The Edinburgh Evening Courant
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The Edinburgh Evening Courant
Date of Article: 06/10/1726
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( 8 o j ) NUMB. CCXI. T H E E D I N B U R G H Evening Courain> From Tuefday Odober 4. to Thurfday Odober 6. 1726. NUMB. XXX. VII. The Country Gentleman. Sed nunc teles Sociantur tfegolio, quilts " Domini baler* fajlidiunt. Veget. Friday, July 15. 1726. T h e following Epiftle being writ by a Perfon of a Pnblick Spirit, need* no Apology for its being inferted here. S I R, H O' of late your Speculaiions have been chiefly employed in publick Affairs, yet as you have undertaken to animadvert upon Abufes of all Kindt, 1 mut fugged one to your Consideration, which is become General, and is juflly complained of by every Body 1 1
mean the great Infolence, Cheats and Ne- . gligence of Servants, who inftead of being a Convenience, are now grown one of the great; ft Uneafme. Tes o f Life. You will give me leave to illuftrate the Grievance 1 complain of, by an lnftance, that happened not very long ago, within my own Acquaintance. One Mr. Donvtrt a Frind of mine, a Gentleman of known Worth and Merit, and of an f » fy Fortune, fet vp a Chariot, for the Conveniency of going to a little Place, which he had near the Town, and back again. As he ftudied Ufe more than Show, he befpoke a good ftrong plain Chariot, but upon Springy, as naturally loving his Eafe.
He hired a Coach- Man named Robin, who was Mightily recommended to him, a pert, forward Fellow, who knowing Mr. Danvers's Aver ( ion to Trouble, undertook to find him in Horfes, to keep his Chariot in conftant good Repair, and all this at an eafier Rate, than any other Body fhou'd do it at. Mr. Danvert pleafed With the Fellow's fair Promifes, and above all, with the Profped of little Trouble, readily agreed with him upon his own Terms. Robin's firft Care was to provide himfelf - with a Fair of quiet Nages, that fhou'd neither kick nor rife, nor give him the Ieaft Difturbance in the Coach- Box accordingly he get a Pair of dull Beafts
to his Mind, call'd Surly and Ranter; but as they had notSpirit enough to difturb the Coachman, neither were they able to draw the Coach, for they ftumbled and blundered every > tep they took notwithftanding the Whip, with which Robin us'd pretty freely, to keep them tip. Mr. Danvcrt, who found himfelf very uneafy in a Chariot, that only mov'd by Starts and Jerks, us'd to pull the String pretty often, and ask Robin, vha? the Devil was the Matter. Robin, who oou'd not well lay the Blame upon Horfes of his own providing, told hit Mailer, the Rosds were fo bad, and full of Holes, that it was impoffibleto avoid thofe Jolts, and that he
defy'd any Coach. man to drive, or any Horfes to draw better, in fuch curfed Ways. This Excufe palled for fome Time, till the Summer came, and the Roadrgrew better, when Mr Danvert, finding the Motion full as uneafy as before, he began to pull the String much oftner, and to grow a little Telly. Hoi in, - who found, that fome new Excufe was neceffary to pacify his Mafter, laid all the Blame upon Ranter, ( who by the Way, was grown a little hard Mouthed) and told his Mafter, tha* if he wtsu'd let him change him, for
( 804 - 2 Horfe ifiat he knew, call'd Sloven, he wou'd undertake to carry- his Honour, as eafily as ever he was carried in his Life- Mr. Denverj, who already had fuch ill L u c k with Horfes o f Robin's providing, defired, that he might firft fee this ' loven before fee was put to the Coach : Sloven was accor ingly produced, t o the great Surprize of Mr. Danvert, " who tho' not v e r y nice in his Cattle, ordered him to be immediately taken away, faying, that he never faw fo filthy a Bead in his L i f e , and that he was not good enough for a Dray Cart Robin being thus difappointed, had Recourfe to another Stratagem, and toM his Mafler, that
to fay the Truth, the Reafon w h y he did not carry him fo f m o o hly, as otherwife he fbou'd do, was tbat his Honour interrupted him fo often, by pulling him with the Check String ; for h o w was it poflible for him to drive well, and be obliged to l o o k behind him every Minute ; but i f his Honour wou'd confent to have that C h e c k String taken away, he wou'd anfwer for it, all ( bou'd g o right. This R tjueft, howeve unreafonable it might feem, Mr Danverj, from his Natural ndulgence, granted; refolving not to leave Robin the leaf! Excufe. Accordingly the String was taken away, which Robin wore in Triumph acrofs bis Shoulders, and
now fat uncontroul'd in the Coach- Box. The next T i m e Mr. Danvers went to his Country Houfe, Robin refolved to leave the beaten Road and go a new Way over other Peoples Grounds, when unfortunately, he happened to be attacked by the People, whofe Fences he broke d ' w n , Robin whipt and fwore ; ( he Horfes ftumbled and plunged , the Country People with their Ciubs laid on both Robin and the Horfes; the Chariot was overturned in a Ditch ; the Tackle was broke ; t h e Horfes run away, and Robin broke his N e c k with the Fall. Mr. Danvert was happily taken out of the Chariot without being hurt, and as foon as
known, was treated with the Kefpetft and Regard, that w a j due t o his Rank and Virtues ; every one exprefftrig their indignation at the Abufe of fo good a Mafler, but rejoicing at rhe fame T i m e , at the deferved Cataftn phe of 0) bad a Servant. I am Sir, y o u r Humble Servant, Will. John fon. 1 fiave often heard this Story of Mr. DanVerr, but not with all th'efe Circumflances ; and have wondered, that the La ws are not made more ftridl in Relation to Servants, the prefent Statutes that are now in Force o n l y relating to App entices, Labourers or Servants of Hufb'ndry hired for a Year. Indeed, the Statute of rhe 21 of Men. VII .
Chap. 7 . makes it Felony for a Servant fo g o away with his Maker's Goods, to the Value of forty S h i l l i n g s , w i t h at? Intent to fleal Or itnbez- zel them, provided the Goods be delivered to him t o keep : And another modern Statute has been made to the fame parpofe, but there are Millions of other Abufes amongft Servants, for which, the Law has x> ade no Frovifion ; and becaefe f h t y are fo univerfal a Grievance, Worthy the Atteatioa of the Legifla- • i B t e , ) From written Letter. London. Sept. 29. They write from the ?" Tagne of the 27th Inftant N. S. That on the 25th ~ Mr. G r e y s , Minifler of the King of Denn ark was
in Conference with the Deputies of the States General, concerning the Differences between his Danifh Majefly and the Republick, which ' tis hoped will foon be anncably adjufled All the Lords of the Admiralties are fuddenly experfled to aflift at 3 great Council which is to' be held upon the prefent Situation o f Affairs, and afterwards two L eputies of the States of Holland will fet out to go and vifit all the Frontier Places of that Province. The Ruffian Envoy has lately prefented a Memorial to their High Mightineffes, wherein he affures them, in the Name of her Czarian Majefly, that the Treaty lately concluded between her and the
Emperor has nothing in it tbat tends to the Prejudice of their Subjects Trade; that her principal Engagement with his Imperial Majefly relates to the A/ Tifiance mutually fiipulated, in cafe either Part y fhould be attacked by the Ottoman Porte , and that as for what concerns the Oftend Company ( he will have nothing to d o in it. L tters this D a y from Paris o f the 2d of October fay, That the French £ aft India Company has received Advice, that the Ships they expeded, and which had put into Martirico, are fafely arrived in the Ports of Britany, very richly laden. ' Tis advifed from Madrid that the Marquis de Los Balbafes was on his
Departure for Lisbon with a magnificent Eguipage, as Plenipotentiary, touching the Marriage of the Prince of Afturias with the Infanta of Portugal, and that the Marquis d'Abrantes was alfo expected in Quality of his Portugueze Majefty's Plenipotentiary, relating to the Marriage between the Prince of Brazil and the Infanta of Spain. T h e Morocco A rr. baffador, among other Thing* was prefented with 14 hunting Dogs, and has bought feveral others for the Emperor his Mafler. From the F l y i n g P o l l , Sept. 29. Continuation of the Troubles of the Reign of King Charles 1. taken from the Narrative given by his Queen, in Exile at the
French Court, to Madam Mittevi! le, Anne of A u f t i i a ' s < hief Favourite and Confident, and pubhfhed in h e r Memoirs, Vol. 1. ' J HE- Year f o l l o w i n g , the Fatfion in England, 1 having concerted Meafures With the Scots, to thofe two Parties fo powerful, joined a T h i r d , which they call the Se< 51 of Anabaptifls. When the Plague of Lioeninifm is once got among a a People, ' fis but juft in God, after they have abandoned the Truth, to abandon them. The true Religion fubfi fling no longer in England, feveral Sorts of Herefies crept into the Kingdom, and every one was a Heretic in his own Way. All the Factions together made
one powerful Party, which being fupported by the Intrigues of France, took ftrong Root, and was prodixftive of very great Events. The firft Army that appeared was a new one, which, by the Advice of the Malecont ent Faction, they fct on foot apain io Scotland. Then the King of England was fenhble that
1 f 805 that he would have done v e i l fo have punifhed ihofe People, when he had the Power in his own Hands, and W.; s Mali r of a great Army but this could not be helped now There was an abfohue Nectffity of making new Levies, and railing an Army Strong enough to fini. ti what be I- ft undone the fear before. Wanting Money for this Defign, he was obliged todefire, his Ps pie to find out Ways and Means fo raife the neceffary Supplies; for this End he called a Parliament, and defired them to lay Taxes on the People to fupport the Charge of the War. The Parliament fhe wed no Inclination to comply with his Requeft. They
thought the King's Demands too high, and that the People would be overburthened. By this means the Parliamentarians " began to make him odious to the People, who in all Countries don't care to part with their Money. It happened at this Juncture, that a Secretary of State, in whom the King confided, and whom the Queen her felf had , recommended to him, as believing him to be faithful, betrayed this Prince in a flagrant manner, out o f f p i te i o Strafford Viceroy of Ireland, and Chief Minifter ; for having made a League with thofe Enemies of the King, and received Orders from him to go to the Parliament, and in his Name to f i
g n i f y to them his Will and Pleafure, he told them that the King wanted a great deal more Money than they wou'd be will i n g to grant; whereas his Majefty would have been contented with much lefsthan he demanded, provided it had been granted to him upon fuch Security that he could depend on : A n d as the King was entirely r u l ' d by Reafoa, he ordered the faid Secretary of State to difmifs the Parliament if they would not hearken to Reafon, and accordingly the Parliament was diffolved: For this Malec'- ntent Minifter told them the quite contrary; he adhered ftifl „ to the K i n g ' s former Refolution, and upon the
Parliament's oppoling it, he commanded them to feparate. A Proceeding fo harfh as this, which h w e v e r did not come from'the King, f u l l y exafperated the People a. gainft bim, and. made him lofe - a great many Votes in Parliament who were well affefted to his Service. T h e Affairs of the King - ® f England being in this Pickle, he refolved to borro. w Mon:- y, and to raife Troops by hiti. felf: He gave the Command of his Army to the Viceroy of reland, who wa.' a Grea Man, and the inoft able as well as the moft trtiftyr Servant that he had ; and the King knowing bim to be fo, confided in him more than in any Body elfe. For this
very Reafon the Difaffedied envy'd his Lordfhip, and Cf5u ' d not endure him. Mare of this, next Opportunity. particularly that her Czsrian Majefty wiiI ergage 16 pay them a Subfidy of joc,-:. co R ubels a A-. in. h in. 1 . me Ci Peace, and dr uble that Sum in 1 n » e of War, and what is more, ' lis laid he is fo offer the ftefmsmon of fome Provinces, which formerly beirn^ ed to Sweden, hut fhould it be true, that'inch Otters sre defigned to be made, they fhew h o w great iheir Apprehenfiors are of the /. cceffton of the Treaty of Hanover's becoming the unanimous A £ t of all the States of theKmguom of Sweden, as is the faid A e c e f f i
cn of all the Provinces of the RepubJick of Holland. Mean Time the Etnprefs o f Ruftia, ' tis faid, has received with great Sausfadtion the Anfwer of the States General to the Memorial prefcnted by her Minifter, relating to the Infereft of the Duke o f Holftein, which is in Subilance, ' That iheir High Mightineffes have always had a • very great Regard for the Recommendation of her ' imperial Majeiiy, particularly when they are employ- ' ed in Favour of a Prince fo nearly allied and united • to her Imperial Majefty, as is the Duke of Holftein; ' That their High Mightinefles have entred into no ' Engagement, and don't defign to enter into any,
that ' may be contrary to their earnefl Defires cf having ' the Tranquillity of the Peace of Europe fijaifitain'd, ' or which a, ay tend to the Prejudice of any o a e w h a f - ' fomever, and much iefs Of her Imperial Majefty and ' fhe Duke ofHrdftein, With Whom they have ( he Hoc nour to be in Friendfhip; Tiiat they fhail always • manifeft their high Effecm for her, and fincere Intefi- ' fion to cult. vate and augment the good Underftand- 4 ing which reigns between her Imperial Majefty and ' the Republick, and betwixt the Subje& s on both ' iides, & c . ' T i s difcourfed, T h a t a_ Bill will be brought into Parliament, f o r continuing ihe Seamen
in Pay, till there fhall be a fettled Peace in Europe, and to give Enecu-- ragement to them beyond that of any other Nation.- I he great Rains have occafioned the Floods to be out in many Places, particularly in the Weft, which Mail wa « keept out a Day longer f r om the Office than ordinary on that Account When the King was g o - ing t o f h o o t this Week over Putney Common, it was-- fuch bad Weather, that his Majefty was pleafed to difeharge his Guards, and come hoffie over KingfUan Bridge the Midlefea Side to Kecfignton with very few- Attendants. Dr. Fnend, who was fent f o r to Thomas Strange* way Efq; came too late
to fee him alive, but proceeded; to B, th to fee his Lady, who is dangeroufly ilt i h e r e j. he is the Jaft o f the Family, Sir John E y l e j in his Speech laft Thurfday at Gildhall, after thanking - Since our laft arrived the Mails from Holland, Francs and Flarfders. Wey's Written Letter verbatim. London, Oift. 1. Since our laft arrived a Mail from Holland, by which we are informed from Petersburg!) That the Czarina ufes all the Methods pofSble fo' d iff wade the Crown of Sweden from entering into { he Hanover Treaty and to induce it to aCceed to that of Vienna, to which End Prince Dolhorucki, who is preparing to g o to Stockholm, has it
in Commiflion to awi4c- s< ry ad- vanlsgious Propofals to that Nation the ( itizens for the Honour they had done him, faid, that he was born and bred in the C i t y , and - had a* Heart at their Service, and hoped his CondutS wouldi be fuch as might recommend him to their future Favour, which is thought to a l l u d e to the next Ele- tftio%, for their Reprefentative 1 Parliament f o f this City; he is reckoned to be the y o u n g e f t Lord' Mayor that ever fat in that Chair. Yefterday died the Rt. Hon. the £?. o f Wvnchelfea ; at the T i m e of the Revolution he was a Gentleman of the Bed Chamber, and Colonel of the Guard; to Kingjfj
James 11. Samuel G r e y Efq; i s appinted Secretary of the Eaeife in the R ® OIB of MR; F o w l e . . Froew v L i \ o~ r
( 8o An Exprefs is come f r om France, but We know not the Jontents thereof. F r om — Written Letter. London, Oct. !. - Letters from Madrid of the i o lh Inftant N, S. f a y , T h a t on the 4th Colonel Stanhope the Srinfh Ambsffador received an Exprefs f r om London, with Orders to prefs the lSpanifh Court to give Satisfaction in the Affair of the Duke de Ripperda. T h e Pretender's, Adherents continued their Abode and Solicitations at St Ildefonfo. ' T i s reported that his Catholick Majefty defigns to order home only the G o i d and Silver which belongs to him, and that in cafe the Englifh ( hould take it, he - will indemnify h i m f e i f
b y fejzing the Effedits on Board the Galleons that belong to he Englifh Dutch, and French Merchants The Queen o f Spain is again with Child. T h e y wri e from Hamburgh of the lft Inflant, that according to fome Letters from Petersburgh, Admiral Wager with the confederate Squadrons continued ftill a little Diftance f r om Revel Harbour, but it was expected they would foon leave that Station, it not being poflible to keep any longer the Sea which g r o w s daily more tempeftuous; and as foon they have weighed Anchor, the large Ruffian Men of War, w h i c h are at Revel, w i l l repair to Cronflot to be unrigged, but the reft will
remain in that Port till further Orders. T h e r e is a Report that two Powers of the North have concluded a Treaty of Alliance and Amity, the Principal Object whereof is the reciprocal Guranty of the Dominions they are in Poffeffion of. fe'Tis confirmed from Swifferland, that the Proteftant Cantonsiwill accede to the Treaty of Hanover, and that the Lucernois wait o n l y for an Excommunication f r om the Court of Rome, in order to ftrike u bold S t r o k e. Major Harrifon has defired to be recalled from bei n g his Majefty's fRefident at Vienna, upon Account of his i l l State of Health, and another Perfon is fpeedi- 1 y to be appointed to
fucceed him in that Employment. Edinburgh, Odt. 4. Died within this C i t y in the Month of September 1 7 2 6 , Men g , Women 17, Children 4 1 , in all 66. Increafed this Month 14. Edinburgh, Odlober 6. Laft Week Patrick Mitchell, Made his Efcape out of the Caftle of Edinburgh in Womens Cloaths. He has been Prifoner there for thefe t w e l v e Months bygone, f o r being concerned in the Riot at G l a f g ow : We hear he had his Majefty's moft gracious Pardon, but never c o u ' d raife Money to def r a y the Charges of it. Mr James Nimmo Merchant, and one of the prefent Magiftrates of this C i t y , we hear, fucceeds Sir William
Ker o f Greenhead as Receiver General of the Excife in Scotland. ' Haddingtoun, Sept. 30. Beft Wheat, L . 10 06 Second, 09 16 T h i r d 08. 10 Beft Bear, 06 0 2 Second. 06 00 , T h i r d 05 12 BeftOats, 05 16 Second, 05 10 T b i r d ' 0 5 oo Beft Peas, 0600 Second 05 16 Third 05 10 S trayed from Borrowjlounneft on Wednefday September 21Jly9 Dog wilb a Braft Collar about bit I ) Neck, of a Urge Size., fpan'tel Kind, Heck and white Collour, wilb fmall black and white ' fots en hit Legs, pretty fide black Eirs, fmcotb Ibnra. with a fhort Cut Tail, and a - mute Spot heiitiSit his Ears, tn the back Part of his Head; Any - who car give
Notice of kirn to Htnry Mont eitb in Borrowjlounnefs, fhall be fufficiently Rewarded. • n p H K S E are to advertife, That the Pjrifb of Auchtermuchty, being at prefent deftitute of a Schoolmafter, the Heretors of the faid Parifh have agreed, That fuch as (" hail offer themfelves to fupply the faid Vacancy, fhall undergo a comparative 1 rial in the ordinary Method ; therefore ' tis defired, 1 hat fuch as defign thus to offer themfelves, m;< y attend the Heritors of the faid Parifih o f A uchtermuchty. within the Church thereof, upon the T w e n t y fix Lay of Odlober Inft. and the Perfon who fhail be found by competent Judges to be nominate by
the. faid Heritors, to gain the Dispute or any other Part of T r i a l , teing furnifhed with fufficient Teflimonials, will meet with all fuitable Encouragement. T h e Scboolnjafier's Salary in that Parifh being 90 L. Scoty, befides the Emoluments of K i r k and School; as alfo there is a Part of forae vacant Stipends fettled, and in a little Tirre will be made effectual as a confiderable Addition to his Salary. The Council of Hunters, Hereby advertife the Companions, that the hunting Horfes to run for their annual Plate on the third of November, muft be in Leith eigh t Day s before rl c Day of running, and enter'd on the ift of Novenl. cr in Wi iam
Morgan's Books, each Hotfe carrying fight Scots : tone. A n y Horfe that wins two Heats snd is not dift.; nf. ed the third wins the Plate. If three Horfes win each a Heat, thefe three ir. uft run a fourth ' Heat for the Plate. No Croffing nor joftling to be allowed. Each Rider to take off his own Saddle and Bridle, and tbe Moment he difmounts to carry'it to^ the cales to be - weighted, one pound teing allowed f r Wafte. Fifhery Office, Sept. 6. 1726. ' J , HE Managers of the Copartnery are to expofe to pnblick Sale at their Office, upon Tuefday the j g t h o f Odober next, at three Afternoon, at the fol'ew'- ing l o w Rates for the
Encouragement of Bide ers. v z. I Lot containing 7 C I Qr 23 lb. Coils and Fieces of new Ropes, at 25 fh per hundred. I Ditto, containing 4 New H e r i i r g Nets, af 3 1. Sterl. each Net. g Ditto, containing n o undrefl Ne! f, at : o Shillings each Net U t e n f i l s f o r a Twir. e Work per Inventory, to be fet up at L . 9 17 8 fieri. Ditto, for t i e Cod fifhing, as per Inventary. to be fet up at L. 14 1 g Sterl. Ditto for as Balking Houfe per Ditto to be fet up at L . 1 4 16 4. T h e Goods above - written will be f h o w n a( Leith by David Deas the Copartnery's Agent, and the Inventary, and Articles of Roup at the Copartnery ' s Office in the Lawn