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The Weekly Journal : Or British Gazetteer Being the freshest Advices Foreign and Domestic


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The Weekly Journal : Or British Gazetteer Being the freshest Advices Foreign and Domestic

Date of Article: 02/01/1725
Printer / Publisher: J. Read 
Address: White-Fryars, near Fleet-street, London
Volume Number:     Issue Number: 
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c , fltd- StllK' L Gazetteer. Being the freshest Advices Foreign and Domestick. SATURDAY, JANUARY 2, 1725. Friend READ, Whitchurch, Dec. 34 1724. I HOPE among your Entertainments of the Town, a clever sort of a Joke, as we call it here in the Country, will not at this merry Time of the Year be unaccepra- ble, for tho' it may be as plain as a PikestafF, yet there are several of us know it to be as right as my Leg, so that tho' it is not so bright, yet it must be allow'd to be much better than most of your London Stories, because when we tell the Truth, we shame the Devil, which, you know, is the Duty of every good Christian. But as to my Story. You must know, Friend Read, that we have had for some Time past a Mountebank in these Parts, as arch a Wag as ever trod a Stage, an excellent Tongue- Pad O! he discourses most rarely; I have stood be- fore now above an Hour by the Clock on a Saturday in the Market to hear him make his Speech, and in Troth he spoke so well, that I thought I edify'd as much as next Day in another Place ; and besides, he's handsome, and takes mightily with the good Wives and Lasses, among whom he has done such Feats, that he is reported to have caus'd almost as many as he has kill'd, which is an Excellence that distin- guishes him here, not only from the rest of his own, but even those of a much graver Denomination; But among all his Talents, there is none renders him more popular than his great Proficiency in the lawful Part of the Magick Art, as he calls it; he's as well acquainted with the Stars, he says, as ever Partridge was, and as great a Conjurer as Dr. Faustus, at least as he is lately represented : He told a suspi- cious Person not long since, that in a little time he should be exalted, and the next Assizes the Fellow was hang'd for Horse stealing: A marry'd Woman, whose Husband was gone to London to attend a Law Suit, coming to know what Success they should have in their Business; the Doctor seeing her big with Child, told her, She need not be uneasy for she might de- pend upon it, her Business was done effecually ; after this the Woman being brought to Bed of two Children at a Birth, notwithstanding she lost her Cause. the Dr. gain'd extraordinary Credit by dextrously applying his Words to that Sense. But the most remarkable Instance of his Address, and what I chiefly design'd to acquaint you with, was this: Humphrey Hoardmuch, a rich old miserly Farmer, has got a Very jolly buxom Daughter, whose Name is Dolly, she's his only Child, and of so fresh a Complexion, and withal so well shap'd, that she has made most of the young Fellows Mouths water about the Country ; but then when you've said she's pretty, you've said all, for she never convers'd with any thing more sensible than her Father's Cows: In short, the old Fellow is of Opinion that Knowledge always occasions more Evil than Good, and therefore ( Price Three- Half- Pence.) his suffer'd his Daughter to have as little as possible' He would not dispose of her in Marriage, because he could find no body of an equal Condition that would accept of his Terms, and her Qualifications -, and he scorn'd the Thought of an Inferior, for he's as proud as penurious so the poor Girl lay a long while neg- lected Affairs were in this Situation, when about a Month ago Mrs. Dolly happen'd to give some Symptoms of a very bad Digestion, which being often repeated, occasion'd a very great Concern in her Mother ; but unspeakable was her Surprize, when upon Exami- nation she found Reason to believe that her Daughter was breeding something besides ill Humours, and that she was in a fair Way to a living tympany ; but her Consternation was still encreas'd, when discover- ing, and taxing her with her Condition, poor Dolly could do nothing but whimper, and say, That she believ'd she was bewitch'd ; that indeed something had crept to Bed to her several Times, and she had offer'd to cry out, and push it from her, but she vow'd that she had not the Power, and protested that she neither knew what, nor who it Was, but she be- liev'd she Was under a Charm, and then she'd cry enough to make ones Heart ake. Old Humphrey when he first heard of it, threatned to knock her Brains out with his Flail; but at last by the Per- swasions of his Wife, the Fear of his own Life, and the Regard to his Reputation, was prevail'd with to lay aside that barbarous Resolution, and come and consult the Doctor, For who knows, cry'd the old Wo- man, but that the Chiid may be under a Charm, and then wou'd'nt it vex you to he hang'd for killing the poor Girl, when she could not help it. Away goes the old Fellow to the Doctor with a most lamentable story, That he had a Daughter, and that he believ'd the D— l was in her, for she had got herself with Child without the Help of Man. Lookye Friend, quoth the Doctor, with an affected Air of Gravity, that you have a Daughter, is very possible; that the D— l is in her is Very probable 5 but as to the other Part of your Discourse, it is neither probable nor possible Z— s. Sir, quoth Hum- phrey, but its as true as Gospel; but you must know that my Wife, ( and she is no Fool an't please ye) be- lieves she is under some Charm or other, and quoth the Dog, am of the same Opinion ; for you must know, this same Thing, this What- d'ye- call- it, never comes nigh my Daughter, but when I am oblig'd to lye abroad about my Business, which makes me think that this Spirit, or Witch, or Devil, or whatever it is, dares not come when I am at home, for I'd have you to know Sir, that I'm as good a Christian as my Neighbours, tho' I don't understand a Letter in the Book. Friend, quoth the Doctor, your Wife is a wise Woman, and you a very prudent Person, for your Opinion is very just ; your Daugh- ter is certainly under a most pernicious Charm, which I shall take Care effectually to remove, and discover the Author of this most detestable PieCe of MagicK With that he gives Humphrey a little Galley Pot; Here Friend, says he, you must pretend to go about Business that will occasion you to lye abroad again, and in the mean time, when your Daughters Bed is P fellow, f- w fellow, whatever it is, Comes to her, as he certainly Will when he thinks you abroad, let her privately give him a Mark on his Forehead with her Finger, which she will be able to do by the wonderful In- fluence of this Planetary Composition, which will dispel the most malignant Charm, and at once bring all to Light. . Away goes the old Fellow, and in short took Care that the Doctor's Directions were exactly ob- serv'd : When Dolly's Bedfellow came, according to Custom, she was all Passive- Obedience, according to Custom, but however, took Occasion to fix her Mark on his Forehead, as she was order'd; and when her Companion offer'd to go, she found herself able to speak: Well, says she, you may as well tell who you are, for all will be known to- morrow, the Con- jurer has promis'd my Father to tell him. O Lord, says the Fellow, will he? why then ' tis I, Harry. O Lord, says Dolly, why did'nt you tell me before, and I wou'd not have discoVer'd you, for I had al- ways a Kindness for you, but now that cursed Con- jurer will know all, for I have mark'd you with something that he gave my Father, and the Conjurer says, the D— l can't get the Mark out. Says the Fellow, where, how, and with what have you mark'd me? she giving him the Ointment, away goes Harry and marks all his FelloW- Servants of the Male kind, five in Number, after the same Manner, so that in the Morning the old Fellow was quite confounded, runs away to the Doctor, and tells him he was ne- ver the nearer knowing what he desir'd; for, Sir, says he. according to your Ointment, every one of my Servants are guilty, which you know is impos- sible. Not so impossible neither, replys the sagacious Oracle, but at present all that you have to do is to make haste home, and examine every one of your Servants Hands, and he whose Fingers are daub'd with the Ointment, as well as his Forehead, is the Man that has done all the Murder. After this a full Discovery ensu'd, and nothing but hanging, drawing, and quartering was to be poor Harry's Doom for some time; but at last by some Motherly Perswasions, filial Submissions, and the prudent Consideration, that, It was but a Folly to flounce! ' Twas done and it cou'd'nt be hope, Old Humphrey was brought to consent, and firmly fastned they were in holy matrimonial Bands, and at present Harry looks as brisk as a Bee, and Mrs. Dorothy as prim as a Dutchess ; but if she don't take him ofF his Speed in less than a twelvemonth's Time, and, for all her Money, make him repent his Bar- gain, there's no Bread in nine Loaves, nor any De- pendance upon the Judgment of Your Constant Reader, And loving Friend, RALPH JOLLEY. Soldiers took him up; and carry'd him to their Com- A Party of 4o horse, commanded by the Lord Ross, with as many Dragoons; fell in with a ParTy commanded by Sir John Cockrain who had taken the Way to the sea Upon the approach of the King's Forces, they posted themselves within a small Enclosure, which cover'd them Breast- high This hinder'd not the Lord Ross from charging them but the Ground being too strong for the Horse and the Captain of the Dragoons being kill'd in the Approach the Lord Ross slightly wounded, Sir Adam Blair through the Neck, and Sir William wallace shot in the Side, gave them an Opportunity to make up into a Wood, before the Dragoons could dismount and come up on Foot; but were, however, so surrounded by the King s Party, that they could not escape • yet Sir John and his Son made a Shift to break through but were afterwards taken and sent to Edinburgh ' A Party of five of the Earl of Arran's Militia of Cliddlesdale, took Rumbald the Malster, and his Man who fought with great Courage, and kill'd one of the Militia; but being wounded, was forc'd to sub- mit; and Colonel Ayloff, with JOo more, Were soon after brought Prisoners to Glasgow. On the 21st of June the Earl of Argyle was brought to Edinburgh, and committed to the Castle; Colonel AylofF, who should have been brcught with him prevented it by ripping up his own Belly with a Pen.' knife. Rumbald was try'd and condemn'd for High. Treason, and was hang'd on the 26th of June; and on Tuesday following, Argyle was beheaded on a Scaffold at the Cross in Edinburgh, his Head was fix'd on the Talboth, and his Body buried in St.' Magdalen's Chappel in the Cowgate, This Execu. tion was in Pursuance of his former Condemnation. , He made no Speech on the Scaffold, only deliver'd a Paper to the Dean of Edinburgh, to be given to the Lord Chancellor, And thus ended this Tragedy. The English Parliament, according to their Vote, pass'd an Act for settling the Revenue on the King during his Life, which receiv'd the Royal Assent on the 30th of May ; at which Time the King made a Speech to thank them for it, and the Dispatch they made in it; and desir'd a farther Supply for the Stores Navy, Ordnance, Debt of the late King, & c; recom. mending the Navy in particular, and assuring them of his Zeal for the Glory of the Nation. Which Speech the Commons took immediately into Consi- deration, and resolv'd to give the King a Supply for the Occasions mention'd in his Speech. On the 1st of June, her Royal Highness the Prin- cess of Denmark was deliver'd of a Daughter, who was the next Day Christned Mary by the Bishop of London. I have told you that the Duke of Monmouth was making Preparations in Holland to invade England, and second Argyle. Accordingly having made the best Provision he could with his small Force, being but three Ships, and not above 150 Men, he set sail from the Texel, and steering to the West of England, on the 1 ith of June landed at Lyme Regis in Dorset- shire, the Mayor of which Town sent an Express to the King to inform him thereof; which he having communicated to the Parliament, they immediately The Continuation ef the Life of James II. King if ENGLAND. At Renfrew, Sir John Cockrain, one of Argyle's chief Friends, undertook to provide Guides to carry them safe into Galloway ; but they mistaking their Way, led them into a Bog, where having lost their horses and Baggage, the Foot . were dispers'd into small Parties; which the King's Forces having No- tice of, divided to pursue them. Argyle himself re- turning towards Clyde, was set upon by two of Gre- mock's Servants, at whom he fir'd, and refus'd to yield ; but receiving a Wound in his Head, he left his Horse, and run into the Water. This Noise brought out a Countryman, who running into the Water, where Argyle being almost up to the Neck, presented a Pistol at him, but that missing Fire, the Countryman gave him a blow over the Head, with Which he fell, and ia falling cried our, Unfortunate Argyle! and before he could recover himself, the express'd their Detestation of the same in an Ad- dress from each House, wherein they offer d their utmost Assistance, and promis'd to stand by his Majesty with their Lives and Fortunes againt the Duke of Monmouth and all his Adherents, < xc. A Proclamation was issu'd immediately, declaring That the King having receiv'd Advice, that the Duke of Monmouth, the Lord Grey and were landed at Lyme, in an hostile Manner had possess'd themselves of the Town, and Accomplices into the adjacent Country, to the People to join with them ; the said Monmouth, and all his Adherents, were therefore declar'd Traytors and Rebels, & c. To be continu'd this day Fortnight, ' FOREIGN AFFAiRS. rn The King of Prussias Letter to the King of Poland. WE cannot forbear acquainting your Majesty how deeply we have been afflicted by the seVere Sentence lately passed and publish'd against the Inhabitants of Thorn, on account of the unhappy Tu- mult arisen there. Nothing indeed couid more move our Compassion than to see these poor People cf our Communion proceeded against, not only with Fire and Sword, under tbe Pretence of avenging God's Honour, but also with taking away their Church and School, and overturning the Constitu- tion of that City, in order to compleat the Oppression of the Protestant Inhabitants. Had the City of Thorn been guilty of an open and vowed Rebellion against your Majefty, and even of the highest Crimes, what harder Decree than this could have been pro- nounc'd against them ? But as the whole Matter in Question turns upon inflicting Punishment for a Tu mult raised by the Populace against some wretched Jesuits, tho' the same Tumult has been maliciously occasion'd and fomented by the same ; your Majesty cannot but judge, according to your great Wisdom, that the severe Punishment determined by the Sen- pence, bears no manner of Proportion with the Ex- cess committed, and that it is against all Reason, that for the sake of a few People's Miscarriage so many Innocents should suffer, and a whole Town be ruin'd. Nay, all the reasonable World will naturally conclude, as it is too manifest by the numberless Cir- cumstances of this Affair, that such a terrible Sen- tence, far from being founded upon an impartial Ad- ministration of Justice, entirely proceeded from a Venomous Hatred on account of their Religion, in- flam'd by all the Artifices and false Suggestions of the Jesuits, and that they boldly laid hold of this Opportunity to take away the Lives and Estates of the poor Dissenters at Thorn, and even to deprive them at once of their Rights and Privileges. Your Majesty's Justice and Propension to protect Innocence oppressed being so well known, we hope that you will never permit the Execution of such a bloody Sentence, by which the Glory of your Majesty's Reign would be for ever tarnish'd, We therefore most earnestly desire your Majesty to put a Stop to that Execution, and to have the whole Affair anew and thoroughly examined by an impartial Commission composed of just and moderate Members of both Religions; to admit the impeach'd to plead and de- fend their Innocence ; and if any be found guilty, to shew rather Mercy than the strictest Justice ; and especially to protect and maintain that City in their Privileges and Liberties; but above all, to prevent the Effusion of so much Christian Blood, which can- not be spilt without the greatest Cruelty. Your Ma- jesty will not take it amiss that we concern ourselves so far for that City, since we are bound in Conscience to do it in an Affair which affects those that are of the same Communion with us; besides that we are fully entitled by the Peace of Oliva to stand up for the Preservation of that City, and all that has been stipulated for them, as well for the other Cities of Polish Prussia, by the Instrument of the said Treaty, and to defend them as far as it is requisite. We are likewise convinced, that the other Powers concern'd in the Peace of Oliva, and particularly the Guaran- tees, cannot see with Indifference the said Treaty of Peace thus infringed and invalidated by the above- mentioned Execution. On the other Hand, your Majesty may be assured, that you will highly oblige as well us all other Protestant Powers in Europe, by taking under your Protection this poor City, almost reduced to despair, and preserving it from the utter Ruin it is threatned with, and which may be attended with dangerous Consequences. We refer us to what our Major General and Envoy Extraordinary von Schwerin, and his Brother our Councellour of Finan- ces Sec will have the Honour to represent further to your Majesty on that Head. In Expectation of a fa- vourable and so much desired Declaration, we remain, & c. Berlin, Nov. 28, 1724- . ... - FREDERlCK WILLIAM, King, Ratisbon, Dec. 18.' The Protestant Body cease not to use their Endeavours to obtain a Redress of the Grievances on account of Religion in the Empire; but the Party which is not inclined to execute the Im- perial Mandates on that Subject, still find new pre- texts TO elude them. All the Solicitations of that Body in behalf of the InhAbitants of Carinthia, who are in Prison at Lintz, have hitherto been to no Pur- pose ; as have also these that the said Body have been long making to procure a Restitution to the Inhabi- tants of Berndal, of the Money and Effects that have been taken from them. The Answer which the Elector of Cologn's Minister return'd to the Protestant Body, concerning the Complaints deliver'd in by the re- formed Subjects of the Prince of Nassau- Siegen, who is a Roman Catholick, contain in Substance, ' That: ' the Elector his Master cou'd not yet enquire into the ' Complaints of those Protestants; but that if they ' thought themselves aggriev'd in Regard to the Em- ' peror's Regulations and Orders, which his Electoral ' Highness was obliged to execute, and yield Obedi- ' ence to, they might have Recourse to his Imperial ' Majesty. Rome, Dec. 9. The Pope's Regularity is without Example. He does what none of his Predecessors ever did. At the Opening of the Forty Hours Prayers, on the first Sunday in Advent, at which 30 Cardinals were present, he went in the Night Time, and spent 3 Hours in adoring and carrying about the Host ; but the worst on't was, he would have his whole Houshold do the same. Mean time he has an Indul- gence for some chings. He is still a mortal Enemy tO Grandeur aud Shew ; for hearing that Cardinal Cinfuegos had made a sumptuous Feast on St. Eliza- beth's Day, he ask'd how a poor Jesuit Fryar could reconcile his Poverty with so much Wealth. He de- clares open War wirh the Ladies of Pleasure, and has renew'd all his Predecessor's Decrees against them. Also Cardinal Paulucci, Vicar of the Church, has order'd all the Curates of this City to bring him each an exact List of all wicked Livers, whether Men or Women, in their Parishes, without Exception, in order to take proper Measures to purge the City from all Scandal in the approaching Holy Year. While the Pretender was entertaining the Cardinals Gualtieri, Polignac, Acquaviva, and Alberoni, his Lady had a Misfortune which put her in great Dan- ger of Miscarrying; but she is since pretty well re. cover'd, and on Monday Morning last went with her Husband and Son to the Vatican, where they were admitted to an Audience of the Pope, who treated both them and their Son with Sweetmeats ; but what pass'd else is an entire Secret- LONDON, Jan. 2.' On Sunday last at about six in the Morning, died Thomas Guy, Esq; formerly a Bookseller in Lombard. Street, and Member of Parliament for the Borough of Tamworth, soon after the Revolution in 1688. He built a Town House for that Corporation, which Cost him 1000 1. and likewise an Hospital for the Maintenance of 12 ancient Men and 12 ancient Wo. men ; and allowed 10 I. per Annum to the Minister of the Town, and the like Sum to a Dissenting Teach- er. He erected a new Ward at St. Thomas's Hos- pital, at the Expence of 3000 I. and endowed the same. He afterwards erected an Hospital in the Pa- rish of St. Thomas, for Incurables, which together with the Endowing, cost him 200,0001. He gave 10001 to the Company of Stationers, the Interest whereof to be applied to the Poor of the said Com- pany for ever. He gave at seVeral Times about 500 1. to the Workhouse in Bishopsgate- street. He has left 400 I. per Annum for ever to Christ's Hospital, be- sides many other publick and private Charities. The Residue of his Estate amounting to about 60.0co j; he hath left among his Relations. He hath appointed Sir Gregory Page, Bart. Peter Joy, Esq; Mr. Ken- drick, Dr Mead, ard Dr. Plumptree, with four others, the Executors of his last Will and Testament He was born in the Year 1643, in or near Alderman, bury in London. He is to be interr'd at Sr. Thomas's Hospital, from Stationers Hall near Ludgate, two Hundred ( 4 ) Hundred of the Blue Coat Children of Christ's Hos- pital being to attend the Funeral. The William and Mary Yacht is order'd to be got ready, to transport his Grace the Duke of Hamilton and Brandon to France. The Duke of Cambridge, Capt. Bird, and the Bootle, Capt. Webb, are fitting up with all Expedi- tion, to proceed on a Voyage to the Gold Coast, for Account of the South Sea Company. Sir Arthur Keys lies dangerously ill at his House in old Bond- street. We hear that the Affair of Mr. Wood's Patent for coining Copper Half Pence and farchings for Ire- land, is as good as accomodated, to the Satisfaction of all Parties; a Stop being already put to the Coin, age, and Mr. Wood order'd to give in an Account of his Expences. See. On Saturday last, Mr. Lightbourn and Mr. Ed- wards, two others of the Masters in Chancery, de- liver'd over to the Bank all the Securities and Money in their Hands belonging to the Suitors in that Court. On Sunday last the Hon Mr. Finch, his Majesty's late Minister at Stockholm, arrived here from Hol- land. , The South Sea Company have order d a great Quan. tity of Silver, lately brought home by their Ship the Royal Prince, into the Tower, in order to be coined in Specie. The said Company have also contracted with about eighty Harpooniers to be employ'd in the Greenland Fishery. Sir Richard Everet is appointed Governor of North Carolina, in the room of Captain Harrington. _ Seme Days ago a Person that was roasting his Cof- fee at one of the King's Roasting Houses, was ob- serv'd to throw into the Roaster, with the Berries a considerable Quantity of Lard, which being contrary to Law, Complaint was made thereof to the Com- missioners of Excise, and the Fact being proVd upon him, he was fin'd 20 L They write from Deal, Dec. 15, that the Night before about nine, a Sloop laden with Stone from Weymouth, Edward Tyzard, Master, had run a- ground on the Goodwin Sands; the Master and four of his Men came ashore next Morning, having left in the Vessel one Man and two Boys, Dutch Passen- gers, ( who had been cast away to the Westward) as also a black Boy, Servant to the said Master, the Boat- Rope breaking before they could get in; and the Boat could not get at the Vessel again. The Deal Boats put out afterwards to the Sands, but the Sea was so great that they could afford no Help. Last Week a Dutch Ship from Curassau put in at Foy through Stress of Weather, having thrown over, board 28 Guns and all her Anchors. The Countess of Albermarle is recover'd of the Small Pox; as is also the Earl of Hertford's Daugh- ter, who hath been ill of the same Distemper. An Irishman is taken into the Custody of Mr. Byn- ham, one cf his Majesty's Messengers, by Order of the Lord Viscount Townshend, for exhibiting false Informations of treasonable Practices against several Persons; and we hear he will be prosecuted for the same with the utmost Severity. On Friday 7- Night last between 11 and 12, a poor Man, suppos'd to be in Drink, wandring out of his Way among the new Buildings near Oldstreet Square, unluckily happen'd to fall into a Well there, which by Negligence had been left both uncover'd and un. enclos'd. He was rather starv'd than drown'd, the Water'not reaching above his Breast. He us'd his utmost Efforts to help himself, as appear'd the next Morning when he was taken out dead, by his Hands and Shoes, which had both suffer'd by the Violence of his Endeavours. A Woman in an House not far off the Well, believes she heard him cry out, but be. ing apprehensive that it was the Shrieking Woman, she had not the Courage to make any farther Scrutiny. We hear that the Coroner's Inquest who sat upon the Body Yesterday, have brought in their Verdict, Ac- cidental Death. A Ship from Bourdeaux Capt. Feedam, bound for Liverpool, was lately lost within eight Miles of Liver- pool. the parish Church of St. Botolph Bishopsgate is now pulling down, in order to be rebuilt and we hear they design to build a beautiful Front of port- land Stone, facing Houndsditch, which is not TO BE incumber'd with Sheds to obscure the Fabrick as the The Asia, Capt. Tims, from Smyrna was lately by bad Weather, forc'd into Milford Haven She set sail with the Dolphin. Capt. Lisle, both for LON- don, but parted with her two Days after; so the Ac- count of their being come to the Downs, was a Mis- take. u* Penzance, Capt. Tho. Friend, a fine new Vessel built in the River of Thames, bound for Roan and laden with Wheat, was in her first Voyaee lost near Hithe in Kent, and three Men drown'd. On Saturday last Commodore Matthews was try'd on Board his Majesty's Ship the Sandwich in the River Medway. and found guilty of two small Mis- managements, and fin'd for the same four Months pay Last Monday died in Queen's square, Ormond- street. the Lady Smith, Wife to Sir John Smith. John Philips, Esq; is appointed Receiver General for the County of Carmarthan and three other Coun- ties adjoining, in the room of James Philips, Esq ( not Charles as was mention'd) who is chosen Member of Parliament for Carmarthen Town, in the room of Judge Vaughan, deceas'd. I By the last Letters from Leghorn it is advis'd, that a great Storm happen'd there about the same Time with the Hurricane at Lisbon, in which a French Ship was stranded, and our Merchants are in Pain for an English Ship bound from thence for London, which was then at Anchor in the Road. They write from Edinburgh, that the Marquess of Anandale is dangerously ill. On Christams Day one Richard Ball was apprehend- ed on Windmill- hill, by a Warrant of Justice Lam- bert, for being concern'd with several others ( some of whom were convicted the last Sessions at the Old- Baily) in divers Robberies in Middlesex and Westmin- ster, and was thereupon committed by Colonel Michel to Newgate. Last Monday Night a private Masquerade was held at a House near Drury Lane, of which the Justices of the Peace having previous Information upon Oath, issu'd a Warrant to the Constables, for apprehending such Persons as they should find there misbehaving themselves ; Accordingly near 40 of them were appre- hended. and secured that Night in the Gatehouse and other Places. And next Day they were carried before several of his Majesty's Justices of the Peace, who committed some of them to Bridewell, and bound over others to the next Sessions. We hear that tho' several personated Emperors and Queens, few or none of' em were above the Rank of Footmen or Scullions; that many of the Men were taken in Womens Cloaths, and generally go amongst themfelves by Female Names or rather by the Names of the Racers at New- Market, such as Cochineal Sue; Flying Horse Moll, Green- pea Moll, Plump Nelly, & c. and that one of them was convicted last Sessions for an Attempt to commit So- domy, which Crime the Assembly in general lies un- der the Imputation of. This ' tis hop'd will be a Warning to Tradesmen and their Wives, Servants Apprentices. & c. who frequently are decoy'd into such unlawful Assemblies, as was the Case of some at the aforesaid Meeting, who we are. inform'd were dis- charged, on Promise not to resort to such Places any more. . Mr. Aaron Gibbs, an eminent Rag- Merchant in Red- Lion Street, Clerkenwell, died on Tuesday last, reckon'd worth 40,0001. . ft As did also, the same Day, Mr. Sherman, of the Saddlers Company, aged near 100 Years. We hear that some of the Masters in Chancery ha- ving deliver'd the Money and Securities, intrusted with them, up to the Bank, according to the new Order, in Iron Chests; the following Mottoes were found writ upon two of the said Chests. Upon one, Les bons Tems viendra. Upon the other, Quem nec Pauperies, nec Mors, nec Vincula terrent. m Last Friday died Captain Jackson, of Crawford in Kent late a Commander of a Man of War; who signaliz'd himself in several Actions in the Sea Ser- vice one of which he had the Misfortune to lose a Leg. He was once broke for some Dispute with his Admiral, but was soon restored with Honour to a better Ship. He has left behind him the Charac- ter of a brave and an honest Gentleman. The Lord Bishop of Litchfield and Coventry is to preach a Sermon before the Societies for Reformation of Manners on Monday next, in the Morning, at Bow Church. On Tuesday Night, the Junior Dutchess of Marl- borough entertain'd divers of the Nobility with a fine Consort of Musick, composed by Signor Bononcini, at her Grace's House in St. James's Park. Mr Curtis is made second Lieutenant of his Ma- jesty's Ship the Dover, in the room of the Hon. Mr. Hamilton, Brother to the Lord Belhaven, who died lately at Lisbon. We hear that Sir Robert Dashwood is dangerously ill. On Tuefday last, the Coroner's Inquest sat upon the Body of Candy the Watchman, who was kill'd in Castle Yard in Holborn by one Howlet another Watchman. There appear'd as Evidence the De- ceased's Son- in- Law, who depos'd, That he was drink- ing at the Three Tuns in Fetter- lane, when he heard a Talk in the House that a Watchman was kill'd, that knowing his Father's Rounds was not far off, he ran to enquire of his Welfare, when he met Howlet doubly furnish'd as a Watchman, that is, with two Staves, two Lanthorns, & c. that this Deponent en- quiring how he came to be so well provided, and Howlet giving suspicious Answers, the Deponent had him secur'd. A Maid Servant swore that she heard a Voice say, if you were a Gentleman I'd use you like a Gentleman, but at you're a Watchman, I'll use you like i Watchman, but she could not say whose Voice it was. A Boy depos'd, that he saw Howlet knock the Deceas'd down ; upon the whole, the Inquest found it wilful Murder, and Howlet was committed to Newgate. An Abstract of a Letter from Tiverton dated December 26th, 1724. His Majesty having been graciously pleas'd to grant to this Town a New Charter, Mr. Thorne, who is appointed our first Mayor, rode on Wed. nesday last, with about 500 of the principal Inha- bitants, to Maiden- Down, about ten Miles from hence, to meet the Charter, and they on the Way hither were join'd by about 500 more of the Inhabitants on Horseback; the Hedges of the Roads for seve- ral Miles from the Town being crowded with Spec- tators. At the End of the Town, the Town Clerk attended on Horseback, and uncover'd receiv'd the same under the Sound of Hautboys, Trumpets, and Kettle Drums, and the loud Acclamations of the Peo- ple, and was in the same Manner usher'd into the Town, and follow'd by the Mayor on Horseback, and the neighbouring Gentlemen, whom his Majesty was pleas'd to appoint Commissioners to swear him, and after them the Members of the Corporation two and two, and then the Inhabitants on Horseback in like Manner. The Streets and Windows were crowded with Vast Numbers of People, who receiv'd the same with the greatest Acclamations and Shouts of Joy and Gratitude, far beyond what I can justly defcribe. In the Evening about 200 of the principal Inhabitants were Entertained at the Mayor's House, and about 200 more at Mr. Burridge's, one of the Capital Burgesses, and a Multitude of others in several other parts of the Town; 10 Hogsheads of liquor were given and drank in the Street, and in the four Out- quarters of the Parish, the Inhabitants at their own Charge made Entertainments, and large Bonfires, and gave several Hogsheads more amongst the common People to drink his Majesty's Health, and thus the whole Evening was spent not only in this Parifh, but in all the neighbouring Parishes, and Jan. 2, 1725 there, appeared thro'out such a Scene of uniVersal Joy and Satisfaction, as the like, hath never hitherto on any occasion been seen in this part of the World. Edinburgh, Dec. 22. Last Friday Major Mackintosh was brought hither Prisoner under a strong Guard of Soldiers, and was sent Yesterday Morning to Dunbar where he was receiv'd by a Party of the Grey Horse,' who are to conduct him to Newcastle from whence we hear, he is to be sent to London by Sea. A few Days ago we had an unhappy Accident in Fore- street near cripplegate, where a Barber having made some Fireworks, put them into a Pan, which he covered over, and carried to a neighbouring Pastry Cook's, desiring him to let it stand in one of his Ovens. The Pastry Cook, ignorant of what it contained, set it in; but when he went to take it out, it blew up at the Mouth of the Oven, and wounded him in such Manner, that he was a most miserable Spectacle,' What makes the Case yet more melancholy is, that we hear he has lost both his Eyes, and is thereby ren- der'd unable to do any thing for his poor Family, which consists of a Wife and seven Children. The Dead Warrant is come down to Newgate for the Execution of the two following Malefactors, viz. Charles Towers, condemn'd at the last Sessions in the Old Baily, upon the late Act against Persons going arm'd and disguis'd, with their Faces black'd, & c. and committing several Outrages on his Majesty's Subjects, to be hang'd in the new Mint near Wap- ping Wall in the Parish of St. Paul, Shadwell, on Monday next ; and William Anderson for a Street- Robbery. to be executed at Tyburn the Tuesday fol- lowing : But the other two under Sentence of Death viz. Thomas Herbert and Rowland Swendson are repriev'd. On Wednesday Morning dy'd Col. Robert Wallis, one of his Majesty's Justices of the Peace for the City and Liberty of Westminster. Our Merchants have Advice, that the Magdalen bound from Rotterdam to Martinico, was lately lost near Bayone, and 40 Men drown'd. And that the Chauncy from Dublin to Nantz, was likewise lost near Bayone afore- mention'd. A Ship was wreck'd on the 10th of Nov. last, near Alderney, and a Bell being saved on Part of the Wreck, on which was an Inscription that shew'd it to belong to the Anne and Francis, which Was lately broke up in the River, which Bell was after- wards sold to the William, Capt. Barlow bound from London to Helvoersluys, Guinea, & c. that set sail upon the Coast upon the 8< h of November. On Monday last the Lord Compton's Lady Was brought to Bed of a Daughter. We hear, that his Grace the Duke of Hamilton, has, since his Arrival from Scotland, been introduc'd to his Majesty, and was most graciously receiv'd. On a Lover's attempting to kiss his Mistress thro' a Glass. Window. Thus on some Rock, the Shipwreck'd Sailor stands, And views with weeping Eyes, and wringing Hands, Inviting Prospects from the Neighb'ring Lands; But if he strives to swim, he strives in vain, For rowling Billows beat him back again. Curse on the Disappointment of my Kiss. Can brittle Glass oppose a Lover's Bliss ! Frail are our am'rous Hopes, if Love must be, Subservient to a Thing so weak as thee. Persh thy Use. This does thy Nature prove, Light ever was an Enemy to Love, But thou hast now found a new Way to toy, First give the Hope, then dash the tempting Joy, At Midnight thus. Men meet the wandring Ghost, Of some dear Friend, whom once they valu'd most, But when with open Arms they strive to greet, And in a kind Embrace each other meet, Cold Breaths of Wind divide the joining Pair, And the lost Phantoms vanishes to Air., Bank —! the i f. Jan. 2, 1725 Bankrupts since our last List: Thomas Powell of St. Giles in the Fields, in the County of Middlesex, Brewer. Armstrong Pawley, of Waltham- Cross, County of Hertford, Innholder and Vintner. Thomas Ward, of Banbury, in the County of Oxon, Chapman. John Carpender, of the City of Oxon, Butcher. SHIPS Enter'd Inwards, at the Custom House- since our last The Mary and Margaret, St. George, Young Prince, and Stubington, all from Malaga; Marlb'rough from Seville; Catherine from Calais; Josiah from Konisbro'; Royal African Packet from Africa; Mary, and Rich, both from Petersbro'; Prince Frederick from Ostend ; Lady Louisa from Amsterdam ; Benjamin, John's. Goodwill, and Wobetto Maria, all from Gottenbro' Abigal from Bologn ; Sarah, Anna Maria, and James and Catherine all from Hambro' ; Alexander from Carolina; London Hope from Pensilvania; Friends. Adventure from New York; Ruby from Carolina ; and Stratford from Barbadoes. The Lilborne from Denia. Clear'. d Out. The Peace for Portugal; King David for Spain ; and Pearl for Nevis. The Hart for Maryland. Yesterday at Noon South Sea Stock was 122. Ditto Annuities irg 1 4th. India 151 1 half. Bank 132 3 4ths. Ditto Circulation 7 Sths per Cent. Prem. African 14 3 8ths. York Buildings 14 1 8th. Civil Lift Ani; u ty 106. Royal Exchange Assurance 54 1 4' h London Assurance 8 per Share. Million Bank no. Army Debentures 1 halfper Cent. Disc. South Sea Bonds 1 1. jo s. Prem India Bonds 1 I. 13 s. Preai. Welsh' Copper 33 s. 20 1. Prizes 1724, mid- dle Course 19 J, 3 5. Blanks 1724, 7 1. $ s. 6 d. ADVERTISEMENTS. Just Publish'd, _ i. The Art of Midwifry Improv'd; directing Child bearing Women how to order them- selves in their Conception, Breeding, Baring, and Nursing of Children ; with Physical Prescriptions for each Disease incident to the Female Sex, whether Virgins, Wives or Widows: By Mrs. Jane Sharp, Practitioner in the Art of Widwifry above forty Years Price JI 6 d. 2. Th Voyages Adventures, and imminent Es- capes of Capt. Richard Falconer: Containing the Laws, Customs, and Manners of the Indians in Ame- rica ; his shipwreck:- ; his marrying an Indian Wife; his narrow Escape from the Island of Domini, & c. The Second Edition with Improvements Pr. 2/. 6d. Printed for John Marshal at the Bible in Gracechurch- Street.- Where may be had newly printed on good Paper, I The Heavenly Footman ; or, A Description of the Man that gets to Heaven ; the Way he runs; the Marks he goes by ; with Directions to run so as to obtain Pr Bound, 11. II. Divine Emblems ; or, Temporal Things Spiri- tualized fitted for the Use of Boys and Girls ; adorn'd with about 60 Cuts, suitable to the several Subjects, Pr. Bound 1 s. III. The Advocateship of Jesus Christ clearly Ex- plain'd, and largely Improv'd for the Benefit of all IV. Bound 1 /. these Three by J. Bunyan. IV. The Compleat English School master; or, The most natural and easy Method of Spelling English, according to the present proper Pronounciation of the Language, in Oxford, Cambridge, and London, where Children and Foreigners shall have the whole Body of English Words in the plainest Order, di- LONDON: Printmed and Sold by J. READ, in White- Fryers near Fleet- Street, Where Advertisements are taken in. gested and divided to their Hand t By Elisha Coles Author of the Latin and English Dictionaries V. Youth Diverted and Instructed in a Scriptural Way: Being a Summary Explanation of Timothy's Lesson. Adorn'd with Cuts. Pr. Bound 6J 5' VI. Instruction for Children: or, The Child and Youth's Delight: By Benjamin Keach. VII. The Young Man's Companion, a Copy Book containing all the usual Hands now practis'd in r Britain: Engrav'd by Wm Elder. Pr. j, 1 VIII. The Fables of Young aEsop, with their Mo- rals, with a Moral History of his Life and Death Illustrated with 40 Cuts applicable to each Fable THE ITCH is not men- tioned on the Bottle, that you may set it any where, and use it without any ones knowing what it is for, and with a Linnen Rag Wet only in it, dab and bathe wherever, your Itchy Breakings- out are. And by washing thus with it ( being inno- cent like fair Water) it complearly Cures this foul trouble- some Distemper, as also Scabs, Scurfs, Tettars. Ring. Worms, and other such troublesome Breakings- out in any part of the Body. It has no manner of Smell, nor is any ways daubing, nor fouls the Linnen more than common fair Water. For sore Legs, old rotten Ulcers, Sores, and other Break- ings- out, and to stop any Bleeding, dip Cloths in this Water, and lay them on as you wou d a Plaster to Cure them. If there be a Hole in the Sore, dip some Lint into the Wa- ter, put it into a Hole for a Tent, and it will cleanse it. This Water has kept several from having their Limbs cut off, when other Means have failed. For any green Wound, wash it with this Water, and it will keep it free from proud Flesh, Festering, and Gangreen. It has been carried to most parts of the World, with the same Success. You may also take a Spoonful of it ia a little Ale, Beer, or any Wine in a Morning, Fasting half an Hour after it. To cleanse and purify the Blood whilst you Bathe with it Outwardly; and is the safest, easiest, pleasantest, cleanliest, and most speedy Cure for the ITCH of any : Far beyond Brimstone and Milk, or daubing Ointments, See. Price One Shilling and Six pence a Bottle with Directions. To be had Up one pair of Stairs at the Anodyne Necklace without Temple. Bar; at Mr. Garway's at the Royal- Exchange; and at Mr. Greg's, Bookseller, next to Norrhumberland- House at Charing- Cross; and of R. Bradshaw ( the Author's Servant) to be Directed to by Letter at his House against Sutton- street- End, just by Soho- square. Where are just Publish'd, The Gleet and Gonorrhea Dispensatories; in which, after describing and accounting for the Nature and Symptoms of these disorders, the Prescriptions are set down in English of the best Remedies that are used in common Practice for the Cure of them, for any that so pleases to makeup themselves, and amongst which, in the Gleet Dispensatory is the late Dr. Ratcliffs usual Prescription for a Gleet. Price 6 d. each Dispensatory.
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