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The Leeds Mercury
Date of Article: 13/02/1732
Printer / Publisher: John Hirst
Address: Leeds
Volume Number: Issue Number: 400
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From TuesDay February 6. to TuesDay February 15. 1731. ( N° 4oo.) From FOG'S Journal. To the Author of Fog's journal. YOU some Time since was pleased to in- sert in your Paper a Quotation from a Pamphlet entitled, Observations upon the Laws of Excise, shewing. First, that Excise must be destructive of Trade in General. Secondly, that Excises are inconsistent with the Liberties of a free People. By which you not only obliged a great Number of your Readers; but in their Opinion did the Cause some Service. But you may now do that Cause much more Ser- vice, by quoting some Things on the other side of the Question,
particularly a triflng Answer that is come out to the aforesaid Pamphlet.— Perhaps you will think it too dull a Task for your Readers to go through ; however, if you will be so kind to give a Place to the few following Hints, which I have drawn from it, those who takes the Pains to read them will perceive to what miserable Shifts those People are reduced to for something to say, who are ingaged in so bad a Cause. ' After a long and impertinent Preamble, which might as well serve the History of Tom Thumb, the ingeni- ous Answerer is pleased to quote falsely a Passage out of the Observations upon the Laws of Excise, that it may
give him an Opportunity of being smart, and shewing his Talent at Criticism. It is there said, Those who advise new Regulations to be made in it, ( meaning Trade ) out to know what Relation and Dependence all Branches of Traffick have with each other.' If they understood this Science, they wou'd know that an Excise laid upon any one Species of Goods, will not only hurt that particular Branch ; but may in some Degree affect every Manufacture in the Kingdom. The most wise and learned Answerer begins the Quotation thus, that any one who understands the Science of Trade ( and then he says he cannot tell how it came to
be called a Science.) Did the Matter now in Question relate to nothing but little Points in Criticism, it would be easy to prove the Propriety of this Phrase as it Stands above, as well as the Pedantick Ignorance of the Answerer; but our prefent Dispute relates to Things, not Words, and therefore we shall not take up your Time with such Impertinencies, but shall lay before you his Re- flection upon the foregoing Passage; these are his Words, " Now, I dare say, several of this Gentleman^ " Readers, who are not so particularly versed in the " Science of Trade as himself, wou'd have been glad " to have found this Assertion supported
with some " Reason : Nor can I possibly discern how such a Demonstration wou'd have been beside His present [ Price- Two- Pence.] " Design, which in his Frontispiece he declares to " be the shewing how destructive Excises are to " Trade in General. When a Man has a very bad Cause to manage that will bear no Argument, I suppose he is to disingage himself as well as he can by the Dint of Impudence our Politick Answerer has taken this Method for the Author of the Observations, in order to strengthen what he advanced, shew'd that the Nea- politans were once in Possession of the beneficial Trade of Silk, and that they
intirely lost that Commerce with Foreign Nations, by the King of Spain's laying an Excise upon raw Silk,—— he proceeds to shew, that this Excise was attended with these farther bad Consequences the Navigation of that Kingdom was greatly lessened' Numbers of their People were either starving at Home, or obliged to wander into Foreign Countries to seek their Bread by all which ( says he ) every Manufacture in the King- dom must have been considerably diminished. Is this a Demonstration for the present Purpose of the Author of the Observations, or is it not ? Or will any Man living ( the Answerer excepted ) deny, that
here is a convincing Proof laid before the World, that Exeises are destructive of Trade in General. One would wonder how the ingenious Answerer could contrive to overlook this Passage, considering that it stands so near to that which he above quoted, that it is almost impossible he should read one, but the other must stare him full in the Face. But suppose the Author of the Observations had not been quite so explicite in his Proofs, suppose, I say, after he had shewn the Influence that Excises must have upon those Branches of Trade, upon which they are laid, he had added, they must also more or less affect every other
Branch of Trade, and have stop'd there, I believe every resonable Reader wou'd have desired no more. If I should assert, that when ten thousand Persons, who used to live comfortably by their Industry, are destitute of Employment, every Manufacture in the Kingdom must suffer in fome Degree by it, because these People wanting Money, could not purchase their usual Necessaries, or if I should maintain what is not more plain than the other, that five is more than four, what would the World think of the good Sense of him, who shou'd fall upon me for not supporting with Reasons, what is self- evident; in fine, what all the World
both knows and sees. The Author of the Observations is of Opinion, that all Incumbrances upon Trade must sink it, let them proceed from what Cause they will, And as Ex- cises must ( as he has proved) bring heavy Incumbrances upon it, they ought for that Reason to be avoided. Let us see what a pretty quibbling Reflection the Answerer makes upon this; thus he delivers himself " He ( meaning the Author of the Observati- ons) goes on to shew what Nobody ever denied, that Burdens or Duties upon Trade are a Discou- ragement to it——— Now what possible Relation can this have to the Point in Dispute ; or to what "
purpose is it to shew, that Duties upon Trade are " a Clog to it, when the Question is, which is the " effectual Manner of levying them, to answer the " Ends, for which they were given" So that according to this fine Gentleman, the shewing Exeises to be a Clog upon Trade is nothing to the Purpose, at a Time, that the Question is, which is the most effectual Manner of raising the Duties upon it' I shall make no Reply to these trifling Evasions of the main Point in Debate, I think I have exposed them sufficiently, by quoting them. He is next angry with the aforesaid Pamphlet, for telling us, " that such imported Commodities as have "
paid the Excise, cannot be re- exported, tho' there " should be never so great an Advantage to the " Owner, by an extraordinary Demand for such " Goods at any Foreign Market, ( he shou'd have " added too ) because no Drawbacks are allowed af- " ter the Payment of Excise Duties. Here he fays with a very solemn Face, that Mo- desty and a just Deference to the Wisdom of the Legislature shou'd have taught this Writer to suppose that in Case a Law of this Kind were made, there would likewise be a Provision for such Allowance. It seems the Author of the ObserVations, was con- tent with representing the Excise Laws as
they now stand, he knew that when Hops were laid under Excise, and last Year when Salt suffered the same Fate, there were no such Causes as this, and there- fore when the Answerer is pleased to assert, thai in all the Laws heretofore made, this Mischief has been provided for ; this is to be understood only as one of those hardy and bold Falshoods, without the Use of which the Gentlemen of that Side would be tied to eternal Silence. His next Cavil is against what the Author of the Observations says, that laying Goods under an Excise does not prevent their being smuggled, which he proves, by what has happened in Coffee
and Tea, which have been more run than before they were laid under Excises In Answer to this, he runs into that Common- Place Cant —- that it is Death to Com- mit Felony, yet Houses are broke open, and Rob- beries every Day committed, but must the Law be abrogated because it does not prevent the Mischief, and the like — but if he had Honesty enough to state the Case right, he wou'd say, if some Lawi were made for the taking of Thieves, which were found by Experience to encourage Robbers, no doubt, but they ought to be repealed. But his Comparison bears no Resemblance to the Thing to be explained by
it,———— the Pamphlet called the Observations, shews that Smuggling has increased in those very Goods that have been Excised, by which it has taken away all the Colour of Reason which some People have for declaring for them but suppose, for Argument sake, we should allow that Excises would intirely put an End to the running of Goods, I believe no Man in England that is not in Employment, wou'd think that the Subjects . y o
Subjects ought to give up their Liberties to obtain that Point. Our Anwerer next asks a wise Question: ——— If Excises are destruCtive of Trade in General, ( says he) how comes it to pass, that the Dutch, who are under such numerous Excises, enjoy a greater share of Trade and Liberty, than any other Nation under the Sun. If he asks Questions for Information, he is right, for sure no Man ever wanted it more —— In the first Place, I cannot allow that the Dutch enjoy a greater Share of Trade and Liberty, than any other Nation, becaufe it is not true, yet the Dutch are on- ly Excised in Things for Home Consumption, which come
from other Countries, and this they are under a Necessity of suffering, because they have no Land to Tax, Zealand is the only Province that produces Corn, and that not half enough even to feed the Inhabitants of that Province alone, most of the Lands in their other Provinces consist only of a few Meadows near their Cities and Towns, which in a Manner are stolen out of the Sea, and when the Land cannot answer the Exigencies of the State, they must be provided for another Way ; yet I will own that the Excises in Holland are free from certain Circum- stances, which make them a little vexatious in other Countries, which I could
shew, if the Length of your Paper would admit of it;—— but as to the Dutch enjoying greater Liberties than any Nation under the Sun, I hope it is not come to that, while we are happy under so excellent an Administration. But I will now hasten towards an End our Answerer to disprove the Notion, that Excises are inconsistent with the Liberties of a free People, quotes the following Passage from the Observations If ever the Trade of England shou'd be laid under Excises, the Counties, Towns, and Burroughs of this Kingdom will swarm with Officers,- the whole Body of the People will be brought under such an Awe and Subjection
to the Treasury, that the Freedom of Elections will be destroyed for ever, and the Members ot all our Cities, Towns, and Boroughs, will from that Time forward, be chosen in the Closet of the Minister for the Time being. Upon which he is pleased to make the following quibbling and evasive Answer. " This is a very popular Objection, and would indeed be a very forcible one, had it the least Degree of Truth to support it; but does the confirming any Person an Officer of Excise give him a Vote in the Election of Members? The Severeties that may be practised according to the Laws of Excise, upon such Trading People as may give
their Votes contrary to the Views of those in Power, or the Favours they may expect in giving them against their Confciences, is the SubjeCtion here plainly express'd, which it is apprehended may de- stroy the Freedom of Elections, and which the inge- nious Answerer overthrows by asking, Does a Per- son's being made an Exciseman give him a Vote in the Election of Members ? I shall trouble you with no more of this Trash, it is but the Work of half an Hour, for I have but just read the Answer —— and I send this in haste, left it shou'd not come time enough for your Paper; but to tell you the Truth, I thought it required neither
Time nor Study to expose the Weakness of this miserable Sophistry. I shall conclude with a Sentence from the Pamphlet our Answerer has attacked " Were there no other Reason for opposing Excises but this, viz. the Influence they will have upon Elections, we ought to struggle against them, as a Man would against that Chain, which his Enemy was going to put upon him, in order to bind him down for ever. From the London Evening- Post, February 6. Since out last arrived one Mail from Holland, and one from France. Paris, February i r. LETTERS from Ceuta of the 14th past ad- vile, that the Moors work'd Day and Night
before the Place, to carry on their Attacks; but the great firing of the Garrison levell'd most of their Works. The Pope having sent the Vice- Legate of Avignon full Powers to settle the Differences with France, which occasion'd the Blockade of that City by French Troops; and the King having empowered the Mat- quess de Maillebois in like manner, who commands the Troops there in chief, the two Plenipotentiaries have adjusted that Matter; but it is not yet said on what Conditions. LONDON, On Sunday Morning a most horrid Murder was committed in Tanfield- Court in the Temple, upon three Women, by Persons unknown ; the
Case was, one Mrs. Duncomb, a Widow, upwards of 70 Years of Age, who liv'd up four Pair of Stairs in the said Court, next Stair- Case to the Inner- Temple Library, and there also lived with her another elderly Person, as a Companion, and she kept a Maid about 17 Years of Age; and on Sunday Morning some Persons got in as suppos'd at the Top of the House, and so into the said Chambers, and murder'd the said three Per- sons in their Beds; they lay in three different Rooms, and it is supposed they murder'd the Maid first, her Throat being cut from Ear to Ear ; but by her Cap being off, and her Hair much entangled, it is
sup- posed she struggled; the Companion seem'd to have been strangled, tho" there are two or three Wounds in her Throat suppos'd to have been done by a Nail; and the old Gentlewoman it's thought was smother'd and kill'd last of all, she lying across the Bed with a Gown on, tho' the others were in Bed; a great Trunk in the Room was broke open and rifled : They got out on the Roof of the Chambers, at a Trap- Door on the Top of the Stair- Case, and so in at the Garret Window; and after they had com- mitted the horrid FaCt, came out again the same Way. And Yesterday Sarah Malcolm an Irish Woman, Laun- dress to some
Gentlemen in the Temple, was com- mitted to Newgate by Sir Richard Brocas, on a vio- lent Suspicion of the said Murder: The Manner of her Apprehension was as follows, on Sunday Night about Twelve o' Clock, Mr. Carrol came home to his Chambers in the Temple, and found the said Woman ( who was his Laundress ) in his Chambers, and she feem'd in great Confusion; he knowing she had formerly served Mrs. Duncomb, talk'd of the Murder to her, & c. and when she was gone, he look'd about his Chambers, to see if any body was conceal'd, and under his Bed found a Bundle of Linnen, and happening to go to the Close stool, found a Handkerchief, an Apron, and a Silver Pint Tankard bloody, upon which he call'd to the Watch- man, who secured the Woman, and she was then sent to the Compter till her Examination before Al- derman Brocas, at which three Persons, Acquaintan- ces of Mrs. Duncomb, swore that they knew the Tankard to belong to the deceas'd, as also some of the Linen, & c. yet this Wretch was fo harden'd at that time as strongly to deny she knew any thing either of the Murder or Robbery. Last Night she discover'd to Mr, Austen, the Keeper of Newgate, that two other Persons did the Fact, she described them, but would not
tell their Names, and that she only directed them how to get in, but would not own she wss in the Room with them ; she also declared that Mr. Carrol who disco- ver'd her would be shot as last Night, which Decla- ration Mr. Carrol had Notice of, and guarded against ir. There were found several Moidores and Guineas in her Hair, tuck'd up, and kept in tight with a Horn- Comb, Yesterday Miss Sarah Dives, Daughter to Colonel Dives, who is now beyond Sea, kissed the Queen's Hand on her being appointed Dresser to their Royal Highnesses the Princesses Mary and Louisa, in the Room of Miss Mackenzie, who has declared her
Marriage with Lieutenant Price of the Guards, 2d Son to Major General Price of the Kingdom of Ire- land. Also Yesterday the Hon, Mrs. Anna Maria Poyntz kissed her Majesty's Hand, upon her taking leave of the Court, having declared her Marriage with Stephen Poyntz, Esq ; and received the Sum of 3000 1. as of Royal Bounty from his Majesty. From Wye's Letter, February 6. The French, according to Advices from Holland and France since my last, seem fully bent on revenging them- selves on the Algerines for taking their Ships, since they say , by the Treaty with those Infidels, it is ex - presly stipulated, that they are not to
stop any French Ship, or take out Passengers found therein, on any Pre- tence whatsoever. The extraordinary Diet of Poland was opened the 26th past, and great Efforts was used by one of the Nuncio's to break it up, but in Vain; and they talk, that there is great Hopes of it's being successful. The Affair of the Pragmatick Sanction is like ( if some Accounts are true ) to meet with more Opposition than was expected; the Elector of Bavaria having, ' tis said, augmented his Forces to 36000 Men with that View. And express Orders are come to Dresden, that should an Imperial Camp be formed in Silesia, another of Saxon Troops
should be formed likewise of as great a Number, with a Train of 14 Field Pieces. However they talk now at Vienna, that the March of the Imperial Troops to Silesia is suspended for the pre- sent. The Lords have yet no extraordinary Business before them, except the great Cause between the Bishop of Ely and Dr. Bentley, in which their Lordships made a further Progress yesterday, and are to proceed on Thurs- day, to which Day the House adjourned. The Dissenters here of several Denominations have thought fit to appoint certain Days in the Week for so- lemn Prayers and Humiliation, for restoring Health, and averting God's
Anger against this great City. ' Tis now very certain, that the Distemper of Colds, & c. which were so general and so fatal, visibly de- crease more and more. On Thursday last the learned Dr. Friend, Head Ma- ster of Westminster School, resigned, that Place, in order to repose himself, being advanced in Years, and is suc- ceeded by the Rev. Mr. Nichols, 2d Master ; and the Rev. Mr. Johnson, Chaplain to the Bishop of Rochester succeeds as 2d Master. Since my last several more Letters have come from Newcastle, Rippon, and other Boroughs and Corpora- tions to their Representatives in Parliament, to re- quest them and
their Friends strenuously to oppose any new Excise. We have an Account from the North of England of such Floods below York, that the like had not been known for 30 Years past, so that People could, not travel those Parts safely : The Scots Mail due yesterday, came not in ' till this Day. A very moving Case of the suffering Proprietors of the York Buildings Company is printing, in order to be pre- sented to the Members of Parliament for their Consi - deration. I should S"
I should have added that the Lords read yesterday a Petition of Sir John Rud, Bart, praying leave for a Bill to dissolve his Marriage and enable him to marry again, and referred it to a Committee. Their Lordships have gone through 55 of the 67 Ar- ticles exhibited by the Bishop of Ely against Dr. Bentley, divers whereof have gone in favour of the Bishop, but the rest are like to take up several Days more hearing. ' Tis talked Mr. Cummins will succeed Mr. Justice Price, as one of the Judges of the Court of Common- Pleas. This being the Birth Day of her late Majesty Queen Anne of glorious Memory, ' twas observed with ringing of
Bells, and other Demonstrations of Joy. Two more Pamphlets have been published since my ^ last, to shew the pernicious Consequemes of any new Excise or Extension of the Excise Laws. The Pension Bill is expected again this Session in the House of Lords. From the London- Evening Post, February 8. Since our last arrived one Mail from Holland. tion to have it said, this Man imitates in his Conduct the Uprightnefs of Judge Price. Multis ills Bonis Flebilis occidit. On Tuesday last Charles Fitzroy, Esq ; Master of the King's Tennis- Courts in England, was unani- mously chosen Member of Parliament for the Borough of
Thetford in Norfolk, in the Room of Robert Ja- combe, Esq; deceas'd. Samuel Sandys, Esq ; Member of Parliament for Worcester, is chosen Chairman of the Committee ap- pointed to inspect into the Affairs of the Charitable Corporation. Col. Jackson, an Officer on Half- Pay, is made De- puty Governor of Portsmouth, in the Room of Col. Peter Hawker, deceas'd. On Monday last John Sharp, Esq; was appointed Clerk of the Checque, in the Room of his Father, deceas'd. A Dispensation is passing the Seals to enable the Rev. Mr. Gerard Wilmot, M. A. of Lincoln College in Oxford, and Chaplain to her Grace Melosina Dutchess
of Kendall, to hold the Vicarage of New- Church in the Isle of Wight and Diocese of Winton together with the Rectory of Bedhampton in the C. of Southampton and Diocese aforesaid. A Dispensation is passing the Seals to enable the Rev. Mr. Samuel Horne, M. A. of Pembroke College in Oxford, and Chaplain to the Earl of Sussex, to hold the Rectory of Ottham, ih the County of Kent and Diocese of Canterbury, together with the Rectory of Brede in the County of Sussex and Diocese of Chichester. On Saturday last the Rev. Mr. Williams, M. A. was presented by the Lord Chancellor to the Rectory of Wedbleys in the County of
Radnor and Diocese of St. David's, void by the Resignation of the last In- cumbent. The Rev. and Hon, the Lord James Beauclerck, Brother to his Grace the Duke of St. Alban's, is to succeed the Rev. Mr. William Wade, deceas'd, as Prebendary of Windsor. On the 5th of this Month, N. S. died, in the Castle of St. Germain, Lieutenant General Dillon. He was Brother to the late Lord Dillon of the King- dom of Ireland, and Uncle to the present Lord of that Name. He commanded a Regiment before he was 20 Years of Age, which Regiment being engag- ed in the Service of France, he served the two last Wars, sometimes in Spain,
sometimes in Piedmont, and sometimes in Germany, and often distinguished himself, with the highest Reputation. He was highly esteemed by all the great Generals of his Time, and much beloved by the Soldiery, and has left behind him a very honourable Character. Last Night the Corpse of Mrs. Duncomb, who was barbarously murder'd on Sunday last, was interr'd in the Temple Church, in the same Grave with her Husband, who was formerly a Silk Mercer; and the other two, who shared the same unhappy Fate, were interr'd in the Temple Church- yard, in one Grave. Sarah Malcolm, who has discovered the Persons
concern'd With her, was yesterday in such violent Convulsions, and vomited so much Blood in New- gate, that it was thought she had taken Poison, a Doctor and Apothecary attended her, and its questi- oned whether she will live till Sessions: She appears a most harden'd obdurate Wretch, capable of any Mischief. On Monday next Mr. Richard Francklin, the re- puted Printer and Publisher of the Craftsman, will be released from his Confinement in the King's- Bench Prison, the Time of his Imprisonment being then expired. Thev write from York, that Mr. Peyton and Mr. Babington had been committed Prisoners to the Castle of
that City, for exercising the Function of Ro- mish Priests, contrary to the Statute in that Case made and provided. On Thursday last was heard, before his Honour the Master of the Rolls, the Cause between the Assignees of the Estate of Mr. John Ward, of Hack- ney, a Bankrupt, and Mr. Ralph and Knox Ward, the Bankrupt's Brother and Son, relating to several Estates, Mines and EfFects, which the Bankrupt had convey'd and assign'd to his said Brother and Son be- fore the Commission of Bankrupt issued which was determined in Favour of the Assignees; and Posses- sion of the respective Estates and Mines were decreed
to be delivered up to them, for the Benefit of the said Bankrupt's Creditors, and the Rents and Profits thereof from Lady- Day 1726, were order'd to be paid to the Assignees; so that the Creditors are now in a fair Way of recovering their Debts, notwithstanding the many Arts and Contrivances that have been used to defeat them. From Wye's Letter, February 8. The Arguments published daily in Letters and Pamph~ lets on the Subject of Excise are so numerous, that there seems to be no End of them, at least like to be none ' till the Affair is over one way or other, which People now believe will not be long. In the Reasonings
against it in Conversation as well as Writing, no Words are spared to represent it as a Monster of the most hidious Size and Shape, which the Writers ( there being few or Talkers ) for it endeavour all they can to soften. In the mean Time there are some among us not so much terrified, and others who think it reasonable to suspend Noise and Clamour till they see in what Shape it ap- pears. The Opinion of Physicians at to the State of Health of this great and populous City, formerly mentioned, appears fully confirmed by the Weekly Bill of Mortally published this Day, wherein it appears that there is a decrease in the Burials of 422
Persons, so that only 1166 were buried this Week, to the inexpressible Joy and Thankfulness to God of all considerate Persons, who flatter themselves with Hopes, that we are now as Healthful here as most or any Part of the Kingdom. P. S. The Reason given by some for the Excise Affair being not expected to come under Consideration yet a while is, that the Net Produce of the Customs on Wine and Tobacco, and the Charges of Officers and Incidents are first necessary to be known. An Assembly of Dissenters, the most numerous that has been known for many Years, met at Salters Hall this Day for Prayer, in Account of the
late sickly Sea- son, which lasted full 3 Hours. By a Holland Mail this Afternoon came certain Ad- vice, that the King of Poland died at Warsaw the first of Jan. N. S. at 5 in the Morning, in the 63d Year of his Age, and that Expresses which brought this News to Berlin, Hanover, & c. bring also these Circumstan- ces, viz. That the King, on his Arrival at Warsaw, found himself so Ill that his Attendants were obliged to carry him to his Appartments, and in the way his Majesty had the Misfortune to receite a Hurt on the great Toe, so that the Blood issued out, that he fell afterwards into a fainting fit and remained in that. Condition some
Hours; that a Fever ensuing, and also a Mortification in the Wound, his Majesty died of it, and next Day his Death was proclaimed to the People. the Prince Royal his Son has taken Possession of the Electorate of Saxony ; but who may be Competitor for the Crown of Poland which is elective, or whether France may favour the Interest of King Stanislaus, or, what Troubles may arise,. ( since some probably may ) is now a Matter of tie greatest Attention.. This Day the Earl of Harborough took the Oaths, and his Seat in the House of Lords. Their Lordships went thro the rest of the Articles a- gainst Dr. Bentley, but how it will fare
with him is yet uncertain, though many think but indifferently. Monday Koningsberg, January 10. OUR last Advices from Mittau mention the Duke of Courland in so weak a Condition that there's no Hopes of his Recovery, upon which a Report was current there, that the Succession of that Dutchy has been settled in such a Manner as to sa- tisfy all Persons concern'd and prevent a War. ' Tis further assured, that an Agreement is already made that a certain Prince shall have the Dukedom in con sideration of an eventual Marriage to be guaranteed by some of the principal Powers of Europe. Hamburgh, February 3. They write from
Co- penhagen, that a new Company is lately erected in that City, for Insurance of Ships, to which his Danish Majesty has been pleased to subscribe 10,000 Crowns, the Queen 15,000, and the Prince Royal 10,000 ; insomuch that the Capital already amounts to more than 300,000 Florins. LONDON, General Wade is made Governor of Fort- William in Scotland, in the Room of General Sybourg de- ceas'd. This Day was carry'd down to be interr'd at Fox- ley in Hertfordshire, the Corpfe of the Hon. Robert X Price, Esq ; first a Baron of his Majesty's Court of Exchequer, and afterwards one of the Justices of the Common- Pleas; a
Person whofe Life and Character ought to be transmitted down with highest Honour to Posterity ; he was the Heir of and descended from an antient Family of good Repute and Substance in North Wales, ( viz. the Prices of Geeler in Denbigh- shire ) and being bred to the Law, gave early Proof of his Ability, Honesty, and Integrity in that Pro- fession : In the House of Commons, of which he was a Member, on the Bench, to which he was rais'd, he ever approved himfelf an unbyass'd Senator and —" impartial Judge : In private Life his sincere Piety to wards God, his constant Affection and Generosity to his Relations and Friends,
his Patronage of the Friend- less, the Fatherless, and the Widow, his Benevolence to all Mankind, and Love for his County in general, was very remarkable and seldom equal'd ; for the Truth of this, the whole Kingdom may be appeal'd to, wherein the Circuits he went through as Judge for above thirty Years, he was ever receiv'd with the highest Complacency and Satisfaction of the Gentle- men ; and it is hoped has left that grateful Remem- brance behind him, that it will be no ReflectiOn on any Person that may succeed in that Honourable Sta
From the London Evening- Post, February 10. Since our last arrived one Mail from France, and one from Holland. Ratisbon, February 5. SEveral new Pieces appear here one after another, both for and against the Pragmatick Sanction, one whereof bears the Ascendant of all the Rest said to be done by M. Bartenstein, the Emperor's Privy Referendary : Here the Author proves by solid Ar- guments, that the same is not only founded on justice, but in the present Circumstance of Affairs absolutely necessary to the Peace of Europe. They write from Saltzbourg, that a great Number of the Inhabitants have declared afresh for the
Protestant Religion, and demand to retire. The Protestants of Berchtolgaden, who are for quitting their Country, have Leave given them to sell their Effects, provided they do it before the End of April next. Vienna, January 31. The intended March of Troops into Italy is wholly laid aside; and the Dif- ferences with Spain in regard to the Serene Infante Don Carlos are thought on the Point of being deter- mined. Count Welzeck, Minister at the Court of Poland, has received an Augmentation of his Ap- pointment, in Consideration of his having lately end- ed the Differences with that Kingdom to the Satis- faction of his Imperial Majesty.
By the Holland Mail we learn from Warsaw, that after the King's Death, the Primate as usual took upon him to act as Regent, and assembling the Nun- cio's of the Dyet, in a pathetick Speech exhorted them to Union, and to take suitable Measures for preserving the Peace of the Kingdom. LONDON, The Coroner's Jury brought in their VerdiCt on Thursday last relating to Mrs. Duncomb, and the two others that were killed in the Temple, Willful Murder, and committed by Sarah Malcolm only ; yet this Morning the three Persons which she disco- vered to be concern'd with her, viz. Mary Tracy, and John and James Alexander, ( two
Boys) were apprehended and committed to Newgate. Thomas Reeve, Esq ; one of the King's Council, was this Day made a Serjeant at Law, being appoint- ed to succeed Mr. Justice Price, as one of the Judges of the Common Pleas. From Wye's Letter, February 10. The Case of the Proprietors of the Stock of the York Buildings Company, which has been presented to the Members of Parliament, appears, as it is stated, to resemble much that of the Proprietors of the Charitable Corporation ; since it remarks in Particular, that by two several Orders of general Courts 400,000 I. part of 600,000 I. annihilated Stock was revived,
and to gether with 100,000 I. of the Company's Trust stock, which had not been annihilated, was ordered to be sold to raise Money for the Company's pretended Emer- gencies ; and that tho' there is no Order of a general Court for reviving any Part of the 200,000 /. annihi. lated Stock, yet it was resolved by the Authority of the Governour and Assistants, and transferred and divided among themselves. And George Robinson, late Cashier of the Charitable Corporation, and the rest of their Agents, when the Market Price of their Stock was be- tween 20 and 30 per Cent. Part of which Stock they jobbed and sold out at high Pricesy
and other Parts of it they split and divided amongst their Creatures, to enable them to vote in general Courts, in their Electi- ons, and for Questions beneficial to themselves, but de- structive of the real Interest of the Company which Transactions, some of them must have amassed great Riches to the Detriment of the Companyr That Mr. Montague, the Company's Accomptant, from time to time represented, that the Revival of this Stock was Illegal and without Authority, but this pro- duced no other but repeated Orders for concealing these collusive Transfers from the Proprietors. And that upon the whole, a Ballance of 423382 /.
remaining to be accounted for, hath been so effectually squandred away and embezzled, that the Company have not Money in Cash to pay off their Clerks, and meneal Servants, most of whose salaries are in Arrear above 2 Years and a half. BANKRUPTS, since our last. Alexander Daniel, of Penzance, in the County of Cornwall, Mercer. Isaac Panchaud, of St. Martin's lane, in Cannon, street, London, Merchant. George Masters, of Packington, in the C. of War- wick, Merchant and Chapman. John Marshall, of St. Albans, in the County of Hertford, Stage- Coachman and Chapman. Diseases and Casualties this Week. Diseases.
Aged 153. Consumption 181. Convul- sion 307, Dropsy 44. Fever 170. Small Pox 20. Stilborn 10. Teeth 67. Casualties. Drowned in a Moat, buried at St. John's at Hackney I. Executed 4; Found dead 3, one buried at St. Giles's without Cripplegate, one at St. George's in Bloomsbury, and one at St. James's at Clerkenwell. Murder'd, ( a Woman) buried at St. Giles's without Cripplegate 1. Overlaid 1. Christen'd Males 191. Females 202. In all 394 Buried Males 537. Females 629. In all 1166 Decreased in the Burials this Week 422. Whereof have dy'd, Advertisements To be LETT, AGood fashionable House, three Rooms on a
Floor, with Chambers and Garrets, two good Cel- lars, with Stable and Garden, and 0ther Conveniences, with four Rooms proper for a Cloth Dresser, situate in Caulane Leeds. Enquire of Mr. William Cottam, at the aforesaid House. To be LETT, IN Kirkgate, near the Old Church in Leeds, the House wherein Dr. Tomlinson lately dwelt, with the Brew- house, Stable, Garden, and other Conveniences thereto belonging. Enquire of Mr. Henry Pawson of Leeds aforesaid. To be SOLD, IN Kirkgate, in LEEDS, a good brick built House, three Rooms upon a floor, with Chambers and Garrets over all, a good Cellar and Stable, and other
Out- housing, a Garden and Garth, all Freehold. Enquire of Widow Mosely, the Owner. To be SOLD, ASpring Wood at Mirfield, call'd Jordan Royd, befcnging to Richard Witton of Lupser, Esq , LEEDS, Feb. 15. NOTICE is hereby given to all Per- sons, that the new seal'd Measures are come down from London, and in the Possession of Mr. Edward Brogden, Clerk of the Market, to whom all Persons are required to resort in order to have their Measures new Seal'd. N. 8. There are all Measures from a Quart up to a Bushel. On Saturday Feb. 5. was publish'd, No. 11. ( Containing Eight Sheets at the Price of 1s. ) v of a compleat
and accurate Translation of THE Historical and Critical Dictionary of the late celebrated Mr. Peter Bayle. In thii Edition all the Quotations from the various Languages will be translated into English ; but for the Satisfaction of the Learned, the Quotation from the Original Languages will be preserved. N. B. The whole will be printed in the same Manner with the Specimen annex'd to the proposals, and Eight Sheets of this Work will be publish'd every Fortnight, at One Shilling. Proposals are deliver'd and Subsciptions are taken in by the following Booksellers. Messieurs Knapton in Ludgate- street ; R. Knapton, Messieurs Innys and
Manby, Tho. Astley, S. Austen in St. Paul's Church- Yard i J. Darby in Bartholomew- Close ; Messieurs Midwinter and Ward in Little- Britain ; J. Tonson in the Strand ; J Bro- therton, W. Meadows, Tho. Cox, W. Hinchliffe, J. Walthoe. E. Symon, R. Willock, in Cornhill; J. Hazzard near Stationers- hall, T. Woodward, B. Motte, T. Wotton, L. Gilliver, H. lintot in Fleet- street ; D. Browne, W. Bickerton, without Temple Bar; MessieurS Ward and Wirkstead in the Inner Temple lane; and J. Osborne in Pater- noster- Row. Where may be had Numb. I. TH E Good Sale that Dr. DAFFEY's Original and famous Cordial Elixir hath met with, and
the many great Cures It hath done in most of the principal cities & Towns in GREAT BRITAIN, and IRELAND, particularly in the Counties of YORK- SHIRE and LANCASHIRE; has encouraged some ignorant apish Quacks, who know nothing of the Pre aration, to send down a Spurious Sham Sort into the Country, publishing the same to be the true Elixir. Therefore this friendly Caution is given to all Persons that have Occasion to buy, That all Persons may be sup- plied with Dr. DAFFEV's Original and famous Cordial Elixir, truly prepared at LONDON, by John Hirst, at his Printing Office in Leeds, Joseph Lord, Bookseller in
Wakefield, Mrs. Grace Green in Sheffield, Mr. Askwith in Pontefract, Mr. Wood, Grocer in Bradford, Mr. Fielding, Bookseller, and Mrs. Stephenson in Hallifax, Mr. John Wilkinson in Brighouse, and at his Shop in Huddersfield, Mr. William Wilkinson in Elland, Mr. Grice, Bookseller in Ormskirk, Mr. Higgin-- son, Bookseller in Warrington, Mr. Laland, Bookseller in Wigan, Mr. Anyon, in Red- cross- street, Liverpool, Mrs Prescot, Bookseller in Preston, Mr. Lord, Shopkeeper in Rochdale, Mr. Rawbotham in Bolton, Mr. Cheney, Shop- keeper in Northwich, Mrs. Leckonby, Apothecary in Garstang, Mr. CondlifF, Bookseller in Maxfield, Mr.
Hewit, Bookseller in Knutsford, Mr. Leigh Page, Bookseller in Chester, Mr. Pool, Apothecary in Alteringham, Mr. Addison, Hardwareman in Prescot, Mr. Gough, Bookseller in Whitchurch, Mr. Hop- kins, Bookseller in Lancaster, Mr. Wickstead, Bookseller in Wrexham, Mrs. Anne Wood in Rotherham, William Hudson, Sadler and Ironmonger, and Abraham Blackbourn in Skipton. Note, This is that excellent Elixir- that has cured several Hundreds of families of Agues and Fevers, the now raging Distempers of Yorkshire, Lancashire, Cheshire, and several other Counties, when other Medicines could do no good For your Health's
Sake be careful that each Bottle be sealed as in the Margin. Where also is sold right good Burgamot and Spanish Snuff, Stoughton's Cordial Elixir for the Stomach, Batenman's Spirit, of Scurvy Grass Golden and Plain. L e e d s : Printed and Sold by John H i r s t ; where Advertisements are taken in at 2s 6d. each.