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The Weekly Journal : Or British Gazetteer Being the freshest Advices Foreign and Domestic


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The Weekly Journal : Or British Gazetteer Being the freshest Advices Foreign and Domestic

Date of Article: 17/10/1724
Printer / Publisher: J. Read 
Address: White-Fryars, near Fleet-street, London
Volume Number:     Issue Number: 
No Pages: 6
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British Gazetteer. Being the freshest Advices Foreign and Domestick. Sure he who first the Passage try'd, In harden'd Oak his Heart did hide, And Ribs of Iron arm'd his Side : Or his, at least, in hollow Wood, Who tempted first the briny Flood, Nor fear'd the Winds contending Roar, Nor Billows beating on the Shoar, Nor Hyades portending Rain, Nor all the Tyrants of the Main; What Face of Death cou'd him affright, Who unconcern'd with stedfast Sight, Could view the Surges Mountain steep, And Monsters rolling in the Deep; Could thro' the Ranks of Ruin go, With Storms above, and Rocks below : In vain did Nature's wise Command Divide the Waters from the Land, If daring Ships, and Men profane, Invade th' inviolable Main ; Th' eternal Fences oVer leap, And pass at Will the boundless Deep; No Toil, no Hardships can restrain Ambitious Man inur'd to Pain ; The more confin'd the more he tries, And at forbidden Quarry flys. Dry. Hor. SIR, THE Occasion of my recollecting these Lines made on the Terrors of the Deep, and the Ha- zards that the Persons concern'd in it run, was, my meeting with the following Account, which, tho' not upon the Sea, very naturally belongs to it, the Adven. tures of which were so various, the Dangers so extreme, the Preservation so remarkable, and the Truth so un- deniable, that I hope it will be as entertaining to your Readers, as it was to your humble Servant, The Story is as follows. Pyrrho. An. Dom. 1630. May the 1st. the Muscovy Mer- chants of London sent a Ship call'd the Salutation, for Greenland, which arriv'd therein safety June n following, together with two other Ships, all which were commanded by Capt. William Goodler The Captain's ShiP stay'd at Bellsound, that of tbe Salu- tation at the Foreland; the Captain having kill'd Score of Whales, sent away for the Salutation, which in the passage meeting with cross Winds, the Master set eight of his Men ashore to kill some Venison. These Men taking with them a Brace of Dogs, a Fire lock, two Lances, and a Tinder, box, were on Shore, killed fourteen Night coming on, and they being weary, went to rest, intending next Day to end their Hunting, and to return to their Ship. But the next Day proved foggy, and much Ice being betwixt the Shore and the Ship, the Ship was forc'd to stand so far off into the Sea, that they lost Sight of her they hunted on to Green harbour, and there they found that the Ship was departed ; they made all Speed possible with their Shallop to Bell- round to their Captain, and for fear of Delay heaved ( Price Three- Half. Pence; their Venison over- board ; but having no Compass they wandred up and down so long till the Ships were departed. This fill'd them with Fear and Asto- nishment, knowing that neither Christian nor Hea- then had ever inhabited those desolate Climates; that none could be hired for what Reward soever be the Merchants to winter there; and that nine able Men left behind formerly, as they now were, dy'd all miserably upon the Place, becoming the Prey of Bears and Foxes; all which made them like Men amazed to stand looking one upon another: That which encreas'd their Horror, was, their want of all nccessary Provision ; no Cloaths for Shift or Warmth, no Food, no House for Shelter. After a Space, know- ing the Danger of Delay in Extremity, they pitch'd upon the most likely Course for their Preservation; they resolved to go to Green harbour to hunt for Venison, where in their going, stay, and return they killed nineteen Deers and four Bears, with which they laded their Shallop, and finding another old Shallop left there, they laded it with the Graves or Fritters of Whales that had been boiled there that Year, and took their Way to Bellsound to their Tent, where they intended to winter: In the way of their Passage they had like to have lost all their Provision, but saved it by a desperate Remedy, running into the high- wrought Sea, and by Force drawing their Shallops to the Shore. This done, they arriv'd at Bellsound, Where they took out their Provision, con- sider'd their Tent, and with Part of the Materials of a lesser Tent thereby, Pieces of old Casks, and old Shallops left there ( as ' tis usual) they made up their House and Cabbins, where they lodg'd two and two, and with marvellous Industry provided them- selves with Fire- wood and Shelter against the Extre- mity of the Cold ; their Beds were the Deer skins dried. Having thus fitted every thing in the best Manner they could, on the nth of September look- ing out into the Sound, the espied two Sea horses lying asleep on a Piece of Ice, whereupon hasting to them with an old Harping iron, they flew first the old one, and then the young, stead, roasted, and eat them : Not long after they kill'd another; but Nights and Cold encreasing upon them, and they viewing their Provision, found it too small by half; where' upon they agreed to one reasonable Meal a Day, and to fast Wednesdays and Fridays, except from the Greaves of the Whale, a loachsome Meat; at which Diet they continu'd three Months. To repair their Cloaths and Shoes they made Thread of Rope- yarn, and Needles of Whale bone. October jo. The Nights being grown very long, all the Sea was frozen over, and then Grief and Fear began to work upon them ; but they prayed to God for Strength and Patience in their Miseries. and by his Assistance cheared up themselves to use the best Means for their Preservation; then for the Preservation of their Venison, and lengthning of their Firing, they thought best to roast every Day half a Deer, and to stow it in Hogsheads. which accordingly they did, leaving so much raw as would serve to roast every Sabbath Day a Quarter. Here another Trial of their Patience be- fel them : Their Whale fritters that had been drench'd with Sea- water, and lay close together, were grown mouldy ii l| SATUP._ D. AY, OCTOBER. 17, 1724. C nw) mouldy and spoiled; and again surVeying their Bear and Venison, they found it would not afford them five Meals a Week, so they were fain to cut off one Meal more, and for three Months after they fed four Days upon the mouldy Whale- fritters each Week, and the other three on Bear and Venison. Besides the want of Meat they began to want Light, no Sun appearing from the 14th of October to the 3d of February, but the Moon shined as here in England having found a Sheet of Lead in the Cooper's Tent, to supply the want of Light, with Rope yarn and Oil they made a Lamp, which they kept continually' burning, to their great Comfort. In the beginning of January as the Days began to lengthen, the Cold began to strengthen to that Extremity, that it rais'd Blisters on their Flesh, and if at any time they touched Iron, it would stick to their Fingers like Bird- lime ; if they went out to fetch Water, it would so pinch them, that they were sore, as if they had been beaten : Snow- water was their Drink from the 10th of Jan. to the 10th of May, which they melted with hot Irons. The latter end of January they found their Food would last but six Weeks longer but they had Recourse to God for a Supply ; and looking our one bright Day, they saw a great She Bear with her Cub coming towards the Tent; they slew the old one with their Lances, but the Cub escaped, so dragging her into the Tent, she serv'd them twenty Days. In March the Days were so lengthned, that the Fowl and Foxes came abroad, of which Foxes they catch'd fifty by Traps, and sixty Fowl as big as Pigeons; they had also kill'd seven more Bears; so that with two or three Meals a day their Strength was much encreas'd. In May the Weather grew warm, so that they went out to seek Provision. In this Month there came two Ships of Hull into the Sound, who knowing some Men had been left there the Year be- fore, and being desirous to know whether they were dead or alive, the Master mann'd a Shallop to go as near the Shore as they could, and so over the Ice to the Tent. When these men came near the Tent, they haled them with the usual Sea- faring Cry, Hey, to which one of them in the Tent answer'd again, which sudden Answer almost amaz'd them all; but perceiving them to be the very Men left there, with joyful Hearts they embraced each other, the Men left their Tent, and went with them to their Ship, where they stay'd till the London Fleet came, which was three Days after. They went aboard the Admiral where Captain William Goodler was, who made them very welcome, gave them Apparel to the Value of twenty Pound, and after fourteen Days Refreshment, they all grew perfectly well. Thus they continu'd in the Fleet till the 20th of August, when they set sail, and at last came safe into the River of Thames, and the Muscovy Merchants dealt Very well by them. The Continuation of the Tryal of Edward Fitz Harris, Esq; for High Treason. Another Mischief that will follow upon this, is, That in the Case of an Indictment, it is in the Power of the Prince to pardon; but in the Case of an Impeachment, I take it to be otherwise ; as ' tis in the Case of an Appeal : But if this Court can try a person impeach'd, then let Crimes be never so heinous and dangerous to the Government, and so fit for the Consideration of Parliament, by possessing this Court of the Cause, you expose them to the Will of the Prince; and so these Crimes, which are impardonable by Methods of Proceedings in Parlia- ment, wou'd become pardonable. And, my Lord, shou'd you meddle with this, you wou'd put a Man twice in Danger of his Life for one Thing: For, suppose you proceed upon this In- dictment, and the Prisoner be acquitted, will that Acquittal bind the Lords in Parliament ? And if it will not, you invade that common Right which every Englishman, by Law, ought to have preserv'd to him, that he shou'd not be twice brought in Danger for the same Thing. And I take it to be a critical Thing, now at this time, to make such an Attempt; for b. y the same Reason that this Court may proceed his Majesty may appoint an High Steward to try the Lords in the Tower by a Jury of Peers; and had this been practis'd in the Case of my Lord Stafford no doubt but he had been now alive: So that this Proceed- ing will be a Very imprudent Thing if not illegal and I am sure it will have this Effect • It will stir up a Question between the Jurisdiction of this Court and the Court of Parliament; for if he be found guilty here, the Power of the Commons in Im- peaching, and the Jurisdiction of the Lords,' in Trial and Judgmenr, are taken away by an inferior Court As to that Objection. of Mr- Attorney's That this Plea doth not set forth any Record of an Im peachment, or the particular Matter of it, so as the Court may judge of the Reason of it; and he com pares it to the Case of a Plea of Auter foitz aquit I answer, That in the Case of Auter foitz acquit there is an Indictment, proceeding of the Court upon the Plea, a fair Tryal and a fair Acquittal, and a Record of all this Matter; and if the Person be in dicted again, and do not plead this Record, it is his own Fault : But in this Case, here is no such Record to plead, and that is the Mistake Mr. Attorney has gone upon all along ; for in this Case, you must be govern'd by the Rules and Methods of Parliament: Here the Commons carry up this Impeachment to the Lords in general, and have Liberty of presenting Articles in due Time. This is no Record, such as may be had in the Case of Auter foitz. acquit, for there is only enter'd in the Lords Journal, That such a Day such a Person came from the House of Com- mons and impeach'd such a one: Here are not the same strict Methods and Forms of Proceeding as in the Courts of Westminster Hall; and we have said enough, and as much as can be, in our Case That there was an Impeachment of the Commons before the Lords, which is in pleno Robore & effectu; and that it was secundum legem & Consuetudinem Parliamenti, prout patet inde inter Recorda remanens, & c. which is as much as if we had set forth the Record itself; and we take it, ' tis a very full Pea. tho' it be not pleaded particularly; for in Parliamentary Matters, your Lordship is to judge according to the Methods of Parliament. And in the Case of my Lord Shaftsbury, who was committed for an High Contempt committed in the House of Lords, the Reason given by the Judges why they cou'd not bail my Lord was, That as this Court takes Notice of the Courts in Westminster- Hall, they ought also to take Notice of the Course of Parliaments and House of Lords: And if you are bound to do so in other Cases, you are bound to do so in this : And I make Use of it to this Purpose, that we need not say secundum legem & Consuetudinem Parliamenti in hoc, in this, and that, and t'other Par- ticular; but the Court is to look into it without my pointing to the particular Law of Parliament. As to that Exception, that the King may chuse his Court, there is no Doubt but he may do it in his own Action or Suit, but this is an Impeachment of the Commons, and their Suit is to be try'd no where else but in Parliament. There is the Bishop of Winchester's Case, 3 Ed. 1- inst. Fol. 15 There the Record sets forth. That the Bishop was attach'd to answer the King; for that whereas a' a Parliament held at Sarum. it was or- dain'd per ipsum Regem ne quis ad Dom Parliament sum- monitus ab eodem recederet fine licentia Regis : and that the Bishop. in Contempt of the King's Recepit, without Leave : To this the Bishop answers, Si quit deliquerit erga Dominum Regem in Parliamento Aliquo in Parlia- mento debet Corrigi & emendari & non Alibi in Minore Curia quam in Parliamento. In this Case, they wou'd give no Judgment for the King ; but for ought appears, the Plea stood; and what the Law and Course of Parliaments it, my lord Coke there ob- serves, the Judges will never intermeddle with. To be continu'd this day Fortnight rt/ Good Brother, BEING call'd by the Providence of God to the Government and Administration of the Diocese of London, by which the Care of the Churches in the Foreign Plantations is also devolv'd upon me; I think it my Duty to use all proper Means of attaining a competent Knowledge of the Pla- ces, Persons, and Matters, entrusted to my Care. And at the Plantations, and the Constitutions of the Churches there, are at far greater Distance, and much less known to me, than the Affairs cf my Diocese here at home, so it is the more necessary for me to have Recourse to the best and most effectual Methods of coming to a right Knowledge of the State and Condition of them. Which Knowledge I shall not fail, by the Grace of God, faithfully to employ to the Service of Piety and Religion, and to the Main, tenance of Order and Regularity in the Church. With these Views, I have drawn up a Paper of Enquiries, and have left a void Space under each Head, in which I desire you to set down the several Answers, and then to deliver or transmit the Paper to the Person who was Commissary to my Predecessor, and who will take Care to convey it back to me. And as I doubt not but you on your Part will rea- dily and faithfully afford me these necessary Lights, that I may be able to form a right Judgment of Things, and discharge my Duty with greater Cer- tainty and Success; so you may rest assur'd, that I on my Part shall be' ready on all Occasions to give you the best Advice and Assistance I can, in order to the successful and comfortable Discharge of your Ministerial Function. In the mean Time I desire to recommend to your serious Consideration some few Things, which seem more particularly to concern those who are appointed Missionaries to preach and propagate the Gospel in Foreign Parts, and which are peculiar Obligations to. Diligence, Seriousness, and Circumspection, over and above the Obligations that are common to you with all other Ministers of the Gospel. I. The Churches of which you and other Missio- naries are Ministers, have not been long planted ; and therefore they will need greater Degrees of Di- ligence and Assiduity, to build them up in Faith and Practice, than is requir'd in other Churches, where Christianity has been long planted, and has taken deep Root. They are yet as it were in their Infancy, and therefore need to be attended by you, who are the Guides and Pastors of them, with great Care and Watchfulness. II. You have not among you such a regular spiri- tual Discipline, as being establish'd and wisely ad. minister'd, might be a constant Restraint upon Per- sons of loose Principles and corrupt Lives; and there- fore you are to suppy that Want by a more than or- dinary Diligence to check and suppress Vice and Im- morality of all Kinds, both by publick Preaching, ; and private Exhortaion and Reproof; and further by endeavouring as much as in you lies to train up the Youth of your Parish to a true Knowledge and Sense of their Duty, and by that to lay a sure Foundation of Seriousness and Piety for the next Age, And you will do well to avoid, as much as may be all Concern in Civil Affairs; making it your Choice to confine yourself to your proper Business as a Minister of the Gospel, which is the surest Way both to avoid Offence, and to gain Refpect IV. As your Behaviour is seen and observ'd not only by Christians, but also by Heathens, whose Conversion you are bound to endeavour, as one Part of the Work belonging to your Mission , t Particularly concerns you on that Account to be strict- ly regular in your Lives, and circumspect in all your Behaviour; considering what a powerful Argument an exemplary Life is, to invite Heathens to admire and embrace Christianity : and how great the Guilt is of every Christian, and much more of every Mi- nister of Christ, who shall prejudice the Heathens; against the Gospel, and hinder the Propagation of it by an unchristian Life, Thus. commending you to the Grace and Protec- tion of God, and beseeching you for the Sake of jesus Christ, to lay these Things seriously to Heart, I re- main, Your affectionate friend and brother EDM' LONDON The QUERIES to the fore- going Letter are as follows. HOW long is it since you went over to the Plantations as a Missionary? Have you had any other Church before you came to that which you now possess, and if you had, what Church Was it and how long have you been re- mov'd ? Have you been duly licens'd by the Bishop of Lon- don to officiate as a Missionary, in the Government where you now are? How long have you been inducted into your li~ ving ? Are you ordinarilv Resident in the Parish to which you haVe been inducted ? Of What Extent is your Parish, and how many Families are there in it ? Are there any Infidels, Bond or Free, within your Parish ; and what Means are used for their Conver- tion ? How often it Divine Service perform'd in your Church ; and what Proportion of the Parishioners attend it ? How often is the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper administred ; and what is the usual Number of Com- municants ? At what Times do you Catechise the Youth of your Parish? Are all Things duly disposed and provided in the Church, for the decent and orderly Performance of Divine Service ? Of what Value is your Living in Sterling Money; and how does it arise ? Have you a House and Glebe? Is your Glebe in Lease, or let by the Year ? Or is it occupied by your self ? Is due Care taken to preserve your House in good Repair ; and at whose Expence is it done ? Have you more Cures than one ? If vou haVe what Are they; and in what Manner serv'd ? Have you in your Parish any publick School for the Instruction of Youth ? If you have, is it en- dow d ; and who is the Master ? Have you a Parochial Library ? If you have, are the Books preserved, and kept in good Condition ? Have you any particular Rules and Orders for the preserving them ? Are those Rules and Orders duly obserVed ? i III The less Assistance you have from the Spiri- tual Power to restrain Vice and Immorality, the greater Need there is to engage and secure the As- sistance of the Temporal Power in that pious and important Work And the best Way to secure that, both in Influences from hence, and in seasonable Interpolations there, is to make yourselves Examples, in the first Place, of Duty and Loyalty to our most gracious Sovereign King George, and then of a re- spectful and decent Behaviour towards the Governor who is sent by him; to whose Favour and Pro- tection I have in the most earnest Manner recom- mended the Concerns of the Church and Clergy. N B. That the Name of the Parijb it to be fet doxti it the Beginning of the Queries, and the Minijtcr's Nam/ at the End of them. Laft Week Mr Baker, a ViGualler at Knight'* Bridge, was committed to the Ga'ehoufe, by Colonel Wallis and Alexander Chocke, Efq; two of his Mai jefty's Tuftices ofthe Peace, for afTaultine and wound- ing a Soldier, who was drinking in his Houfe, in fpch a manner, that a Surgeon has made Oath his Life is in great Danger. tall the following Letter from the Lord Bishop of London to the several Episcopal Clergymen in his Majesty's Planta- tions, was publish'd in New- England in the Boston Prints, dated Aug 3, 1724: The Design whereof being universally approvd and commended, we hope we shall not offend in reprinting it here. ( ) Last Saturday, about one a Clock, departed this Life at Dalstone in the Parish of Hackney, Mr. Fran- cis Snell, Head Clerk in the Auditor's Office of Excise, which Post he discharg'd with great Diligence and Fidelity. He was a pleasant agreeable Companion, a most sincere and cordial Friend, of a very charita- ble and beneficent Temper, and firmly attach'd to oUr present happy Constitution in Church and State. As he lived universally beloved, so he died ex- tremely lamented, by all that had the Happiness of his Acquaintance, more especially by the Gentlemen of Hackney, to which Place he was many Years a great Ornament. Flere & meminisse relictum est. Sunday last, died at her Lord's House in Albemarle Street. Henrietta Butler, Countess of Grantham, first Lady of the Bed Chamber to the Princess of Wales, and Wife to the Rt. Hon Henry d'Auverquerque, Earl of Grantham, Viscount Boston, and Baron of Alford, Lord Chamberlain to the Prince and Princess of Wales. She was Sister to the late Duke of Or- mond, and present Earl of Arran, and hath leftc Issue Thomas the Lord Viscount Boston, a Youth, and the Ladies Frances and Harriot. Friday 7 Night the Rt. Hon. Edw. Neville, Baron of Abergavenny, ( first Baron of England,) died of the Small Pox in the 18th Year of his Age at Cowley near Uxbridge. By his Death there are now living three Dowager Ladies of Abergavenny, whose Husbands have all died within these four Years past, viz. 1. the Relict of the Lord George Neville, the Deceased's Father, and Daughter to Nehemiah Walker, Esq; of Middlesex. 2. The Relict of Lord George Neville, the Deceased's eldest Brother, and Daughter to Col. Thornicroft of Westminfter. 3. The now Relict of the said Lord Edward Neville, Daughter to General Tatton, at whose House he died, and to whom he had been married about a quarter of a Year. We hear that upon the Failure of Male issue, the Honour and Estate falls to George Neville, Esq; a Gentleman of Sussex, and first Cousin to the Deceased. _ Twenty one Felons from Lincolnshire and Not- tinghamshire, that were on Board the Ship Robert and Mary to be transported to Maryland, mutiny'd against the Captain and Seamen on the 23th past, and having seiz'd the Boat, escap'd on Shore near Har- wich. Winchester Wilson, Esq; is made Brigadier in the First Troop of Horse Guards. Last Week came on the Choice of a Lecturer for the Parish of St. Mary at Islington, in the room of Mr. Henly deceas'd, when the Rev. Mr. Wayte, one of the Curates of St. Giles's Cripplegate, was elected. Last Week a Woman was bury'd at Islington, who had a little Dog that run mad and bit her, of which she died in 3 or 4 Days Time. The Revd. Mr. William Day is appointed Chap- lain of Chelsea Hospital, in the room of Dr. Lang- ford, deceas'd. George Wheeler, Esq; Secondary to Prothonotary Borret in the Court of Common- Pleas, and Under. Treasurer of the Inner- Temple, died last Week in his Return from the Bath. Monday about Noon the Lord Carteret set out with a splendid Equipage from his House in Arling- ton street for Holy Head, to embark for Ireland; his Lordship gave five Guineas to be distributed a- mongst the Poor waiting at his Door. Mr. Vice Chamberlain Coke is come to his Apart, ments in St. James's Palace, to get ready the King's Lodgings, and those of the three young Princesses against next Week. Last Monday at the general Quarter- Sessions of the Peace, holden for this City at Guild- Hall, the 12 Stock- jobbers indicted for unlawfully assembling in Exchange Alley, obstructing the Shop keepers, making Disturbances, See. a Writ of Certiorari being brought, the Indictment was removed into the Court of King's- Bench. Three Shopkeepers in this City, being indicted by Thomas Clarke a Bailiff and his Follower, of Mid- dlesex, for an Assault and Rescue of a Person whom they had arrested, were acquitted ; it appearing that the Bailiff had exceeded his Authority, by attaching the Person within the City of London, ff'i I The Tryal of William Burleigh, for , Assault on the Person of Joseph Gyne a Liveryman of this City, was respited, by the consent of both Parties, till the next Sessions. Last Monday the Rev; Mr. Morgan was chosen Lec- turer of the United Parishes of St. Edmond the King and St. Nicholas Acons in Lombard street room of the ReVd. Mr. Sheppard, deceas'd. ' A List of the Horse Matches run at New Market. at the 1st Meeting in Sept. and Oct. 1724 30 Sept. Mr. How's grey Colt beat Sir Robert Fagg's Lucretia : Duke of Devonshire's Colt beat Duke of Bolton's Miss Kitty. 1 Oct. The King's Place won by Mr. Honywood's True Blue: Lord Hallifax's Sophinisba beat Lord Milsington's Carlisle. 2. Duke of Somerset's Windham beat Duke of De- vonshire's Colt: Mr jackson's grey Hunter beat Mr. Wickham's Bay. 7. Duke of Devoshire's Sturdy Lump beat Capt. Collyer's Jenny Gill. P 8. Lord Milsington's Junquil beat Mr. Morgan's Major.- The Town Place won by Mr. Neal's Simpleton. 9. The Noblemen's Contribution Stakes of 300 Guineas won by Duke of Somerset's Windham: Lord Hallifax's Red Robin and Lord William Manners's Venus run, but it could not be decided which won. 10. Lord Hallifax's Desdemona beat Lord Tanker- Ville's Chesnut Colt. There were present great Numbers of Nobility and Gentry, viz. Dukes of Devon; Bridgwater, Bolton, and Rutland, the Earls of Hallifax, Tankerville, Godolphin, and Gainsborough, the Lords Hillsbro' and Milsington, Lord William Manners, Lord Finch, Count Staremburgh the Emperor's Embassador, Mons. Fabrice, & e. ' We have received the following Description of a monstrous Fish lately taken at Lisbon. It pass'd thro' one of the Branches of the Tagus, and was left by the Ebb of Tide upon the Sands, where it made such a hideous Noise, as frighten'd all the Neighbourhood. The Fishermen of Almeda went and kill'd it, and tow'd it up as far as over against the King's Palace. It measur'd 65 Foot in Length, 32 round in the big. gest Place, and was about 10 Diameter. Its_ Tail ter- minated in two Points about 13 Foot distant one from the other. The Stretch of its Throat was pro- digious, being 52 Foot in Circumference; so that six Men could stand upright in it, without touching one another. Its Teeth were 292 in Number, and about 7 Foot in Length. Those before were white, and about three Foot and an half in the Sockets of their Upper Jaw. It had Hair the Length of one's Finger, much like that of a Wild Boar. Two Holes in the Head serv'd it for Refpiration Its Eyes were about 9 Inches over, and separate 9 Foot and 9 Inches one from the other. t Last Week dy'd one Mr. Trig, a Tallow Chandler, who had formerly liv'd near Stevenage in Hertford- shire; but, as ' tis said, would scarce allow himself the common Necessaries for Life. He left his Bro- thers sole Executors, with Orders in his Will for bu- rying him, if it may be so term'd, in the Roof of a Barn at Stevenage aforemention'd, and his Body to lie there 30 Years; otherwise his Estate, consisting of 2 or 3000I. to go to the Parish. His Will was comply'd with, and last Monday Night the Corpse was deposited as aforesaid, but was laid in a thick Leaden Coffin, to prevent its being an Offence to the Neighbourhood. f York. October 3. Since my last several Troops of Soldiers, Horse and Foot, have come from the Coun- try round us, to be quarter'd in and near this City, in order to be reviewed by the General Officers, who are expected here very speedily for that purpose. The following unhappy Accident is what you may depend on. A Village upon the Wolds, call'd North Dalton, having been infested with Rogues, who attempted to break into the Houses of some of the richest Farmers there; one of which, living at the farthest End of the Town, hearing a Noise in his back Yards one Night, got up and call'd out of a Window twice or thrice, to know who was there; but nobody answer- ing, he let fly with a Fowling Piece he had ready charg'd, and unfortunately shot his own Son, who was just married and lived in the same Town, and who was come out of Carefulness to see whether his Father's House was safe or nor. This fatal Accident has thrown the old Man into a melancholy Distrac- tion ; which, ' tis thought, he will never get over. Yesterday Morning about Four, John Shephard, made a Second Escape out of Newgate, to the great Admiration of all People, he being chain'd down to the Floor in the Castle of that Jail, with Fetters on his Legs of a prodigious Weighty We hear that as soon as he had freed himself of his Irons, he took out a Stone from the Inside Wall, and so made off. This surprizing Accident it like to occasion a new English Proverb, viz. That ' tis as dangerous to advance Money in Expectation of Dead Men's Speeches, as it was formerly of Dead Men's Shoes. Dr. Chamberlayne, the famous Physician and Man Midwife, is dangerously ill. Mr Thomas Dummer, a near Kinsman of the De- puty Master of the Wardrobe of that Name, succeeds Mr. Erlington deceased, as chief Clerk in that Office. Mr. William Cope is appointed Surveyor of the Duty on Houses for Lancashire, in the room of Mr. Leigh deceas'd. Letters from Vienna, say, that the Empress ask'd the other Night at Table, whether there was no pos- sible Way to put an End to the Affairs of Religion in the Empire; where upon his Imperial Majesty made Answer, that they had been adjusted long ago, if his Orders had been executed; and it is assur'd, that the Emperor will now take a particular Care that his Orders shall be better obeyed for the fu- ture. Mr. Read, Rosemary- Lane, Oct. 15, 1724. THE following Lines which were only de- sign'd for the Use of my Pupils, in honour Of King GEORGE s Coronation- Day, the Anniversary whereof will be next Tuesday, bv your Leave crave a Place in your next Journal, which, if you please to admit them the Honour of, you will oblige your constant Reader, & c. This Day our GEORGE, Great Jove's peculiar Gem, Receiv'd the British Crown and Diadem, Inspir'd with Majesty and Valour bold ; Sage as the Delphian Oracle of old ; Such as the Council of the God's design'd To Patronize, and govern human Kind. Like GEORGE August would other Monarch* reign, Tbe Golden Age would bless the World again. O ! may his worthy Fame like Phoebus bright, With equal Lustre shine, and equal Might. And may his Praise in tuneful Notes be sung, Whilst there's an honest Heart, or British Tongue. Last Week at the Assizes holden for the Isle of Ely, before ihe Worshipful John Raby. Esq; Deputy- Recorder of this City, two Parish Officers were in- dicted for carrying a poor sick Woman and two Chil- dren in a Cart to an open Field a Mile distant from any Town, and there leaving them expos'd to Cold and Hunger, to ease their Parish of the Charge ; and being found guilty, they were sentenc'd to a Fine and Imprisonment. The other Night an Attempt was made by the Felons on the Common Side of Newgate to escape, they had cut several Bars asunder, and some of them saw'd off their Fetters; and if there had not been a timely Discovery made of their Design, about sixty desperate Villains had been let loose into the World. Most of them have since been put on Ship board for Transportation The Blank Certificates in the Malt Lottery 1723 are all in Cousfe of Payment; and the Prizes to Num. ber 31 in the fifth Course. We hear from Newcastle on Tyne, that William Carr, Esq; Reprefentative in this present Parliament for the said Town, a Gendeman zealously affected to his Majesty's Person and Government, was on the 5 th Instant chosen . Mayor there, after the greatest Struggle that ever was known on such an Occasion. The Endeavour, Capt. William Tate, bound from Gottenburg to London, was lately lost 35 Leagues off of Flamborough- Head, and four Men were drown'd. On Monday last there came Advice, That Capt. Jesse, a Gentleman cf great Honour and Integrity, Commander of the Venetian Galley, died lately at Messina. They write from Norwich, 00. y. that the Tues- day before John Black and Philip Meadows, Esqrs; were sworn into the Office of Sheriffs of that City for the Year ensuing. The same Day Richard Ferrier, Esq; was sworn in Mayor of Yarmouth. We hear that Thomas Robinson Esq; Son to Sir William Robinson, Member of Parliament for York, is appointed Secretary to his Majesty's Embassy at the Court of France. On Sunday last the Lord Mayor, Aldermen, and Sheriffs, with a great Number of other Commissioners of his Majesty's Lieutenancy of this City, receiv'd the Sacrament at St. Mary- le- Bow, to qualify them- selves for their Office. The Rev. Mr. Lucas is chosen into the Fellowship of Bennet College in Cambridge, which became va- cant by the Choice of the Rev. Mr. Mawson to be Master of the said College, upon the Resignation of the Lord Bishop of Rochester. The Mary, Capt. Jean Baptista Foucher, bound from St. Domingo to Havre de Grace, was lately lost in Bristol Channel. On Tuesday General Wade's Regiment of Horse was review'd on Hounslow Heath by the Lord Car- penter, and made an exrraordinary good Appearance. A House is building at the King's, Expence for Colonel Negus , sole ComMissiner for executing the Office of Master of the Horse to his Majesty, adjoyn- ing to the Palace at St. James's. Wednesday Jonathan Wilde, the famous Thieftaker, attending the Sessions at the Old Bailey, in order to give Evidence against Joseph Blake alias Blewskin, indicted for breaking and entering the House of Mr. William Kneebone, a Woollen- Draper in the Strand, along with John Sheppard and William Field ; Mr, Wilde went into the Place under the Sessions House, where the said Blewskin, with other Prisoners, was kept to wait his Tryal, and had some friendly Dis- course together, when Blewskin on a sudden took Wilde round the Neck, and with a small clasp Knife cut his Throat even to the Windpipe in a Very dan- garous Manner, and afterwards rejoiced, saying, he should be hang'd with Pleasure if Wilde did but die before him ; Mr. Dobbins and another Surgeon were sent for who sew'd up the Wound; and they have Hopes that Mr. Wilde will recover. Blewskin being examined what Motive induced him to commit so bafe an Action, after Mr. Wilde had supported him at his own Expence since he had been in Newgate, declar'd, that he had fully deter- min'd to murder him; and that his Intention was to have cut off his Head, and thrown it into the Ses- sions- House Yard amongst the Rabble, and curs'd both his Hand and the Knife for not doing it effectu- ally The same Day at the Sessions in the old Bailey, one William Grove was convicted for his Life, for stealing 30 Guineas out of the House of his Master. One Moses Ouseman, a reputed Jew, was con- victed for stealing out of the House of Mr. William Clement, the Sum of 190 I. and odd Money. David Darby, and two other Brickmakers, were tryed for the Murder of a Person at Shoreditch, by giving him a Blow on the Head with a Faggot Stick; Darby was found guilty of Manslaughter, and the two others acquitted. A Hack ( 2976 ) A Hackney Coachman was try'd for driving over and killing, a Child, at Tottenham. Court Fair; the Jury brought in their Verdict Chance Medley. Thursday the Lord Mayor Elect was presented to the Rt. Hon. the Lord Chancellor with the usual Ceremonies. Bankrupts since our last List. Richard Collier, jun. of Bread- street, London, Corn Factor. Edward Gilman, of the Parish of St. Giles's Crip- plegate, in the County of Middlesex, Dyer. SHIPS Enter'd Inwards at the Custom- House since our last. The Charles from Narva; Elizabeth and Anne from Malaga ; Joseph and Benjamin, and Billingsly both from Opotco; Neptune from Dunkirk; junior from Calais; Amsterdam Galley from Amsterdam ; Phoenix from Rotterdam, and Joseph and Mary from Norway, . The Susannah from Dunkirk ; Granada from Diep ; Roman Emperor, Ostend Packet, Betty, and Lintin all from Ostend; Ann Gally from Amsterdam ; Hampton Court from Rotterdam; New Castle Mer- chant from North Bregen, and Benjamin and Robert from Bermudas. The Bourdeaux Factor from Bourdeaux ; Friends Goodwill from Konirburgh; Bacchus from Bologne; happy Return fiom Calais; Hopel from Holland, and Hare Frigate from Maryland. The Prophet from Malaga; Francis, and King George from Ostend ; Ann and Mary from Norway; Edward and Mary, Britania, and Pearl all three from Rotterdam, and Hudson Bay from Hudson Bay. The Prince George from Ostend ; Benjamin from Barbadoes, and Tavistock from Jamaica. The Pellican, and Betty both from Malaga; Pro- vidence from Dunkirk ; Hawke from Bilboa ; Eagle Galley from Cadiz ; Jane from Ostend ; Moore from Diep, and Lady Mary from Amsterdam. Clear'd Out. The Elizabeth for Hambro ; Lady Elizabeth, and Dolphin both for Holland ; King William for Ireland ; NICholson, and Bamber both for the West- Indies, and Mary for Barbadoes. The Jenny for the Streights; Loyal Margaret for Portugal ; Tagus for Lisbon; John and Judith for Jamaica, Success for West Indies. The Burgundy for France ; London for Holland ; Olive Branch for Norway ; Young Prince for Sound ; Ezpedition for West- Indies, and Triston, and Charles both for Maryland. The Mary for Cadiz, Orphan for Portugal; Dutch- ess Berry for France; Negroes Nest for Africa ; Speed- well for Flanders; Betty, and Page both for Rotter- dam; Great Walpole for Cork, and Colvart for Maryland, The Medway, and Charming Mary both from Ma- dera ; Junior for Calais; Mary for Jamaica ; John for West- Indies; Champion for Maryland, and Francis for Nevis. The Lady Ann for Hambro, and St. Petersburgh for Pensilvania. i i half per Cent. Disc. South Sea Bonds 11 - . Prem. India Bonds 11. 16 s. Prem. jol. 1754, middle Course, 18 1, 18 s. Blanks 1724, 7 1 ! s 9 d: New Lottery Prizes 18 1. r8 s. Blanks 7 i. FOREIGN AFFAIRS. Naples. Sept. 19, THIS Day our Viceroy, accompany'd by all his Ministers, and a great Number of the Nobility, went to our Cathedral, according to an- nual Custom, to pay their Devotions to the Relicks of that Saint and Martyr Januarius; and the ( pre- tended) Blood of that Saint kept in a Glass Vial where they say it was before Congeal'd, liquified and bubbled as soon as they set it before the Martyr's Head ; upon which there was great Joy among the Believers, and a general salvo of the Cannon from the Castles. We read that Januarius was Bishop of Puzzoli in the Kingdom of Naples; and there's a Tradition that at that very Place, about A. D. 300, he and six other Christians were expos'd for a Prey to Wild Beasts, which, instead of devouring, ador'd them and that some time after, these seven Champions had their Heads cut off near Solfatara, in the Place where a Church is now built and dedicated to St. Janua- rius, having these Words on the Altar, Locus decol- lationis S. Januarii, & Sociorum ejus. They pretend that on the Day of his Martyrdom, a Lady of Na. ples was so pious as to gather up and save some of his Blood, which is carry'd in Procession every first Sunday in May, and liquifies in the same Manner as above, while they are celebrating Mass. The People in Naples are universally made to believe that ' tis a Miracle, insomuch that when the Blood does not dissolve, as sometimes, when the Spiritual Fawkes pleases, it does not, they look upon it as a sure Pre- sage of some dreadful Calamity to befal their City. Mr. Addison, who had twice an Opportunity of see. ing the Operation of it, says, ' twas so far from be- ing a real Miracle, that he thought it one of the most bungling Tricks he ever saw ; yet, says he, it is this that makes as a great a Noise as any in the Roman Church, and which M. Paschal has hinted at amongst ; the rest, in his Marks of the true Religion. * ADVERTISEMENTS. To be LET, A well- accustom'd Confectioner's Shop and House, at the Sign of the Bell in Fleet street, either with the Materials, or without; the Master of the House being lately dead, and his Widow design- ing to leave off the Business. Enquire at the House abovesaid. LONDON: printed and Sold by J. READ, in White- Fryers near Fleet- Street, Where Advertisements are taken in.
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