The Leeds Mercury
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The Leeds Mercury
Date of Article: 12/12/1732
Printer / Publisher: John Hirst
Address: Leeds
Volume Number: Issue Number: 391
No Pages: 4
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—— I—( From Tuesday December 5. to Tuesday December 11. 1732. ( N°- 391 From the Universal Spectator. From my House in the Minories. IHAVE not, till now, had Leisure to return Thanks for many obliging Letters out of the North. The Poetical Com- positions I have been favoured with from my Correspondents in those Parts, shall speedily be imparted to the Publick : But there are 2 Pieces in Prose before me from the same Quar- ter, which 1 am more immediately tempted to com- municate. The one is an Enigmatical Epistle from a Gentleman to a Lady : The other gives an Account of an extraordinary Sale of Goods;
and it might not be proper to defer such Intelligence, this being the Season for the Publication of Sales and Auctions: And as the latter is not to be attempted without Money, the other is not to be compassed without Wit; so that all my Readers may have an Interest in this Days Entertainment, who come qualified ei- ther in their Purse or their Parts, A RIDDLE, In a Recommendatory Letter to a Lady. Madam, THERE is a Friend now lodges with me, who designs in a little Time to do himself the Honour of waiting on you ; but as he has yet the Misfortune to have no Acquaintance with you, I think it a Duty incumbent on me, who
have a RespeCt for both of you, to inform you before hand of his Character. ' You must know then, that he has been educated under my Care, and has so mean an Opinion of his own Wit and Judgement, and so high a one of his Guardian's, that he constantly consults with me before he goes into Company, and never ven- tures to talk upon any Subject but what I have ' privately recommended to him. ' Then his Sobriety is wonderful:' The nicest ' Dishes and most delicate Wines being his utter Aversion. His Modesty is so great, that unless your Servants introduce him, and your Ladyship ( contrary to common Forms) makes the
first Over- tures for an Acquaintance with him, he will not dare so much as to look you in the Face. The Gravity of his Habit is very remarkable ; yet not peculiar to my Friend alone, but a Fashion which seems to have obtained among most of his Family ; for tho' they are frequently very cheerful, and shew all the Marks of Gaiety and Alertness, yet when they are even in the merriest Mood, they chuse to be drest as gravely as if they were going to a Funeral ; but neither ought that to be esteem- ed whimsical in them, because their Family being very numerous, they have Reason to believe that no Day passes, but some or other of
their Rea- tions are consigned to their Graves. [ Price- Two- Pence. ] ' You need not fear being too lavish of your Fa- vours to him; should you almost stifle him, even with Kisses, you may do it safely, for a Kingdom could not bribe him to discover it. ' Thus charasteriz'd, I hope he will not be an unwelcome Guest to you; and assure yourself, whatever Favours you may confer on him, will be gratefully acknowledged by, and esteemed as done to Tour most Humble Servant. POSTSCRIPT. THE Account and Character which I have hitherto given you of my Friend, has, if I mistake not been altogether to his Advantage: But as I scorn
to deceive you, Madam, I shall likewise acquaint you, that an ignominious Death seems al- most irreversably entail'd upon his whole Family For tho' People arc often vastly fond of them, and kiss and caress them at the first Meeting, such is the Caprice of Humankind, that even where no Crimes and Misdemeanors have been proved against them ; they are generally, at length, either pull'd Limb from Limb, or sentenced to be burnt alive, or else condemned, if any Thing worse can be imagin- ed, to be treated in a more shamefull and scandalous Manner : Sometimes, indeed, they live to a good old Age, and Pictures are taken of
them ; but then they are always doom'd to Confinement, and never trusted abroad but in Custody of a Goaler; till, with the length of their Imprisonment, and the Want of Air, they commonly at last fall into Consumptions, their Constitutions, by Degrees, become broken and shattered, and they die by Piece meal After all, I am not ashamed to tell you, the intended Vi- sitant I have been speaking of is so near a Relation as to bear the Name and Arms of your humble Ser- vant aforesaid. ADVERTISEMENT, THAT none may complain for want of timely Notice : Be it known unto all Men by these Presents, That next Summer at
Scarborough there will be a vast Collection of fair Hands, brilliant Eyes, rosey Cheeks, nimble Tongues, ivory Teeth, ruby Lips, dimpled Chins, high Fronts, long Necks ; together with snowy Breasts, handsome Legs, and other valuable Commodities,- which, for very weigh- ty Reasons,: are determined to be concealed till the Merchandizes before- mentioned are first disposed of and sold : There will be also large Quantities of kind Glances, studied Courtesies, languishing Looks, Sighs piping Hot from the Heart, and scornful Sneers, that are only Copies of the Countenance ; Likewise Ogles of all Kinds, from a side Leer to a full
Stare; and Smiles of all Sizes from a Simper to a broad Laugh; not to forget Airs of every Quality and De- nomination ; whether proud, amorous, scornful, pert, or affected ; besides several invitatory Ones, from old Maids, and awkard Country Girls, which last will be sold a Pennyworth : Also some innocent Frowns, which have now lost their first malignant Influence of killing Gentlemen upon the Spot ; with a rare Parcel of stolen Kisses, which will be stored privately in the four Corners of the Ware- house, and which, by sly Customers, may perhaps be purchased with a Whisper: Together likewise with several large Boxes of right
native scarlet Blushes, [ surpassing Carmine, Cochineal, Spanish Wool, or any other of the richest Dies in Grain ] very proper for the Ladies to take along with them when they go to bathe in the Sea. Moreover, it is further propos'd, That there shall be Pictures of all the celebrated Toasts drawn in Black, by a Set of Female Painters, who have such lively Imaginations, that they can Paint strongest in the Absence of the Originals; and such nimble Pen- cils, that they can draw a compleat Piece in the making of a Pot of Tea. Also several antiquated Facts lately repair'd, and, looking by Candle- light, as good as new. There will be
Choice of wounded Hearts so very cheap, that they may be bought for love: Also a Cargo of fine Compliments, either with Or without a Meaning, Vulgar Sayings advanced into Witty Sentences, by the magical Reflection of Diamond Necklaces and pretty Faces, Jokes, Quib- bles, Puns, Repartees and Conundrums in infinite Numbers, to be sold by Wholesale; together with Vanity, Scandal, AffeCtation, Pride, Inconstancy, and also some small Remnants of HONOUR, VIR- TUE, DISCRETION, and GOOD BEHAVI- OUR, ready for the best Bibders. Not to omit se- veral Tables, which, besides the common visible Furniture of
Cards, Fishes, and green Velvet, or Bays, have likewise some secret Drawers, repleat with Oaths, Curses, Imprecations, & c. of all Sorts, ready for the Ladies to pick out and practice over, against all proper Occasions, private or publick, that they may be able to rap them out as roundly and gracefully as any Field or Staff Officer ; and that sucH Numbers of those brave Ejaculations may nor hence- forth be so cruelly murder'd between the Teeth as they were last Season, by many, otherwise fashion- able and well accomplished Candidates of Fortune, There are alfo a Set of new counterfeit Oaths for some Ladies, which, like their
false Jewels, with good Management, will pass as creditably as real ones And that People, even in the most forlorn Circum- stances, may not fail of proper Accommodations special Care is intended to be taken that there shall be likewise some Second- hand Faces, stale Reputa- tions. and broken Constitutions, for the Use and Be- hoof of batter'd Beaux, maimed Debauchees, old Batchelors, and other helpless Persons, who have not Money or Merit enough to supply themselves more conveniently. This Grand SALE will begin in May next, and Continue above four Months. - Whoever pleases te be a Chapman; may repair to
the LONG ROOM in the Town aforesaid, where constant Attendance
will he given, and the several Wares and Merchan- dizes before specified, display'd to the best Advantage every Day, Sundays not excepted, from Seven o' Clock ' till Ten in the Evening. N. B. If any Persons shall chuse to purchase a Quan- tity of right, neat, genuine GOOD HUMOUR, they are desired to give previous Notice of it, that sufficient Time may be allowed for procuring it, if any such Thing is to be found : But least there should be a Scarcity, all Persons are desir'd to bring what Provision they can thereof along with them, other- wise a Stock of Complaisance only may be provided against the Sale, which, in the Opinion
of Courtiers, does mighty well, and comes a great deal cheaper.--- The Ladies may please to observe, that there are several little Drawing Rooms adjoining to the Ware- house, very convenient for taking Cold Tea, and o- ther Refreshments, in Case the Weather should prove Sultry, and the Place be crowded. From the London Evening- Post, December Since our last arrived one Mail from Holland, and one from Flanders. Seville, November 15.' SEveral Conferences have been held of late be- tween his Excellency Mr. Keen and the Spanish Ministers, wherein ' tis said they came to an Agree- ment to send joint Orders to the
West- Indies for all Hostilities to cease on both Sides; at the same time the Court dispatch'd Orders to Cadiz for an Advice- Boat to sail forthwith for Jamaica, with the Orders of his Britannick Majesty for restoring the Register Ship last taken by the Subjects of Great- Britain. We have Advice that the Algerine Squadron still con- tinues at Sea, and is gone to cruise between Barcelo na and Barbary. They write from Barcelona, that a Body of Miquelets is actually raising in that City and Neighbourhood, to be employ'd where shall be found Occasion. LONDON, Yesterday died of a violent Inflammatory Fever, at the Duke of
Queensberry's House in Burlington- Gardens, Mr. John Gay : He was descended of a Gentleman's Family in Devonshire, and had been Se- cretary to the Embassy to Hanover in the last Year of Queen ANNE, where he had the Honour of being personally known by the Royal Family, to which he express'd his Loyalty and Affection in some excellent Poems He was one of the most eminent Poets, and in some Parts of writing the most eminent, of his Age. His personal Character was perfectly amiable; the most natural, inoffensive, and disinterested of Men. His Conversation was sought by all that knew him, and his Life chiefly
pass'd in the Friendship and Society of Persons of the first Rank. He left a mo- derate Fortune, no Part owing to any Preferment, but wholly to his own Labour and Prudence, be- tween two Sisters. No PLACE is vacant by his Death. On Wednesday last the Provost and Majority of the Fellows of King's College, Cambridge, presented the Rev. Mr. Batty, Fellow of that College, and Rector of Clerkenwell, to the Living of Buckland in the County of Hertford, worth 2001. per Annum, va- cant by the Death of the Rev. Mr. Henry Manning. On Friday last John Wyndham, Esq; Correspon- dent to the Excise, kiss'd the King's Hand on his
be- ing appointed one of the Commissioners for managing the Duty arising by Hawkers and Pedlars, in the room of Benjamin Coode, Esq; deceased. Charles Towers, Esq; Member of Parliament for Lancaster, and his Brother, Thomas Towers, Esq; Member of Parliament for Wareham in Dorsetshire, hath obtained a Grant of the Reversion of the Place of Auditors of his Majesty's Revenue, after the De- cease of Auditors Harley and Foley. They write from Chester, that last Week Watkin William Wynn, Esq; Knight of the Shire for the County of Denbigh, was chosen an Alderman of that City in the Room of Alderman Allen,
deceas'd. And that Mr. Manley continues to make Interest, as a Candidate to represent that City in Parliament in the Room of Sir Richard Grosvenor, deceas'd. At the Board of Trustees for the Colony of Georgia on Thursday last, Commissions were granted to the Deputy Grand Master and Treasurer of the ancient and honourable Society of Free and Accepted Masons, to make Collections for sending over poor People to that Colony. The following is a Description of the Common Seal: On one Side, Britannia in the Middle, with a Spear in her Right Hand and a Cornu Copia in her Left, and on each Side the Attributes of the
Rivers Savanna and Alatumaha, which are the Boundaries on the North and South Sides of the Colony, and the Motto, Colonia Georgia Augusta; on the Reverse, a Mulberry Leaf with Silk Worms on it, and this Motto, Now sibi sed aliis. A few Days since died, at his Seat near Lancaster, Fenwick, Esq; a Gentleman of about 1000 1. per Annum, which falls to his Son, Counsellor Fenwick of Lincoln's- Inn. On Friday died at his House in Bond- street, Mr. Blake, in the 96th Year of his Age : He was former- ly a noted Staymaker, and is reputed to have died worth 100,000 1. which he acquired with a fair Character. One of his Sons,
who had been many Years in Maryland, came over about six Months ago, and died about a Week after his Arrival in England, and left his Father near 60,000 1. We hear from Ipswich in Suffolk, that on the 27th of last Month, Bexley and Roundery, two noto- rious Smugglers, who have been at the Head of a Gang of upwards of 50 Persons, were taken by the Custom- house Officers, with the Assistance of Honey- wood's Dragoons, and committed close Prisoners to the Town Goal: A Reward of 1001. was some time since offer'd by the Government for apprehending Bexley and 50l. for Roundery. The Mary, from Newfoundland,
was lately sunk in Lisbon Harbour by a Vessel running foul of her; the Hopewell Sloop was drove on Shore at New- foundland by the same Accident; and the Robert and Sarah was lately lost in Bonavist Harbour in Newfoundland. The Ship lately lost near Winterton, whose Crew perish'd, proves by Letters from Hull to be the Mi- chael, Capt. Byas, of and for that Port, for Gottem- bourg. The Welcome, David Long, Master, bound from Cork to Bruges, was lately lost on one of the Islands of Scilly ; it was expected that most of her Cargoe would be saved; but the Islanders had obliged the Master to pay 50 per Cent. Salvage. An
English Ship from Petersbourg was lately lost on Bornholm, feared to be the Nassau, Capt. Jennings, It is written from Coimbra in Portugal, the 27th past, N. S. that they had just then received Advice of the Paulet, Capt. Taylor, and three Ships more from Newfoundland, being arrived at Aveiro very leaky, _ having had dismal passages. The Mate and two Sailors had been wash'd from ofF the Paulet's Deck at Sea, and were drown'd. Last Week a Chariot and four Horses which had brought a Gentleman to Town from York, in return- ing back, a Countryman desired the Coachman to let him get in which he did, on Finchley
Common, but soon after a Highwayman came up and demanded his Money; the Countryman assured him he was poor, and had but two Shillings in the World, and had only requested the Favour of riding a little Way; the Rogue upon that said, Here, damn you, you poor Dog, take a Shilling and drink my Health. We are told that the Archbishop of Dublin with his Family, arrived last Week at the Bath, for the Benefit of the Waters; and by the Post yesterday from Dublin we are advised, that on the 25th past landed there from England the Lord Carbury, and likewise Mr. Thomas Prior, Author of several excel- lent Papers wrote in
favour of that Kingdom. From Wye's Letter, December 5. ' Tis looked upon as certain tbe Dissenters will make an Attempt this Session, from divers Parts of the Coun- try, for repealing the Corporation and Test Acts : It seems, that this Application wai made just before the last Session, but were acquainted by a certain great Man, that it came too late, that it would be a short Session, that the Business of it was already laid, and therefore would not admit of Interruption by any Thing, else; but what Success the said Application will have the ensuing Session is not easily to be conceived. Accord- ing to some Hints given ' tis judged,
that a certain great Man is not much inclinable to favour their Attempts of having the aforementioned Acts repealed. Mean Time we see in one of the Pamphlets published. since our last, called, Reasons for repealing the Cor- poration and Test Ads, as they now stand a neces- sary Qualification for civil and military Officers, a Proposal for making a proper Test in Room thereof, in a Letter to a Member of Parliament, which is in Sub- stance. ' To prefer none but such as produce a Certificate, ' signed by one of the Ministers, and three or four prin- ' ciple, noted, worthy Members of the Congregation of ' which he is a Member,
testifying, that such Person • is a profest Protestant, and attends the worship of ' God in such a particular Congregation, when in c Health, and his Affairs do not call him abroad, and ' that they believe him to be a good Protestant, and a ' sober, diligent, religious and honest Man ; and that ' a severe Penalty may be laid on the counterfeiting and ' altering such Certificates' We hear, that the Sufferers of the Hamburg Lottery some Years since, are about to petition the Parliament for Relief Mr. Thompson, late Warehousekeeper of the Charita- ble Corporation, has sent over Proposals wherein he pro- mises, that if he is called Home,
he will give up all, unriddle the whole Affair, devote a reasonable Time to their Service, recover what is out, or among their Hands, which they neither understand nor can do with-, outhim, so that the Corporation discharge him and his Securities, and that he may be discharged from all private Engagements that stand out against him, that he be allowed to detain 100/. for his Maintenance in the mean Time, and at his private Creditors are preferred to the Corporation, he may, after they are paid, be al- lowed to take 4900/. for himself of the Effects, before the Corporation takes Possession, and desires likewise, that he may be free
from all Apprehensions from those who may be affected by what he shall be obliged to do. Mr. Christie, who is gone over with Mr, Oglethorp to Georgia, is to be Recorder of the Town of Savan- nah. Twelve hundred Acres of Land in the said Colony are granted to Mess. Salmon and Harrison, who have un- dertaken to make Pot Ash, and carry over with them 12 Servants; and to Mr. Rocker, who carries over four servants, 500 Acres, Their Majesties have been for some Time indisposed with a Cold, insomuch that they did not see any Body except the Ministers of State ; but the King being some thing
thing better appeared yesterday in the Drawing- Room at St. James's, and received the Complements of the Nobility and Gentry ; but the Queen continuing, as we are told, indisposed was not in the Drawing Room. From the London- Evening Post, December 7. Since our last arrived one Mail from Holland, Hambourg, Dec. 1. LETTERS from Copenhagen take particular Notice of two Ships lately arrived at Bergen and Christiania from Palermo, and a third from Trieste, with Oil, Spices, and such like Merchan- dize, and whereas no Duty is laid on the Import of such Commodities, the Masters of the Vessels propose to visit the
Ports of Denmark and Russia. They write from Warsaw, that the Purveyors of the Crown are fully employ'd, by the King's Order, in filling the Magazines on the Frontiers of Turkey ' and Transilvania, in order that the inhabitants of Poland, in case the Plague enters the Kingdom, may not die with Famine, which too often happens. ' Tis confirmed from Hanover, that an Express is ar- rived there from Vienna, with a final Decision of the Affairs of Mecklembourg, and a positive Order for the Recall of the Troops of Execution. Count Seckendorf will return hither as soon as his Excel- lency has dispatch'd some special Affairs at the Court
of Berlin. Francfort, Dec. 7. The French are getting toge- ther at Metz, and other neighbouring Towns, a Train of Artillery, consisting of 180 Cannons and several Mortar- pieces, and filling the Magazines in Alsace with great Diligence. London, This Morning a Hearse set forward for Portsmouth to receive the Body of the late Duke of Bedford, from on Board his Majesty's Ship Torrington, now riding at Spithead, and to carry it to Cheneys in Bucks, where it will be interr'd with much Funeral Pomp and Solemnity. The Corps of the late Mr. Gay will be interred in Westminster Abbey. A new Commission of the Peace for the City and
Liberty of Westminster, is preparing to pass the Seals. On Monday Morning last about Six o'clock dy'd at the Bath, in the 64th Year of his Age, Dr. Wm. Baker, Bishop of Norwich : He was consecrated on the 11th of August 1723, Bishop of Bangor; and on December the 19th, 1727, he was translated to Norwich, in the Room of Dr. John Leng, deceas'd. By his Death the Rectory of St. Giles in the Fields, which he held in Commendam, is become vacant, and is in the Gift of the Lord Chancellor: He is to be buried in the Abbey Church at Bath, And on Saturday before died there Dr. Holland of the City of Norwich, and on Monday
his Corpse was interr'd in the Abbey Church of that City. On Friday last arrived from Hanover, Mr. Curtis, who is appointed Riding Master to the King, for managing the great Saddle Horses belonging to his Majesty. On Monday last about Five o'clock in the After- ternoon died Mr. Whitaker, at his Apartments in the Tower. About seven Weeks ago he was bit in the Hand by a mad Dog, and being timerous of the Conseqence that might attend it, he went twice down to be dipt in the Salt Water, and continued very well till last Sunday, when he assured several of his Acquaintance he should die the next Day, and raving mad.
Accordingly ten or twelve Per; sons attended him all the Day, and tied him down in his Bed with Cords, yet still he retained his Senses so far, as to desire all the Persons about him to put on two Pair of Gloves each, for he should certainly bite them. A small Time before he expired he bark'd 1o or 12 Times like a Dog. It may not be improper in this Place to give our Readers the following Receipt ( which we inserted some Time ago in one of our Mercury's ) as an In- fallible Cure for the Bite of a Mad Dog. Take six Ounces of Rue, clean'd, pick'd and bruis'd. Four Ounces of Garlick, peel'd and bruis'd. Four Ounces of Venice
Treacle. Four Ounces of filed Pewter, or scraped Tin. Boil these in two Quarts of the best Ale, in a Pan cover'd close, over a gentle Fire, for the Space of one Hour; then strain the Ingredients from the Liquor; give eight or nine Spoonfuls of it warm to a Man or Woman three Mornings fasting, and cold to any Beast fasting. Eight or nine Spoonfuls is sufficient for the strongest, a less Quantity to those younger, or of a weaker Constitution, as you may judge of their Strength ; ten or twelve for a Horse or Bullock ; three, four, or five for a Sheep, Hog, or Dog. This must be given within nine Days after the Bite; and it never fails either in
Man or Beast. If you can conveniently, bind some of the Ingredients on the Wound. We are informed the Publick will soon be obliged with a Translation of Dr. Jurin's Edition of Vareni- us's Geography. This Author was published by the Great Sir Isaac Newton, and very much recommend- ed by him to young Students; and to this English Edition translated by Mr. Dugdale, is added many useful and curious Notes, besides Copper Plates. The Whole being revised and corrected by Dr. Peter Shaw. The Anne, Capt. Peter Beckman, which sailed from Hambourg about 14 Days ago, with 60 Live Deer for his Majesty, is arrived in the
River, but 29 of them died in the Passage, chiefly owing to the Want of proper Food. Last Saturday Mr. Bennet, Master of a Peter Boat, who lives at Hammersmith, brought up his Boy dead in his Boat, and pretended that he fell from the Fore- top, and broke his Scull, but upon searching the Boy he was found to have been beaten and bruised all over ; the Coroner's Inquest sat on the Body, and brought in their Verdict Wilful Murder; and the Master was taken up and carried before a Magistrate, who committed him to Newgate- On Monday last came on the Tryal between Eustace Budgell, Esq; Barrister at Law, and Secre- tary to
the Earl of Orrery, and the Bailiff who used him in a barbarous Manner. Upon a full Hearing the Court committed the Bailiff to the King's Bench Prison, ordered him to pay the full Costs of the Suit, and Five Pounds Damages. Mr. Budgell pleaded his own Cause, and convicted the Bailiff upon his own Evidence, who, it is thought, will be called to a further Account before the House of Lords; and it is hoped that this Affair will make Bailiffs for the future treat their Prisoners after a legal Manner, and with common Humanity. Yesterday several Messenger's searched a House in Masham- street, Westminster, for William Rayner, who
was to have received Judgment the last Day of the Term, for publishing a Paper, call'd Robin's Game; or, Seven's the Main; but thought fit to abscond when he was call'd upon in Court. Col. Douglas is made Governor of Fort St. Philip in the Island of Minorca, in the Room of Col. Ed ward Montagu, made Governor of Kingston upon Hull in Yorkshire. Yesterday a Duel was fought in Hyde- Park, be- tween a noted Distiller near Oxford Road, and a Gentleman belonging to the Life- Guards, with Sword and Pistol; and after a sharp Engagement the latter had one of his Legs shattered to pieces and when his Antagonist saw him
dropt, he made off. Early yesterday Morning the Corpse of the Lady Viscountess Dowager Fauconberg, was carry'd from her late Dwelling- house in Pall- Mall, to be interr'd in Yorkshire. Diseases and Casualties this Week. Diseases. Aged 61. Consumption 108. Convul- sion 199. Dropsy 35. Fever 71. Small- Pox 32 Stilborn 5. Teeth 51. Casualties. Drowned accidentally 2, one in a Well, buried at St. Saviour in Southwark, and one in the River of Thames, buried at Sc. George in the East. Excessive Drinking 2. Found dead 4, one buried at St. Dunstan at Stepney, two at St. James's at Clerkenwell, and one ( a Male Infant) at St.
Leonard in Shoreditch. Hang'd himself, being Lu- natick, at St. Dunstan at Stepney 1. Murder'd, buried at the Precinct of the Savoy 1. Overlaid 3. Christen'd Males 195. Females 174. In all 369 Buried Males 319. Females 361. In all 680 Increased in the Burials this Week 177. Whereof have dy'd, From Wye's Letter, December 7. We hear of no Person being yet appointed, tho' some talk of Sir John Eyles, and others Sir Robert Baylis, Mr. Selwyn, & c. for the Place of Post- Master General, in room 0f Edward Harrison, Esq ; Mean Time the Hon. Edward Carteret, Esq ; has a Commission for act- ing solely as Post- Master General,
to prevent Delay, on Account of the joint Commission to himself and the late Mr. Harrison. A Holland Mail is just arrived, by which we learn from Florence, that on ihe 19th past the Emperor's Mi- nister sent to the Senate a Person unknown, Who being introduced, with others, put on the Table , a Decree of his Imperial Majesty, inclosed under a Cover like a let- ter, and after retired ; ihe Senate perceiving it, sent it back to the Secreraries of State without opening which Decree imports in Substance, ' That his Imperial ' Majesty abolishes the Homage paid in June last to the ' Infant Don Carlos by the States of Tuscany, and for- '
bids, under severe Penalties, to pay him any, or to give him the Title of grand Prince of Tuscany, with- cut express Orders from his Imperial Majesty.' From Paris, that the Parliament of that City goes on in the Dispatch of Business to the universal Joy of the People there. We hear, that some of the Dissenters waited on a certain great Person, since his Reiurn from his Seat in S y, to know his Sentiments touching their Ap- plication to Parliament for repealing the Test Act; ac- cordingly, he in a handsome Manner, acquainted them he was of Opinion, that the present was not a proper Time for doing it; upon which one who stood
behind the Com- pany asking, in a sort of Warmth, when it would be judged proper, was answered, NEVER. Most or all of the chief Ministers of State have their Opinion to those of the Dissenters who have waited upon them that the present is not a proper Time, which, ' tis hoped may render them easy and contented. Though some its their Writings pretend to say, that should the Whigs neg- lect the Applieation of the Dissenters, the Tories have as fair an Opportunity of engaging the Bulk of them in their Favour as ever happened, Yesterday _____
Yesterday 186,000 Ounces of foreign Silver Coin, were exported to the East Indies. There was to Day scarcely a sufficient Number of Proprietors of the Bank to make a General Quarterly Court, which shews the great Confidence they have in their Directors. From Wye's Letter, December 9. Since our last arrived two Mails from Holland, one from France and one from Flanders. THE Advices by above Mails which arrived yesterday relate, that the King of Morocco's Troops were returned before Ceuta, in so great Numbers, that the Hills and Mountains were all co- vered with them ; and that the Algerines went on with the Siege of
Oran. That they are in great Confusion at the Court of Florence, on Account of the Decrees we formerly mentioned, of the Emperor's annulling the Oaths taken by the Magistrates, See. to Don Carlos, and ordering them not to give him the Title of Grand Prince; which some here however judge to be from his being not the apparent but the presumptive Heir to the Dominions of Tuscany. But his Imperial Majesty, ' tis remark'd, has reinforced the Garrison of Massa, which had occasioned divers Conferences to be held at the aforenamed Court. And on the other Hand, the Count de Charni, Commander of the Spanish Troops in
Leghorn, has reinforced with two Battalions the Garrison of Pietra Santa, three Leagues from Massa, on the Frontiers of Tuscany. By private Letters from Holland we have very re- markable Accounts of the Sea Worms on that Coast, particularly, that according to the Report made by the Commissaries to the States General, they had al- ready eaten and destroyed in the Parts of North Hol- land 1122 Piles, which secured the Land 4000 Yards in Extent, the Damage whereof and Expence of re- pairing is computed at 1,600,000 Dutch Florins. That the Super intendants of the Dikes of other Parts in the Country have made the like
Reports, and the Expence of repairing the Damage to amount of no less; and that the Country People who lived near those Dikes, were retired thence with their Effects, fearing to be swallowed up by Inundations for want of Piles to resist the impulses of the Sea. Yesterday there was a General Meeting of the Import ers of Wine of this City, and they unanimouslty agreed to raise a Fund, by allowing six Pence per Pipe on all Wines imported into London from after the first of Ja- nuary next, to oppose any Excise that may be attempted to be laid on that Commodity in any Shape whatsoever, and appointed for a Committee Sir
William Chapman, Robert Willimot, Esq; and some eminent Merchants to manage that Affair, The Duke of Bedford was last Thursday at Court to wait on their Majesties, for the first Time since the Death of the Duke his Brother, and was most graci- ously received. Yesterday the Rev. Dr. Gally, Chaplain to the Right Hon. the Lord Chancellor, was presented by his Lordship to the Rectory of St. Giles's in the Fields, worth about 400 1. per Annum. ' Tis discoursed by several, that the Rev. Dr. Bland, Dean of Durham, will be made Bishop of Norwich, in Room of Dr Baker, deceased. And Others say, the Right Rev. Dr. Tanner,
Bishop of St. Asap, will be translated to the aforesaid Bishoprick. We are told, that this Week there was a great Meet- ing of Dissenting Ministers, and others of the several Denominations, at Thame in Oxfordshire, to consider cf Ways and Means for obtaining a Repeal of the Corpora- tion and Test Acts, and that after signing Papers by way of Remonstrance, & c. they returned to their several Habitations in the Country. But let them take Care of Menacing. On Thursday last a great Quantity of Plate and rich Furniture was landed at the Customhouse from Spain, for his Excellency the Count de Montejo, the Spanish Ambassador.
Advertisements To be SOLD, Before the 23d of January next. AFreehold Estate, at Gowlein Yorkshire, five Miles from Howden, five from Snaith, and five from Thorne, viz. a Capital Messuage House, call'd Gowle- Hall, with a large Barn, two new Stables, with Grainaries over them, two Waggon Houses, a Brewhouse and Bakehouse, a new large Dove- Coat, and other Out- buildings, two large Orchards, a convenient draw Well of sweet fresh Water never Dry, with upwards of 120 acres of good and dry Arable Mea- dow and Feeding Ground, and above 200 Acres of improvea- ble Moorish Ground, and 13 Pasture Gates on a
rich adjoining Common Pasture, together with three other Farm Houses and Lands to each belonging, and tour Cottages all adjacent to the said Capital Messuage 5 and eleven Acres of very good Land, being two Closes in Readness about three Miles from the rest, all which Premtffes ( except then Acres) are not intermixed but entire. Enquire of Mr. William Oates in Wakefield, or Mr. Francis Hall near Barnsley. To be LETT, At Burnet- field near Bradford, AFarm, consisting of nine Closes of Land, with a good House and Outhousing, Tyth- free, with a Quantity of Hay on the Premisses, so be sold. Enquire of Ben- jamin Horner
of Leeds. TH E Good Sale that Dr. D A F F E Y's Original and famous Cordial Elixir hath met with, and the many great Cures it hath done in most of the principal Cities & Towns in GREAT BRITAIN, and IRELAND, particularly in the Counties of Y O R K- SHIRE and LANCASHIRE, hai encouraged some ignorant apish Quacks, who know nothing of the pre- aration, to send down a Spurious Sham Sort into the Country, publishing the same t0 be the true Elixir. Therefore this friendly Caution is given to all Persons that have Occasion to buy, That all Persons may be sup- plied with Dr. DAFFEY'S Original and famous Cordial Elixir,
truly prepared at L O N D O N, by John Hirst, at his Printing Office in Leeds, Joseph Lord, Bookseller in Wakefield, Mrs. Grace Green in Sheffield, Mr. Askwith in Pontefract, Mr. Wood, Grocer in Bradford, . Mr. Fielding, Bookseller, and Mrs. Stephenson in Hallifax, Mr. Wilkinson in Brighouse, and at hii Shop in Huddersfield, Mr. Wilkinson in Elland, Mr. Whit- worth, Bookseller, and Mr. Thomas Wilson, Peruke- maker in Manchester, Mr. Grice, Bookseller in Ormskirk, Mr Higgin- son, Bookseller in Warrington, Mr. Laland, Bookseller in Wigan, Mr. Anyon, in Red- cross- street, Liverpool, Mrs. Prescot, Bookseller in Preston, Mr. Lord,
Shopkeeper in Rochdale, Mr. Rawbotham in Bolton, Mr. Cheney, Shop- keeper in Northwich, Mrs. Leckonby, Apothecary in Garstang, Mr. Condliff, Bookseller in Maxfield, Mr. Hewit, Bookseller In Knutsford, Mr. Leigh Page, Bookseller in Chester, Mr. Pool, Apothecary in Alteringham, Mr. Addison, Hardwareman in Prescot, Mr. Gough, Bookseller in Whitchurch, Mr. Hop- kins, Bookseller in Lancaster, Mr. Wickstead, Bookseller in Wrexham, Mrs. Anne Wood in Rotherham, William Hudson, Sadler and Ironmonger, and Abraham Blackbourn in Skipton, Notes This is that excellent Elixir that has cured several Hundreds of Families of
Agues and Fevers, the now raging Distempers of Yorkshire, Lancashire, Cheshire, and several other Counties, when other Medicines could do no good For your Health's Sake be carefull that each Bottle be sealed as in the Margin. To be LETT, IN Hallifax, a House lately theSign of the White- Bear, with a large Stable well Stall'd, a Yard, Gar- den, Outhousing, and other Conveniences theretunto belong- ng, very proper for an Inn- keeper or Tradesman. Enquire cf Robert Butterfield in Hallifax, where Particulars may be had. To be SOLD, Entire or Seperate. AVery good House, with a well accust- om'd Grocer's Shop,
Warehouses, Cellars and other Con- veniences belonging the same, situate rear the Angel- Inn in Halliifax: And also six other dwelling Houses, with several Cellars and a Smith's Shop, near Gibbet lane End in the said Town, all Freehold. Enquire of Joseph Dicton, the Owner or Mr. John Drake, both of Hallifax aforesaid. To be SOLD, In Hunslet- Lane near LEEDS. AGood new House with other Houses, also Warehouse, Work Shopi, Chambers, Barn, Stable, Cow- house and Croft adjoining the same, and other Conveni- ences, fit for a Merchant or Cloth Dressers, in the Possession Mr. Kilvington or his under Tenants, late the
Estate of Mr. Moore and Sons. Also a little new built House, in the Market Place in Wakefield, being but one Room and a Closet on a Floor, three Stories high, with a Kitchin under the Shop, and a Cellar under that, in the Possession of Mr. Innman, Stationer.' Enquire of Mrs. Frances Moore, Widow, or Mr. John Hatfeild in Wakefield, or of Roger Heald in Leeds. December 2, was published, Price 6 d. ( With the Debates at the General Meeting of the Dissenters about taking off the Sacramental Test. See p. 1080, 1081.) THE GENTLEMAN's MAGAZINE : Or. Monthly Intelligencer. No XXllI. for November 1732. Containing more in
Quantity, and greater Variety, than any Book of the Kind and Price. I Views of the Weekly Essays, viz. Of the Itch of Writing, and quoting the Devil; Hickney Naggs; Mercenary Authors, Booksellers, and Butchers ; Filial Gratitude; Modesty and De- corum ; Power of Custom ; Good Laws agreeable to Reason j Love at first Sight; Description of the Hyp; The approved Hip- Doctor; Of Mythology; Modern Infidelity ; Difference of Heathenism and Christianity ; The Law of Nature the Law of God ; St. Andrew's Cross; Golden Arms, & c II. Political Points, viz. Debates and Speeches in Parliament about the Salt Tax; Opposition to
Governments; Interest of Money and Trade ; Mifchief and Benefit of Excises and Excise- Laws canvass'd; Blessings of the Revolution; Evil of Prece- dent,- j The Czat's Speech to K. William ; Of the State of the Nation 1 of Struggling for Places and Powers The Number of Taxes. III. Poetry. Advice to the Lasses; The Choice ; Greatest: Cross, Miser ; Birth Day Ode, and Burlesque ; The Country Gentleman ; Mitchell to Sir R. Walpole; Sally at the Chop- house; The Beau's Head and Heels, a Diologue. IV. Domestick Occurrences, Marriages, Births, Deaths, Pro- motions; & c. V. Thompson's Proposals; Account of the Georgians ;
the Corporation and Tex Act Affair, and of the late Eclipse. VI. Prices of Goods, Bankrupts, London Monthly Bill of Mortality. VII. Foreign Affair;, & c. Sec. VIII. Register of Books. IX. A Table of Contents. By Sylvanus Urban, Gent London : Printed, and sold at Sr. John's Gate, by F. Jeffe- ries, in Ludgate- street, Mrs. Nutt, Mrs. Charlton, Mrs. Cook, at the Royal Exchange ; Mr. Bailey in Pater Noster- Row; Mr. Midwinter in St, Paul's Church- Yard; A. Chapman, in Pall- Mall, Mrs. Dodd, Mr. Bickerton without Temple- Bar; Mr. Crichley, at Charing- Cross ; Mr. Stagg, and Mr. King, in Westminster Hall ; Mr. Williamson in Holbourn,- Mr.
Monta- gue in Great Queen- street; S. Harding, in St. Martin's- Lane, and most Booksellers in Town and Country. Where may be had all the former Numbers, the 12 first being now reprinted. Note, A few are printed on fine Royal Paper, large Margin, for the Curious L E E D S : Printed and S o l d b y J O H N H I R S T ; where Advertisements are taken in at 2s 6d. each.