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The Weekly Journal : Or British Gazetteer Being the freshest Advices Foreign and Domestic


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The Weekly Journal : Or British Gazetteer Being the freshest Advices Foreign and Domestic

Date of Article: 07/11/1724
Printer / Publisher: J. Read 
Address: White-Fryars, near Fleet-street, London
Volume Number:     Issue Number: 
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o R, Gazetteer. Being the freshest Advices Foreign and Domestick. SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 1724. The Confutation of some Popish Errors continu'd. S I R, HE Romanists do not a little glory in the ma- ny Miracles that have been done among them for the Confirmation of their Doctrine, and the Establishment of their Church ; but when these Miracles are enquired into, and separated from Fiction, wherein there was nothing at all done by them, more than by Feigned and empty Pretences, to impose on their too credulous Followers, what remains of them may be reduc'd to these two Sorts, either Legerdemain Tricks, or diabolical Illusions, of each of which there are great Variety among them: Let me give a Speci. ment of each of them by an Instance or two. First, many of their Miracles are nothing else but lying Tales, such as they report of St. Francis, of whom they say that he turn'd the Leg of a Capon Into a Dish of Fish, because it was a Fasting Day : And at Thomas Becket's Shrine in Canterbury they made great Acclamations on the Account of a Miracle done there on a Man, who, as they said, was born blind, and by a Miracle had Sight given to him ; at which Time their Deceit was discover'd by the then Duke of Gloster, who instantly came upon them, and demanded of the then cured Man, What Colour his Cloak was of? The Imposter not being quick sighted enough to perceive the Design of tbe Question, im- mediately answer'd, Blue ; by which the Duke made Proof of the Cheat; for had the Person been really cured, it had been impossible for him on a sudden to distinguish Colours, and to call them by their proper Appellations ; of this Sort they have a Multitude of Miracles. Another Sort, of them are perform'd by Legerde- main Tricks, some of which are done after such a bungling Manner, that at once they betray their Ig- norance and Impudence, of which there might be many Instances given, but this is so weil known, that the Labour may be spared. By such Methods are the greatest Part of their Miracles perform'd, but not all of them ; there are sufficient Grounds to affirm that some of them are the EfFect of diabolical Illusion, an extraordinary and surprising Instance whereof I have met with in several Authors: I shall relate it verbatim as it is in Bishop Hall's Treatise of the Invisible World, Book III; Section 6.. ' I cannot forbear, saith the Bishop, to single out ' thar one famous Story of Magdalene de la Croix, in ' che Year of our Lord Christ, 1545, who being born ' at Cordova in Spain, whether for the Indigence or ' Devotion of her Parents, was, at five Years Age, ' put inco a Convent of Nuns: At that Age an ' Evil Spirit presented himself to her in the Form * of a Blackmore, foul and hideous ; she started at the Sight, not Without much Horror; but with fair ( Price Three- Half Pence Speeches and Promises of all those gay Toys wherewith Children are wont to be delighted, she was won to hold Society with him, not without strong Charges of Silence and Secresy ; in the mean time she gave Proof of a notable quick Wit, and more than the ordinary Ability incident to the Age, so that she was highly esteem'd both of the young Novices, and of the aged Nuns. No sooner was she come to che Age of 12 or 13 Years, than the Devil solicites her to marry with him, and for her Dowry promises her, that for the Space of 30 Years she shall live in such Fame and Honour for the Opinion of her Sanctity, as that she shall be, for that Time, the Wonder of all Spain. While this unclean Spirit held his unclean Convention with her in her Chamber, he delegates another of his hellish Complices to supply the Place and Form of his Magdalene in the Church, in the Cloister, in all their Meecings, not without marvellous Appearance of Gravity and Devotion, disclosing unto her also the Affairs of the World abroad, and furnishing her with such Advertisements as made her to be wonder'd at, and won her the Reputation not only of an holy Virgin, but of a Prophetess; out of which height of Estimation, altho' she was not for Years capable of that Dignity, she was, by the general Votes of the Sisterhood, chosen unanimously to be the Abbess of thac Convent: Wonderful were the Feats which she then did. The Priest cries out in his Celebration, that he miss'd one of the holy Hosts, which he had consecrated ; and lo, that was by her wonted Angel invisibly convey'd to holy Magdalene: The Wall that was betwixt her Lodging and the Choir, at the Elevation of the Host, clave asunder, thac the holy Magdalene might see that sacred Act; and ( which was yet more no- torious,) on solemn Festivals, when the Nuns made their Procession, Magdalene Was, in the Sight of all the Beholders, lift up from the Earth the height of three Cubits, as if she would have been wrapt up to Heaven; and sometimes while she bore in her Arms a little Image of the Child jesus, new born, and naked, weeping ( like a true Magdalen) abun- dantly over the Babe, her Hair seemed by Miracle suddenly lengthen'd so low as to reach unto her Ancles for the covering of the naked Child, which, so soon as she had laid aside that dear Burden, sud- denly return'd to the wonted Length. These, and many other the like Miracles, made her so famous, that Popes, Emperor, the Grandees of Spain, wrote to her, beseechirg her in their Letters to recom- mend their Affairs to God in her powerful Devo- tions, and requiring her Advice and Advertisements in Matters of high Importance, as appear'd after- wards by the Letters found in her Cabinet; and the great Ladies of Spain and other Parts would not wrap their new born Infants in any Clouts or Swathing bands, but such as the sacred Hands of Abbess Magdalene had first touch'd and blessed: All the Nuns of Spain were proud of so great an Honour of their Order, and such miraculous Proofs of their Sanctity. At last it pleased God to lav open this notable Fraud of the Devil, for Magdalene, after 30 Years Acquaintance with this her Paramour, having 20 G ' been Abbess now 12 Years, began to conceive some Re- morse for her former Practices, and growing to a Detestation of her horrible society With that evil Spirit, found Means freely to discover to the Visi- tors of her Order, all the whole Carriage of this abominable and prodigious Wickedness. Altho some credible, wise, and learned Perfons have re. ported, that she perceiving the Nuns to have taken secret Notice of her foul pranks, lew she should run into a deserv'd ' Condemnation, did ( under the Fa- ' Vour of those Laws which give Pardon to self ac- ' cusing Offenders) voluntarily confess her monstrous Villany and Impiety. This Confession blank'd ma- ny of her Favourers and Admirers, and seem'd so strange, that it was held not fit to believe it with- out strict and legal Examinations and Proceedings. ' Magdalene was close imprison'd in her Convent, ' and being call to question, confess'd ail this Myste- ry of Iniquity ; yet still her Moor continu'd his Illusions; for while she was fast lock'd up in her ' Cell, with a strong guard upon her Doors, the Nuns ' were no sooner come, into the Choir towards Morn- ' ing to say their Mattins, than this Deputy. Appa- ' rition of Magdalene took up her wonted Stall, and was seen devoutly tossing her Beads amongst her Sis ters, so as they thought the Visitors had surely freed ' her of the Crimes objected, upon her vehement Peni- tence ; bur hearing that Magdalene was still fast Caged in her Prison, they acquainted the Visitors with ' what they had seen the Morning before, who upon ' full Examination found that she had never look'd ' out of the Doors of her Jail. The Process was at ' last sent up to Rome, whence, since the Confession ' was voluntary, she had her Absolution. A Story ' of great Note and Use for many Occasions, and too well known to the World to admit of either denial " or Doubt, and ratify as as by the known Consent of ' the Time, so by the faithful Records of Zuingerus, Bodin, Reney, and Goulartius. Lord God ! what cun- ning Conveyances are here of the foul Spirit ? what ' subtil Hypocrisy ? what powerful Illusions ? enough ' to make sanctity itself suspected ; enough to shame ' the Pretence of Miracles." If any object, that it is a Wonder that the Church of Rome, among whom there have been so many, that have dealt by the same Art, did not by that Means discover this Mystery of Iniquity, this grand and hel- lish Imposture 1 Let such know, that Daemons are too subtil to make any Discoveries to the Prejudice of themselves, or of their Interest, among whom there is a hellish Confederacy and Combination, and that Sa- tan is not divided against himself, therefore he will not retard his own Designs, tho' he may and doth make discoveries for the promoting and carrying on of the same : And as it is certain that the Romanists cannot work any real Miracles, so is is as reasonable to believe that God in Justice hath given them up to deceive one another by false ones, as a just Punish- ment of their Pride and Idolatry. That their Religion is idolatrous and Antichristian hath been shewn in many Particulars; and he is an ill Divine indeed, that thinks the holy Spirit of Truth Will set his Seal to such a Religion by working Mi- racles for its Confirmation; no, this can't be there, fore let Papists see to it from whence their Miracles are, for certain it is they are not from God ; and ly- ing_ Miracles are a certain proof that the Religion which produces and maintains them is not true. Bishop Usher in his Body of Divinity, Pag. 44;. in answering what Difference there is between Christ's Miracles, and those of the Romish Church, saith, ' Very great every Way. for Christ's Miracles were true, whereas these are false and lying, and by le- gerdemain: Christ's Miracles were from God, but theirs, where there is any strange Thing, and above the common reach of Men, from the Devil : Christ's Miracles were for the most part profitable to the Health of Man, but theirs altogether unprofitable and for a vain Shew : Christ's Miracles were to confirm the Truth, but theirs to confirm Falshood. What gather you of this? That seeing the Popes , Kingdom glorieth so much in Wonders, it is most c like that he is Antichrist, seeing the false christs and the false Prophets shall do great wonders to « deceive, if It were possible, the Very elect and that ' some of the false Prophets Prophecies shall come to ' Pass should not therefore believe the Doctrine ' of Popery for their Wonders sake, seeing the lord ' thereby trieth our Faith, who hath given to satan ' great Knowledge and Power to work strange things ' moreover whatsover Miracles are not profitable to ' some good, neither tend to confirm a truth are ' false and lying; so that as the Lord left an evident ' Difference between his Miracles and the Inchant- ' ments of the Egyptians, so hath he left an evident ' Difference between the Miracles of Christ and his AP° stles and those of the Romish Synagogue But, are not Miracles as necessary now as they ' were in the Time of the Apostles? No, verily ' for the Goipel being then new unto the World had ' need to have been confirm'd with Miracles from ' Heaven; but it being once confirm'd, there is no ' more need of Miracles; and therefore we keeping ' the same Doctrine of Christ and his Apostles must ' content ourselves with the Confirmation which hath ' already been given. And, what ariseth out of this? ' That the Doctrine of Popery is a new Doctrine ' which hath need to be confirm'd with new Miracles' ' and so it is not the Doctrine of Christ, neither is ' establish'd by his Miracles." " Therefore whether Protestants be Hereticks In protesting against the Errors of Popery, and depart- ing from the Romish Church ; or rather whether the continuing in their Communion doth not prove Persons so, will next be enquir'd into by Croydon, Nov. 3, 1724. MITHRIDATES. The Life of James II. King of ENGLAND! JAMES Duke of York, second Son of King Charles the First, was born on the 14th of Octo- ber, 1638, and succeeded his Brother King Charles the Second on Friday the 6th of February, 1684 on which Day he was with great Solemnity pro. claim'd in the usual Places of the City of London, and afterwards through all England and all the Eng- lish Dominions. All Offices and Places, both Military and Civil, in England and Ireland being void by the Death of the late King, A Proclamation was issued to confirm the present Possessors in them till the King's farther Order. And the Orders and Directions of the Privy. Council of the late King, were commanded to be of the same Validity as in his Life. Which Order was also sent to all the foreign Plantations belonging to the English Crown. The first Time the King sate in the Privy- Coun- cil, he made a Speech to them to this Effect. That since it had pleased God to place him in that Station, he thought fit to declare, ' That he would ' follow the Example of his Brother, in Tenderness ' and Clemency to his People. That he affected not ' arbitrary Power as was laid to his Charge. That ' he would preserve the Government, both in Church ' and State, according to the establish'd Laws. That ' he was satisfy'd and secure in the Loyalty and un- shaken Fidelity of the Church of England, and ' would therefore always support it. That he aim'd ' to be no greater than the Laws would make him, ' and therefore as he would not part with his own * just Rights and Prerogatives, so would he neither ' invade any Man's Property. ' That as he had often ' ventur'd his Life in Defence of the Nation, he ' would go as far as any Man in preserving it in all ' its just Rights and Liberties. .. And at the Request of the Lords of the Council, this Speech was printed. . f The Act of Parliament that imposed the Duties of Tonnage and Poundage, or Customs upon Merchan- dize, given to the late King, being expired by his Death, the Merchants scrupled now to pay them. The King therefore publish'd a Proclamation com- manding the Payment of the said Duties, as IN the Life of the late King, to maintain the Fleet for the Defence of the Nation and Security of Trade, till the Parliament that was soon to meet should take 1250 Care of a sufficient Settlement on the Crown for the Support of the Government. Which, altho' a mani- fest Violation of the People's Rights, and an Assump- tion of arbitrary Power, was at this Time little taken Notice of. On the 14th of February, in the Evening, the Corps of his late Majesty King Charles II. was pri. vately interr'd in the Chappel of King Henry VII. in Westminster Abbey, in a Vault under the East- End of the South Isle. The Prince of Denmark being the chief Mourner, attended by many Lords and Gentlemen of both the late and present King's Ser- vants The next Day, the Duke of Ormond, the Earl of Arlington, the Lord Viscount Newport, the Lord Maynard, and Henry Savill, Esq; were confirmed in their Places of Lord Steward, Lord Chamberlain, Treasurer, Comptroller, and Vice Chamberlain, which they enjoy'd in the late King's Time. On the 16th, Lawrence Earl of Rochester, Lord President of the Council, was made Lord High Treasurer of England; on the 18th, the Lord Mar- quis of Halifax was declared Lord President of the Council; the Lord Clarendon Lord Privy- Seal; the Duke of Beaufort President of Wales; and the Lord Godolphin Lord Chamberlain to the Queen. Several other Persons were at the same Time confirm'd in the Places they enjoy'd in the late King's Reign. The News of the King's Death being arriv'd at Edinburgh, the Lords of the Privy Council were immediately call'd together by the Earl of Perth, Lord High- Chancellor, and the Duke of Queensbury Lord Treasurer; who being assembled and all sworn anew, gave Orders for the proclaiming King James, which was accordingly done on the 10th ot Febru- ary with all usual Ceremonies, their Lordships assist- ing at it. After which, by his Majesty's Command, a Proclamation was publish'd to continue all Officers, Judges and Magistrates in their respective Places till further Order. This being done, the Lords of the Council sent a Letter to the King, containing an Account of their Proceedings, with Assurances of hazarding their Lives and Fortunes in Defence of his Perfon and Dignity. And at the same Time, the Archbishops and Bishops of that Kingdom sent a Letter to the King, expressing both their Sorrow for the Death of his late Majesty, and their Duty and Affection to himself. On the 11th of the same Month, the King was proclaimed in Ireland also, with no less Solemnity and Expressions of Joy, by his Grace the Duke of Or- mond, assisted by the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, the Lord Mayor and Aldermen of Dublin, & c, In the mean Time Addresses daily arriv'd from all Parts of the Kingdom, congratulating his Majesty's Accession to the Throne, and to thank him for his Promise of maintaining their Religion and Laws; which were all kindly receiv'd by the King ; and the Assurances repeated. _ _ Nor were Foreign States wanting in their Respect, each sending their Ambassadors to congratulate his Majesty's AcCession to the Throne. The first of which that arriv'd, was the Crunt Serclais de Tilly, who was sent from the Marquis de Grana, Governor of the Spanish Netherlands, with Compliments of Condoleance and Congratulating and was followed by the rest of the Princes of Europe. In Scotland, on the 20th of February, a Procla- mation was publish'd to summon a Parliament to meet at Edinburgh, on the 9th of April following. And an Address of Congratulation was sent to the King from the Magistrates and Council cf that City; as were likewise others from several Corporations in that Kingdom. The King's Coronation being now under Conside- ration, in order to it a Proclamation was publish'd on the 6th of March, commanding all those who by Tenure of Lands, See. are oblig'd to claim or assist thereat, to put in their Claims before the Lords there- by authorized to receive them. To be continu'd this Day Fortnight: Extract of a Letter from Virginia, dated Aug 22, 1724. ' We have been visited by a violent and se- Vere Storm, which has done us infinite Damage. , for, all the Tobacco on the Low Lands is drown'd, ( and the rest either torn or shatter'd to Pieces, or , much bruis'd and injur'd, so that many Families , here will be ruined and all of us great Sufferers- t our 0nly Hopes are, that great Part of our Tobacco is unsold, because you may certainly make your own Price of what is in your hands. ' Many things conspire to lessen the Crop of this , Year you know we are restrain'd by a Law amongst ourselves from Planting above 6000 Plants per Head, whereas before we allotted 1o or 12ooo to a Negroe : Your late Act of Parliament prohibits the sending stem'd Tobacco, and this Storm has left us hardly any thing else, it having torn the Tobacco to pieces from the Stalk ; upon the whole we shall not make the fourth Part of a Crop, and therefore my positive Orders are, that such Tobacco as is now unfold remain so till you hear again from me. ' Our Corn is miserably laid, and we are not with- out great Apprehensions of a Famine : But that my Family may not be wholly unprovided for such a Calamity, pray fend me 40 C. of Bisket Bread, & c. John Sheppard, the famous Thief, House breaker, 1 and Jail- breaker, who being under Sentence of Death, had made his Escape our of Newgate two several times in a very surprizing and wonderful Manner, was re- retaken on Saturday Night last, about twelve, and brought back thither before one next Morning, where ufficient Care is taken to secure him for the Remain- der of his Time ; he being confined in a Very strong Apartment, double Iron'd on both Legs, handcuff'd, and chain'd down to the Ground, with a Chain run- ning through his Irons, which is fasten'd on each side of him ; and, we hear, a Watch will be kept upon him beside. He was apprehended in the following Manner; a Boy belonging to Mr. Bradford, a Head- borough, in Drury- Lane, saw him at a Butcher's Shop near Newtoner's Lane, cheapning some Ribs of Beef and meeting with an Acquaintance of his, of the Hundreds of Drury, commonly call'd Frisky Moll, he went to treat her with a Dram at a Chandler's Shop adjoining; in the mean time, the Boy, who knew him perfectly well, told his Master what he had seen, who getting some Persons to his Assistance, apprehended him : When he was searched, they found a Pair of Pistols about him, ready charged : He was equipp'd every way like a Gentleman, having on a Wig worth about six or seven Guineas, a Diamond Ring on his Finger, a Watch and Snuff Box in his Pocket, and some Gold, being also dress'd in a Suit of Black, ha- ving furnish'd himself therewith on Friday Morning last, by breaking open a Pawnbroker's Shop in Drury- Lane, and taking from thence most of the said Goods,' and divers others, to the Value, as we hear, of about 60 1. When he was brought back to the Jail, he was very drunk, carry'd himself insolently, and defy'd the Keepers to hold him with all their Irons, Art, and Skill. Wednesday feveral Noblemen came to Newgate to see John Sheppard : He is watched Niaht and Day by two Persons. He has owned several Robberies com- mitted by him since his last Efcape from Newgate, on the 15th of October; and in particular, the robbing of a Gentleman in Leicester Fields of a Gold Watch, a Night or two after his said Escape. We hear the Infirmary in the Parish of St. Marga- ret's Westminfter, set on Foot and carry'd on by the voluntary Contributions of well dispos'd Persons, goes on very successfully, about 1000 Poor having been cur'd there of various Diseases since December 1719; a noble Example of Charity, worthy to be follow'd by other great Parishes in this opulent City. On Sunday Night Mr. Haines, Clerk in the Lot- tery and Signet Offices, was set upon in Hyde Park by three Foot Pads, one of whom trip'd up his Heels, another rob'd him of his Sword, Peruke, and Money, while the third held a Pistol at his Breast, assuring him at the same time, that they would shoot him whenever they should meet him again, if he offer'd to speak of it before be pass'd the Gate. The The Conclusion of the Account of the Czarina's Coronation 1 The Czarina, after having repeated the Athana- sian Creed, kneel'd down upon a Cushion and re. ceiv'd the Archbishop's Benediction, who consecrated her with the Sign of the Cross, laid his Hands on her, and then taking off his Mitre, he recited an ex- cellent Prayer. As soon as the Prayer was ended, the Empress stood up, and the two Archbishops took hold of the Coronation Mantle, and gave it to the Empe- ror, who, without quitting the Scepter, put it upon the Empress. Then their Imperial Majesties kneeling down again, the Archbishop read another Prayer aloud. After which, the Empress rising up, the Emperor took the Crown from the Archbishops, and plac'd it on her Head, but still kept the Scepter in his Hand. Then the Archbishops pronounc'd their Benediction in these Words, In the Name of the Father, of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost, While the Czar was still standing with his Scepter in his Hand, the Arch- bishop put the Imperial Globe, into the Empress's Hand, and then their Majesties sate down and re. ceiv'd the Compliments both of the Clergy and Laity, while the Choir sang the usual Anthem for their Prosperous Reign, after which there was a general , Salvo of all the Artillery, and the Bells of all the Churches were rung, as is directed in the Liturgy. This done, their Imperial Majesties, being con- ducted from the Throne with the same Ceremonies as they ascended, went up to the Foot of the Altar, and from thence to their usual Seats. During the Liturgy the Empress sometimes took off her Crown, which was committed to the Charge of the Secre- tary of her Cabinet. After the Prayers for the Com. munion were sung, the Czar led the Empress, who was dress'd with the Crown and the Imperial Man- tle, upon a Walk of red Velvet doubled, and Ta- pestry work'd with Gold, to the Sanctuary, where she kneel'd On a Cushion embroider'd with Gold. Two Bishops carry'd the Holy Oil in separate Vessels, and an Archbishop anointed the Empress on the Fore- head, Breast, and Hands, repeating at each these Words, In the Name of the Father, of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Other Archbishops wip'd her with Cotton, and put in a Chafing- dish upon the Altar. The Archdeacon who attended with the Holy Sacra- ment in a Pyx said aloud, Approach with Piety and Faith ; upon which she receiv'd the consecrated Bread from the Archbishop,. with a little warm Wine. Two Archpriests of the Cathedral carry'd a Bason of Gold. The Archimandrite ( or Abbot) of the Trinity Mo- nastery held a Gold Ewer full of Water, and two other Abbots held the Napkin for her Majesty to wipe her Hands. Which done their Majesties re- turn'd to their Seats in the Church, and there was a second Salvo of the Cannon, & c. At the Close of the Service Theophanes Archbishop of Fleskow made an Harangue, in which he just mention'd the rare Virtues with which Heaven had adorn'd the Empress, and shew'd how we'll she de- serv'd that Crown which she had now receiv'd from GOD and her Spouse, and concluded with his Con. gratulations in the Name of the States of the Country. When this Office was over, the Duke of Holstein Went to wait on the Empress to the other Cathedral, to which she walk'd much in the same Order as she came from the Palace, with the Crown and Mantle, and under a rich Canopy supported by six Major Generals on Poles of massy Silver, on each of which were 8 Eagles of Silver gilt, with Crown, & c. and Tufts of solid Gold hung to gold Twist. The Scepter and Globe were carry'd before her, and her Train was held up again by the 5 Ladies. At her going out of the Church the Kettle Drums and Trum- pets sounded, there was a third Salvo of the Cannon, and the Bells rung in all the Churches, while the joyful Shouts of the Multitude rent the Skies. Prince Menzikoff walk'd just behind the Empress, Supported by the President of the Chamber of the Finances and the Chancellor of the Exchequer, each carrying a Purse of red Velvet embroider'd with Gold, in which were Medals of Gold and Silver which the Prince threw out among the Populace while the Empress walk'd to the other Cathedral As soon as she came to the Door an Archbishop met, and walk'd before her with a Crucifix while the Litanies were singing, and then the Empress went and paid her Devotions at the Tomb of the Czaro- witz DemetriUS' and those ° f the From thence she went in a Coach drawn by eight Horses to the Monastery of Wosnesenski, the Place of Interment for the Ladies of the Imperial Blood She was attended by I. The Emperor's Horse Guards in Green Coats and Red Wastecoats, richly lac'd with Gold, and adorn'd on the Breast and Arms with the Emperor's Coat of Arms in Embroidery. Their Cartouch Cases were of Velvet adorn'd with Cyphers embroider'd with Gold. Their Grenado Pouches and Belts of red Velvet laid with Gold, their Buckles and Sword Hilts gilt, their Hats edg'd with gold Lace, and adornd with white Cockades, their Holsters and Pistol Cases adorn'd with Cyphers in Gold, and with Lace and Fringe of the same, and the Bits of the Bridles, as also the Bread and Crupper Leathers of their Horses, were cover'd with massy Gold : Their Kettle Drums, which were of very fine Workmanship, were of Silver, with the Emperor's Arms, and im- boss'd Work in Gold and Silver. II. Twenty four Valets marching four a Breast on Foot, their Coats green, fac'd with red, their red Wastecoats bedawb'd with gold and silver Lace, their Hats lac'd with Gold, and the Hilts of their Swords gilt. III. Twelve Pages in green Liveries, the Facings and Vest of Cloth of Gold, with red silk Stockings with gold Clocks, and their Sword- hilts of Silver gilt. IV The Empress in a Coach drawn by 8 Horses, and 4 Footmen running before. V. Above 16 Heydukes marching on both Sides the Coach, tho' at a proper Distance from the Cham- berlains, and other Officers of the Court. 1 These had green Coats and red Wastecoats richly embroi- der'd with Gold, the Emperor's Arms and Cyphers, the Sleeves fring'd with Gold, and turn'd up with red Velvet; their red Velvet Caps were edg'd with green Velvet, and adorn'd with gold Twist, and a Star of Embroidery of Gold, with a Tuft of an Ap- ple of Silver. On the Side were two silver Eagles of Goldsmiths Work, and two Herons of Silver, with a Plume of red and white Feathers behind. In- stead of a Belt they wore two silver Chains fasten'd to a Stripe of red Velvet adorn'd with gold Twist. The Hilts of their Sabres were large and gilt. Their Boots, which were of Morocco Leather, were adorn'd with Buttons and other Ornaments of Silver made by Goldsmiths, and they had the same even upon their Shoes. VI. Lieutenant General Lessy rode behind the Coach, with two Heralds at Arms, and threw Mo- ney to the People, which was carry'd by the proper Officers in Purses. VII. Six Negroes dress'd in black Velvet edg'd with Gold. Instead of Scarves and Bracelets they had Ornaments of white and red Feathers, and they had Plumes of the same to their Turbans, which were fac'd with Muslin. Their Collars were of Silver, mark'd with their Majesty's Cypher. , . VIII- The Counts d'Apraxin and Golofskin in a Coach and six ( with two Pages on one Side, and two Blacks on the other.) who conduced the Empress to the Gate of the Monastery, where she was receiv'd by an Archbishop carrying a Crucifix, and attended by all the Nuns, and her Train was held up by five Ladies of the Second Rank. . , After she had perform'd her Devotions at the Tombs of the Ladies of the Imperial Family in that Monastery, she return'd to the Imperial Palace where the Duke of Holstein handed her out of the Coach, and had her to his Apartment, where the Czar ex- pected her, while the Service was getting ready in the Hall of Solemnities This hall for Its Bigness and Ornaments is one of the finest in Europe, and the Windows being pro- portionably large, make it very lightsome. The Roof rests upon one single Pillar in the Middle, the Cor- nishes and Pedestals of which are of fine Work in Plaister of Paris. All the Wainscot, which is of cu- rious Workmanship, and three Foot in Height, was hung with red Velvet, and rich Cloth of Gold flow- er'd at China, and the Floor was cover'd with Persian Carpets of an extraordinary Size, A Place was made for the Imperial Princesses, and the Dutchesses of Mecklemburg and Courland, to see the Solemnity, which was hung with Cloth adorn'd with Gold Fringe, and abundance of Ribbons. Round the Pil- lar a Table was set with Vessels of Gold and Silver, the Workmanship of Greek and Roman Antiquity, and adorn'd with Pearls of the East, and Precious Stones. The Tables where their Majesties were to eat, was set upon a rais'd Floor spread with red Vel- vet and Gold Lace, under a Canopy of the same hung with Ribbons. The Table, where the Duke of Hol- stein was to eat alone, was on the Left, there was another beyond for Persons of the first Quality, and particularly for those who assisted at the Coronation and there was a third on the same Side for the chief Secular Prelates, who officiated likewise in that Cere- mony. Over against this there was one for the La- dies and Gentlewomen who had any Hand in it, and there was a1 Theatre for the Musick. When all Things were ready for their Procession into the Hall, they enter'd it in the following Order. I. The Masters of the Ceremonies. II. The two great Cup- bearers , of whom the Count d'Apraxin officiated, during the Feast, as Carver. III. The Great Steward, follow'd by the Grand Marshal. IV The Czar and his two Supporters. V. The Czarina led by the Duke of Holstein, and supported as in the former Processions, the Train of the Imperial Mantle being born by five Ladies of the first Rank. VI. The chief Ladies of Quality both of the Court and Empire, with the Czarina's Maids of Honour.. VII. The other Persons of Note of both Sexes, Clergy and Laity, plac'd themselves in two Rows on both Sides, according to their Rank. When their Majesties were under the Canopy, the Blessing was crav'd, or rather given, by an Arch- bishop, and then the whole Company took their pro- per Places. The Dishes were laid on by the Czar's Lieutenant Generals, and as often as he call'd for a fresh Course, the Grand Marshal gave the Word to the Master of the Ceiemonies to go out with the Officers and give Orders for it; and as often as this j was done the Master of the Ceremonies was follow'd by the Officers in waiting, after whom went the chief Carver, and then the Grand Marshal. And all from the first to the last stood at the Hall Gate to receive the Dishes, which they carry'd up in the following Order, i. The Grand Marshal. 2. The Great Steward. } The Chief Carver. 4. The Of. ficcrs who carried the Service, each Dish of which was guarded by two Gentlemen of the Horse- Guards with their Carbines; and 5. The Master of the Ceremonies The Great Steward rang'd the Dishes, and took them off, and at every Time bent the Knee, and the others who waited on their Majesties with their Plates and glasses serv'd them on the Knee. They eat and drank out of Gold, and the Pyramids of Sweatmeats were brought in Basons of Gold. The Duke of Hol- stein too was serv'd by Officers of the first Rank. At the same Time a Stage was erected before the Hall, where two Fountains ran with red and white Wines, and Oxen and all manner of Fowls were roasted for the Populace. Before the Court rose from Table the Prince de Menzikoff distributed great Medals of Gold repre- senting the Coronation, to all the Persons of Distin- ction who had assisted in it, and then their Majesties return'd to their Apartments in the same Order as they came. Monday Night last a Lincolnshire Grazier was with his Majesty in the Drawing- Room, who weighs 580 Pounds; 17 Foot about; 6 Foot 4 Inches high he eats ,6 or 18 Pounds of Beef a Day ; is 28 Years of Age, and has 7 Children. < Wednesday last was the Anniversary of the Birth of the late King WILLIAM, of glorious and im- mortal Memory, and also of that happy Day when he first landed, in order to rescue the Liberty and Pro- perty of these Nations from the extremest Danger to which they seem'd then irrecoverably expos'd in 1688, 36 Years ago. As the Memory of so glorious and propitious an Article of Time is very dear to all true Lovers of their Country, it met with a just and grateful Celebration, not only on Account of the in- expressible Miseries that he freed us from, and the gentle Administration of his own indulgent Govern- ment, but also for the invaluable Blessing, which he entail'd upon us, and which we are now so happily possess'd of. ' ' And the next Day being the Anniversary of onr happy Deliverance from the Powder Plot, by which his Majesty King James the 1st. with the two Houses of Parliament were to be destroy'd, several of the Nobility and Foreign Ministers waited on the King congratulating his Majesty thereupon; as also their Royal Highnesses the Prince and Princess; at Noon the Guns in the Park and at the Tower were fir'd and in the Evening there was Illuminations, Bonfires and all other publick Tokens of Joy, and new Fire- works play'd off before the Royal Exchange This Day rhe Rev. Mr. Massey. Chaplain to the Rt. Hon. the Lord Mayor, preach'd before his Lord- ship at St. Paul s. The Right Honourable the Lord Mayor and ten Aldermen of this City, besides several Merchants, Sec. have sign'd a Petition of Moses Ouseman, a Jew. un der Sentence of Death in Newgate, for stealing a large Sum of Money out of the House of Messieurs Farmer and Clement, recommending him to his Ma- jesty's Royal Clemency. The Father of this unhap- py Person was a considerable Merchant at Houssin upon the Rhine, and was employ'd by the late Duke of Marlborough, as Commissary to the confederate Army at the Battle of Hockfrett. Mr. Clement and Mr. Farmer have also sign'd his Petition. The Rev. and Learned Dr. Gee, Dean of Lincoln, and Prebendary of Westininster, was elected Rector of St. Margaret's there, to the general Satisfaction of the whole Parish, who have a true Sense of that Gentle, man's Merit, on Account of his remarkable Piety, Generosity, and good Nature, by which he hath en. dear'd himself to all his Acquaintance. His Majesty having establish'd two new Professor- ships of Modern History and Languages, the one at Oxford, and the other at Cambridge; Mr. Gregory was accordingly remitted and sworn into that Place some Days ago in the former University ; as was Mr. Samuel Harris in the latter. • Norwich, Nov. 2. ' Last Night died the Rev. ' Dr. Prideaux Dean of Norwich, a Person who be- side all the Services he has done the World as a Scholar, has eminontly distinguished himself in his Writings as a Man that had Religion truly at his Heart He loved our Constitution in the Church, without hating those who could not approve it. He was a Man of much Sincerity and Openness in Conversion, a true Friend, and an hearty Lover of his Country. If either Goodness or Learning could have securcd this great Man fiom the Grave, he had been still alive. From the Boston Gazette, Sept. 7. We have Advice from Dunstable, that on Friday last two Men went out from thence to work in the Woods, and not re- turning in the Evening as was expected, Lieutenant Eben French, with 14 others, went out to see what they could discover, and coming up to a Place where they observ'd fome Cloaths and Guns, the Indians who lay undiscover'd presently fired upon them, and kill'd Lieutenant French with six others, and three more of the Party are missing, the others are return'd, who brought US this Account, and one of them is dangerously H » h I f ! u I I ADVERTISEMENTS. Mr. RAMSAY Surgeon and Man- Midwife, in Dartmouth- Street Westminster. who is Master of the great and useful Secret of curing Rup- tures in the Navel, Cod, or Groin, undertakes to com- pleat any Cure of that Kind in five or six Weeks at farthest, so as the Patient shall have no Occasion to wear any Manner of Truss ever after: And Mr. RAMSAY being willing to convince the World of the Certainty of his Performance, hath lately com- pleated besides many others of both young and old LoNDoN: Printed and Sold by J. READ, in White- Fryers near Fleet- Street. Where Advertisements are taken in. \ . dangerously wounded ; whereupon another Party went out immediately, who came up with the Indians, that were suppos'd to be about 30, and engag'd them, but with the Loss of two more Men. Among the Slain are Lieutenant French aforemention'd, Daniel Baldin, John Barbon, and Carter of Wooburn. Bankrupts since our last List. Philip Levermore, late of Lydd, in the County of Kent, Chapman. Thomas Doughty, of Swan- Yard, in the Strand, in the County of Middlesex, Chapman. William Poole, of St. Martin's Le Grand, London, Haberdasher. , Alexander Harwood, of New Brentford, in the County of Middlesex, Brewer. Thomas Northup, of london, Linnen Draper. Edward Woodyear, of Ludgate- Hill, London, Vintner. SHIPS Enter'd Inwards at the Custom- House since our last The Joseph and Mary from Spain ; Merry Julian from Cane; Endeavour from Gottenbro; Expedition and Loah both from Bologn ; Speedwell and CrOwn both from Deniz ; Isaac and Deborah from Bremen ; Lady Mary Gerdrute, Happy Return, and Regina all three from Hambro; Peter from Amsterdam ; Hyam from Rotterdam ; Three Johns from Holland ; Burgundy from Dtep. and Rose in June from Sweden. I. The Hannah from jersey ; Kitty from Malaga ; Junior, and Expedition both from Calais 5 Britannia from Cadiz; Cambridge from Dunkirk; Two Bro- thers from Guernsey ; Dispatch from Africa ; Tripple Alliance from Stockholm ; Neptune from Bremen ; Golden Hart from Hambro ; Hannah and Zeporah, William and James, and Jane and Martha, all three from Dublin j and Change from Norway. Clear'd Out. The Happy Return and Expedition both for the Streights; John and Constant, and Dorothy both for Cadiz; Jolliff for Guernsie; John and Mary for Frane; Gilbert for Africa ; Elizabeth and Catherine for Ireland, and Cleveland for Carolina. The Henry and Ann for Portugal; Robert and John for Lisbon ; Martha and Francis for Malaga ; Speedwell for Dunkirk and Little Rock for Nevis. People) the two following considerable Cures. the First upon John Reynolds, aged above 30 tp be heard of at Mr. Makenzies, Gunsmith, over against Suffolk Street End, near Charing Cross; and the Second upon Peter Barreau, aged above 60, whose Rupture was ex- ceeding large, and of many Years Continuance. he is an Out Pensioner of Chelsea Hospital; now living next the Star in Compton- Street, St. Anne's near Soho, Both these Cures were perform'd in the Presence of the following Gentlemen, who have alloW'd their Names to be made Use of upon this Occasion be- ing willing to attest the Truth thereof, viz Dr Stei- gertahl, Physician to the KING ; Dr. Tessier, Physician to the Royal Houshold; Dr Alexander Stewart, in Pall Mall; Mr. Amian Serjeant Surgeon to the KING Mr. Pawlett, Surgeon to the Second Troop of Guards Mr. Cabrole, late Surgeon to the Lord Cadogan's Regi- ment of Horse; Mr. Wilkie, Surgeon to the Infir- mary in Westminster and the ingenious George Pratt Webb, Esq;
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