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The Nottingham Monthly Miscellany


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The Nottingham Monthly Miscellany

Date of Article: 10/02/1725
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Volume Number:     Issue Number: 8
No Pages: 6
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NUMB, 8, THURSDAY, February 10. 1725- 6. GOODS Imported and Exported at the Port of LONDON from December 20, to January 20. 1 * 1824 Casks Wine' 265° Gallons Brandy, 1000 gallons Rum, 510 Gallons Geneva, from Portugal, Holland Jamaica, & c. 50,000 Linnen, 30o, o0o Yards ditto, German- Linnen, 1634 Lawns,' 5340 Yards Da- from Qitend, Ireland, Hambro, Holland, 1600 Casks Sugar, 84560 Oranges and Lemons Mallaga, West indies, 100o Tons of Iron, 400 C. Plates, 150ol. Steel- Wire, 1000 Deer- skins 50C. Feathers; 812 C. Madder, from Sweden New- York, Leghorn, & c. 50Gallons Aquafortis, 500l. Gum Tra- gant, 1301. Cantharides, from Berbadoes, Leghorn, & c. Exported. 8oo Ounces For. Gold, 8oooo Ounces Foreign 568 G. Tin, 850 C. Wrought iron. 76c C. Lead Shot Fodder Lead, 908 C. Leather, 100 Tons Cordage, 5000l. Shoes, 3290 Quarters Wheat, 100 Quarters Pease, to Holland, Spain, Lisbon, New- England, Straits, West- Indies, Flanders, France, & c. 18336 Stuff;, 30o Serges, 500 ' 355 Says, 2640 Perpets, 650 Double Bays, 542 Mini- kin Bay, 150 pair Blankets and Rugs, 918 Yards Flannel. 2650 Dozen 655 Dozen Castors and Felts, 500 Dozen Caps, 8130 Yards Frieze, to France, Spain, Portugal, & c. Nottingham ( 2 ) From the British Journal, Jan. 29. FOREIGN AFFAIRS. BERLIN, Jan. 22. On the 20th the new- born Prince was baptized and nam'd Frederick- Henry Lewis, by Mr. Nolte- nius, Preacher to the Court, in Pretence of the King and the Royal Family, several Foreign- Ministers, the General Office is, & c. The Prince Royal stood Godfather: The o- ther Godfathers were the King of Denmark, the Dukes of Orleans and of Bourbon and the Godmothers, the Queens of France and Polaad. Hague jan. 24. Mr. Oliver, Secretary, charg'd with the Affairs of Spain, having presented a Memorial, notifying to their High Mighti- nesses, that his Catholick Majesty is inclin'd to use his Mediation tor accommodating the Differences between the Emperor and the State, upon the Commerce of the Austrian Netherlands to the Indies. Their High Mightinesses have taken a Resolution, the Substance of which is as follows. That it shall be signify'd to the said Secretary, in Anfwerto his memorial that their High Mightiness held. themselves oblig'd to his said Majesty for the repeated Assurances of his Friendship, on which their. High Mightinesses set a high Value, and will endeavour always to preserve it.- That they are also very glad his Majesty is inclin'd to favour the Commerce and Navigation of the State, and willing to exa- mine and redress their Grievances conformable to their Treaties - That their Highnesses will expect the Effects of it, and on their Part will likewise always religiously observe the Treaties, & c. Moreover their High Mightinesses considering, according to a formal Declaration of Count Koningseck their Imperial and Catholick Majesties have already agreed to maintain with united Forces the Imperial Company of Com- merce in the Netherlands, against the least Hindrance ofFer'd to its Na- vigation, their High Mightinesses cannot comprehend how bis Majes- ty's Mediation, while such Engagements subsist, can be put in Practice with sufficient Impartiality, & c. That their High Mightinesses find- ing themselves much injured, by what is stipulated in the said Marine Treaty in Favour of the said Commerce of the Austrian Netherlands, and to the Prejudice of the State, cannot but insist that his Catholick Majesty will be pleas'd to consider of the Means ( or removing this Grie- vance ; and that by his effectual Offices he will prevail with his Impe- rial Majesty, that the said Commerce of the Austrian Netherlands may cease, for redressing the Grievances of their High Mightiness OH that Account. London (?) LONDON. They write from Geneva, that the Baron Von Cedernhielm and M. Von Horleman, both Natives of Sweden, fought a Duel lately in Swis- serland, to put an end to an old Grudge. The Baron gave the other time to fire first •, and receiving no Hurt thereby, he made him an Offer of his Friendship, without firing; which being too gene- rous for Mr. Horleman to refuse, they became sincere Friends upon the Spot. It appears, by Enquiry taken by Order of his Majesty's Justices of the Peace tor the County of Middlesex, in their General Quarter Sessi- ons assembled, that there are within the Weekly Bills of Mortality, and such other Parts of this County as are now, by the Contiguity of Buildings become Part of this Town, ( exclusive of London and South- ward) 6187 Houses and Shops, wherein Geneva, or other strong Wa- ters are publickly sold by Retale. Mr. Price, who presented his Majesty so early the last Spring with fine Fruits, has already in Blossom in his Garden at Vaux- Hall, both Plums, Peaches, Abricots and Nedarines, being a very great Rarity - at this Time of the Year, as well as an agreeable Entertainment for those that delight in Gardening. I On Tuesday Morning last died in an advanced Age, Sir Rowland Gwyn, who in the Reign of King William was Member of Parliament for Radnor, and brought in the Bill for settling the Protestant Succes- fion in the illuftrious House of Hanover, & c. He went to that Electo- rate in the late Reign; but having writ a Letter for calling over the Princess Sophia, which gave some Disgust: to our Court, it was thought fit he should retire from Hanover, as he accordingly did for Hamburg; from whence upon his Majesty's Accession he came over hither and was fome Time at Court; but retired afterwards to the Liberties of the King's Bench, where he dy'd. From our Portsmorth Letters of the 25th Instant. THE Leopard came up to Spithead last Thursday. A sad Acci. dent happened at her coming to an Anchor: As the Men were furling of the Foresail, something that several of them lay upon in a Poise, gave Way and five Men fell down upon the Forecastle, one of whom was kill'd outright, and all the rest very dangerously wound- ed ; one broke his Thigh, two scalp'd a considerable Part of their Heads, besides receiving ether great Contusions, and the other far'd ot much better ; but the poor Man, that was kill'd had both ms, both Legs, his Back and Skull broke with the Fall. Another sad * sad Accident happen'd on board this Ship on the Coast of Holland .• * As two Men were sitting on the End of one of the Yards, it broke off * and the Men were thrown into the Sea, and never seen afterwards. Tihey write from Dublin Jan. 18. That a Proclamation was pubish- cd there, offering 1ool. Reward for apprehending one John Vicars, within twelve Months, for forcibly carrying away, and marrying a- gainst her Will, Jane Davies, Spinster of Ballinenk in the County of Carlow. A Reward is also offer'd for the Priest who married them, and for any of the Accessaries in the Fact The Dutch Leyden Gazette, in the Article from Vienna dated the 16th Inst N. S. says, That on the 14th arriv'd an Express from War- saw, with News ( as ' twas said) that the Turks in a Grand Divan or Council had resolv'd to declare War against two northern Powers. The States General have strictly forbid the publishing any Libels or ( Writings about State Affairs or Religion without Authority. Yesterday the Commons resolv'd that a Supply be granted to his Majesty for the Service of the Year 1726, and order'd the House to be call'd ever on Monday the 14th of February. Mr. Speaker reported the King's Answer to their Address, as follows. IReturn you my Thanks for this most dutiful and loyal Address: I make no Doubt but you will soon be sensible of the good Effect oi this seasonable Vigour and Resolution. You may be sure I will make n0 Use of the Confidence you repose in me, but for preserving to us the Blessing of Peace, and for promoting the Honour and Interest of this Nation. This Day the Lords only received some Appeals and adjourn'd till To- morrow. The Commons order'd to adress his Majesty for the usual Estimates and Accounts of the Land Tax for the Service of the Year 1726, to be said before the House ; also an Account of the neat Produce of Tax upon Papists, and how many Exchequer Bills have been paid off by the sink ing Fund They write from Paris, that their Ministers of State have Abundan of Business upon their Hands, on Account of the present Juncture of _ fairs in Europe and People talk of nothing but an approaching W for which Purpose they say the King, s Troops are going to be augme ed with 40000 Men. It is tho t very strange by some, that no bassador has as yet been sent thither by the Imperial Court nor so as one appointed. • c ?) On Tuesday the following Ships were put into Commission at the Admiralty- Office, viz. Ships. Grafton, Hampton- Court, Preston, Chatham, Newcastle, Swallow, Tyger, Winchester, Hampshire, Rochester, Assistance, Weymouth, Captains. Rates. Men. Charles Hardy, Third 440 Robert Hughes, Third 440 Edward Reddish, Fourth 280 —-— Whitney, Fourth 280 ' —— Brown, —— Dansay, Fourth 280 Fourth 280 William Davis, Fourth 280 James Luck, Fourth 280 Weller, Fourth 280 Atkins, Fourth 280 Eaton, Fourth 280 Chamberlaine, Fourth 280 GUNS. 7o 70 5° 50 50 So 50 5o 50 5° 5o Besides these ( as the General Post Office Letter tells us) 2 Fireships have been put into Commission, and the 18 Guard Ships orderd to com. pleat their whole Number of Men ; what the whole Number of Ships will be, is yet uncertain 5 however ' tis talk'd that 3 seperate Squadrons will be sent out early in the Spring, viz, to the West Indies, the Me- diterranean and the Baltick, each commanded by an Admiral. We hear that on Sunday last his Royal Highness had at his Table a rift of Garden Beans, being a Present from the Earl of Grantham. We are aftur'd that great Numbers of Mariners and maritime Towns and Fanfhes, have under their Hands set forth and discover'd many Grievances which they labour under, for want of Officers to register the Powers, or Orders given by Sailors on their Pay; with an effectual Method to prevent the like Grievances for the future, by having the necessary Occasions of the Sailors and their Families, at all times sup- plied at far less than half the Allowance, till their respective Ships are paid \ and then each Sailor will receive the Remainder of his Wages himself : This Project, we hear is design'd to be said before his Majes- ty, not doubting of Success; for they by the aforesaid Method, propose that all Frauds and Abuses shall be prevented, and that the Roya! Na- vy will on all Occasions, be effectually mann'd with voluntary and able Seamen without impressing ; their Encouragement being far greater, than if their Pay was much more than it is, - They; ( 6) They write from Norwich, that the Waters about that City had ris- . en to such a Degree by the Thaw, that in several Streets the Inhabitants were obliged to row in Boats, to keep Communication with their Neigh- bours, and many were forc'd to quit their Habitations; the like Flood has not been known for thirty Years. ' Tis added, that a Chariot of a new Invention, without Wheels, went about several Parts of the City without the help of Horses, being moved only by the Man who rode in it It was made by one Briggs a Millwright, and is reckoned a great Curiosity by the Spectators, who were very numerous. Yesterday the Lords only appointed Days for hearing Causes, and adjourn'd to Friday. The Commons in a Committee, resolved, that 1000o Men be allow- ed for Sea Service for the Year 1726, and 4 1. per Month be allowed for maintaining them, including the Ordnance for Sea- Service. Saturday the 29th the Lords only received some more Appeals, and, adjournal to Monday. The Commons in a Grand Committee Resolv'd, That the Number of effective Men to be provided for Guards and Garrisons in Great- Bri- tain, Guernsey and Jersey, 1726, be ( including 1815 Invalids, and 324. Men which 6 Independant Companies consist of for the Service of the Highlands) 18226 Men, Commission and Non- Commission Officers included. And that 655173I. 2 d. be granted to his Majesty for defraying the Charges thereof. Also, voted the usual Sums of Money for the Garrisons in the Plan- tations Minorca and Gibralter, for the out Pensioners of Chelsea Hos- pital, & c, There was a considerable Debate before the first Resolution, wherein Mr. Shippen, Mr. Pulteney, and others, who were for lessening the Number of Forces, argued in general, that what the two Foreign Pow- ers would do to us, ought to be slighted with Contempt: and that we shou'd let them know- it so far, as to disband 4000 of the Forces; and that they could not visit us without our own Consent, by reason of the Fleet, & c. Sir Robert Walpole, Mr. Onslow and others, who were for the present Number said, that the Resolutions of this House of Com- mons, and the keeping up the present Number of Forces were the lik- liest Means to preserve Peace in Europe ; and quoted History to prove of what great Effect such Resolutions had been of toward preserving Peace, and keeping the Ballance of Power, even in the Reign of King Henry the Eighth, but particularly in Queen Elizabeth's.
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