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The London Daily Post and General Advertiser


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The London Daily Post and General Advertiser
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The London Daily Post and General Advertiser

Date of Article: 20/06/1735
Printer / Publisher: H. Woodfall, jun 
Address: Rose and Crown in Little-Britain
Volume Number:     Issue Number: 
No Pages: 2
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a n d G E N E R A L A D V E R T I S E R. F R I D A Y , j U N E 20, 1735- C O V E N T - G A R D E N . By Her M A J E S T Y ' S Command. AT the Theatre- Roval in Covent- Garden, on Wednefday next, being the 25th of June, will be perform'd a NewA O pera, J Lca ll'd C I N A. Pit and Boxes to be put together, and no Perfons to be admitted without Tickets, which will be deliver'd that Day, at the Olhce in Covent- Garden Theatre, at Half a Guinea each. Firft Gallery 4 s- Upper Gallery i s . bd. By her MAJESTY'S Command, No Perlons whatever to be admitted behind the Scenes. To begin at Seven o'clock. TH E Nine Prints, from the Paintings of Mr. Ho O A * TH. one reprefenting a Fair, and the other a Rakes Frogrefs, are now printing off, and will be r ® dy to be deliver d to the Subscribers on the a 5th Inftant. , . Subfcriptions will be taken at Mr. H o t i a r n s, the Golden Head in Leicefter- Fields, ' till the 23d Inftant, and .10 longer, at Halt a Ouin. a to be oaid on Subfcribing, and one Guinea more on Delivery ot tne tPwrion tGs uaint etahse, Tacicmored ianbgo vtoe - mtheen Pti+ onop'do f; a lsa. fter which the Pr„ ic• e,„ ,• w„ i„ l l bWe N. B. Afr. Ho^ ARTB and Isobligdto defer the Publication and Delivery ef the abovefaid Prints'till the 2Stb Infiant, y, to cure bit Property, purfuant to an Atl of Parliament pas d laft S effiorj tofeeure all nenv- inJnted Prints, that fh. all be pablifh'dafter the z¥ b Inftant, from being copied • without Confint of the Proprietor, and thereby predentin? a fcandabus and unj: ift Caflom [ hitherto frafhjed - with Impunity) ofmaidm and vending baje Copies of Original Prints, to the manijejt Injury of the " Author, and the great Difpouragemcnt of the Arts of Painting and Engraving. CErtain Printfellers intending not only to injure Mr. Hogarth in his Property, but . alfo to impofe ' their bafe Imitations " of his Rake's tsogrek on the Publick, he, in order to prevent fuck fcandalous Practices, and Jhew the Rake's Progrefs exaBly ( which the Imitators by Memory cannot pretend to) is obligd to permit bis Original Prints to be clojely copied, and the faid Copies will be publijhed in a few Days, and fold at is, 6 d. each Sett, by Tho. Eakewell, Print and MapJ'eller, next Johnfons Court in Fleet - Jlreet, London, N- B. The ufiial Allowances will be made to Bookleliers Printfellers, and others in Town and Country, who fell -& esj- E£. 2in;, and ;> I1 Perfons may fafely fell the faid Copies without incurring any Penalty for fo doing, Mr. Hogarth having confented to the Publication and Sale thereof purfuant to the A d of Parliament- WHerpas of late fome or other are daily advertifing their making of " PUNCH at the fame Prices, off as goo/ Ingredients, and 10 the fame Perfeflion, as I do ; as alfo Writing under their' Signs or Shew- Boarfis, purporting the fame. Let me advife all fuch, as they value their own Credit, and the Succefs qf their Undertaking, to have no Dealings with Brandy- Adulterers of any fort, nor in any Shape whatever. The Defire I have that Gentlemen mny be better accommodated ( Wines being fo generally and juftly complain'd of) and that PUNCH may have its due Reputation every where; and that it may be really made as advertifed; and that all thofe, who propofe to imitate me, may do mc no Difreputation, and may meet with Succefs and Approbation in their feveral Neighbourhoods, I have provided large Quantities of Infill? ^ a well- cholen line Old Batavia Arrack, |/| xf Jamaica Rum, and French Brandy, as any l | | fe in Town; which I fell ( WARRANTED) || jj; V neat as Imported, viz. " Arrack at s. Wf Brandy and Rum at 8 s. per Gailon ; that lever had, nor eyer will have any but fuch in my Poffeffion; I do • r , and will at all Times, appeal to the proper Officers and Offices, t the Truth hereof, which very few Dealers will venture to do. I Buy and Sell for Ready Money only. ONDON PUNCH- HOUSE, , . A C I J R 77 V LUDGATE- HILL. JA. A S H L E X. It A( This Day is publiflfd, Price 6 d . ( Purfuant to the printed Propofals,) ' , Correct and beautiful Edition of a Tragedy, L caird The AMBITIOUS STEPMOTHER. Written by N. Rowi:, Efq; The Subfcribers are defired to give in their Names and . Places of Abode to W. Feales, A. Bettefworth, F. Clay, R. Wellington, C. Corbet, and J. Brindiey. SUBSCRIPTIONS are alfo taken in By R. Robinfon, C. Rivington, T. Aftiey, and S. Auften in St. Paul's Church- yard ; T, Longman, J. Batley, and J. Osborne, in Pflter- nofter Row ; J. Knaptonand Comp. and W. Innys andComp. in Ludgate- ftreet ; W. Meadows, T. Hatchet, and H. Whitridge in jCornhili; S. Birt in Ave- Mary Lane ; R. Ware in Warwick- Lane; *~\ J. Pemberton, T. Wotton, B. Motte, H. Lintot, J. Stephens, T. bhuckburgh, L. Gilliver, T. Worral], F. Cogan, Meff. Ward and Chandler, R. Turbut, and J. Wellington, in Fleet- ftreet; Meff. Ward and Wickfteed in the* Temple; J. Gray and R. Hett, in the Poultry ; J. Clark in Duck- Lane ; A. Ward in Little- Britain; i'. Tonfon, D. " Browne, W. Bickerton, A. Millar, and J. Wilcox, in tnC Strand ; J. Jackfon, Pail- Mall; J. Joiiiffe, St. James's- ftreet; J. Stagg and N. Ryal, in Weftminfter- Hail; S. Baker, in Ruffel- "- » et, Covent- Garden ; T. Payne in Birtiopfgate- ftreet; R. Williamf in Holborn; J. Worrail, at the Dove in Bell- Yard, near Temple- I j and by moft other Bo& kfcllcrs in Town and Country. Deal, June 18. H E King's Ships and Outward- bound in my laft remain. Arrived Spanifh- Town Fa& or, Grey, from Jamaica, Wind S. W. SsSSsSJ Dantzick, June 13. The Deputies of our Regency at Peterfburg have written to the Magillrates, that they had an Audience of Leave of the Emprefs of Ruffia the 31ft of May ; and that it was afterwards declared to them, that out of Regard for their Sollicitations, her Czarian Majefty was pleafed to difcharge the Regency from paying the Million of Florins which they were amerced for King Staniflaus's Efcape ; but that that Princefs infifted upon the entire Payment of the 350,000 Crowns, to which tiie third Payment of the Mulft ftipulated by the Capitulation amounts. By our laft Letters from Thorn we learn, tliat the Primate's Zeal and Affection for King Staniflaus were not Proof againft the horrid Scenes the poor Old Prelate figured to himfelf of fuffering in the Defarts of the Ukraine. Finding himfelf upon the Road to Pultulk, he at laft declared, that he would lubmit to King Augultus III. and was ready to recognize him for King of Poland. Upon this, he was immediately carried back to Thorn, where he wrote a Letter of Submiffion to King Auguftus; and it was carried to Warfaw by the Officer whom the Commandant had before nominated to carry the joyful News thither. 1 he Court immediately difpatched Orders to Thorn, to fet the Primate entirely at Liberty, and to treat him with all the Refpe£ t due to his Rank and Chara& er. He will Ihortly fet out for his Palace of Lowitz, and from thence he will proceed, as foon as he has a little recovered his Fatigue, to Warfaw, to pay his Duty to the King. ' Tis written from divers Provinces of tie Kingdom, that tlx Polilh Troops, which continued to make Excurfions there, and to ruin the Country, had received Orders from King Staniflaus, to lay down their Arms, and to return to their ancient Dwellings. That Prince cannot endure, that the Zeal they exprefs for him fhould tend to his Country's Deltruftion. He promifes himfelf greater Advantages fome other way. We learn from Warfaw, that they began there the 6th Inftant to hold a Council of Senators, wherein divers Affairs are to be fettled in relation to the Tranquillity of Poland. Piar. cfort, June 19. Prince Eugene i; returned to the Camp at Bruchfal, from the Vifu he has made to all the Polts that are in the Hands of the Imperialifts along the Rhine. M. deColigny, Lieutenant- Colonel of the Garrifon in Mentz, who is charged with a fecret Correfpondence with the Generals of the French Army, has been conduced to that C'amp, under a Guard of 60 Men, to be examin'd in Prince Eugene's Prefence. That General has lately reinforced all the Imperial Pofts in the Neighbourhood of Mentz. The French are not yet preparing to pafs the Rhine ; nor will hardly be able to do it yet a while, theRains and ineltsd Snows having greatly fwell'd that River. The Marihal de Coigny begins to make Difpofitions again, as if he defigned to lay Siege to Mentz. He has fent Orders for 1000 Horfes, and 1500 Waggons with four Horfes, or drawn by four Oxen, to be got together Yefterday at Denheim, at the Foot of the Mountain of Oppenheim. He has likewife fent for 1000 Peafants from Lorrain, to make Paiifades. The French Troops continue to cannonade thofe of the Empire in their Pofts on the other fide of the Rhine. Frankfort, June 19. The Imperial Troops which compole the Camp at Bruchfal, are ftill order'd from time to time to hold themfelves in a Readinefs to march. The Saxon Troops are marched from their Quarters near Ltdenburg, and are now encamped over- againft Mentz. The Imperial Huflars, animated by fome Advantages, refolved to make Excurfions of a much more hazardous Nature than what they " had done of late. Three Hundred of them paffed the Rnine fome days ago, under the Cannon af Mentz, and advanced to the Valley of Nieder Ulm, with defign to carry off a Body of French Horfe as they were forraging. Brigadier Kleinholtz, pofted at Udenheim, being informed of their Defign, fuftered them to approach. Being got within a little Diftance, he divided his 2000 Horfe and 400 Foot into 4 Bodies, and furrounded the Huffars : Moft of them were killed or wounded ; but fome fought their way through and got off. They are going to ereft a new Battery of 7 Cannon and 4 Mortars at Mentz. ' Tis faid, the Eledtor of Bavaria has publickly declared, that he will carry fome great Enterprize into Execution, the very Moment that the Ruffian Troops prefume to fet Foot upon his Land. The Camps which that Prince has formed in different Places, have caufed a Refolutjon to be taken, not to ftrip Neuremberg of the Artillery that was to have been taken from thence and fent to the Rhine. » L O N D O N . Yefterday the Rt. Hon. Sir R. Walpole fignified by Letter to the Rt. Hon. the Ld. Ch. Baron, and the other Barons of the Court of Exchequer, that he defigned to be prefent the fecond Day of Michaelmas Term next in the faid Court of Exchequer at the giving Judgment in the Affair between the Ealt India Company and Mr. Naith. His Majefty has been pleafed to create William Duffie, Efq; a Peer of Ireland, by the Name, Stile and Title of Baron of Cracow, in the County of Carlovv in the laid Kingdom ; and on Wednefday Letters Patents pafs'd the Great Seal accordingly. Yefterday Morning about r 1 o'CIock, died at his Chambers in Lincoln's- Inn, Sir Edward Turner, Bart, fo created by his prefent Majefty ; he married Mary, Daughter of Sir Gregory Page of Greenwich in Keft, Bart. Sifter to the prefent Sir Gregory ; and is fucceeded in Dignity and Eftate by his Son now Sir Edward Turner, Bart- a young Gentleman about 18. Sir Edward is reckon'd to have died worth upwards of 100,0001. he purchafed not many years fince, a fine Eftate at Bicefter in Oxfordfhire, formerly belonging to the antient Family of the Glynne's. On Wednefday Night laft about i c o'CIock the Corpfe of Mrs. Eleanor Snow Glynn, who died the Friday before, in the 65th Year of her Age, at her Houfe in Effex- ftreet, was decently interr'd in a Vault, at the upper End of the South Ifle in the Temple Church. She was Relitf to Mr. Glynn Attorney at Law, who died about 10 years fince, and was interr'd in the fame Vault. Laft Night the Corpfe of Jonathan Fogg, Efq; who died of the Small Pox at Mr. Merrit's in Crutched Fryars, ', aged about 18, was, after lying in State at Ironmongers Hall, carried and interred in a decent manner in Allhallows Staining ; he was eldeft Son of Jonathan F<? gg, Efq; who married a Sifter of Alderman Godfchall, and Sifter to the Lady of Sir John Barnard, Knt. and Alderman ( his Mother furviving his Father, married Underbill, Efq; Owner of the Gunpowder Mills on Hounflow- Heath.) He was buried near the Remains of his Father, who died November 17Z3, beneath a white Marble affixed to the South Wall of the Chancel, on which, in Black Letters, is the' following Infcription for his Grandfather, To the Pious Memory of the late Reverend And Learned Daniel Fogg, D. D. He died the 5th of May 1728, in The Seventy- firft Year of his Age. He was Minifter of this Parifh forty Years, Hehad the beft Charafter and Deferv'd it. His Body lies in this Chancel, But his Name will be had in everlafting Remembrance. - • I * X. Here are interred Mary his Wife, three Sons. Jonathan - Daniel, and Thomas, and Anne his Daughter, and Daniel the Son of Jonathan aforefaid. ^ The Doctor was furvived upwards ^ of four Years by his fecond Wife Elizabeth the Daughter of Mr. John * t Aylworth, Citizen and Mercer of London, And Relict of Thomas Allen of London, ' Gent, fhe died the 31ft of March 1732,., • In the 73d Year of her Age, : * And by her own Appointment lies Here Interred. On Wednefday next begin the Races on' Hourflow- Heath, when a Purfe of Thirty Pound will be run for by Horfes carrying 10 Stone, that never won above '' 40 Guineas at any one Time ; for which is Enter'd * • Mr. St. John's Chefnut Horfe Achilles. . But at HounfLow there's a Dun Mare, Mifs CadiereM'riJ a ' Grey Stone^ horfe, to enter at the Poft to run for this Plate. r On Thurfday for the Give and Take Purfe of 15J. by any Horfe that never won 20 Guineas at any orie^ tiinc, are Enter'd Mr. Howe's Bay Gelding Straddler. - Mr. Dean's Grey Horfe Hearty. " -- - . ( And at Hounflow there's the Bald Galloway Hrbite- fWIu! i0jL to enter at the Poft. Straddler is the fame that run' ruity * 1 laft Year, run away and leap'd over a Gate; but is nowjl Cut. ^ s On Friday for a Purfe of 201, for Six Year, Old Kjjjfes, that never won the Value of 20 Guineas, carrying i o5tone^ are Entei'd Mr. Grantham's Chefnut Mare Dolly. Mr. Smith's Grey Horfe White- joke. And there are two Horfes at Hounflow to enter at the Poft for this Purfe. On Saturday, for the Hunter's Plate of 20 1. by Horfes, carrying 11 Stone, that never won the Value of 10 Guineas at any one Time, are Enter'd Mr. Hornby's Chefnut Gelding Smiling- bcll. Mr. Jones's Dun Gelding Robin- hood. Mr. Underwood's Bay Gelding Hazard. Mr. Mun's Chefnut Mare Whimfey. Mr. Pan ton's Crop Mare Whocan- tell. And there are two or three Hunters in the Neighbourhood in Sweats, to Enter at the Poft. There will be Cock- fighting each Morning during the Races, at the Three Pidgeons at Brentford, for 4 Guineas a Battle, and 40 the Odd ; they are all clean light Cocks that fight, and its thought wiil afford excellent Sport; an at Night thefe will be Afiemblies at Ifl| worth. k on a Charge of to give Evidence • Sittings o^ IN ill biiiTfat Guildhall, in re lation to a NoOe of 601 Laft Wednefday Night Sir Richard Brocas committed to Newgate one John Knight, an Jjiflinian, t* i Healing from the Poulterer's Shcp under TempL- iiarr " S'. o Due',.-.'" . l i e 4 , was fotne time ago spprehenaed, an J commuted by Sir s Richard, on Sufpicion of being concern'J in robbing and ( hooting the Biker at Iflington ; but vv^ s afterwards difcliarged, no poiitive ag'ainft him. High V,' ater aitt ® > onn don Bridge this Day, at 37 Mir. utes* after 11 in tne Morning. Yelterday, South- Sea Stock was 79 3 4th;. Ditto Old Annuities 104- 103 3 4 t h s - i o 4 3 Xths— 104. Ditto New 104 3 4^ 5- 105- 104 1 half a 5 Sths for the Opening Bunk Stock 133 .^ half. India Ditto 146 3 4ths- i46 i half, Books Ihur. Three per Cent. Annuities 1726 1 - 3 1 92 1 4th. ' Million Bank 107. Royal Aflurance, 100 1. paid in 97 3 4ths. London Affiirance, 13 1. paid in 12 1 8th- Mine Adventure Shares 7 1. 10 s. Bank Circulation 71. 15 s. Prem. South- Sea Bonds 2 1. Prem. India, ditto 3 1. 15 s. 12s. 15s. Prem. Three perCent. ditto 2 1. Prem. Afriean 17. Englilh Copper 2 1. 2 s. V/ elfli ditto, Books ( hut. Three and a half per Cent. Exchequer Orders 2 per Cent. Dilc. Salt Tallies 2 1 half per Cent. Prem. B E L L O S T E ' s P I L LS. UNiverfally approv'd of as the fineft Purifier of the Blood, and a prelent Cure for all Pains in the Joints, or. any Breakings out, Scurf on the Skin, or Leproiy ; and many other Difeafes incident to human Nature. Alio a never- failing Remedy f o r the Gout. Price 1 0 I the whole Box, and 10 s. the Half Box. Sold only ac the Blue Flower- Pot aver the Door, the lower end of Bafinghall- ftreet near London- W a l l ; and ac Mrs. Giles's, a Milliner at the Blue- Ball near the Temple- Gate in Fleet- ftreet ; and no where e l f e in England. Juft publijh'd, Eight Prints curioufty dfftgrid and engraved by fome of the - heft Artifts, PROGRESS of a RAKE, exem- . JWjpBied in the Adventures of Ramble Grips, Efq; Son Sir Pofitive Gripe. Printed* ror Henry Overton without Newgate, Thomas Bowles in St. P.- il's Church- yard ; John Bowles in Cornhill; John King in the Poultry, aqd folj by the other Printfsllers of London and Weftminfter- This Day is publifhed, A Plain Account of the Nature and End of the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper. In which all the Texts in the. NewTeitament, relating to it, are produced and explained; and the wfcule Doctrine about it, drawn from them alone. To which 3te auu^ J^ Vrirfms of Prayer. Printed for ' James, John, and Paul Knapton, at the Crown in Ludgate- ftreet, * This Day is publijhed, ™ The Second Edition, neatly printed in 8< vo. ( Price' Four- Pence Stitch'd) By MR. THOMSON, Author of the Seafons and Liberty, « a Poem. ATragedy called SOPHONISBA. As it * A^ ed at the Theatre- Royal in Drury- Lsne. r Printed, and fold by John Olborn, at the Golden-. Ball in Paternodrrjlow. Where may be had, | following P L A Y S in Twelves, Ofiavo, and Quarto, t » at FOUR PEHCE each. Footman Lady's Philofophy Fatal Love Medea ' TWELVES. AnnaBulIen Country Wife Albion Queens Wife to be .' Lett Oroonoko . Cnefar Hor^ ia ' Love for Money ' j^ Mithridates King of Earl of Effex 1' onfife * Ifland Princefs QUARTO. Coun't/^ Wit Libertine Scornful Lady Sir W. Ralegh Valentinian Don Sebaftian OCTAVO. Wife for a Month Seipio Atricaniis Eurydice Wit at feveral Weap PctticcMt Plotter Imperial Captives Woman- Hater C l o u i J ^ Antiochus Humorous Lieutenant -• • Brit^ cusand Alex- Ciefar in / 5Egypt Love lies Bleeding i ^ l B Henry IV. of France Spanilh Curate t P S u t ^ y o r World's Spartan Dame Chances ' J h t t i o l W Two Harlequins Cuftom of Country « jP| Li- igants Roman Aftor Coxcomb ^ ^ fottenham Court Three Hours after Bonduca J m y / i m Excufe Marriage Bloody Brothers T f Sh^ Gallants Alexis' Paradife Maid's Tragedy M Country Houljf Ufurpcr Double Marriage PcrkinWarbecJc Love in a Forell Ifland Princefs ° Ele& flT Lottery Loyal Subjeft Oedipu', K. of Thebes Sultanefs Love's Cure Love in'Tears Edwin Prophetefs y Quaker's Wedding Mad Lovers Pilgrim Devil in Wine Cellar Wedding Beggar's B11U1 Dr. Fauftus Bay's Opera Maid in the Mill Hum. of Purgatory Female Fortune- teller Thomfon'sSophonifoa Northern Lafs Female Fop Artful Huftand Woman a Riddle Female Parfon Jane Gray Bold Stroke for a Wife Fall of Saguntum Perfidious Brother Beau's Duel Henry V. Hecuba Baffet Table Penelope Philofophy no Defence Arttfce Non Juror - again!! Love Scots Faggaries Rival Modes " P i. Ian Princefs Merry Milk- maids Philotas Scowerers. Of whom may alfo be had, 1. The Iliad of Homer, with Note*, by Madem. Dacier. Tranflated by Oldfworth. Ozell, and Brsom, and by them commred with the Greek. Illuftrated with 26 Cuts. The third Edit. 5 vol. Pri2c. e M15o lsi. e re's Plays, in Englilh, 6 vol, P r i c 12 s. 3. Ramfey's Tea- Table Miicellany, Three Volumes bound in One. Price 3 s. Thk Day is publifh'd, ifJx'fJ^ _> ( With the. Approbation of t!{ ( Carefully Tranftetted in! t Ehftfb, ' wit ft many Tl- oujatid References to the Retorts, ti" c. ne ver! lefore printed) the I hird Edition of TH E R E P O R T S o f S i t / H E N R Y Y E L - VESTOJ. Kt. and Bt. late one of the Juftices of the Court of Common- Pleas. Of divers fpecial Qjfes in th « Court ofKingV- Bench, as well in the latter End of the Rc'jn of Qe ' en Elizabeth, as in the firfi JO Years of King T imes. With two Tables, one of the Names 01 rhe Cafes, the other of the Principal Matters. Printed for W. Ftales, at^- owe's- Heai, againft St. Clement's Church in the Strand ; f - Brindley, at the King's Arms in New Bond- ftreet j J. Worrali, at the Dove in Bell- Yard, near Li. ncoln's- Inn ; C. Corbett- at Add! Ton's Head, and R. Wellington at the Dolphin and Crown, both without Temple- Barr. To- morrow will be publifFd, No. L X V . [ Containing Eight Sheets for 1 s.) Being the Eighth of Volume III. of MR . B A Y L E ' S Hiftorical and Critical Bifiionary, carefully collated with the feveral Editions of the Original, in which many Paflages are reftored, and the Whole greatly augmented, particularly with a Tranflation of the Quotations from eminent Writers in various Languages. Revifed and corredted By Mr. DES MAHEAUX, F- R. SPrinted for Meflieurs Knapton, Midwinter. Brotherton, Bettefworth and Hitch, Hiz. ird, Tonfon, Innys and Manby, Longman, Ward and Wickftead, Meadows, Woodward, Mntte, Hinihliffe, Walthoe, jun. Symon, Cox, " ard, Brown, Birt, Bickerron, Aftle. y, Auften, Gilliver, Lintot, Whitridge, Willock. Of whom mzy be had, The Firft Volume, to which is prelix'd the Life of the Author, written by Mr. Des Maizeaux, and now revifed, correfted, and enlarg'd. Aifo Gentlemen may be oblig'd with the Life feparate. N. B. By the Advice of feveral Learned and Ingenious Gentlemen, the Undertakers of this Tranflation determine to preferve Mt. BAS- LE'S Work entire; but they intend to publiih, At Three Half- pence a Sheet. The LIVES of the moft eminent Men, particularly thofe of Great Britain and Ireland not mention'd by Mr. B A Y I E . toward wlrch they have been already favour'd with many valuable Materials never yet publilh'd. On Thar [ day, June f , was publiflfd, ( With his Majefly'i Royal License and Protection) Containing Twenty Sheets, Price 3 s. NUMBER XXIV. ( In which are included the Lives of Boadicca, the Briti/ h Queen ; Syl- i vie Bocconi; Sir Thomas Bodley ; Dr. Laurence Bodiey ; Hedtor j Boetius, the Scots Hiftprian ; Boetius,, Author of the Confolation i of Philofophy ; Mr. John Bois, one of the Englifh Tranflatore of the Bible ; Boileau ; Anne Boleyn, with the Copy of the Indictment a^ ainft her, never before printed ; Edmond Bolton, Author of Nero C; eiar, with Extracts from an original Manufcript of his, never publilh'd, concerning the Antiquity of London; Cardinal Bona ; John Bond, Author of the Notes upon Horace ; and feveral other new and curious Articles:) Being the Sixth of the Third Volume, of AGeneral Dictionary, Hiftorical and Critical ; in which a new and accurate Tranflation of thatof the celebrated Mr. BA VIE, with the Correiftions and Obfervations printed in the late Paris Edition, is included and interfpers'd j with feveral Thoufand Lives never before publifli'd- The whole containing the Hiftory of the moft Iliuftrious Perfons of all Ages and Nations, particularly tho'fe of Great- Britain and Ireland, diftinguifiied by their Rank, A& ions, Learning, and other Aecompli/ hments. With Reflexions on fuch PafTages of Mr, Bayle, as feem to favour Scepticism and the Maniche Syftem. By The kev. Mr. " John Peter Bernard, The Rev. Mr. Thomas Birch, Mr. John Lockman, and other Hands. Printed for G. Strahan, J. Clarke, and T . Hatchett, in Cornhill; J. Gray in the Poultry; J. fiatley and J. Wood, in Pater- nofter Row ; T. Worrall, J. Shuckburgh, in Fleet- ftreet; J. Wilcox, A. Millar, C. Corbett, in the Strand ; T . Olborne, in Gray's- Inn ; J. Brindley, in New Bond- ftreet; C. Ward and R. Chandler, in Fieet- ftreet, and at their Shop in Scarborough ; and fold by J. Roberts in Warwick- Lane. Of whom Proposals for this Work may be had gratis. No. X X V . to be publifli'd the firft Thurfday in July, will contain, among other new Articles, the Lives of Borelli, the Phyfician, with " im original Letter of his; Casfar B. irgia ; Father Boffu ; BoiTuet, Bifhop of Meaux; Bouhours ; Richard Boyle, the great Earl of Corke ; Roger Boyle, Earl of Orrery ; Charles Boyle, Earl of Orrery ; and the Hon. Mr. Robert Boyle ; with feveral original Papers relating to thofe Articles, and particularly a Letter of Sir Ifaae Newton, concerning a Difcourfe of Mr. Boyle's. BOOKS printed for T . AS T L E Y , at the Rofe, over- again^ the North- Door of St. Paul's. THE LIFE and Entertaining ADVENTURESof Mr. CLEVELAND, Natural Son of OLIVE a CKOMIVEH. Written by Himfelf. Giving a particular Account of his Unhappinefs in Love, Marriage, Friend/ hip, & c. and his great Sufferings in Europe and America. Intermixed with Reflections, deferibing the Heart of Man in all its Variety of Paflions and Difguifes ; alfo fome curious Particulars of OLIVERS Hiftory and Amours; and feveral remarkable Paliages, which happen'd in the Reign of King Charles II. never before made publick. In 5 vol. l2mo. Price 12 s. 6 d. N. B. The 3d, 4th, and <; th Volumes may be had alone. 2. The CHOICE, a Collection of the moft Celebrated EngJift a nd Scotch Songs, in 3 vol. i2mo. Price 6 s. Or any Volume iingle. Price 2 s. 3. LA BELLE ASSEMBLER: Being a Collection of very remarkable Incidents, which happen'd to Perfons of the firft Quality in France. Interfpers'd with entertaining and improving Obfervations made bv them on feveral Pafl'ages in Hiftory, both ancient and modern. Written in French for the Entertainment of the King, by Mad. de Gomez. Tranflated • into Englifli. The Third Edition, in 4 vol. izmo. Adorn'd with Copper- Plates. Price 10 s. 6 d. 4. POEMS on feveral SubieiSs by STE PHE N DUCK. The Ninth Edition. To which are added, feveral Poems by the fame Author not in any former Edition. Alfo a Copy of VE R SE S from a MI I. LE R in Ireland, ( OSTEPHES DUCK, 8VO. Price 6 d. A Collection of Novels and Tales of the Fairies. Written by that celebrated Wit of France the Countefs D'Anois. In 3 vol. Price 7 s. 6d. 6. A new Hiftory of England, byQueflion and Anfwer. Extracted from the moft celebrated Englifh Hiftorians, particularly M. De Rapin Thoyras. This Book is deferring of a Place in the bejl Study; and yet is Jo eafy and intelligible, that it will delight ar. d imfrr. ve the meanefl Ur. derjianding to that Degree, that even Children way become excellent Hiftorians and give a good Account of thefe Kingdoms, and the Government thereof. d\ f /.> rubified, e Seventh and Eighth Volumes, {;•> cn- tl.- te the STATE- TRIALS, in Six Volumes) in Tziio ; f Collection of STATE- TRIALS, and _ Proceedings upon HIGH- TREASON, and other CRIME.-? and MI SDE ME A NO V IV s : From the Reign of King EdivardVl. to the- Present Time. Containing, among many others now firft printed from Manufcripts, or firft collected- together. i . The Trial of Davilon for M> fprijion and Contempt, in lending down the Warrant to behead tho Queen of Scots. 17. The Trial of Miles Sindercome for High- Treafon, in Confpiring and Imagining tliepeath of Oliver Cromwell. i 3 . Proceedings agaimt Archihil'V Marquis cf Argyle, for Hi;: h- Treafon A very imperfect Account of this T r i a l , con f a i r - ing not one ioth Part of it, - is , incerted in Stats- Tryals in Foho, vol. 2. p. 213. 19. T h e Trial of Lord Morley before the Houfe of Peers for Murder. 2q. Proceedings in the Court of King's Bench. Exchequer, and Houfe of Peers, in the Cafe of Sir Samuel Barnard: lion, Bei? t. ag- inft Sir William, Soame Sheriff of Suffolk, for a falje Return . of a Knight oj the Shire. 9 21. T h e memorable Proceedings between the Hcufeof Lords and Commons, on an Appeal being brought by Dr. Shirley againft Sir John Fagg, and others their Members. 22. Proceedings againft Mr. Francis Jenks, for a Speech made by him on the Huftings at Guildhall. 23. The great Cafe of Monopolies, between the Eaft- India Company and Mr. Sandys. ' Thefe ' were in the Reign oj King Charles II. 24. T h e Trial with Sir Edward Hales, Bart- for not : king the Oaths of Supremacy and Allegiance j with his Plea j and the Opinion of the Judges. 2 J^ c. II. 25. Proceedings in Parliament upon the Cafe of J a y and Topham; and the Defence made by Sir---' Francis Pernberton and Sir T h o . Jones, for their Judgment given therein. 26. Precerdings before the Hcufe of Lord-, between the Duke and Dutchefs of Ncrfo.' k for a Divorce 1691 — In State- Tryals vol. is the fecond Proceedings on this Divorce, in 1699: But the abe ve Proceedings, ivhich are the f r j i , are omitted. 27. The Trial between the Duke_ 2. T h e Trial of Sir K. Knightly and others for maintaining Jsditious Perfons. 3. Proceedings in Parliament againft John Earl of Gcwrie, and others, for High- Treafcn. 4. The Trial of Capt. Lee for High Treafon. 5. The Trial at large of Sir Chr. Blunt and others for High Treafon A very fhort imperfect Account of this Trial is printed in the State- Trials, Vol. 1. p. 201. All the above Trials were in the Reign of^ u. Eliz. 6. The Trial of Sir Griffin Markham and others for High Treafon. 7. The Cafe between Sir Frsncis Goodwin and Sir Jehn Fortefcue j as it ftands on j h e Journal e f t h e Houfe of Commons j relating to the. EleEiions of Members of Parliament. m 8- The Arraignment, Speeches' & c. of the Lord Sanquire on his Plea, for Murder, with the Speech of Judge Yelverton, See. 9. Proceedings againft Mr. Wraynham for Jlandering the Lord Chancellor Bacon of Injuflice. ' The above icere in the Reign of K. James i. 10. Proceedings on the Habeas Corpus brought by Sir Thomas Darnel and others, in Banco Regis, 3 Car. I. with the Arguments in Law. of Serjeant Brarnfton, Heath Attorney- General, Mr. Noye, Mr. Seldtn, Mr. Calthorpe, Sir Edward Coke, and others, with the Opinions of- Lord Chief Juft ice Hyde, Judge Doderidge, Jones, and Whitlock ; alfo the Debates in Parliament on this Cafe, and the Arguments before the Lords, both of the Judges and Council; with the Precedents of Records. —- Thefe Proceedings, tho* fo valuable, as relating to the Liberty of the SubjeEl, were never collected together before. j i . Proceedings againft Stroud, Long, Selden, and others ; on an Habeas Corpus in Banco Regis 5 Car. I. 12. Proceedings againft Sir J o hn Elliot, Denzil Holies, and Ben" jamin Valentine, Efqsj for Seditious Speeches in Parliament, in Ban. Reg. with the Judgmentcf that Court, and the Reverfal of that Judgment by the Houfe of Lords, Temp. Car. II. and the Lord Chief Juftice Vaughan's Reafons for the Reverfal. 13. The Trial cf the Lord Uchiltrise, for Calumnies and Jlanderous Speeches againft the Marquis of Hamilton, the Earls of Haddington, Roxburgh and B t f c c l e u g h tending to the fowing Sedition. Temp. Car. I. The above Proceedings were in the Reign of King Charles I. 14. T h e Proceedings againft Col!. Andrewe before the High Court of Juftice, for Higb- Trcafon. 15. T h e Trial of R. Faulconer for Perjury. 16. T h e Trial of the memorable John Lilburn at the Sefiions- Houfe in the Old Baily 1653, for Returning into England, being banifljd by A El of Parliament. For acquitting John Lilburn on this Indi « £ hnent ; the Jury were fummonM and exam in'd before the Council cf State, for their Condu£ l j this Examination is inferted in vol. 2, page Hi, 82. after his Tryal for High - Treafcn at Guildhall, 1.649. T h o ' it has no Relation to that Tryal; and did not happen ' till four Years after it. W i t h feveral other fcarce printed Trials and Proceedings in Parliament, never before collefted together, with great Additions to many of them from Manufcripts, all which are inferted in Order of Time. With an APPENDIX, Containing, Trials, Records, Arguments in Law, Dying Speeches, Sec* relating to the STAT£- TRIALS, in Six Volumes, in Folio. Great Part of which are now firft printed from Manufcripts. W i t h an Alphabetical Table to the two Supplemental Volumes. Printed for Robert Gofli 3 g, Benj. Motte and C. Bathurft, and Tho^ Wotton, In Fleet- ftreet j D. Brown without Temple- Bar j and S. H a rV ding, on the Pavement, in MartinVLane. Where may be had, Complete Sets in Eight Volumes in Folio. O R, The four laft Volume?, to complete the four firft Volumes of the firif Edition of State- Trials in Folio. Efq j in an A£ tirn of Trefpafs on the Cafe 1692. This relates to the abive Proceeding. 28. The Proceed; ngs in the Court of King's Bench before Judge Holt, and alfo in the Hoafe of ' Peers, relating to the Trial of the E. rvl of Banbury fcr Murder.- Thefe Trya's were in the Reign of King William. 29. Proceedings in the Houfe of Commons againft the Bifhop of Worcefter, for interfering in the Ele& ion of a Knight of the Shire for that County. 30. Proceedings in the Houfe o Commons, Houfe efLorcs, and? in the Court of Queen's- Bench, in the Great Cafe of Afnby and White. Thefe Proceedings were never before collected together. 31. The Trial cf Daniel Daromaree, Waterman, for High- Treafon, in levying Wr. r, under ( pretence of pulling down Meey ing Houfrs. 32. T h e Trial of William W i ll for ditto. 33. The Trial of George Pd chafe for ditto, with the fpec\ Verdict, and the Argume: upon it. Thefe Trials were in the Reign Anne, and were all taken c large in Short- Hard. 34. T h e Trial of Edward Arnold before Judge Tracy for Felony? on the Biack in attempting to / hoot the Right Hon. the Lord Onflow. This Trial, taken at large in Short- Hand, was in the Reign of King George I. O N D O N : Printed by H. W O O D F A T . L, jun. at the Rofe and Crown in Little- Britain-, where A D V E R T I S E M E N f a moderate Length are taVn in at Two Shillings each. Advertifements are alfcj taken in by Mr. JoUiffe. BookfeJJer, in St. Jam Stur eet A/ I,, feMMBB; n QYgr- arr- iijirnvfftt tthhee KKiinngo'' s <- J- r mArsm s TTanvveerrnn, . Rail- Mall.-. Mr Am* 1 n ' • - - ' * *• ? •.. n >>' • . A* i ^ ver- againft 2* m's frer- againft Craigg's, Cl aid's Cburduj
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