The Nottingham Monthly Miscellany
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The Nottingham Monthly Miscellany
Date of Article: 28/04/1726
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Volume Number: Issue Number: 11
No Pages: 16
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Monthly MISCELLANY; THURSDAY, April 28. 1726. GOODS Imported and Exported at the Port of LONDON, from March 20, to April ao. Imported. 300060 Ells German Linnen, 42650 Ells Lin- nen, 224 Lawns 11543 Yards Damask, 112 Cambricks, 100 Dozen Incle, 2144 Ells of Holland Duck, 148661. Sister's Thread, 1250I. Wrought Silks, 8000 Thrown Silk, 9280 Rheams Paper, from Hambro, Holland, Ostend, Genoa, Leghorn, 2540 Casks, 10 Chests, 50 Hampers Wine, 26 Tons, 1233 Gallons Brandy, 436 Gallons Rum, 850 Gallons Gene- va, from Lisbon, Holland, Mallaga, Cadiz, & c. 450000 Le- mons and Oranges, 1568
Cask's of Sugar, 5244C. Raisins, 1200 Hogsheads Tobacco, from Sevil, Messina, Oporto, & c. Exported. 6420 Ounces Foreign Gold, 9666 Ounces For. Silver, 620 Ounces Plate, 55C. Brass, 36 C. Copper* 342 C. Pewter, 300C. Tin, 1342 C. Lead, 988c. Wrought Iron, 760C. Nails, 1620C. Leather, 6401. Shoes, 5441. Cordage, 20 Gold Watches, 50 Silver Watches, 1335 Quarters Wheat, 826 Quarters Wheatmeal, 100 Quarters Rye, 238 Groce Pipes, 1648C. Hops, to Spain, Holland, Germany, France, Straits, & c. 8955 Stuffs, 345 Serges, 666 Kersies, 800 Says, 5332 Perpets, 230 Pair Blankets and Rugs 2000 Yards Flannel,
5115 Doz. Hose, 90c Goads Cott k dies, & c. NUMB, 11, Nottingham
- ( 2} From the British journal, April 9. LEGHORN, March 12. We have receiv'd Advice from Tripo- ly, that a Conspiracy was discover'd there, which they say was concerted by the Porte, with an Envoy the Regency had sent to Constantinople. It was to have been put in Execution after the Manner following: The four Ottoman Men of War which carried to Tunis the Commissaries of the Emperor, were at their Arrival at Tripoly to land secretly a good Number of Men to overpower the Re- gency, and settle another depending on the Porte, of which the abore- mention'd Envoy was to be declar'd Bey but the Plot being timely
discover'd, the Envoy was apprehended and beheaded. Vienna, March 30. The Envoy of Denmark at this Court has re- ceived Advice, that the Ring his Master cannot acceed, either to the Treaty of Vienna, or that of Hanover; but, For the present, will con- tinue Neuter. The Electors of Cologn and Bavaria, have not yet acceeded to the Vienna Treaty, as was reported. Paris, April 1. They write from Chaulny, in Picardy, that the Pea- Paris of that District having at their Head some of the Fraternity of the Quill, have sent Circular Letters to the most wealthy Gentlemen, Clergy, Farmers, sea commanding them to bring to a certain
Place the Sums they rate them at, threatning that in case at Non- Compliance to burn down their Habitations; and that if they should presume to ac- quaint the Court with this, they, and whatever belongs to them, shall be destroy'd with Fire and Sword.' The Play- House is so throng'd of late since the Representation of the new Play call'd Oedipus, that the best Places are taken up betimes, in- somuch, that some Days ago the Duke de Villars coming there too late, could not get into any of the Boxes, but was obliged to sit in the Pit: But his Dutchess and the Dutchess of Berwick, coming later, fared worse still; for they could be
admitted no where but in the upper Gal- lery, which is here call'd Paradise, where a Gentleman, not knowing who they were, spoke with them more familiar than he would have done, had he known their Rank 5 and at last invited them to a Collati- on, to which they promifed to go : But when he brought them to the Coach which was waiting for them, the forward Gentleman was not a little surprizd to see the Duke de Villars, who received one of the Ladies as his Wife, and gave the other her proper Title. The Gen- tleman began immediately to beg Pardon of the Duke for his Temerity, and endeavoured to excuse the Action by a
Jest, saying, That seeing iself in Paradise he laid aside all thinking there was no Distinction
Distinction of Persons there. The Duke was so pleased" with that Fun; that he made the Gentleman sup at his Table that Night, « nd has since presented him with a Lieutenant's Commission. Stockholm, March 28. M. Hopkins, Secretary of State, delivered, on the 24th Instant, to Count Freytack, the Emperor's Envoy Extra- ordinary, a Declaration containing in Substance, That he ( Count Frey- tack) was not ignorant to how many Calamities the Kingdom of Swe- den had been exposed during several Years , so that it will require seve- ral Years yet longer to restore it to its former State. That to this End the general Intereft of the
Kingdom made it necessary that Quiet and a just Ballance of Power should be maintained in the North, as also in the rest of Europe. That the Treaty of Hanover between the Crowns of France, Great- Britain, and Prussia, having no other View than to procure so salutary an End, the King and the Senate of Sweden had thought fit to acceed to it, without, nevertheless, stipulating any Thing to the Prejudice of the Emperor and Empire. And the Differ- ences about Religion in Poland are but too well known, and seeing the Grandees of that Kingdom endeavour only to amuse the Protestant Ministers by long Delays, his Imperial
Majesty would do well, for the sake of his own Interest, to order Matters in such a Manner, that an End may be put to all those Broils Count Freytack immediately sent this Declaration by Express to Vienna. Amsterdam, April 11. Here is Advice from Rome, that the Repub- licks of Venice and Lucca not thinking proper to admit the Chevalier de St. George to reside in their Territories, for fear of incurring the Displeasure of the Court of Great Britain, the said Chevalier it making Interest at the Imperial Court for Leave to reside at Bruffels. They write from Paris, that the Court being informed, that it was rumour'd abroad, particularly in
Germany, that the King had made an Accom- modation with that of Spain, and disengaged himself from the Alliance of Hanover, have sent Orders to their Secretary at Ratisbon, to con- tradict that false Rumour, which could be raised with no other View than to create a Misunderstanding between his most Christian Majesty- and the Kings of Great Britain and Prussia. with whom his faid Ma- jesty is resolved to cultivate a good Friendship and Harmony. with- out ever departing from the Alliance concluded at Hanover LONDON, April 9. Last Monday the Assizes ended at Kingston for the County of Surry; when thirteen
Malefactors, eleven Men and two Women, received Sen- tence of Death, viz, William Blewet, Edward Burnworth, alias Fra~
s 4 ; zier, Emanuel Dickenson, Thomas Berry, John Legee, and John Higg these six for the barbarous Murther of Mr. Thomas Ball} Richard Blackburn, for robbing on the Highway; Daniel Steer, for Horft- fieab. ing; Laurence Wainman and Elizabeth Bryan, for Houfe- breaking $ Robert Todd, Robert Edwards, and Sarah Price, for picking Pockets. The seven first were ordered for Execution on Wednelday, and the fix last are reprieved. During the Assizes, a Letter directed to Mr. Jofhua Williams, Cryr er of the Court, having been brought to Kingficn, containing thefe hz- pressions, viz. " Mr. Williams, We can prove by two Witnefles
that " there are Arms brought for 60 Men to affaffinate one or both the " Judges. Yours, AB. C. D. E. F. G. " Search was made in the Town on Saturday Night last, when a Quantity of Arms were found in an House there, and seized. This, with the defperate Behaviour of the Murderers, occasioned a Party of the Guards to be fret thither, to be under the Direction of the Sheriff till the Execution was over. A Woman great with Child was tried for Healing two Joints cf Meat from a Butcher. She pleaded that she long'd for theju. Being afted why she did not make her Case known to the Butcher, who migl t have credited her for them ?
She answered, No, my Lord, that would not have done, for my Longing was to steal them, - She was found guilty to the Value of IOd. Last Wednesday soon after 11 o'Clock in the the Morning, the six notorious Malefactors condemned at Kingston Assizes, for the barbarous Murder of Mr. Thomas Ball, ( as just before mention'd) were executed near the said Town, pursuant to their Sentence, as was also Richard Blackburn for robbing on the Highway,.- They were guarded from the Goal to the Place of Execution by the Sheriffs Officers, as usual, and withal by a party of about thirty Foot- Soldiers, who were posted by tile Sheriffs
Order ( which they were to obey) round the Gallows with their Pieces loaded, and Bayonets fixed to them. ' Tis thought there were Ten Thousand Spectators present, they behaved as to outward Appearance, with more Penitence than at thtir Trial and Condemna- tion, but Burnworth continued more obdurate than the rest. We hear the Body of Blackburn was given to the Surgeons for Anatomy; and that the Murderers were hung up in Chains, two and two together in the following Manner, Blewet and Burnworth hung up in Chains in St. George's Fields ; Dickenson and Berry on Keninngton Common \ - and Higgs and Legee on
the Road Side between Kingston and London. The Mothers of Blewet and Burnworth were, by, the Bailiff of King
Ston, committed to the County Goal, for endeavouring to furnish the Prisoners with Pistols, Files, Saws, and other Instruments, to make their Escape from the Stock- House. Signiora Faustina, the famous Italian, is arrived here; the Royal A- cademy of Musick having contracted with her, some Months ago, to come over to perform in the Operas. They write from Marlborough in Wiltshire, that, upon digging up an old Roman Wall near that Town, by some Workmen employed by the Earl of Hertford, there were found therein several Pieces of An- tiquity. Extract of a Letter from Worcester, dated March 23 1725- 6 On Monday last,
one John Workman, a Husbandman, went to work in a neighbouring Field about Six a- Clock in the Morning; where, a- bout Noon, he was found dead, with his Privy Parts cut off, and laid in his Hat by him ; his Body was also cut and mangled in a most bar- barous Manner. He has left a Wife and three small Children in very great Distress. Strict Search is made to find out the Murderers, but at present to no purpose. On Maunday- Thursday his Majesty's Alms were distributed as Whitehall by his Grace the Archbishop of York, Lord Almoner, to six- ty six poor aged Men and Women, being the Number of his Majesty's Years The
Charity bestow'd upon that Occasion to each Person is, Woollen Cloth for one Suit, Linnen for two Shirts, six Penny Loaves of Bread, Fish in Wooden Platters, 2 Quart Bottle of Wine, and two red Leather Purses, one with as many single Pence as the King is Years old, and the other with as many Shillings as Years of the King's Reign. The same Morning a melancholly Accident happen'd in Shoe Lane, where one Robert Tisdale, Shoe- Maker, stepping out at his Garret Win- dow upon some Leads, fell down, and dash'd out his Brains, leaving behind him a Wife and two Children. They write from Oxford, that on Friday was
Se'ennight the Tower, with the Bells, & c. of St. Peter's in the Bayley, in that City, fell up- on the Church, and beat down the Roof and Ceiling, a little before the Minister was entering to read Prayers, who very fortunately perceived the Building to crack and give way; by which Means; the further Mischief that might have happened was prevented. The same Day six Bailiffs took Possession of a Soap- Boyler's House in the said City, whereof one knocked him down, but he recover'd him- self, upon which one of them was killed on the Spot, another wound- ed, and the rest ran aWay. B Next
C < 5 Y • Next Day a Fire happened at the Mitre- Inn there, which burnt down all the Stables ; but did no other Damage. On Thursday Mr. Alderman Brocas gave up the Poll at Guildhall, at the Election of Sheriff for the Remainder of the Year, in the room of Sir Jeremiah Murden deceased, Mr. Alderman Thompson having a Ma- jority of 499, who was accordingly declared duly elected, and sworn into that Office. Last Wednesday died of a Fever, at his House in Surry- Street in the Strand, Sir Clement Wearg, Knt. his Majesty's Sollicitor- General, and Representative of the Borough of Helston in Cornwall: A Gentleman who had
very early distinguished himself in the Profession of the Law, and in a more particular Manner at the Tryal of Dr. Francis Atterbury, late Bishop of Rochester, at the Bar of the House of Lords, when hs was of Council for the Bill to inflict Pains and Penalties on that Pre- late. He was formerly Clerk of the Errors in the Exchequer Chamber. He hath left Issue by his Lady ( Daughter of the late Sir James Monta- gue, Lord Chief Baron of the Exchequer) an only Son. From the British Journal. April 16. Vienna, April 3. The Pope has ordained, that considering the Shortness of human Life, a great Jubilee shall henceforth be celebrated -
every twenty five Years, instead of fifty as hitherto. for getting pie- nary Indigencies 5 on Condition however, that every Person shall be obliged to visit every Year, fifteen Times a- foot, four Churches-, and this from the Beginning of Lent till the 27th of May ensuing. In O- bedience to this new Ordinance, the Emperor attended by the whole Court, has already been several Times at the four principal Churches ot this City, whither he went a- foot over Boards laid along the Streets for that Purpose. Such Persons who by Sickness or other Impediments, should not be in a Condition to perform this Injun£ tion, muft get a Dispensation
either from the Pope's Nuncio or our Archbishop. Hague, April 7. They write from Embden, That on the 7th Ins- tant, eighty Troopers, a hundred Foot, four hundred Militia, and two or three thousand Boors, who were sent the Night before from Zu- rich, by Order of the Prince of Friesland, attempted to surprize the Garrison of Lier; but that Captain Andree, who commands in that Place, having had timely lntelligence of their Design, not only prg- Vented the Execution thereof, but obliged also the Prince's Troops to retire to Aurich, leaving behind them most of their Arms, Ammuni- tion, & c And that the next Day two Notaries of
Aurich, dispatched by the Imperial Commissioners, came to Embden, to signify to the Ma
gistrates forthwith to withdraw the Garrison they had sent to Liers but that the said Magistrates thought fit not to comply therewith. Some Advices from Petersburg say, That a Cabinet Council had been held in Presence of the Empress, in which the Treaty of Hano- ver was taken into Deliberation and that each Member being requi- red to give his Opinion in Writing, whether the Accession to that Al- liance would be for the Advantage of the Russian Empire, all the Suf- frages were unanimous, That it would. LONDON. Last Week James Duglas, Esq was married to her Grace the Dutch- ess Dowager of Ancaster. On Tuesday Dr.
Peploe, Lord Bishop of Chester, was consecrated at St. Margaret's Westminster,' by his Grace the Archbishop of York, assisted by the Bishops of Durham, St. Asaph, and some other Prelates. We hear that the prosecution against Margaret Hayes, Thomas Bil- lins, and Thomas Wood, for the inhuman Murder of John Hayes, is to be carried on at the King's Expence, and manag'd by Mr. Cracherode Sollicitor to. the Treasury. They write from Plymouth, that Admiral Hosier, with four Men of War under his Command, appear'd off of that Port on the 9th Instant, early in the Morning and upon making the proper Signal, the Rip- pon
and Dunkirk immediately put to Sea, and join'd them 5 and the Wind being strong at East, they proceeded altogether on their Way for Madera and West India ; the Greyhound Man of War, Captain Sol- guard, belonging to the same Squadron, having sail'd from Portimcuth for Madera ( to provide Wines, & c. for the said Fleet) some Days before. On Sunday in the Evening the Lord Carteret, Lord Lieutenant of Ireland arriv'd in Town with a great Retinue. His Majesty has been pleas'd 10 appoint Richard Sutton Esq; to be his Envoy Extraordinary to the King of Prussia. On the Burser of St. John's College, Oxon, cutting down a fine
Row of Trees. Indulgent Name to each Kind bestows A secret Instinct to discern its Foes. The Goose a silly Bird, avoids the fox, Lambs fly from Wolves, and Sailors steer from Rocks A Rogue the Gallows at his Fate foresees, And bears the like Antipathy to Trees. fi
( 8) A true Report of the great number of Poor Children, and Other Poor People Maintain'd in the several Hopitals, under the Pious Care of the Lord Mayort Commonalty, and Citizens of the City of London, the Year last past. CHRIST'S Hospital. Children put forth Apprentices, and dir- charged out of the said Hospital the Year last past . Children Buried the Year last past 3, Children now remaining under the Care and Charge of the said Hos- pital. 997, Sr. Bartholomew's Hospital. There have been cur'd and discharg'd from the said Hospital, the Year last past, of wounded. maimed sick, and diseased Persons, out of this great
City, and other Parts of his Majestys Dominons and Foreign Parts . Buried this Year, after much Charge in their Illness Remaining under Care at the Charge of the said Hospital, St Thomas's Hospital. There have been cured and discharged from the said Hospital in Southwark, this last Year, of wounded, maimed, sick, and diseased, out of this great City, and several Parts of his Ma- jesty's Dominions and Foreign Parts. . Buried from thence this Year after much Charge in the Time of their Sickness. 392, Remaining under Cure at the Charge of the said Hospital Bridewell Received this last Year into the said Hospital, Vagrants
and other indigent and miserable People, all which have had Physick, and such other Relief, at the Charge of the said Hospital, as their Ne- cessities requir'd. 289 Maintained in the said Hospital, and brought up in divers Arts and Trades at the only Charge of the said Hospital, Apprentices . Bethlem Hospital. Admitted into the said Hospital this last Year, distracted Men and Women . Cur'd of their Lunacy, and discharged thence the said Year, seve- ral of which were reliev'd with Cloathing and Money at their Depar- ure Distracted Persons buried the last Year, after much Charge bestow'd upon them in their Lunacy and Sickness.
9 Now remaining in the said Hospital under Cure, and provided fo' with Physick, et, and other Relief, at the Charge of the said Host
Besides which, divers Persons who have been cured in the said Hospi- tal, are provided for with Physick as out- Patients, at the Charge of the said Hospital, to prevent a return of their Lunacy. A true Report ( for the year, last past) of the Work house in Bishopsgates. Street, erected pursuant to an Act of Parliament made in the Reign of Kng Charles II. cHildren in the House at Lady Day, 1725 143. Since) ad~ mated 65 Discharged and put forth Apprentice, or to Set- vice in several good Families, 37. Buried 3. . Remain- 5 ing 168. These are religiously educated according to the Usage of the Church of england, and are employed
in spinning Wool, Sewing, and Knit- ting : They are Dieted and Cloathed, and duly taken Care of in Sick- ness: They are taught to Read, Write, and Cast Accompt, whereby they are qualified for Services and honest Imployments. Vagabonds. Beggars, pilfering, and other young Vagrants, lewd, and disorderly Persons duly committed in the Year last past were 657 aad 59 that remain'd at Lady- Day, 1725. In all Dis- charged . - Remaining at Lady- Day 1726 54, These Vagabonds, Beggars, & c. have proper Reliefs are imployed either in beating of Hemp, picking of Oakum, or washing of Linnen { whicH, by God's Blessing, and
these Means, have been brought to a right Sense of their Crimes; and many of them have reformed, and used an honest Industry afterwards for their Livelihoods. On Saturday Night- last a Fire happened at a Sugar- Baker's House near Hoxton Square, which consumed the same, and damaged some otherd . And,-. Next Morning, between Twelve and One of the Clock, another Fire broke out in RatclifF Highway, near Ratcliff- cross which burnt with great Violence for six or seven Hours, and consumed, as is computed, about fifty Tis said it began in an empty House, that three Fellows set it or Fire; and that a Woman that
observed their Villany knocked down by them. On Saturday last Burnworth and Blewet, two of the Murtherers of Mr. Thomas Ball, were hung in Chains in St. George's Fields, near the Place were the Murder was committed; Dickenson and Berry were hung on Kennington common ; and on Monday Legee and Higgs were hung up on Cambridg Heath, not far distant thence, The Body 7" .... of
( 10 ) of Dickenson was, by Order of the Government, taken down the next Day, and delivered to his Friends Which Favour, we hear, was shewn, in regard to the Memory of his Father, a Lieutenant in the English Army, who signalized himself at the Siege of Aire, where he lost his Life. And on Sunday Night he was accordingly taken down. Mrs Sophia How, some Time since Maid of Honour to her Royal Highness, died lately at her Mother's Apartment in Somerset- House. We are informed that if the Bill for preventing frivolous and vexa- tious Arrests, now depending in Parliament, should pass into a Law, it would not only
preserve the Lives of many poor Debtors, who end their Days in Confinement, but also save the City of London several Hundred Pounds per Annum, now expended in keeping the most mi- serable amongst them from perishing in Prison. Last Saturday Might died, at his Seat in Shire- Oaks, in Nottingham- shire, Sir Thomas Hewet, Knt. Survey0r General of his Majesty's Works " Tis said that he will be succeeded in that Office by Richard Arundell, Esq, Member of Parliament for the Borough of Knaresborough, in the County of York. From the British JOURNAL, April 23. Hague, April 26. N. S. The Danish General Berner, who
made so much Noise here in the Decline of Life, for his Fanatical Tenets, has done something to be talk'd of after his Death, by appointing ene of his Tribe Executor of his Will, and leaving him several considerable Lega- cies, in Prejudice of his only Son, who is about twelve Years of Age. The Person, whom he has thus named Executor, was in the General's Life time his Grand Confident, by whose Means he kept a Correspon- dence ( as he imagined) with the Angel Raphael; for this Fellow used to go between them, as he pretended, and carry Messages from one to the other; under which Pretence, it is certain, he gain'd the
entire Attendant over the old General, and could make him do just as he pleas'd, because the Angel Raphael would have it so This Messenger's Name is Winkeler and he is the Son of a Lutheran Divine of Nurem- berg, who was forced to fly upon a Charge of Heresy, He is accused of abundance of knavish Tricks to get Money out of the deceased Ge- neral 5 for which he is now likely to account, being clapp'd up in Pri- son by Messieurs de Plessen, by Authority of the Court of Holland, whole Attorney- General prosecutes the Affair with Vigour, and will bring it to a speedy Determination, and perhaps a terrible one too, for,
beside Knavery, they lay Blasphemy at the Door ot this Winkeler, and pretend to prove it by a Letter he in Confidence entrusted with
the Count Von Flohr, upon his earned Request to see how he directed it to the Angel Raphael; and the Count instead o! returning it, com- municated it to the Danish Envoy, who has delivered it to the Plessens to make what use they please of it. Mean while the Court of Holland have withdrawn their Guard of Archers, that was in the General's Country- House, to save Expence. LONDON. ' We hear that Mr. Ripley, the present Master Mason, is to succeed Sir John Vanbrug deceas'd, as Comptroller of the Works * that Mr. Kent, History Painter, is to succeed him as Master Mason ; that Mr. Dartiqueave, Pay Master of the Works,
is to be Surveyor of the King's Gardens and Fountains, in the room of the said Sir John Vanbrug and that Mr Howard, Keeper of his Majesty's Papers of State, will succeed him in the Office of Pay- Master. They write from Turberg in Switzerland, That a young Woman of that Place who is looked upon as a Prophetess, has not been seen ei- ther to eat or drink for the Space of nine Months last past ; whereup- on the Regency thought fit to send thither Physicians to enquire into . the Truth of it, who declare that her Body performs none of the na- tural Functions ; and when by main Force she was compell'd to take any Food,
whether Meat or Broth, she brought it all up again, and vomited Blood with it. Several Persons have been set as Watch over her, who are to sit up by Turns, and observe her very carefully, that they may give an exact Account of her Actions, being sworn to declare the exact Truth of the Matter. Mr. Fisher the High- Bailiff of that Place is to have a watchful Eye over all, ' Tis pretended that for se- veral Years before, she had no other Food than raw Milk, which ' tis tho't, brought her to the Condition she is in now. They write from Warsaw, April 13. That M. de Vitzthum, Mi- nister of State, and the King's High Chamberlain was kill'd
that Mor- ning in a Duel, three Leagues from thence, by M. Chilly, created of late his Majesty's Chamberlain. They went very early in the Mornn ing to fight with Pistols ; M de Vitzthum, having first fir'd, did but slightly wound M. de Chilly ; but this latter took his Aim so right in discharging his Pistol, that his Adversary dropt down, and died with- in a few Hours. M. de Chilly retired immediately to the Nuncio's Pa- lace before which a strong Guard has been placed. Extract of a Letter from the Downs, April 19. By the Commanders of several Ships, just now arrived here with Salt from St. Ubes, we have an Account that on the 16th of
last Month, about
about 70 Leagues off Cape St. Vincent, the Crew of the William and Elizabeth, bound from Cette with Wine, & c for Holland, murdered Capt, Mitchel their Commander, by cutting his Skull asunder with an Ax, and threw him over board ; after which they stood in to Lagos Bay, where the Ships drove about three Days ; and the Crew with two Greeks they had on board got ashore ; and three Men and a Boy come to St. Ubes, who being examined who they belonged to, were iound in different Stories; upon which they were committed to Goal, and Advice was sent thereof to Lisbon. The Family of the murder d Captain, lives at Deal.
Yesterday came on the Tryal of Thomas Billings the Taylor, Tho- mas Wood a Farmer's Servant, and Katherine Hayes, for the barba- rous Murder of Mr. John Hayes ; both the Men pleaded guilty ; but Katherine Hayes, the Wife of the Person murder'd, pleaded not guil- ty; However she made but a very poor Defence, the Cause being ve- ry bad on her Side ; so that upon hearing the Evidences, the Jury brought her in guilty. We hear that Charles Talbot, of Lincoln's Inn, Esq; Representa- tire of the City of Durham, is appointed his Majesty's Sollicitor- Ge- ntral, in the room of Sir Clement Wearg Knt deceased. We hear from
Portsmouth, that three inferior Officers of the Cus- toms were drowned there in a little Boat on Monday Night. How it happened is not yet known, nor do People seem agreed about it. Two of their Bodies were found on the Short beyond South Sea Castle the next Morning, They have begun to inclose a great Part of Hyde Park, which is to be wall'd round for the Improvement of ths Paddock, and the Roy- al Gardens at Kensington and ' tis said his Majesty designs to build a Summer House near Bayes Watering. To- day the Royal Regiment of Blue Guards, commanded by his Grace the Duke of Bolton, is to be review'd at
Hounslow ; after which three Troops of the said Regiment are to march to Nottingham, three more to Leicester, and the other three are to remain in Middlesex. The Princess Mary, that was lately inoculated for the Small Pox, is well recover'd. On Monday Mr, Alderman Thompson was sworn at the Exchequer Court, Westminster, with the usual formalities, into the Office of She- riff of London and Middlesex for the Remainder of the Year, in the room or Sir jeremiah Murden. deceased. They write from Bath, April 9. That several Coaches were robb'd in
in Marlborough Forrest the Week before by two Highwayman, were come into those Parts to take the Advantage of the Season. Tis said they overturned some of the Coaches, after taking out the Hones, which is a Way practis'd of late by the Highwaymen, the better to fa- vour their Escape with their Plunder. From St. James's Evening Post, April Yesterday at the Sessions in the Old Baily came on the Trials of Thomas Billings, Thomas Wood, and Katherine Hayes, whica two Men pleaded guilty to their Indiaments ; but Mrs. Hayes being let to the Bar, the King's Council after having open'd the Nature © f the Cafe and shew'd the
Heinousness thereof, proceeded to examine the Evidence to prove the Facts against the Prisoner. The Evidence confided in circumstantial Facts, and the Confession of the Prisoner after the Com- mission of the Fact. Several of the Evidences swore to divers Facts, the Substance whereof was, That the Prisoner the Night Mr. Hayes was murdered, fetch'd six Bottles of Wine, and afterwards sent for a- nother to treat Billins, Wood, and her Husband with, that after ha- Ving made Mr. Hays fuddled, Wood and Billins dragg'd him into ano- ther Room under Pretence of laying him upon the Bed for his Repose - that, one of them
giving him a Blow with a Hatchet on the hinder part of the Head, Mr. Hayes made a Noise with his Feet ; that a Lodger coming down to enquire the Occasion of the Noise, Mrs. Hayes told her ' twas only fome Friends who come to see them and had a Mind to be merry ; that the Lodger coming down a second time (' after the Mur- der appears to have been committed) Mrs. Hayes invited her to sit with her in another Room, which she complying with, saw something carried down Stairs by Billings and Wood, ( which she since apprehends to have been the Head of Mr. Hayes,) and some time afterwards fee- ing one of them carry
out a Bundle of Cloaths in a white Cloth, told Mrs. Hayes of it, who reply'd, it was only a Suit of Cloaths he had borrow'd of a Neighbour which he was then going to carry home; the Evidence to whom the said Cloaths were carry'd to, appear'd in Count ^ with them, and they appearing to have been Hayes's, the unexpected Sight of which caus'd Mrs. Hayes to fall in a Swoon. It appeared by the Evidence, that Mrs. Hayes being examined touching this Murder,' acknowledge to them that Billings and Wood had engaged themselves upon her Account s that she repented nothing she had done, excepting her having brought in two
young Men to suffer for her Sake ; and that there had been a Conspiracy for some time before to murder Mr. It is certain that notwithstanding her Denial of the '
• ( 14 ) at her Tryal, being told that Wood had accus'd her of proposing the Murder to them three Weeks before the Fact was committed, she has- tily denied the same, adding ' twas not above three Days before it was done. At another time Billings being asked in her Hearing, if he wae not Mr Hayes's Son, she passionately desired the Querist to ask no Questions of that Nature, for that Billins himself did not know how neatly he was related to her ; but added, before she went off from the Cart she doubted it would appear to the World. Finding that Wood had made a full Confession of all the Particulars of this horrid Murder, she
sent him Word, ' twas hard he would not sufFer her to be hanged a- long with him, but by discovering all the Circumstances of the Murder he would subject her to an Indictment of Petty Treason, whereby see must be burned, seeming not to expect any other than Death, but the only Terror was the Method of it. She persisted in the Fact both du- ring her Tryal, and after Conviction, when taken from the Bar. Extract of a Letter that Thomas Wood, who stands convicted of the barbarous Murther of Mr. John Hayes, sent to some of his Friends during his Confinement in Newgate. ——— I unfortunately going to Mrs, Hayes's House to
see Thomas Billins, they persuaded me to lodge with them, and they would em- ploy me as they did other Country People, which satisfy'd me very well, Money being short with me, and Times troublesome. But I had not been there above four Days, but this wicked Woman ( Mrs. Hayes) made her Addresses to me that her Husband beat and mortify'd her that she could not live with him, for that he had killed a Man in the Coun- try, before he came to London, and two of her Children which she had by him ( born and christen'd) aud ten more ; but she was afraid to live with him, he daily threatning her Life, and if I'd consent to kill
him she was worth 14 or 1500 1. and I should have it all ; which I resent- ed very much, and told her the Danger of it in this Life and in the World to come ; but she answer'd that it Was no more Sin to do it, than to kill either a Dog or a Cat, for he damn'd Christ and the Re- surrection, and said there was no God This pass'd on two or three Days and then she pursued this Matter farther but I still deny'd it as I did before, and never thought to do it, and several Times had a Mind to tell Daniel Mason the secret, but had not an Opportunity, being unwilling to disgrace this Woman, and throw myself out of Work ( the my Sorrow, Shame
and Sin.) she prevailed with the Tailor, its eager as she, so on the suit Day of March last I my Friends.
15) At my Return to my Lodgings I met Mrs. Hayes at the Door, who ask'd me to drink a Dram; I said that I had rather have same Drink, for I was very dry : So she gave me Sixpence into my Hand, and I went to the Pound and had two Pints of beer, and in drinking the last in came Billings to look for me, so I went with him to Mrs. Hayes's, where they haul got some strong Beer, and in drinking of it Mr. Hayes said, that he and another drank a Guinea in Wine and was not drunk; Billings answered and said, if he would but undertake to drink halt as much as be would, to pay for it, but if he did not drink it, he then should pay for it
himself; the Money was put down and the Wine fetch'd, and he drank of it, but little thought of the Design. I ask'd Mr. Hayes if he would give me any, he answer'd, if he did he fhould loofe his Money, and so would drink it off. I then fetch'd two Pints of Groat Beer to drink whilst he was drinking the Wine; we were all drunk, and Mr. Hayes went to lie on the Bed, and Billings follow'd him and with the Coal Ax ( as he lay on the Bed) struck him on the back Part of his Head, which Blow kill'd him, & c. From Jackson's Letter. We hear that his Majesty's Command under the Privy Seal is sent to Spain, requiring the Duke of Wharton, ( who
is gone to the Pretender) to return to England 5 and that if he refuses. he will be attainted by Parliament. From the Post House Letter, of April 26. The Swedes have begun to equip their Men of War and Frigots at Carlescroon, and Orders are sent to the Provinces to recruit the Troops with all speed. An Imperial General Officer is gone to Ostend and Newport to give Directions for repairing the Fortifications of those Places. Some French Colours have been bless'd at the Church of Notre- Dame at Paris, which they take for a Token of War. Waraaw, April 13. The Grandees of Poland are much exasperated against the Protestants
of Thorn, became they refuse to enter into any Negotiation unless their Church and School be previously restor'd to them. Vienna, April 17. We hare receiv'd Advice from Turin, that 1 King of Sardinia has acceeded to the Treaty of Hanover, and has solv'd to augment his Forces to 40000 Men. The Commons resolv'd that two penny Scots on all Beer: Glasgow till 1738, for raising * 6o8o 1. to make Campbell for his Damages at the late Riot. ' on Snuff be repealed and the Rate of
16 ) our Plantations, be two Shillings 6 d. per Pound 5 and from Italy, Spain Portugal and other Parts, ( except France) b « 5 s. per Pound. Whale Fins, Oyl Blubber, & c. to be imported by any of his Majes= ty's Subjects from Greenland, & c. without Duty for the same for five Years. — There has been paid off of the publick Debts last Year, aa appears by the Account given in to Parliament 1251632. The Estates of the South Sea Directors sold amount to 19873521. 10s, unsold 45o 9000 so the whole Produce will be near two Millions, This Day the King gave gave the Royal Assent to the Malt and Victuallers Bills, to • a 9 Road
Bills, and to 19 private Bills. The Commons read the Bill for Sale of forfeited Estates in Scotland, and to that to prevent fraudulent Seizure of foregn Goods. P. S. We hear from Hull, That Mr, Eaton's Annual Ship the Concord lately came in there, laden with Port Wines, which nat only exceed Expectation, confidering the Season, but by able Judges that Way, are reckon'd to fall nothing short of thode he imported the last Year; some of which are since come up the River, and lately land- ed at his Vault at Trent Bridge, for which he has great Denwnd, ac- cording to the Proverb, A bon Vin il tfy faut point D'Enseigne. Dr. ROCK'S
famous PL AISTER for Worms, Agues,& c approv'd of by most Physicians in the City of London. TH IS Plaister being apply'd to the Pit of the Stomach, speedi\ y bringt away and destroys all Sorts of Worms, from the Bodies of Men Wo- men and Children it gives present Relief in the Cholick, Ptysick or Short- ness ef Breath; for any violent Pain, Stoppage of the stomach of ever so long standing ; it cures the Heart burn, trembling or fluttering of the Heart; it creates a lost Appetite, and takes away a Pain in any Part of the Body, ef a Bruise, Strain, Swelling, Weakness in your Children's Backs, that proceed front a Fall er inward
Weakness, or Rickett: For an Ague or Fe- ver, it is the best Plaister that ever was invented, and so safe that a CbiU ef three Yeats old may have it apply'd without the least Danger. For the Benefit of the Poor, the said Plaisters with Dirctions are sold four for one ing. Note, a fresh Parcel is lately come in. m, Printed and Sold by John Collyer, at the Hen- Cross Cotton's Wonders of the Peak neatly printed in a Poe- ed Tobacco Snuff, now taken by most Gentlemen