to the acting of Shake- speare's Plays, makes me hope Fashion is at last going t0 side with Virtue, and if ever Publick Diversions are made Auxiliaries to Common Sense, Morality may once more have a Chance of becoming fashionable ; and tho', from the natural Amiableness of Virtue, Fashion can never, be able intirely to banish her from the World ; yet, if ever they two were to join Forces, Vice might very easily be put out of Countenance. But it is the Play Houses alone which give us the least Glimpse of this pleasing ProspeCt: I wish there were no other Places where Fashion seems to have taken a quite contrary Turn. As we are all so much the Creatures of Fashion as to count that alone Diversion, which she has pleased to licence as such ; and as our Minds, being at those Times most unguarded, are then less capable of resist- ing any Kind of Attacks; it well deserves the serious Consideration of every Great Man and Pretty Woman, who have it in their Power to set the Fashion, that they introduce such as may tend to advance, or at least not discountenance, Virtue. But it ever the one, to sa- tisfy his Avarice or Ambition, or the other, to gratify her Vanity or Inclinations, shall bring up Fashions in- consistent with, and destruCtiVe of Morality and Good Sense, the Venom will be likely to spread wide, and Time alone ( and that with Difficulty) will be capable of eradicating so fatal a Gangrene out of Society. But to shew the great Effect our Diversions have upon our Lives, there will need no more than to give a short History of LUCINDA. Your Fair Readers will, I hope, from her learn of whar infinite Consequence it is to them to be cautious in the Choice ot their Amuse- ments and I had rather instruCt them by Example than by Precept. LUCINDA had but just enter'd into her fifteenth Year when her Mother brought her up to London, in Hopes that a polite Education, join'd to a lovely Per- son, might make Amends for the Smallness of her For- tune, which did by no Means equal her Merit. The Retiredness of her Life, for the two first Years, which were employ'd wholly in acquiring the proper Ac- complishments of her Sex, made her pass without much Notice till the third Winter, when she appear'd more in Publick; and soon became the Idol of the Men, as well as the Envy of the Women. A natural Liveliness of Fancy, accompanied with an agreeable Simplicity, render'd her as much the Admiration of those who conversed with her, as a gentile Make and fine Complexion gain'd her the Adoration of all who saw her. It was with the greatest Pleasure that her Mother beheld her thus outstripping her fondest Wishes. She flatter'd herself now, that she had the Choice of the whole Town. Moderate Offers were not to be listen'd to,— a good Estate without a Title was not worthy of Acceptance. LUCINDA was to be seen at every Publick Assem- bly ; was it Court- night, she was there , — was there an Opera, she was there ; nor was she less constant to the Park than the Church, and for the same Reason: Wherever she appear'd she attracted the Eyes of the Company, and was the Subject of every Conversation. All the Gay Sparks were ambitious of her Acquain- tance, and desirous of proving themselves polite by their Civilities to her. Among the foremost was young FLORIO, who was not less constant than her Shadow ; and tho' his Ad- dresses were at first only the EfFeCt of Gallantry, yet he soon conceived a Passion which was real. As his Fortune was very small, he knew no Proposals from him would meet with Success, so determin'd to endea- vour to gratify his Inclination at the Expence of her Innocence. A graceful Person, a sprightly Wit, a Title, and a Cockade, fitted him for the Attempt — He always made his Attacks when he perceiv'd her Virtue least guarded The Drawing- Room was most favourable to his Design : Fashion having made it a Publick Diversion, she never fail'd being there; and as there was nothing to excitc her Attention, or keep her Honour awake, in that Place, her Mind was then most susceptible of his Flattery. He invited her to private Parties of Dancing, where he was sure to be her Partner, then watch'd his Opportunity when her Incli nations were suppled by the Motion and the Musick. he had not yet perfected his Conquest; she seem'd not to comprehend what he desired, yet appear'd de lighted with his Company.—-— A Masquerade was the only Publick Diversion which she had not been at; one at least was allowable out of Curiosity, beside, there were two married Ladies would bear her Company ; no one should know her Dress but FLORIO, and he would guard her from all Insults. He knew when to take Advantage. The Novelty of the Entertainment,— the Gaiety of the Place, the Dancing, the Masque,— all equally conspired to assist him. They were easily separated from their Company for two Hours, and Venus smiled to see young FLORIO Successful. But alass Succcss is too often an Antidote to Love: He grew weary of his Prize when he had perfected the Conquect. Her Imprudence and his Vanity soon discover'd the Amour. She was obliged to retire from the World and from Shame, into a cheap ' try, and thin Neighbourhood, to live upon the Int rest ot fifteen hundred Pounds. Thus was poor cinDA entertain'd out of her Innocence, and diver into Infamy and Contempt. I cannot Conclude this Paper without taking Notice ofthe Diverfion of the Year:—- The Mus who resort daily to VaUX Hall make it necessary somewhat upon that Entertainment. The Gardens are prettily disposed, and when illu- mined make a beautiful Scene ,— the Variety- of Com- pany differently employ'd, the Contract between the instrumcntal Musick in the middle Grove, and the na- tural Harmony of the Woods, in the more retired Parts, render the Whole a very agreeable Amuse- ment. As I am in Hopes too the warbling of the Nightingales, and the Verdure of the Trees, may tend to reclaim to a Toleration of the Country such of the Fair Sex as are at this Time preparing to leave this Metropolis, I am contented to let them go thither, bu under the following RestriCtions, viz.- That their Parties always consist of an odd Number, — there is something in the Garden which so much re- sembles the Description of a Mahometan Paradise,—— that perhaps, if they should be suffered to go in Pairs, they may be tempted to imitate all the Diversions of such a Place. I must also insist, that there be no more Smoking in the Middle of the Company, lest the Stink of the Tobacco should drive some of the Fair Guests into the more private Walks for a little fresh Air, and Conversion may then perhaps grow unaccountably se- rious. I could wish likewise, that they who take Wa- ter at White- Hall would not make too frequent Visits there, at least not in the same Party. As for the honest Citizens who carry their Wives and Families there for an Evening's Entertainment, I would by no Means stint them in their Diversions: upon Condition, that the good Lady promises not to fall too much in Love with Musick, nor teaze her Husband next Winter to carry her to the Opera. Under these restraints I call admit it for a passa tempo, and am glad Fashion has introduced one so reasonable. A. Z. FOREIGN NEWS. Paris, June 5. O S. We have Advice, that Mes- sieurs Godin, Bougher and Candamina, of the Royal Academy of Sciences, who went by the King's Order to Peru to make Trigonometrical Observations, having happily finished them are on their Return from thence to Europe ; and ' tis computed they will be here in two or three Months. At Martineco, they made very cu- rious and useful Observations; and at St. Domingo, some Remarks in Natural Philosophy. In crossing the Isthmus of Panama, they raised an exaCt Chart of the Course of the River of Chagra, of which they deter- mined the Longitude and Latitude Astronomically. They afterwards separated, to make a more striCt Ob- servation of the Equinox of the Lunar Eclipse, and all the Immersions and Emersions of the Moon's Satellites. After this they apply'd themselves to determine the Position of the Equator with the greatest Nicety. For this Purpose they made choice of a Spot of Ground at the Mouth of the River of Emerald's, which was pro- per to measure their Base ; and upon the neighbouring Hills they plac'd the necessary Signals to unite that Base with the Triangles which they were to form from the same Operation : At each End of the Space which they proposed to measure, they plac'd a Mill Stone, upon one of which they set for an Infcription Meta Bo- realis, and on the other Meta Australis. For the mea- suring of this Base they made Use of three Poles 20 Foot long, and which might be capable of joining at each End with the greatest Exactness. They were 25 Days in making this Operation ; and afterwards to prove the Truth of it, they divided themselves into two Companies, one of which measur'd at the North Extremity, and the other at the Southern, and each left off at the Point from whence the other began- SATURDAY JUNE 24, 1738 \ IRELAND June 6. Last Friday the Spy Man of for England with 90 Men for the Fleet; half of which engaged voluntarily. a Woman of 75 Years of Age was first Child. te 15. Last Saturday about 2 o'Clock, " Col. Brag's Regiment took it into his Thomas Street to draw his Hanger, with he cut all before him ; and could not be per- to desist, till the Right Hon. the Lord Mayor himself with the Sheriffs and had him appre- hended, and committed him to Newgate: But the centry refusing to let him into Goal, the Corporal ' the Guard was called, he insisting, that no Civil magistrate had a Command over the Army, said that centry was right, and would not be prevail'd with by Means to let the Drummer in, but as we are m'd, insulted the Lord Mayor and Sheriffs; up- which his Lordship waited on the Lord Justices, ' who sent for the General, and the proper Orders be- ing given, the Corporal was committed to the Provost Marshalsea, and the Drummer and Centry to New- gate , where they remain. LONDON June 24, 1758. Last Week several Persons of Distinction, of both Sexes, had the Honour to be presented to a Foreign Lady newly arriv'd here ; the Ceremonial, as to Pre- cedency, was exactly observ'd upon this Occasion, be- _ introduced one after another according to their re- Ranks: They behaved with great Humility the little Time they were in her Presence, and were graciously received ; but a more than ordinary Regard was shewn to those at the Head of the T y, who, it is thought, will be her greateft Favorites, one of them having had the Honour of a private Audience since, in order to settle those Matters which occasion'd her coming into this Kingdom. Charles Ratcliff, Esq; Brother to the Earl of Der- wentwater, beheaded on Tower- hill in the beginning of the late Reign, is arrived at Calais from Brussels. Monday Morning two Labouring Men who were at Work on a Scaffold erectcd for the Repairing of Cam- berwell Church, on the giving way of the Scaffold, fell from a considerable Heighth to the Ground, whereby one of them had the Misfortue to break his Back and Legs, and the other was bruis'd in a terri- ble Manner ; they were after conveyed from thence in a Cart to St. Thomas's Hospital. Barwell Smith, Esq; one of his Majesty Justices of the Peace for the City and Liberty of Westminster, is appointed Deputy Teller of the Exchequer in tlve Lord Onslow's Office, in the Room of Samuel Ed- wards, Esq; deceased The Commissioners for the Westminster- Bridge have given Instructions to Thomas Lediard, Esq; to go on with all Expedition, in His Enquires, concerning the Properties and Value of the Grounds and Houses be- tween Palace- yard, King- street and Whitehall ; and we hear they desing to open several large convenient Ways to the Bridge, according to the Plans prepar'd for that purpose by Mr. Lediard. One Day last Week as a Gentleman was coming to Town from Ware, he was met by a Footman, who had the Impupence to bid him get out of the Track, which being refus'd, ( as coming to London according to Custom) he drew out a Pistol, and swore he would shoot him if he did not comply ; the Gentleman hav- ing no Arms thought it most prudent so to do, and acordingly gave the Way; but soon after seeing a Coach with the same Livery he rode up to it, and told the Owner of it what had happen'd, who desired him to ride back to a House where they were to put up, and confront the Servant, which was done, and the Gentleman being satisfyed of the Truth of the Ac- cusation, stripp'd the Fellow directly, and discharged him his Service. By the Eagle and Townsend Packet Boats arrived at Falmouth, we are inform'd, that the Spaniards are fortifying their Towns on the Sea Coasts, and drawing their Troops into Ferole and Cadiz. And by the King George Packet, which arrived there the lzth, in nine Days from Lisbon, we have News of Admiral Haddock's passing by that Port for the Mediterranean. His Majesty's Ships the Alderney Sloop and the Deal- Castle Man ot War are order'd for the Channel Service, Last Tuesday Mr. John Innocent, one of the Com- mon- Council- Men of the Ward of Farrindon With- out, and an eminent Vintner in Fleet- street, was mar- ryed to Mrs. Gooding of Bromley in Kent, an agree- able Lady, with 800c 1. Fortune : After which they din'd at Pontack's, vhere an elegant Entertainment was provided for them The same Day about 2000 poor Hay- makers were at the Royal Exchange imploring Relief in their pre- sent miserable State, the dripping Weather having defeated their honest Intentions of Working and spoil'd their Hay- Harvest, by which means many of those poor People will be obliged to beg their Way Home, some of whom are above 200 Miles from their Habi- tations. Thro' the Munificence of some Gentlemen a considerable Purse was rais'd for their Relief. A Warrant of Detainer is sent down to Newgate, by Justice Farmer, against Thomas Merryfield, who is charged on the Oath of Mary Fowger and Mary Poynter with being concerned in the Murder of Mr. Austin last Summer in Stepney- Fields, near St. George's Church in the East. It is the Opinion of several Liverymen of the City of London, that in order to prevent any further Dis- putes concerning Affirmatives and Negatives, touch- ing some Proposals lately made for Masons Work, to be performed on the intended Mansion- House for the future Lord- Mayors, that the Case ought to be re- ferred to the Court of Hustings at Guildhall on Mid- summer- Day next, and that the Election of a proper Person to perform the same ( the Proposals of 18000 1. being supposed to be most reasonable) be then and there decided by the Suffrages of the Liverymen of the said City. By a private Letter from Carolina, dated April 27, they write, that the, Spaniards had laid aside their Preparations for a Descent on Georgia ; the said Let- ter adds, that the Town of Georgia is very well de- sign'd, in which Numbers of Houses were built, that the Silk Worms are in a flourishing Condition, and that the Ship in which Mr. Whitefield went over was not then arrived, tho hourly expected. The Trustees for the British Charity Children have agreed with a Builder to erect a School for the said Children on Clerkenwell- Green, witha proper Apart- ment for the Master; and the said School is to be fi- nished with all Expedition. The Workmen at his Majesty's several Yards are engaged to work two Tides a Day ( as its said) in or- der to fit out the Men of War last put into Commission. Wednesday Night the Sadler's Company ( of which his Royal Highness the Prince of Wales is chosen per- petual Master) had a grand Illumination before their Hall in Cheapside, and a large Bonfire, & c. on Ac- count of the Christening of his Royal Highness's Son. The same Night also a most elegant and magnificent Firework was play'd off in St. James's- Square, in Ce- lebration of the Christning of the young Prince. In the Center of the Bason was erected a fine transparent Obelisk, 41 Foot high, adom'd with various Designs, Arms, Mottoes, 8ec. On the Base was represented, 1. Hymen presenting the new- born Prince to Britan- nia, with this Motto, Nato Caesare Festus. 2. Minerva educating the young Prince, the Ensigns of Arts and Arms lying by, Motto, H*. tibi Artes. 5. The Prince conducted by Time receiving the Crown from the Hands of Britannia, Motto, Merit jam Tempus. 4. The Prince on the Throne supported by Liberty and Justicet Plenty with her Cornucopia kneeling be- fore him, Motto, Patriis Virtutibus. On the first Division of the Obelisk. The Arms of his Royal Highness the Prince of Wales. The Arms of Saxe Gotha. The Arms of the City of London, with the Regalia. The Arms of the Admiralty, with this Motto, Illi Robur & Aes triplex. On the next Division, 1. Neptune supporting the British Colours. 2. The City of London represented by a Woman with a Mural Crown on her Head, and a Sword in her Hand 3. Trade and Navigation supporting a Ship; by her the Compass and Ensigns of Trade. 4. Ceres, with the Ensigns of Agriculture, & c. On the next Division, Palms, Laurels, and Trophies. On the next Division, Open Lights disposed in a beautiful manner, at the Top of which was placed a transparent Star, and the whole crown'd with the Feathers. On Wings which projected from the Angles of the Obelisk, were va- rious Fireworks. At the Corners of the Base play'd four fine Fire Wheels, above which were placed four Orange- Trees in Vales, adorn'd with golden Fruit, which burst off in Fire, while four Brilliant Fountains play'd out of the midst of thc Trees. Above these, in the middle of a Circle Of Tapers, 0n each Wing arose four more Fountains of Fire, while another discharg'd itself from the Feathers at top twenty foot high, and descended in a Brilliant Shower. From out the Star a Firework waS discharg'd, which overspread great Part of the Square, and at last a Mine was sprung, which in an Instant destroy'd the beautiful Pageant. During the playing of these Works, were several Discharges of fine Rocquets and Cannon, Healths were drank, ac- companied with Kettle Drums, Trumpets, & c. while the People, who were very numerous, express'd their Joy on this HAPPY OCCASION in the loudest Accla- mations. The Bason was surrounded with large Ta- pers, the Light of which striking 0n the Frame of the Obelisk, which Was all gilt, had an exceeding fine Effect. The Rails and the Stone Pyramids were illuminated around with a vast number of Lights finely disposed. But what added much to the Beauty of the Design, was, that every thing was order'd in lb care - ful and regular a manner, that no Damage could ac- crue to any of the Spectators On Monday last there was a Review of the Horse - Guards and Horse- Grenadiers ; they made a fine Shew, and looked very far, both Horses and Men: And on Wednesday there was a Review of all the Foot- Guards, who fired in Platoons, and behaved very much to the Satisfaction of the Ladies, who were pre- sent. The Action lasted near an Hour, when not a Man gave Ground, tho' the Fire was the hottest that most of them had ever seen.— Some of the new promo- ted Colonels, tho' they had no Command, serv'd as Volunteers, and behaved with great Intrepidity.- It is said, the Spanish M r was there Incog ; and wc also hear, that he dispatch'd a Courier to Spain that Night ( no Doubt) with an Account of thc Action; and we may expect that the Court of Spain will send more pacifick Answers than they have hitherto done, as soon as they hear how gallantly our Troops ' behaved upon this Occasion. From Paris we have an Account, that Cardinal Alberoni died at Ravenna, in the Ecclesiastical Domi- nions in Italy, the 9th instant, N. S. aged 74 Years. Capt. Dickenson, who is arrived in the River from St. Kitt's, brings Advice, that the Success, Capt. Sims, bound to London from Virginia, sprung a Leak in her Passage, which obliged them to put into Antigua to stop the same, and after three Days sail from thence, met, near the Island of Monserrat a Spanish Guarda Costa, who, after plundering the Ship, put the Cap- tain and most of the Crew into the Long. Boat, and set it adrift. The Spaniards carried the Ship into Porto Rico The Captain and his Crew being left to the Mercy of the Seas, fortunately met with a Dutch. Ship bound to Eustatia, who took them on board, and landed the Captain and Crew at the said Island. Wednesday Morning Mr Reynolds, Foreman to the Masons at the new additional Building to St. Bartholomew's Hospital, Mr. Lacy, and Mr. Webb, Masons, had the Misfortune, by the breaking of a Putlock, a Supporter to Scaffold- Boards, above forty Foot high, to fall into the West- end Area of the said Building, where Mr. Reynolds had his Head fractured and scalp'd in a miserable manner, and his Thigh broke ; Mr. Webb broke his Arm and Thigh; and Mr. Lacy was much bruis'd, and had the Flesh. torn from one of his Legs. They were immediately carried into the Wards of the Hospital, and it's hop'd they will recover. Thursday Thomas Trotrman, Esq; Citizen and Salter, and Humphry South, Esq; Citizen and Fish- monger, paid their Fines into the Chamber of Lon- don to be excused from serving the Office of Sheriff of the said City. The write from Leicester, that on the 10th Instant the loyal Mob duck'd and much abus'd an ignorant Country Girl for wearing a White Rose. South- Sea- Stock 101 3 4ths. Ditto Annuities 111 3 4ths. Bank 143. India 170, Books shut. This Day is Publish'd, ( Price Six- pence) The UNIVERSAL PRAYER By the Author of the ESSAY on MAN. Printed for R. Dodsley at Tully's Head In Pall- Mall. This Day is Publish'd, A NEW EDITION of, AN INSTITUTE of the LAWS of ENGLAND: Or, The Laws of England in their Natural Order, according to Common Use. Publish'd tor the Direction of young Begin- ners, or Students in the Law; and of others that desire to have a general Knowledge in our Common and Statute Laws. In Four Books. By THOMAS WOOD, LL. D. Barrister at Law, and Rector of Hardwick in Burks. Printed for H. LINTOT, ac the Cross- keys against St. Dun- stan's Church in Fleet street.
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