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Leeds Mercury

Date of Article: 22/06/1731
Printer / Publisher: John Hirst 
Address: Leeds
Volume Number:     Issue Number: 314
No Pages: 4
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From Tuesday June 15. to TuesDay June 22. 1731 ( N°- 314.) From the London- Evening Post, June 15. Since our last arrived one Mail from France, and one from Flanders. Naples, May 29. ON Wednesday Morning the Chevalier de St. George went to the Church of the Spiritual Daughters of Santa Domita, to pay his Devotions before the Blood of the Fore runner, which was shewn liquid to him at Second Mass: Afterwards he visited several other Churches; and the same Afternoon he went to see the Mole and the delightful Way of Chiaja. On Thursday he went in Cere- mony to visit the Viceroy and his Lady, and rode from the Palace to Santa Clara, where he tarry'd till the great Procession came by from the Cathedral, and received the Blessing, with the Eleva- tion of the Host, the Canon of the Castles firing all the while. On Saturday he went on Horseback to Mount Vesuvius, and re- turned to Dinner in the Palace of Portici Rome, June z. On Saturday the Princess Sobieski and her two Sons set out for Albano, where the Chevelier de St. George, her Consort, arrived on Thursday from Naples. Parma, June 2. Our Doubts are removed touching the Preg- nancy of the second Dutchess Dowager, since her Highness pass'd under an Examination two Days ago by five Midwives of different Nations, with the requisite Formalities, who were sent for hi- ther for that Purpose, and declared under Oath that her High- ness was undoubtedly with Child. The old Dutchess Dowager assisted with five Ladies of the Court, and the Court Physician Dr. Forti of Modena, with the Surgeon Cezardi, who immedi- ately went out to acquaint General Stampa, the Spanish Ministers, and all the Persons of Distinction, who waited in the Anticham- ber, where our Sovereign's Pregnancy was solemnly proclaimed: After which an Instrument was drawn up, signed and delivered, to be dispatched to foreign Courts. Some observe, that Signor Oddi, the Pope's Commissary, was not admitted to the Cere- mony. IRELAND, Galway, June 1. Yesterday Evening about Six o' Clock ar- rived here, and anchor'd in our Road, the Advanture Man of War, Lord Muskerry, Commander, who left Gibraltar 21 Days before, and was bound for Portsmouth, but blown in here by contrary Winds: About Seven his Lordship came on Shore in Pinnace, rowed by ten Men. They say that all Things are ( Price, Two- pence. ) quiet at Gibraltar ; but that the Spaniards are vigorously carrying on their Works before it. COUNTRY NEWS, Wantage in Berkshire, May 29. This Day a Fire broke our, which burnt two Houses in this Place, and would unavoidably have consumed a great Part of the Town, had it not been pro- vided with a large Engine made in London by Mr. Newsham. LONDON, On Thursday the Earl of Strafford, with his Family, will set out from his House in St. James's Square, for his Seat at Bough- ton in Northamptonshire, and after a short Stay will proceed thence to his Seat at Stainborough in Yorkshire, for the Summer Season. Capt. Herbert, third Son to the Earl of Pembroke, has got the Company in the Regiment of Foot- Guards, late the Lord Dela- war's. And Capt. Lasscels is made Captain Lieutenant in the Room of Capt. Herbert. On Sunday the Right Rev. the Lord Bishop of Norwich or- dained 19 Priests and Deacons at the Parish Church of St. Giles in the Fields; and yesterday they began to pull the said Church down, in order to rebuild it. On Sunday last three Deacons were ordained at the Royal Chapel at St. James's, by the Right Rev. the Lord Bishop of Litchfield and Coventry. Last Week a Volume of Latin Letters, writ to his Royal High- ness the Duke by Mr. Philipps, were presented to their Majesties and received very graciously. We hear that on Saturday last the Right Hon. the Lord Lovell, Grand Master of the Free and Accepted Masons, visited the Lodge at the Golden Spikes at Hampstead, attended by his Grand Offi- cers, when the Right Hon. Anthony Lord Viscount Moncacute, was chosen Master of the Lodge in the Room of George Rooke, Esq: There was a good Appearance of Persons of Quality and Distinction. Last Thursday the Lords Commissioners of the Treasury ap- pointed a Board to be held every Week on Tuesdays and Fridays at the Cockpit, and on Thursdays at Hampton Court, for the Dis- patch of Business. Yesterday Morning the Court of Arches sat at Doctors- Commons in their Robes, and in the Afternoon the High Court of Admi- ralty, it being the first Day of Trinity Term with the Civilians,' Early yesterday Morning Mr. Carrington, one of his Majesty's Messengers, arrived at the Secretary's Office, Whitehall, with Letters from the Court of Vienna, and immediately proceeded to Hampton- Court. Orders are given for the Observance of the i T at the Camp neat Hampton, to prevent the Soldiers strolling from their Tents. On Sunday about twelve o" Clock at Night a Fire broke out in a House new built and uninhabited, near the Shoulder of Mutton Field in Hackney, which intirely consumed the same; but by timely Assistance was prevented spreading. ' tis not known how this Accident happened. Corporal Hilliard, of Colonel Duncomb's Company of Grena- diers in the First Regiment of Foot Guards, now a Prisoner in the Savoy, is shortly to be try'd by a General Court Martial at the Horse Guards, for various Offences; particularly for entitling Men in Foreign Service, a Crime of which he was formerly convicted, when a Soldier in Colonel Harrison's Regiment of Foot. On Saturday Mr. Baron Thomson, as Recorder of this City, made his Report to his Majesty at Hampton Court of the six Ma- lefactors that received Sentence of Death at the last Sessions in the ' Old Baily, when the four following were order'd to be executed To morrow, viz Robert Cooper for forging a Bond from Wm. Homes in the Penalty of 501. for the Payment of 26l. William Burrows and Charles Ogilby for the Highway, and Samuel Cur- lis for Horsestealing : But Thomas Martin and Elizabeth Corner are reprieved. The Bacchus, Capt. Stephens, which is arrived at Bristol from Jamaica, was taken the 27th of April by a Spanish Pyrate Sloop, or Guarde Costa, of eight Carriage Guns and ten Swivels, be- tween the Havanna and the Gulph, which fir'd a Gun at the Bac- chus, and fhe returned; upon which they hoisted a Red Flag, with Death's Head in the Middle, when the Bacchus struck, and her Boat went on board the Spaniard, who told them, that if they had fir'd another Gun they should have had no Quarter. They plunder'd her of all they liked, and stript the Captain and People of their Cloaths, Linnen, & c. and threaten'd them with immediate Death, if they did not discover where their Money lay, and had Ropes rieved at the Yard- Arm ready. They opened all the Letters in the Captain's Custody, and searched very strict- ly. The Runlet Sloop, Capt. Brin, of Rhode Island, was taken in Company with the Bacchus : They treated her Captain and Men very barbarously, putting their Fingers between Gun- lock Skrews till they flatten'd them, and some had lighted Matches be- tween, in order to extort a Confession where their Money lay, of which they had none on board. They likewise plunder'd the Sloop, and stript the Captain and Men of all their Cloaths and Instruments. These Rogues reported, that the Day before they took the Humber Sloop, of Rhode Island, Capt. Rogers, they left one of their Men on board the said Sloop, drunk, and Capt. Rogers had Orders to keep them Company that Night; but a Cale springing up, the Captain trusted to his Sloop's sailing, and sheer'd off, notwithstanding the Pyrate fired eight or 10 Gunsto make them bring to About eight Days before they took the Recovery of London, Capt. Wheatley, and plunder'd her of a large Sum of Money. The Bacchus was the eighth Prize they had taken in 20 Days after coming out of Porto Rico. A Mu- latto on board, of some Distinction among them, made several Offers to shoot the Captain of the Runlet and the Mate of the Bacchus; but the Commander of the Pyrate, who behav'd him- self the most civil among them, prevented him ( his Name Don Juan Delabarca Mondanda Elabarca, and the Sloop the San Fran- cisco Xavier.) They had three Linguists to examine Prizes, and his Crew consisted of 70 Men, Spanish, French, Irish, English, & c. besides Officers: They gave out that they had several Concerts. While the Bacchus and Runlet were plundering, two Sail appeared in Sight; so they were dismiss'd in about six or seven Hours Detention, and the Pyrates made the best of their Way to speak with the others. From Wye's Letter, June 15. Notwithstanding what has been insinuated by fome People, would never acceed to the Treaty of Vienna, without being brib'd by the Restitution of Gibraltar; yet as mentioned in our last, that Prince has acceeded to the said Treaty, of which we had a Confirmation from the Hague by the Holland Mail yesterday, viz. That on the 21st Instant N. S. the Secretary to Mr. Van Hoey, their High Mightinesses Ambassa- dor in France arrived there from Paris, with Advice, that a Courier from M. Keen had gone through that City on his Way to London, to carry the agreeable News that the King of Spain sign'd the Act of Approbation of the Treaty of Vienna on the 6th Instant. So that in all Probalility we shall soon hear of the Spaniards putting a Stop to their Works before Gibraltar, and likewise to their barbarous usage of our Merchant Ships. Mean Time, the uncertain State of Affairs are now effectually changed, and our Commerce re- established and secured to us by the Accession of Spain to the Vienna Treaty; in Conference whereof Sir Charles Wager, agreeable to what we mentioned in our former, is appointed by his Majesty to carry Prince Don Car- los to Italy: The great Cabbin of the Namure Man of War of 90 Guns is fitting up, the Lining of which is gilded Leather, for the Reception and Accommodation of the said Prince ; and Sir Charles Wager will be ready to sail with her and nine other gallant Ships of War, in a Week or 10 Days Time, for the Coast of Spain. Yesterday Morning Capt. Jenkins, Commander of the Rebecca,, who as we mentioned in our former, was lately taken in her Passage from Jamaica by a Spanifh Guarde Costa, went to Sir Robert Walpole's at Chelsea, and represented his whole Case, and the barbarous Usage he met with from the Spaniards; but all Complaints of this kind will cease for the future, and every Thing be adjusted to mutual Satisfaction, The King of Spain besides his signing the Act of Approbation, has written a very obliging Letter to his Brittanick Majesty. This Day Sir Roger Hudson paid into the Chamber of London a Fine of 400 1. and 1 3 Marks, to be excused from serving the Office of Sheriff of London for the Year ensuing. The 4001. being for the use of the City, and the 13 Marks towards the Sup- port of the Ministers of the several Prisons of London. Great Collections are made in the Country for the poor Sufferers by Fire at Tiverton and Blandford, for the former of which be tween 4 and 500 1. have been already collected at Exeter. The Loss by the Fire at Blandford is computed at 140,0001: of which we hear not above 10,000 1. is Insured; and so rapid was the Fire, that all the Engines employed to extinguish it were destroyed by it, and many who had carried their Goods into the fine large Church, thinking to secure them there, could find no Means to recover them, the Church being so suddenly burnt. A Proclamation is in the Press, prohibiting the Subjects of his Majefty's [ Dominions to supply the Rebels of Corsica with any manner of Warlike Stores or Provisions whatsoever. . Brigadier General Clayton has received his Majesty's Commands to repair forthwith to his Regiment at Gibraltar. I From the London Evening- Post, June 17, Since our laft arrived one Mail from France, Hague, June 19. AN Express from Seville is arrived at Paris, with Letters of the 29th of May, which were transmitted hither and to London. They bring Advice, that the Party against the Queen had once more try'd their Strength against that Princess's Project, in a Cabinet Council holden since the Departure of the Express that brought the Letters of the 21st of the same Month: That the Count de Rothembourg let no Opportunity slip; and that an Audience he had of the King, he delivered to him a Letter from his most Christian Majesty, and another from the Cardinal de Fleury, the Tenour of both being to propose a particular Alliance between France and Spain : That the Spanish Ministers who are called the Prince of Asturias's Party, are one and all for com- plying with the Instances of the French; but that the Queen makes Head against them, and spins out the Time; so that they were persuaded nothing would be done in relation to the Count de Rothembourg's Proposals, till after the Return of Mr. Keene's Express, who was expected four Days after the Departure of this last Courier; and that his Catholick Majesty, who is never known to be worse than his Word, will not start any new Difficulties, the rather because the Queen has likewise given her Word, that the Act of Approbation shall be signed, if his Britannick Majesty approves of the Alterations. They write from Paris, that the Ministers of France had de- declared to the Marquis de Castelhar, that the most Christian King was very much surprized at the Instability of his Catholick Ma- jesty and his Councils. That Spanish Minifter did not go with the Court to Fontainbleau. The Pretext for his Stay was, that his Apartment was not ready; but it is more likely, that he has received Orders from the Queen of Spain, and perhaps a Hint from his Brother Don Joseph Patinho, not to be over assiduous in pay- ing his Court to the Ministers of France. Hague, June 22. The continual Secret Conferences which are holden at Vienna, between Mr. Robinson, Minister of the King of Great Britain, and the Duke of Liria, Minister of the Court of Seville, who are frequently shut up together alone in a Cabinet for four Hours, put it out of the Question that there is some Affair of extraordinary Importance negotiating by those two Ministers, with the Consent and full Powets of their respective Masters; the Knowledge of which we shall hardly attain to, till it is brought to a Conclusion. LONDON. Col. Bragge, of the Third Regiment of Foot Guards, is made Usher of the Black Rod to the House of Peers in Ireland. Yesterdav died at Oxford the Rev. Dr. Dobson, Master of Trinity College in the said University. We hear that Col. Manning of the Foot Guards will be ap- pointed an Equerry to his Royal Highness the Prince of Wales. Capt. St. Claire, Brother to Col. St. Claire, Major of the third Regiment of Foot Guards, is to be made Major of Col. Anstru- ther's Regiment now lying at Gibraltar. It is written from Porto, that a Ship which sailed from thence for Hambourg, was taken soon after she got out to Sea, by an Algerine Cruizer: She belonged to Hambourg, and is supposed to be the Johanna Clara, Capt. Nikels. The William and Betty, Capt. Wardlow, was drove from her Anchors in Algier Mold, with about one third Part of her Cargo on Board, designed for Alicant, ( the 27th of April last ) and dash'd to Pieces against the Rocks not far from the said Place. Yesterday the Quakers, who are Representatives of that People from Ireland at their yearly Meeting in London, waited on his Grace the Duke of Dorset, Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, and were very kindly received. We hear that Moll Harvey, with some others of her Accom- plices, that were to have been try'd very soon in the King's Bench, have found Means to make their Escape out of Prison; but dili- gent Search is making after them. Yesterday the 4 condemned Malefactors mention'd in our former were executed at Tyburn, viz. William Burroughs, Charles Ogil- by, Robert Cooper, and Samuel Curlis. We have an Account from Bristol, that on Monday last a Col- lection being made in that City, from House to House, for the poor Sufferers by Fire at Blandford and Tiverton, People in gene- ral contributed fo freely, that 8001. was collected that Day, and it was believed the Whole would, by the next Day, amount to 12 or 14001. Yesterday came an Account from Ushfort in Wiltshire, that the People of the Devizes and Levington going with Engines to their Assistance, during the Fire there, they found Means to extinguish it, so that not above 30 Houses, besides Barns and Stables were destroyed. Letters from Constantinople, dated the 13d of April say, that in Letters from Aleppo, dated the 6th of that Month, they were advised, that they had receiv'd an Account of the Barrington, Capt. Hunter, bound from Mocha with Coffee for London, being lost near Bombay. The faid Ship was charter'd by the East India Company for 400 Tons, carrying 88 Men and 30 Guns, and was upon her third Voyage. From Wye's Letter, June 17. T he Accounts which Captain Jenkins, of the Rebecca, have given to some of the Gentlemen in the Administration, of the barbarous Usage he met with from the Spaniards, as we lately mentioned, could not but be very shocking to them ; for besides the horrid and detestable Act of cutting off his Ear, and bidding him carry it Home and shew it to his Master George, they put a Rope about his_ Neck and hoisted him up to the Fore- yard, and after keeping him hang- ing for a short Space they let him fall down a Main on the Deck, and asked him if he would then confess where his Money was; but telling them he had none, they hoisted him up a second Time, and swiftly let him down again ; they then searched his Pockets and took what he had, and his Silver Buckles out of his Shoes, and then hoisted him up a third Time, and kept him hanging until he was seemingly quite Strangled, and then let him fall down against the Fore Hatch, upon the Casks, which bruised him very much, from whence he was dragg'd by the Neck upon the Deck, and there lay to Appearance dead for near a Quarter of an Hour. The said Captain, we hear, will go to Day to Hampton Court to lay his Case before his Grace the Duke of Newcastle, and ' tis hoped that a Stop will soon be put to these vile and inhumane Practices of the Spanish Guard de Costas, which is very surprizing should be continued so long as they have to our Merchants Ships, especially its Time of Amity and Friendship with the Crown of Spain. The Squadron of Men of War consisting of 12 Sail, under the Command of sir Charles Wager, being designed to arrive at Cadiz by the End of next Month, in Order to convey Don Carlos to Italy, the Men of Wars Boats ( since our last ) impressed most of the Men out of the Merchant Ships Homeward bound, for the more expediti- ous Maning the said Squadron The Namure and Cornwal are taking in their Guns at Blackstakes in the River Medway, The grand Question among our Politicians is, whether there may not be some other View, than what is at present reported, for the sending out such a Squadron, which constists of 11 ships of War from 90 to 60 Guns; but most certain it is, nothing is intended thereby but what shall be to the Glory and Honour of this Nation, its performing its Engagements, and likewise in defending and securing its just Rights and Priviledges, and preserving the Ballance of Power in Europe. The letters from Cadiz by the French Mail yesterday dated the 5th Instant, N. S. contradict the former Advices of the Assogues Ships being arrived there with the Treasure from La Vera Cruz ; and tell us, that ' twas feared the Flota's Treasure would be detain- ed till the Arrival of the Galleons from Porto Bello. The Archbishop of Canterbury, who it a native of Blandford, in Dorsetshire, has been pleased to send 1ool, for the Relief of poor Sufferers by the late dreadful Fire there. The Navigation of the River Thames has been greatly interrupted of late by the dry Season, which has occasioned the Water to be Shallower than has been known for many years, so that the Read ing, Abingdon, and Oxford Barges have not been able to pass the River. Loe, in Essex, hath been also so low, that the Barges fromWare't which used to come to London in two Days, are now a Fortnight being obliged to wait for Flashes; but yesterday and this DAY fine gentle Rains} and which still ( blessed be God ' tis said, that it was With the Advice of Sir Robert Walpole that Captain Jenkins went to Day to Hampton Court, with the Merchants and Owners of his Ship, to wait on the Secretary of State, in Order to have that Affair laid before his Majesty in Council, From Wye's Letter, June 19. Since our last arrived one Mail from Holland, LETTERS from Seville by the above Mail confirm, that the King of Spain had signed on the 6th Instant N. S. the proposed Convention, whereby he confirms to the Treaty of Vienna, and restores and confirms a new that of Seville, from which he h: d held himself disengaged by the Declaration which the Marquis de Castelhar formerly made at Paris. ' Tis further agreed among other Things, that an English Squadron shall be ready in the Mediterranean to transport Don Carlos with 6000 Spaniards into Italy, before the 6th of November next: The Day after the signing the said Convention, the Court sent an Ex- prefs to the Marquis de Castelhar at Paris, with proper Instructions on that Occasion. And at the same Time it was also signified to the Count de Rothembourg, that the Affair was all over, and that their Majesty's appear'd greatly satisfied therewith. All which, ' tis hoped will induce the French to accede to the said Treaty, tho' they are said to be still carrying on their Naval Preparations, also strengthening themselves on the Side of Germany, and endeavouring to form new Leagues, & c. The Letters from Vienna by the above Mail, tell us among other Things, that on the 12th Instant they received Advice from Constantinople, that the Turkish Fleet was actually put to Sea from thence, but what Commissions they have was not known. The Hon. Col. Bladen, Samuel Tufnell, and John Drummond, Esqrs. and Members of Parliament, are preparing to go suddenly to Antwerp, to settle the new Tariff of Commerce with the Au- strian Netherlands. A great Part of the several Wards of this City having refused to pay the Tax, call'd the Orphans Tax, which is laid for raising 1000 1. a Year, to pay the Interest due on the Orphans Fund ; and as People refuse collecting the said Tax, on Account of the Disappointments and loss of Time attending it: The Lord Mayor is more taken up about that Affair, from the great Number of Persons daily summoned before his Lordship, than all the City Business besides ; and ' tis believed will create some Work for the Lawyers. We hear that ftmt of the Chief of the Prifoners of the Fleet have brought their Anions at Law for the Extortions and Abufes they have received, ejpecially the Wardens denying their Provisions and Necrffarys Entrance into the Prifon, obliging them to purchafe fuch Necrffaryi ot the Wardens Servants at unrcafonabU Prices and Jhort Mea/ ure, contrary to ihe late Alt of Parlianent Ur their Relief. Tie Hon. Major Dalteil and Col. Cob, who arrived here laft Sunday from Ireland, have this Week bee n to Wait en the King and gueen at Hampton- Court, and had ihe Honour to kijt their Mayflies Hands. The Earl of Effex goes into waiting to Mitrow for the fir/ 1 Time, as Lord of the Bedchamber, bis EmbaJJy for the Court of Turin being defend for Jome further Time. ' Tis infinuated as if the Pretender came to Avignon . it the fame Time he was faid to be arrived at Naples, under the feigned Name of hlr Brown, but wt contemplate our Happine/ s on the ConcluScn of a Peace with Spain, the good Effett whereof will Joan be feen, particularly in our Exports to thefe Dominions, whitb have of late been deminifbed. His Majefly hat been pleajed to order the Sum of Sao I, cut of i. Privy Purfe for tie poor Sufferers by tie late fire at Blandford, ' Tis next Friday that Sir Robert Walpole will set out for his Seat in Norfolk, and will be accompanied by several Persons of great Di- stinction. The King's making a Progress into tie Country is look'd upon to be entirely laid a side for this Year. On Thursday came a certain Account of the Death of Duke of Wharton, by which a considerable estate devolves to his two Sisters. Several Corporals of the Foot Guards have lately received their Discharge, in order to be admitted Corporals on board of his Maje- stys Ships lately put in Commission, to instruct the Sailors in the use of Fire- Arms and Bayonets. BANKRUPTS, since our last. William Wickes, of Hyde, in the Parish of Minchinhampton, in the C. of Gloucester, Clothier. Richard Lowry, of Milk street, London; Haberdasher of Small Ware. Ralph Chamberlaine, of Smithfield, London, Innholder and Vintner. Thomas Marsh of Hackney, in the C. of Middlesex, Brewer. Leeds, June 12. We hear from Wakefield, that on Sunday next in the Afternoon, a Charity Sermon will be preached for the Benefit of the Children educated in the Charity School there. S. S. ioa 3 8th, Annuities 106, Bank 146. India 197. advertisements ON Saturday the third Day of July next, at the Innj called the Common House in Halifax, will be sold to the best Bibber the aforesaid Inn and a Close of Land therewith farmed of about two Acrei ; also two and twenty Woolshops and two Cottages, at a Place called the Woolshops in HallifaX aforesaid, most of them adjoining and being contiguous to the aforesaid inn. The Premisses in the whole are of the Yearly Value of 38 I. and the said Sale will be made by Mr. Robert Milnes of Wakefield Mer- chant, and Mr. John Holroid of Hallifax aforesaid. To be Sold also a Messuage House in Northgate in Hallifax aforesaid, now in the Possession of Gabeties Norton, Esq Enquire of the said Mr. Milnes. A TO BE LETT, AT Heath near Wakefield, a House four Rooms on a Floor, together with Kitchings and Brew house, a new Barn and Stable, an Orchard and Garden well situated and watered and in grod Repair, a Close of Meadow adjoining, and about 4 Acres and a half of field Land belonging thereto, in the Possession of Mrs. Ellis. Enquire of Mr. William Oates of Wakefield. Some Account of Cures perform'd by Dr, Bateman's Pectoral Drops in the Town of Yarmouth in Norfolk. JAMES CLARK, a Blacksmith, wai cured by taking one Bottle of faint Sweats, which had reduced him to a mere Skeleton, and render'd him so week that he could not follow his Business. Mr. Nutmore, Master of a Vessel, had the Rheuma- tism in a violent Manner, and could find no Ease or Relief from his Physicians, was perfectly cured by two Bottles. Mrs. Dude, who had been troubled for a long Time with a vement Pain in her Stomach, which the Physicians took for the Gout, and could give her no rest, from which she was perfectly freed by only one Bottle. A Daughter of Mr. Jackson's at the Bear near the Bridge, was cured of an Ague and Fever by two Bottles, When the Bark nor any thing she had taken gave her the least Ease. Thefe Drops are publish'd by Vertue of a Royal Patent from the King, and appointed to be Sold by John Hirst, at his Printing- Office in Leeds, at one Shilling the Bottle. Innumerable Instancei might be given of Cures daily effected by these Drops,' for which we refer our Readers to such creditable Shopkeepers at sell the same, who will give them such undeniable Testimonies of their almost miraculous Success, as will startle the curious Enquirer. b y JS- HN HIRST) where Advertisements are taken i. n at is. tfd. each* Hfci
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