The Chester Weekly-Journal. With the most material Advices both Foreign and Domestick
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The Chester Weekly-Journal. With the most material Advices both Foreign and Domestick
Date of Article: 29/12/1731
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Issue Number: XI
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material Advices and DOMESTICK From WEDNESDAY., December 22 to... WEDNESDAY December 29 1731 Vol The Weekly With the most No- XI. Chester Journal: Preston Dec. 13. 1731. SIR, By Inserting the following, it will oblige many of your Readers here. Sure, of all Ills, Domestic are the worst When we lay next us those we hold most dear, like Hercules, invenom'd Shirts we wear, And cleaving Miscbiefs. Dryd. OUR famous Milton was the greatest Example which our Nation has pro- duc'd, of a Mind impatient under any Apprehensions of Slavery ; and no one has shew'd himself so zealous a Champion for the
Freedom of our Beings which he contended to be so essential to the Dignity of our Species. This Spirit of Freedom he demonstrated in his own Poetry, by shaking off the Manacles of Rhime. This Spirit he extended more univer- sally to the Sentiments of others, by publishing a Discourse upon the Liberty of Press: This - Spirit he advanc'd even to Government itself, a- gainst the Sovereignty of one Man: And this Spirit he exerted against the Banns of Matrimony, by confining us so inseparably to one Woman. And such a Regard was paid to his Opinion in this last Particular, that the Publication of his three Discourses upon
Marriage and Divorce, in the Reign of King Charles the First, tho' by means ot the Assembly of Divines, who took him to be an Invader of their Jurisdiction, it bought him before the House of Lords ; yet he did not only than escape all serVile Submission that we can hear of to any opposite Judgment; but in the sucCeeding Reign, when the Divorce of a certain Nobleman reviv'd these Considerati- tions, both Application and Submission to his. This was an Observation started to me with an Air of Satisfaction, by my old Friend will. pre- cedent, the Historian, in one of our late Confe- rences upon this Topic of Matrimony, and the fatal
Effects which its indissoluble Obligation has produc'd in the World. For, added he, '< Shall Redress be so easily had against every little Imposture, in our most mean and mecha- nic Dealings, and so hard to be procur'd in one of the utmost Consequence, a deceitful Match, where our whole Liberty and Proper- ty fortune, Family and Felicity, here and hereafter, have such Dependence t There are ( continu'd he) few Occasions which will procure a Divorce; there are many which plead for it"; and in those few which render it attainable, there are so many Difficulties, so many Delays, so much expence, and, above all, so much
Exposure, that it is no Wonder since Law has not found Expedients equal to those Occasions for dissolving this Gordian Knot, if Nature should so often find Temptations to cut it ' Here he produc'd Instances out of our Chroni- cles and Records, from as high as Queen Ead- burga, down to Mrs. Arden of Feversham, and thence even to our own Times. As for my own Arguments, in Answer to his, i shall here for Brevity wave them, and only say he proceeded to observe, That the Motives to this flagrant Mischief, were as various as the Means. An am- bitious Thirst of Power and Supremacy taught that Saxon Queen to mingle the
baneful Cup, which prov'd the Destruction of her Consort; as a criminal Familiarity with another Man, oc- casioned that of Mrs. Arden's ; and what a Train of Executions did the Detection thereof bring forth ! The same also was Mrs. Caldwell's Mo- tive for attempting the Death of Hers, with a poison'd Oatcake, in the Beginning of King James the First. And mind it, said my Histori- an, you will ever find Adultery the most fruit- ful Root of these Matrimonial Murders : Not but, continu'd he, an inveterate Hatred and An- tipathy arising from Ill usage, has often brought forth the same unhappy Conlequence : And this was the Provocation
of Mary Hobry, the French Midwife, burn'd in King James the Second's Time, for strangling her Husband and scatter- ing his Quarters, to conceal the Fact. But some, said he, have done it out of pure Lucre, and to raise themselves a Fortune, as ( not to confine my Examples all on the Female Side) that Essex Chap, who drove a rare Traffick in Wives, still being question'd, how he could bury Ten or a Dozen of them in such a convenient Space, confessed, it was only by marrying fine tender Constitutions out of the- Uplands, and bringing them down into the damp unwholsome Hundreds, so by Limbs or Lungs Death took them off
his Hands, and soon left him at Liberty to go to Market again for fresh Ones. And last- ly, he obserV'd these conjugal Tragedies to have been acted merely for the Sake of Change and Variety ; whereof he gave me a more parti- cular History, affirming it to be no less really true, than seemingly romantic; which therefore, I shall here endeavour more perticularly to re- count. When the French King invaded Holland, a- bout the Year 1672, a Gentleman of a slender Fortune, but a good Family,. and probably of a' more martial than uxorious Disposition, was, not long after his Marriage, determin'd to leave his wife and folloW the Wars.
She, who had but little Experience of his Affection, was yet much dejected at his Absence ; for Women can- not bear any Thing which looks with the Face of a Slight, even from those, themdelves dise- steem. She strengthned her Apprehensions of being slighted, from the Silence her Husband contiinu'd in for several Years of Separation At last Upon some dangerous Indisposition, which befell him, he sent an intimate Acquaintance with a Ring she had known him wear, to con- vince her he was alive, and continu'd his Love to her. The Messenger having nourish'd a se- cret Passion for the Lady, and hoping his Friend might
possibly not survive his Sickness, presen- ted the Ring as part of her dead Husband's last Will and Legacy ; and soon after follow'd it with many pressing Persuasions, that she would make him the happy Man who should repair her Loss. She seem'd very shy, and surpriz'd, " and wonder'd how he could make any Offer,— and all those Things. Nevertheless tho' the dis- pleasing Thoughts of Widowhood, slipping a good Opportunity, and such like Considerations. she laid hold of it, and in a few Days they were marr; ed. Soon after, her Husband possess'd her " Imaginations more than ever, and she thoi the latter did not use her so
kindly; she wish'd for another Dutch War, or that- this also would give her some Token of his last Will. Amidst these Reflexions, the former, now recover'd, and ignorant of what happen'd, return'd home: He soon learri'd how he had been supplanted ; but she made out her Innocence so clear, that he was pacify'd, the Second forc'd by Law to resign, and they again cohabited. The Change waS pleasing to her, tho' no real Novelty. The Husband seem'd more amorous, the Wife more engaging; yet was it not long before the Wind chang'd about again, and she appear'd very cloudy. He would needs know the Reason : At last she
disclosed her deep Concern to be, ' That ' he her only Joy should be in greater Danger at 4 Home than in the Wars; having been credibly as- ' sur'd her Second had firmly resolv'd to murder ' him, the better to have Access to her again • That c she could not rest ' till she had devised some Pre- ' vention of the wicked Design, which must other- ' wise prove the Destruction of all Three: That ' there was no Medium 10 be us'd, but he must be ' ditpatch'd or they could not be safe. Farther ad- * ding, They had now the fairest Opportunity in ' the World to accomplish this Affair ; for he was c come and take his Leave of her that very
Night before his Departure for Burgundy, which Journey 1 he pretended, that he might the better conceal « himself for his projected Assassination. ' Withal ' represented the Means so feasible, without Harm c or Hazard to her dearest Husband, that he, for his Security, and out of Resentment, contented to the Deed. The Guest arrived, big with the Hopes she had given him, not only of a perfect Reconciliation with the Husband, but even of his Connivance at her utmost Indulgences to him. The Glass went freely about, and several Healths were press'd upon the Visitant i till he growing unguarded for their Purpose, she infused a
strong Soporific in his Wine which soon laid him fast asleep ; when, having dis- patch'd the Servants on plausible errands, they stran- gled
gled him. This done, she directed her Husband to bear up the Fore- part of the Corpse upon his Shoul- ders, while she, for his greater Ease. supported the Legs on her own, Thus, cross the Garden they went to the River, which washed the very Banks thereof. In their March, she, notable Work- Woman, busied herself with a strong Needle and Thread, in tack- ing fast together the Coat Lappets of both her Hus- bands. When they came to the Brink of the Preci- pice, Now Wife, said he, ate you ready ? Now Husband, answer'd she, so down went the Dead One, the Living after him ; and she got rid of them both at once. To the
Enquiries which were made after them, she had prepar'd an Answer : Pretended her Hus- band and his Friend had quarell'd, went out and fought, but was mighty anxious what should become of them. All her Insinuations, all her feign'd Af- flictions avail'd her not, when the Bodies were found so fastened, and it appear'd that she alone was in the House with them. she slood it out some Time, but when she was threatned with Torture, it terrified her into Confession: And Justice inflicted on her the punishment due on her Crimes. Friday Morning's Post. From the Evening Posts December. 21, Since our last arrived two Mails from
Holland. GERMANY, Vienna, Dec. 8. ' E have an ample Relation here in Print, of what has passed in Corsica since the Land- ing of the Imperialist, said to come from the Ba- ron de Wachrendonck, wherein ' tis observed, among other Things, that the General above- mentioned lost near 30c. Men in the last Action, after which he was obliged to retreat to Bastia, when he received a Letter from the Chief of the Rebels, to this Effect. That the Chiefs a- W1 fitted for Channel Service. The Deal Castle is equipped for the West- Indies, and cannot be long here she proceeds on her Voyage. LONDON, December 21. We hear that the
Lord Viscount Dunkerton, Mr. Kinnersly, and Mr. Stuart, the three Gentle- men that were laid in Irons at the City of Tours in France, on account of a Person's being kill'd in a Rencounter with Ensign Hamilton in that City on St. Andrew's Day last, were all brought Prisoners under a strong Guard to Paris. On Thursday Night last three Villians attemp- ted to carry away some hats and Swords that lay in a Window, at the London Tavern in Tan- Church Street; two of them stood at the End of Mark- Lane, while the other hovered about the Window, in order to fling up the Sash, and car- ry off the Prize; they being observed by some
Neighbours over the Way, he was taken in the Attempt, and the other two made off; his Name is William Compton, and stands upon the Record in Newgate, as an old Practitioner in that Way he was carried before Sir Richard Bro- cas the next Morning, who committed him to Woodstreet Compter. A Perfson has been committed to the Poultry Compter, on a Charge of being concern'd in de- frauding the Governor and Directors of the Bank of a large Sum of Money. On Saturday last, as the Earl of Pembroke came to Town, he baited with his Retinue at an Inn at Egham ; during their Stay a Fire broke out in the House, which
entirely destroyed one Room, and burnt thro' the Floors; but by timely Assistance it was prevented from doing any fur ther Damage : It was occaisoned, as we hear, by the Carelesness of a Servant in leaving the Blower on a Stow Chimney. On Saturday Night when the Norwich Coach came in at the Bull Inn in Bishopsgate- Street, se- veral young Gentlemen came Passengers from a Boarding School at St. Edmund's Bury, having a Portmantua, wherein was all their Cloaths and Linnen, which was sent from the Inn by a Wo- man, directed to Mr. Shelden at the Feathers in Gracechurch- Street; when she came near the House
she enquried which was Mr. Shelden's ? a Man well dress'd stood at a. Door, said his Name was Shelden, saying, You have brought the cPortmantua; what must I give you? she said Six- pence ; 0n which he gave her a Shilling, and desiring her to get Change while she was gone he made off with the Prize without staying for his Change. Some Days ago a small Smuggling Vessel, in which we hear were three or four Persons be- longing to St. Bennet's, Paul's- Warf, was lost on the Flats near Margate, and all the Men per- ished. Yesterday the ten Malefactors mention'd in our former were executed at Tyburn. Last Week the
University of Cambridge ( for preventing Disorders, and securing the Persor- mance of regular Exercise, in Lent, usually stiled the Wrangling Term) ordered by a Vote, in full Senate, that the Exercise should be perform'd ip that, at the same Hours and Days as in the other Terms; and that 1 o 1. extraordinary should be al- the richeft that ever came from thence', tke Itmg having for hisown Account 196 Aroves of Gold, each Arove being 32 lb. Weight. It is added, that in Brazil, they had discovered a new Mine of Gold, richer and finer than any in the Coun- try. From Marseilles, the 14th Inst. N. S. they write, that Don Carlos pass'd
the River Aix within 5 Leagues of that City, the Sunday before, with a great Retinue, for Antibes; that he tra- velled hard, in order to get to Italy as soon as possible, on Account of the Great Duke's Illness. His Majesty has been pleased to order his Con- ge d'Elire to be sent to the Dean and Chapter of the Cathedral. Church of St. David's, for elect- ing Dr. Nicholas Clagget to be Bishop of that See, void by the Translation of the Rt. Rev. Fa- ther in God Dr. Elias Sydal, Bishop thereof, to the See of Gloucester, Sir Charles Wager and Sir John Jennings are not to be crcated Peers of Great Britain as hath been reported. On Saturday
Sir Charles Wager was at Court to shew their Majesties and the Royal Family the Present he received from the King of Spain, being his Catholick Majesty's Picture set in Dia- monds, worth upwards of 5000l. Transports are to be sent some time next Month to Gibraltar and Port- Mahone, to bring over the Regiments of Tyrawley Kirk and Clay- ton to Great Britain. The Reward ( pursuant to Act of Parliament) for apprehending seven of the Malefactors ex- ecuted Yesterday at Tyburn, is ordered to be paid forthwith out of the Exchequer. From the Written Letters December 22. AGreeable to what we lately mention'd, the Mar quevaine arrived last Saturday at Dover, with the Character of Ambassador, or as some say Envoy from his most Christian Majesty to the Court of Great Britain: And, yesterday he came to Town, and hath for the present taken Lodgings in Pall- Mall. The Spanish and Russian Ambassadors are likewise soon expected here' Yesterday the Ambassador ftom the Emperor of Morocco, who lately arriv'd with Sir Charles wa- ger, came to Court and had an Audience of his Majesty. And, On Sunday last a Person of Distinction lately arriv'd from the Court of Portugal, came to Court with a Grand Equipage and was most graciously re ceiv'd. Letters from Jamaica dated the 4th of October, mention the arrival there of the Catharine CaPt. Blincoe, with 400 and odd Slaves on Board belong- ing to the late Humphry Morris, Esq-, who was a great Merchant. Yesterday died at his House in the Old Jury, John Olmins, Esq, Deputy Governor of the Bank-, the ' mongst them were surpriz'd that the Emperor, r so well known for his Clemency, should send f Troops to act against Subjects, whom nothing 1 but the unprecedented Tyranny of their Gover- r nors had forced to fly to Arms for Relief; that r they were still ready to submit to the Repub- c lick, provided the new
Taxes they were sur- c charged with were taken off, and the ancient ( Privileges of the Island restored; that they were r still in Hopes his Imperial Majesty would be e graciously pleased to dispose the Republick to c grant them their just Demands, Sec.' The Imperialists have lost besides above joo Men, by Sickness and the Wounds received in other En- gagements. • COUNTR NEWS. Bristol, Dec. 18. The Corporation of this City have resfolved to erect an Equestrion Statue of King William the IIId. of immortal Memory, in the Square: At a Meeting of the incorporated Society of Merchant Adventurers of this City, in their Hall last
Tuefday, a Motion was made by a Gentleman of the Corporation, that this Hall do contribute a Sum towards erecting the said Statue, and after the previous Question was put, it was resolved in the Affirmative, Nemine Contradicente, and the Sum given was 3001. Our Merchants have received the disagreeable News of the following Ships being lost, viz. Dol- phin, bound from New- England, lost on the Bar of Araro; Portland Galley, from Petersburgh, lost near Ensenore; Nightingale, from Limerick, last bound to Bilboa; and Blossom, from Mary- land, stranded in Breede Bay. Sheerness, Dec. 19. The Namure, a second Rate Man
of War, the Hampton- Court, the Edinburgh, and Grafton, 3d Rates, all sailed by here this Day, and anchored at Blackstakes. They belonged to Sir Charles Wager's Squa- dron, and are to be laid up at Chatham, The Cornwall and Buckingham are not yet arrived, but we can discover a iarge Ship at Anchor be- low the Nore, which we belive to be one of them. The Kinsale Man of War came in here last Friday; she is to be laid up here. The Swift Sloop came in here this Day, in order to be low'd to each of the Moderators, for their Trou ble therein, annually out of the University Chest; and 2s paid by every one who takes the Degree
of Batchelor or Master of Arts, for defraying the same. The Rt. Hon the Earl of Albemarle's Regi- ment of Foot is order'd home from PortMahone. Yesterday a Man ( who was an Evidence last Sessions at the Old Bailey against two of the Ma- lefactors who was executed at Tyburn) was com- mitted to Newgate, for robbing a gentleman last Sunday Night on the Highway. It is written from Lisbon, the 14th Inst. N. S. that the Fleet then- arrived from Rio de Janeiro in Brazil., was in Gold and Diamonds esteemed Directors whereof ' tis thought have not yet done with the Affair touching Forgery and false Endorsements on Foreign
Bills. ' Tis reported that by the Discoveries made to the Directors of the South Sea Company, of private and clandestine Trade, & c. it appears among other things, that the Annual Ship in her Voyage to Por- to Bella, stopt at Nevis, where a Smugling Vessel arriv'd a little before, of 250 Tons, fitt'd with the same sort of Goods for the Fair, which were all ' put on board Prince William, several of whose Guns were on that Account taken out to lighten her; which together with her being so heavy Loaden, render'd her incapable of making any Defence in case she had been Attack'd, besides the Danger she was in of sink- ing if she had
met with storrny or tempestuous wea- ther. ' Tis talk'd of 90001, being sunk, and on which Account several Persons will be brought en the Stage ; and the Proprietors in general seem to be of Opinion by what is already discovered, that it is high time to apply to a Remedy suitable to so great an Evil, and to make Examples of the Offenders, which is the more desir'd, because it may be a means of taking of the Resentments that ' tis said the Spa- >' r i
niards are under at those Proceedings of some of the Company's Agents, & c. and ' tis much regretted that any such Cause should be given, when the most Per.-, fect Friendship is by the great wiSdom of his Ma- jesty and his Council, establish'd with the Spanish Nation. By the Holland Mail arriv'd this Afternoon - we are inform'd from Hamburg, that the Magistrates of hat City have declared that they could not Con- sent to the seizing of the Ostend Ship Apollo from the East Indies, as being contrary to the antient Prive- ledges of that port. From Leghorn that they were Equipping the Grand Duke's Galleys to go and meet Don
Carlos. P. S. Private Letters from Holland say, that a great Quantity of Tea had been seiz'd there, being part of the Cargo of the Apollo aforemention'd which the Dutch are resolv'd to Confiscate, and to destroy the Ostenders all that lies in their Power. Sunday Mornings Post. From the Evening Post December 23. Yesterday arrived two Mails from flanders. ITALY, r Rome, Dec. 8. A Certain English Knight going to the Quirin- al, and desiring Permission to speak with the Pope, the Grand Master of the chamber told his Holiness, who ordered him to be admit- ted; but the Knight having entered into the Pope's Presence, omitted
paying the usual Re- verences, altho5 near the Throne; upon which he was asked, Whether he was a Roman Catho- lick? and answering, No, his Holinefs turned his Back on him, and would not hear him; upon which the Knight returned, much mortified With his Disappointment. Leghorn, Dec. 8. ' Tis advis'd from Bastia, that the Malecontents are making necessary Prepar- ations against the Expiration of the Term limiJ ted for the Cessasion of Arms, to attack the Post St. Pellegrino, lately reposess'd by the Imper- ialists, and block up St. Florenzo ; and that the Inhabitants of Nebio seem to repent already of their having
Submitted to the Republick. GERMANY. Vienna, Dec. 12 We learn from Carinthia, that the Mountaineers of Saltzburg had design'd to fly, with their Wives and Children, into that Dutchy, and to settle there, if possible upon which many Soldiers had been posted in all the Passages. FRANCE. - , - Paris, Dec. 16. The Serene Infante Don — Carlos has gain'd universal Esteem wherever he pass'd, by his courteous Deportment, and Ge- nerality. His Royal Highness reach'd Montpel- lier on the 2d, and did not leave that Place till the 4th, highly satisfy'd with the Reception he there met with: Being complimented by the > First President
of the Court of Aides, and the Chancellor of the University, he made each a Present of a Gold Watch, and gave the- Marquis de la Farre, Governor of Languedot, who ac- company'd his Highnefs thro' the Province, a Diamond Ring, valu'd at 10, oco livres. On the 9th, he arriv'd at Aix in Provence, and on the 10th set out directly for Antibes, with De- sign to touch at Toulon or Marseille, as was ex- pected. COUNTRY NEWS. Northampton, Dee. 20. The Wife of Mr. Potter, Cabinet- maker of this Town,, was on Thursday Jail, about 12 o'Clcck at Night, delivered of a, Male Child, and on the Night following, be- tween 9 and 10, she
was delivered of two Sons more, which are now all alive and christened, and hearty and likely to live. * LONDON, December 23. The Queen having taken Cold, her Majesty did not ride out Yesterday, as usual, to take the Air, being advised to desist by her Physicians. We hear that his Grace the Duke of Rich mond, will be sent Embassador Extraordinary to the Court of Vienna. The Right Rev. Dr. Downes, Lord Bishop of Londonderry, died a few Days since at his Epis- copal Palace in Ireland. We hear that the Right Rev. Dr. Burscough will be translated to the see of Derry. And Dr. Cary, Chaplain to his Grace the Lord Lieutenant
of Ireland, will be promoted to the See of Limerick, in the Room of Dr. Burscough. We hear likewise that the Revd. Dr. Burrel who has a Living in Kent, and is Chaplain in Ordinary to his Majefty, will be promoted to the Deanery of Rochester, vacant by the Promotion of Dr. Clagget to the Bishoprick of St. David's. We have receiv'd several Accounts from Edin- burg, of the great Success that eminent Occulist Dr. Taylor, has met with in that Kingdom; there having been for ten Weeks past such a Concourse of People of all Ranks from every part of it to to attend him, as is believed a President not in the Memory of any living there.
They mention on the 8th Instant, that it appear'd to many Gen- tlemen of Distinction in that City, that in the short time he has been amongst them, not less than upwards of four hundred Persons have been recover'd, by his Directions from the most lamen- table Defects of Sight and Hearing; and to ex- press the grateful Sense the University had of his singular Success, they thought proper to compli- ment him with a Doctor's Degree, as some ac- knowledgment of the great Services that King- dom had receiv'd from him. They add, ( that to the very great Misfortune of many Hundred Peo- ple, which the shortness of his stay would
not permit him to relieve) he has declared his Inten- tions of setting forward of the 15th Instant from Edinburgh for London, and intended being at Chester on the 24th for about ten Days; and that his laborious Treatise on the Eye which is so im- patiently expected by all the Learned, who have any knowledge of that Subject he is so great a Master of, he thought fit to defer Publishing till this Northern Progress: Judging it indispensibly necessary, to receive such Improvements ( from the vast variety of Cases that daily presents to him, as may impower him to finish his Work agreeable to his first Intention. They write from Leak in
Staffordshire, that a most deplorable Accident happened on Satur- day last, at a Mercer's House in that Town, where the Mercer's Daughter," a Girl of about 11 Years of Age, and a Maid Servant going into the Garret to fetch fome Linnen, had the Curi- osity to look into a Tub of Gunpowder by ta- king off the Cover, when a Spark from the Candle blew up the Barrel ; the Maid perished instantly, and the Daughter dy'd the next Day, the Roof was blown off, and the House like- wise set on Fire by this Accident. On Mondy Night last: we had' a violent Storm of Wind at N. W. and on Tuesday the highest Tide that ever was known in
the Memory of Man, and if it had not abated before the Flood re- turned again, the Dikes would have been over- flown, and the greatest Part of the Country must have been drowned: The William and Mary Sloop from Lynn was lost comiog into our Har- bour, and the Master ancl his Mate were drowned: At the same Time, and near the same Place, the Fame, Ary Groen, coming from Alicant, was to- tally lost; as was near Noordwyk, the Britannia, Bruce, from Santa Crux for Amsterdam ; and the -----, Walton from Carthagena, was forced from her Anchors in the TexeL and Sunk near the South Wall. - ' - A few Days ago died Sir
Richard Fowler,, of Harange Grange in Shropshire, Bart, by whose Death an Estate of 3000I. per Ann. dev to his eldest Son, now Sir William Fowler, who married a Daughter of the late Brigadier CEN Newton-. Last Tuesday Night a Messenger was dispatch- ed for his Grace the Duke of Dorset at Ireland, with several Bills depending in Parliament there, that had been transmitted hither for his Majesty's Approbation. Two French Ships, having on board 500,00c Pieces of Eight and other Gocds, from Cadiz, were lost on the French Coast in the Channel. Last Tuesday Night two Street Robbers stopt a Gentleman and his Wife in a
Hackney Coach, near the End of Suffolk- Street, Charing- Cross. and robbed them of four Kings, a Watch, ant some Money. Yesterday there was a General Court of the Directors of Greenwich hospital, at the Admiral- ty Office, Whitehall, present the Right. Hen Lord Viscount Torrington, the Hon. John Cock- burne, Esq; and the Hon. Sir Charles Wager Lords of the Admiralty, with the Hon. Sir john Jennings, Governor of Greenwich Hospital, and several other Directors; when the Affairs of the said Hospital, relating to the finishing of the Buil- ding thereof was laid before them, and the Ac- counts ' and Charges of the said Buildings
were a- greed to, and ordered to be carried on, in order to its being finished according to the Plan there- of, with all convenient Speed; that it may be fitting to receive rco more poor disabled Seamen which will complete the Number of Pensioners to IOOO. From the Written Letters December 23. iT is remarkt that not only the Ward of Farring- don without, but in several other Wards' of this City the same Persons were elected Common Council Men as Voted against the Reading of the said Pe- tition for erecting the Equestrian Statue of King William: However the 12 Gentlemen who were last Night declared duly Elected for the
Ward of Chap will no doubt punctually perform as they honestly pro mised in their List, to be ready to receive any Peti- tion that may be offer'd by their Fellow Citizens. The Struggle in Castle Beynard Ward was cons- derable, 5 against 5, when after a Poll and Scru- tiny the old Council Men carried, it; and the four old Members for Cripplegate Ward without, were declar'd by the Alderman to have the Majority 0f Hands. The following Irish Acts of parliament are or der'd to pass the Seals, and to be transmitted to Dublin, viz,, for reducing the Interest Money to 1 per Cent, for allowing Persons in Office further time to qualify
themselves, pursuant to an Act to provent the further growth of Popery ; also for rendering more effectual, an Act for better securing the Go- vernment by Di sarming Papists'. Some of the Friends of those who had the Care an Management of the Annual Ship Prince William and her Cargo, endeavour to lessen the Discoveries, which have been made, particularly that the Goods taken on board the said Ship at Nevis for private Trade, did not amount to above ico Tons. Men while there appears such a Spirit of Resentment in the Majority of the Directors, that' tis assur'd Pro- secutions and Bills in Chancery will be , exhibted a
gainst some who have get great Estates, and the Court yesterday among other things resolved to displace a the Council for the Factory at Buenos. Ayres from the Company's Service. On the other hand we are assur'd, that Mr. Ro- bindon and the Charitable Corporation disagreeing he is gone off again, and mr. Goostrey his Attorney has since exhibited a Bill in Chancery' against the Cor- poration in his Name, for a large Sum of money said to be 163000/. which Bill the Corporation agreed yesterday to put in an Answer, and to- mor- row they will hold a General Court, in order as we are told to sell off what Effects they are
possess'd , towards satisfying the Proprietors, to which there ' too great a Reason to fear Will be but a Trifle, to the ; Ruin of many Families : However they are in hope that their Case will be taken under Consideration the parliament and be relieved.
G The Mary, Belcher, bound from Maryland to London, was forced on shore by a violent Storm the 13th Inst. at Night, near Poulton in Lancashire, and filled with water, by which her Tobacco was all spoiled, but her Crew was saved, as it was hoped the Ship would. Epigram, To Betty Bird of Billingsate. g0, hang thee hag ; for now thy sport is spoil'd, A- faith the bird is flown, thy hawk is foild : By the brisk honest dog that fowl of Prey for publick pastime's worry'd well away. Thy name is up ( piay rake it not for fanning) Thou may'st lie out the night as well as morning. To the same in a Fret. POOr Teague had deserv'd and was
going to swing, When he peevishly cry'd to the lord of the firing Prithee, fellow, be quiet ; 1 vow I can't bear it. But Catch tuck'd him up. Betty Bird dost thou hear it , And hear this with thanks tco, if penitence may Reprieve such a wretch, here's a friend paves the way. On Betty Bird's Attorney. SOME witches mount, ' tis said, upon a stick To ride for counsfel to their friend Old Nick ; But betty Bird, to save her batter'd arse, Procures an affidavit stalking- horse. Bess became beggar, and thus mounted up Rides to the Devil with gee, Ball, gee hup. Price of Corn at Chester Friday December 14. Wheat from to - is. 6 d. Barley from 2s.
6d to 2 s. 10 d. Oates from 5 * to 8 s. per Bushel. Prices of Goods at Bear Key; Wheat 26 s. to * 8 s. od. Rye 12 s. to 15 1. od. Barley 13 s. to 16s o. l. Oates jos* to 13s. 6i. Pease 20s. to 23s. od. Hog pease 18s. to 20s od HorseBeans 20Jto 24s. od Pale Malt 22s to 26s 9 Males 154. Christened Females 164 in all 3> 3 Brown Malt 18s to S25. c4 Tares 20 s. to 23s- O. Hops 11 js to 1119 « pH. NewHops 3l. oosto5l. oos Rape Seed 1 il. to 121.1 os ( per La ft. sod to 6J. ( per Chaldron. C ') Males 206 ^ Buried > Females 242 I in all 448 Decrease in the Burials this Week 32. Whereof have died Under 2 Years old Between 2 and 5
Five and ten Ten and Twenty twenty and thirty - Thirty and Forty HI Forty and Fifty 45 Fifty and Sixty 48 Sixty & seventy 27 Seventy & Eighty 14 Eighty & Ninety 15 Ninety & upward 2 South Sea Stock 102 t 8th. Ditto Annuity 109 7 8ths. Ditto Bonds 6!. 16 s. Bank 149. Bank Circulation 6 I. o » . Million Bank 109. India 1820 half, india Bonds 61.^ i8x. Royal Assur- ance 99. African 45 Chester, October 29. Agreeable to our expecta- tion, on Friday Evening last Mr Taylor Surgeon, Occulist of London, arrived at the White Talbot Inn in this Town; and we are assured he has en- gaged himself to continue there till the latter end of next
Week, and proceeds Home by Way of Oxford. We are informed from Wrexham, that seve- ral Tradesmen and substantial Inhabitants of that Town, after they heard that Robert Ellice, Esq; was sworn High Sheriff for the County of Den- bigh, out of their great Respect and friendship for him, waited of him in a Body on Wednesday last, and offer'd their Service to attend him at both the Grand Sessions and Cloath themselves at their own Expence ; which kind offer the High Sheriff was pleased to accept, and enter- tained them all very plentifully. mind to purchase the same, may enquire of Mr. Gorst of Middlewich, or Mr. Jackson or
Thomas Grastie of Knutsford in Cheshire. MRS. Elizabeth Acton now lives at the White Talbot Inn, next to the Eastgate in the East- gate - Street Chester ; being the House that the Wi- dow Grantham lived in, where Gentlemen and o- thers may be well Accommodated. THis is to give Notice that the shop Goods late of Mr. Roger Evans's of Denbigh, Grocer, de- teas'd, consisting in Mercery, Grocery and Iron Ware, will be sold by Wholesale at reasonable Rates, at the said shop within the Town of Denbigh. Advertisements. TO Be SOLD, AFreehold Estate of eighty Pounds a Year, a- bout eight Pound a Year of It let out by
Lease, by Life or Lives, adjoining unto the other Capital Estate, scituate or lying in Warford, about j Miles from Knutsford, and f from Maccles-. field ; the Estate Is very well compact together, and hath thereon growing betwixt 4 or 5 Hundrd oak Trees, fit for building or otherwise. Who hath a ALL Persons that are any way Indebted to Richard Welles late of Warrington, in the County of Lancaster, Grocer, against whom a Com- mission of Bankrupt hath lately been awarded ; are desired to pay the same forthwith to William Mid- dlehurst of Warrington, Attorney at Law, who is Authorized to Receive and Discharge the same, by
Amberson Tyte of the City of Bristol, Merchant and Assignee under the said Statute ; otherwise they will be Sued without further Notice. Tuesday Mornings Post. From the Evening- Postr December 25. Yesterday arrived a Mail from Holland. POLAND. Warsaw, Dec. 10 N. S. THEY had such a furious Storm at Cracow the 18th past, that several Houses were blown down there, and at Pronick, a Village four Leagues from that City. GERMANY.. Vienna, Dec. 12. N. S. Several Physicians and Surgeons are to let out next Week, for the Frontiers of Turky; to prevent the Contagious Sickness spreading itself in Transylvania; where
some Villages are actually infected. Berlin Dec. 22. The King returned, this Evening from his hunting Seat at Schonebeck, se- ven Leagues on During his Majesty's Stay there, in three Chaces were kill'd no less than 800 Wild Boars. From Cadiz, That six Spanish Men of War were equipping there; but for what Purpose was not known. From Cassel, That a Stop was put to the fur- ther Reduction of the Hessian Troops. And, From CleveS, That the Duke of Lorrain was suddenly expected there, in his Way to Berlin. LONDON, December 25. According to the General Bill of Christnings and Burials within the Bills of Mortality, for this
Year, it appears that there were Christened, Males 9177. Females 8653. In all 17,830. Buried Males. 12,608. Females 12654, In all 2 5,262. Decreased in the Burials this Year 1499. Bankrupts since our last. William Sumner, of New Windsor in the County of Berks, Mercer. Thomas Collins, of East Haddon, in the Coun- ty of Northampton, Butcher. Thomas CarricK , of St. Katarine's near the Tower, of London, Distiller. We hear that one of the vacant Blue Garters will be given to his most Serene Highness the Duke of Lorrain. On Saturday last Mr. jos. Skeats, Commander of his Majesty's Sloop the Night- Ramble, seiz'd and
brought into the Custom- house at Harwich, a Cutter belonging to the Smugglers, with the following Goods, viz. 1( 58 lb. of Coffee, upwards of 1500 lb. of Tea, ten Casks of Brandy, and se- veral Pieces of Gingham. This Week several Hundred Weight of new coin'd Half- pence were deliver'd out at the Tower. 1 On Wensday last, at a Publick house in Bed-. : minster, as two Ship Carpenters were drinking together, one Impudently offer'd, some Sodo- mitical Insinuations to his Companion, and told him, if he would agree to his Proposal, he ! should have his Great Coat as a Reward ; the other seemingly complying, told him it was
not Proper to act in the House for fear of a Disco- very, so agreed to go out to a more conveni- ent Place : The Indorser went very readily out first, and the other was to follow; but he did not think fit to do it till he had provided him- self with a Cafe Knife at the House, with which at a convenient Opportunity, he made so deep an Incision, that he allmost cut off that Part of Na- ture design'd not for such a Diabolical Use, and in all likelyhood, would have made a compleat Amputation, had his Instrument been some- thing sharper, of which he complain'd to the Landlord for not keeping his Knives In better Or- der. The Indorser is under
the care of a Surgeon of this City; and ' tis hop'd all his vile Clan will meet with the same or worse Fate. On Thurfday Night Mr. Nixson, a Glover in Jewin- street, was robbed of about 30 Pouuds Worth of Gloves, which were carried clandes- tinely out of his Shop. From the Written Letters December 25. sINCE our last arrived a Holland Mail, t and brought the following Advices, from Vienna that Mr. Robinson the British minister, was to set out for London in January. That the Turks had made Peace with the Persians, and were generally disposed for a War with the Christians. That a Courier was arrived at the Imperial Court from
Po- land, with News that the ensuing dyet was like to be as fruitless as the last, they being not inclined to hear of any other Succession but Stanislaus. From Cassel, that a stop was put for certain Reasons to the disbanding any more Hessian Troops. From Ca- diz, that 6 Ships of War were fitting there, but upon what Design was not known; and that the In- dulto for delivery of the Treasure of the Galleons was settled on the same terms as that of the flota's, viz . 151 half per Cent in Specie : However the Com- merce were assured, that no future Indulto's should exceed 8 per Cent. Letters from Lisbon advise, that the Brazil Fleet
which we lately mentioned to be arrived there, had brought the greatest quantity of Gyld ever known being 24. Millions 117697 Crusadoes, zzo of Arabs in Gold for private Persons, 148 Arabs uncoined, and 1 Million 118697 Crusadoes in coined Gold, and a Box of large Diamonds for the King. ' Tis written from the Hague, thai the Duke of Lorrain set out from rotterdam the 28th past for Wezel. The Rev. Dr. Herring, one of his Majesty's Chap- lains in Ordinary, and preacher to the honourable Society of Lincoln's Inn, is made Dean of Rochester in room of Dr. Claget now Bishop of St. David's. Yesterday Morning died Mrs. Frances
Heathcot, a Maiden Daughter of Sir Gilbert Heathcot, the eldest Alderman of this City, and left near 40000 /, but to whom we yet know not. There was yesterday a General Court of the Cha- ritable Corporation, wherein was great Clamour and Confusion; the Question being proposed for superse- ding the Statute of Bankruptcy against mr Robin- son, it was carried in the Negative almostl unani mously, and another Court is order'd to be held the 12th prox. to draw up a petition to the Parlia- ment for Redress. John Thompson the late Ware- house keeper, is said to be arrived at Rome. At the breaking up of the Cabinet Council that
was held yesterday at St. James's, a A messenger was dispatch'd to the Earl Waldegrave his majesty's Ambassador at the Court of France, and since the Marquis de Chevigni the French Ambassador has had Audience of their majesties3 things are said to go well with that Crown. cHESTER; Printed by Wm. cOoke, where Advertisements are taken in