The County Journal or, the Craftsman
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Volume Number: Issue Number: 220
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The County Journal or, the Craftsman
Date of Article: 19/09/1730
Printer / Publisher: R. Francklin
Address: Covent-Garden, London
Volume Number: Issue Number: 220
No Pages: 4
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The C O U N T R Y J O U R N A L : M O R , T H E C R A F T S M A N. By C A L E B D ' A N V E R S , of G R A Y ' S - I N K , Efq>, S A T U R D A Y , S E P T E M B E R I$>, 1730. H E N an Acknowledgment was lately made that feveral Writers were retain'd againft us with Places and Penftons, We were in Hopes that the Great Man had referr'd our Dispute intirefy to the Prejs; but his Advocates have made fuch a wretched Ufe of this only fair Weapon, that He finds Himfelf obliged to remove the Caufe before another Tribunal, and to fupport it by another Kind of Argument- It cannot therefore be expefted that We ftiould carry on
a formal Controverfy with thefe Men, who are fuperceded by more authoritative D if put ants. They have been long calling upon the fecular Arm; which hath at laft heard their Voice, and once more taken the Argument out of their Hands. We might as well difpute with Dimock, on a Coronation Day, as argue with thefe Writers• They ftrut, Vapour, throw down their Gauntlet, and defy us to take it up; at the fame Time that They have a Friend ftand- 5ng behind them, arm'd with a great Club to knock us down, if We oiler to do it. Even thi% general Comparifon may, for aught I know, be conftrued into a particular, treafonable Libel, by
the fame Rules, which have been made Ufe of to explain fome other Paffiges in our late Papers. It may be faid by thefe Writers that the Bufinefs of Dimock, at a Coronation, is to affert the Kings Title to his Crown ; ergo, We claim a Right to difpute his Majeftys Title. They / hall not however intimidate us, by fuch far- Fetch'd invidious Conftruftions, from purfuing the Point, in which We are engaged, and explaining it at large to the Publick. The Methods, which They ufe to flop us in this Undertaking, are Themfelves Motives to urge us on and render the Profecution of it more neceffary every Day. / ant fo far from finding Reafon to
evade, or to draw back; ( as a certain, polemical Prelate once faid) that I have fund great and, to me, irrefiftible Arguments to prefs forward; and to open and unfold the Doftrines flowing from thofe Principles much more widely and unrefervedly than I had before done. The Point, in which We are, at prefent, engaged, is to fliew that it is necefpiry to hep up a Spirit of Liberty, in order to preferve Liberty it Jelf. The Method, which We chofe to explain this Point, was firjl, by laying down the Principles of Liberty ; fetondly, by applying them to the molt remarkable Occurrences and Events of the Roman Government; and 3dly by illuftrating
them, in the fame Manner, by an Abftrad of the Englijh Hi/ lory. We were no fooner enter'd upon this Undertaking, • than the Penfionary Writers of the Times began to exclaim againft a faBious, feditious, and at laft, a treafonable Defign of drawing Parallels. Inftead of applying our Principles, according to our profefs'd Intention, to the Purpofes of Liberty, They apply them to the Purpofes of FaBion ; and endeavour to prove that our Defign is to afperfe the prefent Reign by an hiftorical Reprefentation of Thofe, which are paft ; whereas it is manifeft that our only. Defign , in thefe Papers, is to fhew that the prefent Enjoyment of our
Liberties is owing to the Spirit, which hath exerted itfelf through all Ages in its Defence; that our left and moftglorious Princes have given it the greateft Encouragement; and that Thofe, who have endeavoured to fupprefs it, have always proved the moft unfortunate. It appears likewife, from this Abftraft of the Englijh Hijlory, that moft of our unhappy Princes owed their Misfortunes to wicked Minifters and Favourites, who mifled them into deJlruBive Meafures, with a View to their own private Interejl and Ambition. It is, perhaps, this Part of our Defign, which hath given fo much Offence; and as They cannot falfify FaBs, They muft
endeavour to pervert and wreit our Words to bad Meanings. Thefe Endeavours appear in all their Writings upon this Subjeft ; and it hath lately been afferted very roundly, that there is not a Virtue mentioned in one of our antient Kings with any other View than to infinuate that it hath no Parallel at prefent j nor any Vice mentioned, but to hint that there is a Parallel at prefent. According to this Method of Conftruflion and Application, it is impoffible to write Hiftory, to quote from Hiftory, or to apply any hiftorical Paffage to a Pointy in Difpute, without incurring the Imputation of intending a faBious, feditious or treafonable Parallel. If you
endeavour to recommend the Virtues of z good Prince, fuch as Edward the Third, it may be represented that your Defign was to fhew that it hath no Parallel at prefent. If you think proper to expofe the Vices of a bad Prince, fuch as Richard the Second, by fhewing the Conferences of them, it may be faid that you do it with an Intention of hinting that there is a Parallel at prefent i fo that whether there is a Parallel, or there is no Parallel, you may be profecuted for a Libeller. The Cafe is exafUy the fame with Relation to the Hiftories of all Nations and of all Ages. Whether you condemn the Cruelties of a Nero, or praife the Clemency
of a Trajan, your Writings are equally capable of fuch feditious and treafonable ConJlruBions- This Argument might be ftill prefs'd a great deal farther; and the whole Englijh Hijlory might be prov'd a Libel upon the prefent Government by the fame Rule of Interpretation ; for if a f a i t h f u l AbftraB of any Book is really treafonable, the Book itfelf muft be equally criminal ; and every Writer, who gives the fame Account of Edward III. or Richard II. that We have done, is as juft'y chargeable with the fame wicked Intention; nay every Bookfeller, who publifhes Kennefs, EachariTs or Rapids Hiftory, is as liable to a Profecution as Mr.
Franckl'in. It is pleafant enough to obferve by what Methods They endeavour to turn our hiftorical Effays into Parallels. It happens very unluckily for us that King Richard, whofe Meafures We have lately condemn'd, was the SECOND Englijh Monarch of that Name; which being likewife the Cafe of his prefent Majejly, They conclude that there is a Parallel", and fo far, We muft confefs, their Argument holds good; as it will likewife in the Reigns of Charles and James the Second. In the next Place They take Notice that We have printed feveral Sentences in Italick CharaBers S which being a blind Sort of a Letter, They argue, with
great Sagacity, that fome dark Meaning muft be couch'd under them. But if They meet with any Word diftinguifh'd in Capitals, They think the Cafe beyond all Doubt, and immediately pronounce us guilty of a Capital Offence. I often wonder that the weekly Advocates for Power have never infilled on two famous Inftances of Court- Profecutions in the Reign of Edward IV. to juftify their ironical ConJlruBions. One is That of a poor Grocer, who was hang'd, in that Reign, for faying that He would make his Son Heir of the Crown', alluding, either innocently or for the Sake only of a little Pun upon the Times, to his own Hotlfe, which bore
the Sign of the Crown. The other Inflancew& s of a Gentleman, who was condemn'd as a Traytor, upon the following Account. The King having kill'd a favourite white Deer in his Park, He was fo much griev'd at his Lofs, that He fuffer'd himfelf to wilh, in a Tranfport of Paffion, that the Horns of the Deer tuere in the Belly of Him, who advised the King to do it. This was interpreted, by the State- Cafuifts of thofe Times, into a Defign of compaffing the Death of the King-, for, raid They, the King kill'd the Deer, without any Body's Advice; from whence it follow'd that the Gentleman wijtfd the Deer's Horns in the Kings own Belly ;
innuendo, He had an Intention of murthering the King, which is High Treafom and He was executed accordingly. I cannot recolleft whether the Author of a Book, intitled The DoBrine of Libels difcuf/ d, hath digefted thefe two Cafes into his Code of State- Law i but if He hath not, I muft recommend them to his Confideration, and hope He will not omit them in the next Edition of that exquifite Performance- I will appeal to the Publick, ( for the Publick muft be the Judge in all Difputes of this Nature) whether even thefe Innuendoes were not much more juftifiable than Thofe which have been fix'd upon our Writings, in order to turn them
into libellous Parallels', and whether it is pofiible for any Man to write Hijlory, or to give an Account of any Prince, good or bad, antient or modern, of this Nation or of any other, without drawing the fame Imputations upon Himfelf, if this Method of Conftruftion fhould prevail. I muft beg Leave to expoftulate very ferioutly, upon this Subjeft; not with the Writers againft us, ( for They have fhut their Ears to all Kind of Reafon, except Inter eft) but with every impartial Reader', with every true Friend of Liberty ; with every Lover of our prefent Con• ftitatioh. His late Majefty was gracioufly pleafed to encourage the Study of modern Hiftory, and
to inftitute a Profeffor- Jhip in each of his Univerfities, with handfome Salarie » for this Purpofe^ Now I will leave any reafonable Man to judge what could be the Defign of this Inftitution; whether it was to encourage the Study of Hiftory, for the Sake of Adventures, and by Way of Amufemeni only, as idle People read Novels and Romances ; or whether it was to propagate Political Knowledge, and to make the prefent Age wifer by the Experience of the paft ' i by fearching into the great Springs of A& ion; by examining the true Caufe 3 of the Revolutions of Government; and by point, ing out the Meafures, which have made fome
Kingdoms flourifh and redue'd others to Slavery and Ruin If it was with the latter Dejign, ( which is certainly the moft laudable) We hope it will not be judg'd criminal to purfue it ; and We cannot apprehend in what Manner it can be purfued more effe& ually than We have done in our late Papers. It is impoflible, in fuch an Undertaking, to avoid what may be call'd Parallels; becaufe even the beft and the worft Reigns may refemble each other in fome particular Circumftances. A good King, for Inftance, may have a very wicked Minifter, and be led into very wrong Meafures, as well as a bad King, _ If therefore We have mention'd any
Thing blameable in the Conduft of former Reigns, which bears any Similitude to the prefent ( for there is no Reign abfolutely unblameable) ought it to be immediately infer'd that We mention'd it for the Sake of the Application; or, at leaft, with a Defign of vilifying and afperfing the prefent Reign ? May it not be more rcafonably fuppos'd that We mention'd it, in general, to fliew the bad Confequences of fuch ConduB in former Reigns, and to make the prefent Reign glorious by avoiding the fame Rock ? Nay fuppoflng we fhould , at any Time, find it neceflary to cenfure any Meafures, which we judge prejudicial to the Kingdom, I cannot
fee how we could do it in a more modeft and decent Manner than by fhewing the bad Confequences of them in a former Reign. I apprehend This to be the great End and Privilege of the Liberty of the Prefs; which can be of no National Service, when fuch an Ufe of it is prohibited ; and even the worft Minifters need not contend for any farther Reftraint upon it. Had We mifreprefented the Hillory of former Reigns and foifted in Articles without any Authority, ( as our Adverfaries have lately charg'd us with doing, in the Cafe of Richard II.) We are ready to confefs there would be fome Reafon to fix fuch an Imputation upon us; for though
We may be innocently miftaken in fome of our Remarks or Reafonings upon thofe Points, which fall under our Confideration ; yet a wilful Forgery in Matter of FaB muft proceed from an ill Defign; but We have iiifficientlyjuftified our felves, in our laft Paper, from the Guilt of that Charge, to the Confufion of Thofe, who brought it againft us. They are the Forgers; not We. Nay, had We fingled out one particular Reign to comment upon; it might be faid, with fome little Colour of Reafon, that We defigned to draw a Parallel', though I cannot fee how We could be proved guilty of writing a Libel, if We could juftify what We had faid from the
Englijb Hiftory; bin as We have purfued the Subjeft of Liberty, in a regular Manner, through a Deduftion of Papers, there does not appear the leaft Foundation for fuch a Charge J unleS We are to fuppofe that the whole Body of the Roman and Engli/ h Hiftory is one continued Libel uppn the prefent Government. Having faid thus much in bur own Vindication, ( which We think fufficient at prefent,) We muft leave the World to judge what thofe Writers deferve, who, under the Pi etence of defending the Mixiftry, have really drawn an infamous Parallel between his prefent Majefty and one of the worft Princes that ever fat on the Englijh
Throne. They have done This in fuch glaring Colours and in fo undifguis'd a Manner, that We cannot read it without . Horrour, and even to tranferibe their Words would indeed be a treafonable Libel, without the Help of an Innuendo.
We cannot tell what Liberties fome Writers may be priviledg'd to take ; but if any Per/ an, near his Majtfty, encourages fuch vile Papers, to ferve his own private Purpojes, and makes Uie of his Power to propagate them through the Kingdo. ni, at the publick Expense, He faves us the Trouble of making any Application, and hath drawn a juft Parallel between Himfelf and the ivorft Mir. ifier of any Reign, which We have examin'd, in the Englijb Hiftory. • a s s e s s - * * - *^ To C A L E B D ' A N V E R S , EJq\ S I R , 1Remember that you or one of your Correfpondents, gave us, fome Time ago, a Differtation on Dogs; but I was
fomewhat furpriz'd that you lhould not fay any Thing in Behalf of our Englijh Greyhounds', a Species of this Animal which deferved fome Notice, on Account of their Beauty and Ufefulnefs. They are tall, wellfhaped Creatures, and exceedingly fwift- footed, when halloo'd upon their Game. It is* for this Reafon, I prefume, that our Meffengers of State carry the Figure of a Greyhound on their Breafts, as a Badge of their Office ; and perhaps, This might likewife be the Reafon, that induced you to drop them in your Panegyrick on the Canine Race, as not altogether agreeable to your Defign; for the News Papers inform us that fome of
your reputed Agents have been often courfed by thefe Cabinet Couriers ; particularly One, who was lately ftarted at Cogent- Gar Jen and having Jquatted, for fome Time, in Weftminfter, was at laft run down near Wind/ on but as He had the good Fortune to efcape being torn up by the Dogs; I hope the Hunt/ man will be fo kind as to give Him Lav once more. I am, SIR, y; urs, £ s" c. F O R E I G N A F F A I R S . Advices from Spain and France fay that the Marquis de Spinola, who was to have commanded the Spanijh Troops in the projefled Expedition, is fallen into Dipgrace ; the Reafon of which is faid to be Delay, fo precarious
is the Fate of human Politicians, that what gave Fabius the Title of Maximus, and hath been the fole jMeritof fome other great State/ men, is imputed to this Gentleman as a Crime, by their Catholick Majejlies. The Buiinefs of the Expedition before- mention'd continues ftiU in Sufpence ; and the Civilities of our Catholick Allies, in the Weft- Indies, appear from the following ExtraO and DepofitUn. ExtraS of a Letter frtm Jamaieajlatei June 8th, 1730. We were in Hopes that the Treaty of Seville would have procured us fome Satisfaction, for the great Loffes we have fuftained by the Spaniards, or at Ieaft prevented their Infults and
Depredations for the future; but to our great Mortification, we find the Infults of the Spaniards Sill continue ; and the Means of obtaining Redrefs for former Injuries are atterided. with fo many Difficulties, that the unhappy Sufferers ( especially thofe who refide In this remote Part of the World) had much better fit down with their Lofs than go to Madrid, at the Expence of their Time and Money, and Lofs of their Buiinefs. This Confideration may perhaps encourage them In their illegal Praftices, of which feveral very late Inftances may be given i tho' I need only refer you to the inclofed Affidavit, which is very full and fufficient to my
Purpofe. The Depofition of W I L L I A M A N N Y S , Mailer of the Brigantine Hannah's Hope of London. This Deponent, being duly fworn, depofeth and faith, that he failed from Philadelphia in North America the 17 th of April laft, bound to this Ifland direftly; that he did not touch, or intend to touch, at any other Port or Place; that in his Paflage hither on the 17th of May laft, off the S. E. Cape of Hfpanhla, he was chafed by two Sloops, one of which coming up with him foon after, hoifted S P A N I S H Colour*, and fired one of his after Guns at the faid Brigantine, then reach'd under her Lee within Piftol ( hot, and fired 50 or 60 fmall
Arms, hailed her, and ordered their Boat on board, or they would fink her. That the other Sloop upon coming up likewife hailed her, demanded from whence fhe came, what they were loaded with, and ordered her Boat on board. Upon which this Deponent did fend his Boat with four Men on board them, one of which was his Mate, who was examined by them concerning the Loading of the faid Brigantine, from whence ihe came, and where bound to. This Deponent further faith, that while his Men were under Examination, the Lieutenant of each Sloop, with fourteen Men, came on Board the faid Brigantine, enter'd the Cabbin,
fecur'd their Arms, and cried a Buen Prize; that they beat and drove the Men belonging to the faid Brigantine about the Decks, held Piftols at their Breafts, and threaten' 4 them with Death if they did not confefs where their Money wasj That one of the Lieutenants demanded this Deponent's Watch, and another belonging ta a Pafleriger, which he took; then? Ordered the Lockers to be opened, and took from thence Wine and crher Liquors, which he and his Men drank, and carried with them. That they broke open his People's Chefts, and took out their Cloaths and fuch Neceflaries as they had, and then made Sail for Savona,
where they anchored; that about Noon the Day following one of the Spanijh Sloops anchored by them, and fent a Boat on Board feveral Times, but what fhe carried with her this Deponent cannot pofitively declare, being kept clofe Prifoner; That foon after they weighed and anchored at a Harbour Weft of Catalona, where they lay from eight at Night till feven the next Morning, where the Captain of one of the Spanijh Sloops, named Pelancho, as this Deponent was informed, came on board, and demanded the R « afon of his being on their Coafts ; to which this Deponent anfvvered, that he was under a Neceffity of making fbme
Part of Hijpaniola, in their Paflage to " Jamaica, and that he had no Defign to trade there. That the faid Pelancho ordered the long Boat to be loaded with Bread, and enquired what was the prime Coft, and computed the Weight at 70 Hundred, for which he drew a Draft on himfelf, payable at Carthagena for 210/. which he figned, JoJeph Floranto, though his Name is Pelancho, as this Deponent was informed by fome of his People. That the faid Pelancho required a Receipt for the fame, which this Deponent was under a Neceffity of figning, being apprehenfive of worfe Treatment if he did not; that he was informed by the People
belonging to the faid Spanijh Sloops, that they were fitted out from Carthagena, and commiffioced as Guarda Coft a a that one of them, commanded by Capt. Pelancha, was named De la- Popa, the other the Sta. Maria, but the Commander's Name this Deponent doth not remember : This Deponent further faith, that according to the beft Computation he is able to make the Value of the Goods taken from him by the faid Pelancho and his Men amounted to about, Four hundred and fifty Pounds, Jamaica Money, and further faith not W I L L I A M A N HIS. Sworn before me at Kingfton in Jamaica, June 9, 1730. JO- HN W Y L L Y S
. H O M E N E W S. Dublin* Sept- 8, 173.0. Laft Week died after a Month's Illnefs ill the Country, Dr. Hoyle, who has been ProfefTor of Anatomy in our Univerfity about 25 Years. A Perfon of great Learning, eminent in his Profeflion as a Doftor of Phyfick, very kind to the Poor, an excellent Friend, and a great Lofs to the Publick, efpecially to our College. Deal, Sept. 22. This Morning arrived the Ifabella and Martha, Capt. Ware from Jamaica,, who was in Company with Capt. Sparkes, when he took up Capt. Steel and 1 j- others in his Boat; and have now on board the Ifabella and Martha Capt. Steel's Boatfwain, and two other of
his Men, who confirm their being loft on the id, and taken up the 8th of Augufl j and further fay, they loft two Boys and a Black : That they took up one Hog, which wafh'd from their Ship, which they dry'd in the Sun, and eat, being all they had befides one Cask of Water to live upon. They have preferved the empty Cask, as a Monument of their Efcape. ExtraS of a Letter from " James Fort, on the River Gambia in Guiney, dated " July 4, 1730. We have had a bloody Tragedy perpetrated lately in this River, for on the 25th of laft Month the Eipperor of Fonca, which is on the South- Side of this River, oppofite to our Fort, was horribly
maffacred with his Family, by his rebeflious Subjects, who comiug fuddenly in the Night- time, fet Fire to his Houfe in his Capital Town, permitting none to come out, and burnt him, his Mother, feven Wives, two Brothers, and moft of his Children and Servants to Death. Extralt of a Letter from Palermo, dated Aug. 16. Yefterday being the Feftival of the Aflumption of the Bleffed Virgin, and, according to Cuftom, a Day of Joy, happen'd to prove a Day of Deftruclion. A great Proceffion being made every Year out of this City on the Anniverfary, as it return'd back a terrible Fire broke out at a Houfe in the great Street, and as no proper
Means could be immediately come at to extinguiih the Flames, and the Wind blowing very ftrong, the neighbouring Houfes, and afterwards many more, took Fire, fo that tfie Buildings between the Gate of Vienna and the Arfenal were all laid in Afhes ; among which were the College of Jefuits, and the Great Tower, in which laft the Bells were melted by the Vehemence of the Heat. The Church of the Carmelites and the Town- Houfe are alfo burnt; but we had the good Luck, however, to fave the Records. About Seven o'Clock in the Evening the Powder Magazine of the Royal Baft ion, in which were 400 Barrels . of Powder, blew
up into the Air, with a moft dreadful Noife, whereby not only Part of the Baftion, but alfo a great Number of Buildings were demolifh'd, and many People perifh'd in the Ruifls. Soon after this the Arlenal and all the Houfes about it blthv up likewife ; as alfo-'. the fmall Magazine, wherein were 3. great many filled Bombs, Carcafles and Grenadoes. The Magazine in the lower Town is yet fafe, but is in great Danger. The Barracks for the Soldiers, the Governor's Hosfc, and that of the Corps du Guard,- are alfo deftroy'd; but little remains in that Part, except ftie Cloifter of Francifcans, that of the Nuns of St. Cecilia, and the- great Powder
Magazine of the Bailiou of Leopold. The Wind was fo very high that the Sparks of Fire wire carried as far as the neighbouring Villages, the Damage occafioned by this Conflagration is inexpref- — fible, the Governor having loft 20,000 Rix- dolkrs in Plate and Moveables. The following if the Copy of a Poftfrript to a Letter, dated at James River in Virginia, July 30, 1730. We have- at this Lift, an Account of an Infurre& ion of the Negroes about Williamsburgh, occafioned by a Report at Colonel Spbtfwood's. Arrival, that he had Direction from his Ma. jefty to free all baptized Negroes ; many Mafters and Iviiftreffes having baptized their
Slaves, in order to inftruft them in the Chriilian Faith : The People of Diftinftion took Notice of this, and the Negroes have improved it to a great Height : ' Tisfaid fome of the Ringleaders are taken : Five Counties are in Arms purfuing others, with Orders to kill them if they do not fubmit. L O N D O N , September 19. We have an Account from Walpole in Suffolk of an ecceflive Storm of Rain laft Week, with Thunder and Lightning fo terrible, that a Farmer's Houfe near Pea-, fen- Hall was fet on Fire by the Lightning, and foon laid in Afhes, with moft Part of the Furniture, as alfo a Barn full of Com ; and a Man was ftruck down dead
inftantly. A private Letter, dated Conftantinople, July 25. O. S. confirms the Turks Preparations for a War, and adds, that they appear very much in earneft: Thai the Grand Signor and Vizier, and all the Court, are paffed over into Alia, and have formed a Camp beyond the Scutary, and give out they will rertiain there forty Days, to wait the Return of their Meflenger from Perfia„ and take Meafures accordingly : That if a War fhould break out, the Grand Signior will go to Adrianople, and the Grand Vizier, together with the Army, will winter at Aleppo ; and that ' tis thought M. Tahlman, the German Refident, will follow the Camp. They
write from Deal, Sept. 13., that the Day before arrived there the America, Capt. Hicks, from Nevis, who had loft her Main and Fore Mails ; that there were on board the faid Ship 22 Men, which were taken up by Capt. Hicks in a Boat which belonged to the Caefar, Capt. John Simpfon, whofe Ship founder'd at Sea in their Paffage from Cadiz, from which Port they failed the 16th of July, bound for New England; that they knew not in what Latitude the Men were taken up, but that it was after the America had loft her Mails. On Saturday Morning laft the eight Receivers at the Turnpikes ( mentioned in our former) were re- examined at
St. Margaret's, Weftminfter, when four of them were committed to Newgate, and tlie other Four ordered back to the Gatehoufe. On Sunday the Returns made by the feveral Conffables of St. Martin's in the Fields, Weftminfter, of the Names of proper Perfons, who are qualify'd to ferve upon Juries, wasfix'd up at the Church Doors, piirfuant to the Ait of Parliament lately pafs'd for the better Regulation: of Juries : The lite is to be done at the other Churches in that City and Liberty. We hear from Cambridge, that they have not thought fit, in Regard to Decency, to comply with that Part of the Will of Dr. Green, deceafed, as direfted his
Body to be anatomized, and his Skeleton to be fet up in the Library there; and have on the contrary caufed his Body to be interred. We hear that the Town will fhortly be diverted by a Comedy of Mr. Fielding's, call'd, The M O D E R N H U S B A N D , which is faid to bear a great Reputation. On Thurfday Se'nnight Count Degenfeld, Plenipotentiary Minifter of the King of Pruffia, had his firft private Audience of his Majefty, to deliver his Letters of Credence. We hear that the Funeral Obfequies of the late Duke of Cleveland will not be performed till the Arrival ia Town of feveral of the Knights Companions of the moft noble Order of
the Garter, who are to affift at liis Funeral. Brigadier General Du Bourgay hath, as we hear, obtained a Promife of the Government of Portfmouth, vacant by the Death of Lieut. Gen. Maccartney. On Tuefday Night laft, Mr. James Watfon, Printer, was taken into Cuftody of two of his Majefty's Meflengers, for printing a Pamphlet intitled Protefilaus: Or, The Character of an Evil Minifter. Written at Paris by Mr. Charles Forman, and dedicated to the Right Hon. Sir Robert Walpole.
Commodore Stewart, with the Squadron under his Command, is order'd home from the Mediterranean. We hear that on Sunday laft Mr. Newport, a young Gentleman of 5 or 6001. per Ann. Eftate in Heitfordihire, having fallen in Love with a young Woman that was Servant at a Gill- Houfe in Devereux- Court without Temple- Bar, married her very honourably, and fettled 100 1. a Year Jointure upon her. Lafl Monday Alderman Wife was chofen Mayor of Oxford for the Year enfuing. The Queen having fome Returns of the Gout upon her, their Majefties did not hunt laft Wednefday as ufual. But his Royal Highnefs the Prince of
Wales, attended by a great many of the Nobility and Quality, went to Fan- Grove about ten Miles from WIndfor, to roufe a Stag. We hear that Dr. Bamber, F. R. S. Surgeon to the Charter- houfe, who was lately piefented to the Degree of Doaor of Phyfick by the Univerfity of Cambridge, will decline his Surgeon's Place, and ftand a Candidate for Phyiician to the faid Houfe, in the Room of Dr. Beale, deceafed, at the next Eleftion. Rob. On Tuefday Evening two Gentlemen of Doc tors Commons, a Doftor and a Proftor, were robb'd near Tottenham by one Highwayman mounted on a black Mare, as they were coming in a Coach to
London. — The fame Evening Mr. Aflon of Goodman's- Fields, with his Wife, were attacked in their Chaife coming from Chefhunt, by three Footpads, near Edmonton, who took from them a Watch, a Silver Snuff- box, and 14 s. Eccl. Pref. The Rev. Dr. Rocheblave, Chaplain in Ordinary to his Majefty, and Primier Chaplain to the Right Hon. the Lord Harrington, Principal Secretary of State, was fworn in Preacher to the French Chapel Royal at St. James's, by the Sub- Dean of his Majefty's Chapel; to which is annex'd a Salary of 1601- per Ann. from the King. Ate. On Tuefday Morning the Body of a Woman was found drown'd in
Rofamond's Pond in St. James's Park. She proved to be a Widow that kept the Black- horfe Alehoufe in College- ftreet, Weftminfter. It is faid fhe had been under a Difcontent of Mind for fome Time ; and what added to her Affli& ion was, that a Man was lately cleared by the Infqjvent Aft, who was indebted to Jier 40 1. and had been with her lince, and behaved himfelf in a very infolent arid unbecoming Manner to her ; which, ' tis thought, induc'd her to this rafli Aftion. Dead. The Right Hon. Eleanor Dowager Lady Willoughby of Parham— John Meredith, of Gowry in the Countyof Montgomery, Efq; in the 95 th Year of his Age —
Laft Saturday Morning died at Canbury- Houfe, Iflington, Mr. Peter Jones, whofe Kinfman Mr. Peter Jones of St. Mary Ax, died on the 7th of Auguft laft and left him about 40,000 1— Mr. Thomas Phipps, Porter at the Meufe Gate.— Mrs. Weftfield, a Widow Gentlewoman of a confiderable Fortune in Charter- Houfe- Square.— Wednefday died Dr. Beale, Phyfician to the Charter- houfe, after a lingering Illnefs. The Salary belonging to this Place is 120I. per Ann. and is in the Gift of the Governors of the faid Houfe. — On Tuefday Night laft, died in Red- Lion- ftreet Mrs. Afcough, Wife of Major Afcough, formerly Lieutenant Governor
of Jamaica. Thurfday South Sea Stock was iQg 1 8th. South Sea Annuity 108 1 qr. Bank 145 1 qr. India i86 7 8ths. L O N D O N , Sept. 1 , 1 7 3 0. The P R O P R I E T O R S of tie BRASS- WIRE- MILLS at Ember in the County of SURREY give Notice, That they will expofe to publick Sale, on Thurfday the I Eighth Day of October next, at the Marine Cqffee- Houfe in Birchin- Line, One Thoufand Rings of the beft, ftandard Brals- wire. N. B. The Goods will be alloted and to be view'd on Monday, | Tuefday and Wednefday before the Sale, being the 5th, <! th and 7th of October, at a Warehoufe of Sir Samuel Onglcy's in Minceing-
Lane. This Day i. Published, Numb. LXII. or the Third of Vol. XIV. of. The H I S T O R Y of ENGLAND- By Mr. DE R A P I N T H O Y R A S . Done into Englifh from the French, with additional Notes, by N. T I N D A L , M. A . Vicar of Great Wal: tham in Effcx. Containing the Continuation of the Reign King CHARtES I. P r i n t e d f o r J A M E S and JOHN K N A P T O N , at t h e C r o w n in S t. Paul's Church- Yard. Price J s. fid. N. B. No. L X V . is in the Prefs, and will be fpeedily publiflied. Lately Ptibliflied, I. The C U S T O M S and C H A R A C T E R S of the Englifii and Ftench Nations. By Mr.^ MuR. AI « T, a Gentleman of
Switzerland. P* icc4s. 6d. II. The L I V E S and molt . remarkable M A X I M S of the Antient PHILOSOPHERS Tranflated from the French of M. FEKELON. A r c h b i f l i o p of Cambray. By the Rev. M r . H E N R Y HEFT. BEFT/ T. Price i s . tfd. III. The Game of Q U A D R I L L E : Or, OWBFLE by Four, with ts eftahlifhed Laws anc i Rules, as it is now play'd at Court. Pr. 1 s. IV. SHAKESPEARE Reftored : Or, A Specimen of the many ERRORS as well Committed as Unamended by Mr. POPE, in his Edition of that Poet. By Mr. LEWIS TUEOBAID. Price 6 s. V. A STATE of the N A T I O N A L D E B T as it flood December ifith,
171S. continued to the D E B T at Michaelmas, 1725 Price i s . fid. VI., Some REMARKS on a late Book, intitled, an E S S AY OH THE PUBLICK DEBT. Price OneShilling. Where may be had, iuft publifhed. W H E R E A S his prefent M A J E S T Y hath been graciouflv pleafed to grant to Mr. WILLIAM STAMMER sfiis Royal VL e t t e r s l a tre nt fco r th1 ea fco l1e- UTilf- e , PN ri• v . i: lLe ge andJ BNe nefci. t of RV afBtyin; and Meliorating B R I T I S H S P I R I T S with the Rape of th AR. ' ' I" 1- XT ., (" * 1 11 / ! M ' L\ the T J LULL J1UU1IJI1CU, In T w o VOLUMLS in nmo. The Second Edition of,. - - I. T E R R j E - F I L I U S
: Or, The Secret Hiftory of the Univerfity of Oxford; in feveral Eflays. To which is prefix'd a POLITIC AL PREFACE on the Times. Price 5 s. II. The B R I T I S H G E N E R A L , a Poem. Sacred to the Memory cif his Grace J O H N late Duke of Marlborough By Mr. A M H U R S T . Price is. And 6 ' Lately Publiflied, ( On a large Sheet of Imperial Paper, fit to it Framed) The C R A F T S M A N againft P E N S I O N S . With a Device, engraved on a Copper Plate. AU Printed for R. FRANCKLIN, in RaiTel- ftreet, Covent- Garden. This Day is Publifhed, An A P P E A L to the genuine R E C O R D S , and TESTIMONIES of Heathen
and Jewifli Writers5 beingfull Evidence for the Truth of the Chriftian Religion, and its primitive DoCtrincs. Jn feveral Conferences. PART I. The Truth of the Bottom is plainly this: All the great Things that modern Deifts affeCt to fay of right Rcafoii, as to its Sufficiency in difcovering the Obligations and Motives of Morality, is only 1 Pretence to be made ulc of when they are oppofing Chriftianity. Dr. Clarke in his Boyle's LeCture. Refrain not to fpeak when there is Occafion to do good: Strive for the Truth up to Death, and the Lord lhall fight for thee Ecclefiaf iv 13 Printed for L. G I L L I V E R at Homer's Head over- againit St. B O O K
S Lately Printed for a* d Sold by JOSEPH HAZARD, at the Bible againft Stationer s- Hall, near Ludgate. I . D r . STAN HOP E \ CHRISTIAN PATTERN. 8vo. 4s. 6d. nmo. is. fid. I I . Dr. STANHOPE'S Paraphrafe and Comment upon the Epiftle* and Gofoeis, 4 Vols. 8vo. 11. r s III. Dr. HORKECK'S Crucify'd Jefus, Svo. 4 s. IV. — Happy Afcetick : Or, The belt Exercifc, 8vo. 5 s. V. — — Great Law of Confideration, 8vo. s s. V I . — F i r e to the Altar, nmo. Calf i s . fid. Sheep r « . V I I . Deljght and Judgment: Or, The Great Affiie, i imo. » t. V I I I . Devotions for the Altar; with private Prayers at Home both before and after the
Celebration in the Church, I imo. i s . fid. N. B. Where may be had a very curious Field's Bible, Folio, Two Vols. Rul'd, with above 400 fine Cutts by Molt TIER.. Bound in Blue Turkey Leather and gilt. Price i l l. Likewife Bibles and Common Prayer Books of all Soats and Sizes, with Books of Devotion and Sacrament, and all other Sorts, by Wholefale and Retail. Made and Sold at the Sign of the C A S T L E in Tooley- ftre near Barnnby- Jlreet, Southwark, The beft hard SOAP, excelling all made at Briflol, where, oflate Years, no other is ufed for wafliing in general, they finding it much better than any Barrel Soap. This Sort of Soap
makes the Linnen whiter and fweeter, and alfo the Linnen will not turn yellow in lying, or have any ill Smell ; two Pounds wafhing more than three of the Crown or foft Soap. It proves confiderably cheaper, and will not chafe the Laundrefies Hands or fret the Cloaths. I This Soap is moftufeful for theWoollenManufafturers, Scowertrs Silk- Dyers, Perfumers, & c. which is daily proved, and has all the good Qualities of the French and Spanifh Soaps. Merchants may be fupply'd for Exportation. Sold at s « Sliill per m l . Grape, for the Term of fourteen Years ; the faid William Stammers having communicated the Privilege of the faid
Patent to fome of the mod Eminent Diftillers, and they have founJ hy repealed £. xperimcnts that Spirits fo meliorated are vaftly fuperior to Britifll Brandies made after any other Way ; and that the Encouraging tlio fame will be of publick Advantage, they have agreed to Licenfe any Diftilkr at reasonable Rater, that the Publick may reap the Benefit of fo wholefome a. Reftification. And to prevent any clandeftine Ufe of the faid Rape of the Grape the f » id Patentee doth hereby give Notice, that whoever ( hall difcover any Petfon who ufes the faid Ingredient in the rectifying and meliorating Britifil Spirits, without Liccrncefrom the faid
Patentee, fo that he or they be conviSed thereof in any of his MajeftyV Courts of Jfiftice, fllall receive a Reward of F i f t y Pounds on fucli ConviQion. N. B. Attendance will be given every Friday at Eiovcp. o'Clock in the Morning, till One, at Cole's Coflfcc- Houfe in Birchin- Lane, for grantingv^ f Licences. This Day is Publifhcd, ( Dedicated to the Right Hen- Sir ROBERT WA I. POLE J The MA C A ZINE of A R C H I T E C T U R h, P E R S P E C T I V E and S c u L t T t i R E . In F i v e P A R T S . PART I. Geometrical, practical and ufeful Problems, for the defctibing of Circles, Ovals, Arches, Groyns ( regular or rampant) and,
Polygons, the Mouldings made ufc of in Ar. chite& urc ; the Handrail to Stair- Cafes; the WreathM Columns; Ionic ( Capital, Anticnt and Modern) Volutes ; and to Flute Columns and Piiaftcrs. PART II. Plain^ and eafy Direftions for the Conltru& iu ® of tl: e Five Orders of Atchitefture, with their Imports and Arches, PI, ns. Elevations and ProfSes ( tccuratcly defcribed by Feet, Inches ami Parts; likewife by the cullomary Meafure of Modules and Minutes/ Frontifpieces and Windows, Ornaments for Mouldings, Capitalsand Freezes ; Frets and Flowers ; cnrich'd Pedeftuls for Statues ; Compartimcnts fot Domes ; Soffites of Arches and
Pavements j of the Proportion and Ciclilig of Rooms j and Defigns of Obelisks. PART III. On the Difpofitioit and Regularity of Stair- Cafes ; with feveral neccflary Improvements! wherein the Symetry requir'd is preferv'd in] the Steps and Halfpa/ es, & c. Alfo in the ranging Ball, ft ers and Ornaments. PART IV. A niofteafyand expeditious Method to delineate in Perfpeftive, all Defigns relating to Architecture, after a new Manner, wholly free from the Confiifion of occult Lines PART V . The Parts of human Body dcfcribcd; with the Nature of Motion reduced to Geometrical Rules. To which is added, a Colleftion of the moft beautiful
antique Statues, with their Parts defcrtb'd, as meafur'd from the Originals. Engraven on 96 Copper Plates. By BENJAMIN COLE. TO which is annexed, An Alphabetical Explanation of the Terms made ufe of in Architecture. Collected from the moff approv'd Authors, aftticnt and modern ; particularly Palladio, Scamozii and Vignola, and made a Work of general Ufe for Gentlemen, Architects, Sculptors, Painters, Workmen, and all Peifons concern'd in Building. By EDWARD O A K L E Y , Archuea, M M. Weftminfter: Piinted by A . Campbell, for the Author, over- againft Tom^ CofFce- Houfe in St. Martin's- Lane, and B. Crcake at the
Bible in Jermyn- ftrcct, near St. James's Church, 1730. Whete may be had, juft publifhed, An E S S A Y , founded upon Arguments natural and moral, proving the Immortality of the Soul. Tranflated from the original MSS. of the Archbifhop of Cambray. Price r s. L O S T on Friday the i2thlnftant, A large white D O G , of the Poiiting Kind, his Head and Ears very much mottled, with a Patch on his left Side, belonging to Captain DILKES; whoever brings him to the Gtafs- hopper, th » Corner of Suffolk- ftreet, near the Hay- Market, fllall receive a Guinea Reward, and no Queftions asked. W H E R E A S Rowland Porter hath abfented
himfelf from his Matter's Service, ever fince the beginning of July laft: • he is about s Feet 9 Inches high, thick fet, and wears a Cinamoncolour d Coat, with white Metal fafllionable Buttons ; whoever will bring him to his Mafter, John Burton, Packer, in St. Laurcnce- Pountnev- Lane, fllall be well rewarded, and if he will come home n « fllall be kindly received; whoever entertains the faid Rowland rertci fllaU beprofecuted according to Law, • To be S O L D , Sir John Areshine, of Alva, Bart. SCOTS COALS, the beft from Scotland^ at the Warehoufe at White- Fryars Dock It is a fweet and clean Fuel, will roaft and boil in lefs than two
thirds of the Time that Newcaftle take, and is fit for heating Ovens or Stoves, in place of Charcoal, fo that they are as cheap, if not cheaper, than Newcaftle. They are delivered to any Place in London or Weftminfter, From the faid Warehoufc, at 31s. per Ton or in the Pool for 15 s. by MefT William and John Vofs, at the Newcaftle Coffec- Houfe near Billingfgate 5 where Attendance is given fiom Nine in the Morning to One in the Afternoon j and by John Franklin at the aforefaid Warehoufe, at all Times, where Commands verbally or by Letter fliall be duly executed. This Day is Publifhed, A Practical G R A M M A R of the Latin
Tongue. Wherein all the Rules for undcrftanding that Language, are given in Englifh 5 thofe neceflary to be got by Heart, made the Text, others immediately fubjoin'd in the Form of Notes The whole eftablifhed upon rational Principles, fupportcd by Claffical Authorities, and confider'd, as to Method and Length, with all Convenience to the Learner. To which is added, a Vocabulary of fuch Particulars as could not well be difpofed into the Analogical Part. Being a Collection from thofe very Learned Mafters, Sanftius, Peri- Y0 ' ' 1 " 5 ' Oxford Annotators, and Mr. Johnfon, Dr. Shaw, Mr. Blackball, Mr. Lowe, & c Drawn up at firft to fcrve
a private Uccafion of Life, and now made publick as a Teftimony of Refpeft to the Britifti Youth. Y Two Sbai£ gs^° h n G r 3 ) " ' " t h t C r B f s - K c r « " t h c Puoltry. Price On Sunday Night the 6th of Sept. 1730. JOHN G O N D A Y and R I C H A R D JAMES, Apprenticesto Samuel Ridwood, Timber- Merchant, living in Bfif'ol, left their faid Matter's Service. This is to give. Notice, that any Perfon who fhall take them up, fo t h a t their faid Mafter may have them again fllall have Three Guineas Reward and reafonable Charges. N. B. John Gonday is about j Feet j Inches high, frefh colour'd, round Shoulder'd, wears a Wig, a< ld had
on an Afh- colour'd Coat. — T h e other is a flender Youth, fomewhat taller than the former, with black Hair, had on a Snuff colour'd Coat 5 their Profcffion is fawing Timber, chiefly for Joyners Ufc. The C R E D I T O R S of the Right Hon. the Lord H I L L S S O R O U S H , are defired to meet at the St. Alban's Tavern ia St. Alban's- ftreet, St. James's on Toefday tjie l i d of this I n f t a n t, at T h r e e o'Clock in thc Afternoon, to confider of a ptoper Methoif for Recovery of their Debts. To be S O L D , At Brocltington near Cranborh in Dorfetlhire, Any Time within one Month after this Advertifement, Four Stone Colts out of four Very
good running Mares, and got by the prefent Lord Winkley's Arabian, viz. One comes four, two comes three, and one comes two Years old ; alfo to be fold atShroutoit in the fame County, a very fine brood Marc, out of t he famous M a f f y Marc, and got by Baftoe, with a Filly by her Side* got by the above Arabian ; enquire at the above Places, or of Mr. Ofwald Buckleat t h e Right Hon. the Countefs of Gaiutborcugh'i, in old Bond- ftrcet, London. To be L E T, A H O U S E new Fronted, next to, the Pine Appier Holborn- Row, in Lfncoln's- Inn- Fields, with Stables and c t ' er Conveniences, compleatly fitted up. Enquire of Mr. Wyne
at his Houfe in Bartiet Buildings. A Parcel of New Gorgona A N C H O V I E S , In Barrels, juft now Arrived, Now Selling in a Cellar on Galley Key, near the Cuftom- Houfe, at 11s per Barrel, with Encouragement to them' that,, take a Quantity. N? B. Attendance will be given every Day from Nine ita the Forenoon to T w o in the Afternoon. • To be L E T T, A Compleat, Home- Brew'd A L E - H O U S E , with proper Uteniils ftauding in a goqd Neighbourhood. Enquire at thc Barley- Mow in KarlVCburt, Bow- ftreet, Covcnt- Gardcn, or of Mr. Rooker, a Glazier in Barnaby- ftreet Southwairk. H U N G A R Y W A T E R Ware- houfe, At
the Black Boy and Comb, ntxt Door to the Paftry- Cook's on Ludgate- hill, is Juft arrived a Quantity of the Following,* jr Commodities, viz. Riuht French Hungary Water, at is each large Half- pint Flint Bottler fine Florence Oyi, at i s . ' p « Flask j right Orange Flower Water a t 1 s. fid. per Flask 5 B a r b f tW Citron Water at 14 s per Quart} and all forts of Bermudas, Leghorn, and fine SiJJt H a t s for I. adies. And to prevent being indnajfaiZ" I upon by Counterfeits, the Black Boy and Comb, with t i e f » o « I' T H O M A S W I K S T O H S is parted on cach Buttle and Flask. I ^ V - ?/ i w * . , m m
T H E R E is brought from CHILI, u Province in America, a moft excellent Balfarn, found by ' feveral eminent Perfons to excel that of Peru and Tolu, in curing of moft Difeafcsin human Bodies 5 particularly it helps all Pains coming from Cold, chiefly Painsin the Stomach, want of Appetite.,- corroborating andftrcngthcning the whole Body. ' Tis a wonderful Remedy for all inward Sores, Bruifes, " Ulcers of the Lungs, Reigns, Bladder or Womb, and it^ hclps Shortnefs of Breath, Coughs, C'onfumptions, or Wheehngsj ' tis good in jnoft Difcafes in the Head, ftrengthcns the Brain and Nerves; it kills the Worms, ' tis excellent in all
Automatical Diftcmfers, provokes Urine, and is good again ft the Stone; ft helps all ' luxes of the Belly, is excellent in all Difcafcs of the Ears, efpccially Deafnefs; it cures. all manner of Green Wounds and many other Diftempcrs, which may be feen at large in the printed Bills of Dire ftions.-——>— AH Perfons are defired to ceware of a pretended Balfam fold in this Neighbourhood in Imitation of this approved One, which fince the Death of my Son John Tracy, is only fold by mc Hannah Tracy, at the Three Bibles, a Ifan- Shop on London- Bridge. N. B. A very good Allowance will be made to thofe who fell it again. This Day is
Publifhed, The R E L I G I O U S P H I L O S O P H E R : Or, T h e right Ufe of contemplating the Works of the Creator, i. In" t h e wonderful Stru& ure of Animal Bodies, and in particular, Man. a. In the no lefs wonderful and wife Formation of the Elements, and their various EfFe& s upon Animal and Vegetable Bodies ; and 3. In the moll amazing Strufture of the Heavens with all its Furniture. Dcfigned for the Conviftion of A t h c i f t s and Infidels. Throughout which all the late Difcoveries in Anatomy, Philofophy and Agronomy i together with the various Experiments made ufe of t o illuftrare the fime, arc moft copicufly handled by
that learned Mathematician Dr. Nreuwenlyt. Tranflated from the Low Dutch by John Chamberlain, E f q ; F. R . S. To which is prefixed, a Letter t o the Tranflator. By Dr Defaguliers. The Fourth Edition. CorreRed and adorn'd with Cuts, in 3 Vols. 8vo. Printed for J. Osborn and T . Longman, in Pater- nofter- Row. W H E R E A S Humphrey Gilbert, Efq; who about Three Years ago lodg'd at a Plummet's in Biftiopfgate- ftreet, London, and afterwards at a Milliner's in Taviftoke- ftreet, Covent- Garden, has not been lately heard of, a l t h o ' f t r i f t Enquiry has been made after him. Now this is to give Notice t h a t if any Perfon or
Pcrfons can give Notice or Information wlrere the faid Humphrey Gylbert now refides and may be met with, to William Rifte of Kingfiand Road, near S'noreditch, Diftiller, he 6r they ttpon fuch Notice as aforcfaid, fllall have or receive as a Reward the Sum of three Guineas. M U S I C K juft Publi/ hed. I. Music A B E L I C O S A : Being a choice Colleflion of 6S Trumpet- Tunes and Marches for the Violin, Hautboy and German Flute ; with a Thorough Bafs t o the whole, with Additions. Price 1 s. I I . Sclcjr Lefibns for the Violin ; being a new and choice ColleBion of Cibsi-, Almandsand Gavots. Compofed by moft of the celebrated
Maftersj with Preludes or Flouriflies in each Key, a f t er the Italian Manner. To which is added the Black Joak, with Divisions after t h e Irifh Manner. Pricc 1 s. 6 it. I I I . The Fcnix: or, T h e Violin new modelled. Containing a curious Collcftion of Almands, Sarabands, Gavots, Preludes, Marches Jiggs and Minuets. Divided into Setts of Aires on every Keyupcn the Violin N. B. T h e whole was originally M r . H e n r y Eccles's, M M. for farther Improvement of his Scholars on that delightful Inftrument. Price i s. London: Printed and Sold only by Daniel W r i g h t , Mufical Inftrument- maker next the Sun Tavern in Holbourn ; and Daniel
W r i g h t , jun. at the Golden Bafs Violin, the North Side of St. Paul's Church- yard, near Cheapfide. N. B. At the abovefaid Places are juft imported a Urge Cargo of the beft Roman Strings for T r e b l e Violins and Bafs Violins j being the beft for Strength and Sizes t h a t ever came over t o England. T h i s Day is Publilh'd, The F I F T E E N T H E D I T I O N of, O N A N I A : Or, The heinous Sin of Self- Pollution, and all its frightful Confluences ( in both Sexes) confidercd, with Spiritual' and rhyfical Advice to thofe who have already injured themfelves by this abominable Praftice. As alfo the Sixth Edition of the SUPPLEMENT* to
i t ; both of thorn revifed and enlarged, and now printed together in one Volume. And as the feveral railages in the former Impreffions, that have been charged with being obfcure and ambiguous are in thefe cleared up and explained, there will be no more Alterations or Additions made t o them. A very grave and learned Divine and Phyfician having perufed this Difcourfe, before it went to the Ptefs, returned i t with his Opinion of it in thefe Words : " This little Book ought to be read by all Sorts of People, of both " Sexes, of what Age, Degree, Profcffion, or Condition focvcr, guilty or not- guilty of the Sin declaimed againft in it. f s now
Sold by J I S T E D , Bookfcller ( Mr. Crouch, Bookfcller in Pater- nofter- Row being dead) at the Golden Ball between St. Dunftan's Church and Chancery- Lane, in Fleet- ftrcet. Price Stitch'd 3 s. Bound 3 s. 6 d . Where may be had, T h e S U P P L E M E N T , by itfclf. Price Stitch'd i s . S i. Againft the V E N E R E A L D I S E A S E. T h e famous I T A L I A N B O L U S has fo great Succefs in t h e Cure of the Venereal Difcafe, Scurvy and Rheumatifm, that not one of the great Numbers that daily take i t , mifs of a perfect Cure ; and though fo very cheap as 1 s. 6 d. each, yet two or three fmall Bolttfles always perform a perfect
Cure ; which if it fails to do, your Mo ney is returned. Sold only at the Flaming Sword at the Corner of Ruflel- ftreet, o r « - againft Will's Coffee- Houfe, Covent- Gatden. To be S O L D , In Purfuatice of a Decree of the High Court of Chancery, before R O B E R T H O I . F O R D , Efq', one of the Majlers of the faid Court. The Eftate of Sir J A M E S L U M L E Y , Bart, at Great Bardfield in Effex ; confifVing of the Manfion Houfe, called the LODQE, with Out- houfes, Gardens, Canals, Fifh- ponds, & c. The Manors of Great Bardfield and Bardfield Saleing, a large Park of about 400 Acres of Land, well ftock'd with Deer and Rabbits,
and a large Farm and other Lands adjoining to the P a r k , the whole about 60o 1. per Annum. Particulars whereof may be had at the faid Matter's Chambers in S. ymondVInn in Chancery- Lane ; and if any farther Information is wanted, the fame may be had at Mr. Ncwland's, in Nag's- Head Court, Gracechurch- ftreet, ThisDayisPuMiflied, ' The S E L F - D E C E I V E R plainly DifcK'er'd to H I M S EXF : Or, T h e S E R I O U S C H R I S T I A N inftrufted in his D U T Y t o GOD, t o HIMSEI/ F, and to his NEIGHBOUR. In fome private Conferences between a Minifter and his Parifllion^ r- By C L E M E N T E L L I S , M. A. Late
Reftor of Kirkby in Nottinghamfhire, Prebend of Southwell, and Fellow of Queen's- Collcge, Oxon. HOMO fe non fallot, DEUS n: n fallit. Auguft. Homil. 40. Printed for C. RIVIVGTOW, at t h e Bible and Crown in St. Paul's j Church ward } and J. BRADLEY, Bookfellcr in Chcftcrficld. Price Five Shillings. where may be bad, the Second Edition of, An E X P O S I T I O N on the T H I R T Y - N I N E A R T I C L E S of the C H U R C H of . E S Q L A K D . Founded on the Holy Scriptures and the Fathers of the three firft Centuries. Bv J. VENEER, Rector of St. Andrew's in Chichefter. M 1 ' ' ' Caftle- Yard, HOLBOURN. RAMSAY,
Surgeon and Man- Midwife, having for many Years prsEKs'd a Method fingular to bimfelf for the curing R U P T U R E S and B R O K E N B E X X I E S , nowconftantly applies himfclf to t h a t particular Branch of Surgery. He formerly performed it on Perfons with Succefs, as has appeared by the Teftimony of feveral eminent Phyficians and Surgeons, who were pleafed to allow their Names to be made ufe of in the pahiick Prints as an undoubted Tcftimony of the T r u t h of the faid Cures. He has fince t h a t rccovcred a great many^ who had Ailments in thole parts, and fome who imagined themfelves incurable, after having
made ufe of other Applications to 01 idc * 1 j \. iv. j 115 urn jurgeons menrionca aoovc, wno unanimouily exprefled their intire Setisfaftion in the cure of noth of them, and of the certainty of his Method. There are likewife two or three Gentlemen to be heard of at Mr. Francklin's, a Bookfeller in Covent- Garden, who, tbo1 they may not be willing to have their Names publiihed, u t re- ady to acknowledge theit being cured by him. As he has longpra£ rifed this Method with Succefs, fo he performs i t within the compafs of J or 4 Weeks, and without giving the Patient the Trouble or Fatigue of wearing a Trufs, after tft& Cure is perfefted t
his Hours are from 8 t o r a i n the Morning, except Thurfday, Friday ind Saturday. No Letters received except Poft paid. T h i s Day is Pybliflied, • The Second Edition of the Firjl and Second Vols, of, S E R M O N S on the following SUBJECTS. By S A M U E X C L A R K E , D. D. late ReP- or of St. James's, Weftminfter. Publiflied from the Author's MSS. By John Clarke, D. D. Dean of Sarum. With a Preface, giving fome Account of the Life, Writings and Character of t h e Author. By Benjamin Lord Biihup of Salisbury. Vox. I. Of Faith in God. Of the U n i t y of Gtxl Of the Eternity of God. Of the Spirituality of God. Of the
Immutability of God. Of the Omni prefencc of God. Of the Omnipotence of God. Of the Omnilcience of God, Of t h e Wifdom of God. Of the Goodnefs of God. Of the Patience of God. Of the Juftice of God. Vox. II. Of the Glory of God. Of God's being the Father of Mankind. Of being the Children of God. Of Joving God. . Of the Fear of God. Of the Wifdom of being religious. Of imitating theHoHnefs of God. Of the love of God towards Sinners Ofbelievingin God. Of the Gracc of God. Of the Kingdom of God. Printed for James and John Knapton at t h e Crown in St. Paul's Church- Yard. Where may be liad, T h e 3d and 4th Vols, of
Doftor Clarke's Sermons ; and all the other Works of Doftor Clarke. J » ft Publiflicd. Pricc 6 s. P HILOSO P H IAS MA THE MA TIC A2 N E W T O N I A N ® I L L U S T R A T E . Tomi Euo. Quorum prior tradit Elementa Mathefcos ad comprehendam demonftrationem hujus Philofophiae fcitu necelTaria : Poftcrior contmct 1) Definitiones & Leges motus gencraliorcs 5 a ) Leges virium centripet « irum & Theoriam attraftionis fea gravitationis corporum in fc mutuo. 3) Mundi Syftcma. A GEORGIO P E T R O D O M C K I O. Londini: Sumptibus Tho. Meighan, Bibliopolse in vico Drury- Lane, and Jcr. jBatley, fab Signo Columbse, in
vico Pater- noftcr- Row, 1730. To be S O L D , together or in Parcels, At ASHWELL in Hertfordjhire ; being three Mites fram Baldock, Five from Roy/ ton, and Thirty two from Lonion, A good Dwelling H O U S E , with a Brick Front, Four Rooms on a Floor, with a Brewhoufe and good Cellars, a Malting that will make Forty ( Quarters a Week, and Graineries that will hold 1000 Quarters of Grain, Stabling for 14 Horfes, with Hay and Corn Chambers over them, three large Barns, aJDovc- heufc well ftockod, all lately and ftrongly built, a large Yard, with a handfome Garden well planted with Greens and Fruit, a fine young Orchard,
Jwo Pightles of Pafturc adjoining, and 19 Acres of Arable Land in the common Fields. Alfo two other MefTuages, with Barns, Stables and other Convcniencies, nine Acres of Arabic Land, and one Clofc of Pafture belonging. Enquire of Mr. John Runington, Attorney a t Law at Stevenage, or of Mr. John Morley of A( hwell aforcfaid. T h i s Day is Publifhed, The Third Edition with Additions, of A P R A C T I C A L T R E A T I S E ; O r , Second Thoughts on the Coniequences of th* V E N E R E A * D I S E A S E , in Three Parts, viz. I. On the Simple Gonorrhoea, Gleets, and. other W e a k n e s s , whether from Venereal Embraces,
Self- pollution, improperly called Onanifm, or Natural Imbccillity. II. On the Virulent Gonorrhcea, or Clip. III. On the Venereal Lues, or Grand Pox. Wherein are plainly fhew'd the e x a a Degrees ot Difference5 with their Signs, Symptoms, Prognofticks, and Cures in all Cafes, their Beginnings, Progrefs, and fatal Periods, when neglefted or unskilfully managed 5 and how their abfolute Cure^ without Violence^ or Injury, is compleated. With proper and effectual Remedies, in their feveral ftages, prescribed and recommended therein. With fome Remarks on that propofterous way of Venery with Machines, & c. and a plain Difcovery of
the Dangers ( tho' little expeSed) which attend that vile practice. Alfo many other ufcful Difcoveries relating to Infeftions in both Sexe&, not before taken Notice of. To which is annexed, a Vindication of the praftice of Salivating, & c. The whole fitted, as well for the Advantage of Patients as young Pra& itioners. BY J O S E P H C A M , M. D. London Printed for the Author* and fold at his Houfe, in Bow- Church- Yard 5 alfo by G Strahan in Comhiif; E. Midwinter in St. Paul's Church- yard* W. Mears without Temple- Bar 5 C. King in Wcftmin> ter- HaU 5 and J . Hodges on London Bridge. Price ftitcVd bound a s. 6d. This Day are
Publiflie!?, _ P H I L O S O P H I C A L P R I N C I P L E S of MEDICINE. In Three Parts. Containing:, 1. A Demonftratioa of the general Laws of Gravity, with their K- ffcfts upon animal Bodies. 2. The more pafticula? Laws, which obtain in the Motion and Secretion of the vitr: l Fluids applied to the principal Difcafes and Irregularities of the hnirnal Machine. 3. The primary and chief Intentions of Medicine in th-^ Cure of Difeafes, problematically pro- . p o f e d , : a n d I ^ e c h a n i c a l l y r e f o l v e d . ^ B y T H O M A S M O R S A K , M . D . the fecoftd Edition wfth large Addition's, relating to the Nature and Manner of animal
Sccretions in general, with ^ pacticulor Regard to the UrinaryjEvacuations ^ . in which the Bcllinian, Hypothcfis o£ Secretion is fhewn to be faltc and abfurd, as inconfiflent with the Appearances of Nature, and all the Laws of Animal Motion^ Printed for J. Osborne and T . Longman in Pater- noftcr Row. Where may be had, His Cblleftion of Tracts relating to ths right of private Judg" ment, the Sufficiency of Sctiptnre, and the Terms of Church Communion upon Chriftian Principles. Occaftoned by the iatcTrinrta-: rian CorttroVeriV. t , The G R A N D S P E C I F I C K, For Cleanfingy and Strengthem? ig the Reins, Szc. A M E D I C I N
E that may be depended on as abfolutely efFeftual for carrying off by Urine, fafcly and fpeedily, all Relicks of fecret Injuries, Remains of pernicious, uaskiliully prepared Mercurials, Gleets or Weakness, through tedious or ill- manag'd Cures of the Venereal Difcafe, or from Self- P61uti6h, irardinatc Coition, & c. Aifo any Wcskncfies of the VeiT^ s from Wrenches, Strains, Blows, or Falls, and all other Obftruftions in the Urinary Paffages, even Stranguries, Ulcers, & c. are pcrfe^ ly cured h f it, " be they of ever fo long ftanding : Which Rclicks, and Ailments arc in part difcovcrcd by thefc following Symptonis, viz. Wcaknefs and Pamin
the Back, a Sharpntfs in the Urine, its ftrong Smell, Films, or Ha:: rs as it were floating about in it, and iu, fomc . too frequent Occafion to make it. This noble SPECIFICK is alfo of fingular and very extraordinary Ufe and Efficacy, where there is any Ciravcl or even fmall Stones,- Slime ot any other Matter that ohftrufts the Urine 5 bringing all away in a few times taking with Safety, and to the very great Satisfaftion of the Patients.. I t alfo ftrengthens and recovers after a peculiar Manner, all Re-' laxations of the Vcffcls, confirms the Parts, bringing all into right Order, and thereby perfects the Cure to Admiration. Its a verv pleafant
Medicine, and will he found of uncommon Benefit to botlt Sexes beyond Expcftation till tried* which is the Reafon of its being made Public, and to obviate the Ignorince ofPictenders in all the difficult- Cafes abovementioned < One Bottle, in moft Cafes, is fufificient for a perfeft Cure, as you will fee by the Dirc^ Vioi> s given witljt. Sold for 7 s. 6 d. a Bottle at Mr. Sandwcll's Toyfhop, at the Griffin, the Corner of Bucklcrsbury in the Poultry. All Sorts o f R U P T U R E S , ' Burften or broken BELLIES, perfeftly curecF by the Bleffing of God, either on Old or Young, in a very little Time, and for a fmall Charge, by two Medicines to be
externally ufed, without any Pain to or Confinement of the Patient. Thefe two Remedies need no other Recommendation than themtfelves will manifeft in two or three Days u5ng, having, by their admirable and even aftonifhing Succefs, gainecf the Reputation they juftly deferve, both in Crty and Country, for above thefe Twenty Years laft paft, after wearing Trufles for many Years to no Purpofe. Many Hundreds of all Ages and Sexes, have been cured by them, which occafioned this Publication, fo7 the Good of the Public 1.. that - all fuch unhappy People may be delivered frdm the Charge and Slavery of always wearing Truilcs.
They are fealed up at 5 s. the Parcel . . . . - Aldga N. B. It is by the Ufe of an eafy Trufs, & c. that thefe twoexternal Medicines are applied to the Part afTcRcd, till the Cure is perfected } as you will fee by the Dire& ioiw at latge given with them. To S M E L L to, & c. The Moft Noble Volatile SMELLING- BOTTTB in the World, which fmelled to, momentarily fetches the moft difmal Fainting or Swooning'FITS, and in a Moment, removes Flufliings, Vapour- 6, Dulnefs, Head- Ach, Megrims, & c.' It takes off all heavy Slecpinefs, retard? Swoonings, keeps up the Spirits to a Miracle, and by its Ufc admits of no Fainting, but invigorates and
enlivens thewhole Man 5 recreates and makes chearful, altho' never fofad, and in' a Moment raifes all the fenfitive Faculties. It is a> fo to be taken inwardly ky Drops, which effeQiually takes off and eradicates the very Caufe j tor it potently relieves, comforts and' ftrengthens the Brain, creatcs and corroborates a Stomach, removes Sicknefsfrom it, helps Digeftion, clcanfes the Blood 5 and, in a Word,, is the greatcft Cephalick, Stomachick, Hcpatick, and powerful AROmatick poffiblc, therefore is. extream neceffary. for all Gentlemen,' Ladies, & c. always to be carry'd in their Pockets. Sold now only at Mr. Markham's Toyfliop, at the
Seven Stars under St. Dunftan* s Church in Flcct- ftreet, and at Mr. King's Pittufe- Shop in the Poultry. Pricc 1 s. 6d. The Univerfal F A M I L Y M E D I C I N E , • Still more and more Fam'd, 1$ fold by the Author's Appointment at Mr. King's Pi& ure- Sho/> at tlic Globe in the Poultry, near the Royal Exchange, London, and at Mr. Hildyards, a Bookfcller in York, at 3 s. the Bottle Retail, It is to be taken at any Seafon of the Year, but elpecially in the Spring and Fall, is fo very agreeable to Young and Old, that Children take it without Trouble, a few Drops being a Dofe; and fo gentle, that it weakens not the moft: Agccf. It is alfo, A
certain and infallible Cure for the S C U R V Y , tho* of thelongcft ftanding, and attended with_ the moft aggravated Circumftances ; being a cordial Elixir, peculiarly adapted to that Di£- eafc, in all its Forms of appearing, from , the flighteft itching Humour in the Blood, to its utmoft or laft Effort on human Nature. Its not a rugged Purgative that difturbs the Patient, but a true Specifick Cordial, that perfcftiy cures that Diftempcr by gentle Evacuation, by Stool and Urine, and fo powerfully re& ifics the Blrod and Juices, that fcrophulous Cafes arc alfo fpecdily cured by i t ; and all Spots, Blotches, Pimples, & c. on the Skin, arc quickly and
intircly taken off, the Patients made livoiy and b* isk, maiiy chronick Difeafes prevented, and a due State of Health fccured. It removes all Pain from the Stomach, helps Digeftion, opens Obftruftrons, and is peculiarly ferviceabie to Maids inclined to, oe troubled with the Green Sicknefs ; ' T i s the beft Medicine in the World to deftroyWorms in Children or grown People, and prevent their Retnrn for it fcours away all thofc ropy, vifcid Humours which breed them in their Bowels 5 and is fo well adapted to all Conftitutions, that it is dcfctvedly cftesmed both in City and Country, by the many Thoufands that have taken it, themoft general
Family Medicine that ever was known, to prefcrve Health ; and hinders no Bufinefs or Recreation. Good Allowance is given Wholc& lc by Mr. King for ready Money to Country Shop- keepers, & c. to fell again. It is, fold no whesa clfe in London. L O N D O N : Printed by R, F R A N C K L I N , in C went- Garden ; where Advertifements and Letters to the Author are taken in.