The Weekly Journal : Or British Gazetteer Being the freshest Advices Foreign and Domestic
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The Weekly Journal : Or British Gazetteer Being the freshest Advices Foreign and Domestic
Date of Article: 21/11/1724
Printer / Publisher: J. Read
Address: White-Fryars, near Fleet-street, London
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( 302) ) THE Weekly Journal: OR, British Gazetteer. Being the freshest Advices Foreign and Domestick. SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 1724. Directions given ly EDMUND Lord Bishop of Lon- don to the Masters and Mistresses of the Charity- Schools within the Bills of Mortality, and the Diocess of Lon- don, assembled for that Purpose in the Chapter House of St. Paul's, on Saturday last the 14th of this Instant November. THE Erecting and Main- taining Schools of Cha- rity for the Education of poor Children, is a Work so good and pious in itself, and has such a manifest Tendency to promote Religion and Virtue, that it must be
the Wish of all serious and good Men to see them flourish and en- crease. And if Abuses or Corruptions of any Kind shall be found among them, which is no more than what oft- times befals the wisest and best Institutions, the Course that Prudence and Piety direct, is to reform the Abuse, but not to destroy the Institution ; this latter being either the Dictate of Passion and Folly, Or else the Language of Profane and Atheistical Men, who are sorry to see any thing taught or practis'd among us, that tends to So- briety and a serious sense of Religion. . As Charity Schools are now by the Blessing of God greatly multiplied, and spread
into all Parts of the Kingdom, they are become a National Concern ; and it behoves them to take great Care, that while they are promoting the Ends of Religion, they give no Jea- lousy of any Kind to the Civil Government: Particu- arly, the Schools in these two great Cities, from whence the rest took their Rise, and where they are . more immediately under the Eye of the Government, and far more numerous than in other Places, are con- cerned in an especial Manner to keep up strictly to the Ends of their institution, and to stand clear of Abuses and MismanagementS of all Kinds ; that they may deserve the Protection of the
Government, and be a Pattern of Order and Regularity to all the rest. And I hope they are so in many respects ; but yet You can. not but be sensible, that there have been Complaints of Inconveniences and Abuses in the Charity Schools of the City, as well as the Country and if any real Occasion has been given for those Complaints, as I doubt in some Places there may, it is the Duty of all who Wish well to the Institution, and more particu. larly the Duty as well as interest of the Masters and Mistresses to guard against all such Occasions of Com- plaint for the time to come IT is for this End that Ii have call'd You together; first, to
acquaint You with such Objections as seem to me to have the greatest Weight, and then to lay before You such Rules for Your future Conduct, as may re- move the Objections, and leave no reasonable Ground of Complaint. And I think the Objections may be re- duc'd to two Heads; one That the Education of Children in the Charity Schools sets them above the lower and more laborious Stations and Offices of Life 1 and the other, That in many of these Schools the ( Price Three- Half- Pence Children are trained up to DisafFection to the Govern- ment. I. As to the first of these Objections; it will be granted in general, That the
teaching poor Children to Read, and say their Catechism, and understand the Duties of Religion, and the accustoming them to say their Prayers Morning and Evening in the School, and to attend the publick Worship of God in the Church, and to behave themselves there decently and Orderly it Will, I say, be granted, that all these do naturally prepare them to be good SerVants, that is, to be sober and regular in their Lives, and faithful and diligent in their business. And these being Things which eve- ry Master and Mistress is bound to teach their Servants and to oblige them to practise, they ought to be thankful to the Charity-
Schools, that the Work is so far done co their Hands, and that they have no Need to be at the Pains to restrain Servants who come out of those Schools, from Swearing and Cursing, and obscene and profane Discourse ; which are so common among us, and especially among the meaner and lower Sort. And if Children who have these Advantages in our Charily Schools be apt to please themselves with their Proficiency, and to think that they are somewhat better than others of their own Rank, who either are not taught at all, or are taught with less Care and Exactness ; this is no more than what is natural, and such an innocent
Emulation as is very allowable in Children At least, none will say, that because the teaching them these good Things sets them in their own Minds somewhat above their Neighbours, they therefore ought not to be taught at all; nor can it be pretended, thac these Improvements, when obtain'd in the Charity Schools, are more apt to set Children above the meaner and more laborious Offices of Life, than the same Measure of Improvement obtain'd in any other School'. But if Charity Schools should grow by Degrees into a more polite sort of Education; if the Boys should be taught fine Writing, and the Girls fine Working, and both of
them fine Singing ; in which Cases also the Masters and Mistresses would hardly refrain from teaching the Children to value themselves upon these Attainments; all this, I own, would have a natural Tendency to set them above the meaner and more la- borious Stations and Offices of Life. And therefore all these Things should be carefully kept out of out Charity Schools; and tho' they are laudable Attain- ments in themselves, and some of the Children may have particular Genius's for them, yet it is far better that they be taught them elsewhere, or not taught them at all, than thac these Refinements should be introduc'd into
Charity Schools; which doubtless will stand most clear of Objections, and best answer the End of their Institution. when they pretend to no more than to prepare Children to be good Christians, and good Servants. For these Reasons, many wise and considerate Men have condemn'd the Custom in some Charity Schools, of teaching the Children to sing Anthems, and such Psalm Tunes as are uncommon and out of the Way and have wish'd that they were absolutely restrain'd to the learning five or six of the Tunes most usually sung > 91 in
X $ 02$ ) in Churches, and that not only some few of the Chil- dren, but all of them in general might be equally bound to learn and sing them to the best of their Ca- pacities, in order to be able to join with the Congre- gation, wherever their Lot shall fall, in that useful and edifying Part of Divine Service. Likewise, in the Choice of Psalms to be sung by the Children in the Church on the Days of Collection ; it were best to confine them to the Psalms of David, which afford a sufficient Variety very suitable to such Occasions ; and not to introduce into the Church Com- positions merely human, how fine and elegant soever they may be
thought; since, besides that all Acts of Devotion ought to be plain and unaffected, and that this is a Liberty not strictly warrantable in itself, nor wholly free from ill Consequences; besides these, I say, the Use of such Compositions may be apt to lead the Children into an Affectation of somewhat above the common Psalmody in Churches, and upon that account, if there were no other Objection, it may better be avoided and laid aside. And upon the same Consideration of preparing Children in Charity. Schools to be plain Servants, and no more a most wise and pious Man, the late Arch- bishop Tenison, when he founded a Charity-
School for Girls in the Parish of Lambeth, did in his Statutes par- ticularly enumerate the several Sorts of Work that the Mistress should teach them; and they are these, to Spin, Knit, Sew, and Mark. 1 will only add upon this Head, That, as a farther Means to keep the Children in Charity Schools from any aspiring or conceited Thoughts, the Matters and Mistresses may do well to put them frequently in Mind, that whatever Attainments they gain there, are all the Effects of Charity ; which will keep them humble, and at the same time put them in Mind to be thankful to God, and grateful to their Benefactors. II. The other Objection
against the Charity Schcols, Is, That in many of them the Children are trained up to Disaffection to the Government. Which is a heavy Objection indeed, and a Point that the Government is nearly concern'd to look after; since it is to little Purpose to subdue and conquer the present ill Hu- mours, if a Succession of disaffected Persons is to be perpetually nursing up in our Schools. Nor can it be expected, that a Government should long tolerate Places of Education, concerning which they have not the most full and clear Satisfaction upon this Head ; and as little is it to be expected, that any Persons who are well affected to a
Government, should con- tribute to the Maintenance of such Schools, as long as the Opinion of their DisafFection continues But I hope and believe, that there is not at present the like Ground to complain of Disaffection in our Charity- Schools, as there was some Years ago. While the Protestant Succession remain'd doubtful, and no Stone was left unturn'd to defeat it, some Persons who had their Views a different Way, tho' otherwise virtuous and good Men, endeavour'd to get the Ma- nagement of the Charity- Schools into their Hands, and to make them instrumental in nourishing and spreading an Aversion to the Protestant
Settlement. Which was so notorious, as well from some particu- lar Recommendations of Matters and Mistresses, as from the behaviour of too many of the Children them- selves, that the Fact, as to that Time, cannot possibly be deny'd. But there is great Reason to believe, that much of that Leaven is work'd out, both because they are not now under the same Influences as before, and because for some Years past the Behaviour of the Chil- dren has been in the main inoffensive, and many of the Matters and Mistresses have studied to give Proofs of their sincere Affection to the Government. And as long as they continue in this
good Way, they can- not doubt of Protection from the Government ; and I am willing to hope, that some Friends of the Go- Vernment who have withdrawn their Subscriptions, and others who have forborn to subscribe, upon those former Tokens of Disaffeaion that appear'd among them, will begin to think more favourably of them, and be ready to contribute to their Support upon the general Principle of promoting Religion and Virtue. To induce them to this, and to clear the Charity. Schools from all Suspicion of being disaffected to the Government, many Things are in the Power of n. Masters and Mistresses, which I therefore
earnestly recommend to your Care. 1. To pray constantly for the King and the Royal Family by Name, in the daily Prayers which are us'd in the School Morning and Evening; adding in the most proper Place these or the like Words We beseech thee also to pour down thy Blessings in a plentiful manner upon our Gracious Sovereign King GEORGE and upon all the Royal Family. Grant that he may enjoy a long and happy Reign over us and that there may never be wanting one descended from him, to sit upon his Throne, and to pre serve thy true Religion in these Nations. 2. to discourage in the Children all Marks of Dis- respect
to the King and the Royal Family, whether that appear by Words, or Songs, or Pictures, or any other Way ; and when any thing of that Kind found out, to punish it in such a publick Manner as may both justify the School from the Imputation th ft° yalCy' and make the 0ffender an Example to 3. To inculcate into them the great Duties enjoin'd by St. Paul, of studying to be quiet, and to do their own Business, and to work with their own Hands-, and to make them sensible of the Sinfulness of disturbing Govern ment, and of the Folly as well as Sinfulness of med- dling with Matters which do not belong to them and especially Matters
which are so far above them ' 4. To take all proper Occasions of possessing their Minds with just and favourable Impressions of the King, and his Family, and Administration. 5. To give them a just Apprehension of the Ter. rors of a Popish Reign, and of the Persections and Cruelties which Protestants are to expect under a Popish Prince, On one hand, these are Impressions which the Chil- dren are very capable of receiving ; and on the other hand, they are Testimonies Very proper to be given by the Masters and Mistresses, of their Loyalty to the Government. And as I shall think it my Daty to make Enquiry from time to time into
the Conduct and Behaviour of the several Masters and Mistresses, so if I find any who shall neglect or avoid the giving such easy Proofs of their Affection to the Govern- ment ( as I hope I shall not,) I must conclude them to be Persons disaffected, and very unfit to be entrusted with the Education of Children in a Protestant Country. The Continuation of the Life of James II. King ENGLAND. But before we speak of that Solemnity, the Order of Time requires us to look over into Ireland, where on the 11ft of March, the Duke of Ormond, Lord Lieutenant, deliver'd up the Sword of State to the Lord Archbishop of Armagh, Chancellor of
Ireland; and the Lord Granard; whom the King constituted Lords Justices for the Government of that Kingdom.' And the next Morning the Council being call'd toge- ther, were dissolved, and a new one appointed; the Members of which, that were in or near the City of Dublin, were immediately sworn. A. D. 1685. On the 23d of April was solemnized the Coronation of the King and Queen. Their Ma- jesties proceeding from Westminster Hall to the Abby Church, Attended by the great Officers of State, Nobility, Archbishops, Bishops, Judges, Masters in Chancery, Lord Mayor and Aldermen of London, Choir of Westminfter, See. in
their respective Robes, where the Sermon being over, which was preach d by Dr Turner Bishop of Ely, their Majesties were crowned with the usual Ceremonies, and then return d with the whole Assembly in the same Order into Westminster Hall to dinner; at which Time Sir Charles Dymock, the King's Champion, in compleat Armour, accompany'd by the Lord High Steward and the Earl- Marshal, rode into the Hall, and per- form'd the usual Ceremony of the Challenge. On the same Day that the King was crown'd at Westminster, the Parliament met in Scotland : At the opening of which, a Letter was read, which the King had sent
to them; wherein he was pleas d to intimate, That
( 3027 ) That their Zeal and Loyalty which he had ex- perienc'd in his Brother's Reign, engag'd him to summon them at the Beginning of his, to give them an Opportunity of demonstrating their own Duty, and to be exemplary to others in their Affec- tions to his Person and Service. That what he had now to propose, was for the Security of their. Liberties and Properties, more than the aggrandizing of his Power; tho' the Pre- servation of that would the better enable him to preserve them in the quiet Possession of their Rights and Religion, against the Endeavours of the Fana- ticks, the restless Enemies of both. ' That the Importance
of the Matters now to be proposed would have obligd him to have come himself to them, had it been possible at this Junc- ture of Time ; he had therefore instructed the Duke of Queensbury in all Things relating to his Service and their Happiness; not doubting of their Com- pliance and Assistance. After the reading of the Letter, the Lord Com- missioner made a Speech ; wherein, after an Eulogium upon the King, and assuring them of his Majesty's Protection of the establish'd Church, and that he Would maintain them in all their Rights according to Law, not suffering them to be arbitrarily oppress'd by Soldiers, or others; and
further, That the King would condescend, as far as could be expected, in the Business of the Excise and Militia; he propos'd to them the establishing the Revenues upon the Kirg, as amply as his Predecessors had enjoy'd them : And, that effectual Means might be found to destroy the desperate Fanatick Party, that had brought that King- dom to the Brink of Ruin. The Lord Chancellor made also a Speech to them, wherein he remembred them of the Disorders the Na- tion had been subject to, through the restless Endea- vours of the Fanaticks; and by what gentle Means the King, when he was Lord Commissioner, had quieted
them ; and therefore urged them to serve the King, promote his Interest, and destroy that Brood of villanous Men. Which Speeches being over, the Parliament drew up a Letter to the King, expressing how sensible they were of his Remembrance of their former Services, and their Resolutions to exceed what they had for- merly done, and be exemplarily loyal in advancing such Laws as might secure his Authority, extirpate the Fanatical Party, and punish the late Conspirators. And soon after, they passed these Four Acts, viz. J. Far securing the Protestant Religion, 2. For an- nexing the Excise upon Foreign and Inland Commo.
dities to the Crown of Scotland for ever. 3. Con- cerning Citations and Processes for Treason, ratifying the former Customs of the Justiciaries Proceedings against Pannels already in Prison, & c. 4. Concern, ing Witnesses,. That those that are cited to give Tes- timony in Cafes of Treason, and refuse to do so, should be proceeded against as guilty of the same Crime they were to witness. On the 28th of April, a Proclamation was pub- lish'd for putting the Kingdom of Scotland into a Posture of Defence, against the Enemies of the King and Government, commanding all the King's Subjects to be in Readiness, and with their best
Arms to assist against any Commotions and Insurrections; and, That Care be taken of the Coasts, and of ordering all the Militia and standing Forces of that Realm. But to return to England. On the 9th of May, Dr. Oates was try'd at the King's- Bench- Bar, upon the two Indictments of Per- jury, preferr'd against him in the last Reign, and was found guilty of both. And about the Middle of the same Month, was again brought to the Bar, where the Lord Chief Justice being on the Bench, he re- ceiv'd Judgment, To be divested of his Canonical Habit for ever; To be carried round Westminster- Hall, With an Inscription upon his
Forehead, decla- ring his Crime; Afterwards, to stand in the Pillory ; and, to be whipp'd from Aldgate to Newgate, and from Newgate to Tyburn ; Also, to stand in the Pil- lory five times yearly, during his Life 1 to pay 1000 Marks for each Perjury, and to be imprison'd during Life. To be continu'd this day Fortnight Yesterday 7- Night the House of Lords presented a most Loyal and Dutiful Address to his Majesty, wherein they humbly thank Him for his most Graci- ous Speech, express their deep Sense of the BlessingS which his Majesty mentions therein, and ascribe them wholly to the Blessing cf God on his Majesty's wise
Measures: They acknowledge the Wisdom and Jus- tice of his Majesty's Care for the Seamen, and assure Him of a steady Perseverance in their Zeal for His Glory, and the Safety and Defence of the Nation 1 o which his Majesty trade the following most Gra- cious Answer. My Lords, I Thank you for this very Loyal and Dutiful address: you may depend on My steddy Pursuit of such Measures only as, by the Blessing of God upon My Endeavours, will most effectually secure the true Interest of all My People-, and that I shall at all times esteem the Increase of their Happiness, as the greatest Glory of My Reign. On Saturday last
the House of Commons presented a most humble and dutiful Address to his Majesty j wherein they return Tharks for his Majesty's most gracious Speech from the Throne; congratulate his Majesty upon the Happy Situation of Affairs at home and abroad, and express the same Satisfaction in reap- ing the fruits of his Majesty's great Wisdom that his Majesty had in procuring them. They assure his Majesty that they will use their utmost Endeavours to transmit to the latest Posterity, the happy Conse- quence of Peace with all Powers abroad and Plenty and Tranquility at home ; with a full and quiet Enjoyment of every thing
valuable, the peculiar Distinction of his Majesty's Government, as Monuments to Futurity of the Glories of his Majesty's Reign ; that they will la- bour to discharge the Debt, increase the Wealth, and establish the Strength of the Nation, by the Improve, ment of the Publick Revenue, the Advancement of Trade, and the Encouragement of Navigation ; and that they are ready heartily to assist his Majesty in whatever shall tend to the Security and Grandeur cf his Majesty and these Kingdoms. To which his Majesty made the following most gracious Answer. Gentlemen, T Return you my hearty Thanks for your loyal Address; I never
made any Doubt but that whenever the Ho. neur and Interest of the Kingdom call'd upon, I should meet with the same Return of Duty and fidelity, and the same Affection and Zeal for my Service, as I have hitherto expe- rienc'd on all Occasions. The Grand Jury of the County of Middlesex have made a second Presentment of the New Mint, wherein they set forth, that such an illegal Confederacy exposeS his Majesty's peaceable Subjects to the most outragious Insolence; that the Place being situate near the Thames, the Smuggling Trade will be infallibly ad. Vanced, and consequently the fair Trader inevitably ruin'd ; that the
Poor who would otherwise be in- dustrious will he seduced by the pernicious Example of these lawless Rioters, to imitate them ; and, as in their former, thay they conceive it no small Agrava- tion of their Crime, that it seems to be done in De- fiance of the late Act of Parliament made for the suppressing the late Mint. Harwich, Nov. 12. Tbe King David, of which I gave an Account the 6ch ult. ( whose Lading of Clap- Boards, Pipe Staves, and Billet- Wood, being taken out) was this Morning on Fire, which burnt the Cabin, with most of the Sails in it, and all tha after Part of the Ship before it could be extinguished ; all her Masts were
oblig'd to be cut away for Fear of her setting Fire to the Town she lying close to one of the Keys. It cannot be yet discovered how she became on Fire, but there is supposed to have been some Roguery in the Case. During the Fire, the Wind blew pretty fresh at S. E. wh; ch carried the Sparks of Fire off from the Town into the Water; otherwise the Town would have been in greater Dan- ger of being fired. The old Man of War that lay without her for Break Waters, by the Sparks was twice set on Fire, but was extinguish'd before it got
An Abridgment of the Life, Robberies, Escapes, and Death, of John Sheppard, who was Executed at Tyburn on Monday the 16th Instant, 1724. THE celebrated Jack Sheppard, whose Eminence in his Profession render'd him the Object of every Body's Curiosity, having made his Exit on Monday last at Tyburn, in a Manner suitable to his extraordinary Merits, we hope a short Summary of his most remarkable Performances, before and since his repeated EscapeS out of Newgate, together with his Behaviour at the Place of Execution, will not be a disagreeable Entertainment to our Readers. He was born in 1701, and put
Apprentice by the charitable Interposition of Mr. Kneebone, whom he afterwards robb'd, to one Mr. Owen Wood, a Car- penter in Drury- Lane. Before his Time was out he took to keep Company with one Elizabeth Lyon, who prov'd his ruin : Of her he gave this Character, That there is not a more wicked, deceitful, lascivious Wretch living in England, the first Robbery he ever committed was of two silver Spoons at the Rummer Tavern, Charing Cross. He own'd several other Rob- beries, particularly that of Mr. Pargiter in Hamp- stead, for which the two Brightwells were try'd and acquitted ; in relation to which he often said jocosely,
Little I was that large lusty Man that pluck'd him from the Ditch as Pargiter had depos'd at Brightwell's Tryal. He was long Comrade with Blueskin, lately executed, who according to the Account Sheppard gave of him. was a worthless Companion, a sorry Thief, and that nothing but his Attempt on Jonathan Wild could have made him taken Notice of: Afterwards he broke out of St. Giles's Round house, throwing a whole Load of Bricks, & c. 0n the People in the Street who stood looking at him, and made his Es- cape. After this he broke out of New Prison ; then out of the Condemn'd Hold in Newgate; but his last Escape from
Newgate having made the greatest Noise, we shall insert the following Particulars. Thursday, Oct. the 15th, just before 3 in the After- noon, he went to work, taking off first his Hand- Cuffs; next with main Strength he twisted a small iron Link of the Chain between his Legs asunder; and the broken Pieces prov'd extreme useful to him in his Design; the Fett- Locks he drew up to the Calves of his Legs, taking off before that his Stock- ings, and with his Garters made them firm to his Body, to prevent their Shackling : He then proceeded "" to make a Hole in the Chimney of the Castle about three Foot wide, and six Foot high from the
Floor, and with the Help of the broken Links aforesaid, wrench'd an iron Bar out of the Chimney, of about two Foot and an half in length, and an Inch square ; a most notable Implement: He immediately enter'd the Red Room, which is directly over the Castle, and went to work upon the Nut of the Lock, and with little Difficulty got it off, and made the Door fly be- fore him ; in this Room he found a large Nail, which prov'd o£ great Use in his farther Progress: The Door of the Entry between the Red Room and the Chappel prov'd an hard Task, it being a laborious piece of Work ; for here he was forc'd to break away the Wall, and
dislodge the Bolt which was fasten'd en the other Side: This occasion'd much Noise, and he was very fearful of being heard by the Master side Debtors. Being got to the Chappel, he climb'd over the iron Spikes, with Ease broke one of them off, and open'd the Door on the Inside : The Door going out of the Chappel to the Leads, he stripp'd the Nut from off the Lock, and then got into the Entry between the Chappel and the Leads, and came to another strong Door, which being fasten'd by a very strong Lock, he had like to have stopt, and it being full dark, his Spirits began to fail him, as greatly doubt, ing of Success ; but cheering
up, he wrought on with great Diligence, and in less than half an Hour, with the main Help of the Nail from the Red Room, and the Spike from the Chappel, wrench'd the Box off, and so was Master of the Door. A little farther in his Passage another stout Door stood in his way and this was a Difficulty with a witnesS being guarded with more Bolts, Bars, and Locks than any he had hitherto met with : The Chimes at St. sepulchre's were then going the 8th Hour: He went first upon the Box and the Nut, but found it Labour in vain; he then proceeded to attack the Fillet of the Door; this succeeded beyond Expectation for the Box of the
Lock coming off with it from the main Post he found his Work was near finish'd He was got to a Door opening in the lower Leads, which being only bolted on the Inside, he open'd it with Ease and then clamber'd from the Top of it to the higher Leads and went over the Wall. He saw the streets were lighted, the Shops being still, open, and therefore be- gan to consider what was necessary to be further done He found he must g° back for the blanket which had bcen his Covering a- nights in the Castle, which he accordingly did, and endeavour'd to fasten his Stockings and that together, to lessen his Descent but wanted
Necessaries, and was therefore forc'd to make use of the Blanket alone: He sixt the same with the Chappel- Spike into the Wall of Newgate and dropt from it on the Turner's Leads, a House adjoining to the Prison; ' twas then about 9 of the Clock, and the Shops not yet shut in. It fortunately happen d, that the Garret Door on the Leads was open. He stole softly down about two Pair of Stairs and then heard Company talking in a Room the Door being open. His Irons . gave a small Clink which made a Woman cry, Lord ! what Noise is that ? A Man reply'd, Perhaps the Dog or Cat; and so it went off. He return'd up to the Garret, and
laid himself down, being terribly fatigu'd ; and continu'd there for about two Hours, and then crept down once more to the Room where the Company were, and heard a Gentleman take his Leave, who being lighted down Stairs, the Maid, when she return'd, shut the Chamber Door: He then resolv'd at all Hazards to follow, and slip down Stairs, he was instantly in the Entry and out at the Street Door, and once more, contrary to his own Expectation, and that of all Mankind, a Freeman. He pass'd directly by St Sepulchre's Watch house, bidding them Good morrow, it being after Twelve, and down Snow- hill, up Holborn, leaving St.
An- drew's Watch on his Left, and then again pass'd the Watch- house at Holborn Bars, and made down" Gray's- Inn Lane into the Fields, and at two in the Morning came to Tottenham Court, where getting into an old House in the Fields,' he laid himself down to Rest, and slept well for three Hours. His Legs were swell'd and bruis'd intollerably, which gave him great Uneasiness; and having his Fetters still on, he dreaded the Approach of the Day. He began to ex- amine his Pockets, and found himself Master of be- tween forty and fifty Shillings. It raining all Friday, he kept snug in his Retreat till the Evening, when after Dark he
ventur'd into Tottenham, and got to a little blind Chandler's Shop, and there furnish'd him- self with Cheese Bread, Small beer, and other Neces- saries, hiding his Irons with a great Coat. He ask'd the Woman for an Hammer, but there was none to be had ; so he went very quietly back to his Dormi- tory, and rested pretty well thac Night, and continued there all Saturday. At Night he went again to the Chandler's Shop and got Provisions, and slept till about six the next Day, which being Sunday, he began to batter the Basils of the Fetters in order to beat them into a large Oval, and then to slip his Heels thorough. In the Afternoon
the Master of the Shed, or Houfe. came in, and feeing his Irons, ask'd him, For God's sake, who are you ? He told him, " an ' unfortunate young man, who had been sent to Bride- ' well about a Bastard- Child, and not being able to ' give Security to the Parish, had made his Escape The Man reply'd, If that was the Case it was a small Fault indeed, for he had been guilty of the same things himself formerly ; and withal said, However, he did not like his Looks, and cared not how soon he was gone After he was gone, observing a poor looking like a Joiner, he made up to him and repeated the same Story, assuring him that 20s.
should be at his Service, if he could furnish him with a Smith's Ham- mer V 15 any Head. The Rigging, Cordage, & c. which could be saved from the Flames, are secur'd in a Warehouse.
i mer and a Puncheon. The man prov'd a Shoe- maker by Trade, but willing to obtain the Reward, immediately borrow'd the Tools of a Blacksmith his Neighbour, and likewise gave him great Assistance, so that before 5 that Evening he had entirely got rid of his Fetters, which he gave to the Fellow, besides his 2os. That Night he went to a Cellar at Charing Cross, and refresh'd very comfortable, where near a Dozen People were all discoursing about Sheppard, and no- thing else was talk'd on whilst he said amongst them. He had ty'd an Handkerchief about his Head, tore his woollen Cap. Coat, and Stockings in many Places,
and look'd exactly like what he design'd to represent a Beggar- Fellow ; and now concluding thac Blueskin would have certainly been decreed for Death, he did fully resolve and purpose to have gone and cut down the Gallows the Night before his Execution] On Tuesday he hired a Garret for his Lodging at a poor House in Newport- Market, and sent for a sober young Woman, who for a long Time past had been the real Mistress of his Affections, who came to him., and render'd all the Assistance she was capable of af- fording. He made her the Messenger to his Mother, who lodg'd in Clare street. 1 She likewise visited him in a
Day or two after, begging on her bended Knees of him to make the best of his Way out of the King- dom, which he faithfully promis'd; but could not find in his Heart to perform. He was often times in Spittle- fields, Drury- lane, Lewkenor's- lane, Parker's- lane, St. Thomas's- Street, & c. those having been the chief Scenes of his Rambles and Pleasures. Ar last he came to a Resolution of breaking the House of the two Mr. Rawlins's, Brothers and Pawn, brokers in Drury- lane, which he accordingly put in Execution, and succeeded ; they both hearing him rifling their Goods as they lay in Bed together in the next Room. And though
there were none others to assist him, he pretended there was, by loudly giving out Directions for shooting the first Person through the Head that presum'd to stir, which effectually quieted them, while he carried off his Booty, with Part whereof on the fatal Saturday following, being the 31ft of October, he made an extraordinary Ap- pearance ; and from a Carpenter and Butcher was now transform'd into a Gentleman ; he went into the City, and was very merry at a publick House not far from the Place of his old Confinement. At four that same Afternoon he pass'd under Newgate in a Hackney Coach, the Windows drawn up, and in
the Evening he sent for his Mother to the Sheers Alehouse in May- pole Alley near Clare- Market, and with her drank three Quarterns of Brandy ; and after leaving her drank in one Place or other about that Neighbour- hood all the Evening, till the evil Hour of Twelve, having been seen and known by many of his Acquaint- ance ; all of them cautioning of him, and wondering at his Presumption to appear in that Manner. At length his Senses were quite overcome with the Quan- tities and Variety of Liquors he had all the Day been drinking, which pav'd the Way for his Fate; and when apprehended, he was altogether incapable of
resisting, scarce knowing what they were doing with him, and had but two Second- hand Pistols scarce worth carrying about him. _ . From his last Re apprehension to his Death some Persons were appointed to be with him constantly Day and Night'; vast Numbers of People came to see him to the great Profit both of himself and those about him ;. several Persons of Quality came, all of whom he begg'd to intercede with hiS Majesty for Mercy, but his repeated returning to his Vomit, left no room for it; so that being brought down to the King's Bench Bar Westminster, by an Habeas Corpus, and it appearing by Evidence that he
was the same Person, who, being under a former Sentence of Death, had twice made his Escape, a Rule of Court was made for his Execution, which was on Monday last. That Morning he suffer'd he told a Gentleman, That he had a satisfaction at Heart, as if he was going to enjoy as estate of 200l. a year. At the place of Execu- C 3 0 2 9 ) tion he behav'd Very graVely, spoke very little, gave a Paper to a Friend, and after some small Time al- low d for Devotion, he was turn'd ofF. dying with much Difficulty, and with uncommon Pity from all the Spectators. The same Night his Body was bu- ry'd in St. Martins in the Fields, with a
velvet Pall, and the Funeral Service perform'd, & c. a Detachment of the Prince's Guard attending the Corps, with their Bayonets fix'd on their Musquets to prevent the Violence of the Populace, who had been very tumul- tuous all Day, so no farther Disorder happen'd. Tuesday last being the Anniversary of Queen Eliza- beth's Accession to the Crown, the same was observed with the usual Marks of Respect to the Memory of so Great a Queen, particularly by Ringing of Bells and Bonfires and Fireworks in the high Streets of the City, but especially at the Inns of Court and Chancery. And Thursday was the Day which her Majesty
ap- pointed for a General Thanksgiving throughout the the Nation, for the Providential Defeat of that mighty Armida, which the Spaniards had withinfi- nite Expence been three Years equipping, and called by the Arrogant Name of Invinsible. And indeed ic was the best furnished with Men, Ammunition, and all Manner of Provisions of any one Fleet that the Ocean ever carry'd before or since ; the Number of Ships being 130; of Soldiers on board 19190 • o£ of Mariners 8350; of Gallay Slaves 208o, and of Great Cannon 2630. The same Day was also remarkable for being the Birth- day of King Charles I. who was born at Dum fermlin in Scotland just 1 24. Years ago. Monday next is appointed for the Election of a Member of Parliament for this City, In the room of Peter Godfrey, Esq deceas'd. The Rev. Mr. De L'Angle; Prebendary of Canter- bury, dy'd there the 14th Instant, aged 85. Letters from Edinburgh give an Account of a Mur- der lately discover'd, which was committed in the County of Fife about 15 Years ago, in the follow- ing Manner: A Gentleman calling upon a Tenant for some Rent, who liv'd in an Houfe Very far from any Neighbours, the Villain and his Crooked Rib com- bin'd to murder him, which they effected by running him through the
Back with a Sword up to the Very Hilt ; then they kill'd his Horse, and bury'd him very privately with his Master. A Daughter of these Miscreants, then a Child, dying some Days since, up- on her Death- Bed made this Discovery.— A Gentle, man, very remarkable for his Travels thro' Europe, has lately had two Bones taken out of one of his Legs; of these Bones he has caus'd to be made Handles for a Knife and Fork, with which, as a memento mori, he eats his Victuals. The Market- House in Spittle Fields was burnt down by an accidental Fire on Monday Night last about ten a Clock; And next Day some Stables and Out Houses
be- longing to the Angel Inn at Islington were also burnt. There is Advice, that the Ship Lady Anne Don- castle, bound from Dantzick to Petersburgh. drove ashore in nine Foot Water, near Cronslot. Also That the Ship of J. Bees bound on the same Voyage,' was lost at the same Place. We hear from Paris that M. Deschats, who is a very great Mechanick, has found out a Method to stop Coach Horses in an Instant, even when they are run- ning with the greatest Fury : ' Tis done by only pul- ing such a little String as the Coachmen generally hold in their Hands, and there's one particular Way of doing it, which immediately lets
down a Ma. chine about the Horses Feet, and hampers them so that they cannot stir a Jot farther, be their Fury ever so great. On Tuesday last Dr. Henchman, Chancellor of the Diocese of London, gave Sentence of Divorce in fa- vour of William Yonge, Esq; one of the Lords of the Treasury, against the said Mr. Yonge's Wife,' by reason of Adultery, 0d • I I J 1 / » t '- y fj
( ) To be SOLD, Two Doors above the Dog and Duck in New Bond Street, near Hanover square, bv Mary Arnold. Right Pyrmont Water, and the true German Spaw Water: She gives Notice by order of the Mas- ter of the Bath, and the Pumper; and of the Master of the Hot Well- Waters at Bristol, that she hath them fresh every Wednesday and Saturday. She also sells Acton- Waters, and all other Mineral and Purg- ing Waters fresh every Day. To be LETT, An House, being the fourth Door on the Right Hand side of the Way going up Hollis- street situated between Cavendish- square and Hanover- square, with three Rooms on a
Floor, two large Kitchins, Vaults, and other Conveniences fit for one large Family, or two small ones : Enquire at Mr. Pinckney's, the third House in the Row, next Cavendish- Square; or at the Printer's of this Paper LONDON.- Printed and Sold by J. READ, in White- Fryers " near Fleet- Street. t Where Advertisements are taken in. On Monday last dy'd of a Dead- Palsie the Revd. Dr. Pound, at Wanstead in Essex, who was Mini- ster there. The Living is in the Gift of the Lord Viscount Castlemain. The Rev. Dr. Watson, Prebendary of Westmin- ster, died on Sunday last. On Monday Night died Joseph Girdler, Esq; Ser- jeant at Law
formerly Member of Parliament for Tamworth, aged 82. On Monday last came on a remarkable Cause at the King's Bench Bar Westminster, before the Right Hon. the Lord Chief Justice Prat, between Walter Essing- ton, of Goatacre, in the Parish of Hilmarten, in the County of Wilts, Gent. Plantiff, and John Tuck of the same Place, Defendant concerning the latter's having Criminal Conversation with the Plantiff's Wife, and cohabiting with her in Adultery: The Council for the Plantiff were Mr. Reeve and Mr. Martin. After they had opened the Matter with all its Cirrumstances, it appear'd the Defendant lay with her the Plantiff's own
House and Bed, and at seVeral other Placer. The Lord Chief Justice sum'd up the Evidence with admirable Clearness, and a be- coming Indignation against such wicked Actions: The Jury withdrew, and in a short time after re- turned, and brought in their Verdict for the Plan- tiff, and gave 1oo I. Damages, which was the whole the Plantiff had declared for. Bankrupts since our last List. John Venden, late of Queen street, London, Fruit- erer. Richard Thornhill, of Gracechurch- street, London, Broker and Stockjobber. Joseph Riddle, of Denmark- street, in the Parish of St. Giles's in the Fields, in the County of Middlesex,
Apothecary. Edward Harries, late of Ludlow, in the County of Salop, Mercer. Edmund Bedell, of High- Holbourn, in the County of Middlesex, Coach- maker. Edward Mortimer, of St. James Westminster, Brasier. Thomas Peters, late of Monmouth- street, in the Parish of St. Giles's in the Fields, in the County of Middlesex. Salesman. James Willoughby, of Birchin Lane, London, Bar- ber. Robert Turner, of Lurgershall, in the County of Bucks, Chapman. William Mascall, of Claygate, in the Parish of Thames- Ditton, in the County of Surry, Chapman. ADVERTISEMENTS. To be SOLD very Cheap, By Wholesale or Retail, at a
Warehouse against the Star Tavern in Coleman- street, about 160 Dozen of Mens Womens, and Childrens Gloves, some of which are Kid, some Sheep, and some Lamb; being the Goods of a Person that has lately left off Trade. The Sale will begin on Tuesday the 24' h of this Instant November, at ten a- clock, and continue three Days, if not sold before: They are put into Dozens, and will be Sold by the half Dozen, or Do. ien, as the Buyer pleases.