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The Warwick and Staffordshire Journal : With the History of the Holy Bible


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The Warwick and Staffordshire Journal : With the History of the Holy Bible

Date of Article: 22/12/1737
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Volume Number:     Issue Number: XIX
No Pages: 4
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T H E i , Warwick and Staffordshire journal: WITH THE' History of the HOLY BIBLE. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 22, 1737. Numb. XIX. THEY write from Vienna, that the Hereditary Pro- vinces have undertaken to furnish 25,000 Recruits, partly in Men, and partly in Money. There is a Regiment of Dragoons, and two Bat- talions coming from Wirtemberg, and this Court will endeavour to obtain some more Troops from the Princes of the Empire. The States of Silesia have offer'd to furnish 3.000^ 000 of Florins. M. Lazenski is in daily Conference with the Ministers, for concerting the Operations of the next Campaign; and a Russian Colonel, who has been in the Emperor's Army, is set out in a few Days for Petersburg, with the Result of those Conferences. From the Hague they write, that Count Goloskin, Ambassador from the Emprels of Ruflia to the States Gene- ral, has received an Express from his Court of the 18th Instant, with the agreeable News, that the Turks had abandoned the Siege of Oczakow; and he has notified the same t0 the States. The chief Particulars are as follow: That while veldt Marshal Count Mu- nich was marching towards the U- kraine, to put his Troops into Winter Quarters, the new Grand Vizier drew together a numerous Army towards the Niester, and made Prepararions of all necessary Stores to attack Oczakow; and having received his last Orders from the Sultan for that Expedition, detached the Seraskier Gentzy Ali- Bacha. with 6o, 0oo Turks, and 2o, 0co Tartars. Some advarced Parties ap- peared before Oczakow on . the 5th of October, but did nothing of Conse- rence; by the 16th the main Army being come up, the Place was entirely invested on the Land Side, and the Turks opened their Trenches that Day ; and having carried on their Approaches rear to the Counterscarp between the Town and some Redoubts lately raised by the Russian Garrison on the side of the River Liman, made a Lodgment; and posted several Thousand Men there. That Night and most part of the: Day following, they fired continually with their Cannon, Mortars, and small Arms, and towards the Evening of the 17th, made a vigorous Attack upon the Counterscarp, but were repulsed, dri- ven from their Lodgment, and forced to retire with considerable Loss. The two following Days they made new Attacks, and attempted to mount the Works by scaling Ladders in different Places, but were beaten off every where wich great Slaughter of their Men, Af- ter these Repulses, the Turks carried on their Approache; till the 8th of November, when having sprung two Mines, they gave a general Assault with such Fury, that they made their Way to the Ditch of the Town, but were repulsed by the good Conduct of Major General Stoffeln, Governour of the Place, and the Bravery of his Gar- rison, with such Execution, that the Night between the 9th and loth they abandoned all their Works, Approaches and Batteries, set Fire to their Camp, and then retired so precipitately, that by the Evening of the next Day they were got above 40 Versts from the Place. From Hermanstandt, in Transylvania, that the Emissaries of Prince Ragotski have dispers'd upon the Frontiers of that Principality a Manifesto, in the Name of that Prince, full of flattering and persuasive Language, in order to draw the Transylvanians from their o- bedience to the Emperor. Notwith- standing the great Art which has been made use of in composing this Mani- festo, which appears by the seducing and affecting Terms therein contain'd; yet it dees not, at present, appear to have made any Impression on the Minds of the Inhabitants of this Province, who seem more than ever attach'd to the Interest of their lawful Sovereign the Emperor. From Hanover, that a Courier, late- ly arrived from London, has brought Orders for 7 or 8.000 Men of the Troops of this Electorate to hold them- selves in Readiness to march, it is thought they are intended for the Ser- vice of the Emperor, in case the War with the Turks continues. From Dantzick; that the Interest of the Protestants in Poland will be very strongly supported at the approaching Diet; and the more so, not only as the Rings of Sweden and Denmark, and the other Protestant Powers, s| re resolv'd to bestir themselves in their Favour; but likewise, that the Court of Russia designs to send a Minister to Warsaw, to act in Concert with these Powers, in - order to obtain, that the People of that Persuasion may enjoy the free Exercise of their Religion, conform- able to the Treaty of Oliva. From Milan, that two Imperial Commissaries are gone from hence to the Confines of the Territories of the King of Sardinia, where they are to meet two Commissaries from that Prince, in order to accommodate the Differences subsisting between their Im- perial and Sardinian Majesties, in rela- tion to the Limits of the Countries, whose Possession was adjudg'd to these- two Princes, by virtue of the last Peace. Arrival of Ships. The Betty Galley, Winster, from St, Kitts, is arrived at Carolina. The Squire, Hallsall, from Virginia, is arriv'd at Liverpool. The Magdalen, Crawford, from Se- ville, is arriv'd at Deal. The London, Willes; the Princess Augusta, Morley; the Charles and Henry, Harding; and the Providence and Hannah, Sharpe, all . from Norway j are all arrived in the River. LONDON, printed by R. WALKER, the Corner of Seacoal .1. LONDON. On THURSDAY next, the 29th of De- cember, will be published the Sixth Number of The LIFE and REIGN of QuEEn ANNE. THIS Work contains the History of Eu- rope as well as of England, during the twelve Years of that Reign, of the greatest Variety of memorable and important Events that are to be met with in our Annals. To the Publick. THE five first Numbers are already printed : With the first Number was • given the Effigy of her Majesty Q ANNE ; with the Third a curious Print of the lllu- strious Duke of Ormond; with the Fourth a curious Print of Philip V- the present King of Spain, and with the Fifth Number was deliver'd the Battle Piece of Malplaquet, engraven by Mr. J. Hulett, late Appren- tice to Mr. Gerard Vandergucht. The glo- rious Actions of the Duke of Ormond, as - well as the other noble Personages concern- ed during the remarkable and never- to- be- forgotten Reign of Queen ANNE, are in this Hiltory particularly considered. The Customers may be assured, that this Work will be faithfully carried on, according to the Conditions inserted below, which they are desired to peruse ; and that if this Work should exceed Forty Numbers, the rest will be given Gratis. A Proof of the first Battle Piece may be now seen at the Empty- Gallon- pot the Corner of Seacoal Lane, next Fleet- T, ane, at which Place, and of all Hawkers and Venders of News Papers, the former Numbers may be had. Such Persons as intend to become Subscri- bers to this Work, are desired to give Notice forth with, and they may be assured of being punctually served. And to render this Work extremely valuable, there will be annexed at the End of every Year of her Majesty's Reign, somie useful and political Remarks on Bishop Burnet's History of the Reign of Queen ANNE. Those who are desirous of having the a- bove Work, are desired to ask for the Octavo Edition, printed by me, R. WALKER. * v CONDITIONS for Printing the Life and Reign of Queen ANNE. THIS Work will make about Forty Numbers, each Number to contain Twenty- four Pages in Octavo ; and ' is Printed on a superfine Dutch Paper, and an entire new Letter; stitched up blue Covers, and delivered every Thursday to the Customers, at the small Price of Two Pence. If. The Work will be illustrated with 12 large Folio Copper Plates, of the most re- markable Battles, to sold in the Book ; the Particulars of which Battles, are as follow. * III. the Cuts will be taken from the finest Drawings; and notwithstanding ihe great Expence attending them, there will be no more than one Sheet of Letter Press abated when a Cut is delivered. The several Cuts designed to illustrate this History are as follow, viz. 1. tHE Taking of St. Mary's, where the Soldiers getting drunk and mad, plundered the City, and ravished the Nuns. 2. The taking of Vigo, and destroying or taking 55 Men of War and Galleons. 3. The Battle of Hochstedt or blenheim, and the taking of Marshal Tallard Prisoner, and forcing of 4000 Horse Into the Danube. 4- The Taking of Gibraltar from the Spaniards, by Sir George Rooke, and the Prince of Hesse. 5. The Sea Fight off Malaga. 6. The Destroying of the French Admiral Ponti's Squadron before Gibraltar, at the time the French and Spaniards besieged it. 7. The Battle of Ramiliies. 8. The Battle of Turin. 9- The Battle of Almanza. - 10. The Battle of Oudenarde. 11. The Battle of Malplaquet. 12. The Taking Possession of Dunkirk by the English. ON Saturday Night about Twelve o' Clock, her late Majesty was interr'd in a new Vault, adjoining to King Henry VIIth's Chapel; her Pall was supported by Six Dukes, and her Royal Highness the Princess Amelia was Chief Mourner, supported by two Dukes, and her Train borne by two Dutchesses, assisted by the Lord Ro- bert Montagu, the Queen's Vice Cham- berlain, and 16 Dutchesses were Assist- ants to the Chief Mourner. The Bu- rial Service ( according to the Liturgy of the Church of England) was read by the Right Rev. Dr. Wilcox, Bishop of. Rochester, and Dean of Westminster. After the Burial Service was over, the following Anthem, set to Musick by Mr. Handell, was perform'd by up- wards of 100 Hands, from the Choirs of St. James's, Westminfter, St. Paul's, and Windsor, & c. and then John An- stis, Esq; Garter King of Arms, pro- claim'd Her late Majesty's Stile and Titles, viz. Thus it has pleased Almighty God, to take out of this transitory Life in his divine Mercy, the late Most High, Most Mighty, and Most Excellent Princess CAROLINE, by the Grace of God, Queen- Consort of the Most High, Most Mighty, and Most Excellent Mo- narch GEORGE the Second, by the Grace of God, King of Great Britain, France and Ireland, Defender of the Faith; whom God bless and preserve with long Life, Health, and Honour, and all worldly Happiness. The same Morning the Great Stan- dard of England was hoisted half way up the Staff, at the Tower of London, on Account of her Majesty's Funeral. j . All the Ships in the River did the their Colours. The same Evening, at six o' Clock, the Tower Guns began to fire every Minute, and continued till the Fune- ral was over. And the Bell at St. Paul's which the Clock usually strikes on, with several others in the City, continued Tollirg from that Hour till the Ceremony was over. The ANTHEM that was perform'd at Her MAJESTY'S Funeral. TH E Ways of Zion do mourn, and she is in Bitterness; all her People sigh, and hang down their Heads to the Ground. Lam. i. 4. 10, 11. How are the Mighty fall'n ! she that was Great among the Nations, and Princess of the Provinces, 2 Sam, i. 19. Lam. i. I. She put on Righteousness, and it cloathed her; her Judgment was a Robe and a Diadem. Job xxix. 14. When the Ear heard her then it bles- sed her; and when the Eye saw her, it gave Witness to her. ver. 11. She deliverd the Poor that cried, the Fatherless, and him that had none to help him. ver. 12. Kindness, Meekness, and Comfort, were on her Tongue. Eccles. xxxvi. 23. If there was any Virtue, and if there was any Praise, she thought on these Things. Phil. iv. 8. * The Righteous shall be had in ever- lasting Remembrance; and the Wise shall shine as the Brightness of the Fir- mament. Psal. cxii. 6. Dan. xii. 3. Their Bodies are buried, in Peace, but their Name liveth evermore. Eccles. xliv. 14. The People tell of their Wisdom, and. the Congregation will shew forth their Praise. ver. 15. Their Reward also is with the Lord, and the Care of them is with the Most High. Wisd. v. 15. They shall receive a glorious King- dom, and a beautiful Crown from the Lord's Hands, ver. 16. The merciful Goodness of the Lord endureth for ever on them that fear him, and his Righteousness to their Chil- dren's Children. Psal. ciii. 17. A few Days since died the Rev. Mr. Collins, Rector of Crayford in kent. The Living is worth at least 5001. per Annum, and is in the Gift of Sir Harry Fermour, Bart. The 50001. Prize that was drawn , last Wednesday, is the Property of Roger Gale, Esq, late one of the Com- missioners of the Excise, g We hear that the Right Hon. the Lord Mayor and Court of Aldermen have come to a Resolution, that the fine for purchasing the Freedom of the City of London, shall be for the future 501. which has been sold lately for 301. Ore of the most impudent Robbe ries that has been heard of for some time, was committed last Week; a Fellow, in the Habit of a Plumber, went to Sir Joseph Eyles's Stable Yard, near Bishopsgate, and goes to work upon a large Cistern for watering Hor- ses; upon being ask'd by the Coach- man what he was going about, he said he had Orders to make a new Cistern. He cut the old one in Pieces, and de sired one of the Servants to call a Cart, who did, and then assisted him to put the Lead into the Cart, which he car- ried clean off. On Friday Morning William Need- ham, of Rutlandshire, Esq; was mar- rjed at St. George's Hanover Square, to Mrs. Leicester, Relict of George Leicester, late of Red Lyon street, Esq; an agreeable young Widow, with a plentiful Fortune. On Tuesday Morning Mr. Mace, an Apothecary in Watling- street, was mar- ried to Miss Willmot of Hackney, an agreeable young Lady, with a consi- derable Fortune. The same Morning died at Hackney, in the 98th Year of his Age, the Rev. Mr. John Strype, Minister of Low- I. ayton in Essex: A Gentleman well known for the many Books he has pUb- lished. A few Days ago a Fire broke out in a Back- Houle in Tavistock, which in a short Time consumed several Out- houses, but was extinguished without any great Loss or Damage to the Town; except the Death of Mr. Spry, ( for- merly Collector of the Port of Exeter) who was so shocked at the Alarm of Fire, that he suddenly dropt down in his House, and expired in a few Mi- nutes. On Tuesday Morning died, at his House in Grosvenor- street, William Edwards, Esq; Treasurer to the Com- pany belonging to the New River Wa- ter Works; the Bulk of his Estate he has left to his two Nephews, the Rev. Mr. Metcalf, and —— Metcalf, of the Temple, Esq; The same Morning Mr. Woolaston's Coachman, of Charterhouse Square, hang'd himself with his Handkerchief in the Hay loft; he was found hanging with his Knees on a Truss of Hay, and immediately cut down, but was past Recovery. We are assured from Cheshire, Staf- fordshire, and Lancashire,- that several People have been convicted, and paid the Penalty of forty Shillings a Dozen for wearing woven Buttons, and bound or covered Buttons and Button- holes ; and that the Button Makers in those Counties are determined to put the Laws ( for the Encouragement of Needle- wrought Buttons) in execution, and prosecute every Offender against the several Acts of Parliament in that behalf made and provided. On Wednesday Morning died, at her House in Red Lion street, Clerkenwel,' in the 82d Year of her Age, the Lady Harrison, Relict of Sir Edmund Har- rison, a Lady much lamented for her great Charity. The same Day died, at his Country House at Hammerton, Mr. Smith, of Leadenhall street, Plaisterer to the east India Company, and several of the Livery Companies of the City; and by his Business had acquired a large Fortune, which he has left to his Wi- dow, they having no Issue. On Tuesday Mornirg died, at his House in Grofvenor street, William Stephenson, Esq; a young Gentleman possessed of an Estate of 40001. per Annum in the County of Rent. The same Day was held a Board of Admiralty, when their Lordships were pleased to order fifteen superannuated Seamen to be sent down to Greenwich Hospital. On Wednesday the Churchwardens of St. Sepulchres near Newgate, made a Discovery that some Rogues had stript off from the Top of their Church a large Quantity of Lead, and carried it off undiscovered. Saturday 7- Night, being the Anni- versary of the Birth of his Grace Lan- celot, Archbishop of York, who entered into the 80th Year of his Age, his Grace gave an Entertainment at his House in Downing street, Westminster, to several Bishops, and others. On Wednesday last was held an Ad- journment Sessions at Guildhall, before the Right Hon. the Lord Mayor, when several Prisoners confined for Debt in the Fleet Prison were discharged, pur- suant to the late Act of Insolvency. Last Week died at her Lodgings near the Seven Dials, the much talk'd of Mrs. Mapp, the Bone- setter;, so mi- serably poor, that the Parish was ob- lig'd to bury her. On Wednesday a Silversmith's Ap- prentice near the Hospital Gate in Smith- field, as he was delivering a Message to his Master, dropp'd down of a sudden, and died immediately. Last Thursday the Sessions of Ad- miralty ended at the Old Baily, held before Sir Henry Penrice, Kt. Judge of the Admiralty, and Mr. Justice Chappel, when John Richardson, the Carpenter of the St. John Pink, receiv- ed Sentence of Death; for the Murder of Capt. Benjamin Hartley, Comman- der of the said Pink. Six other Prisoners were tried, viz. John Ware and John White for a Mur- der in the East Indies; John Obrian " and Nicholas Wolfe for Pyracy ; Ri- chard Ednall for beating a Custom- house Officer overboard, by which he was drowned; and Edward Farrel for sinking a Sloop called the Charming Salley, and were all acquitted. Capt. Tibson, charged with the Murder of his Mate, was discharged by Proclamation, no Prosecutor ap- pearing. Richardson is to be hang'd at Execu- tion Dock; and afterwards hang'd in Chains down the River. The genuine Tryals at large of tha said Prisoners, taken in short Hand by two different Persons, compared toge- ther, may be had of the Printer of this Paper, and of the Person who serves this Paper. To the whole is added, to make it more compleat, a particular Account of the apprehending the said Richardson, and will be sold together at the Price of Three Pence.. Last Week a sad Accident happened at Hallingbury near Bishop Stortford in Essex, the Seat of Jacob Houblon, Esq; two of his Men Servants having had. their Room wash'd, when they went to Bed, set a Chasing Diih full of Char- coal on fire in the middle of the room to dry it; but in the Morning both tho Men were found dead, suffocated by the Smoke. We have Advice by the Ship Judith, , Capt. Bradshaw, that arriv'd at Ports- mouth last Friday from Lisbon, that the Brazil Fleet safely arriv'd there on the 28th of November last. The Cargo, we hear, amounts to thirty Millions of Crusadoes in Money, which is about 3.300,0001. Sterling, 12 ditto in Dia- monds, which is about 1.320,000 f. Sterling. The above is what is re- ported at Lisbon. On Sunday last died, at his House in Old street Square, Mr. Harris, the noted Highwayman, who formerly rode the famous Black Mare. The same Evening,- a Shoemaker near Short's Gardens, St. Giles's, was ' committed to Newgate, for beating his Wife in so cruel a Manner, that be broke some Blood vessel within her, which kill'd her. N Canterbury, Decemb. 14. One James Baker was lately committed to Maid- stone Gaol, for being in Company with three or more with Fire Arms and other offensive Weapons, in the clandestine landing and running uncustom'd Goods in the Counties of kent and Sussex, contrary to the Statute. On Monday the Sessions ended at the Old Baily, when the 12 following Prisoners, capitally convicted, received Sentence of Death, viz. Samuel Bugden, for stealing from Francis Brookes two Gold Rings, a Sil- ver Watch, and 7I. in Money. William Cudmore for robbing Ge rard Bothomley, Esq; of Cloaths and Plate, to the Value of 26 1. William Hardisty, for robbing of Paynter Cade on the Highway. William Brown, for robbing William Haynes on the Highway near Islington. John Lane, for robbing Anne Porter in Hornsey Wood of a Gold ring, and 26 s. in Money* Isaac Whitehead, for stealing a black Horse, the Property of Henry Smith. Terry Gerrard, and Grafton Kirke, for robbing Harry Gough, and Henry Adams, Esqs; on the Highway, near Edmonton, of a Gold Watch and other, Things of Value. Joseph Shaw, for robbing Mr. South on the Highway of a Silver hilted Sword, a Cane, and a Pair of Silver Buckles. Elizabeth Osborn and Ann Clark; for breaking the House of John Wilson, and stealing Goods and Money to a great Value, Abraham Davenport, for stealing a Silver Tankard, Value 7 I. out of the House of Elizabeth Uvedale. Two were burnt in the Hand, and Three order'd to be whipt. On Sunday Morning, about Four o Clock, a Fire broke out in one of the Chambers of the Cross Keys Inn, in Gracechurch street, which burnt very furiously for some Time, and did con- siderable Damage to the said Room; and bad not the same been timely dis- cover'd the Inn would have been con- sumed, The said Inn was burnt down about three Years ago. The same Morning a middle- aged Woman, pretty well dress'd, was found drown'd in the New River. She was brought to the Church Porch of isling- ton, and expos'd to publick View. The Hon. the Lords Commissioners of the Treasuryt have appointed Mr. John Woolley, formerly Butler to the late Lord Chancellor Talbot, to succeed Mr. Richard Walker as Regular to the Tidesmen in the Port of London. Birminigham, Dec. 14- We had a deal of Snow last Thursday and Mon- day, which ' is gone now, but will not be forgot very soon by many ; for on Tuesday last three People, by Falls, broke each an Arm at sedgley: and at Dudley a Man broke his Leg; and in the old Church in this Town,- a Man had his Arm broke in two Places. On Thursday 7- Night a Woman in Naked- Boy Alley in Barnaby street, Southwark, having some Words with her Husband about the dressing of a Bullock's Heart, took up a Knife and stuck him in the side, upon which he died immediately. The Woman was taken up, and carried before Justice Nicholls, who " committed her to the New Gaol. On Sunday Morning John Connor, of Moulsey, in the County of Surrey, Esq; was married at Oxford Chappel, to Miss Greenwood, only Daughter of Joseph Greenwood, of Acton, Esq; a young Lady possess'd of a plentiful E- state. On Monday Morning early the Post Boy coming to London with the Yar- mouth Mail, fell from his horse near Saffron- Walden, and in getting up a- gain the Horse tumbled upon him, and kill'd him on the Spot. The Horse was found near the Boy with the Mail on his Back. On Wednesday a cover'd Waggon, in which there were several Smugglers brought from Norwich, went through the City to Newgate, guarded by > 2 Dragoons and Serjeant. The same Day Mr. Stubbs, Master Smith to St. Paul's dropp'd down dead suddenly in the Belfrey, whilst he was inspecting the Clock. On Friday the Court of Directors of the East India Company appointed Mr, Thomas Stephens, who came home Chief ' Mate of the Richmond, Capt. Gough, from China, Commander of the Beaufort, bound to Madeira and Madrass, in the room of Capt. Boul- ton, who has resign'd. The same Morning died, at his House in Cavendish Square, Thomas Fotherby, of Hull in the County of York, Esq; a Gentleman possessed of a plentiful Estate in the said County. They write from Jamaica, that Trade, thro' Scarcity of Commodities is very dull there; and that the Ships sre forced to lie a long Time for half a Cargoe, to their very great Expence; fo that what with the Charge of Freight and the high Price of Insurance for fear of the spanish Guarda Costa's in the Bay, the Merchants are in a di- Stress'd Case. On Saturday 7- Night Mr. Rolfe, a Silk Throwster, was found burnt to Death, at his House in Mason's Court, Brick Lane, Spittlefields: He was ly- ing in his Shirt in the middle of the Room, with a Candle close by him, which is supposed to be the Occasion of the Accident; but what is most sur- prizing, no Part of the Room or Fur- niture was touch'd by the Fire, but he was burnt quite into the Entrails. His Brother, who lay in the next Room, heard nothing of the Matter, so it is supposed that he dropt. down in an A poplestick Fit. Last Week died at Plaistow in essex, where she had many Years resided, Mrs. Waterman, aged 90. She was eldest Daughter of Sir George Water- man, Kt. Lord Mayor of London in 1672, in whole Mayoralty the Monu- ment was building, as appears by the Inscription on the East Part of the Pe- destal thereof. BANKRUPTS. John Wellbank, late of Caterick, in the County of York, Grocer. William Wicks, late of Whitecross street, in the County of Middlesex, Brewer. Samuel Wilson, of Tower street, London, Grocer. John Middleton, of Thames street, London, Distiller. ^ Prices of Corn at Bear Key. Wheat — 26 to ^ o s. per Quarter. Barley— 17 to 20 s. Malt — 20 to 26 s. Oats — 10 to 15 j. Beans — 22 to 28 s. Pease — 30 to 36 s. Tares — 24 to 3 « s. The Assiz: of Bread made of Wheat as set forth by the Lord Mayor and Court of Aldermen of the 6th of December 1737, to commence and take Place on the Thursday following: 1. s. d. f. The Peck Loaf best, is 1 09 houshold, or second Sort 1 03 3 Christened Males i63 Females 154 Iti all 322, Buried Males 2.5S Females 179 I11 all 557. Increased in the burials this Week 61. Yesterday South Sea Trading Stock was 102. Old South Sea Annuities in. New South Sea Annuities 110 3 4th. Bank 142 3 4th. India Bonds 61.18 s. Prem. Three per Cent. An- nuities 106 1 4th. Million Bank 121 1 half. *
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